Brokerage Contract
                             Daymon Associates, Inc.

This agreement is made on (mo/day/yr) January/10/2005  between
(Company Name)                Source Direct Holdings Inc.
(Address)          4323 Commerce Cicle
(City)       Idaho Falls                          (State)     ID        83401
(Phone)        (208)529-4114                      (Fax)      (208) 529-3054

hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier" and Daymon Associates, Inc., a
corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware,
having its Corporate Office in Stamford, Connecticut, hereinafter referred to as
the "Broker."

Supplier, in consideration of agreements set forth to be performed by the
Broker, agrees that the Broker will act as its exclusive sales agent and Broker
in connection with all sales and/or contracts for merchandise designated to
Costco Warehouses in the following regions:
                  Domestic                                    International
                  --------                                    -------------
                  Bay Area                                    Japan
                  Los Angeles Region                          Korea
                  Midwest Region                              Taiwan
                  Northeast Region                            United Kingdom
                  Northwest Region
                  San Diego Region
                  Southeast Region
                  Texas Region
                  Mexico Region
                  Eastern Canada Region
                  Western Canada Region

The accounts of Daymon Associates agreed upon shall be as follows:Costco world
wide, HEB Stores, Super S Stores and open to other stores as we roll out the

The merchandise covered by this agreement includes all products manufactured by
the Supplier and also any additional items Supplier may stock for resale.

The following are the terms and conditions between the Supplier and the Broker:

1.       Supplier's Duties and Commissions. Supplier agrees to pay Broker a
         commission on such products sold, shipped and invoiced to Costco within
         the above-defined territory.

         a)       Commissions shall be based on the gross amount of sales
                  generated. Gross sales shall be defined as the amount of the
                  invoice, less any cash discounts.

         b) Commissions shall be computed at the following rate or rates: 3% .

         c)       Payment of all commissions earned shall be made on or before
                  the 15th day of the month, following the month in which the
                  invoices subject to commissions have been issued. All
                  commissions shall be paid in U.S. dollars and sent to Daymon
                  Associates, Inc., PO Box 2404, Grand Central Station, New
                  York, NY 10163.

         d)       Monthly payment of Broker's commissions shall be accompanied
                  by an individual commission statement summary, prepared by
                  Supplier, which includes purchase orders and dollar amounts on
                  which the commissions have been computed.

         e)       Supplier agrees to mail to Broker copies of any and all
                  customer invoices or credit memos covering sales within the
                  indicated territory. Said copies shall be mailed on the date
                  of invoicing to Broker at the following address: Daymon
                  Associates, Inc., 700 Fairfield Ave., Stamford, CT 06092.

2. Broker Duties. Broker agrees to act as follows:

         a)       To devote its efforts to the sale of Supplier's products
                  during the term of the agreement. Broker will provide weekly
                  sales data, by location and analytical services of such data.
                  Broker will devote adequate facilities and personnel to
                  perform the services required in this agreement.

         b)       To make all sales subject to Supplier's prices, terms and
                  conditions in conformation with the amounts authorized by and
                  to customers approved by Supplier.

3.        Indemnity.  Supplier  agrees to protect,  defend,  indemnify  and hold
          harmless  Broker  from  and  against  any  and  all  claims,  actions,
          liabilities,  losses,  cost and expenses  arising out of any actual or
          alleged injury,  sickness,  disease or death of any person,  damage to
          any  property  or any other  damage  or loss,  by  whomever  suffered,
          resulting or claimed to result,  in whole or in part,  from any actual
          or alleged defect in any merchandise  sold by Supplier through Broker,
          or for which Broker has earned a  commission.  The term "defect in any
          merchandise"  as used  in this  agreement  shall  include,  but not be
          limited  to,  any actual or alleged  failure  of said  merchandise  to
          comply with  specifications or with any express or implied warranty of
          Supplier,  or arising out of any actual or alleged  violation  by such
          merchandise,  its  manufacturer,  possession  or  sale,  of  any  law,
          statute,  ordinance  or  governmental  administrative  order,  rule or

4.       Insurance. Supplier shall carry and maintain during the entire term of
         Broker's representation of Supplier's merchandise, a broad form of
         comprehensive public liability insurance policy, and agrees to furnish
         Broker with a certificate of such insurance coverage showing the
         effective dates thereof.

5.       Independent Contractor. It is understood by the parties that the
         Supplier shall not exercise any control over the activities or
         operation of Broker and that each party recognize that Broker is an
         independent contractor and free agent.

6.       Term of Agreement and Termination. This agreement shall be for a term
         of one year from the date hereof and will renew automatically for
         successive terms of one year thereafter: provided however, that either
         party may terminate this agreement on written notice 90 days before the
         renewal date of this agreement. Termination of this agreement for any
         reason by either party shall not void the liability of Supplier to
         Broker for commissions with respect to orders and contracts accepted by
         Supplier prior to the effective date of such termination, regardless of
         when such shipments are made or invoices rendered.

7.       Entire Agreement. This agreement contains the agreement of the parties,
         and contains all terms and conditions agreed to between the parties.

8.       Successors, Alteration and Assignment. This agreement shall be binding
         upon any and all successors and assigns of Supplier and Broker,
         including but not limited to parties acquiring Supplier or Broker by
         stock acquisition merger, or acquisition of substantially all the
         assets of Supplier or Broker, or of the division of Supplier identified
         in the first paragraph of this agreement. However, the Broker's duties
         under this agreement may not be assigned without Supplier's written
         consent. The agreement may be altered only in writing signed by both

In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement the day and year
first above written.

Supplier:         /s/ L. Gordon Sage
         By:      L. Gordon Sage
         Title:   V.P. Sales

Broker:  Daymon Associates, Inc.

         By: /s/
         Title:   VP