Washington, D.C.  20549

                                  FORM 6K

For the month of April 1998

                           (Name of Registrant)

        251 Saulteaux Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada   R3J 3C7
                 (Address of principal executive offices)

1.   News Release April 6, 1998

2.   Material Change Report April 7, 1998

Indicate  by  check mark whether the Registrant files of will  file  annual
reports under cover of Form 20-F of Form 40-F.
                         Form 20-F  X   Form 40-F ___

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant by furnishing the information
contained  in this form is also thereby furnishing the information  to  the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act  of
1934.          Yes ___   No   X

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1943  ,  the
registrant has duly cause this Form 6-K to be signed on its behalf  by  the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation -- SEC No. 0-27998

Date: April 7, 1998                     By:/s/ M. Seyed Torabian
                                           M. Seyed Torabian,
                                           Vice President/Director
National Healthcare Manufacturing Corp.      Simplex Medical Systems Inc.
(NASDAQ: NHMCF/VSE:NHM)                      (OTC BB: SMLX)
251 Saulteaux Crescent                       430 Ansin Blvd., Suite G
Winnipeg, MB  R3J 3C7                        Hallandale, FL  33009

Contact: Alex P. Tsakumis                    Contact: Henry B. Schur
(800)883-8841 / (604)689-8337                (954)455-0110 / (954)455-9008
Internet: www.nationalhealthcare.com


March  18, 1998 - National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation (NHMC)  and
Simplex Medical Systems Inc. (SMS) are pleased to announce signing  a  long
term  supply/purchase agreement.  NHMC's manufacturing facility in Antioch,
Illinois,  will  exclusively  package, in  one  of  its  patented  delivery
systems,  all of the buffer solution manufactured and used in SMS's  unique
HIV  Diagnostic Test Kit. Production of the test kits using the new  buffer
will start April 1st, 1998.  SMS will introduce the new test kits into  its
manufacturing, sales and marketing program immediately thereafter.

In  addition,  NHMC  and  SMS  have begun negotiations  on  developing  and
manufacturing  the  next  generation test kit which  will  incorporate  the
advanced  packaging concepts of NHMC into a fully integrated, user friendly
line  of  rapid, saliva-based point-of-use testing systems which  SMS  will
distribute throughout its distribution network.

SMS is engaged in the development, manufacturing, acquisition and marketing
of  a variety of products in the medical and dental industry.  All of SMS's
products   are  manufactured  in  the  United  States  in  FDA   registered
facilities. Some of the Company's products are currently approved for  sale
in  Venezuela,  Spain,  Costa Rica and other countries  around  the  world.
Ongoing registrations are in progress in China, Europe and India.

Darrell  Van Dyke, Vice President of NHMC stated,  We are very  pleased  to
have  this  relationship  with  the most  innovative  company  in  the  HIV
Diagnostic   Test  Kit  marketplace.   This  agreement  lends   significant
credibility  to  the  use  of  our unique patented  liquid/powder  delivery
systems in various venues of the medical industry.

Tom  Glickman,  Vice President of Marketing for SMS commented  that,   This
association  with  a proven innovator and leader in the  medical  packaging
field will enable SMS to rapidly move forward to advance its R&D efforts to
bring new and valuable diagnostic tools to the medical community.

This agreement provides NHMC with an immediate presence in the ever growing
$1 billion diagnostic kit industry.

NHMC is rapidly emerging as a market leader whose mission is to bring about
cost  reduction  in  the healthcare industry by providing  a  comprehensive
array of innovative products and services that incorporate unique products,
custom  packaging,  along  with  the state of  the  art  supply  management
distribution technology.

On Behalf of the Board (NHMC),               On Behalf of the Board (SMS),

/s/M. Seyed Torabian                         /s/Nicholas Levendoski
- ----------------------------                 ---------------------------
M. Seyed Torabian, P.Eng.                    Nicholas Levandoski
Executive Vice President                     President

Neither  NASDAQ nor the VSE have reviewed or accept responsibility for  the
accuracy of this release.

April 7, 1998

B.C. Securities Commission
1100 - 865 Hornby Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V7Z 2H4

ATTN: Statutory Filing

RE: Material Change Report

Dear Sir/Madam,

Following   please  find  National Healthcare  Manufacturing  Corporation's
Material Change Report/Form 27 dated April 7, 1998.

Should  you have any questions or need more information, please contact  me
at (604) 689-8581.


/s/ Seyed Torabian
- -------------------------
Seyed Torabian, P.Eng.
Executive Vice Presiden

copy:VSE Listings Dept.
     Manitoba Securities Commission
     U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
     Standard & Poor's
     Maitland & Company
                                  FORM 27
Item 1.        Reporting Issuer

          National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation
          251 Saulteaux Crescent
          Winnipeg, Manitoba
          R3J 3C7

Item 2.        Date of Material Change

          April 6, 1998

Item 3.        Press Release

          News  release  and  notice of dissemination were  issued  to  the
          Vancouver  Stock  Exchange on April 6, 1998 and disseminated  via
          Canadian  Corporate  News,  Market New Publishing  and  Vancouver

Item 4.        Summary of Material Change

          The Issuer announces that it has completed a US$6,750,000 private
          placement through the issuance of 6% Convertible Notes.

Item 5.        Full Description of Material Change

          Please  refer  to the attached News Release of the  Issuer  dated
          April 6, 1998.

Item 6.        Reliance in Section 67(2) of the Act

          If  the report is being filed on a confidential basis in reliance
          on Section 67(2) of the Act, state the reason for such reliance.


Item 7.        Omitted Information


Item 8.        Senior Officer

          M.  Seyed Torabian, the Executive Vice-President and Director  of
          the  Issuer, is knowledgeable about the material change and  this
          report  and  may  be contacted at (604) 689 -  8581  for  further

Item 9.        Statement of Senior Officer

          The  foregoing accurately discloses the material change  referred
          to herein.

Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, this 7th day of April, 1998.

National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation

Per: /s/Seyed Torabian
     Seyed Torabian, P.Eng.
     Executive Vice-President/Director

                                    National Healthcare Manufacturing Corp.
                                                   (NASDAQ:NHMCF / VSE:NHM)
                                                  Contact: Alex P. Tsakumis
                                             (800) 883-8841 / (604)689-8581

                     COMPLETES US $6,750,000 FINANCING
April  6,  1998 - National Healthcare Manufacturing Corporation  (NHMC)  is
pleased  to  announce  the completion of a US$6,750,000  private  placement
through  the   issuance  of  6%  Convertible  Notes.  The  Debentures   are
convertible into Class A shares at a conversion price of 85% of the average
closing  bid  price  for  the five trading days immediately  preceding  the
conversion  notice.  The notes carry a maximum price  of  US  $3.50  and  a
rolling floor price of US $2.50.

The  Notes are convertible upon registration with the SEC and 120  days  as
required  by  the B.C. Securities Commission. A commission of 5%  has  been
paid   in  connection  with  this financing. The Company  is  also  issuing
337,500  Warrants  which are exercisable at 110% and 120%  of  the  average
closing  price exercised within the first year or the second year from  the
Closing Date.

Mac Shahsavar, President & CEO stated,   This arrangement will enable us to
close   the  chapter  on  previous  financing  by  redeeming  the   October
convertible  note  holder,  and to refocus our  attention  on  growth  both
internally and through acquisitions and joint ventures.

NHMC  is rapidly emerging as the market leader in reducing healthcare costs
by providing a comprehensive array of innovative products and services that
incorporate unique techniques,  custom packaging, along with a state of the
art supply management distribution technology.

On Behalf of the Board,

/s/M. Seyed Torabian
- ----------------------------
M. Seyed Torabian, P.Eng.
Executive Vice President

 Neither NASDAQ nor the VSE have reviewed or accept responsibility for the
                         accuracy of this release.