Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT of 1934 for the quarterly period ended June 30, 1996, or
    EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 for the transition period from ____ to _____.

For the Quarter Ended June 30, 1996    Commission file number 0-28188
                      -------------                           ------- 

                        Chartwell Re Holdings Corporation
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


           Delaware                                 06-1438493
- -------------------------------                  ------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                   (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                  Identification No.)

     300 Atlantic Street
    Stamford, Connecticut                             06901
    ---------------------                           ----------
(Address of principal executive offices)            (zip code)


       Registrant's telephone number, including area code (203) 961-7300
     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No 
                                             --   --
     Indicate the number of shares  outstanding of each of the issuer's  classes
of common stock as of the latest practicable date.

Common Stock - $1.00 par value                            100
- ------------------------------                            ---
    Description of Class                            Shares Outstanding
                                                    as of August 9, 1996
                                              (All shares are privately held, 
                                              and there is no public market
                                              for the Company's common shares)

                        Chartwell Re Holdings Corporation

                               Index To Form 10-Q


Item 1 - Financial Statements                                           Page
   Condensed  Consolidated  Balance Sheets at June 30, 1996
   and December 31, 1995 .............................................   3

   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three and
   six month periods ended June 30, 1996 and 1995 ....................   4

   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the six
   month periods ended June 30, 1996 and 1995 ........................   5

   Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements ..............   6

Item 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis of
         Financial Condition and Results of Operations...............    8


Item 6 - Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K............................   16

Signatures...........................................................   17


    ITEM 1 -  Financial Statements

                      Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                                    June 30, 1996 December 31,
                                                     (Unaudited)     1995
    ASSETS:                                          -----------   ----------
        Fixed maturities:
          Held for investment (market value
          June 30, 1996, $26,831; December 31,
          1995, $27,965).............................    $31,350       $26,691
          Available for sale (amortized cost
          June 30, 1996, $605,391; December 31,
          1995, $481,175)............................    589,867       489,107
        Other investments............................     30,059        33,837
      Cash and cash equivalents......................     69,483       152,507
                                                          ------       -------
          Total investments and cash.................    720,759       702,142
      Premiums in process of collection..............     89,883        73,620
      Reinsurance recoverable........................    190,238       195,434
      Prepaid reinsurance............................     20,002        18,212
      Deferred income taxes..........................     47,224        39,517
      Deferred policy acquisition costs..............     18,273        18,809
      Deposits ......................................     18,058        17,481
      Other assets...................................     44,118        55,132
                                                          ------        ------
          Total assets............................... $1,148,555    $1,120,347
                                                      ==========    ==========

      Loss and loss adjustment expenses..............   $736,580      $741,467
      Unearned premiums..............................     83,733        90,573
      Other reinsurance balances.....................     21,373         4,689
      Accrued expenses and other liabilities.........     26,390        20,190
      Long-term debt.................................     68,750        95,000
                                                          ------        ------
          Total liabilities..........................    936,826       951,919
                                                         -------       -------

      Common stock, par value $1.00 per share;
      authorized 1,000 shares; shares issued
      and outstanding 100 ...........................                       
      Additional paid-in capital ....................    217,866       169,320
      Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)
      of investments ................................    (9,504)         5,219
      Foreign currency translation adjustment........         18             9
      Retained earnings (deficit)....................      3,349       (6,120)
                                                           -----       ------
          Total common stockholder's equity .........    211,729       168,428
                                                         -------       -------
          Total liabilities and stockholder's equity. $1,148,555    $1,120,347
                                                      ==========    ==========

            See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
                             (Dollars in Thousands)

                                         Three Month Periods Six Month Periods
                                            Ended June 30,     Ended June 30,
                                           1996     1995       1996     1995
                                         -------- --------   -------- --------
                                                (Predecessor)      (Predecessor)
  Premiums earned......................   $48,961  $28,581  $105,204   $61,367
  Net investment income................    10,657    4,547    21,292     9,368
  Net realized capital gains ..........         0    1,336       921     1,403
  Service and other revenue............     1,754      271     3,226       531
                                            -----      ---     -----       ---
    Total revenues.....................    61,372   34,735   130,643    72,669
                                           ------   ------   -------    ------

  Loss and loss adjustment expenses        35,072   20,726    76,014    44,813
  Policy acquisition costs.............    11,769    6,573    25,945    14,245
  Other expenses.......................     4,317    2,733     8,686     5,202
  Interest and amortization............     1,704    1,979     4,051     3,754
                                            -----    -----     -----     -----
    Total losses and expenses incurred.    52,862   32,011   114,696    68,014
                                           ------   ------   -------    ------

Income before income taxes and
   extraordinary item..................     8,510    2,724   15,947      4,655
Income tax.............................     2,459      960    4,603      1,575
                                            -----      ---    -----      -----
Net income before extraordinary item...     6,051    1,764   11,344      3,080
Extraordinary item, net of income tax..     1,874             1,874
                                            -----    -----    -----      -----
Net income.............................    $4,177   $1,764   $9,470     $3,080
                                           ======   ======   ======     ======

            See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                             (Dollars in Thousands)
                                                      Chartwell Re Chartwell Re
                                                        Holdings    Corporation
                                                       Corporation (Predecessor)
                                                        Six Month Periods Ended
                                                            1996       1995
                                                        ----------  ----------
  CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES:                           
    Net premiums collected..............................  $98,698     $39,403
    Ceded premiums paid.................................  (37,861)     (2,757)
    Net losses & LAE....................................  (65,098)    (22,555)
    Overhead expenses...................................   (6,654)     (5,467)
    Service and other revenue...........................    3,226         531
    Net income taxes (paid)/recovered...................     (888)       (742)
    Interest received on investments....................   19,663       9,704
    Interest paid.......................................   (4,818)     (3,376)
    Other, net..........................................    3,782        (473)
                                                            -----        ----
        Net cash provided by operating activities.......   10,050      14,268
                                                            -----      ------

    Proceeds from investments sold......................  145,394     141,982
    Proceeds from investments matured or repaid.........   14,055       1,590
    Cost of investments acquired........................ (272,548)    (88,644)
                                                         --------     -------
        Net cash provided by (used in)
           investing activities......................... (113,099)     54,928
                                                         --------      ------

    Capital Contribution from parent....................   48,545
    Redemption of Senior Notes..........................  (28,280)
    Other, net..........................................     (250)       (250)
                                                             ----        ----
        Net cash provided by (used in)
           financing activities ........................   20,015        (250)
                                                           ------        ----

    Effect of exchange rate on cash.....................       10          11
                                                               --          --

  Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents..  (83,024)     68,957
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year........  152,507      37,005
                                                          -------      ------
  Cash and cash equivalents at end of period............  $69,483    $105,962
                                                          =======    ========

    Net income..........................................   $9,470      $3,080
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
      provided by operating activities:
      Extraordinary item ...............................    1,874
      Net realized capital gains........................     (921)     (1,372)
      Deferred policy acquisition costs.................      536        (975)
      Deferred income taxes.............................      872       1,621
      Unpaid loss and loss adjustment expenses..........   (4,886)     20,504
      Unearned premiums.................................   (6,839)      5,123
      Other reinsurance balances........................      152        (373)
      Reinsurance recoverable...........................     (730)      2,105
      Net change in receivables and payables............    7,577     (13,070)
      Other, net........................................    2,945      (2,375)
                                                            -----      ------
        Net cash provided by operating activities.......  $10,050     $14,268
                                                           ======     =======

           See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


              Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
                                  June 30, 1996


         The accompanying  unaudited  interim Condensed  Consolidated  Financial
Statements  of  Chartwell  Re Holdings  Corporation  (Chartwell  Holdings or the
"Company") have been prepared in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting
principles for interim financial information,  the instructions to Form 10-Q and
Article  10 of  Regulation  S-X.  Accordingly,  they do not  include  all of the
information and notes required by generally accepted  accounting  principles for
complete  financial  statements.  In the opinion of management,  all adjustments
(consisting  of  normal  recurring  accruals)   considered  necessary  for  fair
presentation  have been included.  Operating  results for any interim period are
not  necessarily  indicative  of results that may be expected for the full year.
These  interim   statements   should  be  read  in  conjunction  with  the  1995
consolidated  financial  statements and notes thereto  included in the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


         On March 5,  1996,  the  Company's  parent,  Chartwell  Re  Corporation
(Chartwell ), completed a public offering of 2,500,000 shares of common stock at
$23.00 per share (the  "Offering").  The net  proceeds to  Chartwell  were $53.7
million  after  deduction  of  underwriting  discount and  expenses.  Of the net
proceeds,  $48.5 million was  contributed  to the Company of which $20.0 million
was contributed to the statutory  surplus of Chartwell  Reinsurance  Company and
$28.5  million  was  used to  retire  (the  "Redemption")  35% of the  Company's
outstanding  10.25%  Senior  Notes due 2004 (the  "Senior  Notes")  plus accrued
interest (See Note 3).

         On April 3, 1996, the underwriters  exercised the overallotment  option
for  225,000  shares  of common  stock and  Chartwell  received  additional  net
proceeds of $4.8 million from such exercise.


         On April 8, 1996, the Company  redeemed 35% of its  outstanding  Senior
Notes for approximately $28.3 million including the redemption  premium.  Due to
this early  extinguishment of debt, the Company recognized an extraordinary loss
of $1.9 million net of applicable  income taxes of  approximately  $1.0 million.
This  extraordinary  charge  represents  the  redemption  premium and 35% of the
remaining original debt issuance costs relating to the Senior Notes.



         On December 13, 1995, Piedmont Management Company Inc. (PMC) was merged
with  and  into  Chartwell  (the  "Merger"),  with  Chartwell  as the  surviving
corporation.  The Merger has been  accounted  for under the  purchase  method of
accounting  effective  December 31, 1995.  The results of operations for the six
months ended June 30, 1996 include the results of PMC's former  subsidiary,  The
Reinsurance Corporation of New York (RECO).

         The following pro forma consolidated  income statement  information for
the Company for the three and six month  periods ended June 30, 1996 assumes the
Redemption  occurred on January 1, 1995. The  information  for the three and six
month  periods  ended June 30, 1995 is  presented  as though both the Merger and
Redemption had occurred on January 1, 1995.

                                            (In thousands)
                           Three Month Periods Ended   Six Month Periods Ended
                                June 30,                      June 30,
                             1996       1995              1996       1995
                          --------   --------           --------   --------
                                    (Predecessor)                (Predecessor)
Total revenues           $ 61,372   $ 73,588            $130,643   $147,205
Net income               $  6,091   $  4,753            $ 11,839   $  5,202

         Since all common  shares of the Company are owned by Chartwell  Re, net
income per common share is not considered meaningful and therefore not included.


         On June 28, 1996,  Chartwell received $7.9 million as settlement of the
receivable   arising   from   an   indemnification   agreement   (the   "Reserve
Indemnification")  between Chartwell and its former parent,  ReliaStar Financial
Corporation   ("RLR",   formerly  The  NWNL   Companies,   Inc.).   The  Reserve
Indemnification, which by its terms was scheduled to be settled as of the end of
1996,  was settled early by mutual  agreement  with RLR. The  settlement did not
affect operating results for the period.


         In October  1995,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  issued
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No. 123,  "Accounting  for
Stock-Based  Compensation,"  which became  effective  for the Company  beginning
January 1, 1996.  SFAS No. 123  requires  expanded  disclosures  of  stock-based
compensation  arrangements  with employees and encourages (but does not require)
compensation  cost  to be  measured  based  on the  fair  value  of  the  equity
instrument awarded.  Companies are permitted,  however, to continue to apply APB
Opinion No. 25, which recognizes  compensation cost based on the intrinsic value
of the equity instrument awarded. The Company will continue to apply APB Opinion
No. 25 to its stock based compensation awards to employees and will disclose the
required pro forma effect on net income.


ITEM 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis

                      Management's Discussion and Analysis
                of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
                                  June 30, 1996


         The condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of
Chartwell Re Holdings Corporation  (Chartwell Holdings or the "Company") and its
principal  wholly-owned  subsidiaries,  Chartwell Reinsurance Company (Chartwell
Reinsurance),  The  Reinsurance  Corporation  of New York (RECO),  and Chartwell
Advisers Limited (Chartwell Advisers).  Chartwell Reinsurance underwrites treaty
reinsurance  through  reinsurance  intermediaries for both property and casualty
risks.  RECO  underwrites  a book of  select  specialty  property  and  casualty
insurance underwritten through program  administrators.  Chartwell Advisers acts
as  the  exclusive  Lloyd's  adviser  to  a  non-affiliated  company  formed  to
underwrite  at  Lloyd's  of London  (Lloyd's)  through  a group of  wholly-owned
subsidiaries  that are limited  liability  corporate  members of certain  select
Lloyd's syndicates.

         On December 13, 1995, Chartwell Re Corporation (Chartwell),  the parent
Company of Chartwell Holdings, acquired RECO as a result of the merger of RECO's
former parent,  Piedmont  Management Company Inc. (PMC), with and into Chartwell
(the "Merger"),  with Chartwell as the surviving  corporation.  Since the Merger
was completed in December,  the net income for 1995 as it appears  herein,  does
not include the operations of PMC or RECO.

Results of Operations - Six Months Ended June 30, 1996 Compared With Six Months
Ended, June 30, 1995:

                  Revenues:  Total  revenues  for the six months  ended June 30,
1996 were $130.6 million, which is $57.9 million or 80% more than the comparable
period  in 1995.  The  accompanying  table  summarizes  gross  and net  premiums
written,  earned premiums,  net investment  income,  net realized capital gains,
service and other revenue and total revenues for the periods indicated:

                                      Six Months Ended June 30,
(in thousands)                          1996            1995
                                       ------         --------
Gross premiums written                $132,467        $ 66,128
                                      ========        ========
Net premiums written                  $ 95,723        $ 64,281
                                      ========        ========
Earned premiums                       $105,204        $ 61,367
Net investment income                   21,292           9,368
Net realized capital gains                 921           1,403
Service and other revenue                3,226             531
                                      --------        --------
Total revenues                        $130,643        $ 72,669
                                      ========        ========


Gross  Premiums  Written;  Net  Premiums  Written;  Net Premiums  Earned.  Gross
premiums written for the six months ended June 30, 1996 were $132.5 million,  an
increase  of 100%  compared to the same  period in 1995.  The  increase in gross
premiums  written  was  attributable  to  business  acquired  in the  Merger and
continued  growth with  existing and new clients in the  Regional and  Specialty
Accounts client segments. Business emanating from the Merger consisted of: (a) a
seasoned  book of  specialty  insurance  business  which  is the  basis  for the
Controlled Source Insurance business, the Company's newest client segment; (b) a
marine  pool which is  included  with  Chartwell's  other  marine  and  aviation
business  in the  Regional  Accounts  client  segment;  (c)  certain  of  RECO's
reinsurance  contracts  which met Chartwell's  underwriting  standards and which
were renewed in  Chartwell  Reinsurance  and included  primarily in Regional and
Specialty  Accounts  client  segments;  and (d)  certain  of RECO's  reinsurance
contracts  that  were  not  renewed  because  they  did  not  meet   Chartwell's
underwriting  standards  and which are  classified  below as "RECO  Run-off." In
addition,  premiums in the Regional Accounts client segment increased because of
continuing  increases  in its book of  marine  and  general  aviation  business.
Specialty Accounts gross premiums written for the six months ended June 30, 1996
increased substantially over the prior year primarily due to continued expansion
of existing clients and development of new clients. Global Accounts continues to
focus on the international market place rather than the large domestic insurance
market place where  competition  continues to stiffen.  The  distribution of the
Company's gross premiums written among its  underwriting  client segments was as

                                   Six Months Ended June 30,
(in thousands)                   1996                       1995
                       ------------------------- -----------------------------
Specialty                            $  42,829                   $   30,210
Global                                  19,952                       21,277
   Property & Casualty    13,298                       9,792
   Marine & Aviation      16,556                       4,849
                         -------                     -------
Subtotal Regional                       29,854                      14,641
Controlled Source                       30,974                          -
RECO Run - off                           8,858                          -
                                       -------                    --------
                                     $ 132,467                   $  66,128
                                     =========                   =========

           Net  premiums  written  for the first six  months of 1996 were  $95.7
million,  an  increase  of $31.4  million or 49%  compared to the same period in
1995. The increase in net premiums  written was principally  attributable to the
reasons described above for the increase in gross premiums written. Net premiums
earned for the six months ended June 30, 1996 were $105.2  million,  an increase
of $43.8 million or 71% compared to the same period in 1995. The increase in net
premiums earned was principally attributable to premium writings by RECO.

         Loss and Loss Adjustment  Expenses.  The Company's  principal  expense,
loss and loss adjustment expenses (LAE) related to the settlement of claims, was
$76.0  million for the six months ended June 30, 1996  compared to $44.8 million
for the comparable  period in 1995. The increase is principally  attributable to
the increase in earned premiums as noted above.  Net losses and LAE expressed as
a percentage of net earned  premiums (the loss and LAE ratio)  improved to 72.3%
for the six months  ended June 30, 1996 from 73.3%  recorded for the same period
in 1995. The 1.0% improvement in the loss and LAE ratio for the six months ended
June 30,  1996,  was due to an increase in the amount of  proportional  business
written  by the  Company,  which  generally  has a lower loss and LAE ratio than
excess of loss business, but modestly higher commissions.


         Policy   Acquisition  Costs.   Policy  acquisition  costs,   consisting
primarily of  commissions  paid to ceding  companies and brokerage  fees paid to
intermediaries, less commissions received on business ceded to other reinsurers,
were $25.9  million  for the six months  ended June 30,  1996  compared to $14.2
million for the same period in 1995.  Policy  acquisition  costs  expressed as a
percentage of net earned premiums (the  acquisition  expense ratio) increased to
24.7% from 23.2% in 1995.  The increase is due both to the RECO Run-off and to a
modestly higher commission structure, as noted above, for proportional business.

         Other  Expenses.   Other  expenses,   which  include  underwriting  and
administrative  expenses,  were $8.7  million for the six months  ended June 30,
1996  compared  to $5.2  million  for the same  period in 1995.  Other  expenses
(excluding the expenses associated with non-insurance operations) expressed as a
percentage  of net earned  premiums  remained  steady at 7.6% for the six months
ended June 30, 1996 and 1995, with the Company absorbing the transition expenses
associated  with the  integration  of RECO.  The  Company  believes  that  these
transition  expenses  will  decrease  over the  remaining six months of 1996. It
should be noted that the comparable ratio for the full year 1995 was 8.0%.

         Net Underwriting  Results.  The Company  incurred an underwriting  loss
(net premiums earned minus losses, LAE and underwriting expenses,  excluding the
expenses  associated  with non-  insurance  operations)  of $4.8 million for the
first six months of 1996 as compared to an underwriting loss of $2.4 million for
the first six  months of 1995.  The  combined  ratio for the first six months of
1996 computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
was 104.6%  compared  to 104.1%  for the 1995  period.  Although  the loss ratio
component improved to 72.3% for the 1996 period from 73.3% recorded for the same
period in 1995, the expense ratio  increased to 32.3% from 30.8% in 1995 for the
reasons noted above.  On a pro forma basis, as if the Merger occurred on January
1, 1995, the expense ratio decreased to 32.3% compared to 35.3% and the combined
ratio decreased to 104.6% compared to 108.1% for 1995.

         Net  Investment  Income and Net Realized  Capital Gains  (Losses).  Net
investment  income  for the first  six  months  of 1996 was  $21.3  million,  an
increase  of $11.9  million,  or 127% over the  comparable  period in 1995.  The
improvement  reflects  the  increase in invested  assets,  principally  from the
Merger,  as well as from the net proceeds of  Chartwell's  public stock offering
and  subsequent  paydown  to the  Company  in the first six  months of 1996.  In
addition,  on June 28, 1996,  Chartwell received $7.9 million in settlement of a
Reserve  Indemnification  Agreement with ReliaStar  Financial  Corporation  (the
"Reserve   Indemnification   Agreement")  which  further  increased  Chartwell's
invested asset base.  (See Note 5.) The average  annual tax equivalent  yield on
invested assets before investment  expenses increased to 6.76% for the first six
months of 1996 compared to 6.52% for the same period in 1995.

         The Company realized net capital gains of $0.9 million in the first six
months of 1996  compared to $1.4  million for the same period in 1995.  The 1996
net capital gains were realized principally to reposition certain sectors of the
portfolio  and,  in  particular,   to  increase  the  amount  of  tax-advantaged
securities. Trading during the first six months of 1995 was executed principally
to modify the  portfolio by sector and to capitalize  on some  opportunities  to
improve on credit quality without sacrificing yield.


         Service and Other Revenue.  Service and other revenue for the first six
months of 1996 were $3.2  million,  an increase of $2.7 million  compared to the
same  period  in 1995.  The  improvement  reflects  increases  in  advisory  fee
revenues,  equity in the earnings of investee  companies  acquired in the Merger
and development of new non-risk revenue sources.

         Interest and Amortization. Interest and amortization expenses were $4.1
million for the first six months of 1996  compared to $3.8  million for the same
period in 1995.  Interest and amortization on Chartwell  Holdings' 10.25% Senior
Notes due 2004 (the"Senior  Notes") was $3.4 million for the first six months of
1996 and $3.8  million for the  comparable  period in 1995.  The 1996 amount was
reduced due to the  redemption  of 35% of the  principal  amount of  outstanding
Senior Notes on April 8, 1996. Interest expense for the first six months of 1996
also  includes  $0.7  million of interest  and  amortization  expense on a $20.0
million bank facility established on the date of Merger.

         Income  Before  Income  Taxes  and  Extraordinary   Item.   Results  of
operations before income taxes and extraordinary item increased to $15.9 million
for the first six months of 1996 from $4.7  million for the same period in 1995.
The  increase  resulted  primarily  from the  increase in earned  premiums,  the
favorable results in loss and loss adjustment  expense and in other underwriting
expense,  and from the increase in net  investment  income and service and other

         Income Tax Expense. The provision for Federal income taxes in the first
six months of 1996 increased to $4.6 million  compared with $1.6 million for the
same period in 1995.  The  effective tax rates were 28.9% and 33.8% for the 1996
and 1995 periods,  respectively.  The principal  factor in the decline below the
statutory  rate  of  35%  was  the  benefit  of  investments  in  tax-advantaged
securities which increased in the 1996 period.

         Net Income Before  Extraordinary  Item.  Results of  operations  before
extraordinary  item  increased to $11.3  million in the first six months of 1996
from $3.1 million for the same period in 1995.  The most  significant  factor is
increased  net  investment  income and  service and other  revenue as  described

         Extraordinary  Item,  Net of Income Tax.  The Company  recognized a net
after-tax  extraordinary expense of $1.9 million in the first six months of 1996
for the write-off of unamortized  debt issuance  costs and a redemption  premium
associated with the redemption of 35% of its Senior Notes (See Note 3.)

         Net Income.  The Company  realized a net profit of $9.5  million in the
first six  months of 1996  compared  with a net profit of $3.1  million  for the
comparable 1995 period because of the factors discussed above.

Results of Operations - Three Months Ended June 30, 1996 Compared With Three 
Months Ended June 30, 1995:

         Gross Premiums  Written;  Net Premiums  Written;  Net Premiums  Earned.
Gross premiums written for the three month period ended June 30, 1996 were $63.9
million,  an increase of 102% compared to the 1995 period. The increase in gross
premiums written was principally attributable


to business acquired in the Merger, as described previously. The distribution of
the Company's gross premiums written among its underwriting  client segments was
as follows:

                                   Three Months Ended June 30,
(in thousands)               1996                           1995
                     -------------------------  ------------------------------
Specialty                          $  25,744                      $  12,940
Global                                11,441                         10,343
   Property & Casualty  5,673                        5,249
   Marine & Aviation    5,855                        3,036
                      -------                     --------
Subtotal Regional                     11,528                          8,285
Controlled Source                     13,797                             -
RECO Run - off                         1,393                             -
                                    --------                      ---------
                                    $ 63,903                      $  31,568
                                   =========                      =========

         Net  premiums  written  for the three  months  ended June 30, 1996 were
$46.0 million,  an increase of $15.1 million, or 49% compared to the same period
in 1995. The increase in net premiums  written was  principally  attributable to
the reasons  described earlier in conjunction with the comparison of the results
of  operations  for the six month  periods.  Net  premiums  earned for the three
months ended June 30, 1996 were $49.0 million,  an increase of $20.4 million, or
71% compared to the same period in 1995. The increase in net premiums earned was
principally attributable to premium writings by RECO.

         Loss and Loss Adjustment  Expenses.  The Company's  principal  expense,
loss and loss adjustment expenses (LAE) related to the settlement of claims, was
$35.1 million for the three months ended June 30,1996  compared to $20.7 million
for the same period in 1995.  The increase is  principally  attributable  to the
increase in earned  premiums as noted above.  Net losses and LAE  expressed as a
percentage of net earned premiums (the loss and LAE ratio) improved to 71.6% for
the three  months  ended June 30, 1996 from 73.2%  recorded  for the  comparable
period in 1995.  The  improvement in the loss and LAE ratio for the three months
ended  June 30,  1996,  was due to an  increase  in the  amount of  proportional
business written by the Company,  which generally has a lower loss and LAE ratio
than excess of loss business, but modestly higher commissions.

         Policy   Acquisition  Costs.   Policy   acquisition  costs,   primarily
commissions paid to ceding  companies and brokerage fees paid to  intermediaries
less  commissions  received on business  ceded to other  reinsurers,  were $11.8
million for the three  months  ended June 30, 1996  compared to $6.6 million for
the  comparable  period  in  1995.  Policy  acquisition  costs  expressed  as  a
percentage of net earned premiums (the  acquisition  expense ratio) increased to
24.0% from 23.0% in 1995.  The increase is due both to the RECO Run-off and to a
modestly higher commission structure, as noted above, for proportional business.

         Other  Expenses.   Other  expenses,   which  include  underwriting  and
administrative  expenses,  were $4.3 million for the three months ended June 30,
1996 compared to $2.7 million for the comparable  period in 1995. Other expenses
(excluding the expenses associated with non-insurance operations) expressed as a
percentage of net earned premiums  decreased to 8.1% from 8.6% in 1995 primarily
due to the high growth rate in net premiums earned compared with the growth rate
in overhead expenses.


         Net Underwriting  Results.  The Company  incurred an underwriting  loss
(net premiums  earned minus losses,  LAE and  underwriting  expenses,  excluding
expenses  associated  with non- insurance  operations) of $1.9 million for three
months ended June 30, 1996 as compared to an  underwriting  loss of $1.2 million
for the comparable period in 1995. The combined ratio for the three months ended
June 30, 1996 period computed in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting
principles  (GAAP) was 103.7%  compared to 104.8% for the  comparable  period in
1995.  Although the loss ratio component  improved to 71.6% for the three months
ended June 30, 1996 compared to 73.2%  recorded for the same period in 1995, the
expense ratio increased to 32.1% from 31.6% in 1995 for the reasons noted above.
On a pro forma basis, as if the Merger occurred on January 1, 1995, the loss and
loss adjustment  expense ratio increased to 71.6% compared to 69.6%, the expense
ratio decreased to 32.1% compared to 33.5%,  and the combined ratio increased to
103.7% compared to 103.1% for 1995.

         Net  Investment  Income and Net Realized  Capital Gains  (Losses).  Net
investment income for the three months ended June 30, 1996 was $10.7 million, an
increase  of $6.1  million,  or 133% over the  comparable  period  in 1995.  The
improvement  reflects  the  increase in invested  assets,  principally  from the
Merger,  from the net proceeds of  Chartwell's  public  stock  offering and from
continued  positive cash flow from  operations.  In addition,  on June 28, 1996,
Chartwell  received  funds in final  settlement  of the Reserve  Indemnification
Agreement which further increased Chartwell's invested asset base. (See Note 5.)
The average annual tax equivalent  yield on invested assets,  before  investment
expenses,  increased  to 6.83% for the three  months  ended June 30, 1996 period
compared to 6.43% for the comparable period in 1995.

         The Company  realized no net capital  gains in the three  months  ended
June 30,  1996  compared to $1.3  million  for the same period in 1995.  Trading
during the 1995  period was  executed  principally  to modify the  portfolio  by
sector and to capitalize on  opportunities  to improve on credit quality without
sacrificing yield.

         Service  and Other  Revenue.  Service  and other  revenue for the three
months ended June 30, 1996 period were $1.8 million, an increase of $1.5 million
compared to the same  period in 1995.  The  improvement  reflects  increases  in
advisory fee revenues,  equity in the earnings of investee companies acquired in
the Merger and development of new non-risk revenue sources.

         Interest and Amortization. Interest and amortization expenses were $1.7
million for the three months ended June 30, 1996 period compared to $2.0 million
in the same  period in 1995 .  Interest  and  amortization  on the Senior  Notes
decreased  to $1.4  million for the three months ended June 30, 1996 as compared
to $2.0 million for the same period in 1995, because of the redemption of 35% of
the principal amount of the Senior Notes on April 8, 1996.  Interest expense for
1996 also includes $0.3 million of interest and  amortization on a $20.0 million
bank facility established on the date of Merger.

         Income  Before  Income  Taxes  and  Extraordinary   Item.   Results  of
operations before income taxes and extraordinary  item increased to $8.5 million
for the three months ended June 30, 1996 from $2.7 million in the same period in
1995. The increase resulted primarily from the increase in


earned premiums,  the favorable results in both loss and loss adjustment expense
and in other  underwriting  expense,  and the  increase  in both net  investment
income and service and other revenues.

         Income Tax  Expense.  The  provision  for Federal  income taxes in 1996
increased to $2.5 million  compared with $1.0 million in 1995. The effective tax
rates  were  28.9% and 35.2% for the 1996 and 1995  periods,  respectively.  The
principal  factor in the decline below the statutory rate of 35% was the benefit
of investments in tax-advantaged securities which increased in the 1996 period.

         Net Income Before  Extraordinary  Item.  Results of  operations  before
extraordinary  items  increased  to $6.1 million for the three months ended June
30, 1996 from $1.8 million in the comparable 1995 period.  The most  significant
factor is  increased  net  investment  income and  increased  service  and other
revenue as described above.

         Extraordinary  Item,  Net of Income Tax.  The Company  recognized a net
after-tax  extraordinary  expense of $1.9 million in the three months ended June
30, 1996 for the write-off of  unamortized  debt issuance  costs and  redemption
premium associated with its Senior Notes Redemption.

         Net  Income.  The  Company  realized a $4.2  million net profit for the
three months ended June 30, 1996  compared to $1.8 million in the same period in
1995 because of the factors discussed above.

Liquidity and Capital Resources:

           As a holding company, Chartwell Holdings' assets consist primarily of
the  stock of its  direct  subsidiaries,  Chartwell  Reinsurance  and  Chartwell
Advisers  and its  indirect  subsidiary,  RECO.  Chartwell  Holdings'  cash flow
therefore  depends largely on dividends and tax sharing  payments from Chartwell
Reinsurance.  Chartwell  Reinsurance's sources of funds consist primarily of net
premiums, reinsurance recoveries,  investment income and proceeds from sales and
redemptions of investments.  Funds are applied  primarily to payments of claims,
operating  expenses and income taxes and to the purchase of  investments,  which
primarily consist of fixed income  securities.  Cash and short-term  investments
are maintained for the payment of claims and expenses.  Chartwell  Reinsurance's
ability to pay cash  dividends to the Company is restricted by law or subject to
approval  of  the  insurance  regulatory   authority  of  Minnesota,   Chartwell
Reinsurance's  state  of  domicile.  The  Minnesota  authority  recognizes  only
statutory accounting practices for the ability of an insurer to pay dividends to
its shareholders.

         Under  the  insurance  laws  of the  State  of  Minnesota,  payment  of
dividends by Chartwell  Reinsurance in any year is limited to the greater of (i)
10% of capital and surplus as of the prior year end as  determined in accordance
with statutory accounting policies; or (ii) statutory net income from operations
of the next preceding year excluding realized capital gains. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, Chartwell Reinsurance may pay dividends only from its earned surplus,
also known as unassigned  funds.  The maximum  dividend that can be paid in 1996
without prior approval of the Minnesota Department of Commerce is $18.8 million.


           In  addition  to the  sources  of funds  described  above,  financing
activities have also been a source of liquidity for Chartwell  Holdings' and its
subsidiaries.  On March 5,  1996,  Chartwell  completed  a  public  offering  of
2,500,000  shares of common  stock at $23.00  per  share.  The net  proceeds  to
Chartwell  were $53.7  million  after  deduction  of  underwriting  discount and
expenses.  Of the net  proceeds,  $48.5  million was  contributed  to  Chartwell
Holdings of which $20.0  million was  contributed  to the  statutory  surplus of
Chartwell  Reinsurance  and  $28.5  million  was  used  to  retire  35%  of  its
outstanding  10.25%  Senior Notes due 2004 plus accrued  interest  (See Note 3).
This  redemption  reduced  Chartwell  Holdings'  annual expense for interest and
amortization  of debt issuance  costs under the Senior Notes by $2.8 million per
year.  As a result of the offering,  Standard & Poor's  improved its rating with
respect to the Senior  Notes to BBB- from BB and Moody's  improved its rating to
Ba1 from Ba2.

         At June 30, 1996,  the carrying value of total  investments,  including
cash and cash  equivalents,  increased  by $18.7  million,  or 2.7%,  to  $720.8
million compared to $702.1 million at December 31, 1995. The primary reasons for
the increase  were the net cash acquired in the public  offering and  subsequent
paydown  to  Chartwell  Holdings  of $48.5  million,  positive  cash  flow  from
operations of $10.1 million,  cash flow from the settlement of certain  December
31, 1995  securities  sales of $10.9 million and cash from the settlement of the
Reserve  Indemnification  Agreement of $7.9 million, offset by $28.5 million for
the  retirement of 35% of the Company's  Senior Notes plus accrued  interest and
the decline in the market value of the investment  portfolio.  At June 30, 1996,
96%  of  Chartwell   Holdings  total   investments   (including  cash  and  cash
equivalents)  consisted of fixed income securities,  of which 99% were rated "A"
or better (or "A-1" for commercial paper) by Moody's. The Company's fixed income
securities  portfolio at June 30, 1996 was comprised  primarily of U.S. Treasury
and  government  agency  mortgage  pass-through  securities,  and  corporate and
municipal bonds.

         Stockholder's  equity increased 26% to $211.7 million at June 30, 1996,
compared  to $168.4  million  at  December  31,  1995  primarily  as a result of
Chartwell's  public common stock offering described above.  Chartwell  Holdings'
ratio of long-term debt to total  capitalization  was 24.5% as of June 30, 1996,
down from 36.1% at December 31, 1995.

         Statutory surplus of Chartwell  Reinsurance  increased $34.9 million to
$223.0  million,  and the statutory  surplus of RECO increased  $12.8 million to
$88.3  million,  both  compared  to  amounts at  December  31,  1995.  Chartwell
Reinsurance and RECO, the Company's principal operating subsidiaries,  are rated
A (Excellent)  and A- (Excellent),  respectively,  by A.M. Best Company and both
companies are assigned an A- claims paying ability rating by Standard & Poor's.




     Item 6  - Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

               (a) Exhibits

                   27 - Financial Data Schedule.

               (b) Reports on Form 8-K





     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                    CHARTWELL RE HOLDINGS CORPORATION

                                    /s/ Charles E. Meyers
                                    Charles E. Meyers
                                    Duly Authorized Officer, Senior Vice 
                                    President and Chief Financial Officer

Dated:  August 14, 1996
