Dated as of April 30, 1998

                                 By and Between

                           Famous Host Lodging V, Ltd.
                        a California Limited Partnership


                           Tiburon Capital Corporation
                            a California Corporation

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

SECTION 1:           DEFINITIONS .............................................1

SECTION 2:           AGREEMENT TO SELL AND PURCHASE ..........................5

                     BY SELLER ...............................................7

                     OF PURCHASER  ..........................................15

                     TO CLOSING .............................................16

SECTION 6:           CONDITIONS TO CLOSING ..................................17

SECTION 7:           CLOSING ................................................22

SECTION 8:           INDEMNIFICATION  .......................................33

SECTION 9:           WAIVER .................................................33

SECTION 10:          BROKERS ................................................34

SECTION 11:          SURVIVAL; FURTHER ASSURANCES ...........................34

SECTION 12:          NO THIRD PARTY BENEFITS ................................35

SECTION 13:          REMEDIES ...............................................36

SECTION 14:          TERMINATION ............................................36

SECTION 15:          MISCELLANEOUS ..........................................37

SECTION 16:          NOTICES ................................................38

SECTION 17:          ATTORNEYS' FEES ........................................39

SECTION 18:          CONFIDENTIALITY ........................................40

                                      - i -

                                LIST OF EXHIBITS

Exhibit           Description                         Primary Section Reference

    A             Identification of Motel                    1 (L)

    B             List of Franchise Agreements               1 (F)

    C             Land Leases                                1 (J)

    D             List of Service Contracts                  3 (K)

    E             List of Equipment Leases                   3 (L)

    F             List of Tenant Leases                      3 (M)

    G             List of Labor Contracts                    3 (N)

    H             Form of Grant Deed                         7 (C)(1)(a)

    I             Bill of Sale and Assignment,
                  Personal Property                          7(C)(1)(b)

    J             Assignment of Franchise Agreements         7(C)(1)(c)

    K             Assignment of Land Leases                  7(C)(1)(d)

    L             Assignment of Service Contracts            7(C)(1)(e)

    M             Assignment of Tenant Leases                7(C)(1)(f)

    N             Assignment of Equipment Leases             7(C)(1)(g)

    O             Estoppel Certificates                      7(C)(1)(i)

                                     - ii -

                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT

         THIS  AGREEMENT  is made as of the  30th  day of  April,  1998,  by and
between  FAMOUS  HOST  LODGING  V,  LTD.,  a  California   limited   partnership
("Seller"),   and  TIBURON  CAPITAL   CORPORATION,   a  California   corporation

                               W I T N E S S E T H

         WHEREAS,  Seller  owns  and  operates  one  Holiday  Inn  Motel,  as  a
franchisee  of Holiday  Inns,  Inc.,  and an adjoining  restaurant  and cocktail
lounge,  in the city of  Barstow,  California,  and  desires to sell such motel,
restaurant,  and cocktail  lounge to Purchaser on the terms and  conditions  set
forth below; and

         WHEREAS, the Purchaser desires to purchase such motel, restaurant,  and
cocktail lounge from Seller on the terms and conditions set forth below;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and the respective
undertakings of the parties hereinafter set forth, it is hereby agreed:


         Wherever used in this Agreement,  the words and phrases set forth below
shall have the  meanings  set forth below  unless the context  clearly  requires

                                      - 1 -

     A.  "Barstow  Motel" refers to the Holiday Inn Motel  (including  adjoining
restaurant  and  cocktail  lounge)  located at 1511 East Main  Street,  Barstow,
California 92311.

     B.  "Closing"  means  the  closing  at which  Seller  conveys  title to the
Properties to Purchaser and Purchaser pays Seller the Purchase  Price  described
in Section 2 herein below.

     C.  "Closing  Date"  means  July  15,  1998,  or if  later,  30 days  after
satisfaction  of the  conditions  set forth in Section 6(11) hereof,  subject to
commer  cially  reasonable  extensions,  but in no event later than December 31,

     D. "Consumables" shall mean all food and beverages (including alcoholic and
non-alcoholic), engineering, maintenance, and housekeeping supplies, stationery,
printing and other supplies of all kinds (collectively,  the "Consumables") used
in connection with the ownership, operation and maintenance of the Properties.

     E. "Financial  Statements"  means all financial  statements and information
relating to the Properties which are referred to in Section 3(O) hereof.

     F. "Franchise  Agreements"  refers to the franchise  agreements between the
Seller and Holidays Inn, Inc., as identified on Exhibit B hereto.

     G. "Furniture,  Fixtures,  and Equipment" shall mean all tangible  personal
property,  excluding the  Consumables,  located on the  Properties,  and used in
connection  with the  ownership,  operation and  maintenance  of the  Properties
(collectively,  the "FF & E"). The FF & E shall include all fixtures, furniture,
furnishings,  fittings, televisions,  vehicles, equipment, computer hardware and
nonproprietary  software,  machinery,  apparatus,  books and  records  of Seller
pertaining to

                                      - 2 -

the Properties,  appliances,  china,  glassware,  linens,  silverware,  keys and
uniforms owned by Seller and used in connection  with the ownership,  operation,
and maintenance of the Properties.

     H. "GMS"  refers to  Grotewohl  Management  Services,  Inc.,  a  California
corporation and the general partner of the Seller.

     I.  "Improvements"  means all  buildings,  structures,  fixtures  and other
improvements now or hereafter located or erected on the Leased Land.

     J. "Land Leases"  refers to the leases of the land  identified on Exhibit C

     K. "Leased  Land" refers to the land leased to Seller  pursuant to the Land

     L. "Motel" refers to the Barstow Motel,  including adjoining restaurant and
cocktail lounge, as identified on Exhibit A hereto.

     M. "Personal  Property" means all tangible and intangible personal property
now or hereafter  owned by the Seller and used in connection  with the operation
of  the  Properties,   including,  without  limitation,  (i)  all  building  and
construction  materials,  equipment,  appliances,  machinery and other  personal
property  owned by  Seller  and used in  connection  with the  operation  of the
Properties,  (ii) the Consumables,  (iii) the FF & E, (iv) Seller's rights under
the Franchise Agreements, (v) all transferable permits,  licenses,  certificates
and approvals issued in connection with the Properties, (vi) the exclusive right
to use the name of the  Properties  and the right to all other names,  logos and
designs  used  in  connection  with  the  Properties,  including  the  names  of
restaurants, bars, banquet rooms and meeting rooms, (vii) the right to use the

                                      - 3 -

Properties'  telephone  numbers  and  post  office  boxes,  (viii)  all  booking
agreements,   (ix)  all  service  marks  and  trademarks,   (x)  all  plans  and
specifications, operating manuals, guaranties and warranties and any other items
used in the operation of the Properties,  (xi) all documents  relating to guests
at the  Properties,  including  booking  agreements,  (xii) all books,  records,
promotional   materials,   marketing  and  leasing   materials  related  to  the
Properties,  and all of Seller's  right to receive and  utilize  water  service,
sanitary and storm sewer  service,  electrical and gas service and other utility
services presently supplied to the Properties, and (xiii) all documents relating
to employees at the Properties.

     N. "Properties"  means the Seller's interest in the Land Leases, the Motel,
the Personal Property, and the Improvements.

     O. "Property Agreement(s)" means, collectively,  the Franchise Agree ments,
the Land  Leases,  the Tenant  Leases,  the  Service  Contracts,  the  Permitted
Exceptions,  the Equipment Leases, and any other lease,  rental agreement,  loan
agreement,  loan  commitment,  mortgage,  deed of trust,  easement,  covenant or
agreement affecting Seller's interest in the Properties.

     P. "Seller's  Knowledge," including "to the best of Seller's knowledge," or
any similar phrase,  shall mean the present actual  knowledge of the officers of
GMS,  without any duty of inquiry or independent  investigation  of the relevant
matter by any of such individuals.

     Q. "Title Company" means Chicago Title Company, Sacramento, California.


                                      - 4 -


         A.  Purchase  Price.  On the  Closing  Date  Seller  shall  convey  the
Properties to Purchaser or Purchaser's  designee on the terms and conditions set
forth herein.  On the Closing Date the Purchaser or  Purchaser's  designee shall
accept title to the Properties from Seller on the terms and conditions set forth
herein and shall pay to the Seller the Purchase  Price  ("Purchase  Price"),  in
immediately  available  funds,  of Four  Million  One Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
($4,100,000) subject to prorations as set forth below.

         B.  Earnest  Money.  Upon the later to occur of the  completion  of the
inspection period referred to in Section 6(4) hereof or the date Seller notifies
Purchaser  that Seller's  limited  partners have approved this Agreement and all
matters related thereto (Section 6(11) hereof),  Purchaser shall deposit $21,000
(the "Earnest Money") with the Title Company. The Earnest Money shall be held by
the Title  Company in  accordance  with the terms hereof and invested in a money
market account with all interest  earned thereon  payable to Purchaser.  If this
Agreement is terminated due to Purchaser's default hereunder,  the Earnest Money
shall be paid to Seller as liquidated damages and as Seller's sole and exclusive
remedy.  If the Closing  occurs  hereunder,  the Earnest  Money shall be paid to
Seller and credited  against the Purchase  Price.  If the Closing does not occur
hereunder for any reason other than Purchaser's  default hereunder,  the Earnest
Money shall be refunded to Purchaser.




                                      - 5 -

         C.  Liquidated  Damages.  PURCHASER  AND  SELLER  AGREE  THAT  SELLER'S

           Seller's Initials: ________      Purchaser's Initials: ________

                                      - 6 -


         Seller  hereby  represents  and warrants to, and  covenants  and agrees
with,  Purchaser  as of the date hereof and as of the Closing as follows (all of
which  representations and warranties shall be deemed automatically remade as of
the Closing):

     A. Due  Organization.  Seller is a limited  partnership  duly organized and
validly existing under the laws of the State of California.  Seller has the full
power and authority, and is duly authorized, to execute, enter into, deliver and
perform this Agreement and its obligations hereunder.

     B.  Power.  This  Agreement  and  all  other  agreements,  instruments  and
documents  required to be executed or delivered by Seller  pursuant  hereto have
been or (if and when  executed)  will be duly  executed and delivered by Seller,
and are or will be legal,  valid and binding  obligations of Seller. No consents
and  permissions  are  required to be obtained by Seller for the  execution  and
performance of this  Agreement and the other  documents to be executed by Seller
hereunder; provided, however, that sale of the Properties to Purchaser by Seller
requires (i) the consent of the lessor  under the Land Leases;  (ii) the consent
of the franchisors and subfranchisors under the Franchise Agreements;  and (iii)
the  approval  of the  limited  partners  of  Seller.  The  consummation  of the
transactions  contemplated  herein and the  fulfillment of the terms hereof will
not result in a breach of any of the terms or  provisions  of, or  constitute  a
default  under,  any  agreement or document to which the Seller is a party or by
which it is bound,  or, to the best of Seller's  knowledge,  any order,  rule or
regulation  of any  court  or of any  federal  or state  regulatory  body or any
administrative  agency or any other  governmental body having  jurisdiction over
the Seller or the Properties.

                                      - 7 -

     C. Title.  Seller has good and marketable  title to the  Properties  (other
than the land leased to Seller pursuant to the Land Leases), subject only to the
Tenant Leases, Permitted Exceptions, and those liens and encumbrances which will
be released at Closing.

     D.  Condition of  Properties.  To the best of Seller's  knowledge,  (i) the
Improvements  (including,  without  limitation,  all heating,  ventilating,  air
conditioning, electrical, elevator, plumbing and all other building systems (the
"Building  Systems"),  roofs,  exterior walls,  windows and all other structural
elements of the Properties (the "Structural  Elements") are  structurally  sound
and have  been  constructed  in a good and  workmanlike  manner,  are free  from
material  defects,  and  there  are  no  subsurface  soil  conditions  adversely
affecting the  Properties;  (ii) any parking on the Properties is sufficient for
its current uses and  satisfies  all legal  requirements,  (iii) all streets and
driveways  necessary for access and  utilization  of the Properties are complete
and available for use, (iv) the Properties  include all easements  necessary for
their  current use and there are no  off-site  facilities  or rights  needed for
their operation or use; (v) all utilities  servicing the Properties are adequate
for the use and  operation of the  Properties  as currently  intended;  (vi) the
Properties are not located in any wetlands and no geological faults traverse the
Properties,  and (vii) the Properties are free from infestation by pests. Seller
has not  received  any  written  notice of  unsatisfied  requests  for  repairs,
restorations or improvements  from any person,  entity or authority  (including,
but not limited to, tenants,  insurers,  lenders or governmental  agencies) with
respect  to the  Properties.  Seller  has not  received  any  written  notice of
complaints from adjoining property owners with respect to the Properties. In the
event any such requests or complaints are received by Seller between the date of
this Agreement and Closing, copies thereof shall be furnished to Purchaser,  and
if the cost to correct the  matters  referred to therein  exceeds  $25,000  then
Purchaser  may  terminate  this  Agreement if Seller  elects not to correct such

                                      - 8 -

     E. Permits and Legal Compliance. To the best of Seller's knowledge,  Seller
has all licenses,  permits and certificates  necessary for the use and operation
of the Properties,  including, without limitation, all certificates of occupancy
necessary  for  the  occupancy  of the  Properties.  To  the  best  of  Seller's
knowledge,  the Properties,  including the use thereof, comply with all Property
Agreements and all applicable laws.

     F. No  Proceedings.  There is not now  pending  or, to the best of Seller's
knowledge,  threatened,  any  action,  suit or  proceeding  before  any court or
governmen  tal agency or body  against (i) the Seller  which might result in any
material  adverse change in the condition  (financial or  otherwise),  business,
prospects, revenue or income of the Properties, or which might have any material
adverse result to the Properties,  or (ii) the Properties.  Without limiting the
generality  of the  foregoing,  Seller has not  received  any written  notice of
violations  or alleged  violations  of any laws,  rules,  regulations  or codes,
including  building  codes,  with respect to the Properties  which have not been
corrected to the satisfaction of the governmental agency issuing such notices.

     G. Eminent Domain.  Seller has not received  written notice of any pending,
or to the best of Seller's knowledge, threatened condemnation, eminent domain or
similar  proceeding  relating to the  Properties  or any portion  thereof or any
interest (whether legal, beneficial or otherwise) or estate therein.

     H. Zoning;  Taxes.  Seller has not received  any written  notice  regarding
threatened  zoning changes or variances with respect to the Properties;  nor has
Seller received  written notice that anyone initiated any request or application
for a zoning change or variance with respect to the  Properties.  Seller has not
received any written notices  regarding  pending or threatened  reassessments or
special tax assessments

                                      - 9 -

against the Properties, and the Properties are separately assessed for real
estate tax purposes.

     I. Franchise  Agreements.  Exhibit B lists the Franchise Agreements for the
Properties  pursuant to which Seller  operates the  Properties  as a Holiday Inn
Motel.  Exhibit  B also  includes  a list of all  amendments  and  modifications
thereto.  To the  best of  Seller's  knowledge,  except  as may be shown in said
exhibit,  all of the Franchise  Agreements are in full force and effect and free
from  default,  Seller  is  current  in the  payment  of all fees due  under the
Franchise Agreements,  and there is no existing event which, with the passage of
time or the  giving  of  notice,  or both,  could  become a  default  under  the
Franchise  Agreements,  and there are no disputes,  claims, or rights of set-off
under the Franchise Agreements.

     J.  Land  Leases.  Exhibit  C lists  for the  Properties  the  Land  Leases
applicable to the  Properties.  Exhibit C also includes a list of all amendments
and modifications  thereto. To the best of Seller's knowledge,  except as may be
shown in said Exhibit, the Land Leases is in full force and effect and free from
default,  Seller is current in the payment of all rentals and other  amounts due
under the Land Leases,  there is no existing  event  which,  with the passage of
time and the giving of notice,  or both,  could become a default  under the Land
Leases,  there are no  disputes,  claims,  or rights of  set-off  under the Land
Leases,  and,  subject to  obtaining  the  consent of the lessor  under the Land
Leases and the limited partners of Seller, Seller has the full right, power, and
authority to assign its interest in and to the Land Leases to Purchaser.

     K.  Service  Contracts.  Attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  D is a list  of all
contracts or agreements to which Seller is a party for the providing of services
or supplies to or management of the Properties, including (without limitation) a
list of all amendments and modifications  thereto and assignments thereon (which
contracts and

                                     - 10 -

agreements, together with the contracts and agreements entered into with respect
to the Properties  after the date hereof with the consent of Purchaser  pursuant
to  Section  6 below,  are  herein  referred  to  collectively  as the  "Service
Contracts").  To the best of Seller's knowledge,  except as may be shown in said
exhibit, all of the Service Contracts are in full force and effect and free from
default and there is no existing event which, with the passage of time or giving
of notice,  or both,  could become a default  under the Service  Contracts,  and
there are no disputes,  claims or rights of set-off under the Service Contracts.
Except as may be shown in said exhibit,  all management  agreements  relating to
the Properties are terminable by Seller at or prior to Closing,  without cost or
expense to Purchaser.

     L.  Equipment  Leases.  Attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  E is a  list  of all
equipment leases to which Seller is a party for the leasing of equipment for the
Properties,  including  (without  limitation)  a  list  of  all  amendments  and
modifications  thereto and assignments thereof (which leases,  together with the
equipment  leases  entered  into with respect to the  Properties  after the date
hereof with the  consent of  Purchaser  pursuant to Section 6 below,  are herein
referred to  collectively  as the "Equipment  Leases").  To the best of Seller's
knowledge,  except as may be shown in said exhibit,  all of the Equipment Leases
are in full  force and  effect and free from  default  and there is no  existing
event which, with the passage of time or giving of notice, or both, could become
a default  under the  Equipment  Leases,  and there are no  disputes,  claims or
rights of set-off under the Equipment Leases.

     M. Tenant Leases. Attached hereto as Exhibit F is a list of all outstanding
leases or agreements  (other than the Land Leases)  pursuant to which any person
occupies, or has the right to occupy, space in the Properties including (without
limitation)  all  amendments  and  modifications  thereto  and  assignments  and
guaranties thereof (which leases, agreements and other documents,  together with
the lease documents  entered into with respect to the Properties  after the date
hereof with the

                                     - 11 -

consent of  purchaser  pursuant  to  Section 6 below,  are  herein  referred  to
collectively as the "Tenant  Leases").  Except as shown on such exhibit,  (a) to
the best of Seller's  knowledge,  there are no defaults  under any of the Tenant
Leases and the Tenant Leases are in full force and effect, there are no existing
events which with the passage of time or giving of notice or both could become a
default under the Tenant Leases, and there are no disputes,  claims or rights of
set-off  under the Tenant  Leases,  (b) there are no security  deposits  nor any
rights to refunds of rents  previously  paid under the Tenant  Leases  except as
shown on Exhibit F, (c) no person has acquired from Seller any options or rights
to lease space in the  Properties or extend any Tenant Leases or rights of first
refusal or offer for space in the  Properties  except as set forth in the Tenant
Leases, (d) there are no brokerage commissions or fees due now or payable in the
future in connection with the Tenant Leases except as set forth in Exhibit F and
Seller agrees to pay all such  commissions  and fees,  (e) all of the landlord's
obligations to construct tenant improvements or reimburse the tenants for tenant
improvements  under the Tenant  Leases have been paid and  performed in full and
all concessions (other than any unexpired rent abatement set forth in the Tenant
Leases) from the landlord  under the Tenant  Leases have been paid and performed
in full,  (f) to the best of  Seller's  knowledge  there  are no  bankruptcy  or
insolvency  proceedings pending or threatened with respect to any of the tenants
under the Tenant Leases, and (g) no tenant has notified Seller in writing of any
material,  uncured  defect or alleged defect in its premises or the common areas
of the Properties.  In the event any such notices are received by Seller between
the date of this  Agreement  and Closing,  copies  thereof shall be furnished to
Purchaser,  and if the cost to correct the matters referred to therein (together
with the cost of  correcting  all other matters  requiring  correction by Seller
under this Agreement prior to Closing)  exceeds $50,000 and Seller elects not to
correct such matters,  then Purchaser may terminate this Agreement (and, in such
event, Purchaser shall be entitled to a return of its Earnest Money).

                                     - 12 -

     N. Labor Contracts.  Except as disclosed on Exhibit G hereto,  there are no
employment  agreements or union contracts with respect to the Motel that will be
binding on Purchaser  after  Closing,  and, other than as disclosed on Exhibit G
hereto,  and except as provided by Section 7(E) hereof,  Purchaser will be under
no obligation to use or hire such employees for the Properties after Closing.

     O.  Financial  Information.  Seller has  delivered to  Purchaser  financial
statements   of  Seller  for  the  calendar   year  1997,   prepared  by  Vocker
Kristofferson  and Co., San Mateo,  California.  Such  financial  statements are
true,  complete and correct in all material  respects and have been  prepared in
accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles;   such  financial
statements  fairly  present  the  financial  condition  of Seller as of the date
thereof,  there are no  liabilities  with  respect to the  Properties  which are
required to be shown in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
as of the date  thereof  and which are not shown on such  financial  statements.
Seller has delivered to Purchaser  operating  statements  for the Properties for
the calendar year 1997,  which are true,  complete and correct,  and no material
adverse change has occurred in the financial  condition of the  Properties  from
the date thereof to the date hereof.

         P. Hazardous Materials.  To Seller's best knowledge,  during the period
of Seller's ownership, no portion of the Properties has ever been used by Seller
as a landfill or as a dump to receive  garbage,  refuse,  waste or fill material
whether or not hazardous.  Seller, to the best of Seller's knowledge, during the
period of Seller's ownership, has not stored, handled,  installed or disposed of
any Hazardous Substances (as hereinafter defined) in, on or about the Properties
or any other location  within the vicinity of the  Properties;  and, to Seller's
knowledge, there are no Hazardous Substances in, under, or on the Properties. As
used in  this  Agreement,  the  terms  "Hazardous  Substances"  means  asbestos,
polychlorinated  biphenyl  and  such  materials,  waste,  contaminants  or other
substances defined as toxic, dangerous to

                                     - 13 -

health or otherwise  hazardous by cumulative  reference to the following sources
as amended from time to time: (i) the Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act of
1976,  42 USC  Section  6901 et seq.  ("RCRA");  (ii)  the  Hazardous  Materials
Transportation  Act,  49 USC  Section  1801,  et seq.;  (iii) the  Comprehensive
Environmental  Response  Compensation  and Liability Act of 1980, 42 USC Section
9601 et seq.  ("CERCLA");  (iv) applicable laws of the State of California;  and
(v) any federal,  state or local  statutes,  regulations,  ordinances,  rules or
orders issued or promulgated under or pursuant to any of those laws or otherwise
by any department, agency or other administrative,  regulatory or judicial body.
The term "Hazardous  Substances"  does not include usual and customary  cleaning
and other  supplies  necessary  for the normal  operations,  maintenance  and/or
occupancy of the Properties.

     Q.  ERISA.  The Seller is not and is not  acting on behalf of an  "employee
benefit  plan"  within the meaning of Section  3(3) of the  Employee  Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974, as amended  ("ERISA"),  a "plan" within the meaning
of Section 4975 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended (the "Code"),
or an entity  deemed to hold  "plan  assets"  within  the  meaning  of 29 C.F.R.
Section 2510.3-101 of any such employee benefit plan or plans.

     R. Work Under Land Leases or Licenses.  To the best of Seller's  knowledge,
except as may be set forth on Exhibit D hereto, Seller is current in the payment
of all fees and expenses  incurred by Seller for work conducted by or for Seller
under the Land Leases or under any license relating to the Properties, and there
is no existing event which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice, or
both,  could become a default under any contract for the performance of services
under  the Land  Leases or under any such  license,  and there are no  disputes,
claims, or rights of set-off under any such contract.


                                     - 14 -


         Purchaser  hereby  represents and warrants to, and covenants and agrees
with,  Seller as of the date  hereof and as of the  Closing  as follows  (all of
which representa tions shall be deemed automatically remade as of the Closing):

     A. Due  Organization.  Purchaser is a corporation  duly organized,  validly
existing  and in good  standing  under  the  laws of the  State  of  California.
Purchaser  has full power and  authority,  and is duly  authorized,  to execute,
enter into, deliver and perform this Agreement and its obligations hereunder.

     B.  Power.  This  Agreement  and  all  other  agreements,  instruments  and
documents required to be executed or delivered by Purchaser pursuant hereto have
been or (if and when executed) will be duly executed and delivered by Purchaser,
and are or will be  legal,  valid  and  binding  obligations  of  Purchaser.  No
consents  and  permissions  are  required to be obtained  by  Purchaser  for the
execution  and  performance  of this  Agreement  and the other  documents  to be
executed  by  Purchaser   hereunder.   The   consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated herein and the fulfillment of the terms hereof will not result in a
breach of any of the terms or provisions of, or constitute a default under,  any
agreement or document to which  Purchaser is a party or by which it is bound, or
any order, rule or regulation of any court or of any federal or state regulatory
body  or  any  administrative  agency  or any  other  governmental  body  having
jurisdiction over Purchaser.

     C. No Proceedings. There are not now pending or, to the best of Purchaser's
knowledge,  threatened, any proceeding,  legal, equitable or otherwise,  against
Purchaser which would affect its ability to perform its  obligations  hereunder.
There is not now pending or, to the best of  Purchaser's  knowledge,  threatened

                                     - 15 -

action, suit or proceeding before any court or governmental agency or body which
might adversely affect Purchaser's ability to perform its obligations hereunder.


         The  Seller  shall do all of the  following,  from and  after  the date
hereof through and including the Closing Date:

         (a) operate and maintain the Properties in the same manner as currently
being  operated,  and  shall,  subject  to  damage,  destruction  or loss to the
Properties in which event  Purchaser  shall have the rights set forth in Section
6(3),  cause the Properties to be, on the Closing Date, in the same condition as
exists as of the date of this Agreement (normal wear and tear excepted);

         (b)  maintain  the  FF  & E in  the  same  manner  as  currently  being
maintained, and not remove any of the FF & E from the Properties unless replaced
with FF & E of at least as good a quality as that removed;

         (c)  maintain  the  Consumables  in the same  manner  and  quantity  as
currently being  maintained,  and replace any Consumables used at the Properties
with new Consumables  which are  substantially  equal in quality and quantity to
those that have been used at the Properties;

         (d)      maintain, or cause to be maintained, all existing insurance 
carried by Seller on the Improvements;

         (e) without the prior written consent of Purchaser,  not enter into any
new Property Agreements,  or any other agreements affecting the Properties which
would be binding on  Purchaser  after  Closing,  nor modify,  amend,  terminate,
cancel or grant

                                     - 16 -

concessions regarding any such existing contracts or agreements which would be
binding on the Purchaser after Closing; and

         (f) without the prior written  consent of the Purchaser  (except in the
case of  emergencies),  not  make,  or  obligate  itself to make,  any  material
alterations or modifications to the Properties.


         In addition to the  conditions  provided  in other  provisions  of this
Agreement,  the parties'  obligations to perform their undertakings  provided in
this Agreement, are each conditioned on the fulfillment of each of the following
which is a condition to such party's obligation to perform hereunder (subject to
such party's waiver in strict accordance with Section 9 below).

     (1)  Purchaser  shall  have  obtained  each of the  following  at  Seller's
expense:  (i) an ALTA Survey  prepared by a licensed  surveyor of the Properties
(hereinafter,  the "Survey") certified to Purchaser,  Purchaser's lender, and to
the Title Company,  (ii) preliminary title report for the Properties (the "Title
Report") together with legible copies of all exceptions appearing in such report
issued by the Title  Company,  and (iii) a UCC search (the "UCC  Search") of all
currently  effective  financing  statements  naming  Seller as  debtor  from the
California  Secretary  of State,  together  with  legible  copies of all of such
financing  statements.  Purchaser  shall have until June 30, 1998 to approve the
Survey,  the Title  Report,  and the  results of the UCC  Search.  If  Purchaser
approves the Survey, the Title Report,  and the results of the UCC Search,  then
all matters showing thereon shall be deemed "Permitted Exceptions." If Purchaser
disapproves any matters in the Survey, the Title Report, or the UCC Search, then
Seller  may  either  cure such  matters,  in which  case the  remaining  matters
approved by Purchaser shall be deemed Permitted Exceptions, or notify Purchaser

                                     - 17 -

that it has elected not to cure such matters. Any such notice by Seller shall be
given to Purchaser  not later than five (5) days  following  the date  Purchaser
notifies Seller of any objectionable title matters. If Seller elects not to cure
any matter which has been  disapproved  by Purchaser,  then  Purchaser may elect
either  to accept  such  matter  as a  Permitted  Exception  or  terminate  this
Agreement (and, in such event,  Purchaser shall be entitled to the return of its
Earnest Money).

         (2) As a condition to each party's obligation to perform hereunder, the
due performance by the other of all  undertakings and agreements to be performed
by the other hereunder and the truth of each  representation and warranty as set
forth herein made pursuant to this Agreement by the other at the Closing Date.

         (3) As a condition to Purchaser's  obligation to perform hereunder (and
not as a default),  that there shall not have  occurred  between the date hereof
and  the  Closing  Date,  inclusive,  destruction  of or  damage  or loss to the
Properties  (whether  or not  covered  by  insurance  proceeds)  from any  cause
whatsoever, the cost of which to repair plus any resulting abatement of any rent
after Closing under any Tenant  Leases and any resulting  business  interruption
exceeds $100,000 in the aggregate;  provided, however, that in the event of such
destruction or damage,  Purchaser may elect to proceed with the Closing in which
case Seller shall assign to Purchaser any claims for proceeds from the insurance
policies  covering  such  destruction  or  damage  (including  any  rental  loss
insurance) and shall pay to Purchaser the amount of any deductibles  thereunder.
If the cost of repairing the destruction, damage or loss plus any resulting rent
abatement and business  interruption  after Closing is less than $100,000 in the
aggregate,  the parties shall proceed with the Closing as provided  herein,  the
cost of repair plus the amount of any rent abatement  shall be deducted from the
Purchase Price and Seller shall retain any insurance proceeds.

                                     - 18 -

         (4) As a condition of Purchaser's  obligation to perform hereunder (and
not as a  default),  Purchaser  shall be  satisfied  in its  sole  and  absolute
discretion  with all aspects of the Properties  (including,  but not limited to,
the physical and environmental condition of the Properties);  provided, however,
if Purchaser does not notify Seller in writing prior to June 30, 1998 that it is
not so satisfied, this condition shall be deemed waived by Purchaser.  Purchaser
shall  not be  required  to give its  reasons  for  terminating  this  Agreement
pursuant to this Paragraph,  and Purchaser's notice shall be conclusive evidence
that it is dissatisfied  with the Properties.  It is understood and agreed,  and
Purchaser hereby acknowledges,  that the period of time afforded by this section
of the Agreement (the  "Inspection  Period")  should be ample time to review and
inspect the  condition  of the  Properties  and that if, for any  reason,  it is
dissatisfied  with the  condition  of the  Properties  or with  the  information
provided or available  to Purchaser  within the  Inspection  Period,  it has the
unrestricted  right to  terminate  this  Agreement  and  receive a return of its
Earnest Money. Accordingly,  in the event that Purchaser does not terminate this
Agreement and proceeds  beyond the  expiration of the Inspection  Period,  it is
understood and agreed that the Properties are being sold "as is," "where is" and
"with all faults,"  except as set forth in Section 3.  Purchaser  further agrees
and  confirms  that it is not relying on  information  other than the  financial
statements  and other  information  supplied  during the  Inspection  Period and
Seller makes no  representation  or warranty  whatsoever  as to the condition or
value of the Properties or otherwise except as set forth in Section 3.

         (5) As a condition of Purchaser's  obligation to perform hereunder (and
not as a  default),  Purchaser  shall  have  until  June  30,  1998 to  obtain a
commitment  (the  "Lender's  Commitment")  from a third-party  lender to provide
financing  in an  amount  of not  less  than  90% of the  Purchase  Price of the
Properties on terms deemed satisfactory by Purchaser, and such lender shall have
until  July 15,  1998  (i) to  perform  its due  diligence  (including,  without
limitation,  reviewing the Survey,  the Title Report, and the results of the UCC
Search, and to otherwise satisfy itself that all

                                     - 19 -

conditions  to loan  funding are  satisfied),  (ii) to prepare and approve  loan
documenta  tion  acceptable  to the lender and  Purchaser,  and (iii) to satisfy
itself that all conditions to loan funding have been satisfied  (conditions (i),
(ii) and (iii) referred to as the "Lender's Conditions").  If Purchaser does not
notify  Seller in writing on or prior to July 15, 1998 that it has not  obtained
the  Lender's  Commitment,  or that  Purchaser's  lender has not  satisfied  the
Lender's Conditions,  then the conditions of this subsection (5) shall be deemed
waived by Purchaser. If Purchaser notifies Seller in writing on or prior to July
15, 1998 that it has not obtained the Lender's  Commitment  or that  Purchaser's
lender has not  satisfied the Lender's  Conditions,  then this  Agreement  shall
become null and void and  terminated,  with neither  Purchaser nor Seller having
any further  obligation  to  consummate  this  Agreement or any liability to the
other party for the failure of this Agreement.  On any such  termination of this
Agreement, Purchaser shall be entitled to a return of its Earnest Money.

         (6) As a condition to Purchaser's  obligation to perform hereunder (and
not as a default), that there shall not have occurred at any time or times on or
before the Closing Date any taking or threatened taking of the Properties or any
part thereof or any interest or estate therein by  condemnation,  eminent domain
or similar proceed ings;  provided,  however,  Purchaser may elect to waive such
condition  in which case  Seller  shall  assign to  Purchaser  at Closing all of
Seller's  right,  title and interest in and to any proceeds  resulting  from any
such proceeding.

         (7) As a condition to Purchaser's obligation to perform hereunder, that
as of the  Closing  Date,  the  Property  Agreements  shall be in full force and
effect, unmodified and unwaived, and in good standing and free from default, and
there shall be no material changes in the operation of the Properties.

         (8) As a condition to Purchaser's  obligation to perform hereunder (and
not as a default), Seller shall obtain the consent or approval, at its sole cost
and expense,

                                     - 20 -

of all necessary  consents to assign all of Seller's right,  title, and interest
in and to the Land Leases to Purchaser (or its  designee),  and to assign all of
Seller's  right,  title,  and  interest in and to the  Franchise  Agreements  to
Purchaser (or its designee) provided, however, that Purchaser, not Seller, shall
be  responsible  for  paying  any  application  or  related  fee  imposed by the
franchisor under the franchise agreement  chargeable to new franchisees.  Seller
shall further obtain assurance,  reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser,  from any
lender whose loan is secured by the land  subject to the Land Leases,  that such
lender will not disturb the possessory rights of Purchaser under the Land Leases
as long as Purchaser is not in default  under the Land Leases.  The consents and
approvals   required  under  this  paragraph  shall  be  in  a  form  reasonably
satisfactory to Purchaser.

          (9)  Seller  covenants  and  agrees,  and it shall be a  condition  to
Purchaser's  obligation  to perform its  undertakings  hereunder,  that from and
after the date hereof, at all reasonable times, Purchaser (and its agents) shall
be  permitted  access to the  Properties  and to all books,  records and reports
relating to the  Properties  for the purpose of inspecting  same,  and Purchaser
(and its  agents)  shall  have the right to  photocopy  any and all such  books,
records  and  information.  All  information  relating  to the  Properties  made
available  to  Purchaser  and its  agents  shall  be  treated  as  confidential.
Purchaser  (and its  agents)  shall also have the right to meet with GMS and its
officers and  employees to discuss any matters  relating to the operation of the
Properties.  Any entry by Purchaser  and its agents on the  Properties  shall be
upon  reasonable  prior notice to Seller,  and the Purchaser  will indemnify and
hold Seller harmless against any and all injuries,  claims,  losses, damages and
expenses  arising out of its  negligence in the  performance  of any such entry,
inspection or other activities.

         (10) As a condition to Purchaser's obligation to perform hereunder (and
not as a default),  no written  notices of any  violation  of building  codes or
other govern mental regulations have been issued.

                                     - 21 -

         (11) As a condition to Seller's obligation to perform hereunder, Seller
shall have  obtained the approval by Seller's  limited  partners (1) to sell the
Properties to Purchaser pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, and (2) to take
all other  actions  necessary  or  appropriate  to  consummate  the  transaction
contemplated by this Agreement.

         (12) As a condition to Seller's obligation to perform hereunder, Seller
shall have received,  in a form satisfactory to GMS, on or before June 30, 1998,
a fairness  opinion  from PKF  Consulting,  San  Francisco,  or other  qualified
independent real estate advisory or investment  banking firm, to the effect that
the sale of the Properties to Purchaser  pursuant to the terms and conditions of
this  Agreement is fair,  from a financial  point of view, to Seller.  If Seller
notifies  Purchaser  in  writing on or prior to June 30,  1998,  that is has not
obtained a fairness  opinion  satisfactory  to GMS,  then this  Agreement  shall
become  null and void,  with  neither  Purchaser  nor Seller  having any further
obligation to consummate  this Agreement or any liability to the other party for
the failure of this Agreement. If the Agreement is terminated as aforesaid, then
Purchaser shall be entitled to a return of its Earnest Money.

         SECTION 7:   CLOSING

     A. Time.  The Closing  hereunder  shall  occur on the  Closing  Date at the
offices of the Title Company.

     B. Actions. At the Closing,  each party shall satisfy itself that the other
is then in  position to deliver the items  specified  in Section  7(C) below and
that  the  conditions  contained  herein  have  been  satisfied.  Upon  being so
satisfied and concurrently  with the delivery of the documents  described below,
the following, subject to the terms and conditions hereof, shall occur:

                                     - 22 -

                  (1)      Seller shall convey the Properties to Purchaser; and

                  (2) Purchaser  shall pay to Seller the Purchase  Price by wire
transfer of immediately  available funds,  plus or minus prorations as set forth

                  Purchaser  shall receive full  possession of the Properties at
Closing,  subject only to the Land Leases, Tenant Leases,  Permitted Exceptions,
Service Contracts, Franchise Agreements, and Equipment Leases.

                  The Closing  shall be held at the same time as the closings of
the other Purchase and Sale Agreements referred to in Section 14(iii) hereof.

         C.       Deliveries.

                  (1)  At  the  Closing,  Purchaser  shall  receive  all  of the
following,  in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser (it being
agreed  by  Purchaser  that  the  documents  attached  hereto  as  exhibits  are
satisfactory in form to Purchaser):

     (a) grant deed in the form  attached  hereto as  Exhibit H executed  by the

     (b) bill of sale and  assignment  for the Personal  Property in the form of
Exhibit I, executed by Seller;

     (c) an  assignment of the  Franchise  Agreements,  in the form of Exhibit J
attached hereto (the "Assignment of Franchise Agree ments"), executed by Seller,
assigning  to  Purchaser  the  Franchise  Agreements,  and the  consents  of the
franchisors  to such  assignments in form and content  reasonably  acceptable to

                                     - 23 -

     (d) an assignment of Land Leases,  in the form of Exhibit K attached hereto
(the  "Assignment of Land Leases"),  executed by Seller,  assigning to Purchaser
the Land  Leases,  and  consents of the lessor to such  assignments  in form and
content reasonably acceptable to Purchaser;

     (e) an  assignment  of the  Service  Contracts,  in the form of  Exhibit  L
attached  hereto (the  "Assignment of Service  Contracts"),  executed by Seller,
assigning to Purchaser the Service Contracts;

     (f) an  assignment  of the Tenant  Leases,  in the form of Exhibit M hereto
(the  "Assignment of Tenant Leases"),  executed by Seller,  assigning the Tenant
Leases to Purchaser;

     (g) an assignment of the Equipment  Leases, in the form of Exhibit N hereto
(the  "Assignment  of  Equipment  Leases"),  executed  by Seller,  assigning  to
Purchaser the Equipment Leases;

     (h) a  certificate  from  Seller  that  each  of  the  representations  and
warranties contained in Section 3 hereof is true and correct as set forth herein
as of the Closing Date.

     (i)  written  acknowledgments   reasonably  acceptable  to  Purchaser  (the
"Estoppel  Certificates")  from the parties (other than the Seller) obligated on
the Tenant  Leases (said  estoppels  from tenants to be in the form of Exhibit O
hereto),  dated as of a date not more than  thirty  (30) days prior to  Closing,
with no material  omissions from the form of estoppel  certificate  set forth in
Exhibit O.

                                     - 24 -

     (j) all assignable  licenses,  permits,  approvals,  zoning  exceptions and
approvals,  consents  and  orders  of  governmental,   municipal  or  regulatory
authorities  in  Seller's  possession  or control  which have been  obtained  in
connection with the ownership,  operation and use of the Properties,  including,
without limitation, certificates of occupancy for the Properties;

     (k) notices to each of the tenants under the Tenant Leases,  notifying them
of the sale of the  Properties  and  directing  them to pay all  future  rent as
Purchaser  may  direct,  and  notices  to the other  parties  under the  Service
Agreements and Equipment  Leases notifying them of the sale of the Properties to

     (l) a closing  statement  setting forth all prorations and credits required

     (m) UCC searches  showing no financing  statements  on file with respect to
the Personal Property;

     (n) an affidavit  from Seller that it is not a "foreign  person" or subject
to withholding  requirements  under the Foreign  Investment in Real Property Tax
Act of 1980,  as amended,  and a comparable  affidavit or form under  California

     (o) any documents reasonably required of Seller by the Title Company;

                                     - 25 -

     (p) evidence  satisfactory to Purchaser that Seller has the right to assign
to Purchaser the exclusive right to use the names of the Properties;

     (q) the original of all Property  Agreements  to the extent they are in the
possession of Seller or its agents;

     (r) all keys and combinations to locks located at the Properties;

     (s) all soil reports,  engineering studies, maintenance records, consultant
reports,  plans  and  specifications  and  books  and  records  relating  to the
Properties which are in the possession of Seller or its General Partner;

     (t) a complete  set of all guest  registration  cards,  guest  transcripts,
guests' histories and all other guest information;

     (u) a complete  list of all advance  room  reservations  and  functions  in
reasonable detail so as to enable Purchaser to honor them; and

     (v)  evidence  that the  Seller  has  terminated  all  existing  management
agreements for the Motel (unless  Purchaser has notified  Seller,  no later than
thirty (30) days prior to the Closing Date, that it has elected to continue such
management agreements in force).

                                     - 26 -

                  (2)  Seller  shall have  received  from  Purchaser  all of the
following,  in form and substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to Seller (it being
agreed by Seller that the documents attached hereto as exhibits are satisfactory
in form to the Seller):

     (a) payment of the Purchase Price, plus or minus prorations;

     (b) a certificate  from  Purchaser  that each of the  representa  tions and
warranties  contained  in Section 4 is true and correct as of the Closing  Date;

     (c) copies of the  Assignment of Franchise  Agreements,  the  Assignment of
Land  Leases,  the  Assignment  of Tenant  Leases,  the  Assignment  of  Service
Contracts,  and the  Assignment  of  Equipment  Leases  executed  by  Purchaser,
pursuant to which Purchaser  assumes the obligations of Seller accruing from and
after the Closing Date under the Franchise  Agreements,  the Land Leases, Tenant
Leases, Service Contracts, and Equipment Leases.

     D.  Prorations.  The Purchase Price for the Properties  shall be subject to
prorations  and  credits  as follows to be  determined  as of 12:01 a.m.  on the
Closing Date:

                  1. Rents Payable Under Tenant Leases. Any portion of any rents
collected subsequent to the Closing Date and properly allocable to periods prior
to the Closing Date, net of Purchaser's third-party costs of collection, if any,
shall be paid,  promptly after receipt, to the Seller, but subject to all of the
provisions  of this  Section;  and any portion  thereof  properly  allocable  to
periods subsequent to the Closing Date, if any, shall be paid to Purchaser.  Any
amount  collected from a tenant shall first be applied to such tenant's  current
monthly rental and then to past due amounts in the

                                     - 27 -

reverse  order in which they were due. Any advance  rental  payments or deposits
paid by tenants prior to the Closing Date and  applicable to the periods of time
subsequent  to the Closing Date and any security  deposits or other amounts paid
by  tenants,  together  with any  interest  on both  thereof to the extent  such
interest is due to tenants,  shall be credited to Purchaser on the Closing Date.
No credit  shall be given the Seller for  accrued  and unpaid  rent or any other
non-current sums due from tenants until said sums are paid.

                  2. Motel Room, Restaurant and Bar Revenues. Purchaser shall be
entitled to all food service,  bar, beverage and liquor revenues and charges and
all  revenues  and  charges  from  restaurant  operations,   Motel  banquet  and
conference facility  operations,  and all other revenue of any kind attributable
to any of the same for the period on and after 12:01 a.m.  on the Closing  Date.
Purchaser  shall pay over to Seller all  collections  of accounts  receivable in
connection  with the  Properties  which have accrued as of Closing (the "Closing
Accounts Receivable"). By no later than sixty (60) days after Closing, Purchaser
shall  pay  to  Seller  an  amount  equal  to  the  remaining  Closing  Accounts
Receivable, minus those uncollectible Closing Accounts Receivable as agreed upon
by Purchaser and Seller.  Seller shall deliver to Purchaser or provide Purchaser
a credit against the Purchase Price for the Properties in an amount equal to all
guest  reservation  deposits  held by the Motels for Motel  guests  arriving  or
staying after  check-out time for the Motel on the Closing Date. All collections
of Motel  receivables  from any party after  Closing  shall be applied  first to
receivables  due from such party which have accrued  prior to Closing and second
to receivables due from such party which have accrued after Closing.

     3. Cash. Purchaser shall give Seller a credit at Closing for all petty cash
funds  at the  Properties  and  all  cash  in any  operating  accounts  for  the
Properties to the extent such petty cash and operating  accounts are transferred
to Purchaser at Closing.  Purchaser and Seller shall make mutually  satisfactory
arrangements for

                                     - 28 -

counting such cash and determining the balances in the operating accounts as of
12:01 a.m. on the Closing Date.

     4.  Motel  Consumables.  Seller  shall not be  entitled  to any  credit for
Consumables located on the Properties as of the Closing Date.

     5. Trade Payables.  Trade payables shall mean (for all purposes) under this
Agreement open accounts payable to trade vendors or suppliers of the Properties.
Except for trade  payables for  Consumables,  Seller agrees to give  Purchaser a
credit at Closing for all trade payables from the Properties  which have accrued
on or prior to 12:01 a.m. on the Closing Date, and Purchaser  shall be obligated
to pay (i) such  payables to the extent it has  received a credit from Seller at
Closing and (ii) trade payables or the Consumables.  Purchaser agrees to pay all
trade  payables from the  Properties  which have accrued after 12:01 a.m. on the
Closing Date and shall and hereby does  indemnify and hold Seller  harmless from
payment of the same. The  indemnities  contained or provided for in this section
survive Closing.

     6. Banquet and Event Deposits. Purchaser shall receive and be entitled to a
credit  against the  Purchase  Price for all prepaid  deposits  for banquets and
other  functions that are scheduled to take place at any of the Properties on or
after the Closing Date.

     7. Franchise  Agreements,  Land Leases,  Service  Contracts,  and Equipment
Leases. Subject to the provisions of Section 6(8) hereof, any amounts prepaid or
payable  under any  Franchise  Agreement,  Land  Leases,  Service  Contract,  or
Equipment  Lease shall be  prorated  at the Closing as of the Closing  Date with
Seller  obligated  for all sums accrued  prior to 12:01 a.m. on the Closing Date
and  Purchaser  obligated  for all sums accrued  after 12:01 a.m. on the Closing

                                     - 29 -

     8. Sales Tax. Seller hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless
from the  payment of any and all  sales,  occupancy,  use or other  taxes due in
connection  with the operation of the Properties  prior to the Closing Date. The
indemnification set forth herein shall survive the Closing.

     9. Taxes.  Purchaser shall receive a credit for any accrued but unpaid real
estate taxes imposed in respect of the Properties for the portion of the current
year which has elapsed prior to the Closing Date (and, to the extent unpaid, for
prior  years).  Seller  shall  also  give  Purchaser  a credit  for any  special
assessments which are due and payable in connection with the Properties prior to

     10. Utilities.  Utilities and fuel, including,  without limitation,  water,
electricity, and gas shall be prorated as of Closing. The Seller shall cause the
meters,  if any,  for  utilities  to be read the day on which the  Closing  Date
occurs and to pay the bills rendered on the basis of such readings.  If any such
meter reading for any utility is not available,  then adjustment  therefor shall
be made on the basis of the most recently  issued bills therefor which are based
on meter  readings no earlier  than thirty (30) days prior to the Closing  Date;
and such adjustment shall be prorated when the next utility bills are received.

     11. Employee Expenses.  Purchaser shall not be responsible for any wages or
benefits  payable to employees of the Motel  accruing  prior to the Closing Date
and Purchaser shall not be required to assume any obligation with respect to any
employee benefits that were incurred prior to the Closing Date; and Seller shall
indemnify  Purchaser  against any claim in connection  therewith.  The indemnity
provided herein shall survive the Closing. In addition, Seller shall comply with
all  obligations  imposed on Seller by  applicable  federal or  California  laws
regarding  continuation coverage rights, to the extent that it is required to do
so under applicable

                                     - 30 -

laws; provided,  however,  Purchaser  acknowledges that Seller is not giving any
notice under the Worker  Adjustment  and  Retraining Act and agrees to indemnify
Purchaser  and hold  Purchaser  harmless  from and against any and all costs and
expenses  incurred by  Purchaser  as a result of  Seller's  failure to give such

     12.  Purchaser  shall  receive a credit for any  reduction in the brokerage
commission payable pursuant to Section 10 hereof.

         E. Staff.  Seller shall terminate or arrange for the termination of all
Motel  employees  as of the  Closing  Date and shall  pay all  wages and  fringe
benefits (including, but not limited to, accrued vacation pay and payroll taxes)
through the Closing  Date.  Purchaser  shall not be obligated to employ any such
Motel  employee,  but  may do so on such  terms  and for  such  compensation  as
Purchaser (and any such employee) deems appropriate.

                  Prior to Closing,  Seller shall deliver to Purchaser copies of
all information and records  necessary to support the prorations  hereunder.  In
the event any  prorations  made  pursuant  hereto shall prove  incorrect for any
reason  whatsoever,  either party shall be entitled to an  adjustment to correct
the same.

         F.  Expenses.  The Seller  shall pay (1) for all  documentary  transfer
taxes,  (2) the premium  attributable  to the standard  coverage  portion of the
"Owner's Policy" (defined below), (3) the sales taxes arising in connection with
the  sale  of  the  Personal  Property,  Consumables,  and FF & E by  Seller  to
Purchaser,  and (4) one-half of escrow fees and costs.  Purchaser  shall pay (1)
all costs  associated  with its due diligence  investigation,  (2) all recording
costs,  (3) the premium  attributable  to the extended  coverage  portion of the
Owner's Policy (and any endorsements or affirmative coverages),  (4) one-half of
escrow fees and costs. Purchaser shall

                                     - 31 -

reimburse  Seller at Closing for the costs of any  appraisal  of the  Properties
obtained by Seller subsequent to the appraisals of PKF Consulting of December 4,
1997 and for the costs  incurred  by  Seller in  obtaining  any  engineering  or
environmental  studies or reports of the  Properties  in  preparation  for their
sale. Each party shall pay its own attorneys'  fees.  Seller and Purchaser shall
execute and deliver  such  transfer  and sales tax returns as may be required by

     G. Title.  It shall be a condition of Closing that the Title  Company issue
to Purchaser,  in form and substance acceptable to Purchaser,  an owner's policy
of title  insurance for the  Properties  (the "Owner's  Policy") with  Purchaser
named as insured,  dated as of the Closing Date, with a liability limit equal to
the Purchase Price allocable to the  Properties,  insuring that fee title to the
Improvements  and the leasehold  estate created by the Land Leases are vested in
Purchaser, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions and Tenant Leases.

                  Except with the prior written  approval of  Purchaser,  Seller
shall not deliver (nor cause or permit to be delivered) to the Title Company, on
behalf of the Seller,  any indemnities of the Seller relating to the issuance of
the Owner's  Policy.  If the Owner's Policy  discloses any liens or encumbrances
which are not Permitted  Exceptions,  Purchaser may remove such liens at Closing
by  paying  so much of the  Purchase  Price to the  holders  of the  liens as is
necessary to do so.

     H. Guest  Property.  The parties shall arrange for Motel guests to sign new
deposit box or other  appropriate  receipts  on the day before the Closing  Date
with respect to baggage,  personal property,  laundry,  valet packages and other
property of Motel  guests  checked or left in the care of Seller by Motel guests
or tenants;  and, to the extent such  receipts are not  obtained,  such property
shall be sealed,  listed in an  inventory  prepared  and  signed  jointly by the
parties as of the Closing Date,  and  Purchaser  shall be  responsible  from and
after the Closing Date for all such property

                                     - 32 -

listed in said  inventory.  Seller shall be responsible  for all items allegedly
left at the  Properties  by  guests  prior to  Closing  and not  listed  on such


                  Seller shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend the Purchaser
from and against:  (i) any and all obligations  to,  liabilities to or claims by
third parties,  whether direct,  contingent or  consequential  and no matter how
arising,  in any way  related to or  arising  from the  Properties  prior to the
Closing Date,  including,  but not limited to, for any injury to or death of any
person  or  damage  to any  property  of  third  parties;  (ii) any  claims  for
brokerage,  commissions  or fees in  connection  with  leases of the  Properties
executed  prior to the Closing  except to the extent  Seller  gives  Purchaser a
credit for such  commissions  at  Closing;  (iii) any wages,  salaries,  pension
liabilities or fringe benefits accruing prior to the Closing for those employees
at the Motel;  (iv) any and all  obligations to, and liabilities to or claims by
third parties,  whether direct,  contingent,  or consequential and no matter how
arising,  in any way  related to or  arising  from the sale or  transfer  of the
Properties by Seller to Purchaser, including, but not limited to, by any limited
partner  of  Seller;  and (v) all costs and  expenses  of  Purchaser,  including
reasonable  attorneys' fees, related to any actual or threatened actions,  suits
or judgments incident to any of the foregoing.

         SECTION 9:   WAIVER

         Each party hereto may, at any time or times, at its election, waive any
of the conditions to its  obligations  hereunder by a written  waiver  expressly
detailing  the extent of such waiver (and no other  waiver or alleged  waiver by
such party shall be effective for any purpose).  No such waiver shall reduce the
rights or  remedies  of such party by reason of any breach by the other party of
any of its or their obligations hereunder.

                                     - 33 -

         SECTION 10:   BROKERS

         Seller has retained Everest Financial, Inc. as its broker in connection
with this  transaction  and shall be responsible  for the payment of a brokerage
commission  equal to  2.75% of the  Purchase  Price  of the  Properties  (before
prorations)  to  Everest  in  connection  with  the  sale of the  Properties  to
Purchaser.  Everest  has agreed to reallow  1.25% of the  Purchase  Price of the
Properties (before  proration) to Purchaser's broker or, at Purchaser's  option,
Purchaser  shall be entitled to a credit,  pursuant to the provisions of Section
7(D)(12) hereof, equal to 1.25 % of the Purchase Price of the Properties (before
prorations). Other than as aforesaid, each party represents to the other that it
has not  retained  any  broker  or  finder in  connection  with the  transaction
contemplated by this Agreement, and agrees to indemnify and hold the other party
harmless from and against any claim of any broker or finder claiming a brokerage
commission or finder's fee by or through the party.


         All warranties, representations,  covenants, obligations and agreements
contained  in or made  pursuant  to this  Agreement  shall  survive  the Closing
hereunder and the transfers and conveyances and other transactions hereunder for
twelve  (12)  months from the Closing  Date.  All  warranties,  representations,
covenants,  obligations,  and  agreements  contained in or made pursuant to this
Agreement  shall  terminate  and be of no  further  force or effect on the first
anniversary  of the Closing  Date,  unless an action is brought  with respect to
such applicable warranty,  representa tion, covenant,  obligation,  or agreement
within such 12-month  period.  Purchaser  understands  that,  promptly after the
Closing,  Seller will make a distribution of the net proceeds realized by Seller
with respect to the sale of the  Properties  to Purchaser to Seller's  partners,
and that Seller's limited partners shall have no liability or responsi bility to
return distributions made to them. Purchaser further understands and agrees

                                     - 34 -

that the liability of GMS, as General  Partner of Seller,  for any obligation of
Seller  pursuant  to  Section 8 hereof,  shall be  limited  as set forth in this
Section 11 and shall be further  limited in an amount equal to GMS' share of any
distribution  made by Seller to its  partners of the  proceeds  from sale of the
Properties to Purchaser hereunder.

         Each  party  agrees  to use such  party's  best  efforts  to cause  the
conditions to  consummation of this Agreement to be satisfied and implemented as
soon as  practicable.  Each  party  will,  whenever  and as often as it shall be
requested so to do by the other, cause to be executed, acknowledged or delivered
any and all such  further  instruments  and  documents  as may be  necessary  or
proper, in the reasonable opinion of the requesting party, in order to carry out
the  intent  and  purpose  of this  Agreement  and as is  consistent  with  this


         This  Agreement is made for the sole  benefit of  Purchaser  and Seller
(and Seller's partners) and their respective  successors and assigns (subject to
the limitation on assignment set forth in Section 15 below), and no other person
or persons  shall have any right or remedy or other  legal  interest of any kind
under or by reason of this Agreement.  Whether or not either party hereto elects
to employ any or all the rights,  powers, or remedies available to it hereunder,
such party shall have no  obligation or liability of any kind to any third party
by reason of this  Agreement  or by reason  of any of such  party's  actions  or
omissions  pursuant hereto or otherwise in connection with this Agreement or the
transactions contemplated hereby.



                                     - 35 -

         SECTION 13:    REMEDIES

         If Seller shall default hereunder prior to Closing,  Purchaser shall be
entitled,  as  its  sole  and  exclusive  remedies,  to  (i)  sue  for  specific
performance  of this  Agreement,  or (ii) terminate  this  Agreement,  receive a
refund of the  Earnest  Money and  recover  damages  in an amount  not to exceed
$50,000;  provided,  however,  in exercising its right of specific  performance,
Purchaser  may not  require  Seller to spend in excess of $50,000 to correct any
matter which Seller did not deliberately  cause. After Closing,  Purchaser shall
be  entitled  to any other  rights  and  remedies  it may have at law or equity,
subject to the  restrictions  thereon set forth in this Agreement.  If Purchaser
shall default  hereunder,  Seller's sole and exclusive remedy shall be to retain
the Earnest Money as liquidated damages.


         This Agreement may be terminated --

           (i)    By mutual written consent of Seller and Purchaser;

          (ii) By either  Seller or  Purchaser  by  written  notice to the other
party if the  transaction  contemplated  hereby has not been  consummated  on or
before the Closing Date as defined in Section 1(B)  hereof;  provided,  however,
that the right to terminate  this  Agreement  under this Section 14 shall not be
available  to any party whose  failure to fulfill any of its  obligations  under
this  Agreement  has been the cause of or has  resulted  in the  failure  of the
transaction contemplated hereby being consummated on or before the Closing Date;

         (iii) By Purchaser or by Seller if one or more of the Purchase and Sale
Agreements  entered  concurrently  herewith by Purchaser for the purchase of the

                                     - 36 -

properties from Super 8 Motels,  Ltd.,  Super 8 Motels II, Ltd.,  Super 8 Motels
III,  Ltd.,  and Super 8 Economy  Lodging IV, Ltd., is terminated for any reason
other than Purchaser's or Seller's (as the case may be) breach thereof.

                  If this Agreement is terminated  pursuant to the provisions of
this Section 14, then and in such event this  Agreement  shall be null and void,
neither party shall have any obligation or liability to the other, and Purchaser
shall be entitled to the return of its Earnest Money.


         This  Agreement  (including  all Exhibits  hereto)  contains the entire
agreement  between  the  parties  respecting  the  matters  herein set forth and
supersedes  all prior  agreements  between the parties  hereto  respecting  such
matters.  The  table of  contents  and  section  headings  shall  not be used in
construing this Agreement.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 13 above, no
remedy  conferred  upon a party in this Agreement is intended to be exclusive of
any other  remedy  herein or by law  provided  or  permitted,  but each shall be
cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now
or  hereafter  existing  at law or in  equity  or by  statute.  Except as herein
expressly  provided,  no waiver by a party of any breach of this Agreement or of
any warranty or  representation  hereunder by the other party shall be deemed to
be a waiver of any other  breach  by such  other  party  (whether  preceding  or
succeeding  and whether or not of the same or similar  nature) and no acceptance
of payment or  performance  by a party after any breach by the other party shall
be  deemed  to  be  a  waiver  of  any  breach  of  this  Agreement  or  of  any
representation  or warranty  hereunder  by such other  party  whether or not the
first  party  knows  of such  breach  at the time it  accepts  such  payment  or
performance. No failure or delay by a party to exercise any right it may have by
reason of the default of the other party shall operate as a waiver of default or
modification of this Agreement or shall prevent the

                                     - 37 -

exercise of any right by the first party while the other party  continues  to be
so in default. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with
the laws of the State of California.  Purchaser may assign its rights under this
Agreement  to an affiliate of  Purchaser  without the prior  written  consent of
Seller  (in which  event the  transferee  shall  assume  in  writing  all of the
transferor's  obligations  hereunder).  Subject to the preceding sentence,  this
Agreement  shall be binding  upon and shall  inure to the benefit of the parties
hereto and their  respective  successors  and assigns.  The  provisions  of this
Agreement  may not be  amended,  changed  or  modified  orally,  but  only by an
agreement in writing signed by the party against whom any amend ment,  change or
modification is sought.

         SECTION 16:   NOTICES

         All notices and other  communications which either party is required or
desires  to send to the  other  shall  be in  writing  and  shall be sent by (i)
messenger,  (ii) a nationally  recognized  overnight  delivery  service or (iii)
registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Notices
and other  communications  shall be deemed to have been given on the  earlier of
actual receipt or the third business day after the date so mailed. Notices shall
be addressed as follows:

         (a)      To Seller:

                           c/o Grotewohl Management Services, Inc.
                           2030 "J" Street
                           Sacramento, California  95814
                           Attention: Philip B. Grotewohl
                           Fax:  (916) 442-9253



                                     - 38 -

                  with a copy to:

                           James F. Fotenos, Esq.
                           Fotenos & Suttle, P.C.
                           50 California Street, Suite 700
                           San Francisco, California  94111
                           Fax:  (415) 398-1869

         (b)      To Purchaser:

                           Tiburon Capital Corporation
                           160 Sansome Street, 11th Floor
                           San Francisco, California  94104
                           Attention:  William R. Dixon, Jr.
                           Fax:  (415) 989-1204

                  with a copy to:

                           Samuel L. Farb, Esq.
                           Berliner Cohen
                           Ten Almaden Boulevard, 11th Floor
                           San Jose, California  95113
                           Fax:  (408) 998-5388

or to such other person and/or  address as shall be specified by either party in
a notice given to the other pursuant to the provisions of this Section.


         In the event either party institutes  legal  proceedings to enforce its
rights  hereunder,  the prevailing  party in such  litigation  shall be paid all
reasonable  expenses  of the  litigation  by the  losing  party,  including  its
attorneys' fees.



                                     - 39 -


         Seller and Purchaser agree to keep this Agreement  confidential and not
disclose or make any public  announcements  with  respect to the subject  matter
hereof  without  the  consent  of the other  party  except  for any  disclosures
required by federal or state  securities laws or as required by legal process or
other law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party may disclose the provisions
of this  Agreement to such parties'  advisors as long as such advisors  agree to
maintain in confidence the provisions of this Agreement pursuant to this Section











                                     - 40 -

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement
as of the day and year first above written.

                                 FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, LTD.

                                 By   Grotewohl Management Services, Inc.
                                 Its  General Partner

                                 By   /s/ PHILIP B. GROTEWOHL
                                      Philip B. Grotewohl

                                 And  /s/ DAVID P. GROTEWOHL
                                      David P. Grotewohl

                                 TIBURON CAPITAL CORPORATION

                                 By   /s/ JOHN F. DIXON
                                      John F. Dixon

                                 And  /s/ WILLIAM R. DIXON, JR.
                                      William R. Dixon, Jr.
                                      Vice President

                                     - 41 -

                             IDENTIFICATION OF MOTEL

Barstow Motel Property       Motel, including adjoining restaurant and cocktail
                             lounge, 1511 East Main Street, Barstow, California


                          LIST OF FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS

                                                                    Date of
Franchisor                     Description                          Agreement

Holiday Inns, Inc.      License agreement relating to               2/91
                        the Barstow Motel property


                                   LAND LEASES


     Hotel Lease:  original lease by and between Fred Rosenberg,  as lessor, and
Dennis A. Brown and Philip B.  Grotewohl,  as lessees,  dated as of 5/10/84,  as

                                 Expiration Date


     Restaurant Lease: original lease by and between Fred Rosenberg,  as lessor,
and Super 8 Lodging V, Ltd., dated as of 6/15/87, as amended:

                                 Expiration Date


     Combined Rent for Hotel and Restaurant  Leases:  Base rent of $275,556 plus
9% of combined  annual  gross sales from hotel and  restaurant  operations  that
exceeds base rent


                            LIST OF SERVICE CONTRACTS

         The  Barstow  Motel  property  is  subject  to  the  following  service
contract:  Management  Agreement by and between Famous Host Lodging V, Ltd., and
Super 8 Management, Inc., as amended.

Barstow Motel Property

Vendor                        Description                       Expiration Date

The Walker Group              Billboard Service                 30 days notice
Martin Outdoor                Billboard Service                 12/15/98
Martin Outdoor                Billboard Service                 10/20/00
Otis Elevator                 Elevator Service                  9/1/98
Young Electric Sign           Sign Service                      4/8/03 
Time Warner Cable             Cable Service                     30 days notice 
World Cinema                  Cable Service                     30 days notice 
Hi Desert Alarm               Alarm & Fire Sprinkler Services   12/5/00 
Hi Desert Alarm               Alarm & Fire Sprinkler Services   12/5/00 
Bob Clemmer                   Mechanical Service                30 days notice 
Ducommon Turf and Grounds     Landscape Service                 30 days notice 
Ducommon Turf and Grounds     Landscape Service                 30 days notice 
Prinova                       Laundry and Cleaning Service      8/1/98


                            LIST OF EQUIPMENT LEASES



                              LIST OF TENANT LEASES



                             LIST OF LABOR CONTRACTS



                               FORM OF GRANT DEEDS

Subject to completion


                           BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT
                                PERSONAL PROPERTY

         For valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency of which are
hereby  acknowl  edged,  FAMOUS  HOST  LODGING V,  LTD.,  a  California  limited
partnership   ("Seller")   hereby  assigns  and  transfers  to  TIBURON  CAPITAL
CORPORATION,  a California  corpora tion  ("Purchaser"),  all of Seller's right,
title  and  interest  in and to any and all  fixtures,  machin  ery,  apparatus,
equipment and other  personal  property (the  "Personal  Property")  used in the
ownership,  operation,  repair and  maintenance  of any and all of the  Seller's
interest in the Land Leases,  the Personal  Property,  and the Improvements (the
"Properties"),  including without limitation,  (i) all building and construction
materials, equipment, appliances, machinery and other personal property owned by
Seller and used in  connection  with the operation of the  Properties,  (ii) the
Consumables,  (iii)  the  FF & E,  (iv)  Seller's  rights  under  the  Franchise
Agreements, (v) all transferable permits,  licenses,  certificates and approvals
issued in connec tion with the  Properties,  (vi) the exclusive right to use the
name of the Properties and the right to all other names,  logos and designs used
in connection  with the Properties,  including the names of  restaurants,  bars,
banquet  rooms  and  meeting  rooms,  (vii)  the  right to use the  Properties's
telephone numbers and post office boxes, (viii) all booking agreements, (ix) all
service  marks  and  trademarks,  (x) all plans  and  specifications,  operating
manuals,  guaranties and warranties and any other items used in the operation of
the  Properties,  (xi) all  documents  relating  to  guests  at the  Properties,
including booking  agreements,  and (xii) all documents relating to employees at
the Properties. All terms used herein but not defined herein shall have the same
meaning as set forth in that certain  Purchase and Sale  Agreement,  dated as of
April 30, 1998, between Seller and Purchaser for the Properties.


         TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Personal Property,  subject as aforesaid,  unto
Purchaser,  its successors and assigns.  Seller,  for itself, its successors and
assigns,  does hereby  warrant and will  forever  defend  title to the  Personal
Property unto Purchaser,  its successors and assigns,  against the lawful claims
of all persons, claiming by, through or under Seller, but not otherwise.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has caused this instrument to be executed as
of the ____ day of ____________, 1998.


                                  FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, LTD.,

                                  By  Grotewohl Management Services, Inc.
                                        Its General Partner

                                  By   ______________________________
                                         Philip B. Grotewohl

                                  And  ______________________________
                                         David P. Grotewohl



         THIS  ASSIGNMENT  dated  ______________,  1998 (the  "Assignment"),  is
entered into by and between  FAMOUS HOST  LODGING V, LTD., a California  limited
partnership  ("Assignor"),   and  TIBURON  CAPITAL  CORPORATION,   a  California
corporation ("As signee").


         WHEREAS,  Assignor  is  party  to those  certain  franchise  agreements
executed with respect to that certain real  property  known as the Barstow Motel
property,  which franchise agreements are described in Exhibit A attached hereto
(the "Agreements"); and

         WHEREAS,  Assignor  desires to assign its interest in the Agreements to
Assignee,  and Assignee desires to accept the assignment  thereof and assume the
obligations of Assignor thereunder;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  promises  and  conditions
contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:

     1. Effective as of the date hereof, Assignor hereby assigns to Assignee all
of its right, title and interest in and to the Agreements.

     2. Assignee  hereby  assumes all of the  Assignor's  obligations  under the
Agreements accruing after the date hereof.

     3. This  Assignment  shall be  binding  on and inure to the  benefit of the
parties hereto, their heirs, executors,  administrators,  successors in interest
and assigns.


         4.  Assignor  hereby  agrees to  indemnify  Assignee  against  and hold
Assignee  harmless from any and all cost,  liability,  loss,  damage or expense,
including without limitation,  reasonable attorneys' fees, accruing prior to the
date  hereof  and  arising  under  the  Agreements.  Assignee  hereby  agrees to
indemnify  Assignor  against and hold  Assignor  harmless from any and all cost,
liability,  loss, damage or expense,  including without  limitation,  reasonable
attorneys' fees,  accruing on or subsequent to the date hereof and arising under
the Agreements.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Assignor  and Assignee  have  executed  this
assignment the day and year first above written.


                                      FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, LTD.,

                                      By   Grotewohl Management Services, Inc.
                                           Its General Partner

                                      By   ______________________________
                                           Philip B. Grotewohl

                                           David P. Grotewohl


                                      TIBURON CAPITAL CORPORATION

                                      By   ______________________________
                                           William R. Dixon, Jr.
                                           Vice President


                                    EXHIBIT A

                        Schedule of Franchise Agreements

                                                                    Date of
Franchisor                      Description                         Agreement

Holiday Inns, Inc.       License agreement relating to              2/91
                         the Barstow Motel property


                            ASSIGNMENT OF LAND LEASES

         THIS  ASSIGNMENT  dated  ______________,  1998 (the  "Assignment"),  is
entered into by and between  FAMOUS HOST  LODGING V, LTD., a California  limited
partnership  ("Assignor"),   and  TIBURON  CAPITAL  CORPORATION,   a  California
corporation ("Assignee").


         WHEREAS,  Assignor is the lessee under  certain  leases  executed  with
respect to that certain real property known as the Barstow Motel property, which
leases are described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Leases"); and

         WHEREAS,  Assignor  desires  to assign  its  interest  as lessee in the
Leases to Assignee,  and Assignee  desires to accept the assignment  thereof and
assume the obligations of Assignor thereunder;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  promises  and  conditions
contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:

     1. Effective as of the date hereof, Assignor hereby assigns to Assignee all
of its right, title and interest in and to the Leases.

     2. Assignee hereby assumes all of the lessee's obligations under the Leases
accruing after the date hereof.

     3. This  Assignment  shall be  binding  on and inure to the  benefit of the
parties hereto, their heirs, executors,  administrators,  successors in interest
and assigns.


         4.  Assignor  hereby  agrees to  indemnify  Assignee  against  and hold
Assignee  harmless from any and all cost,  liability,  loss,  damage or expense,
including without limitation,  reasonable attorneys' fees, accruing prior to the
date hereof and arising  under the Leases.  Assignee  hereby agrees to indemnify
Assignor  against and hold Assignor  harmless from any and all cost,  liability,
loss, damage or expense,  including without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys'
fees, accruing on or subsequent to the date hereof and arising under the Leases.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Assignor  and Assignee  have  executed  this
Assignment the day and year first above written.


                                 FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, LTD.,

                                 By    Grotewohl Management Services, Inc.
                                       Its General Partner

                                 By    ______________________________
                                       Philip B. Grotewohl

                                       Philip B. Grotewohl


                                 TIBURON CAPITAL CORPORATION

                                 By    ______________________________
                                       William R. Dixon, Jr.


                                    EXHIBIT A

                             Schedule of Land Leases


     Hotel Lease:  original lease by and between Fred Rosenberg,  as lessor, and
Dennis A. Brown and Philip B.  Grotewohl,  as lessees,  dated as of 5/10/84,  as

                                 Expiration Date


     Restaurant Lease: original lease by and between Fred Rosenberg,  as lessor,
and Super 8 Lodging V, Ltd., dated as of 6/15/87, as amended:

                                 Expiration Date


     Combined Rent for Hotel and Restaurant  Leases:  Base rent of $275,556 plus
9% of combined  annual  gross sales from hotel and  restaurant  operations  that
exceeds base rent


                         ASSIGNMENT OF SERVICE CONTRACTS

         THIS  ASSIGNMENT  dated  ______________,  1998 (the  "Assignment"),  is
entered into by and between  FAMOUS HOST  LODGING V, LTD., a California  limited
partnership  ("Assignor"),   and  TIBURON  CAPITAL  CORPORATION,   a  California
corporation ("Assignee").


         WHEREAS,  Assignor is party to those  certain  contracts  executed with
respect to that certain real property known as the Barstow Motel property, which
contracts are described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Contracts"); and

         WHEREAS,  Assignor  desires to assign its interest in the  Contracts to
Assignee,  and Assignee desires to accept the assignment  thereof and assume the
obligations of Assignor thereunder;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  promises  and  conditions
contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:

     1. Effective as of the date hereof, Assignor hereby assigns to Assignee all
of its right, title and interest in and to the Contracts.

     2. Assignee  hereby  assumes all of the  Assignor's  obligations  under the
Contracts accruing after the date hereof.

     3. This  Assignment  shall be  binding  on and inure to the  benefit of the
parties hereto, their heirs, executors,  administrators,  successors in interest
and assigns.


         4.  Assignor  hereby  agrees to  indemnify  Assignee  against  and hold
Assignee  harmless from any and all cost,  liability,  loss,  damage or expense,
including without limitation,  reasonable attorneys' fees, accruing prior to the
date hereof and arising under the Contracts. Assignee hereby agrees to indemnify
Assignor  against and hold Assignor  harmless from any and all cost,  liability,
loss, damage or expense,  including without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys'
fees,  accruing  on or  subsequent  to the date  hereof  and  arising  under the

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Assignor  and Assignee  have  executed  this
Assignment the day and year first above written.


                                   FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, LTD.,

                                   By    Grotewohl Management Services, Inc.
                                         Its General Partner

                                   By    ______________________________
                                         Philip B. Grotewohl

                                         David P. Grotewohl


                                   TIBURON CAPITAL CORPORATION

                                   By    ______________________________
                                         William R. Dixon, Jr.
                                         Vice President


                                    EXHIBIT A

                          Schedule of Service Contracts

         The  Barstow  Motel  property  is  subject  to  the  following  service
contract:  Management  Agreement by and between Famous Host Lodging V, Ltd., and
Super 8 Management, Inc., as amended.

Barstow Motel Property

Vendor                          Description                     Expiration Date

The Walker Group                Billboard Service               30 days notice
Martin Outdoor                  Billboard Service               12/15/98
Martin Outdoor                  Billboard Service               10/20/00
Otis Elevator                   Elevator Service                9/1/98
Young Electric Sign             Sign Service                    4/8/03 
Time Warner Cable               Cable Service                   30 days notice 
World Cinema                    Cable Service                   30 days notice 
Hi Desert Alarm                 Alarm & Fire Sprinkler Services 12/5/00 
Hi Desert Alarm                 Alarm & Fire Sprinkler Services 12/5/00 
Bob Clemmer                     Mechanical Service              30 days notice 
Ducommon Turf and Grounds       Landscape Service               30 days notice 
Ducommon Turf and Grounds       Landscape Service               30 days notice 
Prinova                         Laundry and Cleaning Service    8/1/98


                           ASSIGNMENT OF TENANT LEASES

         THIS  ASSIGNMENT  dated  ______________,  1998 (the  "Assignment"),  is
entered into by and between  FAMOUS HOST  LODGING V, LTD., a California  limited
partnership  ("Assignor"),   and  TIBURON  CAPITAL  CORPORATION,   a  California
corporation ("Assignee").


         WHEREAS,  Assignor is the lessor under  certain  leases  executed  with
respect to that  certain  real  property  known as the Barstow  Motel  property,
including  adjoining  restaurant and cocktail lounge,  located at 1511 East Main
Street,  Barstow,  California  92311,  which  leases are  described in Exhibit A
attached hereto (the "Leases"); and

         WHEREAS,  Assignor  desires  to assign  its  interest  as lessor in the
Leases to Assignee,  and Assignee  desires to accept the assignment  thereof and
assume the obligations of Assignor thereunder;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  promises  and  conditions
contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:

     1. Effective as of the date hereof, Assignor hereby assigns to Assignee all
of its right, title and interest in and to the Leases.

     2. Assignee hereby assumes all of the lessor's obligations under the Leases
accruing after the date hereof.

     3. This  Assignment  shall be  binding  on and inure to the  benefit of the
parties hereto, their heirs, executors,  administrators,  successors in interest
and assigns.


         4.  Assignor  hereby  agrees to  indemnify  Assignee  against  and hold
Assignee  harmless from any and all cost,  liability,  loss,  damage or expense,
including without limitation,  reasonable attorneys' fees, accruing prior to the
date hereof and arising  under the Leases.  Assignee  hereby agrees to indemnify
Assignor  against and hold Assignor  harmless from any and all cost,  liability,
loss, damage or expense,  including without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys'
fees, accruing on or subsequent to the date hereof and arising under the Leases.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Assignor  and Assignee  have  executed  this
Assignment the day and year first above written.


                                      FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, LTD.,

                                      By    Grotewohl Management Services, Inc.
                                            Its General Partner

                                      By    ______________________________
                                            Philip B. Grotewohl

                                            David P. Grotewohl


                                      TIBURON CAPITAL CORPORATION

                                      By    ______________________________
                                            William R. Dixon, Jr.
                                            Vice President


                                    EXHIBIT A

                            Schedule of Tenant Leases



                         ASSIGNMENT OF EQUIPMENT LEASES

         THIS  ASSIGNMENT  dated  ______________,  1998 (the  "Assignment"),  is
entered into by and between  FAMOUS HOST  LODGING V, LTD., a California  limited
partnership  ("Assignor"),   and  TIBURON  CAPITAL  CORPORATION,   a  California
corporation ("Assignee").


         WHEREAS, Assignor is the lessee under certain equipment leases executed
with respect to that certain real property known as the Barstow Motel  property,
which leases are described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Leases"); and

         WHEREAS,  Assignor  desires  to assign  its  interest  as lessee in the
Leases to Assignee,  and Assignee  desires to accept the assignment  thereof and
assume the obligations of Assignor thereunder;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  promises  and  conditions
contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:

     1. Effective as of the date hereof, Assignor hereby assigns to Assignee all
of its right, title and interest in and to the Leases.

     2. Assignee hereby assumes all of the lessee's obligations under the Leases
accruing after the date hereof.

     3. This  Assignment  shall be  binding  on and inure to the  benefit of the
parties hereto, their heirs, executors,  administrators,  successors in interest
and assigns.


         4.  Assignor  hereby  agrees to  indemnify  Assignee  against  and hold
Assignee  harmless from any and all cost,  liability,  loss,  damage or expense,
including without limitation,  reasonable attorneys' fees, accruing prior to the
date hereof and arising  under the Leases.  Assignee  hereby agrees to indemnify
Assignor  against and hold Assignor  harmless from any and all cost,  liability,
loss, damage or expense,  including without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys'
fees, accruing on or subsequent to the date hereof and arising under the Leases.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Assignor  and Assignee  have  executed  this
Assignment the day and year first above written.


                                  FAMOUS HOST LODGING V, LTD.,

                                  By    Grotewohl Management Services, Inc.
                                        Its General Partner

                                  By    ______________________________
                                        Philip B. Grotewohl

                                        David P. Grotewohl


                                  TIBURON CAPITAL CORPORATION

                                  By    ______________________________
                                        William R. Dixon, Jr.
                                        Vice President


                                    EXHIBIT A

                          Schedule of Equipment Leases



                              ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE

         160 Sansome Street, 11th Floor
         San Francisco, California  94104

Re:      Barstow Motel property, including adjoining restaurant and cocktail 
         lounge, located at 1511 East Main Street, Barstow, California  92311 
         (the "Property")
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The  undersigned  tenant (the  "Tenant")  hereby  certifies to you (the
"Purchaser") as follows:

         1)      Tenant is a tenant under a lease, dated ______________,  19____
                 (the  "Lease");  the  Lease has not been  cancelled,  modified,
                 assigned,   extended  or  amended;   and  there  are  no  other
                 agreements,  written or oral, affecting or relating to Tenant's
                 sublease  of  the   premises   described   in  the  Lease  (the

         2)      All rent under the Lease has been paid through  ______________,
                 19____.  There is no  prepaid  rent,  except  $______,  and the
                 amount  of  security  deposit  is  $______.  Rent is  currently
                 payable in the amount of $______ per month.

         3)      The Lease terminates on ______________, 19____, and Tenant has
                 the following renewal option(s): _____________________.

         4)      All work to be  performed  for Tenant  under the Lease has been
                 performed as required and has been accepted by Tenant,  and all
                 allowances to be paid to Tenant have been paid.

         5)      The Lease is: (a) in full force and effect; (b) free from 
                 default and free from any event which with the giving of 
                 notice or passage of time or both could become


                 a default under the Lease; and (c) Tenant has no claims against
                 the  sublandlord  or  offsets  against  rent,  and there are no
                 disputes with the sublandlord.

         6)      The Tenant has received no notice of prior sale, transfer or 
                 assignment, hypothecation or pledge of the Lease or of the 
                 rents payable thereunder, except __________________________.

         7)      The Tenant has not assigned the sublease or sublet any part of 
                 the Premises.

         8)      The Tenant has no right to remove any property from the 
                 Premises except for its personal property and trade fixtures.

         9)      The Tenant has not placed any hazardous or dangerous materials
                 on the Premises, and the Tenant's use of the Premises complies
                 with all applicable environmental laws.

         The  undersigned  has  executed  this  Estoppel  Certificate  with  the
knowledge  and  understanding  that the  Purchaser is acquiring  the Property in
reliance on this Estoppel  Certificate and that the undersigned will be bound by
this Estoppel Certificate. The statements contained herein may be relied upon by
Purchaser and its successors and assigns.

         Dated this ____ day of __________, 19____.


                                          By  _________________________________
                                             Title: ___________________________
