Exhibit 2.2

                         UNITED STATE BANKRUPTCY COURT
                           NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS

                                                      NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS
                                                      TAWANA C. MARSHALL, CLERK
                                                        THE DATE OF ENTRY IS
                                                        ON THE COURT'S DOCKET

The following  constitutes  the ruling of the court and has the force and effect
therein described.

Signed August 1, 2007                             /s/  Harlin DeWayne Hale
                                                  United States Bankruptcy Judge

                                DALLAS DIVISION

In re:                               ss.      Chapter 11
SENIOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES           ss.      Case No. 07-30230-HDH-11
OF TREEMONT, INC., et al.(1)         ss.      Jointly Administered
                 Debtors.            ss.


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(1) The "Debtors" comprise Senior Management Services of Treemont,  Inc., Senior
Management  Services of El Paso Coronado,  Inc., Senior  Management  Services of
Gainesville,  Inc.,  Senior  Management  Services  of  Palestine,  Inc.,  Senior
Management  Services  of Tyler,  Inc.,  Senior  Management  Services  of El Paso
Sunset,  Inc.,  Senior  Management  Services of Katy,  Inc.,  Senior  Management
Services of Humble, Inc., Senior Management Services of Doctors at Dallas, Inc.,
Senior  Management  Services of Estates at Fort Worth,  Inc.,  Senior Management
Services  of  Normandy  at San  Antonio,  Inc.,  Senior  Management  Services of
Heritage Oaks at Ballinger,  Inc.,  Senior Management  Services of Crane,  Inc.,
Senior Management  Services of Kerrville,  Inc.,  Senior Management  Services of
America Houston,  Inc., Senior Management Services of America North Texas, Inc.,
Senior Management  Services of America IV, Inc.,  Senior Management  Services of
America  III,  Inc.,  Senior  Management  Services of America II,  Inc.,  Senior
Management Services of America, Inc., Serenity Management Services, Inc., Senior
Management  Services of Shreveport,  LLC, Cora Properties of Crane, LP, and Cora
Properties of Kerrville, LP.

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     The Debtors and Debtors in  possession  have  Filed(2) and  requested to be
confirmed the First Amended,  Modified  Chapter 11 Plan Proposed by the Debtors,
dated August 1, 2007 (the "Modified Plan"), which reflects certain modifications
to the First  Amended  Chapter 11 Plan  Proposed by the Debtors,  dated June 17,
2007 (the  "First  Amended  Plan"),  pursuant  to ss.  1127,(3) as well as those
modifications announced on the record at the August 1, 2007 Confirmation Hearing
(collectively,  the "Modifications").  The Modifications are technical and/or do
not adversely  change the treatment of the Claim of any Creditor or the Interest
of  any  equity  security  holder  that  has  not  accepted  and  agreed  to the
Modifications.  Accordingly,  the  Modified  Plan  is  deemed  accepted  by  all
Creditors and Interest  holders who have  previously  accepted the First Amended
Plan  pursuant  to  Bankruptcy  Rule 3019.  Given that the  changes to the First
Amended Plan are technical  and/or do not  materially  and adversely  affect the
treatment of Claims or  Interests,  the First  Amended  Disclosure  Statement in
Support of Chapter 11 Plan  Proposed  by the  Debtors,  dated June 17, 2007 (the
"Disclosure  Statement"),  contains adequate  information for such Modifications
pursuant to ss. 1125,  and the Debtors  need not  resolicit  acceptances  of the
Modifications by holders of such Claims or Interests.

     On  June  18,  2007,  the  Debtors  Filed  the  Disclosure  Statement.  The
Bankruptcy Court entered an order approving the Disclosure Statement and finding
that it contained adequate information under ss. 1125 (the "Disclosure Statement
Order") on June 22, 2007. The Disclosure  Statement Order provided for copies of
(i)  the  Plan,  (ii)  the  Disclosure  Statement,  (iii)  a  ballot,  (iv)  the
court-approved solicitation letter from the Creditors Committee letter and (v) a
copy of

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(2) Each term that is capitalized  herein and not otherwise defined herein shall
have the meaning ascribed to such term in the Modified Plan and, if such term is
not defined in the Modified Plan, the Disclosure Statement.
(3) Unless  otherwise  stated,  section  references  herein are to 11 U.S.C. ss.
101-1532 (2005) (the "Bankruptcy Code").

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the order approving the Disclosure  Statement  (collectively,  the "Solicitation
Materials")  to be sent out by June 26, 2007;  (ii) voting on the First  Amended
Plan by return of ballots to the Debtors by July 25, 2007;  (iii)  objections to
Confirmation  of the First  Amended Plan to be Filed by July 25, 2007;  and (iv)
the  hearing  on  Confirmation  of the First  Amended  Plan  (the  "Confirmation
Hearing") to commence on August 1, 2007.

     The Bankruptcy Court commenced the Confirmation  Hearing on August 1, 2007.
Timely  objections to  Confirmation of the First Amended Plan were Filed by July
25, 2007. Having reviewed,  among other things, (i) the First Amended Plan, (ii)
the Modified Plan, (iii) the Disclosure Statement,  (iv) the Plan Documents, (v)
all objections to  Confirmation  of the Modified Plan not previously  withdrawn,
(vi) the  Certification  of Michael S. Haynes with Respect to the  Tabulation of
Votes in Classes 3, 4 and 5 on the First  Amended  Chapter 11 Plan  Proposed  by
Debtors,  dated July 31, 2007 (the "Ballot  Certification") Filed by the Debtors
certifying voting results and the mailing of the Solicitation  Materials,  (vii)
the Operations Transfer Agreement between certain of the SMSA II Debtors and the
Purchaser,  and (viii) the Schedule of Assumed Contracts,  as supplemented;  and
having considered the evidence and record of the Confirmation Hearing, including
the testimony of the Chief  Restructuring  Officer and the arguments of counsel;
and after due  deliberation  thereon,  the  Bankruptcy  Court  hereby  makes the
following findings of fact and conclusions of law.(3)

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(3)The  following  paragraphs shall constitute this Court's findings of fact and
conclusions of law made at the Confirmation  Hearing pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule
7052,  which is made  applicable to this  proceeding by Bankruptcy Rule 9014. To
the extent any finding of fact shall be determined to be a conclusion of law, it
shall be so deemed, and vice versa.

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     1.  Jurisdiction.  This Court has  jurisdiction  over the  Debtors  and the
subject matter of the Confirmation  Hearing pursuant to 28 U.S.C.  ss.ss. 157(b)
and 1334(a). The Confirmation Hearing is a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
ss.  157(b)(1)  and (2)(L).  Venue of the  Chapter 11 Cases in this  district is
proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. ss.ss. 1408 and 1409.

     2. Solicitation.  In accordance with the Disclosure  Statement Order and as
evidenced by the Ballot  Certification,  the Debtors caused (i) the Solicitation
Materials  and (ii) notice of the  Confirmation  Hearing and the  deadlines  for
voting on, and Filing objections to, the First Amended Plan to be distributed to
all known holders of Claims  against and Interests in the Debtors.  In addition,
the  Solicitation  Materials  were  distributed  timely to former  patients  and
residents who -- though likely not Creditors or Interest  holders -- had through
prior  inadvertence  not received earlier notice of the filing of the Chapter 11
Cases. The Debtors also provided notice by publication in several  newspapers of
the filing of the Chapter 11 Cases,  the Debtors'  intent to sell  substantially
all their  assets and the date of the  Confirmation  Hearing  and  deadline  for
objections to the Modified Plan.  Such actions  constitute  due,  sufficient and
adequate  notice to all known  holders of Claims and  Interests  of the Modified
Plan, the  Confirmation  Hearing and the deadlines for submitting  votes on, and
Filing  objections  to the  Confirmation  of, the Modified  Plan and no other or
further notice is required.

     3.  Modifications  to Plan.  The  Modifications  to the First Amended Plan,
including those (i) set forth in the Debtors' Notice of  Modifications  to First
Amended Chapter 11 Plan Proposed by the Debtors and (ii) presented on the record
at the  Confirmation  Hearing,  comply in all respects with ss.  1127(a) and, in
accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 3019, do not adversely

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change the treatment of the Claim of any Creditor or the Interest of any equity
security holder who has not accepted in writing such amendments, in that no
Creditor who accepted the First Amended Plan, if it knew of the Modifications,
would be likely to reconsider its acceptance of the First Amended Plan. The
notice of such Modifications was due and adequate under the circumstances of the
Chapter 11 Cases and no further notice is required. The Modifications do not
require additional disclosure under ss. 1125 or Bankruptcy Rule 9019 or the
resolicitation of acceptances or rejections under ss. 1126, nor do they require
that the holders of Claims or Interests be afforded an opportunity to change
previously cast acceptances or rejections of the Modified Plan.

     4. Separate Plans.  The Modified Plan  constitutes a separate plan Filed by
and on behalf  of each  Debtor  pursuant  to ss.  1122(a)  and  Bankruptcy  Rule

     5.  Procedures for Voting.  As evidenced by the Ballot  Certification,  the
procedures  by which  ballots for voting on the Modified  Plan were received and
tabulated were fair,  properly  conducted and in accordance  with the Bankruptcy
Code,  the  Bankruptcy  Rules,  the local rules of this Court and the Disclosure
Statement Order.

     6.  Satisfaction  of  Confirmation  Requirements.  As to each  Debtor,  ss.
1129(a)(1)  is  satisfied  because  the  Modified  Plan  complies  with  all the
applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, including, without limitation, the
provisions of ss.ss. 1122 and 1123.

     (a)  Proper  Classification  of Claims and  Interests.  As to each  Debtor,
          ss.ss.  1122(a) and 1123(a)(1) are satisfied because the Modified Plan
          properly designates separate Classes of Claims and Interests,  each of
          which contains only Claims or Interests that are substantially similar
          to the other Claims or Interests within that Class.

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     (b)  Specification of Unimpaired Classes. As to each Debtor, ss. 1123(a)(2)
          is satisfied because the Modified Plan properly  designates Classes of
          Claims and Interests as impaired or unimpaired.

     (c)  Specification of Treatment of Impaired Classes. As to each Debtor, ss.
          1123(a)(3)  is  satisfied  because the  Modified  Plan  specifies  the
          treatment of each Class of Claims and Interests that is impaired under
          the Modified  Plan, to the extent that the Claims or Interests  within
          such Class are Allowed Claims or Allowed Interests, respectively.

     (d)  Equal Treatment Within Classes.  As to each Debtor,  ss. 1123(a)(4) is
          satisfied  because the Modified Plan  provides the same  treatment for
          each  Allowed  Claim or Allowed  Interest  within a  particular  Class
          unless the holder of a particular  Allowed  Claim or Allowed  Interest
          has agreed to a less favorable treatment of such Claim or Interest.

     (e)  Implementation of Plan. As to each Debtor, ss. 1123(a)(5) is satisfied
          because  the   Modified   Plan   provides   adequate   means  for  its
          implementation,  including  the  sale of the  Acquired  Assets  to the

     (f)  Charter  Provisions.   As  to  each  Debtor,  ss.  1123(a)(6)  is  not
          applicable  here because there are no equity  securities  being issued
          pursuant to the Modified Plan.

     (g)  Selection of Officers and Directors. As to each Debtor, ss. 1123(a)(7)
          is satisfied  because the Modified Plan contains only  provisions that
          are  consistent  with the interests of holders of Claims and Interests
          and with public  policy with respect to the manner of selection of the
          Plan Agent and the Trustee.  Furthermore,  based on the  statements of
          counsel,  the  Disclosure  Statement and First Amended Plan are deemed
          amended to reflect that William  Zimmerman was no longer an officer or
          director of any of the Debtors, effective May 1, 2007.

     (h)  Bankruptcy  Rule  3016(a).  Rule  3016(a) of the  Bankruptcy  Rules is
          satisfied  because  the  Modified  Plan is dated  and  identifies  the
          Entities submitting it.

     7. Debtors'  Compliance  with the  Applicable  Provisions of the Bankruptcy
Code. As to each Debtor,  ss.  1129(a)(2) is satisfied  because the Debtors have
complied with all applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy Code.

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     8. Plan  Proposed in Good  Faith.  As to each  Debtor,  ss.  1129(a)(3)  is
satisfied  because the  Modified  Plan was proposed in good faith and not by any
means forbidden by law. In determining  that the Modified Plan has been proposed
in good faith,  the Bankruptcy  Court has examined the totality of circumstances
surrounding  the  filing  of the  Chapter  11 Cases and the  formulation  of the
Modified Plan. The Chapter 11 Cases was Filed and the Modified Plan was proposed
with the legitimate and honest purposes of liquidating the Debtors and providing
a fair and  equitable  Distribution  of the Debtors'  assets among their various
Creditors  and Interest  holders.  Further,  the Modified Plan is the product of
extensive,  good  faith,  arms'  length  negotiations  among  the  Debtors,  the
Creditors Committee and their respective counsel and financial advisors, as well
as other parties in interest in the Chapter 11 Cases. The Debtors, the Creditors
Committee,  the DIP Lender,  the Post Confirmation  Credit Facility Lender,  the
Purchaser  and the Omega  Lessor  and their  respective  counsel  and  financial
advisors acted in good faith in connection with the foregoing.

     9. Resolution of Objections. All objections to Confirmation,  to the extent
not otherwise withdrawn or resolved as set forth herein, are overruled.

     10. Payment for Services and Expenses. As to each Debtor, ss. 1129(a)(4) is
satisfied because,  to the extent required by that section,  any payment made or
to be made by the  Debtors  for  services  or for costs and  expenses  in, or in
connection  with, the Chapter 11 Cases,  or in connection with the Modified Plan
and incident to the Chapter 11 Cases, has been approved by, or is subject to the
approval of, the Bankruptcy Court as reasonable.

     11. Directors,  Officers and Insiders. As to each Debtor, ss. 1129(a)(5) is
satisfied,  to the extent  applicable,  because the Debtors have  disclosed  the
identity of the Entity that shall

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serve as Plan  Agent and  Trustee  on and after  the  Confirmation  Date and the
Creditors  Committee  has  disclosed  the  identity of the  Entities  that shall
compose the Executive Committee on and after the Confirmation Date.

     12. No Rate Changes.  As to each Debtor,  ss.  1129(a)(6) is not applicable
because there is no governmental regulatory commission with jurisdiction,  after
confirmation of the Modified Plan, over rates of the Debtors.

     13. Best Interests of Creditors Test. As to each Debtor,  ss. 1129(a)(7) is
satisfied.  The liquidation  analysis  contained in Appendix 2 of the Disclosure
Statement and other evidence  proffered or adduced at the  Confirmation  Hearing
(i) are  persuasive  and  credible,  (ii)  have not been  controverted  by other
evidence,  and (iii)  established  that  each  holder  of an  impaired  Claim or
Interest either (x) has accepted the Modified Plan or (y) will receive or retain
under the Modified  Plan,  on account of such Claim or  Interest,  property of a
value,  as of the  Effective  Date,  that is not less than the amount  that such
holder would so receive or retain if the  corresponding  Debtor were  liquidated
under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code.

     14.   Acceptance   by  Certain   Classes.   As  set  forth  in  the  Ballot
Certification,  ss. 1129(a)(8)(A) is satisfied as to each Debtor with respect to
one or more of Classes 3, 4 and 5, which are  Classes of Claims  Impaired by the
Modified Plan,  because such Classes have either accepted the First Amended Plan
pursuant to ss. 1126(c), or have no Impaired  Creditors,  and are deemed to have
accepted the Modified Plan pursuant to Bankruptcy  Rule 3019. As to each Debtor,
ss.  1129(a)(8)(B)  is  satisfied  with  respect to Classes 1 and 2 because such
Classes are not impaired by the  Modified  Plan and are  therefore  conclusively
deemed to have accepted the Modified Plan under ss. 1126(f) and Bankruptcy  Rule

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     15. Best Interests of  Non-Accepting  Classes.  Section  1129(a)(8) has not
been satisfied with respect to Classes 6, 7 and 8 for any Debtor and Class 5 for
Senior Management  Services of El Paso Sunset, Inc. ("SMS Sunset") because these
Classes either are deemed not to have accepted the Modified Plan pursuant to ss.
1126(g)  or  voted to  reject  the  Modified  Plan in the case of Class 5 Claims
against SMS Sunset.  Under the Modified  Plan,  no holder of a Claim or Interest
that is junior to the  Claims in  Classes  5, 6 or 7 will  receive or retain any
property  under the  Modified  Plan on account of such junior Claim or Interest,
and no holder of an  Interest  that is junior to the  Interests  in Class 8 will
receive or retain any property under the Modified Plan on account of such junior
Interest.  As  to  each  Debtor,  the  Modified  Plan  therefore  satisfies  the
requirements  of ss.  1129(b)(2)(B)  with  respect  to  Classes  6 and 7 and ss.
1129(b)(2)(C)  with respect to Class 8, and as to SMS Sunset,  the Modified Plan
further satisfies the requirements of ss. 1129(b)(2)(B) with respect to Class 5.
Thus,  the Modified Plan may be confirmed as to each Debtor  without  compliance
with ss.  1129(a)(8)  with  respect  to  Classes 6, 7 and 8 and as to SMS Sunset
without  compliance  with  ss.1129(a)(8)  with  respect to Class 5; that is, the
Modified Plan (i) does not discriminate  unfairly against these Classes and (ii)
is fair and equitable  with respect to these  Classes  within the meaning of ss.
1129(b).  No Creditors in Classes  senior to Classes 5, 6, 7 and 8 are receiving
more than 100% of the Allowed amount of their respective Claims.

     16.  Treatment  of  Administrative   Expenses.   As  to  each  Debtor,  ss.
1129(a)(9)(A) is satisfied because the Modified Plan provides that (i) there are
no  Claims  of  a  kind  specified  in  ss.   507(a)(3)  and  (ii)  (a)  Allowed
Administrative Expenses arising from liabilities incurred in the ordinary course
of the Debtors' businesses shall be paid in full or performed by the Debtors, in
accordance  with their terms and  conditions in the ordinary  course of business
consistent with

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such past  practices and (b) Allowed  Administrative  Expenses of  Professionals
arising  on or prior to the  Effective  Date  shall be paid  upon the  Filing of
applications for compensation and reimbursement of expenses and allowance by the
Bankruptcy  Court of the amounts sought in such  applications.  Applications for
allowance  and  payment  of  Administrative  Expenses  that have not been  paid,
released  or   otherwise   settled,   including   Administrative   Expenses  for
reimbursement  of  expenses  of the  members  of  the  Creditors  Committee  and
Administrative  Expenses for compensation or reimbursement of expenses  incurred
in making a substantial  contribution  in the Bankruptcy Case pursuant to ss.ss.
503(b)(3)  or  (4),  but   excluding  (i)   Administrative   Expenses  that  are
postpetition trade payables not payable in the ordinary course of business until
after the Effective Date and (ii) Administrative  Expenses for fees and expenses
of Professionals,  must be filed on or before the thirtieth (30th) day following
the Effective Date or forever be barred from doing so.

     17.   Treatment  of  Other  Priority  Claims.   As  to  each  Debtor,   ss.
1129(a)(9)(B)  is satisfied  because the Modified Plan provides that each holder
of an Allowed  Priority Claim shall be entitled to receive the Allowed amount of
such Claim in full in Cash on or as soon as  practicable  after the later of (i)
the Effective Date and (ii) the date that such Claim becomes an Allowed Priority

     18. Treatment of Priority Tax Claims. As to each Debtor, ss.  1129(a)(9)(C)
is satisfied because the Modified Plan provides that, unless otherwise agreed by
the holder of an Allowed  Priority Tax Claim and the Plan Agent,  each holder of
an Allowed  Priority Tax Claim shall receive on account of such Allowed Priority
Tax Claim either (i) payment in full in Cash of such Allowed  Priority Tax Claim
on or as soon as practicable after the later of (a) the Effective Date

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and (b) the date on which such  Priority Tax Claim  becomes an Allowed  Priority
Tax Claim; (ii) regular  installment  payments in Cash, over a period ending not
later than five (5) years after the Petition  Date, of a total value,  as of the
Effective Date, equal to the Allowed amount of such Priority Tax Claim; or (iii)
such other treatment  agreed to by the holder of such Allowed Priority Tax Claim
and the Plan Agent, as applicable; provided, such treatment is on more favorable
terms to the Debtors than the treatment  set forth in clause (ii).  Based on the
statements  of counsel  at the  Confirmation  Hearing,  it is  anticipated  that
Allowed  Priority  Tax  Claims  will  be  paid  in full in cash on or as soon as
practicable  after the later of (a) the  Effective  Date,  (b) the date on which
such Priority Tax Claim  becomes an Allowed  Priority Tax Claim and (c) the date
such Priority Tax Claim comes due in the ordinary  course  pursuant to the terms
of the Operations Transfer Agreement or by operation of law.

     19.  Acceptance  of at Least One Impaired  Class.  As to each  Debtor,  ss.
1129(a)(10)  is satisfied  because at least one Class of Claims that is impaired
under the  Modified  Plan has accepted the  Modified  Plan,  determined  without
including any acceptance by an insider.  For each Debtor,  at least one Impaired
Class has accepted the First Amended Plan and,  pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3019
and this Confirmation Order, are deemed to have accepted the Modified Plan.

     20.  Feasibility.  As to each Debtor,  ss. 1129(a)(11) is satisfied because
confirmation  of the Modified  Plan is not likely to be followed by the need for
further  financial  reorganization  or  liquidation  of any of the Debtors.  The
evidence proffered or adduced at the Confirmation Hearing (i) was persuasive and
credible,  (ii) was not  controverted by other evidence,  and (iii)  established
that the Debtors have the ability to meet their obligations under the Modified

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Plan. The Bankruptcy Court further finds that the Purchaser will be able to make
the payments contemplated under the Modified Plan.

     21. Compromises and Settlement. The Modified Plan contains a compromise and
settlement of certain  existing and potential  disputes  regarding  Intercompany
Claims and related matters (the "Settlement"),  the terms of which are set forth
more fully in Article II of the Modified Plan. The evidence proffered or adduced
at the  Confirmation  Hearing  in  support of the  proposed  Settlement  (i) was
persuasive and credible,  (ii) has not been controverted by other evidence,  and
(iii) established that the Settlement is the product of good faith, arms' length
negotiation between and among the respective Debtors, in close consultation with
the  Creditors  Committee,  represents a reasonable  compromise  and  settlement
between  and  among  the  various  Debtors  and is in the best  interest  of the
Debtors' estates and creditors. In support of the proposed Settlement, the Court
makes the following findings:

     (a)  The  Debtors'  estimate  total  Allowed  General  Unsecured  Claims of
          approximately   $9,035,345   against   the   SMSA  II   Debtors,   and
          approximately $6,992,138 against the Liquidating Debtors.

     (b)  As of the  Petition  Date,  approximately  $14,138,558  of  the  total
          outstanding indebtedness under the Debtors' prepetition secured credit
          facility was owed by Liquidating  Debtors,  versus only  approximately
          $2,125,093 owed by SMSA II Debtors.

     (c)  The Debtors' schedules indicate that, based on an analysis of accounts
          receivable  and accounts  payable owed between  Debtor  entities,  the
          Liquidating  Debtors  owe a net  intercompany  payable  to the SMSA II
          Debtors in excess of $2,400,000.00.

     (d)  Although  all  Debtors  were  jointly  and  severally  liable  on  the
          prepetition  secured credit  facility,  a significant  portion of that
          indebtedness was satisfied effectively from the cash proceeds of asset
          belonging solely to two Liquidating Debtors: Cora Properties of Crane,
          LP  and  Cora  Properties  of  Kerrville,  LP.  The  balance  of  that
          indebtedness  -- comprising  the  outstanding  DIP Facility -- will be
          satisfied through the

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          proceeds  from the sale of the Omega  Lease by the SMSA II  Debtors to
          the Purchaser.

     (e)  Certain  Debtors  may be able to assert  claims  and  Causes of Action
          against one another under various theories, including claims for right
          of contribution, Chapter 5 Causes of Action, substantive consolidation
          and  claims  for  recovery  under  the  theory  of  "single   business

     (f)  Taken   individually,    the   Liquidating   Debtors   are   generally
          administratively   insolvent,   as  demonstrated  in  the  Liquidation
          Analysis contained as Appendix 2 to the Disclosure Statement.

     (g)  The Debtors derive some benefit,  whether  tangible or intangible,  in
          confirming a Plan for all twenty four Debtors, rather than risking the
          prospect  of  a  "partial"  Confirmation  that  splits  the  otherwise
          integrated  family of Debtors such that some proceed  under Chapter 11
          while others convert to Chapter 7.

Moreover,  having  considered (i) the  probability of success in litigation with
due  consideration  for  uncertainty  in fact and law; (ii) the  complexity  and
likely  duration of the  litigation,  and the expense,  inconvenience  and delay
necessarily  attending it; and (iii) all other factors  bearing on the wisdom of
the Settlement,  the Bankruptcy Court finds that the Modified Plan satisfies the
requirements  of  Bankruptcy  Rule 9019 and ss.  1123(b)(3)  with respect to the
Settlement.  In addition,  the Creditors Committee,  by and through its counsel,
has reviewed and commented upon the  Settlement.  Furthermore,  the Creditors of
the Estate,  through  their  overwhelming  support of the  Modified  Plan,  have
evidenced their support of the Settlement.

     22. Auction.  The Debtors have identified the Qualifying Bid of Diversicare
Texas I, LLC, Diversicare  Treemont,  LLC, Diversicare Doctors, LLC, Diversicare
Estates,  LLC,  Diversicare  Katy, LLC,  Diversicare  Humble,  LLC,  Diversicare
Normandy  Terrace,  LLC,  and  Diversicare  Ballinger,  LLC  (collectively,  the
"Diversicare  Parties") as the higher or better offer for the Acquired Assets of
the  SMSA II  Debtors.  The  terms  of this  transaction  are set  forth  in the
Operations Transfer Agreement. Based on the evidence proffered or adduced at the

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Confirmation  Hearing,  the  Diversicare  Parties'  Qualifying Bid comprises the
higher or better offer for the purchase of the Acquired Assets. In addition, the
Bankruptcy  Court makes the following  findings of fact and  conclusions  of law
pertaining  to the  auction  and  proposed  sale of the  Acquired  Assets to the

     (a)  On July 24, 2007, the Debtors conducted an auction for the sale of the
          Acquired  Assets.  The submission of bids and the  subsequent  auction
          conducted  by the Debtors  pursuant to the Bid  Procedures,  was fair,
          reasonable and conducted in good faith. A reasonable  opportunity  was
          afforded to each bidder in  attendance  to improve its bid to become a
          Qualifying Bid.

     (b)  The  Debtors  have  complied  with  all of  the  Bid  Procedures,  and
          requested  designation of the  Diversicare  Parties as the "Successful
          Bidder" and "Purchaser" for all purposes in the Modified Plan and this
          Confirmation  Order.  Accordingly,  the Diversicare Parties are hereby
          determined to be the "Purchaser" for all purposes in the Modified Plan
          and this Confirmation Order.

     (c)  Notice of the auction was provided in conformity with Bankruptcy Rules
          2002,  6004, 6006 and this Court's prior orders directing the form and
          manner of notice to be provided.  Sufficient notice of the auction was
          provided,  and  such  notice  was  properly  served  on  all  required
          entities,  including  without  limitation  all  persons  claiming  any
          interest in the Assets.  No other or further  notice of the auction is

     (d)  A reasonable  opportunity to object or be heard  regarding the auction
          and  proposed  sale has been  afforded to all  interested  parties and

     (e)  The  proposed  sale  has  been  duly  and  validly  authorized  by all
          necessary  action of the respective  Debtors and, subject to the entry
          of this Confirmation Order, the Debtors have all organizational  power
          and authority necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated by
          the Successful Bid and the Operations Transfer Agreement.  No consents
          or  approvals,   other  than  those  expressly   contemplated  by  the
          Successful  Bid,  are  required  for the  Debtors  to  consummate  the
          proposed sale.

     (f)  Neither  the  execution  and  delivery  of  the  Operations   Transfer
          Agreement,  nor the  consummation  by the Debtors of the  transactions
          contemplated  thereby will  constitute  any  violation or breach of or
          conflict  with  the  organizational  or  formation  documents  of  the
          respective Debtors or applicable law.

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     (g)  Pursuant to ss.ss. 105(a) and 363,  sufficient business  justification
          exists  for the  Sale of the  Acquired  Assets,  and the  transactions
          contemplated  by  the  Successful  Bid  and  the  Operations  Transfer
          Agreement are properly authorized under ss.ss. 105 and 363.

     (h)  The  execution  of the  Operations  Transfer  Agreement  and any other
          transaction  documents in connection  with the  Successful Bid and the
          corresponding  proposed sale is in the best  interests of the Debtors,
          their  estates  and  creditors.  A  copy  of the  Operations  Transfer
          Agreement  executed in connection with the Successful Bid was admitted
          into evidence at the Confirmation Hearing.

     (i)  The  Successful  Bid  and  the  Operations   Transfer  Agreement  were
          negotiated,  proposed  and  accepted  in good faith from arms'  length
          bargaining positions, and the consideration to be paid pursuant to the
          terms of Successful  Bid  constitutes  adequate and fair value for the
          Acquired Assets.

     (j)  The applicable  Debtors may sell the Acquired Assets free and clear of
          any and all liens,  security interests or encumbrances (except for any
          lien,  security  interest or encumbrance  permitted or required in the
          Successful  Bid to remain  attached to the  applicable  asset) because
          either (1) applicable  non-bankruptcy law permits such a sale free and
          clear;  (2) the  applicable  creditors  consented to the sale; (3) the
          aggregate  value to be  received in  consideration  of the sale of the
          applicable  asset  and  assumption,  if  any,  of  liabilities  by the
          Purchaser  exceeds the value of the liens upon and security  interests
          in the applicable asset; (4) such security  interests or liens are the
          subject of a bona fide dispute;  or (5) applicable  creditors could be
          compelled,  in a legal  or  equitable  proceeding,  to  accept a money
          satisfaction of such security interests or liens.

     (k)  The transactions  contemplated in the Successful Bid are undertaken by
          the Debtors and the Purchaser at arms' length and in good faith within
          the meaning of ss.ss. 363(m) and 364(e). The Purchaser is a good faith
          purchaser  under ss.  363(m) in  connection  with the proposed and the
          transactions  contemplated and authorized by this Confirmation  Order,
          and shall be  entitled  to the  protections  afforded  to a good faith
          purchaser thereunder.

     23. Issuance of Plan Shares; Reverse Merger.

     (a)  On July 26, 2007,  Halter Financial  Group,  Inc. ("HFG") Filed notice
          with the  Bankruptcy  Court of its  election to receive Plan Shares in
          satisfaction of its Allowed Administrative Expense, thereby triggering
          the provisions of Sections 6.1 through 6.7 of the Modified Plan.

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     (b)  In light of the sale of the Acquired  Assets,  all Debtors  (excluding
          Serenity)  will be Target  Debtors for all purposes under the Modified

     (c)  The Plan Shares issued to HFG and Class 4 General Unsecured  Creditors
          are issued on account of their respective  Allowed Claims, and satisfy
          the  criteria of ss.  1145(a),  and any  recipient  of any  securities
          pursuant thereto is not an "underwriter" as defined in ss. 1145(b).

     (d)  The Debtors,  together with HFG and the Committee, have demonstrated a
          reasonable  probability that reverse mergers or acquisitions which are
          provided for in the Modified Plan to be secured by the Target  Debtors
          will take place  prior to the  Consummation  of the Plan Date for each
          entity by  demonstrating  previous  success with such  transactions in
          other bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy contexts.

     (e)  For purposes of ss.  1125(c),  the proponents of the Modified Plan and
          HFG, as applicable,  have solicited  acceptances and rejections of the
          Modified Plan and otherwise  participated in the offering and issuance
          of  securities  of the Target  Debtors under the Modified Plan in good
          faith  and  in  compliance  with  the  applicable  provisions  of  the
          Bankruptcy Code and are entitled to the protections of ss. 1125(e).

     (f)  Each  Target  Debtor  shall be deemed  to have  received  a  discharge
          pursuant to ss. 1141(d)(1)(A) upon meeting the conditions set forth in
          the  Modified  Plan prior to that  Debtor's  Consummation  of the Plan

     24.  Payment  of  Certain  Fees.  As to each  Debtor,  ss.  1129(a)(12)  is
satisfied  because,  pursuant to Section  5.14 of the  Modified  Plan,  all fees
payable  under 28 U.S.C.  ss.  1930 have been paid or shall be paid on or before
the Effective Date.

     25. Continuation of Retirement Benefits. As to each Debtor, ss. 1129(a)(13)
is inapplicable because the Debtors have no retirees.

     26. Only One Plan.  For each Debtor,  the Modified Plan is the only plan of
reorganization  of the Debtors pending before this Bankruptcy Court or any other

     27. No Tax Avoidance.  The primary  purpose of the Modified Plan is not the
avoidance  of taxes or the  application  of Section 5 of the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended.

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     28. Assumed Executory  Contracts and Unexpired Leases;  Cure Amounts.  Each
executory  contract  and  unexpired  lease of the Debtors  that is listed on the
Schedule of Assumed  Contracts  is being  assumed by the Debtors and assigned to
the  Purchaser  pursuant  to Section  9.1 of the  Modified  Plan.  For each such
contract and lease  identified  on the Schedule of Assumed  Contracts and in the
Operations Transfer Agreement, either (i) there have been no defaults under such
executory  contract or unexpired  lease,  other than  defaults of the nature set
forth in ss.  365(b)(2)  or (ii) with  respect  to  defaults  other  than  those
specified  in such  Section,  the Debtors (a) have cured,  or provided  adequate
assurance that the Debtors will cure, such defaults on or as soon as practicable
after  the  Effective  Date,  and (b) have  compensated,  or  provided  adequate
assurance that the Debtors will compensate,  on or as soon as practicable  after
the Effective Date, parties to such executory  contracts or unexpired leases for
any actual pecuniary loss resulting from such default. The evidence proffered or
adduced at the  Confirmation  Hearing (i) was persuasive and credible,  (ii) has
not been  controverted  by  other  evidence,  and  (iii)  demonstrated  that the
Purchaser  (or  its  corresponding  designees)  will  be  able  to  perform  its
obligations  under each contract and lease identified on the Schedule of Assumed
Contracts and in the  Operations  Transfer  Agreement on and after the Effective
Date. To the extent cure amounts remain owing in respect of any of the executory
contracts and unexpired  leases assumed pursuant to the Modified Plan, such cure
amounts shall be those cure amounts previously  approved by the Bankruptcy Court
There are no "cure" amounts required to be paid by the Debtors or other defaults
required to be cured by the Debtors in  connection  with the  assumption  of the
executory  contracts  and  unexpired  leases  listed on the  Schedule of Assumed
Contracts except for the amounts identified for "cure" in the Order Setting Cure
Amounts for Executory Contracts and

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Unexpired  Leases,  entered July 25, 2007.  In the exercise of their  reasonable
business judgment, the Debtors have determined to reject all executory contracts
and  unexpired  leases  that are not (i) not listed on the  Schedule  of Assumed
Contracts  or (ii)  otherwise  made the subject of a motion to assume and assign
such contracts or leases pursuant to ss.365 Filed on or before the  Confirmation
Date shall be deemed rejected by the corresponding Debtors;  provided,  however,
that the foregoing shall not apply to the assumption and assignment of the Omega
Lease,  which is dealt with in the following  paragraph;  and provided  further,
that the Debtors shall remain in possession of their  corporate  headquarters at
800 West Arbrook, Arlington, Texas through August 31, 2007.

     29. Rejection of Rosin Leases;  Release.  In consideration of the agreement
by El Paso/Coronado, Inc., Continental HC of Texville, LLC, Palestine Associates
Ltd. Co.,  Continental HC of Tyler, LLC  (collectively,  the "Rosin Lessors") to
waive  any and all  Claims  for  damages  arising  from the  rejection  of their
respective  real property  leases,  on the Effective  Date, the Debtors shall be
deemed  to   release   unconditionally,   and   hereby  are  deemed  to  release
unconditionally  on such  date  the  Rosin  Lessors  from  any  and all  claims,
obligations,  suits,  judgments,  damages,  rights,  causes of action (including
Chapter 5 Causes of Action) and any  liabilities  whatsoever,  whether  known or
unknown,  foreseen or unforeseen,  existing or hereafter arising, in law, equity
or otherwise,  based in whole or in part upon or related to any act or omission,
transaction,  event or other occurrence  taking place on or at any time prior to
the Petition Date in any way relating to the Debtors.

     30.  Assumption and Assignment of Omega Lease.  On the Effective  Date, the
SMSA II Debtors shall assume and assign to the  Purchaser (or its  corresponding
designees) all of their

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respective  rights  and  obligations  in and  to the  Omega  Lease.  As to  each
applicable  Debtor,  ss. 365 is satisfied  because the proposed  assumption  and
assignment of the Omega Lease complies with all applicable  provisions of ss.ss.

     (a)  Cure. As to each applicable Debtor,  ss.  365(b)(1)(A) is satisfied by
          the  payment of  $409,623.04  to the Omega  Lessor as set forth in the
          following  table.  This amount includes the Omega Lessor's  reasonable
          fees and expenses, including legal fees, but specifically excludes any
          amount relating to the payment of additional "insurance rent" pursuant
          to Section 13.2 of the Omega Lease.  Pursuant to this Court's  rulings
          in its Order, dated July 19, 2007 (the "Omega Order"), the Debtors are
          not  required  to cure any  default  relating  to the  payment of such
          "insurance rent."

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Summary of Omega Cure Costs                                         Amount
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Late fees &interest on base rent as of the Petition Date           25,160.33
Late fees charged by Omega on overdue property taxes               15,106.83
Overdue 2006 property taxes (base amount)                         592,492.51
Penalties & interest on 2006 property taxes -                     112,573.58
Legal fees (includes DIP)                                         293,624.79
   less application of security deposit (3)                      (437,399.00)
   less refund of 2007 insurance penalty rent payments           (191,936.00)
Total due                                                        $409,623.04
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (b)  Actual  Pecuniary   Losses.   As  to  each  applicable   Debtor,   ss.
          365(b)(1)(B)  is not  applicable  because,  excluding the amounts paid
          pursuant to the preceding paragraph,  the Omega Lessor has incurred no
          other actual  pecuniary losses resulting from defaults under the Omega

     (c)  Adequate  Assurance  of  Future  Performance.  As to  each  applicable
          Debtor, ss.ss.  365(b)(1)(C) and (f)(2)(b) are satisfied. The evidence
          proffered or adduced at the Confirmation  Hearing,  (i) was persuasive
          and credible,  (ii) has not been  controverted by other evidence,  and
          (iii) provided  adequate  assurance that the Purchaser will be able to
          perform  its  obligations  under  the  Omega  Lease on and  after  the
          Effective Date.

     (d)  Deposit or Other Security. As to each applicable Debtor, ss. 365(l) is
          satisfied  by the  Purchaser's  agreement  with the Omega  Lessor,  as
          evidenced in the Plan Documents,  to provide the Omega Lessor with all
          Transaction Documents as required under and defined in the Omega Lease
          and a letter  of  credit  in the  amount  required  to fully  fund the
          deposit  required under the Omega Lease. The Omega Lessor's letters of
          credit securing the Debtors' obligations under the Omega Lease are not

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          of the  Estates,  and the  automatic  stay shall not prevent the Omega
          Lessor from drawing down on any such letter of credit.

     31. Releases and Indemnifications.  The provisions of the Modified Plan and
other  provisions in the Confirmation  Order dealing with releases,  injunctions
and  indemnification,  including  Articles  X and  XII  and  Section  7.9 of the
Modified  Plan,  are in the best  interests of the Debtors and all Creditors and
Interest holders.

     32. Good Faith  Solicitation.  Based upon the record before the  Bankruptcy
Court, the Debtors, the Creditors Committee,  the Executive Committee, and their
respective officers, directors,  partners, employees, members, agents, advisors,
affiliates,  underwriters  or  investment  bankers,  and any other  professional
persons  employed by any of them (the  "Exculpated  Persons") have acted in good
faith  in  connection  with  and  relating  to  the  formulation,   negotiation,
solicitation,  implementation,  confirmation  and  consummation  of the Modified
Plan,  the  Disclosure  Statement  and any Plan  Documents,  and  have  acted in
compliance  with  the  applicable  provisions  of the  Bankruptcy  Code  and are
entitled to the  protections  afforded by ss.  1125(e) and the  exculpatory  and
injunctive provisions of the Modified Plan (to the extent provided therein).

     33.  Retention of  Jurisdiction.  The Bankruptcy  Court may properly retain
jurisdiction  over the matters set forth in Section 13.1 of the  Modified  Plan.
34. Approval of Sale of Acquired  Assets.  The sale and issuance of the Acquired
Assets to the Diversicare Parties, as Purchaser,  is hereby approved as being in
the best interests of the Debtors,  their estates and Creditors.  The Operations
Transfer  Agreement is approved in all respects,  and the Debtors are authorized
and directed to  consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by the  Operations
Transfer Agreement.

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     35. Approval of Terms of Post  Confirmation  Credit Facility.  The terms of
the Post Confirmation Credit Facility have been provided to the Court, including
without limitation the $2,200,000 maximum principal amount of the facility,  the
maturity date,  the interest rate, the conditions to the facility,  the security
interests and liens to be granted in connection  with the facility,  the uses of
proceeds  of  the   facility,   the  covenants  of  the  Debtors  and  the  Plan
Agent/Trustee  given  in  connection  with  the  facility,  and  the  collection
procedures related to accounts securing the facility.  The evidence proffered or
adduced at the  Confirmation  Hearing (i) was persuasive and credible,  (ii) was
not  controverted by other evidence,  and (iii)  established  that obtaining the
Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility was  necessary in order to  consummate  the
Modified  Plan,  that the terms of the Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility were
negotiated  at  armslength,   in  good  faith,  and  are  reasonable  under  the
circumstances,  that credit was not available to the Debtors or the  Liquidating
Trust on an  unsecured  basis,  that the terms of the Post  Confirmation  Credit
Facility are consistent  with the terms of the Modified Plan, that all creditors
and parties in interest of the Debtors received adequate and appropriate  notice
of the transactions  contemplated by, and terms of, the Post Confirmation Credit
Facility,  and that entry of the Post  Petition  Credit  Facility is in the best
interests  of all  parties  in  interest.  Diversicare  Leasing  Corp is  hereby
determined to be the Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility  Lender,  and the Post
Confirmation  Credit Facility is authorized under ss.ss.  1123 and 105. Any sums
advanced by the Post  Confirmation  Credit Facility Lender will be extensions of
credit in good faith, which should not be overturned regardless of the existence
of any appeal of this Confirmation Order.

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     1.  Confirmation.  As to each  Debtor,  the  Modified  Plan and each of its
provisions are hereby confirmed pursuant to ss. 1129.

     2. Provisions of Plan and Order are  Nonseverable  and Mutually  Dependent.
The provisions of the Modified Plan and this Confirmation  Order,  including the
findings of facts and conclusions of law set forth herein,  are nonseverable and
mutually dependent.

     3.  Objections  Overruled.  All objections and responses to, and statements
and comments in opposition  to, the Modified  Plan,  other than those  withdrawn
with prejudice in their entirety prior to, or on the record at, the Confirmation
Hearing,  or resolved as set forth  herein,  are hereby  expressly  overruled in
their entirety.

     4. Treatment of Certain Miscellaneous Secured Claims.

     (a)  Pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Modified Plan, in  satisfaction  of its
          Miscellaneous  Secured  Claim,   DaimlerChrysler   Financial  Services
          Americas, L.L.C. shall either (i) be paid in full from the proceeds of
          the  sale  of  certain   vehicles  (VIN   1FBSS31L03HA34074,   2B5WB3-
          5Z22K126450, 2B5W35Z21K554467, 2B5WB35Z32K119412, 2B5WB- 35ZX1K540722,
          1FBSS31LX4HA21270,        1FBSS31L54HA16574,        1FBSS31L34HA21269,
          1FBSS31L44HA28702,  1GD6KD57-987U150569)  or (ii)  shall  receive  the
          vehicles     (VIN     3D7MU4-8C54G140113,     134GW5-     8N84C276824,
          1GNEK13Z85R269597)  securing such Claim,  which vehicles shall be, and
          hereby is,  abandoned by the Debtors  pursuant to ss. 554(a),  and the
          automatic  stay shall  terminate as to such vehicles as of the earlier
          of the Effective Date or August 10, 2007.

     (b)  Pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Modified Plan, in  satisfaction  of its
          Miscellaneous  Secured  Claim,  Ford Motor Credit Company LLC shall be
          paid in full from the proceeds of the sale of certain vehicles (VIN

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          1FBSS31L55HB14554,    1FBSS31L55HA91450).   A   third   vehicle   (VIN
          1FBSS31LX5HA95659) shall not be abandoned, but shall be the subject of
          a separate motion to terminate the automatic stay pursuant to ss. 362.

     (c)  Pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Modified Plan, in  satisfaction  of its
          Miscellaneous  Secured  Claim,  Land Rover Capital Group shall receive
          the vehicle (VIN SALMF13416A228914) securing such Claim, which vehicle
          shall  be,  and  hereby  is,  abandoned  by the  Debtors  pursuant  to
          ss.554(a),  and the automatic stay shall  terminate as to such vehicle
          as of the earlier of the Effective Date or August 10, 2007.

     (d)  Pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Modified Plan, in  satisfaction  of its
          Miscellaneous Secured Claim,  PlainsCapital Bank shall be paid in full
          from the proceeds of the sale of Acquired Assets.

     5.  Preservation of Certain  Recoupment  Rights.  Notwithstanding  anything
contained  in the  Modified  Plan or this  Confirmation  Order to the  contrary,
nothing  herein  shall  affect the rights of Federal  Centers for  Medicare  and
Medicaid  Services  (CMS) and Texas  Medicaid  authorities  (including the Texas
Health & Human  Services  Commission  (HHSC)  and the  Texas  Dept of Aging  and
Disability  Services (DADS) from exercising  their rights pursuant to applicable
laws,  statutes and  regulations  to impose a "vendor hold" on any/all  medicaid
funds payable to any/all of Debtor's  facilities or former facilities to which a
change of  ownership  (CHOW) is being  sought or has been  sought and to further
exercise their respective rights of recoupment. The Debtors and Plan Agent shall
retain  their  rights to exhaust  administrative  remedies to contest the dollar
amount of any  recoupment  effectuated  or to contest  said  amounts  before the
Bankruptcy  Court, if the Bankruptcy  Court has jurisdiction  thereof.  HHSC and
DADS  reserve  the right to  contest  the  exercise  of the  Bankruptcy  Court's
jurisdiction over any disputed recoupment amount and to argue in favor of having
any  such  matter  heard  before  the  administrative  tribunal  that  regularly
adjudicates such issues. Nothing in the Modified Plan or

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the  Confirmation  Order shall act as a waiver to compliance with all applicable
state laws and  regulations  regarding the  administrative/regulatory  change of
ownership process.

     6. General Authorizations; Plan Modifications. The Debtors, Plan Agent, the
Trustee, the Liquidating Trust, the Creditors Committee, the Executive Committee
and their  respective  directors,  officers,  agents  and  attorneys  are hereby
authorized,  empowered and directed,  subject to the conditions set forth in the
Modified  Plan and the right to modify  the  Modified  Plan in  accordance  with
Section 13.5 of the Modified  Plan, to carry out the  provisions of the Modified
Plan, and to enter into, execute,  deliver, file and/or perform the terms of the
Plan  Documents and any other  agreements,  instruments  and  documents  related
thereto, and any amendments, supplements or modifications to such Plan Documents
as may be  necessary  or  appropriate,  and to take such other steps and perform
such other acts as may be necessary or  appropriate  to implement and effectuate
the Modified Plan, the Plan Documents or this Confirmation Order, and to satisfy
all other conditions  precedent to the  implementation  and effectiveness of the
Modified Plan and to consummate the Modified Plan.

     7. Plan Documents Approved. The Debtors, the Plan Agent and the Trustee are
hereby  authorized  and  directed to take all actions  necessary  to execute and
deliver all Plan Documents issued or entered into pursuant to the Modified Plan,
including,  without limitation,  (i) the Post Confirmation  Financing Documents,
(ii)  Operations  Transfer  Agreement,  (iii)  Trust  Agreement,  and  (iv)  any
agreement  entered  into or  instrument  issued  in  connection  with any of the
foregoing  or any  other  Plan  Document.  Each  of  the  Plan  Documents  shall
constitute legal,  valid,  binding and authorized  obligations of the respective
parties thereto, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

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     8.  Discharge of Claims.  Any Post  Confirmation  Debtor and  corresponding
Debtor that  completes a reverse  merger of the type  described in Article VI of
the Modified Plan and timely files its  Certificate  of Completion  prior to the
corresponding  Consummation of the Plan Date shall, upon Filing such Certificate
of Completion,  be discharged  from any debt that arose before the  Confirmation
Date,  and any debt of the kind specified in ss.ss.  502(g),  502(h) or 502(i) ,
whether or not a proof of Claim is Filed or is deemed Filed, whether or not such
Claim is an Allowed Claim, and whether or not the holder or such Claim has voted
on the Modified Plan.

     9. Binding Effect. As of the Effective Date, the provisions of the Modified
Plan and this  Confirmation  Order shall be binding on, and  enforceable  by and
against,  the Debtors,  the Plan Agent, the Purchaser,  the Creditors Committee,
the Executive  Committee,  the Post Confirmation Credit Facility Lender, the DIP
Lender,  the Omega Lessor,  and all Creditors  and Interest  holders,  including
their  successors and assigns,  whether or not they voted to accept the Modified

     10. Vesting of Assets. Unless otherwise dealt with under the Modified Plan,
the  property of each  Debtors'  Estates,  including  all property of the estate
under ss. 541 and all accounts  receivable and Causes of Action belonging to any
Debtor, but excluding the Acquired Assets and the Transition Assets,  shall vest
in the Trustee on the Effective Date for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the
Liquidating  Trust (such  property  when vested in the  Liquidating  Trust,  the
"Trust Property"). From and after the Effective Date, the Plan Agent and Trustee
may operate the Liquidating Trust pursuant to the terms of the Modified Plan and
the Trust Agreement,  and may use, acquire,  pledge and dispose of property free
of any  restrictions  imposed  under the  Bankruptcy  Code.  The Plan  Agent and
Trustee are hereby granted all power

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and authority to convey, pledge,  transfer and assign any and all Trust Property
and to take all actions  necessary to effectuate same. As of the Effective Date,
all Trust Property shall be free and clear of all liens, claims and interests of
holders of Claims and Equity Interests, except as provided in the Modified Plan.
On the Effective Date, the Transition  Assets of each Debtor's Estate shall vest
in the corresponding Target Debtor.

     11.  Authorization to Pay Obligations  Under the DIP Facility.  The Debtors
shall be, and hereby are, authorized and directed, on the Effective Date, to pay
in full in Cash to the DIP Lender, Cash in an amount equal to the sum of (i) the
principal  amount owing under the DIP Facility on the Effective  Date,  (ii) all
interest accruing thereon in accordance with the DIP Facility and (iii) all fees
and other charges relating thereto and property due and owing in accordance with
the DIP Facility.

     12.   Authorization   to  Take  Acts  Necessary  to  Enter  into  the  Post
Confirmation Credit Facility. As of the Confirmation Date, the Liquidating Trust
and the Plan Agent shall be, and hereby are,  authorized  and  directed to enter
into the Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility,  and to take such  actions and to
perform  such acts as may be  necessary or  appropriate  to  implement  the Post
Confirmation   Credit  Facility,   including  a  Loan  and  Security  Agreement,
promissory note, UCC-1 financing  statements and all documents,  instruments and
agreements related thereto and annexes, exhibits and schedules appended thereto,
including one or more  agreements  governing the collection  and  application of
certain  accounts and other  collateral  securing the Post  Confirmation  Credit
Facility  (together  with the  Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility,  the  "Post
Confirmation Financing Documents"), pursuant to which Diversicare Leasing Corp.,
an affiliate of the Purchaser (the "Post Confirmation  Credit Facility Lender"),
shall provide a secured line of

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credit to the Liquidating Trust in an amount not to exceed  $2,200,000.00 on the
terms and conditions set forth in the Post Confirmation Financing Documents, and
the obligations thereunder shall constitute legal, valid, binding and authorized
obligations of the respective  parties  thereto,  enforceable in accordance with
their terms,  and shall create the  security  interests  purported to be created
thereby.  Each of the Debtors,  the Liquidating  Trust, the Trustee and the Plan
Agent shall be, and hereby are,  authorized  to do or perform all acts, to make,
execute and deliver all instruments and documents and to pay all fees,  expenses
and  other  amounts  required  to be paid  under  the Post  Confirmation  Credit
Facility and that may be required or  necessary  for the  Trustee's  performance
under the Post Confirmation Financing Documents.

     13.  Implementation  of Plan.  Pursuant to ss. 1142(b),  the parties to the
Plan  Documents,  subject  to the  satisfaction  or due  waiver  of  each of the
conditions  precedent  to each  such  Plan  Document  and  except  as  otherwise
contemplated  by Article XI of the  Modified  Plan,  are hereby  authorized  and
directed  to  execute  and  deliver  the Plan  Documents  and to take such other
actions as shall be necessary to permit the Modified  Plan to take effect and be
consummated,  including, without limitation, (i) the Post Confirmation Financing
Documents,  (ii) Operations Transfer Agreement,  (iii) Trust Agreement, and (iv)
any agreement  entered into or instrument  issued in connection  with any of the
foregoing  or any  other  Plan  Document.  The  Debtors,  the  Plan  Agent,  the
Liquidating  Trust,  the Creditors  Committee and the Executive  Committee shall
have the right, to the fullest extent permitted under ss. 1142, to apply to this
Court  for an  order  (a)  modifying  the  effect  of any  otherwise  applicable
non-bankruptcy  law or (b)  directing  any Entity to  execute  and  deliver  any
instrument  or to perform any other act  necessary  to  effectuate  the Modified
Plan, subject to, and as contemplated by, Article XI of the

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Modified  Plan;  provided,  however,  that  (without the consent of the affected
party or  parties)  no such  order  shall  modify or impair  any  right,  title,
interest,  privilege  or remedy  expressly  provided or  reserved  for under the
Modified Plan or this Confirmation Order.

     14.  Compromise and Settlement  Agreements.  The Debtors,  the  Liquidating
Trust and the Plan Agent are hereby authorized and directed to do or perform all
acts, and to make, execute and deliver all instruments and documents that may be
required or necessary  for their  respective  performance  under the  Settlement
described in Article II of the Modified Plan.

     15. Approval of Sale of Acquired Assets.

     (a)  The sale of the Acquired Assets to the Purchaser is hereby approved on
          the terms  set  forth in the  Operations  Transfer  Agreement  and the
          documents to be executed in connection therewith.

     (b)  The Successful Bid of the Diversicare  Parties is hereby approved as a
          Qualifying Bid and designated the Successful Bid in all respects,  and
          the proposed sale of the Acquired Assets to the Diversicare Parties as
          Purchaser  under the Modified Plan is hereby  approved and  authorized
          pursuant to ss. 363(b).

     (c)  The terms of the Successful Bid constitute the higher and better offer
          for the purchase and sale of the Acquired Assets described therein.

     (d)  The  applicable  Debtors  are  authorized  and  empowered  to execute,
          deliver and perform the  Operations  Transfer  Agreement and all other
          agreements and documents contemplated therein, and to sell and deliver
          all of their  respective  rights,  title and  interests  in and to the
          Acquired  Assets to the  Purchaser  in  accordance  with the terms and
          provisions of the Successful Bid.

     (e)  Pursuant to ss.  105(a) and 363(f),  the sale of the  Acquired  Assets
          shall be free and clear of all claims, interests,  mortgages, security
          interests,  conditional  sale or  other  title  retention  agreements,
          pledges,  liens,  judgments,  demands,  encumbrances or charges of any
          kind or nature  (collectively,  the  "Liens"),  with all such Liens to
          attach to the proceeds of the sale of the Acquired Assets in the order
          of their  priority,  and with the same validity,  priority,  force and
          effect which they now have as against the Acquired  Assets;  provided,
          however,  that  nothing  contained  herein  shall be  deemed  to be an
          acknowledgement or consent by the Debtors or

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          the Committee as to the amount,  priority or allowance of any claim or
          the validity,  force and effect,  or immunity from  avoidance,  of any
          Lien,   except  to  the  extent  such  matters  have  been  previously
          stipulated to by the Debtors or the Committee or otherwise  ordered by
          the Court.

     (f)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  outstanding  and  unpaid ad  valorem
          property  taxes  for the 2006 tax year and  earlier  on both  real and
          personal  property  being  conveyed  pursuant  to the sale of Acquired
          Assets will be paid on the Effective  Date from the gross  proceeds of
          the sale along with  prepetition  penalties and  interest,  if any, as
          well as  postpetition  interest if authorized by the  Bankruptcy  Code
          (the "Property  Taxes").  Notwithstanding  any other provision herein,
          the ad  valorem  property  tax liens for the 2007 tax year are  hereby
          expressly  preserved  against the  corresponding  Acquired  Assets and
          shall  remain  attached to the  corresponding  Acquired  Assets  until
          payment of the 2007 taxes by the Purchaser in the ordinary course.

     (g)  Except as set forth  herein,  upon and after the Effective  Date,  all
          persons or entities  holding Liens with respect to the Acquired Assets
          shall be, and they hereby are,  forever  barred  from  asserting  such
          Liens against such Acquired  Assets or the  Purchaser,  its successors
          and assigns.

     (h)  The Debtors are  authorized  and empowered to execute and deliver such
          documents,  take or perform such acts, and do such other things as may
          be necessary to  effectuate  the terms of the  Successful  Bid and the
          Operations Transfer Agreement,  all transactions described therein and
          this  Confirmation  Order,  including the assumption and assignment of
          the Omega Lease to the Purchaser.

     (i)  This  Confirmation  Order is and  shall  be  binding  upon all  filing
          agents,  filing  officers,  public and  private  registrars  of URL's,
          domain names and  trademarks,  administrative  agencies,  governmental
          departments,   secretaries  of  state,   federal,   state,  and  local
          officials,  and all other  persons and entities who may be required by
          operation of law, the duties of their office, or contract,  to accept,
          file,  register  or  otherwise  record or  release  any  documents  or
          instruments related to the Acquired Assets.

     (j)  The failure  specifically  to include any particular  provision of the
          Successful   Bid  or  the  Operations   Transfer   Agreement  in  this
          Confirmation  Order shall not  diminish or impair the efficacy of such
          provision,  it being  the  intent  of the  Bankruptcy  Court  that the
          Successful Bid be approved in its entirety.

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     (k)  To the  extent  there is a  conflict  between  the  provisions  of the
          Successful  Bid, on the one hand, and the  Confirmation  Order, on the
          other hand, the provisions of the Confirmation Order shall control.

     (l)  None of the Diversicare  Parties, nor any affiliate of the Diversicare
          Parties,  is or shall be deemed a successor  in interest to any of the
          Debtors.  None of the  Diversicare  Parties,  nor any affiliate of the
          Diversicare  Parties,  shall be liable for any liabilities,  torts, or
          other  debts of the  Debtors,  other  than any  liabilities  expressly
          assumed under the Operations  Transfer  Agreement.  Without in any way
          limiting  the  foregoing,  none of the  Diversicare  Parties,  nor any
          affiliate  of the  Diversicare  Parties,  shall have any  liability or
          responsibility for any damages arising from any negligent act, tort or
          act of  malpractice  occurring  before  the  date  of  closing  of the
          Operations  Transfer  Agreement.  All  creditors  and other parties in
          interest of the Debtors,  including residents in any of the facilities
          operated by the Debtors, are hereby permanently enjoined from pursuing
          any claim or action  against  any of the  Diversicare  Parties for any
          liability not expressly  assumed by the Diversicare  Parties under the
          Operations Transfer Agreement.

     (m)  The sale of the  Acquired  Assets  to the  Purchaser  pursuant  to the
          Successful Bid shall  constitute a transfer for reasonably  equivalent
          value and fair consideration under the Bankruptcy Code and the laws of
          all applicable jurisdictions,  including, without limitation, the laws
          of the State of Texas.

     (n)  The Purchaser is hereby granted all of the  protections  provided to a
          goodfaith  purchaser under ss. 363(m) and a good-faith  creditor under
          ss. 364(e).

     16.  Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility.  The  Post  Confirmation  Credit
Facility  is hereby  authorized  and  approved  in all  respects.  The  security
interests and Liens granted to secure the  obligations to the Post  Confirmation
Credit Facility  Lender under the Post  Confirmation  Financing  Documents shall
constitute,   as  of  the  Effective  Date,  legal,  valid  and  duly  perfected
first-priority  liens and security interests in and to the Collateral  specified
therein (the "Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility  Collateral"),  subject only,
where applicable, to the permitted Liens and encumbrances specifically consented
to by the Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility  Lender in the Post  Confirmation
Financing Documents. The Post Confirmation Credit

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Facility Lender's  security  interest in the Post  Confirmation  Credit Facility
Collateral shall attached to the Collateral without the necessity of any further
action on the part of the lender, the Debtors,  the Plan Agent or the Trustee of
the  Liquidating  Trust and shall be perfected by operation of law upon entry of
this Confirmation Order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon request of the Post
Confirmation Credit Facility Lender, the Debtors,  the Plan Agent or the Trustee
of the Liquidating Trust shall execute and file with the appropriate authorities
financing  statements to further evidence the lender's  security interest in the
Post Confirmation Credit Facility Collateral.

     17.  Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility;   Priority  and  Implementation.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in any other provision of the
Modified Plan, the  Confirmation  Order or any Plan Document,  any and all Liens
and security  interests in the assets  comprising the Post  Confirmation  Credit
Facility  Collateral  granted by the  Liquidating  Trust to any person or entity
other than the Post Confirmation Credit Facility Lender pursuant to the Modified
Plan and/or the  Confirmation  Order or at any time thereafter  shall be subject
and  subordinate in all respects to the Liens and/or  security  interests in the
Post Confirmation  Credit Facility  Collateral  granted to the Post Confirmation
Credit Facility Lender  pursuant to the Modified Plan, this  Confirmation  Order
and the Plan Documents.  The intended parties to the Post Confirmation Financing
Documents  are hereby  authorized to take any such actions as shall be necessary
to carry out the intents and purposes of the Post Confirmation  Credit Facility,
the Modified Plan, the Post Confirmation Financing Documents,  this Confirmation
Order or any Plan  Document.  Consistent  with the  foregoing,  each recorder of
deeds or similar official for any county, city or Governmental Unit in which any
instrument furthering an interest in the Post Confirmation

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Credit Facility Collateral is to be recorded,  is hereby ordered and directed to
accept a copy of this  Confirmation  Order as evidence of the rights,  interests
and priorities set forth herein.

     18. The Debtors,  the Post Confirmation Debtors and any other successors to
any of the Debtors,  the Plan Agent and the Trustee of the Liquidating Trust are
herby  authorized and directed to immediately  deliver to the Post  Confirmation
Credit Facility Lender any proceeds received from the Post  Confirmation  Credit
Facility  Collateral and to take any and all further action reasonably  required
to allow the Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility  Lender to realize value on or
collect  any of the  Post  Confirmation  Credit  Collateral,  including  without
limitation   providing  the  Post  Confirmation   Credit  Facility  Lender  with
reasonable  access to all books and  records  related  to the Post  Confirmation
Credit  Facility  Collateral and conferring  with the Post  Confirmation  Credit
Facility  Lender  prior to  compromising  or  settling  any  claim of  offset or
recoupment against any of the Post Confirmation Credit Facility Collateral.

     19. So long as any amount remains due and owing to Post Confirmation Credit
Facility Lender on the Post  Confirmation  Credit  Facility,  then  Trustee/Plan
Agent shall make no  Distributions  to Creditors  under the Modified  Plan other
than those expressly authorized by the Post Confirmation Financing Documents.

     20. Plan Agent. Bridge Associates,  LLC ("Bridge") shall be, and hereby is,
designated as the Plan Agent  effective as of the  Confirmation  Date, and shall
serve as Trustee of the  Liquidating  Trust.  All officers and  directors of the
Debtors as of the Confirmation Date (except for the Chief Restructuring Officer)
shall be, and hereby are,  deemed to have  resigned as officers and directors of
each Debtor as of the Effective  Date. The Plan Agent and the Trustee shall each
be entitled to reimbursement by the Liquidating Trust of their reasonable and

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necessary expenses,  including legal fees and expenses, incurred in carrying out
their  respective  duties  under  the  Modified  Plan  without  further  motion,
application,  notice,  hearing  or other  order  of the  Bankruptcy  Court  upon
approval by a majority of the  Executive  Committee  members.  The Trustee shall
have all powers  enumerated in the Trust  Agreement,  including the authority to
borrow money in its capacity as Trustee for the benefit of the  beneficiaries of
the Liquidating  Trust. The Plan Agent shall make all  Distributions as and when
provided for under the Modified  Plan.  The Plan Agent shall serve  without bond
and shall  receive no other fee for its  services  other than its fees earned as
Plan  Agent.  The Plan Agent and the Trustee  have agreed that their  respective
fees (excluding legal fees and other expenses) on a blended rate will not exceed
$250.00 per hour.

     21. Claims  Resolution  Escrow  Account.  In lieu of the Claims  Resolution
Escrow  Account  described in the First Amended Plan and the Modified  Plan, all
payments  and other  Distributions  otherwise  to have been made from the Claims
Resolution Escrow Account shall be paid from the Trust Property.

     22.  Executive  Committee.  Thomas A. Cook,  Julie Moore and Carol Scontras
shall be, and hereby are,  designated as the Executive Committee effective as of
the   Confirmation   Date.  The  Executive   Committee   shall  be  entitled  to
reimbursement of its reasonable and necessary expenses, including legal fees and
expenses,  incurred in carrying out its duties  under the Modified  Plan without
further motion,  application,  notice,  hearing or other order of the Bankruptcy
Court upon approval by the Plan Agent.  Such  compensation  (including  fees and
reasonable  and necessary  expenses)  shall be reimbursed  from the  Liquidation
Trust.  The  Executive  Committee  shall serve without bond and shall receive no
other fee for its services.

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     23. Creditors  Committee.  Except with respect of any appeal of an order in
the Chapter 11 Cases,  and any matters  related to any proposed  modification of
the Modified Plan, the Creditors  Committee shall be discharged on the Effective
Date  and  the   members,   employees,   agents,   affiliates,   advisors,   and
representatives  shall  thereupon be  discharged  and relieved of all duties and
obligations as more fully set forth in Section 10.3 of the Modified Plan.

     24. Deposit Accounts. All accounts (and the contents thereof) shall be, and
hereby  are,  transferred  to "Bridge  Associates,  LLC, as trustee for the SMSA
Creditors' Trust." From and after the Confirmation Date, the sole signatories on
such  accounts  shall  be Louis  E.  Robichaux  IV and  such  other  persons  as
designated by the Trustee of the Liquidating Trust.

     25.  Disbursements.  On the  Effective  Date and at  appropriate  intervals
thereafter,  the Plan Agent shall make the  Distributions  to holders of Allowed
Claims as provided  under the terms of the Modified  Plan and this  Confirmation

     26. Unexpired Leases and Executory  Contracts.  As provided in, and subject
to,  Article IX of the Modified  Plan,  on the  Effective  Date,  all  executory
contracts and unexpired leases listed both on the Schedule of Assumed  Contracts
and in the Operations  Transfer  Agreement shall be, and hereby are,  assumed by
the  corresponding  Debtors and assigned to the Purchaser (or its  corresponding
designee).  On the Effective Date, all executory  contracts and unexpired leases
that are not (i) listed  both on the  Schedule of Assumed  Contracts  and in the
Operations  Transfer Agreement or (ii) otherwise made the subject of a motion to
assume and assign such contracts or leases pursuant to ss.365 Filed on or before
the  Confirmation  Date shall be deemed rejected by the  corresponding  Debtors;
provided,  however,  that the foregoing  shall not apply to the  assumption  and
assignment of the Omega Lease, which is dealt with in the

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following  paragraph;  and provided  further,  that the Debtors  shall remain in
possession of their corporate headquarters at 800 West Arbrook, Arlington, Texas
through  August  31,  2007.  All  executory  contracts  between  any  Debtor and
PharMerica,  Inc.  shall be  deemed  terminated  as of 12:01 am on the first day
following the Effective Date, unless previously terminated.

     27.  Assumption and Assignment of Omega Lease.  On the Effective  Date, the
Omega Lease shall be, and hereby is,  assumed by the  corresponding  Debtors and
assigned to the Purchaser (or its corresponding  designees).  In connection with
the assumption and assignment of the Master Lease,  the Debtors shall pay to the
Omega  Lessor  the sum of  $409,623.04  as a cure of  defaults  pursuant  to ss.
365(b)(1)(A).  The assumption and assignment of the Omega Lease to the Purchaser
shall be valid and binding  regardless of any appeal or  reconsideration  of the
Order entered on July 20, 2007  regarding the  obligations  of the Debtors under
the Omega Lease and irrespective of any other matter that may become before this
Court related to the obligations of the Debtors under the Omega Lease.

     28. Issuance of Plan Shares; Reverse Merger.

     (a)  As provided in the Modified Plan, other than HFG, Class 4 Claims which
          are  entitled  to receive  Plan  Shares of the Target  Debtors  issued
          pursuant to the  Modified  Plan are hereby  enjoined  from  selling or
          otherwise  trading  their  claims  and are  enjoined  from  selling or
          otherwise  trading the Plan Shares when received  until the completion
          of that Target  Debtor's  reverse  merger or reverse  acquisition,  as
          provided for in the Modified Plan.  Provided,  however,  that if, upon
          the  passing  of  the  Consummation  of  the  Plan  Date  as to a Post
          Confirmation Debtor, such Post Confirmation Debtor has not completed a
          transaction  which will constitute  Consummation of its Plan, then the
          Plan Shares  issued in that Post  Confirmation  Debtor shall be deemed
          void and  canceled,  the  injunction  issued  herein  with  respect to
          asserting the claims  against that specific Post  Confirmation  Debtor
          shall  be  deemed  canceled  and  the  discharge  provided  under  ss.
          1141(d)(1)  the  Modified  Plan will not be granted or made  effective
          with respect to that specific Post Confirmation Debtor.

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     (b)  Timothy P. Halter, as the sole officer and director,  or as applicable
          its sole manager or general partner, of each of the Target Debtors, is
          hereby  authorized  to execute  any  necessary  documents  to meet the
          statutory requirements for filing the necessary papers with the states
          of Texas,  Nevada and Delaware to effectuate the terms of the Modified

     (c)  If a Target Debtor,  in meeting its  requirement to file a certificate
          of  completion  of a reverse  merger or  acquisition  with in the time
          frames required by its  Consummation of the Plan Date, as set forth in
          the  Modified  Plan,  files such  certificate  after a final decree is
          entered  and this case is  closed,  then such  filing of the  required
          certificate  shall be deemed to be an allowed  reopening of this case,
          pursuant  to ss.  350(b) and  Bankruptcy  Rule 5010 that is related to
          that Target Debtor's discharge and as such no fee will be required for
          filing  the   certificate   of  completion  of  a  reverse  merger  or
          acquisition under 28 U.S.C. 1930(b).

     (d)  Commencing  on the  Effective  Date,  and  subject to the terms of the
          Modified Plan and this  Confirmation  Order,  the Trust and the Target
          Debtors may deal with these  assets and  property  and  conduct  their
          business  without any supervision by, or permission from, the Court or
          the office of the United States  Trustee,  and free of any restriction
          imposed on the Debtors by the  Bankruptcy  Code or by the Court during
          the Cases.

     29. Professional  Compensation and Reimbursement  Claims. All Professionals
and Creditors'  Committee members requesting payment of fees or reimbursement of
expenses for services  rendered  before the Effective  Date,  including the Plan
Agent, shall File and serve on counsel for the Debtors,  the Plan Agent, counsel
for the  Creditors  Committee or Executive  Committee,  as  applicable,  and the
United States Trustee an application  for final  allowance of  compensation  and
reimbursement  of expenses  no later than  thirty (30) days after the  Effective
Date. Any objection to the application of a Professional for payment of fees and
reimbursement  of expenses  must be Filed and served on counsel for the Debtors,
the Plan Agent, counsel for the Executive Committee,  as applicable,  the United
States Trustee and the  Professional  to whose fee  application the objection is

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     30. Late-Filed Claims. Unless arising from a Chapter 5 Cause of Action, any
new or amended proof of claim Filed after the  Confirmation  Date shall be of no
further  force  and  effect  and,  as of the  Effective  Date,  shall be  deemed
Disallowed  in full and  expunged  without any action by the  Debtors,  the Plan
Agent, the Creditors Committee or the Executive Committee.

     31. No Waiver.  Neither the entry of this Confirmation Order, the execution
of any of the documents  required or  contemplated  hereunder or by the Modified
Plan,  nor any other  action or inaction  by the  Debtors,  the Plan Agent,  any
Creditor or any other  party in  interest  in the  Chapter 11 Cases  (including,
without  limitation,  the failure of the Debtors,  the Plan Agent, the Creditors
Committee and/or the Executive  Committee to object to any proof of Claim) shall
constitute  a  waiver,   estoppel,   res  judicata,   release,   relinquishment,
abandonment  or any  other  abrogation  of any  objection,  defense,  offset  or
counterclaim with respect to any Disputed Claim asserted against the Debtors.

     32. Cancellation of Debt Instruments and Securities. On the Effective Date,
the DIP Facility,  the Old Equity  Interests and any options,  warrants,  calls,
subscriptions,  or other  similar  rights or other  agreements  or  commitments,
contractual or otherwise,  obligating any Debtor to issue, transfer, or sell any
shares of Old Equity Interests,  shall be canceled and the holders thereof shall
have no rights by reason thereof, and such instruments shall evidence no rights,
except the right to receive the Distributions,  if any, to be made to holders of
such instruments under the Modified Plan.

     33.  Release of Liens.  Except as otherwise  provided in the Modified Plan,
any Plan Document or the Confirmation  Order: (a) each holder of a Miscellaneous
Secured Claim, a Secured  Claim,  or a judgment,  including the Omega Lessor and
the DIP Lender, shall on the

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Effective  Date  (x)  turn  over  and  release  to the  Plan  Agent  any and all
Collateral  that secures or purportedly  secures such Claim,  as they pertain to
the  properties  currently  owned or leased by one or more  Debtors or such Lien
shall automatically, and without further action by any Debtor or the Plan Agent,
be deemed  released,  and (y) execute  such  documents  and  instruments  as the
Debtors or the Plan Agent may request to evidence such Claim holder's release of
such  property or Lien;  and (b) on the  Effective  Date,  all right,  title and
interest  in any and all  property  of each  SMSA II  Debtor's  Estate  actually
acquired by the Purchaser or retained by the Reorganized Debtors shall revert or
be transferred to the Purchaser or the Reorganized  Debtors,  as applicable,  in
each  case  free and  clear of all  Claims  and  Interests,  including,  without
limitation,  Liens,  escrows,  charges,  pledges,  encumbrances  and/or security
interests of any kind. No  Distribution  hereunder shall be made to or on behalf
of any Creditor  asserting a Lien on property of a Debtor  unless and until such
Creditor  executes  and  delivers  to  applicable  Debtor or the Plan Agent such
release of Liens or otherwise  turns over and  releases  such Cash,  pledge,  or
other  possessory  Lien.  Any such holder that fails to execute and deliver such
release of Liens within thirty (30) days of the  Effective  Date shall be deemed
to have no further Claim against the Debtors,  the Reorganized  Debtors or their
assets or  property  in respect of such Claim and shall not  participate  in any
Distribution hereunder.  Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence, any
holder of a Disputed  Claim shall not be  required  to execute and deliver  such
release until such time as the holder's Claim is Allowed or Disallowed.

     34. Causes of Action. Pursuant to ss. 1123(b)(3), as of the Effective Date,
the Plan Agent is the  representative  of each Debtor's  Estate and shall retain
and have the  exclusive  right to enforce  against any Entity any and all Claims
and Causes of Action (including Chapter 5

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Causes of  Action)  that  otherwise  belong to a Debtor  and  arose  before  the
Effective   Date,   including   all   Causes  of   Action   of  a  trustee   and
debtor-in-possession  under the  Bankruptcy  Code,  other than  those  expressly
released or  compromised as part of or pursuant to the Modified Plan or by other
order of the Bankruptcy  Court entered prior to the Effective Date, shall become
assets of the  Liquidating  Trust.  The Plan  Agent  shall  retain  and have the
exclusive  right  to  enforce,  pursue,  compromise,  settle  or  waive,  in its
discretion,  all such Claims and Causes of Action. The Causes of Action retained
hereby include,  without  limitation,  all Claims and Causes of Action listed on
Appendix 3 to the Disclosure Statement.

     35.  Counterclaims.  The  Liquidating  Trust  shall not be  subject  to any
counterclaims  with respect to any Causes of Action  constituting  Trust Assets,
provided  however,  that  Causes of Action  constituting  Trust  Assets  will be
subject to any set-off  rights to the same  extent as if the Debtors  themselves
had pursued the Causes of Action.

     36.  Automatic  Stay.  The  automatic  stay in effect  with  respect to the
Chapter 11 Cases pursuant to ss. 362(a) shall continue to be in effect until the
Effective  Date.  Upon the occurrence of the Effective  Date, the automatic stay
shall be dissolved and of no further force or effect, subject to the injunctions
provided herein, in the Modified Plan and in the Bankruptcy Code.

     37. Releases.  The following releases (which are set forth in Sections 10.1
and 10.2 of the Modified Plan) are approved in their entirety and shall be fully
enforceable on and after of the Effective Date.

     (a)  Except as otherwise  specifically  provided by the Modified  Plan, the
          Distributions  and rights that are provided in the Modified Plan shall
          be  in  complete  satisfaction  and  release,   effective  as  of  the
          Confirmation  Date (but  subject to the  occurrence  of the  Effective
          Date) of (i) all Claims and

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          Causes of Action against, liabilities of, liens on, obligations of and
          Interests  in each  Debtor and  Reorganized  Debtor and the assets and
          properties  of each Debtor and  Reorganized  Debtor,  whether known or
          unknown,  and (ii) all  Causes of Action  (whether  known or  unknown,
          either  directly or  derivatively  through  any Debtor or  Reorganized
          Debtor) against,  Claims (as defined in ss. 101) against,  liabilities
          (as  guarantor  of a Claim or  otherwise)  of,  Liens on the direct or
          indirect  assets and properties of, and  obligations of successors and
          assigns of, each Debtor and Reorganized  Debtor and its successors and
          assigns  based on the same subject  matter as any Claim or Interest or
          based  on any  act or  omission,  transaction  or  other  activity  or
          security,  instrument  or  other  agreement  of  any  kind  or  nature
          occurring, arising or existing prior to the Effective Date that was or
          could  have been the  subject of any Claim or  Interest,  in each case
          regardless of whether a proof of Claim or Interest was Filed,  whether
          or not  Allowed and whether or not the holder of the Claim or Interest
          has voted on the Modified Plan.

     (b)  Each  Debtor and  Reorganized  Debtor,  on behalf of itself,  shall be
          deemed to  release  unconditionally,  and  hereby is deemed to release
          unconditionally on such date every other Debtor and Reorganized Debtor
          from  any and all  Claims,  obligations,  suits,  judgments,  damages,
          rights, causes of action and liabilities whatsoever,  whether known or
          unknown,  foreseen or unforeseen,  existing or hereafter  arising,  in
          law, equity or otherwise, based in whole or in part upon or related to
          any act or omission,  transaction,  event or other  occurrence  taking
          place on or prior to the  Effective  Date in any way  relating  to any
          Debtor, Reorganized Debtor, the Modified Plan or the Chapter 11 Cases,
          including without  limitation,  all Intercompany  Claims,  any and all
          claims for substantive  consolidation with the SMSA II Debtors and any
          and all  claims  that the  Liquidating  Debtors  and  SMSA II  Debtors
          compose a "single business enterprise."

     (c)  Each  Debtor and  Reorganized  Debtor,  on behalf of itself,  shall be
          deemed to  release  unconditionally,  and hereby are deemed to release
          unconditionally  on such  date (i)  each  present  officer,  director,
          employee,  consultant,  financial  advisor,  attorney,  accountant and
          other representatives of the Debtors, (ii) the Entities serving on the
          Creditors  Committee  and,  solely in their  capacity  as  members  or
          representatives of the Creditors Committee or the Executive Committee,
          each  consultant,  attorney,  accountant  or other  representative  or
          member of the Creditors  Committee or Executive  Committee,  and (iii)
          the DIP Lender and, solely in its capacity as  representatives  of the
          DIP Lender, each of the DIP Lender's respective  officers,  directors,
          shareholders,  partners,  agents, employees,  consultants,  attorneys,
          accountants,  advisors,  affiliates  and  other  representatives  (the
          Entities specified in clauses (i) through (iii) are

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          referred to collectively as the "Released Parties"; provided, however,
          that neither Troy  Clanton nor William  Zimmerman is a Released  Party
          for any purpose herein), from any and all claims, obligations,  suits,
          judgments,   damages,   rights,   causes  of  action  and  liabilities
          whatsoever, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, existing
          or hereafter arising,  in law, equity or otherwise,  based in whole or
          in part upon or related to any act or omission,  transaction, event or
          other occurrence taking place on or at any time from the Petition Date
          through and including  the  Effective  Date in any way relating to any
          Debtor, Reorganized Debtor, the Chapter 11 Cases or the Modified Plan,
          except that no Released Party shall be released from acts or omissions
          which are the result of willful misconduct or fraud.

     (d)  Each  Debtor and  Reorganized  Debtor,  on behalf of itself,  shall be
          deemed to  release  unconditionally,  and hereby are deemed to release
          unconditionally  on such date Troy  Clanton  from any and all  claims,
          obligations,  suits, judgments,  damages, rights, causes of action and
          liabilities  whatsoever,   whether  known  or  unknown,   foreseen  or
          unforeseen,   existing  or  hereafter  arising,   in  law,  equity  or
          otherwise,  based in whole or in part  upon or  related  to any act or
          omission,  transaction,  event or other  occurrence  on or at any time
          from the Petition Date through and including the Effective Date in any
          way relating to the Chapter 11 Cases or the Modified Plan, except that
          Troy Clanton  shall not be released  from acts or omissions  which are
          the result of willful misconduct or fraud.

     (e)  Each  Debtor and  Reorganized  Debtor,  on behalf of itself,  shall be
          deemed to  release  unconditionally,  and hereby are deemed to release
          unconditionally  on such date Troy  Clanton  from any and all  claims,
          obligations,  suits, judgments,  damages, rights, causes of action and
          liabilities  whatsoever,   whether  known  or  unknown,   foreseen  or
          unforeseen,   existing  or  hereafter  arising,   in  law,  equity  or
          otherwise,  based in whole or in part  upon or  related  to any act or
          omission, transaction, event or other occurrence taking place on or at
          any time prior to the Petition Date in any way relating to the Debtors
          or the Reorganized Debtors, provided,  however, that nothing contained
          herein  shall be deemed or  construed to release Troy Clanton from his
          obligations  under the Bankruptcy  Court's Order Granting Joint Motion
          Pursuant  to  Bankruptcy   Rule  9019(a)  to  Approve   Compromise  of
          Controversy with Troy Clanton and Related  Parties,  entered August 1,

     (f)  Nothing  contained in the  Modified  Plan or this  Confirmation  Order
          shall be deemed or  construed  to  release or waive any claim that any
          third party may have  against a  non-Debtor  as  guarantor  of a Claim
          otherwise released,  waived, compromised or discharged pursuant to the
          Modified Plan or the Confirmation Order.

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     38.  Injunction.  Except as otherwise provided in the Modified Plan or this
Confirmation  Order, all Entities who have held, hold or may hold Claims against
or  Interests  in a Debtor are,  with  respect to any such Claims or  Interests,
permanently  enjoined from and after the Confirmation Date from: (a) commencing,
conducting or continuing in any manner, directly or indirectly, any suit, action
or other proceeding of any kind (including,  without limitation,  any proceeding
in a judicial, arbitral, administrative or other forum) against or affecting any
Debtor,  Reorganized Debtor, Post Confirmation  Debtor, the Creditors Committee,
the  Executive  Committee,  any member of the  Creditors  Committee or Executive
Committee,  any of their professionals,  any of their property, or any direct or
indirect  transferee  of any  property  of, or direct or indirect  successor  in
interest to, any Debtor,  or any property of any such  transferee  or successor;
(b)  enforcing,   levying,   attaching  (including,   without  limitation,   any
pre-judgment  attachment),  collecting or otherwise  recovering by any manner or
means, whether directly or indirectly,  of any judgment,  award, decree or order
against any Debtor,  Reorganized Debtor, Post Confirmation Debtor, the Creditors
Committee,  the Executive  Committee,  any member of the Creditors  Committee or
Executive Committee,  any of their professionals,  any of their property, or any
direct or  indirect  transferee  of any  property  of,  or  direct  or  indirect
successor in interest to, any Debtor,  or any property of any such transferee or
successor;  (c)  creating,  perfecting  or  otherwise  enforcing  in any manner,
directly  or  indirectly,  any  encumbrance  of any  kind  against  any  Debtor,
Reorganized  Debtor,  Post Confirmation  Debtor,  the Creditors  Committee,  the
Executive  Committee,  any  member  of  the  Creditors  Committee  or  Executive
Committee,  any of their professionals,  any of their property, or any direct or
indirect  transferee of any property of, or successor in interest to, any of the
foregoing Entities; (d) asserting any right of setoff,

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subrogation,  or recoupment  of any kind,  directly or  indirectly,  against any
obligation due to any Debtor,  Reorganized Debtor, Post Confirmation Debtor, the
Creditors  Committee,  the  Executive  Committee,  any  member of the  Creditors
Committee  or  Executive  Committee,  any of their  professionals,  any of their
property,  or any direct or indirect transferee of any property of, or successor
in interest to, any Debtor;  and (e) acting or proceeding in any manner,  in any
place whatsoever,  that does not conform to or comply with the provisions of the
Modified  Plan.  Furthermore,  except as  otherwise  expressly  provided  in the
Modified Plan, for the  consideration  described in the Modified Plan, as of the
Effective  Date,  all Entities who have held,  hold or may hold claims  released
pursuant to Section 10.1 of the Modified  Plan,  whether  known or unknown,  and
their respective agents, attorneys and all others acting for or on their behalf,
shall be permanently  enjoined on and after the Effective  Date, with respect to
any claim  released  pursuant to Section 10.1  hereof,  from (a)  commencing  or
continuing  in any  manner,  any  action  or other  proceeding  of any kind with
respect to any claim against any Released Party or Troy Clanton,  as applicable,
or the  property  of any of  them;  (b)  seeking  the  enforcement,  attachment,
collection or recovery by any manner or means of any judgment, award, decree, or
order against any Released  Party or the property of any Released  Party or Troy
Clanton, as applicable; (c) creating, perfecting or enforcing any encumbrance of
any kind  against  any  Released  Party;  (d)  asserting  any  setoff,  right of
subrogation or recoupment of any kind against any obligation due to any Released
Party or Troy Clanton, as applicable;  and (e) taking any act, in any manner and
in any place  whatsoever,  that does not conform to or comply with provisions of
the  Modified  Plan.  In the event  that any  Entity  takes any  action  that is
prohibited by, or is otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of Sections 10.1
or 12.3 of the Modified Plan, then, upon notice to the

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Bankruptcy  Court, the action or proceeding in which the claim of such Entity is
asserted  shall  automatically  be  transferred  to  the  Bankruptcy  Court  for
enforcement  of the  provisions of Sections  10.1 or 12.3 of the Modified  Plan.
Nothing  contained  in the  Modified  Plan or this  Confirmation  Order shall be
deemed or  construed to enjoin any claim that any third party may have against a
non-Debtor as guarantor of a Claim otherwise  released,  waived,  compromised or
discharged pursuant to the Modified Plan or the Confirmation Order.

     39. Trading  Injunction.  Except as otherwise provided in the Modified Plan
or this Confirmation  Order, all Entities who have held, hold or may hold Claims
against  or  Interests  in a Debtor  are,  with  respect  to any such  Claims or
Interests,  permanently  enjoined from and after the Confirmation Date from: (a)
transferring any Allowed Class 4 General Unsecured Claim against a Target Debtor
from  and  after  the  Effective  Date,  until  the Plan  Shares  as to the Post
Confirmation  Debtors are issued to holders of Allowed Class 4 General Unsecured
Claims  and,  as  applicable,  Allowed  Class  7  Subordinated  Claims;  and (b)
subsequently  transferring any Plan Shares of a Post  Confirmation  Debtor until
such Post  Confirmation  Debtor has completed its reverse merger or acquisition.
Any  transfer  made  in  violation  of  this   injunction   shall  be  void  and
unenforceable in all respects.

     40. Remedy for Violation of Injunction.  Should an party violate any of the
injunctions  set forth in the preceding two paragraphs or in decretal  paragraph
15(l),  any  Debtor  or the Plan  Agent (or the  Purchaser,  with  respect  to a
violation of the injunction  contained in decretal  paragraph 15(l)) may provide
written  notice of such  default to such  violating  party  with  copies of such
notice to  counsel  for the Plan  Agent  and the  Executive  Committee.  If such
violation  is not cured  within  ten (10)  days from the date of such  notice of
default, any Debtor or

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the Plan Agent (or the Purchaser,  with respect to a violation of the injunction
contained  in  decretal  paragraph  15(l)) may  present an ex parte order to the
Bankruptcy  Court setting a day and time when such party  violating the relevant
injunction must appear before the Bankruptcy  Court and show cause why it should
not be held in  contempt  of the  Confirmation  Order.  If a party  is  found in
contempt of the Confirmation Order, the Court shall assess the cost of the party
proceeding on the show cause order against the defaulting party in an amount not
less than  $7,500 or such  higher  amount  as may have been  actually  incurred,
designate a party to appear and sign or accept the documents  required under the
Modified Plan on behalf of the defaulting  party,  and enter such other order as
may be deemed necessary to compel such party's  compliance with the Confirmation

     41. Retention of Jurisdiction. Notwithstanding Confirmation of the Modified
Plan,  this  Court  retains  exclusive  jurisdiction  over the  Chapter 11 Cases
pursuant to and for the  purposes set forth in (a) ss.ss.  105(a) and 1127,  (b)
Article  13.1 of the  Modified  Plan and (c) for such other  purposes  as may be
necessary or useful to aid in the  Confirmation and consummation of the Modified
Plan and its implementation.

     42. Binding Effect of Plan Documents.  The Plan Documents shall  constitute
legal,  valid,  binding and authorized  obligations  of the  respective  parties
thereto,  enforceable  in  accordance  with  their  terms  and,  to  the  extent
applicable,  shall create,  as of the  Effective  Date,  the security  interests
purported to be created thereby.

     43. Plan Implementation.  All actions contemplated by the Modified Plan are
hereby authorized and approved in all respects (subject to the provisions of the
Modified  Plan and the  occurrence of the Effective  Date),  including,  without
limitation, all actions contemplated by

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Article  VI of the  Modified  Plan.  All such  actions,  and any  other  actions
described in the Modified Plan or this  Confirmation  Order that would otherwise
require the consent or approval of the directors or  shareholders of the Debtors
shall be deemed to have been  consented  to or approved  and shall be  effective
under applicable  state law and the Bankruptcy Code,  without any requirement of
prior or further  action by the  shareholders  or directors of the Debtors.  The
Chief Restructuring  Officer,  the Plan Agent and the Trustee are authorized and
directed to execute  and  deliver  and to perform  the terms of the  agreements,
documents and  instruments  contemplated by the Modified Plan and the Disclosure
Statement in the name of and on behalf of the Debtors and the Liquidating Trust,
as applicable.

     44. Termination of Creditors  Committee.  Except with respect to any appeal
of an order in the  Chapter 11 Cases,  and any matters  related to any  proposed
modification  of  the  Modified  Plan,  on the  Effective  Date,  the  Creditors
Committee  shall be dissolved  and the  members,  employees,  agents,  advisors,
affiliates  and  representatives  (including,  without  limitation,   attorneys,
financial advisors,  and other Professionals) of each thereof shall thereupon be
released  from  and  discharged  of and  from  all  further  authority,  duties,
responsibilities and obligations related to, arising from and in connection with
or related to the Chapter 11 Cases. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Executive
Committee  (and its counsel)  shall  continue for the purpose of monitoring  the
implementation  of the Modified  Plan,  administering  the Claims  objection and
resolution process, monitoring the Distribution process with respect to Class 4,
objecting to applications of Professionals  for  compensation and  reimbursement
and the pursuit and  settlement of Chapter 5 Causes of Action until such time as
the  Executive  Committee  deems it  appropriate  by a majority vote to dissolve
itself or all members of the Executive Committee

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resign.  All  reasonable  attorney's  fees and costs incurred by counsel for the
Executive  Committee in performing the duties  contemplated by the Modified Plan
to be performed by the Executive  Committee  after the  Effective  Date shall be
paid out of the Trust Property.

     45.  Exemption  from  Certain  Taxes.  Pursuant  to ss.  1146(c),  (a)  the
issuance, transfer or exchange of any securities,  instruments or documents; (b)
the  creation  of any  other  Lien,  mortgage,  deed of trust or other  security
interest; (c) the making or assignment of any lease or sublease or the making or
delivery of any deed or other  instrument  of transfer  under,  pursuant  to, in
furtherance  of, or in connection  with, the Modified Plan,  including,  without
limitation,  any deeds, bills of sale or assignments executed in connection with
any of the transactions  contemplated  under the Modified Plan or the revesting,
transfer or sale of any real or personal property of the Debtors pursuant to, in
implementation of, or as contemplated in the Modified Plan, (d) the consummation
of the transactions  contemplated by the Operations Transfer Agreement, the Post
Confirmation Credit Facility and any other Plan Documents, and (e) the issuance,
renewal, modification or securing of indebtedness by such means, and the making,
delivery or  recording of any deed or other  instrument  of transfer  under,  in
furtherance  of, or in connection  with, the Modified Plan,  including,  without
limitation,  the  Confirmation  Order,  shall  not be  subject  to any  document
recording  tax, stamp tax,  conveyance  fee or other similar tax,  mortgage tax,
real  estate  transfer  tax,  mortgage  recording  tax or other  similar  tax or
governmental assessment.  Consistent with the foregoing,  each recorder of deeds
or similar  official  for any  county,  city or  governmental  unit in which any
instrument  hereunder  is to be recorded  shall,  pursuant  to the  Confirmation
Order, be ordered and directed to accept such

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instrument,  without requiring the payment of any filing fees, documentary stamp
tax, deed stamps, stamp tax, transfer tax, intangible tax or similar tax.

     46.  Modification of the Modified Plan. After the entry of the Confirmation
Order,  the  Debtors may upon order of the  Bankruptcy  Court,  alter,  amend or
modify the Modified Plan in accordance with ss. 1127(b), or remedy any defect or
omission or reconcile any  inconsistency  in the Modified Plan in such manner as
may be necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of the Modified Plan. After
entry  of the  Confirmation  Order,  if the  Operations  Transfer  Agreement  is
terminated by the SMSA II Debtors due to a breach thereof by the Purchaser, then
the SMSA II Debtors shall have the right to alter,  amend or modify the Modified
Plan or remedy any defect or omission in the Modified Plan.

     47. References to Plan Provisions.  The failure to reference or discuss any
particular  provision of the Modified Plan in this Confirmation Order shall have
no effect on the validity,  binding effect or  enforceability  of such provision
and  such  provision   shall  have  the  same   validity,   binding  effect  and
enforceability as every other provision of the Modified Plan.

     48. Reversal.  If any or all of the provisions of this  Confirmation  Order
are hereafter reversed, modified or vacated by subsequent order of this Court or
any other court,  such  reversal,  modification  or vacatur shall not affect the
validity  of  the  acts  or  obligations  incurred  or  undertaken  under  or in
connection  with the  Modified  Plan  prior to the  Debtors'  receipt of written
notice of any such order,  nor shall such reversal,  modification  or vacatur of
this  Confirmation  Order affect the validity or  enforceability  of such act or
obligation.  Notwithstanding any such reversal,  modification or vacatur of this
Confirmation  Order, any such act or obligation  incurred or undertaken pursuant
to, and in reliance on, this Confirmation Order prior to the effective date

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of such reversal,  modification  or vacatur shall be governed in all respects by
the  provisions  of this  Confirmation  Order  and  the  Modified  Plan  and all
documents,  instruments  and  agreements  related  thereto or any  amendments or
modifications thereto.

     49.  Exculpation.  The  Exculpated  Person shall neither have nor incur any
liability  to any  Entity  for any act taken or  omission  made in good faith in
connection with or related to formulating, negotiating, implementing, confirming
or  consummating  the  Modified  Plan,  the  Disclosure  Statement  or any  Plan
Document.  The  Exculpated  Persons  shall  have  no  liability  to any  Debtor,
Reorganized  Debtor,  Creditor,  Interest holder, any other party in interest in
the Chapter 11 Cases or any other  Entity for  actions  taken or not taken under
the Modified Plan, in connection  herewith or with respect  thereto,  or arising
out of  their  administration  of  the  Modified  Plan  or  the  property  to be
distributed  under  the  Modified  Plan,  in  good  faith,  including,   without
limitation,  failure to obtain  Confirmation  or to  satisfy  any  condition  or
conditions,  or refusal to waive any condition or conditions,  to the occurrence
of the  Effective  Date,  and in all respects such  Exculpated  Persons shall be
entitled  to rely upon the advice of counsel  with  respect to their  duties and
responsibilities under the Modified Plan.

     50. Enforceability.  Pursuant to ss.ss. 1123(a) and 1142(a), the provisions
of this Confirmation Order, the Modified Plan and the Plan Documents shall apply
and be enforceable notwithstanding any otherwise applicable nonbankruptcy law.

     51.  Substantial  Consummation.  The  Modified  Plan  shall be deemed to be
substantially  consummated  on the  Effective  Date.  The  findings  of fact and
conclusions of law contained  herein shall not be binding on any party until the
Effective Date. In the event the Effective Date does not occur, the Confirmation
Order shall be considered null and void.

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     52. Notice of Entry of  Confirmation  Order.  Pursuant to  Bankruptcy  Rule
3020(c),  on or before ten (10) days after the occurrence of the Effective Date,
the Debtors shall serve notice of (i) entry of this Confirmation Order; (ii) the
occurrence of the Effective Date; (iii) the deadline established in the Modified
Plan  for  the  Filing  of   Administrative   Expenses,   including   those  for
Professionals' fees and expenses;  (iv) the deadline for Filing rejection damage
Claims;  (v) the deadline for Filing  objections  to Claims;  and (v) such other
matters that the Debtors deem appropriate as provided in Bankruptcy Rule 2002(f)
and pursuant to the Modified Plan to all Creditors,  Interest  holders and other
parties in interest, to be sent by first-class mail, postage prepaid,  except to
such parties who may be served by hand or facsimile or overnight courier,  which
service is hereby  authorized.  The foregoing  notice shall  constitute  due and
adequate notice of this Confirmation Order within the meaning of such Bankruptcy

     53. Final  Decree.  As to each  Debtor,  as soon as  practicable  after the
Modified Plan has been fully administered  pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3020, the
Plan  Agent  shall  file  either  an  application   for  a  final  decree  or  a
post-Confirmation  report  explaining why an application for final decree is not
appropriate.  The Plan  Agent  may seek  entry of a final  decree as to a Debtor
notwithstanding  the  pendency of the  Consummation  of the Plan Date as to such

     54.  Appeal.  This  Confirmation  Order is a final  order and is subject to
immediate appeal. For good cause shown,  neither this Confirmation Order nor the
transactions  approved  herein  shall be stayed  pursuant  to  Bankruptcy  Rules
3020(e), 6004(g) or 6006(d), and the terms of the Modified Plan and Confirmation
Order may be  consummated  immediately  upon  entry of the  Confirmation  Order.
Without  limiting the foregoing,  the Bankruptcy Court expressly orders that the
consummation  of the  closing  of the  Operations  Transfer  Agreement  and  any
advances of

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money by the Post Confirmation Credit Facility Lender shall be valid and binding
regardless of the pendency of any appeal of this Confirmation Order.

     55.  Controlling  Provisions.  In the  event  and to the  extent  that  any
provision of this  Confirmation  Order is determined to be inconsistent with any
provision of the Modified Plan or any Plan Document or the Disclosure Statement,
such provision of this Confirmation Order shall control and take precedence.  In
the  event  and to the  extent  that  any  provision  of any  Plan  Document  is
determined  to be  inconsistent  with any  provision of the Modified Plan or the
Disclosure  Statement,  such  provision of such Plan Document  shall control and
take precedence.

                        # # # # # END OF ORDER # # # # #

Prepared and submitted by:
Deirdre B. Ruckman (# 21196500)
Michael P. Cooley (# 24034388)
3000 Thanksgiving Tower
1601 Elm Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
Telephone: (214) 999-4250
Facsimile: (214) 999-3250


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