Exhibit (a)(4)


To: RELATED CAPITAL COMPANY                      Transaction Ref. Number:
    General Partner or Transfer Agent
    (See Instruction 41)

                                                 (Optional - See Instruction #2)
        625 Madison Avenue
        New York, New York 10022
        Attn: Investor Services Department
        (212) 5.0021-5333

The transferor makes application to transfer and assign, subject to the general
partner's rights, and the conditions set forth on Appendix A, to the transferee
all rights and interests, as set forth in the partnership below and for the
transferee to succeed to such interest as a Substitute Limited Partner
Substitute BACsholder.

                         LIBERTY TAX CREDIT PLUS II L.P.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CUSIP:                                 Number of BACs          Number of BACs
PARTNERSHIP TAX ID #: 13-3458180           to be                 to be held
TAX SHELTER ID #:                       transferred:           after transfer:

                                       --------------          --------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 REGISTRATION INFORMATION indicate exactly as shown on partnership records.
 Partnership interests are currently registered as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------
                         Name of Transferor (Registrant)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                  TAX IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION
- -----------------------------------------         ------------------------------
  Address of Record                               (See Instruction #4)

- -----------------------------------------         ------------------------------
                                                  SOCIAL SECURITY OR TAX ID

CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: It is unlawful to consummate a sale or transfer of limited
partnership interests or any interest therein, or to receive any consideration
therefore, without the prior written consent of the COMMISSIONER OF CORPORATIONS
of the State of California, except as permitted by the Commissioner's rules.



The transferor hereby certifies and represents possession of valid title and all
requisite power to assign such interests and that assignment is in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations and further certifies, under penalty of
law, the following:

REASON FOR TRANSFER (Check one) For certain types of transfer additional
documentation maybe required.

________Re-registration (Change of name,
divorce/separation, individual to trust, etc.) , __X__Sale (for consideration)

________Death* _________Gift _______other  (please specify)_____________________

*In cases of death please forward death certificate and letters testamentary (if

SIGNATURE  EXECUTION  Must be signed by  registered  holder(s)  exactly  as
name(s) appear(s) on the Partnership records and be signature  guaranteed.  (See
Instruction 95 00)

Transferor Signature_____________________________ Date__________________________

Co-Transferor's Signature________________________ Date__________________________

If signature is by trustee(s), executor(s), administrator(s) , guardian(s),
agent(s), officer(s) of a corporation or another acting in a fiduciary or
representative capacity, please provide the following information. Only
signature of transferor(s) is/are accepted Power of attorney and Attorney-in-
fact is not accepted.

Name(s)_____________________________ Capacity (Full Title)._____________________


SIGNATURE GUARANTEE The signature must be guaranteed by a member of an approved
Signature Guarantee Medallion Program




1. TRANSFER FORMS. To effect the requested transfer both transferee and
transferor forms must be submitted together with the required fees. 2.
TRANSACTION REFERENCE NUMBER. The use of this space is optional. The number
placed in this space shall be internally generated by a broker or agreed upon by
two or more brokers and shall correspond to internal records tracking system(s).
3. TAX INFORMATION, If' a Custodial Account, both Custodian/Trustee's and
client's tax numbers should be completed.. 4. SIGNATURE EXECUTION. The signature
must correspond with the name of the registered holder exactly as it appears on
the Partnership records. Persons who sign as a representative or other fiduciary
capacity must indicate their capacity when signed and, unless waived by the
Partnership or its agent in its sole discretion, must present satisfactory
evidence of their authority to so act. 5. DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATION
AGREEMENT.(Optional). Complete as indicated if you wish the Partnership to make
special arrangements for the payment of future distributions.

                                   APPENDIX A

 Transferor's (Seller's) Application for Transfer (Assignment and Substitution)
  Transferee's (Buyer's) Application for Transfer (Assignment and Substitution)

Conditions Regarding Assignment and Substitution

         The following conditions and acknowledgments shall apply to the
proposed Assignment and Substitution:

     1.   Definitions.  All  capitalized  terms used  herein  have the  meanings
          ascribed  to  them  in the  Partnership  Agreement,  unless  otherwise
          defined herein.

     2.   Substitution.   The  transferee  and  transferor   (collectively   the
          "Applicants")  hereby  acknowledge and agree that the transferee shall
          not become a  Substituted  Limited  Partner and the  transferor  shall
          remain a Limited Partner unless and until such time as (a) the General
          Partner  approves and accepts this Application and (b) the other terms
          and conditions  contained in the Partnership  Agreement for becoming a
          Substituted Limited Partner have been satisfied.

     3.   General Partner Approval.  The Applicants hereby acknowledge and agree
          that no Assignment and  Substitution  shall occur unless and until the
          General Partner,  in its sole and absolute  discretion,  shall approve
          such  Assignment  and  Substitution  and the  General  Partner may not
          approve if any proposed Assignment and Substitution may, alone or when
          aggregated   with   other   proposed   or   actual   Assignments   and
          Substitutions, prevent the Partnership from relying on any safe harbor
          protection  from  publicly-traded  partnership  treatment  under  U.S.
          Treasury  Regulations  1.7704-1..  The General Partner may require any
          proposed Assignor to deliver a written opinion of counsel addressed to
          the Partnership that the Assignment and  Substitution  will not result
          in the  Partnership  being  treated as a publicly  traded  partnership
          taxed as a corporation for federal, state or local tax purposes.  Such
          legal  opinion  must  be in a form  and  content  satisfactory  to the
          Partnership  and its  counsel  and must be in the form of a  "reliance
          opinion"  for  purposes of Internal  Revenue  Service  Circular  2.30.
          Notwithstanding  the  delivery of such an opinion to the  Partnership,
          the General  Partner  shall  retain sole and  absolute  discretion  to
          approve or disapprove the proposed Assignment and/or Substitution.

     4.   Effect of  Non-Approval of  Substitution.  If the General Partner does
          not approve and accept this  Application,  or if the Applicants do not
          comply  with  all  of the  applicable  provisions  of the  Partnership
          Agreement respecting Substituted Limited Partners then, subject to the
          Applicants complying with the provisions of the Partnership  Agreement
          respecting  transfers of Limited  Partnership  Interest the transferee
          shall become only an assignee of the transferor and shall receive only
          the economic  benefits of the interest to which the  transferor  would
          otherwise be entitled to receive and the transferee shall have none of
          the other rights of a Limited  Partner  BACsholder  granted  under the
          Partnership  Agreement or by law, including,  without limitation,  any
          voting  rights,  or any rights to  inspect  the  Partnership's  books,
          records or lists of Limited Partners or BACsholders.

          If the transferee for any reason does not become a Substituted Limited
          Partner,  then the applicants  hereby agree that the transferee  shall
          not, directly or indirectly  (including,  without limitation,  through
          any agreement or arrangement  with the transferor or any other Limited
          Partner),  exercise  or  attempt  to  exercise  any of the rights of a
          Limited Partner (including,  without limitation, any voting rights and
          any rights to inspect the  Partnership's  books,  records and lists of
          Limited Partners) other than the rights as an assignee to receive only
          the economic  benefits of the interest  transferred to the transferee,
          as  provided in the last  sentence  contained  in section  7.2D of the
          Partnership Agreement.

     5.   Tender  Offers.  The  Applicants  hereby  agree that they will neither
          request  access  to or copies  of any of the  Partnership's  books and
          records or the lists of Limited Partners for the purpose of conducting
          or facilitating any tender offer or other offer or solicitation to buy
          Limited  Partnership  Interests (a "Tender Offer"),  regardless of the
          number of Limited Partnership  Interests sought to be acquired through
          any such Tender Offer (e.g.,  regardless  of whether such Tender Offer
          is or is not registered with the Securities and Exchange  Commission),
          nor otherwise  pursue any Tender Offer,  unless the person making such

          Tender Offer  complies with all of the terms and  conditions set forth

     a.   Any  Tender  Offer  conducted  by  either  Applicant  or any of  their
          affiliates (as their term is defined under the Securities and Exchange
          Act of 1933,  as amended)  shall  afford  BACsholders  and/or  Limited
          Partners  withdrawal rights during at least the first seven days after
          the dissemination of the Tender Offer.

     b.   Any  Tender  Offer  conducted  by  either  Applicant  or any of  their
          affiliates  shall afford  Limited  Partners with  proration  rights at
          least with  respect to all  securities  tendered  during the first ten
          days of the Tender Offer.

     c.   Any  Tender  Offer  conducted  by  either  Applicant  or any of  their
          affiliates shall truthfully and completely disclose all material facts
          pertaining to such Tender Offer,  the  Partnership  and the market and
          prices for Limited  Partnership  Interests  that the person making the
          Tender Offer knows or reasonably should know.

     d.   Any  Tender  Offer  conducted  by  either  Applicant  or any of  their
          affiliates  shall fully  comply in all  respects  with all  applicable
          federal and state laws.

     e.   The total aggregate number of Limited  Partnership  Interests acquired
          in any tax year of the Partnership by any and all persons  (including,
          without limitation, the Applicants and all others) through any and all
          Tender  Offers shall not,  subject to the  provisions  of paragraph 3,
          above,  exceed the aggregate total of 1.5% of the outstanding BACs and
          Limited  Partnership  Interests  of the  Partnership.  The  Applicants
          hereby agree that at such time as the cumulative  total of 1.5% of the
          outstanding BACs and Limited Partnership Interests, the Applicants and
          their  affiliates  shall not acquire or attempt to acquire any BACs or
          Limited  Partnership  Interests  through any  further or other  Tender
          Offer  during the  remainder of that tax year,  unless such  Applicant
          provides  sufficient  assurances,  as are  acceptable  to the  General
          Partner in its sole and  absolute  discretion,  that such Tender Offer
          will not preclude or interface  with BACs holders  selling  their BACs
          outside of the Tender Offer and/or adversely affect the  Partnership's
          tax status.

     f.   If either of the Applicants and /or any of their  affiliates  wants to
          conduct a Tender Offer for Limited  Partnership  Interests,  then each
          such person  (and,  if such  persons  lack an adequate  net worth,  as
          determined by the General Partner under paragraph 55 g, below, then an
          additional  person that has an adequate  net worth) shall prior to the
          commencement  of any such Tender Offer enter into a written  agreement
          to indemnify and hold harmless the  Partnership,  the General Partner,
          any person or entity acting on behalf of the Partnership, any officer,
          director', employee or agent of any of the foregoing (collectively the
          "Partnership  Agents"),  all Limited Partners from and against any and
          all claims, liabilities,  losses, damages, costs and expenses of every
          nature (including,  without  limitation,  reasonable  attorney's fees)
          arising  directly or indirectly  out of or in connection  with (a) the
          Tender  Offer and all acts and  omissions  arising from or relating to
          the  Tender  Offer,  (b) any breach of any  representation,  warranty,
          covenant or other  provision  contained  herein or in the  Partnership
          Agreement,  (c) any adverse tax  consequences  directly or  indirectly
          arising from or relating to the Tender Offer and  transfers of Limited
          Partnership  Interests pursuant thereto, and (d) the actions or claims
          of any other  person or  persons,  and/or  refuses  to  recognize  any
          transfers  pursuant  to such other  Tender  offer,  wishing to conduct
          another  Tender Offer where the  Partnership  refuses,  in whole or in
          part, to make the lists of Limited  Partners  available to such person
          or persons, and/or refuses to recognize any transfers pursuant to such
          other Tender  offer,  because such other Tender  Offer,  when combined
          with any Tender Offer  conducted by either of the  Applicants or their
          affiliates,  would  result in a  cumulative  total  number of  Limited
          Partnership  Interests being transferred  through Tender Offers in any
          tax  year  of the  Partnership  exceeding  1.5%  of the  Partnership's
          outstanding BACs and Limited Partnership Interests.

     g.   The  Partnership  shall  have the right to  require  that at least one
          person  providing an  indemnification  under paragraph 5.f above shall
          have a net worth in an amount, as reasonably determined by the General
          Partner,  to be sufficient to meet the indemnity's  obligations  under
          such  indemnification  and to require  such  person to  maintain  that
          minimum  net worth for a  sufficient  period  of time,  as  reasonably
          determined  by the General  Partner,  to assure the  protection of the
          Partnership's agents and Limited Partners.  From time to time upon the
          Partnership's request, the Partnership shall have the right to receive
          audited  financial  statements  or  other  assurances  (as  reasonably
          determined  by the General  Partner)  of  adequate  net worth from any
          person providing an indemnification under paragraph 51 above.

     h.   If either  Applicant  or any of their  affiliates  seeks to  conduct a
          Tender Offer, then the Partnership shall have the right to require any

          such person making the Tender Offer to deliver to the  Partnership  an
          opinion rendered by legal counsel satisfactory to the Partnership,  in
          form and substance  satisfactory to the Partnership,  stating (x) that
          the sum of the  transfers  of Limited  Partnership  Interests  by such
          Tender  Offer and all other  transfers  that  have  occurred  thus far
          during  the   applicable  tax  year  of  the   Partnership   will  not
          (i).jeopardize  the status of the  Partnership  as a  partnership  for
          federal income_ tax purposes, (ii) cause the Partnership to be treated
          as a "publicly  traded  partnership"  under the Internal Revenue Code,
          (iii)  otherwise  result  in  any  adverse  tax  consequences  to  the
          Partnership or any Limited  Partner or General  Partner,  (iv) cause a
          termination  of the  Partnership  for  the  purposes  of the  Internal
          Revenue Code or (v) violate, or cause the Partnership to violate,  any
          applicable  law,  rule  or  regulation,   and  (y)  any  other  matter
          reasonably requested by the Partnership.

     i.   At least seven business days prior to the  commencement  of any Tender
          Offer by either  Applicant  or any of  (euro)heir(,)  affiliates,  the
          persons  conducting such Tender Offer shall deliver to the Partnership
          copies of all written materials  respecting such Tender Offer that the
          person  making the Tender  Offer  intends  to  disseminate  to Limited
          Partners (the "Tender Offer Materials").

     j.   The Partnership shall have the right, but not the obligation,  to mail
          the Tender Offer Materials to Limited Partners,  at the expense of the
          person making the Tender Offer, in lieu of otherwise  providing either
          Applicant  or any other  person  with any other  form of access to the
          Partnership's lists of Limited Partners..

     6.   Requests  for  Books  and  Records  and  List of BACs  holders/Limited
          Partners.  Any  request  for  access  to the  Partnership's  books and
          records and/or the list of BACsholders and/or Limited Partners must be
          in  writing   setting  forth  with   particularity  a  proper  purpose
          reasonably  related to the  current  status of the  person  making the
          request  as a Limited  Partner in the  Partnership  at the time of the
          request.  The request must certify that the person  making the request
          is doing so solely on  his/her/its  own behalf and not on behalf of or
          for the benefit of any other  person.  If any such  request is for the
          purpose of communicating with Limited Partners,  such request shall be
          accompanied  by a copy  of the  proposed  communication.  In  lieu  of
          providing  any other  form of access to books and  records  and/or the
          lists of BACsholders and Limited  Partners (the  Partnership  reserves
          the  right  to mail  any  communication  to  BACsholders  and  Limited
          Partners on behalf of the  requesting  Applicant at the expense of the
          Applicant  (subject  to any  such  communication  complying  with  all
          requirements  of  this  instrument,   the  Partnership  Agreement  and
          applicable  law) or otherwise to  accommodate  the stated  purpose for
          access to the  Partnership's  books and records  and/or lists  through
          alternative  means.  The General  Partner shall have the right, in its
          sole and absolute discretion, to determine what information is of such
          a  confidential  and/or  proprietary  nature  that  it is in the  best
          interests  of the  Partnership  that such  information  should  not be
          disclosed and/or to limit such disclosure on such terms and conditions
          as the  General  Partner  may  determine,  in its  sole  and  absolute
          discretion, are necessary or appropriate.

     7.   Conversion from BACs to Limited Partnership Interests. This instrument
          shall  not  have the  effect  of  converting  any  BACs  into  Limited
          Partnership Interests. Any such conversion may only be accomplished by
          a separate  instrument and in accordance with the terms and conditions
          set forth in the Partnership Agreement respecting such conversions. As
          set  forth  in  the  Partnership  Agreement,  no  Limited  Partnership
          Interests may be converted into BACs.

     8.   Validity.  If any portion of this instrument is finally  determined to
          be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this
          instrument  shall  remain in full force and effect,  with such invalid
          portion deemed to be deleted from this instrument.

     9.   Applicable Law:  Jurisdiction.  This application for transfer shall be
          governed and  interpreted by the laws of the state of New York and the
          signatories hereto hereby consent to exclusive  jurisdiction and venue
          in the federal and state courts  located in New York, New York for all
          matters and disputes arising out of or relating to this application.

- ------------------------      ------------------       -------------------------
Signature (Transferor)        Date                     Signature Guarantee

- ------------------------      ------------------       -------------------------
Signature (Transferee)        Date                     Signature Guarantee

Distribution Allocation Agreement

Distributions- Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the
Partnership Agreement, transferor and transferee agree and acknowledge as

I. Check A        X            or B
          --------------------     --------------------

A.   (1) For  purposes of  distributions  by the  Partnership  of Cash Flow,  as
     deemed in the  Partnership  Agreement  ("Cash  Distributions"),  Transferee
     shall be deemed to the  holder of the Units on the first day of the  fiscal
     quarter in which Transferee and Transferor execute standard transfer forms,
     of which this  Distribution  Allocation  Agreement is a part,  and on which
     consideration passes between the parties.

     (2) As between Transferor and Transferee, all Cash Distributions in respect
     of the  Units  hereafter  made  my the  Partnership  shall  be  made to the
     Buyer/Transferee  of the Units as of the last day of the fiscal  period for
     which such distributions are made.

     (3) As between  Transferor and Transferee,  all distributions in respect of
     the Units other than Cash  Distributions  (such as any, Sale or Refinancing
     Proceeds, as defined in the Partnership Agreement) (collectively,  "Capital
     Distributions")  made by the Partnership after the date of execution of the
     form by  both  Transferor  and  Transferee  (without  regard  to  when  the
     underlying  capital or liquidating  transaction or event occurred) shall be
     made  to   Transferee,   except  for  the   following   specified   Capital
     Distributions which shall be made to Transferor: ____N/A________

B.   For purposes of  distributions  by the  Partnership  of Cash  Distributions
     and/or Capital  Distributions,  Transferor and Transferee hereby agree that
     the terms of the Partnership  Agreement shall govern the time and manner of
     such distributions.

II.  In the event that,  notwithstanding  the  exercise of it's best  efforts to
     comply with this  Agreement,  the  Partnership  makes a distribution to the
     wrong party as between Transferor and Transferee,  the party receiving such
     distribution  will  promptly  endorse  and  deliver to the other  party the
     distribution  checks or otherwise pay to the other party the amount of such
     distribution,   and  Transferor  and  Transferee  will  hold  harmless  the
     Partnership  and it's  managers,  agents,  employees,  advisors  and  other
     affiliates,  and broker/dealers and their agents or employees, with respect
     to the payment of such distributions.

(If this form is not completed and returned along with the transfer documents,
transferor and transferee will be deemed to have chosen option B.)

- ------------------------     ------------------      ---------------------------
Transferor Signature         Date                    Signature Guarantee

- ------------------------     ------------------      ---------------------------
Transferee Signature         Date                    Signature Guarantee

Charter Mac
        Capital Solutions
        625 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022  212.317.5700
                                            Fax 212.751.3550   chartermac.com

RE : Liberty Tax Credit Plus II L.P.

Dear Sir or Madame:

We have received a request to transfer units(s) from you in the above-referenced
Partnership. Before we begin the process of documenting the transfer, we wish to
inform you that when a partner transfers their interests in this Partnership,
there will be recapture based on the amount of passive losses the investor has
used (such recapture only pertains to the passive losses and not the tax credits
you have utilized from this Partnership). Therefore depending on the nature of
the transfer and the amount of passive losses generated and used, you may be
subject to tax consequences.

Accordingly, we urge you to discuss the proposed transfer with your financial
and tax advisors.

You may hereby acknowledge and agree that you may have read and understand the
disclosures contained in the attached press release concerning the tender offer
and confirm that you want to proceed with the transfer in full awareness and
understanding of those disclosures.

- ------------------------     ------------------     ----------------------------
Signature (Transferee)       Date                   Signature Guarantee

- ------------------------     ------------------     ----------------------------
Signature (Transferor)       Date                   Signature Guarantee