Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c)
               of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Information Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14c-5(d)
[ ]  Definitive Information Statement

                                ASSURE DATA, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11.

         (1)      Title  of  each  class  of  securities  to  which  transaction

         (2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         (3)      Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
                  amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                  was determined.):

         (4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5)      Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1) Amount Previously Paid:

         (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         (3) Filing Party:

         (4) Date Filed:

                                ASSURE DATA, INC.
                                  6680 Yosemite
                               Dallas, Texas 75214

To the Stockholders of Assure Data, Inc.:

         On May 22, 2008,  our Board of Directors  adopted a resolution to amend
and restate our Articles of  Incorporation  to increase the aggregate  number of
shares that we will have the authority to issue from  100,000,000 to 200,000,000
shares,  of which  100,000,000  shares  will be  shares  of  common  stock,  and
100,000,000 shares will be shares of preferred stock. In addition,  the Board of
Directors  approved the Company's  2008 Equity  Incentive  Plan (the "Plan") and
commended it to the stockholders for approval.

         All of the  foregoing  matters  are  described  in more  detail  in the
attached Information Statement, and all capitalized terms are defined therein as

         On May 22, 2008, the holders of approximately 57.9% of our common stock
approved the amendment and restatement of our Articles of Incorporation  and the
Plan by written  consent to be  effective  twenty (20) days from the date of the
mailing of this Information Statement.

         This  Information  Statement  is  being  sent to you for  informational
purposes  only.  We are not  asking  for a proxy  or vote on any of the  matters
described therein.  However, we encourage you to read the Information  Statement


                                                     Robert Lisle, President

Dallas, Texas
______________, 2008

                                ASSURE DATA, INC.
                                  6680 Yosemite
                               Dallas, Texas 75214

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT

         This Information Statement and Notice of Action Taken Without a Meeting
is being  furnished by the Board of Directors (the "Board") of Assure Data, Inc.
(the "Company," "we", "our" or "us") to the holders of our common stock,  $0.001
par value per share (the "common  stock") at May 28, 2008 (the "Record Date") in
connection with the following matters:

     o    The filing of the Amended and Restated Articles of  Incorporation,  in
          the form attached hereto as Annex A, which will increase the aggregate
          number  of  shares  which we will  have the  authority  to issue  from
          100,000,000 to 200,000,000 shares, of which 100,000,000 shares will be
          shares of  common  stock,  and  100,000,000  shares  will be shares of
          preferred stock (the "Amendment").

     o    The adoption of the Company's 2008 Equity  Incentive Plan, in the form
          attached hereto as Annex B (the "Plan").

         Pursuant to Section 78.320 of the Nevada Revised  Statutes (the "NRS"),
any  action  that  may  be  taken  at  any  annual  or  special  meeting  of the
stockholders may be taken without a meeting,  without prior notice and without a
vote, if a consent in writing,  setting forth the action so taken,  is signed by
the holders of  outstanding  stock  having not less than the  minimum  number of
votes that would be  necessary  to authorize or take such action at a meeting at
which all shares entitled to vote thereon were present and voted.  Under federal
law these  proposals  may not be effected  until at least twenty (20) days after
this  Information  Statement has first been sent to our  stockholders,  at which
time, we intend to file the Amendment with the Nevada Secretary of State.

         Our Board obtained the required approval for the Amendment and the Plan
by means of a written consent of stockholders,  dated May 22, 2008. A meeting to
approve  the  Amendment  and the Plan is  therefore  unnecessary,  and our Board
decided to forego the expense of having one.

                      WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY AND

         This   Information   Statement  is  first  being  mailed  on  or  about
________________, 2008, to the holders of our outstanding Common Stock as of the
Record Date.

                         ABOUT THE INFORMATION STATEMENT


         The Company will pay all costs associated with the distribution of this
Information Statement,  including the costs of printing and mailing. The Company
will reimburse  brokerage firms and other  custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries
for reasonable  expenses incurred by them in sending this Information  Statement
to the beneficial owners of the Company's common stock.

         The Company  will only  deliver one  Information  Statement to multiple
security  holders  sharing an address  unless the Company has received  contrary
instructions  from one or more of the  security  holders.  Upon  written or oral
request,  the Company will promptly  deliver a separate copy of this Information
Statement  and any future  annual  reports  and  information  statements  to any
security  holder at a shared address to which a single copy of this  Information
Statement was delivered,  or deliver a single copy of this Information Statement
and any future annual reports and information  statements to any security holder
or holders  sharing an address to which multiple  copies are now delivered.  You
should direct any such requests to the following address:

Assure Data, Inc.
c/o Robert Lisle
6680 Yosemite
Dallas, Texas 75214
Fax #: (214) 824-1030


         This  information  statement  is being  furnished  to you  pursuant  to
Section 14 of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended (the  "Exchange
Act"),  to notify the Company's  stockholders as of the close of business on the
Record Date of the approval of the  Amendment and the Plan.  Three  stockholders
holding  57.9%  of the  Company's  outstanding  common  stock  consented  to the
Amendment and the Plan pursuant to a written consent dated as of May 22, 2008.


         Each  outstanding  share of  common  stock as of record on the close of
business on the Record Date,  which is May 28, 2008,  will be entitled to notice
of the approval of the Amendment and the Plan. Under the NRS, all the activities
requiring  stockholders  approval may be taken by obtaining the written  consent
and  approval  of more  than 50% of the  holders  of  voting  stock in lieu of a
meeting  of  the  stockholders.  No  action  by  the  minority  stockholders  in
connection with the Amendment and the Plan is required.


         The voting power entitled to vote on the proposals consists of the vote
of the holders of a majority of the voting  power of the common  stock,  each of
whom is entitled to one vote per share. As of the record date,  1,640,000 shares
of common stock were issued and outstanding.


         The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares of our common  stock
outstanding on the Record Date is required for approval of the Amendment and the
Plan. The approval of such majority was obtained  pursuant to a written  consent
dated as of May 22, 2008.


         As  of  the  Record  Date,  the  Company's  authorized   capitalization
consisted of 100,000,000  shares of common stock, of which 1,640,000 shares were
issued  and  outstanding.  Holders  of  common  stock  of the  Company  have  no


preemptive  rights to acquire or  subscribe to any of the  additional  shares of
common  stock.  The  following  shareholders  (holding the  indicated  number of
shares) voted in favor of the proposals:

Holder                                     Number of Shares    Percentage
- ------                                     ----------------    ----------
Robert Lisle                                     266,667           16.26%
Max Kipness                                      266,667           16.26%
Patricia Gunter                                  416,666           25.4%

         Pursuant to Rule 14c-2 under the Exchange  Act, the  Amendment  and the
Plan will not be effected  until a date at least twenty (20) days after the date
on which this  Information  Statement has been mailed to the  stockholders.  The
Company  anticipates  that the Amendment  will be filed on or about the close of
business on  _______________,  2008.  The  Company  has asked  brokers and other
custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries to forward this  Information  Statement to
the  beneficial  owners of the common  stock held of record by such  persons and
will reimburse such persons for  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred in forwarding
such  material.  This  Information  Statement  will serve as  written  notice to
stockholders pursuant to the NRS.


         The  following  table  sets  forth  information  with  respect  to  the
beneficial  ownership of the  Company's  common stock as of May 22, 2008 by: (1)
each person who is a beneficial  owner of more than 5% of the  Company's  common
stock,  (2) each of the Company's  directors,  (3) each of the  Company's  named
executive  officers,  and  (4)  all  of the  Company's  executive  officers  and
directors as a group.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the address of each listed
person is in care of us at 6680 Yosemite, Dallas, Texas 75214.

Name                                Shares of Common Stock
                                    Number of Shares Owned         % Total
                                       Number of Shares       Outstanding Shares

Robert Lisle                              266,667                    16.26
6680 Yosemite
Dallas, Texas 75214

Max Kipness                               266,667                    16.26
549 Valley View Drive
Lewisville, Texas 75067

Patricia Gunter                           416,666                    25.40
174 FM 1830
Argyle, Texas 76226

All officers and directors
as a group (2 persons)                    533,334                    32.52


         Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act,  requires the Company's  directors,
executive officers,  and individuals who own more than 10% of a registered class
of the  Company's  equity  securities  to file initial  reports of ownership and
changes in  ownership  of common  stock with the  Commission.  Such  persons are
required  by  applicable  regulations  to furnish us with  copies of all Section
16(a) reports that they file.

         To the Company's knowledge, based solely on the review of the copies of
such reports furnished to the Company, all of the Company's directors,  officers
and 10% stockholders  have complied with the applicable  Section 16(a) reporting
requirements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007.


FROM 100,000,000 TO 200,000,000  SHARES,  OF WHICH,  100,000,000  SHARES WILL BE

         The  Amendment  does not make any  change in the  number of  authorized
shares of common stock, and there will continue to be 1,640,000 shares of common
stock issued and outstanding after the Amendment is filed.

         The effect of the Amendment is to create a new class of preferred stock
that  may be  issued  from  time to time  upon  authorization  by the  Board  of
Directors  of one or more  series of  preferred  shares  having  the  rights and
preference determined by the Board of Directors.

         The Board of Directors of the Company will have the authority to divide
the authorized  preferred  stock into series,  the shares of each series to have
such relative  rights and  preferences  as shall be fixed and  determined by the
Board  of  Directors.  The  provisions  of a  particular  series  of  authorized
preferred  stock,  as  designated  by  the  Board  of  Directors,   may  include
restrictions  on the payment of dividends on common stock.  Such  provisions may
also include  restriction  son the ability of the Company to purchase  shares of
common  stock  or to  purchase  or  redeem  shares  of a  particular  series  of
authorized  preferred  stock.  Depending  upon the voting rights  granted to any
series  of  authorized  preferred  stock,  issuance  thereof  could  result in a
reduction  in the voting power of the holders of common  stock.  In the event of
any dissolution,  liquidation or winding up of the Company, whether voluntary or
involuntary,  the holders of the preferred stock will receive,  in priority over
the holders of common stock, a liquidation  preference  established by the Board
of Directors, together with accumulated and unpaid dividends. Depending upon the
consideration paid for authorized preferred stock, the liquidation preference of
authorized  preferred  stock and  other  matters,  the  issuance  of  authorized
preferred  stock  could  result  in a  reduction  in the  assets  available  for
distribution  to the holders of common stock in the event of the  liquidation of
the Company.

         There  are no plans or  obligations  to issue any  shares of  preferred
stock.  The  purpose of the  Amendment  is to provide  the  Company  with a more
flexible  capital  structure  that may facilitate  additional  investment in the

         The proposed  increase in the authorized  number of shares of preferred
stock  could have a number of effects on the  Company's  stockholders  depending
upon the exact nature and  circumstances  of any actual  issuances of authorized
but unissued shares.  The increase could have an anti-takeover  effect,  in that
additional  shares could be issued (within the limits imposed by applicable law)
in one or more  transactions  that could make a change in control or takeover of
the Company more difficult.  For example,  additional  shares could be issued by
the  Company so as to dilute  the stock  ownership  or voting  rights of persons
seeking to obtain control of the Company,  even if the persons seeking to obtain
control  of the  Company  offer an  above-market  premium  that is  favored by a
majority of the independent shareholders.  Similarly, the issuance of additional
shares to certain  persons allied with the Company's  management  could have the
effect of making it more difficult to remove the Company's current management by
diluting the stock  ownership or voting rights of persons  seeking to cause such
removal.  The  Company  does not have any other  provisions  in its  articles or
incorporation,  bylaws,  employment  agreements,  credit agreements or any other
documents  that have  material  anti-takeover  consequences.  Additionally,  the
Company has no plans or proposals to adopt other  provisions or enter into other
arrangements,  except as disclosed below,  that may have material  anti-takeover
consequences. The Board is not aware of any attempt, or contemplated attempt, to
acquire  control of the Company,  and this proposal is not being  presented with
the intent that it be utilized as a type of anti- takeover device.



         On  May  22,  2008,  the  Board  of  Directors  approved,   subject  to
stockholder approval, the Company's 2008 Equity Incentive Plan (the "Plan"). The
Plan provides that key employees,  consultants and non-employee directors of the
Company or an affiliate ("eligible participants") may be granted: (1) options to
acquire shares of the Company's  common stock,  (2) shares of restricted  common
stock (3) stock appreciation rights, (4) performance-based awards, (4) "Dividend
Equivalents," and (5) other stock-based  awards  (collectively,  "Awards").  The
Plan will permit eligible  participants to acquire a proprietary interest in the
growth and  performance  of the  Company.  The  purposes  of the Plan are to (1)


increase the  incentive  of its  participants  to  contribute  to the  Company's
success and prosperity, thus enhancing stockholder value, and (2) to provide the
Company  with a proven  means to  attract  and  retain  exceptionally  qualified
individuals  upon whom, in large  measure,  the sustained  progress,  growth and
profitability of the Company depend.

         The Company is seeking stockholder  approval for the future issuance of
options  under the Plan to allow its  participants  to acquire  up to  5,000,000
shares of the Company's common stock.

         The Plan is included in this Proxy  Statement as Annex B, and reference
is made to Annex B for a full description of the terms of the Plan.

Board Recommendation

         The Board of Directors  recommended that the majority stockholders vote
to approve the Plan,  and such  approval  was obtained on May 22, 2008 to become
effective 20 days after the mailing of this Information Statement.

Description of the Plan

         The following summary  describes the principal  provisions of the Plan.
The summary  does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by
the full text of the Plan attached as Annex B to this proxy statement.

         The total  number of shares of  common  stock  that may be  subject  to
Awards under the Plan will not exceed five million shares  (subject to customary
adjustments  as  provided  in the  Plan).  Such  number of shares is  subject to
adjustment by the committee  established  to administer the Plan or by the Board
of Directors if there are no  independent  directors (the  "Committee"),  in the
event of a  recapitalization,  stock split,  stock dividend or similar corporate
transaction.  Such shares may be either  authorized or unissued shares or shares
held in treasury.

         The Plan is  generally  designed  to meet the  requirements  of Section
162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  in order
to preserve the Company's  ability to take  compensation  expense  deductions in
connection   with  the   exercise   of  options   granted  and  the  vesting  of
performance-based  restricted  stock  under the Plan in  certain  circumstances.
Under Code Section 162(m),  a publicly held corporation is not permitted to take
a federal income tax deduction for compensation  recognized by certain executive
officers in any year in excess of $1,000,000, unless such compensation meets the
stockholder approval and other requirements of Code Section 162(m).

         The Plan is administered  by the Committee,  which must be comprised of
not less than two individuals appointed by the Board of Directors,  each of whom
is  (1)  to  the  extent  required  by  Rule  16b-3  and  the  Exchange  Act,  a
"non-employee  director," and (2) to the extent required by Code Section 162(m),
an "outside director".  Until the Company has independent  directors,  the whole
Board of  Directors  will make such rules and  regulations  and  establish  such
procedures for the administration of the Plan as it deems advisable.

         The Committee may grant Awards under the Plan to eligible participants.
The Committee has the discretion, in accordance with the provisions of the Plan,
to determine the terms of the Award,  to whom an Award is granted and the number
of shares of stock subject to the Award.

Stock Options

         An option  granted under the Plan may be an incentive  stock option (an
"ISO") or may be a  non-qualified  stock option (a "Non-ISO"),  as determined at
the time of grant. In certain  circumstances,  the grant of Non-ISOs, as opposed
to ISOs, can result in federal income tax advantages to the Company.

         The  exercise  price for  options  may not be less than the fair market
value of the stock on the date of the grant of the  options.  The Plan  provides
that optionees may pay the exercise  price:  (1) in cash, (2) by delivery to the
Company of shares of the Company's  common stock owned by the  participant,  (3)
with other securities, (4) with other Awards, (5) with other property, or (6) in
any combination of the above, in each case on such other terms and conditions as
may be acceptable to the Committee (which may include payment in installments or
on a deferred basis).


         An option  granted  under the Plan may not be exercised  later than the
date  specified by the  Committee,  which will be a maximum of 10 years from the
date of the grant.

Restricted Stock

         The Committee  may award  "restricted"  shares of the Company's  common
stock and  restricted  stock  units,  which are grants of common stock or Awards
designated in shares of restricted  stock that are subject to risk of forfeiture
or other  restrictions.  Shares of restricted  stock and restricted  stock units
will be subject to such  restrictions  as the Committee  may impose  (including,
without limitation, any limitation on the right to receive any dividend or other
right or property), which restrictions may lapse separately or in combination at
such time or times, in such installments or otherwise, as the Committee may deem

         Except as otherwise  determined by the Committee,  upon  termination of
employment (as determined  under criteria  established by the Committee) for any
reason during the applicable  restriction period, all shares of restricted stock
and all restricted  stock units still,  in either case,  subject to restriction,
shall be forfeited and reacquired by the Company;  provided,  however,  that the
Committee may, when it finds that a waiver would be in the best interests of the
Company,  waive  in  whole or in part  any or all  remaining  restrictions  with
respect to shares of restricted stock or restricted stock units.

Stock Appreciation Rights

         The  Committee  is  authorized  to grant  eligible  participants  stock
appreciation  rights. A stock  appreciation right gives the recipient a right to
receive,  upon exercise of the stock  appreciation  right, the excess of (1) the
fair market value (as  determined by the Committee) of one share of common stock
on the date of exercise or, if the Committee  determines in the case of any such
right other than one  related to any ISO, at any time during a specified  period
before or after the date of exercise  over (2) the grant price of the right,  as
specified by the Committee. The grant price, term, methods of exercise,  methods
of  settlement,  and any other terms and  conditions  of any stock  appreciation
right are determined by the Committee.  The Committee may impose such conditions
or restrictions on the exercise of any stock  appreciation  right as it may deem

Performance Awards

         The Committee is authorized to grant eligible participants  performance
awards.  A performance  award granted under the Plan (1) may be  denominated  or
payable  in  cash,  shares  of  common  stock  (including,  without  limitation,
restricted  stock),  other  securities,  other Awards, or other property and (2)
confer on the recipient rights valued as determined by the Committee and payable
to, or exercisable by, the recipient,  in whole or in part, upon the achievement
of such performance goals during such performance periods as the Committee shall
establish.  The performance goals to be achieved during any performance  period,
the  length of any  performance  period,  the  amount of any  performance  award
granted,  and the amount of any payment or  transfer to be made  pursuant to any
performance award shall be determined by the Committee. The goals established by
the Committee will be based on any one, or combination  of,  earnings per share,
return on equity,  return on assets,  total  stockholder  return,  net operating
income, cash flow, revenue,  economic value added,  increase in the price of the
Company's common stock, cash flow return on investment, or any other measure the
Committee deems appropriate.  Partial achievement of the goal(s) may result in a
payment or vesting corresponding to the degree of achievement.

Dividend Equivalents

         The Committee is authorized to grant Awards under which the  recipients
are  entitled to receive  payments  equivalent  to  dividends  or interest  with
respect to a number of shares of common stock  determined by the Committee,  and
the  Committee  may provide  that such  amounts (if any) shall be deemed to have
been  reinvested in additional  shares of common stock or otherwise  reinvested.
Such Awards may have such terms and conditions as the Committee determines.

Other Stock-Based Awards

         The  Committee  is also  authorized  to  grant  other  Awards  that are
denominated  or  payable  in,  valued  in whole or in part by  reference  to, or
otherwise  based on or related to,  shares of common stock  (including,  without


limitation,  securities  convertible into shares of common stock), as are deemed
by the Committee to be consistent  with the purposes of the Plan.  The Committee
determines the terms and conditions of such Awards.


         Awards  granted under the Plan generally are not  transferable,  except
that  the  Committee  may,  in  its  sole  discretion  and  subject  to  certain
limitations,  permit the transfer of Non-ISOs at the time of grant or thereafter
for estate planning purposes.  No Awards may be granted under the Plan after May
31, 2018.

         The number of Awards  that may be granted  under the Plan to  executive
officers is not determinable at this time.

                        COMMON STOCK AND DIVIDEND POLICY

Market Information

         Our common stock is traded in the over-the-counter market on the NASDAQ
OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol ASDI. To our  knowledge,  here are no active
market makers in our stock. The 2-week high was $1.30 and 52-week low was $1.00.


         As of May 22, 2008,  1,640,000  common shares of the  Company's  common
stock are held by thirteen holders of records.


         We have never paid any dividends, and we do not anticipate any stock or
cash  dividends,  and we do not  anticipate  any sock or cash  dividends  on our
common stock foreseeable future.

                         DISSENTERS' RIGHTS OF APPRAISAL

         Pursuant to the NRS, no  stockholder  that objects to the  Amendment or
the Plan will have any right to receive  from us the fair  value of his,  her or
its shares.  The NRS  provides  that any  provision  of our Amended and Restated
Articles  of  Incorporation  may be  amended  by  approval  of the Board and the
affirmative  written consent of the holders of a majority of the voting power of
the outstanding  shares  entitled to vote thereon;  provided that, any amendment
that would adversely  affect the rights of the holders of any class or series of
capital  stock must be  approved  by the  holders of a majority of the shares of
such class or series.  The Amendment and the Plan were adopted by the holders of
a majority of the shares entitled to vote thereon.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

         PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT.  Further  information is available by
request or can be accessed on the Internet.  We are subject to the informational
requirements of the Exchange Act, and in accordance  therewith,  file annual and
quarterly reports,  proxy and information  statements and other disclaimers with
the SEC. These documents and other information can be accessed electronically by
means of the SEC's home page on the Internet at  or at other
Internet sites such as

By Order of the Board of Directors,

Robert Lisle,

Dallas, Texas
_______________, 2008

                                                                         Annex A

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                                ASSURE DATA, INC.

         The undersigned  President of Assure Data, Inc., a Nevada  corporation,
has hereby  executed these Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  of the Company,
pursuant  to  the  requirements  of  NRS  78.403.  These  Restated  Articles  of
Incorporation  were approved by the Board of Directors and by a written  consent
of the holders of 57.9% of the outstanding shares of common stock.

                                  ARTICLE ONE

         The name of the Corporation is Assure Data, Inc.

                                  ARTICLE TWO

         The  address  of the  Corporation's  principal  office  in the State of
Nevada is 6100 Neil Road,  Suite 500,  Reno  Nevada  89511,  and the name of its
registered agent at such address is The Corporation Trust Company of Nevada.

                                 ARTICLE THREE

         The duration of the Corporation shall be perpetual.

                                  ARTICLE FOUR

         The nature of the  business or purposes to be  conducted or promoted is
to engage in any lawful act or activity for which  corporations may be organized
under the Nevada  corporation  laws (Chapter 78 of the Nevada  Revised  Statutes
(the "NRS").

                                  ARTICLE FIVE

         The Corporation shall have authority to issue two classes of stock, and
the total number authorized shall be one hundred million (100,000,000) shares of
Common  Stock  of the  par  value  of  ($.001)  each,  and one  hundred  million
(100,000,000)  shares of  Preferred  Stock of the par value of ($.001)  each.  A
description of the different classes of stock of the Corporation and a statement
of  the   designations  and  the  powers,   preferences  and  rights,   and  the
qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, in respect of each class of
such stock are as follows:

         Issuance  in Class or Series.  The  Preferred  Stock may be issued from
time to time in one or more series, or divided into additional  classes and such
classes into one or more series.  The terms of a class or series,  including all
rights and  preferences,  shall be as specified in the resolution or resolutions
adopted  by the Board of  Directors  designating  such  class or  series,  which
resolution or resolutions the Board of Directors is hereby expressly  authorized
to adopt. Such resolution or resolutions with respect to a class or series shall
specify all or such of the rights or  preferences of such class or series as the
Board of Directors shall determine,  including the following, if applicable: (a)
the number of shares to  constitute  such  class or series  and the  distinctive
designation  thereof;  (b) the dividend or manner for  determining  the dividend
payable with respect to the shares of such class or series and the date or dates
from which dividends  shall accrue,  whether such dividends shall be cumulative,
and, if cumulative,  the date or dates from which dividends shall accumulate and
whether the shares in such class or series  shall be entitled to  preference  or
priority over any other class or series of stock of the Corporation with respect
to payment of  dividends;  (c) the terms and  conditions,  including  price or a
manner for determining  the price, of redemption,  if any, of the shares of such
class or series;  (d) the terms and  conditions of a retirement or sinking fund,
if any,  for the purchase or  redemption  of the shares of such class or series;
(e) the amount  which the shares of such class or series  shall be  entitled  to
receive,  if any, in the event of any liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of
the  Corporation  and whether such shares  shall be entitled to a preference  or
priority over shares of another class or series with respect to amounts received
in  connection  with  any   liquidation,   dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the
Corporation; (f) whether the shares of such class or series shall be convertible
into, or exchangeable for, shares of stock of any other class or classes, or any

other  series  of the  same or any  other  class or  classes  of  stock,  of the
Corporation and the terms and conditions of any such conversion or exchange; (g)
the  voting  rights,  if any,  of  shares  of stock of such  class or  series in
addition to those  granted  herein;  (h) the status as to  reissuance or sale of
shares of such class or series redeemed,  purchased or otherwise reacquired,  or
surrendered  to  the  Corporation  upon  conversion;   (i)  the  conditions  and
restrictions,  if any,  on the  payment of  dividends  or on the making of other
distributions  on,  or the  purchase,  redemption  or other  acquisition  by the
Corporation  or any  subsidiary,  of any  other  class or series of stock of the
Corporation  ranking junior to such shares as to dividends or upon  liquidation;
(j) the conditions,  if any, on the creation of indebtedness of the Corporation,
or any subsidiary;  and (k) such other  preferences,  rights,  restrictions  and
qualifications as the Board of Directors may determine.

         All  shares of the  Common  stock  shall be of the same class and shall
have equal dividend or distribution, liquidation and other rights.

         All shares of the Common  Stock shall rank  equally,  and all shares of
the Preferred Stock shall rank equally, and be identical within their classes in
all respects regardless of series,  except as to terms which may be specified by
the Board of Directors  pursuant to the above provisions.  All shares of any one
series of a class of Preferred Stock shall be of equal rank and identical in all
respects,  except that shares of any one series  issued at  different  times may
differ  as to  the  dates  on  which  dividends  thereon  shall  accrue  and  be

         Other  Provisions.  Shares of Common  Stock or  Preferred  Stock of any
class or series may be issued with such voting  powers,  full or limited,  or no
voting powers,  and such designations,  preferences and relative  participating,
option or  special  rights,  and  qualifications,  limitations  or  restrictions
thereof,  as shall be stated and  expressed  in the  resolution  or  resolutions
providing for the issuance of such stock adopted by the Board of Directors.  Any
of the voting  powers,  designations,  preferences,  rights and  qualifications,
limitations  or  restrictions  of any such  class or series of stock may be made
dependent upon facts ascertainable  outside the resolution or resolutions of the
Board  of  Directors  providing  for the  issue of such  stock  by the  Board of
Directors, provided the manner in which such facts shall operate upon the voting
powers,  designations,  preferences,  rights and qualifications,  limitations or
restrictions  or such class or series is clearly set forth in the  resolution or
resolutions  providing  for the  issue of such  stock  adopted  by the  Board of
Directors.  Shares of Common or Preferred  Stock  reacquired by the  Corporation
shall no longer be deemed  outstanding  and shall have no voting or other rights
unless and until reissued.  Shares reacquired by the Corporation may be canceled
and restored to the status of  authorized  and  unissued  stock by action of the
Board of Directors.

         Common  Stock.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in any  resolution  or
resolutions  adopted by the Board of Directors,  the Common Stock shall (a) have
the exclusive voting power of the  corporation;  (b) entitle the holders thereof
to one vote per share at all meetings of the  stockholders  of the  Corporation;
(c) entitle  the holders to share  ratably,  without  preference  over any other
shares of the Corporation,  in all assets of the Corporation In the event of any
dissolution,  liquidation or winding up of the Corporation;  and (d) entitle the
record holder thereof on such record dates as are determined, from time to time,
by the Board of  Directors to receive  such  dividends,  if any, if, as and when
declared by the Board of Directors.

                                  ARTICLE SIX

         The  business  and  affairs of the  Corporation  shall be managed by or
under the direction of the Board of Directors,  which initially shall consist of
one director. The number of directors comprising the Board of Directors shall be
fixed  upon  resolution  of the  Board  of  Directors  and may be  increased  or
decreased  from  time  to time  in the  manner  provided  in the  bylaws  of the
Corporation; except that , at no time shall there be less than one (1) director.
The name,  address and category of the initial  member of the Board of Directors
is Robert Lisle, 2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite 102, Frisco, Texas 75034.

                                 ARTICLE SEVEN

         The name and mailing address of the  incorporator of the Corporation is
Maria Ozaeta,  c/o CT Corporation  System,  350 N. St. Paul Street,  Suite 2900,
Dallas, Texas 75201.

                                 ARTICLE EIGHT

         Shares  of the  Corporation  shall not be  subject  to  assessment  for
payment of the debts of the Corporation.

                                  ARTICLE NINE

         The Board of Directors shall have the power to make,  adopt,  amend, or
repeal the Bylaws of the Corporation.

                                  ARTICLE TEN

         In the event that the Board of Directors of the Corporation  determines
that it is in the  Corporation's  best  interest  to  amend  these  Articles  of
Incorporation, the Board of Directors shall adopt a resolution setting forth the
proposed  amendment and declaring its  advisability  and submit the mater to the
stockholders   entitled  to  vote  thereon  for  the  consideration  thereof  in
accordance with the provision of the NRS and these Articles of Incorporation. In
the resolution setting forth the proposed amendment,  the Board of Directors may
insert a  provision  allowing  the  Board of  Directors  to  later  abandon  the
amendment,  without  concurrence  by the  stockholders,  after the amendment has
received  stockholder approval but before the amendment is filed with the Nevada
Secretary of State.

                                 ARTICLE ELEVEN

         A director or officer of the Corporation shall not be personally liable
to the Corporation or its  stockholders for damages for breach of fiduciary duty
as a director  or officer,  except  for:  (1) acts or  omissions  which  involve
intentional misconduct,  fraud or a knowing violation of law; or (2) the payment
of  dividends  in violation  of NRS 78.300.  Any repeal or  modification  of the
provisions of this Article Eleven by the  stockholders of the Corporation  shall
be  prospective  only,  and shall not  adversely  affect any  limitation  on the
personal  liability of a director or officer of the Corporation  with respect to
any act or  omission  occurring  prior to the  effective  date of such repeal or
modification.  If the Nevada  Corporation  Law hereafter is amended to authorize
the further elimination or limitation of the liability of directors or officers,
then the liability of a director or officer of the  Corporation,  in addition to
the  limitation on personal  liability  provided  here,  shall be limited to the
fullest extent permitted by the amended Nevada Corporation Law.

         In the  event  that  any of  the  provisions  of  this  Article  Eleven
(including  any  provision  within  a  single  sentence)  is held by a court  of
competent  jurisdiction  to be  valid,  void  or  otherwise  unenforceable,  the
remaining  provisions are severable and shall remain  enforceable to the fullest
extent permitted by law.

                                 ARTICLE TWELVE

         The  Corporation   shall,  to  the  fullest  extent  permitted  by  the
provisions of 78.7502 of the Nevada Revised Statutes, as the same may be amended
and  supplemented,  indemnify  any and all  persons  whom it shall have power to
indemnify  under said  section  from and  against  any and all of the  expenses,
liabilities,  or other matters  referred in or covered by said section,  and the
indemnification  provided for herein shall not be deemed  exclusive of any other
rights to which those  indemnified may be entitled under the Bylaws,  agreement,
vote of  stockholders,  or  disinterested  directors,  or otherwise,  both as to
action his official  capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding
such office,  and shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a director,
officer,  employee,  or agent  and  shall  inure to the  benefit  of the  heirs,
executors, and administrators of such a person.

         Dated:   ______________, 2008

                                                     ASSURE DATA, INC.

                                                     By: /s/ Robert Lisle
                                                         Robert Lisle, President

                                                                         Annex B

                  Assure Data, Inc. 2008 Equity Incentive Plan

1.       PURPOSE

         The purposes of this Assure Data, Inc. 2008 Equity  Incentive Plan (the
"Plan") are to encourage selected  employees,  outside directors and consultants
of Assure Data, Inc.  (together with any successor  thereto,  the "Company") and
its  Affiliates  (as  defined  below) to acquire a  proprietary  interest in the
growth and  performance  of the Company,  to generate an increased  incentive to
contribute to the Company's  future success and  prosperity,  thus enhancing the
value of the  Company for the  benefit of its  stockholders,  and to enhance the
ability of the Company and its  Affiliates  to attract and retain  exceptionally
qualified  individuals  upon whom, in large  measure,  the  sustained  progress,
growth and profitability of the Company depend.


         As used in the Plan,  the  following  terms shall have the meanings set
forth below:

         (a)      "Affiliate"  shall  mean  (i) any  entity  that,  directly  or
                  through  one or  more  intermediaries,  is  controlled  by the
                  Company  and  (ii)  any  entity  in which  the  Company  has a
                  significant equity interest, as determined by the Committee.

         (b)      "Award"  shall  mean any  Option,  Stock  Appreciation  Right,
                  Restricted Stock,  Restricted Stock Unit,  Performance  Award,
                  Dividend Equivalent,  or Other Stock-Based Award granted under
                  the Plan.

         (c)      "Award Agreement" shall mean any written agreement,  contract,
                  or other  instrument or document  evidencing any Award granted
                  under the Plan.

         (d)      "Code"  shall  mean the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as
                  amended from time to time.

         (e)      "Consultant"  shall mean a consultant  or adviser who provides
                  bona  fide  services  to the  Company  or an  Affiliate  as an
                  independent  contractor.  Service  as a  consultant  shall  be
                  considered employment for all purposes of the Plan, except for
                  purposes of satisfying  the  requirements  of Incentive  Stock

         (f)      "Committee"  shall mean a committee  of the Board of Directors
                  of the Company,  acting in accordance  with the  provisions of
                  Section 3,  designated by the Board to administer the Plan and
                  composed of not less than two  directors,  each of whom is not
                  an  employee  of the  Company  or an  Affiliate  and meets the
                  "Non-Employee  Director"  eligibility  requirements imposed by
                  Rule 16b-3 (or its successor)  under the  Securities  Exchange
                  Act of  1934,  as  amended,  and  each of  whom is an  outside
                  director  for purposes of Section  162(m) of the Code.  In the
                  absence of directors who are so qualified,  the whole Board of
                  Directors shall act as the Committee.

         (g)      "Dividend  Equivalent"  shall  mean any  right  granted  under
                  Section 6(e) of the Plan.

         (h)      "Employee"  shall mean any  employee  of the Company or of any

         (i)      "Fair Market  Value" shall mean,  with respect to any property
                  (including,   without   limitation,   any   Shares   or  other
                  Securities), the fair market value of such property determined
                  by such methods or  procedures  as shall be  established  from
                  time to time by the Committee.

         (j)      "Incentive  Stock Option"  shall mean an option  granted under
                  Section  6(a)  of the  Plan  that  is  intended  to  meet  the
                  requirements  of  Section  422 of the Code,  or any  successor
                  provision thereto.

         (k)      "Non-Qualified  Stock  Option"  shall  mean an option  granted
                  under  Section  6(a) of the Plan that is not intended to be an
                  Incentive Stock Option.

         (l)      "Option"   shall  mean  an   Incentive   Stock   Option  or  a
                  Non-Qualified Stock Option.

         (m)      "Other  Stock-Based  Award" shall mean any right granted under
                  Section 6(f) of the Plan.

         (n)      "Outside  Director"  shall  mean  a  member  of the  Board  of
                  Directors  of  the  Company  or  any  Affiliate  who is not an
                  Employee.  Service as an Outside  Director shall be considered
                  employment  for all purposes of the Plan,  except for purposes
                  of satisfying the requirements of Incentive Stock Options.

         (o)      "Participant"  shall mean an  Employee,  Outside  Director  or
                  Consultant who receives an Award under the Plan.

         (p)      "Performance Award" shall mean any right granted under Section
                  6(d) of the Plan.

         (q)      "Person" shall mean any individual, corporation,  partnership,
                  association,   joint-stock  company,   trust,   unincorporated
                  organization, or government or political subdivision thereof.

         (r)      "Released Securities" shall mean shares of Restricted Stock as
                  to  which  all  restrictions  imposed  by the  committee  have
                  expired, lapsed, or been waived.

         (s)      "Restricted  Stock" shall mean any Share granted under Section
                  6(c) of the Plan.

         (t)      "Restricted  Stock  Unit" shall mean any right  granted  under
                  Section 6(c) of the Plan that is denominated in Shares.

         (u)      "Shares" shall mean the shares of common stock of the Company,
                  $.001 par value,  and such other securities or property as may
                  become the  subject of  Awards,  or become  subject to Awards,
                  pursuant to an adjustment made under Section 4(b) of the Plan.

         (v)      "Stock  Appreciation Right" shall mean any right granted under
                  Section 6(b) of the Plan.


         Except as otherwise  provided herein, the Plan shall be administered by
the  Committee.  Subject  to the  terms  of the  Plan and  applicable  law,  the
Committee  shall have full power and authority  to: (i) designate  participants;
(ii)  determine  the type or types of Awards to be granted  to each  Participant
under the Plan;  (iii)  determine the number of Shares to be covered by (or with
respect to which  payments,  rights,  or other  matters are to be  calculated in
connection  with) Awards;  (iv) determine the terms and conditions of any award;
(v) determine the time or times when each Award shall become exercisable and the
duration of the exercise period;  (vi) determine  whether,  to what extent,  and
under what circumstances Awards may be settled in or exercised for cash, Shares,
other securities,  other Awards, or other property, or canceled,  forfeited,  or
suspended, and the method or methods by which Awards may be settled,  exercised,
canceled,  forfeited, or suspended; (vii) determine whether, to what extent, and
under what circumstances  cash, shares,  other securities,  other Awards,  other
property,  and other  amounts  payable  with  respect to an Award under the Plan
shall be deferred either  automatically or at the election of the holder thereof
or of the Committee; (viii) interpret and administer the Plan and any instrument
or agreement relating to, or Award made under, the Plan; (ix) establish,  amend,
suspend, or waive such rules and regulations and appoint such agents as it shall
deem  appropriate  for the proper  administration  of the Plan; and (x) make any
other determination and take any other action that the Committee deems necessary
or desirable for the  administration  of the Plan.  Unless  otherwise  expressly
provided in the Plan, all  designations,  determinations,  interpretations,  and
other  decisions  under or with respect to the Plan or any Award shall be within
the sole  discretion  of the  Committee,  may be made at any time,  and shall be
final,  conclusive,  and binding upon all Persons,  including  the Company,  any
Affiliate,  any  Participant,  any  holder  or  beneficiary  of any  Award,  any
stockholder,  and any employee,  director or consultant of the Company or of any
Affiliate.   In  the  case  of  any  Award  that  is   intended  to  qualify  as
performance-based  compensation for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Code, once
the Award is made,  the  Committee  shall not have  discretion  to increase  the

amount of compensation  payable under the Award that would otherwise be due upon
attainment of the performance goal. Actions of the Committee may be taken either
(i) by a  subcommittee,  designated  by the  Committee,  composed of two or more
members,  or (ii) by the  Committee  but with one or more members  abstaining or
recusing  himself or herself  from acting on the matter,  so long as two or more
members  remain  to  act  on the  matter.  Such  action,  authorized  by  such a
subcommittee or by the Committee upon the abstention or recusal of such members,
shall be the action of the Committee for purposes of the Plan.


(a)      SHARES AVAILABLE. Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4(b):

         (i)      CALCULATION  OF  NUMBER  OF SHARES  AVAILABLE.  The  number of
                  Shares  available for granting  Awards under the Plan shall be
                  5,000,000.  Further, if, after the effective date of the Plan,
                  any Shares covered by an Award granted under the Plan or by an
                  award granted  under a  Predecessor  Plan, or to which such an
                  Award or award relates, are forfeited, or if an Award or award
                  otherwise  terminates  without  the  delivery  of Shares or of
                  other consideration,  then the Shares covered by such Award or
                  award, or to which such Award or award relates,  or the number
                  of Shares  otherwise  counted against the aggregate  number of
                  Shares  available under the Plan with respect to such Award or
                  award,  to the extent of any such  forfeiture or  termination,
                  shall again be, or shall become, available for granting Awards
                  under the Plan.

         (ii)     ACCOUNTING FOR AWARDS. For purposes of this Section 4,

                  (A)      if an Award  (other  than a Dividend  Equivalent)  is
                           denominated  in Shares,  the number of Shares covered
                           by such Award, or to which such Award relates,  shall
                           be counted on the date of grant of such Award against
                           the aggregate number of Shares available for granting
                           Awards under the Plan; and

                  (B)      Dividend  Equivalents  and Awards not  denominated in
                           Shares  shall not be counted  against  the  aggregate
                           number of Shares  available for granting Awards under
                           the Plan.

         (iii)    SOURCES  OF  SHARES   DELIVERABLE  UNDER  AWARDS.  Any  shares
                  delivered  pursuant  to an Award may  consist,  in whole or in
                  part, of authorized and unissued Shares or of Treasury Shares.

(b)      ADJUSTMENTS.  In the event that the Committee  shall determine that any
         dividend or other  distribution  (whether in the form of cash,  Shares,
         other securities,  or other property),  recapitalization,  stock split,
         reverse stock split, reorganization,  merger, consolidation,  split-up,
         spin-off,  combination,  purchase,  or  exchange  of  Shares  or  other
         securities  of the  Company,  issuance of  warrants or other  rights to
         purchase  Shares or other  securities of the Company,  or other similar
         corporate  transaction  or  event  affects  the  Shares  such  that  an
         adjustment is determined by the Committee to be appropriate in order to
         prevent  dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential  benefits
         intended to be made available under the Plan, then the Committee shall,
         in such manner as it may deem  equitable,  adjust any or all of (i) the
         number  and type of Shares  (or other  securities  or  property)  which
         thereafter may be made the subject of Awards,  (ii) the number and type
         of Shares (or other  securities  or  property)  subject to  outstanding
         Awards,  (iii) the number and type of Shares  (or other  securities  or
         property)  specified  as the annual  per-participant  limitation  under
         Section 6(g)(vi),  and (iv) the grant, purchase, or exercise price with
         respect to any Award, or, if deemed  appropriate,  make provision for a
         cash payment to the holder of an outstanding Award; provided,  however,
         in each case, that with respect to Awards of Incentive Stock Options no
         such  adjustment  shall be authorized to the extent that such authority
         would cause the Plan to violate  Section  422(b)(1)  of the Code or any
         successor provision thereto; and provided,  further,  however, that the
         number  of Shares  subject  to any award  denominated  in Shares  shall
         always be a whole number.


         Any  Employee,  Outside  Director  or  Consultant  shall be eligible to
receive  Awards under the Plan.  Any Awards  granted to members of the Committee
shall be approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.

6.       AWARDS

(a)      OPTIONS.  The Committee is hereby  authorized to grant Options with the
         following  terms  and  conditions  and with such  additional  terms and
         conditions,  in either case not inconsistent with the provisions of the
         Plan, as the Committee shall determine:

         (i)      EXERCISE  PRICE.  The exercise  price per Share of each Option
                  shall be determined by the committee;  provided, however, that
                  such exercise price per Share under any Incentive Stock Option
                  shall not be less than 100% (110% in the case of a "10-percent
                  stockholder  as such term is used in Section  422(c)(5) of the
                  Code")  of the  Fair  Market  Value  of a Share on the date of
                  grant of such Incentive Stock Option.

         (ii)     OPTION  TERM.  The term of each  Option  shall be fixed by the
                  Committee,  provided that no Incentive Stock Option shall have
                  a term  greater  than  10  years  (5  years  in the  case of a
                  "10-percent  stockholder")  as such  term  is used in  Section
                  422(c)(5) of the Code).

         (iii)    TIME AND METHOD OF EXERCISE. The Committee shall determine the
                  time or times at which an Option may be  exercised in whole or
                  in part, and the method or methods by which,  property, or any
                  combination  thereof,  having  a  Fair  Market  Value  on  the
                  exercise date equal to the relevant  exercise price, in which,
                  payment of the exercise price with respect thereto may be made
                  or deemed to have been made.

         (iv)     INCENTIVE  STOCK  OPTIONS.  The terms of any  Incentive  Stock
                  Option  granted  under the Plan shall  comply in all  respects
                  with  the  provisions  of  Section  422  of the  Code,  or any
                  successor provision thereto,  and any regulations  promulgated

(b)      STOCK APPRECIATION  RIGHTS. The Committee is hereby authorized to grant
         Stock Appreciation Rights. A Stock Appreciation Right granted under the
         Plan  shall  confer  on the  holder  thereof a right to  receive,  upon
         exercise thereof, the excess of (i). the Fair Market Value of one Share
         on the date of exercise or, if the Committee  shall so determine in the
         case of any such right  other than one related to any  Incentive  Stock
         Option,  at any time during a specified period before or after the date
         of exercise over (ii). the grant price of the right as specified by the
         Committee.  Subject to the terms of the Plan,  the grant  price,  term,
         methods of  exercise,  methods of  settlement,  and any other terms and
         conditions  of any Stock  Appreciation  Right shall be as determined by
         the Committee. The Committee may impose such conditions or restrictions
         on the  exercise  of  any  Stock  Appreciation  Right  as it  may  deem


         (i)      ISSUANCE.  The Committee is hereby  authorized to grant Awards
                  of Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units.

         (ii)     RESTRICTIONS.  Shares of Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock
                  Units shall be subject to such  restrictions  as the Committee
                  may impose (including,  without limitation,  any limitation on
                  the right to receive any dividend or other right or property),
                  which  restrictions  may lapse separately or in combination at
                  such time or times, in such installments or otherwise,  as the
                  Committee may deem appropriate.

         (iii)    REGISTRATION.  Any Restricted Stock granted under the Plan may
                  be  evidenced  in  such  manner  as  the  Committee  may  deem
                  appropriate,   including,   without   limitation,   book-entry
                  registration   or   issuance   of  a  stock   certificate   or
                  certificates.  In the event any stock certificate is issued in
                  respect of Shares of restricted  Stock granted under the Plan,

                  such  certificate  shall  be  registered  in the  name  of the
                  Participant and shall bear an appropriate  legend referring to
                  the terms,  conditions,  and  restrictions  applicable to such
                  Restricted Stock.

         (iv)     FORFEITURE.  Except as otherwise  determined by the Committee,
                  upon  termination of employment (as determined  under criteria
                  established  by the  Committee)  for  any  reason  during  the
                  applicable  restriction period, all Shares of Restricted Stock
                  and all Restricted Stock Units still, in either case,  subject
                  to  restriction  shall  be  forfeited  and  reacquired  by the
                  Company;  provided,  however,  that the Committee may, when it
                  finds  that a waiver  would be in the  best  interests  of the
                  Company,  waive  in  whole  or in  part  any or all  remaining
                  restrictions  with  respect to Shares of  Restricted  Stock or
                  Restricted Stock Units. Unrestricted Shares, evidenced in such
                  manner  as the  Committee  shall  deem  appropriate,  shall be
                  delivered to the  Participant  promptly after such  Restricted
                  Stock shall become Released Securities.

(d)      PERFORMANCE  AWARDS.  The  Committee  is  hereby  authorized  to  grant
         Performance  Awards.  Subject to the terms of the Plan,  a  Performance
         Award granted under the Plan (i) may be denominated or payable in cash,
         Shares  (including,   without  limitation,   Restricted  Stock),  other
         securities,  other Awards,  or other  property and (ii) shall confer on
         the holder  thereof  rights  valued as  determined by the Committee and
         payable to, or exercisable by, the holder of the Performance  Award, in
         whole or in part, upon the achievement of such performance goals during
         such performance  periods as the Committee shall establish.  Subject to
         the  terms  of  the  Plan  and  any  applicable  Award  Agreement,  the
         performance  goals to be achieved  during any performance  period,  the
         length of any performance  period,  the amount of any Performance Award
         granted,  and the amount of any payment or transfer to be made pursuant
         to any  Performance  Award shall be  determined by the  Committee.  The
         goals  established  by the  Committee  shall be  based  on any one,  or
         combination of, earnings per share, return on equity, return on assets,
         total stockholder  return,  net operating income,  cash flow,  revenue,
         economic  value  added,  increase in Share price or cash flow return on
         investment,  or any other  measure  the  Committee  deems  appropriate.
         Partial  achievement  of the goal(s) may result in a payment or vesting
         corresponding to the degree of achievement.

(e)      DIVIDEND  EQUIVALENTS.  The  Committee  is hereby  authorized  to grant
         Awards  under  which the holders  thereof  shall be entitled to receive
         payments  equivalent  to dividends or interest with respect to a number
         of Shares  determined by the  Committee,  and the Committee may provide
         that such amounts (if any) shall be deemed to have been  reinvested  in
         additional Shares or otherwise reinvested.  Subject to the terms of the
         Plan,  such Awards may have such terms and  conditions as the Committee
         shall determine.

(f)      OTHER STOCK-BASED  AWARDS.  The Committee is hereby authorized to grant
         such other Awards that are  denominated  or payable in, valued in whole
         or in part by reference to, or otherwise based on or related to, Shares
         (including, without limitation, securities convertible into Shares), as
         are deemed by the Committee to be  consistent  with the purposes of the
         Plan, provided,  however,  that such grants must comply with applicable
         law.  Subject to the terms of the Plan, the Committee  shall  determine
         the terms and conditions of such Awards.

(g)      GENERAL.

         (i)      NO CASH CONSIDERATION FOR AWARDS.  Awards shall be granted for
                  no cash  consideration or for such minimal cash  consideration
                  as may be required by applicable law.

         (ii)     AWARDS MAY BE GRANTED  SEPARATELY OR TOGETHER.  Awards may, in
                  the discretion of the Committee, be granted either alone or in
                  addition to, in tandem with, or in substitution  for any other
                  Award or any award granted under any other plan of the Company
                  or any  Affiliate.  Awards granted in addition to or in tandem
                  with other Awards,  or in addition to or in tandem with awards

                  granted under any other plan of the Company or any  Affiliate,
                  may be granted  either at the same time or at a different time
                  from the grant of such other Awards or awards.

         (iii)    FORMS OF  PAYMENT  UNDER  AWARDS.  Subject to the terms of the
                  Plan  and of  any  applicable  Award  Agreement,  payments  or
                  transfers to be made by the Company or an  Affiliate  upon the
                  grant,  exercise,  or  payment of an Award may be made in such
                  form or forms as the  Committee  shall  determine,  including,
                  without  limitation,  cash,  Shares,  other  securities  other
                  Awards, or other property, or any combination thereof, and may
                  be made in a single payment or transfer,  in installments,  or
                  on a deferred basis, in each case in accordance with rules and
                  procedures  established  by  the  Committee.  Such  rules  and
                  procedures may include, without limitation, provisions for the
                  payment or crediting of reasonable  interest on installment or
                  deferred  payments  or the  grant  or  crediting  of  Dividend
                  Equivalents in respect of installment or deferred payments.

         (iv)     LIMITS ON TRANSFER OF AWARDS.  No Award  (other than  Released
                  Securities),  and no  right  under  any such  Award,  shall be
                  assignable,   alienable,   saleable,   or  transferable  by  a
                  Participant  otherwise  than by will or by the laws of descent
                  and distribution; provided, however, that, if so determined by
                  the Committee, a Participant may, in the manner established by
                  the Committee,  a) designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to
                  exercise  the rights of the  Participant,  and to receive  any
                  property  distributable,  with  respect  to any Award upon the
                  death of the  Participant  or b) transfer any Award other than
                  an  Incentive  Stock  Option  for bona  fide  estate  planning
                  purposes. Each Award, and each right under any Award, shall be
                  exercisable,  during the Participant's  lifetime,  only by the
                  Participant,  a permitted  transferee or, if permissible under
                  applicable  law,  by  the  Participant's   guardian  or  legal
                  representative. No Award (other than Released Securities), and
                  no right  under any such  Award,  may be  pledged,  alienated,
                  attached, or otherwise  encumbered,  and any purported pledge,
                  alienation,  attachment,  or encumbrance thereof shall be void
                  and unenforceable against the Company or any Affiliate.

         (v)      TERM OF  AWARDS.  The  term of each  Award  shall  be for such
                  period  as  may be  determined  by  the  Committee;  provided,
                  however,  that in no event  shall  the  term of any  Incentive
                  Stock Option exceed a period of ten years from the date of its

         (vi)     SHARE  CERTIFICATES.  All  certificates  for  Shares  or other
                  securities  delivered  under the Plan pursuant to any Award or
                  the exercise  thereof  shall be subject to such stop  transfer
                  orders  and  other  restrictions  as the  Committee  may  deem
                  advisable under the Plan or the rules, regulations,  and other
                  requirements  of the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  any
                  stock exchange upon which such Shares or other  securities are
                  then listed,  and any applicable  federal or state  securities
                  laws,  and the  Committee  may cause a legend or legends to be
                  put on any such certificates to make appropriate  reference to
                  such restrictions.


         Except to the extent  prohibited by applicable law and unless otherwise
expressly provided in an Award Agreement or in the Plan:

(a)      AMENDMENTS  TO THE PLAN.  The Board of  Directors  of the  Company  may
         amend, alter, suspend,  discontinue,  or terminate the Plan, including,
         without   limitation,    any   amendment,    alteration,    suspension,
         discontinuation,  or  termination  that would  impair the rights of any
         Participant,   or  any  other  holder  or   beneficiary  of  any  Award
         theretofore   granted,   without  the  consent  of  any  share   owner,
         Participant, other holder or beneficiary of an Award, or other Person.

(b)      AMENDMENTS TO AWARDS.  The Committee may waive any conditions or rights
         under, amend any terms of, or amend, alter,  suspend,  discontinue,  or

         terminate,   any   Awards   theretofore   granted,   prospectively   or
         retroactively,  without the consent of any Participant, other holder or
         beneficiary of an Award.

         NONRECURRING EVENTS. Except as provided in the following sentence,  the
         Committee  shall be  authorized  to make  adjustments  in the terms and
         conditions  of, and the criteria  included in, Awards in recognition of
         unusual or nonrecurring  events  (including,  without  limitation,  the
         events  described in Section 4(b) hereof)  affecting  the Company,  any
         Affiliate, or the financial statements of the Company or any Affiliate,
         or  of  changes  in  applicable   laws,   regulations,   or  accounting
         principles, whenever the Committee determines that such adjustments are
         appropriate in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits
         or potential  benefits to be made available under the Plan. In the case
         of  any  Award  that  is  intended  to  qualify  as   performance-based
         compensation  for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Code, the Committee
         shall not have  authority  to adjust the Award in any manner that would
         cause the Award to fail to meet the requirements of Section 162(m).

         may  correct  any  defect,   supply  any  omission,  or  reconcile  any
         inconsistency  in the Plan or any Award in the manner and to the extent
         it shall deem desirable to carry the Plan into effect.


(a)      NO RIGHTS TO AWARDS.  No  Employee,  Participant  or other Person shall
         have any claim to be granted any Award under the Plan,  and there is no
         obligation for uniformity of treatment of Employees,  Outside Director,
         Consultants,  other holders or  beneficiaries of Awards under the Plan.
         The terms and conditions of Awards need not be the same with respect to
         each recipient.

(b)      DELEGATION.  The  Committee  may  delegate  to one or more  officers or
         managers  of the  Company  or any  Affiliate,  or a  committee  of such
         officers  or  managers,  the  authority,  subject  to  such  terms  and
         limitations as the Committee shall determine, to grant Awards to, or to
         cancel,  modify,  waive  rights with  respect to,  alter,  discontinue,
         suspend, or terminate Awards held by, Employees,  Consultants, or other
         holders or  beneficiaries of Awards under the Plan who are not officers
         or  directors  of  the  Company  for  purposes  of  Section  16 of  the
         Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as  amended,  and who also are not
         "covered employees" for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Code.

(c)      WITHHOLDING.  The  Company  or any  Affiliate  shall be  authorized  to
         withhold  from any Award  granted or any payment  due or transfer  made
         under any Award or under the Plan the  amount (in cash,  Shares,  other
         securities,  other Awards,  or other property) of withholding taxes due
         in respect of an Award, its exercise,  or any payment or transfer under
         such  Award or under the Plan and to take such  other  action as may be
         necessary  in the  opinion of the Company or  Affiliate  to satisfy all
         obligations for the payment of such taxes.

(d)      NO LIMIT ON OTHER COMPENSATION  ARRANGEMENTS.  Nothing contained in the
         Plan shall  prevent  the  Company or any  Affiliate  from  adopting  or
         continuing in effect other or additional compensation arrangements, and
         such arrangements may be either generally applicable or applicable only
         in specific cases.

(e)      NO RIGHT TO EMPLOYMENT. The grant of an Award shall not be construed as
         giving a  Participant  the  right to remain an  employee,  director  or
         consultant of the Company or any Affiliate.  Further, the Company or an
         Affiliate  may at any  time  terminate  the  service  of any  employee,
         director or consultant, free from any liability, or any claim under the
         Plan, unless otherwise  expressly  provided in the Plan or in any Award

(f)      GOVERNING LAW. The validity,  construction,  and effect of the Plan and
         any rules and  regulations  relating to the Plan shall be determined in
         accordance with the laws of the State of Nevada and applicable  federal

(g)      SEVERABILITY.  If any  provision of the Plan or any Award is or becomes
         or  is  deemed  to  be  invalid,   illegal,  or  unenforceable  in  any
         jurisdiction,  or as to any Person or Award,  or would  disqualify  the
         Plan or any Award  under any law deemed  applicable  by the  Committee,
         such  provision  shall be  construed  or deemed  amended  to conform to
         applicable  laws,  or if it cannot be so  construed  or deemed  amended
         without, in the determination of the Committee, materially altering the
         intent of the Plan or the Award, such provision shall be stricken as to
         such jurisdiction,  Person, or Award, and the remainder of the Plan and
         any such Award shall remain in full force and effect.

(h)      NO TRUST OR FUND  CREATED.  Neither the Plan nor any Award shall create
         or be  construed  to create a trust or  separate  fund of any kind or a
         fiduciary  relationship  between  the  Company or any  Affiliate  and a
         Participant or any other Person. To the extent that any Person acquires
         a right to receive payments from the Company or any Affiliate  pursuant
         to an  Award,  such  right  shall be no  greater  than the right of any
         unsecured general creditor of the Company or any Affiliate.

(i)      NO FRACTIONAL SHARES. No fractional Shares shall be issued or delivered
         pursuant to the Plan or any Award,  and the Committee  shall  determine
         whether cash,  other  securities,  or other  property  shall be paid or
         transferred in lieu of any fractional Share, or whether such fractional
         Shares  of  any  rights  thereto  shall  be  canceled,  terminated,  or
         otherwise eliminated.

(j)      HEADINGS.  Headings are given to the Sections  and  subsections  of the
         Plan solely as a  convenience  to facilitate  reference.  Such headings
         shall not be deemed in any way material or relevant to the construction
         or interpretation of the Plan or any provision thereof.


         Subject to the approval of the  stockholders  of the Company,  the Plan
shall be effective May 31, 2008 (the "Effective Date"); provided,  however, that
to the extent  that Awards are  granted  under the Plan  before its  approval by
stockholders,  the Awards  will be  contingent  on  approval  of the Plan by the
stockholders of the Company at an annual meeting, special meeting, or by written
consent, which meeting shall be held within one year of the Effective Date.


         No Award  shall be granted  under the Plan more than 10 years after the
Effective Date.  However,  unless otherwise  expressly provided in an applicable
Award Agreement,  any Award theretofore granted may extend beyond such date, and
the authority of the Committee to amend, alter, adjust, suspend, discontinue, or
terminate  any such Award,  or to waive any  conditions or rights under any such
Award,  and the  authority of the Board of Directors of the Company to amend the
Plan, shall extend beyond such date.