Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K
                                 CURRENT REPORT
                              (AMENDMENT NUMBER I)

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) December 4, 1997

                             MB Software Corporation
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       Colorado                        0-11808                 59-2219994
- ---------------------------        ----------------          -----------------
(State or other jurisdiction       (Commission File         (IRS Employer
        incorporation)                  Number)             Identification No.)

        2225 E. Randol Mill Road Suite 305, Arlington, Texas 76011
             (Address of principal executive offices)    (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code          817-633-9400

Item 4.  Change in Registrant's Certifying Account

a)(1)    Dismissal of Independent Accountant

     (i)  On November 26, 1997, the Registrant advised King, Griffin and Adamson
          P.C. that the  Registrant  intended to retain a different  independent
          accounting firm for the audit of its financial statements for the year
          ending December 31, 1997.  King,  Griffin and Adamson had been engaged
          as the  principal  accountants  to audit  the  Registrant's  financial

     (ii) King,  Griffin  and  Adamson  reports  on the  Registrant's  financial
          statements for the years ended December 31, 1996 and December 31, 1995
          contained  no adverse  opinion or  disclaimer  of opinion and were not
          qualified as to uncertainty, audit scope or accounting principles.

     (iii)There have been no  disagreements  with King,  Griffin  and Adamson on
          any matter of accounting principles or practices,  financial statement
          disclosures  or auditing scope or procedures  during the  Registrant's
          years  ended  December  31,  1996  and  December  31,  1995  or in the
          subsequent  interim  period  through  November  26,  1997 (the date of
          termination) which  disagreement(s),  if not resolved to King, Griffin
          and Adamson's satisfaction would have caused King, Griffin and Adamson
          to make  reference  to the subject  matter of the  disagreement(s)  in
          connection with its report.

     (iv) King,  Griffin and Adamson  did not advise the  Registrant  during the
          Registrant's years ended December 31, 1996 and December 31, 1995 or in
          the subsequent  interim period through November 26, 1997, (the date of

          (A)  that  the  internal  controls  necessary  for the  Registrant  to
               develop reliable financial statements did not exist;

          (B)  that  information had come to its attention that had led it to no
               longer be able to rely on management's  representations,  or that
               had  made  it  unwilling  to be  associated  with  the  financial
               statements prepared by management;

          (C)  (1) of the need to expand  significantly  the scope of its audit,
               or that  information  had come to its  attention  during the most
               recent  fiscal  year or any  subsequent  interim  period  that if
               further  investigated  might (i)  materially  have  impacted  the
               fairness or  reliability  of either:  a  previously  issued audit
               report or the underlying financial  statements,  or the financial

               statements  issued or to be issued covering the fiscal  period(s)
               subsequent  to the date of the most recent  financial  statements
               covered by an audit report or (ii) have caused it to be unwilling
               to rely on management's representations or be associated with the
               Registrant's financial statements, and (2) it did not, due to its
               dismissal or for any other reason,  expand the scope of its audit
               or conduct such further investigation: or

          (D)  that  information had come to its attention that it had concluded
               materially  impacts the fairness or reliability of either:  (i) a
               previously  issued  audit  report  or  the  underlying  financial
               statements,  or (ii) the  financial  statements  issued  or to be
               issued  covering the fiscal  period(s)  subsequent to the date of
               the most recent financial statements covered by an audit report.

     (v)  The  Registrant has requested  King,  Griffin and Adamson to provide a
          letter  addressed to the  Securities and Exchange  commission  stating
          whether it agrees with the statements set forth above. A copy of King,
          Griffin and Adamson's letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission
          is filed as Exhibit 1 to this Form 8-K.

a(2) Engagement of New Independent Accountant

     (i)  As of this  filing,  Registrant  has  not  engaged  a new  independent
          principal accountant to audit the Registrant's financial statements.

     Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits

    Exhibit Number  Description


         Exhibit 1  Letter from King,  Griffin and Adamson to the Securities and
                    Exchange   Commission  pursuant  to  Item  304  (a)  (3)  of
                    Regulation S-K.


       Exhibit 2    Letter from King, Griffin and Adamson P.C. to the Securities
                    and  Exchange  Commission  pursuant  to Item  304 (a) (3) of
                    Regulation S-K and comment letter dated December 5, 1997.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
     registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
     undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                             MB Software Corporation
     Date:  December 4, 1997
                                               /s/Scott A. Haire
                                             Scott A. Haire, Chairman of the
                                             Board, Chief Executive Officer
                                             And President (Principal Financial

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

    Exhibit Number   Description


    Exhibit 1       Letter from King, Griffin and Adamson P.C. to the Securities
                    and  Exchange  Commission  pursuant  to Item  304 (a) (3) of
                    Regulation S-K.
    Exhibit 2       Letter from King, Griffin and Adamson P.C. to the Securities
                    and  Exchange  Commission  pursuant  to Item  304 (a) (3) of
                    Regulation S-K and comment letter dated December 5, 1997.

               King Griffin & Adamson P.C.

                December 10, 1997

                Securities and Bxchange Commission
                450 Fifib Street, N.W.
                Washington, D.C. 20549

                RE:     MB Software Corporation File Ref. No.0-11808

                We were  previously  the  principal  accountant  for MB Software
                Corporation  and,  under  the  date of  February  21,  1997,  we
                reported on the consolidated financial statements of MB Software
                Corporation  and  subsidiaries  as of and  for the  years  ended
                December  31,  1996  and  1995.   On  November  26,  1997,   our
                appointment as principal accountant was terminated. We have read
                MB Sofiware  Corporation's  statements  included under Item 4 of
                its Form 8-K  Amendment  Number 1 dated  December 4, 1997 and we
                agree with such statements.

                /s/ King Griffin & Adamson P.C.
                KING GRIFFIN & ADAMSON P.C.

                               Pacific Center II
                        14160 dallas Parkway Ninth Floor
                              Dallas, Texas 75240
                         T 972.788/4466 F 972.788.2778