
                           Annual Shareholder Meeting

                               February 25, 2009

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                                 Meeting Agenda

        I. Formal Meeting

                A. Call to Order

                B. Verification of Quorum

                C. Election Results

                D. Adjournment

        II. Shareholder Presentation

                A. BellaVista Team

                B. Residential Real Estate Market

                C. 2008 at BellaVista Capital

                D. 2008 Financial Review

                E. 2009 Outlook

                F. Shareholder Liquidity Program

                G. Q & A

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                           Forward-Looking Statements

This presentation contains forward-looking statements.  These include statements
regarding the Company's future financial results,  operating  results,  business
strategies,  projected  costs and capital  expenditures,  investment  portfolio,
competitive  positions,  and plans  and  objectives  of  management  for  future
operations.  Forward-looking  statements  may be  identified by the use of words
such as "may,"  "will,"  "should,"  "expect,"  "plan,"  anticipate,"  "believe,"
"estimate,"  "predict,"  "intend,"  "seek,"  "target"  and  "continue,"  or  the
negative  of these  terms,  and  include  the  assumptions  that  underlie  such
statements.  The Company's  actual  results could differ  materially  from those
expressed or implied in these forward-looking  statements as a result of various
risks and uncertainties. All forward-looking statements in this presentation are
based on  information  available  to the  Company as of the date  hereof and the
Company assumes no obligation to update any such statements.

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                              The BellaVista Team

          Name                          Position
          ---------------------         -----------------------------------

          William Offenberg             Chairman & CEO

          Jeffrey Black                 Director & CFO

          Patricia Wolf                 Director & Secretary

          Robert Puette                 Director

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                               Real Estate Market

        > Irresponsible mortgage lending and lack of liquidity in the
          credit markets were the major causes in the collapse of
          the housing market

        > The collapse of Wall Street's investment banking industry
          further exacerbated an already extremely weak market.

        > A "perfect storm" continues

                o Sale prices continue to erode

                o Sales velocity remains very slow

                o Inventories remain very high, both from normal "For Sale" as
                  well as a record number of foreclosures.

        > Qualified buyers continue to be in a holding pattern
          awaiting further price decreases and better interest rates.

        > Significant obstacles to recovery remain

                o Lack of Liquidity

                o Historically very high inventories

                o Significant number of foreclosures - to date and yet to come

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                           2008 at BellaVista Capital

        > Created individual strategy for each REO

        > Assumed control of three "For Sale" projects
          and converted them to Rental Properties

        > Maintained a modest portion of portfolio in
          monthly-paying deeds of trust to provide some
          of the cash flow needed for operations

        > Prevailed in the one remaining shareholder

        > Board of Directors continued to meet monthly

                o Review all of investments

                o Provide management direction and oversight

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                           2008 at BellaVista Capital

        > Completed restructuring plan

                o Closed Palo Alto office

                o Eliminated all Bella Vista employees

                o Outsourced loan servicing and asset management to
                  Cupertino Capital at a cost of less than 1% of NRV

                o Established an office at Cupertino Capital as part of
                  our outsourcing agreement

                o Director Jeff Black assumed the added role of Chief
                  Financial Officer

                o Chairman of the Board Bill Offenberg assumed the
                  added role of Chief Executive Officer

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                            2008 Portfolio Activity

        > Achieved the returns we had projected for two
          projects (Redwood City & Tahoe)

        > Completed Cummings Park (East Palo Alto)

                o Sold the residential condominiums via an auction

                o Holding the last 2 retail condominiums to lease and

        > Recaptured 65% of original investment in
          Livermore Village via a sale to City of Livermore.

        > Completed and converted 3 "For Sale" projects
          to Rental

        > Substantially completed the funding and
          construction of all remaining investments

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                     NRV Revenues - Performing Investments

                                        Year Ended         Year Ended
                                          Dec-07             Dec-08
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
First Trust Deeds                       $  2,611            $     889
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Subordinated Debt                       $  2,116            $       0
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
JV Investments                          $    350            $   2,488
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Direct Investments                           n/a            $    (368)
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Rental, Interest & Other Income              n/a            $     389
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Total                                   $  5,077            $   3,398
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
- --------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------
Per weighted average share              $   0.36            $    0.29
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
In thousands except per share amounts

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                               Impairments to NRV
                         JV & Subordinated Investments

        > Components of a typical investment

                1. A traditional large development & construction loan from a
                   bank as a first mortgage

                2. A smaller investment or loan from BVC (10 - 20% of the first
                   loan) behind the construction loan in priority

        > JV and Subordinated investments can provide a higher
          return than a first deed of trust loan but have more risk.

        > Most of these investments were made in 2005 and 2006,
          18 to 36 months prior to the market collapse.

        > As the market and prices collapsed

                o Loan-to-value covenants of construction loans were tripped

                o Banks demanded additional equity be added or banks would

                o BVC faced with decision to either add more cash or be
                  foreclosed out.

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                2008 Impairments

- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------
Property             Location             Type                        Write Down
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------
Green Hills          San Diego            Single Family Project       100%
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------
Ballantyne           San Diego            Single Family Project       100%
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------
Hollister Avenue     Santa Barbara        Rental & For Sale           100%
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------
Harper Avenue        West Hollywood       Condominiums                100%
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------
Brighton Avenue      Modesto              Converted to Rentals        Partial
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------
Gilmartin Road       Tiburon              Luxury Single Family        Partial
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------
Deeds of Trust       Mostly California    Various -Paid Monthly       < 10%
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ----------

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                               Impairments to NRV

                                        Year Ended         Year Ended
                                          Dec-07             Dec-08
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
First Trust Deeds                        $    -2,093        $     -365
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Subordinated Debt                        $    -2,197        $        0
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
JV Investments - most originated         $   -11,550        $   -8,807
in 2005 & 2006, 18 to 36 months
prior to market implosion)
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Direct Investments                       $         0        $    -8,419
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Total                                    $   -15,840        $   -17,591
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Per weighted average share               $     -1.13        $     -1.52
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Affect to NRV In thousands except per share amounts

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                  NRV Summary

                                        Year Ended         Year Ended
                                          Dec-07             Dec-08
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
NRV Revenues - from Performing           $     0.36         $     0.29
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Impairments                              $    -1.13         $    -1.52
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Operating Expenses                       $    -0.13         $    -0.24
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Share Repurchases                        $     0.23         $     0.30
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Change in NRV                            $    -0.67         $    -1.17
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Beginning NRV                            $     4.57         $     3.90
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Ending NRV                               $     3.90         $     2.73
- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------
Weighted average NRV per share

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                               Current Portfolio

- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Property              Location             Type                 Status
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Brighton Avenue       Modesto              Condos               Rent & Hold
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Polk Street           San Francisco        Condos               Rent & For Sale
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Hollister Avenue **   Santa Barbara        Town Homes           Rent & For Sale
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Cummings Park         East Palo Alto       Commercial           Rent & For Sale
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Gilmartin Road        Tiburon              Luxury SFR           For Sale
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Harper Avenue **      West Hollywood       Condos               For Sale
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Broadway Avenue       Oakland              Mixed Use            For Sale
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
MacAurthur Blvd.      Oakland              Condos               For Sale
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------
Deeds of Trust        Mostly California    Various              Paid Monthly
- --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------

                ** Fully Impaired

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                   2009 Focus
                            Working to Protect Value

        > Maximize value of existing investments

                o 2 - 4 years to manage and sell

                o Existing investments will require capital to fund

        > Prioritize use of capital:

                1. Fund operation of properties in portfolio to maximize

                2. Fund operation of the company

                3. Service and payoff debt

                4. Fund annual shareholder liquidity program - A Key Focus

        > Ensure needed liquidity:

                o Sell selected portfolio assets - A Key Focus

                o Manage borrowings as needed

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                         Shareholder Liquidity Program

        > Three years ago, under very different market
          conditions, our goal was to implement a
          shareholder liquidity program in 2009.

        > Provide liquidity in the form of stock repurchase

                o Deliver cash to shareholders in as tax efficient manner
                  as possible - as a sale of stock

        > Repurchase price would be NRV less a discount
          reflecting the then-current market and
          associated portfolio risks

        > Funded by a portion of income and liquid assets

                o Based on then-current portfolio and market conditions

                o Subject to sufficient excess capital being available

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                         Shareholder Liquidity Program

        > The program must be delayed until such time as
          the Company has sufficient liquidity.

                o Liquidity in excess of what is needed for operations
                  and debt service

        > Prioritized uses of capital:

                1. Fund operation of properties in portfolio to maximize

                2. Fund operation of the company

                3. Service and payoff debt

                4. Fund annual shareholder liquidity program

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

        Major changes occurred this past year with
        BellaVista's management structure.

        While we realize the Board is responsible
        for oversight, would you please describe
        who is managing the day-to-day operations
        of the company and our investments?

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

        > Given the significant downturn in the real estate market, we
          transitioned our focus from lending to managing our existing

        > The Board determined that a different skill set would be needed going

        > In October 2007 Mr. Offenberg assumed a more operational role of
          Executive Chairman and was tasked with implementing the restructuring.

        > The BellaVista employees were transitioned out of the company in an
          orderly fashion during fiscal year 2008

        > In October 2008

                o Mr. Black became the CFO.

                o Mr. Offenberg became the CEO

        > Transitioned loan servicing and asset management to Cupertino Capital

                o The cost of this service is based on a fixed percentage of
                  current NRV.

        > The Board remains very involved in all aspects of the company

        > The restructuring

                o Better meets the operational needs of the current market

                o Provides significant operational savings and efficiencies.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

                Who is Cupertino Capital?

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

        > Cupertino Capital has been a real estate lender and servicer
          of loans for 15 years

        > They currently service a loan pool of $128M with over 280

        > Dan Shaw is the owner of the company and has been an
          advisor to BV since 2006

        > Cupertino Capital has extensive experience in private
          lending, property management, development, entitlements
          and foreclosure and loan work outs.

        > Cupertino Capital was retained by BV to service its loan
          portfolio in 2008

        > Cupertino Capital is paid a fee to manage the BV portfolio
          based on a fractional percentage of NRV

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

                Can the Board make a one- or two-year
                projection as it relates to share value?

                Do you anticipate taking more impairments
                on the existing investments?

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

        > We believe the current estimates of value are as
          reasonable as is possible given the complexity of
          estimating property values when there are so few
          transactions and buyers.

        > We will continue on a regular monthly basis to
          closely monitor the portfolio's properties and the
          local markets they are in.

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

        > The mortgage meltdown and real estate market collapse are the
          most significant challenge to the economy in eight decades.

        > Very difficult to make projections of value with any real
          certainty given

                o Continued highly constrained credit markets

                o Uncertainty related to real impact of the Feds and government
                  stimulus programs.

        > Have and will continue to attempt to anticipate market changes and
          take appropriate actions including adjusting our portfolio valuation.

        > Anticipating the current liquidity and market conditions:

                o Restructured the company

                o Stopped making higher-risk equity investments and mezzanine
                  loans at the end on 2006

                o Reduced operating cost by outsourcing loan servicing and asset

                o Eliminated all full time employees and closed the Palo Alto

                o Repositioned some properties from "For Sale" to either Rental
                  or a combination of Rental and "For Sale"

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

                It was proposed in 2005 that the company
                be liquidated.

                Should we liquidate the company now?

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

        > As announced at last year's meeting, we are in the process
          of an orderly liquidation of the assets in the portfolio.

        > The market melt down that we have experienced over the last
          year has slowed our liquidation efforts but not changed our

        > We have developed and implemented a strategy to maximize
          the value of each property in order to sell them in a timely

        > These strategies include:

                o Converting some projects to rentals

                o Placing short term financing on some assets that we own

                o Investing in small short term deeds of trust for income to
                  operate the company

        > As these strategies are implemented over the next 2 to 4
          years, we expect to be able to generate the liquidity
          necessary to fund the Shareholder Liquidity Program

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

                Has the Board been effective in dealing
                with the market challenges?

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                                     Q & A

        > All Board members have been shareholders for many years

                o Purchased their shares at $10

                o Own over 8% of the outstanding shares

                o No Board member has sold any of their shares

        > Made significant changes in operations and structure in order to
          minimize the impact from the credit and real estate market crises

        > Taken defensive measures to preserve value and viability of the

        > While there has been a significant decrease in portfolio value
          during what is the most severe real estate downturn since the
          Depression, the Board has

                o Acted decisively

                o Assumed added operational responsibilities

                o Taken timely actions in the management of projects and

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Annual Shareholder Meeting                                            BellaVista
February 25, 2009                                                      Capital

                              END OF PRESENTATION