Exhibit 2.1


                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     This Asset Purchase Agreement (this "Agreement"),  is dated as of August 1,
1995 and is by and between Santiago Data Systems, Inc., a California corporation
("Seller"),  and Santiago Data Systems,  Inc.  (formerly  SDS,  Inc.),  a Nevada
corporation ("Purchaser").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell, and Purchaser desires to purchase, certain
assets of Seller as more specifically set forth herein;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual representations,  warranties
and convenants herein contained,  and on the terms and subject to the conditions
herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I.


     SECTION 1.1.  DEFINITIONS.  As used in this Agreement,  the following terms
shall have the meanings set forth below:

     (a)  "Assets"  shall  mean,  with  respect to Seller,  all of the assets of
          Seller listed on Schedule A attached hereto.

     (b)  "Closing" shall mean the closing of the  transactions  contemplated by
          this Agreement, which shall occur on the Closing Date at such time and
          place as shall be mutually agreed in writing by parties hereto.

     (c)  "Closing Date" shall mean the date hereof.

     (d)  "Purchase Price" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

                                   ARTICLE II

                                Purchase and Sale

     SECTION 2.1. PURCHASE AND SALE OF ASSETS. Subject to and upon the terms and
conditions contained herein, at Closing Seller shall,  transfer,  assign, convey
and deliver to Purchaser, and Purchaser shall purchase,  accept and acquire from
Seller, the Assets.

     SECTION 2.2.  PURCHASE PRICE.  The total purchase price for the Assets (the
"Purchase Price") shall be (i) forgiveness of $200,000 of loans already advanced
to Seller by Purchaser;  and (ii) payment of $529,000.  All cash payments of the
Purchase Price shall be made in readily available funds and in U.S. dollars.

     SECTION 2.3.  PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE.  Purchaser shall pay to Seller the
cash portion of the Purchase  Price pursuant to the terms of Schedule B attached



     (a)  The parties  hereby agree that Purchaser and Seller will enter into an
          Assumption  Agreement in a mutually  acceptable form (the  "Assumption
          Agreement")  whereby  Seller  assumes all of  Purchaser's  liabilities
          pursuant to, certain  obligations listed in Schedule C. Other than the
          obligations listed therein, Purchaser shall not assume any liabilities
          or obligations of Seller.

     (b)  Seller  agrees and  convenants  to use all sums  received  as the cash
          portion of the Purchase Price to the extent necessary to retire all of
          Seller's obligations to the Internal Revenue Service.

                                  ARTICLE III.

                    Representations and Warranties of Seller

     Seller  represents  and warrants that the following are true and correct as
of the date hereof:

corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of its state of incorporation,  with all requisite corporate power and authority
to carry on the business in which it is engaged,  to own the properties it owns,
to execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  and to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

     SECTION  3.2.  AUTHORIZATION  AND  VALIDITY.  The  execution,  delivery and
performance  by Seller of this Agreement and the other  agreements  contemplated
hereby,  and  the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and
thereby,  have been duly  authorized  by Seller.  This  Agreement and each other
agreement  contemplated  hereby have been duly  executed and delivered by Seller
and  constitute  legal,  valid and binding  obligations  of Seller,  enforceable
against  Seller in  accordance  with their  respective  terms,  except as may be
limited  by  applicable   bankruptcy,   insolvency  or  similar  laws  affecting
creditors' rights generally or the availability of equitable remedies.

     SECTION 3.3. NO VIOLATION.  Neither the execution,  delivery or performance
of  this  Agreement  or  the  other  agreements   contemplated  hereby  nor  the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  or  thereby  will  (i)
conflict  with,  or result in a violation or breach of the terms,  conditions or
provisions of, or constitute a default under,  the Articles of  Incorporation or
Bylaws of Seller or any  agreement,  indenture or other  instrument  under which
Seller  is bound or to which any of the  assets  are  subject,  or result in the
creation,  imposition  on  continuation,  except  as  permitted  herein,  of any
security  interest,  lien,  charge or encumbrance upon any of the Assets or (ii)
violate  or  conflict  with  any  judgment,  decree,  order,  statute,  rule  or
regulation of any court or any public, governmental or regulatory agency or body
having jurisdiction over Seller or the Assets.

     SECTION  3.4.  CONSENTS.  No consent,  authorization,  approval,  permit or
license of, or filing with, any  governmental  or public body or authority,  any
lender or lessor or any other person or entity is required to  authorize,  or is
required in connection  with,  the execution,  delivery and  performance of this
Agreement or the agreements contemplated hereby on the part of Seller.

     SECTION  3.5.   LITIGATION.   There  are  no  material   legal  actions  or
administrative   proceedings  or  investigations  instituted,  or  to  the  best
knowledge of Seller threatened,  against or affecting, or that could affect, the
Assets.  Seller is not subject to any continuing court or administrative  order,
writ, injunction or decree applicable specifically to the Assets.


                                   ARTICLE IV.

                   Representations and Warranties of Purchaser

     Purchaser  represents  and warrants that the following are true and correct
as of the date hereof:

     SECTION 4.1.  ORGANIZATION  AND GOOD  STANDING.  Purchaser is a corporation
duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the
state of its incorporation,  with all requisite corporate power and authority to
carry on the business in which it is engaged,  to own the properties it owns, to
execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  and  to  consummate   the   transactions
contemplated hereby.

     SECTION  4.2.  AUTHORIZATION  AND  VALIDITY.  The  execution,  delivery and
performance by Purchaser of this Agreement and the other agreements contemplated
hereby, and the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby and thereby,
have been duly authorized by Purchaser.  This Agreement and each other agreement
contemplated  hereby have been duly  executed and  delivered  by  Purchaser  and
constitute  legal,  valid and  binding  obligations  of  Purchaser,  enforceable
against  Purchaser in accordance with their respective  terms,  except as may be
limited  by  applicable   bankruptcy,   insolvency  or  similar  laws  affecting
creditors' rights generally or the availability of equitable remedies.

     SECTION 4.3. NO VIOLATION.  Neither the execution,  delivery or performance
of  this  Agreement  or  the  other  agreements   contemplated  hereby  nor  the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  or  thereby  will  (i)
conflict  with, or result in a violation or breach of the terms,  conditions and
provisions of, or constitute a default under,  the Articles of  Incorporation or
Bylaws of Purchaser or any agreement,  indenture or other instrument under which
Purchaser is bound or (ii) violate or conflict with any judgment, decree, order,
statute,  rule  or  regulation  of any  court  or any  public,  governmental  or
regulatory  agency or body having  jurisdiction over Purchaser or the properties
or assets of Purchaser.

                                   ARTICLE V.

                               Closing Deliveries

     SECTION 5.1.  DELIVERIES OF SELLER. In connection with the Closing,  Seller
is delivering to Purchaser the following:

     (a)  a bill of sale conveying the Assets to Purchaser;

     (b)  the Assumption Agreement; and

     (c)  such other instrument or instruments of transfer as shall be necessary
          or appropriate,  as Purchaser or its counsel shall reasonably request,
          to vest in Purchaser good and marketable title to the Assets.

     SECTION 5.2.  DELIVERIES  OF  PURCHASER.  In  connection  with the Closing,
Purchaser is delivering to Seller:

     (a)  that  portion of the  Purchase  Price which is payable at Closing,  in
          immediately available funds; and

     (b)  the Assumption Agreement

     SECTION 5.3. FURTHER INSTRUMENTS OF TRANSFER. Following the Closing, at the
request of Purchaser,  Seller shall deliver any further  instruments of transfer
reasonably  requested  by  Purchaser  and take all  reasonable  action as may be
necessary or appropriate  to vest in Purchaser good and marketable  title to the


                                   ARTICLE VI.


     SECTION  6.1.  AMENDMENT.  This  Agreement  may  be  amended,  modified  or
supplemented  only by an  instrument  in  writing  executed  by all the  parties

     SECTION 6.2.  ASSIGNMENT.  Neither  this  agreement  nor any right  created
hereby or in any  agreement  entered into in  connection  with the  transactions
contemplated hereby shall be assignable by any party hereto.

otherwise  provided  herein,  the terms and conditions of this  Agreement  shall
inure  to the  benefit  of and be  binding  upon  the  respective  heirs,  legal
representatives,  successors  and assigns of the parties  hereto.  Neither  this
agreement nor any other agreement  contemplated hereby shall be deemed to confer
upon any person not a party  hereto or thereto any rights or remedies  hereunder
or thereunder.

     SECTION 6.4.  ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement,  the Schedules  attached
hereto and the  agreements  and documents  contemplated  hereby  constitute  the
entire  agreement  of the parties  regarding  the  subject  matter  hereof,  and
supersede all prior agreements and understandings,  both written and oral, among
the parties, or any of them, with respect to the subject matter hereof.

     SECTION 6.5. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be
illegal,  invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during
the term hereof,  such  provision  shall be fully  severable and this  Agreement
shall be construed  and enforced as if such  illegal,  invalid or  unenforceable
provision never  comprised a part hereof;  and the remaining  provisions  hereof
shall  remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal,
invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance herefrom. Furthermore, in
lieu of such illegal, invalid or unenforceable  provision,  there shall be added
automatically  as part of this  Agreement a provision as similar in its terms to
such  illegal,  invalid or  unenforceable  provision  as may be possible  and be
legal, valid and enforceable.

representations and warranties contained herein shall survive the Closing.

     SECTION 6.7.  COSTS,  EXPENSES AND LEGAL FEES. Each party hereto shall bear
its own costs and expenses  (including  attorneys' fees), except that each party
hereto agrees to pay the cost and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees
and expenses)  incurred by the other party in successfully  (i) enforcing any of
the terms of this Agreement or (ii) proving that the other party breached any of
the terms of this Agreement.


     SECTION 6.9.  CAPTIONS.  The captions in this Agreement are for convenience
of reference  only and shall not limit or  otherwise  affect any of the terms or
provisions hereof.

     SECTION  6.10.  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  may be executed in multiple
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  and all of which
together shall  constitute one and the same  instrument.  SANTIAGO DATA SYSTEMS,
INC., a California corporation



                                                  SANTIAGO DATA SYSTEMS, INC.
                                                  a California corporation

                                                  By:  /s/ Tom Banks
                                                  Its: President

                                                  SANTIAGO DATA SYSTEMS, INC.
                                                  (formerly SDS, Inc.),
                                                  a Nevada corporation

                                                  By:  /s/  Scott A. Haire
                                                  Its: Secretary
