May 11, 2007

Christina Chaulk
Office of Mergers and Acquisitions
Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C. 20549-0303

     Re:  Amrecorp  Realty  Fund II,  Schedule  TO-T  filed  April  23,  2007 by
MacKenzie Patterson Fuller, LP and its affiliates, the Purchasers
SEC File No. 005-54793

Dear Ms. Chaulk:

Thank you for your letter dated May 1, 2007 regarding our recent Schedule TO-T.
I will respond to the questions you asked in your letter in the order in which
you posed them.

     1.   We disclose the fact that we made an earlier  offer,  and the date and
          amount  of that  offer  in two  different  locations  in the  Offer to
          Purchase.  It is in the  Summary  Term Sheet under "WHAT IS THE MARKET
          VALUE OF MY  UNITS?"  and under  "Establishment  of the Offer  Price."
          Further,  almost without fail, every unit holder would have received a
          copy of that offer as well (and  perhaps the 14D-9 filed with  respect
          to that offer),  and would be fully aware of the previous offer. We do
          not  feel it is  appropriate  for the  Staff  to make  comments  about
          whether or not disclosure  items should be bullet points or otherwise.
          Furthermore,  we fail to see the  materiality of the disclosure in any
          case; the unit holders receiving this offer cannot avail themselves of
          the previous  offer and the purchasers do not have a plan or intention
          of making "serial  offers." In fact, 83% of the  participants  in this
          offer  were  not a part of the  last  offer  (i.e.,  only  Steve  Gold
          participated  in the last offer and this offer).  The  Purchasers  and
          their affiliates have conducted the following  previous tender offers:
          Everest  Management,  LLC made 3 offers: $65 per Unit on 4/17/01;  $80
          per Unit on  9/25/02;  and $30 per  Unit on  10/03/05;  Affiliates  of
          MacKenzie   Patterson  Fuller,  LP  have  made  4  offers  (dates  are
          approximate): 7-1-1998, $40 Per Unit; 2-29-00, $30 Per Unit; 7-7-2003,
          $80 Per Unit; 11-22-2006, $60 Per unit (net of distributions, as noted
          below). Equity Resources is withdrawing from the Offer, so information
          about their tender offers in the past was not requested.

     2.   We acknowledge  that we have an obligation to disclose and disseminate
          material  information  of  which  we are  aware  that is not  publicly
          available.  Furthermore, should we make a material change in the terms
          of our Offer, we will file an amendment and disseminate the changes.

     3.   We mailed the Offer to Purchase, Letter of Transmittal,  and Letter to
          Unit  Holders to each  limited  partner  of record,  filed the same on
          EDGAR, and posted the same on our website. Thus, we have complied with
          Rule  14d-4's  requirement  that we  "must  publish,  send or give the
          disclosure required  by Sec. 240.14d-6  to security  holders...."  The
          instruction  to  paragraph  (a)  states  that  "tender  offers  may be
          published  or sent or given to security  holders by other  methods..."
          Clearly,  mailing a copy of the entire offer to each  security  holder

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          satisfies  the  requirement  that we  "send"  the  offer  to  security
          holders. Frankly, we are surprised by this comment. If the Staff has a
          concern that is not addressed by our response, please let us know.

     4.   We will file an amendment  clarifying  that the Schedule TO was signed
          by all bidders.

     5.   As disclosed  in the Offer,  the last tender offer was at $60 per Unit
          net of  distributions.  Originally,  it was $85 per Unit, but that was
          prior to a $25 per Unit  distribution  made in late November  2006, so
          the offer  price was  reduced  to $60 per Unit,  as  disclosed  in the
          Partnership's  Schedule  14D-9 filed with  respect to that offer.  The
          offer by CMG  Partners at $65 per Unit is the "latest  offer" to which
          we refer. As a point of  clarification,  our last offer ended December
          29, 2006, not in January. As for the CMG Partners offer, we understand
          that it began sometime on or before January 2007 and continued through
          February 28, 2007, unless it was extended (our information is from the
          General Partner's  preliminary proxy filing). As to your comment about
          this  statement  being  misleading,  we assume that our  clarification
          regarding the distribution  resolves that concern.  As to your comment
          regarding the General  Partner's recent offer, we disclose the details
          of that offer no fewer than 4 times in the Offer,  including below the
          bullet point you  reference.  Further,  in each  instance we refer the
          General  Partner's offer in comparison to our Offer, but again, he has
          abandoned that offer, as we disclose,  so our comparison is based upon
          a sale at that price, even though no such contract is in place.

     6.   We will note in future  offers  that notice of the  extension  will be
          filed on EDGAR. The Summary Term Sheet already  discloses that we will
          issue a public announcement.

     7.   It is neither  our intent nor is it likely  that our offer will result
          in  deregistration  eligibility.  This  offer is not one in a  planned
          series of transactions  that is likely to have that result either.  We
          state  already  in the  offer  that  "The  Offer is not made  with any
          current view toward or plan or purpose of acquiring  Units in a series
          of successive and periodic offers." We also discuss the possibility of
          deregistration,  which in this  case is  highly  unlikely  with  1,470
          limited partners.  Lastly, we are not an affiliate of the Partnership,
          so a 13e-3  filing  would  not be  required  even if our  offer  would
          certainly result in deregistration.

     8.   The offer to purchase  was made in an email to the  general  partner's
          staff in early April.  There were no  conditions  or terms  negotiated
          other than sale  price;  had we agreed on a sale  price,  those  terms
          would have been discussed at that point.  The General  Partner did not
          provide a reason for its  rejection of the offer;  it just stated that
          it would actively  market the property and would  entertain a bid from
          us along with any other  potential  purchaser.  We no longer  have any
          plans to purchase the  property.  If our offer had been  accepted,  we
          estimate that limited partners would have received  approximately  $98
          per Unit.

     9.   We have no plans or intentions with respect to purchasing or marketing
          the  property,  as we  disclose in the offer.  At this  point,  if the
          property is actively marketed,  we are content to receive the benefits
          of such a sale as limited partners.

     10.  We acknowledge your expectation.

     11.  The offer is to purchase  "ALL Units of limited  partnership  interest
          (the  "Units") in  AMRECORP  REALTY  FUND II (the  "Partnership")  not
          already held by purchasers and their  affiliates."  The Purchasers and
          their affiliates  currently own 2,215.75 Units, so the 12,328.25 Units

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          subject to the offer are all outstanding units that could be tendered.
          We believe this is clearly disclosed in several places.

     12.  As indicated  above,  we have no plans to purchase the  property.  Our
          negotiations  with the  general  partner  terminated,  and the general
          partner indicated that it would begin actively marketing the property.

     13.  We  do  not  believe  the  condition  in  13(e)  is  impacted  by  the
          transaction  proposed by the  General  Partner.  The  General  Partner
          proposed  to  purchase  the  property  owned by the  Partnership,  not
          additional units in the Partnership.

Closing paragraphs: While acknowledging the Staff's positions, and without
implying any specific issue with such position, we respectfully decline to make
the statements requested. There is no requirement that we do so. To the extent
the requested statements are accurate statements of applicable law, there is no
reason to obtain from bidders a recitation of such law. To the extent the
statements go beyond applicable law or reflect interpretations of law that may
be open to dispute, it would not be fair or appropriate to require bidders to
make statements that might prejudice their right to take a contrary position at
some later time, if the occasion arose.

Please let me know if you have any questions or further comments.

Very Truly Yours,

Chip Patterson
Senior Vice President and General Counsel
(925) 631-9100 ext. 206
(925) 871-4046 (Fax)