Secretary of State
               206 Nor4h Carson Street
               Carson City; Nevada 891014209
               (778) 684 5708

- -------------------------------------
     Certificate to Accompany
         Restated Articles
         (PURSUANT TO NRS)
- -------------------------------------

          This Form Is to Accompanv Restated Articles of Incorporation
           (Pursuant to NRS 78.403, 82.371, 86.221, 88.355 or 88A.250)

(This   form  is  also  to  be  used  to   accompany   Restated   Articles   for
Limited-Liability    Companies,    Certificates    of    Limited    Partnership,
Limited-Liability Limited Partnerships and Business Trusts)

1.  Name of  Nevada  entity  as last  recorded  in this  office:___ASPEN  RACING

2. The articles  are being |_|  Restated or X Amended and  Restated  (check only
one).  Please  entitle  your  attached  articles   "Restated"  or  "Amended  and
Restated," accordingly.

3. Indicate what changes have been made by checking the appropriate box.*

|_|  No  amendments;  articles are restated only and are signed by an officer of
     the  corporation  who has been  authorized  to execute the  certificate  by
     resolution of the board of directors adopted  on_________.  The certificate
     correctly  sets forth the text of the articles or certificate as amended to
     the date of the certificate.

[X]  The entity name has been amended,

|_|  The resident agent has been changed. (attach Certificate of Acceptance from
     new resident agent)

|_|  The purpose of the entity has been amended.

[X]  The authorized shares have been amended.

|_|  The directors, managers or general partners have been amended.

|_|  IRS tax language has been added.

[X]  Articles have been added.

|_|  Articles have been deleted.

|_|  Other. The articles or certificate  have been amended as follows:  (provide
     article numbers, if available)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This form is to accompany  Restated  Articles  which  contain newly altered or
amended articles.  The Restated Articles must contain all of the requirements as
set forth in the statutes for amending or altering the articles or certificates,

IMPORTANT: Failure to Include any of the above information and submit the proper
fees may cause this filing to be rejected.

This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees.

                                      Nevada Secretary of State AM RESTATED 2068
                                                            Revised on; 10-21-05

               DEAN HELLER
               Secretary of State
               206 Nor4h Carson Street
               Carson City; Nevada 891014209
               (778) 684 5708

- -------------------------------------
      Articles of Incorporation
        (PURSUANT TO NRS 78)
- -------------------------------------

Important: Read attached instructions before completing form.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Aspen Racing Stables
     The Corporation Trust Company of Nevada
     6100 NeilRoad , Suite 500
     Reno , NEVADA 89511
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of shares will par value.

     $0.01 par value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Names & Addresses, of Board of Directors/Trustees:

     Dwight McLellan
     #8, 11 Scarpe Dr. SW
     Calgary, AB  T2T 6K9

     Trixy Walt
     243 Cranfield Green SE
     Calgary, AB  T3m IC4

Signature of Incorporator

     Dwight McLellan
     #8, 11 Scarpe Dr. SW
     Calgary, AB  T2T 6K9

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I hereby accept appointment as Resident Agent for the above named corporation.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Authorized Signature of R.A. or On Behalf of R.A. Company Date

This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees. See attached fee schedule.
                                               Nevada Secretary of State Form 78

ARTICLES, 2003 Revised on: 11/21/03

Aspen Racing Stables

                              (Name of Corporation)

FOR THE Filing PERIOD OF________________________TO___________________________

The Corporation's duty appointed-resident agent in the State of Nevada upon whom
process served:

The Corporation Trust Company of Nevada
6100 Neil Road,
Suite 500,
Reno, Nevada 89511

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Important: Read Instructions before completing and returning this form.

1.   Print or type names and  addresses  either  residence  or business  for all
     officers and directors. A President,  Secretary, Treasure, or equivalent of
     and all Directors must be named.  Have an officer sign the form.  Form will
     be returned if unsigned.
2.   If there are additional directors attach a list of them to this form.
3.   Return the  completed  form with the filing fee. A $75.00  penalty  must be
     added  for  failure  to file  this form by the  deadline.  An  annual  list
     received  more than 90 days  before its due date shall be deemed an amended
     list for the previous year..
4.   Make your check payable to the  Secretary of State.  Your  cancelled  check
     will  consititute a  certificate  to transact  business per NRS 78.166.  To
     receive a certified  copy,  enclose an  additional  $30.00 and  appropriate
5    Return t he completed form to: Secretary of State, 202 North Carson Street,
     Carson  City,  NV  89701-4201,  (776)  684-5708  6  .Form  must  be in  the
     possession of the Secretary of State on or before the last day of the month
     in which it is due.  (Postmark date is not accepted as receipt date.) Forms
     received after due date will be returned for additional fees and penalties.

- -------------------------

[X]  This  corporation is a publicly traded  corporation.  The central Index Key
     number is ___________________________

[ ]  This publicly  traded  oorporation  is not required to have a Central Index
     Key number.

  NAME                                      TITLE(s)
     Dwight McLellan                              PRESIDENT (OR EQUIVALENT OF)
     #8, 11 Scarpe Dr. SW
     Calgary, AB  T2T 6K9

  NAME                                      TITLE(s)
     Trixy Walt                                   SECRETARY (OR EQUIVALENT OF)
     243 Cranfield Green SE
     Calgary, AB  T3m IC4

 NAME                                      TITLE(s)
     Trixy Walt                                   TREASURER (OR EQUIVALENT OF)
     243 Cranfield Green SE
     Calgary, AB  T3m IC4

 NAME                                      TITLE(s)
     Trixy Walt                                   DIRECTOR
     243 Cranfield Green SE
     Calgary, AB  T3m IC4
I I declare to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury, that the above
mentioned entity has complied with the provisions of NRS 360.780 and acknowledge
that pursuiant to NRS 239.330,  it is a category C felony to knowingly offer any
false or forged Instrument for filing in the Office of the Secretary of State.

X Signature of Officer  /s/ Dwight McLellan
Title                   President
Date                    Date 03/04/06

                          Nevada Secretary of State Form ANNUAL LIST-PROFIT 2003
                                                            Revised on: 11-12-03

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                              ASPEN RACING STABLES

     The undersigned  President of Aspen Racing Stables,  a Nevada  corporation,
has hereby  executed these Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  of the Company,
pursuant  to  the  requirements  of  NRS  78.403.  These  Restated  Articles  of
Incorporation  were approved by the Board of Directors and by a written  consent
of the holders of 100% of the outstanding shares of common stock.

                                  ARTICLE ONE

     The amended name of the Corporation is Aspen Racing Stables, Inc.

                                  ARTICLE TWO

     The address of the Corporation's principal office in the State of Nevada is
6100 Neil Road,  Suite 500,  Reno Nevada 89511,  and the name of its  registered
agent at such address is The Corporation Trust Company of Nevada.

                                 ARTICLE THREE

     The nature of the  business or purposes to be  conducted  or promoted is to
engage in any lawful act or activity  for which  corporations  may be  organized
under the Act.

                                  ARTICLE FOUR

     The Corporation shall have authority to issue two classes of stock, and the
total number  authorized  shall be one hundred million  (100,000,000)  shares of
Common  Stock of the par value of ($.001)  each,  and ten  million  (10,000,000)
shares of Preferred Stock of the par value of ($.001) each. A description of the
different   classes  of  stock  of  the  Corporation  and  a  statement  of  the
designations  and the powers,  preferences and rights,  and the  qualifications,
limitations or restrictions  thereof, in respect of each class of such stock are
as follows:

     1. Issuance in Class or Series. The Preferred Stock may be issued from time
to time in one or more  series,  or divided  into  additional  classes  and such
classes into one or more series.  The terms of a class or series,  including all
rights and  preferences,  shall be as specified in the resolution or resolutions
adopted  by the Board of  Directors  designating  such  class or  series,  which
resolution or resolutions the Board of Directors is hereby expressly  authorized
to adopt. Such resolution or resolutions with respect to a class or series shall
specify all or such of the rights or  preferences of such class or series as the
Board of Directors shall determine,  including the following, if applicable: (a)
the number of shares to  constitute  such  class or series  and the  distinctive
designation  thereof;  (b) the dividend or manner for  determining  the dividend
payable with respect to the shares of such class or series and the date or dates
from which dividends  shall accrue,  whether such dividends shall be cumulative,
and, if cumulative,  the date or dates from which dividends shall accumulate and
whether the shares in such class or series  shall be entitled to  preference  or
priority over any other class or series of stock of the Corporation with respect


to payment of  dividends;  (c) the terms and  conditions,  including  price or a
manner for determining  the price, of redemption,  if any, of the shares of such
class or series;  (d) the terms and  conditions of a retirement or sinking fund,
if any,  for the purchase or  redemption  of the shares of such class or series;
(e) the amount  which the shares of such class or series  shall be  entitled  to
receive,  if any, in the event of any liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of
the  Corporation  and whether such shares  shall be entitled to a preference  or
priority over shares of another class or series with respect to amounts received
in  connection  with  any   liquidation,   dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the
Corporation; (f) whether the shares of such class or series shall be convertible
into, or exchangeable for, shares of stock of any other class or classes, or any
other  series  of the  same or any  other  class or  classes  of  stock,  of the
Corporation and the terms and conditions of any such conversion or exchange; (g)
the  voting  rights,  if any,  of  shares  of stock of such  class or  series in
addition to those  granted  herein;  (h) the status as to  reissuance or sale of
shares of such class or series redeemed,  purchased or otherwise reacquired,  or
surrendered  to  the  Corporation  upon  conversion;   (i)  the  conditions  and
restrictions,  if any,  on the  payment of  dividends  or on the making of other
distributions  on,  or the  purchase,  redemption  or other  acquisition  by the
Corporation  or any  subsidiary,  of any  other  class or series of stock of the
Corporation  ranking junior to such shares as to dividends or upon  liquidation;
(j) the conditions,  if any, on the creation of indebtedness of the Corporation,
or any subsidiary;  and (k) such other  preferences,  rights,  restrictions  and
qualifications as the Board of Directors may determine.

     All  shares of the Common  stock  shall be of the same class and shall have
equal dividend or distribution, liquidation and other rights.

     All shares of the Common  Stock shall rank  equally,  and all shares of the
Preferred Stock shall rank equally, and be identical within their classes in all
respects regardless of series,  except as to terms which may be specified by the
Board of  Directors  pursuant  to the above  provisions.  All  shares of any one
series of a class of Preferred Stock shall be of equal rank and identical in all
respects,  except that shares of any one series  issued at  different  times may
differ  as to  the  dates  on  which  dividends  thereon  shall  accrue  and  be

     2. Other Provisions. Shares of Common Stock or Preferred Stock of any class
or series may be issued with such voting powers,  full or limited,  or no voting
powers, and such designations, preferences and relative participating, option or
special rights,  and  qualifications,  limitations or restrictions  thereof,  as
shall be stated and expressed in the resolution or resolutions providing for the
issuance  of such  stock  adopted by the Board of  Directors.  Any of the voting
powers,  designations,  preferences,  rights and qualifications,  limitations or
restrictions  of any such  class or series of stock may be made  dependent  upon
facts  ascertainable  outside  the  resolution  or  resolutions  of the Board of
Directors  providing  for the  issue of such  stock by the  Board of  Directors,
provided the manner in which such facts shall  operate  upon the voting  powers,
designations,   preferences,   rights   and   qualifications,   limitations   or
restrictions  or such class or series is clearly set forth in the  resolution or
resolutions  providing  for the  issue of such  stock  adopted  by the  Board of
Directors.  Shares of Common or Preferred  Stock  reacquired by the  Corporation
shall no longer be deemed  outstanding  and shall have no voting or other rights
unless and until reissued.  Shares reacquired by the Corporation may be canceled
and restored to the status of  authorized  and  unissued  stock by action of the
Board of Directors.


     3.  Common  Stock.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in any  resolution  or
resolutions  adopted by the Board of Directors,  the Common Stock shall (a) have
the exclusive voting power of the  corporation;  (b) entitle the holders thereof
to one vote per share at all meetings of the  stockholders  of the  Corporation;
(c) entitle  the holders to share  ratably,  without  preference  over any other
shares of the Corporation,  in all assets of the Corporation In the event of any
dissolution,  liquidation or winding up of the Corporation;  and (d) entitle the
record holder thereof on such record dates as are determined, from time to time,
by the Board of  Directors to receive  such  dividends,  if any, if, as and when
declared by the Board of Directors.

                                  ARTICLE FIVE

     The Corporation is to have perpetual existence.

                                  ARTICLE SIX

     No stockholder  shall have any pre-emptive  right to purchase shares of the

                                 ARTICLE SEVEN

     1. Designations.  The governing board of the Corporation shall be styled as
a "Board  of  Directors,"  and any  member  of said  Board  shall be styled as a

     2. Number, Election and Terms of Directors. The business and affairs of the
Corporation  shall be managed  by a Board of  Directors,  which,  subject to the
rights of  holders  of shares of any class of series of  Preferred  Stock of the
Corporation  then  outstanding to elect  additional  Directors  under  specified
circumstances, shall consist of not less than one nor more than fifteen persons.
The exact  number of  Directors  within  the  minimum  and  maximum  limitations
specified in the preceding  sentence  shall be fixed from time to time by either
(i) the Board of Directors pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the
entire Board of Directors,  or (ii) the affirmative  vote of the holders of 66?%
or more of the voting power of all of the shares of the Corporation  entitled to
vote generally in the election of Directors  voting  together as a single class.
No decrease in the number of Directors constituting the Board of Directors shall
shorten the term of any incumbent Director.

     3.  Stockholder  Nomination  of  Director  Candidates.  Advance  notice  of
stockholder  nominations for the election of Directors shall be at least 90 days
in advance of the date in which the next previous annual meeting of stockholders
was held.

     4. Newly-Created Directorships and Vacancies.  Subject to the rights of the
holders of any series of any  Preferred  Stock then  outstanding,  newly-created
directorships  resulting from any increase in the authorized number of Directors
and  any  vacancies  in  the  Board  of  Directors  resulting  from  the  death,
resignation,  retirement,  disqualification,  removal from office or other cause
may be filled by a majority  vote of the  Directors  then in office  even though
less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining Director.


     5.  Removal.  Subject  to the  rights of the  holders  of any series of any
Preferred Stock then outstanding, any Director or the entire Board of Directors,
may be removed  from  office at any annual or  special  meeting  called for such
purpose, and then only for cause and only by the affirmative vote of the holders
of 66?% or more of the  voting  power of all of the  shares  of the  Corporation
entitled to vote  generally in the election of Directors,  voting  together as a
single class. As used herein, cause shall mean only the following:  proof beyond
the  existence  of a reasonable  doubt that a Director  has been  convicted of a
felony, committed gross negligence or willful misconduct resulting in a material
detriment to the  Corporation,  or committed a material  breach of his fiduciary
duty to the Corporation resulting in a material detriment to the Corporation.

     6. Amendment,  Repeal,  etc.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained in these
Articles of Incorporation  to the contrary,  the affirmative vote of the holders
of 66?% or more of the  voting  power of all of the  shares  of the  Corporation
entitled to vote  generally in the election of Directors,  voting  together as a
single  class,  shall  be  required  to  alter,  amend or  adopt  any  provision
inconsistent  with or repeal this Article Seven, or to alter,  amend,  adopt any
provision  inconsistent with or repeal comparable  sections of the Bylaws of the
Corporation.  In the resolution setting forth the proposed amendment,  the board
of  directors  may insert a provision  allowing  the board of directors to later
abandon the amendment, without consent by the stockholders,  after the amendment
has received  stockholder  approval  but before the  amendment is filed with the
Nevada Secretary of State

                                 ARTICLE EIGHT

     Notwithstanding  anything  contained in these Articles of  Incorporation to
the contrary,  the affirmative vote of the holders of 66?% or more of the voting
power of all the shares of the  Corporation  entitled to vote  generally  in the
election of Directors,  voting together as a single class,  shall be required to
call a special meeting of stockholders or to alter,  amend,  adopt any provision
inconsistent  with or repeal this Article Eight, or to alter,  amend,  adopt any
provision inconsistent with comparable sections of the Bylaws.

                                  ARTICLE NINE

     No stock,  whether  paid up or issued as fully  paid,  shall be  subject to
assessment to pay the debts of the Corporation.

                                  ARTICLE TEN

     The  Corporation  shall have the power to  indemnify  its present or former
Directors, officers, employees and agents or any person who served or is serving
at the request of the Corporation as a director,  officer,  employee or agent of
another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,  trust or other enterprise to
the full  extent  permitted  by the  General  Corporation  Law of  Nevada.  Such
indemnification  shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which such
person may be entitled,  under any bylaws,  agreements,  vote of stockholders or
disinterested Directors, or otherwise.


                                 ARTICLE ELEVEN

     A  Director  of the  Corporation  shall  not be  personally  liable  to the
Corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages or breach of fiduciary duty
as a director, except for liability (i) for any breach of the Director's duty of
loyalty to the Corporation or its  stockholders,  (ii) for acts or omissions not
in good faith or which involved intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of
law, (iii) under the Act, or, (iv) for any  transaction  from which the Director
derived an improper personal benefit.

     Dated: October 20, 2006

                                                 ASPEN RACING STABLES

                                                  By: /s/Dwight McLellan
                                                      Dwight McLellan, President