(Rule 14A-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [x]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[  ] Preliminary Proxy Statement   [  ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission
                                         Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[x]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[  ] Definitive Additional Materials

[  ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                               LMI AEROSPACE, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[x]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

          1)   Title to each class of securities to which transaction applies:

          2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

          3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
               the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

          4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

          5)   Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of  the fee  is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

           1) Amount Previously Paid:

           2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

           3) Filing Party:

           4) Date Filed:

                               LMI Aerospace, Inc.
                                3600 Mueller Road
                           St. Charles, Missouri 63301


                            To Be Held on June 29, 2004


     The Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of LMI  Aerospace,  Inc.,  a Missouri
corporation  (the  "Company"),  will be held at the Four Points  Sheraton,  3400
Rider Trail South, St. Louis, Missouri 63045, beginning at 10:00 a.m. local time
on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 for the following purposes:

     1.   to elect  three  Class III  Directors  for a term  expiring in 2007 or
          until his successor is elected and qualified;

     2.   to ratify the selection of BDO Seidman,  LLP to serve as the Company's
          independent auditor; and

     3.   to transact such other business as may properly come before the
          meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on May 14, 2004, as
the record date for the determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of and
to  vote  at the  Annual  Meeting  and any  adjournment  thereof.  A list of all
shareholders  entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting,  arranged in alphabetical
order and showing the address of and number of shares  registered in the name of
each  shareholder,  will be open during usual business hours for the examination
by any  shareholder  for any purpose  germane to the Annual Meeting for ten days
prior to the Annual Meeting at the office of the Company set forth above.

     A copy of the Company's  annual  report for its fiscal year ended  December
31, 2003, accompanies this notice.

                                    By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                     LAWRENCE E. DICKINSON

St. Charles, Missouri

May 25, 2004


                               LMI Aerospace, Inc.
                                3600 Mueller Road
                           St. Charles, Missouri 63301

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of LMI Aerospace,
Inc. (the  "Company") to be voted at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of the
Company to be held at the Four  Points  Sheraton,  3400 Rider Trail  South,  St.
Louis,  Missouri 63045,  beginning at 10:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, June 29,
2004, or at any adjournment  thereof. The accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting,
this Proxy  Statement  and the enclosed  form of proxy are first being mailed or
given to  shareholders  on or about May 25,  2004.  Whether or not you expect to
attend the meeting in person,  please return your executed proxy in the enclosed
envelope and the shares  represented  thereby will be voted in  accordance  with
your wishes.

     Solicitation  of  proxies  is being  made by the  Company  and will be made
primarily by mail. In addition to solicitation by mail, officers,  directors and
employees of the Company may solicit personally, by mail or telephone if proxies
are not promptly received. The cost of solicitation will be borne by the Company
and will  include  reimbursement  paid to banks,  brokers and other  custodians,
nominees  and  fiduciaries  for  their  reasonable   out-of-pocket  expenses  of
forwarding  solicitation  materials to the  beneficial  owners of the  Company's
common stock.

                               REVOCATION OF PROXY

     If, after sending in your proxy,  you decide to vote in person or desire to
revoke your proxy for any other reason, you may do so by notifying the Secretary
of the Company, Lawrence E. Dickinson, in writing at the principal office of the
Company of such  revocation  at any time  prior to the  voting of the  proxy.  A
properly  executed  proxy  with a later  date  will  also  revoke  a  previously
furnished proxy.

                                   RECORD DATE

     Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on May 14, 2004 will
be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                         ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN UNDER PROXY

     Unless  otherwise  directed by the giver of the proxy, the persons named in
the enclosed form of proxy,  that is, Ronald S. Saks, or, if unable or unwilling
to serve, Lawrence E. Dickinson, will vote:

1.   FOR the  election of the persons  named  herein as a nominees for Class III
     Directors of the Company, for a term expiring at the 2007 Annual Meeting of
     Shareholders or until his successor has been duly elected and qualified;

2.   FOR the ratification of the engagement of BDO Seidman, LLP as the Company's
     independent auditor; and

3.   According  to such  person's  judgment  on the  transaction  of such  other
     business  as may  properly  come  before  the  meeting  or any  adjournment

Should the nominees  named herein for election as directors  become  unavailable
for any reason, it is intended that the persons named in the proxy will vote for
the election of such other person in his stead as may be designated by the Board
of Directors. The Board of Directors is not aware of any reason that might cause
a nominee to be unavailable to serve.


     On April 29, 2004, there were outstanding  8,181,786 shares of Common Stock
$0.02 par value per share,  each of which is entitled to one vote on all matters
submitted, including the election of directors.

     A majority of the  outstanding  shares present or represented by proxy will
constitute a quorum at the meeting.  The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the
votes of the  shares  present  in person or  represented  by proxy at the Annual
Meeting  and  entitled  to vote is  required  to  elect a person  nominated  for
director.  Shares present at the meeting but which abstain or are represented by
proxies which are marked "WITHHOLD  AUTHORITY" with respect to the election of a
person to serve on the Board of  Directors  will be  considered  in  determining
whether  the  requisite  number of  affirmative  votes are cast on such  matter.
Accordingly,  such  proxies  will  have the same  effect as a vote  against  the
nominee as to which such abstention or direction applies.  Shares not present at
the meeting will not affect the election of a director.  Broker  non-votes  will
not be treated as shares represented at the meeting with respect to the election
of a director, and therefore will have no effect.

     The  vote  required  for  the  approval  of  Proposal   2-Ratification   of
Appointment of Independent Auditors will be the affirmative vote of the majority
of the shares of Common Stock present in person or  represented  by proxy at the
Annual  Meeting and entitled to vote on the proposal.  Shares not present at the
meeting will not effect the outcome as to any such matter. Shares present at the
meeting which abstain (including  proxies which deny discretionary  authority on
any  matters  properly  brought  before the  meeting)  will be counted as shares
present and entitled to vote and will have the same effect as a vote against any
such matter.  Broker non-votes will not be treated as shares  represented at the
meeting as to such matter voted on and therefore will have no effect.

     Votes will be counted  by duly  appointed  inspectors  of  election,  whose
responsibilities  are to  ascertain  the  number of shares  outstanding  and the
voting power of each,  determine the number of shares represented at the meeting
and the validity of proxies and ballots,  count all votes and report the results
to the Company.


     The following table sets forth information as of April 29, 2004 with
respect to each person known by the Company to be the beneficial owner of more
than five percent of its outstanding shares of Common Stock. This table is based
on Schedules 13G filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other
information delivered to or obtained by the Company.

                                                                 Amount and Nature of
             Name and Address of                                    Beneficial           Percent of
              Beneficial Owner                                     Ownership(1)             Class
             -------------------                                 --------------------    ----------

        Ronald S. Saks                                             2,824,543(2)             34.0 %
        3600 Mueller Road
        St. Charles, Missouri 63301

        Joseph and Geraldine Burstein                                611,296(3)              7.4 %
        3600 Mueller Road
        St. Charles, Missouri 63301

        Wells Fargo & Company                                        425,225(4)              5.1 %
        420 Montgomery Street
        San Francisco, California 94104

        Union Planters Trust and Investment Management,              854,166(5)             10.3 %
        as trustee of the LMI Aerospace, Inc. Profit Sharing
        Plan and Savings Plan and Trust
        1401 South Brentwood Blvd., 9th Floor
        St. Louis, Missouri  63144

(1)  Reflects  the number of shares  outstanding  on April 29, 2004,  and,  with
     respect to each person,  assumes the exercise of all stock  options held by
     such person that are exercisable currently or within 60 days of the date of
     this proxy  statement  (such  options  being  referred  to  hereinafter  as
     "currently exercisable options").

(2)  As reflected on the Schedule 13G dated  February 16, 2004,  filed by Ronald
     S. Saks.  Includes  99,094 shares held by Union Planters Trust & Investment
     Management  through the Company's Profit Sharing and Savings Plan and Trust
     for the benefit of Mr. Saks, and over which Mr. Saks  maintains  investment
     power  only.  Also  includes  153,733  shares of Common  Stock  directly or
     indirectly  owned by Mr.  Saks'  children who might be deemed to maintain a
     principal  residence  at Mr.  Saks'  residence.  Mr.  Saks  has  disclaimed
     beneficial  ownership of these shares of Common Stock.  2,571,716 shares of
     Common  Stock deemed  beneficially  owned by Mr. Saks are held of record by
     the Ronald S. Saks Revocable  Trust U/T/A dated June 21, 1991, of which Mr.
     Saks,  as trustee,  maintains  voting and  investment  authority.  Mr. Saks
     reported  sole voting power of 2,571,716  shares;  no shared  voting power;
     sole  dispositive  power of  2,670,810  shares;  and no shared  dispositive

(3)  As reflected on the Schedule 13G dated  February 11, 2004,  filed by Joseph
     and Geraldine  Burstein.  The 611,296  shares of Common Stock  reported are
     held of record by the Joseph  Burstein  Revocable  Trust U/T/A dated August
     20, 1983, for which Mr. and Mrs. Burstein,  as co-trustees share voting and
     investment  power.  Includes  12,000  shares  issuable upon the exercise of
     currently exercisable options to purchase such shares held by Mr. Burstein.
     Mr. and Mrs. Burstein reported no sole voting power; shared voting power of
     all 611,296 shares; no sole dispositive power; and shared dispositive power
     of all 611,296 shares.

(4)  As reflected on the  Schedule  13G dated  January 23, 2004,  filed by Wells
     Fargo & Company.  Shares reported by Wells Fargo were reported on behalf of
     its  subsidiaries  Wells Capital  Management  Incorporated  and Wells Fargo
     Bank,  National  Association.  Wells Fargo  reported  sole voting  power of
     423,500 shares;  no shared voting power;  sole dispositive power of 425,225
     shares; and no shared dispositive power.

(5)  The  854,166  shares  are  held of  record  by  Union  Planters  Trust  and
     Investment  Management,  trustee of the LMI Aerospace,  Inc. Profit Sharing
     and Savings Plan and Trust, for the benefit of certain  executive  officers
     and employees of the Company.  Of those 854,166 shares,  227,458 shares are
     held for the benefit of certain executive officers. Such executive officers
     and employees maintain investment power only over such shares.


     Under  regulations of the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  persons who
have power to vote or to dispose of our  shares,  either  alone or jointly  with
others,  are deemed to be beneficial owners of those shares. The following table
sets forth,  as of April 29, 2004, the beneficial  ownership of the  outstanding
Common Stock of each current  director  (including  the nominees for election as
directors),   each  of  the  Named  Executive  Officers  named  in  the  Summary
Compensation  Table set forth herein and the executive officers and directors as
a group.

                                              Amount and
                                              Nature of
Name of                                       Beneficial
Beneficial Owner                              Ownership(1)     Percent of Class
- ----------------                             -------------     ----------------
Ronald S. Saks                              2,824,543  (2)         34.0 %
Joseph Burstein                               611,296  (3)          7.4 %
Duane E. Hahn                                 362,146  (4)          4.4 %
Sanford S. Neuman                             311,140  (5)          3.8 %
Brian D. Geary                                 99,000  (6)          1.2 %
Thomas G. Unger                                14,000  (7)              *
John M. Roeder                                      -                   *
Paul L. Miller, Jr.                                 -                   *
Robert T. Grah                                 82,633  (8)          1.0 %
Michael J. Biffignani                          15,117  (9)              *
Brian P. Olsen                                  9,375 (10)              *

All directors & executive officers          4,397,453 (11)      53.0 %
as a group (13 in group)

*  Less than 1%.

(1)  Reflects  the  number of shares  outstanding  on April 29,  2004,  and with
     respect to each person,  assumes the exercise of all stock  options held by
     such person that are exercisable currently or within 60 days of the date of
     this proxy  statement  (such  options  being  referred  to  hereinafter  as
     "currently exercisable options").

(2)  See  Note  (2) to the  table  "Security  Ownership  of  Certain  Beneficial

(3)  See  Note  (3) to the  table  "Security  Ownership  of  Certain  Beneficial

(4)  Includes  58,546  shares of Common  Stock held of record by Union  Planters
     Trust & Investment Management through the Company's Profit Sharing Plan for
     the benefit of Mr. Hahn,  over which Mr. Hahn  maintains  investment  power
     only. Also includes 7,500 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise
     of currently exercisable options to purchase such shares.

(5)  Includes  282,940  shares held of record by a revocable  trust of which Mr.
     Neuman, as trustee, has voting and investment power, and 16,200 shares held
     by  certain  trusts  of which  Mr.  Neuman,  as  trustee,  has  voting  and
     investment power. Also includes 12,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon
     the exercise of currently exercisable options to purchase such shares.

(6)  Includes  9,000  shares of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of
     currently exercisable options to purchase such shares.

(7)  Includes  12,000  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of
     currently exercisable options to purchase such shares.

(8)  Includes  23,928  shares of Common  Stock held of record by Union  Planters
     Trust & Investment Management through the Company's Profit Sharing Plan for
     the benefit of Mr. Grah,  over which Mr. Grah  maintains  investment  power
     only.  Also  includes  27,450  shares of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon the
     exercise of currently exercisable options to purchase such shares.

(9)  Includes 117 shares of Common Stock held of record by Union  Planters Trust
     & Investment  Management  through the Company's Profit Sharing Plan for the
     benefit of Mr. Biffignani,  over which Mr. Biffignani  maintains investment
     power only.  Also includes  15,000 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the
     exercise of currently exercisable options to purchase such shares.

(10) Includes  9,375  shares of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of
     currently exercisable options to purchase such shares.

(11) Includes  62,450 shares  subject to currently  exercisable  options held by
     non-director  executives  of the  Company  and  52,500  shares  subject  to
     currently exercisable options held by directors of the Company.

                       PROPOSAL 1 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


     The Company's Restated Articles of Incorporation,  as amended,  and Amended
and Restated By-laws provide for a division of the Board of Directors into three
classes. One of the classes is elected each year to serve a three-year term. The
terms of the current  Class III Directors  expire at the 2004 Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders.  It is the  intention  of the  persons  named in the  accompanying
proxy,  unless  otherwise  directed,  to vote for the  election of the Class III
nominees listed below to serve until the 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

     The  Company's  Amended and  Restated  By-laws  currently  specify that the
number of  directors  shall be not less  than  three (3) nor more than nine (9),
subject  to  amendment  by the  Board of  Directors.  Currently  the  number  of
directors is nine (9). At the 2003 Annual  Meeting,  the Board of Directors  had
three (3) vacancies.

     The Company's  By-laws provide that vacancies on the Board of Directors may
be filled by the remaining  members of the Board of  Directors.  On November 24,
2003, the Board of Directors,  by its written consent,  appointed John M. Roeder
and Paul L.  Miller,  Jr. to serve as Class II  Directors  to serve  until their
terms expire at the 2006 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The Board currently has
one (1) vacancy of a Class I Director.

     The following table sets forth for each nominee and director  continuing in
office,  such  director's age,  principal  occupation for at least the last five
years,  present  position with the Company,  the year in which such director was
first  elected or appointed a director  (each serving  continuously  since first
elected or appointed),  directorships  with other companies whose securities are
registered  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  and the  class and
expiration of such director's term as director.

            Class III: To be elected to serve as Director until 2007

                                                                                      Service as
    Name            Age                      Principal Occupation                   Director Since
    ----            ---                      --------------------                   --------------
Ronald S. Saks      59    Chief Executive Officer and President since 1984.              1984

Joseph Burstein     75    Chairman of the Board of the Company since 1984.               1984

Brian D. Geary      48    Director of  the Company since June  3,  2002;   prior         2002
                          thereto, President of   Versaform  Corporation   since
                          July, 1978.

              Class I: To continue to serve as Director until 2005

                                                                                      Service as
    Name            Age                       Principal Occupation                  Director Since
    ----            ---                       --------------------                  --------------

Sanford S. Neuman   68    Assistant Secretary  of the Company;  Managing  Member         1984
                          of the law firm, Gallop, Johnson & Neuman, L.C.  since
                          May 2000; Member of Gallop, Johnson & Neuman, L.C. for
                          more than the last five years.

Duane E. Hahn       51    Acting General Manager of Versaform Corporation  since         1990
                          August  2002;  prior  thereto,  the   Company's   Vice
                          President of  Continuous   Improvement  since  January
                          2002; prior thereto, Vice President, Regional  Manager
                          since 1996; prior thereto,  Vice President and General
                          Manager of the Company's Auburn facility  since  1988;
                          prior thereto, Assistant General Manager since 1984.

              Class II: To continue to serve as Director until 2006

                                                                                      Service as
    Name            Age                      Principal Occupation                   Director Since
    ----            ---                      --------------------                   --------------

Thomas Unger        55    Director of Fife  Fabrication,  Inc.,  a  manufacturer         1999
                          of sheet metal parts and assemblies, since early 1998;
                          prior   thereto,  Chief   Executive  Officer  of  Tyee
                          Aircraft since 1982.

John M. Roeder      61    Financial consultant since 2001; prior thereto, Office         2003
                          Managing Partner,  Arthur Anderson,  an  international
                          accounting firm, until 1999.

Paul L. Miller, Jr. 61    President and Chief Executive  Officer of P. L. Miller         2003
                          & Associates, a management   consulting   firm   which
                          specializes in strategic and  financial  planning  for
                          privately held companies and distressed businesses and
                          in international business development.  He is  also  a
                          principal   in  Stewart,  Miller, and   Associates,  a
                          financial  advisory  firm for  small to  middle market
                          companies.  Mr. Miller  has  served  as  president  of
                          an  international subsidiary of an investment  banking
                          firm, and for over 20 years was president of  consumer
                          product  manufacturing and distribution  firms.  Mr.
                          Miller is also a  director of Ameren Corp.,  which  is
                          traded on the New York Stock Exchange.



Determination of Director Independence

     Rules of the Nasdaq  Stock  Market  require that a majority of the Board of
Directors be "independent,"  as defined in Nasdaq  Marketplace Rule 4200(a)(15).
Under the Nasdaq rule, a director is  independent if he or she is not an officer
or employee of the Company and does not have any  relationship  with the Company
which,  in the  opinion of the  Board,  would  interfere  with the  exercise  of
independent  judgment in carrying  out the  responsibilities  of a director.  On
March 25, 2004, the Board reviewed the  independence  of its directors under the
new Nasdaq rules.  During this review,  the Board  considered  transactions  and
relationships  between each  director or any member of his or her family and the
Company. The Board determined that Messrs. Unger,  Burstein,  Miller, Roeder and
Neuman are independent under Nasdaq Rule 4200(a)(15).

Board and Committee Meetings; Corporate Governance

     During  the fiscal  year that  ended on  December  31,  2003,  the Board of
Directors  held four regular  meetings and six special  meetings.  Each director
attended in person or by phone,  75% or more of the  aggregate  of (i) the total
number of meetings of the Board of Directors held during the period and (ii) the
total number of meetings  held during the period by all  committees of the Board
of Directors on which he served.

     The Board of Directors has two standing committees, the Audit Committee and
the  Compensation  Committee.  Each of these  committees is comprised  solely of
independent  directors  in  accordance  with the  Nasdaq  Stock  Market  Listing
Qualifications.  The Charter for each  committee is  available on the  Company's
website,  and can be  obtained  free of  charge  by
written  request to the attention of the Secretary of the Company at the address
appearing  on the  first  page  of  this  Proxy  Statement  or by  telephone  at

Audit Committee

     The Audit  Committee is currently  comprised of Messrs.  Unger  (Chairman),
Burstein,  Roeder and Miller,  each of whom are "independent" in accordance with
the standards  imposed by the Nasdaq Stock Market,  as well as the  independence
requirements for audit committee  members under Rule 10A-3 promulgated under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In addition, the Board has determined that each
of  Messrs.  Burstein,  Roeder,  Miller  and  Unger is  qualified  as an  "audit
committee  financial  expert"  as  that  term is  defined  in the  rules  of the
Securities and Exchange  Commission.  The Audit Committee evaluates  significant
matters  relating to the audit and internal  controls of the Company and reviews
the scope and  results  of the audits  conducted  by the  Company's  independent
public  accountants  and performs the other  functions or duties provided in the
Audit  Committee  Charter.  During the 2003 fiscal year, the Audit Committee met
four  times.  In  addition,  the  Chairman  of the Audit  Committee  meets  with
management and the Company's  independent auditors on a quarterly basis in order
to review the Company's financial  statements prior to their release.  The Audit
Committee has adopted a complaint  monitoring  procedure to enable  confidential
and  anonymous  reporting to the Audit  Committee of concerns  regarding,  among
other things, questionable or other accounting matters.

Compensation Committee

     The  Compensation  Committee  is  currently  comprised  of  Messrs.  Neuman
(Chairman),  Roeder, and Miller. The Board of Directors has determined that each
member of the  Compensation  Committee is  independent  as defined by the Nasdaq
Stock Market.  The  Compensation  Committee  reviews the Company's  remuneration
policies and practices,  including executive  compensation,  and administers the
Company's  stock option  plans.  During the 2003 fiscal year,  the  Compensation
Committee acted by written consent one time.

Nomination of Directors

     The  Board of  Directors  does not  currently  have a  standing  Nominating
Committee.  Pursuant  to the  rules of the  Nasdaq  Stock  Market,  the Board of
Directors has delegated to the independent members of the Board of Directors the
authority to identify, evaluate and recommend qualified nominees for election or
appointment to the Company's  Board of Directors.  The vote of a majority of the
independent  directors  of the  Board is  required  to  approve  a  nominee  for
recommendation  to the Board of Directors.  On November 24, 2003, John M. Roeder
and Paul L Miller,  Jr. were  recommended  as nominees to fill the vacancies for
Class II  Directors.  Messrs.  Roeder and Miller were  appointed by the Board on
November 24, 2003 to serve as Class II Directors. There currently exists one (1)
vacancy for a Class I Director on the Board of Directors.

     The  independent  members of the Board of Directors  will give  appropriate
consideration  to  written   recommendations  from  shareholders  regarding  the
nomination of qualified  persons to serve as directors of the Company,  provided
that such  recommendations  contain  sufficient  information  regarding proposed
nominees so as to permit the  independent  members of the Board of  Directors to
properly  evaluate  each  nominee's  qualifications  to  serve  as  a  director.
Nominations  must be  addressed  to the  Secretary of the Company at its address
appearing on the first page of this Proxy Statement.  The independent members of
the Board of Directors may also conduct its own search for potential  candidates
that may include candidates  identified directly by a variety of means as deemed
appropriate by the independent directors.

     The Board of Directors has adopted a set of corporate governance guidelines
establishing  general  principles with respect to, among other things,  director
qualifications and responsibility.  These guidelines establish certain criteria,
experience  and  skills  requirements  for  potential  candidates.  There are no
established term limits for service as a director of the Company. In general, it
is expected that each director of the Company will have the highest personal and
professional ethics,  integrity and values and will consistently  exercise sound
and objective business judgment. In addition, it is expected that the Board as a
whole will be made up of  individuals  with  significant  senior  management and
leadership experience,  a long-term and strategic perspective and the ability to
advance constructive  debate. The Company's Corporate Governance  Guidelines are
available on its website,  and can be obtained free
of charge by written request to the attention of the Secretary of the Company at
the address  appearing on the first page of this Proxy Statement or by telephone
at (636)946-6525.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

     All directors,  officers and employees of the Company,  including its Chief
Executive Officer and its Chief Financial  Officer,  are required to comply with
the Company's  Code of Business  Conduct and Ethics to ensure that the Company's
business  is  conducted  in a legal and  ethical  manner.  The Code of  Business
Conduct and Ethics covers all areas of business  conduct,  including  employment
policies and practices,  conflict of interest and the protection of confidential
information,  as well as strict adherence to all laws and regulations applicable
to the conduct of our business.  Directors,  officers and employees are required
to  report  any  conduct  that  they  believe  in good  faith to be an actual or
apparent  violation  of our Code of Business  Conduct and Ethics.  The  Company,
through the Audit  Committee,  has  procedures  in place to receive,  retain and
treat complaints received regarding  accounting,  internal accounting control or
auditing matters and to allow for the  confidential and anonymous  submission of
concerns regarding  questionable  accounting or auditing matters.  The Company's
Code  of   Business   Conduct   and  Ethics   can  be  found  on  its   website,,  and can be  obtained  free of  charge  by  written
request  to  the  attention  of the  Secretary  of the  Company  at the  address
appearing  on the  first  page  of  this  Proxy  Statement  or by  telephone  at

Director's Compensation

     The Company  paid to each  director  who is not an employee of the Company,
with the exception of Sanford S. Neuman, $3,000 for each full day Board meeting,
$750 for each  committee  meeting  attended,  and  reimbursed  all directors for
out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with their attendance at Board and
committee meetings. Mr. Neuman is an attorney and the managing member of Gallop,
Johnson & Neuman,  L.C.  This firm charges the Company an hourly fee of $248 for
Mr. Neuman's attendance at Board and committee  meetings.  No director who is an
employee  of the  Company  received  compensation  for  services  rendered  as a

     The Company also  maintains  the Amended and Restated LMI  Aerospace,  Inc.
1998 Stock Option  Plan,  which  provides  for an automatic  annual grant to the
Company's  non-employee  directors of  non-qualified  stock  options to purchase
3,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock. Such options are granted on the date
of the  Company's  Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders,  with each option having an
exercise price as fixed by the Compensation  Committee on such date. The options
granted  to  non-employee   directors  pursuant  to  the  plan  are  immediately
exercisable  for a period ending on the earlier of the tenth  anniversary of the
date of grant or the  termination  of an optionee's  status as a director of the
Company;  provided,  however, that if a director's  termination is the result of
the  death  or  disability  of the  director,  the  director,  or  his  personal
representative, has the right to exercise such options for a twelve month period
following such termination.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

                           Summary Compensation Table

     The following table reflects  compensation paid or payable for fiscal years
2003, 2002 and 2001 with respect to the Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer and
each of the four most highly compensated executive officers, whose 2003 salaries
and bonuses  combined  exceeded  $100,000 in each instance  (together the "Named
Executive Officers").

                                            Annual Compensation               Long Term Compensation
                                   --------------------------------- -------------------------------------

                                                                                Awards            Payouts
                                                                      ------------ ------------- ---------
Name and Principal Position  Year     Salary     Bonus ($)   Other
                                      ($)(1)                           Restricted   Securities     LTIP        All Other
                                                                         Stock      Underlying    Payouts    Compensation
                                                                         Award ($)  Options (#)       ($)            ($)
- --------------------------- ------ ----------- ------------ -------- ------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------

Ronald S. Saks.............  2003    240,000           0        0          0               0         0            0
President and CEO
                             2002    240,200           0        0          0               0         0            0

                             2001    240,425      13,192        0          0               0         0            0
- --------------------------- ------ ----------- ------------ -------- ------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------

Robert T. Grah.............  2003    175,675       3,328        0          0               0         0            0
Vice President, Central
Operations                   2002    140,425       3,639        0          0               0         0            0

                             2001    130,425      25,277        0          0           3,500         0            0
- --------------------------- ------ ----------- ------------ -------- ------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------

Brian P. Olsen (2).........  2003    169,000           0        0          0           7,500         0            0
Vice President, Western
Operation                    2002          0           0        0          0           7,500         0            0

                             2001          0           0        0          0               0         0            0
- --------------------------- ------ ----------- ------------ -------- ------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------

Duane E. Hahn..............  2003    155,675       7,007        0          0               0         0            0
General Manager
                             2002    150,425       3,357        0          0               0         0            0

                             2001    140,425      25,277        0          0           3,500         0            0
- --------------------------- ------ ----------- ------------ -------- ------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------

Michael J. Biffignani......  2003    155,675           0        0          0               0         0            0
Chief Information Officer
                             2002    150,425           0        0          0               0         0            0

                             2001    137,924       8,111        0          0           3,500         0            0
- --------------------------- ------ ----------- ------------ -------- ------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------

(1)  Includes cash and Common Stock  contributed to the Company's profit sharing
     and 401(k) plan.

(2)  Mr. Olsen joined the Company in December 2002 as a Market Sector  Director.
     Mr. Olsen was  appointed  Vice  President - Western  Operations  in October

                      Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year

     The following table sets forth certain  information  with respect to grants
of stock  options  pursuant to the  Company's  Amended and  Restated  1998 Stock
Option  Plan to each of the  Named  Executive  Officers  during  the year  ended
December  31,  2003.  No stock  options  were  granted  to Ronald S.  Saks,  the
Company's Chief Executive Officer.  No stock appreciation rights were granted to
the Named Executive Officers during such year.

                                Individual Grants
- ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------- ------------    Potential Realizable Value At
                                               Percent Of                            Assumed Annual Rates Of Stock price
                                Number of        Total                                Appreciation For Option Term(1)
                               Securities     Options/SARs   Exercise               ---------------------------------
                               Underlying      Granted To    Of Base
                              Options/SARs     Employees In   Price      Expiration
           Name                Granted (#)     Fiscal Year    ($/Sh)       Date          5% ($)         10% ($)
            (a)                   (b)              (c)         (d)          (e)           (f)             (g)
- ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------- ------------ --------------- -----------------

      Brian P. Olsen              7,500          45.5%        $2.04     12/15/13        $9,622          $24,384
- ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------- ------------ --------------- ----------------

     (1)  The options  listed were granted at the average of the closing bid and
          ask price on the date of grant. The potential realizable value assumes
          a rate of annual compound stock price  appreciation of 5% and 10% from
          the date the options  were  granted  over the full option  term.  Such
          rates are required by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission and do
          not represent the Company's estimate or projection of future prices of
          the Common Stock.

             Aggregated Option/SAR Exercises in the Last Fiscal Year
                     and Fiscal Year-End Options/SAR Values

     The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  concerning  option
exercises and option  holdings for the year ended December 31, 2003 with respect
to each of the Named Executive  Officers.  There were no exercises of options by
the Named  Executive  Officers for the year ended  December 31, 2003.  Ronald S.
Saks, the Company's Chief Executive Officer, does not hold any stock options. No
stock appreciation  rights were exercised by the Named Executive Officers during
2003 nor did any Named Officer hold any stock appreciation  rights at the end of

                                                                             Number of Securities
                                                                                 Underlying        Value of Unexercised
                                                                                 Unexercised         In-The-Money
                                                                               Options/SARs At     Options/SARs At
                                          Shares                              Fiscal Year-End (#)  Fiscal Year-End ($)
                                        Acquired On            Value            Exercisable/           Exercisable/
                Name                    Exercise (#)       Realized ($)(1)      Unexercisable      Unexercisable(1)
                 (a)                        (b)                 (c)                 (d)                   (e)
- -------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------

           Brian P. Olsen                      0                 0               9,375/5,625             0/0
- -------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------
            Duane E. Hahn                      0                 0               7,500/0                 0/0
- -------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------
           Robert T. Grah                      0                 0              27,450/0                 0/0
- -------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------
        Michael J. Biffignani                  0                 0              15,000/0                 0/0
- -------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------

(1)  The monetary value used in this  calculation  is $1.99 per share,  the fair
     market value of the stock as of December 31, 2003.

              Employment Arrangements with Named Executive Officers

     During  2003,  the  Company  was party to  employment  agreements  with the
following executive officers:  (i) Ronald S. Saks, Chief Executive Officer; (ii)
Robert T. Grah,  Vice  President  Central  Region;  (iii)  Duane E.  Hahn,  Vice
President  of  Continuous  Improvement;  and (iv) Michael J.  Biffignani,  Chief
Information Officer. As of December 31, 2003, however, each employment agreement
was  terminated  in accordance  with its terms.  The Company is currently in the
process of negotiating  employment  agreements with each of Messrs.  Saks, Grah,
Hahn and  Biffignani.  In addition,  the Company is  negotiating  an  employment
agreement with Brian P. Olsen, a Named Executive  Officer.  Until such time as a
definitive  employment  agreement is entered into, each such officer has elected
to  continue  employment.  Mr.  Saks  and Mr.  Biffignani  are  each  continuing
employment  at a monthly  salary based upon his annual base salary paid in 2003.
Mr.  Grah and Mr.  Hahn are each  continuing  employment,  but are  receiving  a
monthly salary based upon an increased annual base salary for 2004.

     Messrs.  Grah  and  Hahn  were  each  party to an  assignment  of  benefits
agreement with the Company in connection  with certain life insurance  policies,
commonly known as "split-dollar" agreements,  whereby, historically, the Company
shared the cost of such  insurance  policies.  Under the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of
2002,  however,  such  split-dollar  agreements may be construed as loans by the
Company to executive  officers.  To satisfy this apparent loan prohibition under
Sarbanes-Oxley,  the Company and Messrs.  Grah and Hahn elected to terminate the
benefits agreements in December 2003, and Messrs. Grah and Hahn have paid to the
Company its portion of the benefit  assignment  accrued to date.  As a result of
the termination of the benefits  agreements,  the Company has chosen to increase
the annual salaries paid to Messrs.  Grah and Hahn in 2004 by amounts  necessary
to  cover  their  increased  costs  of  the  subject  life  insurance  policies.
Accordingly,  the salaries of Messrs. Grah and Hahn for 2004 have been increased
to $178,894 and $163,708, respectively.

           Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

     During the 2003 fiscal year, Ronald S. Saks and Sanford S. Neuman served on
the  Compensation  Committee.  Mr.  Saks is the  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer of the Company.  Mr.  Neuman is the Managing  Member and a Member of the
law firm Gallop,  Johnson & Neuman,  L.C.,  which has provided legal services to
the  Company in prior years and is  expected  to provide  legal  services to the
Company  in the  future.  The new Nasdaq  rules  require  that the  Compensation
Committee be comprised  solely of  independent  directors,  as defined by Nasdaq
Rule 4200. To comply with these new Nasdaq rules, Mr. Saks resigned from service
on the  Compensation  Committee of the Board.  The Board has determined that Mr.
Neuman is an  independent  director  and,  therefore,  continues to serve on the
Compensation Committee.


     The  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors is  responsible  for
recommending  to the Board of  Directors a  compensation  package  and  specific
compensation  levels for  executive  officers of the Company.  In addition,  the
Committee  establishes  and administers the award of stock options under the LMI
Aerospace, Inc. 1998 Stock Option Plan.

Compensation Policies

     The  Company's  executive  compensation  program is  designed  to provide a
compensation package that attracts and retains quality executive officers, while
at the same time aligning the interests of the Company's executive officers with
those of the Company's  shareholders.  The Compensation Committee has identified
two primary compensation policies that it follows in setting compensation levels
for its executive  officers:  (i) the establishment of compensation  levels that
are competitive  with those of similarly  situated  manufacturers;  and (ii) the
linking of executive  compensation  levels to the financial  performance  of the

     Given these policies,  the Compensation  Committee has developed an overall
compensation   plan  that  provides  the  Company's   executive   officers  with
competitive  base salary  compensation,  with the opportunity to earn additional
cash  compensation  based upon the Company's  achievement  of certain  specified
annual  income  targets.  In  addition,  the  Company  awards  stock  options to
executive  officers in an effort to increase  executive stock ownership in order
to drive long term growth in value for all of the  Company's  shareholders.  The
Company's  compensation  strategy  seeks to place a  portion  of an  executive's
compensation  package at risk,  thereby  motivating these individuals to execute
the tactics necessary to ensure continued growth,  profitability and shareholder

Base Salary

     Base salaries for each of the Company's  executive  officers are based upon
recommendations  by the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and a  review  of
additional factors,  including the officer's position and responsibilities,  the
officer's  tenure and  seniority  and the  officer's  experience  generally.  In
addition, the Compensation Committee has in the past compiled data for similarly
situated  manufacturers  in  order  to  determine  a  competitive  baseline  for
compensating  the  Company's  executive   officers.   Because  the  Compensation
Committee  believes that the Company may compete with  companies  outside of the
Company's industry in hiring and retaining qualified executive-level  personnel,
the Compensation  Committee will generally look at the compensation  levels paid
to executive's  outside of those companies which are included in the S & P Small
Cap  Aerospace/Defense  Index, included as part of the Performance Graph to this
Proxy  Statement.  The base level of the  Company's  executive  compensation  is
generally targeted below the mid-point of this comparative group.

     Generally,  the  compensation  levels  of each of the  Company's  executive
officers  have been  fixed  pursuant  to the terms of the  Company's  employment
agreements entered into between the Company and each of its executive  officers.
As of December 31, 2003, each employment agreement with an executive officer, to
which the Company was a party,  was terminated in accordance with its terms. The
Company is currently in the process of negotiating  employment  agreements  with
certain executive officers.


     In 2003,  certain of the  Company's  executive  officers had the ability to
earn a performance bonus based on the Company's achievement of certain specified
income  goals.  Because  the  specified  income  goals  were  not  achieved,  no
performance bonuses were earned in 2003.

     The  Board of  Directors  reserves  the  right to  grant  additional  bonus
compensation to executive officers under extraordinary  circumstances.  In 2003,
Messrs. Grah and Hahn were awarded  discretionary  bonuses of $3,328 and $7,007,
respectively,  for  payments  on  certain  life  insurance  policies  issued  in
conjunction  with assignment of benefits  agreements with the Company.  In 2004,
the annual base  salaries  of Messrs.  Grah and Hahn,  upon which their  monthly
salaries are based,  have been  increased by the amounts  necessary to cover the
costs of their policies.

Stock Options

     The Company has attempted to provide its employees with incentives in order
to maximize the Company's financial  performance and to align employee interests
with those of the Company's  shareholders.  In determining  whether to grant its
officers  stock  options and in what  amounts,  the  Compensation  Committee may
consider  a variety of factors it deems  appropriate,  including  the  officer's
position and responsibilities, the officer's tenure and seniority, the officer's
experience generally,  the officer's contribution to the Company, as well as the
Company's  past history with respect to granting  options  (e.g.,  the number of
outstanding  options and the number of options previously issued to an executive
officer).  The Compensation  Committee takes into account the recommendations of
the Company's Chief Executive Officer in determining whether and in what amounts
to issue stock options.

     During 2003,  the Company  granted to Mr. Olsen an option to purchase up to
7,500 shares of the Company's  Common  Stock.  With the exception of this grant,
during  2003 the  Company  did not  grant  any stock  options  to its  executive
officers,   including  the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer.   The  Company
determined  that due to the  number of  options  already  held by its  executive
officers,  additional  grants of  options  were not  necessary  in order to help
promote the Company's goal of aligning executive and shareholder interests.

Chief Executive Officer Compensation

     The employment  agreement with the Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer and
President,  Ronald S. Saks,  was  terminated  by the Company as of December  31,
2003.  The  Company,  through the  Compensation  Committee,  is currently in the
process  of  negotiating  a new  employment  agreement  with  Mr.  Saks.  In its
consideration of a new employment  agreement,  the  Compensation  Committee will
review compensation packages for presidents and chief executive officers of peer
companies,  the  performance  of the  Common  Stock  of the  Company  given  the
significant  ownership Mr. Saks has in the Company and the financial performance
of the Company.  Mr. Saks' base salary for 2003 was $240,000 per annum.  Until a
new compensation  package is approved for Mr. Saks and a definitive agreement is
completed, Mr. Saks will receive monthly compensation based upon his 2003 annual
base salary.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             COMPENSATION COMMITTEE OF THE
                                             BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF
                                             LMI AEROSPACE, INC.

                                             Sanford S. Neuman, Chairman
                                             Paul L. Miller, Jr., Member
                                             John M. Roeder, Member

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     The  responsibilities  of the Audit  Committee are provided in its Charter,
which has been  approved by the Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  The Audit
Committee  Charter  was most  recently  revised  and  approved  by the  Board of
Directors on April 29, 2004. The new Charter is attached to this Proxy Statement
as Attachment A.

     In fulfilling its oversight  responsibilities  with respect to the December
31, 2003 financial statements, the Audit Committee, among other things, has:

     o    reviewed and discussed with management the Company's audited financial
          statements  as of and for the fiscal  year ended  December  31,  2003,
          including  a  discussion  of  the  quality  and  acceptability  of our
          financial reporting and internal controls;

     o    reviewed  with  the  independent  auditors,  who are  responsible  for
          expressing an opinion on the  conformity  of those  audited  financial
          statements  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,   their
          judgment  as to  the  quality,  not  just  the  acceptability,  of the
          accounting  principles  utilized,  the  reasonableness  of significant
          accounting  judgments  and  estimates  and such  other  matters as are
          required to be  discussed  with the Audit  Committee  under  generally
          accepted auditing standards, including Statement on Auditing Standards
          No.  61,  Communication  with Audit  Committees,  as  amended,  by the
          Auditing  Standards  Board of American  Institute of Certified  Public

     o    discussed  with the  independent  auditors the auditors'  independence
          from  management  and the  Company,  received and reviewed the written
          disclosures  and the letter from the  Company's  independent  auditors
          required by Independence Standard No. 1, Independence Discussions with
          Audit Committees, as amended, by the Independence Standards Board, and
          considered the compatibility of non-audit  services with the auditors'
          independence; and

     o    discussed  with the Company's  independent  auditors the overall scope
          and plans for their respective audits.

     Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee
has recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited financial  statements
referred to above be included in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  AUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE
                                  BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF
                                  LMI AEROSPACE, INC.

                                  Thomas Unger, Chairman of the Audit Committee
                                  Joseph A. Burstein, Member
                                  John M. Roeder, Member
                                  Paul L. Miller, Jr., Member


     The  following  table sets forth the  amount of audit  fees,  audit-related
fees,  tax fees and all other fees  billed or  expected  to be billed by Ernst &
Young LLP, the Company's former principal  accountant,  and by BDO Seidman, LLP,
the Company's  current  principal  accountant,  for the years ended December 31,
2003 and December 31, 2002, respectively:

                                           2003 (4)           2002
                                           Amount            Amount

         Audit Fees(1)                    $344,800          $314,632
         Audit-Related Fees (2)             --                78,841
         Tax Fees (3)                        4,220            63,925
         All Other Fees                      --                --
                                          --------          --------
         Total Fees                       $349,020          $457,398
                                          ========          ========

(1)  Includes  annual  financial  statement audit and limited  quarterly  review

(2)  Includes  fees for  services  associated  with  due  diligence  related  to
     acquisitions and other audit-related services.

(3)  Includes  fees  and  expenses  for  services   primarily   related  to  tax
     compliance, tax advice and tax planning for potential acquisitions.

(4)  During 2003, the Company changed its principal accounting firm from Ernst &
     Young LLP to BDO Seidman,  LLP.  Included in Audit Fees are  billings  from
     Ernst & Young LLP for $104,800  related to three  quarterly  reviews.  Also
     included  in Audit Fees are  billings  from BDO  Seidman,  LLP of  $240,000
     related to its audit of the Company.  Tax Fees are for services rendered by
     Ernst & Young LLP  related  to advice and tax  planning.  The  Company  has
     elected not to use its current principal accountant for tax services.

Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures

The Audit Committee has adopted a policy that requires  advance  approval of all
audit,  audit-related,  tax  services,  and  other  services  performed  by  the
independent auditor. The policy provides for pre-approval by the Audit Committee
of  specifically  defined audit and  permitted  non-audit  services.  Unless the
specific service has been previously pre-approved with respect to that year, the
Audit  Committee  must  approve the  permitted  service  before the  independent
auditor is engaged to perform it. The Audit Committee has delegated to the Chair
of the Audit Committee authority to approve permitted services provided that the
Chair reports any decisions to the Committee at its next scheduled meeting.


     Set  forth  below  is  a  line  graph  presentation   comparing  cumulative
shareholder  returns  since June 30,  1998,  the date of the  Company's  initial
public offering,  on an indexed basis with the S & P 500 Index and the S&P Small
Cap Aerospace/Defense  Index, which is a nationally recognized industry standard

     The following  graph assumes the investment of $100 in LMI Aerospace,  Inc.
Common Stock, the S & P 500 Index, the S&P Small Cap Aerospace/Defense Index, as
well as the  reinvestment  of all dividends.  There can be no assurance that the
performance  of the Company's  stock will continue into the future with the same
or similar trend depicted in the graph below.


                            6/30/98   12/31/98   12/31/99   12/31/00   12/31/01   12/31/02   12/31/03
                            -------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
 LMI Aerospace, Inc.           100       58         27         22         43         22         20

 S&P 500                       100      108        130        116        101         78         98

 S&P Aerospace/ Defense        100      104         52         53         49         46         55


     From time to time the  Company  has  engaged in various  transactions  with
certain of its directors,  executive officers and other affiliated parties.  The
following   paragraphs   summarize  certain   information   concerning   certain
transactions and relationships that have occurred during the past fiscal year or
are currently proposed.

     Sanford S.  Neuman,  a director of the  Company,  is Managing  Member and a
Member of the law firm, Gallop,  Johnson & Neuman, L.C. which has provided legal
services to the Company in prior years and is expected to provide legal services
to the Company in the future.

     The Company leases its facility located at 11011-11021 Olinda Street in Sun
Valley,  California  from  multiple  landlords,  one of whom is a trust  for the
benefit of Ernest L. Star, the father of Ernest R. Star,  formerly an officer of
the Company.  Ernest R. Star resigned his position as General  Manager of Tempco
Engineering  as of  January  2004.  Mr.  Star now acts as a  consultant  for the
Company.  Ernest R. Star is a co-trustee of this trust. Pursuant to the terms of
the  applicable  lease  agreement,  the Company pays the owners of this property
aggregate  annual rent  payments of  $141,427  for the lease of a 20,320  sq.ft.
facility. In addition, the Company leases property located at 8866 Laurel Canyon
Blvd. in Sun Valley,  California from Starwood Company,  a company  beneficially
owned in part by Ernest L. Star.  Pursuant to the terms of the applicable  lease
agreement,  the Company pays Starwood Company  aggregate annual rent of $172,920
for the lease of a 26,200 sq.ft.  facility.  The leases  governing the Company's
occupancy of the above described properties were entered into at the time of the
Company's  acquisition of Tempco Engineering.  Both leases were negotiated on an
arms-length  basis,  prior to the time that  Ernest R. Star became an officer of
the Company. Such leases expire on March 31, 2006.

     The  Company  leases  property  located  at 1315  S.  Cleveland  Street  in
Oceanside,  California from Edward D. Geary, the father of Brian Geary, a member
of  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors.   Pursuant  to  the  applicable  lease
arrangement,  the Company pays Edward D. Geary annual aggregate rent payments of
$86,400 for the lease of a 19,000 square foot  facility.  This lease was assumed
by the Company as part of its  acquisition of Versaform  Corporation and expires
on January 31, 2005.

     All future  transactions  between the Company and its officers,  directors,
principal  shareholders  and  affiliates  must be  approved by a majority of the
independent and disinterested outside directors.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  requires
the Company's  executive  officers and directors,  and persons who own more than
10% of a registered class of the Company's equity securities, to file reports of
ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC. Such  individuals  are required
by SEC  regulation to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms
they file.  Based solely on its review of the copies of such forms  furnished to
the  Company or written  representations  that no reports  were  required  to be
filed,  the Company  believes that such persons  complied with all Section 16(a)
filing  requirements  applicable to them with respect to transactions during the
2003 fiscal year,  with the  exception  that Brian P. Olsen,  a Named  Executive
Officer  of the  Company,  failed  to  timely  file  his  Initial  Statement  of
Beneficial Ownership of Securities.

                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

     The Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors  has  appointed BDO Seidman,
LLP, as the Company's  independent auditors to audit the consolidated  financial
statements of the Company for the current fiscal year ending December 31, 2004.

     On September 22, 2003,  Ernst & Young LLP informed the Company that Ernst &
Young was resigning as the Company's independent accountants, effective upon the
completion  of the  quarterly  review  of the  Company's  fiscal  quarter  ended
September 30, 2003. Ernst & Young's resignation became effective on November 14,

     The reports of Ernst & Young on the financial statements of the Company for
the past two fiscal years  contained no adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion
and were no qualified or modified as to uncertainty,  audit scope, or accounting

     On September 22, 2003,  Ernst & Young LLP informed the Company that Ernst &
Young was resigning as the Company's independent accountants, effective upon the
completion  of the  quarterly  review  of the  Company's  fiscal  quarter  ended
September 30, 2003. Ernst & Young's resignation became effective on November 14,

     The reports of Ernst & Young on the financial statements of the Company for
the past two fiscal years  contained no adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion
and were not qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting

     In  connection  with its audit for each of the two most recent fiscal years
and through  November 14, 2003, the date of Ernst & Young's  resignation,  there
had  been no  disagreements  with  Ernst & Young  on any  matter  of  accounting
principles or practices,  financial  statement  disclosures or auditing scope or
procedure,  which disagreements,  if not resolved to the satisfaction of Ernst &
Young, would have caused Ernst & Young to make reference thereto in their report
in the financial statements for such years.

     During the 2001 and 2002 fiscal years,  and through  November 14, 2003, the
dates of Ernst & Young's  resignation,  there have been no reportable  events as
defined in Registration S-K, Item 304(a)(1)(v).

     Effective as of December 29, 2003, BDO Seidman,  LLP accepted engagement to
serve as the Company's Independent Certified Public Accountants.

     During the Company's  two most recent fiscal years ended  December 31, 2001
and 2002,  and through  December 29, 2003,  the Company did not consult with BDO
Seidman,  LLP with respect to the  application  of  accounting  principles  to a
specified  transaction,  either  contemplated or proposed,  or the type of audit
opinion that might be rendered on the  Company's  financial  statements,  or any
matter that was either the subject of a disagreement or a reportable event.

     A  proposal  will  be  presented  at  the  Annual  Meeting  to  ratify  the
appointment of BDO Seidman, LLP as the Company's  independent  auditors.  One or
more of the  representatives  of that firm are  expected  to be  present  at the
Annual  Meeting to respond to  appropriate  questions and to make a statement if
they  desire  to do so.  If  the  Company's  shareholders  do  not  ratify  this
appointment at the Annual Meeting, other independent auditors will be considered
by the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.


                                  ANNUAL REPORT

     The Annual Report of the Company for the 2003 fiscal year  accompanies this
Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement.

                                FUTURE PROPOSALS

     Shareholder  proposals  intended to be presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting
of Shareholders  must be received by the Company not later than January 25, 2005
and not earlier than  December 26, 2004 for  inclusion  in the  Company's  proxy
statement and proxy relating to that meeting. Upon receipt of any such proposal,
the Company will determine  whether or not to include such proposal in the proxy
statement and proxy in accordance with regulations governing the solicitation of

     In order for a  shareholder  to bring  other  business  before  the  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders, timely notice must be given to the Company by April 10,
2005.  Such notice must include a description  of the proposed  business and the
reasons  therefor.  The Board or the presiding officer at the Annual Meeting may
reject any such proposals that are not made in accordance with these  procedures
or that are not a proper  subject  for  shareholder  action in  accordance  with
applicable law. These requirements are separate from the procedural requirements
a  shareholder  must meet to have a proposal  included  in the  Company's  proxy


     A  shareholder  who  wishes to  communicate  with our  Board of  Directors,
specific individual  directors or the non-employee  directors as a group, may do
so by directing a written request  addressed to such  director(s) in care of the
Corporate  Secretary  at the address  appearing  on the first page of this proxy
statement.  Such communication will be directed to the intended director,  group
of directors or the entire Board, as the case may be.

                            HOUSEHOLDING OF MATERIALS

     In some  instances,  only one copy of this proxy statement or annual report
is being  delivered  to multiple  shareholders  sharing an  address,  unless the
Company  has  received  instructions  from  one or more of the  shareholders  to
continue to deliver  multiple  copies.  We will  deliver  promptly  upon oral or
written  request a separate  copy of the proxy  statement or annual  report,  as
applicable,  to any  shareholder  at your  address.  If you  wish to  receive  a
separate  copy of the  proxy  statement  or  annual  report,  you may call us at
(636)946-6525,  or send a written  request to LMI Aerospace,  Inc., 3600 Mueller
Road,  St.  Charles,  Missouri  63301,  Attention:   Secretary.   Alternatively,
shareholders  sharing an address  who now receive  multiple  copies of the proxy
statement or annual report may request delivery of a single copy also by calling
us at the number or writing to us at the address listed above.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The Board of Directors  knows of no other  business  that will be presented
for  consideration  at the Annual  Meeting other than as set forth in the Notice
that accompanies this Proxy  Statement.  However,  if any other matters properly
come  before  the  meeting,  it is the  intention  of the  persons  named in the
accompanying  proxy  to vote on such  matters  in  accordance  with  their  best


                                      By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         LAWRENCE E. DICKINSON

St. Charles, Missouri
May 25, 2004

                                  ATTACHMENT A


     The  responsibilities  of the Board of  Directors  of LMI  Aerospace,  Inc.
include oversight of the Company's systems of internal control,  preparation and
presentation  of  financial   reports  and  compliance  with  applicable   laws,
regulations  and Company  policies.  Through this Charter,  the Board  delegates
certain  responsibilities  to the Audit  Committee  to  assist  the Board in the
fulfillment of its duties to the Company and its shareholders. As more fully set
forth  below,  the  purpose  of the  Committee  is to  assist  the  Board in its
oversight of:

     o    the integrity of the Company's financial statements;

     o    the Company's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements;

     o    the  qualifications  and  independence  of the  Company's  independent
          auditors; and

     o    the  performance  of the  Company's  independent  auditors  and of the
          Company's internal audit function.

     Authority.  The  Company's  outside,  independent  auditors are  ultimately
accountable  to the  Board of  Directors  and the  Audit  Committee.  The  Audit
Committee has ultimate  authority and  responsibility to select,  evaluate,  and
when and where appropriate, replace the independent auditor. The Committee shall
be  given  the   resources   and   assistance   necessary   to   discharge   its
responsibilities, including appropriate funding, as determined by the Committee,
unrestricted  access  to  Company  personnel  and  documents  and the  Company's
independent  auditors.  The Committee shall also have authority,  with notice to
the  Chairman  of the  Board,  to engage  outside  legal,  accounting  and other
advisors as it deems necessary or appropriate.

     Membership.  The Committee  shall consist of three or more  directors,  who
shall be appointed  annually and subject to removal at any time, by the Board of
Directors.   Each   Committee   member  shall  meet  the   objective   test  for
"independence"  established by rules of the  Securities and Exchange  Commission
and the National Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc. The Board of Directors
shall  determine  with respect to each such  member,  whether or not such member
otherwise has a  relationship  with the Company which would  interfere  with the
member's   exercise  of  independent   judgment  in  carrying  out  his  or  her
responsibilities  as a member of the Committee,  and in that regard the Board of
Directors may establish additional criteria for such determination.

     Each member of the Committee shall be financially literate, with an ability
to read and understand fundamental financial statements, including the Company's
balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. At least one member of
the  Committee  shall  have  had  past  employment   experience  in  finance  or
accounting,  requisite professional  certifications in accounting,  or any other
comparable  experience or  background  resulting in the  individual's  financial
sophistication,  including being or having been a chief executive officer, chief
financial   officer  or  other   senior   officer   with   financial   oversight

     No member of the Audit Committee  shall receive  directly or indirectly any
compensation  from  the  Company  other  than  his or her  Directors'  fees  and

     Procedures.  The  Committee  shall  meet at least four times a year and may
call  special  meetings  as  required.  No member of the Audit  Committee  shall
receive directly or indirectly any compensation  from the Company other than his
or her Directors'  fees and benefits and may call special  meetings as required.
Meetings  may be called by the Chair of the  Committee  or the  Chairman  of the
Board.  The presence in person or by  telephone  of a majority of the  Committee
shall  constitute a quorum.  Meetings may be held at any time,  any place and in
any manner permitted by applicable law and the Company's Bylaws.  Minutes of the
Committee's  meetings  shall be kept.  To the extent  practicable,  the  meeting
agenda,  draft minutes from the prior meeting and supporting  materials shall be
provided to  Committee  members  prior to each meeting to allow time for review.
The Committee shall have authority to create and delegate specific tasks to such
standing  or ad  hoc  subcommittees  as it  may  determine  to be  necessary  or
appropriate  for the  discharge  of its  responsibilities.  The  results  of the
meetings  shall  be  reported   regularly  to  the  full  Board.  The  Committee
periodically shall meet in executive session without management.

     Responsibilities.   The  Company's   executive   management  bears  primary
responsibility for the Company's financial and other reporting, for establishing
the  system  of  internal  controls  and  for  ensuring  compliance  with  laws,
regulations and Company policies.  The Committee's  responsibilities and related
key processes are described below.  From time to time, the Committee may take on
additional responsibilities, at the request of the Board.

         (a)   Financial Reporting.  The Committee shall monitor the preparation
by management of the Company's  quarterly and annual external financial reports.
In carrying out this responsibility, the Committee shall:

          o    review  with  management  the  significant   financial  reporting
               issues,  judgments and estimates used in developing the financial
               reports,  including  analyses of the effects of alternative  GAAP
               methods on the financial statements;

          o    review the  accounting  and  reporting  treatment of  significant
               transactions outside the Company's ordinary operations;

          o    review with  management  and the Company's  independent  auditors
               significant  changes to the  Company's  accounting  principles or
               their application as reflected in the financial reports;

          o    review with management and the Company's independent auditors the
               effect  of  regulatory  and  accounting  initiatives,  as well as
               off-balance sheet structures,  on the financial statements of the

          o    meet  periodically  with the Company's  independent  auditors (in
               private,  as  appropriate):  (i) to  review  their  reasoning  in
               accepting or questioning significant decisions made by management
               in  preparing  the  financial  reports;  (ii) to review any audit
               problems or  difficulties  and  management's  response;  (iii) to
               review any outstanding  disagreements  with management that would
               cause  them  to  issue a  non-standard  report  on the  Company's
               financial statements;  (iv) to examine the appropriateness of the
               Company's   accounting   principles   applied  to  the  Company's
               financial  statements   (including  the  quality,  not  just  the
               acceptability, of accounting principles) and the matters required
               by  SAS  61and  the  clarity  of  disclosure  practices  used  or
               proposed;  (v) to determine if any restrictions  have been placed
               by  management  on the scope of their audit;  and (vi) to discuss
               any other matters the Committee deems appropriate;

          o    meet periodically in private with the Company's management;

          o    review earnings, press releases, as well as financial information
               and earnings  guidance  provided to analysts and rating  agencies
               and  discuss  their   appropriateness  with  management  and  the
               Company's  independent  auditors,  paying particular attention to
               any use of "pro forma" or adjusted" non-GAAP information; and

          o    review the quarterly and annual financial  statements and discuss
               their   appropriateness   with   management   and  the  Company's
               independent  auditors,  including the Company's disclosures under
               "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
               Results of  Operations"  and  recommend to the Board  whether the
               audited financial  statements should be included in the Company's
               Form 10-K.

         (b)   Relationship with Independent Auditors.  The Committee shall bear
primary  responsibility  for  overseeing  the  Company's  relationship  with its
independent auditors. In carrying out this responsibility, the Committee shall:

          o    be  directly  responsible  for  the  appointment,   compensation,
               retention and oversight of the work of the Company's  independent
               auditors, in consultation with the full Board;

          o    review the scope and extent of audit services to be provided;

          o    review  the  overall  audit  plan,  including  the  risk  factors
               considered in determining the audit scope;

          o    ensure that the  Committee  receives a formal  written  statement
               delineating  all  relationships   between  the  auditor  and  the
               Company,  consistent with  Independence  Standards Board Standard
               No. 1;

          o    actively  engage  in a  dialogue  with  the  independent  auditor
               regarding any disclosed relationships or services that may impact
               the objectivity and independence of the auditor;

          o    review  with the  independent  auditors  the extent of  non-audit
               services provided and related fees, and pre-approve any non-audit

          o    determine whether the outside auditors are independent;

          o    review  the   responsiveness  of  the  outside  auditors  to  the
               Company's needs;

          o    at least  annually,  obtain and review a report by the  Company's
               independent  auditors  describing the independent  auditor firm's
               internal quality-control  procedures;  any material issues raised
               by the  most  recent  internal  quality-control  review,  or peer
               review,  of the  firm,  or by any  inquiry  or  investigation  by
               governmental  or professional  authorities,  within the preceding
               five years, respecting one or more independent audits carried out
               by the firm,  and nay steps  taken to deal with any such  issues;
               and (to  assess the  auditors'  independence)  all  relationships
               between the independent auditors and the company;

          o    at  least  annually,   evaluate  the  auditors'   qualifications,
               performance  and  independence  and present its  conclusion  with
               respect to the auditors to the Board of directors;

          o    resolve any  disagreements  between  management  and the auditors
               regarding financial reporting; and

          o    set clear hiring  policies for  employees or former  employees of
               the Company's independent auditors.

         (c)   Internal Control.  The Committee  shall have  responsibility  for
overseeing  that  management  has  implemented  an effective  system of internal
control  that  helps  promote  the   reliability   of  financial  and  operating
information  and  compliance  with  applicable  laws,  regulations  and  Company
policies,  including those related to risk  management,  ethics and conflicts of
interest. In carrying out this responsibility, the Committee shall:

          o    inquire of  management,  management  auditors  and the  Company's
               independent  auditors  as to any  deficiencies  in the  Company's
               policies and procedures that could adversely  affect the adequacy
               of internal  controls  and the  financial  reporting  process and
               review any special  audit steps  adopted in light of any material
               control  deficiencies  and the timeliness and  reasonableness  of
               proposed corrective actions;

          o    review significant management audit findings and recommendations,
               and management's responses thereto;

          o    meet  periodically  with  management  auditors in private session
               (without  the  participation  of  management  or the  independent

          o    review  management's  responses to recommendations  for improving
               internal  controls  in  the  independent   auditors'   management

          o    review the Company's  policies and practices with respect to risk
               assessment and risk management;

          o    review the Company's policies and practices related to compliance
               with laws, ethical conduct and conflicts of interest;

          o    review significant cases of misconduct or fraud;

          o    conduct an appropriate review of all related party  transactions,
               as such term is defined in the rules of the National  Association
               of Securities  Dealers,  Inc., for potential conflict of interest
               situations  on an ongoing  basis,  and approve all related  party

          o    review  significant  issues  between the  Company and  regulatory
               agencies; and

          o    review as appropriate material litigation involving the Company.

         (d)   Receipt of Complaints. The Committee shall  establish  procedures

          o    the receipt,  retention and  treatment of complaints  received by
               the Company regarding  accounting,  internal  accounting controls
               and auditing matters; and

          o    the  confidential,  anonymous  submission  by  employees  of  the
               Company regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.

         (e)   Preparation of Reports.  The Committee  shall prepare and approve
the Committee's  report included in the proxy statement for the Company's annual
meeting  of  shareholders,  and such  other  reports as may from time to time be
necessary or appropriate.

     Annual Performance Review. The Committee shall conduct an annual evaluation
of its performance in carrying out its responsibilities hereunder.


                               LMI AEROSPACE, INC.
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                   June 29, 2004

The undersigned hereby appoints Ronald S. Saks, with full power of substitution,
or if Ronald S. Saks is unable or declines to  exercise  such rights  hereunder,
the undersigned appoints Lawrence E. Dickinson, with full power of substitution,
the true and lawful attorney and proxy of the undersigned to vote all the shares
of Common Stock, $0.02 par value per share, of LMI Aerospace,  Inc. owned by the
undersigned at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders to be held at the Four Points
Sheraton,  3400 Rider Trail South, St. Louis,  Missouri 63045 beginning at 10:00
a.m. local time, Tuesday,  January 29, 2004, and at any adjournment  thereof, on
the following items of business as set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting and
Proxy Statement:


          |_|  FOR the nominees listed below (or such other person designated by
               the Board of Directors to replace any unavailable nominee)

          |_|  WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for the nominee listed below

Nominees:      Ronald S. Saks
               Joseph Burstein
               Brian D. Geary


     |_|   FOR        |_|   AGAINST       |_|   ABSTENTION


     In his discretion with respect to the transaction of such other business as
     may properly come before the meeting.


                                  DATE ______________________________, 2004



Please date and sign exactly as your name appears on the  envelope.  In the case
of joint holders,  each should sign. When signing as attorney,  executor,  etc.,
give full title.  If signer is a corporation,  execute in full corporate name by
authorized officer.