Washington, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 10-K

[X]  Annual Report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
     Act of 1934.
     For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999.

[_]  Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934.
     For the transition period from ________ to _________.

                        Commission File Number 0-23781

                                   ATG INC.
            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              California                                       94-2657762
    (State or other jurisdiction of                           (IRS Employer
    incorporation or organization)                       Identification Number)

                            47375 Fremont Boulevard
                          Fremont, California  94538
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

                                (510) 490-3008
             (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

 Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  Common Stock, No
                                   par value

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for at least the past 90 days:

                                Yes  [X]         No [_]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulations S-K (Paragraph 229.405 of this Chapter) is not contained herein,
and will not be contained, to the best of Registrant's knowledge, in definitive
proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this
Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K.  [_]

On March 13, 2000, there were issued and outstanding 14,089,770 shares of Common
Stock.  The aggregate market value of Common Stock held by non-affiliates of the
Registrant on that date was approximately $78,374,000 based on the closing sale
price of the Common Stock, as reported by the NASDAQ National Market.

                      Documents Incorporated By Reference

Portions of the registrant's definitive proxy statement for its 2000 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders are incorporated by reference into Part III hereof.

                                    PART I

Item 1.   Business

Forward-Looking Information

  Statements in this report concerning expectations for the future constitute
forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These
statements are subject to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the
Company or industry trends to differ materially from those expressed or implied
by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, among
others, those discussed in Item I of Part I under the heading "Factors Affecting
Future Operating Results" and elsewhere in this report and those described from
time to time in the Company's other filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, press releases and other public communications.


  ATG Inc. (the "Company"), founded in 1976, is a radioactive and hazardous
waste management company that offers comprehensive treatment solutions for low
level radioactive waste ("LLRW") and low level mixed waste ("LLMW") generated by
the Department of Defense ("DOD"), the Department of Energy ("DOE") and
commercial entities such as nuclear power plants, medical facilities and
research institutions.  The Company's thermal treatment technologies achieve
substantial volume and mass reductions for treated waste streams while
encapsulating the non-volatile waste remains in a glass matrix (Richland,
Washington) or metal matrix (Oak Ridge, Tennessee) for final disposal.  Both of
these final waste forms offer greater intrinsic safety and environmental
benefits at competitive prices than either incinerator ash or  non-thermal waste
processing techniques.

  The Company is organized along two primary business lines, the Fixed
Facilities Group and the Field Engineering Group. The Fixed Facilities Group
operates the Company's fixed facilities in Richland, Washington and Oak Ridge,
Tennessee, which are used to process LLRW and LLMW.  The Fixed Facilities Group
also performs nuclear related work at its customer sites which normally results
in waste being sent to its fixed facilities for processing prior to disposal.
The Company's fixed facilities operate under radioactive material licenses
issued by the State of Washington for its Richland facilities and the State of
Tennessee for its Oak Ridge facilities. Its radioactive materials licenses
include reciprocity provisions that allow the Company to treat radioactive waste
at customer sites in all fifty states.  The Company's licenses and permits for
its Richland, Washington facilities also include the most comprehensive mixed
waste processing permit in the United States. The Company's mixed waste
processing capabilities are presently anticipated to result in both substantial
mixed waste revenue starting in 2000 and to also help attract additional wastes
to its LLRW processing facilities.

  The Field Engineering Group performs a broad range of construction management
projects and hazardous waste remediation projects at customer sites.   Its
primary customer base is private industry and the DOD. It carries out both fixed
price and time and materials contracts related to the clean-up of customer sites
under the U.S. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability
Act of 1980 ("CERCLA") and the U.S. Resources Conservation and Recovery Act of
1976 ("RCRA"), asbestos abatement projects, as well as various specialized
construction management projects, such as the construction of levies.

  In December 1998, the Company acquired certain assets and business lines from
the former Molten Metal Technologies, Inc. (the "MMT Assets"). The MMT Assets
included substantially all of the operating assets, contracts, licenses and
permits associated with the wet waste treatment


and catalytic extraction processing for ion exchange resins used to clean
various nuclear power plant waste streams. Building upon the natural synergy
between the acquired business lines and the Company's, nuclear (fixed facility)
business lines, in 1999 the MMT Assets were integrated with the Company's
Richland, Washington waste processing operations in a manner that permits
customer waste processing needs to be addressed and directed to the processing
location capable of providing the most efficient and economical treatment.

  The Company believes that it possesses a number of competitive advantages
which distinguish it from other radioactive and hazardous waste management
companies.  These include a very broad and comprehensive spectrum of services,
an extensive portfolio of licenses and permits that are both necessary to do
business and that create barriers to entry for new competitors, the inherent
cost-efficiency and environmental integrity of its waste treatment technologies,
and its established positioning with commercial and government customers and its
federal, state and local regulators. In particular, the Company's radioactive
material licenses and its mixed waste permits are considered to be major
competitive factors in its Fixed Facility business lines. The very long time
periods (three to five years) and extensive public interactions required to
obtain these licenses and permits constitute extensive barriers to entry that
the Company believes provide far greater protection against competition than do
the proprietary protections and patents associated with the technologies that it

Market Overview

  General.   The worldwide environmental services industry is diverse and
growing.  Both in the US and abroad, this growth has been driven by extensive
legislation and governmental regulations that are aimed at protecting the
environment by requiring responsible parties to responsibly manage the nuclear
and hazardous wastes that they generate and to clean up any already existing
environmental hazards. According to industry sources, in 1998 U.S. companies
generated $190 billion in environmental industry related revenue on a worldwide
basis representing approximately 2.0% growth over 1997 revenue.

  Although much of the US environmental market is mature and marked by
significant competition for environmental project work, the Company believes
that the specific environmental services markets that it focuses on and, in
particular, the treatment and disposal of LLRW and LLMW as well as the
decommissioning of facilities contaminated with those wastes, face much more
limited competition and thereby continue to command greater margins than many
other environmental service areas.  The following is a description of each of
the markets the Company focuses on relative to the types of waste each market

  LLRW Treatment Market.   Radioactive waste is categorized as either high-level
radioactive waste (HLW) or low-level radioactive waste (LLRW).  Such waste is
generated by government facilities and by commercial enterprises such as nuclear
power plants, medical laboratories and university and industrial research and
development facilities. HLW is primarily comprised of spent nuclear fuel rods
from nuclear reactors and highly radioactive waste generated by the processing
of nuclear materials for weapons production. The Company does not handle or
process HLW.  LLRW is all radioactive material other than HLW.

  LLRW consists of relatively large amounts of common industrial waste materials
that have become contaminated during use with generally small amounts of
radioactivity.  Such materials include equipment and tools that have been used
in nuclear facilities and laboratories; protective clothing worn by radiation
workers; and paper, rags, packing materials, and miscellaneous liquids and
sludges that are waste by-products from nuclear manufacturing, power production,
or medical or research applications. A special case of LLRW is ion exchange
resins ("IER") that are used to clean various nuclear power plant process water
streams. The IER act in a manner analogous


to that of a magnet, pulling dissolved radioactive ions out of the nuclear
process water via a chemical attraction for those ions. Through such cleaning
processes, IER tend to accumulate significantly higher concentrations of
radioactive materials than other LLRW which, accordingly, increases their
handling and disposal costs.

  The Company had targeted the IER treatment market for its SAFGLAS(TM) process
in early 1998 and began offering thermal processing for such resins with
relatively low contamination levels.  The acquisition of the MMT Assets in
December 1998 moved the Company into the leadership position for IER treatment
offerings and allowed the Company to process IER with significantly greater
levels of radioactive contamination, thereby opening a broader spectrum of the
IER market to the Company.  The Company currently is the only provider of the
full range of services leading to the final disposal of used IER serving the
U.S. market. These services include dewatering the resins at customer sites or
at the Company's fixed facilities to meet disposal requirements, selling a
spectrum of proprietary High Integrity Containers (HICs) that are required for
the disposal of IER and other very radioactive materials, thermally processing
IER to achieve large (100:1) volume and mass reductions, and providing shielded
transportation services via a large fleet of shielded casks in order to
transport the IER in accordance with U.S. Department of Transportation ("DOT")
and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") regulations.

  The Company has been engaged in the business of handling, treating, storing,
and disposing of LLRW since 1988.  As of December 31, 1999, the Company was
providing at least one of its LLRW service lines to greater than 90% of the
commercial nuclear power plants in the U.S.  The Company estimates that
currently between $150 and $200 million is spent annually in the United States
on the treatment of commercial LLRW.  The Company believes that the size of the
commercial LLRW treatment market in the United States will continue to increase
over the next decade as the result of the expected decommissioning of older
nuclear power plants in the United States. The Company also believes that
significant demand exists in the United States for the volume and mass reduction
of commercially generated LLRW, as there are at present only two full-service
disposal sites in the nation accepting such waste.  Moreover, one of those,
Barnwell in South Carolina, has announced substantial graduated cutbacks in the
quantities of nuclear wastes it will accept that will result in phasing out all
wastes from outside the Atlantic Compact over the next seven years.

  The Barnwell disposal site, which currently services the majority of
commercial LLRW generators in the United States, has increased its disposal fees
by approximately 300% over the past five years.  The current disposal fees at
this site are approximately $4.00 to $7.00 per pound ($400 per cubic foot),
depending upon the waste's density and activity levels.  The disposal fees
charged by the disposal site in Richland, Washington, the other fully permitted
LLRW disposal site, are significantly lower than those charged by the Barnwell
site, but this site is only permitted to accept waste generated in the eleven
Northwestern states.  There is also a disposal facility in Clive, Utah that also
charges disposal fees significantly lower than those charged by the Barnwell
site, but it is currently permitted to accept only LLRW with lower
concentrations of radioactivity than that accepted by either Barnwell or the
Richland site.

  At the present time the Company is the only company providing a full range of
thermal treatment services for LLRW in the U.S.  GTS Duratek, Inc. ("Duratek")
provides incineration of some LLRW but not IER. A new market entrant, Studvik
Inc. ("Studvik"), intends to provide IER pyrolysis services but has yet to
attain commercial operating status.

  The federal government, principally the DOE and DOD, have generated very
significant amounts of LLRW that are largely stored on federal government sites.
The DOE, which owns most of those wastes, estimates that it has in excess of 53
million cubic feet of LLRW either currently stored or expected to be generated
during the next 20 years at its facilities throughout


the United States. The DOE also estimates that the total treatment and disposal
costs for its LLRW will exceed one billion dollars through the year 2010.

  LLMW Treatment Market.  Low-level mixed waste is low-level radioactive waste
co-mingled with hazardous substances regulated by the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act of 1976 ("RCRA") and/or toxic substances regulated by the Toxic
Substances Control Act of 1976 ("TSCA").  LLMW results from a variety of
activities such as the processing of nuclear materials used in nuclear weapon
production, nuclear energy research, and the generation of nuclear power.  The
clean-up of government-generated LLMW is driven by the Federal Facilities
Compliance Act of 1992 (the "FFCA"), which requires that radioactivity-
contaminated federal facilities meet waste clean-up targets by specified dates.
For example, DOE-Hanford is required to commence non-thermal treatment of the
LLMW stored there by September 30, 1999, and thermal treatment of such waste by
December 31, 2000.

  Significant quantities of untreated LLMW have accumulated in the United
States, as approved treatment solutions applicable to a broad range of such
waste streams have previously not been available.  The DOE estimates that there
is in excess of 7.7 million cubic feet of LLMW either currently stored or
anticipated to be generated over the next two decades throughout the United
States at DOE facilities alone.  The DOE also estimates that the treatment costs
for its LLMW will exceed one billion dollars through the year 2010.  The Company
is not aware of any reliable estimates of the existing backlog of commercially
generated LLMW awaiting treatment at generators' sites, as there are no
requirements for commercial generators to report that information.  However,
according to a survey study sponsored by the NRC and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency ("EPA"), approximately 140,000 cubic feet of LLMW was
commercially generated in the United States in 1990.  The Company believes that
the size of the commercial LLMW treatment market in the United States will
increase significantly in connection with the expected decommissioning of
nuclear power plants in the United States over the next decade.

  The Company has successfully permitted, financed, and is currently
constructing the most comprehensive commercial LLMW treatment facility in the
U.S.  That facility, a portion of which commenced operations in December of
1999, will provide non-thermal treatment of RCRA mixed wastes requiring
stabilization and will provide thermal treatment of both RCRA and TSCA mixed
wastes that require high temperature treatment to destroy hazardous constituents
prior to disposal.

  The Company has already won a number of commercial and federal contracts for
the treatment of mixed wastes and initiated the non-thermal treatment of DOE
generated mixed wastes under one such contract in December of 1999.  All of the
Company's mixed waste treatment service lines are anticipated to be operational
during the year 2000 as the construction of its LLMW facilities is currently
proceeding on schedule.

  Hazardous Waste Treatment Market.  Hazardous waste is waste that is classified
as hazardous under RCRA and/or toxic under TSCA.  The list of "hazardous
substances" covered by these laws is extensive and includes a large number of
chemicals, metals, pesticides, biological agents, toxic pollutants and other
substances.  The Company is not engaged in the large but highly competitive
hazardous waste treatment market other than through the environmental
restoration services provided by its Field Engineering Group.  Historically, the
Company has processed a broad range of hazardous substances at client sites
during the execution of environmental restoration projects.

Waste Treatment Technologies

  A summary description of the Company's principal waste treatment technologies
for LLRW and LLMW is provided in the following table:


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      PRINCIPAL TECHNOLOGIES
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Streams         Nature of
Technology           Treated          Process                  Operating Status
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SAFGLAS(TM)           LLRW            High             Commercial operation commenced in September
                                   Temperature         1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GASVIT                LLMW            High             Commercial operation scheduled for October 2000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CATALYTICS             IER            High             Commercial operation commenced in 1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WET WASTE              IER          De-Watering        Commercially operational for over five years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AWPS                 LIQUIDS         Polymer           First system delivered March 1999
                                  Assisted High
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RVR                 LIQUIDS/        Moderate            Commercially operational for over five years
                     SLUDGES       Temperature
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The core technology employed in the SAFGLAS(TM) and GASVIT systems is
vitrification. Vitrification technologies have been successfully used in Europe
for over thirty years, principally in the area of HLW treatment and are used by
the DOE currently for HLW.  The EPA has identified vitrification as the Best
Demonstrated Achievable Technology (BDAT) for the treatment of HLW, and the
Company believes that vitrification will prove to be equally effective in the
treatment of waste contaminated with lower levels of radioactivity.  In
addition, the vitrification process results in significantly less effluents than
the more traditional incineration methods of waste treatment.  Accordingly, the
Company believes vitrification is widely perceived as an environmentally
superior waste treatment method.

     SAFGLAS(TM)-Thermal Treatment of LLRW by Vitrification.  The SAFGLAS(TM)
  system treats a broad spectrum of LLRW in the form of dry active wastes
  (protective clothing, paper, rags, plastics, wood), low level activity resins,
  aqueous based liquids and sludges, and oils, which eliminates the customer's
  need to pre-sort wastes to fit the specialized capabilities of a particular
  waste processor's technology.  The SAFGLAS(TM) system can reduce the volume of
  the input waste by a factor of up to 200 to 1 and the mass of the input waste
  by up to 96%.  The Company believes that the highly stable and leach-resistant
  nature of the glass produced by the SAFGLAS(TM) process, as compared to
  incineration ash, will be significant for waste generators concerned with the
  potential long-term liabilities associated with the land disposal of LLRW.

The basic SAFGLAS(TM) system has been enhanced through the addition of a high
temperature bulk processing unit (BPU) that processes a wide range of LLRW.
Because the BPU exhausts into the second chamber of the basic SAFGLAS(TM) unit,
the Company refers to the combination of these integrated technologies as the
SAFGLAS(TM) system.  The BPU offers the advantage of allowing each customer's
waste to keep its own identity and not to be commingled during processing.  The
Company believes that this will offer a significant competitive advantage when
the Barnwell site limits its acceptance of wastes and some customers opt for
having the waste processed for volume reduction and then returned for on-site


     GASVIT-Thermal Destruction of LLMW by Gasification/Vitrification.  The
  Company has acquired licensing rights to use a proprietary plasma arc
  technology developed by Integrated Environmental Technologies, LLC ("IET"),
  for the treatment of LLMW.  The IET plasma arc technology is being integrated
  with the Company's technologies to form the GASVIT system.  The GASVIT system
  will be used as the primary component in the Company's LLMW thermal processing
  facility.  Materials are fed into a process chamber where the organic
  materials are destroyed in a flameless process.  As with the SAFGLAS(TM)
  system process, the end result of the GASVIT system process is a glass
  material.  The GASVIT system can reduce the volume of the input waste by a
  factor of up to 200 to 1, and the mass of the input waste by a factor of up to
  96%.  A 50 lbs./hr. prototype gasification/vitrification process chamber has
  been in operation at IET's facilities in Richland, Washington since June,
  1997.  The GASVIT system is being licensed for a total throughput of 12,000
  pounds per day; however, the initial unit will provide only 50% of the
  permitted capacity.  The Company intends to add another unit as its capacity
  needs increase.

     CATALYTICS-Thermal Destruction of IER. IER with significant radionuclide
  concentrations are destroyed in a patented and licensed high temperature non-
  incineration process which provides high volume and mass reductions similar to
  those provided by SAFGLAS(TM). The non-volatile remains are encapsulated in a
  metal matrix for disposal.

     WET WASTE SERVICES-Dewatering, packaging, and shielded transportation of
  IER.  The Company holds patent and other rights for a variety of licensed HICs
  used to hold IER during transportation and disposal.  It also has the patent
  rights and ownership for approximately 50% of the nation's heavily shielded
  casks that are used to safely transport IER in accordance with DOT
  regulations.  Additionally, the Company provides proprietary equipment and
  services to remove water from IER prior to transportation and disposal to meet
  DOT and disposal site criteria, achieving in the process moisture removal
  levels considerably beyond those achievable by competing technologies.

     AWPS - Advanced Treatment Through Filtration.  AWPS is used for the removal
  of suspended and dissolved impurities from nuclear power reactor water
  streams.  The Company employs a variety of technologies for which it holds
  either patent or licensing rights to treat a broad range of nuclear power
  plant liquid waste/process streams.  The proprietary processes used by the
  Company pre-treat the water in a manner that increases the efficiency of
  filtration and the filter lifetimes ten-fold greater than competing
  technologies.  The Company believes the market for water treatment services
  exceeds $100 million annually and that its AWPS system provides advantages
  that will allow the Company to establish a major role in that market.  One of
  its AWPS units was installed in a commercial nuclear power plant in late 1999
  and four pilot units are already scheduled for installation and testing at
  commercial nuclear power plants in 2000.

     RVR-Radioactive Volume Reduction of Liquid Wastes and Sludges.  This
  patented, moderate temperature, vacuum evaporation process provides a portable
  and economic method for transforming radioactive liquids and sludges into dry
  powders and, if desirable, recovering the water for reuse.  The Company
  employs RVR systems at its Tennessee facilities to treat its own secondary
  wastes as well as customer wastes. The RVR process has also been used for
  commercial nuclear projects throughout the US.  In addition, the Company sells
  RVR units to foreign power reactor operators.

Operations and Services

  The Company provides radioactive and hazardous waste management services
through its Fixed Facilities Group and its Field Engineering Group.


  Fixed Facilities Group.  The Fixed Facilities Group operates the Company's
LLRW and LLMW treatment facilities in Richland, Washington and Oak Ridge,
Tennessee and also provides shielded transportation services and on-site
services at its customers' facilities. The primary treatment facilities are
located on a 45-acre parcel of land owned by the Company in Richland, Washington
which is adjacent to the DOE's Hanford Reservation. The Company's Richland
facility is one of the largest commercial radioactive waste treatment facilities
in the United States.  This facility is currently licensed to handle, treat and
store a wide variety of LLRW. In addition, the facility is currently licensed to
handle, treat and store a wide variety of non-thermal LLMW and must complete its
demonstration testing to become fully operational for thermal LLMW treatment for
both commercial and government generators. The Company also owns a 40,000 square
foot licensed facility on a seven acre site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee where it
thermally processes IER and non-thermally processes both IER and radioactive
sludges that are not suitable for thermal processing.  A third licensed site
owned by the Company is a 16 acre facility in Columbia, SC which is used to
maintain and store equipment used for wet waste field projects throughout the
U.S.  Finally, the Company owns a four-acre facility in Fremont, California
which houses the Company's corporate offices, as well as an LLRW storage and
transfer station that supports its Richland operations.  The Company utilizes a
fleet of Company-owned trucks to transport waste intra-state to or from its
Richland and Fremont facilities, and utilizes third party commercial carriers to
transport waste inter-state to or from these facilities.

  LLRW Treatment Services.  Since 1988, the Company has treated and recycled
several million pounds of LLRW at its Richland facilities.  Since being placed
in operation in September 1997, the SAFGLAS(TM) system has processed in excess
of 4 million pounds of LLRW.  In addition to the DOE, DOD and other agencies of
the U.S. government, customers for the Company's LLRW treatment services include
over 90% of the nation's nuclear power plants, many major corporations, and
numerous universities, laboratories, hospitals and other research and medical

  LLMW Treatment Services.  In early 1995, the Company began the licensing,
design and facility construction process for a mixed waste treatment and storage
facility to be sited at its Richland facilities.  That permit was issued in July
1999 and construction of the facility commenced shortly thereafter financed by
the proceeds from the issuance of $27 million in tax-exempt Solid Waste Revenue
Bonds by the Port of Benton in Washington State.

  The construction of the Company's mixed waste facilities is being carried out
in a phased manner such that those portions of the facility that can be brought
on line more rapidly are completed and made operational first.  Accordingly,
although the overall facility will not be fully complete until the early fall of
2000, the Company was able to successfully receive and process certain mixed
wastes in late 1999 and will continue to expand its mixed waste processing
throughout 2000.  The mixed waste processing can generally be categorized as
thermal and non-thermal consistent with requirements established by the EPA that
dictate how various types of mixed wastes much be processed prior to disposal.

  Non-thermal mixed waste processes are generally intended to chemically
stabilize mixed waste materials and/or encapsulate the wastes in a manner that
renders them sufficiently immobile for land disposal.  The Company's permit
provides for four non-thermal mixed waste process lines designed to meet the
EPA's RCRA mixed waste treatment specifications. The Company's mixed waste
permit also provides for one thermal process line that is designed to thermally
destroy RCRA and TSCA organic constituents in the mixed wastes that the EPA has
determined require thermal destruction prior to disposal. The Company will use a
proprietary high temperature plasma process to destroy RCRA and TSCA organic
mixed wastes.  That process, which the Company calls "GASVIT", will destroy the
organic constituents in the mixed wastes in a manner that fully meets the EPA
requirements without the use of incineration.


  In November 1995, the DOE awarded the Company, in a competitive bidding
process, the first privatized contract to thermally treat LLMW generated by the
DOE Hanford Reservation.  This contract has a maximum value to the Company of
$24 million for treating 175,000 cubic feet of waste over ten years.
Subsequently, in September 1997, the DOE awarded the Company the first
privatized contract to non-thermally treat LLMW generated by the Hanford
Reservation.  This contract has a maximum value to the Company of $5 million
over a three-year period which commenced in December 1999 when the Company began
to non-thermally treat LLMW under that contract.  More recently the Company has
been awarded several additional contracts to treat mixed wastes generated by
several other DOE facilities across the US, by various commercial research and
manufacturing companies, and by commercial nuclear utility companies.

  Field Engineering Group.  The principal services provided by the Company's
Field Engineering Group are the environmental restoration of sites contaminated
with hazardous wastes and certain construction management contracts such as
levee construction.  The Company's comprehensive capabilities include site
investigation, characterization and assessment, negotiation with regulatory
agencies and procurement of required regulatory approvals, preparation of
feasibility and remedial design studies, removal and remediation actions,
construction, waste brokerage and transportation.

  Decontamination and Decommissioning Services.  Historically, D&D services have
been the Company's core specialty area.  The Company has been involved in D&D
projects for over a decade and currently is involved in several D&D projects for
the DOE.  Customers for the Company's D&D services include nuclear power plants,
universities and other research institutions that utilize radioactive isotopes
in a variety of research projects, hospitals with radiological medicine
departments, companies employing nuclear materials in manufacturing and the DOE
and DOD, which oversee the nation's nuclear weapon production facilities.

  The Company believes that there are significant near-term opportunities in
domestic D&D, particularly in the commercial D&D market, as up to ten U.S.
nuclear power plants are expected to be decommissioned over the next decade.
Based on recent studies prepared by utilities regarding the costs to
decontaminate and decommission nuclear power plants, as reported by the Nuclear
Energy Institute, a nuclear energy industry policy organization, the Company
estimates that the average total cost of decontaminating and decommissioning a
domestic nuclear power plant is approximately $300-$400 million.  In addition,
there are over 5,000 radioactivity-contaminated DOD and DOE facilities, which
are scheduled to be decommissioned over the next decade.

  Environmental Restoration Services.  The Company has historically concentrated
on environmental removal and remediation actions at contaminated DOD sites.
There are over 420 DOD sites contaminated with LLRW or LLMW. According to
industry sources, DOE subcontracted spending for environmental remediation in
1998 was $1.85 billion, up 7% from 1997 and projected to continue growing for 10
to 15 years. DOD environmental restoration spending is approximately 50% of DOE
spending or approximately $0.94 billion for 1998.

  Since 1989 the Company has executed more than 225 field-engineering projects
relating to the environmental restoration of sites contaminated with LLRW, LLMW,
or  hazardous waste throughout the United States and U.S. territories.  In
addition, the Company is currently performing under three Total Environmental
Restoration Contracts (TERCs) with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, two Pre-
placed Remedial Action Contracts (PRACs) with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
two Remedial Action Contracts (RACs) with the U.S. Navy and four environmental
restoration contracts with the DOE, collectively covering a 40 state area.


  For its military and industrial clients, the Company executes environmental
restoration projects either on a planned or quick response basis.  In the
execution of both planned and quick response environmental restoration projects
involving both LLRW and LLMW, the Company believes that it is one of only six
domestic companies having the in-house capability of providing on-site full-
service solutions from site investigation through the waste treatment stage for
D&D and environmental restoration projects involving LLRW and LLMW.


  The Company's services are provided to a broad range of commercial and
federal, state and local government clients in the United States.  Demand for
the Company's services and the distribution of such demand are influenced by the
level of implementation and enforcement of existing and new environmental
regulations, funding levels for government projects and spending patterns of
commercial clients.

  Primarily due to its technical expertise, extensive portfolio of environmental
licenses and permits and full-service capabilities on-site, the Company has
successfully bid on and executed a substantial number of waste treatment,
environmental restoration, D&D and other contracts with commercial customers,
the DOD, DOE and a number of other federal government agencies, as both a prime
contractor and as a subcontractor.  In general, the Company's business mix has
recently been trending towards an increase in the percentage of revenue
attributable to commercial clients, due to the commercial business volume
handled by its fixed facilities since the commencement of SAFGLAS(TM) operation
in late 1997 and the acquisition of the MMT Assets in late 1998.  In fiscal
1999, 1998, and 1997, the percentage of the Company's total revenue attributable
to federal government contracts was approximately 27%, 55%, and 71%,
respectively. While the Company expects its commercial revenues to continue to
grow, the fact that most of the mixed waste in the U.S. is owned by the federal
government is anticipated to result in significant growth in its federal revenue
as well.  One contract with the U.S. Air Force accounted for 14% of the
Company's total revenue in the year ended December 31, 1998.  One contract with
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers- Sacramento District accounted for 21.0% of the
Company's total revenue in the year ended December 31, 1997. The Company also
serves numerous commercial clients, including large industrial concerns, nuclear
power plants, hospitals, laboratories and other medical institutions, and
universities. A substantial portion of the Company's commercial work represents
new contracts awarded by existing clients. No single commercial client accounted
for 10% or more of the Company's revenue in fiscal years 1999, 1998 or 1997.

Sales and Marketing

  The Company relies on a direct sales and marketing staff of approximately 10
employees, its executive management team and project managers, and brokers and
other intermediaries, to market its waste treatment and field engineering
services nationwide and internationally.  Historically, the Company relied on
discrete waste treatment projects and limited term remediation projects that
typically involved planned clean-ups of sites that were contaminated in the
normal course of manufacturing activity or quick response clean-ups of spills.
The Company now targets its marketing efforts on large, multi-year private
sector and government site-specific and term contracts in the areas of LLRW and
LLMW treatment, environmental restoration and nuclear facility D&D.


  The Company focuses its marketing resources on higher margin markets where it
has technological or licensing advantages over potential competitors.  The
Company also focuses on continually strengthening its relationships with
existing and target customers believing that relationship selling is important
as customers display an increasing desire for good, reliable service.
Accordingly, the Company deploys operators at customer sites and targets a high
frequency of quality customer interactions by its sales force directed at better
identifying and resolving its customers' problems.  The Company believes that
these strategies have been validated by the significant revenue growth it has
experienced over the past three years.

  The Company also intends to offer its SAFGLAS(TM) and GASVIT vitrification
technologies for on-site treatment of LLRW and LLMW in selected Pacific Rim
markets.  The Company believes that the high cost of LLRW and LLMW disposal
costs in a number of Pacific Rim countries favors thermal treatment for such
wastes, while regulatory restrictions and other environmental concerns may limit
incineration as a treatment process.

  To further promote use of its technologies and to establish strategic
alliances designed to accelerate its penetration of selected Pacific Rim
markets, the Company has entered into exclusive technology transfer agreements
covering its technologies for Hong Kong, Taiwan, and The People's Republic of
China.  These agreements require the Company to provide assistance and know-how
to its alliance partners who, in turn, have the right to market the Company's
technologies in these territories.  The Company will share in any profits
generated from those efforts and will also receive a royalty on revenue
generated by the use of its vitrification technologies.  The Company is entitled
to independently pursue opportunities or to terminate the agreements within
those territories if its alliance partners are not actively and successfully
marketing its technologies, or, if certain minimum revenues are not achieved in
those territories within specified periods.


  In general, the radioactive and hazardous waste management industry is highly
competitive. The Company faces varying levels of competition in its current and
planned business lines. The Company believes that it currently has only one
principal competitor, Duratek, for the thermal treatment of domestic LLRW, a
handful of small to mid-size competitors in the non-thermal treatment of
domestic LLRW, and one potential competitor for thermally treating IER.  The
Company has a non-compete agreement with Duratek that precludes Duratek from
processing commercial IER. With respect to the domestic LLMW treatment market,
the Company believes that there are only four other companies currently
commercially processing LLMW at their own facilities, all of which are doing so
under limited licenses which restrict them from accepting a broad spectrum of
low-level mixed waste streams. The Company believes that its mixed waste permit
and mixed waste processing facility provide the most comprehensive commercial
mixed waste treatment capabilities in the US.

  The Company also faces competition from LLRW disposal facilities in that the
volume and mass reduction achieved by its LLRW processing must be at a cost that
provides an economic incentive to the generator relative to the options of
direct disposal at such a facility, as most LLRW does not require treatment in
order to meet the acceptance criteria of at least one such U.S. facility. For
example, when the commercial LLRW disposal site in Clive, Utah recently expanded
its acceptance criteria allowing it to receive waste with radioactivity levels
higher than it was previously permitted to accept, the Company saw a greater
level of competition for the affected wastes, as certain generators in the
geographic area proximate to this facility that previously would have had the
waste treated prior to disposal have found it economical to apt for
direct disposal. While the Company is aware that one or more other companies are
interested in developing commercial LLRW disposal sites, the likelihood of their
success does not appear to be


high based upon the public sensitivity to radioactive materials in the U.S.
Nonetheless, any change in the pricing of licensed commercial LLRW disposal in
the U.S. will affect the competition faced by the Company, with increasing
prices decreasing the competition and decreasing prices increasing the
competition the Company faces.

  The nuclear facility D&D market is highly competitive, with numerous companies
of varying size, geographical presence and capabilities participating in a
variety of niche areas.  The two predominant trends are for nuclear facility
owners to either procure the services of a large engineering construction
company to be the general manager for D&D services or for the owners to self
perform the general management function. The Company believes that fewer than
six companies have the capability of fulfilling the general management role for
commercial nuclear power plant D&D, and that none of those companies nor owners
also have sufficient in-house commercial waste processing capabilities to fully
address the waste management issues presented by D&D. The Company believes that
this will require the general managers for commercial nuclear power plant D&D
activities, whether a contractor or the owner, to procure the services of one of
the two full service nuclear waste processing companies to assist them with
waste management.  The Company further believes that the forward going trend
will be for the general managers to avail themselves of the services of more
than one waste processing company in order to ensure competitive pricing for D&D
waste management services.

  The Company believes that the principal competitive factors applicable to all
areas of its business are price, breadth of services offered, range and breadth
of environmental licenses and permits held, reputation for customer service and
dependability, technical proficiency and environmental integrity, operational
experience, quality of working relations with federal, state and local
environmental regulators and proximity to customers and licensed waste disposal
sites.  The Company believes that it is, and will continue to be, able to
compete favorably on the basis of these factors.  The Company also believes that
it has several competitive advantages, including its vitrification and IER
technologies, the patents it holds, broad range of environmental services
offered, ability to provide in-house full-service environmental solutions at
customers' sites, the range and breadth of environmental licenses and permits
held and applied for, including, without limitations, its radioactive material
licenses and mixed waste permits, geographical positioning, and integrated
technological approach to waste treatment solutions.

  Many of the Company's competitors have substantially greater managerial,
technical and marketing resources than the Company, and there can be no
assurance that one or more of the Company's competitors do not possess or will
not develop waste treatment technologies or field service capabilities that are
superior to or more cost effective than those of the Company.  In certain
aspects of the Company's business, substantial capital resources are required
for facilities and equipment, and many of the Company's competitors have
substantially greater financial resources than the Company.

Intellectual Property

  The Company regards aspects of its waste treatment technologies and know-how
as proprietary and uses a combination of trade secret and trademark laws,
employee and third party non-disclosure agreements, licenses from owners of
patents and other intellectual property rights, and other methods to protect
such technologies and know-how. The Company has received a patent for the
SAFGLAS(TM) system as incorporating a multi-zone process chamber. The Company
holds a number of patents on the thermal and non-thermal processes and equipment
it utilizes for IER processing at its Oak Ridge, Tennessee facilities and at its
customer's sites, as well as for the HICs and shielded shipping casks used for
the transportation of IER. It also holds the licenses and permits for its
Washington and Tennessee facilities and possesses the engineering craft
knowledge required to cost-effectively operate, maintain, and enhance the
permitted status of those facilities. The Company believes that the ownership of
patents is not presently a significant factor in its business and that its
success does not depend on the ownership


of patents. However, there can be no assurance that the Company will be
successful in protecting the proprietary aspects of its technology, nor that its
proprietary rights will preclude competitors from developing waste treatment
technologies equivalent or superior to that of the Company. In addition,
effective protection for the proprietary aspects of the Company's technologies
may be unavailable or limited in certain foreign countries. While the Company is
not aware that any of its waste treatment technologies infringe the rights of
any third parties, there can be no assurance that third parties will not claim
infringement by the Company with respect to its existing or future waste
treatment technologies.

  The Company from time to time licenses the rights to use the intellectual
property of third parties embodied in certain subsystems of the Company's
technologies.  In particular, the Company licenses certain such rights from the
owner of the patented technology embodied in the basic SAFGLAS(TM) system melter
and from IET in connection with the design, construction and use of the melter
incorporated into the GASVIT system.  The former license is non-exclusive and
royalty-free, but requires the Company to pay to the owner of the patent a
license fee in the amount of $35,000 for each SAFGLAS(TM) process chamber built
by the Company during a five-year period.  With respect to any melter purchased
by the Company from IET, other than the two units it has initially contracted to
purchase, the Company's license with IET requires the payment of a royalty fee
to IET in the amount of 3% of the gross revenue generated by the Company from
processing radioactive waste using a treatment system incorporating such a
melter.  The Company from time to time receives letters of inquiry from the
owners of patents requesting that the Company demonstrate that the technology
licensed to the Company by third parties does not infringe such patents.  The
Company routinely refers these letters of inquiry to such licensors, who are
required pursuant to the terms of their license agreements with the Company to
defend the Company against infringement claims asserted by third parties
relating to the licensed technology and to indemnify the Company against any
resulting losses.  With respect to each such letter of inquiry previously
received by the Company, the Company has been advised by the licensor that, in
the judgement of the licensor, the licensed technology as used by the Company
did not infringe the subject patents.

  The Company requires each of its technical and engineering employees to enter
into standard agreements pursuant to which the employee agrees to keep
confidential all proprietary information of the Company and to assign to the
Company all rights in any proprietary information or technology developed by the
employee during his or her employment or made thereafter as a result of any
inventions conceived or work done during such employment.  Despite these
precautions, it may be possible for a third party to copy or otherwise obtain
and use the Company's technology without authorization or to develop similar
technology independently.

Environmental Laws and Regulations; Licensing Processes Applicable to LLRW and
LLMW Treatment Facilities

  Environmental Laws and Regulations.  Extensive and evolving environmental
protection laws and regulations have been adopted in the United States during
recent decades in response to public concern over the environment.  The
operations of the Company and of the Company's customers are subject to these
evolving laws and regulations.  The requirements of these laws and regulations
impose substantial potential liabilities.  For example, a failure to comply with
current or future regulations could result in substantial fines, suspension of
production, alteration of manufacturing processes, cessation of operations, or
the expenditure of substantial clean-up costs.  The requirements also create a
demand for many of the services offered by the Company.

  The Company believes that its compliance with environmental laws and
regulations will not have a material effect on its capital expenditures,
earnings or competitive position, except with respect to capital expenditures
for environmental control facilities.  The Company expects that the amount of
such expenditures required to be made in 2000, particularly in connection with


construction of the mixed waste facility to be sited at the Company's Richland
facilities, will be material.

  Under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (the "AEA") and the Energy Reorganization
Act of 1974, the NRC regulates the receipt, possession, use and transfer of
radioactive materials.  Pursuant to its authority under the AEA, the NRC has
adopted regulations that address the management and disposal of LLRW and that
require the licensing of commercial LLRW disposal sites.

  RCRA provides a comprehensive framework for regulation of the handling,
transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste.  Strict
standards are imposed under RCRA on hazardous waste generators and transporters,
and on operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities.
The Land Disposal Restrictions developed under the Hazardous and Solid Waste
Amendments of 1984 prohibit land disposal of specified wastes unless these
wastes meet or are treated to meet Best Demonstrated Achievable Technology
(BDAT) treatment standards, subject to certain exemptions.  Under current
regulations, waste residues derived from listed hazardous wastes are generally
considered to be hazardous wastes subject to RCRA standards unless they are
delisted through a formal rulemaking process that may last for several years.
Liability under RCRA may be imposed for improper handling, transportation,
treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous wastes, or for failure to take
corrective action to address releases of hazardous wastes.

  CERCLA, and subsequent amendments including the Superfund Amendments and
Reauthorization Act ("SARA"), imposes strict, joint and several liability upon
(among other parties) owners or operators of facilities where a release of
hazardous substances has occurred, upon parties who generated hazardous
substances that were released at such facilities and upon parties who arranged
for the transportation of hazardous substances to such facilities.  Liability
under CERCLA may be imposed on the Company if releases of hazardous substances
occur at treatment, storage, or disposal sites used by the Company.  This
liability potentially extends to off-site storage and disposal facilities used
by the Company, any LLMW treatment and storage facilities owned by the Company,
and releases at a customer's facility caused by the Company.  Because customers
of the Company also face the same type of liabilities, CERCLA and SARA create
incentives for potential customers of the Company to avoid off-site treatment
and disposal of hazardous substances in favor of on-site treatment and

  The radioactive and hazardous components of LLMW are governed by separate sets
of laws and regulations discussed above.  The radioactive component is governed
by the AEA and is regulated by the DOE for waste at DOE facilities and by the
NRC for commercially generated waste.  The hazardous waste component is governed
by RCRA, CERCLA, and/or TSCA, and is regulated by the EPA, and by the laws of
the individual states.  The Company designs its LLMW and hazardous waste
treatment and processing systems with the goal of minimizing the potential for
release of hazardous substances into the environment.  In addition, the Company
has developed plans to manage and minimize the risk of CERCLA or RCRA liability,
including the training of operators, use of operational controls and structuring
of its relationships with the entities responsible for the handling of waste
materials and by-products.

  The Clean Air Act of 1970, as amended (the "Clean Air Act"), imposes strict
requirements upon owners and operators of facilities and equipment which emit
pollutants into the environment, including incinerators.  Although the Company
believes that its waste treatment systems effectively trap most particulates and
generally prevent hazardous emissions from being released into the environment,
the Company is required to secure additional permits from local authorities
responsible for implementing the Clean Air Act.

  TSCA provides the EPA with the authority to regulate certain commercially
produced chemical substances.  TSCA also established a comprehensive regulatory
program for


polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs") which is analogous to the RCRA program for
hazardous waste.

  Other federal, state, and local environmental, health and safety requirements
may also be applicable to the Company's business.  For example, the federal
Occupational Safety and Health Act imposes requirements designed to protect the
health and safety of workers, and the NRC has set regulatory standards for
worker exposure to radioactive materials.  In addition, the requirements of
various other statutes, including the FFCA and the Uranium Mill Tailings
Radiation Control Act, may create opportunities for additional use of the
Company's services.

  Licensing Processes Applicable to LLRW and LLMW Treatment Facilities.  The
process of applying for and obtaining the licenses and permits necessary to
operate a radioactive waste treatment facility is lengthy and complex.  The
basic requirement is to obtain a radioactive materials license from the state in
which the facility is to be located.  The first step in this process is securing
site and land use designation approval from local authorities.  Most local
authorities require a public hearing before such an approval is granted.  Due to
public concern about the safety of radioactive material handling, the initial
site approval step is often the most difficult.  Upon site approval, the
applicant must submit an application to the NRC or the state's nuclear
regulatory agency if the state has signed an agreement to implement the NRC's
regulations.  This stage of the process may take two years or longer, and in
some cases, may result in denial of a license.  If the applicant intends to use
a thermal treatment method at its site, then additional permits would be needed
from the local authorities responsible for implementing the Clean Air Act
regulations.  The process for approving a thermal treatment method will
generally include public hearings, environmental assessments and numerous
interactions with regulators to resolve licensing and permitting issues.

  The licensing requirements applicable to a mixed waste facility are even more
complex.  In addition to the steps summarized above, the applicant must submit a
RCRA Part A and Part B permit application to the appropriate agencies.  For
processing of PCBs, a TSCA permit from the EPA must also be obtained.  In
parallel with the RCRA/TSCA Part B permitting process, the applicant must submit
an application to the agencies that issue radioactive material licenses and
those that issue permits pursuant to the Clean Air Act.  Several revisions to
each document submitted may have to be made before the review process is
complete and the application is granted.  From the time the initial application
is filed, the mixed waste licensing and permitting process could take as long as
five years.

  The Company initiated the mixed waste licensing process for its Richland
facilities in 1995 and commenced non-thermal mixed waste treatment there in the
fourth quarter of 1999.  In March of 1995, the Company submitted a siting
application to the Washington State Department of Ecology ("WDOE").  After
conducting two different public hearings, WDOE approved the Company's siting
application in December of 1995.  Immediately after procuring this approval, the
Company submitted a RCRA Part A and Part B permit application to WDOE for an
integrated waste treatment plant utilizing stabilization, macro-encapsulation,
physical extraction and other non-thermal treatment processes.  In 1996, the
application was amended to include the processing of mixed wastes using the
GASVIT thermal treatment technology.  A copy of the application was also
submitted to the EPA for a joint EPA/WDOE permitting process covering PCBs under
TSCA regulation. The Company presently anticipates to complete its thermal
demonstration testing and receive approval to become fully operational prior to
the end of the third quarter of fiscal 2000.

  The Company is required to obtain a radioactive waste import permit from the
NRC when it is engaged in the business of treating LLRW and LLMW received from
foreign generators at its fixed facilities.



  At December 31, 1999, the Company employed 469 full-time employees.  To date,
the Company has been successful in attracting and retaining qualified managerial
and technical personnel, although there can be no assurance that this success
will continue.

  At December 31, 1999, 118 of the Company's employees were represented by labor
unions under collective bargaining agreements.  The Company cannot predict
whether any of its employees who currently are not represented by unions will
elect to be so represented in the future.  The Company considers its relations
with its employees to be good and has never experienced a work stoppage or

 Factors Affecting Future Operating Results

  The Company's business is subject to the following risks and uncertainties, in
addition to those described elsewhere.

  Dependence on Government Licenses, Permits and Approvals

  The radioactive and hazardous waste management industry is highly regulated.
The Company is required to have federal, state and local governmental licenses,
permits and approvals for its waste treatment facilities and services.  The
Company must complete its thermal demonstration testing to receive approval to
become fully operational at its LLMW processing facility in Richland, WA. There
can be no assurance as to the successful outcome of any pending application or
demonstration testing by the Company for any such license, permit or approval,
and the Company's existing licenses, permits and approvals are subject to
revocation or modification under a variety of circumstances.  Failure to obtain
timely, or to comply with the conditions of, applicable licenses, permits or
approvals could adversely affect the Company's business, financial condition and
results of operations.  As its business expands and as it introduces new
technologies, the Company will be required to obtain additional operating
licenses, permits or approvals.  It may be required to obtain additional
operating licenses, permits or approvals if new environmental legislation or
regulations are enacted or promulgated or existing legislation or regulations
are amended, re-interpreted or enforced differently than in the past.  Any new
requirements which raise compliance standards may require the Company to modify
its waste treatment technologies to conform to more stringent regulatory
requirements.  There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to
continue to comply with all of the environmental and other regulatory
requirements applicable to its business.

  No Assurance of Successful Development, Commercialization or Acceptance of

  The Company is in the process of developing, refining and implementing its
technologies for the treatment of LLRW, LLMW and other wastes.  The Company's
future growth will be dependent in part upon the acceptance and implementation
of these technologies, particularly its recently developed vitrification
technologies for the thermal treatment of LLRW and LLMW and its recently
acquired technologies for treatment of IER waste streams.  There can be no
assurance that successful development of all these technologies will occur in
the near future, or even if successfully developed, that the Company will be
able to successfully commercialize such technologies.  The successful
commercialization of the Company's vitrification technologies may depend in part
on ongoing comparisons with other competing technologies and more traditional
treatment, storage and disposal alternatives, as well as the continuing high
cost and limited availability of commercial disposal options.  There can be no
assurance that the Company's vitrification and related technologies will prove
to be commercially viable or cost-effective, or if commercially viable and cost-
effective, that the Company will be successful in timely securing the requisite
regulatory licenses, permits and approvals for such technologies or that such
technologies will be selected for use in future waste treatment projects.  The
Company's LLMW


thermal treatment contract with the DOE's-Hanford Reservation requires the
Company to obtain all of the required licenses, permits and approvals for, and
to build and place in operation, its LLMW treatment facility by November 10,
2000. The Company's inability to develop, commercialize or secure the requisite
licenses, permits and approvals for its waste treatment technologies on a timely
basis could have a material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial
condition and results of operations.

  Dependence on Environmental Laws and Regulations

  A substantial portion of the Company's revenue is generated as a result of
requirements arising under federal and state laws, regulations and programs
related to protection of the environment.  Environmental laws and regulations
are, and will continue to be, a principal factor affecting demand for the
services offered by the Company.  The level of enforcement activities by
federal, state and local environmental protection agencies and changes in such
laws and regulations also affect the demand for such services.  If the
requirements of compliance with environmental laws and regulations were to be
modified in the future, particularly those relating to the transportation,
treatment, storage or disposal of LLRW, LLMW or other wastes, the demand for the
Company's services, and its business, financial condition and results of
operations, could be materially adversely affected.

  Dependence on Federal Government; Limits on Government Spending; Government

  The Company expects that the percentage of its revenue attributable to federal
government contracts will continue to be substantial for the foreseeable future.
The Company's government contracts generally are subject to cancellation, delay
or modification at the sole option of the government at any time, to annual
funding limitations and public sector budget constraints and, in many cases, to
actual delivery orders being released.

  The Company is dependent on government appropriations to fund many of its
contracts.  Efforts to reduce the federal budget deficit could adversely affect
the availability and timing of government funding for the clean-up of DOE, DOD
and other federal government sites.  The failure by the government to fund
future restoration of such sites could have an adverse effect on the Company's
business, financial condition and results of operations.

  As a provider of services to federal and other government agencies, the
Company also faces risks associated with government contracting, which include
substantial fines and penalties for, among other matters, failure to follow
procurement integrity and bidding rules and employing improper billing practices
or otherwise failing to follow prescribed cost accounting standards.  Government
contracting requirements are complex, highly technical and subject to varying
interpretations.  As a result of its government contracting business, the
Company has been, and expects to be in the future, the subject of audits, and
may in the future be subject to investigations, by government agencies.  Failure
to comply with the terms of one or more of its government contracts could result
in damage to the Company's business reputation and the Company's suspension or
disqualification from future government contract projects for a significant
period of time.  The fines and penalties which could result from noncompliance
with applicable standards and regulations, or the Company's suspension or
disqualification, could have a material adverse effect on the Company's
business, financial condition and results of operations.


  Need for Additional Capital

  The Company believes that it will need additional financing for working
capital and capital expenditure requirements in order to implement its long-term
business plan. The Company successfully obtained approximately $27 million to
finance the construction of its LLMW facility in Richland, Washington through
the issuance of tax-exempt Solid Waste Revenue Bonds. There can be no assurance
that the Company will successfully complete construction of the facility with
the capital financing that it has raised or that if additional capital is
required that it will be obtained on terms that are advantageous to the Company.
If the Company is not successful in raising additional capital, it will need to
curtail or scale back its planned expansion, which could adversely affect the
Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.

  Seasonality and Fluctuation in Quarterly Results

  The Company's revenue is dependent on its contract backlog and the timing and
performance requirements of each contract.  Revenue in the first and second
quarters has historically been lower than in the third and fourth quarters, as
the Company's customers have tended to ship waste during the months in which
transportation is less likely to be adversely affected by weather conditions.
The Company's revenue is also affected by the timing of its clients' planned
remediation activities and need for waste treatment services, which generally
increase during the third and fourth quarters.  Due to this variation in demand,
the Company's quarterly results fluctuate.  Accordingly, specific quarterly or
interim results should not be considered indicative of results to be expected
for any future quarter or for the full year.  Due to the foregoing factors, it
is possible that in future quarters, the Company's operating results will not
meet the expectations of securities analysts and investors.  In such event, the
price of the Common Stock could be materially adversely affected.

  Management of Growth

  Since 1994, the Company has experienced significant growth, attributable in
large part to an increase in the number and size of contracts awarded.  In
December 1998, the Company acquired new business lines that contributed to
increased growth in 1999. Also in 1999, the Company began construction of its
new LLMW facility that is anticipated to contribute to increased growth in 2000
and beyond. The Company is currently pursuing a business plan intended to
further expand its business domestically and internationally.  The Company's
historical growth has placed, and any future growth may place, significant
demands on its operational, managerial and financial resources.  There can be no
assurance that the Company's current management and systems will be adequate to
address any future expansion of the Company's business.  In such event, any
inability to manage the Company's growth effectively could have a material
adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition and results of

  Equipment Performance; Safety and License Violations

  The Company's ability to perform under current waste treatment contracts and
to successfully bid for future contracts is dependent upon the consistent
performance of its waste treatment systems at its fixed facilities in conformity
with safety and other requirements of the licenses under which the Company
operates.  The Company's fixed facilities are subject to frequent routine
inspections by the regulatory authorities issuing such licenses. The Company's
SAFGLAS(TM) system was shutdown from September 5 to September 28, 1999 due to an
equipment failure, and the Company has experienced other shutdowns of its
facilities for short


periods of time in the past.  In the event that any of the Company's principal
waste treatment systems were to be shut down for any appreciable period of time,
either due to equipment breakdown or as the result of regulatory action in
response to an alleged safety or other violation of the terms of the licenses
under which the Company operates, the Company's business, financial condition
and results of operations could be materially adversely affected.


  In general, the market for radioactive and hazardous waste management services
is highly competitive.  The Company faces competition in its principal current
and planned business lines from both established domestic companies and foreign
companies attempting to introduce European waste treatment technologies into the
United States.  Many of the Company's competitors have greater financial,
managerial, technical and marketing resources than the Company.  To the extent
that competitors possess or develop superior or more cost-effective waste
treatment solutions or field service capabilities, or otherwise possess or
acquire competitive advantages compared to the Company, the Company's ability to
compete effectively could be materially adversely affected.  Any increase in the
number of licensed commercial LLRW and/or LLMW treatment facilities or disposal
sites in the United States or any decrease in the treatment or disposal fees
charged by such facilities or sites could increase the competition faced by the
Company or reduce the competitive advantage of certain of the Company's
treatment technologies.

  International Expansion

  A key component of the Company's long-term business plan is to expand its
business into selected Pacific Rim markets. There can be no assurance that the
Company or its strategic alliance partners will be able to market its
technologies or services successfully in foreign markets. In addition, there are
certain risks inherent in foreign operations, including general economic
conditions in each country, varying regulations applicable to the Company's
business, seasonal reductions in business activities, fluctuations in foreign
currencies or the U.S. Dollar, expropriation, nationalization, war,
insurrection, terrorism and other political risks, the overlap of different tax
structures, risks of increases in taxes, tariffs and other governmental fees and
involuntary renegotiation of contracts with foreign governments. In particular,
recent economic instability in certain Pacific Rim countries could substantially
impede the Company's targeted expansion into that region. In such event, the
Company's business, financial condition and results of operations could be
materially adversely affected. There can be no assurance that laws or
administrative practices relating to taxation, foreign exchange or other matters
of foreign countries within which the Company operates or will operate will not
change. Any such change could have a material adverse effect on the Company's
business, financial condition and results of operation.

  Dependence on Key Personnel

  The Company's future success depends on its continuing ability to attract,
retain and motivate highly qualified managerial, technical and marketing
personnel.  The Company is highly dependent upon the continuing contributions of
its key managerial, technical and marketing personnel.  The Company's employees
may voluntarily terminate their employment with the Company at any time, and
competition for qualified technical personnel, in particular, is intense.  The
loss of the services of any of the Company's managerial, technical or marketing
personnel could materially adversely affect the Company's business, financial
condition and results of operations.


  Focus on Larger Projects

  The Company increasingly pursues large, multi-year contracts as a method of
achieving more predictable revenue, more consistent utilization of equipment and
personnel, and greater leverage of sales and marketing costs.  These larger
projects impose significant risks if actual costs are higher than those
estimated at the time of bid.  A loss on one or more of such larger contracts
could have a material adverse effect on the business, financial condition and
results of operations of the Company.  In addition, failure to obtain, or delay
in obtaining, targeted large, multi-year contracts could result in significantly
less revenue to the Company than anticipated.

Item 2. Properties

  The Company's principal properties, all of which are owned by the Company, are
located in Richland, Wash., Fremont, Calif., Oak Ridge, Tenn., Columbia, S.C.
and Aiken, S.C., and occupy 45, four, 12, 16, and 30 acres, respectively.  The
facilities sited on the Richland property presently consist of 16 buildings,
covering an area of approximately 157,000 square feet, devoted to the Company's
existing LLRW and existing and future LLMW treatment operations.  The Company
presently plans to construct one additional building on this site of
approximately 9,000 square feet. The facilities sited on the Fremont property
consist of a 40,000 square foot corporate office building and LLRW storage area.
The facilities sited on the Oak Ridge property consist of a 40,000 square foot
building devoted to LLRW resin treatment operations, a 6,000 square foot office
building, and several modular office buildings.  The Columbia property includes
a 10,000 square foot building that is principally used for storage and
maintenance of equipment used in wet waste treatment.  The Company's Aiken
property has not been developed to date.

  In addition, the Company leases an approximately 1,200 square foot project
management office in Honolulu, Hawaii, and two approximately 4,000 square foot
project management offices in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  The Honolulu lease expires
in June 2000 and the Oak Ridge leases expire in August 2000 with three one-year
extensions available.

  The Company's Fremont property is encumbered by a deed of trust (the "First
Deed of Trust") securing the performance of the Company under a $1.5 million
Promissory Note held by Midland Loan Services.  The First Deed of Trust provides
for an interest rate of 9.5% per annum, a maturity date of December 2001,
monthly payments of principal and interest of $13,736 and a balloon payment at
maturity.  At December 31, 1999, the principal amount secured by the First Deed
of Trust was approximately $1,401,000.

  The Company's Fremont property is also encumbered by a second deed of trust
(the "Second Deed of Trust") securing the performance of the Company under a
$1.9 million line of credit facility with General Bank.  The credit facility
provides for a variable annual interest rate equal to the bank's reference rate,
9.25% at December 31, 1999, and a maturity date of July 31, 2000. At December
31, 1999, the principal amount secured by the Second Deed of Trust was
approximately $1.7 million.

  The Company's Richland property is encumbered by a deed of trust (the
"Richland Deed of Trust") securing the payment by the Company of a $750,000
Promissory Note held by West One Bank (the "West One Note").  The West One Note
provides for an interest rate of 8.75% during the first 42 months and an
interest rate of prime plus 2.75% (with a ceiling of 12% and a floor of 5.5%)
during the final 42 months until maturity, 11.0% at December 31, 1999. The
principal balance secured by the Richland Deed of Trust was approximately
$103,000 at December 31, 1999.


  The Company's Oak Ridge property is encumbered by a first mortgage (the "Oak
Ridge Mortgage") securing the payment by the Company of a $401,000 Promissory
Note held by Suntrust Bank (the "Suntrust Note").  The Suntrust Note provides
for an interest rate of 8.125% per annum, a maturity date of July 2006, monthly
payments of principal and interest of $4,900 and a balloon payment at maturity.
At December 31, 1999, the principal balance secured by the Oak Ridge Mortgage
was approximately $392,000. There are no encumbrances on the Company's Columbia
or Aiken, South Carolina properties.

  The Company believes that its existing and planned facilities will support its
operations for the foreseeable future and are adequately covered by insurance.

Item 3. Legal Proceedings

  In June 1992, the Company entered into a contract with the U.S. Army under
which the Company acted as the prime contractor to "surface clear" expended
ordnance from a firing range at Fort Irwin, California (the "Fort Irwin
Contract").  In March 1997, a piece of ordnance exploded on the premises of a
scrap metal dealer (the "Scrap Dealer") in Fontana, California.  An employee of
the Scrap Dealer died in the accident.  Although the Scrap Dealer had purchased
expended ordnance and other military scrap metal from a number of military
facilities, including Fort Irwin, the Scrap Dealer indicated that the ordnance
which exploded was purchased from Fort Irwin.  The U.S. Army contended that a
subcontractor to the Company on the Fort Irwin Contract (the "Subcontractor")
had improperly certified ordnance cleared from the Fort Irwin firing range as
free of hazardous and explosive material prior to the sale of such ordnance to
the Scrap Dealer.  As a result, the U.S. Army terminated the Fort Irwin Contract
for default, and demanded repayment from the Company of alleged reprocurement
costs totaling $945,000.  The Company believes it fully complied with the terms
of the Fort Irwin Contract and applicable laws and regulations and challenged
the default termination in an action against the U.S. Army filed in the Court of
Federal Claims in July 1997.  In July 1998, the U.S. Army and the Company
settled the matter.  The termination for default was rescinded and the Company
agreed to no longer bid on surface-clearing work at active U.S. Army firing

  In connection with the accident, in March 1998 a wrongful death civil action
was filed in San Bernardino County Superior Court against the Subcontractor, a
supervisory employee of the Subcontractor, the owners of the premises occupied
by the Scrap Dealer, and the Company, seeking damages in excess of $8 million,
including exemplary damages of $5 million.  A second action was filed at the
same time in San Bernardino County Superior Court against the same defendants by
three other persons alleging physical injuries and emotional distress caused by
the accident.  The Company has tendered the defense of each of these actions to
its insurance carrier, which is presently handling the matters for the Company,
and the Company intends to vigorously contest all of the claims asserted in
these actions.  The Company believes that it acted properly with respect to the
Fort Irwin Contract, and that it should not be liable for the injuries caused by
the accident.  The Company also intends to seek indemnification from the
Subcontractor for the full amount of any costs, damages and liabilities which
may be incurred by the Company in connection with or as a result of these
lawsuits.  The Subcontractor has advised the Company that the Subcontractor's
comprehensive general liability insurance policy covers the claims asserted
against the Subcontractor, and that the policy coverage limit is $7 million per
occurrence.  Although the Company believes that all of the claims asserted
against the Company are without legal merit, the outcome of these lawsuits is
uncertain.  Any judgment of liability against the Company, especially to the
extent damages exceed or are not covered by insurance or are not recoverable by
the Company from the Subcontractor, could have a material adverse effect on the
Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.


  From time to time the Company is a party to litigation or administrative
proceedings relating to claims arising from its operations in the normal course
of business.  Management of the Company, on the advice of counsel, believes that
the ultimate resolution of litigation currently pending against the Company is
unlikely, either individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse
effect on the Company's business, financial condition or results of operations.

Item 4. Submission Of Matters To A Vote Of Security Holders

  No matters were submitted to a vote of shareholders during the fourth quarter
of the Company's 1999 fiscal year.

                                    PART II

Item 5. Market For Registrant's Common Equity And Related Stockholder Matters

  The Common Stock of the Company is traded on the NASDAQ National Market under
the symbol "ATGC."  The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated,
the high and low sales prices of the Common Stock (as reported by NASDAQ):

                      PERIOD               HIGH           LOW
                     --------             ------        -------
           First Quarter 1999               10           6 1/8
           Second Quarter 1999            8 1/2          6 1/2
           Third Quarter 1999               7            4 9/16
           Fourth Quarter 1999            5 3/4            4

As of March 21, 2000, there were over 1,800 holders of record of the Company's
Common Stock.  The Company has never declared or paid a cash dividend on its
Common Stock and is at present restricted from paying any such dividends by the
terms of its existing line of credit facility.  The Company currently intends to
retain earnings to finance the growth and development of its business and does
not anticipate paying dividends in the foreseeable future.


Item 6. Selected Consolidated Financial Data (In Thousands, Except Per Share

  The following selected consolidated financial data should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and related notes thereto
and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of

                                                                          Years Ended December 31,
                                                                   1999     1998      1997      1996      1995
                                                                 -------  --------  --------  --------  -------
Statement of Operations Data (1):
Revenue......................................................    $60,662   $35,900  $19,107   $18,235   $16,070
Cost of revenue..............................................     36,359    19,816   11,172    11,082     9,659
                                                                 -------   -------  -------   -------   -------
Gross profit.................................................     24,303    16,084    7,935     7,153     6,411
Sales, general and administrative expenses...................     14,685     7,952    7,020     6,656     6,202
                                                                 -------   -------  -------   -------   -------
Operating income.............................................      9,618     8,132      915       497       209
Interest income (expense), net...............................       (996)      173       58        13      (141)
                                                                 -------   -------  -------   -------   -------
Income before income taxes...................................      8,622     8,305      973       510        68

Income tax expense (benefit).................................      3,449     3,156      (45)        2         2
                                                                 -------   -------  -------   -------   -------
Net income...................................................    $ 5,173   $ 5,149  $ 1,018   $   508   $    66
                                                                 =======   =======  =======   =======   =======
Net income per share (2)
  Basic......................................................      $0.37     $0.40    $0.09
  Diluted....................................................      $0.35     $0.38    $0.08

Weighted average shares outstanding (2)
  Basic......................................................     14,048    12,975   11,516
  Diluted....................................................     14,596    13,698   12,284

                                                                                        December 31,
                                                                1999           1998           1997           1996          1995
                                                           --------------  ------------  --------------  ------------  ------------
Balance Sheet Data (1):
Working capital (3)....................................         $   3,320      $  1,645       $   (151)      $  4,333      $  3,903
Total assets...........................................           136,079        79,569         37,227         26,976        21,182
Total long-term debt (4)...............................            56,595        11,246          6,202          2,930         4,080
Mandatorily redeemable preferred stock.................               ---           ---         19,416         16,319         9,403
Total shareholders' equity.............................            46,658        40,745            296            630           890

- ----------------------------
(1)  See Note 3 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for a discussion
     of the acquisition of significant assets and businesses.  The acquisition
     was completed December 1, 1998.
(2)  See Note 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements--Computation of
     Net Income Per Share.  Historic net income (loss) per share and net income
     (loss) available to common shareholders have not been presented in
     Statement of Operations Data since such amounts are not deemed meaningful
     due to the automatic conversion immediately prior to the closing of the
     initial public offering of the Company's Common Stock in May 1998 of all
     shares of preferred stock issued by the Company and ATG Richland
     Corporation, a subsidiary of the Company.  Historic net income (loss) per
     share for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1995, 1996 and 1997 was
     $(0.10), $(0.10) and $(0.06), respectively.  Net income (loss) available to
     common shareholders for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1995, 1996 and
     1997 was $(770), $(780) and $(451), respectively.
(3)  At December 31, 1999, working capital of $3.3 million excluded restricted
     cash of $16.0 million and accounts payable of $3.5 million that are
     exclusively for the construction of the Company's Low Level Mixed Waste
(4)  See Note 9 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for a discussion
     of long-term debt.


                Financial Results By Fiscal Quarter (Unaudited)
           (all dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                        Three Months Ended
                                       Mar. 31    Jun. 30    Sep. 30    Dec. 31    Mar. 31    Jun. 30    Sep. 30    Dec. 31
                                          1998       1998       1998       1998       1999       1999       1999       1999
                                          ----       ----       ----       ----       ----       ----       ----       ----
Revenue............................     $5,495     $6,773     $9,021    $14,612    $12,944    $16,060    $16,617    $15,041
Gross Profit.......................      2,865      3,426      4,226      5,567      5,202      6,252      6,160      6,689
Net income.........................        670        879      1,529      2,071      1,110      1,694      1,404        965
Net income per share...............
     Basic.........................       0.05       0.07       0.11       0.15       0.08       0.12       0.10       0.07
     Diluted.......................       0.05       0.07       0.11       0.14       0.08       0.12       0.10       0.07


Item 7.   Management's Discussion And Analysis Of Financial Condition And
          Results Of Operations


     The Company is a radioactive and hazardous waste management company that
offers comprehensive treatment solutions for LLRW, LLMW and other waste
generated by the DOD, DOE and commercial entities such as nuclear power plants,
medical facilities and research institutions. The Company principally derives
its revenue from the waste treatment operations of its Fixed Facilities Group
and the on-site remediation services of its Field Engineering Group. The Company
currently focuses a significant portion of its business on SAFGLAS(TM)
vitrification of LLRW and on its newly acquired business interests in Tennessee
for treating ion exchange resins (IERs) and on LLMW processing. During the
quarter ended June 30, 1999, the Company's permit application for its LLMW
processing facility in Richland, WA was granted, and in the quarter ended
September 30, 1999, the Company began construction of this processing facility.
The Company commenced non-thermal processing of LLMW at this facility in late
December 1999.

     The U.S. government represented approximately 27%, 55% and 71% of the
Company's total revenue for the years 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Revenue
from commercial entities, primarily nuclear power plants, industrial concerns
and medical and research institutions, has increased in recent years and
represents an increasing portion of the Company's business. Revenue from waste
treatment processing is generally recognized upon the substantial completion of
the waste treatment process. Field engineering services are provided under fixed
price, cost plus or unit price contracts. Revenue from fixed price and cost plus
contracts is recognized utilizing the percentage of completion method of
accounting; revenue from unit price contracts is recognized as the units are
processed and completed. Revenue also includes non-refundable fees received
under the terms of technology transfer agreements.

     Gross profit percentages reflect the mix of the Company's business, which
varies from time to time. Gross profit margins are generally higher for
technology transfer agreements involving up-front, non-refundable, licensing
fees payable to the Company, and due to the extensive expertise the Company has
developed in this area, when the Company is processing radioactive waste, while
margins on nonradioactive waste projects generally are lower. In 1999, the
Company focused a significant portion of its business on SAFGLAS(TM)
vitrification of LLRW, on its newly acquired Tennessee business interests and
LLMW processing, and intends to continue this focus in 2000. During 1998 the
Company focused a significant portion of its business on SAFGLAS(TM)
vitrification of LLRW. During 1997 the Company entered into two technology
transfer agreements with licensees in selected Asian territories and intends to
continue to seek additional such licensing arrangements as appropriate
opportunities arise.

     The Company operates its fixed facilities under regulation of, and licenses
and permits issued by, various federal, state and local agencies. There can be
no assurance as to the successful outcome of any pending licensing and
permitting efforts. The licensing and permitting process is subject to
regulatory approval, time delays, community opposition and potentially stricter
governmental regulation. The Company's inability to obtain licenses or permits
on a timely basis, delays or changes in facility construction programs or the
cancellation of pending projects could have a material adverse effect on the
Company's financial condition and results of operations.

     The Company has historically relied upon the integration of proven
technologies with the Company's know-how and processes, and has not incurred
significant levels of research and development spending. Most of the research
and development activities conducted to date have related to the design and
construction of its fixed operating facilities, particularly in connection


with the SAFGLAS(TM) system. The Company anticipates that its research and
development efforts will continue to be moderate and that the costs associated
with future research and development will not be material to the Company's
results of operations.

     The Company increasingly pursues multi-year and longer term contracts as a
method of achieving more predictable revenue, more consistent utilization of
equipment and personnel, and greater leverage of sales and marketing costs. The
Company currently focuses on large, multi-year site-specific and term contracts
in the areas of LLRW and LLMW treatment, environmental restoration and D&D, and
has in recent years been awarded a number of large government term contracts
which, in most cases, require several years to complete. These government term
contracts are subject to cancellation, delay or modification at the sole option
of the government at any time, to annual funding limitations and public sector
budget constraints and, in many cases, to actual delivery orders being released.
Such projects, which may create an opportunity for the Company to realize
margins higher than on other types of contracts, also impose heightened risks of
loss if, for example, actual costs are higher than those estimated at the time
of bid. A loss on one or more of such larger contracts could have a material
adverse effect on the Company's financial condition and results of operations.
In addition, failure to obtain, or delay in obtaining, targeted large, multi-
year contracts could result in significantly less revenue to the Company than

  Results of Operations

     The following table sets forth certain statement of operations data as a
percentage of total revenue for the periods indicated:

                                                                    Years Ended December 31,
                                                               1999            1998           1997
                                                             --------        --------       --------
     Revenue............................................       100.0%         100.0%          100.0%
     Cost of revenue....................................        59.9           55.2            58.5
                                                               -----          -----           -----
     Gross profit.......................................        40.1           44.8            41.5
     Sales, general and administrative expenses.........        24.2           22.2            36.7
                                                               -----          -----           -----
     Operating income...................................        15.9           22.6             4.8
     Interest income (expense), net.....................        (1.6)           0.5             0.3
     (Provision) benefit for income taxes...............        (5.7)          (8.8)            0.2
                                                               -----          -----           -----
     Net income.........................................         8.5%          14.3%            5.3%
                                                               =====          =====           =====

Comparison of Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998

     Revenue. Revenue for 1999 was $60.7 million, an increase of $24.8 million,
or 69.1%, compared to $35.9 million in 1998. The growth in revenue is derived
from the Company's Fixed Facilities Group and is principally attributable to new
customers and service offerings resulting from the acquisition of assets and
related businesses in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and the increasing commercial
utilization of the Company's Richland, Washington facility. The newly acquired
Tennessee operations have been integrated with the Richland, Washington waste
processing operations to provide a broad range of customer service offerings.
Customer waste is directed to the processing location capable of providing the
most efficient and economical treatment. The Fixed Facilities Group generated
waste processing revenue of $46.9 million during 1999, an increase of $28.0
million, compared to $18.9 million in 1998.


     The Company's revenue for the last two quarters of 1999 was impacted by an
unscheduled shutdown of the SAFGLAS(TM) thermal treatment system and the
related bulk-processing unit (BPU) at the Company's facilities in Richland,
Washington. Both the glass melter and BPU units ceased operation on September 5,
1999, due to the failure of a SAFGLAS(TM) glass drain. Both the SAFGLAS(TM)
thermal treatment system and BPU returned to operational status on September 28,
1999. The required slow startup of the thermal treatment systems during October
had a further negative impact on revenue.

     Field Engineering Group revenue during 1999 was $13.8 million, a decrease
of $3.2 million, compared to $17.0 million in 1998. The revenue decrease was due
to a decrease in new contract awards and weather related delays.

     Gross Profit. Gross profit for 1999 was $24.3 million, an increase of $8.2
million, or 50.9%, compared to $16.1 million for 1998. Gross profit as a
percentage of revenue decreased to 40.1% in 1999 compared to 44.8% in 1998.
Gross profit percentages reflect the various mixes of the Company's business
services from time to time. The Fixed Facilities Group experienced a decline in
gross margin during 1999, compared to 1998, due principally to delayed LLRW
customer shipments, the unscheduled SAFGLAS(TM) outage in September,
competitive pricing pressures, and a delay in non-thermal LLMW shipments. The
Field Engineering Group also experienced a decline in gross margin during 1999,
compared to 1998, due to its 1999 project mix being weighted towards fixed fee
and fixed unit price contracts.

     Sales, General and Administrative Expenses. Sales, general and
administrative expenses (including stock-based compensation expense) were $14.7
million for 1999, an increase of $6.7 million, or 83.8%, compared to $8.0
million in 1998. Sales, general and administrative expenses were 24.2% of
revenue in 1999, compared to 22.2% of revenue in 1998. The increases in spending
from year to year reflect the growth in the Company's operations, addition of
sales and administrative personnel related to the acquisition of the Tennessee
operations and the increased costs of being a public company. In addition, the
increased 1999 spending also includes the Company recording a $1.4 million
charge to bad debt expense related primarily to slow payment of government
contracts completed prior to 1999. The Company is maintaining its collection
efforts. Sales, general and administrative expenses include indirect engineering
and operating overhead, depreciation and amortization, and expenses to support
the domestic sales and marketing activities and the financial and administrative
functions of the Company.

     Interest Income and Interest Expense. Net interest expense was $996,000 in
1999 (interest expense for 1999 was $1.3 million, net of capitalized interest),
compared to net interest income of $188,000 in 1998 (interest expense for 1998
was $15,000, net of capitalized interest). The increase in net interest expense
during 1999 is due to the Company's increased business activity that required
debt financing to support its working capital requirements. Interest expense was
nil in 1998 as the result of the Company capitalizing approximately $1.0 million
of interest on construction in progress in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles. During 1999, the Company capitalized $1.4 million of
interest on construction in progress.

     Provision for Income Taxes. In 1999 and 1998, the Company provided for
income taxes at a combined federal and state effective tax rate of 40% and 38%
respectively. The increase in effective rate during 1999, compared to 1998, is
due to the estimated increase in state income taxes, non-deductible and other


Comparison of Years Ended December 31, 1998 and 1997

     Revenue. Revenue for 1998 was $35.9 million, an increase of $16.8 million,
or 87.9%, compared to $19.1 million in 1997. The growth in revenue was
principally due to the increasing commercial utilization of the Company's
SAFGLAS(TM) thermal treatment system. The SAFGLAS(TM) system began treating
customer waste streams in late 1997 and there was a steady increase in the
volume being processed during 1998. At the end of 1997, the Company had general
service agreements in place with only four nuclear power reactors, a key target
customer for the SAFGLAS(TM) technology. By the fourth quarter of 1998,
customer service agreements were in place with over 50 nuclear power reactors.
With the acquisition of new business lines in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the number
of such reactors utilizing at least one of the Company's technologies increased
to over 90 at December 31, 1998. In addition to the increase in waste for
thermal treatment utilizing SAFGLAS(TM), these same customers were sending the
Company increasing volumes of waste to be treated through non-thermal means.

     In addition to SAFGLAS(TM) related revenue increases, the Company's
revenues from field service engineering grew by approximately 30% as a result of
several large awards from DOD and DOE customers. One contract with the U.S. Air
Force accounted for 14% of the Company's total revenue in the year ended
December 31, 1998. Finally, approximately 7% of the revenue for 1998 resulted
from the new business acquired for the processing of IER waste streams.

     Gross Profit. Gross profit for 1998 was $16.1 million, an increase of $8.1
million, or 102.7%, compared to $7.9 million for 1997. Gross profit as a
percentage of revenue increased to 44.8% in 1998 compared to 41.5% in 1997.
Gross profit percentages reflect the various mixes of the Company's business
services from time to time. Gross profit margins are generally higher,
reflecting its extensive expertise and operating efficiencies, when the Company
is processing radioactive waste, while margins on non-radioactive waste projects
generally are lower. The fixed facility operations, such as SAFGLAS(TM), have
a larger percentage of fixed costs versus variable costs, so increases in
utilization, such as occurred in 1998, favorably impact gross profit realized.

     Sales, General and Administrative Expenses. Sales, general and
administrative expenses (including stock-based compensation expense) were $8.0
million for 1998, an increase of $0.9 million, or 13.3%, compared to $7.0
million in 1997. Sales, general and administrative expenses were 22.2% of
revenue in 1998, compared to 36.7% of revenue in 1997. The increase in spending
from year to year reflected the growth in the Company's operations, addition of
sales personnel and the increased costs of being a public company, offset by
increased absorption of indirect engineering and operating overhead. The overall
decrease as a percentage of revenue was attributable to the Company's effort to
maintain a level of costs that does not increase at the same rate as revenue.
Sales, general and administrative expenses include indirect engineering and
operating overhead, depreciation and amortization, and expenses to support the
domestic sales and marketing activities and the financial and administrative
functions of the Company.

     Interest Income and Interest Expense. Interest income was $188,000 in 1998,
compared to $58,000 in 1997. The increase in interest income was directly
related to the investment of the proceeds from the Company's initial public
offering completed in May 1998. Interest expense was nil in 1998 as the result
of the Company capitalizing approximately $1.0 million of interest on
construction in progress in accordance with generally accepted accounting

     Provision for Income Taxes. In 1998, the Company provided for income taxes
at a combined federal and state effective tax rate of 38%. In prior years the
Company realized the benefit of net operating loss carry forwards. All net
operating loss carry forwards were fully recognized by the end of 1997.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

     Total cash and cash equivalents were $2.8 million at December 31, 1999, a
decrease of $1.0 million from December 31, 1998. The working capital of the
Company was approximately $3.3 million at December 31, 1999, an increase of $1.7
million from December 31, 1998. The working capital calculation excludes
restricted cash of $16.0 million and accounts payable of $3.5 million that are
exclusively for the construction of the Company's Low Level Mixed Waste
facility. The increase in working capital is primarily due to the Company
completing its new $45 million credit facility (discussed below) whereby its
revolving line of credit is under a long term agreement, net of cash used to
acquire property and equipment.

     Significant outlays of cash have been needed to acquire property and
equipment and to secure or expand regulatory licenses, permits and approvals,
primarily for improvements to the Company's LLRW facility and construction of
the LLMW facility in Richland, Washington and for improvements to its fixed
facilities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Property and equipment acquisitions totaled
$33.2 million, $5.0 million and $7.8 million for the years ended December 31,
1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. In addition, the Company used approximately
$3.0 million of cash during 1999 relating to the purchase accounting for its
acquisition of the MMT Assets. See Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial
Statements, Acquisition, for further details.

     In November 1999, the Company completed an agreement with a consortium of
banks (the Banks) for a credit facility in the amount of $45 million. The credit
facility includes a letter of credit in support of tax-exempt Solid Waste
Revenue Bonds (the Bonds) in the aggregate face amount of $26.5 million (the
"letter of credit"). The Bonds were issued during November 1999, and bear
interest at a floating rate (5.60% at December 31, 1999), based upon prevailing
market conditions, which is redetermined every seven days. The Bonds are due
October 31, 2014 and may be prepaid at any time without penalty. The proceeds,
including the remaining restricted cash balance of $16.0 million as of December
31, 1999, are to be applied exclusively for the construction of the Company's
Low Level Mixed Waste facility in Richland, Washington. The credit facility also
includes a five year revolving working capital line of credit, due October 2004,
in the amount of $18 million, including a letter of credit facility of $5
million. Borrowings, when made, bear a variable interest rate based on certain
financial ratio criteria. The Company currently has borrowings of $17.5 million
and qualifies for the Banks' reference rate of 9.25%. The credit facility is
collateralized by accounts receivable, inventory and equipment.

     The credit facility agreement requires the Company to comply with certain
covenants, including capital asset acquisition limits, limits on additional
debt, minimum levels of tangible net worth, dividend payment restrictions and
maintenance of certain financial ratios. At December 31, 1999 the Company was in
violation of certain financial ratio covenants. The Company has obtained a
waiver, subsequent to year-end, in respect of these violations as of December
31, 1999. In connection with the waiver, the Banks agreed to revise and lower
certain financial ratio covenants that the Company failed to meet as of December
31, 1999, for each of the quarterly periods in the year ended December 31, 2000,
and increase the borrowings available to the Company by $6 million, for a total
of $24 million, through June 30, 2000. The borrowing limit subsequent to June
30, 2000 is $18 million. In addition, the interest rate applied to the working
capital facility was revised.

     The Company has a short term line of credit facility with a bank in the
amount of $1.9 million. Borrowings under this credit agreement were $1.7 million
at December 31, 1999, bear interest equal to the bank's reference rate (9.25% at
December 31, 1999) and are secured by the Company's Fremont, CA building


     The Company utilized a significant amount of cash and line of credit
borrowings to finance acquisition of property and equipment, the acquisition of
the MMT Assets, and normal operations of the Company. The Company is currently
reviewing additional sources of potential long term financing. The Company
believes that its current cash and cash equivalents, together with its credit
facility, cash generated from operations, and additional sources of long term
financing to which it has access will be sufficient to meet the Company's
working capital requirements for the next 12 months. Depending on its rate of
growth and profitability, the Company may require additional equity or debt
financing to meet its future working capital or capital expenditure needs. There
can be no assurance that such additional financing will be available or, if
available, that such financing can be obtained on terms satisfactory to the

Recent Pronouncements

     In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 133 ("SFAS 133"), Accounting for Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities. SFAS 133 establishes accounting and
reporting standards requiring that every derivative instrument, including
certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts, be recorded in the
balance sheet as either an asset or liability measured at its fair value. SFAS
133 requires that changes in the derivative's fair value be recognized currently
in earnings unless specific hedge accounting criteria are met. Special
accounting for qualifying hedges allows a derivative's gains and losses to
offset related results on the hedged item in the income statement, and requires
that a company must formally document, designate and assess the effectiveness of
transactions that receive hedge accounting. SFAS 133 is effective for the
Company in fiscal year 2000 and will not require retroactive restatement of
prior period financial statements. The Company has not yet quantified the impact
of adopting SFAS 133 on its financial statements, but the Company believes there
will not be a significant impact.

     In December 1999, the Securities Exchange Commission ("SEC") issued Staff
Accounting Bulletin No. 101 ("SAB 101"), Revenue Recognition in Financial
Statements, which outlines the basic criteria that must be met to recognize
revenue and provides guidance for presentation of revenue and for disclosure
related to revenue recognition policies in financial statements filed with the
SEC. The Company believes that adopting SAB 101 will not have a material impact
on the Company's financial position and results of operations.

Item 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

     The Company considered the provisions of Financial Reporting Release No.
48, "Disclosure about Accounting Policies for Derivative Financial Instruments
and Derivative Commodity Instruments, and Disclosure of Qualitative Information
about Market Risk Inherent in Derivative Financial Instruments, Other Financial
Instruments and Derivative Commodity Instruments". The Company had no derivative
financial or commodity instruments at December 31, 1999. The Company's long term
credit facility provides for interest at a floating or variable rate that may
fluctuate over time based on changes, as applicable, in the prevailing market
conditions or in certain financial ratios applicable to the company pursuant to
its terms. The Company's short term line of credit has an interest rate based on
the bank's reference rate that may fluctuate over time based on changes in the
prevailing market conditions. The Company is subject to interest rate risk, and
could be subjected to increased interest payments if market interest rates
fluctuate. An effective increase or decrease of 10% in such interest rates would
not have a material adverse effect on the Company's results of operations.


Item 8.  Consolidated Financial Statements And Supplementary Data

See pages 33 through 56.

Item 9.  Changes In And Disagreements With Accountants On Accounting
         And Financial Disclosure


                                   PART III

Item 10.  Directors And Executive Officers Of The Registrant

     The executive officers of the Company, who are elected by and serve at the
discretion of the Board of Directors, are as follows:

                Name                        Age                                 Position
                ----                        ---                                 --------
     Doreen M. Chiu..................       46            Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer

     Frank Y. Chiu...................       46            Executive Vice-President and Director

     William M. Hewitt...............       53            President--Waste Management Services and Director

     Danyal F. Mutman................       42            Chief Financial Officer

     Fred Feizollahi.................       54            Vice-President--Technology and Engineering

     Doreen M. Chiu has served as President, Chief Executive Officer and
Chairman of the Board since joining the Company in 1984. Prior to joining the
Company, Ms. Chiu owned her own certified public accounting firm. Ms. Chiu is a
California CPA and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration
from the University of Wisconsin. Ms. Chiu is the wife of Frank Chiu.

     Frank Y. Chiu joined the Company in 1980 as Financial Controller, became
Vice-President and a director of the Company in 1984, and became Executive Vice-
President in 1992. Mr. Chiu holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business
Administration and a Master's degree in Business Administration from the
University of Wisconsin. Mr. Chiu is the husband of Doreen Chiu.

     William M. Hewitt joined the Company in April 1997 as President--Waste
Management Services. Mr. Hewitt has over 27 years of domestic and international
professional management experience, primarily in the waste minimization and
environmental fields. From 1994 until joining the Company, Mr. Hewitt was the
President of Hewitt Management Services, Inc., a consulting firm providing
strategic planning and other business advice in the areas of pollution
prevention, waste minimization and strategic environmental management. During
this period, Mr. Hewitt also served as a Group President of Philip Environmental
Services Companies, in which capacity he designed and implemented the strategic,
organizational and marketing approach for integrating that group of companies.
From 1990 to 1994, he held a number of positions with companies in the WMX
Technologies Affiliates group, including Vice-President, Strategic Planning, of
Rust International, Inc. from 1993 to 1994, and President of Rust Federal
Environmental Services (formerly CWM FES) from 1991 to 1993. Mr. Hewitt holds a
Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rhode
Island and a Master of Science degree in Mechanical/Nuclear Engineering from
Catholic University of America.


     Danyal F. Mutman joined the Company in July 1999 as Corporate Controller,
and became Chief Financial Officer in February 2000. From 1998 until joining the
Company, Mr. Mutman was a financial consultant with Deloitte & Touche LLP's
Resources Connection subsidiary, where he provided accounting and financial
services for public corporate clients. From 1997 to 1998, he was the Director of
Finance for Kokusai Semiconductor Equipment Corporation. From 1983 to 1997, Mr.
Mutman was Chief Financial Officer for Egizii Electric, Inc., a privately held
group of affiliated companies with interests in construction contracting,
commercial real estate, hotel and restaurants, agriculture and manufacturing. He
is a CPA and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Southern
Illinois University at Carbondale.

     Fred Feizollahi joined the Company in 1995 as Director of Technology and
Engineering, and since 1995 has been Vice-President--Technology and Engineering.
Mr. Feizollahi has over 28 years of experience in radioactive and hazardous
waste remediation and management, decontamination and decommissioning, and the
design and operation of waste treatment equipment and technologies. Prior to
joining the Company, he worked as a Senior Project Manager for Morrison Knudsen
from 1991 to 1995 and as a Staff Engineer/Project Engineer for Bechtel Power
Corporation from 1981 to 1991. Mr. Feizollahi, who holds a Bachelor of Science
degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland, is a
registered California Professional Engineer.

     Information concerning the Company's Directors and compliance with Section
16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is incorporated herein by reference to
the Company's definitive proxy statement for its Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to be held on June 9, 2000, which is intended to be filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission no later than 120 days after the close of the fiscal
year ended December 31, 1999.

Items 11, 12 and 13.

The information called for by Part III (Items, 11, 12, and 13) is incorporated
herein by reference to the Company's definitive proxy statement for its Annual
Meeting of Shareholders to be held on July 14, 2000, which is intended to be
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission no later than 120 days after
the close of the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999.



To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
ATG Inc. and Subsidiaries:

     In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and the
related consolidated statements of operations and of shareholders' equity and of
cash flows present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of
ATG Inc. and its subsidiaries at December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the results of
their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 1999, in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States. These financial statements are the responsibility
of the Company's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on
these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these
statements in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the
United States, which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

                                       PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP

San Jose, California
March 28, 2000


                                   ATG INC.
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                         (dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                                                             December 31,
                                                                                       1999               1998
                                                                                       ----               ----
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents................................................         $  2,776            $ 3,789
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful
     accounts of $1,522 at December 31, 1999 and
     $305 at December 31, 1998..............................................           24,488             22,561
   Prepayments and other current assets.....................................            5,396              2,096
                                                                                     --------            -------
     Total current assets...................................................           32,660             28,446
Property and equipment, net.................................................           80,428             42,988
Restricted cash.............................................................           16,014                 --
Other assets................................................................            6,977              8,135
                                                                                     --------            -------
     Total assets...........................................................         $136,079            $79,569
                                                                                     ========            =======

Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings....................................................         $  1,721            $ 6,750
   Current portion of long-term debt and capitalized leases.................            4,259              4,733
   Accounts payable.........................................................           11,649              6,096
   Accrued liabilities......................................................           15,197              9,222
                                                                                     --------            -------
     Total current liabilities..............................................           32,826             26,801
Long-term debt and capitalized leases, net of current portion...............           56,595             11,246
Deferred income taxes.......................................................                -                777
                                                                                     --------            -------
     Total liabilities......................................................           89,421             38,824
                                                                                     --------            -------

                             SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
Common Stock, no par value:
   Authorized: 20,000,000 shares.  Issued and outstanding:
   14,082,734 shares and 13,851,709 shares at December 31,
   1999 and 1998, respectively..............................................           42,137             41,517
Deferred compensation.......................................................              (32)              (152)
Retained earnings (deficit).................................................            4,553               (620)
                                                                                     --------            -------
     Total common stock, deferred compensation and
      retained earnings (deficit)...........................................           46,658             40,745
                                                                                     --------            -------
     Total liabilities and shareholders' equity.............................         $136,079            $79,569
                                                                                     ========            =======

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial


                                   ATG INC.
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                 (amounts in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                             For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                                            1999            1998         1997
                                                                           ------          ------       ------
Revenue..............................................................     $60,662         $35,900       $19,107
Cost of revenue......................................................      36,359          19,816        11,172
                                                                          -------         -------       -------
        Gross profit.................................................      24,303          16,084         7,935
Sales, general and administrative expenses...........................      14,565           7,832         6,903
Stock-based compensation expense.....................................         120             120           117
                                                                          -------         -------       -------
        Operating income.............................................       9,618           8,132           915
                                                                          -------         -------       -------
Interest income (expense):
    Interest income..................................................         291             188            58
    Interest expense.................................................      (1,287)            (15)            -
        Interest income, net.........................................        (996)            173            58
                                                                          -------         -------       -------
Income before income taxes...........................................       8,622           8,305           973
Provision (benefit) for income taxes.................................       3,449           3,156           (45)
                                                                          -------         -------       -------
        Net income...................................................       5,173           5,149         1,018
Accretion of mandatorily redeemable preferred stock..................           -               -        (1,469)
                                                                          -------         -------       -------
Net income (loss) available to common shareholders...................     $ 5,173         $ 5,149       $  (451)
                                                                          =======         =======       =======
Net income (loss) per share
    Basic............................................................     $  0.37         $  0.40       $ (0.06)
    Diluted..........................................................     $  0.35         $  0.38       $ (0.06)
Shares used in calculating net income (loss)
per share
    Basic............................................................      14,048          12,975         7,532
    Diluted..........................................................      14,596          13,698         7,532

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial


                                   ATG INC.
                            (amounts in thousands)


                                                                                                               Total Common
                                                                                                 Retained     Stock, Deferred
                                                                                                 Earnings      Compensation
                                                      Common Stock           Deferred          (Accumulated     and Retained
                                                  Shares       Amount      Compensation          Deficit)        Earnings
                                                  ------       ------      ------------       ------------    -------------
Balance, December 31, 1996.....................       7,532      $ 5,948         $    -         $   (5,318)       $     630
     Accretion on redeemable preferred
       stock...................................           -            -              -             (1,469)          (1,469)
     Stock based compensation..................           -          389           (389)                 -                -
     Amortized deferred compensation...........           -            -            117                  -              117
     Net income................................           -            -              -              1,018            1,018
                                                     ------      -------         ------         ----------        ---------
Balance, December 31, 1997.....................       7,532        6,337           (272)            (5,769)             296
     Conversion of redeemable preferred
       stock...................................       3,984       19,416              -                  -           19,416
     Issuance of common stock, on initial
       public offering, net of expenses........       2,185       15,658              -                  -           15,658
     Exercise of stock options.................         147           83              -                  -               83
     Issuance of common stock under
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan............           4           23              -                  -               23
     Amortized deferred compensation...........           -            -            120                  -              120
     Net income................................           -            -              -              5,149            5,149
                                                     ------      -------         ------         ----------        ---------
Balance, December 31, 1998.....................      13,852       41,517           (152)              (620)          40,745
     Exercise of stock options.................         204          476              -                  -              476
     Issuance of common stock under
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan............          15           83              -                  -               83
     Issuance of common stock under
       Employee 401k Plan Match................          12           61              -                  -               61
     Amortized deferred compensation...........           -            -            120                  -              120
     Net income................................           -            -              -              5,173            5,173
                                                     ------      -------         ------         ----------        ---------
Balance, December 31, 1999.....................      14,083      $42,137         $  (32)        $    4,553        $  46,658
                                                     ======      =======         ======         ==========        =========

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial


                                   ATG INC.
                            (amounts in thousands)

                                                                             For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                                              1999          1998         1997
                                                                             ------        ------       ------
Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net income....................................................          $  5,173      $  5,149    $ 1,018
     Adjustments to reconcile net income with cash
           flow from operations:
       Depreciation and amortization...............................             1,911           824        746
       Provision for doubtful accounts.............................             1,359           210         73
       Compensation expense for shares issued and
         options granted...........................................               120           120        117
       Income tax benefit..........................................                 -             -        (45)
       Change in current assets and liabilities:
             Accounts receivable...................................            (1,750)      (16,836)       899
             Prepayments and other current assets..................            (2,722)           78       (140)
             Accounts payable and accrued liabilities..............             6,361        11,128      1,085
             Deferred income taxes.................................              (152)          310       (230)
                                                                             --------      --------    -------
                   Net cash provided by
                   operating activities............................            10,300           983      3,523
                                                                             --------      --------    -------
Cash flows from investing activities:
     Property and equipment acquisitions...........................           (33,183)       (5,015)    (3,505)
     Acquisition of MMT Assets.....................................                 -       (10,731)         -
     Restricted cash...............................................           (16,014)            -          -
     Other assets..................................................            (2,582)       (3,763)    (3,710)
                                                                             --------      --------    -------
       Net cash used in investing activities.......................           (51,779)      (19,509)    (7,215)
                                                                             --------      --------    -------
Cash flows from financing activities:
     Loans from (payments to) related parties......................                 -        (1,280)     1,177
     Borrowing (repayment) of capital leases.......................             4,412        (1,226)      (461)
     Borrowing (repayment) of long-term debt, net..................            40,463         3,717       (196)
     Short-term borrowing (repayment), net.........................            (5,029)        2,754      1,160
     Proceeds from issuance of preferred stock, net................                 -             -      1,629
     Proceeds from issuance of common stock, net...................               620        15,764          -
                                                                             --------      --------    -------
       Net cash provided by financing activities...................            40,466        19,729      3,309
                                                                             --------      --------    -------
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents...................            (1,013)        1,203       (383)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period.....................             3,789         2,586      2,969
                                                                             --------      --------    -------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period...........................          $  2,776      $  3,789    $ 2,586
                                                                             ========      ========    =======
Supplemental Disclosures, of non-cash investing and
  financing activities:
     Income taxes paid.............................................          $  1,495      $     64    $     2
                                                                             ========      ========    =======
     Interest paid, net of interest capitalized....................          $  1,287      $     15    $     -
                                                                             ========      ========    =======
     Acquisition of equipment with capital lease financing.........          $  4,902      $    906    $ 4,256
                                                                             ========      ========    =======
     Acquisition of MMT Assets with long-term debt.................          $      -      $  5,000    $     -
                                                                             ========      ========    =======
     Reclassification of machinery and equipment to
      inventory....................................................          $   (426)     $   (475)   $     -
                                                                             ========      ========    =======
     Reclassification of other assets to property and equipment              $  1,325      $      -    $     -
                                                                             ========      ========    =======
     Conversion of redeemable preferred stock......................          $      -      $ 19,416    $     -
                                                                             ========      ========    =======

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

1.   Formation and Business of the Company

     ATG Inc. (the "Company" or "ATG") provides technical personnel and
specialized services and products primarily to the U.S. government and the
nuclear power industry. Services principally consist of compaction, reduction,
decontamination, vitrification and disposal of low-level nuclear waste,
dewatering and thermal treatment of ion exchange resins, decontamination,
stabilization and volume reduction of low-level mixed waste, site remediation
and construction projects.

     In May 1998, the Company completed an initial public offering of 1,900,000
shares of common stock and in June 1998, sold an additional 285,000 shares of
common stock.  Total proceeds to the Company, net of underwriting discounts and
other direct expenses, were approximately $15.7 million.

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Presentation

     The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company
and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, ATG Richland Corporation ("ATG Richland") and
ATG Nuclear Services LLC ("ATG Nuclear") and its subsidiary, ATG Catalytics LLC
("ATG Catalytics"). All significant intercompany balances and transactions have
been eliminated.

Use of Estimates

     The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial
statements and accompanying disclosures. These estimates include assessing the
collectibility of accounts receivable, contracts in process and the
recoverability of self-constructed assets and provisions for contingencies.
Actual results could materially differ from the Company's estimates.

Revenue Recognition

     Revenue includes fees for waste processing services and technology license
fees. Revenue from waste processing is generally recognized upon the substantial
completion of the waste treatment process. Revenue from licensing or technology
transfer agreements is recognized when received unless there are future
commitments, in which case the revenue is recognized over the term of the
agreement.  Revenue of $1,975 was recognized pursuant to technology transfer
agreements in 1997.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

     Revenue under cost plus, fixed fee and fixed unit price contracts mainly
relating to site remediation is recorded as costs are incurred or units are
completed and include estimated fees earned according to the terms of the
contracts.  Revenue from U.S. federal government contracts include estimates of
reimbursable overhead and general administrative expenses, which are subject to
final determination by the U.S. federal government upon project completion.
Change orders are modifications of an original contract that effectively change
the provisions of the contract.  They may be initiated by either the Company or
the customer. Change order work may be performed prior to approval of the change
order by the customer. Revisions in contract revenue and cost estimates are
reflected in the accounting period when known. Provision for the entire amount
of estimated losses on uncompleted contracts is made in the period such losses
are determined. Claims for additional contract revenue are recognized if it is
probable that the claim will result in additional revenue and the amount can be
reliably estimated.

Disclosure of Significant Estimates - Revenue

     As outlined in the Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Revenue
Recognition, the Company's site remediation revenue for fixed price and cost
plus contracts is recognized on the percentage of completion basis.
Consequently, construction revenue and gross margin for each reporting period is
determined on a contract-by-contract basis by reference to estimates by the
Company's engineers of expected costs to be incurred to complete each project.
These estimates include provisions for known and anticipated cost overruns, if
any exist or are expected to occur. These estimates may be subject to revision
in the normal course of business.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

     The Company considers all highly liquid investments with original
maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

Balance Sheet Classifications

     The Company includes in current assets and liabilities amounts receivable
and payable under construction contracts, which may extend beyond one year. A
one-year time period is used as the basis for classifying all other current
assets and liabilities.

Property and Equipment

     Property and equipment are stated at cost and are depreciated on the
straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets, which range
from three to forty years. The Company self constructs substantially all of its
waste processing facilities, and includes as captialized costs, direct materials
and labor and related overhead and an allocation for general and administrative
costs. Cost includes expenditures for major improvements and replacements and
the net amount of interest costs related to qualifying construction projects.
Expenditures for major renewals and betterments are capitalized. Expenditures
for maintenance and repair expenses are charged to expense as incurred. The
Company's policy is to regularly review the carrying amount of specialized
assets and to evaluate the remaining life and recoverability of such equipment
in light of current market conditions.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

Intangible Assets

     Intangible assets are stated at acquisition cost and are amortized on the
straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets, which range
from three to twentyfive years. Acquisition cost includes the value of patents,
licenses, non-compete covenants and goodwill.  The Company's policy is to
capitalize only such costs which are purchased.  The Company's policy is to
regularly review the carrying amount of intangible assets and to evaluate the
remaining life and recoverability of such assets in light of current market
conditions. As of December 31, 1999, management believes there is no impairment
with respect to these assets.

Risks and Uncertainties

     The Company operates its fixed facilities under regulations of, and permits
issued by, various state and federal agencies.  The Company, typically, is in
the process of seeking new permits, renewals and/or expansion permits.  There
can be no assurance of the successful outcome of any permitting efforts.  The
permitting process is subject to regulatory approval, time delays, local
opposition and potentially stricter governmental regulation. In the event a
permit is not granted, facility construction programs could be delayed, changed,
or abandoned and could result in substantial losses which would have a material
adverse effect on the Company's consolidated financial position. The Company
reviews the status of permitting projects on a periodic basis to assess
realizability of related asset values.  As of December 31, 1999, management
believes that assets which could currently be affected by permitting efforts are
recoverable at their recorded values.

     The market for the Company's services is substantially dependent on state
and federal legislation and regulations. The availability of new contracts
depends significantly on the regulatory environment. In order to build or retain
its market share the Company must continue to successfully compete for new
government and private sector contracts.

Income Taxes

     Deferred taxes are provided on a liability method whereby deferred tax
assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences and operating loss
carryforwards and deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary
differences. Temporary differences are the differences between the reported
amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax bases. Deferred tax assets are
reduced by a valuation allowance when, in the opinion of management, it is more
likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be
realized. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are adjusted for the effects of
changes in tax laws and rates on the date of enactment.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

 Concentration of Credit Risk

     The majority of the Company's cash and cash equivalents are held with major
banks in the United States. The Company's customers consist mainly of agencies
of the U.S. government and large U.S. companies. The Company performs ongoing
credit evaluation of its customers' financial condition. As of December 31,
1999, agencies of the U.S. government represented 39% of accounts receivable and
27% of total revenue for the year then ended. As of December 31, 1998, agencies
of the U.S. government represented 51% of accounts receivable and 55% of total
revenue for the year then ended. As of December 31, 1997, agencies of the U.S.
government represented 47% of accounts receivable and 71% of total revenue for
the year then ended. The Company generally does not require collateral.

 Computation of Net Income Per Share

     Basic income per share is computed by dividing income available to common
shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the
period.  Diluted income per share is computed giving effect to all dilutive
potential common shares that were outstanding during the period.

 Stock Options

     The Company accounts for stock-based awards to employees in accordance with
APB No. 25 ("APB 25"), Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees, and has adopted
the disclosure-only alternative of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No. 123 ("SFAS 123"), Accounting for Stock Based Compensation. See Note 11,
Stock Based Compensation Plans for further details.


     Certain prior year amounts in the consolidated financial statements have
been reclassified to conform with the current year's presentation.

 Recent Pronouncements

     In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 133 ("SFAS 133"), Accounting for Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities. SFAS 133 establishes methods of accounting
for derivative financial instruments and hedging activities related to those
instruments as well as other hedging activities, and is effective for fiscal
years beginning after June 15, 2000, as amended by SFAS No. 137.  The Company
believes that adoption of this pronouncement will have no material impact on the
Company's financial position and results of operations.

     In December 1999, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") issued
Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 101 ("SAB 101"), Revenue Recognition in Financial
Statements, which outlines the basic criteria that must be met to recognize
revenue and provides guidance for presentation of revenue and for disclosure
related to revenue recognition policies in financial statements filed with the
SEC. The Company believes that adopting SAB 101 will not have a material impact
on the Company's financial position and results of operations.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

Comprehensive Income

     In the first quarter of 1998 the Company adopted Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income," which specifies
the computation, presentation and disclosure requirements for comprehensive
income. There was no impact on the Company's financial position, results of
operations or cash flows as a result of adoption. Comprehensive income and net
income are the same.

3.  Acquisition

     Effective December 1, 1998, the Company, through its wholly-owned
subsidiary, ATG Nuclear, and through its subsidiary, ATG Catalytics, acquired
certain assets and business lines from the trustee ("Seller") for debtors of
Molten Metal Technologies, Inc. or its affiliates, under Chapter 11 of the
United States Bankruptcy Code (the "MMT Assets").

     The assets acquired by ATG Nuclear include substantially all of the assets,
contracts, licenses and permits associated with the Seller's wet waste business
based in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and a facility in Columbia, South Carolina. The
assets acquired by ATG Catalytics include substantially all of the assets,
contracts, licenses and permits associated with the Seller's catalytic
extraction processing business conducted substantially in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

     These assets were acquired throught a combination of cash, notes payable,
and the assumption of certain debts, including the obligation to provide for
disposal of certain legacy wastes which were in process at the date of
acquisition. The Company paid $10.5 million in cash at closing, agreed to pay
$1.0 million in cash one year from closing and agreed to make future payments of
5% of the earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization of ATG
Catalytics, but not less than $800 annually for five years (minimum of $4.0

     The transaction has been accounted for as a purchase and, accordingly,
results of operations include the operations of the new businesses since the
date of acquisition. The purchase price has been allocated to the assets
acquired and will be amortized over the lives of those assets. During 1999 the
final purchase price allocation was concluded and as result the purchase price
allocation was revised as follows:

(Dollars in millions)                 Original                          Ending
- ---------------------                Valuation       Adjustments      Valuation
                                     ---------       -----------      ---------
Restricted cash and other assets        $ 2.7          $    --          $  2.7
Accounts receivable                       2.8               --             2.8
Property and equipment                   15.4              6.8            22.2
Intangibles including goodwill             --              1.4             1.4
Accrued liabilities                      (5.2)            (8.2)          (13.4)
                                        -----          -------          ------
Net assets acquired                     $15.7          $    --          $ 15.7
                                        =====          =======          ======


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

     The value of property and equipment was increased by $6.8 million, not to
exceed its fair market value (FMV) appraisal of $22.2 million. The Company
recorded $1.4 million in goodwill which is the amount of increase in accrued
liabilities of $8.2 million less the increase of $6.8 million in property and
equipment value from the FMV appraisal. The accrued liabilities adjustment was
primarily due to waste processing and disposal costs associated with waste
materials on site at the time of the acquisition. As of December 31, 1999, the
Company has accrued $5.2 million for the  future cost of waste processing and
disposal for waste materials on site at the time of the acquisition.

4.  Accounts Receivable

                                                        December 31,
                                                      1999        1998
                                                     ------      ------
U.S. Government:
     Amounts billed...............................    $ 2,867     $ 8,483
     Amounts unbilled.............................      7,314       3,037
                                                      -------     -------
       Total U.S. Government......................     10,181      11,520
                                                      -------     -------
Commercial customers:
     Amounts billed...............................     10,847       9,008
     Amounts unbilled.............................      4,982       2,338
                                                      -------     -------
       Total commercial...........................     15,829      11,346
                                                      -------     -------
     Total accounts receivable....................     26,010      22,866
Less: allowances for doubtful accounts............     (1,522)       (305)
                                                      -------     -------
                                                      $24,488     $22,561
                                                      =======     =======

     Recoverable costs and accrued profit on progress completed but not billed
on U.S. government contracts are based on estimates of reimbursable overhead and
general and administrative expenses calculated in accordance with contractually
determined methods of calculation. These amounts are subject to final
determination by the U.S. federal government after the contracts have been
completed. As such, the actual recoverable amounts on these contracts may differ
from these estimates.

     Included in the unbilled portion within the above amounts is $3,595 and
none, as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively, related to claims for
additional services rendered. The number of claims is two and none as of
December 31, 1999 and 1998 respectively. These amounts have been recognized as
revenue and include only direct costs associated with the claim and do not
include profit margin. The Company is in the process of submitting contract
documents related to these claims. The customer may accept or reject the
Company's claim. Should the customer reject the claim, the Company may be
required to seek alternative remedies, including litigation.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

5.  Restricted Investments

     The Company has restricted cash of $16,014 as of December 31, 1999, from
the issuance of tax-exempt Solid Waste Revenue Bonds, that is to be utilized
exclusively for the construction of its mixed waste treatment facility in
Richland, WA. See Note 9 - Borrowing Arrangements for further details.

6.  Property and Equipment

                                                              December 31,
                                                         1999             1998
                                                        ------           ------
Land.................................................   $ 2,957         $ 2,310
Buildings and improvements...........................    32,530          21,205
Machinery and equipment..............................    23,921          14,876
Office furniture and equipment.......................     1,635           1,470
                                                        -------         -------
Property and equipment at cost.......................    61,043          39,861
Less: accumulated depreciation and amortization......    (4,795)         (3,072)
                                                        -------         -------
                                                         56,248          36,789
Construction-in-progress.............................    24,180           6,199
                                                        -------         -------
                                                        $80,428         $42,988
                                                        =======         =======

     Property and equipment costs include capitalized labor and overhead,
including interest costs related to the construction of buildings, building
improvements and equipment. Capitalized interest costs totaled $1,410, $1,027,
and $891 in 1999, 1998, and 1997 respectively. All property and equipment serve
as collateral to notes payable agreements to banks and other creditors.

     As of December 31, 1999 and 1998, machinery and equipment included assets
acquired under capital leases with a capitalized cost of $12,489 and $6,876,
respectively. Related accumulated amortization totaled $663 and $333 in 1999 and
1998, respectively.

 Mixed Waste Facility

     During 1999, construction of the Company's new mixed waste treatment
facility in Richland, Washington was begun resulting in a significant increase
in construction in progress over the prior year. The facility began operations
in some treatment lines in late 1999. The facility is financed by the issuance
of $26.5 million of tax-exempt Solid Waste Revenue Bonds. See Note 9 - Borrowing
Arrangements for further details.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

7.  Accrued Liabilities

     Accrued liabilities at December 31, 1999 and 1998 consisted of:

                                                              December 31,
                                                              1999     1998
                                                            -------- -------
Income taxes payable....................................     $ 4,075  $ 2,647
Waste acquisition.......................................       5,167    2,788
Other...................................................       5,955    3,787
                                                             -------  -------
                                                             $15,197  $ 9,222
                                                             =======  =======

     The waste acquisition accrual arose out of the purchase of the assets and
businesses described in Note 3 - Acquisition.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

8.   Transactions with Related Parties

     The Company has a note payable to a former Director of $225 at December 31,
1999 and 1998. The amount is due July 1, 2000. The amount is included in short
term debt at December 31, 1999.

     In 1998, the Company entered into a demolition and construction management
project with a partnership in which the President and Executive Vice President
of the Company have a combined 50% ownership interest. The total contract value
is $4,695 of which revenues of $1,403 and $785 were recognized in 1999 and 1998
respectively. Costs of $1,354 and $482 in 1999 and 1998, respectively, are
associated with this project. The related accounts receivable include $857 and
$785 at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

9.   Borrowing Arrangements

     In November 1999, the Company completed an agreement with a consortium of
banks (the Banks) for a credit facility in the amount of $45 million. The credit
facility includes a letter of credit in support of tax-exempt Solid Waste
Revenue Bonds (the Bonds) in the aggregate face amount of $26.5 million (the
"letter of credit"). The Bonds were issued during November 1999, and bear
interest at a floating rate (5.60% at December 31, 1999), based upon prevailing
market conditions, which is redetermined every seven days. The Bonds are due
October 31, 2014 and may be prepaid at any time without penalty. The proceeds,
including the remaining restricted cash balance of $16.0 million as of December
31, 1999, are to be applied exclusively for the construction of the Company's
Low Level Mixed Waste facility in Richland, Washington. The credit facility also
includes a five year revolving working capital line of credit, due October 2004,
in the amount of $18 million, including a letter of credit facility of $5
million. Borrowings, when made, bear a variable interest rate based on certain
financial ratio criteria. The Company currently has borrowings of $17.5 million
and qualifies for the Banks' reference rate of 9.25%. The credit facility is
collateralized by accounts receivable, inventory and equipment.

     The credit facility agreement requires the Company to comply with certain
covenants, including capital asset acquisition limits, limits on additional
debt, minimum levels of tangible net worth, dividend payment restrictions and
maintenance of certain financial ratios. At December 31, 1999 the Company was in
violation of certain financial ratio covenants. The Company has obtained a
waiver, subsequent to year-end, in respect of these violations as of December
31, 1999. In connection with the waiver, the Banks agreed to revise and lower
certain financial ratio covenants that the Company failed to meet as of December
31, 1999, for each of the quarterly periods in the year ended December 31, 2000,
and increase the borrowings available to the Company by $6 million, for a total
of $24 million, through June 30, 2000. The borrowing limit subsequent to June
30, 2000 is $18 million. In addition, the interest rate applied to the working
capital facility was revised.

     Under a short term line of credit facility with a bank, the Company may
borrow up to $1.9 million. Borrowings under this credit agreement were $1.7
million at December 31, 1999, bear interest equal to the bank's reference rate
(9.25% at December 31, 1999) and are secured by the Company's Fremont, CA
building property.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

Long Term Debt

     Long term debt consists of mortgage debt, notes payable, equipment notes
payable and obligation under the letter of credit. The mortgage debt bears
interest at annual rates between 8.125% and 11.0%, matures between 2001 and
2006, and is collateralized by certain of the Company's buildings. The notes
payable bear interest at annual rates between 8% and 10%, mature between 1999
and 2005, and are collateralized by certain of the Company's equipment. In
addition, notes payable includes the Banks' five year long term revolving credit
line that is discussed in the previous section. Equipment notes bear interest at
annual rates between 0.9% and 9.6%, mature between 1999 and 2002, and are
collateralized by specific equipment.

     Future minimum principal payments are as follows as of December 31, 1999:

                                           Mortgage        Notes      Equipment   Letter of credit    Total Long
                                             Debt         Payable       Notes         Obligation       Term Debt
                                             ----         -------       -----         ----------       ---------
2000...................................     $  164        $ 1,084       $  835         $    --           $ 2,083
2001...................................      1,398            826          888              --             3,112
2002...................................         33            823          325              --             1,181
2003...................................         36            824           --              --               860
2004...................................         39             26           --              --                65
Thereafter.............................        227         17,566           --          26,500            44,293
                                            ------        -------       ------         -------           -------
                                             1,897         21,149         2048          26,500            51,594
Less: current portion..................        164          1,084          834              --             2,082
                                            ------        -------       ------         -------           -------
                                            $1,733        $20,065       $1,214         $26,500           $49,512
                                            ======        =======       ======         =======           =======

  Capital Lease Obligations

    As of December 31, 1999, future minimum lease payments under capital leases
are as follows:

2000.....................................................................    $ 2,970
2001.....................................................................      2,717
2002.....................................................................      2,533
2003.....................................................................      2,118
2004.....................................................................        912
Total minimum lease payments.............................................     11,250
Less amount representing interest........................................      1,990
Present value of future minimum lease payments ..........................      9,260
Less: current portion....................................................      2,177
Total capital lease obligations, net of current portion..................    $ 7,083

10. Commitments and Contingencies

    In June 1992, the Company entered into a contract with the U.S. Army under
which the Company acted as the prime contractor to "surface clear" expended
ordnance from a firing range at Fort Irwin, California (the "Fort Irwin
Contract"). In March 1997, a piece of ordnance exploded on the premises of a
scrap metal dealer (the "Scrap Dealer") in Fontana, California. An employee of
the Scrap Dealer died in the accident. Although the Scrap Dealer had purchased
expended ordnance and other military scrap metal from a number of military
facilities, including Fort Irwin, the Scrap Dealer indicated that the ordnance
which exploded was purchased from Fort


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

Irwin. The U.S. Army contended that a subcontractor to the Company on the Fort
Irwin Contract (the "Subcontractor") had improperly certified ordnance cleared
from the Fort Irwin firing range as free of hazardous and explosive material
prior to the sale of such ordnance to the Scrap Dealer. As a result, the U.S.
Army terminated the Fort Irwin Contract for default, and demanded repayment from
the Company of alleged reprocurement costs totaling $945,000. The Company
believes it fully complied with the terms of the Fort Irwin Contract and
applicable laws and regulations and challenged the default termination in an
action against the U.S. Army filed in the Court of Federal Claims in July 1997.
In July 1998, the U.S. Army and the Company settled the matter. The termination
for default was rescinded and the Company agreed to no longer bid on surface-
clearing work at active U.S. Army firing ranges.

    In connection with the accident, in March 1998 a wrongful death civil action
was filed in San Bernardino County Superior Court against the Subcontractor, a
supervisory employee of the Subcontractor, the owners of the premises occupied
by the Scrap Dealer, and the Company, seeking damages in excess of $8 million,
including exemplary damages of $5 million. A second action was filed at the same
time in San Bernardino County Superior Court against the same defendants by
three other persons alleging physical injuries and emotional distress caused by
the accident. The Company has tendered the defense of each of these actions to
its insurance carrier, which is presently handling the matters for the Company,
and the Company intends to vigorously contest all of the claims asserted in
these actions. The Company believes that it acted properly with respect to the
Fort Irwin Contract, and that it should not be liable for the injuries caused by
the accident. The Company also intends to seek indemnification from the
Subcontractor for the full amount of any costs, damages and liabilities which
may be incurred by the Company in connection with or as a result of these
lawsuits. The Subcontractor has advised the Company that the Subcontractor's
comprehensive general liability insurance policy covers the claims asserted
against the Subcontractor, and that the policy coverage limit is $7 million per
occurrence. Although the Company believes that all of the claims asserted
against the Company are without legal merit, the outcome of these lawsuits is
uncertain. Any judgment of liability against the Company, especially to the
extent damages exceed or are not covered by insurance or are not recoverable by
the Company from the Subcontractor, could have a material adverse effect on the
Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.

    From time to time the Company is a party to litigation or administrative
proceedings relating to claims arising from its operations in the normal course
of business. Management of the Company, on the advice of counsel, believes that
the ultimate resolution of litigation currently pending against the Company is
unlikely, either individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse
effect on the Company's business, financial condition or results of operations.

11. Stock Based Compensation Plans

    1994 Stock Option Plan ("1994 Plan")

    A total of 909,878 shares of common stock have been reserved for issuance
under the 1994 Plan. Options granted under the 1994 Plan generally expire ten
years from the date of grant. The Company does not plan to issue further options
to purchase common stock under the 1994 Plan.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

    1998 Stock Ownership Incentive Plan ("Incentive Plan")

    A total of 500,000 shares of common stock have been reserved for issuance
under the Incentive Plan. The Board of Directors may grant incentive stock
options or non-statutory stock options to employees at 100% of the fair market
value of the stock on the date of grant. Vesting terms are to be determined by
the Board of Directors (typically three years) and options generally expire ten
years from the date of grant.

    1998 Non-Employee Directors' Stock Option Plan ("Directors' Plan")

    A total of 200,000 shares of common stock has been reserved for issuance
under the Directors' Plan. The Directors' Plan provides for an automatic grant
of options to purchase 20,000 shares of common stock upon the date a person
becomes a non-employee director. Twenty-five percent of the shares subject to
the option are immediately vested and twenty-five percent vest each year
thereafter. The exercise price of the options granted under the Directors' Plan
must equal or exceed the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of
grant. All options expire ten years from the date of grant.

    1998 Consultants and Advisors Stock Option Plan ("Consultants Plan")

    A total of 200,000 shares of common stock has been reserved for issuance
under the Consultants Plan. The Consultants Plan is administered by the Board of
Directors who may grant options to purchase common stock to consultants and
advisors to the Company at prices and upon terms as determined by the Board.

    The following option activity occurred in all stock option plans in the
three years ended December 31, 1999:

                                                    Options                                              Average
                                                   Available         Outstanding        Exercise         Exercise
                                                   for Grant           Options           Price            Price
                                                   ---------          -------            -----            -----
Balance, December 31, 1996...................        554,000           516,000         $0.01-$7.50        $1.79
     Granted.................................       (554,000)          554,000         $1.00-$5.00        $2.10
                                                   ---------         ---------
Balance, December 31, 1997...................              -         1,070,000         $0.01-$7.50        $1.95
     Authorized..............................        900,000                 -
     Granted.................................       (607,500)          607,500         $5.00-$8.56        $6.55
     Exercised...............................              -          (147,122)        $0.01-$1.00        $0.23
     Terminated..............................              -           (13,000)        $0.01-$5.00        $0.62
     Cancelled...............................        143,500          (143,500)        $8.50-$8.56        $8.54
                                                   ---------         ---------
Balance, December 31, 1998                           436,000         1,373,878         $0.01-$8.50        $3.49
                                                   =========         =========
Granted......................................       (135,000)          135,000         $4.25-$8.62        $5.96
Exercised....................................              -          (203,456)        $0.10-$5.50        $2.34
Cancelled....................................         81,612           (81,612)        $1.00-$8.50        $6.60
                                                   ---------         ---------
Balance, December 31, 1999                           382,612         1,223,810         $0.01-$8.62        $3.81
                                                   =========         =========

    As of December 31, 1999, options to purchase 501,120 shares of Common Stock
at $0.01 to $8.62 per share were fully vested and exercisable under the Plans.


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

     During August 1998, the Company cancelled options granted to employees to
acquire 125,500 shares of Common Stock with prices ranging from $8.50 to $8.56
and issued new options to acquire the same number of shares at a price of $6.375
per share.

     In connection with the grant of options for the purchase of 554,000 shares
of Common Stock to employees during the period from January 1, 1997 through
December 31, 1997, the Company recorded aggregate deferred compensation expense
of approximately $389 representing the difference between the deemed fair value
of the Common Stock and the option exercise price at date of grant. Such
deferred compensation is being amortized over the vesting period relating to
these options, of which $120 and $120 have been amortized during the years ended
December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively, and is included in the statement of
operations within the caption "Stock-based compensation expense".


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)


     Stock Compensation

     The Company applies APB Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to
Employees", and related interpretations in accounting for its stock-based
compensation. Determination of compensation cost for stock-based compensation
based on the fair value at the grant date for awards consistent with provisions
of SFAS No. 123 would not result in a significant difference from the reported
net income for the periods presented.

                                                                   December 31,
                                                              1999      1998       1997
                                                              ----      ----       ----
Net income............................................       $5,173    $5,149     $ 1,018
Accretion on mandatorily redeemable preferred stock...           --        --      (1,469)
                                                             ------    ------     -------
Net income (loss) available to common shareholders....        5,173     5,149        (451)
Net income (loss) -FAS 123 adjusted...................        4,660     4,917        (593)
Earnings per share - as reported:
     Basic............................................         0.37      0.40       (0.06)
     Diluted..........................................         0.35      0.38       (0.06)
Earnings per share-FAS 123 adjusted:
     Basic............................................         0.33      0.38       (0.08)
     Diluted..........................................         0.32      0.36       (0.08)

     The fair value of each option grant under the Plans is estimated on the
date of the grant using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with weighted
average risk free interest rates of 5.63%, 4.89%, and 6.47%, and an expected
life of 1.54, 2.6 and 5 years, and volatility of 71.86%, 67.4% and 0% at
December 31, 1999, 1998, and 1997, respectively.

     The following table summarizes the stock options outstanding at December
31, 1999:

                                      Options Outstanding               Options Exercisable
                                   Weighted                                                    Average
                                   Average        Weighted                      Weighted       Fair
Range of                           Remaining      Average                       Average        Value at
Exercise             Number        Contractual    Exercise      Number          Exercise       Date of
Prices               Outstanding   Life           Price         Exercisable     Price          Grant
- ---------------      -----------   -----------    ----------    -----------     ---------      ----------
$0.01                   30,000         1.4           $0.01         25,000          $0.01          $0.01
$0.10                  118,000         5.9           $0.10        112,687          $0.10          $0.10
$1.00                  356,434         6.6           $1.00         48,155          $1.00          $1.00
$4.25-$5.00            351,876         8.2           $4.91        190,170          $5.00          $5.00
$5.38-$7.25            217,500         9.0           $6.40         65,108          $6.34          $6.40
$6.75-$8.50            150,000         6.3           $7.50         60,000          $7.46          $6.30


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)


     Employee Stock Purchase Plan ("Purchase Plan")

  A total of 200,000 shares of common stock are reserved for issuance under the
Purchase Plan. The Purchase Plan enables eligible employees to purchase common
stock at the lower of 85% of the fair market value of the Company's common stock
on the first or last day of each six-month offering period. The total shares
purchased under the plan during 1999 and 1998, were 15,000 and 4,000

12.  Common Stock Warrants

     Warrants to purchase 190,000 shares of Common Stock were granted upon the
completion of the Company's initial public stock offering. These warrants become
exercisable in May 1999 and expire in May 2003. The warrant exercise price is
$10.20 per share.

13.  Income Taxes

The components of income tax expense (benefit) are approximately as follows:

                                             December 31,
                                       1999      1998       1997
                                      ------    ------     ------
     Federal.......................   $3,659    $2,439     $ (383)
     State.........................      489       406        158
     Federal.......................     (635)      304        214
     State.........................      (64)        7        (34)
                                      ------    ------     ------
       Total.......................   $3,449    $3,156     $  (45)
                                      ======    ======     ======


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)


     The Company's effective tax rate differs from the U.S. federal statutory
 tax rate, as follows:

                                                        December 31,
                                               1999         1998         1997
                                              ------       ------       ------
Income tax provision at statutory rate.....     34.0%        34.0%        34.0%
State taxes, net of federal tax effect.....      3.7          3.3          1.6
Non-deductible items.......................      1.1          0.4          3.2
Net operating loss benefit.................       --           --        (48.3)
Other......................................      1.2          0.3          4.9
                                              ------       ------       ------
Effective tax rate.........................     40.0%        38.0%        (4.6)%
                                              ======       ======       ======

     Components of the deferred income tax balance are as follows:

                                                        December 31,
                                               1999         1998         1997
                                              ------       ------       ------
Deferred tax assets
 Net operating loss carryforwards..........   $   --       $   --       $  308
 Accrued expenses..........................    1,252          183          245
 Tax credits...............................       --           --          120
 Other.....................................       --           --           24
                                              ------       ------       ------
    Deferred tax assets....................   $1,252       $  183       $  697
                                              ======       ======       ======

Deferred tax liabilities
    Depreciation and amortization..........   $  612       $  473       $  467
                                              ======       ======       ======
Valuation allowance........................       --           --           --
                                              ------       ------       ------
Net deferred tax asset (liability).........   $  640       $ (290)      $  230
                                              ======       ======       ======


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)


14.  Earnings per Share (EPS)

     A reconciliation of the numerator and denominator of basic and diluted EPS
is provided as follows:

                                                          For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                            1999        1998        1997
                                                            ----        ----        ----
Numerator - Basic and Diluted EPS
     Net income.......................................    $ 5,173     $ 5,149     $ 1,018
     Accretion on mandatorily redeemable
     preferred stock..................................         --          --      (1,469)
                                                          -------     -------     -------
     Net income (loss) available to
     common shareholders....,.........................    $ 5,173     $ 5,149     $  (451)
                                                          =======     =======     =======
Denominator - Basic EPS
     Common shares outstanding........................     14,048      12,975       7,532
                                                          -------     -------     -------

Basic earnings (loss) per share.......................    $  0.37     $  0.40     $ (0.06)
                                                          =======     =======     =======

Denominator - Diluted EPS
Denominator - Basic EPS...............................     14,048      12,975       7,532
     Effect of Dilutive Securities
     Common stock options.............................        548         723          --
                                                          -------     -------     -------
                                                           14,596      13,698       7,532
                                                          -------     -------     -------
Diluted earnings (loss) per share.....................    $  0.35     $  0.38     $ (0.06)
                                                          =======     =======     =======

     Options and warrants to purchase 888,000 shares of Common Stock at exercise
prices in excess of the average market price of the Company's common stock were
excluded from the computation of diluted earnings per share as their effect
would be anti-dilutive.

15.  Employee Retirement Plan

     The Company maintains a Qualified Retirement Plan (401(k) Plan) which
covers substantially all employees. Eligible employees may contribute up to 15%
of their annual compensation, as defined, to this plan. The Company may also
make a discretionary contribution. During 1999, the Company contributed $61 in
matching funds through the issuance of shares of its common stock to the 401(k)
Plan. The Company did not contribute to the 401(k) Plan during 1998 and 1997.

16.  Sale of Corporate Facilities

     The Company has sold to a less than 1% shareholder of the Company, the
Company's facility, building and land, located in Fremont California. The
Company has transferred title to the building to the new owner on December 10,
1999. The terms of the sale agreement includes a sale price of $4.5 million, a
deposit payment of $810 at the time of the agreement,


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

assumption of the mortgage debt collateralizing the building, and obtaining
additional funding to purchase the building. The sale agreement includes a
leaseback provision for a month to month lease provision for the Company at
existing market rates and conditions, allows the Company to vacate the building
with 60 day notice subject to other provisions, and allows the Company the first
right of refusal on a third party sale by the new owner. The sale agreement
requires the Company to obtain a certificate of compliance with respect to
certain environmental issues with regards to the building prior to vacating the
premises. The Company estimates that the certificate of compliance will require,
at a cost to the Company, the incurrence of $100 to clean up the building and
the duration of the clean up of at least 6 months.

     The Company has "continuing involvement" with the building subsequent to
the sale and remains the primary debtor of the debt obligation on the building
as of December 31, 1999, and in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles, the gain on the sale of the building is deferred pending termination
of its continued involvement. The deposit payment of $810 has been included
within the balance sheet caption, "accrued liabilities" as of December 31, 1999.
The Company will continue to depreciate the building and account for the
building asset and debt as if owned by the Company. The Company will apply the
provisions of sale and leaseback accounting to the transaction after the Company
no longer has any "continuing involvement" with the building as defined by
generally accepted accounting principles.

17.   Business Segments

     The Company manages its operations within two business segments: waste
processing, conducted by its Fixed Facilities Group (FFG); and field services,
conducted by its Field Engineering Group (FEG).  FFG processes customer waste
utilizing the Company's thermal and non-thermal technologies.  FEG performs
remediation, construction and various engineering services for customers under
long-term contracts.

     Prior to 1998, the Company evaluated its operations as one business unit.
Thermal processing of large volumes of waste began in 1998 and the Company
commenced evaluating its business as two business segments in the fourth quarter
of the year.  The Company segregates revenue and gross profit by business
segment.  Selling, general and administrative expenses are not allocated to the
business segments.  The accounting policies of the business segments are the
same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies.

     Segment Information

1999                                                FFG           FEG          Other         Total
                                                ------------  -----------  -------------  -----------
Revenue.....................................       $46,854      $13,808     $    --        $60,662
Gross Profit................................        22,845        1,458          --         24,303
Sales, general & administrative expenses....                                                14,565
Stock-based compensation....................                                                   120
Interest expense, net.......................                                                  (996)
Provision for income taxes..................                                                 3,449
     Net income.............................                                               $ 5,173
Segment assets..............................        81,058          685       3,480        $85,223
Expenditures for long-lived assets..........        39,028           35         100        $39,163


                                   ATG INC.
(all dollar amounts in thousands unless otherwise noted, except per share data)

 1998                                                FFG           FEG          Other        Total
                                                ------------  -----------  -------------  ----------
Revenue.......................................      $18,889      $17,011    $    --         $35,900
Gross Profit..................................       11,082        5,002         --          16,084
Sales, general & administrative expenses......                                                7,832
Stock-based compensation......................                                                  120
Interest income, net..........................                                                  173
Provision for income taxes....................                                                3,156
     Net income...............................                                              $ 5,149
Segment assets...............................        42,030          650      3,380         $46,060
Expenditures for long-lived assets...........        21,490           40        120         $21,650

     The Company earned $3.3 million in international revenue from customers in
Asia during 1999, all of which was performed by FFG. Substantially all of the
segment revenues in 1998 were from customers in North America. All revenues are
denominated in U.S. dollars.


                                    PART IV

          Item 14.   Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on
Form 8-K

(a)  The following documents are filed as part of this report:

     1.   Financial Statements. The following Consolidated Financial Statements
of ATG Inc. and Report of Independent Accountants are filed as part of this

Report of Independent  Accountants........................................... 33
Consolidated Balance Sheets--As of December 31, 1998 and 1999................ 34
Consolidated Statements of Operations--For the Three Years Ended
December 31, 1999............................................................ 35
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity--For the Three Years Ended
     December 31, 1999....................................................... 36
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows--For the Three Years Ended
December 31, 1999............................................................ 37
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements................................... 38-56
     2.   Financial Statement Schedules.  For years ended December 31, 1999,
1998 and 1997:
 Schedule II.  Valuation and Qualifying Accounts and Reserves................ 60

     All other schedules are omitted because they are not applicable or the
required information has been included in the consolidated financial statements
or notes thereto.

     3.   Exhibits

          2.1  Final bankruptcy court bid dated November 13, 1998**
          2.2  Form of letter agreement dated December 1, 1998 among the
               purchasers and the Trustee**
          3.1  Articles of Incorporation of the Company*
          3.2  Bylaws of the Company*
          3.3  Certificate of Amendment of Articles of Incorporation*
          4.1  Specimen Common Stock Certificate*
          9.1  Voting Trust Agreement*
          10.1 Assumption Agreement, dated September 2, 1992, between the
               Company, as transferee, Tippett-Richardson, as transferor, and
               Confederation Life Insurance Company, as lender*
          10.2 Deed of Trust (Non-Construction) & Assignment of Rents, dated
               September 18, 1997, between the Company, as trustor, First
               Bancorp, as trustee Sanwa Bank California as beneficiary*
          10.3 Deed of Trust, dated August 5, 1993, between the Company and ATG
               Richland, collectively as trustor, Chicago Title Insurance
               Company, as trustee, and West One Bank, as beneficiary*
          10.4 Term Loan Agreement, dated September 18, 1997, between the
               Company and Sanwa Bank California*
          10.5 Letter from the Company to Steve Guerrettaz, dated December 2,
               1997, regarding terms of employment*



          10.6   Letter from the Company to Fred Feizollahi dated February 20,
                 1995, regarding terms of employment*
          10.7   Consultant Agreement, dated as of July 1, 1992, between the
                 Company and Edward Vinecour *
          10.8   Non-Competition Agreement, dated as of July 1, 1992, between
                 the Company and Edward Vinecour *
          10.9   Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Company and the
                 International Union of Operating Engineers No. 280 *
          10.10  Form of Stock Purchase Agreement *
          10.11  Continuing Guaranty, dated as of April 19, 1996, provided by
                 Doreen Chiu in favor of Sanwa Bank *
          10.12  Continuing Guaranty, dated as of April 19, 1996, provided by
                 Frank Chiu in favor of Sanwa Bank *
          10.13  Continuing Guaranty, dated as of May 20, 1997, provided by
                 Doreen Chiu in favor of Safeco Credit Company, Inc. *
          10.14  Continuing Guaranty, dated as of May 20, 1997, provided by
                 Frank Chiu in favor of Safeco Credit Company, Inc. *
          10.15  Small Business Administration (SBA) Guaranty, dated August 6,
                 1993, provided by Doreen Chiu and Frank Chiu in favor of West
                 One Bank *
          10.16  Guaranty Agreement, dated September 1, 1994, provided by Doreen
                 Chiu and Frank Chiu in favor of Great Western Leasing *
          10.17  Guaranty, dated January 13, 1994, provided by Doreen Chiu and
                 Frank Chiu in favor of The CIT Group/Equipment Financing Inc. *
          10.18  Guaranty of Commercial Lease Agreement, dated December 20,
                 1994, provided by Doreen Chiu and Frank Chiu in favor of
                 California Thrift & Loan *
          10.19  Contract No. MGK-SBB-A26602, dated September 5, 1997, awarded
                 to the Company by Waste Management Federal Services of Hanford,
                 Inc. *
          10.20  Purchase Order No. MW6-SBV-357079, dated November 3, 1995,
                 issued to the Company by Westinghouse Hanford Company *
          10.21  Contract No. DE-AC06-95RL13129, dated January 4, 1995, among
                 the U.S. Department of Energy, as the procuring agency, the
                 U.S. Small Business Administration, as contractor, and the
                 Company, as subcontractor *
          10.22  Gasification Vitrification Chamber Purchase and License
                 Agreement, dated August 1997, between the Company and
                 Integrated Environmental Technologies LLC *
          10.23  Purchase Agreement between the Company and Integrated
                 Environmental Technologies LLC *
          10.24  Technology Transfer Purchase and Royalty Fee Agreement, dated
                 September 30, 1997, between the Company and Regent Star Ltd.*
          10.25  Technology Transfer and Purchase Agreement, dated June 28,
                 1997, between the Company and Pacific Trading Company *
          10.26  Contract No. DACW05-98-C-0001, dated September 24, 1997,
                 awarded to the Company by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
                 Sacramento District *
          10.27  Contract No. DAKF04-92-D-0007, dated February 8, 1991, among
                 the Fort Irwin Directorate of Contracting, as the procuring
                 agency, the U.S. Small Business Administration, as contractor,
                 and the Company, as subcontractor *
          10.28  Promissory Note, dated December 31, 1997, provided by the
                 Company to Doreen M. Chiu *
          10.29  1998 Stock Ownership Incentive Plan *



          10.30  Employee Stock Purchase Plan  *
          10.31  1998 Non-Employee Directors Stock Option Plan  *
          10.32  Letter of Credit Agreement, dated March 6, 1998, between the
                 Company and Sanwa Bank of California *
          10.33  Continuing Guaranty, dated as of March 6, 1998, provided by
                 Doreen Chiu in favor of Sanwa Bank California *
          10.34  Continuing Guaranty, dated as of March 6, 1998, provided by
                 Frank Y. Chiu in favor of Sanwa Bank California *
          10.35  Indemnity Agreement, dated August 12, 1992, made and entered
                 into by Doreen M. Chiu, Frank Y. Chiu, the Company and National
                 Safety Consultants, Inc. in favor of ACSTAR Insurance Company *
          10.36  Continuing Agreement of Indemnity-Contractors' Form, dated
                 March 19, 1998, made and entered into by Doreen M. Chiu, Frank
                 Y. Chiu and the Company for the benefit of Reliance Insurance
                 Company, Untied Pacific Insurance Company, Reliance National
                 Indemnity Company and Reliance Surety Company *
          10.37  Purchase Order, dated February 10, 1996, issued by the Company
                 to ToxGon Corporation *
          10.38  Amendment to Letter of Credit Agreement  ***
          10.39  Line of Credit Agreement  ***
          10.40  Amendment to Line of Credit Agreement ****
          10.41  Term Loan Agreement - Sanwa Bank California ****
          10.42  ATG Catalytics L.L.C. Operating Agreement ****
          21.1   List of Subsidiaries of Registrant
          23.1   Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
          27.1   Financial Data Schedule

(*) Incorporated by reference to exhibits filed with the Registrant's
Registration Statement on Form S-1 (N0. 333-46107) which became effective
May 6, 1998.
(**) Incorporated by reference to exhibits filed with the Registrant's Form 8-K
dated December 1, 1998.
(***) Incorporated by reference to exhibits filed with the Registrant's Form
10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998.
(****) Incorporated by reference to exhibits filed with the Registrant's Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998.

(b)  Reports on Form 8-K

     The Company did not file any reports on Form 8-K during the last quarter of
the year ended December 31, 1999.



To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of ATG Inc. and Subsidiaries:

     In connection with our audits of the consolidated financial statements of
ATG Inc. and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, and for each of
the three years in the period ended December 31, 1999, which financial
statements are included in this Form 10-K, we have also audited the financial
statement schedule listed in Item 14 (a) herein.

     In our opinion, this financial statement schedule, when considered in
relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole, presents fairly, in
all material respects, the information required to be included therein.

                                       PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP

San Jose, California
March 28, 2000


                                                                     Schedule II

                                   ATG INC.
                                 (in thousands)

                                            Balance at      Charged to                        Balance
                                           Beginning of     Costs and                        at End of
Description                                   Period        Expenses      Deductions (1)      Period
- -----------                                ------------     ---------     --------------     ---------
Year ended December 31,1997.............
  Allowance for doubtful accounts               $ 46         $   73         $    --         $  119
Year ended December 31, 1998............
  Allowance for doubtful accounts               $119         $  210         $   (24)        $  305
Year ended December 31, 1999............
  Allowance for doubtful accounts               $305         $1,359         $  (142)        $1,522

(1)   Deductions represent accounts receivable amounts that were considered
doubtful and previously reserved for that became uncollectible and were written
off in the year.



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                              ATG INC.

                                              By: /s/ Doreen M. Chiu
                                                  Doreen M. Chiu
                                                  Chairman of the Board
                                                  President and CEO

Date:  April 17, 2000

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

 /s/ Doreen M. Chiu        Chairman, President and Chief          April 17, 2000
 Doreen M. Chiu            Executive Officer

 /s/ Frank Y. Chiu         Executive Vice-President               April 17, 2000
 Frank Y. Chiu             Director

 /s/ William M. Hewitt     President-Waste Mgmt. Services         April 17, 2000
 William M. Hewitt         Director

 /s/ Danyal F. Mutman      Chief Financial Officer                April 17, 2000
 Danyal F. Mutman

 /s/ George Doubleday II   Director                               April 17, 2000
 George Doubleday II

 /s/ Earl E. Gjelde        Director                               April 17, 2000
 Earl E. Gjelde

 /s/ Andrew C. Kadak       Director                               April 17, 2000
 Andrew C. Kadak
