Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                        Atalanta/Sosnoff Investment Trust
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5)   Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount previously paid:


     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     3)   Filing party:


     4)   Date filed:



                                                                    May 21, 2001

Dear Shareholder:

     You are cordially  invited to attend a Special  Meeting of  Shareholders of
Atalanta/Sosnoff  Investment Trust to be held Wednesday,  June 27, 2001 at 10:00
a.m. at the offices of Integrated  Fund Services,  Inc., 221 East Fourth Street,
Suite 300, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.

     The primary  purpose of the Special  Meeting is to approve or  disapprove a
new  Advisory   Agreement  for  each  Fund  of  the  Trust   pursuant  to  which
Atalanta/Sosnoff   Capital  Corporation  (Delaware)  (the  "Adviser")  would  be
compensated on a performance fee basis. The fee would be determined by comparing
the  returns  of each Fund of the  Trust to the  return  of its  benchmark.  The
Adviser's  fee would  increase  if the return of the Fund  exceeded  that of its
benchmark by 2.00% (200 basis  points) and decrease if the return of the Fund is
2.00% less than that of its benchmark.

     The Board of  Trustees  has given  full and  careful  consideration  to the
matter  submitted to shareholders  and has concluded that the proposal is in the
best  interests  of each  Fund and its  shareholders.  The  Board  of  Trustees,
therefore, recommends that you vote "FOR" the proposal discussed herein.

     Regardless  of the number of shares you own, it is important  that they are
represented and voted. If you cannot personally attend the Special Shareholders'
Meeting,  we would  appreciate your promptly  voting,  signing and returning the
enclosed proxy in the postage-paid envelope provided.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        /s/ Anthony G. Miller

                                        Anthony G. Miller
                                        Chairman and President

o    Atalanta/Sosnoff Fund

o    P.O. Box 5354

o    Cincinnati, Ohio

o    45201-5354

o    1.877.SOSNOFF (767.6633)

o    e-mail:

o    web site:

        Distributed by Atalanta/Sosnoff Management Corporation . 101 Park
                          Avenue . New York, NY 10178

                              ATALANTA/SOSNOFF FUND
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  June 27, 2001


The undersigned  hereby appoints Tina D. Hosking and Jay S. Fitton,  and each of
them, as Proxies with power of substitution  and hereby  authorizes each of them
to  represent  and to vote as  provided  on the  reverse  side,  all  shares  of
beneficial  interest of the above Fund which the undersigned is entitled to vote
at the  Special  Meeting  of  shareholders  to be held  June 27,  2001 or at any
adjournment thereof.

The undersigned  acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting and Proxy
Statement dated May 21, 2001.


                                        NOTE:  Please sign  exactly as your name
                                        appears on this proxy. If signing for an
                                        estate,  trust or corporation,  title or
                                        capacity should be stated. If the shares
                                        are held  jointly,  both signers  should
                                        sign, although the signature of one will
                                        bind the other.

                                        Signature(s)  PLEASE  SIGN  IN  THE  BOX



1.   With respect to the approval or disapproval of a new Advisory Agreement for
     each  Fund  of  the  Trust  with   Atalanta/Sosnoff   Capital   Corporation
     (Delaware),  the Fund's investment  adviser,  pursuant to which the Adviser
     would be compensated on a performance fee basis.

     FOR                          AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
     [ ]                            [ ]                              [ ]

2.   In their  discretion,  the Proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such other
     matters as may properly come before the Special Meeting.


                           ATALANTA/SOSNOFF FOCUS FUND
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  June 27, 2001


The undersigned  hereby appoints Tina D. Hosking and Jay S. Fitton,  and each of
them, as Proxies with power of substitution  and hereby  authorizes each of them
to  represent  and to vote as  provided  on the  reverse  side,  all  shares  of
beneficial  interest of the above Fund which the undersigned is entitled to vote
at the  Special  Meeting  of  shareholders  to be held  June 27,  2001 or at any
adjournment thereof.

The undersigned  acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting and Proxy
Statement dated May 21, 2001.


                                        NOTE:  Please sign  exactly as your name
                                        appears on this proxy. If signing for an
                                        estate,  trust or corporation,  title or
                                        capacity should be stated. If the shares
                                        are held  jointly,  both signers  should
                                        sign, although the signature of one will
                                        bind the other.

                                        Signature(s)  PLEASE  SIGN  IN  THE  BOX



1.   With respect to the approval or disapproval of a new Advisory Agreement for
     each  Fund  of  the  Trust  with   Atalanta/Sosnoff   Capital   Corporation
     (Delaware),  the Fund's investment  adviser,  pursuant to which the Adviser
     would be compensated on a performance fee basis.

     FOR                          AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
     [ ]                            [ ]                              [ ]

2.   In their  discretion,  the Proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such other
     matters as may properly come before the Special Meeting.


                           ATALANTA/SOSNOFF VALUE FUND
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  June 27, 2001


The undersigned  hereby appoints Tina D. Hosking and Jay S. Fitton,  and each of
them, as Proxies with power of substitution  and hereby  authorizes each of them
to  represent  and to vote as  provided  on the  reverse  side,  all  shares  of
beneficial  interest of the above Fund which the undersigned is entitled to vote
at the  Special  Meeting  of  shareholders  to be held  June 27,  2001 or at any
adjournment thereof.

The undersigned  acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting and Proxy
Statement dated May 21, 2001.


                                        NOTE:  Please sign  exactly as your name
                                        appears on this proxy. If signing for an
                                        estate,  trust or corporation,  title or
                                        capacity should be stated. If the shares
                                        are held  jointly,  both signers  should
                                        sign, although the signature of one will
                                        bind the other.

                                        Signature(s)  PLEASE  SIGN  IN  THE  BOX



1.   With respect to the approval or disapproval of a new Advisory Agreement for
     each  Fund  of  the  Trust  with   Atalanta/Sosnoff   Capital   Corporation
     (Delaware),  the Fund's investment  adviser,  pursuant to which the Adviser
     would be compensated on a performance fee basis.

     FOR                          AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
     [ ]                            [ ]                              [ ]

2.   In their  discretion,  the Proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such other
     matters as may properly come before the Special Meeting.


                         ATALANTA/SOSNOFF BALANCED FUND
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  June 27, 2001


The undersigned  hereby appoints Tina D. Hosking and Jay S. Fitton,  and each of
them, as Proxies with power of substitution  and hereby  authorizes each of them
to  represent  and to vote as  provided  on the  reverse  side,  all  shares  of
beneficial  interest of the above Fund which the undersigned is entitled to vote
at the  Special  Meeting  of  shareholders  to be held  June 27,  2001 or at any
adjournment thereof.

The undersigned  acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting and Proxy
Statement dated May 21, 2001.


                                        NOTE:  Please sign  exactly as your name
                                        appears on this proxy. If signing for an
                                        estate,  trust or corporation,  title or
                                        capacity should be stated. If the shares
                                        are held  jointly,  both signers  should
                                        sign, although the signature of one will
                                        bind the other.

                                        Signature(s)  PLEASE  SIGN  IN  THE  BOX



1.   With respect to the approval or disapproval of a new Advisory Agreement for
     each  Fund  of  the  Trust  with   Atalanta/Sosnoff   Capital   Corporation
     (Delaware),  the Fund's investment  adviser,  pursuant to which the Adviser
     would be compensated on a performance fee basis.

     FOR                          AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
     [ ]                            [ ]                              [ ]

2.   In their  discretion,  the Proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such other
     matters as may properly come before the Special Meeting.



                              ATALANTA/SOSNOFF FUND
                           ATALANTA/SOSNOFF FOCUS FUND
                           ATALANTA/SOSNOFF VALUE FUND
                         ATALANTA/SOSNOFF BALANCED FUND

                            TO BE HELD JUNE 27, 2001

     NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that  a  special   meeting  of  shareholders  of
Atalanta/Sosnoff  Investment  Trust (the  "Trust") will be held June 27, 2001 at
10:00 a.m. at the offices of Integrated  Fund  Services,  Inc.,  221 East Fourth
Street, Suite 300, Cincinnati,  Ohio 45202 to consider and vote on the following

1.   To approve or  disapprove  a new  Advisory  Agreement  for each Fund of the
     Trust with Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital Corporation (Delaware) (the "Adviser"),
     pursuant to which the Adviser would be  compensated  on a  performance  fee
     basis; and

2.   To  transact  any other  business,  not  currently  contemplated,  that may
     properly come before the meeting at the  discretion of the proxies or their

     Shareholders  of  record  at the close of  business  on April 25,  2001 are
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, this meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                                        By order of the Board of Trustees,

                                        /s/ Tina D. Hosking

                                        Tina D. Hosking

May 21, 2001

     Please  execute the  enclosed  proxy and return it promptly in the enclosed
envelope, thus avoiding unnecessary expense and delay. No postage is required if
mailed in the United  States.  The proxy is  revocable  and will not affect your
right to vote in person if you attend the meeting.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                              ATALANTA/SOSNOFF FUND
                           ATALANTA/SOSNOFF FOCUS FUND
                           ATALANTA/SOSNOFF VALUE FUND
                         ATALANTA/SOSNOFF BALANCED FUND

                            TO BE HELD JUNE 27, 2001

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This proxy  statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation  by the
Board of Trustees of Atalanta/Sosnoff  Investment Trust (the "Trust") of proxies
for use at the special  meeting (the "Special  Meeting") of  shareholders  to be
held at the offices of Integrated  Fund Services,  Inc., 221 East Fourth Street,
Suite  300,  Cincinnati,  Ohio 45202 at 10:00  a.m.  on June 27,  2001 or at any
adjournment thereof. This proxy statement and form of proxy were first mailed to
shareholders on or about May 21, 2001.

The purpose of the Special  Meeting is to approve or  disapprove  a new Advisory
Agreement for each Fund of the Trust with  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Capital Corporation
(Delaware),  101 Park Avenue,  New York, New York (the  "Adviser"),  pursuant to
which the Adviser would be compensated on a performance fee basis.

A proxy, if properly executed,  duly returned and not revoked,  will be voted in
accordance with the  specifications  thereon.  A proxy that is properly executed
but has no voting instructions as to a proposal will be voted for that proposal.
A  shareholder  may revoke a proxy at any time  prior to use by filing  with the
Secretary  of the Trust an  instrument  revoking the proxy,  or by  submitting a
proxy bearing a later date, or by attending and voting at the meeting.

The Trust has retained Management  Information Services Corp. ("MIS") to solicit
proxies for the Special  Meeting.  MIS is responsible  for printing proxy cards,
mailing proxy material to shareholders, soliciting brokers, custodians, nominees
and  fiduciaries,  tabulating the returned  proxies and  performing  other proxy
solicitation  services.  The anticipated  cost of such services is approximately
$2,500 and will be paid by the  Adviser.  The Adviser will also pay the printing
and postage costs of the solicitation.

In  addition to  solicitation  through the mails,  proxies may be  solicited  by
officers,  employees and agents of the Trust at the expense of the Adviser. Such
solicitation  may be by  telephone,  facsimile  or  otherwise.  The Adviser will
reimburse MIS, brokers, custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries for the reasonable
expenses incurred by them in connection with forwarding  solicitation  materials
to the beneficial owners of shares held of record by such persons.

The Trust's  Annual Report for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2000 and Semiannual
Report as of  November  30,  2000 are  available  at no charge by writing to the
Trust at P.O. Box 5354,  Cincinnati,  Ohio  45201-5354,  or by calling the Trust
nationwide (toll-free) at 1-877-SOSNOFF.


The Board of  Trustees  has fixed the close of  business  on April 25, 2001 (the
"Record Date") as the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled
to notice of, and to vote at, the Special  Meeting or any  adjournment  thereof.
The Trust is composed of four separate  funds:  the  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Fund, the
Atalanta/Sosnoff   Focus  Fund,   the   Atalanta/Sosnoff   Value  Fund  and  the
Atalanta/Sosnoff  Balanced Fund (each a "Fund" and collectively the "Funds"). As
of the Record Date there were 2,357,421.241  shares of beneficial  interest,  no
par value, of the Trust  outstanding,  comprised of 1,587,412.589  shares of the
Atalanta/Sosnoff  Fund,  267,650.047 shares of the Atalanta/Sosnoff  Focus Fund,
267,770.484 shares of the Atalanta/Sosnoff  Value Fund and 234,588.121 shares of
the Atalanta/Sosnoff Balanced Fund. All full shares of the Trust are entitled to
one vote, with proportionate voting for fractional shares.

On the Record Date,  Charles  Schwab & Co., Inc.,  101  Montgomery  Street,  San
Francisco,  California  94104,  owned of record  69.24% of the  Atalanta/Sosnoff
Fund,  and Sharon  H.S.  Doty,  P.O.  Box 655,  19 Wolcott  Street,  Litchfield,
Connecticut 06759, owned of record 6.76% of the Atalanta/Sosnoff Focus Fund. The
Adviser owned 69.24% (through Charles Schwab & Co.),  85.56%,  81.35% and 95.14%
of the outstanding  shares of the  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Fund, the  Atalanta/Sosnoff
Focus Fund, the Atalanta/Sosnoff  Value Fund and the  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Balanced
Fund, respectively.

If a quorum (more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of a Fund) is represented
at the meeting,  the vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Fund is
required for approval of the proposal  being  submitted to  shareholders  at the
Special Meeting. The vote of a majority of the outstanding shares means the vote
of the  lesser  of  (1)  67% or  more  of the  shares  of the  Fund  present  or
represented by proxy at the Special Meeting,  if the holders of more than 50% of
the  outstanding  shares of the Fund are present or  represented by proxy or (2)
more than 50% of the outstanding shares of the Fund. If the meeting is called to
order but a quorum is not  represented  at the  meeting,  the  persons  named as
proxies may vote the proxies that have been received to adjourn the meeting to a
later date. If a quorum is present at the Special  Meeting but sufficient  votes
to approve the  proposal  are not  received,  the  persons  named as proxies may
propose  one or more  adjournments  of the  Special  Meeting  to permit  further
solicitation of proxies.  Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote
of a majority of those shares  represented at the meeting in person or by proxy.
The proxy  holders will vote those  proxies  received that voted in favor of the
proposal in favor of such an  adjournment  and will vote those proxies  received
that voted against the proposal against any such adjournment. A shareholder vote
may be  taken  on the  proposal  in  this  proxy  statement  prior  to any  such
adjournment  if  sufficient  votes  have  been  received  and  it  is  otherwise
appropriate.  Abstentions  and "broker  non-votes"  are counted for  purposes of
determining  whether a quorum is present but do not represent votes cast,  which
has the same  effect as a vote  against the  proposal.  "Broker  non-votes"  are
shares held by a broker or nominee  for which an  executed  proxy is received by
the Trust,  but are not voted as to the proposal because  instructions  have not
been received  from the  beneficial  owners or persons  entitled to vote and the
broker or nominee does not have discretionary voting power.

The  Trustees  of the Trust  intend to vote all of their  shares in favor of the
proposal  described herein. All Trustees and officers as a group owned of record
or  beneficially  less than 1% of the Trust's  outstanding  shares on the Record



The Adviser,  which owns  approximately  69.24% (through  Charles Schwab & Co.),
85.56%,  81.35% and  95.14% of the  outstanding  shares of the  Atalanta/Sosnoff
Fund, the Atalanta/Sosnoff  Focus Fund, the Atalanta/Sosnoff  Value Fund and the
Atalanta/Sosnoff Balanced Fund, respectively, intends to vote to approve the new
Advisory  Agreement for each Fund.  Accordingly,  it can be approved without the
vote of any other shareholders of the Funds.


THE CURRENT ADVISORY AGREEMENTS. Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital Corporation (Delaware)
(the "Adviser"),  has managed the investments of the Atalanta/Sosnoff Fund since
the inception of the Fund pursuant to an Advisory  Agreement dated May 11, 1998.
The  Advisory  Agreement  was  approved  by the Board of  Trustees,  including a
majority of the  Trustees  who were not  interested  persons,  as defined in the
Investment  Company  Act of 1940 (the "1940  Act"),  of the Adviser or the Trust
(the "Independent Trustees"),  on May 11, 1998 for an initial term of two years.
The Adviser, as sole shareholder of the Fund, approved the Advisory Agreement on
May 11, 1998. The Advisory Agreement has thereafter been renewed by the Board of
Trustees, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, annually.

The Adviser has managed the investments of the Atalanta/Sosnoff  Focus Fund, the
Atalanta/ Sosnoff Value Fund and the Atalanta/Sosnoff  Balanced Fund since their
inception  pursuant to an Advisory  Agreement  dated May 3, 1999.  The  Advisory
Agreement  was  approved by the Board of  Trustees,  including  the  Independent
Trustees,  on May 3, 1999 for an initial term of two years. The Adviser, as sole
shareholder of each Fund, approved the Advisory Agreement on May 3, 1999.

Under the Current Advisory Agreements,  the Adviser selects portfolio securities
for  investment  by the  Trust on  behalf  of the  Funds,  purchases  and  sells
securities of the Funds,  and upon making any purchase or sale decision,  places
orders for the execution of such portfolio transactions,  all in accordance with
the 1940 Act and any rules  thereunder,  subject to applicable  state securities
laws,  the  supervision  and control of the Board of Trustees and the investment
objectives,  policies and  restrictions of each Fund. Under the Current Advisory
Agreements,  the Adviser  receives a fee  computed  and  accrued  daily and paid
monthly, at an annual rate of 0.75% of the average value of the daily net assets
of each Fund.

THE NEW  ADVISORY  AGREEMENTS.  The  Trustees  believe  that a  performance  fee
structure could provide an effective  means to reward good relative  performance
achieved by the Adviser for the Funds,  while  enabling the Funds to realize the
benefit  of lower  fees  when  performance  has not  reached  desired  levels in
comparison to an appropriate benchmark.  (The benchmark for the Atalanta/Sosnoff
Fund, the Atalanta/Sosnoff Value Fund and the Atalanta/Sosnoff Focus Fund is the
S&P 500 Index. The benchmark for the  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Balanced Fund is a 65/35
Composite  Blend  of the S&P 500  Index  and the  Lehman  Brothers  Intermediate
Government/  Credit Bond Index.) For this reason,  the Trustees  considered  and
approved new Advisory


Agreements  (the "New  Advisory  Agreements"),  which would,  if approved by the
shareholders  of the Funds,  permit the Trust to compensate the Adviser based on
the investment  return it is able to achieve for each Fund.  Before the proposed
performance  fee  arrangement  can be  implemented  with respect to a Fund,  the
proposed New Advisory  Agreement  must be approved by the  shareholders  of that
Fund.  The New Advisory  Agreements are  substantially  identical to the Current
Advisory  Agreements  except  for (i) the fee  structure,  and (ii) the dates of
execution and termination.  The form of a New Advisory Agreement is set forth in
Exhibit A to this proxy statement.

Under the New Advisory Agreements, the Adviser will continue to select portfolio
securities for investment by the Trust on behalf of the Funds, purchase and sell
the Funds'  securities,  and upon making any  purchase or sale  decision,  place
orders for the execution of such portfolio transactions,  all in accordance with
the 1940 Act and any rules  thereunder,  subject to applicable  state securities
laws,  the  supervision  and control of the Board of Trustees and the investment
objectives, policies and restrictions of each Fund.

If the New Advisory  Agreements are approved by shareholders of the Funds,  they
will become effective with respect to each Fund upon approval.  The New Advisory
Agreements  provide  that they will  remain in force for an initial  term of two
years and from year to year thereafter,  subject to annual approval by the Board
of Trustees,  including by a majority of the Independent Trustees, or a majority
of the outstanding voting securities of such Fund, by a vote cast in person at a
meeting  called for the  purpose of voting on such  approval.  The New  Advisory
Agreements  may be terminated at any time, on 60 days' written  notice,  without
the  payment of any  penalty,  by the Trust,  or a majority  of the  outstanding
voting securities of such Fund, or by the Adviser.  Each New Advisory  Agreement
automatically terminates in the event of its assignment,  as defined by the 1940
Act and the rules thereunder.

The New Advisory Agreements provide that the Adviser shall not be liable for any
action taken,  omitted or suffered to be taken by it in its reasonable judgment,
in good faith and believed by it to be  authorized  or within the  discretion or
rights  or  powers  conferred  upon  it by the  New  Advisory  Agreement,  or in
accordance with (or in the absence of) specific  directions or instructions from
the  Trust,  provided,  however,  that  such  acts or  omissions  shall not have
resulted from Adviser's willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence,  a
violation of the standard of care  established  by and  applicable to Adviser in
its actions  under the New Advisory  Agreements  or breach of its duty or of its
obligations hereunder.

If the New Advisory Agreements are approved and implemented, the Adviser will be
entitled  to  receive  compensation  for  its  services  based  in  part  on the
performance  achieved by each Fund. The arrangement  will reward the Adviser for
performance that exceeds the total return of the Fund's benchmark by a factor of
at least 2.00% (200 basis  points) and reduce its  compensation  with respect to
periods during which lesser performance is achieved.


The  arrangement  calls for the  payment to the  Adviser of a monthly  fee.  The
monthly fee will  consist of a base fee  calculated  at the annual rate of 0.75%
(or 75 basis  points)  of the  average  daily net assets of each Fund (the "Base
Fee"),  which  is  subject  to  adjustment  by  a  factor  referred  to  as  the
"Performance  Fee  Adjustment."  The  Base Fee with  respect  to a Fund  will be
increased by 0.25% if the Fund  outperforms  its benchmark by at least 2.00% for
the previous 12 months,  and  decreased by 0.25% if the Fund  underperforms  its
benchmark by at least 2.00% for the previous 12 months.

Under the New  Advisory  Agreements,  the  Performance  Fee  Adjustment  will be
calculated  via the use of a rolling  period.  A rolling  period is the specific
duration of time over which the  performance of the Fund and the  performance of
the benchmark  index are compared.  The Securities and Exchange  Commission (the
"SEC")  recommends a minimum  rolling  period of at least 12 months.  Therefore,
until the  Adviser  and each Fund have  established  performance  records for 12
months under the New Advisory  Agreements  (i.e.,  July 1, 2001 through June 30,
2002),  the Adviser will earn the Base Fee of 0.75% of each Fund's average daily
net  assets.  Therefore,  during  the  initial  12  months  of the New  Advisory
Agreements,  the Funds will not  compensate  the Adviser with fees  adjusted for
Fund performance.

If approved by  shareholders,  the Adviser  will begin to receive a fee adjusted
for Fund performance in the second year of the New Advisory  Agreements.  During
the second year,  from July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003,  each month's accrued
advisory fee (including accrued  performance fees) will be calculated using a 12
month rolling period. For example, to calculate the fee for the month of October
2002 for a Fund, the performance of the benchmark and the Fund would be compared
over the 12 month  period  beginning  October 1, 2001 and ending  September  30,

A key feature of the proposed  performance fee arrangement is that the Adviser's
performance  must exceed the total  return of the Fund's  benchmark  by a factor
greater than the Adviser's  Base Fee. The effect is that the Adviser will earn a
Performance Fee Adjustment only if the value that its portfolio  management adds
to a Fund  exceeds the cost of its  portfolio  management  services,  i.e.,  the
factor by which the Fund must  outperform its benchmark index (2.00%) is greater
than the  Adviser's  base  advisory fee (0.75%).  Conversely,  if the  Adviser's
portfolio management does not add value to a Fund and the Fund underperforms its
benchmark  Index by  2.00% or more,  the  Adviser's  base  advisory  fee will be

Another important  feature of the proposed  performance fee arrangement is that,
under the terms of the New Advisory  Agreements,  the Adviser's  annual fee will
never exceed 1.00% of the average daily net assets of a Fund.

A third key feature of the  proposed  arrangement  is that the Adviser  will not
receive  the  performance  fee for a  period  in  which a Fund  incurs  negative
performance, regardless of the performance of its benchmark.

The table  below sets forth the fee to which the Adviser  would be entitled  for
each Fund,  assuming  that it performs at the indicated  levels  relative to the
Fund's benchmark.


     If the Performance of the                          The Adviser will receive
     Fund:                                              a fee of:

     Underperforms the benchmark by: (2.00%) or less             0.50%
     Underperforms the benchmark by: (0.01%)-(1.99%)             0.75%
     Equals the benchmark:            0.00%                      0.75%
     Outperforms the benchmark by:    0.01%-1.99%                0.75%
     Outperforms the benchmark by:    2.00% or more              1.00%

The Adviser will not receive a Performance  Fee  Adjustment  for periods  during
which the Fund  incurs  negative  investment  performance  yet  outperforms  its
benchmark by at least 2.00%. During such periods, the Fund will receive only the
Base Fee. If the Fund incurs negative  investment  performance and underperforms
its benchmark by at least 2.00%, the Base Fee will be reduced by 0.25%.

Under the New Advisory Agreements, the Base Fee would be adjusted to reflect the
performance of a Fund only after the  performance  fee  arrangement  has been in
effect  for 12 months  ("Initial  Period")  following  the date on which the New
Advisory Agreements become effective.

INITIAL  PERIOD.  During the Initial  Period,  the Adviser  would be entitled to
receive the Base Fee at the annual rate of 0.75% of the average daily net assets
of each Fund.

SUBSEQUENT  MONTHLY  PERIODS.  The Adviser would be entitled to receive the Base
Fee plus or minus one-twelfth of the 0.25% Performance Fee Adjustment multiplied
by the average daily net assets of each Fund for that month. The Performance Fee
Adjustment would be applied only if a Fund  outperformed or  underperformed  the
benchmark by at least 2.00%.

MAXIMUM  PERFORMANCE  ADJUSTED  FEE.  The  maximum fee payable to the Adviser is
1.00%. This would occur,  however, only in the event that a Fund outperforms the
benchmark  by a factor  of at least  2.00%  and the  Fund's  performance  is not

MINIMUM  PERFORMANCE  ADJUSTED  FEE.  The  minimum fee payable to the Adviser is
0.50%. This would occur,  however,  only in the event that a Fund  underperforms
the benchmark by a factor of at least 2.00%.

EFFECT OF THE PERFORMANCE FEE ADJUSTMENT.  As indicated  above, the advisory fee
payable to the Adviser at the end of each of the 12 months of the Initial Period
with  respect  to each Fund  would be paid at the Base Fee rate and would not be
increased or decreased to reflect the  performance  of the Fund.  For each month
following the Initial Period,  however, the Adviser would be entitled to receive
the Base Fee and the Performance Fee Adjustment  based on the performance of the
Fund for the immediately preceding 12 months.


ACTUAL   FUND   RETURNS.   For  the  fiscal  year  ended  May  31,   2000,   the
Atalanta/Sosnoff  Fund returned 20.99% compared with the S&P 500 Index return of
10.49%.  Had the performance fee arrangement  been in effect,  the Adviser would
have  received  the  Performance  Fee  Adjustment  of 0.25% with  respect to the
Atalanta/Sosnoff Fund.

For the  eleven  months  ended May 31,  2000,  the  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Focus Fund
returned  21.60%  compared  with the S&P 500  Index  return  of  4.70%.  Had the
performance fee arrangement been in effect,  the Adviser would have received the
Performance Fee Adjustment of 0.25% with respect to the  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Focus

For the  eleven  months  ended May 31,  2000,  the  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Value Fund
returned  6.80%  compared  with  the S&P 500  Index  return  of  4.70%.  Had the
performance fee arrangement been in effect,  the Adviser would have received the
Performance Fee Adjustment of 0.25% with respect to the  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Value

For the eleven  months ended May 31, 2000,  the  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Balanced Fund
returned 13.00%  compared with the 65/35  Composite Blend (S&P 500  Index/Lehman
Brothers  Intermediate  Government/Credit  Bond Index) return of 4.10%.  Had the
performance fee arrangement been in effect,  the Adviser would have received the
Performance  Fee  Adjustment  of  0.25%  with  respect  to the  Atalanta/Sosnoff
Balanced Fund.*

*    The Fund  commenced  operations  on July 1, 1999.  At the end of the Funds'
     fiscal year ended May 31, 2000,  the Fund had not yet completed a full year
     of operations. Performance results are therefore present for the year ended
     June 30, 2000.

PRO FORMA  EXPENSE  IMPACT.  Table 1A below shows the amount of the advisory fee
that would have been paid to the Adviser  had the  performance  fee  arrangement
been in place during the fiscal year ended May 31, 2000. Also shown are the fees
that would have been payable under the flat fee arrangement currently in effect,
as well as the actual  advisory  fee paid  during the fiscal  year ended May 31,

     TABLE 1A

     Advisory Fee Payable Under Current Advisory Agreement          $   122,517
     Advisory Fee Payable Under New Advisory Agreement              $   163,260
     Percentage Increase of Advisory Fee Payable Under
          New Advisory Agreement                                          33.33%
     Advisory Fee Paid Under Current Advisory Agreement
          Net of Fee Waivers and Expense Reimbursements             $    78,554

     Advisory Fee Payable Under Current Advisory Agreement          $    16,629
     Advisory Fee Payable Under New Advisory Agreement              $    24,298
     Percentage Increase of Advisory Fee Payable Under
          New Advisory Agreement                                          33.33%
     Advisory Fee Paid Under Current Advisory Agreement
          Net of Fee Waivers and Expense Reimbursements             $         0


     Advisory Fee Payable Under Current Advisory Agreement          $    13,419
     Advisory Fee Payable Under New Advisory Agreement              $    19,883
     Percentage Increase of Advisory Fee Payable Under
          New Advisory Agreement                                          33.33%
     Advisory Fee Paid Under Current Advisory Agreement
          Net of Fee Waivers and Expense Reimbursements             $         0

     Advisory Fee Payable Under Current Advisory Agreement          $    15,837
     Advisory Fee Payable Under New Advisory Agreement              $    23,108
     Percentage Increase of Advisory Fee Payable Under
          New Advisory Agreement                                          33.33%
     Advisory Fee Paid Under Current Advisory Agreement
          Net of Fee Waivers and Expense Reimbursements             $         0

COMPARATIVE  ANNUAL  OPERATING  EXPENSES.  The table and example shown below are
designed to assist investors in understanding  the various costs and expenses of
investment in shares of each Fund in the event that the New Advisory  Agreements
are implemented.  The table and accompanying  example are designed to correspond
with the tables that appear on page 4 of the prospectus for the Atalanta/Sosnoff
Funds.  Neither should be considered a representation of past or future expenses
of performance  and actual expenses may vary from year to year and may be higher
or lower than those shown.

The following  table provides data  concerning  each Fund's  management fees and
expenses as a percentage  of the Fund's  average daily net assets for the fiscal
year ended May 31,  2000.  Figures  shown  reflect  expenses  under each  Fund's
existing  Advisory  Agreement  and expenses that would have been incurred if the
performance fee arrangement had been in effect during that period,  and assuming
that each Fund outperformed the benchmark by a factor of 2.00% during the fiscal
year ended May 31, 2000.

      Under Current Advisory Agreement              Under New Advisory Agreement
             (w/o performance fee)                      (w/performance fee)
             ---------------------                      -------------------

     Management Fees ..........     0.75%                       1.00%
     Service (12b-1) Fees .....     0.25%                       0.25%
     Other Expenses ...........     0.95%                       0.95%
                                    ----                        ----
     Total Annual Fund
          Operating Expenses ..     1.95%                       2.20%
                                    ====                        ====
     Fee Waiver and Expense
     Reimbursement ............     0.45%                       0.70%
                                    ====                        ====
     Net Expenses .............     1.50%*                      1.50%*
                                    ====                        ====


      Under Current Advisory Agreement              Under New Advisory Agreement
             (w/o performance fee)                      (w/performance fee)
             ---------------------                      -------------------

     Management Fees ..........     0.75%                       1.00%
     Service (12b-1) Fees .....     0.25%                       0.25%
     Other Expenses ...........     3.08%                       3.08%
                                    ----                        ----
     Total Annual Fund
          Operating Expenses ..     4.08%                       4.33%
                                    ====                        ====
     Fee Waiver and Expense
     Reimbursement ............     2.58%                       2.83%
                                    ====                        ====
     Net Expenses .............     1.50%*                      1.50%*
                                    ====                        ====

      Under Current Advisory Agreement              Under New Advisory Agreement
             (w/o performance fee)                      (w/performance fee)
             ---------------------                      -------------------

     Management Fees ..........     0.75%                       1.00%
     Service (12b-1) Fees .....     0.25%                       0.25%
     Other Expenses ...........     3.87%                       3.87%
                                    ----                        ----
     Total Annual Fund
          Operating Expenses ..     4.87%                       5.12%
                                    ====                        ====
     Fee Waiver and Expense
     Reimbursement ............     3.37%                       3.62%
                                    ====                        ====
     Net Expenses .............     1.50%*                      1.50%*
                                    ====                        ====

      Under Current Advisory Agreement              Under New Advisory Agreement
             (w/o performance fee)                      (w/performance fee)
             ---------------------                      -------------------

     Management Fees ..........     0.75%                        1.00%
     Service (12b-1) Fees .....     0.25%                        0.25%
     Other Expenses ...........     3.23%                        3.23%
                                    ----                         ----
     Total Annual Fund
          Operating Expenses ..     4.23%                        4.48%
                                    ====                         ====
     Fee Waiver and Expense
     Reimbursement ............     2.73%                        2.98%
                                    ====                         ====
     Net Expenses .............     1.50%*                       1.50%*
                                    ====                         ====

     *    The Adviser has contractually agreed to limit each Fund's total annual
          fund operating expenses to 1.50% through October 1, 2001.

     Example:  The following  illustrates the expenses on a $10,000  investment,
     under the fees and  expenses  shown in the tables  above,  assuming  (1) 5%
     annual return and (2) redemption at the end of each time period:


                                      Under Current               Under New
                                   Advisory Agreement         Advisory Agreement
                                  (w/o performance fee)      (w/performance fee)
                                  ---------------------      -------------------

     1 Year                               $  153                    $  153
     3 Years                                 569                       621
     5 Years                               1,011                     1,116
     10 Year                               2,239                     2,479

     1 Year                               $  153                    $  153
     3 Years                               1,005                     1,055
     5 Years                               1,873                     1,969
     10 Years                              4,114                     4,310

     1 Year                               $  153                    $  153
     3 Years                               1,162                     1,211
     5 Years                               2,174                     2,267
     10 Years                              4,716                     4,896

     1 Year                               $  153                    $  153
     3 Years                               1,035                     1,085
     5 Years                               1,931                     2,027
     10 Years                              4,232                     4,425

The  preceding   example  assumes  that  all  dividends  and  distributions  are
reinvested  and that the  percentage  totals  shown in the tables  above  under:
"Total Annual Fund Operating  Expenses"  remain the same in the years shown. The
example should not be considered a representation  of future expenses and actual
expenses may be greater or less than those shown.

Atalanta/Sosnoff  Capital  Corporation  (Delaware)  (the  "Adviser") is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Atalanta/Sosnoff  Capital Corporation.  The Adviser provides
investment  advisory  services on a discretionary  basis to  individuals,  trust
accounts,   pension  and  profit   sharing   plans,   charitable   institutions,
corporations and the Trust.  The Adviser is registered as an investment  adviser
with the SEC and is located at 101 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10178.

Set forth below are the names and principal occupations of the directors and the
principal executive officers of the Adviser.


ADDRESS               POSITION                      ENTITY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Martin T. Sosnoff     Chairman of the Board;        Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital
101 Park Avenue       Chief Executive Officer;      Corporation(4/86 - Present);
New York, NY 10178    Chief Investment Officer;     Atalanta/Sosnoff  Capital
                      Director                      Corporation (Delaware)
                                                    (1/81 - Present)

Anthony G. Miller     Executive Vice President,     Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital
101 Park Avenue       Secretary                     Corporation (Delaware);
New York, NY 10178                                  Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital
                                                    Corporation (4/86 - Present)

                      Chief Operating Officer       Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital
                                                    Corporation (Delaware);
                                                    Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital
                                                    Corporation (8/97 - Present)

                      President; Chief Executive    Atalanta/Sosnoff Management
                      Officer, Director             Corporation (12/99 -

                      President and Trustee         Atalanta/Sosnoff Investment
                                                    Trust (6/98 to Present)

Craig B. Steinberg    President, Director,          Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital
101 Park Avenue       Portfolio Manager             Corporation (8/97 - Present)
New York, NY 10178                                  Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital
                                                    Corporation (Delaware)
                                                    (10/85 - Present)

Paul P. Tanico        Executive Vice President,     Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital
101 Park Avenue       Portfolio Manager             Corporation (Delaware)
New York, NY 10178                                  (10/97 - Present)

                      General Partner; Portfolio    Castlerock Partners (3/93 -
                      Manager                       Present)

Management Corporation ("ASMC") serves as the Funds' principal underwriter.  The
Address  of ASMC is 101  Park  Avenue,  New  York,  New York  10178.  ASMC is an
affiliated  broker/dealer  of the Adviser.  During the fiscal year ended May 31,
2000,  the  Atalanta/Sosnoff   Fund,  the   Atalanta/Sosnoff   Focus  Fund,  the
Atalanta/Sosnoff  Value  Fund  and  the  Atalanta/Sosnoff   Balanced  Fund  paid
brokerage commissions to ASMC of $606, $560, $129 and $503, respectively.

ADMINISTRATOR. The Trust's administrator,  fund accountant and transfer agent is
Integrated Fund Services,  Inc., 221 East Fourth Street,  Suite 300, Cincinnati,
Ohio 45202. Integrated Fund Services, Inc. is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary
of The Western and Southern Life Insurance Company.


EVALUATION  BY THE BOARD OF  TRUSTEES.  On May 7, 2001,  the Board of  Trustees,
including  a  majority  of the  Independent  Trustees,  by vote cast in  person,
approved, subject to the required shareholder approval described herein, the New
Advisory  Agreements.  During the course of their  deliberations with respect to
the New Advisory Agreements, the Trustees considered that the Adviser would earn
a positive  Performance  Fee  Adjustment  only to the extent that its activities
resulted in sufficient value such that Fund performance would exceed that of its
benchmark by 2.00% with respect to the immediately preceding 12 month period. In
addition,  the Board  considered  that the Adviser would not be eligible to earn
the Performance Fee Adjustment for a period in which that Fund incurred negative
performance.  In addition,  the Board reviewed the appropriateness of the use of
each Fund's benchmark as the basis for comparing each Fund's performance.

In considering  approval of the New Advisory  Agreements,  the Board of Trustees
carefully  evaluated  information it deemed  necessary to enable it to determine
whether they will be in the best interests of each Fund and its shareholders. In
making the  recommendation  to approve the New Advisory  Agreements the Trustees
have given careful and equal  consideration to all factors deemed to be relevant
to the Funds, including, but not limited to: (1) the performance of the Funds as
compared to similar  mutual funds and relevant  indices;  (2) the nature and the
quality of the services expected to be rendered to the Funds by the Adviser; (3)
the distinct  investment  objective and policies of the Funds;  (4) the level of
fees paid to the Adviser as compared to similar  mutual funds;  (5) the history,
reputation,  qualification  and  background  of  the  Adviser  as  well  as  the
qualifications of its key personnel; (6) the financial condition of the Adviser;
and (7) that the Funds will not bear the expenses of the  transaction  or any of
the costs of preparing and mailing proxy materials to shareholders.

The  Board  was also  advised  by  counsel  regarding  the  requirements  of the
Investment  Advisers Act of 1940  ("Investment  Advisers Act") as they relate to
incentive   compensation   such  as  is  contemplated  by  the  performance  fee
arrangement. The Board reviewed with counsel and management rules adopted by the
SEC under the Investment  Advisers Act that contemplate that the Performance Fee
Adjustment  will be  calculated  based on the change in the net asset  value per
share of the Fund involved.  Among other things,  the Board  considered that (i)
the incentive fee formula requires that the investment  performance  achieved by
the Adviser must exceed the Fund's  benchmark by 2.00% (200 basis points);  (ii)
the  securities  in which the Fund is designed to invest are those that comprise
each Fund's  benchmark and thus that the selection of the benchmark as the index
against which the Fund's  performance will be measured under the performance fee
arrangement is appropriate;  (iii) the Fund's  investment  performance  would be
measured with respect to 12 month periods and on a "rolling  basis," thus making
it less likely that  advisory fee  payments  will be affected by  short-term  or
"random"  fluctuations in a Fund's performance than might be the case if a short
measuring period were used in the incentive formula.




     The proxy holders have no present  intention of bringing any matters before
     the  Special  Meeting  other than those  specifically  referred to above or
     matters  in  connection  with or for the  purpose  of  effecting  the same.
     Neither  the  proxy  holders  nor the  Board of  Trustees  are aware of any
     matters  which may be  presented  by others.  If any other  business  shall
     properly come before the Special Meeting,  the proxy holders intend to vote
     thereon in accordance with their best judgment.  Any  shareholder  proposal
     intended to be presented at the next  shareholder  meeting must be received
     by the  Trust  for  inclusion  in its  proxy  statement  and  form of proxy
     relating to such meeting at a reasonable  time before the  solicitation  of
     proxies for the meeting is made.

                                        By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                        /s/ Tina D. Hosking

                                        Tina D. Hosking

     Date: May 21, 2001

     Please complete, date and sign the enclosed Proxy and return it promptly in
     the enclosed reply envelope. NO POSTAGE IS REQUIRED IF MAILED IN THE UNITED


                                                             [LOGO] INTEGRATED
                                                             FUND SERVICES, INC.

May 30, 2001

Securities and Exchange Commission
Public Filing Desk
Judiciary Plaza
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20549

Re:  Atalanta/Sosnoff Investment Trust
     File Nos. 333-46679; 811-8669

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Pursuant to Rule 14a-6(b) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as  amended  (the  "1934  Act"),  are  definitive  proxy  soliciting   materials
(consisting  of a  Letter  to  Shareholders,  a Notice  of  Special  Meeting  of
Shareholders, a Proxy Statement, and a form of proxy) (the "Proxy Materials") to
be  used  in  connection   with  a  special   meeting  of  shareholders  of  the
Atalanta/Sosnoff  Investment  Trust (the  "Trust"),  scheduled for June 27, 2001
(the "Meeting").

Pursuant to 1934 Act Rule  0-11(c)(4),  no filing fee is required in  connection
with the filing of these proxy materials.

The purpose of the Meeting for the Trust is to consider and vote on one proposal
described  in the  Notice  of  Special  Meeting  and the Proxy  Statement.  This
proposal is for the  approval  or  disapproval  of New  Advisory  Agreements  to
compensate the Adviser on a performance fee basis.

Please address any comments or questions concerning the enclosed materials to me
at 513/362-8217.

Very truly yours,

Jay S. Fitton

     Integrated Fund Services, Inc. o 221 East Fourth Street o Cincinnati,
    Ohio 45202 o 513-362-8000 o 800-543-8721 o

                                                                       EXHIBIT A

Atalanta/Sosnoff Capital Corporation (Delaware)
101 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10178

     Re:  Advisory Agreement

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Atalanta/Sosnoff  Investment Trust (the "Trust") is an open-end  management
investment  company  registered  under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as
amended  (the  "Act"),  and  subject  to the rules and  regulations  promulgated
thereunder.  The Trust's shares of beneficial interest are divided into separate
series and each such share of a series  represents an undivided  interest in the
assets, subject to the liabilities, allocated to that series and each series has
separate investment objectives and policies. The "(_________)" Fund (the "Fund")
is a separate series of the Trust.

     1.   APPOINTMENT  AS  ADVISER.  The  Trust  being  duly  authorized  hereby
appoints  and  employs  Atalanta/Sosnoff  Capital  Corporation  (Delaware)  (the
"Adviser") as  discretionary  portfolio  manager on the terms and conditions set
forth herein of the Fund.

accepts the appointment as discretionary portfolio manager and agrees to use its
best  professional  judgement  to make  investment  decisions  for  the  Fund in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

Adviser is hereby  employed and  authorized to select  portfolio  securities for
investment by the Trust on behalf of the Fund,  to purchase and sell  securities
of the Fund, and, upon making any purchase or sale decision, to place orders for
the   execution   of   such   portfolio    transactions   in   accordance   with
Atalanta\advisoryagm.doc  paragraphs 5 and 6 hereof. In providing  discretionary
portfolio  management services to the Fund, the Adviser shall be subject to such
investment  restrictions  as are set forth in the Act and the rules  thereunder,
Subchapter M of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  applicable state securities
laws, the  supervision  and control of the Trustees of the Trust,  such specific
instructions  as the Trustees may adopt and  communicate  to the Adviser and the
investment objectives,  policies and restrictions of the Trust applicable to the
Fund  furnished  pursuant to paragraph 4. The Adviser is not  authorized  by the
Trust to take any action,  including the purchase or sale of securities  for the
Fund, in  contravention  of any restriction,  limitation,  objective,  policy or
instruction  described in the previous  sentence.  The Adviser shall maintain on
behalf of the Trust the records  listed in  Schedule A hereto (as  amended  from
time to time). At the Trust's reasonable request,  the Adviser will consult with
the  Trust  with  respect  to  any  decision  made  by it  with  respect  to the
investments of the Fund.

provide the Adviser with the  statement of investment  objectives,  policies and
restrictions  applicable  to the Fund as contained  in the Trust's  registration
statement  under the Act and the Securities  Act of 1933,  and any  instructions
adopted by the Trustees supplemental thereto. The Trust will provide the Adviser
with such further information concerning the investment objectives, policies and
restrictions  applicable thereto as the Adviser may from time to time reasonably
request.  The Trust retains the right, on written notice to the Adviser from the
Trust, to modify any such objectives,  policies or restrictions in any manner at
any time.

     5.   TRANSACTION  PROCEDURES.  All  transactions  will  be  consummated  by
payment to or delivery  by the  Trust's  custodian  (the  "Custodian"),  or such
depositories or agents as may be


designated by the Custodian in writing,  as custodian for the Trust, of all cash
and/or  securities  due to or from the  Fund,  and the  Adviser  shall  not have
possession  or custody  thereof.  The Adviser  shall  advise the  Custodian  and
confirm in writing to the Trust and to the Trust's  transfer  agent or any other
designated agent of the Trust,  all investment  orders for the Fund placed by it
with  brokers  and  dealers.  The  Adviser  shall  issue to the  Custodian  such
instructions  as may be  appropriate  in connection  with the  settlement of any
transaction initiated by the Adviser.

     6.   ALLOCATION  OF  BROKERAGE.   The  Adviser  shall  have  authority  and
discretion  to select  brokers  and  dealers to execute  portfolio  transactions
initiated  by  the  Adviser  and  to  select  the  markets  on or in  which  the
transactions will be executed.

     In doing so, the Adviser  will give primary  consideration  to securing the
most favorable price and efficient  execution.  Consistent with this policy, the
Adviser may  consider the  financial  responsibility,  research  and  investment
information and other services  provided by brokers or dealers who may effect or
be a party to any such transaction or other  transactions to which other clients
of the Adviser may be a party.  It is understood  that neither the Trust nor the
Adviser  has  adopted  a  formula  for  allocation  of  the  Fund's   investment
transaction  business.  It is also understood that it is desirable for the Trust
that the Adviser have access to supplemental  investment and market research and
security  and  economic  analyses  provided  by certain  brokers who may execute
brokerage  transactions at a higher  commission to the Fund than may result when
allocating  brokerage  to other  brokers  on the  basis of  seeking  the  lowest
commission.  Therefore,  the  Adviser  is  authorized  to place  orders  for the
purchase and sale of securities for the Fund with such certain brokers,  subject
to review by the Trust's  Trustees  from time to time with respect to the extent
and continuation of this practice.  It is understood that the services  provided
by such brokers may be useful to the Adviser in connection  with its services to
other clients.


     On occasions  when the Adviser  deems the purchase or sale of a security to
be in the best interest of the Fund as well as other  clients,  the Adviser,  to
the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, may, but shall be under
no obligation  to,  aggregate the securities to be sold or purchased in order to
obtain the most favorable  price or lower  brokerage  commissions  and efficient
execution.  In such event, allocation of the securities so purchased or sold, as
well as expenses incurred in the transaction, will be made by the Adviser in the
manner it considers to be the most equitable and  consistent  with its fiduciary
obligations to the Trust and to such other clients.

     For each fiscal quarter of the Trust,  the Adviser shall prepare and render
reports to the Trust's  Trustees of the total brokerage  business placed and the
manner in which the  allocation  has been  accomplished.  Such reports shall set
forth at a minimum the information required to be maintained by Rule 31a-1(b)(9)
under the Act.

     7.   PROXIES.  The Trust will vote all proxies solicited by or with respect
to the issuers of  securities  in which assets of the Fund may be invested  from
time to time.  At the request of the Trust,  the Adviser shall provide the Trust
with its recommendations as to the voting of such proxies.

     8.   REPORTS TO THE  ADVISER.  The Trust will provide the Adviser with such
periodic reports concerning the status of the Fund as the Adviser may reasonably

     9.   FEES FOR SERVICES. For all of the services to be rendered and payments
made as  provided  in this  Agreement,  the  Fund  will pay the  Adviser  a fee,
computed and accrued daily and paid monthly,  calculated as detailed in Schedule
B hereto.


     10.  ALLOCATION  OF CHARGES  AND  EXPENSES.  The  Adviser  shall  employ or
provide and compensate the executive,  administrative,  secretarial and clerical
personnel necessary to provide the services set forth herein, and shall bear the
expense  thereof.  The Adviser  shall  compensate  all  Trustees,  officers  and
employees of the Trust who are also  employees of the Adviser.  The Adviser will
pay all expenses  incurred in connection  with the sale or  distribution  of the
Fund's  shares to the extent such  expenses  are not assumed by the Fund under a
plan of distribution pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Act.

     The Fund will be responsible  for the payment of all operating  expenses of
the Fund,  including fees and expenses  incurred by the Fund in connection  with
membership in investment company organizations,  brokerage fees and commissions,
legal,  auditing and accounting  expenses,  expenses of registering shares under
federal and state securities  laws,  insurance  expenses,  taxes or governmental
fees, fees and expenses of the custodian, the transfer,  shareholder service and
dividend  disbursing  agent and the  accounting  and pricing  agent of the Fund,
expenses  including  clerical  expenses  of  the  issue,  sale,   redemption  or
repurchase of shares of the Fund, the fees and expenses of Trustees of the Trust
who are not interested persons of the Trust, the cost of preparing, printing and
distributing   prospectuses,   statements,   reports  and  other   documents  to
shareholders,  expenses of shareholders'  meetings and proxy solicitations,  and
such extraordinary or non-recurring  expenses as may arise, including litigation
to which the Trust may be a party and  indemnification  of the Trust's  officers
and  Trustees  with  respect  thereto,  or any other  expense  not  specifically
described  above  incurred in the  performance of the Trust's  obligations.  All
other  expenses  not  expressly  assumed  by  the  Adviser  herein  incurred  in
connection with the  organization,  registration of shares and operations of the
Fund will be borne by the Fund.


     11.  OTHER  INVESTMENT  ACTIVITIES OF THE ADVISER.  The Trust  acknowledges
that  the  Adviser  or one  or  more  of  its  affiliates  may  have  investment
responsibilities  or render  investment  advice to or perform  other  investment
advisory  services for other  individuals or entities and that the Adviser,  its
affiliates or any of its or their directors,  officers,  agents or employees may
buy,  sell or  trade in any  securities  for its or  their  respective  accounts
("Affiliated  Accounts").  Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 hereof,  the
Trust  agrees  that the  Adviser or its  affiliates  may give advice or exercise
investment  responsibility  and take such  other  action  with  respect to other
Affiliated  Accounts  which may differ  from the  advice  given or the timing or
nature of action taken with respect to the Fund,  provided that the Adviser acts
in good  faith,  and  provided  further,  that  it is the  Adviser's  policy  to
allocate, within its reasonable discretion, investment opportunities to the Fund
over a period of time on a fair and equitable  basis  relative to the Affiliated
Accounts, taking into account the investment objectives and policies of the Fund
and  any  specific  investment   restrictions   applicable  thereto.  The  Trust
acknowledges  that one or more of the Affiliated  Accounts may at any time hold,
acquire,  increase,  decrease,  dispose of or otherwise  deal with  positions in
investments in which the Fund may have an interest from time to time, whether in
transactions  which  involve the Fund or  otherwise.  The Adviser  shall have no
obligation  to  acquire  for the Fund a  position  in any  investment  which any
Affiliated  Account  may  acquire,  and the Trust  shall have no first  refusal,
co-investment or other rights in respect of any such investment,  either for the
Fund or otherwise.


     12.  CERTIFICATE  OF AUTHORITY.  The Trust and the Adviser shall furnish to
each  other  from  time to time  certified  copies of the  resolutions  of their
Trustees or Board of  Directors  or  executive  committees,  as the case may be,
evidencing  the authority of officers and employees who are authorized to act on
behalf of the Trust, the Fund and/or the Adviser.

     13.  A.   LIMITATION  OF  LIABILITY.  The Adviser  may rely on  information
reasonably  believed by it to be accurate and reliable.  Except as may otherwise
be  required  by the Act and the rules  thereunder,  neither the Adviser nor its
shareholders,   officers,  directors,  employees,  agents,  control  persons  or
affiliates of any thereof shall be subject to any liability for, or any damages,
expenses  or losses  incurred  by the  Trust in  connection  with,  any error of
judgment,  mistake of law, any act or omission  connected with or arising out of
any services  rendered  under or payments made pursuant to this Agreement or any
other  matter to which  this  Agreement  relates,  except  by reason of  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith or gross  negligence  on the part of any such persons in
the  performance  of the duties of the Adviser under this Agreement or by reason
of reckless  disregard by any of such persons of the  obligations  and duties of
the Adviser under this Agreement.

          B.   Any  person,  even though  also a  director,  officer,  employee,
shareholder  or agent of the Adviser,  or any of its  affiliates,  who may be or
become an officer,  trustee,  employee  or agent of the Trust,  shall be deemed,
when rendering  services to the Trust or acting on any business of the Trust, to
be rendering such services to or acting solely as an officer,  trustee, employee
or agent of the Trust and not as a director,  officer, employee,  shareholder or
agent of or one under the  control  or  direction  of the  Adviser or any of its
affiliates, even though paid by one of these entities.


          C.   Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,  the Trust
shall  indemnify  and hold  harmless the, its  directors,  officers,  employees,
shareholders,  agents,  control  persons and affiliates from and against any and
all claims, demands,  expenses and liabilities (whether with or without basis in
fact or law) of any and every  nature  which the Adviser may sustain or incur or
which may be  asserted  against  the Adviser by any person by reason of, or as a
result of: (i) any  action  taken or omitted to be taken by the  Adviser in good
faith in reliance upon any certificate,  instrument,  order or share certificate
reasonably  believed  by it to be  genuine  and to be signed,  countersigned  or
executed by any duly authorized  person,  upon the oral  instructions or written
instructions  of an authorized  person of the Trust or upon the opinion of legal
counsel for the Trust or its own counsel; or (ii) any action taken or omitted to
be taken by the  Trust in  connection  with  its  appointment  in good  faith in
reliance upon any law, act, regulation or interpretation of the same even though
the same may  thereafter  have  been  altered,  changed,  amended  or  repealed.
However,  indemnification  under this subparagraph shall not apply to actions or
omissions of the Adviser or its directors, officers, employees,  shareholders or
agents in cases of its or their own gross negligence,  willful  misconduct,  bad
faith, or reckless disregard of its or their own duties hereunder.

     Nothing in this  paragraph 13 shall be  construed in a manner  inconsistent
with Sections 17(h) and (i) of the Act.

     14.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  Subject to the duty of the  Adviser and the Trust to
comply with  applicable  law,  including any demand of any  regulatory or taxing
authority  having  jurisdiction,  the parties hereto shall treat as confidential
all  information  pertaining  to the Fund and the actions of the Adviser and the
Trust in respect thereof.


     15.  ASSIGNMENT.  No  assignment  of this  Agreement  shall  be made by the
Adviser,  and this Agreement shall terminate  automatically in the event of such
assignment.  The  Adviser  shall  notify  the Trust in writing  sufficiently  in
advance of any proposed change of control,  as defined in Section 2(a)(9) of the
Act, as will enable the Trust to consider  whether an assignment will occur, and
to take the steps necessary to enter into a new contract with the Adviser.

represents, warrants and agrees that:

          A.   The Adviser has been duly  appointed by the Trustees of the Trust
to provide investment advisory services to the Fund as contemplated hereby.

          B.   The Trust will deliver to the Adviser true and complete copies of
its then current prospectus and statement of additional information as effective
from  time to time  and  such  other  documents  or  instruments  governing  the
investments  of the Fund and such  other  information  as is  necessary  for the
Adviser to carry out its obligations under this Agreement.

          C.   The  Trust is  currently  in  compliance  and  shall at all times
comply  with the  requirements  imposed  upon the  Trust by  applicable  law and

represents, warrants and agrees that:

          A.   The Adviser is  registered  as an  investment  adviser  under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

          B.   The Adviser will maintain, keep current and preserve on behalf of
the Trust,  in the manner and for the time periods  required or permitted by the
Act, the records  identified in Schedule A. The Adviser agrees that such records
(unless  otherwise  indicated on Schedule A) are the property of the Trust,  and
will be surrendered to the Trust promptly upon request.


          C.   The Adviser will  complete such reports  concerning  purchases or
sales of  securities  on  behalf  of the Fund as the Trust may from time to time
require to ensure compliance with the Act, the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and
applicable state securities laws.

          D.   The Adviser has adopted a written code of ethics  complying  with
the  requirements  of Rule 17j-1 under the Act and will provide the Trust with a
copy of the code of ethics and evidence of its adoption.  Within forty-five (45)
days of the end of the last calendar  quarter of each year while this  Agreement
is in effect,  an executive  officer of the Adviser  shall  certify to the Trust
that the Adviser has  complied  with the  requirements  of Rule 17j-1 during the
previous  year and that there has been no  violation  of the  Adviser's  code of
ethics or, if such a violation has occurred,  that appropriate  action was taken
in  response  to such  violation.  Upon the  written  request of the Trust,  the
Adviser  shall  permit the Trust,  its  employees  or its agents to examine  the
reports required to be made to the Adviser by Rule 17j-1(c)(1).

          E.   The Adviser will,  promptly  after filing with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  an  amendment  to its  Form  ADV,  furnish  a copy of such
amendment to the Trust.

          F.   Upon request of the Trust, the Adviser will provide assistance to
the Custodian in the collection of income due or payable to the Fund.

          G.   The Adviser will  immediately  notify the Trust of the occurrence
of any event which would  disqualify  the Adviser from serving as an  investment
adviser  of an  investment  company  pursuant  to  Section  9(a)  of the  Act or


     18.  AMENDMENT.  This  Agreement  may be amended  at any time,  but only by
written agreement between the Adviser and the Trust, which amendment, other than
amendments  to Schedule A, is subject to the  approval of the  Trustees  and the
shareholders  of the  Fund in the  manner  required  by the  Act  and the  rules
thereunder,  subject to any applicable exemptive order or interpretive  position
of the Securities and Exchange  Commission or its staff modifying the provisions
of the Act with respect to approval of amendments to this Agreement.

     19.  EFFECTIVE DATE;  TERM.  This Agreement  shall become  effective on the
date of its  execution  and shall  remain in force for a period of two (2) years
from  such  date,  and  from  year to year  thereafter  but only so long as such
continuance is specifically approved at least annually by the vote of a majority
of the Trustees who are not interested persons of the Trust or the Adviser, cast
in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval, and by
a vote of the Board of  Trustees  or of a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities of the Fund.  The aforesaid  requirement  that this  Agreement may be
continued  "annually" shall be construed in a manner consistent with the Act and
the rules and regulations thereunder.

     20.  TERMINATION.  This Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto,
without the payment of any penalty, immediately upon written notice to the other
in the event of a breach of any provision  thereof by the party so notified,  or
otherwise  upon  sixty  (60) days'  written  notice to the  other,  but any such
termination shall not affect the status, obligations or liabilities of any party
hereto to the other.

     21.  OBLIGATIONS OF THE TRUST. It is expressly  agreed that the obligations
of  the  Trust  hereunder  shall  not be  binding  upon  any  of  the  trustees,
shareholders,  nominees, officers, agents or employees of the Trust, personally,
but bind only the trust property of the Trust. The


execution and delivery of this Agreement have been authorized by the trustees of
the Trust and signed by an officer of the  Trust,  acting as such,  and  neither
such  authorization  by such  trustees nor such  execution  and delivery by such
officer  shall be deemed to have  been  made by any of them  individually  or to
impose any  liability on any of them  personally,  but shall bind only the trust
property of the Trust.

     22.  FORCE MAJEURE.  If The Adviser shall be delayed in its  performance of
services or prevented entirely or in part from performing services due to causes
or events  beyond its control,  including and without  limitation,  acts of God,
interruption  of  power  or  other  utility,   transportation  or  communication
services, acts of civil or military authority,  sabotages, national emergencies,
explosion,  flood,  accident,  earthquake or other catastrophe,  fire, strike or
other labor problems,  legal action,  present or future law, governmental order,
rule or  regulation,  or  shortages  of  suitable  parts,  materials,  labor  or
transportation,  such delay or non-performance shall be excused and a reasonable
time for  performance  in connection  with this  Agreement  shall be extended to
include the period of such delay or non-performance.

     23.  DEFINITIONS.  As used in paragraphs 15 and 19 of this  Agreement,  the
terms  "assignment,"  "interested  person"  and  "vote  of  a  majority  of  the
outstanding  voting securities" shall have the meanings set forth in the Act and
the rules and regulations hereunder.


     24.  APPLICABLE  LAW. To the extent that state law is not  preempted by the
provisions of any law of the United States heretofore or hereafter  enacted,  as
the same may be amended from time to time, this Agreement shall be administered,
construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of New York.

                                        ATALANTA/SOSNOFF INVESTMENT TRUST

                                            Title: Chairman and President

                                            Date:  July 1, 2001


The foregoing Agreement is hereby accepted.

                                        ATALANTA/SOSNOFF CAPITAL
                                        CORPORATION (DELAWARE)


                                            Title: Executive Vice President

                                            Date:  July 1, 2001


                                   SCHEDULE A


1.   (Rule  31a-1(b)(5) and (6)) A record of each brokerage order, and all other
     portfolio  purchases  or sales,  given by the Adviser on behalf of the Fund
     for, or in connection  with,  the purchase or sale of  securities,  whether
     executed or unexecuted. Such records shall include:

     A.   The name of the broker;

     B.   The terms and  conditions  of the  order  and of any  modification  or
          cancellation thereof;

     C.   The time of entry or cancellation;

     D.   The price at which executed;

     E.   The time of receipt of a report of execution; and

     F.   The name of the person who placed the order on behalf of the Trust.

2.   (Rule  31a-1(b)(9)) A record for each fiscal quarter,  completed within ten
     (10) days after the end of the quarter,  showing  specifically the basis or
     bases upon which the  allocation  of orders  for the  purchase  and sale of
     portfolio  securities  to named  brokers or dealers was  effected,  and the
     division of brokerage  commissions or other  compensation  on such purchase
     and sale orders. Such record:

     A.   Shall include the consideration given to:

          (i)   The sale of shares of the Fund by brokers or dealers.

          (ii)  The supplying of services or benefits by brokers or dealers to:

               (a)  The Trust;

               (b)  The Adviser; and,

               (c)  Any person affiliated with the foregoing persons.

          (iii) Any other consideration other than the technical  qualifications
                of the brokers and dealers as such.

     B.   Shall show the nature of the services or benefits made available.


     C.   Shall  describe in detail the  application  of any general or specific
          formula or other  determinant  used in arriving at such  allocation of
          purchase and sale orders and such division of brokerage commissions or
          other compensation.

     D.   The name of the person  responsible  for making the  determination  of
          such  allocation  and such division of brokerage  commissions or other

3.   (Rule  31a-1(b)(10))  A  record  in the form of an  appropriate  memorandum
     identifying  the person or persons,  committees or groups  authorizing  the
     purchase or sale of portfolio securities. Where an authorization is made by
     a committee  or group,  a record  shall be kept of the names of its members
     who  participate in the  authorization.  There shall be retained as part of
     this record any  memorandum,  recommendation  or instruction  supporting or
     authorizing  the  purchase or sale of portfolio  securities  and such other
     information as is appropriate to support the authorization.*

4.   (Rule 31a-1(f)) Such accounts, books and other documents as are required to
     be  maintained  by  registered  investment  advisers by rule adopted  under
     Section  204 of the  Investment  Advisers  Act of 1940,  to the extent such
     records are necessary or appropriate  to record the Adviser's  transactions
     with respect to the Fund.

- ------------------------

*    Such information might include: the current Form 10-K, annual and quarterly
     reports,  press  releases,  reports by analysts  and from  brokerage  firms
     (including  their  recommendation;  i.e., buy, sell,  hold) or any internal
     reports or portfolio adviser reviews.


                                   SCHEDULE B

     COMPENSATION OF THE ADVISER.  The Fund will pay to the Adviser,  for all of
the services to be rendered and payments made as provided in this  Agreement,  a
base fee,  computed  and accrued  daily and paid  monthly,  0.75% of its average
daily net assets (the "Base Fee"),  which fee is subject to adjustment  based on
the investment performance of the Fund in relation to the investment performance
of the Fund's benchmark index.

     Adjustments  to the  Base  Fee  will be made by  comparison  of the  Fund's
investment  performance for the applicable  performance period to the investment
performance of the Fund's benchmark index for the same period (the  "Performance
Fee  Adjustment").  The applicable  performance  period is a rolling twelve (12)
month  period  whereby the most recent  calendar  month is  substituted  for the
earliest  month as time  passes.  The Base Fee with respect to each Fund will be
increased by 0.25% if the Fund  outperforms  its benchmark by at least 2.00% for
the previous 12 months,  and  decreased by 0.25% if the Fund  underperforms  its
benchmark by at least 2.00% for the previous 12 months.

     The  Adviser  will not receive a  Performance  Fee  Adjustment  for periods
during which the Fund incurs negative investment performance yet outperforms its
benchmark by at least 2.00%. During such periods, the Fund will receive only the
Base Fee. If the Fund incurs negative  investment  performance and underperforms
its benchmark by at least 2.00%, the Base Fee will be reduced by 0.25%.

     The maximum  monthly fee rate as adjusted for  performance  will be 1/12 of
1.00% of the Fund's  average  daily net assets and will be payable if the Fund's
performance is positive and if it exceeds the Fund's  benchmark index by 2.00 or
more percentage points for the performance  period. The minimum monthly fee rate
as adjusted for  performance  will be 1/12 of 0.50% of the Fund's  average daily
net  assets and will be payable  if the  investment  performance  of the Fund is
exceeded by the investment  performance of the Fund's benchmark index by 2.00 or
more percentage points for the performance period.

     INITIAL  PERIOD.  The  Performance Fee Adjustment will not be applied until
this Agreement has been in effect for 12 months (the "Initial Period").  For the
first 12 months of the Initial Period, the Adviser will receive the Base Fee.

     SUBSEQUENT  PERIODS.  For each month  following  the  Initial  Period,  the
Adviser will receive the Base Fee,  subject to the  Performance  Fee  Adjustment
calculated as described above.

     The Fund's  investment  performance  will be measured by comparing  (i) the
opening  net asset value of one share of the Fund on the first  business  day of
the performance period with (ii) the closing net asset value of one share of the
Fund as of the last  business day of such period.  In computing  the  investment
performance of the Fund and the investment record of the Fund's benchmark index,
distributions  of realized  capital gains,  the value of capital gains taxes per
share  paid  or  payable  on  undistributed  realized  long-term  capital  gains
accumulated  to the end of such  period  and  dividends  paid out of  investment
income on the part of the Fund, and all cash


distributions of the securities  included in the Fund's benchmark index, will be
treated as  reinvested  in  accordance  with Rule 205-1 or any other  applicable
rules under the  Investment  Advisers Act of 1940, as the same form time to time
may be amended.

     Any  calculations  of the  investment  performance  of  the  Fund  and  the
investment performance of the Fund's benchmark index shall be in accordance with
any then applicable rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     In the event of any termination of this Agreement,  the fee provided for in
this  Schedule B shall be calculated on the basis of a period ending on the last
day on which this Agreement is in effect, subject to a pro rata adjustment based
on the number of days elapsed in the current period as a percentage of the total
number of days in such period.
