Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934
                                               (Amendment No. ____)

Filed by the Registrant                              [ X ]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant           [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]      Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
         Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]      Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or
         Section 240.14a-12

                           Famous Host Lodging V, L.P.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- - -------------------------------------------------------------------
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ]      No fee required.

[X]      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
         and 0-11.

         1)       Title of each class of securities to which transaction


         2)       Aggregate number of securities to which transaction


         3)       Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                  computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the
                  amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                  was determined):

                  Purchase price for registrant's property

         4)       Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


         5)       Total fee paid:


[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange
         Act Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting
         fee was paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1)       Amount Previously Paid:


         2)       Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


         3)       Filing Party:


         4)       Dated Filed:


                                                             PRELIMINARY COPY

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT

                               OF LIMITED PARTNERS
                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.

                                 May ____, 1998

                            SOLICITATION OF CONSENTS

         The limited partners (the "Limited Partners") of FAMOUS HOST LODGING V,
L.P., a California limited partnership (the  "Partnership"),  are being asked to
consider  and  approve  by  written  consent  the  proposed  sale  of all of the
Partnership's  interests in real  property and related  personal  property  (the
"Property"),  which  proposal  is  described  hereinafter.  If the  proposal  is
approved and the proposed sale is  consummated,  among other things,  all of the
Partnership's  assets will be liquidated and the Partnership  will be dissolved.
See "Effects of Approval of the Proposal" below.)

GENERAL  PARTNER").  This  Information  Statement and the enclosed  Consent were
first sent to the Limited Partners on or about May __, 1998.

         Units of limited partnership  interest in the Partnership (the "Units")
represented  by Consents  duly  executed and returned to the  Partnership  on or
before July __, 1998 (unless  extended by the Managing  General Partner pursuant
to  notice  mailed  to the  Limited  Partners)  will be  voted  or not  voted in
accordance with the instructions  contained therein.  If no instructions for the
proposal  are given on an executed and returned  Consent,  Units so  represented
will be voted in favor of the proposal.  The Managing  General Partner will take
no action with respect to the proposal  addressed  herein except as specified in
the duly executed and returned Consents.

         The  cost of this  solicitation  of  Consents  is  being  borne  by the
Partnership.  Such  solicitation is being made by mail and, in addition,  may be
made by officers and  employees  of the  Partnership  and the  Managing  General
Partner, either in person or by telephone or telegram.

                            REASONS FOR THE PROPOSAL

         The  Partnership  was formed in 1984 and its motel property  located in
Barstow, California opened for business during 1985.

         This  Information  Statement  has  been  prepared  to ask  the  Limited
Partners  to  approve  the sale of the  Property  for cash in the  amount of the
appraised fair market value of $4,100,000.

         It has always been the  intention of the  Partnership  to liquidate the
Property when it became apparent that the best interests of the Limited Partners
would be served by doing so. The Managing General Partner has received inquiries
over  the  years  as to when the  Property  was to be sold  and the  Partnership


liquidated. Its response, until recently, has been that because of overbuilt and
depressed  motel  market  conditions,  the time was not  right for a sale of the
Property.  Conditions have changed,  and the Managing  General Partner  believes
that the Property should be sold now and the Partnership liquidated.

         During September and October 1997, Everest Properties II, LLC, a member
of an affiliated group of entities which is the second largest investor group in
the Partnership  (the "Everest  Group"),  made an offer to purchase the Property
and the motel  properties of four other  California  limited  partnerships as to
which  the  Managing  General  Partner  serves  as  general  partner  (the  "GMS
Partnerships").   The  purchase  price  set  forth  in  the  October  offer  was
$2,614,730,  a price far below  $4,100,000,  the recent  appraised value and the
price offered in the current proposal. The Managing General Partner rejected the
prior  offer,  and a conflict  between  the  Everest  Group and the  Partnership
arising out of the  rejection  resulted in  lawsuits.  Inasmuch as the  Managing
General  Partner  agreed with the Everest  Group in principle  that the Property
should be sold,  a  settlement  was reached  whereby,  among other  things,  the
Managing  General  Partner  agreed to take steps to sell the  Property,  and the
lawsuits were dismissed.

         As discussed  more fully below under  "Appraisal of the  Property," the
Property  has been  appraised by PKF  Consulting,  a  highly-respected  national
hospitality  industry  specialist.  Its  conclusion is that the  aggregate  fair
market value of the Property is $4,100,000, which is the proposed purchase price
of the Property.  The purchase price is to be paid in cash, and the net proceeds
thereof will be distributed in accordance  with the  Partnership  Agreement upon
the  close of the  sales  transaction  and the  concomitant  dissolution  of the
Partnership. Termination of the Partnership will occur as soon as the winding up
process can be completed.

         The  Managing  General  Partner is  recommending  the  approval  of the
transaction by the Limited Partners for the following reasons:

      The Managing  General Partner believes that the sale value of the Property
     is now at the crest of a seller's  market  which may not last much  longer.
     Although  there can be no  assurance  that the  Property's  value  will not
     increase over time, the Managing  General Partner  believes that within the
     next five  years  only  modest  increases  in the  Property's  value can be
     expected to occur.  This belief is  substantiated  by the  appraisals.  The
     Managing  General  Partner  believes  that  now is the  time  to  sell  the

      The Partnership's  intention has always been to sell the Property when the
     market conditions  warranted sale. It was never an investment  objective of
     the Partnership to hold the Property permanently.

      The Managing General Partner understands that the circumstances of many of
     the Limited  Partners  have  changed over the life of the  Partnership  and
     believes that the Limited  Partners should be presented with an opportunity
     to  liquidate  their  investments.  In this regard,  the  Managing  General
     Partner  believes it is important to understand  that no true market exists
     for the sale of Units.  Heretofore,  to  dispose  of their  Units,  Limited
     Partners have had to arrange  private sales,  or accept tender  offers,  at
     prices well below the correlative value of the underlying assets.

      The  Properties  are  proposed  to be sold to the  Buyer  for  $4,100,000,
     approximately  $1,485,000  more  than was  offered  for the  Properties  in
     October  1997 by the  Everest  Group.  The  sales  price  is  equal  to the


     appraised  value of the  Properties  as determined  by PKF  Consulting,  an
     independent  real estate  advisory  firm  specializing  in the valuation of
     lodging properties.  The proposed sale will be for all cash. PKF Consulting
     has rendered to the  Partnership  a fairness  opinion,  stating its opinion
     that the  sales  price is fair to the  Partnership.  The  contract  of sale
     between the Partnership and the Buyer provides for a closing of the sale on
     July 15,  1998 or within 30 days after  approval of the sale by the limited
     partners of the Partnership, whichever occurs later. For these reasons, and
     because of the length of time that  widespread  marketing of the Properties
     might take,  the General  Partner has not actively  marketed the Properties
     for sale. There can,  therefore,  be no assurance that the proposed sale of
     the  Properties  to the Buyer is at the highest  price  attainable  for the

      As of __________________, 1998, the Limited Partners had already received,
     over the life of the Partnership,  the sum of $________ per Unit (more than
     twice their $1,000 per Unit original  investment)  in the form of quarterly
     distributions.  Upon the sale of the  Properties  pursuant to the  proposed
     transaction,  the  Limited  Partners  would  receive an  additional  pretax
     distribution in the estimated amount of $__________ per Unit.


         The only outstanding  class of voting  securities of the Partnership is
the Units. Each Unit entitles its holder to one vote on the proposal.

         All Limited  Partners  as of the date  action is taken on the  proposal
(the "Record Date") are entitled to notice of and to vote on the proposal. As of
April 13, 1998 there were 9,022 Units  outstanding  and a total of 1764  Limited
Partners  entitled to vote such Units.  With respect to the proposal to be voted
upon,  the favorable  vote of Limited  Partners  holding in excess of 50% of the
Units outstanding as of the Record Date will be required for approval. There are
no rights of  appraisal  or  similar  rights of  dissenters  with  regard to the
proposal to be voted upon.

         As of April 13, 1998 no person or group of related persons was known by
the Partnership to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the Units,  except
the following group of related Unit holders:

  Everest Lodging Investors, LLC         261 Units         2.89%
  Everest Madison Investors, LLC         298 Units         3.30%
         Total                           559 Units         6.19%

Neither  the  Managing  General  Partner  nor  any of  its  affiliates  are  the
beneficial owners of any Units.

         No meeting will be held with regard to this solicitation of the Limited
Partners.  Voting may be accomplished by completing and returning to the offices
of the Partnership,  at 2030 J Street, Sacramento,  California 95814, telephone:
(916) 442-9183,  the form of Consent included  herewith.  Only Consents received
prior to the close of  business  on the date (the  "Action  Date")  which is the
earlier  of (i) the date on  which  the  Partnership  receives  approval  of the
proposal by a  majority-in-interest  of the Limited  Partners,  or (ii) July __,
1998 (unless  extended by the Managing General Partner pursuant to notice mailed
to the  Limited  Partners),  will be counted  toward  the vote on the  proposal.
However,  Limited  Partners are urged to return  their  Consents at the earliest
practicable date.


         If  a  Limited  Partner  has  delivered  an  executed  Consent  to  the
Partnership,  the Limited  Partner  may revoke  such  Consent not later than the
close of business on the date  immediately  prior to the Action Date.  As of the
Action Date, the action which is the subject of this solicitation will either be
effective  (if the requisite  number of executed  Consents have been received by
the Partnership) or the  solicitation  period will have expired without approval
of the  proposal.  The only  method  for  revoking  a  Consent  once it has been
delivered to the Partnership is by the delivery to the Partnership  prior to the
Action Date of a written instrument executed by the Limited Partner who executed
the Consent which states that the Consent  previously  executed and delivered is
thereby revoked.  Other than the substance of the revocation described above, no
specific form is required for such revocation.  An instrument of revocation will
be  effective  only upon its  actual  receipt  prior to the  Action  Date by the
Partnership or its authorized  agent at the  Partnership's  place of business as
set forth in the foregoing paragraph.


         Pursuant to Section 14.1(e) of the  Partnership's  Amended and Restated
Agreement   of   Limited   Partnership   (the   "Partnership   Agreement"),    a
majority-in-interest of the Limited Partners must approve or disapprove the sale
of all or substantially  all of the Partnership's  assets.  Because the Property
constitutes  substantially all of the  Partnership's  assets (as discussed below
under "The  Property and the  Partnership's  Business"),  the  Managing  General
Partner and the Partnership are seeking the approval of the proposed sale of the
Property by a  majority-in-interest  of the Limited Partners. If the proposal is
approved by the Limited Partners but the proposed sale of the Property described
herein is not consummated because one or more of the conditions precedent to the
sale (see  "Purchase  Agreement")  is not  satisfied  (excluding  the  condition
precedent that the Limited  Partners  approve the proposed  sale),  the Managing
General Partner will consider the Limited Partners' approval of the proposal set
forth herein to  constitute  approval of any purchase  offer for the Property if
such purchase offer is reflected in an executed purchase agreement no later than
January 1, 1999, is  consummated no later than June 30, 1999, is for "all cash,"
and is for an  amount  equal to or  greater  than  $4,100,000.  If the  Managing
General  Partner  should  receive more than one such  purchase  offer,  it would
accept the best offer,  unless the Managing  General Partner had already entered
into a binding contract for a less favorable offer. However, notwithstanding the
preceding,  if prior to entering  into a binding  contract the Managing  General
Partner should  receive one or more "all cash"  purchase  offers and also should
receive one or more purchase  offers in an amount greater than that set forth in
the highest "all cash" offer but entailing the receipt by the  Partnership  of a
promissory  note for part of the purchase price,  the Partnership  would present
all such offers to the Limited Partners for approval.

         In the event the Limited  Partners do not  approve  the  proposal,  the
Partnership will not proceed to implement the proposed sale of the Property.


         The  Property  consists  of a  leasehold  interest  in land  located in
Barstow,  California, the hotel property constructed thereon by the Partnership,
another leasehold interest in a restaurant, and the related personal property.


Narrative Description of Business

(a)      Franchise Agreements

         The Partnership  operates its hotel property as a franchisee of Holiday
Inns,  Inc.  Holiday Inns offer  accommodations  in the mid-range of the lodging
industry in terms of facilities and prices.

(b)      Operation of the Hotel and Restaurant

         Brown  &  Grotewohl,  a  California  general  partnership  which  is an
affiliate of the Managing General Partner (the "Manager"),  manages and operates
the   Partnership's   hotel   and   restaurant.    The   Manager's    management
responsibilities  include,  but are not limited to, supervision and direction of
the Partnership's  employees having direct  responsibility  for the operation of
the hotel and  restaurant,  establishment  of room  rates and  direction  of the
promotional activities of the Partnership's  employees. In addition, the Manager
directs the purchase of replacement equipment and supplies, maintenance activity
and the  engagement  or  selection  of all vendors,  suppliers  and  independent
contractors.  The Partnership's financial accounting activities are performed by
the hotel and restaurant staff and a centralized  accounting staff, all of which
work  under the  direction  of the  Managing  General  Partner  or the  Manager.
Together,  these staffs perform all  bookkeeping  duties in connection  with the
hotel and restaurant, including all collections and all disbursements to be paid
out of funds generated by hotel and restaurant  operations or otherwise supplied
by the Partnership.

         As of  December  31,  1997,  the  Partnership  employed  a total  of 49
persons, either full or part-time, at its hotel and restaurant,  including eight
desk clerks, 16 housekeeping and laundry personnel,  four maintenance personnel,
one general  manager,  four cooks and  dishwashers,  11 servers and bus persons,
four  bartenders and one  restaurant  manager.  In addition,  and as of the same
date, the  Partnership  employed 11 persons in  administrative  positions at its
central office in Sacramento, California, all of whom worked for the Partnership
on a part-time basis.  They included  accounting,  investor  service,  sales and
marketing and hotel supervisory personnel, secretarial personnel, and purchasing

(c)      Competition

         As discussed in greater  detail below,  the  Partnership  faces intense
competition from hotels and motels of varying quality and size,  including other
mid-range  hotels and motels which are part of nationwide  chains and which have
access to nationwide reservation systems.


         On May 10, 1984, the Partnership entered into a long-term lease of 3.05
acres of unimproved land located on East Main Street in Barstow, California. The
leasehold is located  within a 15-acre  parcel which was developed as a lodging,
restaurant,  retail and theater  complex known as "Barstow  Station  Too!".  The
Partnership's  hotel is the only hotel or motel to be included  in the  complex.
The  original  term of the lease was for 50 years  with the  lessee's  option to
renew for three additional 10-year periods.

         The Barstow  hotel,  which  consists of 148  guestrooms,  was placed in
service on December 31, 1985,  at which date 96  guestrooms  were  available for
occupancy.  The remaining 52 guestrooms  became available for occupancy on March
15, 1986.


         On June  15,  1987  the  Partnership  commenced  operation  of a family
restaurant and cocktail lounge  immediately  adjacent to the Barstow hotel.  The
Partnership  leases the restaurant  facility from Fred Rosenberg,  the lessor of
the hotel site.

         On May 30, 1990, the Partnership  entered into a written agreement with
the lessor for the amendment of the hotel and restaurant  facility  leases.  The
restaurant facility lease term was extended from January 1, 1991 to December 31,
2010;  however,  the  Partnership  has the option of terminating the lease after
January 1, 2001 if the Partnership  should  terminate its license to operate the
hotel as a franchise of Holiday Inns,  Inc.  Additional  rent for the hotel site
and  restaurant  facility  was changed so as to be the amount by which 9% of the
combined annual gross sales from the hotel and restaurant  facility  exceeds the
combined  annual minimum rent ($275,556 as of December 31, 1997;  $280,116 as of
December 31, 1998) under the hotel site and restaurant facility leases.

         The leases provide that the improvements constructed by the Partnership
on the leased  premises will remain the property of the  Partnership  during the
lease  term  but  that  upon  expiration  of  the  leases,  title  to  any  such
improvements will pass to the lessor.

         In 1997, the  Partnership  incurred a total of $285,302 in rent expense
for its Barstow hotel site and restaurant facility. In addition, the Partnership
pays all property taxes and assessments for each leasehold site.

         The Partnership's  hotel achieved the following average occupancy rates
and average room rates during 1997, 1996 and 1995:

                           1997           1996         1995
Average Occupancy          68.6%         71.1%         74.9%
Average Room Rate         $66.30         $64.63       $60.95

         The  following   lodging   facilities   provide   direct  and  indirect
competition to the Partnership's Barstow hotel:

                               Number                 Distance
   Facility                    Of Rooms             From The Hotel
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quality Inn                      100                  Adjacent
Days Inn                         113                 0.25 Mile
Comfort Inn                       62                 0.50 Mile
Vagabond Inn                      67                 0.50 Mile
Best Western                      79                 0.50 Mile
Holiday Inn Express               65                 3.00 Miles

         The Barstow  hotel's  major sources of patronage are generated by local
military bases, with civilian Federal employees,  military personnel and Federal
government contractors generating approximately 26% of the hotel's room revenue.
The  Barstow  area also  attracts  traveling  salespeople  and other  commercial
travelers, as well as leisure travelers.

         For a discussion of the revenue  received by the  Partnership  from the
restaurant see "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations."


                               PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         On  _______________,  the Partnership entered into an agreement to sell
the Property to Tiburon Capital  Corporation,  San Francisco,  California,  or a
nominee of Tiburon Capital Corporation (the "Buyer"), for the sum of $4,100,000,
payable  in cash at the close of escrow.  Escrow  was  opened at  Chicago  Title
Company, San Francisco, California on _______________ 1998.

         The  Buyer is a  California  corporation.  It is  anticipated  that the
nominee  of the Buyer,  which  would  ultimately  own the  Property,  would be a
limited  liability company in which Mark Grotewohl would be involved as a member
and,  as such,  Mark  Grotewohl  would be entitled to 50% of the profits of that
company.  He would also be the manager of the motels owned by the company.  Mark
Grotewohl is the son of Philip  Grotewohl,  the owner of 50% of the stock of the
Managing  General  Partner.  He was employed until recently as the marketing and
sales  director for the five GMS  Partnerships.  It might be contended that Mark
Grotewohl  is, by  virtue  of his past  relationship  with the  Partnership,  an
Affiliate of the  Partnership  as defined in its  Partnership  Agreement.  Under
Section 11.2 of the Partnership  Agreement,  the Partnership is not permitted to
sell its real  property  to  "Affiliates"  of the General  Partner.  The General
Partner believes that, based on the facts and  circumstances,  Mark Grotewohl is
not an  Affiliate  of the  Partnership  or  General  Partner.  (The  Partnership
Agreement  defines   "Affiliate"  as  (i)  any  person  directly  or  indirectly
controlling,  controlled by, or under common control with another person, (ii) a
person owning or controlling 10% or more of the outstanding voting securities of
another person,  (iii) any officer,  director or general partner of such person,
and (iv) any person who is an officer, director or general partner of any of the

         The  Buyer  has made a  contemporaneous  offer to  purchase  the  motel
properties of the four other GMS Partnerships.  The offers made by the Buyer for
the properties of each of the GMS Partnerships have been evaluated independently
by the Managing General  Partner.  Other than with respect to the purchase price
of each motel, the offers are on identical terms. If the limited partners of the
other partnerships do not approve the sale of their respective properties to the
Buyer,  the Buyer has the right and  option  not to  proceed  with the  proposed
purchase of the  Property  from the  Partnership,  even if the Limited  Partners
approve this sale. In this regard,  the Partnership has not solicited any offers
to purchase the Property or the motel properties of the other GMS  Partnerships,
has  not  listed  the  Property  or  the  motel  properties  of  the  other  GMS
Partnerships for sale with independent  brokers,  and has not otherwise actively
sought  competing  offers for the Property or the motel  properties of the other
GMS  Partnerships.  Consequently,  the offer  presented by the Buyer is the only
offer that the  Managing  General  Partner has  received for the Property or the
motel properties of the other GMS Partnerships other than those presented by the
Everest Group.

         There are a number of significant conditions to the consummation of the
proposed  sale of the  Property;  therefore,  there  can be no  assurance  as to
whether,  or when, such transaction will be consummated.  Among these conditions
are the  Partnership's  receipt of the  approval  of the Limited  Partners;  the
Buyer's  receipt (at the  Partnership's  expense) and approval of an ALTA Survey
and preliminary title report for the Property; the absence of any damage or loss
to the Property prior to the closing date in excess of $50,000;  the decision by
the Buyer,  in its  unfettered  discretion,  to terminate the proposed  purchase
prior to June 30, 1998, provided that this deadline may be extended upon request
of the Buyer for up to 15 days; the Buyer's  receipt prior to June 30, 1998 of a
loan  commitment for financing in an amount of not less than 90% of the purchase


price of the  Property,  provided that the deadline may be extended upon request
of the Buyer for up to 15 days; and receipt by the  Partnership of any necessary
approvals of the sale by, among others, the franchisor,  and the landlords.  The
Managing  General  Partner  expects  that  such  conditions  will be  satisfied;
however,  there  can be no  assurances  in this  regard.  No  federal  or  state
regulatory  requirements  must be  complied  with,  or  approvals  obtained,  in
connection with the transaction.

         The Buyer will  deposit the sum of $21,000  into escrow on the later of
the expiration of the Buyer's  inspection  period  referred to above or the date
the Partnership  notifies the Buyer that the Limited  Partners have approved the
proposed sale of the Property.  Should the Buyer default in the  performance  of
its obligations under the purchase  agreement,  the Partnership will be entitled
to retain said deposit as its only damages.

         The  Partnership  and the Buyer will share closing costs.  The Managing
General Partner  anticipates that the  Partnership's  share of aggregate closing
costs,  including  real  estate  brokerage  commissions,  will be  approximately
$153,750.  Included  therein is a real estate  brokerage  commission  payable to
Everest  Financial,  Inc., a member of the Everest Group,  in an amount equal to
2.75% of the purchase price. Everest Financial, Inc. has agreed to reallow 1.25%
of the purchase price to the Buyer's broker or, at the Buyer's option, the Buyer
will be entitled to a credit  against the purchase  price in the amount of 1.25%
of the purchase  price.  It is possible  that Everest  Financial,  Inc. may also
receive a loan brokerage fee from the Buyer.



         The  consummation  of  the  proposed  sale  of  the  Property  and  the
concomitant  dissolution  of the  Partnership  should  result  in the  following
consequences for the Partnership, the Limited Partners and the General Partners:

(i) The Limited  Partners are expected to receive the  distributions of net cash
proceeds from the sale of the Property as described below.

(ii) The Limited  Partners and the General  Partners are expected to realize the
Federal income tax consequences as described below.

(iii) All of the  Partnership's  assets will be liquidated  and the  Partnership
will be dissolved and terminated.

         The  consequences  stated  above are  discussed  in more  detail in the
subsections which follow. Those subsections, in part, include computations as to
the cash proceeds to be received and  distributed  by the  Partnership,  and the
taxable gain and allocations thereof to be made by the Partnership, in the event
the proposed sale is consummated.  HOWEVER, THIS INFORMATION IS PRESENTED SOLELY


Determination and Use of Net Proceeds

         The  following  is a  summary  of the  projected  amount  of cash to be
received by the Partnership  and the projected  amount of cash to be distributed
to the Limited  Partners,  assuming the Property is sold for a gross sales price
of $4,100,000. This summary has been prepared by the Managing General Partner.

         If the proposed transaction is consummated on September 30, 1998, it is
estimated that the Partnership would receive the following net proceeds:

Gross sales price                                   $4,100,000

Less: Real estate commission                          (112,750)
      Estimated escrow and closing costs               (41,000)

Net proceeds of sale                                $3,946,250

         The Partnership's real property taxes are payable twice yearly on April
10 and December 10, partially in arrears, in the current amount of $31,560 each.
The Partnership's  minimum lease payment for its leasehold  interests is $23,343
monthly.  Accordingly,  if the proposed  transaction is consummated,  the actual
date of consummation will determine whether there is a credit to the Partnership
for  prorated  lease  payments  and/or a credit to the Buyer for  prorated  real
property  taxes.  Similarly,  the  amount  indicated  below as the  estimate  of
reserves  available for distribution on dissolution of the Partnership will vary
depending on the actual date of consummation of the proposed transaction.

         The  net  proceeds  of  $3,946,250  estimated  to be  received  by  the
Partnership  from the proposed  transaction,  in the estimated amount of $437.40
per Unit based on a closing date of September  30,  1998,  would be  distributed
entirely to the Limited  Partners.  The  Partnership's  cash  reserves  would be
retained for the payment of accounts payable and other  liabilities and expenses
incurred  to that  date or  expected  to be  incurred  in  connection  with  the
operation  of the  Property  through  the  date of sale  and the  operation  and
winding-up  of  the  Partnership  through  its  termination,  and  the  balance,
estimated to be $16,336 or $1.81 per Unit, also would be distributed entirely to
the Limited Partners.  Alternatively,  if the proposed sale is not approved, the
Partnership  would continue to operate the Property for an indeterminate  period
pending  receipt of another  purchase  offer which is  acceptable to the Limited
Partners.  The Managing  General  Partner  estimates that if the Property is not
sold the  Partnership  will make  average  annual  distributions  to the Limited
Partners of from zero to $324,792 ($36.00 per Unit) for the foreseeable  future.
However,  there can be no assurance that the Managing General Partner's estimate
in this regard will be borne out.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

         (a)  General.  The  following  is a summary of the  Federal  income tax
consequences  expected to result from  consummation of the proposed  transaction
based on the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the  "Code"),  existing
laws, judicial decisions and administrative regulations,  rulings and practices.
This  summary is general in content  and does not include  considerations  which
might  affect  certain  Limited  Partners,  such as Limited  Partners  which are
trusts, corporations or tax-exempt entities, or Limited Partners who must pay an
alternative  minimum  tax.  Except as  otherwise  specifically  indicated,  this
summary does not address any state or local tax consequences.


         Tax counsel to the Partnership,  Derenthal & Dannhauser,  has delivered
an opinion to the Partnership  which states that the following  summary has been
reviewed  by it  and,  to the  extent  the  summary  involves  matters  of  law,
represents its opinion, subject to the assumptions, qualifications,  limitations
and uncertainties set forth therein.

         (b)  Characterization  of Gain.  Upon the sale of  property,  the owner
thereof  measures  his gain or loss by the  difference  between  the  amount  of
consideration  received in  connection  with the sale and the  owner's  adjusted
basis  in the  property.  A gain  will be  recognized  for  Federal  income  tax
purposes.  This is so  because  the  depreciation  used for  Federal  income tax
purposes,  which decreases  adjusted basis,  was greater than that used for book

         The Property  should  constitute  "Section 1231 property"  (i.e.,  real
property and  depreciable  assets used in a trade or business which are held for
more than one year) rather than "dealer" property (i.e.,  property which is held
primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of business). While it is
possible  that the  Internal  Revenue  Service  will argue that the  Property is
"dealer"  property,  gain  upon  the sale of which  would be taxed  entirely  as
ordinary  income,  tax counsel to the  Partnership  is of the opinion that it is
more likely than not that such an assertion would not be sustained by a court.

         A Limited Partner's  allocable share of Section 1231 gain from the sale
of the Property  would be combined  with any other  Section 1231 gains or losses
incurred by him in the year of sale,  and his net  Section  1231 gains or losses
would be taxed as long-term capital gains or constitute  ordinary losses, as the
case may be,  except that a Limited  Partner's  net  Section  1231 gains will be
treated as ordinary income to the extent of net Section 1231 losses for the five
most recent years which have not previously been offset against net Section 1231

         Long-term  gain on sale of Section  1231  property is taxed as follows:
(i) the excess of accelerated  depreciation over  straight-line  depreciation is
taxed at ordinary income rates,  (ii) to the extent that any other gain would be
treated as ordinary income if the property were  depreciable  personal  property
rather than depreciable  real property,  at a maximum rate of 25%, and (iii) the
balance at a maximum rate of 20%.

         Set forth below are the  Managing  General  Partner's  estimates of the
total taxable gain for Federal income tax purposes, and the allocations thereof,
which will result if the proposed sale of the Property is consummated,  based on
an assumed  closing date of September 30, 1998.  These  estimates do not include
any amounts relating to Partnership operations prior to the sale of the Property
or relating to  dissolution  of the  Partnership.  These  estimates  are not the
subject of an opinion of counsel.


                    Total              Taxed As       Portion        Portion
                    Estimated          Ordinary       Taxed At       Taxed At
                    Gain               Income         25% Rate       20% Rate

Limited Partners    $2,676,000         $    0        $2,676,000      $    0

General Partner         27,000              0            27,000           0
                        ------          -----            ------       -----

Total               $2,703,000         $    0        $2,703,000      $    0
                     =========          =====         =========       =====

Per Unit               $296.61         $    0           $296.61      $    0
                        ======          =====            ======       =====

         Because of different methods of depreciation used for California income
tax purposes than for Federal income tax purposes,  the Managing General Partner
anticipates that  consummation of the proposed  transaction would produce a gain
for California income tax purposes in the amount of approximately $1,978,000, of
which  approximately  $155,000 and $1,823,000  would be allocated to the General
Partners and to the Limited Partners, respectively.

Dissolution of the Partnership

         Section  18.1(e)  of  the  Partnership   Agreement  provides  that  the
Partnership  shall  be  dissolved  upon the sale of all  lodging  properties  or
interests  therein  and  the  conversion  into  cash  of any  proceeds  of  sale
originally received in a form other than cash.

         If the  proposal is approved by a  majority-in-interest  of the Limited
Partners,  and  if the  proposed  sale  of  the  Property  is  consummated,  the
Partnership  will be dissolved,  the Managing  General  Partner will commence to
wind up the business of the  Partnership,  and after  payment of all expenses of
the  Partnership   (including  the  expense  of  a  final   accounting  for  the
Partnership)  the remaining cash reserves of the Partnership will be distributed
in accordance  with the provisions of the  Partnership  Agreement.  The Managing
General  Partner will then take all necessary  steps toward  termination  of the
Partnership's Certificate of Limited Partnership.

         The appraisal of the Property, dated February 20, 1998, was prepared by
PKF  Consulting,  San  Francisco,  California,  and indicates that the aggregate
current fair market value as of January 1, 1998 was  $4,100,000.  PKF Consulting
was  selected  by  the  Managing  General  Partner  based  on its  expertise  in
appraising hotel and motel properties in the State of California. PKF Consulting
also  prepared  appraisals  of  the  motel  properties  of the  other  Plaintiff

     The appraised  value of the Property was determined  through the use of two
methodologies:  the sales  comparison  approach  and the  income  capitalization

         No  limitations  were  imposed by the Managing  General  Partner on the
appraiser's investigation.

         Upon request the Partnership will furnish to a Limited Partner, without
charge,  a copy of the appraisal.  In this regard Limited Partners are cautioned
to refer to the entire appraisal report, inasmuch as the opinion of value stated
therein is subject to the  assumptions and limiting  conditions  stated therein.


Furthermore, Limited Partners should be aware that appraised values are opinions
and, as such, may not represent the realizable value of the Property.

         Neither the  appraiser,  nor any of its  affiliates,  has had any prior
relationship with the Partnership,  the Managing General Partner or any of their
affiliates  other than as an appraiser of the Property and the properties of the
other GMS Partnerships and no future  relationship other than as an appraiser is

         The Partnership has also received an opinion from PKF Consulting to the
effect that the terms of the proposed sale are fair to the Partnership.


                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Selected Partnership Financial Data

         Following are selected financial data of the Partnership for the period
from January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1997.

                           Year Ended      Year Ended        Year Ended       Year Ended        Year Ended
                           December 31,    December 31,      December 31,     December 31,      December 31,
                               1997            1996              1995             1994              1993
                           ------------    ------------      ------------     ------------      -----------

Guest room income          $2,458,115      $2,489,982        $2,466,338       $2,526,730        $2,458,535
Restaurant income            $690,622        $655,746          $636,141         $701,900          $775,129
Net income (loss)            $(45,074)        $14,787           $78,676         $188,470           $82,208

Per Partnership Unit:
  Cash distributions           $36.80          $36.80            $36.80           $34.40            $16.00
  Net income (loss)            $(4.95)          $1.62             $8.63           $20.68             $9.02

                           December 31,  December 31,      December 31,     December 31,      December 31,
                              1997          1996              1995             1994              1993

Total assets               $2,430,463      $2,815,123        $3,127,918       $3,411,671        $3,523,707
Long-term debt                  ----         ----               ----             ----             ----

     Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of

I.       Fiscal Year Financial Statements

(a)      Liquidity and Capital Resources

         The Managing General Partner believes that the Partnership's liquidity,
defined as its ability to generate sufficient cash to satisfy its cash needs, is
adequate.  The  Partnership's  primary source of liquidity is its cash flow from
operations.  The  Partnership  had, as of December 31, 1997,  current  assets of
$216,599,  current liabilities of $176,765 and, therefore,  an operating reserve
of $39,834. The Managing General Partner's reserves target is 5% of the adjusted
capital contributions,  which are approximately $5,536,000. Current reserves are
below the  $276,800  reserves  target  partially  because the  Managing  General
Partner decided to pay for renovations and replacements from cash on hand rather
than by incurring debt. The reserve will be replenished during the coming fiscal
year to the extent made possible by operations.

         The  Partnership's  Property  is  currently  unencumbered.  Although no
assurance can be had in this regard,  the Managing General Partner believes that
the Partnership's equity in its Property provides a potential source of external
liquidity (through financing) in the event the Partnership's  internal liquidity
is impaired.

         During 1997, the  Partnership  expended  $103,300 for  renovations  and
replacements,  of which  $50,387  was  capitalized.  The  expenditures  included
$25,714  for desk  chairs,  chairs and sleep  sofas,  $19,721  for  parking  lot
repairs, $12,341 for guestroom carpet, $6,200 for security equipment, $7,478 for
lamp and ballast  upgrades,  $5,700 for roof  repairs and $7,132 for  restaurant

         During 1996,  the  Partnership  expended  $70,569 for  renovations  and
replacements,  of which  $29,643  was  capitalized.  The  expenditures  included
$11,148 for computer systems,  $9,103 for replacement chairs, $5,797 for carpet,
$5,195  for tub  refinishing,  $4,745  for  roof  repairs  and  $4,000  for pool


         The  Partnership  currently  has no  material  commitments  for capital
expenditures.  The  Property  is in  full  operation  and  no  further  property
acquisitions or extraordinary  capital expenditures are planned. If the Property
is not sold the  Managing  General  Partner  is aware of no  material  trends or
changes with respect to the mix or relative  cost of the  Partnership's  capital
resources.  If the Property is retained  adequate working capital is expected to
be generated by motel operations.

(b)      Results of Operations

(i)      Combined Financial Results

         The following tables summarize the Partnership's  operating results for
1995, 1996 and 1997 on a combined basis. Individual hotel and restaurant results
follow in separate subsections.  The income and expense numbers in the following
tables are shown on an accrual basis and other payments on a cash basis.

                                       Average         Average
                                        Hotel           Hotel
                                      Occupancy         Room
Fiscal Year Ended:                       Rate           Rate
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------

December 31, 1995                       74.9%          $60.95

December 31, 1996                       71.1%          $64.63

December 31, 1997                       68.6%          $66.30

                                             Total         Partnership
                        Total            Expenditures       Cash Flow
Fiscal Year Ended:     Revenues        and Debt Service        (1)
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

December 31, 1995      $3,213,820        $3,158,485           $55,335

December 31, 1996      $3,257,416        $2,961,860          $295,556

December 31, 1997      $3,250,726        $3,063,793          $186,933

        (1)  While  Partnership  Cash  Flow as it is used  here is not an amount
found in the financial statements, it is the best indicator of the annual change
in the amount, if any, available for distribution to the Limited Partners. These
calculations are reconciled to the financial statements in the following table.


         A reconciliation of Partnership Cash Flow (from the chart above) to Net
Income (Loss) as shown on the Statements of Operations (in the audited financial
statements) is as follows:

                                  1997              1996              1995
Partnership Cash Flow            $186,933          $295,556           $55,335
Net Additions to Fixed Assets      50,387            29,643           306,084
Depreciation and Amortization    (281,791)         (299,764)         (278,574)
Other Items                          (603)          (10,648)           (4,169)
Net Income                       ($45,074)          $14,787           $78,676

         Following is a reconciliation of Partnership Cash Flow (shown above) to
the aggregate total of Cash Flow from Hotel Operations  (shown in the succeeding
subsection)  and the Total  Restaurant Net Loss (shown in the second  succeeding

                                               1997          1996       1995
Cash Flow from Hotel Operations                $408,473    $467,476    $251,271
Total Restaurant Net Loss                      (231,552)   (182,081)   (207,886)
Aggregate Cash Flow from Property Operations   $176,921     285,395      43,385
Interest on Cash Reserves                         6,938       9,131      11,825
Other Income (Net of Other Expenses) Not
  Allocated to the Property                       3,074       1,030         125
Partnership Cash Flow                          $186,933    $295,556     $55,335

(ii)     Hotel Operations

         The following table  summarizes the operating  results of the hotel for
1997, 1996, and 1995. Total  expenditures  include the operating expenses of the
hotel,  together  with the cost of capital  improvements  and those  Partnership
expenses properly allocable to such hotel.

                                                             Cash Flow
                       Total               Total                Hotel
Fiscal Year Ended:    Revenues         Expenditures          Operations
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1995     $2,565,636        $2,314,365            $251,271

December 31, 1996     $2,591,465        $2,123,989            $467,476

December 31, 1997     $2,553,167        $2,144,694            $408,473

         The Partnership's hotel experienced a $38,298 or 1.5% decrease in total
revenues during 1997 as compared to 1996. The decrease in average occupancy rate
from 71.1% in 1996 to 68.6% in 1997 was  partially  offset by an increase in the
average  daily  rate  from  $64.63  in 1996 to  $66.30  in 1997.  The  occupancy
generated by the group market  segments  declined  while  occupancy by the other
market  segments  stayed  about the same.  The average  room rate for all market
segments increased due to rate increases.

         The  Partnership's  hotel  achieved a $25,829 or 1.0% increase in total
revenues  during  1996 as  compared  to  1995.  The 5%  decline  in the  average
occupancy  rate was offset by the $3.68  increase in the average room rate.  The
occupancy  generated by the government and corporate  market  segments  declined
while  occupancy by the other market segments  increased.  The average room rate
for all market segments increased due to rate increases.


         The Barstow hotel's total expenditures increased $20,705 or 1.0% during
1997 as compared  to 1996.  This  included  increases  of $7,855 for  additional
billboards,  $9,139 for central  overhead  allocation,  $8,776 for travel  agent
commissions, $8,145 for legal fees and $43,879 for renovations and replacements.
These  increases  were  partially  offset by  reductions  of $34,243 in security

         The  Barstow  hotel's  total  expenditures  decreased  $190,376 or 8.2%
during 1996 as compared to 1995. This decrease is primarily  attributable to the
reduction in renovations and replacements. This decrease was partially offset by
increased  expenditures  of $69,170 for security  services,  of $9,858 for front
desk wages and salaries, of $8,589 in workers' compensation insurance, of $7,311
for print  advertising,  of $16,780 for  commissions and of $7,250 for appraisal

(iii)    Restaurant Operations

         The following table summarizes the operating  results of the restaurant
for 1997, 1996, and 1995:

                                         1997                         1996                          1995
                                         ----                         ----                          ----

Food Sales                           $533,750     100.0%            $506,255     100.0%         $496,097       100.0%
Cost of Food Sales                  (229,820)     -43.1%           (203,022)     -40.1%        (183,583)       -37.0%
                                 -------------           --------------------           -----------------
Gross Profit from Food Sales         $303,930      56.9%             303,233      59.9%          312,514        63.0%

Beverage Sales                        156,871     100.0%             149,490     100.0%          140,044       100.0%
Cost of Beverages Sold               (50,488)     -32.2%            (50,866)     -34.0%         (47,772)       -34.1%
                                                         --------------------           -----------------
Gross Profit from Beverage Sales     $106,383      67.8%              98,624      66.0%           92,272        65.9%

                                 -------------           --------------------           -----------------
Combined Gross Profit                $410,313      59.4%             401,857      61.3%          404,786        63.6%
Restaurant Operating Expenses       (641,865)     -92.9%           (583,938)     -89.0%        (612,672)       -96.3%
                                 -------------           --------------------           -----------------

Total Restaurant Net Loss          ($231,552)     -33.5%          $(182,081)     -27.8%       $(207,886)       -32.7%
                                 =============           ====================           =================

         The Partnership's restaurant experienced a $49,471 or 27.2% increase in
its net loss during  1997 as  compared to 1996.  There was an effort to increase
restaurant  sales,  but the costs rose  faster  than  revenue.  Holiday  Inn has
modified its standards so that the restaurant  operations can be reduced from 16
hours per day to six hours per day.  Effective February 23, 1998, the restaurant
hours were reduced to seven hours per day. Financial projections of the modified
operation  indicate that future  restaurant  operating losses will be much lower
than those experienced during the last three fiscal years.

         The  Partnership's  restaurant  achieved a $25,805 or 12.4% decrease in
its net loss  during  1996 as  compared to 1995.  The  improved  performance  is
attributable  to the  elimination  of  $20,000  in  professional  fees  and some
renovations paid in the previous year.

 II.      Interim Financial Statements

 (a)      Liquidity and Capital Resources

         As of March 31, 1998, the Partnership's current assets of $225,680 were
less than its current  liabilities of $316,540.  The deficit is due primarily to
the use of cash  reserves  for capital  expenditures  in prior years and to cash


distributions to the Limited Partners. The Statement of Cash Flows for the three
months  ended March 31, 1998 shows that the  Partnership  continues  to generate
cash sufficient to meet its cash needs.

         The Partnership expended $14,018 on renovations and replacements during
the three months ended March 31, 1998,  of which  $10,221 was  capitalized.  The
expenditures  included $5,221 for guestroom carpet and $5,000 for the restaurant

(b)      Results of Operations

         Total  Partnership  income  decreased  $69,539  or 7.9%  for the  first
quarter of 1998 as compared  to the first  quarter of 1997.  Hotel room  revenue
decreased  $51,363 or 7.3% due to a decrease  in  occupancy  from 80.1% to 72.9%
(which was partially  offset by an increase in the average room rate from $66.03
to $67.23).  The decrease in  occupancy  was due  primarily to reduced  military
activity  at Fort  Irwin  which  has not yet held  its  annual  training  event.
Restaurant  revenue  decreased  $19,211  or 12.5%  due to a  reduction  in daily
operating hours from 16 to seven.

         Total Partnership  expenses increased $97,786 or 12.4% primarily due to
increases in the minimum wage and to  increases  in legal,  appraisal  and other
costs  associated  with the proposed sale of the Property and liquidation of the

Other Financial Information

         Items 304 and 305 of Regulation  S-K  promulgated by the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  are  not  applicable  to the  Partnership.  Moreover,  the
Managing  General  Partner is unaware of any "Year  2000"  problems  which could
impact the Partnership's operations.


                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                              INFORMATION STATEMENT


                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.

                                  May __, 1998


                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.                                                Page

INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ...........................................   F-1

Balance Sheets, December 31, 1997 and 1996..............................   F-2
Statements of Operations for the Years Ended
     December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995...................................   F-3
Statements of Partners' Equity for the Years
     Ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995.............................   F-4
Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended
     December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995...................................   F-5
Notes to Financial Statements...........................................   F-7

Balance Sheets, March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997 (Unaudited)........   F-12
Statements of Operations for the Three Months
     Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997 (Unaudited)..........................   F-13
Statements of Partners' Equity for the Three Months
     Ended March 31, 1998 and 1998 (Unaudited)..........................   F-14
Statements of Cash Flows for the Three Months
     Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997 (Unaudited)..........................   F-15
Notes to Financial Statements...........................................   F-16



To the Partners
Famous Host Lodging V, L.P.

We have audited the accompanying  balance sheets of Famous Host Lodging V, L.P.,
a California  limited  partnership,  as of December  31, 1997 and 1996,  and the
related  statements of operations,  partners' equity, and cash flows for each of
the years in the three year period  ended  December 31,  1997.  These  financial
statements  are  the  responsibility  of  the  Partnership's   management.   Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects,  the financial position of Famous Host Lodging V, L.P. as
of December 31, 1997 and 1996,  and the results of its  operations  and its cash
flows for each of the years in the three year period ended December 31, 1997, in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.


February 26, 1998
San Mateo, California


                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                           December 31, 1997 and 1996


                                                                                      1997             1996
                                                                                  ------------     --------
Current Assets:
   Cash and temporary investments (Notes 1, 3, 8 and 9)                            $  146,113       $  246,283
   Accounts receivable                                                                 32,624           24,531
   Prepaid expenses                                                                    37,862           39,762
                                                                                   ----------      -----------
      Total Current Assets                                                            216,599          310,576
                                                                                    ---------       ----------

Property and Equipment (Note 2):
   Building                                                                         4,077,604        4,077,604
   Furniture and equipment                                                          1,294,151        1,253,417
   Projects in progress                                                                -                58,444
                                                                                -------------      -----------
                                                                                    5,371,755        5,389,465
   Accumulated depreciation and amortization                                        (3,190,183)      (2,917,212)
                                                                                    ----------       ----------
      Property and Equipment, Net                                                   2,181,572        2,472,253
                                                                                   ----------       ----------

Other Assets                                                                           32,294           32,294
                                                                                  -----------      -----------

             Total Assets                                                          $2,430,465       $2,815,123
                                                                                   ==========       ==========

                                           LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY

Current Liabilities:
   Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                         $ 165,909       $  184,017
   Due to related parties                                                              10,856              322
                                                                                   ----------     ------------

      Total Liabilities                                                               176,765          184,339
                                                                                    ---------      -----------

Contingent Liabilities and Lease Commitments (Notes 4 and 5)

Partners' Equity:
   General Partners                                                                     3,385            3,836
   Limited Partners                                                                 2,250,315        2,626,948
                                                                                    ---------       ----------
      Total Partners' Equity                                                        2,253,700        2,630,784
                                                                                    ---------       ----------

             Total Liabilities and Partners' Equity                                $2,430,465       $2,815,123
                                                                                   ==========       ==========

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                                 Years Ended December 31:
                                                                        1997              1996                1995
                                                                    ------------     ------------         ---------
   Guest room                                                        $2,458,115        $2,489,982        $2,466,338
   Restaurant                                                           690,622           655,746           636,141
   Telephone and vending                                                 55,707            65,512            54,893
   Interest                                                               6,938             9,131            11,825
   Other                                                                 39,344            37,045            44,624
                                                                   ------------       -----------        ----------
       Total Income                                                   3,250,726         3,257,416         3,213,821
                                                                    -----------        ----------        ----------

   Hotel and restaurant operations (Notes 4, 5 and 6)                 2,774,813         2,701,717         2,634,845
   General and administrative (Note 4)                                   77,356            78,787            61,637
   Depreciation and amortization (Note 2)                               281,791           299,764           278,574
   Property management fees (Note 4)                                    161,840           162,361           160,089
                                                                    -----------       -----------        ----------
       Total Expenses                                                 3,295,800         3,242,629         3,135,145
                                                                     ----------        ----------        ----------

       Net Income (Loss)                                            $   (45,074)     $    14,787       $    78,676
                                                                     ===========      ===========       ===========

Net Income (Loss) Allocable to General Partners                           $(451)            $148              $787
                                                                           =====             ====             ====

Net Income (Loss) Allocable to Limited Partners                        $(44,623)          $14,639          $77,889
                                                                       ========           =======          =======

Net Income (Loss) Per Partnership Unit (Note 1)                           $4.95             $1.62            $8.63
                                                                          =====             =====            =====

Distributions to Limited Partners Per
   Partnership Unit (Note 1)                                             $36.80            $36.80           $36.80
                                                                         ======            ======           ======

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                         STATEMENTS OF PARTNERS' EQUITY

                                                                                Years Ended December 31:
                                                                        1997             1996              1995
                                                                     ----------       ----------       --------
General Partners:
   Balance, beginning of year                                         $   3,836     $     3,688         $   2,901
   Net income (Loss)                                                       (451)            148               787
                                                                     -----------    ------------        ----------
       Balance, End of Year                                               3,385           3,836             3,688
                                                                     ----------     ------------        ----------

Limited Partners:
   Balance, beginning of year                                         2,626,948       2,944,319         3,198,440
   Net income (Loss)                                                    (44,623)         14,639            77,889
   Less: Cash distribution to limited partners                         (332,010)       (332,010)         (332,010)
                                                                     -----------     -----------        ----------
       Balance, End of Year                                           2,250,315       2,626,948         2,944,319
                                                                     ----------       ----------        ----------

       Total Partners' Equity                                        $2,253,700      $2,630,784        $2,948,007
                                                                     ==========      ==========        ==========

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                                 Years Ended December 31:
                                                                         1997             1996             1995
                                                                    ------------     ------------      --------

Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
   Received from hotel and restaurant operations                     $3,237,065       $3,255,807        $3,224,408
   Expended for hotel and restaurant operations
     and general and administrative expenses                         (2,963,719)      (2,942,661)       (2,878,610)
   Interest received                                                      8,651            8,216            11,223
                                                                   ------------     ------------       -----------
       Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities                        281,997          321,362           357,021
                                                                    -----------      -----------       -----------

Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
   Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                             230              500             3,060
   Purchases of property and equipment                                  (50,387)         (29,643)         (306,084)
                                                                     -----------     -----------        ----------
       Net Cash Used by Investing Activities                            (50,157)         (29,143)         (303,024)
                                                                     -----------     -----------        ----------

Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
   Distributions paid to limited partners                              (332,010)        (332,010)         (332,010)
                                                                      ----------      -----------        ----------
       Net Cash Used by Financing Activities                            (332,010)       (332,010)         (332,010)
                                                                      ----------      -----------        ----------

       Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash
         and Temporary Investments                                      (100,170)        (39,791)         (278,013)

Cash and Temporary Investments:
   Beginning of year                                                    246,283          286,074           564,087
                                                                     ----------      -----------        ----------

        End of Year                                                   $ 146,113       $  246,283        $  286,074
                                                                      =========       ==========        ==========

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                      STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Continued)

                                                                                Years Ended December 31:
                                                                         1997             1996             1995
                                                                     -----------       ----------       -------
Reconciliation of Net Income (Loss) to Net Cash
  Provided by Operating Activities:

   Net income (loss)                                                   $ (45,074)       $ 14,787          $ 78,676
                                                                       ----------       --------          --------

   Adjustments  to  reconcile  net  income  to 
    net cash  provided  by  operating
       Depreciation and amortization                                    281,791          299,764           278,574
       (Gain) loss on disposition of property and equipment              59,047             (500)            4,170
       (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                        (8,093)           6,607            21,810
       (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses                            1,900           (3,724)            5,210
       (Increase) decrease in other assets                                 -                 -              (1,000)
       Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and
         accrued liabilities                                            (18,108)           4,106           (18,863)
       Increase (decrease) in due to related parties                     10,534              322           (11,556)
                                                                     ----------       ----------         ---------
           Total Adjustments                                            327,071          306,575           278,345
                                                                      ---------         --------         ---------

           Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities                   $281,997         $321,362          $357,021
                                                                       ========         ========          ========

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


Famous Host Lodging V, L.P. is a limited partnership  organized under California
law on January 17, 1984, to acquire and/or develop and operate hotel  properties
in the State of California.  The term of the  Partnership  expires  December 31,
2023, and may be dissolved earlier under certain circumstances.  On February 13,
1991 the Partnership Agreement was amended to change the name of the Partnership
from  "Super 8 Lodging V, Ltd." to  "Famous  Host  Lodging V, L.P." The hotel in
Barstow,  California  was  opened  in  December  1985.  In 1987 the  Partnership
commenced  operation  of a family  restaurant  and cocktail  lounge  immediately
adjacent to the hotel. The Partnership grants credit to customers, substantially
all of which are local businesses.

The managing general partner is Grotewohl Management  Services,  Inc., the fifty
percent  stockholder and officer of which is Philip B.  Grotewohl.  In addition,
there is one individual associate general partner.

The net income or net loss of the  Partnership  is  allocated  1% to the General
Partners and 99% to the Limited  Partners.  Net income (loss) and  distributions
per  partnership  unit are based upon 9,022 units  outstanding.  All partnership
units are owned by the Limited Partners.

The partnership agreement requires that the Partnership maintain working capital
reserves for normal repairs, replacements,  working capital and contingencies in
an amount of at least 5% of gross  proceeds  of the public  offering of units as
adjusted for distributions of sales proceeds ($276,799 at December 31, 1997). As
of December 31, 1997, the Partnership had working capital of only $39,834 due to
capital  renovations  made during 1996 and  distributions to limited partners in
1996 and 1997.


Items  of  Partnership  income  or loss are  passed  through  to the  individual
partners for income tax purposes, along with any income tax credits.  Therefore,
no  federal  or  California  income  taxes  are  provided  for in the  financial
statements of the Partnership. At December 31, 1997, assets and liabilities on a
tax  basis  were  approximately  $750,000  lower  than  on a book  basis  due to
accelerated depreciation methods used for tax purposes.

Property and equipment are recorded at cost.  Depreciation  and amortization are
computed using the following estimated useful lives and methods:

         Description                  Methods                 Useful Lives
         -----------                  -------                 ------------
     Building and components      150% declining balance      10-25 years
                                  and straight-line

     Furniture and equipment      200% declining balance       4-7 years
                                  and straight-line

Costs incurred in connection with maintenance and repair are charged to expense.
Major renewals and betterments  that materially  prolong the lives of assets are

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect certain  reported amounts and  disclosures.  Accordingly,  actual results
could differ from those estimates.


                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued)


Cash and temporary  investments  as of December 31, 1997 and 1996 consist of the

                                                1997              1996
                                              --------          ------
    Cash in bank                             $  71,809          $ 57,133
    Money market accounts                       74,304            89,150
    Certificates of deposit                      -               100,000
                                              --------          --------
        Total Cash and Temporary Investments  $146,113          $246,283
                                              ========          ========

Temporary investments are recorded at cost, which approximates market value. The
Partnership  considers  temporary  investments and all highly liquid  marketable
securities  with  original  maturities  of  five  months  or  less  to  be  cash
equivalents for purposes of the statement of cash flows.


Property Management Fees
The General Partners,  or their  affiliates,  handle the management of the hotel
property  of the  Partnership.  The  fee for  this  service  is 5% of the  gross
revenues from Partnership  operations,  as defined in the partnership agreement,
and amounted to $161,840 in 1997, $162,361 in 1996 and $160,089 in 1995.

Subordinated Distributions to General Partners
During the Partnership's  operational stage, the General Partners are to receive
an  aggregate  of 10% of  Partnership  distributions  from  cash  available  for
distribution, of which 9% will constitute a fee for managing the Partnership and
1% will be on  account  of  their  interest  in the  income  and  losses  of the
Partnership.  These distributions are subordinated,  however, to payment to each
Limited  Partner  during  such year of  distributions  from cash  available  for
distribution  equal to a 14% per annum  non-cumulative  return  on his  adjusted
capital  contribution.  Through December 31, 1997, the Limited Partners have not
received a 14%  non-cumulative  return in any year,  therefore no  distributions
have been made or have accrued to the General Partners.

Subordinated Incentive Distributions
Under  the terms of the  partnership  agreement,  the  General  Partners  are to
receive an aggregate of 15% of  Partnership  distributions  of net proceeds from
the sale or refinancing of Partnership properties. The aggregate distribution of
15% is composed of a 14% subordinated  incentive fee as additional  compensation
for  services  rendered by the General  Partners  and the 1% on account of their
interest in the income and losses of the Partnership.  These  distributions  are
subordinated,  however,  to  net  proceeds  from  the  sale  or  refinancing  of
Partnership  properties  remaining after distribution to the Limited Partners of
any portion thereof required to cause distributions to the Limited Partners from
all  sources  to be equal  to their  capital  contributions  plus 10% per  annum
cumulative return on their adjusted capital contributions. At December 31, 1997,
the Limited Partners had not received the 10% per annum cumulative  return,  and
accordingly, no such proceeds have been distributed to the General Partners.


                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued)


Administrative Expenses Shared by the Partnership and Its Affiliates
There are certain administrative  expenses allocated between the Partnership and
other partnerships  managed by the General Partners and their affiliates.  These
expenses,  which are allocated based on usage,  are telephone,  data processing,
rent  of  the   administrative   office,  and   administrative   salaries.   The
administrative expenses allocated to the Partnership were approximately $230,000
in 1997,  $225,000 in 1996 and  $223,000 in 1995 and are included in general and
administrative  expenses  and hotel and  restaurant  operations  expenses in the
accompanying  statements of operations.  Included in administrative salaries are
allocated  amounts paid to two employees who are related to Philip B. Grotewohl,
the fifty percent stockholder of Grotewohl Management  Services,  Inc. (see Note
1), the General Partner.


The Partnership  leases 3.05 acres of land in Barstow,  California for a term of
50 years  beginning in 1984. The  Partnership  has the right to extend the lease
for three  consecutive  periods of ten years each.  The base rent  payments  are
subject  to annual  upward  or  downward  adjustments  based on  changes  in the
Consumer  Price  Index.  The  Partnership  also leases the site  adjacent to its
Barstow hotel that contains a restaurant  and lounge.  The lease  provides for a
20-year term ending  December  31, 2010 with an option to  terminate  this lease
after  termination  of the Holiday Inn license  agreement.  The option cannot be
exercised  before the tenth year of the  renewal  term and  requires  six months
written notice.

Both leases  contain  provisions  requiring the lessee to pay all property taxes
and assessments. The leases provide for payment of the excess of percentage rent
over the base rent. The  percentage  rent is 9% of the combined gross hotel room
revenues and gross restaurant and lounge sales.

Rental  expense  under  these  leases  incurred by the  Partnership  amounted to
$299,375  in 1997,  $299,569  in 1996 and  $297,167  in 1995.  Such  amounts are
included  in  hotel  and  restaurant  operations  expense  in  the  accompanying
statements of operations.

Future lease commitments at December 31, 1997, using the current minimum monthly
amounts, are as follows:

Years Ended                           Hotel Land     Restaurant
December 31:                            Lease           Lease          Total
- - -----------                           ----------     ----------        -----
  1998                                $  163,428    $   116,688    $   280,116
  1999                                   163,428        116,688        280,116
  2000                                   163,428        116,688        280,116
  2001                                   163,428        116,688        280,116
  2002                                   163,428        116,688        280,116
  2003-2035                            5,147,982        933,504      6,081,486
                                      ----------    -----------     ----------

Total minimum future lease payments   $5,965,122     $1,516,944     $7,482,066
                                      ==========     ==========     ==========


                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued)


The following table summarizes the major components of hotel and restaurant
operating expenses for the following years:

                                                               1997                  1996                 1995
                                                               ----                  ----                 ----            
Salaries and related expenses                              $  866,496           $   808,586            $ 789,516
Cost of food and beverage                                     280,607               253,888              231,355
Rent                                                          301,054               301,606              297,168
Franchise, advertising and reservation fees                   175,932               179,762              177,711
Utilities                                                     201,671               204,251              214,662
Allocated costs, mainly indirect salaries                     186,004               184,064              181,607
Renovations and replacements                                   52,913                40,926               77,384
Other operating expenses                                      710,136               728,634              665,442
                                                           ----------           -----------            ---------

          Total hotel and restaurant
              operating expenses                           $2,774,813            $2,701,717           $2,634,845
                                                           ==========            ==========           ==========


Franchise Fees
In February 1991, the Partnership  obtained a ten-year franchise  agreement with
Holiday Inns,  Inc. to operate its Barstow hotel and  restaurant  under the name
"Holiday Inn." The Partnership  pays monthly  franchise fees of 4% of gross room
revenues of the hotel and makes monthly  contributions of 1 1/2% and 1% of guest
room revenues to a marketing fund and reservation fund, respectively.


The carrying amount of cash and temporary  investments  approximates  fair value
because of the short-term maturity of those investments.


The Partnership  maintains its cash accounts in five commercial banks located in
California.  Accounts  at  each  bank  are  guaranteed  by the  Federal  Deposit
Insurance  Corporation  (FDIC) up to $100,000  per bank.  A summary of the total
uninsured cash balances (not reduced by  outstanding  checks) as of December 31,
1997 follows:

          Total cash in all California banks                    $177,077
          Portion insured by FDIC                               (131,674)
            Uninsured cash balance                              $ 45,403


                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued)


On October 27, 1997, a complaint was filed in the United States  District  Court
by the Managing General Partner naming as defendants  Everest/Madison Investors,
LLC,  Everest  Lodging  Investors,  LLC,  Everest  Properties  II, LLC,  Everest
Properties,  Inc., W. Robert  Kohorst,  David I. Lesser,  The Blackacre  Capital
Group, L.P.,  Blackacre Capital Management Corp.,  Jeffrey B. Citron,  Ronald J.
Kravit,  and Stephen P.  Enquist.  The  complaint  alleged  that the  defendants
violated certain  provisions of the Security and Exchange Act of 1934 and sought
injunctive and declarative relief.

On October 28, 1997, a complaint was filed in the Superior Court of the State of
California,   Sacramento   County  by  Everest   Lodging   Investors,   LLC  and
Everest/Madison Investors, LLC as plaintiffs against the General Partners of the
Partnership and four other  partnerships  which have common general  partners as
nominal defendants.  The complaint pertained to the receipt by the defendants of
franchise fees and  reimbursement of expenses,  the indications of interest made
by the plaintiffs in purchasing the  properties of the nominal  defendants,  and
the alleged  refusal of the  defendants to provide  information  required by the
terms of the Partnership's partnership agreement and California law.

On February 20, 1998, the parties  entered into a settlement  agreement and both
of the above complaints were dismissed.  Pursuant to the terms of the settlement
agreement, the General Partner has agreed to proceed with the marketing for sale
of the properties of the Partnerships,  among other things, if by June 30, 1998,
it receives an offer to purchase one or more  properties  for a cash price equal
to 75% or more of the  appraised  value.  In addition,  the General  Partner has
agreed to submit the offer for  approval to the limited  partners as required by
the  partnership  agreements  and applicable  law. The General  Partner has also
agreed that upon the sale of one or more properties,  to distribute promptly the
proceeds of the sale after  payment of payables and retention of reserves to pay
anticipated expenses. The Everest Defendants agreed not to generally solicit the
acquisition of any additional units of the Partnerships without first filing the
necessary  documents with the SEC. Under the terms of the settlement  agreement,
the  Partnerships  have agreed to reimburse the Everest  Defendants  for certain
costs not to exceed  $60,000,  to be allocated among the  Partnerships.  Of this
amount,  the Partnership  will pay  approximately  $12,000 during the year ended
December 31, 1998.


                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                             Statement of Operations
               For the Three Months Ending March 31, 1998 and 1997

                                                                                       3/31/98                  12/31/97
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

Current Assets:
   Cash and temporary investments                                              $              209,674   $              146,113
   Accounts receivable                                                                         30,534                   32,624
   Prepaid expenses                                                                            15,472                   37,862
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
    Total current assets                                                                      255,680                  216,599
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

Property and Equipment:
   Buildings                                                                                4,077,604                4,077,604
   Furniture and equipment                                                                  1,304,372                1,294,151
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
                                                                                            5,381,976                5,371,755
   Accumulated depreciation                                                               (3,255,299)              (3,190,183)
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

    Property and equipment, net                                                             2,126,677                2,181,572
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

Other Assets:                                                                                  32,294                   32,294
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

    Total Assets                                                               $            2,414,651   $            2,430,465
                                                                                 =====================    =====================

                                                  LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY
Current Liabilities:
   Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                                   316,540                  176,765
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
    Total liabilities                                                                         316,540                  176,765
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

Contingent Liabilities (See Note 1)

Partners' Equity:
   General Partners                                                                             2,659                    3,385
   Limited Partners                                                                         2,095,452                2,250,315
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
    Total partners' equity                                                                  2,098,111                2,253,700
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

Total Liabilities and Partners' Equity                                         $            2,414,651   $            2,430,465
                                                                                 =====================    =====================

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                             Statement of Operations
               For the Three Months Ending March 31, 1998 and 1997

                                           Three Months             Three Months
                                              Ended                    Ended
                                             3/31/98                  3/31/97
                                     ------------------    ---------------------

    Hotel room                       $         652,776   $              704,139
    Restaurant                                 135,024                  154,235
    Telephone and vending                       12,994                   14,480
    Interest                                       801                    1,692
    Other                                       13,292                    9,880
                                       ----------------    ---------------------
     Total Income                              814,887                  884,426
                                       ----------------    ---------------------

    Motel operating expenses (Note 2)          629,363                  652,966
    General and administrative                 152,477                   22,756
    Depreciation and amortization               65,116                   69,753
    Property management fees                    40,518                   44,213
                                       ----------------    ---------------------
     Total Expenses                            887,474                  789,688
                                       ----------------    ---------------------

    Net Income (Loss)                $        (72,587)   $               94,738
                                       ================    =====================

Net Income (Loss) Allocable
 to General Partners                            ($726)                     $947
                                       ================    =====================

Net Income (Loss) Allocable
 to Limited Partners                         ($71,861)                  $93,791
                                       ================    =====================

Net Income (Loss)
 per Partnership Unit                          ($7.97)                   $10.40
                                       ================    =====================

Distribution to Limited Partners
 per Partnership Unit                            $9.20                    $9.20
                                       ================    =====================

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                    Statement of Changes in Partners' Equity
               For the Three Months Ending March 31, 1998 and 1997

                                              1998                     1997
                                   --------------------    ---------------------

General Partners:
 Balance at beginning of year       $            3,385   $                3,836
 Net income (loss)                                (726)                     947
                                      -----------------    ---------------------
  Balance at end of period                       2,659                    4,783
                                      -----------------    ---------------------

Limited Partners:
 Balance at beginning of year                2,250,315                2,626,948
 Net income (loss)                             (71,861)                  93,791
 Distributions to limited partners             (83,002)                 (83,002)
                                      -----------------    ---------------------
  Balance at end of period                   2,095,452                2,637,737
                                      -----------------    ---------------------

  Total Partners' Equity            $        2,098,111   $            2,642,520
                                      =================    =====================

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                             Statement of Cash Flows
               For the Three Months Ending March 31, 1998 and 1997

                                                                                         1998                     1997
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Received from hotel and restaurant revenues                                 $              816,176   $              873,307
   Expended for hotel and restaurant operation
    and general and administrative expenses                                                 (660,193)                (645,610)
   Interest received                                                                              801                    1,187
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
      Net cash provided (used) by operating activities                                        156,784                  228,884
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Purchases of property and equipment                                                       (10,221)                 (20,648)
   Proceeds from sale of equipment                                                                                         230
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
      Net cash provided (used) by investing activities                                       (10,221)                 (20,418)
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Distributions paid to limited partners                                                    (83,002)                 (83,002)
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
      Net cash provided (used) by operating activities                                       (83,002)                 (83,002)
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------

      Net increase in cash and temporary investments                                           63,561                  125,464

      Cash and Temporary Investments:
         Beginning of year                                                                    146,113                  246,283
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
            End of Period                                                      $              209,674   $              371,747
                                                                                 =====================    =====================

Reconciliation  of net income  (loss) to net cash  provided  (used) by operating
   Net income (loss)                                                           $             (72,587)   $               94,738
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash used by operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization                                                            65,116                   69,753
      (Gain) loss on disposition of property and equipment                                          -                     (230)
      (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                                                2,090                  (9,932)
      (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses                                                  22,390                   18,031
      Increase (decrease) in accounts payable
        and accrued liabilities                                                               139,775                   56,524
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
             Total adjustments                                                                229,371                  134,146
                                                                                 ---------------------    ---------------------
             Net cash provided (used) by
               operating activities                                            $              156,784   $              228,884
                                                                                 =====================    =====================

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          Notes to Financial Statements
                             March 31, 1998 and 1997

Note 1:
The attached interim financial statements include all adjustments (consisting of
only normal  recurring  adjustments)  which are,  in the opinion of  management,
necessary to a fair statement of the results for the period presented.

Users  of  these  interim  financial  statements  should  refer  to the  audited
financial  statements  for the year  ended  December  31,  1997  for a  complete
disclosure  of  significant  accounting  policies and practices and other detail
necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements

In accordance  with the  partnership  agreement,  the following  information  is
presented  related to fees paid to the General  Partners or  affiliates  for the

   Property Management Fees                                     $40,518

In February,  1991 the Partnership  terminated its franchise and its affiliation
with Super 8 Motels, Inc. and began operating as a Holiday Inn. Accordingly,  no
franchise or  advertising  fees have been paid to the General  Partners or their
affiliates for the period

Partnership  management  fees  and  subordinated  incentive   distributions  are
contingent  in nature  and none have been  accrued or paid  during  the  current

Note 2:
The following table summarizes the major components of hotel operating  expenses
for the periods reported:

                                                         Three Months             Three Months
                                                            Ended                    Ended
                                                           3/31/98                  3/31/97
                                                     ---------------------    ---------------------
Salaries and related expenses                      $              200,632   $              213,730
Cost of food and beverage                                          47,639                   60,548
Rent                                                               75,321                   81,817
Franchise, advertising and reservation fees                        46,533                   49,846
Utilities                                                          42,907                   43,581
Allocated costs, mainly indirect salaries                          49,761                   44,110
Renovations and replacements                                        3,797                    4,080
Other operating expenses                                          162,773                  155,254
                                                     ---------------------    ---------------------
 Total hotel and restaurant operating expenses     $              629,363   $              652,966
                                                     =====================    =====================

The following additional material contingencies are required to be restated
in interim reports under federal securities law: None.


                                                                  APPENDIX 1

                                                            PRELIMINARY COPY

                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.

                  Notice of Proposed Action By Written Consent


The Limited  Partners of FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.  (the  "Partnership"),  are
being asked by the Partnership and the Managing  General Partner to consider and
approve  by  written  consent  the  proposed  sale of  substantially  all of the
Partnership's assets.

The Limited  Partners of the Partnership are entitled to vote on the proposal by
completing,  executing  and  returning to the  Partnership  the enclosed form of
Action by Written Consent of Limited Partners.


May ___, 1998

Grotewohl Management Services, Inc.,
a California corporation,
Managing General Partner

                                                                   APPENDIX 2

                                                             PRELIMINARY COPY


                           FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, L.P.
                                  2030 J Street
                          Sacramento, California 95814
                                 (916) 442-9183


The undersigned  votes all the units of limited  partnership  interest of Famous
Host Lodging V, L.P. of record by him, her or it as follows:

                  PARTNERSHIP'S   ASSETS,   as  described  in  the   Information
                  Statement  dated  May  ___,  1998.  Please  mark  one  of  the

                           FOR [  ]         AGAINST [  ]       ABSTAIN [  ]

This Consent,  when properly  executed and returned to the Partnership,  will be
voted in the manner directed herein by the undersigned limited partner.


Please sign exactly as name   When Units are held by joint tenants, both should
appears below:                sign.  When signing as attorney, executor,
                              administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give
                              full title as such.  If a corporation, please sign
                              in full corporate name by  president or  other
                              authorized officer. If a partnership, please   
                              sign in partnership name by authorized person.

DATED:             , 1998

                              Additional signature, if held jointly