(Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:

     [ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement          [ ] Confidential, for  Use of the
     [x]  Definitive Proxy Statement               Commission Only (as permitted
     [ ]  Definitive Additional Materials          by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
     [ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
          Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                        Karts International Incorporated
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
     [ ]  No fee required.
     [ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
          and 0-11.
     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (3)  Per unit price or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (5)  Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
     [ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is  offset as  provided  by  Exchange
Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was
paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (3)  Filing Party:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (4)  Date Filed:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  P.O. Box 695
                            Roseland, Louisiana 70456


                          To Be Held on August 31, 1999

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders (the
"Meeting") of Karts  International  Incorporated (the "Company") will be held at
14160 Dallas Parkway,  Suite 950,  Dallas,  Texas 75240, on Tuesday,  August 31,
1999, at 2:00 p.m., local time, for the following purposes:

         (1)      To elect five members of the Board of Directors for  the  term
                  of one year or until  the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

         (2)      To ratify and  confirm  the  Company's  issuance  in a private
                  placement of 1,550,000 shares of its 9% Cumulative Convertible
                  Preferred  Stock (the "Preferred  Stock"),  and to approve the
                  issuance  of up to  6,200,000  shares of  common  stock of the
                  Company,  subject  to  adjustment,   upon  conversion  of  the
                  Preferred Stock.

         (3)      To ratify and confirm the $1.5 million  convertible  term loan
                  to the Company by The Schlinger Foundation, and to approve the
                  issuance of up to 4,000,000 shares of common stock, subject to
                  adjustment,  upon the  conversion of the principal  balance of
                  the loan.

         (4)      To  approve  an  amendment  to  the   Company's   Articles  of
                  Incorporation  to increase the number of authorized  shares of
                  common  stock,  par value  $.001 per  share,  from  14,000,000
                  shares to 35,000,000 shares.

         (5)      To  approve  an   amendment  to   the  Company's  Articles  of
                  Incorporation to effect a three (3) for  one (1) reverse stock
                  split of the Company's outstanding common stock.

         (6)      To approve the  appointment  of S.W.  Hatfield + Associates as
                  independent public accountants of the Company.

         (7)      To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

         The close of  business  on August 4, 1999 has been  fixed as the record
date for  determining  stockholders  entitled  to  notice  of and to vote at the
Meeting or any adjournments  thereof.  For a period of at least 10 days prior to
the Meeting,  a complete  list of  stockholders  entitled to vote at the Meeting
will be open to the  examination of any  stockholder  during  ordinary  business
hours at the offices of the  Chairman of the Board and  Secretary of the Company
located at 14160 Dallas Parkway, Suite 950, Dallas, Texas 75240.

         Information  concerning  the matters to be acted upon at the Meeting is
set forth in the accompanying Proxy Statement.


                                   By Order of the Board of Directors

                                    Timothy P. Halter

Dallas, Texas
August 6, 1999

                                  P.O. Box 695
                            Roseland, Louisiana 70456

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                          To Be Held on August 31, 1999

         This  Proxy  Statement  is being  first  mailed  on  August  6, 1999 to
stockholders of Karts International Incorporated (the "Company") by the Board of
Directors (the "Board") to solicit proxies (the "Proxies") for use at the Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders  (the  "Meeting")  to be held at 14160 Dallas  Parkway,
Suite 950, Dallas, Texas 75240, at 2:00 p.m., local time, on Tuesday, August 31,
1999, or at such other time and place to which the Meeting may be adjourned.

         All  shares  represented  by  valid  Proxies,  unless  the  stockholder
otherwise  specifies,  will be voted (1) FOR the  election of the persons  named
herein under  "Proposal 1 -- Election of  Directors" as nominees for election as
directors of the Company for the term described therein, (2) FOR the proposal to
ratify and confirm the  Company's  issuance in a private  placement of 1,550,000
shares of its 9% Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Preferred Stock"),
and to approve  the  issuance  of up to  6,200,000  shares of common  stock (the
"Preferred  Conversion Shares"),  subject to adjustment,  upon the conversion of
the Preferred Stock; (3) FOR the proposal to ratify and confirm the $1.5 million
convertible term loan to the Company by The Schlinger Foundation (the "Schlinger
Loan"),  and to approve the issuance of up to  4,000,000  shares of common stock
(the "Schlinger Conversion Shares"), subject to adjustment,  upon the conversion
of the principal  balance of the Schlinger Loan; (4) FOR the proposal to approve
an amendment to the Company's  Articles of  Incorporation to increase the number
of  authorized  shares of common  stock,  par value $.001 per share (the "Common
Stock"), of the Company from 14,000,000 shares to 35,000,000 shares; (5) FOR the
proposal to approve an amendment to the Company's  Articles of  Incorporation to
effect a three (3) for one (1) reverse stock split of the Company's  outstanding
Common Stock; (6) FOR the proposal to approve the appointment of S.W. Hatfield +
Associates as independent public accountants to audit the Company's consolidated
financial  statements  for the fiscal year ending  December 31, 1999, and (7) at
the  discretion  of the Proxy  holders  with regard to any other matter that may
properly come before the Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

         Where a stockholder  has  appropriately  specified how a Proxy is to be
voted,  it will be voted  accordingly.  The Proxy may be  revoked at any time by
providing  written  notice of such  revocation  to the  Company at 14160  Dallas
Parkway, Suite 950, Dallas, Texas 75240, Attention: Timothy P. Halter. If notice
of  revocation  is not received by the date of the Meeting,  a  stockholder  may
nevertheless  revoke a Proxy if he attends  the  Meeting  and desires to vote in


         The record date for determining the  stockholders  entitled to vote  at
the Meeting is August 4, 1999 (the "Record Date"), at which time the Company had
issued and  outstanding  5,574,298  shares of Common Stock.  Common Stock is the
only class of outstanding voting securities of the Company.

                                QUORUM AND VOTING

         The presence at the Meeting, in person or by proxy, of the holders of a
majority of the issued and  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock is necessary to
constitute a quorum to transact business.  Each share represented at the Meeting
in person or by proxy will be counted toward a quorum. In deciding all questions
and other matters, a holder of Common Stock on the Record Date shall be entitled
to cast one vote for each share of Common Stock  registered  in his or her name.
In order to be elected a director,  a nominee must receive the affirmative  vote
of the holders of a majority of the shares of Common Stock  present in person or
by proxy at the Meeting. Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be counted in
the election of directors.

                       PROPOSAL 1 -- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         The Board presently  consists of five directors,  all of whom have been
nominated and agreed to stand for  re-election.  Each director shall serve until
the next Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  and until his successor is elected and

         It is  expected  that the  nominees  named below will be able to accept
such  nominations.  If any of the below  nominees for any reason is unable or is
unwilling  to serve at the time of the  Meeting,  the  Proxy  holders  will have
discretionary  authority to vote the Proxy for a substitute nominee or nominees.
The  following  sets forth  information  as to the  nominees for election at the
Meeting,  including their ages,  present principal  occupations,  other business
experience  during the last five years,  memberships  on committees of the Board
and directorships in other publicly-held companies.

                                                                                         Year First Elected
      Name                   Age                Position                                 Director or Officer
      ----                   ---                --------                                 -------------------

Charles Brister(1)(2)        46    Chief Executive Officer, President and Director              1996
Timothy P. Halter(1)         32    Chairman of the Board, Secretary and Director                1996
Gary C. Evans(1)             42    Director                                                     1996
Joseph R. Mannes(2)          40    Director                                                     1996
Ronald C. Morgan(1)(2)       51    Director                                                     1996

- -----------------

(1)      Member of the Compensation Committee.
(2)      Member of the Audit Committee.

         Charles Brister is Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company
and has served in this capacity  since  January  1999.  He previously  served as
President and Chief Executive Officer of Brister's Thunder Karts, Inc. from 1986
to April 1996. He has been a director of the Company since March 1996.

         Timothy P.  Halter has been  Secretary  and a director  of the  Company
since February  1996,  and Chairman  since  February  1998.  Since May 1995, Mr.
Halter has served as President of Halter Financial Group, Inc., a Dallas,  Texas
based financial  consulting firm. From 1991 to 1995, Mr. Halter was President of
Halter  Capital  Corporation,  a diversified  holding  company.  Mr. Halter also
serves on the Board of  Directors  of  Duncanville  National  Bank,  located  in
Duncanville, Texas.

         Gary C. Evans has been a director of the Company  since July 1996.  Mr.
Evans has served as President,  Chief Executive Officer and a director of Magnum
Hunter  Resources,  Inc.  ("Magnum"),  an American  Stock  Exchange  oil and gas
exploration and development  company,  since December 1995. Mr. Evans previously
served as Chairman,  President and Chief Executive  Officer of Hunter Resources,
Inc.  ("Hunter") from September 1992 until its merger with Magnum. From December
1990 to September  1992, he served as President and Chief  Operating  Officer of


Hunter.  From 1985 to 1990, he was the founder and President of Sunbelt  Energy,
Inc.,  prior to its  merger  with  Hunter.  From  1981 to 1985,  Mr.  Evans  was
associated  with the Mercantile  Bank of Canada where he held various  positions
including Vice President and Manager of the Energy Division of the  southwestern
United States.  From 1977 to 1981, he served in various capacities with National
Bank of Commerce (currently BankTexas, N.A.)
including Credit Manager and Credit Officer.

         Joseph R. Mannes has been a director  of the  Company  since July 1996,
and since  October  1998 has been  Chief  Financial  Officer  and  Secretary  of
Clearwire  Technologies,  Inc., a company offering  broadband  wireless Internet
connectivity.  From  February  1996 until  October 1998 Mr. Mannes was the Chief
Financial Officer, Secretary and Treasurer of Interactive Creations Incorporated
("ICI"),  and  subsequently was General Manager of I-Magic Online (its successor
company) a corporation  offering real-time  internet gaming services.  From 1987
until joining ICI, Mr. Mannes was First Vice President in the Corporate  Finance
Department of Rauscher  Pierce  Refsnes,  Inc., a Dallas,  Texas stock brokerage
company. From 1982 to 1987, Mr. Mannes was in the commercial lending division of
the First  National Bank of Boston,  where he attained the position of Assistant
Vice  President.  Mr. Mannes worked in both the Special  Industry  Group and the
High  Technology  Group at First National Bank of Boston.  Mr. Mannes  graduated
with  an MBA in  Accounting  and  Finance  from  the  Wharton  School,  Graduate
Division,  of the University of  Pennsylvania in 1982 and an A.B. from Dartmouth
College in 1980. Mr. Mannes is a Chartered Financial Analyst.

         Ronald C. Morgan has  been a  director  of the Company since July 1996.
Since June 1980,  Mr. Morgan has served as Chief  Operating  Officer,  Executive
Vice President and Director of The Leather Factory, Inc., an AMEX listed company
("TLF").  Mr.  Morgan was a co-founder  of TLF.  Mr.  Morgan was employed by the
Tandy  Leather  Company for ten years prior to 1980,  eventually  attaining  the
position of  Vice-President  -- Eastern  Division.  Mr.  Morgan  received a B.S.
degree from West Texas State University.

                           EACH NOMINEE FOR THE BOARD.

Meetings; Committees of the Board of Directors; Recent Developments

         The  business  of the  Company is managed  under the  direction  of the
Board.  The Board meets on a  regularly  scheduled  basis to review  significant
developments  affecting  the  Company  and  to act on  matters  requiring  Board
approval. It also holds special meetings when an important matter requires Board
action between scheduled meetings. The Board met three times during the calendar
year ended  December 31, 1998 and acted by unanimous  consent in lieu of special
meeting on six occasions during the identical period.

         The  Board  has two  standing  committees:  the Compensation  Committee
and the Audit  Committee.  The functions of these  committees  and the number of
meetings held during 1998 are described below.

         The  Compensation  Committee was established to fix the annual salaries
and other  compensation  for the officers and key employees of the Company.  The
Compensation  Committee also approves grants under and administers the Company's
1998 Stock Compensation Plan. The Compensation Committee met four times in 1998.

         The  Audit  Committee  was  established  to  review  the   professional
services  and  independence  of the  Company's  independent  auditors,  and  the
Company's accounting,  procedures and internal controls. The Audit Committee met
two times in 1998.


         The  Company  does  not  have a  nominating  committee.  The  functions
customarily  performed by a nominating committee are performed by the Board as a

Compensation of Directors

         Each  outside  director of the  Company is  entitled to receive  annual
compensation  of $6,000 for  attendance of meetings of the Board and for serving
on any  committees  of the Board.  The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the
Company is also  entitled to receive  monthly  compensation  of $5,000 for every
month in which  such  individual  serves  in such  capacity.  The  Company  will
reimburse directors for out-of-pocket expenses incurred for attending meetings.


         The following table sets forth certain  information with respect to the
ownership of the  Company's  shares of Common Stock as of August 4, 1999 by each
of its  directors,  executive  officers  and  persons  known by the  Company  to
beneficially  own 5% or more of the  outstanding  shares of the Common Stock and
all executive officers and directors as a group.

                                                    Shares Beneficially          Percentage of Shares
           Name(1)                                        Owned                  Beneficially Owned
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Charles Brister(2) .................................      516,668                         9.3
Richard N. Jones(3).................................       19,459                          *
Lawrence E. Schwall, III(4).........................        6,667                          *
Joseph R. Mannes(5).................................       63,734                         1.1
Ronald C. Morgan(5).................................        3,334                          *
Gary C. Evans(6)....................................       51,114                          *
Timothy P. Halter(7)................................      374,630                         6.7
Halter Financial Group, Inc.(7).....................      374,630                         6.7
The Schlinger Foundation(8).........................      665,200                        11.9
Linda S. Neubauer(9)................................      337,838                         6.1
Officers and directors as a group (7 persons)(10)...    1,035,606                        18.5

- -------------------
*Less than 1%.
(1)   Unless otherwise indicated, each person named in the table has sole voting
      and investment power with respect to the shares  beneficially owned. Also,
      unless  otherwise   indicated,   the  address  of  each  beneficial  owner
      identified  below  is:  c/o  Karts   International   Incorporated,   62204
      Commercial Street, P.O. Box 695, Roseland, Louisiana 70456.
(2)   Mr. Brister is the  Chief Executive Officer, President  and a  director of
      the Company.  See "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions."
(3)   Mr.  Jones is the  Vice  President,  Administration  and  Chief  Financial
      Officer of the  Company.  Includes  options to purchase  10,000  shares of
      Common  Stock at an exercise  price of $1.50 per share  exercisable  until
      September 30, 2003.
(4)   Includes  options to purchase  6,667 shares of Common Stock at an exercise
      price of $4.875 per share  exercisable until January 30, 2002. Mr. Schwall
      is Vice President, Sales and Marketing of the Company.
(5)   Messrs. Mannes and Morgan are directors of the Company.
(6)   Mr. Evans is a director of the Company.  Includes 20,001 shares of  Common
      Stock underlying warrants owned by Mr. Evans.
(7)   Mr.  Halter,  the  Chairman of the Board,  Secretary  and  director of the
      Company,  is the  sole  stockholder,  director  and  president  of  Halter
      Financial  Group,  Inc. ("HFG") and is therefore deemed to have beneficial


      ownership of the shares of Common Stock held by HFG. HFG and Mr.  Halter's
      address is 14160 Dallas  Parkway,  Suite 950,  Dallas,  Texas  75240.  See
      "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions."
(8)   The Schlinger  Foundation's address is c/o Evert Schlinger,  Trustee, 1944
      Edison  Street,   Santa  Ynez,   California   93460.  See  "Proposal  3  -
      Ratification  of The  Schlinger  Note and  Approval of the Issuance of the
      Schlinger Conversion Shares."
(9)   Ms. Neubauer's  address is  487 John Anderson Drive, Ormond Beach, Florida
(10)  Includes  20,001  shares of  Common Stock  underlying  warrants  owned  by
      Mr. Evans, options to  purchase 10,000  shares of Common Stock  granted to
      Mr. Jones, and options to purchase 6,667 shares of Common Stock granted to
      Mr. Schwall.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

         The following  Summary Compensation  Table sets  forth,  for  the years
indicated,  all cash  compensation  paid,  distributed  or accrued for services,
including  salary  and bonus  amounts,  by the  Company  to its Chief  Executive
Officer.  No other  executive  officer of the Company  received  remuneration in
excess of $100,000 during the referenced periods.  Certain  compensation related
tables   required  to  be  reported   have  been  omitted  since  no  applicable
compensation was awarded to, earned by or paid to any of the Company's executive
officers in any fiscal year to be covered by such tables.

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                         Annual Compensation            Long-Term Compensation
                                                   -----------------------------   ------------------------------
                                                                    Other Annual     Restricted       Underlying
Name/Title                                Year      Salary/Bonus    Compensation    Stock Awards     Options/SARs
- ----------                                ----      ------------    ------------    ------------     ------------

Robert M. Aubrey, former Chief            1998        $140,625       $22,825(2)          -0-           200,000
Executive Officer and President(1)
V. Lynn Graybill, former Chairman of      1997        $131,250         $ -0-             -0-             -0-
the Board, Chief Executive Officer        1996        $121,731       $15,000(4)          -0-             -0-
and President(3)

- ---------------
(1)  Effective January 13, 1999, Robert M. Aubrey  resigned  as  Chief Executive
     Officer, President and as a  director of the  Company.   See "-- Employment
     Agreements and Related Matters."
(2)  Principally housing and transportation allowance.
(3)  Effective  January 15, 1998, V. Lynn  Graybill  resigned as Chairman of the
     Board,  Chief  Executive  Officer and  President  of the  Company.  See "--
     Employment Agreements and Related Matters."
(4)  Represents  a signing  bonus equal to 10% of Mr.  Graybill's  base  salary,
     which was paid by issuing Mr. Graybill 140,000  restricted shares of Common
     Stock of the Company.

Employment Agreements and Related Matters

         In January 1999,  Charles Brister was  elected  Chief Executive Officer
and President of the Company. He will receive an annual salary of $150,000 to be
paid at the end of the year in shares of the  Company's  Common Stock based on a
formula to be determined by the Board. Timothy P. Halter, Chairman of the Board,
has agreed to defer his $5,000 monthly  compensation  until year end. Mr. Halter
may accept payment of his compensation in shares of Common Stock, subject to the
approval of the Board.

         Effective  January  30,  1998,  the  Company  entered  into  three-year
Employment Agreement (the "Employment Agreement") with Robert M. Aubrey, whereby
Mr.  Aubrey  agreed to serve as  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the
Company. The Employment Agreement provided Mr. Aubrey with an annual base salary
of  $150,000  and  options  to  purchase  200,000  shares of Common  Stock at an
exercise price of $3.25 per share. See "-- Stock Options."


         Effective   January  13, 1999,  Robert  M. Aubrey  resigned   as  Chief
Executive  Officer,  President and as a director of the Company.  On January 20,
1999,  the Company and Mr. Aubrey  entered into a Settlement  Agreement and Full
and Final  Release of All Claims  (the  "Aubrey  Agreement")  for the purpose of
satisfying and  discharging  all  obligations of the Company to Mr. Aubrey under
the Employment  Agreement.  The Aubrey Agreement provides that the Company shall
forgive up to $19,000 of  non-reimbursable  expenses  incurred by Mr. Aubrey and
pay to Mr.  Aubrey  one  week  of  earned  vacation.  In  consideration  for the
foregoing, Mr. Aubrey must to adhere to the non-competition and non-solicitation
covenants set forth in the Employment  Agreement until January 13, 2001. As part
of his separation from the Company,  the Company issued to Mr. Aubrey options to
purchase  15,000 shares of Common Stock at an option exercise price of $1.06 per
share,  which  options were  granted to replace the options to purchase  200,000
shares of Common Stock that were canceled at separation.  The options are vested
and expire on January 20, 2004.

         In January 1998, V. Lynn Graybill  resigned as  Chairman  of the Board,
Chief  Executive  Officer  and  President  of the  Company.  The Company and Mr.
Graybill entered into a Mutual Release and Separation  Agreement,  dated January
15,  1998  (the  "Graybill  Agreement"),  for  the  purpose  of  satisfying  and
discharging  all  obligations of the Company to Mr.  Graybill under the terms of
Mr. Graybill's  Employment Agreement,  dated March 15, 1996.  Under the terms of
the Graybill  Agreement,  the Company paid to Mr. Graybill a one time payment of
$208,100 (the "Severance Amount"). As additional consideration for the Severance
Amount,   Mr.   Graybill   agreed   to  adhere   to  the   non-competition   and
non-solicitation  covenants contained in his Employment  Agreement until January
15, 2001.

         To provide  for  continuity of  management, the Company may enter  into
employment agreements with other members of its executive management staff.

Stock Options

         In  July 1996,  the Company  issued to 30  employees,  who were neither
officers  nor  directors  of the  Company,  options to purchase an  aggregate of
59,355  shares of Common  Stock at an exercise  price of $5.63 per share,  which
options are currently exercisable and expire at various times during 2001.

         In  January  1997,  the  Company  issued to an officer  of the  Company
options to purchase  6,667 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of $4.875
per share,  which options are  exercisable  and expire on January 30, 2002.  The
Company also issued to employees, who were neither officers nor directors of the
Company, options to purchase an aggregate of 52,670 shares of Common Stock at an
exercise  price of $4.875 per share,  which  options  are also  exercisable  and
expire on January 30, 2002.

         During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998,  the Company granted to
certain of its employees  options to purchase an aggregate of 265,000  shares of
Common Stock at exercise  prices  ranging  from $1.06 to $3.50 per share,  which
options expire  periodically  from January 31 to December 31, 2003. Of the total
number of options issued during fiscal 1998,  options to purchase 200,000 shares
of Common Stock were issued to Robert M.  Aubrey,  which  options were  canceled
upon Mr.  Aubrey's  resignation  as an officer  and  director  of the Company in
January 1999,  and an aggregate of 45,000  options were granted  pursuant to the
Company's 1998 Stock Compensation Plan. See "-- 1998 Stock Compensation Plan."


                        Option/Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                         Number of Securities   Percent of Total Options
                                         Underlying Options     Granted to Employees        Exercise Price
      Name/Title                             Granted               in Fiscal 1998             ($/sh)          Expiration Date
- --------------------------------------   --------------------   ------------------------    ---------------   ---------------

Robert M. Aubrey, former President and        200,000                 75.5                      $3.25          See footnote(1)
Chief Executive Officer...............
- ------------
(1)  The  options to  purchase  200,000  shares of Common  Stock  granted to Mr.
     Aubrey were canceled  immediately  upon his  resignation  as an officer and
     director of the Company in January 1999.

                     Aggregate Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                                               Number of Securities Underlying        Value of Unexercised No Market
                                            Unexercised Options at Fiscal Year-End    Value Options at Fiscal Year End
                Name/Title                    Exercisable       Unexercisable         Exercisable       Unexercisable
- -----------------------------------------   --------------------------------------   -------------     ---------------
Robert M. Aubrey, former President and           -0-              200,000                 -0-           $212,000
Chief Executive Officer..................

         The exercise  price per share of all options  issued by the Company was
based on the closing bid price of the Company's Common Stock as quoted on either
the NASD Electronic Bulletin Board or The Nasdaq SmallCap Market ("Nasdaq"),  as
applicable, on the date of grant of such options.

1998 Stock Compensation Plan

         On May 27,  1998,  the  stockholders  of the Company  approved the 1998
Stock  Compensation Plan of Karts  International  Incorporated (the "1998 Plan")
and reserved  1,000,000  shares of Common Stock for issuance under the plan. The
1998 Plan terminates on April 1, 2008 unless previously terminated by the Board.
The 1998 Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee (the "Committee") or
the entire Board.

         Eligible  participants  in the 1998 Plan include  full time  employees,
directors  and  advisors of the Company and its  subsidiaries.  Options  granted
under the 1998  Plan are  intended  to  qualify  as  "incentive  stock  options"
pursuant to the provisions of Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended (the "Code"),  or options  which do not  constitute  incentive  stock
options ("nonqualified options") as determined by the Committee.

         Under the 1998  Plan the  Company  may also  grant  "Restricted  Stock"
awards.  "Restricted Stock" represents shares of Common Stock issued to eligible
participants under the 1998 Plan subject to the satisfaction by the recipient of
certain  conditions  and  enumerated  in the  specific  Restricted  Stock grant.
Conditions  which may be imposed  include,  but are not  limited  to,  specified
periods of  employment,  attainment  of personal  performance  standards  or the
overall performance of the Company.  The granting of Restricted Stock represents
an additional incentive for eligible participants under the 1998 Plan to promote
the development of the Company,  and may be used by the Company as another means
of attracting and retaining  qualified  individuals to serve as employees of the
Company or its subsidiaries.

         Incentive stock options may be granted only to employees of the Company
or a subsidiary  who, in the judgment of the Committee,  are responsible for the
management or success of the Company or a subsidiary and who, at the time of the
granting of the incentive stock option, are either an employee of the Company or
a  subsidiary.  No incentive  stock option may be granted under the 1998 Plan to
any individual who would,  immediately  before the grant of such incentive stock
option,  directly or  indirectly,  own more than ten percent  (10%) of the total


combined  voting  power of all classes of stock of the  Company  unless (i) such
incentive  stock  option is granted at an option price not less than one hundred
ten  percent  (110%)  of the fair  market  value of the  shares  on the date the
incentive  stock option is granted and (ii) such incentive  stock option expires
on a date not later than five years from the date the incentive  stock option is

         The purchase  price of the shares of the Common Stock offered under the
1998 Plan must be one hundred  percent  (100%) of the fair  market  value of the
Common Stock at the time the option is granted or such higher  purchase price as
may be determined by the Committee at the time of grant;  provided,  however, if
an incentive  stock option is granted to an  individual  who would,  immediately
before the grant,  directly or indirectly own more than ten percent (10%) of the
total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company, the purchase
price of the shares of the Common Stock covered by such  incentive  stock option
may not be less than one hundred ten percent  (110%) of the fair market value of
such shares on the day the  incentive  stock  option is  granted.  If the Common
Stock is listed upon an established stock exchange or exchanges, the fair market
value of the Common Stock shall be the highest closing price of the Common Stock
on the day the option is granted  or, if no sale of the Common  Stock is made on
an  established  stock  exchange on such day, on the next preceding day on which
there  was a sale of such  stock.  If there is no market  price  for the  Common
Stock,  then the Board and the Committee  may,  after taking all relevant  facts
into consideration, determine the fair market value of the Common Stock.

         Options are exercisable in whole or in part as provided under the terms
of the  grant,  but in no  event  shall  an  option  be  exercisable  after  the
expiration of ten years from the date of grant.  Except in case of disability or
death, no option shall be exercisable after an optionee ceases to be an employee
of the Company, provided that the Committee has the right to extend the right to
exercise  for a period  not  longer  than  three  months  following  the date of
termination  of  an  optionee's  employment.  If  an  optionee's  employment  is
terminated by reason of disability, the Committee may extend the exercise period
for a period not in excess of one year  following the date of termination of the
optionee's  employment.  If an optionee  dies while in the employ of the Company
and shall not have fully exercised his options,  the options may be exercised in
whole or in part at any time within one year after the  optionee's  death by the
executors or administrators of the optionee's estate or by any person or persons
who acquired the option directly from the optionee by bequest or inheritance.

         Under the 1998 Plan, an individual  may be granted one or more options,
provided that the aggregate fair market value (determined at the time the option
is granted) of the shares covered by incentive  options which may be exercisable
for the first time during any  calendar  year shall not exceed  $100,000.  There
presently are  outstanding  options to purchase 45,000 shares of Common Stock at
prices ranging from $1.06 to $2.98 per share.


         In March 1996,  the Company in a private  sale sold  233,333  shares of
Common Stock to 13 investors  (the  "Investors")  for $525,000  (the "March 1996
Offering").  In  connection  with the March 1996  Offering,  the Company and HFG
agreed to issue  additional  shares of Common Stock to the Investors if on March
31, 1998 (the "Offering  Valuation  Date") the average  closing bid price of the
Common  Stock  for the 10  trading  days  prior to and  including  the  Offering
Valuation  Date (the "Stock  Market  Value")  did not equal or exceed  $4.50 per
share, such that each Investor would receive for no additional  consideration an
additional  number of shares of Common  Stock  necessary  to increase  the Stock
Market  Value per share of the Common  Stock  acquired  to $4.50 per share.  HFG
placed into escrow 233,333  shares of Common Stock (the "HFG Escrow  Shares") to
be issued to  Investors  if an  adjustment  was  required.  Based upon the Stock
Market Value of the Company  Stock on the  Offering  Valuation  Date,  Investors
received an aggregate of 95,624 HFG Escrow  Shares.  The  remaining  137,709 HFG
Escrow Shares were released from escrow and delivered to HFG.


         The  Company  and  Charles  Brister,  the Chief  Executive  Officer and
President of the Company,  have entered into a Real Estate Option Right of First
Refusal Agreement for the Roseland facility.  Under the terms of this agreement,
the Company may, at its sole option, purchase the real property and improvements
for  $550,000.  The option  expires on December  31,  2000.  The Company and Mr.
Brister have also entered into a lease agreement for the Roseland  manufacturing
facility,  including the corporate  offices,  which expires in 2000. The monthly
lease payment for the Roseland facility is $6,025 with certain adjustments.  The
Company  believes  these terms are  comparable  to existing  market rates in the

         The Company has executed five promissory notes in the principal amounts
of $54,623.09, $75,000, $75,000, $25,000 and $6,849.13, respectively, payable to
Charles Brister. Interest on each note accrues at a rate of 12% per annum and is
payable  monthly,  with the  principal  balance  of each  note  being due at the
earlier  of receipt by the  Company  of at least $1.5  million  from the sale of
equity  securities or September  30, 1999.  Proceeds from the loans were used to
reduce Company indebtedness and to provide working capital.

         On June 3, 1999,  the Company  consummated  a $1.5 million  convertible
loan transaction  with The Schlinger  Foundation.  For a detailed  discussion of
this  transaction,  please see "Proposal 3 -- Ratification of The Schlinger Loan
and Approval of the Issuance of the Schlinger Conversion Shares."

         The Schlinger  Foundation  also  purchased  500,000 shares of Preferred
Stock,  at a price  of  $1.00  per  share,  in the  Company's  private  offering
consummated on June 30, 1999. See "Proposal 2 -- Ratification of the Issuance of
the  Preferred  Stock and Approval of the Issuance of the  Preferred  Conversion

         The Company believes that all the foregoing related-party  transactions
were on terms no less favorable to the Company than could reasonably be obtained
from unaffiliated third parties. All future transactions with affiliates will be
approved by a majority of disinterested directors of the Company and on terms no
less  favorable  to the Company  than those that are  generally  available  from
unaffiliated third parties.


Description of the Proposal

         The Board is requesting  that the  stockholders  ratify and confirm the
Company's  issuance  of  1,550,000  shares  of  its  9%  Cumulative  Convertible
Preferred Stock (the "Preferred  Stock") to participants in its private offering
consummated  on June 30,  1999  (the  "Private  Placement").  The  Board is also


requesting that the stockholders  approve the issuance of up to 6,200,000 shares
of Common Stock (the "Preferred Conversion Shares"),  subject to adjustment,  to
the holders of the  Preferred  Stock who wish to convert  such  securities  into
shares of Common Stock at the  conversion  rate described  below.  The Preferred
Stock was sold to  investors,  which  included  officers  and  directors  of the
Company who purchased an aggregate of 520,000  shares of Preferred  Stock on the
same  terms  as  other  investors.   See  "Certain   Relationships  and  Related
Transactions." The Private Placement closed on June 30, 1999. The material terms
of the Private Placement and the Preferred Stock,  respectively,  are summarized

Summary of the Private Placement and the Preferred Stock

         The Private  Placement.  Pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth
in the Company's private placement  memorandum dated March 31, 1999, the Company
sold an aggregate of 1,550,000 shares of Preferred Stock for aggregate  offering
proceeds  of  $1,550,000  or a per share  purchase  price of $1.00.  The Private
Placement was  consummated  on June 30, 1999.  The proceeds from the sale of the
Preferred Stock are being used by the Company for working capital and payment of
trade debt.

         The Preferred Stock. The Preferred Stock constitutes a single series of
preferred   stock.   The   shares  of   Preferred   Stock  are  fully  paid  and
non-assessable.  The  following  summary  of the  terms  and  provisions  of the
Preferred Stock does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety
by  reference  to  the  pertinent   sections  of  the   Company's   Articles  of
Incorporation  and the Certificate of Designation,  Preferences and Rights of 9%
Cumulative  Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Certificate of Designation)" which
is on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as an exhibit to the
Company's current Report on Form 8-K dated July 28, 1999.

         Dividends.  Holders of shares of the  Preferred  Stock are  entitled to
receive, out of funds legally available therefor, a dividend at the rate of $.09
per share per annum, payable in semi-annual installments on June 30 and December
31,  commencing  December 31, 1999. Such dividends may be paid in cash or shares
of Common Stock, at the Company's  option.  The number of shares of Common Stock
to be issued as a stock dividend shall be determined by the current market price
of a share of Common  Stock on the  record  date for such  stock  dividend.  The
current  market price of a share of Common Stock on the record date shall be the
closing sale price on such day as reported by Nasdaq or on any other exchange on
which the shares of Common  Stock may be traded.  No  fractional  shares will be
issued for dividends. The amount of any dividends represented by such fractional
shares will be payable by  rounding  up to the next whole  number for such stock
dividend.  Dividends on the Preferred  Stock will be cumulative from the date of
initial issuance of the Preferred Stock. Dividends will be payable to holders of
record as they appear on the stock  books of the  Company on such record  dates,
not more than 60 days nor less than 10 days  preceding  the  payment  dates,  as
shall be fixed by the Board.

         If  dividends  are not paid in full  upon the  Preferred  Stock and any
other  preferred  stock  ranking on a parity as to dividends  with the Preferred
Stock,  all  dividends  declared  upon shares of Preferred  Stock and such other
preferred  stock  will be  declared  pro rata so that in all cases the amount of
dividends  declared per share on the  Preferred  Stock and such other  preferred
stock bear the same ratio to each other that accumulated  dividends per share on
the shares of the Preferred  Stock and such other  preferred  stock bear to each
other.  Except as set forth  above,  unless  full  cumulative  dividends  on the
Preferred Stock have been paid,  dividends  (other than in Common Stock) may not
be paid or declared and set aside for payment and other distributions may not be
made upon the Common Stock or on any other stock of the Company  ranking  junior
to or on a parity with the Preferred  Stock as to dividends,  nor may any Common
Stock or any other  stock of the Company  ranking  junior to or on a parity with
the Preferred Stock as to dividends be redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired
for any  consideration  (or any payment made to or available  for a sinking fund
for the  redemption  of any shares of any shares of such  stock) by the  Company
(except by conversion  into or exchange for stock of the Company  ranking junior
to the Preferred  Stock as to dividends).  The Company has agreed not to declare
or pay any cash  dividend  on its  Common  Stock  during  such  period  that the
Preferred Stock remains outstanding.

         Conversion Rights. The holder of any shares of the Preferred Stock will
have the right, at the holder's  option,  to convert any or all such shares into
Common  Stock at any time  during the  period  commencing  on June 30,  1999 and
expiring  on the  fourth  anniversary  of such date (the  "Conversion  Period").
Subject to certain  adjustments  as  described  below,  the  Preferred  Stock is
convertible  at the rate of one  share of  Common  Stock  for each  $.25 in Face
Amount of the Preferred Stock  converted  (initially four shares of Common Stock
for each share of Preferred  Stock  converted).  If the  Preferred  Stock is not


voluntarily  converted  prior to the expiration of the Conversion  Period,  each
share of Preferred Stock then outstanding  shall be  automatically  converted at
the rate of one  share of  Common  Stock  for each  $.25 in Face  Amount  of the
Preferred Stock converted,  subject to certain adjustments  described below. The
Company  shall also be required to pay all accrued but unpaid  dividends due and
owing  to the  holders  of the  Preferred  Stock  as of  expiration  date of the
Conversion Period. The holders of the Preferred Stock have contractually  agreed
to suspend their right to convert their shares of Preferred Stock into shares of
Common Stock until such time as the matters  contemplated  by this  proposal and
Proposal 4 below have been ratified and/or approved by the stockholders.

         In the  event  the  Preferred  Stock  is  called  for  redemption,  the
conversion  right will  terminate at the close of business on the fifth business
day  prior  to the date  fixed  for  redemption.  Payment  shall be made  upon a
resulting  conversion  of any share of Preferred  Stock and shall be adjusted to
account  for any unpaid and  accrued  dividends  on the shares  surrendered  for
conversion.  No fractional shares of Common Stock will be issued upon conversion
but, in lieu thereof, the Company shall round up the fractional share.

         The conversion  rate will be subject to adjustment  upon the occurrence
of the  following  events:  (i) stock split,  recapitalization,  combination  of
shares of the Company, or other similar event or (ii) the sale or other issuance
of shares of Common  Stock at a price less than the then  applicable  conversion
rate.  If during the  Conversion  Period the Company  sells or issues  shares of
Common Stock at less than the then  applicable  conversion  rate, the conversion
rate shall then  become  the price at which such  securities  were sold on a per
share basis.  The conversion  rate will not be adjusted upon (i) the issuance of
Common Stock as dividends on either the outstanding  Common Stock, the Preferred
Stock or other duly  issued  securities  of the  Company;  (ii) the  issuance of
shares of Common  Stock upon the  exercise of  outstanding  options or warrants;
(iii) the  issuance  of shares of Common  Stock  upon the  exercise  of  options
granted  under the 1998 Plan;  (iv) any  issuance  of shares of Common  Stock to
Charles Brister,  Chief Executive  Officer and President of the Company,  or any
other executive  officer of the Company in lieu of compensation  during calendar
year 1999;  and (v) an  issuance  or  distribution  of Common  Stock,  rights or
warrants to subscribe  for shares of Common Stock,  or other  securities or debt
instruments  convertible into Common Stock, subject only to the requirement that
such securities be sold at a price per share or be convertible into Common Stock
at a price in excess of the then  applicable  conversion  rate of the  Preferred

         In case of any  reclassification of the Common Stock, any consolidation
of the Company with, or merger of the Company into, any other entity, any merger
of any entity into the Company (other than a merger which does not result in any
reclassification,  conversion, exchange or cancellation of outstanding shares of
Common Stock), any sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of
the  Company or any  compulsory  share  exchange  whereby  the  Common  Stock is
converted into other securities, cash or other property, then provision shall be
made such that the holder of each  share of  Preferred  Stock  then  outstanding
shall have the right thereafter, during the period such share of Preferred Stock
shall be  convertible,  to  convert  such share only into the kind and amount of
securities,  cash and other  property  receivable  upon  such  reclassification,
consolidation,  merger,  sale,  transfer  or share  exchange  by a holder of the
number of shares of Common Stock into which such shares of Preferred Stock might
have been converted immediately prior to such  reclassification,  consolidation,
merger, sale, transfer or share exchange.

         Holders of  Preferred  Conversion  Shares  will be entitled to the same
rights  applicable  at the time of  conversion to other holders of Common Stock.
The holders of the shares of the Preferred Stock have no preemptive  rights with
respect to any securities of the Company.

         Liquidation  Rights.  In the event of any  liquidation,  dissolution or
winding up of the  Company,  the  holders of shares of the  Preferred  Stock are
entitled to receive out of assets of the Company  available for  distribution to
stockholders,  before  any  distribution  of assets is made to holders of Common
Stock or any other  junior  stock,  liquidating  distributions  in the amount of
$1.00 per share plus accumulated and unpaid dividends.  If upon any liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding up of the  Company,  the  assets  distributable  to the
holders of the Preferred  Stock and any other  preferred stock ranking as to any


such distribution on a parity with the Preferred Stock are insufficient to fully
pay the  preferential  amount,  the holders of the  Preferred  Stock and of such
other  preferred  stock will share  ratably  in such  distribution  of assets in
proportion  to the  full  respective  preferential  amounts  to  which  they are
entitled.  After payment of the full amount of the  liquidating  distribution to
which they are entitled,  the holders of shares of the Preferred  Stock will not
be entitled to any further  participation  in any  distribution of assets by the
Company.  Neither  a  consolidation  or  merger  of  the  Company  with  another
corporation  nor a sale or transfer of all or part of the  Company's  assets for
cash or securities  will be considered a liquidation,  dissolution or winding up
of the Company.

         The  right  of  the  Company,  and  the  rights  of its  creditors  and
stockholders  (including  holders of the Preferred Stock), to participate in the
distribution of the assets of any subsidiary of the Company upon any liquidation
or reorganization of such subsidiary, or otherwise, will be subject to the prior
claims of  creditors  of such  subsidiary  (except to the extent the Company may
itself be a creditor with recognized claims against such subsidiary).

         Redemption  at the Option of Company.  The  Preferred  Stock may not be
redeemed prior to March 31, 2000. The Preferred  Stock is redeemable  thereafter
for cash, in whole or in part, at any time at the option of the Company at $1.09
per share.

         If less than all of the  outstanding  shares of the Preferred Stock are
to be redeemed,  the Company will select those shares to be redeemed pro rata or
by lot or in such other manner as the Board may determine. There is no mandatory
redemption or sinking fund  obligation  with respect to the Preferred  Stock. In
the event the  Company has failed to pay  accrued  and unpaid  dividends  on the
Preferred  Stock,  it may not  redeem  any of the  then  outstanding  shares  of
Preferred  Stock until all such accrued and unpaid  dividends  have been paid in

         In the  event  the  Preferred  Stock  is  called  for  redemption,  the
conversion  right will  terminate at the close of business on the fifth business
day prior to the date fixed for redemption. After the redemption date, dividends
will cease to accrue on the shares of the Preferred  Stock called for redemption
and all rights of the holders of such shares will terminate  except the right to
receive the redemption  price without  interest  (unless the Company defaults in
the payment of the redemption price).

         Voting  Rights.  Except as  indicated  below,  the holders of shares of
Preferred  Stock have no voting  rights.  If the  equivalent of two  consecutive
semi-annual (one year) dividends  payable on the Preferred Stock or on any other
preferred  stock is in arrears,  the number of  directors of the Company will be
increased  by two and the  holders of all  outstanding  shares of the  Preferred
Stock and any other  preferred stock ranking on a parity as to dividends or upon
liquidation with the Preferred Stock, voting as a single class without regard to
series, will be entitled to elect two additional  directors until all cumulative
dividends  in  arrears  have  been  paid in full and  until  any  non-cumulative
dividends  payable on all preferred  stock have been paid regularly for at least
one year.

         In  addition,  without the vote or consent of the holders of at least a
majority of the number of then outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock and any
other  preferred  stock ranking on a parity as to dividends or upon  liquidation
with the  Preferred  Stock,  the Company  shall not (i) create,  or increase the
authorized  number of shares of, any series or class of stock  ranking  prior to
the  Preferred  Stock either as to dividends  or upon  liquidation,  (ii) amend,
alter or repeal any of the  rights and  preferences  of the  Preferred  Stock or
(iii) authorize any  reclassification of the Preferred Stock.  Accordingly,  the
voting  rights  of the  holders  of the  Preferred  Stock  could  under  certain
circumstances  operate to restrict the  flexibility  the Company would otherwise
have in connection with future changes to its capital structure.


Rationale for the Proposal

         The  Company's  Common  Stock  and  Redeemable  Common  Stock  Purchase
Warrants (the  "Warrants") are currently  traded on Nasdaq.  Nasdaq  Marketplace
rules require that the Company obtain stockholder approval prior to the issuance
of securities  convertible  into Common Stock, if the number of shares of Common
Stock to be issued upon such  conversion  equals or exceeds 20% of the number of
shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  before  the  issuance  of the  convertible
securities.  The conversion of all of the outstanding  shares of Preferred Stock
would result in the issuance of 6,200,000  Preferred  Conversion  Shares,  which
number of Preferred  Conversion Shares represents greater than 20% of the number
of  shares of  Common  Stock  outstanding  on the date the  Preferred  Stock was
issued.  Since the Company faced a cash flow and working  capital deficit and an
immediate need for cash to meet production schedules of its products, it did not
have sufficient time to obtain stockholder approval prior to the issuance of the
Preferred Stock. The Company has received notice from Nasdaq that as a result of
the sale of the  Preferred  Stock,  it is in violation  of Nasdaq's  Marketplace
rules and is therefore  subject to having its  securities  delisted  from Nasdaq
unless  the  Company  is either  able to  obtain  stockholder  approval  of this
proposal  or able to obtain an  agreement  from all  Preferred  Stockholders  to
modify the terms of the Preferred Stock, which is unlikely.  If the Company does
not  obtain  stockholder  ratification  of the sale of the  Preferred  Stock and
approval of the  issuance of the  Preferred  Conversion  Shares,  the  Company's
securities  will be  delisted  from  Nasdaq and the  Company  will  likely be in
default of the terms of the Preferred Stock.

         To assist the Company in avoiding delisting from Nasdaq, the holders of
the Preferred  Stock have agreed not to convert their shares of Preferred  Stock
until such time as the  stockholders  have  ratified the Private  Placement  and
approved  the  issuance  of  the  Preferred   Conversion  Shares.   However,  if
stockholder  approval of this  proposal is not  obtained,  the Company  does not
believe that holders of the Preferred  Stock will agree to a modification of the
current  conversion  rate to one that would  result in the issuance of Preferred
Conversion Shares  representing  less than 20% of the outstanding  Common Stock.
Therefore,  the Board is  seeking  ratification  of the  Private  Placement  and
approval of the issuance of the Preferred Conversion Shares.

         If the  stockholders  do not approve  this  proposal,  the Company will
continue to be in violation of Nasdaq's  Marketplace  rules,  which will subject
the  Company's  securities  to  delisting.  In such  event,  the  holders of the
Preferred Stock may seek,  among other legal remedies,  recission of the Private
Placement.  If the Company is delisted,  the securities will likely be traded on
the Pink Sheets maintained by the National Quotation Service Bureau, Inc. as the
Company  will be  ineligible  to  trade  its  securities  on the OTC  Electronic
Bulletin Board or any other national  exchange as the rules of such institutions
are  identical or similar to those of Nasdaq.  If the Company's  securities  are
traded on the Pink Sheets,  the market value of such securities may be adversely
effected given that the sale of the Company's securities would become subject to
certain  regulations adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"Commission")  which impose sales practice  requirements on broker-dealers.  For
example,  broker-dealers  selling such securities  must,  prior to effecting the
transaction,  provide their  customers with a document which discloses the risks
of investing in the Company's securities.  Furthermore, if the person purchasing
the  securities is someone other than an accredited  investor or an  established
customer of the broker-dealer, the broker-dealer must also approve the potential
customer's account by obtaining information  concerning the customer's financial
situation,  investment experience and investment  objectives.  The broker-dealer
must also make a  determination  whether the  transaction  is  suitable  for the
customer and whether the customer has  sufficient  knowledge  and  experience in
financial matters to be reasonably expected to be capable of evaluating the risk
of transactions in the security.  Accordingly,  the Commission's rules may limit
the number of potential purchasers of the Company's securities.

         If the Preferred  Stockholders seek recission of the Private Placement,
the Company does not possess or have access to the funds  required to be paid to
such  holders upon an action for  recission.  The Company may then be subject to


litigation by the  Preferred  Stockholders  which would have a material  adverse
effect  upon the Company  and its  operations  and may force the Company to seek
protection under federal bankruptcy laws.

Effect of the Adoption of the Proposal

         The issuance of the  Preferred  Conversion  Shares would be dilutive to
the  interests  of the  holders of the  currently  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock.  If the  stockholders  approve this proposal,  the Preferred Stock may be
converted  into an aggregate of 6,200,000  shares of Common Stock at the current
conversion  rate.  Such Preferred  Conversion  Shares would represent 53% of the
shares of Common Stock outstanding upon conversion.  The dilutive effect of such
conversion may also negatively effect the market price of the Common Stock.

Recommendation of The Board of Directors

         The Board unanimously recommends that each stockholder vote in favor of
this proposal. A majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of all
shares of Common Stock that are present at the Meeting and entitled to vote will
be necessary to adopt Proposal No. 2. Charles Brister,  Chief Executive  Officer
and  President  of the  Company,  Timothy P.  Halter,  Chairman of the Board and
Secretary  of the  Company,  and The  Schlinger  Foundation  have entered into a
Voting Agreement (the "Voting  Agreement") whereby each party has agreed to vote
the  shares  of Common  Stock  over  which  they have  voting  control  for this
proposal.  The  parties to the Voting  Agreement  have  voting  control  over an
aggregate of 1,556,498 shares of Common Stock representing  approximately 28% of
the Common Stock outstanding as of the date of this Proxy Statement.


                       AND APPROVAL OF THE ISSUANCE OF THE
                           SCHLINGER CONVERSION SHARES

Description of the Proposal

         The Board is  requesting  that the  stockholders  approve a proposal to
ratify and confirm the $1.5 million  convertible term loan to the Company by The
Schlinger Foundation (the "Schlinger Loan") and to approve the issuance of up to
4,000,000 shares of Common Stock (the "Schlinger Conversion Shares"), subject to
adjustment,  upon the conversion by The Schlinger  Foundation (the "Foundation")
of the principal balance of the term loan.

Description of Loan Transaction

         On June 3, 1999, the Company concluded the Schlinger Loan,  whereby the
Company  borrowed from the  Foundation  the principal  amount of $1.5 million as
evidenced by the $1.5 million  Convertible  Term Note (the "Term Note") executed
by the Company in favor of the Foundation.  The Term Note requires that interest
on the  principal  balance be paid monthly  commencing  June 30, 1999,  with the
principal of the loan plus accrued but unpaid  interest being due and payable in
one installment,  on May 31, 2004. The principal  balance of the Term Note bears
interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. The principal balance of
the Term Note is  convertible,  in whole or in part (in  integral  multiples  of
$500,000),  into the  Schlinger  Conversion  Shares.  The  number  of  Schlinger
Conversion  Shares to be issued upon conversion is equal to the amount of unpaid


principal  converted  divided by the conversion  price of $.375.  The conversion
price is subject to adjustment upon the occurrence of certain events,  including
stock   splits   and    combinations,    dividends   or    distributions,    and
reclassifications, exchanges and substitutions.

         The Term Note is subject to the terms and  conditions  set forth in the
Loan  Agreement  dated June 3, 1999 (the "Loan  Agreement")  by and  between the
Company  and the  Foundation.  The  Loan  Agreement  imposes  upon  the  Company
affirmative,  negative and  financial  covenants  customary in this type of loan
transaction.  Specifically,  under the affirmative  covenants,  the Company must
maintain adequate books and records,  remain in compliance with applicable laws,
satisfy all tax obligations, maintain proper insurance and advise the Foundation
of certain corporate changes or events. A further affirmative  covenant requires
that the  Company  effect an  amendment  to its  Articles  of  Incorporation  to
increase  its  authorized  shares of Common Stock within 120 days of the date of
the Loan  Agreement.  See  "Proposal 4 --  Increase in the Number of  Authorized
Shares of Common Stock." The negative  covenants to which the Company is subject
prohibit the Company  from  changing  the nature of its  business,  liquidating,
merging,  consolidating or selling substantially all of its assets, or incurring
any  additional  debt  obligations  without  the prior  written  consent  of the
Foundation.  The  financial  covenants  require  that the Company (i) maintain a
monthly ratio of current  assets to current  liabilities of not less than 1.5 to
1.0, (ii) maintain a total liabilities to tangible net worth ratio of 2.5 to 1.0
and (iii)  have a monthly  tangible  net worth of $2.5  million.  Failure by the
Company to abide by or satisfy any of the foregoing  covenants will result in an
event of default under the Term Note.  Upon an event of default,  the Foundation
may declare  the unpaid  principal  balance  plus  accrued  and unpaid  interest
immediately due and payable or foreclose on all liens granted to the Foundation.

         The  Term  Note  is  secured  by  all of the  accounts,  inventory  and
equipment of the Company and each of its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Furthermore,
the obligations of the Company under the Term Note are guaranteed by each of the
Company's wholly-owned subsidiaries.

         On July 12, 1999,  the Company and the  Foundation  executed the Waiver
and First Amendment to Loan Agreement (the "Amended Loan Agreement") whereby the
Company agreed to obtain  stockholder  ratification  and approval of the matters
contemplated in this Proposal 3 on or before  September 30, 1999. The failure of
the  Company  to  obtain  stockholder  ratification  of the  Schlinger  Loan and
approval of the issuance of the Schlinger  Conversion  Shares will constitute an
event of default under the Loan Agreement.

Rationale For the Proposal

         The Company is seeking  ratification of the Schlinger Loan and approval
of the  issuance of up to  4,000,000  Schlinger  Conversion  Shares,  subject to
adjustment,  to comply with Nasdaq's  Marketplace rules and to avoid an event of
default  under the Amended  Loan  Agreement.  As  discussed in Proposal 2 above,
Nasdaq  requires that a listed  company  obtain  stockholder  approval  prior to
issuing debt or equity  securities  convertible into Common Stock, if the number
of shares of Common Stock to be issued upon conversion  equals or exceeds 20% of
the shares of Common Stock  outstanding at the time the  convertible  securities
are issued. The Company did not seek stockholder  approval prior to entering the
Schlinger Loan  transaction  since the Company had an immediate need for capital
to meet  production  schedules for its products and is therefore in violation of
the afore-referenced Nasdaq Marketplace rules. The Foundation has however agreed
to  forbear  from  converting  the Term  Loan  until  such  time as  stockholder
ratification   and  approval  of  this  proposal  are  obtained.   However,   if
ratification  and approval of this  proposal  are not obtained by September  30,
1999,  the  Company  will be in  default  under  the terms of the  Amended  Loan

         Absent the Company's  ability to negotiate a modified  conversion price
for the Term Note, failure to obtain stockholder  approval of this proposal will
likely  subject  the  Company's  securities  to  delisting.   If  the  Company's
securities are delisted from Nasdaq,  it is likely the Common Stock and Warrants


will be traded on the Pink Sheets as they will be ineligible to trade on the OTC
Electronic  Bulletin Board or any other  national  exchange as the rules of such
institutions  are  identical  or similar to those of Nasdaq.,  If the  Company's
securities  are traded on the Pink Sheets,  the market value of such  securities
may be adversely  effected.  See "Proposal 2 --  Ratification of the Issuance of
the  Preferred  Stock and Approval of the Issuance of the  Preferred  Conversion

         Approval  of this  proposal  is also  necessary  to  avoid  an event of
default  under the Amended  Loan  Agreement.  The Company is obligated to obtain
stockholder ratification of the loan transaction and approval of the issuance of
the  Schlinger  Conversion  Shares  on or before  September  30,  1999.  If this
proposal is not approved by the  stockholders,  the  Foundation  can declare the
entire  outstanding  principal  balance  of the Term  Note  immediately  due and
payable and foreclose upon the collateral securing the obligation if the Company
is unable to repay the Term Note in full upon an event of  default.  The Company
does not currently have the funds to pay the Term Loan in full.  Therefore,  the
ability  of the  Company  to  continue  as a going  concern  would be  adversely
affected by an event of default which could not be cured by the Company. Failure
to cure an event of default could result in the Company seeking protection under
federal bankruptcy laws.

Effect of the Adoption of the Proposal

         The  issuance of Schlinger  Conversion  Shares would be dilutive to the
interests of the holders of the currently outstanding shares of Common Stock. If
the  stockholders  approve this  proposal,  the Term Note may be converted  into
4,000,000 shares of Common Stock at the current  conversion rate. Such Schlinger
Conversion  Shares  would  represent  approximately  42% of the shares of Common
Stock  then  outstanding.  The  dilutive  affect  of such  conversion  may  also
negatively  affect  the  market  price of the  Common  Stock.  If the  Schlinger
Conversion Shares and Preferred  Conversion  Shares are all issued,  the Company
would have approximately  15,774,298 outstanding shares of Common Stock of which
the  Schlinger  Conversion  Shares  would  represent  approximately  25% and the
Preferred Conversion Shares would represent approximately 39%.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors

         The Board unanimously recommends that each stockholder vote in favor of
this proposal. A majority of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of all
shares of Common Stock that are present at the Meeting and entitled to vote will
be necessary to adopt  Proposal No. 3. The parties to the Voting  Agreement have
agreed to vote their shares of Common Stock for this proposal.


                     PROPOSAL 4 -- INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF

Description of the Proposal

         On June 29, 1999, the Board approved,  subject to the consideration and
approval  of the  stockholders  of the  Company,  a  proposed  amendment  to the
Company's  Articles of Incorporation to increase the authorized capital stock of
the Company by  increasing  the number of shares of Common Stock  available  for
issuance from 14,000,000  shares to 35,000,000  shares.  The number of shares of
Preferred Stock available for issuance shall remain at 10,000,000 shares.


Rationale for the Proposal

         The principal reason for  recommending  approval of this proposal is to
accommodate  the potential  conversion of the Preferred  Stock and the Term Note
into  shares  of  Common  Stock.  Presently,  the  outstanding  total  number of
authorized but unissued shares is inadequate to satisfy the possible  conversion
of all of the Preferred Stock and the Term Note.

         As of the Record Date, a total of 4,569,511 shares of Common Stock were
authorized but not issued or reserved for issuance.  On the Record Date, a total
of 5,574,298  shares of Common Stock were issued and  outstanding and a total of
3,856,191 shares of Common Stock, not including the Preferred  Conversion Shares
or the Schlinger  Conversion  Shares,  were reserved or otherwise  committed for
possible  issuance  by the  Company to the  holders of various  warrants  and to
employees pursuant to various benefit plans of the Company.

         The proposal to increase the Company's  authorized Common Stock is thus
intended  to ensure that the Company  has  sufficient  Common  Stock to meet the
foregoing  obligations and to provide additional authorized shares that could be
issued in  connection  with  exercise of stock  options,  possible  future stock
splits,  stock dividends and mergers and  acquisitions  and to raise  additional
capital,  which could include public  offerings or private  placements of Common
Stock or securities convertible into Common Stock.

         While  the  Board  believes  it  important  that the  Company  have the
flexibility  that would be provided by having  available  additional  authorized
Common Stock,  the Company does not now have any  commitments,  arrangements  or
understandings  which would  require the issuance of such  additional  shares of
Common Stock other than the shares  reserved for issuance  pursuant to the terms
of the Private  Placement and the Schlinger Loan. The availability of additional
authorized  shares of Common Stock would simply permit the Board to respond in a
timely manner to future  opportunities and business needs of the Company as they
may arise and  would  avoid the  possible  necessity  and  expense  of a special
meeting of stockholders to increase the authorized Common Stock.

         If this proposal is not approved by the stockholders,  the Company will
be in default of the terms and conditions of the Preferred  Stock as well as the
Loan  Agreement and Term Note related to the Schlinger  Loan  transaction  as it
will not have enough shares of Common Stock to issue upon either the  conversion
of the Preferred Stock or the Term Note. As this proposal relates to the Private
Placement and the issuance of the Preferred  Conversion Shares, such a violation
could result in the participants in the Private  Placement  seeking recission of
the  offering.  The Company has utilized  all of the  proceeds  from the Private
Placement for working  capital and payment of trade debt and would  therefore be
unable to satisfy a claim for recission.  Any action for recission  would have a
material  adverse  effect  upon the  business  operations  of the Company to the
extent  that the  Company  could be  forced  to seek  protection  under  federal
bankruptcy laws.

         Furthermore,  if the  stockholders  do not approve this  proposal,  the
Company  will be in  default of certain  provisions  of the Term Note.  The Loan
Agreement  requires  that an amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  of the
Company to increase  the  Company's  authorized  Common Stock be approved by the
stockholders  on or  before  October  1,  1999.  Upon an event of  default,  the
Foundation may declare the unpaid principal balance of the Term Note immediately
due and payable or foreclose on the collateral  securing the obligation.  If the
Foundation  exercises  its  remedies  upon an event of  default  under  the Loan
Agreement, the Company may be forced to seek protection under federal bankruptcy
laws,  absent its ability to negotiate a resolution to the event of default with
the Foundation.

Effects of the Adoption of the Proposal

         If the authorized shares of Common Stock are increased as proposed, the
authorized  shares of Common Stock would be available  for issuance from time to


time  upon  such  terms and for such  purposes  as the Board may deem  advisable
without  further  action by the  stockholders  of the  Company  except as may be
required by law or the rules of any stock exchange on which the Common Stock may
be listed. Such an issuance may decrease or increase the book value per share of
Common  Stock  presently  issued and  outstanding,  depending  upon  whether the
consideration  paid for such newly  issued  shares is less or more than the book
value per share prior to such issuance.  The issuance of additional shares could
dilute the voting  power and equity of the holders of  outstanding  Common Stock
and may have the effect of  discouraging  attempts  by a person or group to take
control of the Company.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors

         Adoption of the proposal to increase the number of authorized shares of
Common Stock  requires the  affirmative  vote of the holders of the majority the
shares of the Common Stock  outstanding  on the Record Date.  If approved by the
stockholders,  such  increase  in the number of  authorized  shares  will become
effective on the filing with the Secretary of State of Nevada of an amendment to
the  Company's  Articles of  Incorporation  setting  forth such  increase in the
outstanding shares Common Stock. The parties to the Voting Agreement have agreed
to vote their respective shares of Common Stock for this proposal.

                       COMMON STOCK TO 35,000,000 SHARES.

                            SPLIT OF THE COMMON STOCK

Description of the Proposal

         The Board is also hereby  soliciting  stockholder  approval  of, in the
form provided for in the  Certificate  of Amendment  attached  hereto as Exhibit
"A", a reverse stock split with respect to all issued shares of Common Stock. As
a result of the reverse stock split,  every three (3) shares of existing  Common
Stock  outstanding  ("Old  Common  Stock")  as of  the  time  of  filing  of the
Certificate of Amendment  with the Secretary of State of Nevada (the  "Effective
Date") would be  automatically  converted into one (1) new share of Common Stock
("New Common Stock").

         In order to effect the reverse split,  the stockholders are being asked
to approve the  Certificate of Amendment,  a copy of which is attached hereto as
Exhibit "A". The form of Certificate of Amendment  attached hereto  contemplates
approval of Proposal 4. If this proposal is, but Proposal 4 is not, approved the
Certificate of Amendment shall be revised  accordingly.  The Board believes that
the  reverse  split  is in the  best  interests  of  both  the  Company  and its
stockholders  and has approved the reverse split.  The Board reserves the right,
notwithstanding   stockholder   approval  and  without  further  action  by  the
stockholders,  to decide not to proceed  with the  reverse  split if at any time
prior to its  effectiveness  it  determines,  in its sole  discretion,  that the
reverse  split  is no  longer  in the  best  interests  of the  Company  and its

Effects of the Reverse Split

         If effected,  the reverse split would reduce the number of  outstanding
shares  of Old  Common  Stock  from  5,574,298  shares  as of  August 4, 1999 to
approximately 1,858,099 shares of New Common Stock as of the Effective Date. The
reverse split would have no effect on the number of authorized  shares of Common
Stock or preferred stock or the par value of the stock. All outstanding options,
warrants,   rights  and  convertible  securities  that  include  provisions  for


adjustment  in the  number  of  shares  covered  thereby,  and the  exercise  or
conversion  price  thereof,  would be  proportionately  adjusted for the reverse
split  automatically  on the Effective  Date. The reverse split would not effect
any stockholders  proportionate  equity interest in the Company except for those
stockholders  who would receive an additional  share of Common Stock, or cash if
the  Company  so  elects,  in  lieu of  fractional  shares.  None of the  rights
currently  accruing to holders of the Company's Common Stock will be effected by
the reverse split.  The reverse split will result in some  stockholders  holding
old-lots of the Company's Common Stock (blocks of less than one hundred shares).
Because  broker-dealers  typically charge a higher commission to complete trades
in  odd-lots  of  securities,   the  transaction  costs  may  increase  for  the
stockholders who will hold odd-lots after the reverse split.  Although the Board
believes  as of the  date of this  Proxy  Statement  that the  reverse  split is
advisable,  the reverse  split may be abandoned by the Board at any time before,
during or within 180 days after the meeting and prior to the Effective Date.

         Dissenting  stockholders  have no appraisal  rights under Nevada law or
under the Company's  Articles of  Incorporation or Bylaws in connection with the
reverse split.

         The Board may make any and all  changes to the form of  Certificate  of
Amendment,  a copy of which is  attached  hereto as Exhibit  "A",  that it deems
necessary in order to file such  Certificate  of Amendment with the Secretary of
State of Nevada and give effect to the reverse split under Nevada law.

         After the  Effective  Date of the  reverse  stock  split,  the  current
stockholders  would own  approximately  1,858,099 shares of New Common Stock. If
the  Preferred  Stock  and  Term  Loan  are  fully  converted,  there  would  be
approximately  5,258,100 outstanding shares of New Common Stock of which current
stockholders  would own approximately  35%, and the Preferred  Conversion Shares
and Schlinger  Conversion Shares would represent 39% and 25%,  respectively,  of
the outstanding New Common Stock.

Rationale for the Proposal

         On February 17, 1999,  Nasdaq advised the Company that as the bid price
of the Common  Stock had been below  $1.00 per share for a  prolonged  period of
time, the Common Stock failed to meet a continued  listing  requirement  and the
Company's securities were subject to delisting. To avoid delisting,  the Company
proposes that its stockholders approve the reverse stock split to facilitate the
Company's  satisfaction  of the continued  listing  requirements  of Nasdaq.  By
effecting the reverse stock split, the Company's  trading price may be increased
which would in part facilitate maintaining listing on Nasdaq and in turn enhance
liquidity of the Common Stock.

         While the Board  believes  that the Common  Stock would trade at higher
prices  than  those  which  have  prevailed  in recent  months,  there can be no
assurance  that such  increase  in the  trading  price will occur or, if it does
occur,  that it will  equal or exceed  the  direct  arithmetical  results of the
reverse  split since there are numerous  factors and  contingencies  which could
effect  such price.  No  assurance  can be given that the  Company  will meet or
maintain  the  minimum  bid pricing  list for the Nasdaq  following  the reverse

Mechanics of the Reverse Split

         If the reverse split is approved by the requisite vote of the Company's
stockholders, the Effective Date shall be no later than February 26, 2000 unless
abandoned by the Board as described  above.  Upon filing of the  Certificate  of
Amendment every three (3) issued and outstanding shares of Old Common Stock will
be  automatically  and  without  any  action  on the  part  of the  stockholders
converted into and  constituted as one (1) share of New Common Stock. As soon as
practicable  after the  Effective  Date,  the Company  will  forward a letter of
transmittal  to each holder of record of shares of Old Common Stock  outstanding
as of the Effective Date. The letter of transmittal will set forth  instructions
for the surrender of certificates representing shares of Old Common Stock to the
Company's transfer agent in exchange for certificates representing the number of


whole  shares of New Common Stock into which the shares of Old Common Stock have
been converted as a result of the reverse split. Certificates should not be sent
to the  Company or the  transfer  agent  prior to the  receipt of such letter of
transmittal from the Company.

         Until a stockholder forwards a completed letter of transmittal together
with  certificates  representing  his shares of Old Common Stock to the transfer
agent and receives a certificate  representing  shares of New Common Stock, such
stockholder's  Old  Common  Stock  shall be deemed  equal to the number of whole
shares of New Common Stock to which each  stockholder is entitled as a result of
the reverse split.

         No scrip or  fractional  certificates  will be  issued  in the  reverse
split. Instead, the Company will issue one additional share of New Common Stock,
or cash if it so elects, in lieu of fractional  shares. If the Company elects to
make a cash payment in lieu of fractional shares,  such payment will be based on
the  average  closing bid price of the New Common  Stock on the  Nasdaq,  or the
exchange or quotation service on which the New Common stock is then listed,  for
the five trading days  preceding  the  Effective  Date.  Such cash  payment,  if
elected by the Company,  would be made upon surrender to the Company's  transfer
agent of stock  certificates  representing  a  fractional  share  interest.  The
ownership of fractional  interests  will not give the holder thereof any voting,
dividend  or other  rights  except  the right to  receive  payment  therefor  as
described herein.

Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Reverse Split

         The following is a summary of the material  anticipated  federal income
tax  consequences  of the reverse  split to  stockholders  of the Company.  This
summary is based on the  provisions  of the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as
amended (the "Code"),  the Treasury  Department  Regulations (the "Regulations")
issued pursuant thereto,  and published rulings and court decisions in effect as
of the date  hereof,  all of which are subject to change.  This summary does not
take into account  possible changes in such laws or  interpretations,  including
amendments to the Code, Regulations,  federal statutes or changes in judicial or
administrative  rulings, some of which may have retroactive effect. No assurance
can be given that any such changes will not adversely  effect the  discussion in
this summary.



         No ruling from the Internal  Revenue Service  ("Service") or opinion of
counsel will be obtained  regarding the federal income tax  consequences  to the
stockholders of the Company as a result of the reverse split. Accordingly,  each
stockholder  is  encouraged  to consult  his or her tax  advisor  regarding  the
specific tax  consequences  of the  proposed  transaction  to such  stockholder,
including  the  application  and effect of state,  local and foreign  income and
other tax laws.

         The  Company  believes  that  the  reverse  split  will  qualify  as  a
recapitalization under Section 368(a)(1)(E) of the Code. As a result, no gain or
loss will be recognized by the Company or its  stockholders  in connection  with
the  reverse  split,  except  with  respect  to any  cash  received  in  lieu of
fractional  shares.  The stockholder of the Company who exchanges his or her Old
Common Stock for shares of New Common  Stock will  recognize no gain or loss for
federal income tax purposes.  A stockholder's  aggregate tax basis in his or her
shares of New Common Stock  received from the Company will be the same as his or
her aggregate tax basis in the Old Common Stock exchanged therefor.  The holding
period of the New Common  Stock  received by such holder will include the period
during which the Old Common  Stock  surrendered  in exchange  therefor was held,
provided  that all such Common Stock was held as a capital  asset on the date of
the  exchange.  Each  stockholder  who will  receive  cash,  if any,  in lieu of
fractional  shares of New Common Stock will recognize capital gain or loss equal
to the difference  between the amount of cash received and the stockholder's tax
basis allocable to such fractional shares.

Vote Required

         The approval of the Certificate of Amendment to the Company's  Articles
of Incorporation  effecting the reverse split requires the affirmative vote of a
majority of the outstanding  shares of the Common Stock entitled to vote thereon
at the Meeting.  The parties to the Voting  Agreement  have agreed to vote their
shares of Common Stock for this proposal.

                       TO EFFECT THE REVERSE STOCK SPLIT.

                             OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

         The Board has appointed,  subject to the approval of the  stockholders,
the firm of S.W. Hatfield + Associates  ("Hatfield + Associates") as independent
public accountants to audit the Company's  consolidated financial statements for
the fiscal year ending  December 31, 1999.  Hatfield + Associates  has served as
the Company's  independent  public  accountants since 1996 and audited the books
and records of the Company for its fiscal year ended  December 31, 1998.  To the
knowledge of management of the Company, neither Hatfield + Associates nor any of
their  members has any direct or  material  indirect  financial  interest in the
Company,  nor any  connection  with the  Company in any  capacity  other than as
independent public accountants.

         Stockholder approval of this appointment is not required; however, as a
matter of good  corporate  governance,  the Board is  seeking  approval  of this
appointment.  If the appointment is not approved,  the Board must then determine
whether to appoint other  auditors  prior to the end of the current fiscal year,
and in such case, the opinions of stockholders will be taken into consideration.


         The following  resolution  concerning  the  appointment  of independent
auditors will be offered at the Meeting:

                  RESOLVED,  that the  appointment  by the Board of Directors of
         S.W.  Hatfield  +  Associates  to  audit  the  consolidated   financial
         statements and related  books,  records and accounts of the Company and
         its  subsidiaries  for  fiscal  year  1999  at  a  remuneration  to  be
         determined by the Board of Directors of the Company is hereby ratified.

         The enclosed Proxy will be voted as specified,  but if no specification
is made, it will be voted in favor of the adoption of the resolution of approval
of Hatfield + Associates  as the Company's  independent  public  accountants  to
audit the Company's financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31,

                  FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1999.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

         If a stockholder wishes to have a proposal  considered for inclusion in
the Company's proxy materials for the next annual meeting of  stockholders,  the
proposal  must  comply  with the proxy rules  promulgated  by the United  States
Securities and Exchange Commission,  be stated in writing and be submitted on or
before  May 3,  2000.  Any  proposals  should be mailed to the  Company at 14160
Dallas Parkway, Suite 950, Dallas, Texas 75240, Attention:
Timothy P. Halter.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The Board is not aware of any other  matters to be  brought  before the
Meeting. If any other matters, however, are properly brought before the Meeting,
the persons  named in the enclosed  Proxy will have  discretionary  authority to
vote all Proxies  with  respect to such  matters in  accordance  with their best


         All costs incurred in the  solicitation of Proxies will be borne by the
Company.  In addition to solicitation by mail, the officers and employees of the
Company may solicit  Proxies by  telephone,  telegraph  or  personally,  without
additional  compensation.  The Company may also make arrangements with brokerage
houses and other  custodians,  nominees and  fiduciaries  for the  forwarding of
solicitation  materials to the beneficial  owners of shares of Common Stock held
of record by such persons,  and the Company may reimburse such brokerage  houses
and other custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries for their out-of-pocket expenses
incurred in connection therewith.
The Company has not engaged a proxy solicitor.

         Upon the written  request of any holder of the  Company's  Common Stock
entitled  to vote at the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders,  the  Company  will
furnish,  without charge,  a copy of the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB
for the fiscal year ended  December 31,  1998,  including  financial  statements
thereto, as filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  Requests should
be directed to Karts  International  Incorporated,  14160 Dallas Parkway,  Suite
950, Dallas, Texas 75240, (972) 233-0300; Attention: Timothy P. Halter.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        Timothy P. Halter
                                        Chairman of the Board


                                   EXHIBIT "A"

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

         KARTS  INTERNATIONAL  INCORPORATED ("the  Corporation"),  a corporation
organized  and existing  under and by virtue of the Nevada  General  Corporation

         FIRST: The name of the Corporation is Karts International Incorporated.

         SECOND: The Board of Directors of the Corporation  adopted a resolution
to amend  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  as  amended.  Article  FOURTH of the
Articles of  Incorporation  of the Corporation is hereby amended and restated in
its entirety to read as follows:

                  "FOURTH.  The  Corporation  shall have  authority to issue two
         classes of shares to be  designated,  respectively,  "Common Stock" and
         "Preferred Stock." The aggregate number of shares of capital stock that
         the  Corporation  will have  authority to issue is  Forty-Five  Million
         (45,000,000) shares,  Thirty-Five Million (35,000,000) of which will be
         shares of Common Stock,  having a par value of $.001 per share, and Ten
         Million (10,000,000) of which will be shares of Preferred Stock, having
         a par value of $.001 per share.  Upon the  amendment  of this  Article,
         every three (3) issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock $.001 par
         value  per share  ("Old  Common  Stock"),  shall be  automatically  and
         without any action on the part of the  stockholders  converted into and
         reconstituted  as one (1)  share of  Common  Stock  $.001 par value per
         share ("New Common  Stock"),  subject to the  treatment  of  fractional
         interest  as  described   below.   Each  holder  of  a  certificate  or
         certificates  which  immediately prior to the Amendment of the Articles
         of  Incorporation  becoming  effective,  pursuant to the Nevada General
         Corporation Law (the "Effective Date"),  represented outstanding shares
         of Old Common Stock shall be entitled to receive a certificate  for the
         number of shares of New Common Stock they own by  presenting  their old
         certificate(s) to the Corporation's transfer agent for cancellation and

                  No scrip or fractional certificates will be issued. In lieu of
         fractional  shares,  the Corporation will issue one additional share of
         New Common Stock, or cash if it so elects. If the Corporation elects to
         make a cash payment in lieu of fractional shares,  such payment will be
         based  on the  average  closing  price of the New  Common  Stock on the
         Nasdaq market for the five trading days  preceding the Effective  Date.
         Such cash  payment if elected  by the  Corporation,  would be made upon
         surrender to the  Corporations's  transfer agent of stock  certificates
         representing a fractional share interest. The ownership of a fractional
         interest will not give the holder thereof any voting, dividend or other


         rights  except  the right to  receive  payment  therefor  as  described

                  Preferred  Stock may be issued in one or more series as may be
         determined  from time to time by the Board of Directors.  All shares of
         any one series of Preferred  Stock will be  identical  except as to the
         date of issue  and the  dates  from  which  dividends  on shares of the
         series  issued  on  different  dates  will  cumulate,   if  cumulative.
         Authority  is hereby  expressly  granted to the Board of  Directors  to
         authorize the issuance of one or more series of Preferred Stock, and to
         fly by resolution or  resolutions  providing for the issue of each such
         series the voting  powers,  designations,  preferences,  and  relative,
         participating,  optional,  redemption,  conversion,  exchange  or other
         special  rights,  qualifications,  limitations or  restrictions of such
         series, and the number of shares in each series, to the full extent now
         or hereafter permitted by law."

         THIRD: This certificate of Amendment of Articles of Incorporation shall
be effective as of __________________, 1999.

         FOURTH:  The  number  of  shares  of the  Corporation  outstanding  and
entitled  to  vote  on  an  amendment  to  the  Articles  of   Incorporation  is
______________;  that the said change and amendment  have been  consented to and
approved by a majority vote of the  stockholders  holding at least a majority of
each class of stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon.

                                               KARTS INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED

                                               Charles Brister, President

                                               Timothy M. Halter, Secretary

State of ________________. ss.
County of ______________.  ss.

         On  _______________________,  personally  appeared  before me, a Notary
Public,  Charles  Brister  and  Timothy  M.  Halter who  acknowledged  that they
executed the above instrument.

                                               Notary Public



                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                 AUGUST 31, 1999

         The undersigned  hereby appoints  Timothy P. Halter and Charles Brister
or either of them, with power of  substitution,  as proxies to vote all stock of
Karts International Incorporated (the "Company") owned by the undersigned at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders  to be held at 14160 Dallas  Parkway,  Suite 950,
Dallas, Texas 75240, at 2:00 p.m., Central Standard Time on August 31, 1999, and
any adjournment  thereof,  on the following  matters as indicated below and such
other business as may properly come before the meeting.

1. [ ]   FOR the election as director of all nominees listed below (except as
         marked to the contrary below)

   [ ]   WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed below:
         Charles Brister, Gary C. Evans, Timothy P. Halter,
         Joseph R. Mannes and Ronald C. Morgan.

INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for individual nominees, write their
names in the space provided below.

2. Proposal to ratify the issuance of the 9%  Cumulative  Convertible  Preferred
   Stock and approve  the  issuance  of shares of common  stock upon  conversion
   [ ] FOR          [ ] AGAINST          [ ] ABSTAIN

3. Proposal  to ratify the $1.5  million  convertible  term loan and approve the
   issuance  of shares of common  stock  upon the  conversion  of the  principal
   balance of the loan.
   [ ] FOR          [ ] AGAINST          [ ] ABSTAIN

4. Proposal to increase the number of authorized  shares of common stock.
    [ ] FOR          [ ] AGAINST          [ ] ABSTAIN

5. Proposal to approve an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation to effect a
   reverse stock split of the common stock.
    [ ] FOR          [ ] AGAINST          [ ] ABSTAIN

6. Proposal to approve the  appointment  of S.W.  Hatfield +  Associates  as the
   Independent  Public  Accountants  of  the  Company  for  fiscal  1999,  at  a
   remuneration to be determined by the Board of Directors of the Company.
    [ ] FOR          [ ] AGAINST          [ ] ABSTAIN
7. To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before the meeting or
   any adjournments thereof.


     This Proxy is solicited on behalf of the Company's Board of Directors.

       This Proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned stockholder.  If no direction is made, this Proxy will
be voted FOR all nominees as directors,  FOR the proposal to ratify the issuance
of the 9%  Cumulative  Convertible  Preferred  Stock and approve the issuance of
shares of common stock upon conversion  thereof,  FOR the proposal to ratify the
$1.5 million  convertible term loan and approve the issuance of shares of common
stock upon the conversion of the principal balance of the loan, FOR the proposal
to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock, FOR the proposal to
approve an amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation to effect a reverse stock
split of the common stock,  and FOR the proposal to certify the  appointment  of
S.W. Hatfield + Associates as independent public accountants.

       Please sign exactly as your name appears on this Proxy Card. When signing
as attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee or  guardian,  please give full
title as such. If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by President
or other authorized officer.  If a partnership,  please sign in partnership name
by authorized person.

                                       DATED: _________________________   , 1999

                                       Signature of Stockholder

                                       Signature if held jointly

PLEASE mark,  sign,  date and return the Proxy Card promptly  using the enclosed