STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

     This Stock  Option  Agreement  (hereinafter  the  "Agreement")  is made and
entered  into  effective  as of the 1st day of August,  1997,  by and between MB
SOFTWARE,  INC., a Delaware corporation (hereinafter the "Corporation") and John
E. Anderson (hereinafter "Optionee").


      Optionee:             John E. Anderson
      No. of Shares:        250,000
      Vesting:              In full on September 1, 1998
      Exercise Price:       $.19 per share


     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and for good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the Corporation and Optionee hereby agree as follows:

     1. Grant of Option.  The Optionee is hereby granted the right to purchase a
total of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand (250,000) shares (the "Option Stock") of the
common stock, no par value, of the Corporation  ("Common Stock").  The Option is
NOT  intended  by the  parties  hereto to be,  and shall  NOT be  treated  as an
Incentive  Stock  Option,  as such  term is  defined  under  Section  422 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code").

     2. Option Price.  The price to be paid by Optionee for each share of Option
Stock  shall be  Nineteen  Cents  ($.19) per share  (hereinafter  the  "Exercise

     3. Option Term - Term. The Option may be exercised,  in whole or in part as
to all or any  part of the  Option  Stock  at any  time  and  from  time to time
beginning on September 1, 1998,  but not later than 12:00 A.M.,  Salt Lake City,
Utah, time, on September 1, 2004, (the "Expiration  Date"),  provided,  however,
that  if  the  Expiration  Date  is a day  on  which  banking  institutions  are
authorized by law to close,  then on the next  succeeding day which is not a day
on which banking  institutions  are authorized by law to close  (hereinafter the
"Option Period").

     4. Value  Guarantee.  In the event that the aggregate  fair market value of
the Option Stock on September 1, 1998, is less than  $250,000,  the  Corporation
shall,  at its  option,  either  grant an  option  to  purchase  the  number  of
additional shares of the Common Stock without increasing the aggregate

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Exercise  Price for all  shares of common  stock for which  this  Option  may be
exercised,  in number which, with the Option Stock, shall have an aggregate fair
market value equal to $250,000 in the aggregate,  or pay Optionee the difference
between $250,000 and the actual value of the Option Stock.

     5. Method of Exercise.  The Option will be  exercisable  by written  notice
delivered  to the  Corporation  by Optionee,  dated and signed by Optionee,  and
shall provide the following (hereinafter the "Option Notice"):

          a. A statement that the Option is being  exercised and the date (which
     must be prospective) as of which Optionee  intends exercise to be effective
     (the "Exercise Date").

          b. The number of shares of Option  Stock for which the Option is being
     exercised,  and  the  name,  address  and  social  security  number  of the

          c.  Representations,  warranties,  and  covenants  with respect to the
     Optionee's  investment  intent for the Option Stock which are acceptable to
     the  Corporation,  in its  reasonable  discretion,  which shall include the

               (1) The  Optionee is the sole and true party in  interest  and is
          not  acquiring the shares of Option Stock for the benefit of any other

               (2) The  Optionee  is  acquiring  the shares of Option  Stock for
          investment  purposes  and  not  with  a view  to,  or  for  resale  in
          connection  with, any  distribution or public offering  thereof within
          the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

               (3)  The  Optionee  has  had  access  to  all   information   and
          documentation  concerning  the  Corporation  which the Optionee  deems
          necessary  or  desirable  with  respect  to the  Corporation  and  its
          finances and operations,  prior to entering into this  Agreement,  has
          had an opportunity to ask questions of and receive  answers from other
          officers  and the  directors of the  Corporation,  and in all respects
          deems  himself  satisfied  as to the  nature  and  extent  of all such
          information.  The offer to  acquire  the  shares  of Option  Stock was
          directly communicated to the Optionee in such manner that the Optionee
          was able to ask questions of and receive answers  concerning the terms
          and conditions of this transaction.

               (4) The  Optionee  is capable of bearing  the degree of  economic
          risk inherent in ownership of the shares of Option Stock.

     6.  Information.  The  Corporation  shall  provide  to  the  Optionee  such
information  as Optionee may reasonably  request to enable  Optionee to give the
representations  required in Section 5.c, above,  sufficiently promptly to allow
Optionee to timely exercise the Option.

     7. Payment Upon Exercise. Payment of the Exercise Price shall be in cash or
certified  funds.  If the  Optionee  fails  to pay for any of the  Option  Stock
specified in such notice or fails to accept  delivery  thereof,  the  Optionee's
right to purchase such Option Stock may be terminated by the Corporation.

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The date  specified in the  Optionee's  notice as the date of exercise  shall be
deemed the date of exercise of the Option, provided that payment in full for the
Option Stock to be purchased upon such exercise shall have been received by such

     8. Record  Ownership.  Upon receipt by the Corporation of the Option Notice
in proper form for exercise, together with payment of the Exercise Price, at the
office or agency of the Corporation or the Exercise Date, if later, the Optionee
shall be deemed  to be the  holder  of  record  of the  shares  of Option  Stock
issuable upon such  exercise,  notwithstanding  that the stock transfer books of
the  Corporation  shall then be closed or that  certificates  representing  such
shares of Option  Stock shall not then be actually  delivered  to the  Optionee.
Neither  the  Optionee  nor any other  person  shall  have any of the rights and
privileges of a  stockholder  of the  Corporation  with respect to any shares of
Common Stock  purchasable or issuable upon the exercise of the Option,  in whole
or in part, prior to the date of exercise of the Option.

     9. Nontransferability of Option. During the Optionee's lifetime, the Option
hereunder shall be exercisable only by the Optionee or John E. Anderson,  or any
guardian or legal  representative  of the Optionee or John E. Anderson,  and the
Option shall not be transferable  except,  in case of the death of the Optionee,
by will or the laws of descent and distribution, nor shall the Option be subject
to  attachment,  execution  or other  similar  process.  In the event of (a) any
attempt by the Optionee to alienate,  assign,  pledge,  hypothecate or otherwise
dispose of the  Option,  except as provided  for herein,  or (b) the levy of any
attachment,  execution  or similar  process  upon the rights or interest  hereby
conferred,  the  Corporation  may terminate the Option by notice to the Optionee
and it shall thereupon become null and void.

     10.  Employment  Not  Affected.  Neither the issuance of the Option nor its
exercise  shall be construed as granting to the Optionee or any affiliate of the
Optionee any right with respect to employment or continuance of employment  with
the Corporation or any subsidiary of the Corporation. Except as may otherwise be
limited by a written  agreement  between the Corporation  and the Optionee,  the
right of the Corporation to terminate at will the Optionee's  employment with it
at any time  (whether by  dismissal,  discharge,  retirement  or  otherwise)  is
specifically  reserved by the  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries,  if any,  and
acknowledged by the Optionee.

     11.  Amendment of Option.  The Option may be amended by the  Corporation at
any time only with the written consent of the Optionee.

     12.  Adjustments  to the Number of Shares of Option Stock and to the Price.
The number of shares of Option Stock for which this Option may be exercised  and
the Exercise Price shall be subject to adjustment from time to time as set forth
in this Section 12.

          a. Stock Dividends,  Subdivisions and Combinations. If at any time the
     Corporation shall:

               (1) pay a dividend or other  distribution  on its Common Stock in
          shares  of Common  Stock or  shares  of any  other  class or series of
          capital stock,

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               (2)  subdivide  its  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  into a
          larger number of shares of such Common Stock, or

               (3) combine its outstanding shares of Common Stock into a smaller
          number of shares of such Common Stock,

then the  number of shares of Option  Stock  receivable  upon  exercise  of this
Option to the extent permitted hereby  immediately  prior to the record date for
such dividend or  distribution  or the  effective  date of such  subdivision  or
combination shall be adjusted so that the holder of this Option shall thereafter
be entitled to receive upon  conversion  of this Option to the extent  permitted
hereby the kind and number of shares of Common Stock that such holder would have
owned or have been  entitled  to receive  immediately  after such record date or
effective  date had this Option been  converted to the extent  permitted  hereby
immediately  prior to such record date or effective  date.  An  adjustment  made
pursuant to this  Section  12.a shall  become  effective  immediately  after the
effective  date of such event,  but shall be  retroactive to the record date, if
any, for such event.

      Upon any  adjustment  of the number of shares of Option  Stock  receivable
upon the  exercise of this Option as herein  provided,  the  Exercise  Price per
share shall be adjusted by multiplying the Exercise Price  immediately  prior to
such  adjustment  by a fraction,  the  numerator of which shall be the number of
shares of Option Stock  receivable upon the exercise of this Option  immediately
prior to such  adjustment  and the  denominator  of which shall be the number of
shares of Option Stock so receivable immediately thereafter.

          b. Rights;  Options; Notes. If at any time the Corporation shall issue
     (without payment of any consideration) to all holders of outstanding Common
     Stock rights,  options or warrants to subscribe  for or purchase  shares of
     Common Stock or  securities  convertible  into or  exchangeable  for Common
     Stock,  then the Corporation  shall also  distribute such rights,  options,
     warrants or  securities to the holders of this Option as if this Option had
     been  converted to the extent  permitted  hereby  immediately  prior to the
     record date for such distribution.

          c.  Distribution  of  Assets  or  Securities.   If  at  any  time  the
     Corporation  shall make a  distribution  to all holders of shares of Common
     Stock  of  any  asset  or  security  other  than  in  connection  with  the
     liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, then and in each
     such  case,  the  Exercise  Price  shall be  adjusted  to equal  the  price
     determined by multiplying the Exercise Price in effect immediately prior to
     the  close  of  business  on  the  date  fixed  for  the  determination  of
     stockholders  entitled to receive such  distribution  by a fraction  (which
     shall not be less than  zero),  the  numerator  of which  shall be the fair
     market  value  per  share of the  Common  Stock on the date  fixed for such
     determination  less the than fair market value of the portion of the assets
     or securities so distributed  applicable to one share of Common Stock,  and
     the  denominator  of which shall be such fair market value per share of the
     Common Stock, such adjustment to become effective  immediately prior to the
     opening  of  business  on  the  day   following  the  date  fixed  for  the
     determination of stockholders entitled to receive such distribution.

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          d.  Issuance of Common Stock at Less Than  Exercise  Price.  If at any
     time the Corporation shall sell or issue shares of Common Stock, or rights,
     options,  warrants or convertible or exchangeable  securities  representing
     the right to subscribe  for or purchase  shares of Common Stock  (excluding
     shares subsequently issued upon conversion, exercise or exchange of rights,
     options,  warrants or convertible or  exchangeable  securities for which an
     adjustment  was  previously  made  pursuant to this Section  12),  (ii) the
     issuance of this Option or any securities  issued upon exercise thereof for
     a consideration  per share (on a Common Stock  equivalent  basis) less than
     the  Exercise  Price in effect  immediately  prior to the  issuance of such
     capital  stock,  the Exercise Price in effect  immediately  after each such
     issuance shall forthwith be adjusted to a price equal to the Exercise Price
     in effect immediately prior to such issuance multiplied by a fraction,  the
     numerator  of which is an amount  equal to the sum of the  total  number of
     shares of capital stock  outstanding (on a Common Stock  equivalent  basis)
     immediately  prior to such  issuance  plus the  number of shares of capital
     stock  (on  a  Common  Stock   equivalent   basis)   which  the   aggregate
     consideration received by the Corporation upon such issuance would purchase
     at a price equal to the Exercise Price in effect  immediately prior to such
     issuance per share,  and the denominator of which shall be the total number
     of shares of capital stock outstanding (on a Common Stock equivalent basis)
     immediately after the issuance of such capital stock.

     For the purposes of any  adjustment of the Exercise  Price pursuant to this
Section 12, the  following  provisions  shall be  applicable  in the case of the
issuance of (A) options to purchase or rights to  subscribe  for capital  stock,
(B)  securities  by their terms  convertible  into or  exchangeable  for capital
stock, or (C) options to purchase or rights to subscribe for such convertible or
exchangeable securities:

               (1) the  aggregate  maximum  number of shares  of  capital  stock
          deliverable  upon  exercise  of such  options to purchase or rights to
          subscribe for capital stock shall be deemed to have been issued at the
          time such options or rights were issued and for a consideration  equal
          to the  consideration,  if any,  received by the Corporation  upon the
          issuance of such  options or rights plus the  minimum  purchase  price
          provided  in such  options or rights  for the  capital  stock  covered

               (2) the  aggregate  maximum  number of shares  of  capital  stock
          deliverable upon conversion of or in exchange for any such convertible
          or  exchangeable  securities,  or upon  the  exercise  of  options  to
          purchase or rights to subscribe for such  convertible or  exchangeable
          securities,  and subsequent  conversion or exchange thereof,  shall be
          deemed to have been issued at the time such  securities were issued or
          such  options or rights were issued and for a  consideration  equal to
          the consideration  received by the Corporation for any such securities
          and related options or rights  (excluding any cash received on account
          of  accrued  interest  or  accrued  dividends),  plus  the  additional
          consideration,  if any,  to be received  by the  Corporation  upon the
          conversion  or  exchange  of such  securities  or the  exercise of any
          related options or rights; and

               (3) on any  change  in the  number of  shares  of  capital  stock
          deliverable  upon exercise of any such options or rights or conversion
          of or exchange for such convertible or exchangeable securities,  or on
          any change in the minimum  purchase  price of such options,  rights or
          securities,  other  than a  change  resulting  from  the  antidilution
          provisions of such options,  rights or securities,  the Exercise Price
          shall  forthwith be readjusted  to such  Exercise  Price as would have
          been obtained had the adjustment  made upon (x) the issuance  of such

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     options,  rights or securities not exercised,  converted or exchanged prior
     to such change, as the case may be, been made upon the basis of such change
     or (y) the options or rights  related to such  securities  not converted or
     exchanged  prior to such  change,  as the case may be,  been  made upon the
     basis of such change.

      If at any time the Corporation shall sell and issue shares of Common Stock
or  rights,   options,   warrants  or  convertible  or  exchangeable  securities
containing  the right to subscribe for or purchase  shares of Common Stock for a
consideration  consisting,  in whole or in part, of property  other than cash or
its  equivalent,  then in determining  the "price per share of Common Stock" and
the  "consideration  received by the  Corporation" for purposes of the preceding
paragraphs of this Section 12, the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  shall
determine,  in good  faith,  the  fair  market  value  of said  property,  which
determination  shall  be  subject  to  the  Optionee's  right  to  dispute  such
determination  under Section 12.f.  There shall be no adjustment of the Exercise
Price in respect of the Common  Stock  pursuant  to this  Section  12.d.  if the
amount of such  adjustment  shall be less than $0.001 per share of Common Stock;
provided,  however,  that any adjustments  which by reason of this provision are
not  required to be made shall be carried  forward and taken into account in any
subsequent adjustment.

          e.   Reorganization,   Reclassification,   Merger,   Consolidation  or
     Disposition of Assets.  If at any time the Corporation shall reorganize its
     capital,  reclassify its capital stock, consolidate,  merge or combine with
     or  into  another  Person  (where  the  Corporation  is not  the  surviving
     corporation  or where there is any change  whatsoever  in, or  distribution
     with respect to, the outstanding  Common Stock of the Corporation),  or the
     Corporation   shall  sell,   transfer  or  otherwise   dispose  of  all  or
     substantially  all of its property,  assets or business to another  Person,
     and  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  such  reorganization,  reclassification,
     consolidation,  merger, combination, sale, transfer or other disposition of
     assets,  (i) shares of common stock of the successor or acquiring Person or
     of the Corporation  (if it is the surviving  corporation) or (ii) any cash,
     shares of stock or other  securities  or property of any nature  whatsoever
     (including  warrants or other  subscription or purchase rights) in addition
     to or in lieu of common stock of the  successor or acquiring  Person or the
     Corporation  ("Other Property") are to be received by or distributed to the
     holders of Common  Stock of the  Corporation  who are  holders  immediately
     prior to such  transaction,  then the holder of this Option  shall have the
     right  thereafter to receive,  upon conversion of this Option to the extent
     permitted hereby, the number of shares of Common Stock, common stock of the
     successor or acquiring  Person,  and/or Other  Property which holder of the
     number  of shares of Common  Stock  for which  this  Option is  convertible
     immediately  prior to such event would have owned or  received  immediately
     after and as a result of such event.  In such event,  the Exercise Price of
     this Option shall be allocated  among such securities and Other Property in
     proportion  to the  respective  fair market values of such  securities  and
     Other Property as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors of the

     In case of any such event, the successor or acquiring Person (if other than
the  Corporation)  shall  expressly  assume the due and punctual  observance and
performance  of each and  every  covenant  and  condition  of this  Option to be
performed  and  observed  by  the   Corporation  and  all  the  obligations  and
liabilities hereunder, subject to such modifications as the Optionee may approve
(and as determined  by resolution of the Board of Directors of the  Corporation)
in order to provide  for  adjustments  of any shares of the  securities  of such
successor or acquiring Person for which this Option thus becomes convertible, 

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which  modifications  shall be as equivalent as practicable  to the  adjustments
provided  for in this Section 12. For  purposes of this  Section  12.e,  "common
stock  of the  successor  or  acquiring  Person"  shall  include  stock  of such
corporation,  or other  securities if such Person is not a  corporation,  of any
class that is not  preferred  as to  dividends or assets over any other class of
stock of such  corporation  or Person and that is not subject to redemption  and
shall also  include  any  evidences  of  indebtedness,  shares of stock or other
securities that are convertible into or exchangeable for any such stock,  either
immediately  or upon the  arrival  of a  specified  date or the  happening  of a
specified  event and any warrants or other  rights to subscribe  for or purchase
any such stock.  The foregoing  provisions  of this Section 12. shall  similarly
apply to successive reorganizations, reclassifications, consolidations, mergers,
sales, transfers and other dispositions of assets.

          f. Dissolution,  Total Liquidation or Winding-Up. If at any time there
     shall be a voluntary  or  involuntary  dissolution,  total  liquidation  or
     winding-up of the Corporation,  other than as contemplated by Section 12.e,
     then the  Corporation  shall cause to be mailed (by registered or certified
     mail, return receipt  requested,  postage prepaid) to the Optionee,  at the
     earliest  practicable  time (and,  in any event,  not less than 30 calendar
     days before any date set for definitive action) notice of the date on which
     such  dissolution,  liquidation or winding-up shall take place, as the case
     may be. Such notice  shall also specify the date as of which the holders of
     the shares of record of Common  Stock shall be  entitled to exchange  their
     shares  for  securities,  money or other  property  deliverable  upon  such
     dissolution,  liquidation or winding-up,  as the case may be. On such date,
     but only if the Optionee elects to exercise this Option (and in no event is
     the Optionee  obligated to exercise  this  Option),  the Optionee  shall be
     entitled  to  receive  upon  exercise  of this  Option  the  cash or  other
     property,  that the Optionee  would have been  entitled to receive had this
     Option been exercised immediately prior to such dissolution, liquidation or

          g. Other  Dilutive  Events.  In case any event shall occur as to which
     the other provisions of this Section 12 are not strictly  applicable but as
     to which the  failure to make any  adjustment  would not protect the rights
     represented  by this Option in  accordance  with the intent and  principles
     hereof then,  in each such case,  the  Optionee may appoint an  independent
     investment bank or firm of independent  public accountants which shall give
     its opinion as to the  adjustment,  if any, on a basis  consistent with the
     intent and principles established herein,  necessary to preserve the rights
     represented by this Option (or such Options). Upon receipt of such opinion,
     the Corporation will mail (by registered or certified mail,  return receipt
     requested,  postage  prepaid) a copy thereof to the Optionee of this Option
     within  three  business  days  and  shall  make the  adjustments  described
     therein.  The fees and  expenses  of such  investment  bank or  independent
     public accountants shall be borne by the Corporation.

          h. Other Provisions  Applicable to Adjustments Under this Section. The
     following  provisions  shall be applicable to the adjustments  provided for
     pursuant to this Section 12:

               (1) When Adjustments To Be Made. The adjustments required by this
          Section 12 shall be made whenever and as often as any specified  event
          requiring such an adjustment  shall occur. For the purpose of any such
          adjustment,  any  specified  event shall be deemed to have occurred at
          the close of business on the date of its occurrence.

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               (2) Record Date. In case the Corporation  shall fix a record date
          of the holders of Common Stock for the purpose of  entitling  them (i)
          to  receive a  dividend  or other  distribution  payable  in shares of
          Common  Stock or in  shares of any  other  class or series of  capital
          stock or securities  convertible into or exchangeable for Common Stock
          or  shares of any other  class or series of  capital  stock or (ii) to
          subscribe for or purchase  shares of Common Stock or such other shares
          or  securities,  then all references in this Section 12 to the date of
          the  issuance  or sale of such  shares of Common  Stock or such  other
          shares or  securities  shall be deemed to be references to such record

               (3) When Adjustment Not Required.  If the Corporation shall fix a
          record  date of the  holders  of its Common  Stock for the  purpose of
          entitling them to receive a dividend or  distribution  or subscription
          or purchase  rights to which the  provisions  of this Section 12 would
          apply,   but  shall,   thereafter  and  before  the   distribution  to
          stockholders thereof,  legally abandon its plan to pay or deliver such
          dividend,   distribution,   subscription  or  purchase  rights,   then
          thereafter no adjustment  shall be required by reason of the taking of
          such record and any such adjustment previously made in respect thereof
          shall be rescinded and annulled.

               (4) Certain Limitations.  Notwithstanding  anything herein to the
          contrary,  the  Corporation  agrees not to enter into any  transaction
          that,  by reason of any  adjustment  under Section 12, would cause the
          Exercise  Price to be less  than the par  value of the  Common  Stock,
          unless the Corporation first reduces the par value of the Common Stock
          to be less  than the  Exercise  Price  that  would  result  from  such

               (5)  Notice  of  Adjustments.  Whenever  the  number of shares of
          Common  Stock into which this Option is  convertible  or the  Exercise
          Price shall be adjusted  pursuant to this Section 12, the  Corporation
          shall  forthwith  prepare a  certificate  to be  executed by the chief
          financial  officer of the  Corporation  setting  forth,  in reasonable
          detail,  the event  requiring the  adjustment  and the method by which
          such adjustment or adjustments were calculated,  specifying the number
          of shares of Common  Stock into which this Option is  convertible  and
          (if such adjustment or adjustments were made pursuant to Section 12.e)
          describing  the number and kind of any other  shares of stock or Other
          Property into which this Option is convertible, and any related change
          in the Exercise  Price,  after  giving  effect to such  adjustment  or
          change.  The Corporation  shall mail (by registered or certified mail,
          return  receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid)  a signed  copy of such
          certificate  to the Holder  within  three  business  days of the event
          which  caused  such  adjustment.  The  Corporation  shall  keep at the
          Designated  Office copies of all such  certificates and cause the same
          to be available for  inspection at said office during normal  business
          hours by the  Holder  or any  prospective  transferee  of this  Option
          designated by the Optionee.

               (6) Challenge to Good Faith Determination.  Whenever the Board of
          Directors of the Corporation shall be required to make a determination
          of the  fair  market  value  of  any  item  under  this  Option,  such
          determination  may be  challenged  by  the  Holder  (or if the  Option
          initially  issued under the  Securities  Purchase  Agreement  has been
          divided  up, the  Holders of Options  convertible  for more than fifty
          percent  of the  aggregate  number  of shares  of  Option  Stock  then
          issuable upon conversion of all of the then  convertible  Options) and
          any dispute shall be resolved promptly, but

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in no event in more than 30 calendar  days,  by an  investment  banking  firm of
recognized national standing or one of the six largest national accounting firms
agreed upon by the  Corporation  and the Holders,  and whose  decision  shall be
binding on the Corporation and the Holders.  If the Corporation and such Holders
cannot agree on a mutually  acceptable  investment bank or accounting firm, then
such Holders,  jointly, and the Corporation shall within five business days each
choose one such  investment  bank or accounting  firm and the respective  chosen
firms shall within five business days jointly select a third  investment bank or
accounting firm, which shall make the determination promptly, but in no event in
more than 30 days.  The  Corporation  shall pay all expenses of such  investment
bank(s)  or  accounting  firm(s),  except  that  if the  fair  market  value  as
determined by such investment bank or accounting firm is not either greater than
or  less  than 5% of the  fair  market  value  as  determined  by the  Board  of
Directors, then the Holders shall pay such expenses.

               (7) Independent Application. Except as otherwise provided herein,
          all   subsections   of  this   Section  12  are  intended  to  operate
          independently  of one another (but without  duplication).  If an event
          occurs that requires the application of more than one subsection,  all
          applicable  subsections  shall be  given  independent  effect  without

     13.  Transfer  Restrictions  and  Legends.  The option  granted to Optionee
hereunder and the Option Stock subject hereto shall not be  transferable  except
upon the conditions  specified in this Section 13, which conditions are intended
to insure  compliance  with the  provisions  of the  Securities  Act of 1933 and
applicable state securities laws in respect of the transfer of any shares of the
Option Stock. In particular,  no transfer of the Option or the Option Stock will
be permitted unless a Registration Statement under the Securities Act of 1933 is
in effect as to such transfer,  and the Option or the Option Stock has been duly
qualified for sale under  applicable state securities laws, or in the opinion of
counsel to the Corporation such registration and qualification is unnecessary in
order for such transfer to comply with the Securities Act of 1933 and applicable
state  securities laws.  Unless a Registration  Statement is in effect as to the
Option Stock,  stock  certificates  evidencing  the Option Stock shall bear such
restrictive  legends  as the  Corporation  and the  Corporation's  counsel  deem
necessary or advisable  under  applicable  law,  including  without  limitation,
legends substantially in the following form:

     The sale,  transfer  or  encumbrance  of this  certificate  and the  shares
     represented by this  certificate is subject to an agreement dated August 1,
     1997,  among the Corporation and John E. Anderson.  A copy of the agreement
     is on file in the office of the Secretary of the Corporation. The agreement
     provides,  among other things, for the right of the Corporation to purchase
     the shares of stock evidenced by this  certificate  from the holder of this
     certificate  for a designated  purchase  price.  By accepting the shares of
     stock  evidenced by this  certificate the holder agrees to be bound by said

     No sale, pledge, gift,  hypothecation or other transfer of this certificate
     or the securities  represented  hereby, or any interest  therein,  shall be
     valid or effective unless a Registration Statement under the Securities Act
     of 1933 is in  effect as to such  transfer,  and the  Option or the  Option
     Stock has been duly qualified for sale under  applicable  state  securities
     laws, or in the opinion of counsel to

                                      - 9 -

     the Corporation such registration and qualification is unnecessary in order
     for such transfer to comply with the  Securities Act of 1933 and applicable
     state securities laws.

     14.  Registration  of Option  Shares.  The  Corporation  agrees that, as of
September 1, 1998,  and at all times while this Option remains  exercisable  and
unexercised  with respect to any shares of Option Stock, and for a period of one
year after the last date on which the Optionee  acquires  shares of Option Stock
pursuant to this Option, there shall be in effect a Registration Statement under
the Securities Act of 1933 on Form S-8 as promulgated by the U.S. Securities and
Exchange  Commission  as to the transfer by Optionee of any shares of the Option
Stock acquired or to be acquired by Optionee.  The Corporation further agrees to
bear all expenses  associated with such registration of the Option Stock,  other
than underwriting fees, discounts and selling commissions.


          a.  Indemnification  by the  Corporation.  The  Corporation  agrees to
     indemnify and hold harmless  Optionee and Optionee's  affiliates and agents
     from and against any loss,  claim,  damage or  liability  and any action in
     respect  thereof to which  Optionee or Optionee's  affiliates or agents may
     become subject under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities  Exchange
     Act of 1934 or any other  statute  or common  law,  insofar  as such  loss,
     claim, damage, liability or action arises out of, or is based upon, (1) any
     untrue  statement or alleged  untrue  statement of a material  fact made in
     connection with the sale of Option Stock,  whether or not such statement is
     contained or  incorporated  by reference in any  registration  statement or
     prospectus  relating to the Option Stock (as amended or supplemented if the
     Corporation shall have furnished any amendments or supplements  thereto) or
     any   preliminary   prospectus,   other   than  as  would  be   subject  to
     indemnification  by the Optionee  under Section  15.b,  (2) any omission or
     alleged omission to state a material fact required to be stated in any such
     registration  statement or prospectus  or necessary to make the  statements
     therein not misleading,  other than as would be subject to  indemnification
     by the Optionee under Section 15.b, or (3) any violation by the Corporation
     of any federal,  state or common law, Rule or regulation  applicable to the
     Corporation  and  relating  to  action  required  of  or  inaction  by  the
     Corporation in connection  with such  registration.  The  Corporation  also
     shall  promptly,  but in no event more than ten business days, pay directly
     or reimburse  Optionee and  Optionee's  affiliates and agents for any legal
     and other expenses incurred by any of them in investigating or defending or
     preparing  to defend  against any such loss,  claim,  damage,  liability or
     action. The Corporation shall either promptly, but in no event in more than
     ten business  days,  pay  directly all amounts  which it is required to pay
     hereunder or shall  reimburse the requesting  party for such amounts within
     ten business days after any request for such reimbursement. The Corporation
     also shall indemnify any Underwriter of the Option Shares,  their officers,
     affiliates,  directors,  partners,  members  and agents and each person who
     controls such  Underwriters on substantially  the same basis as that of the
     indemnification of Optionee provided in this Section.

     The  indemnity  agreement  contained  in this  Section  shall  not apply to
amounts paid in settlement of any such loss,  claim,  damage or liability or any
action in respect thereof if such settlement is effected  without the consent of
the Corporation  (which consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld),  nor shall
the Corporation be liable to the Optionee or Optionee's  affiliates or agents in
any such case for any loss,  claim,  damage,  liability or any action in respect
thereof to the extent that it arises solely from or is based  solely upon and is

                                     - 10 -

in conformity with written information  relating to Optionee furnished expressly
for use in  connection  with such  registration  by Optionee or its agents,  nor
shall the Corporation be liable to Optionee for any such loss, claim,  damage or
liability or any action in respect  thereof to the extent it arises  solely from
or is based solely upon (a) any untrue  statement or alleged untrue statement of
a material fact contained in any registration  statement or prospectus  relating
to Option Stock delivered by Optionee after the Corporation had provided written
notice to the Optionee that such registration  statement or prospectus contained
such untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact, or (b) any
omission or alleged  omission to state  therein a material  fact  required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statements  therein not misleading after
the Corporation had provided  written notice to Optionee that such  registration
statement or prospectus contained such omission or alleged omission.

          b.  Indemnification  by Optionee.  Optionee  shall  indemnify and hold
     harmless the Corporation,  its officers,  directors,  partners, members and
     agents and each person,  if any, who  controls the  Corporation  within the
     meaning of Section  15 of the  Securities  Act of 1933 or Section 20 of the
     Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934  to the  same  extent  as the  foregoing
     indemnity from the  Corporation  to Optionee,  but solely with reference to
     information in conformity with and related to Optionee furnished in writing
     by Optionee  expressly for use in any registration  statement or prospectus
     relating to the Option Stock,  or any amendment or supplement  thereto,  or
     any preliminary prospectus. Optionee shall also indemnify and hold harmless
     any  Underwriter of the  Registrable  Securities or shares of Common Stock,
     their officers, directors, partners, members and agents and each person who
     controls such  Underwriters on substantially  the same basis as that of the
     indemnification  of the  Corporation  provided in this  Section;  provided,
     however, that in no event shall any indemnity obligation under this Section
     exceed the dollar amount of the net proceeds  actually received by Optionee
     from the sale of Option Stock or shares of Common Stock, which gave rise to
     such  indemnification  obligation  under  such  registration  statement  or

          c. Conduct of Indemnification  Proceedings.  Promptly after receipt by
     any person of any notice of any loss,  claim,  damage or  liability  or any
     action in respect of which indemnity may be sought pursuant to Section 15.a
     or Section 15.b, such person (the "Indemnified Party") shall, if a claim in
     respect thereof is to be made against any other person for  indemnification
     hereunder,  notify such other person (the "Indemnifying  Party") in writing
     of the loss, claim damage, liability or action; provided, however, that the
     failure by the Indemnified Party to notify the Indemnifying Party shall not
     relieve the  Indemnifying  Party from any liability which the  Indemnifying
     Party may have to such  Indemnified  Party  hereunder.  If the  Indemnified
     Party is  seeking  Indemnification  with  respect  to any  claim or  action
     brought against the Indemnified Party, then the Indemnifying Party shall be
     entitled to participate in such claim or action, and, to the extent that it
     wishes,  jointly with all other Indemnifying Parties, to assume the defense
     thereof with counsel  satisfactory to the Indemnified  Party.  After notice
     from the  Indemnifying  Party to the  Indemnified  Party of its election to
     assume the defense of such claim or action,  the  Indemnifying  Party shall
     not be liable  to the  Indemnified  Party  for any legal or other  expenses
     subsequently  incurred  by the  Indemnified  Party in  connection  with the
     defense thereof other than  reasonable  costs of  investigation;  provided,
     however,  that in any  action in which both the  Indemnified  Party and the
     Indemnifying  Party are named as defendants,  the  Indemnified  Party shall
     have the  right  to  employ  separate  counsel  (but no more  than one such
     separate counsel) to represent the Indemnified  Party and its  controlling 

                                     - 11 -

persons who may be subject to  liability  arising out of any claim in respect of
which indemnity may be sought by the Indemnified  Party against the Indemnifying
Party,  with  the  fees  and  expenses  of  such  counsel  to be  paid  by  such
Indemnifying  Party if,  based  upon the  written  opinion  of  counsel  of such
Indemnified  Party,  representation of both parties by the same counsel would be
inappropriate  due to actual or potential  differing  interests between them. No
Indemnifying  Party shall,  without the prior written consent of the Indemnified
Party,  consent to entry of  judgment or effect any  settlement  of any claim or
pending or threatened proceeding in respect of which the Indemnified Party is or
could have been a party and indemnity  could have been sought  hereunder by such
Indemnified Party,  unless such judgment or settlement includes an unconditional
release of such Indemnified  Party from all liability  arising out of such claim
or proceeding.

          d. Contribution.  If the indemnification provided for in the foregoing
     Sections  15.a,  15.b or 15.c is unavailable  to any  Indemnified  Party in
     respect of any loss, claim, damage, liability or action referred to herein,
     then each such Indemnifying Party, in lieu of indemnifying such Indemnified
     Party,  shall  contribute to the amount paid or payable by such Indemnified
     Party as a result of such loss, claim, damage,  liability or action in such
     proportion  as  is  appropriate  to  reflect  the  relative  fault  of  the
     Indemnified  Parties and the  Indemnifying  Parties in connection  with the
     actions or omissions which resulted in such loss, claim, damage,  liability
     or action,  as well as any other  relevant  equitable  considerations.  The
     relative fault of any Indemnified Party and any Indemnifying Party shall be
     determined  by  reference  to,  among other  things,  whether the untrue or
     alleged  untrue  statement  of a material  fact or the  omission or alleged
     omission to state a material fact relates to  information  supplied by such
     Indemnified  Party or such  Indemnifying  Party and the  parties'  relative
     intent,  knowledge,  access to  information  and  opportunity to correct or
     prevent such statement or omission.

      The  parties  hereto  agree  that it would  not be just and  equitable  if
contribution  pursuant to this Section 15 were determined by pro rata allocation
or by any  other  method  of  allocation  which  does  not take  account  of the
equitable considerations referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph. The
amount paid or payable by an Indemnified  Party as a result of any loss,  claim,
damage,  liability or action referred to in the immediately  preceding paragraph
shall be deemed to include,  subject to the  limitations  set forth  above,  any
legal or other expenses  incurred by such  Indemnified  Party in connection with
investigating  or  defending  any such  action  or  claim.  Notwithstanding  the
provisions  of this Section 15.d,  Optionee  shall not be required to contribute
any amount in excess of the dollar amount of the net proceeds  actually received
by Optionee from the sale of  Registrable  Securities or shares of Common Stock,
which gave rise to such contribution obligation.  No person guilty of fraudulent
misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of the 1933 Act) shall be
entitled to  contribution  from any person who was not guilty of such fraudulent

          16.  Withholding.  The  Corporation  shall have the right,  before any
     certificate  for any shares of Option Stock is  delivered  pursuant to this
     Option, to deduct or withhold from any other compensation  payments made to
     the Optionee,  any Federal, state or local taxes, including transfer taxes,
     required  by law to be  withheld,  or to require  the  Optionee  to pay any
     amount,  or the  balance  of  any  amount,  required  to be  withheld  as a
     condition to receiving  shares of Option Stock. The Corporation may, but is
     not under any  obligation to, permit the receipt or use of shares of Common
     Stock, or the

                                     - 12 -

simultaneous sale thereof to the public, in satisfaction of or to generate funds
for the payment of such withholding.

     17.  Relationship  to Other  Benefits.  This Option shall not be taken into
account  in  determining  any  benefits  under any  pension,  retirement,  group
insurance,  or other  employee  benefit  plan of the  Corporation,  whether  now
existing or hereafter  adopted.  This Option shall not preclude the shareholders
of the  Corporation,  the Board of Directors or any  committee  thereof,  or the
Corporation  from authorizing or approving other employee benefit plans or forms
of incentive compensation, nor shall it limit or prevent the continued operation
of other  incentive  compensation  plans or other employee  benefit plans of the

     18. No Trust or Fund Created.  This Option shall not create or be construed
to  create a trust or  separate  fund of any  kind or a  fiduciary  relationship
between the Corporation and Optionee or any other person.

     19. General Provisions. The following provisions are integral parts of this

          a. Binding  Agreement.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
     inure to the benefit of the successors,  assigns, personal representatives,
     heirs and legatees of the respective  parties  hereto,  except as otherwise
     expressly limited by the terms of this Agreement and any entities resulting
     from the reorganization, consolidation or merger of any party hereto.

          b.  Supersedure.  This  Agreement  shall  supersede and fully replace,
     stand in the stead of and discharge any and all  agreements or  obligations
     of the  Corporation  with or for the  benefit  of  Optionee  regarding  the
     issuance  to  Optionee  of any  option  or right to  acquire  shares of the
     Corporation's Common Stock.

          c.  Captions.  The headings  used in this  Agreement,  and the Summary
     appearing  before the  recitals on the first page hereof are  inserted  for
     reference purposes only and shall not be deemed to define,  limit,  extend,
     describe or affect in any way the meaning,  scope or  interpretation of any
     of the terms or provisions of this Agreement or the intent hereof.

          d.  Entire   Agreement.   This   Agreement   constitutes   the  entire
     understanding  and agreement  between the parties and  supersedes all prior
     agreements,  representations or understandings between the parties relating
     to the subject  matter  hereof.  All preceding  agreements  relating to the
     subject matter hereof, whether written or oral, are hereby merged into this

          e.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  signed  on any  number  of
     counterparts  with the same effect as if the  signature to any  counterpart
     were upon the same instrument.

          f. Severability.  The provisions of this Agreement are severable,  and
     should any provision  hereof be void,  voidable,  unenforceable or invalid,
     such void,  voidable,  unenforceable or invalid  provision shall not affect
     any other provision of this Agreement.

                                     - 13 -

          g. Waiver of Breach.  Any waiver by either  party hereto of any breach
     of any kind or character  whatsoever  by the other  party,  whether such be
     direct or implied,  shall not be construed  as a continuing  waiver of such

          h.  Cumulative  Remedies.  These  several  rights and remedies  herein
     expressly reserved to each of the parties shall be construed as cumulative;
     and none of them shall be exclusive  of, or in lieu or  limitation  of, any
     other right, remedy, or priority allowed by law.

          i.  Amendment.  This  Agreement  may  not  be  modified  except  by an
     instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto.

          j. Time of Essence.  The parties  agree that time is of the essence in
     the performance of all duties herein.

          k. Interpretation.  This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and
     enforced  according to the law of the State of Colorado,  except as Federal
     law may apply.

     l.  Notices.  Any  notice,  payment,  demand or  communication  required or
permitted to be given by any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to have
been  sufficiently  given or served for all purposes if delivered  personally to
the party or to an officer of the party to whom the same is  directed or if sent
by  registered  or certified  mail,  postage and charges  prepaid,  addressed as

                           If to the Corporation:

                           MB Software, Inc.
                           2225 E. Randol Mill Rd., Suite 305
                           Arlington, TX 76011
                           Attn: Scott Haire

                           w/copy to:

                           Brad L. Whitlock
                           Jackson & Walker, L.L.P.
                           901 Main Street, Suite 6000
                           Dallas, Texas 75202-3797

                           If to Optionee, to:

                           John E. Anderson
                           1310 Casper Circle
                           St. George, UT 84790

                                     - 14 -

               Any such notice  shall be deemed to be given on the date on which
          the same was deposited in a regularly  maintained  receptacle  for the
          deposit of United States mail,  addressed  and sent as aforesaid.  The
          address  for  notices  for  either  party may be changed by that party
          giving written notice to the other.

               m.  Legal  Expenses.  The  prevailing  party  in any  arbitration
          proceeding  brought by one party  against all other and arising out of
          this Agreement  shall be entitled to  reimbursement  for its costs and
          expenses   (including   arbitration  costs  and  reasonable  fees  for
          attorneys and expert witnesses)  incurred with respect to bringing and
          maintaining any such arbitration.  The term "prevailing party" for the
          purposes of this  Section  19.m shall  include a defendant  who has by
          motion, judgment, verdict or dismissal by the arbitrator, successfully
          defended against any claims that has been asserted against it.

      EXECUTED Effective the day and year first above written,

                                                THE CORPORATION

                                                MB SOFTWARE, INC.

                                                By:  /s/ Scott A. Haire
                                                     Scott A. Haire, President


                                                    /s/ John E. Anderson
                                                     John E. Anderson