DERENTHAL & DANNHAUSER LLP
                           ONE POST STREET, SUITE 575
                         SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94104
                                 (415) 981-4844
                            FACSIMILE: (415) 981-4840

                                  June 3, 2008


Mr. Rufus Decker
Accounting Branch Chief
Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20549

         Re:   ATEL Capital Equipment Fund IX, LLC (the "Company)
               Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007
               Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2008
               SEC File No. 0-50210

Dear Mr. Decker:

         This letter is in response to your letter dated May 28, 2008, to Mr.
Paritosh Choksi, Chief Financial Officer of the above-referenced Company,
regarding the referenced reports.

         The Company's supplemental responses to the comments in your letter are
set forth below, with captions and numbered responses keyed to the captions and
numbered comments in your letter.



1.   The supplemental  responses include the Company's  proposed revisions to be
     made to  future  filings.  Subject  to the  Staff's  concurrence  with  the
     adequacy of the proposed  revisions in response to its  comments,  all such
     revisions will be included in future filings as appropriate.

Capital Resources and Liquidity

2.   The full  amount  remaining  available  under  the  joint  acquisition  and
     warehouse  facility is potentially  available to the Company.  However,  as
     amounts are drawn on the facility by each of the Company and the affiliates
     who are  borrowers  under the  facility,  the  amount  available  to all is

Mr. Rufus Decker
June 3, 2008
Page 2

     reduced.  As the  warehousing  facility  is a short term  bridge  financing
     facility,  any amounts  borrowed under the warehousing  facility,  and then
     repaid by the affiliated  borrowers (including the Company) upon allocation
     of an  acquisition  to a specific  purchaser,  become  available  under the
     warehouse facility for further short term borrowing.

     As noted on pages 12 and 35, the receivables funding program was terminated
     with  respect  to new  borrowing  by  the  Company  in  January  2006.  The
     receivables funding program was therefore incorrectly presented as a source
     of liquidity in Item 7 of the 10-K.  The  receivables  funding  program was
     appropriately presented in the "Capital Resources and Liquidity" discussion
     in Item 2 of Part I of the subsequent 10-Q, and will be correctly presented
     in all future reports.  The primary sources of liquidity for the Company in
     future periods will be the Company's lease and loan financing revenues, and
     any debt financing for future  acquisitions  which may be available through
     the joint  warehouse and  acquisition  facility and/or through non recourse
     financing sought from other third party lenders.

Note 2.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Initial Direct Costs

3.   While internal  costs are  parenthetically  described as "(e.g.,  labor and
     overhead),"  the  reported IDC consists  solely of  employee-related  costs
     incurred in connection with the successful  origination of leases and loans
     in the  Company's  portfolio.  In order to make  this  clear,  the  Company
     proposes  in future  reports to revise the  sentence in question to read as

     "IDC includes both internal costs (e.g., the costs of employees' activities
     in connection with  successful  lease and loan  originations)  and external
     broker fees incurred with such originations."

     Those  costs  that have been  treated as IDC are  determined  in the manner
     described in the  memorandum  prepared by the  Company's  Manager  entitled
     "Revised procedures for identifying, calculating, allocating and amortizing
     the Initial  Direct Costs  ("IDC")."  This  memorandum  was provided to the
     Staff in connection  with a prior review of the  Company's  2004 Form 10-K,
     along with my letter  dated  April 3, 2006.  The  revised  procedures  were
     designed,  among  other  things,  to  assure  that IDC were  determined  in
     accordance with SFAS 13 paragraph 5(m) and SFAS 91.

Mr. Rufus Decker
June 3, 2008
Page 3

Exhibit 31

4.   The word "annual" will be removed from paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Exhibit 31
     certifications in all future reports.

                  FORM 10-Q FOR THE PERIOD ENDED MARCH 31, 2008


5.   See the responses to comments 2, 3 and 4 above.  As noted,  the  responsive
     changes will be included in all future periodic reports,  including interim

Note 12.  Fair Value of Financial Instruments, page 22

6.   The balance sheet line item caption in future  reports will be corrected by
     revising it to read "Investment in Securities" with the qualifier "at cost"
     removed. This will restore consistency between the financial statements and
     the  footnote   disclosures  under  footnote  2,  "Summary  of  significant
     accounting  policies - Investment  in  Securities,"  and footnote 12, "Fair
     value of financial  instruments," as they reflect both the "cost" and "fair
     value" concepts defined therein.  The footnote  disclosure will continue to
     state that purchased  securities are reported either at cost or fair value,
     as defined, and warrants are reported at fair value.

     Attached is a letter from the Company  with the  requested  acknowledgments
regarding the Staff's comments and its responsibility.

     Please  contact  the  undersigned  with any further  comments or  questions
concerning the Company's reports.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            /s/ PAUL J. DERENTHAL

                                            Paul J. Derenthal

cc:      Mr. Paritosh Choksi
         Mr. Samuel Schussler
         Mr. Tullus Miller
         Ms. Nudrat Salik