Exhibit 10.25

                            DURECT SUPPLY AGREEMENT

     This Supply Agreement is made and entered into on and as of October 1st,
2000, by and between the Pharmaceutical Group division of Mallinckrodt Inc.
("Mallinckrodt") and DURECT Corporation ("DURECT").

     WHEREAS, DURECT has need of a certain narcotic compound known as Sufentanil
Base  (hereinafter "Product") and is desirous of having Product manufactured by
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Mallinckrodt and of purchasing a substantial portion of its needs for Product
from Mallinckrodt, on the conditions set forth herein; and

     WHEREAS, Mallinckrodt is capable and desirous of undertaking the supply of
Product for DURECT in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, covenants and
representations of the parties set forth herein, and other good and sufficient
consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, DURECT and Mallinckrodt
agree as follows:

     1.   Supply of Product.

          (a)  For the consideration provided herein and in accordance with all
               terms, conditions, representations and warranties set forth
               herein, and for the term hereof, subject to the terms and
               conditions of this Agreement, Mallinckrodt will provide DURECT
               with such amounts of Product as  DURECT shall request from time
               to time.  Subject to Sections 5(a) and 7(d), DURECT, for its
               part, agrees that it will purchase at least  [*  *  *] of its
               requirements for Product from Mallinckrodt hereunder during every
               Contract Year during the term hereof.  For purposes of the
               immediately preceding sentence, "Contract Year" shall mean and
               refer to each consecutive twelve (12) month period during the
               term hereof beginning with the twelve month period commencing on
               October 1st, 2000 and ending on September 30th, 2001.  All


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

               Product supplied hereunder shall be manufactured by Mallinckrodt
               strictly in accordance with current Good Manufacturing Practices
               ("cGMP") as determined by the Food and Drug Administration
               ("FDA") using the manufacturing process described in
               Mallinckrodt's batch records.

          (b)  The specifications for Product (including, without limitation,
               specifications for all components and raw materials, whether
               active or inactive) are described on Exhibit A attached hereto.

     2.   Raw Materials.

          Subject to the provisions of Section 4 below, all raw materials and
          other resources required in connection with the production of Product
          to be supplied hereunder shall be provided by Mallinckrodt at its cost
          and expense.

     3.   Quality Control.

          (a)  Mallinckrodt will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure
               that it has the facilities, equipment, instrumentation, resources
               and trained personnel to provide all raw materials, in-process
               and product assays, analysis and other testing as compliance with
               cGMP standards may require in connection with Mallinckrodt's
               supply of Product hereunder. Mallinckrodt shall provide a
               complete Certificate of Analysis and a Material Safety Data Sheet
               for each lot of Product supplied hereunder at the time of

          (b)  Mallinckrodt shall maintain complete and accurate documentation
               of all validation data, stability testing data, batch records,
               quality control and laboratory testing and any other data
               required under cGMP or other FDA requirements (including without
               limitation regulations of the DEA), the requirements of other
               regulatory authorities of European countries listed in Exhibit B
               and the procedures set forth in any Drug Master File ("DMF") in
               connection with the supply of  Product hereunder.


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

          (c)  Mallinckrodt agrees that it will not engage in any act which
               causes any packaged and labeled Product produced by Mallinckrodt
               to become adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the
               federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as amended.

          (d)  Mallinckrodt shall test or cause to be tested each Lot of Product
               before delivery of such Lot to DURECT. Mallinckrodt shall retain
               a sample from each Lot of Product shipped to DURECT as required
               by FDA regulations.

          (e)  Prior to commencing the supply of Product under this Agreement,
               Mallinckrodt agrees to have and to maintain during the term of
               this Agreement a DMF for the Product in accordance with the
               requirements of the FDA. Mallinckrodt hereby grants DURECT the
               right to reference Mallinckrodt's DMF and equivalent documents
               for the Product in DURECT's IND, NDA and any other applicable
               regulatory filings for products incorporating the Product.


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

     4.   Pricing.

          (a)  For each gram of Product supplied hereunder produced in
               accordance with the requirements hereof, DURECT shall pay
               Mallinckrodt in accordance with the following, in any [* * *]:

               (i)    [* * *]

               (ii)   [* * *]

               (iii)  [* * *]

               (iv)   [* * *]

               (v)    [* * *]


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

               The Product Price set forth in the immediately preceding sentence
               shall be firm through [*  *  *], the date of [*  *  *] being
               hereinafter referred to as the "Adjustment Date".  From and after
               the Adjustment Date, the Product Price shall be adjusted upward
               (if applicable) [*  *  *] (all of which costs are hereinafter
               referred to as "Product Costs"), in accordance with the following
               procedures.  Within sixty (60) days prior to the end of each
               Contract Year hereunder during the term hereof, Mallinckrodt will
               notify DURECT in writing of the amount by which its Product Costs
               hereunder have increased during the immediately preceding
               Contract Year period and the adjusted Product Price to be charged
               for the Contract Year just commenced as a consequence of such
               increases ("Annual Adjustment Notice").  The amount of any
               increase in the Product Price as set forth in any Annual
               Adjustment Notice shall be effective for all Product invoiced by
               Mallinckrodt to DURECT in accordance herewith during the Contract
               Year for which such Annual Adjustment Notice is issued.
               Mallinckrodt agrees that DURECT can hire within sixty (60) days
               of any Annual Adjustment Notice, at its own expense, an
               independent third party, approved by Mallinckrodt, to audit
               Mallinckrodt's books and records to determine whether
               Mallinckrodt's increase in the Product Price complies with the
               terms of this Agreement.

          (b)  At the time of shipment by Mallinckrodt to DURECT of any lot of
               Product hereunder, Mallinckrodt shall submit to DURECT an invoice
               setting forth the total amount of Product being shipped to DURECT
               and the amount due to Mallinckrodt under subsection (a) set forth
               immediately above with respect to such volume of Product. Each
               such invoice shall also contain the required certificates under
               Section 3(a) and a certification that the Product for which
               DURECT is being billed has been produced fully in conformance
               with applicable specifications, cGMP and the requirements hereof.
               Any such invoice shall be payable by DURECT within thirty (30)
               days after DURECT's receipt of such invoice.

          (c)  Mallinckrodt agrees that in the event that the price for Product
               charged by Mallinckrodt to any other United States pharmaceutical
               customer is more


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

               favorable for the same quantity of like grade and quality than
               the Product Price to DURECT hereunder, and there are no terms or
               conditions that would reasonably compensate Mallinckrodt for
               offering such more favorable pricing for Product to the other
               party, then the Product Price to DURECT shall be adjusted to the
               price offered to such third party commencing from the date that
               Mallinckrodt offers such price to the other party.

     5.   Forecasts, Order Placement and Delivery.

          (a)  DURECT agrees to supply Mallinckrodt, on a quarterly basis, and
               beginning October 1, 2000, a rolling forecast of its requirements
               for Product during the next twenty four (24) months.  The
               forecast for the next [*  *  *] is considered to be firm and
               binding meaning DURECT must take and pay for Product ordered.
               The forecast for the next [*  *  *] is non-binding and will be
               used by Mallinckrodt for production planning.  At any time, if
               DURECT forecasts Product according to the procedure above and
               Mallinckrodt is unable to ship Product that is part of any firm
               and binding portion of a forecast within [*  *  *] of any agreed
               upon date or dates of shipment, then DURECT will be permitted to
               purchase from another supplier that amount of Product that was
               not shipped by Mallinckrodt within [*  *  *] days of an agreed
               upon date for shipment.

          (b)  Product shall be ordered by  DURECT only in writing.
               Mallinckrodt will not accept verbal orders of any kind for the
               production of  Product.  Any written work order will contain the
               following information: (i) the precise quantity of  Product
               desired, (ii) dates by which the ordered  Product must be ready
               for release by DURECT's quality assurance function and shipment,
               (iii) the anticipated shipping destination for any  Product and
               (iv) such other information as DURECT wishes to provide or that
               Mallinckrodt might find reasonably necessary or useful in
               completing a specific work order.   All work or purchase orders
               must be submitted by  DURECT to Mallinckrodt in writing at least
               thirty (30) days in advance of the anticipated date of delivery
               by Mallinckrodt.


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

          (c)  Product shall be delivered F.O.B. destination as specified by
               DURECT in its purchase order on the delivery date specified in
               the purchase order. Title to Product and risk of loss shall
               remain with Mallinckrodt until delivery to the specified
               destination. Mallinckrodt shall be responsible for selection of
               carrier. Product shall be shipped via overnight delivery unless
               destination location makes this not feasible. Mallinckrodt is
               responsible for all transportation and insurance charges.

     6.   Acceptance and Rejection and Recalls.

          (a)  If DURECT reasonably determines that any Product is defective in
               material or workmanship, not in conformance with applicable
               specifications, is adulterated or misbranded, or is otherwise not
               in conformity with this Supply Agreement (Product meeting any or
               all of such circumstances hereinafter referred to as a "Defective
               Product"), then DURECT, in addition to any other rights it may
               have under this Supply Agreement, may reject and return any such
               Products to Mallinckrodt.  At the time of any such rejection,
               DURECT shall provide Mallinckrodt with a written notice
               describing in detail the circumstances surrounding the rejection
               and DURECT's reasons therefor. If DURECT rejects any such
               Products it will, at Mallinckrodt's option, either return them to
               Mallinckrodt or destroy or dispose of them in the least expensive
               and most environmentally sound manner.  In any event,
               Mallinckrodt shall be responsible for the costs of any such
               return, destruction or disposal.  It is understood that DURECT's
               sole remedies hereunder in the event of a Defective Product it
               has rejected will either be (i) the replacement by Mallinckrodt
               of rejected Products that have either been returned or destroyed
               with Products that are not Defective Products, provided that such
               replacement is made as soon as practicable or (ii) a full refund
               of any amount paid hereunder by DURECT for such Defective

          (b)  Any Product received by DURECT from Mallinckrodt that has not
               been rejected by DURECT within sixty (60) days after receipt
               shall be deemed to have been accepted.


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

          (c)  If DURECT reasonably decides to or is required to initiate a
               product recall, withdrawal or field correction with respect to,
               or if there is any governmental seizure of, its products
               containing any Product supplied hereunder which action is due, in
               whole or in part, to (i) a failure of any of the Product
               manufactured by Mallinckrodt hereunder to conform to applicable
               specifications (including, without limitation, it being
               adulterated or misbranded), or any warranty or other requirement
               set forth in this Supply Agreement, (ii) the failure by
               Mallinckrodt to comply in all material respects with any
               applicable law, rule, regulation, standard, court order or decree
               or (iii) the negligent or intentional wrongful act or omission of
               Mallinckrodt in connection with the production of Product
               hereunder, DURECT will notify Mallinckrodt promptly of the
               details regarding such action, including providing copies of all
               relevant documentation concerning such action.  Mallinckrodt will
               assist DURECT in investigating any such situation and all
               regulatory contacts that are made and all activities concerning
               seizure, recall, withdrawal or field correction will be jointly
               coordinated by DURECT and Mallinckrodt.

          (d)  If any such recall, withdrawal, field correction or seizure
               occurs due solely to (i) a failure of any Product sold by
               Mallinckrodt hereunder to conform to applicable specifications
               (including, without limitation, it being adulterated or
               misbranded) or any warranty or other requirement set forth in
               this Supply Agreement, (ii) the failure by Mallinckrodt to comply
               in all material respects with any applicable law, rule,
               regulation, standard, court order or decree or (iii) the
               negligent or intentional wrongful act or omission of Mallinckrodt
               in connection with the production of Product hereunder, then
               Mallinckrodt shall bear the full cost and expense of any such
               seizure, recall, withdrawal or field correction.  If any such
               recall, withdrawal, field correction or seizure occurs due solely
               to (i) any pharmaceutical product manufactured, sold or
               distributed by DURECT that contains Product failing to conform to
               its applicable specifications (including, without limitation, it
               being adulterated or misbranded) or otherwise being defective,
               (ii) the failure of DURECT to comply in all material respects
               with any applicable law, rule,


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

               regulation, standard, court order or decree or (iii) the
               negligent or intentional wrongful act or omission of DURECT, then
               DURECT shall bear the full cost and expense of any such seizure,
               recall, withdrawal or field correction. If both Mallinckrodt and
               DURECT contribute to the cause of a seizure, recall, withdrawal
               or field correction, the cost and expenses thereof will be shared
               in proportion to each party's contribution to the problem.

     7.   Regulatory Compliance.

          (a)  Mallinckrodt will comply in all material respects with all
               federal, state and local laws, regulations and standards
               applicable to production by Mallinckrodt and its performance of
               its obligations hereunder.

          (b)  Mallinckrodt will promptly furnish DURECT with pertinent portions
               of all FDA inspection reports and related correspondence directly
               related to and affecting its performance hereunder as and when
               such reports and correspondence become available to Mallinckrodt.

          (c)  Mallinckrodt will notify DURECT immediately of any warning
               (including any FDA Form 483), citation, indictment, claim,
               lawsuit or proceeding issued or instituted by any federal, state
               or local governmental entity or agency against Mallinckrodt or
               any of its affiliates or of any revocation of any license or
               permit issued to Mallinckrodt or any of its affiliates, to the
               extent that any such occurrence relates directly to
               Mallinckrodt's performance hereunder.

          (d)  Both party's obligations hereunder are subject to obtaining and
               maintaining the necessary DEA quota. Mallinckrodt shall promptly
               apply for, and use best efforts to obtain, an increase in its DEA
               quota for the manufacture of the Product sufficient to process
               any order for Product hereunder and DURECT shall cooperate with
               Mallinckrodt in its efforts to obtain such an increase.

     8.   Certain Representations and Warranties of Mallinckrodt.


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

          (a)  Mallinckrodt represents and warrants that all Product sold
               hereunder will (i) be produced in compliance with cGMPs
               applicable to the Product, and (ii) will meet all specifications.

          (b)  Mallinckrodt represents and warrants that there is no claim,
               suit, proceeding or investigation pending or, to the knowledge of
               Mallinckrodt, threatened against Mallinckrodt or any of its
               affiliates which might prevent or interfere with Mallinckrodt's
               performance under this Supply Agreement.

          (c)  Mallinckrodt represents and warrants to DURECT that Product sold
               hereunder by Mallinckrodt will not be:

               (i)   in violation of Sections 5 or 12 of the Federal Trade
                     Commission Act or improperly labeled under applicable
                     Federal Trade Commission Trade Practice Rules, as and to
                     the extent applicable hereunder,

               (ii)  adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the federal
                     Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as amended, or within the
                     meaning of any applicable state or municipal law in which
                     the definitions of adulteration and misbranding are
                     substantially identical with those contained in the federal
                     Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, or articles which may not
                     under the provisions of Sections 404 or 505 of said Act be
                     introduced into interstate commerce or which may not under
                     substantially similar provisions of any state or municipal
                     law be introduced into commerce,

               (iii) manufactured or sold in violation of the federal Controlled
                     Substances Act, as amended, or any applicable state law,

               (iv)  manufactured or sold in violation of any of the provisions
                     of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended,


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

               (v)   manufactured in violation of any applicable federal, state
                     or local environmental law or regulation, or

               (vi)  manufactured in violation of any agreement (commercial or
                     otherwise), judgment, order or decree to which Mallinckrodt
                     is a party.

          (d)  Mallinckrodt certifies that neither it nor any of its affiliates
               nor any member of their staff has been disqualified or debarred
               by the FDA for any purpose.

          (e)  Mallinckrodt warrants and represents that neither it nor any of
               its affiliates nor any member of their staff have been charged
               with or convicted under federal law for conduct relating to the
               development or approval, or otherwise relating to the regulation
               of any drug product under the Generic Drug Enforcement Act of
               1992 or any other relevant statute, law or regulation.


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.


     9.   Manufacturing Changes.

          Mallinckrodt shall report to DURECT any significant changes related to
          the Product DMF that would required an NDA supplement from DURECT.
          Mallinckrodt will supply DURECT unmodified Product for a maximum of
          eighteen (18) months after DURECT is informed in writing of a
          significant DMF change requiring prior approval.

     10.  Facility Access.

          DURECT, through its employees, consultants or other representatives,
          will have the right during normal business hours and upon advance
          arrangement with Mallinckrodt to inspect Mallinckrodt's manufacturing
          operations to determine whether or not Mallinckrodt is complying in
          all respects with its obligations hereunder.  Without limiting the
          foregoing, Mallinckrodt shall permit representatives of DURECT (i) to
          inspect Mallinckrodt's manufacturing and other facilities applicable
          to the performance of this agreement and (ii) to review


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

          Mallinckrodt's standard operating procedures for the manufacture of
          the Product, and (iii) Mallinckrodt's testing procedures and testing
          records relative to the manufacture of Product. DURECT warrants that
          all such inspections and audits shall be carried out in a manner
          calculated not to unreasonably interfere with Mallinckrodt's conduct
          of business and to insure the continued confidentiality of
          Mallinckrodt's business and technical information. Further, DURECT
          agrees to comply with all of Mallinckrodt's safety and security
          requirements and audit policies during any visits to the Mallinckrodt

          Mallinckrodt shall notify DURECT as soon as possible in writing in the
          event any action is taken or threatened by the FDA, the DEA or any
          other regulatory agency relating to the manufacture of the Product,
          including any inspection report, or any review resulting in the
          issuance of a Form 483, or a warning letter.

     11.  Force Majeure.

          Neither party to this Supply Agreement shall be liable for or be in
          breach of any provision hereof for any failure or delay on its part to
          perform any obligation (other than the obligation to make payments
          when due) under any provision of this Supply Agreement because of an
          event of "force majeure", including, but not limited to, any act of
          God, fire, flood, explosion, unusually severe weather, war,
          insurrection, riot, sabotage, labor unrest, strikes or work stoppages
          or any other cause whatsoever, whether similar or dissimilar to those
          enumerated herein, beyond any reasonable possibility of control of
          such party, if and only if the party affected shall have used all
          reasonable efforts under the circumstances to avoid such occurrence
          and to remedy it promptly if it shall have occurred.  If an event of
          force majeure causes a failure or delay in performance hereunder by
          Mallinckrodt for more than one hundred eighty (180) continuous days,
          DURECT, at its option, may (i) terminate this Supply Agreement
          effective upon written notice to Mallinckrodt or (ii) may extend the
          delivery or performance period by the amount of time during which such
          delivery or performance was omitted or delayed.


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

     12.  Relationship of Parties.

          For all purposes hereof, Mallinckrodt shall be deemed to be an
          independent contractor and this Supply Agreement shall not create an
          agency, partnership, joint venture, or employer/employee relationship
          between DURECT and Mallinckrodt, and nothing hereunder shall be deemed
          to authorize either party hereto to act for, represent or bind the
          other or any of its affiliates except as expressly provided in this
          Supply Agreement.

     13.  Confidentiality.

          (a)  DURECT and Mallinckrodt shall maintain in confidence and not use
               or disclose to any third party, except as is specifically
               contemplated herein or is otherwise necessary to perform their
               respective obligations under this Supply Agreement, and then only
               on a confidential basis satisfactory to both parties, any
               information, including without limitation the terms of this
               Agreement, business and technical information, experience or data
               regarding any facility, programs, laboratories, processes,
               products, costs, equipment operation or customers, in any case
               relating to the manufacture or sale of Product hereunder. The
               foregoing obligations of confidentiality and non-use shall
               survive the termination or expiration of this Supply Agreement
               for a period of five (5) years.  Nothing herein shall prevent
               either party from disclosing any information required by statute
               or governmental regulations to be disclosed publicly pursuant to
               security regulations or in a judicial or administrative
               proceeding after all reasonable legal remedies for limiting
               disclosure and/or maintaining such information in confidence have
               been practically exhausted or from using information which (i)
               has been published or has become part of the public domain other
               than by acts, omissions or fault of such party, (ii) was lawfully
               received by such party from a third party free of any obligation
               of confidence to such third party, (iii) or a party can
               demonstrate  from its records was already in its possession prior
               to receipt thereof, directly or indirectly, from the other party.
               The party asserting the applicability of one of the exclusions
               from the obligation of


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

               confidentiality set forth in the immediately preceding sentence
               shall have the burden of proving the applicability of any such
               exclusion in any particular circumstance.

          (b)  Each party acknowledges that any breach by it of the
               confidentiality obligations set forth in this Section 13 would
               cause the other party irreparable harm for which compensation by
               monetary damages would be inadequate and, therefore, the party
               that has been harmed by any such breach shall have the right to
               an injunction or decree for specific performance, in addition to
               any other rights and remedies such party may have at law or in

     14.  Indemnification.

          (a)  Subject to the provisions of Section 8(f) hereof, Mallinckrodt
               (on behalf of itself and its affiliates) hereby agrees to
               indemnify, defend and hold harmless DURECT and its affiliates
               from and against any and all demands, claims, actions, causes of
               action, assessments, losses, damages, injuries, liabilities,
               costs and expenses, including without limitation, interest,
               penalties and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses
               (collectively "Damages") asserted against, resulting to, imposed
               upon or incurred by DURECT or its affiliates, directly or
               indirectly related to, arising out of or resulting from:

               (i)  any breach or failure of any of the representations,
                    warranties and covenants of Mallinckrodt contained herein,
                    including (without limitation) any breach or failure by
                    Mallinckrodt to perform any obligations contained herein,

               (ii) any failure of Mallinckrodt to observe or comply in all
                    material respects with any laws, rules or regulations
                    directly related to Mallinckrodt's performance hereunder.

          (b)  Subject to the provisions of Section 8(f) hereof, DURECT hereby
               agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Mallinckrodt and
               any of its affiliates


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

               from and against any and all Damages asserted against, resulting
               to, imposed upon or incurred by Mallinckrodt, directly or
               indirectly related to, arising out of or resulting from:

               (i)   any breach or failure of any of the representations,
                     warranties and covenants of DURECT contained herein,

               (ii)  any failure of DURECT to observe or comply in all material
                     respects with any laws, rules or regulations directly
                     related to DURECT's performance hereunder, and

               (iii) DURECT's or DURECT's agents', distributors' or customers'
                     use, processing, transportation, possession, disposal or
                     sale of any dosage product manufactured by DURECT, whether
                     containing Product or not, and whether used alone or in
                     combination with any other material.

     15.  Term and Termination.

          (a)  Unless sooner terminated in accordance herewith , the initial
               term of this Supply Agreement shall be for a period of four (4)
               years commencing on October 1st , 2000 and ending on September
               30th, 2004, and shall automatically be renewed for additional one
               (1) year terms thereafter unless either party shall give written
               notice to the other, at least one (1) year prior to the end of
               the initial term or any renewal term, that it does not wish the
               Supply Agreement to be renewed for an additional one (1) year

          (b)  In addition to any other right of termination specifically
               provided for hereunder, this Supply Agreement may be terminated
               by either party for cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to
               the other.  For purposes of the preceding sentence, "cause" shall
               mean (without limitation):

               (i)  any material breach of this Agreement by a party which shall
                    go uncorrected for a period of thirty (30) days after
                    written notice of such


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

                     breach has been given to the defaulting party, including
                     Sections 3a, 3b, and 7c,

               (ii)  the institution by a party of voluntary proceedings in
                     bankruptcy or under any insolvency law or law for the
                     relief of debtors,

               (iii) the making by a party of an assignment for the benefit of
                     creditors or any dissolution or liquidation,

               (iv)  the filing of an involuntary petition under any bankruptcy
                     or insolvency law against a party, unless such petition is
                     dismissed or set aside within sixty (60) days from the date
                     of its filing, or

               (v)   the appointment of a receiver or trustee for the assets or
                     business of a party, unless such appointment is dismissed
                     or set aside within sixty (60) days from the date of such

          (c)  This Agreement may be terminated by DURECT upon 60 days' written
               notice at any time upon DURECT's reasonable determination that
               the price charged by Mallinckrodt for Product hereunder is higher
               than the prevailing price for Product from Mallinckrodt to other
               United States Pharmaceutical customers for similar quantities of
               like grade and quality Product or in the event that DURECT, at
               its sole discretion, ceases to develop or commercialize any
               products incorporating the Product.

          (d)  The representations and warranties of the parties hereunder,
               covenants which by their terms have effect after the termination
               or expiration hereof, and the parties' indemnification and
               confidentiality obligations shall survive termination or
               expiration of this Supply Agreement.


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

          (e) In the event of any termination of this Supply Agreement, for
              whatever reason, and notwithstanding the effective date of any
              termination, Mallinckrodt shall complete any orders for Product
              that were made by DURECT and accepted by Mallinckrodt prior to
              such date, and DURECT shall pay Mallinckrodt for any Product
              produced in accordance with such orders at the then applicable
              Product Price in effect on the effective date of termination
              hereunder. In addition, provided that a firm order is delivered by
              DURECT no later than thirty (30) days after the effective date of
              any termination, Mallinckrodt shall supply to DURECT at the
              Product Price in effect on the effective date of termination the
              quantity of Product as specified by DURECT in said firm order to
              be delivered no later than twelve (12) months after Mallinckrodt's
              receipt of the order from DURECT.

  16.  Remedies Cumulative.

       Except as and when expressly stated, the remedies provided in this Supply
       Agreement shall be cumulative and shall not preclude assertion by any
       party hereto of any other rights (whether legal or equitable in nature)
       or the seeking of any other remedies against any other party hereto.


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

  17.  Binding Effect and Assignment.

       This Supply Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon
       the parties hereto, their successors and assigns; provided, however, that
       neither party shall, without the prior written consent of the other
       party, assign or transfer any of its rights, benefits, obligations, or
       other interest under this Supply Agreement to any other party, except
       that, without seeking the consent of the other party, either Mallinckrodt
       or DURECT may assign this Supply Agreement to any entity or person it
       controls, it is controlled by or is under common control with, and that,
       without seeking the consent of the party, either party may transfer this
       Agreement to an acquirer of all or substantially all of the assets and
       business to which this Agreement relates, except that no such assignment
       without consent shall be permitted if a DURECT acquirer is a direct
       competitor of Mallinckrodt in the supply of bulk material to which
       Mallinckrodt reasonably objects in writing within thirty (30) days after
       written notice from DURECT of the intended acquisition.

  18.  Notice.

       All notices, consents, approvals or other notifications required to be
       sent by one party to the other party hereunder shall be in writing and
       shall be deemed served upon the other party if delivered by hand or sent
       by United States registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, with
       return receipt requested, or by facsimile, air courier or telex,
       addressed to such other party at the address set out below, or the last
       address of such party as shall have been communicated to the other party.
       If a party changes its address, written notice shall be given promptly to
       the other party of the new address. Notice shall be deemed given on the
       day it is sent (in the case of delivery by method other than hand
       delivery) or the date of delivery (in the case of delivery by hand) in
       accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. The addresses for
       notices are as follows:


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

          If to Mallinckrodt:

               Mallinckrodt Inc.
               c/o Pharmaceuticals Group
               675 McDonnell Boulevard
               Hazelwood, Missouri 63042
               Attn:  Michael J. Collins

          with a copy to:

               Mallinckrodt Inc.
               675 McDonnell Boulevard
               Hazelwood, Missouri 63042
               Attn:   C. Stephen Kriegh
                       Staff Vice President

          If to DURECT:

               DURECT Corp.
               10240 Bubb Road
               Cupertino, CA  95014
               Attn:  General Counsel


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

     19.  Governing Law and Jurisdiction.

          This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
          the laws of the State of  New York, without reference to its conflict
          of laws provisions that might apply to the law of another

     20.  Waiver.

          The failure by any party to exercise any of its rights hereunder or to
          enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Supply Agreement on any
          occasion shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver of that party's
          rights thereafter to exercise any rights hereunder or to enforce each
          and every term and condition of this Supply Agreement.

     21.  Modifications.

          This Supply Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a
          writing specifically referring to this Supply Agreement and executed
          by duly authorized representatives of both parties.  The obligations
          of the parties are governed by the terms and conditions of this Supply
          Agreement and none of the general terms and conditions of any DURECT
          purchase order or any Mallinckrodt acknowledgment or any substantially
          similar documents of either party will in any case be controlling or
          supersede the provisions hereof.

     22.  Severability.

          A determination that any portion of this Supply Agreement is
          unenforceable or invalid shall not affect the enforceability or
          validity of any of the remaining portions hereof or of this Supply
          Agreement as a whole.  In the event that any part of any of the
          covenants, sections or provisions herein may be determined by a court
          of law or equity to be overly broad or against applicable precedent or
          public policy, thereby making such covenants, sections or provisions
          invalid or unenforceable, the parties shall attempt to reach agreement
          with respect to a valid and enforceable substitute


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

          for the deleted provisions, which shall be as close in its intent and
          effect as possible to the deleted portions.

     23.  Headings.

          The parties agree that the section and article headings are inserted
          only for ease of reference, shall not be construed as part of this
          Supply Agreement, and shall have no effect upon the construction or
          interpretation of any part hereof.

     24.  Counterparts.

          This Supply Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, and
          each executed counterpart shall be considered an original of this
          Supply Agreement.

     25.  Entire Agreement.

          This Supply Agreement represents the entire agreement and
          understanding of the parties hereto with respect to its subject matter
          and supersedes any and all prior agreements, understanding or
          discussions, whether written or oral, between the parties.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Supply Agreement to
be executed as of the day and year first above written.

                                    MALLINCKRODT INC.
DURECT CORPORATION                  Pharmaceuticals Group

By:  /s/ James B. Brown       By:  /s/  Michael J. Collins
     ------------------            -----------------------
     James E. Brown                Michael J. Collins, Senior Vice President
     President and CEO             & President, Pharmaceuticals Group


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

                                   EXHIBIT A

                             PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS

Appearance               [*  *  *]

Identification           [*  *  *]

Water                    [*  *  *]

Assay by Titration       [*  *  *]

Assay by HPLC            [*  *  *]

OVI                      [*  *  *]

Ethanol                  [*  *  *]

Sulphated Ash            [*  *  *]

Heavy Metals (Pb)        [*  *  *]


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.

                                   EXHIBIT B

                                   [*  *  *]

[*  *  *]
[*  *  *]
[*  *  *]
[*  *  *]
[*  *  *]
[*  *  *]
[*  *  *]
[*  *  *]


*  Material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment,
   and such material has been filed separately with the SEC.