- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This profile covers the details of your authorization to market IBM Product(s)
with Your Product(s) to your Distributors and End Users. Please let us know if
you have any questions or problems with our IBM Product(s).

By signing below, each of us agrees to the terms of the following (collectively
called the "Agreement"):

     1. Profile
     2. OEM Distribution Agreement
     3. Applicable Attachments and Exhibits referred to in the OEM Distribution

This Agreement is the complete agreement regarding this relationship, and
replaces any prior oral or written communications between us. Once this
Agreement is signed, 1) any reproduction of this Agreement made by reliable
means (for example, photocopy or facsimile) is considered an original and 2) all
IBM Product(s) you order and services you perform under this Agreement are
subject to it

Effective Date (last date signed):              Duration:           Two (2) Years
Agreed to:                                      Agreed to:
Crossroads Software Inc.                        International Business Machines Corporation
By: /s/ Scott Martin                            By: /s/ Stephen Jones
   ---------------------                            -----------------------
   (authorized signature)                            (authorized signature)
Name: Scott A. Martin                           Name: Stephen E. Jones
       (type or print)

Title: Senior VP, Sales, Services, Bus. Dev.    Title: Contract Administrator
Date: 7/10/97                                   Date: 7/11/97
      -------------------------------------           -----------------------

OEM address:                                    IBM address:
Crossroads Software Inc                         International Business Machines Corporation
577 Airport Blvd., Ste 800                      11400 Burnet Road
Burlingame, CA 94010                            Austin TX, 78758
                                                Attn: OEM Software Contracts
                                                Internal Zip 1725
0EM:                                            IBM:
Crossroads Software Inc                         IBM Corporation
577 Airport Blvd., Ste 800                      11400 Burner Road
Burlingame, CA 94010                            Austin TX, 78758
Attn: Beth Dabagian                             Attn: Austin Site Counsel
                                                Internal Zip 9425

CUSTOMER NUMBER:                                AGREEMENT NUMBER: AUS970272

                                     Page 1

                                 YOUR PRODUCTS

Description of Your Product(s)
- ------------------------------

       Crossroads Interchange Server and Crossroads Connectors

1.  Your Designated Ship to Locations:

       Crossroads Software Inc
       577 Airport Blvd., Ste 800
       Burlingame, CA 94010

                                     Page 2


OEM Distribution Agreement (Software Systems)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.0             DEFINITIONS

     1.1        "Code" is a computer instruction in object code format.

     1.2        "Designated Locations" are any of your locations to which we
                 ship IBM Product(s).

     1.3        "Distributors" are any business entities you use to distribute
                 Your Product(s).

     1.4        "End User" is a party unaffiliated with you and who acquires IBM
                 Product(s) from you for internal use, and not for

     1.5        "IBM Product(s)" is the IBM Software Product(s) listed in the
                 attached Exhibits.

     1.6        "Level 1 Service" shall mean the service provided in response to
                 the initial phone call placed by an End User which identifies
                 and documents an error in the IBM Product(s). This includes
                 problem source identification assistance, problem analysis,
                 problem resolution, installation planning information and
                 preventive and corrective service information.

     1.7        "Level 2 Service" shall mean the service provided to analyze or
                 reproduce the error or to determine that the error is not
                 reproducible. This includes problem recreation and in-depth
                 technical analysis.

     1.8        "Level 3 Service" is the service provided to the OEM that
                 isolates the error to a component level of the IBM Product(s).
                 A reasonable commercial effort is to be made to provide an
                 error correction or circumvention or notification that no
                 correction or circumvention is available.

     1.9        "Proof of Entitlement" is the confirmation from us to the End
                 User of the levels of authorized use of the Product by the End

     1.10       "Restricted License" is a license to you, your Distributors and
                 End-Users which prohibits the use of the IBM Product(s) except
                 when used in conjunction with Your Product(s). The Exhibit will
                 specify the IBM Product(s) for which a Restricted License

     1.11       "Your Product(s)" is the software product described in the
                 Profile which you market and distribute under your trademark(s)
                 or service mark(s).


     We agree to:

     2.1         provide you golden master copies for the IBM Product(s) listed
                 in the Exhibit. We may make new releases of the IBM Product(s)
                 available to you. Prices, terms and conditions for such new
                 releases may vary.

     2.2         provide Level 3 Service during the time that such service is
                 available to all other IBM customers of the IBM Product(s).
                 Upon our request, you will provide a reasonable quantity of
                 Your Product(s) to us at no charge in order to provide this
                 service .


     3.1         IBM represents and warrants that they have the right to grant
                 the license rights herein.

     Each of us agrees:

     3.2         that each of us is an independent contractor and neither of us
                 is a legal representative or agent Of the other.

     3.3         that each of us may independently develop or acquire materials
                 which are competitive with each others product(s) or make
                 similar arrangements with other parties. Each of us is free to
                 establish our own prices and to enter into similar agreements
                 with other parties.

     3.4         that failure by either of us to insist on strict performance or
                 to exercise a right when entitled, does not prevent us from
                 doing so at a later time, either in relation to that default or
                 any subsequent one.


     You agree to:

     4.1         distribute the IBM Product(s) with an International Program
                 License Agreement ("IPLA") containing terms legally sufficient

                 i)  prohibit further copying and or transfer of the IBM
                     Product(s) by the End User; and

                ii)  prohibit reverse assembly, reverse compilation, or other
                     translation of an IBM Product(s); and

               iii)  notify the End User that the IBM Product(s) is copyrighted
                     and licensed (not sold) and that title to the IBM
                     product(s) is not transferred; and

                iv)  notify the End User that the owner of the IBM Product(s),
                     PURPOSE;" and

                 v)  notify the End User that the owner of the IBM Product(s)
                     liability is limited to the

                                     Page 1

                     amount paid by the End User for the IBM Product(s); and

                vi)  when a Restricted License applies, prohibit the use of the
                     IBM Product(s) except when used in conjunction with Your

     4.2  provide Level 1 and Level 2 Service.

     4.3  make the greater of 7 or one-percent (1%) of your annual forecast as
          no charge copies of the IBM Product(s) to be used solely for
          demonstration purposes which must be so labeled. Additionally, we will
          specify in the Profile if you are authorized to make any other no
          charge copies for any other purposes. You agree not to make any
          unauthorized copies.

     4.4  return the golden master or copies to us when this Agreement ends.

     4.5  (1) have an agreement in place with each Distributor which will permit
          you to comply with your obligations under this Agreement, and
          (2) ensure that such Agreement is consistent with the terms of this

     4.6  integrate IBM Product(s) only with Your Product(s) that are of
          comparable or higher value, and upon our written request, make
          available to us for our inspection and approval one copy of Your
          Product(s) and print materials which use the name of the IBM
          Product(s), both in finished form.

     4.7  retain records for each of the transactions for three (3) years.
          Records must include the number of IBM Product(s) sold, name of IBM
          Product(s), and model numbers thereof, sold and/or returned, including
          if IBM requests such information, your End Users reference number. You
          agree to provide a mutually agreed to representative with sufficient
          free and safe access to your facilities at a mutually convenient time
          for us to audit these records. We may conduct surveys of your
          Distributors with regard to our relationship under this Agreement.
          Audits shall be limited to only one per calendar year at IBM's

     4.8  not assign your rights or delegate your obligations under this
          Agreement to any third party without our written consent except in
          connection with the sale of your business. Any attempt to do so is

     4.9  not make representations about the IBM Product(s) except as authorized
          by us in writing.


     5.1  We give you a non-transferable license to replicate and distribute to
          End Users or your Distributors copies of the IBM Product(s) on Your
          Product(s). You are not authorized to distribute the IBM Product(s)
          alone. When a Restricted License applies, End Users may only use the
          IBM Product(s) in conjunction with Your Product(s). You shall not
          reverse assemble, reverse compile, sublicense, rent, lease or assign
          the IBM Product(s)r or any copy thereof.

     5.2  We do not grant you rights to any derivative work with respect to IBM
          Product(s) or any other item we supply to you.

     5.3  You may provide one back-up copy of the IBM Product(s) with Your
          Product(s). This copy must be identified as the back-up copy allowed
          under the applicable license agreement.


     6.1  We mutually agree that all information exchanged between us is non-
          confidential, if either of us requires the exchange of confidential
          information it will be made under a signed confidentiality agreement.


     7.1  We may change prices for IBM Products by issuing a Revised Exhibit. We
          will gave you sixty (60) days prior notice of any price increase. For
          all other changes to be valid, both of us must sign a written


     8.1  We will specify the charges and any minimum order requirements
          associated with the IBM Product(s) in the Exhibits and you shall pay
          in accordance to the terms and conditions of these attached Exhibits.

     8.2. You shall provide IBM with an initial payment in accordance with the
          Exhibit for each IBM Product(s) that you distribute. This payment must
          be made before any IBM Product(s) are distributed. When the quantity
          associated with the initial order is exhausted, you may order
          additional IBM Product(s), subject to the minimum order quantity
          specified in the Exhibit, by submitting a purchase order to the
          address listed below.

          International Business Machines Corporation

               Branch Office JWQ
               Accounts Receivable
               Internal Zip 306
               150 Kettletown Road
               Southbury, CT 06488

          You are responsible to ensure that sufficient quantities of the IBM
          Product(s) have been ordered to cover shipments of Your Product(s).
          You agree to provide IBM, upon written request, documentation
          detailing the quantity of IBM Product(s) distributed externally or
          installed internally during the term of this Agreement.

          Each such accounting shall include a statement summarizing for each
          country in which you or your authorized Distributors are authorized to
          sell the

                                     Page 2

          IBM Product(s), the following: (i) the number of copies of the IBM
          Product(s) distributed externally or installed internally; (ii) total
          revenue for such IBM Product(s) so placed; and (iii) an explanation of
          how the payment was calculated.

     8.3  If your account becomes delinquent, (more than 45 days past due) we
          may revoke your license to copy or distribute IBM Product(s) until
          your account is current. You shall pay IBM's attorneys fees (both in
          house and outside) incurred in connection with collecting sums past

     8.4  You agree to: (1) provide us with valid reseller exemption
          documentation for each applicable taxing jurisdiction, otherwise we
          will charge you all applicable state and local taxes and duties and
          (2) notify, us promptly if this documentation is revoked or modified.
          You are liable for any claims or assessments resulting from any taxing
          jurisdiction in which your exemption is not recognized.





     10.2 Except for claims arising out of Section 11.2, our entire liability
          for claims in any way related to this Agreement shall be limited to
          the greater of de monies paid by you to us under this Agreement which
          caused the damage or one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). This
          limitation is cumulative. The sum of multiple claims may not exceed
          this limit (excluding obligations under Section 11.0).

     10.3 The existence of multiple claims will not enlarge or extend this
          limitation. You agree to release us from all obligations, liability,
          claims, or demands in excess of the limitation.


     11.1 You agree, at your expense, to defend us against any claim against us
          based on your representations, omissions, or actions relating to this
          Agreement, Your Product(s) or your Code. You agree to pay all costs,
          damages and reasonable attorney's fees that a court finally awards as
          a result of such claim. To qualify for such defense and payment, we
          agree to 1) give you prompt written notice of any such claim and 2)
          allow you to control and fully cooperate with you in the defense of
          such claims and all related settlement negotiations.

     11.2 If a third party claims that an IBM Product we provide to you
          infringes that party's patent or copyright, we will defend you against
          that claim at our expense and pay all costs, damages, and attorney's
          fees that a court finally awards, provided that you:

          1.  promptly notify us in writing of the claim; and

          2.  allow us to control, and cooperate with us in, the defense and any
          related settlement negotiations.

          If such a claim is made or appears likely to be made, you agree to
          permit us to enable you to continue to use the IBM Product, or to
          modify it, Or replace it with one that is at least functionally
          equivalent. If we determine that none of these alternatives is
          reasonably available, you agree to return the IBM Product to us on our
          written request. We will then give you a credit equal to the

          amount you paid us for the product, provided you have followed
          generally-accepted accounting principles.

          This is our entire obligation to you regarding any claim of

          Claims for which we are NOT Responsible

          We have no obligation regarding any claim based on any of the

          1.  anything you provide which is incorporated into an IBM Product;

          2.  your modification of an IBM Product, or a Program's use in
          other than its Specified Operating Environment;

          3.  the combination, operation, or use of a Product with other
          Products not provided by us as a system, or the combination,
          operation, or use of an IBM Product with any product, data, or
          apparatus that we did not provide; or

          4.  infringement by a non-IBM Product alone, as opposed to its
          combination with an IBM Product(s) we provide to you as a system.

     11.3 Title to our copyrights, patents, and any other intellectual property
          rights in the Code and IBM Product(s) documentation remain with us.
          Title to your copyrights, patents, and any other intellectual property
          rights in Your Products and documentation remain with you.

                                     Page 3


     12.1 This Agreement does not grant you any rights in any of IBM's
          trademarks, trade names or service marks. However, you may assert that
          Your Product(s) include the IBM Product(s).


     13.1 Except as otherwise provided herein, either of us may terminate this
          Agreement for cause, if the cause has not been cured within thirty
          (30) days following written notice to the other party, and either
          party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon three months
          written notice.

     13.2 Upon termination of this Agreement you agree to immediately pay us
          all amounts due.

     13.3 The rights and obligations of this Agreement, expressively identified
          as Section 1,3,6,9,10,11,12,13,14, survive term in this Agreement and
          apply to respective successors and assignees.


     14.1 You shall have sole responsibility for the payment of all taxes and
          duties imposed by any governmental entity, and shall, at your own
          expense, comply with any governmental law, statute, ordinance,
          administrative order, rule or regulation relating to your duties under
          this Agreement and shall procure all licenses and approvals and pay
          all fees and other charges required by law thereby, as they pertain to
          your duties, obligations and performance under this Agreement. You are
          responsible to bear any personal property taxes assessable on the
          Products on or after delivery to the carrier at our ship-from

     14.2 You agree to comply with all of the export laws. You shall not, nor
          shall you authorize or permit your employees, agents or subcontractors
          to export or re-export any IBM information or materials to any country
          specified as a prohibited destination in applicable federal, state and
          local laws, regulations end ordinances, including the Regulations of
          the U.S. Department of Commerce and/or the U.S. State Department,
          without first obtaining any requisite U.S. government approval. For
          your information, current prohibited countries include Cuba, Iraq,
          Iran, Libya, North Korea, Yugoslavia, (Serbia, Montenegro).

     14.3 We may assign our rights or delegate our responsibilities under this

     14.4 Any notice required or permitted to be given pursuant to this
          Agreement shall be considered given on the date of mailing if sent to
          the receiving party by first class mail, postage prepaid or facsimile,
          and addressed to the addresses set forth in the Profile.

     14.5 The laws of the State of New York and the Copyright and Patent Law of
          the united States of America govern this Agreement. Neither of us will
          bring a legal action against the other more than two years after the
          cause of action arose.

     14.6 The parties acknowledge that they have read this Agreement,
          understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.

                                     Page 4

                                   EXHIBIT TO
                         THE OEM DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT
                                FOR IBM PRODUCTS


SERVICE PROVIDED BY: CrossWorlds Software  EFFECTIVE DATE: 3-27-98
- -------------------
This exhibit authorizes you to distribute this Products worldwide, with the
Exception of the countries or geographic areas identified in the OEM
Distribution Agreement.

PART #                                               DESCRIPTION                                                     IN U.S. DOLLARS
- ------                                               -----------                                                     --------------
04L2948                                              MQSeries V5 Capacity Unit for 0S/2 Windows NT, NP UX, AIX       $1,500
                                                     and Sun Solaris

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
04L2949                                              MQSeries V5 Capacity Unit Upgrade Protection with 5x9 Support   $300
                                                     (1 year at 20% of base license price)

04L2950                                              MQSeries V5 Capacity Unit Upgrade Protection with 7x24 Support  $375
                                                     (1 year at 25% of base license price)

- ---------------------------------------------------------
04L2537                                              MQSeries V5 Capacity Unit Upgrade Protection                    $300
                                                     (1 year at 20% of base license price)

                                   EXHIBIT TO
                         THE OEM DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT
                                FOR IBM PRODUCTS


SERVICES PROVIDED BY: CrossWorlds Software      EFFECTIVE DATE: 3-27-98
- ---------------------

- ---------------------

- -  Initial order will be 15% of 12 month commitment volume.
- -  Minimum subsequent order is $5,000,
- -  Initial charges will be based upon a projection of $100,000 at a discount
   of 42% within the first year of the Agreement.
- -  This Exhibit is an update to the 7/11/97 Exhibit for MQSeries V2.0, part
   number 30F6764, and upgrade Protection part number 30F6782. Initial order and
   minimum charges requirement have been fulfilled.
- -  Upon completion of the first year of this agreement, both parties will
   promptly reconcile total payments based on the actual 12 month order volume.
   Any amount overpaid by you shall be credited to your account and we will
   invoice you for any amount underpaid.
- -  The license granted to you is a "Restricted License" for the products listed
   above which means the products listed above can only be used in conjunction
   with your product "CrossWorlds Interchange Server and CrossWorlds
- -  The quantity of Capacity units which must be purchased for each system is as
   follows: For Intel, OEM must purchase 2 capacity units for each Intel
   license. For Unix, OEM must purchase capacity units for each Unix license.
- -  Capacity Unit Upgrade Protection with Support and Capacity Unit Upgrade
   Protection for a 2 year period and must be paid in advance for each capacity
   unit for each year in effect starting
- -  Capacity Unit Upgrade Protection with Support and Capacity Unit Upgrade
   Protection must be purchased for all Capacity Units at an end user customer's
- -  Price changes do not affect licenses upgraded with Capacity Unit Upgrade
   Protection with Support and Capacity Unit Upgrade Protection.
- -  Capacity Unit Upgrade Protection with Support and Capacity Unit Upgrade
   Protection with Support fees aggregate toward the revenue total of this

IBM / OEM Program Agreement: AUS970272
Transaction Document Number 001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thank you for doing business with IBM. This is a Transaction Document under the
IBM/OEM Program Agreement NO. AUS970272 ("Base Agreement"). This Transaction
Document becomes effective when signed by both parties.

By signing below for our companies, each of us agrees to the terms of this
Transaction Document. Once signed, 1) both parties agree any reproduction of the
Agreement made by reliable means (for example, photocopy or facsimile) is an
original unless prohibited by local law and 2) all Programs within this
Transaction Document are subject to it.

Agreed to:                            Agreed to:

International Business Machines corporation    CrossWorlds Software, Inc.

By: /s/ Stephen E. Jones                By: /s/ Barton Foster
    --------------------                    -----------------

Name: Dominic Cavalucci                 Name: Barton Foster
      -----------------                      --------------

Title: OEM Software Contracts           Title: Senior VP
       ----------------------                  ---------

Date: 6/3/99                            Date: 6/3/99
      ------                                  ------

IBM Address                             CrossWorlds Software, Inc.
11400 Burnet Road                       577 Airport Blvd., Ste. 800
Austin, TX 78758                        Burlingame, CA 94010
Attn: Dominic Cavalucci
0EM Software Contracts
Internal zip 4106

                                     1 of 8

IBM / OEM Program Agreement: AUS970272

Transaction Document Number 001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thank you for doing business with IBM. This is a Transaction Document under the
IBM/OEM Program Agreement NO. AUS970272 ("Base Agreement"). This Transaction
Document becomes effective when signed by both parties.

By signing below for our companies, each of us agrees to the terms of this
Transaction Document. Once signed, 1) both parties agree any reproduction of the
Agreement made by reliable means (for example, photocopy or facsimile) is an
original unless prohibited by local law and 2) all Programs within this
Transaction Document are subject to it.

Agreed to:                            Agreed to:

International Business Machines       CrossWorlds Software, Inc.

By: /s/ Stephen E. Jones              By:
    --------------------                  ---------------------

Name: Dominic Cavalucci                 Name: Barton Foster
      -----------------                       -------------

Title: OEM Software Contracts           Title: Senior VP
       ----------------------                  ---------

Date: 6/3/99                            Date:
      ------                                  ---------

IBM Address                              CrossWorlds Software, Inc.

11400 Burnet Road                        577 Airport Blvd., Ste. 800
Austin, TX 78758                         Burlingame, CA 94010
Attn: Dominic Cavalucci
0EM Software Contracts
Internal zip 4106

                                     1 of 8

                           IBM/OEM Software Agreement
                        Transaction Document Number 001


This exhibit authorizes you to distribute this product on a World Wide basis
with the exception of those geographic areas identified in the OEM Distribution

     1. MQSI Restricted License

                                                            OEM PRICE IN
PART #    DESCRIPTION                                       US DOLLARS
- ------    -----------                                       ----------

41L187    MQSeries Integrator Product version 1.x and  Section 9 (b)
          Version 2,x, UNIX and NT Platforms

     2. Value-Add components which must be Included In Offerings:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Vendor                            Application Description
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Software Inc. (CrossWorlds)   The CrossWorlds InterChange Server

     3. Related Licensed Materials which must be included in Offerings: Related
     Licensed Materials (standard materials included with the product on golden
     master) will be included in your Offering in the appropriate languages and
     with the appropriate terms for the geographies in which It Will be

     4. Territory is World wide, with the exception of US State Department
     specified prohibited countries which include Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Libya, North
     Korea, and Yugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro).

     5. Term: The term of this Transaction Document will be two (2) years from
     the date signed by the last signatory hereto, and will be automatically
     renewed for an additional one (1) year term unless notice of termination is
     provided by either party at least thirty (30) days prior to such renewal
     date. However, in the event you do not purchase the minimum quantity
     specified in Section 9 (b), such renewal is contingent upon your and IBM's
     agreement to revised terms for the programs.

     6. License Agreement Requirement: You will include in your Offering(s) the
     International Program License Agreement in the appropriate languages and
     with the appropriate terms for the geographies in which it will he

     7. Technical Support: You or your Distributors will provide Level 1 Service
     and Level 2 Service to Customers. You will include with your Offerings a
     conspicuous description of Level 1 and Level 2 Services and the method and
     means the Customer shall use to contact your Level 1 and Level 2 Services,
     IBM will provide Level 3 Service to you at no additional charge during the
     time that such service is available to all other IBM customers of the IBM

     8. Coordinators: The following contract coordinators are authorized to
     receive notices under this Transaction Document and the Base Agreement:

                                     2 of 8

                        For IBM                  For you:
     Name               Dominic Cavalucci        Director Alliances
     Company            IBM                      CrossWorlds Software Inc.
     Address            11400 Burnet Rd.         577 Airport Blvd, Suite 800
                        Internal Zip 4106
     City, ST           Austin, TX 78758         Burlingame CA 94010
     Telephone:         (512)823-8664            (650)685-9077
     Fax:               (512)823-8712            (650)685-1748

     9.   Royalty Calculation and Payment Requirements:

          a) CrossWorlds will pay IBM royalty payments on sales of CrossWorlds
          products bundled with MQSI as described in Section 2, to Customer
          Categories (5) and (6) based on implementation schedules of Phase (1),
          (2)a, and (2)b. Definitions of Customer Categories and Implementation
          Phases are listed below:

Customer Category:
- ----------------

     1.   Customers who have already bought CrossWorlds and who order additional
          copies or versions of CrossWorlds InterChange Server without MQSI. A
          small list of customers (reference Attachment I of this Transaction
          Document) registered by CrossWorlds at the time of contract with IBM
          and where CrossWorlds will close without IBM, (and may even be in
          competition with IBM). No customers allowed in this category in Phase
     2.   CrossWorlds prospective customers to whom CrossWorlds has already
          quoted a price at time of this contract who in CrossWorlds discretion
          are not being switched to MQSI based offering. Small list of customers
          in this category registered by CrossWorlds at the time of contract
          with IBM and where CrossWorlds will close without IBM, (and may even
          be in competition with IBM). Again no customers allowed in this
          category in Phase 2.
     3.   Customers who already have (or have contracted for) an unrestricted
          license to IBM MQSI and now propose to use it with CrossWorlds
     4.   Prospective customers who CrossWorlds has identified to IBM as
          requiring "full", unrestricted MQSI license, (e.g. because they intend
          to use it for something other than CrossWorlds solution as well), and
          such customer has purchased MQSI from IBM by the time CrossWorlds
          starts implementing the Offering.
     5.   Customers with custom- or legacy-to-package integration requirement
          (where CrossWorlds sees MQSI as the appropriate technology to provide
          Phase 1 solution) who are not covered by Categories 3 or 4.
     6.   Customers with package-to-package only integration requirement, (where
          MQSI may or may not be part of the solution during Phase 1) who are
          not covered by Categories 3 or 4.

Phase 1: Starts with signing of this Transaction Document, and ends 12/31/99 or
- -------
MQSI Version 2 General Availability + 2 weeks, whichever is the later date.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Customer                        1,2          3         4         5         6
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MQSI part of                     N           Y         Y         Y         Y
sale (whether
provided by IBM
or CrossWorlds
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CrossWorlds                      N           N         N         Y         N
Install MQSI
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Customer uses                    N           Y         Y         Y         N
MQSI as part of
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OEM royalty                      N           N         N         Y         Y
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales teaming                    N           -         Y         Y         Y
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Phase 2a - (MQSI part of all sales, but CrossWorlds InterChange Server
     embedding MQSI not yet available)

     Customer Category          3               4               5            6
     MQSI part of sale          Y               Y               Y            Y
     (whether provided
     by IBM or CrossWorlds)
     CrossWorlds Install        N               N               Y            N
     MQSI (Under terms
     of this contract)
     Customer uses MQSI as      Y               Y               Y            N
     part of the
     CrossWorlds solution
     OEM royalty                N               N               Y            Y
     Sales teaming possible     -               Y               Y            Y

     Phase 2b - (Phase 2a and CrossWorlds InterChange Server embedding MQSI is

     Customer Category          3               4               5            6
     MQSI part of sale          Y               Y               Y            Y
     (whether provided
     by IBM or CrossWorlds)
     CrossWorlds install        N               N               Y            Y
     MQSI (Under terms
     of this contract)
     Customer uses MQSI as      Y               Y               Y            Y
     part of CrossWorlds
     OEM royalty                N               N               Y            Y
     Sales teaming possible     -               Y               Y            Y

     (b) The OEM discounts and prices offered in this Transaction Document are
     based on total SRP revenue volume commitment of $4M over a (2) year term.
     The $4M commitment is calculated on IBM's SRP's for MQSI product and for
     upgrade support for MQSI. IBM SRP for MQSI product for alt CrossWorlds
     offering regardless of end user customer, processor size or operating
     platform environments is $110,000.

     Phase 1 royalty calculation: CrossWorlds shall received an OEM discount
     of 50% off of IBM SRP for MQSI sales, and the OEM royalty per license is
     $55,000 (counts as $110,000 towards commitment).

     Phase 2 royalty calculation: CrossWorlds shall received an OEM discount
     of 31% off of IBM SRP for MQSI sales, and the OEM royalty per license is
     $75,900 (counts as $110,000 towards commitment).

     Your purchase order will contain the following information: purchase order
     number, product pad number, order quantity, a contact name and phone
     number. Your orders will be sent to:

     IBM Branch Office JWQ
     Accounts Receivable - Internal Zip 261
     150 Kettletown Road

                                   4 of 8

     Southbury, CT 06488

     c) You will provide to IBM quarterly sales report-, for quarters ending
     3/31, 6/30, 9/30, and 12/31. The sales report and payment for any royalties
     owed for the quarter being reported are due to IBM within 30 days of the
     quarter end.

     10. Miscellaneous Terms/Conditions;

     a) IBM wilt deliver to CrossWorlds Golden Master(s) for the MQSI program
     product listed above by the 30th day after mutual execution of this
     Transaction Document.

     b) The license granted to you is a "Restricted License" for the products
     listed in Section 2, which means they can only be used in conjunction with
     your product "The CrossWorlds InterChange Server",

     c) Purchases of MQSI may not be aggregated with purchases of other IBM
     products for discount purposes.

     d) Both parties will promptly reconcile total payments based on the actual
     24 month order volume and the contribution of those payments to the SRP
     volume commitment. Any amount overpaid by you shall be credited to your
     account and we will invoice you for any amount underpaid.

     e) CrossWorlds has the option to inform IBM in writing their wish to
     increase the committed revenue volume (per the chart below) to take
     advantage of higher discount levels at any point during Phase I!. The new
     discount(s) will only take effect on new sales after the Increase in
     commitment volumes. No retroactive discounts Will be applied toward sales
     prior to the increase in commitment volumes.

     MQSI SRP Revenue Volume Commitment and Associated OEM Discount Levels over
     a 12-month period:

     SRP Commitment:   $5K   $50K   $200K    $500K    $1M    $2M     $5M    $10M

     OEM Restricted    0%    0%     19%      23%      27%    31%     35%    40%

     f) No product returns are allowed, in the case of customer returns for
     warranty/indemnity issues, CrossWorlds may distribute MQSI as part of a
     replacement or workaround without charge.

     g) CrossWorlds will provide a list of customer situations who should
     qualify for classification as Category (1) and (2) customers (reference
     Attachment{ of this Transaction Document) at Transaction Document signing.

     h) IBM commits to holding quarterly meeting of the joint IBM/CrossWorlds
     Design Council and to have the IBM Technical Coordinator for CrossWorlds
     present at such meetings. CrossWorlds commits to participating in IBM MQSI
     Quarterly Design Council meetings during the term of this Agreement. No
     other participants will attend the joint Design Council unless mutually
     agreed. Both party's Technical Coordinators shall discuss and review
     technical issues relating to (1) MQSI planned changes/enhancements which
     may relate to and/or impact the effectiveness and use of CrossWorlds
     products with MQSI and (2) CrossWorlds requests for IBM MQSI
     changes/enhancements. Both IBM and CrossWorlds will provide the designated
     Technical Coordinators for each party prior to the start of the first
     council meeting.

     i) Press Announcement requirements: IBM and CrossWorlds shall issue a joint
     press announcement and host a joint press event announcing this Transaction
     Document with the appropriate executives from both companies within 30 days
     of mutual execution of this Transaction Document.

     j) IBM AIM sales representatives will be compensated for the MQSI OEM Sales
     revenues of CrossWorlds Offerings.

                                    5 of 8

     k) in the event of a conflict between this Transaction Document and the
     Base Agreement, this Transaction Document shall prevail.

     11. Upgrade Protection:

                                                                  PRICE IN

PART #     DESCRIPTION                                            US DOLLARS
- ------     -----------                                            ----------
41L1901    Annual Upgrade Protection Fee                          20% of net price per year
           for MQSeries Integrator for NT and UNIX platforms

     ('net price' refers to IBM OEM price as defined in this Transaction

     - Upgrade Protection, purchased for an individual license over a one year
     period, will provide the purchaser with a new version or release when made
     generally available by IBM, at no additional cost to CrossWorlds. If the
     Upgrade Protection fee has been paid continuously since the original
     license was purchased. When Upgrade Protection has been purchased, OEM may
     upgrade the end user's license to the new version.

     - Upgrade Protection must be paid in advance for each license for each year
     in effect, beginning with the first quarterly accounting and payment as
     described in Section 5,2 of the Base Agreement. Each quarterly accounting
     and payment for new licenses in that quarter must have 20% added for the
     Upgrade Protection fees.

         12.  Amendments to Base Agreement:

The following amends the Base Agreement solely with respect to this Transaction
Document 001, and not with respect to any other Exhibits applicable to the Base

a)       The "Duration" on the profile sheet of the Base Agreement is hereby
         amended to read: "Duration: Two (2) years from mutual execution of
         IBM/OEM Software Agreement Transaction Document Number 001;
         automatically renewed for an additional one (1) year term unless notice
         of termination is provided by either party at least thirty (30) days
         prior to such renewal date".

b)       Section 2,1 of the Base Agreement is hereby amended to read: "provide
         you with golden master copies for the IBM Product(s) listed in an
         Exhibit or Transaction Document. We will make any generally available
         new releases and versions (i.e., those new releases and versions not
         specified in an Exhibit or Transaction Document) of such IBM Product
         available to you. Prices for such new releases and versions may vary.

c)       Section 4.3 of the Base Agreement is hereby amended to read' "make 100
         number of copies of the IBM Product(s) to be used solely for
         demonstration, support and evaluation of, and training on, development
         and testing, your Offering. Additionally, we will specify in the
         Profile if you are authorized to make any other no charge copies for
         any other purposes. You agree not to make any unauthorized copies.
         Provided a royalty has been already paid to IBM, there is no charge or
         royalty to you for distributions of the IBM Product(s) (i) with
         updates, upgrades, enhancements or new versions of Your Product(s) and
         (ii) as part of a replacement or workaround of your Offering due to
         warranty/indemnity issues."

d)       Section 4.8 of the Base Agreement is amended to read as follows: "not
         assign your rights or delegate your obligations under this Agreement to
         any third party without our written consent except to a successor in
         the event of a merger, acquisition or sale of assets, where such
         successor assumes in writing or by operation of law your obligations
         under this Agreement. Except for the foregoing, you may not assign this
         Agreement nor your rights or obligations hereunder to a third party
         without IBM's written consent and any attempt to do so is void".

e)       Section 5.1 of the Base Agreement is amended by inserting the phrase
         "(except as set forth in Section 4.8)" after the word

                                    6 of 8

f)       Section 7.1 of the Base Agreement is amended by deleting it and
         replacing it with the following' "7.1 If IBM increases the SRP for the
         IBM, Products, this will not change the SRP or discount level listed in
         the Transaction Document 001 during its term."

g)       Section 9.1 of the Base Agreement is amended to read as follows; "IBM
         warrants that for a period of 90 days following delivery of the golden
         master to you containing the IBM Product(s), the IBM Product(s) will
         perform in accordance with the functional specifications contained in
         the documentation for such IBM Product(s) and the golden master will be
         free of defects in materials and workmanship. IBM does not warrant that
         the IBM Product(S) will be error-free. Your exclusive remedy for any
         breach of the foregoing warranty will be for IBM to promptly either (as
         applicable), remedy such non-compliance or replace such golden master
         and permit you to distribute such remedy free of charge to your
         existing customers, IBM represents that when the IBM Product is used in
         the specified operating environment, it will conform to its
         specifications. If such specifications state that the IBM Product is
         '"Year 2000 Ready," such product when used in accordance with its
         associated documentation is capable of correctly processing, providing
         and/or receiving date data within and between the 20th and 21st
         centuries, provided that all other products (including hardware,
         software and firmware) used with the Program(s) properly exchange
         accurate date data with it. EXCEPT FOR THE FOREGOING, THE IBM

h)       Section 11.2 of the Base Agreement is amended by (i) replacing the
         words "that party's" with "a", (ii) inserting the words "or trademark"
         immediately after the word "copyright" and (ii[) inserting the words
         "and your customers and other persons to whom you've distributed the
         IBM Product(s)" after the words "to enable you".

i)       Section 12.1 of the Base Agreement is amended to read as follows: "IBM
         hereby grants to you a nonexclusive, nontransferable (except as set
         forth in Section 4.8), royalty-free, worldwide right and license to use
         any IBM product logos or trademarks for the MQSeries product family in
         conjunction with your Offering pursuant to IBM's guidelines for such
         use. You will not remove any IBM trademarks or logos embedded in the
         IBM products. You may assert that your Offerings include the IBM

j)       Section 13.1 of the Base Agreement is amended by deleting the phrase ",
         and either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon three
         months written notice, and adding the following "where 'cause' means a
         party's breach of a material term of this Agreement."

k)       The following is added to Section 14.3 of the Base Agreement' "The
         foregoing is subject to the provision that if we assign our rights or
         delegate our responsibilities under this Agreement to any entity which
         is not directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under
         common control with us, where 'control' means the ownership of 50% or
         more of the voting shares of the subject entity, you may terminate this
         Agreement upon written notice to us."

                                    7 of 8

                                 ATTACHMENT I

Category 1 customer list

 1. Hercules
 2. Bombardier
 3. Ingersol Rand
 4. MCI/Avantel
 5. Telinor
 6. Orbital
 7. Andersen Windows
 8. Farmland
 9. US West
10. Roche Diagnostics
11. Polk
12. Amdahl
13. Northrop Grumman
14. Applied Materials
15. Autodesk
16. Orange
17. Vorwerk

Category 2 Customers list

 1. Delphi
 2. Philips
 3. ENBW (German Utility)
 4. Duetsche Telecom
 5. Honeywell UK
 6. Maxtor
 7. Schneider Trucking
 8. Franklin-Covey
 9. Unum
10. Harris Semiconductor
11. Calibar Logistics
12. Tech Data
13. ABB
14. Solar Turbine

                                    8 of 8

                              [LETTERHEAD OF IBM]

February 8, 2000

Mr. Scott Takaoka
Cross Worlds Software, Inc.
577 Airport Blvd, Suite 800
Burlingame, CA 94010


Dear Mr. Scott Takaoka,

     As a matter of clarification, the base Agreement in paragraph 7.1 requires
both parties to sign a written amendment to all changes excluding price changes.
Since we both wish to amend the Duration of this Agreement, please sign below
indicating your acceptance. Duration shall be amended to read as follows:

     Duration: The duration of this Agreement will be extended to
     June 3, 2001, and will be automatically renewed for an
     additional one (1) year term unless notice of termination is
     provided by either party at least thirty (30) days prior to such
     renewal date. However, in the event you do not purchase the
     minimum quantity specified in Section 9 (b), such renewal is
     contingent upon your and IBM's agreement to revised terms for
     the Programs.

     All exhibits attached to this Agreement shall remain in effect
     until changed or terminated via a sixty day written notice per
     paragraph 7.1 of this Agreement.

Once signed and completed, both parties agree any reproduction of this Extension
of OEM Distribution Agreement No. AUS970272 made by reliable means (for example,
photocopy or facsimile) is an original.

Please sign below if you concur to this contract extension and fax back to me.
If you do not concur, please indicate so below and return to me.


                                           CrossWorlds Software, Inc.

/s/ Dominic Cavalucci  2/8/2000            /s/ Mark Kent        2/9/00
- --------------------------------           -------------------  ------
     Signature           Date                  Signature         Date

Dominic Cavalucci                                Mark Kent
Contract Administrator                          Print Name
IBM Software Procurement, US
                                                 SVP & CFO

                              Amendment Number Two (2) dated March 21,2000 to
                              the IBM OEM Distribution Agreement No, AUS970272
                              executed on July 11, 1997 between IBM Corporation
                              and CrossWorlds Software, Inc.

International Business Machines Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "IBM")
and CrossWorlds Software, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "CrossWorlds") hereby
agree to amend the License Agreement No, AUS970272 (hereinafter referred to as
"Agreement") as follows:

The following Amendment Two (2) amends the Base Agreement solely with respect to
3/13/00 and not with respect to any other Exhibits applicable to the Base

a)   Section 2.1 of the Base Agreement is hereby amended to read: "provide you
     with golden master copies for the IBM Product(s) listed in an Exhibit. We
     will make any generally available new releases and versions (i.e., those
     new releases and versions not specified in an Exhibit) of such IBM Product
     available to you. Prices, terms and conditions for such new releases and
     versions may vary.

b)   Section 4.3 of the Base Agreement is hereby amended to read: "make 100
     copies of the IBM Product(s) to be used solely for demonstration, support
     and evaluation of, and training on, development and testing, your Offering.
     Additionally, we will specify in the Profile if you are authorized to make
     any other no charge copies for any other purposes. You agree not to make
     any unauthorized copies. Provided a royalty has been already paid to IBM,
     there is no charge or royalty to you for distributions of the IBM
     Product(s) (i) with updates, upgrades, enhancements or new versions of Your
     Product(s) and (ii) as part of a replacement or workaround of your Offering
     due to warranty/indemnity issues."

c)   Section 4.8 of the Base Agreement is amended to read as follows: "not
     assign your rights or delegate your obligations under this Agreement to any
     third party without our written consent except to a successor in the event
     of a merger, acquisition or sale of assets, where such successor assumes in
     writing or by operation of law your obligations under this Agreement.
     Except for the foregoing, you may not assign this Agreement nor your rights
     or obligations hereunder to a third party without IBM's written consent and
     any attempt to do so is void".

d)   Section 5.1 of the Base Agreement is amended by inserting the phrase
     "(except as set forth in Section 4.8)" after the word "non-transferable".

e)   Section 7.1 of the Base Agreement is amended by deleting It and replacing
     it with the following "7.1 If IBM increases the Suggested Retail Price
     (SRP) for the IBM Products, this will not change the SRP or discount level
     listed in the Exhibit during its term."

g)   Section 9.1 of the Base Agreement is amended to read as follows: "IBM
     warrants that for a period of 90 days following delivery of the golden
     master to you containing the IBM Product(s), the IBM Product(s) will
     perform in accordance with the functional specifications contained in the
     documentation for such IBM Product(s) and the golden master will be free of
     defects in materials and workmanship. IBM does not warrant that the IBM
     Product(s) will be error-free. Your exclusive remedy for any breach of the
     foregoing warranty will be for IBM to promptly either (as applicable),
     remedy such non-compliance or replace such golden master and permit you to
     distribute such remedy free of charge to your existing customers. IBM
     represents that when the IBM Product is used in the specified operating
     environment, it will conform to its specifications, if such specifications
     state that the IBM Product is "Year 2000 Ready," such product when used in
     accordance with its associated documentation is capable of correctly
     processing, providing and/or receiving date data within and between the
     20th and 21st centuries, provided that all other products (including
     hardware, software and firmware) used with the Program(s) properly exchange


     accurate date data with it. EXCEPT FOR THE FOREGOING, THE IBM PRODUCT(S) WE

h)   Section 11.2 of the Base Agreement is amended by (i) replacing the words
     "that party's" with "a", (ii) inserting the words "or trademark"
     immediately after the word "copyright" and (iii) inserting the words "and
     your customers and other persons to whom you've distributed the IBM
     Product(s)" after the words "to enable you".

i)   Section 12.1 of the Base Agreement is amended to read as follows: "IBM
     hereby grants to you a nonexclusive, nontransferable (except as set forth
     in Section 4.8), royalty-flee, worldwide right and license to use any IBM
     product logos or trademarks for the MQSeries product family in conjunction
     with your Offering pursuant to IBM's guidelines for such use. You will not
     remove any IBM trademarks or logos embedded in the IBM products. You may
     assert that your Offerings include the IBM products.

j)   Section 13.1 of the Base Agreement is amended by deleting the phrase " and
     either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon three months
     written notice" and adding the following "where 'cause' means a party's
     breach of a material term of this Agreement."

k)   The following is added to Section 14.3 of the Base Agreement: "The
     foregoing is subject to the provision that if we assign our rights or
     delegate our responsibilities under this Agreement to any entity which is
     not directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common
     control with us, where 'control' means the ownership of 50% or more of the
     voting shares of the subject entity, you may terminate this Agreement upon
     written notice to us."

Except as otherwise provided in this Amendment Number Two (2), all other terms
and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

Once signed and completed, both parties agree any reproduction of this Amendment
Number Two (2) made by reliable means (for example, photocopy or facsimile)is an


International Business Machines Corporation        CrossWorlds Software, Inc.
11400 Burnet Road                                  577 Airport Blvd., Suite 800
Austin, TX 78758                                   Burlingame, CA 94010

By:      /s/ Dominic Cavalucci                     By:      /s/ Barton Foster
        ------------------------                        ----------------------
           Authorized Signature                          Authorized Signature

Name:      Dominic Cavalucci                       Name:   Barton Foster

Title:     Contract Administrator                  Title:  SVP, Marketing &
           IBM Software Procurement                        Business Development

Date:        3/21/00                               Date:   3/21/00
         -----------------------                        ----------------------


                                  EXHIBIT TO
                        THE OEM DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT
                            FOR IBM PRODUCTS PROFILE


Effective Date: 03/13/00
- ------------------------

  This exhibit authorizes you to distribute this product on a World Wide basis
  with the exception of those geographic areas identified In the OEM
  Distribution Agreement.

  1. MQSI Restricted License
                                                      OEM PRICE IN
PART #        DESCRIPTION                              US DOLLARS
- ------        -----------                             ------------
41L187    MQSeries Integrator Product Version 1.x    See Section 9 (b)
          UNIX and NT Platforms

  2. Value-Add Components which must be Included in Offerings:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        Vendor                      Application Description
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CrossWorlds Software Inc. (Crossworlds)     The CrossWorlds InterChange Server
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  3. Related Licensed Materials which must be included in Offerings: Related
  Licensed Materials (standard materials included with the product on golden
  master) will be included in your Offering in the appropriate languages and
  with the appropriate terms for the geographies in which it will be

  4. Coordinators: The following contract coordinators are authorized to receive
  notices under this Exhibit and the Base Agreement:

                                          For IBM:                              For you:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Name                                    Dominic Cavalucci                     Scott Takaoka, Director Alliances
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Company                                 IBM                                   CrossWorlds Software, Inc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Address                                 11400 Burnet Rd.                      577 Airport Blvd, Suite 800
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          Internal Zip 4106
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  City, ST                                Austin, TX 78758                      Burlingame CA 94010
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Telephone:                              (512)823-8664                         (650) 685-9077
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Fax:                                    (512)823-8712                         (650) 685-1748
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  5. Royalty Calculation and Payment Requirements:

     a)  Retroactive to June 3, 1999, CrossWorlds will pay IBM royalty payments
     to IBM on sales of MQSI products, whenever a copy of IBM's MQSI product is
     supplied by CrossWorlds together or in association with the sale of the
     CrossWorlds product as described in Section 2.

     (b) The OEM discounts and prices offered in this Exhibit are based on total
     SRP revenue volume commitment of $4M over a (2) year term, The $4M
     commitment is calculated on IBM's SRP's for


   MQSI product and for upgrade support for MQSI, IBM SRP for MQSI product for
   all CrossWorlds offering regardless of end user customer, processor size or
   operating platform environments is $110,000.

   While the calculation of the OEM price is based on this SRP revenue volume
   commitment of $4M, CrossWorlds is not required to meet this commitment for
   the purpose of this Exhibit. A new SRP revenue volume commitment requirement
   will be presented in a new Exhibit to CrossWorlds for signature.

   OEM PRICE: CrossWorlds shall receive an OEM discount of 50% off of IBM SRP
   for MQSI sales, and the OEM royalty per license is $55,000.

   Your purchase order will contain the following information: purchase order
   number, product part number, order quantity, a contact name and phone number.
   Your orders will be seat to:

   IBM Branch Office JWQ
   Accounts Receivable - Internal Zip 261
   150 Kettletown Road
   Southbury, CT 06488

   c) You will provide to IBM quarterly sales reports for quarters ending
   3/31,6/30, 9/30, and 12/31. The sales report and payment for any royalties
   owed for the quarter being reported are clue to IBM within 30 days of the
   quarter end.

  6. Miscellaneous Terms/Conditions:

   a) IBM will deliver to CrossWorlds Golden Master(s) for the MQSI program
   product listed above by the 30th day after mutual execution of this Exhibit.

   b) Purchases of MQSI may not be aggregated with purchases of other IBM
   products for discount purposes.

   MQSI SRP Revenue Volume Commitment and Associated OEM Discount Levels over a
   12-month period:

   SRP Commitment:  $5K  $50K  $200K  $500K  $1M  $2M  $5M  $10M

   OEM Restricted   0%   0%    19%    23%    27%  31%  35%  40%

   c) No product returns are allowed, in the case of customer returns for
   warranty/indemnity issues, CrossWorlds may distribute MQSI as part of a
   replacement or workaround without charge.

   d) IBM commits to holding quarterly meeting of the joint IBM/CrossWorlds
   Design Council and to have the IBM Technical Coordinator for CrossWorlds
   present at such meetings. CrossWorlds commits to participating in IBM MQSI
   Quarterly Design Council meetings during the term of this Agreement. No other
   participants will attend the joint Design Council unless mutually agreed.
   Both party's Technical Coordinators shall discuss and review technical issues
   relating to (1) MQSI planned changes/enhancements which may relate to and/or
   impact the effectiveness and use of CrossWorlds products with MQSI and (2)
   CrossWorlds requests for IBM MQSI changes/enhancements. Both IBM and
   CrossWorlds will provide the designated Technical Coordinators for each party
   prior to the start of the first council meeting.

   e) In the event of a conflict between this Exhibit and the Base Agreement,
   this Exhibit shall prevail. This Exhibit supersedes and replaces the
   Exhibit/Transaction Document 001 entered into by the parties June 3, 1999.


  7. Upgrade Protection:

                                                                        OEM PRICE IN
PART #         DESCRIPTION                                              US DOLLARS
- ------         -----------                                              ----------
41L1901        Annual Upgrade Protection Fee                            20% of net price per year
               for MQSeries integrator for NT and UNIX platforms

  ('net price' refers to IBM OEM price as defined in this Exhibit)

  - Upgrade Protection, purchased for an individual license over a one year
  period, will provide the purchaser with a new version or release when made
  generally available by IBM, at no additional cost to CrossWorlds. If the
  Upgrade Protection fee has been paid continuously since the original license
  was purchased, When Upgrade Protection has been purchased, OEM may upgrade the
  end user's license to the new version.
  - Upgrade Protection must be paid in advance for each license for each year in
  effect, beginning with the first quarterly accounting and payment as described
  in Section 6.2 of the Base Agreement. Each quarterly accounting and payment
  for new licenses in that quarter must have 20% added for the Upgrade
  Protection fees.

Except as otherwise provided in this Exhibit, all other terms and conditions of
the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

Once signed and completed, both parties agree any reproduction of this Exhibit
made by reliable means (for example, photocopy or facsimile) is an original.


International Business Machines Corporation        CrossWorlds Software, Inc.
11400 Burnet Road                                  577 Airport Blvd., Suite 800
Austin, TX 78758                                   Burlingame, CA 94010

By:     /s/ Dominic Caralucci                      By:      /s/ Barton Foster
        ------------------------                        ----------------------
           Authorized Signature                          Authorized Signature

Name:      Dominic Cavalucci                       Name:   Barton Foster

Title:     Contract Administrator                  Title:  SVP, Marketing &
                                                           Business Development

Date:      3/22/00                                 Date:   3/21/00
         -----------------------                        ----------------------
