Exhibit (a)(4)

May 11, 2007


         Re:      OFFER INCREASED TO $105 PER UNIT;
                  If you have already tendered to us, you will get the higher
                  price automatically, even if you sent in the old Letter of

           Dear Unit Holder:

         We are pleased to inform you that we have increased the price offered
in our Offer to Purchase your Units of limited partnership interests in Amrecorp
Realty Fund II (the "Partnership"), dated April 23, 2007 ("Offer to Purchase").

     o    We have  increased the price we will pay to $105 per Unit,  subject to
          the same terms and  conditions  stated in the Offer to  Purchase.  The
          General  Partner  of  the  Partnership  has  made  no   recommendation
          regarding our Offer, but recently offered $100 per Unit.

     o    Our Offer is also able to close sooner. Our Offer is now set to expire
          on May 25, 2007, at 11:59 p.m., Pacific Time. Securities law prohibits
          the General Partner from accepting units under his offer prior to June
          8,  2007.  We intend to  announce  by May 31,  2007,  whether  we have
          accepted for payment all Units  tendered  into our offer,  well before
          the offer from the General Partner can legally expire.

     o    Our Offer  remains  the  highest  offer,  and  exceeds  the  estimated
          proceeds per Unit that limited  partners  would receive from a sale of
          the  Partnership's  property  at the price  recently  proposed  by the
          General  Partner (which he now estimates  would be $82 per Unit).  The
          Offer price also exceeds the estimated  proceeds per Unit that limited
          partners  would receive from a sale of the  Partnership's  property at
          the price  recently  proposed by bidders  (which the  General  Partner
          estimates would be $92 per Unit).

     o    The General Partner has a fiduciary duty to the limited partners,  and
          states that he considers  his offer of $100 per Unit to be fair to the
          limited partners. Obviously, $105 per Unit is "more fair."

     We urge you to read the Offer to Purchase and this letter completely and to
     return your completed Letter of Transmittal promptly in the envelope
     provided. Please note that a Medallion Guarantee is no longer required.

     The Offer is scheduled to expire on May 25, 2007. For answers to any
     questions you might have regarding these materials or our Offer, or
     assistance in the procedures for accepting our Offer and tendering your
     Units, please contact us at (800) 854-8357 (toll free).

                               Very truly yours,

                               MPF-NY 2007, LLC; MPF SPECIAL FUND 8, LLC;
                               STEVEN GOLD; ANISE, LLC; and
                               EVEREST MANAGEMENT, LLC