UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 6K REPORT OF FOREIGN ISSUER PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 AND 15d -16 UNDER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the month of January 1998 NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION (Name of Registrant) 251 Saulteaux Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3J 3C7 (Address of principal executive offices) 1. Financial Statements for the six months ended December 31, 1997 Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant files of will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F of Form 40-F. Form 20-F X Form 40-F ___ Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant by furnishing the information contained in this form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Yes ___ No X SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1943 , the registrant has duly cause this Form 6-K to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation -- SEC No. 0-27998 (Registrant) Date: January 31, 1998 By:/s/M. Seyed Torabian M. Seyed Torabian, Vice President/Director NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE Six months ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) ASSETS 1997 1996, CURRENT ASSETS Cash and short-term investments $4,129,498 $1,147,112 Accounts receivable 2,826,939 939,134 Inventories (Notes 4) 5,271,859 1,231,703 Prepaid expenses 680,412 38,063 12,908,708 3,356,012 INVESTMENT, NATIONAL HEALTHCARE LOGISTICS LLC, MEDI GUARD, INC. 2,486,032 445,518 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT USED IN OPERATIONS (Notes 5) 9,965.373 6,750,665 ASSETS UNDER DEVELOPMENT (Notes 6) 10,084,860 9,203,036 ------------ ----------- $35,444,972 $19,755,230 ============ =========== LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Cheques issued in excess of amounts on $944,897 $184,775 deposit Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 2,649,383 1,485,154 Current portion of long-term debt (Note 7) 874,134 - Current portion of obligations under capital leases (Note 8) 1,879,429 2,272,783 ---------- ---------- 6,347,843 3,942,712 LONG-TERM DEBT (Note 7) 11,257,822 3,116,196 OBLIGATIONS UNDER CAPITAL LEASES (Note 8) 4,730,610 6,277,899 DEFERRED FOREIGN EXCHANGE GAIN 60,803 165,018 LOANS PAYABLE TO SHAREHOLDERS AND RELATED COMPANIES (Note 9) 422,572 746,632 --------- --------- 22,819,650 14,248,457 ---------- ---------- SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Share capital (Note 11) 11,433,351 11,657,098 Warrants (Note 12) 12,093,206 - Deficit (10,901,236) (6,150,324) ----------- ---------- 12,625,322 5,506,774 ----------- ---------- $35,444,972 $19,755,230 =========== =========== NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances for the six months ended December 31, 1996) 1997 1996 REVENUES Sales (Note 14) $4,214,756 $1,555,845 Other 101,686 105,740 ---------- ---------- 4,316,442 1,661,585 ---------- ---------- COSTS AND EXPENSES Cost of sales 2,212,307 1,068,580 Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment 653,246 780,646 Interest on long-term debt 207,471 230,308 Other 14,326 46,600 Selling, distribution and administrative 3,349,984 1,605,235 ---------- ---------- 6,437,335 3,731,369 ---------- ---------- LOSS FROM OPERATIONS (2,120,893) (2,069,784) LOSS FROM INVESTEE (320,806) - ---------- ---------- NET LOSS (2,441,699) (2,069,784) ========== =========== BASIC LOSS PER SHARE $0.20 $0.19 ========== =========== WEIGHTED AVERAGE COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING 12,300,808 10,987,790 NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY FOR THE THREE MONTH ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances for the six months ended December 31, 1996) Class A Common Shares Shares Amount Paid in Deficit Total Capital Balances at June 30, 1994 - $- $- $- $- Issue of shares for cash 13,472 6,339,864 - - 6,339,864 Issue of shares for property 350 350,000 - - 350,000 Share split 7,884,468 - - - - Issue of shares for cash 1,680,000 136,800 - - 136,800 Net loss - - - (868,794) (868,794) ---------- --------- -------- --------- --------- Balances at June 30, 1995 9,578,290 6,826,664 - (868,794) 5,957,870 Issue of shares for cash 1,175,000 2,306,250 - - 2,306,250 ---------- --------- -------- --------- --------- Share issue costs - (455,563) - - (455,563) Net loss - - - (3,211,746)(3,211,746 ---------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- Balances at June 30, 1996 10,753,290 8,677,351 - (4,080,540) 4,596,811 Issue of shares for cash 67,125 140,812 - - 140,812 Issue of special warrants (Note 12) - - 12,315,000 - 12,315,000 Warrant issue costs - - (221,794) - (221,794) Exercise of warrants (Note 12) 250,000 500,000 - - 500,000 Net loss - - - (4,248,043)(4,248,043 ---------- -------- --------- ---------- ---------- Balances at June 30, 1997 11,070,415 $9,318,163 $12,093,206 $(8,328,583)$13,082,786 ========== ========== =========== =========== ========== Issue of shares for cash 37,500 91,440 - - 91,440 Issue of shares for property 225,000 1,552,500 - - 1,552,500 Exercise of warrants (Note 12) 1,141,416 471,248 - - 471,248 Net loss - - - (1,229,749) (1,229,749 ----------- ---------- -------- ----------- ---------- Balances at DECEMBER 31, 1997 12,474,331 $11,433,351 $12,093,206 $(9,558,332) $13,968,225 =========== =========== =========== ============ ========== NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances for the six months ended december 31, 1996) 1997 1996 CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net loss $(2,441,699) $(2,069,784) Items not affecting cash Amortization of deferred foreign exchange gain (2,733) - Depreciation and amortization 653,246 780,646 Loss from investee 320,806 - ----------- ----------- (1,470,380) (1,289,138) Net change in non-cash operating assets and liabilities Accounts receivable (999,730) (785,812) Inventories (2,421,846) (90,732) Prepaid expenses (315,414) 35,745 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,377,763 361,167 ----------- ---------- (3,829,607) (1,768,770) ----------- ----------- INVESTING ACTIVITIES Acquisition of property, plant and equipment (3,124,291) (630,599) Acquisition of National Care Products Ltd. - (896,447) Acquisition of shares in National Healthcare (2,465,482) (445,518) ----------- ---------- Logistics LLC (5,589,773) (1,972,564) ----------- ----------- FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from (repayment of) obligations under capital leases (613,498) (100,059) Proceeds from long-term debt 8,864,630 947,112 Deferred foreign exchange gain 9,408 (39,055) Advances from shareholders and related companies (1,636,684) 25,806 Net proceeds from issuance of Class A common shares 2,116,208 469,905 Net proceeds from issuance of warrants - 2,509,841 8,740,064 3,813,550 --------- ----------- INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH (679,317) 72,217 CASH, beginning of period 3,863,918 890,120 ----------- ----------- CASH, end of period $3,184,601 $962,337 =========== =========== Represented by: Cash and short-term investments - $360,052 Cheques issued in excess of funds on deposit 4,129,498 787,060 Bank Indebtedness (944,898) (184,775) ----------- ---------- $3,184,601 $962,337 ============ ========== Supplemental disclosure of cashflow information Cash paid for: Interest (net of amountcapitalized) $167,505 $138,809 ============ ========= Income Taxes NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 1. DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation (the "Company") was incorporated on August 23, 1993 under the Manitoba Corporations Act and registered as an extra provincial company in the Province of British Columbia on December 9, 1994. The Company is primarily engaged in the manufacturing, assembly and packaging of medical supplies for the healthcare industry. Its shares are traded on the Vancouver Stock Exchange. As of August 14, 1996, the shares of the Company were listed on the Small Cap board of NASDAQ Stock Market. These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada and conform in all material respects with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States, except as described in Note 19. All amounts are stated in Canadian dollars. 2. BUSINESS CONSIDERATIONS The Company has incurred significant upfront costs to establish an automated plant for the assembly and packaging of medical supplies which management believes is necessary to establish a strong market presence as a new entrant to the healthcare industry. The Company's objective is to produce and distribute custom products to users of medical and surgical devices throughout North America. During fiscal 1997, the Company successfully obtained certification for distribution of products in the United States from the Food and Drug Administration. Management's plans for fiscal 1998 are to obtain ISO 9001 certification, develop electronic data interchange, undertake research and development to streamline operations and expand product lines, and evaluate the acquisition of business with existing distribution networks in order to consolidate sales and marketing activities. The Company anticipates manufacturing products for national and regional distributing companies and intends to sell directly to homecare providers across Canada and the United States. The long-term growth plan of the Company includes the targeting of additional markets. The Company expects that private/original equipment manufacturers branding of products for other manufacturers and/or distributors will be handled directly by the Company. No formal agreements are in place at this time. The Company has incurred significant operating losses and business development costs to date and had a consolidated deficit from operations of $11,052,230 as at December 31, 1997. As at December 31, 1997, the Company had positive working capital, primarily due to additional funds raised through two private placements (see Note 12). The Company's ability to continue as a going concern is dependent upon developing profitable operations and obtaining additional funds needed to finance these development activities. These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis, which assumes that the Company will realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of operations. NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 3. ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of Consolidation These consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation, U.S., National Care Products Ltd and Medi Guard Inc. All significant intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated upon consolidation. The Company accounts for its investments in non-controlled investees using the equity method. Cash and Short-term Investments Cash and short-term investments consist principally of deposit instruments which are highly liquid and have original maturities of 90 days or less. Inventories Raw materials are valued at the lower of cost and replacement cost. Finished goods are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost is determined on the first in, first out basis. Property, Plant and Equipment Used in Operations Property, plant and equipment used in operations is recorded at cost less accumulated depreciation. Costs of additions, betterments, renewals and interest during development are capitalized. Depreciation is being provided for by the declining balance method at the following annual rates: Building, improvements and paving 4 - 8% Furniture and fixtures 20% Computer equipment 20 - 30% Machinery and equipment 20 - 30% Equipment under capital lease 30% NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 3. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) Assets under Development Assets under development are recorded at cost. Cost includes all expenditures incurred in acquiring the asset and preparing it for use. Interest costs on related debt obligations are capitalized until the asset is substantially completed and ready for its intended and productive use. Leases Leases entered into are classified as either capital or operating leases. Leases that transfer substantially all of the benefits and risks of ownership to the Company are accounted for as capital leases. At the time a capital lease is entered into, an asset is recorded together with a related long-term obligation. Equipment acquired under capital leases is being depreciated on the same basis as other fixed assets. Rental payments under operating leases are charged to expenses as incurred. Deferred Foreign Exchange Gain The deferred foreign exchange gain relates to the obligations under capital leases and is being amortized over the term of the respective leases. Revenue Recognition Sales revenues are recognized at the time of product shipment to distributors or customers. Foreign Currency Translation Foreign currency transactions are translated to Canadian dollars at the rate of exchange in effect on the dates they occur. Monetary assets and liabilities are subsequently adjusted to reflect the rate of exchange in effect at the balance sheet date. Exchange gains and losses arising on translation of monetary assets and liabilities are included in income, except for unrealized exchange gains and losses relating to the translation of the obligations under capital leases which are deferred and amortized over the remaining term of the leases. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingencies at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 3. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) Loss Per Share Loss per share data has been computed by dividing net loss by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the year. 4. INVENTORIES 1997 1996 Raw Materials $1,562,680 $ 492,681 Finished goods and samples 3,709,178 739,022 ---------- ------------ $5,271,859 $1,231,703 ========== ============ 5. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT USED IN OPERATIONS Accumulated Cost Depreciation Net Net Land $589,458 $- $589,458 $125,000 Building, improvements and paving 2,365,719 170,370 2,195,349 1,814,407 Furniture and fixters 359,675 79,811 279,864 208,018 Computer equipment 389,962 51,485 338,477 77,974 Machinery and equipment 5,444,386 1,023,978 4,420,408 1,949,350 Paving 9,400 1,290 8,110 8,788 Equipment under capital lease 4,211,479 2,077,772 2,133,707 2,567,129 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 13,370,079 $3,404,706 $9,965,373 $6,750,665 ========== ========== ========== ========== For the period ending December 31, 1997, no interest was capitalized to the equipment under capital lease (1996 - $nil). NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 6. ASSETS UNDER DEVELOPMENT 1997 1996 Machinery and equipment in storage $408,562 $408,562 Refundable deposit on equipment lease (Note 9) - 753,786 Equipment under capital lease (1194) 2,313,245 2,441,623 Equipment under capital lease (1094 B 001) 7,363,052 5,599,065 ---------- ---------- $10,084,860 $9,203,036 =========== ========== In fiscal 1997, the refundable deposit on equipment lease was applied against obligations under capital lease, in connection with the settlement as described in Note 9. During the period, interest of $109,151 (1996 - $127,234) has been capitalized to the equipment under capital lease 1094-001. 7. LONG-TERM DEBT 1997 1996 Western Economic Diversification, term loan matures December 1, 1999, unsecured, non-interest bearing, repayable in variable quarterly payments commencing December 1, 1997 $1,804,835 $1,503,050 Province of Manitoba, term loan, bears interest at the rate charged to Manitoba Crown Corporations for borrowings amortized over a ten year period (currently 8%), secured by a first fixed charge against land, buildings and equipment, and a second charge over accounts receivable and inventories, repayable in six consecutive monthly instalments of $30,000 each commencing May, 1999 and consecutive monthly instalments of $51,958 each thereafter, 2,174,126 1,613,140 until fully repaid The Western Economic Diversification loan represents subordinated financial assistance to a maximum of $1,937,852, to assist in capital costs, marketing cost, and working capital requirements. Under the terms of the loan agreement, the Company has agreed to maintain equity of not less than $2,200,000 and to postpone the repayment of shareholder loans and The company issued U.S. $5,000.000 in Convertible Debentures on October 1, 997. The Convertible Debentures bear interest of 6% annually and are convertible, upon approval by securities authorities, into Class A common shares of the Company at the lessor of the average quoted market price prior to conversion and $6.01. All 6,894,010 debentures must be converted within one year from the closing day. The Hong Kong Bank term loans are due by November 1, 2001, bear interest at the rate of Toronto Dominion Bank prime plus 2.5% - 3% and are repayable as follows: From April 1, 1997, 43 monthly payments of $7,824, followed by 8 payments of $6,886 followed by 1 498,830 payment of $6,886 followed by 7 payments of $2,500 plus interest The Business Development Bank of Canada term loans are due October 23, 2002, bears interest at the rate of 0.9% above the B.D.C. operational interest rate and is repayable as follows: From January 23, 1997, 60 monthly principal payments of $2,750 plus interest From January 23, 2002, 10 monthly principal payments of $3,500 plus interest The Business Development Bank of Canada working capital loan Is due December 23, 2002, bears interest at the rate of 3.5% above the Business Development Bank operational interest rate and is repayable as follows: From January 23, 1997, two monthly principal payments of $500 plus interest From March 23, 1997, 70 monthly principal payments 760,155 of $700 plus interest 12,131,956 3,116,196 (874,134) Less: current Portion 11,257,822 3,116,196 NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 7. LONG-TERM DEBT (continued) dividends until the loan is repaid in full. The Company has entered into an agreement with the Province of Manitoba for a term loan. The loan is subject to certain conditions which include minimum capital expenditures of $5,000,000, equity contributions of $4,700,000, achievement of certain sales targets and a minimum level of new job creation. A maximum of 42 months relief on interest has been granted to the Company, subject to the Company providing a certain number of new jobs per year.(See Note 18). The agreement provides for the acceleration of interest and principal in the event the Company fails to provide a certain number of jobs per year. Under the terms of the loan agreement, the Company has agreed to postpone the repayment of shareholder loans and dividends. Minimum principal repayments required under the terms of the debt agreements are as follows (including amounts advanced subsequent to June 30, 1997): 1998 $460,000 1999 $1,060,000 2000 $880,502 2001 $623,500 2002 $623,500 2003 $331,479 8. OBLIGATIONS UNDER CAPITAL LEASES The Company leases specialized equipment under three capital leases. The leases are held in U.S. dollars in the name of National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation, U.S. and are converted to Canadian dollars using the exchange rate as at December 31, 1997 as follows: Lease Lease Lease 1094-001 1094-002 1194 Total 1998 $1,170,542 $641,359 $699,193 $2,511,094 1999 1,170,542 641,359 291,330 2,103,232 2000 1,170,542 642.359 - 1,811,901 2001 975,452 641,359 - 1,616,811 2002 - - - - Total minimum lease payments 4,487,078 2,565,437 990,524 8,043,038 Less: amount representing interest approximating 10.4% to 11.5% 872,159 516,812 44,028 1,432,999 3,614,919 2,048,625 946,495 6,610,039 Less: Current portion 759,911 427,853 655,665 1,879,429 ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- $2,819,008 $1,620,772 $290,830 $4,730,610 ========== =========== ========= ========== Since fiscal 1995, the Company was in dispute with the original lessor in respect of capital leases 1094-001, 1094-002 and 1194. The lessor did not recognize the validity of a settlement agreement signed in fiscal 1995. The Company believed that it had strong arguments to support the validity of the settlement agreement. As a result, certain adjustments were made in 1995 to the various equipment under capital leases and the lease obligations based on the then interpretation of the settlement terms. During fiscal 1997, the dispute was finally settled and the leases were assumed by a new lessor. The terms were similar to the 1995 settlement agreement except for the following: i) The refundable deposit on equipment paid by the Company was applied against the lease liability by the lessor. ii)The implicit interest rate of the capital lease obligations was reduced as a result of the settlement. Accordingly, the capital lease obligations, the respective equipment under capital leases and the refundable deposit on equipment were adjusted accordingly. The above lease obligations reflect the new lease terms after settlement of the dispute with the lessor. NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 9. LOANS PAYABLE TO SHAREHOLDERS AND DIRECTOR-RELATED COMPANIES 1997 1996 Loans payable, shareholders $1,582,966 $746,632 Loans payable (advances to), director-related companies (1,160,394) - ----------- -------- ($422,572) $746,632 The loans payable to shareholders and director-related companies are unsecured, non-interest bearing, with no fixed terms of repayment. The terms of the government assistance agreement with Western Economic Diversification require that the Company obtain the consent of both the Minister of Western Economic Diversification and Manitoba Development Corporation prior to the repayment of shareholders loans. The shareholders and director-related companies have agreed to not demand repayment within fiscal 1998; accordingly these loans have been classified as non-current. 10.OPERATING EXPENSES The corporation subsidiary, Medi Guard Inc., has the following net operating lease commitments for space rentals and equipment. 1998 $ 252,687 1999 252,687 2000 252,687 2001 252,687 2002 189,419 $1,200,167 11. SHARE CAPITAL 1997 1996 Common Shares Authorized Unlimited Class A common shares, voting Issued 14,111,331 Class A common shares, net of issue costs (1996 - 10,987,790) $11,433,352 $9,147,256 Performance Shares The Company has issued 1,180,000 performance shares at a price of $.01 per share which are currently held in escrow pursuant to an Escrow Agreement dated June 29, 1995. The escrow restrictions contained in the Escrow Agreement provide that the shares may not be traded in, dealt with in any manner whatsoever, or released, nor may the Company, its transfer agent or escrow holder make any transfer or record any trading of the shares without the consent of the Superintendent of Brokers for British Columbia or, while the shares are listed on the Vancouver Stock Exchange, the consent of the Exchange. For each $.09 of cumulative cash flow generated by the Company from its operations, one performance share may be released from escrow. NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 11. SHARE CAPITAL (continued) Stock Options The Company has issued options to certain directors and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries to purchase common shares of the Company, as follows: Date of Issuance 1997 1996 Options outstanding, beginning of year 1,367,654 957,829 Options granted - 536,950 Options exercised (37,500) (67,125) Options cancelled or expired - (60,000) Options outstanding, end of year 1,330,154 1,367,654 Exercise prices of options granted during the year $3.81 - $6.13 Expiry date of options Aug 11,2001 and granted during the year June 3, 2002 Certain restrictions and obligations have been placed upon certain management personnel with respect to the exercise of their stock options and the sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition of their stock options or shares issued to them upon exercise of their stock options, as a condition of the government assistance received from the Province of Manitoba. 12. WARRANTS The Company has issued various types of warrants, as follows: Agent's Warrants In connection with its initial public offering the Company issued to an agent non-transferable share purchase warrants entitling the agent to purchase up to 250,000 shares at any time up to the close of business two years from the date the shares are listed, posted and called for trading on the Vancouver Stock Exchange, at a price of $2.00 per share in the first year and at a price of $2.30 per share in the second year. As at June 30, 1997, all agents warrants had been exercised. Special Warrants On June 26, 1996, the Board of Directors passed a resolution authorizing a private placement of up to 1,200,000 special warrants at a price of $3.00 per warrant. On July 31, 1996, a total of 905,000 special warrants were issued for gross proceeds of $2,715,000. The special warrants NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 12.WARRANTS (continued) Special Warrants (continued) were issued as a fully paid security and each special warrant is exercisable into one Class A common share and one transferable Class A share purchase warrant. Each Class A share purchase warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional Class A share at a price of $3.50 per share. The warrants are exercisable at the earlier of eighteen months from the closing date or six months after the date of the last receipt for the prospectus. The Company paid the agent commission equal to 7% of the aggregate proceeds and issued 75,416 broker's warrants which represent 8.3333% of the special warrants sold pursuant to the offering. Each broker's warrant is exercisable into one compensation warrant. Each compensation warrant entitles the broker to purchase one Class A share at a price of $3.00 per share. On January 8, 1997, the Company closed a second private placement of 1,600,000 special warrants at a price of $6.00 per special warrant. Each special warrant entitled the holder, upon exercise, to acquire one unit consisting of one Class A share and one-half of one non- transferable share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant entitled the holder to purchase one additional Class A share at a price of $7.00 per share. Because receipts for the prospectus filed by the Company to qualify the units were not obtained from all relevant regulatory authorities within 120 days from the date of closing the private placement, each unit now consists of one Class A share and one (rather than one-half) non-transferable share purchase warrant. The Company raised gross proceeds of $9,600,000 from this private placement and incurred a commission of 8% of gross proceeds which was paid by the issuance of 128,000 special warrants at a deemed price of $6.00 per special warrant. All of the above special warrants and broker's warrants were outstanding at September 30, 1997. 13.INCOME TAXES The Company has non-capital losses carried forward of approximately $10,990,000 (1996 - $4,883,000) which can be utilized to reduce the taxable income of future years. The Company is also entitled to tax credits of approximately $244,000 (1996 - $227,000) which are creditable against provincial income taxes. The benefits relating to the losses and the tax credits have not been recognized in the financial statements and the losses expire as follows: 2002 $ 101,000 2003 6,006,000 2004 1,887,000 2012 2,996,000 $ 10,990,000 NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 13.INCOME TAXES (continued) The tax credits available to the Company begin to expire in 2002. 14.SEGMENTED INFORMATION The Company operates primarily in, and derives revenue from, the automated packaging and sale of surgical and custom procedure trays and liquid products for the healthcare industry segment. A significant portion of the Company's sales during the year were to customers in a foreign country: 1997 1996 Sales to customers outside Canada $2,318,115 $656,808 Sales to customers within Canada 1,896,641 899,038 ---------- --------- $4,214,756 $1,555,845 ========== ========== 15.RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company also serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of another company which has granted National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation rights to certain technology under a licensing agreement made under similar terms and conditions as transactions with unrelated entities. The license agreement, dated May 30, 1995, is for an initial term of ten years with provisions for renewal for consecutive ten year terms thereafter. National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation has agreed to purchase all automated machinery from this related company, subject to the terms of a twenty year agreement between the related company and a manufacturer. The related company has granted the manufacturer the exclusive right to manufacture all machinery and equipment which incorporates the said technology, and the related company has agreed to purchase products only from the manufacturer. The related party has agreed to sell machinery and equipment to National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation at its cost. During the quarter, the Company paid $nil (1996 - $45,000) for such machinery and equipment. The above transactions are measured at the exchange amount, which is the amount of consideration established and agreed to by the related parties. NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 16.BUSINESS ACQUISITIONS Acquisition of Medi Guard Inc. Effective November 1, 1997, the Company acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of Medi Guard Inc. The results of operations have been included in the accounts of the Company from the effective date of acquisition. Pro-forma results of operations have not been presented for the full year as it would not be materially different from the 1997 results of operations. 17.COMPARATIVE FIGURES Certain of the prior years figures have been reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation. 18.SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Additional Investment in National Healthcare Logistics LLC Subsequent to December 31, 1997, the Company acquired an additional 166 2/3 Class C preferred shares of National Healthcare Logistics LLC, for cash consideration of $346,211. NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 19. UNITED STATES GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (U.S. GAAP) The Company has applied for registration under the 1934 Act with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Effective July 31, 1996, the Company obtained formal approval for quotation of its securities on NASDAQ in the United States. A description of the Company's accounting principles which differ significantly from U.S. GAAP follows: Foreign Currency Translation Unrealized exchange gains and losses relating to the translation of the obligation under capital leases are deferred and amortized over the remaining term of the leases. Under U.S. GAAP, these exchange gains and losses would be recognized in income currently. Earnings Per Share Under U.S. GAAP, the Company would not include the 1,180,000 performance shares held in escrow in the calculation of the weighted average number of shares used to determine earnings per share. The release of these performance shares will result in recognition of compensation expense under U.S. GAAP based on market value of the shares when released from escrow. Deferred Taxes Under U.S. GAAP, deferred taxes are provided on all temporary differences. Temporary differences encompass timing differences and other events that create differences between the tax basis of an asset or liability and its reported amount in the financial statements. A deferred tax asset is recorded in a loss period and is reduced by a valuation allowance to the extent it is more likely than not that the deferred tax asset will not be realized. For U.S. GAAP purposes, a valuation allowance equal to the tax loss benefits referred to in Note 13 would be disclosed. Fair Value of Other Financial Instruments and Other Disclosures The carrying amount of the following instruments approximate fair value because of the short maturity of these instruments B cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, and current portion of obligations under capital leases. The application of U.S. GAAP, as described above, would have had the following effects on net loss, loss per share and shareholders equity. NATIONAL HEALTHCARE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 (with comparative balances as at December 31, 1996) 19.UNITED STATES GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (U.S. GAAP) (continued) Fair Value of Other Financial Instruments and Other Disclosures (continued) 1997 1996 Net loss as reported $(2,346,898) $(2,069,784) Deferred foreign exchange gain (loss) (2,733) (39,055) Net loss B U.S. GAAP $(2,349,631) $(2,108,839) Weighted average shares outstanding - U.S. 11,120,808 9,612,478 GAAP Loss per share B U.S. GAAP $(0.21) $(0.22) Shareholders equity as reported $13,968,225 $5,506,773 Deferred foreign exchange gain 60,803 165,018 Shareholders equity B U.S. GAAP $14,029,028 $5,671,791 Newly issued, but not yet adopted, U.S. accounting principles are not expected to have a material impact on these consolidated financial statements. FORM 61 QUARTERLY REPORT Incorporated as part of: _____Schedule A X Schedules B & C ISSUER DETAILS: NAME OF ISSUER National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation ISSUERS'S ADDRESS 251 Saulteaux Crescent, Winnipeg Manitoba, R3J 3C7 ISSUER TELEPHONE NUMBER 204-885-5555 CONTACT PERSON Mr. Mac Shahsavar CONTACT'S POSITION President / CEO CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 204-885-5555 FOR QUARTER ENDED December 31, 1997 DATE OF REPORT February 27, 1998 CERTIFICATE THE SCHEDULE(S) REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THIS QUARTERLY REPORT ARE ATTACHED AND THE DISCLOSURE CONTAINED THEREIN HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. A COPY OF THIS QUARTERLY REPORT WILL BE PROVIDED TO ANY SHAREHOLDER WHO REQUESTS IT. PLEASE NOTE THIS FORM IS INCORPORATED AS PART OF BOTH THE REQUIRED FILING OF SCHEDULE A AND SCHEDULES B & C. "Mac Jamshidi Shahsavar" 1998/02/27 NAME OF DIRECTOR DATE SIGNED (YY/MM/DD) "Seyed Morteza Torabian" 1998/02/27 SCHEDULE "B" SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION SCHEDULE "B" SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1. For the current fiscal year-to-date: Aggregate amount of expenditures made to parties not at arms length from Issuer is $312,300 in management salaries to December 31, 1997. 2. Quarter in Review (a) Summary of securities issued during the quarter ended December 31, 1997. No. of shares Amount (CDN$) ------------- ------------- Authorized (common): Unlimited # Class A Common shares Issued & Outstanding: 12,474,331 $13,681,833.30 Beginning of Period Please note that the following warrants which were exercised originate from the Private Placement of 1,600,000 special warrants completed on January 8, 1997 and which became free trading as of December 19, 1997. Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 17,000 warrants (by brokered 17,000 $102,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 17,000 warrants (by brokered 17,000 $102,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 17,000 warrants (by brokered 17,000 $102,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 1,150,000 warrants (by brokered 1,150,000 $6,900,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 17,000 warrants (by brokered 17,000 $102,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 36,000 warrants (by brokered 36,000 $216,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 17,000 warrants (by brokered 17,000 $102,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 36,000 warrants (by brokered 36,000 $216,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 17,000 warrants (by brokered 17,000 $102,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 17,000 warrants (by brokered 17,000 $102,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 100,000 warrants (by brokered 100,000 $600,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 34,000 warrants (by brokered 34,000 $204,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 17,000 warrants (by brokered 17,000 $102,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 17,000 warrants (by brokered 17,000 $102,000.00 Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) Dec. 31, 1997 - Exercise of 128,000 warrants (by brokered 128,000 *see below Private placement at $6.00Cdn/share) --------- ------------ End of Period 14,111,331 $22,735,833.30 ========== ============== * In accordance with the provisions of the Agency Agreement entered into between the Issuer and Yorkton Securities Inc. A commission in the amount of 128,000 special warrants was issued to Yorkton securities. 3. As at end of quarter (December 31, 1997): (a) Authorized Capital: Unlimited # Class "A" Shares Shares Issued and Outstanding: 14,111,331 (b) Summary of Options Outstanding: Date of Agreement Option Type No. of Shares Exercise Price Expiry Date - --------------- ----------- ------------- -------------- -------------- June 29, 1995 5 employees 166,500 $2.00 November 30, 2000 June 29, 1995 7 directors 625,852 $2.00 November 30, 2000 Sept.14, 1995 1 director 20,000 $2.00 November 30, 2000 Oct. 7, 1996 8 employees 35,875 $3.81 August 11, 2001 Oct. 7, 1996 4 directors 114,000 $3.81 August 11, 2001 June 3, 1997 4 directors 38,950 $6.13 June 3, 2002 June 3, 1997 44 employees 284,250 $6.13 June 3, 2002 _______ TOTAL 1,285,427 (c) Summary of Special Warrants Financing: A total of 905,000 Special Warrants have been converted into common shares and equal amount of share purchase warrants at $3.50 as of August 7, 1997. The following are still outstanding: Date of Agreement No. of share Price Expiry Agreement Type Places Purchase Warrants per Share Date - ---------- --------- ------ ----------------- --------- ------ August 7, 1996 Brokered BPI Cdn Small Co. Fund 500,000 $3.50 2/1/98 Private Placement (trustee for Torbay & Co.) August 7, 1996 Brokered Origin Capital Inv. Club 200,000 $3.50 2/1/98 Private Placement (Trustees for Investor Co.) August 7, 1996 Brokered Xerxes Venture Capital 35,000 $3.50 2/1/98 Private Placement Fund Ltd. August 7, 1996 Brokered Montreal Trust of Canada 100,000 $3.50 2/1/98 Private Placement (trustee for Montowr & Co.) _______ TOTAL 835,000 Effective to date, only Origin Capital and Xerxes Venture Capital have exercised their warrants, with the remaining Placees allowing them to expire. (d) Summary of Special Warrants Outstanding: Date of Agreement No. of Class Price Expiry Agreement Type Places Warrants per Share Date - --------- --------- ------ ------------ --------- --------- Sept. 12,1997 Share Purchase Importex Inc. 150,000 $ 6.90 2/3/98 Options $ 7.94 2/3/99 Date of Agreement No. of Price Expiry Agreement Type Places Common Shares per Share Date - --------- --------- ------ -------------- --------- -------- Oct. 2/97 6% Convertible -Shaar Fund (*) (*) 10/1/98(**) Note -Lansdowne Prop. Holding Corp. (f) Total no. of shares in escrow: 1,180,000 (g) List of Directors: Mahmood (Mac) Shahsavar Seyed Torabian Robert Jackson Gordon Farrimond Elaine Affleck Ross Scavuzzo Reg Ebbeling Aristotle Mercury Jack Tapper (*) The Convertible Debentures are convertible into shares of the Company's Common Stock at a conversion price equal to the lower of the average closing bid price of a share of Common Stock over the five consecutive trading days prior to (a) the October 1st closing date or (b) 85% of average closing price on conversion date. (**) Unless earlier converted, the Convertible Debentures will be automatically converted into Common Stock on October 1, 1998. Please Management Discussion (here attached) for more details. SCHEDULE "C" MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION For the three month period ending December 31st, 1997 National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation (NHMC), is pleased to report continued development and progress of the Corporation. Our active second quarter for fiscal 1998 was highlighted by the following; - completion of US$ 5 million financing - the signing of agreement to purchase Medi Guard Inc. - appointment of senior management as new officers in the corporation - introduction of third and fourth generation robotic technology - announcement of first quarter revenues US$ 5 Million Private Placement NHMC announced the completion of a US $ 5 million private placement through the issuance of Convertible Notes and intends to utilize the net proceeds from the private placement to facilitate its expanded growth and finance future acquisitions. The Notes, issued to two European funds, are convertible into units consisting of Convertible Debentures and Warrants entitling the holders to purchase up to 250,000 shares of Common Stock of the Company upon registration with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and a receipt being issued for the company's prospectus by the B.C. Securities Commission. The Convertible Debentures are convertible into shares of the Company's Common Stock at a conversion price equal to the lower of the average closing bid price of a share of Common Stock over the five consecutive trading days prior to (a) the October 1st closing date or (b) 85% of average closing price on conversion date. Unless earlier converted, the Convertible Debentures will be automatically converted into Common Stock on October 1, 1998. The Convertible Notes bear cumulative dividends at the rate of 6% per annum, payable in cash or in Common Stock. The Warrants have a term of two years and are exercisable at 110% and 120% of the average closing price if exercised within the first year or the second year from the Closing Date, respectively. The company has paid 5% commission in connection with this private placement to Corporate Capital Management. Signing of Agreement to Purchase Medi Guard The Company announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to purchase 100% of privately held Medi Guard Inc. of Oakville, Ontario. Medi Guard Inc. is Canada's leading manufacturer of cellulose based disposable protective products for medical use. These products include examination gowns, drapes, table paper, bibs, towels, and aprons. The company also produces a line of single use products for airline in flight services. In 1995 Medi Guard revenues were $770,000, which increased to $2.8 million in 1996, with similar growth projected for 1997. Completion of this acquisition was subject to VSE approval which was granted on January 29, 1998. The acquisition of Medi Guard and the inclusion of their products in our procedure trays and custom kits is consistent with enhances NHMC's vertical integration strategy. Also, NHMC's existing distribution channels in Canada, Europe & the United States will further assist in rapid growth of Medi Guard product sales. Appointment of Officers and Directors Pursuant to November 28, 1997 annual general meeting held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, NHMC included the following senior management as new officers in the corporation: Mr. Jack Tapper, B.A., B.Comm. (Hons), C.A., Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Director Ms. Nancy Clark, RN, MBA, Vice President of Operations. Ms. Clark has 25 years experience in the healthcare industry, both as a nursing instructor and in material management / purchasing with various healthcare institutions. Mr. Patrick Patterson, to General Manager of the NHMC Winnipeg manufacturing facility. Third Generation Technology Revealed The Company held an open house and ribbon cutting ceremony to introduce National Healthcare's recently installed third generation robotic technology. Amongst the attending shareholders, brokers and media reporters were various MP's present to view the technology and meet management. The presentation was held on Thursday, December 4, 1997 at 10:00 am at our head office and manufacturing facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba. To facilitate its internal growth, NHMC has intensified its sales and marketing efforts in the United States. An experienced group of dedicated US sales representatives specializing in the health care industry have generated tremendous exposure resulting in a significant increase in revenues. Significant effects of this sales team will be experienced over the next few quarters. NHMC will continue to grow both internally and through joint ventures and/or a strategic acquisition strategy. National Healthcare is rapidly emerging as a market leader capable of providing the healthcare industry with a comprehensive array of products and services that incorporate custom packaging, sterile re-packing and laundry services, along with the state of the art supply management distribution technology. In the past two years NHMC has broadened its multi-faceted mandate to include: 1. Logistics and distribution centers (Hub & Spoke) where NHMC in partnership with hospitals and/or SYSCO Corp.(NYSE: SYY) designs and implements centralized logistic services for regional authorities. NHMC Hub & Spokes centers will also be enhanced by construction of facilities where reusable products such as Mertex and other protective wear will be packed, sterilized and delivered daily to hospitals. 2. Packaging services where NHMC (utilizing its state-of-the-art robotic technology) will provide procedure based disposable kits and trays to meet most procedural supply needs in hospitals. By centralizing these services within the Hub & Spoke Centers, NHMC expects to deliver significant cost savings to healthcare systems while providing high levels of customer focused service. We will continue our pursuit for innovative products and services to further minimize healthcare costs to end users. NHMC's management and employees are genuinely committed to the Company's growth and success. This dedication combined with our shareholders loyalty and confidence has enhanced our ability to prosper. Thank you for your support. Please feel free to contact either Dexter or Alex in our Vancouver office with any comments you may have. We will continue to inform you of our progress. Sincerely, /S/ M. Seyed Torabian M. Seyed Torabian, P.Eng. Executive Vice-President/Director