1755 Wittington Place, Suite 340
                               Dallas, Texas 75234

                          To Be Held December 16, 2005

Notice is hereby  given that the Annual  Meeting of  stockholders  (the  "Annual
Meeting")  of  CabelTel  International  Corporation  (the  "Company"),  a Nevada
corporation,  will be held at 10:00 AM,  local time on December  16, 2005 at One
Hickory  Centre,  1800 Valley  View Lane,  Third  Floor,  Dallas,  TX 75234,  to
consider and vote upon the following matters:

          1)   Election of six directors.
          2)   The ratification of the selection of Farmer,  Fuqua & Huff, PC as
               the independent registered public accounting firm.
          3)   Such other  matters as may  properly be  presented  at the Annual

Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on November  11, 2005 may
vote at the meeting.  The forgoing items of business are more fully described in
the Proxy  Statement  accompanying  this notice.  A copy of our Annual Report on
Form 10-K for 2004 accompanies this Notice of Annual Meeting Statement.

Even if you plan to attend the meeting,  you are still  requested to sign,  date
and return the accompanying  proxy in the enclosed  addressed  envelope.  If you
attend,  you may vote in  person  if you wish,  even  though  you have sent your

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ Oscar Smith

                                              Oscar Smith, Secretary

                                              November 29, 2005

                        1755 Wittington Place, Suite 340
                               Dallas, Texas 75234

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                          To Be Held December 16, 2005

CabelTel  International  Corporation  is sending  this proxy  statement  and the
accompanying proxy card to the holders of common stock, Series B Preferred Stock
and Series J 2% Preferred Stock of the Company in connection with a solicitation
of proxies by the board of directors of the Company  from the  stockholders  for
use at the annual meeting of  stockholders  of the Company.  We are mailing this
proxy  statement and the enclosed form of proxy  beginning on or about  November
29, 2005.

                          VOTING AND PROXY INFORMATION
Who May Vote

Holders  of record of common  stock,  Series B  Preferred  Stock and Series J 2%
Preferred  Stock at the close of business on November  11, 2005 are  entitled to
receive notice of and to vote at the annual meeting. At the close of business on
the record date there were  outstanding  976,961  shares of common stock and 615
shares of Series B preferred  Stock and 33,500  shares of Series J 2%  Preferred
Stock,  the only  outstanding  securities of the Company entitled to vote at the
annual meeting.  The common stock is held by  approximately  400 stockholders of
record.  The Series B Preferred Stock is held by six  stockholders of record and
the Series J 2% Preferred Stock is held by five stockholders of record.

Required Votes

Each  common  stockholder  is  entitled to one vote per share and each holder of
Series J 2%  Preferred  Stock is entitled to five votes per share on all matters
properly brought before the  stockholders at the annual meeting.  Such votes may
be cast in person or by proxy.  Under the rules of the American Stock  Exchange,
brokers  holding shares for customers have authority to vote on certain  matters
when they have not received  instructions  from the beneficial owners and do not
have such authority as to certain other matters. The Exchange rules allow member
firms of the Exchange to vote on the Proposal without specific instructions from
beneficial owners.

The  directors  will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast in person or by
proxy.  Therefore,  in the election of directors  stockholders  may vote for the
nominees or withhold authority of the proxy to vote for the nominees.

How to Vote

Votes may be cast in person at the annual meeting or by proxy using the enclosed
proxy card.  A  facsimile  of the proxy will be  accepted.  All shares of common
stock and preferred stock that are represented at the annual meeting by properly
executed  proxies  received by the Company prior to or at the annual meeting and
not  revoked  will be  voted  at the  annual  meeting  in  accordance  with  the
instructions indicated in their proxies. Unless instructions to the contrary are
specified  in the proxy,  each such proxy  will be voted FOR the  election  as a
director of the nominees listed herein.

Signed Proxies Can Be Revoked

Any proxy  given  pursuant  to this  solicitation  may be  revoked by the person
giving it at any time before it is voted.  Proxies may be revoked by filing with
the Secretary of the Company,  before the vote is taken at the annual meeting, a
written  notice of  revocation  bearing a date later than the date of the proxy,
duly executing and delivering a subsequent  proxy relating to the same shares or
attending the annual  meeting and voting in person  (although  attendance at the
annual  meeting will not in and of itself  constitute a revocation  of a proxy).
Any  written  notice  of  revocation  should  be sent to:  Corporate  Secretary,
CabelTel  International  Corporation,  1755 Wittington Place, Suite 340, Dallas,
Texas 75234.


Expenses of Solicitation

The Company will bear the expense of this solicitation, including the reasonable
costs  incurred  by  custodians,  nominees,  fiduciaries  and  other  agents  in
forwarding the proxy material to you. The Company will also reimburse  brokerage
firms and other custodians and nominees for their expenses in distributing proxy
material to you. In addition to the  solicitation  made by this proxy statement,
certain directors,  officers and employees of the Company may solicit proxies by
telephone and personal contact.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


At the annual  meeting,  six directors  will be elected to hold office until the
next annual meeting of stockholders.  The Company's bylaws, as amended,  provide
that   directors  are  elected   annually  and  that  the  number  of  directors
constituting  the  board  of  directors  will  from  time to time be  fixed  and
determined  by a vote of a majority of the  Company's  directors  serving at the
time of such vote. The board of directors is currently comprised of six members.

It is intended that the accompanying proxy, unless contrary instructions are set
forth  therein,  will be voted for the  election of the nominees for election as
directors.  If any  nominee  becomes  unavailable  for  election to the board of
directors,  the persons named in the proxy may act with discretionary  authority
to vote the proxy for such other  persons as may be  designated  by the board of
directors. However, the board is not aware of any circumstances likely to render
any nominee unavailable for election.  Under Nevada law directors are elected by
a  plurality  of the votes  cast at the  annual  meeting,  assuming  a quorum is
present.  The presence of a majority of the outstanding  shares of common stock,
Series B preferred stock and Series J Preferred Stock, voting as one class, will
constitute a quorum.  The shares held by each holder of common  stock,  Series B
preferred  Stock and Series J Preferred Stock who signs and returns the enclosed
form of proxy will be counted for  purposes  of  determining  the  presence of a
quorum at the meeting.

The following  information  is available with respect to the persons who are the
nominees for election at the annual  meeting and the other  incumbent  directors
and executive officers of the Company.  Included within the information below is
information  concerning  the business  experience of each such person during the
past five years. The number of shares of common stock beneficially owned by each
of the  directors  who own stock as of November  11, 2005 is set forth in "Stock

         Roz Campisi Beadle, age 48, (Independent) Director since December 2003

         Ms. Beadle is Executive  Vice President of Unified  Housing  Foundation
and a licensed realtor.  She has a background in public relations and marketing.
Ms. Beadle is also extremely active in various civic and community  services and
is currently  working with the  Congressional  Medal of Honor Society and on the
Medal of Honor Host City Committee in Gainesville, Texas.

         Gene  S.  Bertcher,  age 56  (Affiliated)  Director  November  1989  to
September 1996 and since June 1999

         Mr. Bertcher was elected President and Chief Financial Officer
effective November 1, 2004. From January 3, 2003 until that date he was also
Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Bertcher has been Executive Vice President, Chief
Financial Officer and Treasurer of the Company since November 1989. He has been
a certified public accountant since 1973.

         Ronald C. Finley, age 55, (Affiliated) Director since November 1, 2004

         Mr. Finley became a Director,  Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer of
the Company effective November 1, 2004. He is also President and Chief Executive
Officer of CableTEL AD, the  Company's  largest  subsidiary.  Mr. Finley is also
Chairman or Managing Partner with the following entities:  Global  Communication
Technologies,  Inc., a company specializing in switch system integration,  sales
and  maintenance  of switching  systems;  Global  Communication  Group,  Inc., a
company  that   maintains  a  fiber  optic   network  that  provides  a  private
international  long distance service for the hotel/resort  industry in Bulgaria;
World Trade Company, LTD, specializing in investment privatization opportunities
in Bulgaria  and Eastern  Europe;  and The  Pinnacle  Property,  Inc.  and Ellis
Development  Company,  Inc. which are vertically  integrated,  full-service real


estate companies specializing in the ownership, management and leasing of retail
shopping centers located  throughout the Southwestern  United States. Mr. Finley
is a graduate of the University of Shippensburg where he graduated with a degree
in business administration.

         James E. Huffstickler,  age 62,  (Independent)  Director since December

         Mr.  Huffstickler has been Chief Financial Officer of Sunchase America,
Ltd.,  a  multi-state  property  management  company for more than the past five
years.  He is a graduate of the  University  of South  Carolina and was formerly
employed by Southmark  Management,  Inc., a  nationwide  real estate  management
company. Mr. Huffstickler has been a certified public accountant since 1976.

         Dan Locklear, age 52 (Independent) Director since December 2003

         Mr.  Locklear has been chief financial  officer of Sunridge  Management
Group, a real estate management company,  for more than the past five years. Mr.
Locklear was formerly employed by Johnstown Management Company, Inc. and Trammel
Crow Company. Mr. Locklear has been a certified public accountant since 1981 and
a licensed real estate broker in the State of Texas since 1978.

         Victor L. Lund, age 76 (Independent) Director since March 1996

         Mr. Lund founded Wedgwood Retirement Inns, Inc. in 1977, which became a
wholly owned subsidiary of the Company in 1996. For most of Wedgwood's existence
Mr.  Lund was  Chairman of the Board,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer,
positions  he held until  Wedgwood  was  acquired  by the  Company.  Mr. Lund is
President and Chief Executive Officer of Wedgwood Services, Inc., a construction
services company not affiliated with the Company.

                                 STOCK OWNERSHIP

The following table sets forth as of November 11, 2005 certain  information with
respect to all stockholders  known by the Company to own beneficially  more than
5% of the outstanding common stock. (the Series J 2% Cumulative  Preferred Stock
votes with the common stock on all matters with five votes per share) as well as
information  with respect to the Company's  common stock owned  beneficially  by
each  director,   director   nominee,   and  current   executive  officer  whose
compensation  from the Company in 2004 exceeded  $100,000,  and by all directors
and executive  officers as a group.  Unless otherwise  indicated,  each of these
stockholders  has sole voting and  investment  power with  respect to the shares
beneficially owned.

The following table also sets forth as of November 11, 2005, certain information
with respect to all stockholders  known by the company to own beneficially  more
than 5% of the outstanding  common stock, which is the only outstanding class of
securities of the company,  except for Series J 2% Preferred  Stock and Series B
preferred stock (the ownership of which is  immaterial),  as well as information
with respect to the company's common stock owned  beneficially by each director,
director  nominee,  and current  executive  officer whose  compensation from the
company in 2004 exceeded  $100,000,  and by all directors and executive officers
as a group.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  each of these  stockholders has sole
voting and investment power with respect to the shares beneficially owned.


                                                       Common Stock
              Name of Beneficial Owner      No. of Shares    Percent of Class*
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------- --------------------
Victor L. Lund(1)                                108,994          11.16%
Gene S. Bertcher(2)                               71,811           7.35%
Roz Campisi Beadle                                   100            **
Ronald C. Finley(8)                                    -             -
James E. Huffstickler                                  -             -
Dan Locklear                                           -             -
JRG Investments, Inc.(3)(5)                      156,884          16.06%
TacCo Financial, Inc.(3)(4)(6)                   228,726          23.41%
International Health Products, Inc.(3)(7)          9,770           1.02%
All  executive officers and directors
as a group (six persons)                         180,905          18.52%
- -----------------------
*        Based on 977,004  shares of common  stock  outstanding  at November 11,

**       less than 1%

1)       Consists of 108,994 shares of common stock owned by Mr. Lund.

2)       Consists of 71,811 shares of common stock owned by Mr. Bertcher.

3)       Based on a Schedule 13D,  amended  December 14, 2004,  filed by each of
         these  entities and by Gene E. Phillips,  an individual,  each of these
         entities  owns of record the number of shares set forth for such entity
         in the table. The Form 13D indicates that these entities,  Mr. Phillips
         and  Basic  Capital  Management,  Inc.,  collectively,  may be deemed a
         "Person"  within the meaning of Section 13D of the Securities  Exchange
         Act of 1934.

4)       Consists  of 228,726  shares of common  stock  (which  does not include
         156,884  shares  held by JRG  Investments,  Inc. or an option to 40,000
         shares of common stock at an exercise price of $2.60 per share).  TacCo
         Financial,  Inc.  also holds a Warrant to  purchase  170,000  shares at
         $3.58 per share exercisable only after stockholder approval to exchange
         the  Company's  Series J 2%  Preferred  Stock for common  stock  before
         October 1, 2005 and not exercisable if such approval does not occur.

5)       Officers and Directors of JRG  Investment  Co., Inc.  ("JRG") are J. T.
         Tackett,  Director,   President  and  Treasurer  and  E.  Wayne  Starr,
         Director,  Chairman and CEO. JRG is a wholly owned  subsidiary of Tacco
         Financial, Inc.

6)       Officers  and  Directors  of Tacco  Financial,  Inc.  ("TFI")  are J.T.
         Tackett, Director, Chairman and CEO; J.T. Tackett, Director,  President
         and Treasurer and Mary K. Willett, Vice president and Secretary.  TFI;s
         stock is owned by Electrical Networks, Inc. (75%) and Starr Investments

7)       Officers and Directors of International Health Products,  Inc. ("IHPI")
         are Ken L.  Joines,  Director,  President  and  Treasurer;  Bradford A.
         Phillips,  Vice  President  and Jamie Cobb,  Secretary.  IHPI is wholly
         owned by a trust for the  benefit of the wife and  children  of Gene E.

8)       It is anticipated that approval will occur for the owners of the Series
         J 2% Preferred stock to exchange their  preferred  shares for shares of
         common  stock.  Mr.  Finley owns 14,175 shares of Series J 2% Preferred
         Stock which if, as  anticipated  by the Company,  exchanged  for Common
         Stock would be 3,954,825  shares,  or  approximately  40.5% of the then
         outstanding common stock.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The following tables set forth the compensation paid by the Company for services
rendered during the fiscal years ended December 31, 2004,  2003, and 2002 to the
Chief Executive  Officer of the Company and to the other  executive  officers of
the Company whose total annual salary in 2004 exceeded  $100,000,  the number of
options  granted  to any of  such  persons  during  2004  and the  value  of the
unexercised options held by any of such persons on December 31, 2004.


                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                          Long Term
                                                          Number of
                                                          Shares of
                                                        Common Stock
            Name and                      Annual         Underlying             All
           Principal                  Compensation-        Options             Other
            Position           Year       Salary                          Compensation(1)
- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------- -------------------
Gene S. Bertcher,              2004      $137,000
President, Chief Financial     2003       134,000            --               $  0
Officer and until 11/1/04,     2002        14,000            --                6,500
Chairman and Chief                                                             6,500
Executive Officer
Ronald C. Finley,              2004
Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer since

(1) Constitutes directors' fees paid by the Company to the named individuals.

                               Option Grants Table
                       (Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year)

                Number of          Percent of
               Securities        Total Options
               Underlying          Granted to        Exercise or
                 Options          Employees in        Base Price     Expiration
  Name           Granted          Fiscal Year         Per Share         Date
- ---------     -------------   -------------------   -------------   ------------

                   Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal
                          Year and FY-End Option Values

                                                                   Value of Unexercised
                                     Number of Securities               In-the-Money
            Shares                  Underlying Unexercised            Options at 2002
           Acquired      Value        Options at 2002 FY-End              FY-End
 Name    on Exercise    Realized   Exercisable   Unexercisable   Exercisable   Unexercisable
- ------- -------------- ----------  ---------------------------   ---------------------------


Stock Option Plan.

The Board of Directors  administers  the  Company's  1997 Stock Option Plan (the
"1997  Plan") and the 2000 Stock  Option  Plan (the "2000  Plan")  each of which
provides  for  grants  of  incentive  and  non-qualified  stock  options  to the
Company's executive officers,  as well as its directors and other key employees,


and consultants.  Under the two Plans, options are granted to provide incentives
to   participants   to  promote   long-term   performance  of  the  Company  and
specifically,  to retain and motivate senior management in achieving a sustained
increase  in  stockholder  value.  Currently,  none of the  Plans  has a pre-set
formula or criteria for  determining  the number of options that may be granted.
The  exercise  price for an option  granted is  determined  by the  compensation
committee,  in an amount not less than 100 percent of the fair  market  value of
the  Company's  common stock on the date of grant.  The  compensation  committee
reviews and evaluates the overall compensation package of the executive officers
and  determines  the awards based on the overall  performance of the Company and
the individual  performance of the executive officers. The Company's stock plans
total  50,000  shares of common  stock under the 1997 Plan and 50,000  shares of
common  stock  under the 2000 Plan.  Options  have been  granted  for all shares
reserved under the 1997 Plan and 10,000 shares for the 2000 Plan.

Compensation of Directors

The Company  pays each  non-employee  director a fee of $2,500 per year,  plus a
meeting  fee of  $2,000  for  each  board  meeting  attended.  Company  employee
directors  serve with no fees  being  paid.  CableTEL  AD pays each of its three
directors $6,200 per month.


The  compensation  paid to the  Company's  executive  officers is  reviewed  and
approved annually by the independent members of the board of directors acting as
the  Company's   Compensation   Committee.   In  addition  to  approving  annual
compensation for the Company's  executive  officers,  the independent  directors
approve any incentive awards for executive officers and other key employees, any
stock option grants and additional benefits.

The  Company's  compensation   philosophy  is  to  attract,  retain  and  reward
executives  who have shown they are capable of leading the Company in  achieving
its  business   objectives  and  performance  goals.  These  objectives  include
preserving and increasing the Company's  asset value;  positioning the Company's
operations  in  geographic   markets  offering  long  term,   profitable  growth
opportunities;  preserving  and  enhancing  shareholder  value and  keeping  the
Company competitive in its marketing and operations. The accomplishment of these
objectives  is measured  against  conditions  prevalent in the  assisted  living
industry.  In recent  years the  industry  has grown to be a highly  competitive
industry for residents,  real estate and services in a rapidly changing regional
and national environment.

The  board  of  directors   determined  that  the  primary  forms  of  executive
compensation  should be the  incentive  system  discussed  above.  The Company's
performance is a key  consideration  (to the extent that such performance can be
fairly attributed or related to an executive's performance) and each executive's
responsibilities  and  capabilities  are  key  considerations.  The  independent
directors  strive to keep  executive  compensation  competitive  for  comparable
positions in other  corporations where possible.  In addition,  the Compensation
Committee   believes  in  equity   compensation   wherein   executives  will  be
additionally  rewarded based on increasing the Company's shareholder value. Base
salaries are predicated on a number of factors, including:

     o    recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer;
     o    knowledge of similarly situated executives at other companies;
     o    the executive's position and responsibilities within the Company;
     o    the  board of  directors'  subjective  evaluation  of the  executive's
          contribution to the Company's performance;
     o    the executive's experience and
     o    the term of the executive's tenure with the Company.

Chief Executive Officer Compensation
The Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company  received  no  compensation  from
CabelTel International Corporation in 2004, but receives a salary of (euro)5,000
per month as a director of CableTEL AD.


Independent Directors

Roz Campisi Beadle
James Huffstickler
Dan Locklear
Victor L. Lund

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

The Audit Committee's duties and "charter," adopted by the board of directors on
December 9, 1991are to make  recommendations for the accounting firm to serve as
the  Company's  independent  auditors,  consult with the  Company's  independent
auditors  with  regard to any audit  plan  adopted  by the  Company,  review the
Company's financial  statements with the management and the independent auditors
prior to publication, determine that no restrictions are placed by management on
the scope of implementation of the independent auditors' function and performing
such other  functions as shall be appropriate to the effective  discharge of all
such duties and responsibilities.

In accordance with the charter of the Audit Committee, all of the members of the
Audit Committee are independent  pursuant to the American Stock Exchange listing
standards  and are  financially  literate  and at least one  member of the Audit
Committee has accounting or related financial  management  expertise.  The Audit
Committee,  on behalf of the Board,  oversees the Company's  financial reporting
process.  In fulfilling  its  oversight  responsibilities,  the Audit  Committee
reviewed  with the Company the audited  financial  statements  and the footnotes
thereto in the Annual  Report on Form 10-K and  discussed  with the  Company the
quality,  not  just  the  acceptability,   of  the  accounting  principles,  the
reasonableness  of  significant  judgments and the clarity of disclosures in the
financial  statements.  The Audit  Committee  reviewed  and  discussed  with the
outside auditor its judgments as to the quality,  not just the  acceptability of
the Company's accounting principles and such other matters as are required to be
discussed  by the Audit  Committee  with the  Company's  outside  auditor  under
generally accepted auditing  standards.  The Audit Committee  discussed with the
outside auditor the outside auditor's  independence required by the Independence
Standards Board to be made by the outside auditor to the Company. In reliance on
the reviews and discussions  referred to above, the Audit Committee  recommended
to the Board that the  audited  financial  statements  be included in the Annual
Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Financial Statement
The  consolidated  financial  statements  and auditor's  report,  the management
discussion  and  analysis of  financial  condition  and  results of  operations,
information  concerning  the quarterly  financial data for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2004 and other  information  are included in the  Company's  Annual
Report which accompanies this proxy statement.


Independent Auditors
The board, in accordance with the  recommendation of its Audit Committee,  chose
the firm of Farmer,  Fuqua & Huff, P.C. ("FF&H") as independent auditors for the
Company on February 9, 2004.  FF&H  conducted the 2004 annual audit at a cost to
the Company of $30,000.

Representatives  of FF&H are  expected  to be  present  and to be  available  to
respond  to  appropriate   questions  at  the  annual  meeting.  They  have  the
opportunity  to make a statement  if they  desire to do so; they have  indicated
that, as of this date, they do not.

Prior to  engaging  FF&H the  Company's  auditor  was Grant  Thornton  & Company
("Grant Thornton").  The review of the interim financial  statements during 2003
and audits prior to 2003 were conducted by Grant Thornton. The audit fee for the
2003 audit was $50,000.

Audit Fees
The following  table sets forth the  aggregate  fees for  professional  services
rendered to the Company for the years 2004 and 2003 by the  Company's  principal
accounting firms, Grant Thornton (January 2003 through January 2004) and Farmer,
Fuqua & Huff, P.C. (February 9, 2004 through December 31, 2004):

                Type of Fees             2004 (a)          2003 (b)
                Audit Fees               $166,110          $ 94,259
                Audit Related Fees          4,701
                Tax Fees                    3,000            42,524
                All Other Fees               --                --

                      Total Fees         $173,811          $136,783

         (a)      The amount of audit fees paid to  Farmer,  Fuqua & Huff,  P.C.
                  for January 2004 through December 2004 was $30,000; the amount
                  of audit fees paid to Grant  Thornton in 2004 was $4,701.  The
                  amount  of tax fees paid to  Farmer,  Fuqua & Huff,  P.C.  for
                  January 2004 through  December 2004 was $8,625;  the amount of
                  tax fees  paid to Grant  Thornton  for  January  2004  through
                  December 2004 was $3,000.

         (b)      The amount of audit fees paid to Grant  Thornton  for  January
                  2003 through December 2003 was $50,620.

All services rendered by the principal auditors are permissible under applicable
laws and regulations  and were  pre-approved by either of the Board of Directors
or the Audit Committee,  as required by law. The fees paid to principal auditors
for  services  described  in the above  table fall under the  categories  listed

         Audit Fees. These are fees for professional  services  performed by the
         principal  auditor  for the  audit of the  Company's  annual  financial
         statements and review of financial statements included in the Company's
         Form 10-Q filings and services that are normally provided in connection
         with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.

         Audit-Related  Fees.  These are fees for assurance and related services
         performed by the principal  auditor that are reasonably  related to the
         performance  of  the  audit  or  review  of  the  Company's   financial
         statements. These services include attestation by the principal auditor
         that are not  required  by  statute or  regulation  and  consulting  on
         financial accounting/reporting standards.

         Tax Fees.  These are fees for  professional  services  performed by the
         principal  auditor with respect to tax  compliance,  tax planning,  tax
         consultation, returns preparation and reviews of returns. The review of
         tax returns includes the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries.

         All Other Fees. These are fees for other  permissible work performed by
         the   principal   auditor   that  does  not  meet  the   above-category

These  services  are  actively  monitored  (as to both  spending  level and work
content) by the Audit  Committee to maintain  the  appropriate  objectivity  and
independence  in the principal  auditor's  core work,  which is the audit of the
Company's consolidated financial statements.


Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees
Neither  FF&H nor Grant  Thornton  rendered  any  professional  services  to the
Company in 2004 or 2003 with respect to financial information systems design and

The Audit Committee  considers that the services rendered by FF&H are compatible
with maintaining FF&H's independence in conducting the Company's audit.

Audit Committee

Dan Locklear
Jim Huffstickler
Victor Lund

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

The following graph compares the cumulative total return on a $100 investment in
the company's common stock on December 31, 2000 through December 31, 2004, based
on the  company's  closing  stock price on December 31, for each of those years.
The same information is provided using the Standard & Poor 500 index and the Dow
Jones Total Market Index.

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

The following  paragraphs describe certain  transactions between the Company and
any stockholder beneficially owning more than 5% of the outstanding Common Stock
of the Company,  the executive  officers and directors of the Company,  director
nominees and members of the immediate family or affiliates of any of them, which
occurred since the beginning of the 2004 fiscal year.

In March 1996 the Company purchased Wedgwood Retirement Inns, Inc. ("WRI").  The
primary  shareholder  of WRI was Victor L. Lund who is  currently a director and
shareholder of the Company. As part of an indemnification  agreement between the
Company  and  Mr.  Lund  regarding  any  legal  matters  arising  from  the  WRI
properties,  the  Company  settled  two legal  matters in 2004 for  $25,000  and
$229,819 respectively.

Gene S.  Bertcher,  President and Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company,  was
indebted to the Company for an  aggregate of $92,500 for notes issued in payment
for shares of Common Stock. Mr. Bertcher's notes were secured by a pledge of 520


shares of common stock.  Interest on the notes accumulate at a rate equal to any
cash or stock dividends  declared on the purchased stock and was due in a single
installment  for each such note on or before October 1, 2003. On October 1, 2003
the collateral was returned to the Company and the debt was cancelled.

Until  October 18, 2001,  the Company had an employment  agreement  with Gene S.
Bertcher, who was then Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. The
agreement,  originally dated January 1, 1997,  provided for a two year term that
recommenced  each day. The agreement  provided for  compensation of $180,000 per
year and discretionary bonus.

On October 3, 2001 the Company  settled a dispute with a  significant  preferred
shareholder.  As part of the settlement the Company  transferred eleven assisted
living  communities  to that  shareholder.  While  the  Company  and its  senior
executives  believe the  settlement  was very favorable to the Company they also
recognized  that, due to the reduced size of the Company,  it would be necessary
to reduce expenses.

On October  18, 2001 the  employment  contract  of Mr.  Bertcher  was amended to
reduce the cash drain to the Company.  The original employment contract provided
that any reduction in compensation  would trigger a required payment of $360,000
within five days. Mr.  Bertcher agreed to accept a note from the Company for the
amounts if paid on a timely  basis.  These notes were  non-interest  bearing and
were not due until December 31, 2004. The amended  employment  contract provided
that Mr.  Bertcher  would  receive a salary of  $14,000  per year.  The  amended
employment  contract also provide for incentive  compensation  for Mr. Bertcher.
The Company had agreed to conduct its future business through the use of limited
partnerships. Mr. Bertcher would receive a partnership interest in each of these
partnerships.  Depending  on the  circumstances  Mr.  Bertcher  would  receive a
limited  partnership  interest  of between 4% and 10.5%.  The Company had agreed
that during the term of the employment  contract,  which expired on December 31,
2004, all property acquisitions would be made using a partnership structure.

In 2003 the Board of Directors  decided to return to salary  based  compensation
for Mr. Bertcher. Mr. Bertcher received a base salary of $130,000 for 2003.

In December 2002, a partnership in which the Company had an interest owed monies
to the Company who, in turn, owed $360,000 to Mr.  Bertcher.  The Company offset
$132,500 of it's  obligation to Mr.  Bertcher  against its  receivable  from the
partnership. In December 2003 Mr. Bertcher agreed to convert the $227,500 he was
still owed into 71,161 newly issued shares of Company Common Stock at the market
value of the stock at the time of issuance.

The  Company  has a  consulting  agreement  for  $180,000  per  year  with  Tara
Management, Inc. whereby Tara will assist the Company in identifying,  financing
and closing  acquisitions  and  dispositions  of properties  and other  business
interests. Richard D. Morgan is President of Tara Management, Inc, Mr. Morgan is
also President of Warwick Summit Square, Inc.

The Company leases its 3,465 square feet of office space at a market rate of $24
per square foot from Art Four Hickory Corporation,  a wholly owned subsidiary of
TacCo Financial, Inc. TFI is a shareholder in the Company.

It is the policy of the Company  that all  transactions  between the Company and
any  officer or  director,  or any of their  affiliates,  must be  approved by a
majority of independent members of the board of directors of the Company. All of
the transactions described above were so approved.

Board Committees

The Board of  Directors  held two  meetings  during 2004 and acted by  unanimous
consent one time. For such year, no incumbent  director  attended fewer than 75%
of the  aggregate of (i) the total  number of meetings  held by the Board during
the period for which he or she had been a director, and (ii) the total number of
meetings  held by all  Committees  of the Board on which he or she served during
the period that he or she served.

The Board of Directors  has standing  Audit,  Compensation  and  Governance  and
Nominating  Committees.  The charters of these  committees  are available on the
Company's web site,,  and are also  available in hard copy form
through a written request to the Company's Investor Relations  Department at the
address on page one of this proxy.

The current Audit Committee was formed on December 12, 2003, and its function is
to review the Company's  operating and accounting  procedures.  A Charter of the
Audit Committee has been adopted by the Board.  The current members of the Audit
Committee,  all of whom are independent within the SEC regulations,  the listing
standards of the AMEX,  and the Company's  Corporate  Governance  Guidelines are
Messrs.  Locklear (Chairman),  Huffstickler and Lund. Mr. Dan Locklear, a member
of the Committee is qualified as an Audit Committee  financial expert within the
meaning  of SEC  regulations,  and  the  Board  has  determined  that he has the
accounting and related financial  management expertise within the meaning of the
listing standards of the AMEX.


The  Governance  and  Nominating  Committee is  responsible  for  developing and
implementing  policies  and  practices  relating  to the  corporate  governance,
including  reviewing and monitoring  implementation  of the Company's  Corporate
Governance   Guidelines.   In  addition,  the  Committee  develops  and  reviews
background  information on candidates for the Board and makes recommendations to
the Board regarding such candidates.  The Committee also prepares and supervises
the Board's annual review of director  independence and the Board's  performance
and self-evaluation.  The Charter of the Governance and Nominating Committee was
adopted  on  October  20,  2004.  The  members  of  the  Committee  are  Messrs.
Huffstickler (Chairman) and Lund and Ms. Beadle.

The Board has also formed a  Compensation  Committee of the Board of  Directors,
adopted a Charter  for the  Compensation  Committee  on October  20,  2004,  and
selected Ms. Beadle (Chairman) and Messrs.  Huffstickler and Locklear as members
of such Committee.

The  members  of the  Board  of  Directors  on the date of this  Report  and the
Committees of the Board on which they serve are identified below:

- ----------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------------
                                          Governance and
                             Audit          Nominating        Compensation
Director                   Committee        Committee          Committee
Roz Campisi Beadle                             |X|              Chairman
Gene S. Bertcher
Ronald C. Finley
James E. Huffstickler        |X|            Chairman               |X|
Dan Locklear              Chairman                                 |X|
Victor L. Lund               |X|               |X|
- ----------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------------

During October 2004, the Board adopted its Corporate Governance Guidelines.  The
Guidelines adopted by the Board meet or exceed the new listing standards adopted
during the year by the AMEX. Pursuant to the Guidelines, the Board undertook its
annual  review of  director  independence,  and during  this  review,  the Board
considered transactions and relationships between each director or any member of
his or her immediate family and the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates,
including those reported under Certain  Relationships  and Related  Transactions
below. The Board also examined  transactions and relationships between directors
or their  affiliates  and members of the  Company's  senior  management or their
affiliates.  As  provided in the  Guidelines,  the purpose of such review was to
determine whether such  relationships or transactions were inconsistent with the
determination that the director is independent.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Based solely upon a review of Forms 3, 4 and 5 furnished to the Company pursuant
to Rule  16a-3(e)  promulgated  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the
"Exchange Act"), or upon written  representations  received by the Company,  the
Company is not aware of any failure by any director, officer or beneficial owner
of more than 10% of the Company's  common stock to file with the  Securities and
Exchange Commission, on a timely basis, any Form 3, 4 or 5 relating to 2004.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

The annual report to stockholders,  including consolidated financial statements,
for the year ended  December  31, 2004,  accompanies  the proxy  material  being
mailed  to all  stockholders.  The  annual  report  is not a part  of the  proxy
solicitation material. The annual report is the Company's Form 10-K for 2004, as
amended,  including the financial  statements and  schedules,  as filed with the
Securities  Exchange  Commission.  A stockholder  may also request copies of any
exhibit to the Form 10-K, and the Company will charge a fee to cover expenses to
prepare and send any exhibits.  You may request these from: Corporate Secretary,
CabelTel  International  Corporation,  1755 Wittington Place, Suite 340, Dallas,
Texas 75234.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

The board of  directors  does not intend to bring any other  matters  before the
annual  meeting  and has not been  informed  that any  other  matters  are to be
presented  to the  annual  meeting by  others.  In the event that other  matters
properly  come  before the  annual  meeting  or any  adjournments  thereof it is
intended that the persons named in the accompanying proxy and acting there under
will vote in accordance with their best judgment.


                             DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION
                          OF PROPOSALS TO BE PRESENTED

Any  stockholder who intends to present a proposal at the 2006 annual meeting of
stockholders  must file such  proposal  with the  Company by January 1, 2006 for
possible  inclusion in the Company's  proxy statement and form of proxy relating
to the meeting.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ Oscar Smith

                                              Oscar Smith, Secretary


                       CabelTel International Corporation

           This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors

The undersigned hereby  acknowledges  receipt of the notice of annual meeting of
stockholders of CabelTel  International  Corporation,  to be held at One Hickory
Centre, 1800 Valley View Lane, Third Floor,  Dallas, Texas 75234, on October 20,
2004,  beginning  at  10:00  a.m.,  Dallas  Time,  and the  proxy  statement  in
connection  therewith and appoints Gene S. Bertcher and Oscar Smith, and each of
them, the  undersigned's  proxies with full power of substitution for and in the
name, place and stead of the  undersigned,  to vote upon and act with respect to
all of the shares of common  stock and Series B  preferred  stock of the Company
standing  in the  name  of  the  undersigned,  or  with  respect  to  which  the
undersigned  is entitled to vote and act, at the meeting and at any  adjournment

     The undersigned directs that the undersigned's proxy be voted as follows:

1.   ELECTION OF   [ ] FOR all nominees                [ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
     DIRECTORS        listed below (except as marked       to vote for the
                            to the contrary below)         nominees listed below

Nominees:  Roz Campisi  Beadle,  Gene S.  Bertcher,  Ronald C. Finley,  James E.
Huffstickler, Dan Locklear, Victor L. Lund

 (Instruction: To withhold authority to vote any individual nominee, write that
                  nominee's name on the line provided below.)



     [ ] FOR                        [ ] AGAINST                      [ ] ABSTAIN


     [ ] FOR                        [ ] AGAINST                      [ ] ABSTAIN

This proxy will be voted as specified  above. If no  specification is made, this
proxy will be voted for the election of the director nominees in item 1 above.

The undersigned  hereby revokes any proxy  heretofore  given to vote or act with
respect to the  common  stock or Series B  preferred  stock of the  Company  and
hereby ratifies and confirms all that the proxies, their substitutes,  or any of
them may lawfully do by virtue hereof.

If more  than  one of the  proxies  named  shall  be  present  in  person  or by
substitute  at the meeting or at any  adjournment  thereof,  the majority of the
proxies so present and voting, either in person or by substitute, shall exercise
all of the powers hereby given.

Please date,  sign and mail this proxy in the enclosed  envelope.  No postage is

                                    Date _______________________, 2005

                                    Signature of Stockholder

                                    Signature of Stockholder

                                    Please  date  this  proxy and sign your name
                                    exactly as it appears hereon. Where there is
                                    more than one owner,  each should sign. When
                                    signing  as  an   attorney,   administrator,
                                    executor,  guardian or  trustee,  please add
                                    your  title  as  such.   If  executed  by  a
                                    corporation, the proxy should be signed by a
                                    duly authorized officer.