Form 10-K

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

[x] Annual report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
    of 1934 for fiscal year ended September 29, 1996; or
[   ]  Transition  report  pursuant  to  Section  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
    Exchange  Act  of  1934  for  the  transition  period  from_____________  to

Commission file number:  0-19797

                            WHOLE FOODS MARKET, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

  Texas                                                           74-1989366
(State of                                                     (IRS employment
incorporation)                                               identification no.)

601 North Lamar Suite 300
      Austin, Texas                                                 78703
(Address of principal executive offices)                         (Zip Code)

               Registrant's telephone number, including area code:

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

           Securities registered pursuant to section 12(g) of the Act:
                           Common Stock, no par value

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d)of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12  months(or  for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing  requirements for the past 90 days. Yes x No -- -- Indicate by check mark
if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not
contained  herein,  and  will  not be  contained,  to the  best of  registrant's
knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information  statements  incorporated  by
reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any  amendment to this Form 10-K. [ ]
The  aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates  of the
registrant  on November 30, 1996 was $354  million.  The number of shares of the
registrant's common stock, no par value, outstanding as of November 30, 1996 was

     The following  document is  incorporated by reference into the part of this
annual report on Form 10-K as indicated: Portions of the registrant's Definitive
Proxy  Statement for the annual meeting of  shareholders to be held on March 24,
1997 are incorporated into Part III to the extent indicated herein.

                                     PART I

Item 1.           Business

     Whole Foods Market, Inc. (the "Company" or "Whole Foods") owns and operates
the country's largest chain of natural foods  supermarkets,  featuring food made
from natural ingredients free of unnecessary  additives.  The Company opened its
first store in Austin,  Texas in 1980 and operated 68 stores in ten states as of
September 29, 1996.  The Company's  stores average  approximately  23,000 square
feet and offer a broad selection of foods at competitive prices with an emphasis
on  customer   service.   The  Company  has   designed  its  stores  to  attract
quality-oriented  consumers who are interested in health, nutrition, food safety
and preserving the environment.  Product offerings include organically grown and
high-grade  commercial  produce;   grocery  products  and  environmentally  safe
household  items;  meat,  poultry  and  seafood  free  of  growth  hormones  and
antibiotics;   bulk  foods,  such  as  nuts,  candies,  dried  fruit  and  whole
unprocessed  grains and cereals;  specialty  gourmet  foods such as beer,  wine,
coffee and cheese;  prepared foods, such as fresh bakery goods,  soups,  salads,
hot entrees and  sandwiches;  vitamins,  body care products and  cosmetics;  and
miscellaneous  items  including  books  and  magazines  emphasizing  health  and

The Natural Foods Industry

     Natural  foods  can be  defined  as foods  which are  minimally  processed,
largely or completely free of artificial  ingredients,  preservatives  and other
non-naturally  occurring  chemicals  and in general are as near to their  whole,
natural  state as  possible.  According  to The Natural  Foods  Merchandiser,  a
leading trade publication for the industry,  natural foods sales have grown at a
compound  annual  rate  of  approximately  17%  over  the  last  five  years  to
approximately  $9.17 billion in 1995.  This growth is being propelled by several
factors,  including  increasing  consumer  concern over the purity and safety of
food due to the presence of pesticide residues, artificial ingredients and other
chemicals;  environmental  concerns  due to the  degradation  of water  and soil
quality;  and healthier eating patterns due to a better educated  populace whose
median age is increasing each year. While organic and natural food products have
higher  costs  of  production,  the  Company  believes  that due to  changes  in
demographics  and buying  habits a  significant  segment of the  population  now
attributes  added value to high-quality  natural food and accordingly is willing
to pay higher prices for such food items.

     According to the June 1996 issue of The Natural Foods  Merchandiser,  there
were 6,600 natural/health food stores in 1995 in the United States, representing
$6.12  billion of the  industry's  sales in 1995.  While natural and health food
stores have  historically  provided  only a limited  selection of products,  the
natural  foods  supermarket-size  formats  provide a complete  grocery  shopping
alternative to conventional supermarkets.  The Company believes that besides its
own stores there are less than 75 other  natural foods stores larger than 10,000
square feet throughout the country. Whole Foods also believes that the growth of
larger supermarket-size natural foods stores has increased consumer awareness of
and demand for natural foods.


     In fiscal 1996, the Company had sales per gross square foot of $636,  which
the Company believes is higher than most other  traditional  supermarket or food
retailers.  The Company  attributes these  successful  results to its ability to
differentiate  itself from other retailers competing for consumers' food dollars
by tailoring its product mix, service standards and store environment to satisfy
the needs of the natural  foods  shopper and to appeal to the broader  market of
quality-oriented  consumers. The Company targets consumers aged 25 to 50 who are
better educated and more affluent than the populace as a whole.


     The Company  offers its customers  approximately  10,000 to 14,000 food and
non-food  products.  The broad  product  selection  in the Whole Foods stores is
designed  to meet  the  needs  of  natural  foods  shoppers  as well as  gourmet
customers.  The  Company  has been able to expand  the  breadth  of its  product
offerings  by  monitoring  the  market for new  products  and by  responding  to
customer  input.  In  addition,  the  Company is  currently  expanding a line of
private  label  products  in order to  further  enhance  its  quality  image and
customer loyalty.

Quality Standards

     The Company's  objective is to supply the highest  quality natural foods to
its customers.  The Company  defines  quality in terms of nutrition,  freshness,
appearance  and taste.  The Company has the following  product  minimum  quality

     * We feature  and  prepare  foods that are free of  artificial  sweeteners,
       colors, flavors and preservatives.

     * We actively seek out and support sources of organically grown foods.

     * We  feature  seafood,  poultry  and meat  that  are free of added  growth
       hormones, antibiotics, nitrates or other chemicals.

     * We  feature  grains and grain  products  that have not been  bleached  or

     * We sell only  household  and personal care products that have been proven
       safe through non-animal testing methods.

     * We do not sell food that has been irradiated.

Store Operations

     The Company has promoted a strong company culture featuring a team approach
to store  operations which the Company believes is distinctly more empowering of
employees than that of the traditional  supermarket.  Each store employs between
65 and 277 people,  organized into up to nine teams,  each led by a team leader.
Each team is responsible  for a different  aspect of store  operations,  such as
produce;  grocery;  meat,  poultry and seafood;  prepared  foods;  bakery goods;
beer/wine/cheese;  nutrition products (vitamins,  herbs and body care); customer
service;  and the front-end section which runs the customer check-out  counters.
The store teams have  significant  authority over the store operations for which
they are responsible.  For example, many teams make buying and pricing decisions
for the products sold in their area, subject to general  guidelines  established
by the  Company.  Teams take  collective  responsibility  for hiring,  achieving
operational   goals  and  making  group   decisions   which  might  impact  team

     The Company intends to create a company-wide consciousness of "shared fate"
by uniting the  self-interest  of the team members as closely as possible to the
self-interest  of the  customers  and of the  shareholders.  One way the Company
reinforces this concept is through its two gainsharing bonus programs, one which
rewards  team sales and labor  productivity  and the other  which  rewards  team
profitability  on such factors as achievement of targeted gross margins within a
stated  range  and the  rate of  inventory  turnover.  Another  way the  Company
reinforces  the  shared  fate  concept  is by  facilitating  team  member  stock
ownership.  All team members are eligible for stock option grants under the Team
Member Stock Option Plan either through seniority or promotion,  and to purchase
stock through payroll  deductions  under the Team Member Stock Purchase Plan. By
making its team members  stakeholders in the organization,  the Company believes
it has lessened the potential for an adversarial relationship between management
and employees.

     The Company believes that it helps to inspire its team members by providing
them with a greater  sense of purpose and  mission in their work.  For many Team
Members,  their job is an extension of their personal  philosophy and lifestyle.
Team  Members  can feel they are  contributing  to the good of others by selling
pure and nutritious foods, by contributing to long-term sustainable  agriculture
and by promoting a pesticide-free and healthier environment.  Additionally,  the
Company has a program  which  provides paid time off to Team Members for working
with qualified community service organizations.

     Because of the Company's  decentralized  management structure, an effective
store team leader (store manager) is critical to the success of the store. Store
team leaders are paid a salary plus a bonus based on store profit  contribution.
The store team leader  works  closely with the  associate  store team leader and
store  merchandiser,  as well as with all the team leaders, to operate the store
as efficiently and profitably as possible.

Purchasing and Distribution

     Purchasing is generally  decentralized to permit each store, within certain
parameters  determined  by the Company,  to customize  its product mix to better
meet the needs of its  customers.  Volume  discounts are  negotiated  with major
vendors  on both a national  and a  regional  basis or by groups of stores in an
effort to achieve some  economies of scale.  Buyers  generally  purchase many of
their grocery products from regional wholesale  suppliers while the remainder of
products are purchased directly from producers.

     The stores purchase certain products directly from  Company-owned  regional
wholesalers,  which pool the stores'  purchasing power together to negotiate the
most favorable  terms.  With respect to bakery  products and in certain  regions
with respect to prepared foods, the Company has established separate kitchens or
commissaries to prepare such foods for distribution to stores within the region.

Store Description

     Each of the stores are generally located in high-traffic shopping areas and
are either  free-standing  or in strip  centers.  The Company  has no  prototype
store. Each store's layout is customized to the actual size and configuration of
the particular  location.  The Company emphasizes strong visual presentations in
all  key  traffic  areas  of its  stores.  Merchandising  displays  are  changed
frequently  and often  incorporate  seasonal  themes.  The stores also sponsor a
variety of organized in-store activities,  such as store tours, samplings, taste
fairs and other special events.  To further a sense of community and interaction
with customers,  the stores typically  include  sit-down eating areas,  customer
comment  boards and centrally  located  information  booths.  In addition,  many
stores offer special services, such as home delivery.

Expansion Strategy

     The  expansion  strategy  of the  Company is to open or  acquire  stores in
existing  regions and in  metropolitan  areas where the Company  believes it can
become a leading natural foods  supermarket  retailer.  During fiscal year 1992,
the  Company  acquired  two  stores  operating  as  Wellspring  Grocery in North
Carolina,  and the Company  opened a new store in Mill  Valley,  California.  In
fiscal 1993, the Company opened new stores in Raleigh, North Carolina;  Chicago,
Illinois;  San Antonio,  Texas and Ann Arbor, Michigan and acquired 13 stores as
follows:  In October 1992, the Company acquired all of the outstanding  stock of
Bread & Circus,  Inc. ("Bread & Circus"),  the largest natural foods supermarket
retailer in the Northeast, then operating six natural foods supermarkets located
in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.  The consideration for the stock consisted of
approximately  $20.0  million in cash and  691,770  shares of common  stock.  In
September  1993,  the  Company  acquired  all of the  outstanding  stock of Mrs.
Gooch's Natural Food Markets,  Inc. ("Mrs.  Gooch's"),  which owned and operated
seven natural foods  supermarkets in the southern  California  area. The Company
issued  2,970,596 shares of its common stock in connection with the acquisition,
which was accounted for as a pooling of interests.

     In fiscal 1994, the Company opened new stores in Houston, Texas; Cambridge,
Massachusetts; Los Gatos, California; Chicago, Illinois and Dallas, Texas.

     In fiscal 1995, the Company closed its three existing  stores in Austin and
replaced them with two larger, updated stores. Additionally,  the Company opened
four  new  stores  outside  of  Austin,  one  each  in  Plano,  Texas;   Boston,
Massachusetts;  Tustin,  California;  and St. Paul, Minnesota. In February 1995,
the Company acquired substantially all assets and assumed certain liabilities of
Unicorn  Village,  Ltd.  (Unicorn),  a natural  foods  supermarket  in  Southern
Florida,  in exchange for  approximately  $4.1 million in cash. Also in February
1995,  the Company  acquired the  outstanding  stock of Cana Foods,  Inc.  doing
business as Bread of Life,  which  operated two natural  foods  supermarkets  in
Northern California, in exchange for approximately $5 million in cash.

     In fiscal  1996,  the  Company  opened  new  stores in  Sherman  Oaks,  CA;
Washington,  DC; Lakeview, IL; Arlington, VA; Madison, WI and San Francisco, CA.
In  December  1995,  the  Company  acquired  the  outstanding  stock of  Natural
Merchants Exchange,  Inc. doing business as Oak Street Market,  which operated a
natural  foods  market in  Evanston,  Illinois,  in exchange  for  approximately
195,000 shares of newly issued Company stock.  The acquisition was accounted for
using the pooling of interests  method. In August 1996, the Company acquired all
of the outstanding stock of Fresh Fields Market, Inc., which operated twenty-two
natural foods  supermarkets,  in exchange for approximately  4,750,000 shares of
newly issued Company stock.  The acquisition was accounted for using the pooling
of  interests  method.  Subsequent  to the  acquisition,  three stores have been
closed and two others are scheduled for  relocation  pursuant to a plan to close
or relocate duplicate stores as a result of the acquisition.

     In fiscal 1997, the Company intends to open  approximately  five new stores
and relocate two existing stores.

     In selecting  store  locations,  the Company  uses an  internally-developed
model to analyze potential markets on such criteria as income levels, population
density and educational  levels.  Whole Foods believes that a metropolitan  area
with  population  in excess of 200,000 is  generally  large  enough to support a
Whole Foods Market.  After the Company has selected a target site, it retains an
independent  third party  consultant to project  sales.  The Company  intends to
cluster  several  stores in the larger  metropolitan  areas.  Clustering  stores
permits advantages such as increased purchasing power,  specialized expertise in
all team areas, greater advancement  opportunities for store staff and economies
of scale in promotion and advertising.

     The  Company  typically  opens a new store  approximately  one year after a
store site is selected and the lease is signed.  The Company  estimates that its
cash  requirements to open a new store will range  (depending on the size of the
new store,  geographic location,  degree of work performed by the landlord,  and
complexity of site development issues) from $3 million to $12 million, excluding
new store inventory (approximately $400,000).


     The  Company  spends less on  advertising  than  traditional  supermarkets,
instead relying primarily on word-of-mouth  recommendations  from its customers.
The Company allocates about half of its marketing budget to region-wide programs
and the remainder to the individual store's marketing efforts.  The stores spend
most of their  own  marketing  budgets  on  store  events  such as taste  fairs,
classes,  store  tours and  product  samplings.  Each  store also has a separate
budget for making  contributions  to a variety of  philanthropic  and  community
activities,  creating  goodwill and maintaining a high profile in the community.
The Company presently  contributes  approximately 5% of its after tax profits in
the form of cash or products to not-for-profit organizations.


     The   Company's   competitors   currently   include   other  natural  foods
supermarkets, traditional and specialty supermarkets, other natural foods stores
and small specialty  stores.  Although the company has historically  encountered
limited competition in its geographic markets with other stores operating in the
natural foods supermarket  format, it has faced increased  competition in recent
years from such stores,  particularly  in new markets,  and expects to encounter
additional  competition  from such  stores in its  existing  markets  and in new
markets.  When the  Company  faces  such  direct  competition,  there  can be no
assurance that the Company will be able to compete effectively or that increased
competition  will not adversely impact the Company's  results of operations.  In
addition, traditional and specialty supermarkets compete with the Company in one
or more product categories and may expand more aggressively in marketing a broad
range of natural  foods and thereby  compete more  directly with the Company for
products,  customers and locations.  Some of the Company's competitors have been
in business  longer or have greater  financial or marketing  resources  than the
Company  and  may be able to  devote  greater  resources  to  securing  suitable
locations and to the sourcing, promotion and sale of their products.

Government Regulation

     The  stores  are  subject  to  various  federal,   state  and  local  laws,
regulations and administrative  practices affecting its business and must comply
with provisions regulating health and sanitation standards, food labeling, equal
employment,  minimum  wages  and  licensing  for the sale of food  and,  in some
stores,   alcoholic   beverages.   Difficulties  or  failures  in  obtaining  or
maintaining required licenses or other required approvals could delay or prevent
the opening of new stores or adversely affect the operations of existing stores.


     As of September 29, 1996, the Company employed  approximately 9848 persons,
including approximately 8108 full-time and 1740 part-time employees. The Company
sponsors a partially  self-insured  health care benefits plan for  participating
employees. The Company does not subscribe to any workers' compensation insurance
program with respect to its  employees in Texas and instead  maintains a reserve
for job-related  injury claims. The employees of the Company are not represented
by a labor union or  collective  bargaining  agreement.  The  Company  stores in
Berkeley and Los Gatos,  CA and in St. Paul, MN were subjected to  informational
pickets  by the  local  retail  clerks'  and  butchers'  unions  for a period of
approximately  ten to eighteen months after their opening.  The Company store in
Madison,  WI has been under an  informational  picket by the local  retail union
from its opening through the time of this printing.


     The names  "Whole  Foods  Market,"  "Wellspring,"  "Bread & Circus,"  "Mrs.
Gooch's",  "Unicorn Village Market", "Fresh Fields Market", "Good for You Foods"
and the Company's stylized logos are registered service marks of the Company.

Risk Factors

     The Company wishes to caution readers that the following important factors,
among  others,  could cause the actual  results of Whole Foods  Market to differ
materially from those indicated by forward-looking  statements made from time to
time in news releases,  reports, proxy statements,  registration  statements and
other written  communications,  as well as oral forward-looking  statements made
from time to time by  representatives  of the  Company.  Except  for  historical
information,  the matters discussed in such oral and written  communications are
forward looking statements that involve risks and  uncertainties,  including but
not  limited  to  general  business   conditions,   the  timely  and  successful
development and opening of new stores, the impact of competition and other risks
detailed below.

     Expansion   Strategy.   Whole  Food's  strategy  is  to  expand  through  a
combination  of  new  store  openings  and   acquisitions  of  existing  stores.
Successful implementation of this strategy is contingent on numerous conditions,
some of which  are  described  below,  and there  can be no  assurance  that the
Company's expansion strategy can be successfully executed.
     Continued growth of Whole Foods Market will depend to a significant  degree
upon its ability to open or acquire  new stores in existing  and new markets and
to operate these stores on a successful basis.  Further, the Company's expansion
strategy is  dependent  on finding  suitable  locations,  and the Company  faces
intense  competition  with  other  retailers  for such  sites.  There  can be no
assurance  that the  Company  will be able to open or  acquire  new  stores in a
timely manner and to operate them on a successful basis. In addition,  there can
be no assurance that the Company can  successfully  hire and train new employees
and integrate  such  employees  into the programs and policies of the Company or
adapt its  distribution,  management  information and other operating systems to
the extent  necessary  to operate new or  acquired  stores in a  successful  and
profitable  manner and adequately  supply natural foods products to these stores
at competitive prices.

     There can be no  assurance  that Whole Foods  Market will  continue to grow
through  acquisitions.  To the extent the Company  further  expands by acquiring
existing  stores,  there  can  be no  assurance  that  Whole  Foods  Market  can
successfully  integrate such stores into its operations and support systems, and
that the  operations  of acquired  stores will not be adversely  affected as the
Company's  decentralized  approach to store  operations  is  introduced  to such

     The  acquisition of existing  stores and the opening of new stores requires
significant  amounts of  capital.  In the past,  the  Company's  growth has been
funded primarily  through  proceeds from public  offerings,  bank debt,  private
placements of debt, and internally  generated cash flow. These and other sources
of capital may not be available to the Company in the future.

     Quarterly  Fluctuations.  The Company's quarterly results of operations may
fluctuate  significantly  as the result of the timing of new store  openings and
the range of operating  results which may be generated from newly opened stores.
It is Whole Foods Markets  policy to expense the pre-opening  costs  associated
with a new store  opening  during  the  quarter  in which  the store is  opened.
Accordingly,  quarter to quarter  comparisons of results of operations have been
and  will be  materially  impacted  by the  timing  of new  store  openings.  In
addition,  the Company's quarterly operating results could be adversely affected
by losses from new stores, variations in the mix of product sales, price changes
in response to competitive factors,  increases in merchandise costs and possible
supply shortages, as well as by the factors listed below in "Operating Results".

     Competition.  Whole Foods  Market's  competitors  currently  include  other
natural foods stores, large and small traditional and specialty supermarkets and
grocery  stores.  These  stores  compete with the Company in one or more product
categories.  In addition,  traditional and specialty  supermarkets are expanding
more  aggressively  in  marketing  a broad  range of natural  foods and  thereby
competing directly with the Company for products,  customers and locations. Some
of these  potential  competitors  have been in business  longer or have  greater
financial  or  marketing  resources  than Whole Foods  Market and may be able to
devote greater resources to the sourcing,  promotion and sale of their products.
Increased  competition may have an adverse effect on profitability as the result
of lower sales,  lower gross  profits,  and/or greater  operating  costs such as

     Personnel  Matters.  Whole Foods Market is  dependent  upon a number of key
management and other personnel. The loss of the services of a significant number
of key  personnel  within a short  period of time could have a material  adverse
effect  upon  the  Company.  Whole  Foods  Market's  continued  success  is also
dependent upon its ability to attract and retain qualified employees to meet the
Company's  future needs.  The Company faces  intense  competition  for qualified
personnel,  many of whom are subject to offers  from  competing  employers,  and
there can be no  assurance  that Whole Foods  Market will be able to attract and
retain such personnel. Whole Foods Market does not currently maintain key person
insurance on any employee.


     Integration  of Fresh Fields'  Operations.  Whole Foods Market  anticipates
reducing  Fresh  Fields'  overhead  expenses  by adopting  Whole Foods  Market's
decentralized approach to store management. Whole Foods Market will also seek to
improve the operating  profitability of the Fresh Fields stores through enhanced
purchasing  power,  improved  utilization of  distribution  facilities and other
economies of scale  resulting  from the Merger.  There can be no assurance  that
Whole  Foods  Market will be able to achieve  the  economies  of scale and other
operating  enhancements it seeks in the Fresh Fields  operations,  or that these
economies of scale can be achieved in a period of time currently  anticipated by

     The  acquisition of Fresh Fields has  materially increased the scope of the
Company's operations from 48 to 68 stores, after giving effect to the closing or
relocation of duplicate  stores.  The integration of the Fresh Fields operations
into the Whole Foods Market  organization  is a significant  undertaking.  While
Whole Foods Market has experience in acquiring and integrating  other businesses
into Whole Foods Market's operations, Fresh Fields has a larger number of stores
and  employees  and  substantially  greater  revenues  than any of the companies
previously acquired by Whole Foods Market. In addition,  the integration will be
implemented without the benefit of the Fresh Fields' executive management. There
can be no assurance  that the  operations  of Fresh  Fields'  stores will not be
adversely  affected by the  introduction of the Company's team approach to store
operations  or the  response  of  customers  to the  changes in  operations  and
merchandising mix made by the Company.  The integration of Fresh Fields into the
Company  will  require  the  dedication  of  management   resources   which  may
temporarily detract from attention to the day-to-day business of the Company.

     Conversion  to Whole  Foods  Market  Name.  The change of the Fresh  Fields
stores to the Whole Foods  Market name might  cause short term  confusion  among
customers  and lead to a reduction in sales  because of the loss of the goodwill
associated  with the Fresh  Fields'  name.  Acceptance by customers of the Whole
Foods  Market  brand may take longer and be more  difficult  or  expensive  than
management anticipates.

     Legal  Matters.  From time to time  Whole  Foods  Market is the  subject of
various  lawsuits  arising in the  ordinary  course of  business.  Although  not
currently  anticipated  by  management,  there is  potential  for the  Company's
results to be materially  impacted by legal and settlement  expenses  related to
such lawsuits.

     Whole Foods Market is a non-subscriber to Worker's  Compensation  Insurance
in the State of Texas.  There is some potential for the Company's  results to be
materially  impacted  by  medical,  lost time and other  costs  associated  with
on-the-job injuries.

     The Company provides  partially  self-insured,  voluntary employee benefits
plans which provide health care and other benefits to  participating  employees.
The plans are  designed to provide  specified  levels of  coverage,  with excess
insurance coverage provided by a commercial insurer. There is some potential for
Whole Foods Market's results to be materially  impacted by claims made in excess
of reserves therefore.

     Informational  Picketing.   Certain  of  the  Company's  stores  have  been
subjected to informational picketing and negative publicity campaigns by members
of various local trade  unions.  These  informational  pickets and campaigns may
have the effect of lowering the sales volumes of new or existing stores.

     Fresh  Fields  is  not  currently  a  party  to any  collective  bargaining
agreement.  Its stores have also been  subject to  informational  picketing  and
negative publicity  campaigns by members of unions.  Because of changes in Fresh
Fields'  operations in connection  with the Merger,  there could be an increased
risk of efforts to organize  employees  by labor unions or by employees on their
own initiative.  Unionization of any material  portion of Fresh Fields employees
would adversely affect the operations of the business and could reduce the level
of profitability.

     Operating  Results.  The Company's ability to meet expected results for any
period may be  negatively  impacted  by many  factors,  as  described  above and
including,  but not limited, to the following:

(i)  reductions in sales caused by  competitive  issues,  product  availability,
weather and other  factors;  (ii) losses  generated by new stores or higher than
expected  pre-opening  costs;  (iii) higher than expected  costs and expenses at
store,  regional and national  levels;  (iv) lower than  expected  gross margins
resulting  from the impact of  competition  or other  factors;  (v) higher  than
expected  interest  expense  due to  higher  than  expected  interest  rates  or
borrowings outstanding; and (vi) delays in new store openings.

     Whole Foods Market's ability to increase same store sales during any period
will be directly  impacted  by  competition,  availability  of product and other
factors which are often beyond the control of the Company.

Item 2.           Properties

     The  Company  owns  the New  Orleans  store  location.  All  other  stores,
distribution  centers and bakehouses are leased,  with expiration  dates ranging
from 1 to 21 years.  The  Company  has  options to renew most of its leases with
renewal periods ranging from 5 to 50 years.

     In 1995, the Company developed a project in Austin,  Texas which houses one
of  the  new  Austin  stores   (named  Sixth  and  Lamar),   the  new  corporate
headquarters,  and a bookstore.  The underlying  property is leased from a third
party  under a ground  lease  which  has a base term of  twenty  years  with ten
options to renew for five years each.  The Company has entered into a lease with
the  bookstore  which has a base term of twenty  years with two options to renew
for five years each.  Certain  officers of the Company are also  shareholders of
the bookstore,  owning a combined 18.5% of the  outstanding  stock.  The Company
believes  that the terms of the lease  between the Company and the bookstore are
on terms no less favorable to the Company than could have been  negotiated  with
an independently owned retailer.  This is partially based on an appraisal of the
lease by an  independent  appraisal  firm.  The  income  from this  lease is not
material to the operations of the Company.

Item 3.           Legal Proceedings

     From time to time,  the Company is  involved  in lawsuits  that the Company
considers to be in the normal course of its business  which have not resulted in
any material losses to date.

Item 4.           Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

     On August 30, 1996, the Company held a Special Meeting of its Shareholders.
At the Special Meeting, the shareholders were asked to consider and act upon the

Proposal  (1) The merger and related  Agreement  and Plan of Merger  pursuant to
which a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company merged into Fresh Fields Markets,
Inc.  ("Fresh  Fields")  resulting in Fresh  Fields  becoming  a  wholly  owned
subsidiary  of the  Company.

Proposal  (2) The  amendment  to the  Articles of  Incorporation  of Whole Foods
Market to  increase  the  authorized  number of shares of common  stock of Whole
Foods  Market  from 30  million  to 50  million  shares;  and  Proposal  (3) The
amendment  to the 1992 Stock Option Plan for Team Members to increase the number
of shares of common stock of Whole Foods Market  issuable upon exercise of stock
options under the Plan from 2million to 3million shares of common stock.

The following indicates the number of shares voted for and against the proposals
as well as abstentions.

Proposal         Votes For              Votes Against            Votes Abstained
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  (1)            9,224,929                  16,012                   52,436
  (2)           11,928,194                 104,988                   51,885
  (3)            6,775,221               2,378,993                  139,163

                                     PART II

Item 5.    Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related Shareholder Matters

     The Company's  Common Stock is traded on the NASDAQ  National Market System
under the symbol "WFMI."  The following  sets forth the high and
low last reported sales prices for the Company's last two fiscal years.

         Fiscal 1995
September 26, 1994 to January 15                         $16.75          $  9.50
January 16, 1995 to April 9, 1995                        $14.13           $10.75
April 10, 1995 to July 2, 1995                           $16.13           $11.50
July 3, 1995 to September 24, 1995                       $15.75           $11.88

         Fiscal 1996
September 25, 1995 to January 14, 1996                   $15.00           $10.94
January 15, 1996 to April 7, 1996                        $18.50           $13.75
April 8, 1996 to June 30, 1996                           $28.50           $17.75
July 1, 1996 to September 29, 1996                       $35.88           $24.00

     The Company had  approximately 987 record holders of its common stock as of
November 30, 1996.

     The Company  intends to retain any  earnings  for use in its  business  and
therefore  does not  anticipate  paying any cash  dividends  in the  foreseeable
future.  The Company's  present bank credit  agreement  restricts the payment of
cash dividends on common stock.

     The Company sold the following unregistered securities in fiscal 1996:

         (1)  On May 16, 1996, the Company issued 7.29% Senior Notes due May 16,
              2006 (the "Notes").  No underwriters  were involved in the sale of
              the Notes;  therefore,  no  underwriting  discounts or commissions
              were paid. The Notes were issued to institutional  investors.  The
              aggregate  offering  price was $40  million  which was paid by the
              investors in cash.  Due to the limited  number of offerees and the
              financial  sophistication  of the  offerees,  the sale was made in
              reliance on Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended
              (the "Securities Act").
         (2)  In December 1995, the Company issued 195,205 shares  ("Shares") of
              Common Stock in a merger  between a subsidiary  of the Company and
              National  Merchants  Exchange,  Inc.  doing business as Oak Street
              Market ("Oak  Street"),  which  operated one natural foods grocery
              store in Evanston,  Illinois. No underwriters were involved in the
              sale  of the  Shares;  therefore,  no  underwriting  discounts  or
              commissions  were paid.  This  offering was made to the two former
              shareholders of Oak Street.  Due to the limited number of offerees
              and the business  relationship to the offerees,  the sale was made
              in reliance on Section 4(2) of the Securities Act.

Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Summary Financial Information In thousands, except per share and operating data

                                                     Sept 29    Sept 24    Sept 25    Sept 26   Sept 27
                                                        1996       1995       1994       1993      1992
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consolidated Statements of Operations1
Sales                                             $  892,098    709,935    572,050    439,254   245,684
Cost of goods sold and occupancy costs               613,056    480,781    387,682    297,647   167,845
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross profit                                         279,042    229,154    184,368    141,607    77,839

Direct store expenses                                217,048    183,655    144,383    113,690    61,207
General and administrative expenses                   33,559     30,777     25,151     21,644    13,399
Pre-opening costs                                      3,964      4,029      3,387      4,985     1,087
Relocation costs                                       1,939      2,332      5,758      2,457       564
Non-recurring expenses                                38,516          *        282      3,094       656
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) from operations                        (15,984)     8,361      5,407     (4,263)      926
Net interest income (expense)                         (4,661)    (1,941)       264        536       546
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) before income taxes                    (20,645)     6,420      5,671     (3,727)    1,472
Provision (credit) for income taxes                   (3,411)     5,347      6,035      4,727     2,422
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (loss)                                 $  (17,234)     1,073       (364)    (8,454)     (950)
Net income (loss) per share                       $    (0.90)       0.06     (0.02)     (0.50)    (0.08)
Shares/weighted average shares outstanding            19,179     18,924     18,340     17,018    12,418

Operating Data
Number of stores at end of period                         68         61         49         42        25
Store sales per square foot                       $      636        625        639        597       599
Average weekly sales per store                    $  253,555    238,776    243,520    217,116   202,629
Comparable store sales increase (2)                     5.40%      6.19%      9.93%     11.56%     7.41%

Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (End of year)
Working capital (deficiency)                      $    4,887     (4,400)    18,080     11,344    36,957
Total assets                                         310,604    266,814    203,417    162,338    98,386
Long-term debt (including current maturities)         85,291     53,721      8,389      5,607     3,148
Shareholders' equity                                 146,447    152,633    152,045    123,540    75,736

1.   The combined financial  information and operating data for periods prior to
     the  acquisition  of Fresh  Fields  is based on the  respective  historical
     financial  statements  and other  financial  information of the Company and
     Fresh  Fields.   For  fiscal  year  1996,   Whole  Foods  Market  financial
     information as of and for the fiscal year ended September 29, 1996 has been
     combined  with Fresh  Fields  information  as of and for the twelve  months
     ended September 30, 1996. For all other years presented, Whole Foods Market
     financial  information as of and for the fiscal years ended in September as
     indicated above has been combined with Fresh Fields  financial  information
     as of and for the fiscal years ended on the Saturday closest to December 31
     of the same year.

2.   For internal reporting purposes,  the Company's fiscal year is comprised of
     13 accounting  periods generally  consisting of four weeks each. Sales of a
     store are deemed to be "comparable" commencing in the fifty-third full week
     after the store was opened or acquired. The comparable store sales increase
     for fiscal 1996 is based on comparable 53-week years.

Item 7.  Management's Discussion & Analysis

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries  Management's Discussion & Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Whole Foods Market  opened its first store in Texas in 1980 and has expanded its
operations  to 68 stores as of September 29, 1996 both by opening new stores and
acquiring  existing  stores from third  parties.  The  results of the  Company's
operations  have been and will continue to be materially  affected by the timing
and number of new store openings.  New stores may incur operating losses for the
first one or two years of  operations.  The Company's  results of operations are
reported on a 52- or 53-week fiscal year ending on the last Sunday in September.
Fiscal  year 1996 is a 53-week  year.  Fiscal  years  1995 and 1994 are  52-week
  On August 30, 1996 the shareholders approved the  pooling-of-interests  merger
between  Whole Foods Market and Fresh Fields  Market,  Inc., a 22 store chain of
natural  foods  markets  located  primarily on the East Coast and in the Chicago
area. The information contained herein has been restated to present the combined
results of  operations  for the years shown.  For fiscal year 1996,  Whole Foods
Market  financial  information as of and for the fiscal year ended September 29,
1996 has been  combined with Fresh Fields  information  as of and for the twelve
months ended  September  30, 1996.  For all other years  presented,  Whole Foods
Market  financial  information  as of and for the  fiscal  years  ended the last
Sunday in September has been combined with Fresh Fields financial information as
of and for the fiscal years ended on the Saturday  closest to December 31 of the
same year.

Development Activity
The  following is a schedule of stores  opened,  relocated,  closed and acquired
during fiscal years 1996, 1995 and 1994:

Store Name             Location          Date
- ----------             --------          ----
Woodway                Houston, TX       opened 10/93
Springfield            Springfield, VA   opened 10/93
Fresh Pond             Cambridge, MA     opened 12/93
Los Gatos              Los Gatos, CA     opened 4/94
Evanston               Evanston, IL      opened 5/94
Elston                 Chicago, IL       opened 6/94 closed 9/96
Skillman               Dallas, TX        opened 7/94
River Forest           River Forest, IL  opened 9/94
Rockville              Rockville, MD     relocated 10/94
Plano                  Plano, TX         opened 11/94
Symphony               Cambridge, MA     opened 1/95
Campbell               Campbell, CA      acquired 2/95
Cupertino              Cupertino, CA     acquired 2/95 relocated 8/96
Aventura               Aventura, FL      acquired 2/95
Greenwich              Greenwich, CT     opened 3/95
Wynnewood              Wynnewood, NJ     opened 4/95
Sixth and Gateway      Austin, TX        3 stores relocated to 2 in April/May 95
St. Paul               St. Paul, MN      opened 5/95
Milburn                Milburn, NJ       opened 6/95
Montclair              Montclair, NJ     opened 6/95
Tustin                 Tustin, CA        opened 7/95
Gaithersburg           Gaithersburg, MD  opened 9/95 closed 10/96
Reston                 Reston, VA        opened 11/95
Oak Street             Evanston, IL      acquired 12/95 closed 9/96
Sherman Oaks West      Sherman Oaks, CA  opened 1/96
Tenley                 Washington, DC    opened 1/96
Georgetown             Washington, DC    opened 1/96
Lakeview               Lakeview, IL      opened 2/96
Manhasset              Munsey Park, NY   opened 2/96
Arlington              Arlington, VA     opened 2/96
Durham                 Durham, NC        relocated 2/96
Mt. Washington         Baltimore, MD     opened 5/96
Madison                Madison, WI       opened 6/96
West LA                Los Angeles, CA   relocated 7/96
Franklin               San Francisco, CA opened 7/96

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Managements  Discussion & Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of

Results of Operations
The following  table sets forth the statement of operations  data of Whole Foods
Market expressed as a percentage of sales for the fiscal years indicated:

                                              1996           1995         1994
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                         100.0%         100.0%      100.0%
Cost of goods sold and occupancy costs         68.7           67.7        67.8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross profit                                   31.3           32.3        32.2
Direct store expenses                          24.3           25.9        25.2
General and administrative expenses             3.8            4.3         4.4
Pre-opening costs                               0.4            0.6         0.6
Relocation-related costs                        0.2            0.3         1.0
Non-recurring expenses                          4.3              *           *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) from operations                  (1.8)           1.2         1.0
Net interest income (expense)                  (0.5)          (0.3)          *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) before income taxes              (2.3)           0.9         1.0
Provision (credit) for income taxes            (0.4)           0.8         1.1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (loss)                              (1.9)%          0.1%       (0.1)%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Figures may not add due to rounding

Sales for all  years  shown  reflect  increases  due to new  stores  opened  and
acquired,  and due to comparable store sales increases of 5.40%, 6.19% and 9.93%
for fiscal years 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.  Sales of a store are deemed
to be  comparable  commencing in the  fifty-third  full week after the store was
opened or acquired.  Comparable store sales increases may be negatively impacted
by  cannibalization  from newly opened Whole Foods Market stores or  competition
from other stores.  Comparable store sales in Southern  California in the latter
months of fiscal  1996 were  negatively  impacted  by the name  change from Mrs.
Gooch's to Whole Foods Market, and in fiscal 1994 by the January 1994 earthquake
which caused significant damage to the Los Angeles area.  Comparable store sales
increases  generally  resulted  from  an  increase  in the  number  of  customer
transactions  and slightly  higher average  transaction  amounts,  reflecting an
increase  in market  share as the  stores  mature in a  particular  market.  The
Company believes that these comparable store sales trends may not necessarily be
indicative of future results of operations.

Gross Profit
Gross profit consists of sales less cost of goods sold and occupancy costs, plus
contribution from non-retail operations. The Company's consolidated gross profit
in fiscal year 1996 decreased as a percentage of sales to 31.3% primarily due to
a price reduction  strategy which negatively  impacted gross profit in the Fresh
Fields  stores as compared to the prior  year.  Although some components of the
price reduction strategy may be continued in the future, the Company expects the
gross margins in the Fresh Fields stores to be greater in fiscal 1997 than in
fiscal 1996.  Gross  profit in the Whole Foods Market  stores  increased  in
1996  as  compared  to  fiscal  1995  by approximately  50 basis  points  due to
decrease  in cost of goods  sold as a percentage of sales and improved
offset somewhat by an increase  in  occupancy  costs as a  percentage  of sales.
This decrease in cost of goods sold was due to improved performance from new
with respect to product procurement and merchandising and controlling spoilage,
and from national buying initiatives which lowered the cost of product purchased
on a national basis. Gross profit in fiscal 1995 increased  slightly as a
percentage of sales to 32.3% from 32.2% in fiscal  1994, due primarily to
improved performance from new stores.  In all years, gross profit margins were
affected  by the  improved  margins  as  stores  mature  and  by  the  increased
percentage of sales in certain regions and in departments such as prepared foods
where the Company  achieves  higher gross  profits.  Gross  profit  margins were
negatively  impacted in fiscal  1994 by a decrease in the dollar and  percentage
contribution from non-retail operations from 1993. Relative to other stores in a
region,  gross  profit  margins  tend to be lower for new stores and increase as
stores  mature,   reflecting   increasing   experience  levels  and  operational
efficiencies of the store teams.


Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Management's  Discussion  &  Analysis  of Financial  Condition and  Results  of

Direct Store Expenses
Direct store expenses in fiscal 1996 decreased as a percentage of sales to 24.3%
from 25.9% during fiscal 1995 and 25.2% during  fiscal 1994.  This 1996 decrease
was due to the impact of reductions in labor and other costs in the Fresh Fields
stores at the time of  implementation  of the  above-mentioned  price  reduction
strategy. This decrease was offset by certain other factors, primarily new store
openings.  Given the lower  level of sales  generated  at new stores  during the
initial  period of  operations  of such stores,  direct  store  expenses for new
stores as a  percentage  of sales are  higher on  average  than those for mature
stores.  Absent a significant  factor such as labor reductions,  the Company has
historically  experienced  increases in this percentage due to the growth of the
Company's  operations in regions where the Company  experiences higher operating
costs and to the  increased  percentage  of sales in higher gross  margin,  more
labor intensive departments, and to higher direct expenses from new stores.

General and Administrative Expenses
General and  administrative  expenses  (including  amortization)  in fiscal 1996
decreased as a percentage  of sales to 3.8% from 4.3% in fiscal 1995 and 4.4% in
fiscal 1994.  These  decreases  were generally due to increases in sales without
comparable  increases in corporate staff, and in 1996 to reductions in the staff
of  the  Fresh  Fields  corporate  office.  Also,  the  Company  made  personnel
reductions  and  other  changes  which  lowered  certain  costs in the  Southern
California region in 1994 as a result of the acquisition and in 1996 as a result
of a restructuring in that region. Whole Foods Market has historically been able
to expand without a significant  increase in general and  administrative  costs.
However,  in certain  circumstances  the  Company  has  increased  the number of
administrative  and support  personnel at the  regional  and national  levels in
connection with the implementation of new accounting and management  information
systems and to support current and planned growth.

Pre-opening Costs
Whole Foods Market  developed and opened nine new stores in 1996, ten new stores
in 1995 and seven new stores in 1994.  Pre-opening  costs in those  three  years
were $4.0  million,  $4.0 million and $3.4  million,  respectively.  Pre-opening
costs consist  primarily of labor costs,  supplies and advertising  expenses and
are generally incurred during the three-month period prior to the store opening.
Pre-opening costs are generally higher in locations which are some distance from
an existing base of operations due to higher training,  travel and moving costs.
The  Company  expenses  pre-opening  costs in the  quarter in which the store is

Relocation Costs
During fiscal 1996 the Company  relocated stores in Cupertino,  West Los Angeles
and Durham to new,  larger  locations and  relocated the Fresh Fields  corporate
office.  In fiscal year 1995,  the Company  relocated its three Austin stores to
two new, larger stores and its corporate offices to the same facility as its new
downtown  store.  In fiscal  year 1994,  the Fresh  Fields  Rockville  store was
relocated  to a new,  larger  location.  Relocation  costs  consist of losses on
dispositions  of fixed assets and  inventory,  remaining  lease  payments on old
facilities and other miscellaneous relocation expenses.

Non-recurring Expenses
In fiscal  year 1996  expenses  including  losses  on the  disposition  of store
assets, remaining rent and lease termination costs have been recognized pursuant
to a plan  initiated  at the time of the Fresh  Fields  acquisition  to close or
relocate duplicate stores.  Specifically,  the plan includes the following store
changes:  (1) the Fresh  Fields  Elston  store in the Chicago area was closed in
September  1996.  The sales of the nearby  Whole Foods  Market  Lincoln Park and
Lakeview  stores  increased  as a result of the  transfer of  customers to those
stores,  and the Company expects that the combined profits from those two stores
after the  Elston  closing  will be  greater  in fiscal  1997 than the  combined
profits  would have been from the three  stores if the Elston store had not been
closed;  (2) the Whole Foods  Market Oak Street  store in the  Chicago  area was
closed in September  1996.  The sales of the nearby Fresh Fields  Evanston store
increased  as a result of the  transfer  of  customers  to that  store,  and the
Company expects that the profits from the Evanston store in 1997 will be greater
than the combined  profits  from the  Evanston and Oak Street  stores if the Oak
Street store had not been closed; (3) the Fresh Fields Gaithersburg store in the
Washington  DC area was closed in November 1996 just prior to the opening of the
Whole Foods Market Vienna store.  The Company believes that the initial sales of
the Vienna store were positively  impacted by the transfer of customers from the
Gaithersburg  store,  and that the profits from the Vienna store in 1997 will be
greater than the combined profits from the Vienna and Gaithersburg stores if the
Gaithersburg  store had not been closed;  and, (4) the Fresh Fields Evanston and
Naperville  stores in the Chicago  area will be  relocated in 1997 to two nearby
Whole Foods Market stores which are currently  under  construction.  The Company
believes  that the two new stores will service a trade area which  overlaps with
the current trade area of the two existing stores,  and that the new stores will
experience  greater  sales and  profits  as a result of the  closing  of the two
existing stores.


 Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries  Management's
Discussion & Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

  The five stores which have been or are expected to be closed or relocated  had
combined  sales  and  profits  of  approximately  $53.4  million  and  $500,000,
respectively, in fiscal 1996. The Elston store was experiencing operating losses
prior to its closing,  and the Gaithersburg store was operating at approximately
a  breakeven  level.  The  Evanston,  Naperville  and  Oak  Street  stores  were
profitable  in  fiscal  1996.  The  majority  of  Company  Team  Members  in the
above-specified  closed or relocated  stores have been or will be transferred to
other stores in the Company.
  Other  components  of  the  1996  non-recurring   expense  include  severance,
transaction expenses,  duplicate system disposal costs and conforming accounting
adjustments  associated with the acquisition of Fresh Fields,  and severance and
other costs associated with the restructuring of the Southern California region.

Net Interest Expense/Income
From the time of the Whole Foods Market  initial  public  offering in 1992 until
1995, new store  development and acquisitions  were financed  primarily  through
equity offerings and with funds generated from  operations.  In fiscal 1995, the
Company began  drawing on its $75 million bank line of credit to fund  expansion
needs which exceeded cash flow from operations.  In 1996, the Company  continued
to draw on that line of credit  and  refinanced  a  portion  of the  outstanding
balance with $40 million in newly issued senior notes.  Interest expense related
to these  borrowings  was $4.7 million in fiscal 1996 and $1.9 million in fiscal
1995, net of capitalized interest associated with stores under development.  Net
interest income in fiscal 1994 was $7,000.

Fresh Fields incurred  significant net operating losses from its inception until
the time of the  acquisition  by Whole  Foods  Market.  However,  for income tax
purposes  the  losses  incurred  by  Fresh  Fields  prior  to  the  date  of the
acquisition cannot be used to offset the historical income earned by Whole Foods
Market.  The income tax provision for fiscal  periods prior to the merger is the
expense associated with Whole Foods Market's income before taxes. Certain merger
transaction costs that were expensed for book accounting and reporting  purposes
in fiscal  1996 are not  deductible  for  federal  income  tax  purposes.  As of
September 29, 1996,  the Company has a tax net operating  loss  carryforward  of
approximately  $28 million which is available to offset  certain  future taxable
income.  As of September 29, 1996,  the Company does not consider it more likely
than not that the Fresh Fields net operating loss carryforwards will be utilized
in the near future since they are  available  only to offset  taxable  income of
Fresh  Fields,  and Fresh Fields has not  generated  taxable  income in any year
since  its  inception.   In  addition,   the  use  of  the  net  operating  loss
carryforwards  in any one year is limited due to the  application of certain tax
The Company's effective tax rate decreased slightly in 1995 to 39.4% from 41%
in fiscal 1994. The Company believes that its effective tax rate in 1997 will be
lower than the 1995 and 1994 tax rates.

Business Combinations
On August 30,  1996,  the Company  completed  the  acquisition  of Fresh  Fields
Market,  Inc.,  which  operated 22 natural  foods  supermarkets  in exchange for
approximately  4.8  million  shares  of common  stock,  plus the  assumption  of
approximately  399,000 shares of outstanding  options to purchase  common stock.
The acquisition was accounted for using the pooling-of-interests method.
 In December 1995, the Company  completed the  acquisition of Natural  Merchants
Exchange,  Inc.  doing  business as Oak Street  Market which  operated a natural
foods market in Evanston, Illinois, in exchange for approximately 195,000 shares
of   common   stock.    The    acquisition   was   accounted   for   using   the
pooling-of-interests  method.  Due to the  immateriality of Oak Street financial
statements  to  the  Company's  consolidated  financial  statements,   financial
information for the periods prior to the combination has not been restated.
  In February 1995, the Company  acquired the  outstanding  stock of Cana Foods,
Inc.,  doing  business  as Bread of  Life,  which  operated  two  natural  foods
supermarkets in Northern California, in exchange for approximately $5 million in
cash. Also in February 1995, the Company acquired  substantially  all assets and
assumed  certain   liabilities  of  Unicorn  Village,   Ltd.,  a  natural  foods
supermarket in Southern Florida,  in exchange for approximately  $4.1 million in
cash.Both of these  acquisitions  were accounted for using the purchase  method,
and the results of operations of the two entities  have been  consolidated  with
the results of operations of the Company from the dates of acquisition.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries  Management's Discussion & Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Quarterly Results
The first  quarter  consists  of 16 weeks,  the second and third  quarters  each
consist of 12 weeks and the fourth  quarter  consists of 12 or 13 weeks.  Fiscal
year 1996 is a 53-week year so the fourth quarter  consists of 13 weeks.  Fiscal
year 1995 is a 52-week year and the fourth quarter consists of 12 weeks. Because
the first  quarter is longer than the  remaining  quarters and contains both the
Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays,  it typically  represents a larger share of
the Company's annual sales from existing stores.  Quarter-to-quarter comparisons
of results of operations are materially impacted by the number and timing of new
store  openings for which related costs are deferred as incurred and expensed in
the  quarter  the store is opened.  The  Company  believes  that the  historical
pattern of quarterly  sales and income as a  percentage  of the annual total may
not be indicative of the pattern in future years. The following table sets forth
selected quarterly unaudited financial  information for the 1996 and 1995 fiscal
years (in thousands, except per share data):

                                                  1st          2nd             3rd            4th
1996                                          Quarter      Quarter         Quarter        Quarter
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                      $  244,986      203,912         213,402        229,798
Gross profit                                   76,205       65,829          68,256         68,752
Pre-opening costs                                 383        2,320             609            652
Non-recurring expenses                              o        1,984               o         36,532
Income (loss) from operations                   3,429        3,259           7,827       (30,499)
Income (loss) before income taxes               2,563        2,399           6,956       (32,563)
Net income (loss)                                  41        1,517           4,663       (23,455)
Net income (loss) per share                $     0.00         0.08            0.23         (1.22)
Shares/weighted average shares outstanding     19,175       19,419          19,995         19,179
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  1st          2nd             3rd            4th
1995                                          Quarter      Quarter         Quarter        Quarter
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                      $  195,027      161,864         167,601        171,442
Gross profit                                   60,742       51,853          53,839         53,641
Pre-opening costs                                 900          488           1,326            868
Income (loss) from operations                 (2,866)        4,726             859          1,723
Income (loss) before income taxes             (2,947)        4,617             572          1,080
Net income (loss)                             (4,539)        2,845           (156)          (175)
Net income (loss) per share                $   (0.24)         0.15          (0.01)         (0.01)
Shares/weighted average shares outstanding     18,750       18,900          18,988         18,961
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Results  for the  fourth  quarter of fiscal  year 1996  include  costs  totaling
approximately  $36.2  million  (pre-tax)  related  to the  acquisition  of Fresh
Fields.  Quarterly  results for fiscal  year 1995  combine  Whole  Foods  Market
historical results for each fiscal quarter with Fresh Fields results restated to
those fiscal  quarters and therefore do not total to fiscal year 1995 results in
the Consolidated  Statements of Operations.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Management's  Discussion  & Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and Results of

Liquidity and Capital Resources
At September 29, 1996,  the Company's  working  capital was  approximately  $4.9
million and the ratio of current assets to current  liabilities was 1.09 to 1.0.
Net cash flow from operating  activities was approximately $26.5 million,  $32.4
million and $21.3 million in fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.
 In December 1994 Whole Foods Market entered into a bank credit  agreement which
provides  for a  revolving  line of credit  of up to $75  million.  The  amounts
borrowed  under this agreement are  convertible  into a four year term loan upon
the expiration of the revolving credit term on June 30, 1999.Principal  payments
are to be made in quarterly  installments  beginning  September  30, 1999.  This
credit agreement contains certain restrictive covenants,  including restrictions
upon the  payment  of  dividends  on common  stock.  The credit  agreement  also
contains  certain  affirmative  covenants,  including the maintenance of certain
financial ratios as defined in the agreement.  All outstanding  amounts borrowed
under this agreement  bear interest at the Company's  option of either a defined
base  rate or the  Eurodollar  rate  plus a  premium.  In May 1996  the  Company
refinanced  a portion of this debt with the  issuance  of $40  million of senior
unsecured  notes,  bearing  interest at 7.29% and payable in seven equal  annual
installments  beginning May 16, 2000. The notes contain certain  affirmative and
negative  covenants,  including  maintenance  of certain  financial  ratios.  At
September 29, 1996 and September 24, 1995 approximately  $44.1 million and $46.1
million,  respectively,  was drawn under the line of credit agreement.  Net cash
flow from financing  activities was approximately  $37.7 million,  $43.9 million
and $30.3 million in fiscal 1996, 1995 and 1994, respectively.
 Whole Foods Market's  principal  capital  requirements have been the funding of
the  development  or  acquisition  of new stores  and, to a lesser  extent,  the
resultant increase in working capital  requirements.  The Company estimates that
cash  requirements to open a new store will range from $3 million to $12 million
(after giving effect to any landlord construction allowance).  This excludes new
store inventory of  approximately  $400,000,  a substantial  portion of which is
financed by the  vendors of Whole  Foods  Market.  In fiscal  1997,  Whole Foods
Market plans to open approximately five new stores, relocate two existing stores
and will have  under  development  stores  that will  open in fiscal  1998.  The
Company will incur additional capital  expenditures in fiscal 1997 in connection
with ongoing equipment  upgrades and resets at its existing stores and continued
development  of its  management  information  systems.  Net  cash  flow  used by
investing  activities was approximately  $71.0 million,  $89.7 million and $48.0
million in fiscal 1996,  1995 and 1994,  respectively.  The Company expects that
cash generated from  operations and bank  borrowings  will be sufficient to fund
its planned store  openings and other cash needs through the end of fiscal 1997,
absent any material cash acquisitions.

Adoption of Accounting Standards
The  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  (FASB)  has  issued  Statement  of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  no.  121  (Accounting  for the  Impairment  of
Long-Lived Assets), which is effective for fiscal years beginning after December
15, 1995. The Company plans to adopt  Statement  no.121 in fiscal year 1997. The
Company does not anticipate any material impact on its financial statements as a
result of the adoption of Statement no. 121. The FASB also has issued  Statement
of  Financial   Accounting   Standards  no.  123   (Accounting  for  Stock-Based
Compensation),  which is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15,
1995.  The Company  plans to adopt  Statement  no.123 in fiscal  year 1997.  The
Company has not determined the impact of and whether the fair value based method
of  accounting  for  stock-based  compensation  will be adopted for  purposes of
preparing its basic financial statements.

Disclaimer on Forward Looking Statements
Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in
this   analysis  are  forward   looking   statements   that  involve  risks  and
uncertainties,  including but not limited to general  business  conditions,  the
timely development and opening of new stores, the impact of competition, and the
other risks  detailed from time to time in the Company's SEC reports,  including
the report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 29, 1996.

Item 8.           Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

         See Item 14 (a).

Item 9.           Disagreements on Accounting and Financial Disclosure

         Not applicable.
                                    PART III

Item 10.          Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

     The  information  included  under  the  caption  "Directors  and  Executive
Officers"  in  the  Company's   proxy   statement  for  the  annual  meeting  of
shareholders to be held on March 24, 1997, to be filed with the Commission on or
before January 27, 1997, is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 11.          Executive Compensation

     The  information  included  under  the  caption  "Directors  and  Executive
Officers--Executive  Compensation"  in the  Company's  proxy  statement  for the
annual  meeting of  shareholders  to be held on March 24, 1997, to be filed with
the  Commission  on or  before  January  27,  1997,  is  incorporated  herein by

Item 12.          Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

     The information included under the caption "Beneficial  Ownership of Common
Stock" in the Company's  proxy  statement for the annual meeting of shareholders
to be held on March  24,  1997,  to be filed  with the  Commission  on or before
January 27, 1997, is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 13.          Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

     The  information  included  under  the  caption  "Directors  and  Executive
Officers--Certain  Transactions" in the Company's proxy statement for the annual
meeting  of  shareholders  to be held on March 24,  1997,  to be filed  with the
Commission on or before January 27, 1997, is incorporated herein by reference.

                                     PART IV

Item 14.         Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K

         (a)      (1) and (2)      Financial Statements and Schedules.
                  Reference is made to the listing on page F-1 of all  financial
                  statements and schedules filed as a part of this report.
         (b)      Reports on Form 8-K
                  The  registrant  filed on August 30, 1996 a Form 8-K reporting
                  on the consummation of the merger agreement with Fresh Fields.
                  Financial statements were incorporated from Form S-4 (File No.
         (c)      (3)     Exhibits
                  Reference is made to the Exhibit  Index on page E-1 for a list
                  of all exhibits filed as a part of this report.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Index to Consolidated Financial Statements

Independent Auditors' Report

Consolidated Balance Sheets at  September 29, 1996 and September 24, 1995

Consolidated  Statements of Operations for the fiscal years ended  September 29,
1996, September 24, 1995 and September 25, 1994

Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity for the fiscal years ended
September 29, 1996, September 24, 1995 and September 25, 1994

Consolidated  Statements of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended  September 29,
1996, September 24, 1995 and September 25, 1994

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Independent Auditors' Report

The Board of Directors
Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries

We have  audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets of Whole Foods
Market, Inc. and subsidiaries ("Company") as of September 29, 1996 and September
24, 1995 and the related  consolidated  statements of operations,  shareholders'
equity  and cash  flows for each of the fiscal  years in the  three-year  period
ended  September  29, 1996.  These  consolidated  financial  statements  are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.
  We  conducted  our  audits in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated  financial statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as evaluating the overall  consolidated  financial
statement  presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable  basis
for our opinion.
 In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects,  the financial position of Whole Foods Market,
Inc. and  subsidiaries  as of September 29, 1996 and September 24, 1995, and the
results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the fiscal years in
the  three-year  period ended  September 29, 1996, in conformity  with generally
accepted accounting principles.

KPMG Peat Marwick, LLP
Austin, Texas
November 15, 1996

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Balance Sheets In thousands, except share data
September 29, 1996 and September 24, 1995

                                                                                  1996              1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents                                                  $     1,720             8,597
Trade accounts receivable                                                        4,706             2,986
Merchandise inventories                                                         38,077            30,974
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                        5,433             4,269
Deferred income taxes                                                           11,692             1,637
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total current assets                                                        61,628            48,463
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization       197,178           165,888
Acquired leasehold rights, net of accumulated amortization                       6,991             7,029
Excess of cost over net assets acquired, net of accumulated amortization        36,722            37,644
Other assets, net of accumulated amortization                                    8,085             7,790
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                           $   310,604           266,814
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
                                                                                  1996              1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current liabilities:
Current installments of long-term debt and capital lease obligations       $     1,014             1,815
Trade accounts payable                                                          22,756            17,106
Accrued payroll, bonus and employee benefits                                     9,983            13,992
Other accrued expenses                                                          22,988            19,950
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total current liabilities                                                   56,741            52,863
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-term debt and capital lease obligations, less current installments         84,277            51,906
Deferred rent liability                                                          5,607             4,725
Other long-term liabilities                                                     10,819               542
Deferred income taxes                                                            6,713             4,145
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total liabilities                                                          164,157           114,181
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholders' equity:
Common stock, no par value, 50,000,000 shares authorized; 19,179,000 and
18,416,000 shares issued and outstanding in 1996 and 1995, respectively        170,122           162,869
Retained deficit                                                               (23,675)          (10,236)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total shareholders' equity                                                     146,447           152,633
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commitments and contingencies
                                                                           $   310,604           266,814
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statements of Operations In thousands, except per share data Fiscal
Years Ended  September  29,  1996,  September  24, 1995 and  September  25, 1994

                                                              1996          1995         1994
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                               $      892,098       709,935      572,050
Cost of goods sold and occupancy costs                     613,056       480,781      387,682
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Gross profit                                          279,042       229,154      184,368
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Direct store expenses                                      217,048       183,655      144,383
General and administrative expenses                         33,559        30,777       25,151
Pre-opening costs                                            3,964         4,029        3,387
Relocation costs                                             1,939         2,332        5,758
Non-recurring expenses                                      38,516             o          282
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Income (loss) from operations                         (15,984)        8,361        5,407
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other income (expense):
Interest expense                                            (4,671)       (2,368)        (109)
Interest and other income                                       10           427          373
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Income (loss) before income taxes                    (20,645)        6,420        5,671
Provision (credit) for income taxes                         (3,411)        5,347        6,035
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Net income (loss)                               $     (17,234)        1,073        (364)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (loss) per common share                   $       (0.90)         0.06       (0.02)
Shares outstanding, 1996 and 1994, and
     weighted average shares outstanding, 1995              19,179        18,924       18,356
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated  Statements of Shareholders' Equity In thousands
Fiscal Years Ended September 29, 1996, September 24, 1995 and September 25, 1994

                                                                                Retained      Total
                                                        Shares     Common       Earnings  Shareholders'
                                                        Issued       Stock     (Deficit)       Equity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at September 26, 1993, as previously reported    12,851      $65,160      10,305       75,465
Adjustments for 1996 pooling-of-interests combination     4,036       68,367     (21,232)      47,135
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Balance at September 26, 1993, as restated          16,887      133,527     (10,927)     122,600
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issuance of common stock                                  1,277       27,578           o       27,578
Shares subject to expired put option                        192        1,308           o        1,308
Accretion to price associated with
common shares subject to put option                           o            o         (18)        (18)
Net loss                                                      o            o        (364)       (364)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Balance at September 25, 1994                       18,356      162,413     (11,309)     151,104
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Issuance of common stock                                     60          456           o          456
Net income                                                    o            o       1,073        1,073
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Balance at September 24, 1995                       18,416      162,869     (10,236)     152,633
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjustment to conform fiscal year of pooled entity            o            o       3,491        3,491
Oak Street business combination                             195            8         304          312
Issuance of common stock                                    568        6,187           o        6,187
Tax benefit related to exercise of employee stock options     o        1,058           o        1,058
Net loss                                                      o            o     (17,234)     (17,234)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Balance at September 29, 1996                       19,179      $170,122    (23,675)     146,447
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows In thousands
Fiscal Years Ended September 29, 1996, September 24, 1995 and September 25, 1994


                                                                      1996          1995         1994
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flow from operating activities
Net income (loss)                                             $    (17,234)        1,073         (364)
     Non-cash expenses included in net income:
         Depreciation and amortization                              25,525        20,023       15,142
         Relocation and closing costs                                  194         1,106        5,554
         Loss on disposal of fixed assets                            1,163           615            o
         Deferred income taxes (benefit)                            (6,427)        1,655        1,609
         Change in LIFO reserve                                        746           516          432
         Rent differential                                             882           397          117
         Loss provision on disposal of fixed assets                 12,477             o            o
         Loss provision on disposal of other assets                  4,124             o            o
         Lease termination provisions                               10,033             o            o
Adjustment to conform fiscal year of pooled entity                   3,491             o            o
Other                                                                  267          (364)          (7)
Net change in current assets and liabilities:
     Trade accounts receivable                                      (1,749)         (829)      (1,839)
     Merchandise inventories                                        (8,500)       (7,588)      (5,566)
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets                      (2,014)        2,989       (1,760)
     Trade accounts payable                                          5,513         2,240        4,865
     Accrued payroll, bonus and employee benefits                   (4,010)        3,927        1,697
     Other accrued expenses                                          1,970         6,673        1,415
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash flow from operating activities                             26,451        32,433       21,295
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flow from investing activities
Acquisition of property and equipment                              (18,236)      (39,251)     (27,181)
Development costs of new store locations                           (50,288)      (36,483)     (16,788)
Proceeds from the sale of property and equipment                         o           383            o
Acquired leasehold and licensing rights                                  o        (2,836)      (4,001)
Payment for purchase of acquired entities, net of cash acquired          o        (8,947)           o
Issuance of note receivable                                              o        (2,568)           o
Other investing activities                                          (2,480)            o            o
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash flow from investing activities                            (71,004)      (89,702)     (47,970)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Consolidated  Statements  of Cash Flows  (Continued)  In thousands  Fiscal Years
Ended  September  29, 1996,  September  24, 1995 and  September 25, 1994

                                                                      1996          1995         1994
Cash flow from financing activities
Net proceeds from long-term borrowings                        $     80,000        45,509        9,000
Payments on long-term debt and capital lease obligations           (48,511)       (2,081)      (6,314)
Issuance of stocks and warrants                                      6,187           456       27,578
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Net cash flow from financing activities                        37,676        43,884       30,264
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                (6,877)      (13,385)       3,589
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                       8,597        21,982       18,393
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                      $      1,720         8,597       21,982
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information Interest and income taxes paid:
     Interest                                                 $      3,647         1,821          474
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Federal and state income taxes                           $      3,832         2,841        5,696
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Fiscal Years Ended September 29, 1996, September 24, 1995 and September 25, 1994

(1) Corporate Organization
The  consolidated  Financial  statements  include  the  accounts  of Whole Foods
Market,  Inc. and its  wholly-owned  subsidiaries  ("Company").  All significant
intercompany accounts and transactions are eliminated upon consolidation.  Where
appropriate, prior years' financial statements have been reclassified to conform
with the 1996 presentation.

(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Single industry segment
The Company  engages in one line of  business,  the  operation  of natural  food
supermarkets.  As of September 29, 1996, the Company operated 68 stores,  all of
which are located in the United States.

Definition of fiscal year
The Company  reports its results of operations  on a 52- or 53-week  fiscal year
ending on the last Sunday in September. Fiscal year 1996 is a 53- week year.
Fiscal years 1995 and 1994 are 52-week years.

Cash equivalents
For  purposes  of the  consolidated  statements  of  cash  flows,  the  Company
considers all highly liquid  investments with an original maturity of 90 days or
less to be cash equivalents.

Inventories,  both  retail  and  wholesale,  are  valued at the lower of cost or
market. Cost is principally determined by the last-in,  first-out (LIFO) method.
The inventory of one subsidiary is determined by the first-in,  first-out (FIFO)
method.  The excess of  estimated  current  costs over LIFO  carrying  value was
approximately  $2,426,000 and $1,680,000 at September 29, 1996 and September 24,
1995, respectively.

Property and equipment
Property and equipment is stated at cost,  net of accumulated  depreciation  and
amortization.  Depreciation is provided over the estimated useful lives (5 to 15
years) using the straight-line method.  Leasehold  improvements are amortized on
the  straight-line  method over the shorter of the estimated useful lives of the
improvements or the terms of the related leases.
  Pre-opening costs include hiring and training personnel,  supplies and certain
occupancy  and  miscellaneous  costs  related  to new store  locations,  and are
expensed in the quarter of store opening.  Capitalized pre-opening costs related
to stores not yet open at  September  29, 1996 totaled  $658,000.  There were no
significant  capitalized  pre-opening  costs  related  to stores not yet open at
September  24,  1995.  Costs  related  to a  projected  site  determined  to  be
unsatisfactory  and general site selection costs which cannot be identified with
a specific store location are charged to operations currently.

Other assets
Acquired leasehold rights are amortized as rent expense over the remaining lease
term at the date of  acquisition  using the  straight-line  method.  Accumulated
amortization  of acquired  leasehold  rights at September 29, 1996 and September
24, 1995 is $895,000 and $672,000, respectively.  Excess of cost over net assets
acquired is amortized over 40 years using the straight-line method.  Accumulated
amortization  of excess of cost over net assets  acquired at September  29, 1996
and September 24, 1995 is $4,689,000 and $3,547,000, respectively.
  The  carrying  value of the excess cost over net assets  acquired is evaluated
periodically  in relation to such  factors as the  occurrence  of a  significant
event, the operating  performance of each acquired  subsidiary and the estimated
future undiscounted cash flows of the underlying business of each subsidiary.
  Certain  costs  associated  with  the  issuance  of debt are  capitalized  and
amortized over the life of the related agreement using the straight-line method.
  Included in other assets at September  29,1996 and September 24,1995 is a note
receivable of approximately $2,459,000 and $2,568,000, respectively. Accumulated
amortization  of other assets at September  29, 1996 and  September  24, 1995 is
$455,000 and $774,000, respectively.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

(2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued

Income taxes
The Company uses the asset and liability  approach  which  accounts for deferred
income taxes by applying statutory tax rates in effect at the balance sheet date
to  differences  between  the  book  basis  and  the tax  basis  of  assets  and
liabilities.  Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax
rates expected to apply to taxable income in the years in which those  temporary
differences are expected to be recovered or settled. The deferred tax assets and
liabilities  are  adjusted in income to reflect  changes in tax laws or rates in
the period that includes the enactment date.

Net income (loss) per common and common equivalent share
Net income per common  and  common  equivalent  share are based on the  weighted
average number of shares  outstanding  during the of the fiscal period. Net loss
per common share is based on the actual number of shares  outstanding at the end
of the fiscal  period.  Common stock options  (whether or not  exercisable)  are
common stock  equivalents  and have been included in the  computation of primary
net  income  per common  and  common  equivalent  share when they are  dilutive.
Options  outstanding  have been included in the computation of primary and fully
diluted net income per common and common equivalent share based on the number of
shares  assumable  upon  exercise  less  the  number  of  shares  assumed  to be
repurchased  at the  greater  of the  average or ending  market  price per share
determined  on a  quarterly  basis.  Fully  diluted  earnings  per share are not
significantly different from primary earnings per share.
  Net loss for  calculation  of primary and fully diluted  earnings per share in
1994 was  adjusted  for the income  effect of the  accretion  to exercise  price
associated with common shares subject to put option.

Use of estimates
The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
revenues and expenses  during the period  reported.  Actual results could differ
from those  estimates.  Estimates are used when accounting for  depreciation and
amortization,   employee  benefit  plans,  taxes,   restructuring  reserves  and

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

(3) Business Combinations

Fresh Fields Markets, Inc.
On June 13, 1996 the Board of Directors of the Company  approved the merger with
Fresh  Fields  Markets,  Inc.  (Fresh  Fields),  which  operated  natural  foods
supermarkets in Washington D.C., Chicago, Philadelphia and New York, in exchange
for  approximately  4,750,000  shares of the  Company's  common  stock  plus the
assumption  of  approximately  399,000  outstanding  options to purchase  common
stock.  The merger was  completed on August 30, 1996 and was accounted for using
the pooling-of-interests method.
  Financial  information  for the periods prior to the business  combination  is
summarized  below.  The combined  financial  statement  amounts are based on the
respective  historical  financial statements and the notes thereto. The combined
sales and net income (loss)  summarized  below combine the Company's  historical
sales and net income  (loss)  for the  fiscal  years  ended  September  29,1996,
September 24, 1995 and September 25, 1994,  with Fresh Fields  historical  sales
and net loss for the twelve  months ended  September  30,  1996,  and the fiscal
years ended  December 30, 1995 and December  31, 1994 (in  thousands  except per
share data).

                                            1996            1995           1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Whole Foods Market              $   622,246         496,374        401,685
     Fresh Fields                        269,852         213,561        170,365
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Combined                        $   892,098         709,935        572,050
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income (loss)
     Whole Foods Market              $   (16,289)          8,220          8,639
     Fresh Fields                           (945)         (7,147)        (9,003)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Combined                        $   (17,234)          1,073           (364)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Combined net income (loss) per share $     (0.90)           0.06          (0.02)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statement of operations  amounts for Fresh Fields which are included in both the
September  29,  1996  and  September  24,  1995  columns  in  the   accompanying
consolidated  statements  of  operations  and  shareholders'  equity are for the
three-month  period ended December 30, 1995,  which is summarized as follows (in

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues                                                             $   63,294
Expenses                                                                 59,803
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                                           $    3,491
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Oak Street Market
In December 1995,  the Company  completed the  acquisition of Natural  Merchants
Exchange,  Inc. doing business as Oak Street Market (Oak Street), which operated
a natural  foods market in  Evanston,  Illinois,  in exchange for  approximately
195,000  shares of common  stock.  The  acquisition  was accounted for using the
pooling-of-interests  method.  Due to the  immateriality of Oak Street financial
statements  to  the  Company's  consolidated  financial  statements,   financial
information for the periods prior to the  combination has not been restated.  An
adjustment to decrease retained deficit by $304,000 has been recorded to include
results of Oak Street  operations  for the periods prior to the  combination  in
these financial statements.  Revenue and results of operations of Oak Street for
the period from  September  25, 1995  through  the date of  acquisition  are not
material to the combined results.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

(3) Business Combinations, continued

Cana Foods, Inc. and Unicorn Village, Ltd.
In February 1995, the Company acquired the outstanding stock of Cana Foods, Inc.
doing business as Bread of Life,  which operated two natural foods  supermarkets
in Northern  California,  in exchange for approximately  $4,999,000 in cash. The
acquisition  was accounted for using the purchase  method and the excess of cost
over fair value of the assets acquired of approximately $4,393,000 was allocated
to goodwill, which is being amortized on a straight-line basis over 40 years.
 Also in February 1995,the Company acquired substantially all assets and assumed
certain  liabilities  of  Unicorn  Village,  Ltd.  (Unicorn),  a  natural  foods
supermarket in Southern  Florida.  Consideration for this acquisition was in the
form of cash of  approximately  $4,110,000  plus $125,000 a year for a five-year
noncompetition  agreement.  The acquisition was accounted for using the purchase
method,  and the  excess of cost  over  fair  value of the  assets  acquired  of
approximately  $3,481,000 was allocated to goodwill, which is being amortized on
a straight-line basis over 40 years.
 The fair values of Bread of Life's and Unicorn's  assets and liabilities at the
date of acquisition are presented as follows (in thousands):

                                                              Bread of Life               Unicorn
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets                                              $       775                       968
Property and equipment                                              623                       478
Other assets                                                          *                        19
Goodwill                                                          4,393                     3,481
Current liabilities                                                (781)                     (804)
Other liabilities                                                   (11)                      (32)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets acquired                                           $   4,999                     4,110
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pro forma results of operations are not presented due to the  immaterial  effect
of the company acquired on consolidated results of operations.

(4) Non-recurring Expenses
Non-recurring expenses for fiscal year 1996 consist primarily of transaction and
other  costs  associated  with  the  acquisition  of Fresh  Fields  and with the
reorganization of the Southern California region,  including severance costs and
expenses  related to changing the names of the stores from Mrs. Gooch's to Whole
Foods Market, as follows (in thousands):

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transaction-related costs and severance                                                $    8,577
Duplicate systems disposal costs and other transaction-related accounting adjustments       6,730
Store closing and relocation costs                                                         20,907
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total costs associated with the acquisition of Fresh Fields                                36,214
Southern California reorganization costs                                                    2,144
Other                                                                                         158
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total non-recurring expenses                                                           $   38,516
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Expenses  including  losses  on  the  disposition  of  store  assets  and  lease
termination costs have been recognized  pursuant to a plan initiated at the time
of  the  Fresh  Fields  acquisition  to  close  or  relocate  duplicate  stores.
Specifically,  the plan  includes the  following  store  changes:  (1) the Fresh
Fields  Elston store in the Chicago area was closed in September  1996;  (2) the
Whole Foods  Market Oak Street store in the Chicago area was closed in September
1996;  (3) the Fresh Fields  Gaithersburg  store in the  Washington  DC area was
closed in  November  1996 just prior to the  opening of the Whole  Foods  Market
Vienna store;  and, (4) the Fresh Fields  Evanston and Naperville  stores in the
Chicago area will be  relocated in 1997 to two nearby Whole Foods Market  stores
which are currently  under  construction.  Fiscal 1996 revenue and net operating
income  for  these  stores  totaled  approximately   $53,395,000  and  $513,000,
respectively.  At September 29, 1996, the final  disposition of store assets and
the termination of operating  leases at these  locations  remain under the plan,
which will be completed as soon as is  practicable  after the related stores are
closed  or  relocated.   Liabilities  totaling  approximately   $10,033,000  for
remaining rent and lease  termination  costs have been recorded as part of store
closing and relocation costs.

Costs  associated  with the  reorganization  of the Southern  California  region
include  severance and relocation  payments,  costs associated with changing the
names of the stores from Mrs. Gooch's to Whole Foods Market, systems and process
conversion costs and other reorganization expenses.

Non-recurring  expenses  for fiscal  year 1994  include  damages and other costs
associated with the Southern California earthquake in that year.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

(5) Quarterly Results (unaudited)
Quarterly  results of entities  acquired in purchase  business  combinations are
included from the  respective  dates of  acquisition.  For fiscal year 1996, the
first quarter is 16 weeks,  the second and third quarters are each 12 weeks, and
the fourth  quarter is 13 weeks.  For fiscal year 1995,  the first quarter is 16
weeks and the remaining  quarters are each 12 weeks.  Quarterly  results for the
years  ended  September  29,  1996 and  September  24,  1995 are as follows  (in
thousands except per share data):

                                                           1st          2nd         3rd           4th
1996                                                   Quarter      Quarter     Quarter       Quarter
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                              $   244,986      203,912     213,402       229,798
Gross profit                                            76,205       65,829      68,256        68,752
Pre-opening costs                                          383        2,320         609           652
Non-recurring expenses                                       *        1,984           *        36,532
Income (loss) from operations                            3,429        3,259       7,827       (30,499)
Income (loss) before income taxes                        2,563        2,399       6,956       (32,563)
Net income (loss)                                           41        1,517       4,663       (23,455)
Net income (loss) per share                        $      0.00         0.08        0.23         (1.22)
Shares/weighted average shares outstanding              19,175       19,419      19,995        19,179
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           1st          2nd         3rd           4th
1995                                                   Quarter      Quarter     Quarter       Quarter
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales                                              $   195,027      161,864     167,601       171,442
Gross profit                                            60,742       51,853      53,839        53,641
Pre-opening costs                                          900          488       1,326           868
Income (loss) from operations                           (2,866)       4,726         859         1,723
Income (loss) before income taxes                       (2,947)       4,617         572         1,080
Net income (loss)                                       (4,539)       2,845        (156)         (175)
Net income (loss) per share                        $     (0.24)        0.15       (0.01)        (0.01)
Shares/weighted average shares outstanding              18,750       18,900      18,988        18,961
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Results  for the  fourth  quarter of fiscal  year 1996  include  costs  totaling
approximately  $36,200,000 (pre-tax) related to the acquisition of Fresh Fields.
Quarterly  results for fiscal year 1995 combine  Whole Foods  Market  historical
results for each fiscal  quarter  with Fresh  Fields  results  restated to those
fiscal  quarters  and  therefore do not total to fiscal year 1995 results in the
Consolidated Statements of Operations.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

(6) Property and Equipment
Balances  of  major  classes  of  property  and  equipment  are as  follows  (in

                                                                   1996             1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Land and building                                            $   12,943           11,065
Fixtures and equipment                                          112,975          105,077
Leasehold improvements                                          121,712           82,568
Vehicles                                                            462              775
Equipment under capital lease                                     1,891            2,512
Construction in progress                                         14,253           14,499
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                264,236          216,496
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization                   67,058           50,608
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             $  197,178          165,888
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Depreciation  and  amortization  expense  related to property and  equipment was
approximately  $23,633,000,  $18,112,000  and $13,589,000 for fiscal years 1996,
1995 and 1994, respectively.
 Leasehold  improvements  and  construction  in progress  include  approximately
$1,183,000,  $809,000 and $372,000 of interest capitalized during 1996, 1995 and
1994, respectively.

(7) Long-Term Debt
The Company has long-term debt and  obligations  under capital leases as follows
(in thousands):

                                                                   1996             1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Obligations under capital lease agreements for equipment,
  due in monthly installments through 1998                   $    1,139            2,488
Notes payable to banks                                           44,100           51,100
Senior unsecured notes                                           40,000                *
Other notes payable                                                  52              133
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 85,291           53,721
Less current installments                                         1,014            1,815
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             $   84,277           51,906
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company  has  entered  into a bank credit  agreement  which  provides  for a
revolving line of credit of up to $75,000,000.  The amounts  borrowed under this
agreement are convertible  into a four year term loan upon the expiration of the
revolving  credit term on June 30,  1999.  Principal  payments are to be made in
quarterly  installments  beginning  September  30, 1999.  This credit  agreement
contains certain restrictive  covenants,  including restrictions upon payment of
dividends  on  common  stock.   The  credit   agreement  also  contains  certain
affirmative  covenants  including  maintenance  of certain  financial  ratios as
defined in the agreement.  All outstanding amounts borrowed under this agreement
bear  interest  at the  Company's  option of  either a defined  base rate or the
Eurodollar rate plus a premium. Commitment fees ranging from 0.1875% to 0.25% of
the undrawn amount are payable under this  agreement.  At September 29, 1996 and
September 24, 1995, approximately $44,100,000 and $46,100,000, respectively, was
drawn  under this  agreement  and the Company  was in  compliance  with the debt
  In July 1995,  Fresh Fields entered into a credit agreement with several banks
which  provided for direct  borrowings  and the  issuance of standby  letters of
credit.  A balance of $5,000,000 was outstanding  under this credit agreement as
of September 24, 1995. The outstanding  balance under this credit  agreement was
paid off concurrent with the acquisition of Fresh Fields.
  In May 1996,the Company issued $40,000,000 of senior unsecured notes payable
to refinance existing  indebtedness.  The  notes bear interest  at 7.29% and are
payable in seven equal  installments  beginning May 16, 2000.  The notes contain
certain  affirmative and negative  covenants,  including  maintenance of certain
financial ratios as defined in the agreement. At September 29, 1996, the Company
was in compliance with the debt covenants.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

(8) Leases
The Company and its  subsidiaries are committed under certain capital leases for
rental of equipment and certain  operating  leases for rental of facilities  and
equipment.  These leases  expire or become  subject to renewal at various  dates
from 1996 to 2017.  Rental expense charged to operations  under operating leases
for the  fiscal  years  ended  1996,  1995  and  1994  aggregated  approximately
$24,644,000, $19,300,000 and $14,486,000, respectively.
  Minimum  rental  commitments  required  by  all  noncancelable  leases  are
approximately as follows (in thousands):

                                                       Capital        Operating
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1997                                               $       985           26,821
1998                                                       148           28,399
1999                                                        28           28,601
2000                                                         *           28,724
2001                                                         *           28,838
Future years                                                 *          263,409
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less amounts representing interest                          22
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Less current installments                                  965
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   $       174
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Minimum  rentals  for  operating  leases  do  not  include  certain  amounts  of
contingent  rentals  which may  become  due under the  provisions  of leases for
retail space.  These  agreements  provide that minimum  rentals may be increased
based on a percent of annual sales from the retail space.  During 1996, 1995 and
1994, the Company paid contingent  rentals of approximately  $981,000,  $587,000
and $367,000, respectively.

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

(9) Income Taxes
Components of total income tax expense (benefit) are as follows (in thousands):

                                                          1996              1995             1994
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current federal income tax                         $     3,046             2,687            3,347
Current state income tax                                   925             1,005            1,079
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current tax                                        3,971             3,692            4,426
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred federal income tax                             (7,085)            1,358            1,315
Deferred state income tax                                 (297)              297              294
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total deferred tax                                      (7,382)            1,655            1,609
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total income tax expense (benefit)                 $    (3,411)            5,347            6,035
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Actual  income  tax  expense  (benefit)  differed  from the amount  computed  by
applying statutory  corporate income tax rates to income before taxes as follows
(in thousands):

                                                          1996              1995             1994
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal tax based on statutory rates               $    (7,126)            2,183            1,928
Increase (reduction) in income taxes resulting from:
     Net loss of pooled entity                             768             2,465            3,102
     Non-deductible merger transaction costs             1,682                 *                *
     Non-deductible amortization of cost in
     excess of net assets acquired                         348               327              307
     Other, net                                            609              (474)            (207)
     Deductible state income taxes                        (319)             (457)            (468)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total federal taxes                                     (4,038)            4,044            4,662
State income taxes                                         627             1,303            1,373
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total income tax expense (benefit)                 $    (3,411)            5,347            6,035
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

(9) Income Taxes, continued
The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant portions
of the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are as follows
(in thousands):

Deferred tax assets                                                               1996        1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Compensated absences, principally due to Financial reporting accrual       $       990       1,853
Rent differential, principally due to Financial reporting pro-rata expense         838         968
Estimated buyout of capital leases not currently deductible for tax purposes       341         313
Estimate of difference between fair market value of store operating leases
and actual amounts paid                                                            270         261
Capital leases treated as operating leases for tax purposes                         49         250
Inventories, principally due to additional costs inventoried for tax
purposes pursuant to the Tax Reform Act of 1986                                    530         288
Reorganization costs not currently deductible                                    8,623       1,091
Alternative minimum tax credit                                                   1,543           *
Acquired net operating loss carryforwards                                       10,765      11,060
Other                                                                              324         280
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total gross deferred tax assets                                                 24,273      16,364
Valuation allowance                                                            (10,765)    (12,460)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total net deferred tax assets                                              $    13,508       3,904
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deferred tax liabilities                                                          1996        1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financial basis of fixed assets in excess of tax basis                     $    (7,736)     (5,765)
Capitalized acquisition costs expensed for tax purposes                           (580)       (524)
Other                                                                             (213)       (123)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total gross deferred tax liabilities                                            (8,529)     (6,412)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net deferred tax asset (liability)                                         $     4,979      (2,508)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Company has provided a full  valuation  allowance for the net operating loss
carryforwards  acquired  in the Fresh  Fields  business  combination  based upon
review of the historical  performance  of the acquired  subsidiary and other tax
limitations.  The valuation allowance  decreased by approximately  $1,695,000 in
1996 and increased by approximately  $2,322,000 in 1995.  Management believes it
is more  likely  than not that the  Company  will fully  realize  the  remaining
deferred  tax assets in the form of future tax  deductions  since the  temporary
differences will reverse in the near future.

As of September 29, 1996,  the Company has the following tax net operating  loss
carryforwards available (in thousands):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2006                                                                   $     63
2007                                                                      3,702
2008                                                                     10,784
2009                                                                      8,678
2010                                                                      4,734
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                                                  $ 27,961
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Whole Foods Market, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Continued)

(10) Shareholders' Equity
The  Company  has stock  option and  incentive  plans for the  purchase of up to
4,367,000  shares of common stock by employees and  directors.  Options  granted
under  these plans are  exercisable  over seven to ten years from date of grant,
subject to a four to five year vesting  schedule.  During  fiscal 1996,  options
were  exercised  for the purchase of 558,000  shares at  $0.90-27.02  per share.
During fiscal 1995,  options were exercised for the purchase of 38,000 shares at
$1.20-15.31 per share.  During fiscal year 1994,  options were exercised for the
purchase of 138,000 shares at $1.20-11.07 per share.

A summary of options  outstanding  at September  29, 1996 follows (in  thousands
except exercise price):

                                         Total shares          Total shares
                                            stated in        exercisable at
Fiscal Year Options Granted           Options Granted        Sept. 29, 1996       Exercise Price
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1987                                               45                    45      $          1.20
1988                                               20                    20                 2.50
1989                                               40                    40                 2.50
1991                                              177                   177            3.13-3.40
1992                                              155                   117           3.40-11.07
1993                                              450                   231           8.75-22.51
1994                                              509                   299          16.31-25.22
1995                                              531                   207           0.90-27.02
1996                                              702                    40          17.38-33.50
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                2,629                 1,176
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(11) Fair Value of Financial Instruments
The carrying amounts of cash and cash  equivalents,  trade accounts  receivable,
trade accounts payable,  accrued payroll, bonus and employee benefits, and other
accrued  expenses  approximate fair value because of the short maturity of those
instruments. The carrying value of notes payable to bank approximates fair value
due to variable  interest  rates charged on these notes.  The carrying value and
fair value of senior  unsecured  notes at September 29, 1996 is $40,000,000  and
approximately $39,340,000, respectively. The Company estimated the fair value of
senior  unsecured  notes by  discounting  the  future  cash  flows at the  rates
currently  available to the Company for similar debt  instruments  of comparable

(12) Commitments and Contingencies
The Company provides partially  self-insured,  voluntary employee benefits plans
which  provide,  among other  benefits,  health care  benefits to  participating
employees.  The plans are designed to provide specified levels of coverage, with
excess  insurance  coverage  provided by a  commercial  insurer.  The  Company's
exposure related to claims  associated with unreported  cases or  underestimated
future  costs  associated  with known cases for which the  Company is  partially
self-insured  at September  29, 1996 has been  estimated  based on  management's
review of claims  outstanding at fiscal year end, claims reported  subsequent to
fiscal year end and  management's  knowledge of the typical  length of time from
date of occurrence to date of reported claim.
  The Company is a non-subscriber to workers'  compensation  insurance in Texas.
Claims associated with unreported cases at September 29, 1996 are not considered
to be significant based on management's  review of claims reported subsequent to
fiscal year end and  management's  knowledge of the typical  length of time from
date of occurrence to date of reported  claim.  Due to the nature of job related
injury claims, the inherent difficulty in estimating the ultimate costs of fully
developed  claims  and  because  of the wide  range  of  potential  losses,  the
Company's reserve estimate could be more or less than the amount ultimately paid
upon settlement of claims.
  The Company is a party to certain  legal  proceedings  arising in the ordinary
course of business.  After  consultation  with counsel and a review of available
facts,  management  believes that damages,  if any, arising from litigation will
not be material to the Company's Financial position or results of operations.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                            WHOLE FOODS MARKET, INC.

Date:  December 27, 1996          By:  /s/ Glenda Flanagan
                    Glenda Flanagan, Chief Financial Officer

     Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, this
report  has  been  signed  below  by the  following  persons  on  behalf  of the
registrant and in the capacities indicated on December 27, 1996.

         Name                                       Title
         ----                                       -----
/s/ John Mackey
- ---------------
John Mackey                    Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
                               and Director (Principal Executive Officer)

/s/ Glenda Flanagan
- -------------------
Glenda Flanagan                Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial and
                               Accounting Officer)

/s/ Dr. Cristina G. Banks
- -------------------------
Dr. Cristina G. Banks          Director

/s/ Dr. John B. Elstrott
- ------------------------
Dr. John B. Elstrott           Director

/s/  Avram J. Goldberg
- ----------------------
Avram J. Goldberg              Director

/s/ Linda A. Mason
- ------------------
Linda A. Mason                 Director

/s/ Dr. Ralph  Z. Sorenson
- --------------------------
Dr. Ralph Z. Sorenson          Director

/s/ James P. Sud
- ----------------
James P. Sud                   Director

- -----------------


    3.1      Restated Articles of Incorporation of the Registrant, as amended
    3.2      By-laws of the Registrant adopted May 23, 1995 (6)
    10.1     1987 Stock Option and Incentive Plan for Employees (3)
    10.2     1987 Stock Option Plan for Outside Directors (3)
    10.3     1993 Team Member Stock Ownership Plan (1)
    10.5     Form of Retention Agreement between the executive officers of the
              Registrant and the Registrant (3)
    10.6     Form of amendment to Retention Agreement (1)
    10.7     Amended and Restated Loan  Agreement,  dated  December 27, 1994,by
              and among the Registrant,  the  subsidiaries of the Registrant and
              Texas Commerce Bank National Association (6)
    10.8     First  Amendment  dated May 16, 1996 to Amended And Restated  Loan
              Agreement,  dated December 27, 1994, by and among Registrant,  the
              subsidiaries  of the  Registrant  and Texas Commerce Bank National
              Association (7)
    10.9     1992 Stock Option Plan for Team Members, as amended (1)
    10.10    1992 Stock Option Plan for Outside Directors (1)
    10.11    1993 Team Member Stock Purchase Plan (1)
    10.12    Second Amended and Restated 1991 Stock Incentive Plan of Fresh
              Fields Markets, Inc. with amendments thereto (4)
    10.13    1994 Director Stock Option Plan with amendments thereto (4)
    10.14    Note Purchase Agreement, dated May 16, 1996, by and among the
              registrant and the purchasers of $40 million of 7.29% Senior Notes
              due May 16, 2006 (7)
    23.1     Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP (8)
    27.1     Financial Data Schedule (8)
    99.1     Proxy Statement for Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on
              March 24, 1997 (5)

(1)    Filed as an exhibit to Registration Statement on Form S-4 (No. 33-63824)
        and incorporated herein by reference.
(2)     Filed as an exhibit to Registration  Statement on Form S-3 (No.33-69362)
        and incorporated herein by reference.
(3)    Filed as an exhibit to Registration Statement on Form S-1 (No. 33-44214)
        and incorporated herein by reference.
(4)    Filed as an exhibit to Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 33-11273)
        and incorporated herein by reference.
(5)    To be filed  with  the  Commission  on  or  before January  27, 1997 and
        incorporated herein by reference.
(6)    Filed as an exhibit to  registrants  Form 10-K for year ended  September
        24, 1995 and incorporated herein by reference.
(7)    Filed as an exhibit to  registrants  Form 10-K for year ended  September
        29, 1996 and incorporated herein by reference.
(8)    Filed herewith.

                                  Exhibit 23.1


The Board of Directors
Whole Foods Market, Inc.:

We consent to  incorporation  by reference in the  registration  statements (No.
333-11271  and No.  333-11273)  on Form S-8,  the  registration  statement  (No.
333-7719) on Form S-4, and the registration  statement (No. 333-968) on Form S-3
of Whole Foods Market,  Inc. of our report dated November 15, 1996,  relating to
the consolidated  balance sheets of Whole Foods Market, Inc. and subsidiaries as
of  September  29, 1996 and  September  24, 1995,  and the related  consolidated
statements of  operations,  shareholders'  equity and cash flows for each of the
fiscal years in the three  fiscal-year  period ended  September 29, 1996,  which
report  appears in the  September  29, 1996 annual  report on Form 10-K of Whole
Foods Market, Inc.

Austin, Texas
July 10, 1997