EXHIBIT (a)(9)

To:       Agile Employees
From:     Bryan D. Stolle
Subject:  Changes to Option Exchange Program
Date:     October 26, 2001

Please note that the following changes were made to the Offer to Exchange in
response to some comments received from the Securities and Exchange Commission
and some additional information regarding foreign tax and legal requirements in
two countries.

As the changes include changes to the Election Form and Change of Election Form,
if you have previously submitted an Election Form or Change of Election Form,
please resubmit a revised form as included with this message.

Please remember that the deadline for submitting your executed Election Form or
Change of Election Form is 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, on November 19, 2001.

Summary Term Sheet

We have revised question 13 to the Summary Term Sheet to clarify that all of the
conditions to the offer are described in Section 7 ("Conditions of the Offer")
to the Offer to Exchange.

Acceptance of Options for Exchange and Issuance of New Options

We have added a sentence to Section 6 ("Acceptance of Options for Exchange and
Issuance of New Options") to confirm that we will send a confirmation of our
acceptance of the tender of your Eligible Options and Required Options
immediately after the Expiration Date and will notify you if we reject your
election to exchange your Eligible Options, on or prior to the Expiration Date.
Unless you are notified of a rejection, You may assume that, immediately
following the Expiration Date, your properly executed and delivered Election
Form and your tendered Eligible Options and Required Options have been accepted.

Information Concerning Agile Software Corporation

We have included summary financial information concerning Agile Software
Corporation to Section 10 ("Information Concerning Agile Software Corporation").

Material Tax Consequences for Employees Who are Tax Residents in Japan

We have corrected the statement "If you intend to acquire shares whose value
exceeds (Y) 100,000,000 in a single transaction, you must file a report with the
Ministry of Finance through the Bank of Japan within 20 days from the purchase
of the shares (provided, however if you acquire such shares through a security
company in Japan, such requirement will not be imposed." The limit was
previously incorrectly listed as Y100,000.

Material Tax Consequences for Employees Who are Tax Residents in Taiwan

We have clarified the statements under "Exercise of New Options" as the tax
treatment upon exercise of your New Options is still an unanswered question
under Taiwan's tax laws and, accordingly, some uncertainty remains whether such
exercise will not be subject to tax.

Please note that tax laws change frequently and vary with your individual
circumstances. Please consult a tax advisor to determine the tax considerations
and tax consequences relevant to your participation in the offer.

If you have any questions regarding the amendments mentioned above or the Offer
to Exchange, please contact me, Sam Laub, or Audrey Nguyen.