August 13, 2008

Ms. Angela Crane
Accounting Branch Chief
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20549-9295
Mail Stop 6010

Re: Marketing Acquisition Corporation
    Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2007
    File No. 0-52072

Dear Ms. Crane:

This letter is in response to the comments  contained in the letter of the staff
(the "Staff") of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") dated
July 18, 2008 (the "Comment Letter")  regarding the annual report on Form 10-KSB
for the year ended  December  31, 2007  ("Initial  Form  10-KSB")  of  Marketing
Acquisition Corporation (the "Company").

The Company has filed an  amendment to its Initial  Form 10-KSB  ("Amended  Form
10-K") in response to the Comment Letter.

For your convenience,  we have restated each Staff comment and then provided our
response. The Company supplementally advises the Staff as follows:


1.           It  does  not  appear  that  your   management  has  performed  its
             assessment  of internal  control  over  financial  reporting  as of
             December 31, 2007.  Since you filed an annual  report for the prior
             fiscal  year  it  appears  you  are  required  to  report  on  your
             management's   assessment  of  internal   control  over   financial


         To address the Staff's comment, we have modified the disclosure in Part
         II Item 9A(T)  "Controls  and  Procedures"  in the Amended Form 10-K to

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         clarify that  management  performed its assessment of internal  control
         over financial reporting as of December 31, 2007. We also have included
         in the Amended Form 10-K management's annual report on internal control
         over  financial  reporting as  specified by Item 308T(a) of  Regulation
         S-K.  Although  management's  annual  report  was not  included  in the
         Initial Form 10-KSB, our management,  with the participation of our CEO
         and CFO, performed the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Company's
         internal  control over financial  reporting as of December 31, 2007. In
         making their assessment,  our management used the criteria set forth by
         the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission in
         Internal  Control-Integrated  Framework.  Based on this  evaluation and
         those criteria, our management concluded that, as of December 31, 2007,
         our internal controls over financial reporting were effective.


2.           If your  management  has not yet performed its  assessment,  we ask
             that you complete your  evaluation  and amend your filing within 30
             calendar  days to  provide  the  required  management's  report  on
             internal control over financial reporting.

Response:  See our response to the above Comment.


3.           In  addition,  please  consider  whether  management's  failure  to
             perform or complete its report on internal  control over  financial
             reporting  impacts its conclusions  regarding the  effectiveness of
             your disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the fiscal
             year  covered  by  the  report  and  revise  your   disclosure   as


         Management   has  assessed  the  Company's   disclosure   controls  and
         procedures in light of the Staff's  comments.  Management  has reviewed
         its  evaluation of the  effectiveness  of its  disclosure  controls and
         procedures  as of the end of the  period  covered by the  Initial  Form
         10-KSB. Based on this review and evaluation,  our management,  with the
         participation  of our CEO  and  CFO,  concluded,  as  disclosed  in the
         Initial Form 10-KSB and as restated in the Amended Form 10-K,  that the
         Company's disclosure controls and procedures are effective in providing
         reasonable assurance that information requiring disclosure is recorded,
         processed,  summarized and reported  within the timeframe  specified by
         the Commission's rules and forms.

         Management does not believe the failure to include  management's annual
         report on internal control over financial reporting in the Initial Form


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         10-KSB  impacts its  conclusions  regarding  the  effectiveness  of the
         Company's  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  as of the  end of the
         fiscal year covered by the Initial Form 10-KSB Report.

         Management  does not believe any  additional  disclosure in the Amended
         Form 10-K is necessary  relating to the  effectiveness of the Company's
         disclosure controls and procedures.

The Company hereby acknowledges that:

     o    the  Company is  responsible  for the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of the
          disclosure in its filings;

     o    Staff  comments or changes to disclosure in response to Staff comments
          do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to
          the filing; and

     o    the  Company  may  not  assert  Staff  comments  as a  defense  in any
          proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
          securities laws of the United States.

If you have any questions regarding this response letter,  please direct them to
the undersigned.


                                                         /s/ Timothy P. Halter
                                                         Timothy P. Halter
                                                         Chief Executive Officer