THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY


                             AMENDED AND RESTATED

                              AGREEMENT FOR LEASE


                    Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership


                         Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.

                           Dated as of March 7, 1997



This Agreement has been manually executed in 8 counterparts, numbered
consecutively from 1 through 8, of which this is No. 3.  To the extent, if
any, that this Agreement constitutes chattel paper (as such term is defined in
the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in any jurisdiction), no security
interest in this Agreement may be created or perfected through the transfer or
possession of any counterpart other than the original counterpart which shall be
the counterpart identified as counterpart No. 1.

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                             AMENDED AND RESTATED
                              AGREEMENT FOR LEASE

          Amended and Restated Agreement for Lease dated as of March 7, 1997 (as
the same may be amended, restated, modified or supplemented from time to time,
this "Agreement"), between Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership, a Delaware
limited partnership ("Owner") and Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc., a Delaware
corporation ("Agent").

          WHEREAS, Owner may from time to time acquire either (i) a fee interest
or (ii) a leasehold interest pursuant to a Ground Lease (hereinafter defined) in
certain Unit Premises (hereinafter defined); and

          WHEREAS, Agent is an Affiliate (hereinafter defined) of the Guarantor
(hereinafter defined); and

          WHEREAS, Owner and Agent have entered into a Lease (hereinafter
defined), providing for the lease or sublease by Agent of certain Unit
Improvements (hereinafter defined) which will be constructed and furnished on
such Unit Premises pursuant to the terms of this Agreement;

          WHEREAS, Owner desires Agent to act as agent for Owner on the terms
set forth herein in connection with the selection of Owner's fee and/or
leasehold interests in Unit Premises from time to time, and with the
construction of Unit Improvements and the installation of Unit FF&E thereon, if
any, and in connection with all matters related to such construction, and Agent
accepts such appointment; and

          WHEREAS, Owner and Agent desire to amend and restate, as set forth
herein, the Agreement for Lease, dated as of February 14, 1995, as amended by
Amendment No. 1 thereto, dated as of August 8, 1996, between them.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein
contained and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
are hereby acknowledged, Owner and Agent hereby agree as follows:


          1.1  Defined Terms.  For the purposes of this Agreement each of the
following terms shall have the meaning specified with respect thereto:

          Accrued Default Obligations:  Defined pursuant to subsection 11.2


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          Acquisition Certificate:  The written certification of Agent to be
delivered to Owner in connection with the making of an Initial Advance
hereunder, which contains the information and representations of Agent as
required by Section 4 of this Agreement, and which is substantially in the form
of Exhibit C hereto.

          Affiliate:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          AFL Unit Leasing Record:  An instrument, substantially in the form of
Exhibit B hereto, evidencing the sublease of a Unit under the Lease, which Unit
is subject to a Ground Lease, or an instrument evidencing the lease of a Unit
under the Lease.

          Agreement:  This Agreement for Lease, as the same may be amended,
restated, modified or supplemented from time to time.

          Assignee:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Available Commitment:  At a particular time, an amount equal to the
excess of (a) the sum of (i) the aggregate commitment to lend under a Credit
Agreement or Credit Agreements and (ii) Owner's existing equity capital and
additional equity capital contributions which are in Owner's sole judgment then
available to Owner over (b) the sum of (i) the aggregate amount of all advances
theretofore made pursuant to Section 3 hereof with respect to Units subject to
this Agreement at such time, (ii) Financing Costs theretofore incurred by Owner
and not reimbursed by Agent with respect to Units subject to this Agreement at
such time, (iii) the aggregate Adjusted Acquisition Cost (as defined in the
Lease) of all Property and Equipment (as said terms are defined in the Lease)
leased under the Lease at such time and (iv) $2,000,000, or such other amount as
Owner and Agent may agree to from time to time.  For purposes of this definition
of Available Commitment, when a Unit is made subject to the Lease pursuant to
the terms of subsection 2.3 hereof, such Unit shall cease to be "subject to this

          Business Day:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Certificate of Increased Cost:  The certificate delivered by Agent to
Owner pursuant to Section 7 hereof in connection with a request for a Completion
Advance, and which is substantially in the form of Exhibit F hereto.

          Certificate of Substantial Completion:  The certificate or
certificates delivered by Agent to Owner pursuant to Section 6 hereof in
connection with a request for a Final Advance, and which is substantially in the
form of Exhibit E hereto.

          Commercial Paper:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Completion Advance:  Any advance made by Owner upon satisfaction of
the conditions set forth in Section 7 hereof.

          Consent:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          Construction Advance:  An Interim Advance made in connection with a
Redwood Unit which includes any Unit Acquisition Costs included in Redwood Phase
2 for such Redwood Unit.

          Construction Agreement:  Each agreement between Agent, acting on
behalf of Owner, and a General Contractor, providing for the construction of
Unit Improvements, as the same may be amended, restated, modified or
supplemented from time to time in accordance with this Agreement.

          Construction Documents:  The collective reference to the Construction
Agreement(s), the Unit Plans, the Permits and all other agreements entered into
by Agent with respect to constructing, equipping, furnishing and decorating the

          Credit Agreement:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Designated Effective Date:  With respect to the Headquarters Unit, the
earlier of the date of Substantial Completion or November 30, 1998, and with
respect to each other Unit, the specific date applicable to such Unit set (i) in
the case of each Redwood Unit, by agreement of Owner and Agent prior to the
Construction Advance for any such Unit and (ii) in the case of any other Unit,
set by agreement of Owner and Agent as a condition to the Initial Advance for
such Unit.

          Effective Date:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Event of Default:  Any of the events specified in subsection 11.1
hereof; provided, that any requirement for the giving of notice, the lapse of
time, or both, or any other condition, has been satisfied.

          Event of Unit Termination:  Any of the events specified in subsection
11.3 hereof.

          FF&E Specifications:  The master list, if any, of furniture, fixtures
and equipment which will be used in connection with the Unit Improvements (which
list shall be specific with respect to the kind, quality and quantities)
appended hereto as Exhibit G, as the same may be amended, modified, or
supplemented from time to time with Owner's prior written consent, which consent
shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

          Final Advance:  The advance made by Owner upon satisfaction of the
conditions of Section 6 hereof.

          Financing Costs:  All interest costs (including, without limitation,
interest at a default rate), other costs, fees and expenses incurred by Owner
under a Credit Agreement, and all costs incurred (i) in connection with
obtaining and maintaining equity financing, including, without limitation,
return on equity capital and fees payable under Owner's partnership agreement to
any general partner or managing general partner, (ii) in connection with the
issuance of 


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

Commercial Paper, including discount on Commercial Paper and (iii) in connection
with any other financing arrangement of Owner.

          Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio:  Defined pursuant to 1.2 hereof.

          Force Majeure Delay:  Any delay caused by conditions beyond the
control of Agent, including, without limitation, acts of God or the elements,
fire, strikes, labor disputes, delays in delivery of material and disruption of
shipping, which does not have the effect of extending the Unit Completion Date
beyond ninety (90) days in the aggregate.

          General Contractor:  Any contractor or contractors as may be engaged
by Agent from time to time for construction of Unit Improvements.

          Governmental Action:  Defined in subsection 8.5 hereof.

          Governmental Authority:  Any nation or government, any state or other
political subdivision thereof, and any entity exercising executive, legislative,
judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of or pertaining to government.

          Ground Lease:  Each ground lease (which must be a Mortgageable Ground
Lease) pursuant to which a leasehold interest in a Unit Premises is being leased
to Owner.

          Guaranty:  The Guaranty, dated as of the date hereof, by and between
Guarantor and Owner, as it may be amended, restated, modified or supplemented,
from time to time.

          Guarantor:  Electronic Arts Inc., a Delaware corporation (an Affiliate
of Agent), and its successors.

          Headquarters Build-Out Plans:  The plans delivered to Owner in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement providing for the construction to be
performed with respect to the Headquarters Unit Improvements.  The Headquarters
Build-Out Plans shall be treated for all purposes as Unit Plans herein.

          Headquarters Unit:  The Unit consisting of the Headquarters Unit
Premises, together with the Headquarters Unit Improvements.

          Headquarters Unit Improvements:  Two office buildings with office
space of approximately 380,000 square feet, a conference center of approximately
50,000 square feet, and a parking structure, all to be constructed on
approximately 12.5 acres of the Headquarters Unit Premises.

          Headquarters Unit Premises:  The specific Unit Premises described as
such on Exhibit L hereto.

          Indebtedness:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          Indemnified Person:  Any Person as defined in Section 12 hereof.

          Initial Advance:  The advance made by Owner upon satisfaction of the
conditions set forth in Section 4 hereof.

          Insurance Requirements:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Interim Advance:  An advance made by Owner upon satisfaction of the
conditions set forth in Section 5 hereof.

          Interim Advance Certificate:  The certificate delivered by Agent to
Owner pursuant to Section 5 hereof in connection with a request for an Interim
Advance, and which is substantially in the form of Exhibit D hereto.

          Interim Completion Date:  The date specified for the completion of
Redwood Phase 1 of a particular Redwood Unit as set forth in Section 2.2 hereof.

          Lease:  The Lease Agreement, dated as of February 14, 1995, by and
between Owner, as lessor or sublessor, and Agent, as lessee or sublessee, as the
case may be, as amended by Amendment No. 1 thereto, dated as of March 7, 1997,
as it may be further amended, restated, modified or supplemented from time to
time, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A hereto.

          Legal Requirements:  All laws, judgments, decrees, ordinances and
regulations and any other governmental rules, orders and determinations and all
requirements having the force of law, now or hereinafter enacted, made or
issued, whether or not presently contemplated, and all agreements, covenants,
conditions and restrictions, applicable to each Unit and/or the construction,
ownership, operation or use thereof, including, without limitation, compliance
with all requirements of labor laws and environmental statutes, compliance with
which is required at any time from the date hereof through the term of this
Agreement, whether or not such compliance shall require structural, unforeseen
or extraordinary changes to any Unit or the operation, occupancy or use thereof.

          Lien:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Level 1:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Level 2:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Level 3:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Level 4:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Level 5:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          Merrill:  Merrill Lynch Money Markets Inc., a Delaware corporation.

          Merrill Leasing:  ML Leasing Equipment Corp., a Delaware corporation.

          Merrill Lynch:  Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., a Delaware corporation.

          Mortgageable Ground Lease:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2

          Owner:  Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership or any successor or
successors to all of its rights and obligations as Owner hereunder and, for
purposes of Section 12 hereof, shall include any Person or entity which computes
its liability for income or other taxes on a consolidated basis with Flatirons
Funding, Limited Partnership or the income of which for purposes of such taxes
is, or may be, determined or affected directly or indirectly by the income of
Owner or its successor or successors.

          Permits:  All consents, licenses, building, and operating permits
required for construction, completion, and operation of any Unit in accordance
with all Legal Requirements affecting such Unit.

          Permitted Contest:  Defined pursuant to paragraph (a) of Section 16

          Permitted Liens:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Person:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Potential Default:  Any event which, but for the lapse of time, or
giving of notice, or both, would constitute an Event of Default.

          Potential Event of Unit Termination:  Any event which, but for the
lapse of time, or giving of notice, or both, would constitute an Event of Unit

          Recordation:  Has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 21 of this

          Redwood Phase 1:  In the case of each Redwood Unit, the installation
of certain infrastructure improvements and the completion of landscaping
suitable for outdoor recreational use, all in accordance with the applicable
Unit Plans therefor.

          Redwood Phase 2:  In the case of each Redwood Unit, the construction
of office buildings and/or related structures and the installation of related
Unit FF&E.

          Redwood Unit:  Each of Redwood Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit
Premises No. 3 or Redwood Unit Premises No. 4 and any Unit Improvements thereon.

          Redwood Unit Premises No. 2:  The specific Unit Premises described as
such on Exhibit L.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          Redwood Unit Premises No. 3:  The specific Unit Premises described as
such on Exhibit L.

          Redwood Unit Premises No. 4:  The specific Unit Premises described as
such on Exhibit L.

          Responsible Officer:  The chief or senior financial officer of Agent
and each director of Agent and any other employee of the Agent or, if acting as
agent of Agent, any employee of the Guarantor primarily responsible for
administering the obligations of Agent hereunder.

          Substantial Completion:  With respect to any Unit, the satisfaction of
all requirements of Section 6 hereof.  In the case of each Redwood Unit, the
requirements for Substantial Completion may be satisfied with reference to the
Unit Plans for Redwood Phase 2 only.

          Taking:  Any event which is described in paragraph (k) of subsection
11.3 hereof.

          Tangible Net Worth:  Defined pursuant to subsection 1.2 hereof.

          Title Company:  First American Title Insurance Company, or such other
title insurance company as may be specifically approved by Owner in writing,
together with such reinsurers or coinsurers of such title company as may be
approved by Owner in writing.

          Unit:  Any Unit Premises and any Unit Improvements thereon and related
Unit FF&E.

          Unit Acquisition Cost:  With respect to any Unit the sum of (a) the
aggregate amount of advances made pursuant to this Agreement with respect to the
Unit except to the extent reimbursed to Owner by Agent and (b) all other costs
of Owner (including, without limitation, costs incurred by Agent but reimbursed
by Owner) with respect to the Unit (except costs, whether or not such costs may
be capitalized pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, for which
Owner has been or chooses, in lieu of capitalization hereunder, to be reimbursed
by Agent pursuant to the provisions of subsection 9.5 or Section 12 hereof)
arising from the acquisition, construction, equipping, and financing (including,
without limitation, Financing Costs and Owner's out-of-pocket expenses and fee
obligations in connection therewith) prior to the lease or sublease of the Unit
under the Lease.  Unit Acquisition Cost shall include an amount paid, by Agent
to the party which shall have assigned to Owner its right to purchase the
Headquarters Unit Premises, Redwood Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit Premises
No. 3 and Redwood Unit Premises No. 4 in order to terminate any right to
sublease the Unit or a portion thereof granted to such party.  All costs of
Owner related to this Agreement incurred during a calendar year which were not
previously allocated to a Unit and not reimbursed by Agent shall be allocated
among Units and Parcels of Property (as defined in the Lease) by Owner on or
prior to January 10th of the next succeeding year on a pro rata basis based upon


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

Unit Acquisition Cost for all Units or Acquisition Cost (as defined in the
Lease) for all Parcels of Property with respect to which an Initial Advance was
made during such previous calendar year, and such allocation by Owner shall be
in Owner's sole judgment and shall be conclusive.  Unit Acquisition Cost shall
not include Owner's rating agency fees, issuing and paying agency fees and audit
fees, which expenses shall be reimbursed by Agent pursuant to subsection 9.5
hereof.  No Financing Costs will be included in Unit Acquisition Cost with
respect to a Unit after such Unit's Designated Effective Date.  As of March 7,
1997, the Unit Acquisition Costs of the following Units are:

               Headquarters Unit ..................  $13,100,532
               Redwood Unit Premises No. 2 ........  $ 6,738,193
               Redwood Unit Premises No. 3 ........  $10,443,503
               Redwood Unit Premises No. 4 ........  $ 4,717,773

          Unit Budget:  The budget to be prepared by Agent and delivered to
Owner prior to the Initial Advance with respect to any Unit, which budget may
include costs relating to such of the following as Agent deems to be
appropriate: (a) the installation of Unit FF&E, if any, thereon; (b) all costs,
including, without limitation, the purchase price, survey and survey inspection
charges, appraisal, architectural, engineering, environmental analysis, soil
analysis and market analysis fees, title insurance premiums, brokerage
commissions, transfer fees and taxes that are customarily the responsibility of
the purchaser, closing adjustments for taxes, utilities and the like, escrow and
closing fees, recording and filing fees, the legal fees of Owner and Agent, and
all related costs and expenses incurred in acquiring and maintaining marketable
fee or leasehold title to such Unit and in leasing or subleasing such Unit to
Agent; (c) the costs of completion of the Unit Improvements in conformity with
the Unit Plans, the Construction Agreement or any contracts in replacement
thereof, including without limitation, costs of site preparation, acquiring or
granting easements necessary for completion of the Unit Improvements, making
utility connections, demolition, streets, parking areas, landscaping,
development, off-site improvements, design and related construction of the Unit
Improvements and related facilities and the costs of necessary studies, surveys,
plans and permits, insurance and examination and incidental costs and expenses
related thereto incurred in acquiring and maintaining marketable fee or
leasehold title to such Unit and in leasing or subleasing such Unit and Unit
FF&E to Agent; (d) the costs of architects', attorneys', engineers' and other
professionals' fees and disbursements, in connection with the development,
planning, renovation, construction, and construction financing of the Unit
Improvements, including, without limitation, the fees and disbursements of
Owner's counsel in connection with this Agreement and the duties of Owner
hereunder, the Construction Agreement, and in all other matters involving or
reasonably related to this transaction; (e) costs of all charges and assessments
for the construction, improvement, maintenance, repair and restoration of
streets, roads, walks, sewer, gas, electrical, telephone and water lines and
other improvements levied upon the Unit until the Effective Date; (f) the costs
of all insurance, real estate, property and excise tax assessments, sales and
use taxes on materials used in construction, and other operating and carrying
costs paid, accrued, or levied upon the Unit or Owner in connection with the
Unit during the period from acquisition of the Unit Premises until the Effective
Date for such Unit; (g) costs of Agent's project representatives 


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

(inspectors, consultants, etc.) incurred in its capacity as agent for Owner; and
(h) any and all other costs, including, without limitation, estimated
capitalization by Owner of Financing Costs, arising from or in connection with
the construction period for such Unit Improvements and until the Effective Date
for such Unit.

          Unit Completion Date:  With respect to the Headquarters Unit, December
31, 1998 and with respect to any other Unit, such date as shall be agreed to in
writing between Owner and Agent (i) in the case of a Redwood Unit, as a
condition to the Construction Advance for such Unit (which date shall not, in
any event, be later than December 31, 2011), and (ii) in the case of any other
Unit, as a condition to the Initial Advance for such Unit.

          Unit FF&E:  The specific items, if any, from the FF&E Specifications
which are installed or (if such FF&E Specifications have been acquired by Owner
for installation) to be installed in a particular Unit Improvement and for which
advances are made by Owner hereunder.

          Unit FF&E Specifications:  The list of specific items chosen from FF&E
Specifications to be installed with the proceeds of advances hereunder in a
particular Unit Improvement.

          Unit Improvements:  The improvements to be constructed on an
individual Unit Premises in accordance with the Unit Plans for the Unit
Improvements to be built on such Unit Premises.

          Unit Plans:  The plans and specifications for the construction of any
Unit Improvements, including, without limitation, installation of curbs,
sidewalks, gutters, landscaping, utility connections (whether on or off the Unit
Premises) and all fixtures necessary for construction, operation and occupancy
of the Unit and certain equipment to be used in connection therewith, prepared
or to be prepared by an architect and Agent and approved by Owner and any
Assignee, including such amendments, modifications and supplements thereto as
may from time to time be made by Agent; provided, that any subsequent material
deviation from the Unit Plans selected for the Unit shall be made only with
Owner's and Assignee's prior written consent, which consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed.  In the case of each Redwood Unit, separate
Unit Plans shall be submitted for acceptance by Owner for each of Redwood Phase
1 and Redwood Phase 2.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          Unit Premises:  Each individual parcel of land, in which either a fee
interest or a leasehold interest has been acquired by Owner for the construction
of Unit Improvements thereon.

          1.2  Other Definitional Provisions.

          (a)  For purposes of this Agreement, the terms, "Affiliate",
     "Assignee", "Business Day", "Commercial Paper", "Consent", "Credit
     Agreement", "Effective Date", "Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio",
     "Indebtedness", "Insurance Requirements", "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3",
     "Level 4", "Level 5", "Lien", "Mortgageable Ground Lease", "Permitted
     Liens", "Person" and "Tangible Net Worth" shall have the meanings set forth
     opposite those terms in the Lease, except that, for purposes of this
     Agreement, the terms "the Lessor", "the Lessee" and "this Lease" if used in
     those definitions in the Lease shall be deemed to be the terms "Owner",
     "Agent" and "this Agreement, respectively, and, if used in those
     definitions in the Lease, each of the terms "Parcel", "Parcel of Property"
     and "Property" shall be deemed to be the phrase "Unit Premises and related
     Unit Improvements" and each of the terms "Unit of Equipment" and "Unit"
     shall be deemed to be an item of "Unit FF&E".

          (b)  All terms defined in this Agreement shall have their defined
     meanings when used in any certificate or other document made or delivered
     pursuant hereto.

          (c)  The words "hereof", "herein" and "hereunder" and words of similar
     import when used in this Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole
     and not to any particular provision of this Agreement, and section,
     subsection, paragraph, schedule and exhibit references are to this
     Agreement unless otherwise specified.


          2.1  Appointment and Duties of Agent.  Subject to the terms hereof,
including, without limitation, the requirements of Section 4 hereof, Owner
hereby appoints Agent as its agent for selection of Unit Premises for
acquisition, as well as for the design, construction, equipping, and
installation on each Unit Premises of the Unit Improvements, and, if and to the
extent identified in Exhibit G hereto, Unit FF&E and Agent hereby accepts such
appointment.  Unit Improvements must be of a type permitted to be leased under
the Lease, as set forth in Exhibit A to the Lease.  Agent agrees all in
accordance with its best business judgment and this Agreement to select Unit
Premises for acquisition by Owner and to contract for and supervise the good and
workmanlike completion of the Unit Improvements and installation of the Unit
FF&E on each Unit Premises, suitable for its intended use.

          2.2  Cost and Completion of a Unit.  Owner and Agent agree that (a)
the maximum cost for the acquisition of the Headquarters Unit Premises and the
construction of the Headquarters Unit Improvements thereon shall be no more than
$130,654,240, and the maximum cost for the acquisition of any other Unit
Premises and the completion of Unit Improvements thereon shall be such amount as
is agreed to in writing between Owner and Agent, and (b) the 


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

cost of the Unit FF&E constituting personal property and not fixtures shall be
zero with respect to the Headquarters Unit, and shall be such amount as is
agreed to in writing between Owner and Agent with respect to any other Unit.
Owner and Agent agree that the maximum cost for the acquisition of Unit Premises
and the completion of Redwood Phase 1 for Redwood Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood
Unit Premises No. 3 and Redwood Unit Premises No. 4 shall be $10,560,039,
$16,314,230 and $7,471,488, respectively, and Owner and Agent agree to complete
Redwood Phase 1 for such Units by December 31, 1999 (such date, the "Interim
Completion Date"). Agent agrees to effect Substantial Completion of any Unit
Improvements on or before the applicable Unit Completion Date. After receiving
the Initial Advance with respect to a Unit, Agent may, without Owner's consent,
to the extent permitted hereunder, from time to time amend, modify or supplement
the Unit Plans, Unit Budget or Unit FF&E Specifications relating thereto;
provided that no such amendment, modification or supplement shall increase the
Unit Budget to an amount in excess of the maximum cost set forth in this
subsection 2.2 or result in a diminution of the value or usefulness for its
intended purpose of the Unit or result in a breach under subsection 10.1 of this
Agreement or have the result that completion of the Unit Improvements would
occur after the Interim Completion Date or Unit Completion Date, as may be
applicable. Whether or not the maximum cost for the acquisition of Unit Premises
and the construction of Unit Improvements thereon (which costs shall be
inclusive of estimated capitalization of Financing Costs by Owner) fixed
pursuant to this Section 2.2 shall aggregate an amount in excess of the
Available Commitment at any time, Owner's obligation to pay any such costs shall
not exceed the Available Commitment. Agent shall promptly deliver to Owner and
any Assignee any such amended, modified or supplemented Unit Plans, Unit Budget
or Unit FF&E Specifications.

          2.3  Lease of a Unit and Certain Special Provisions Applicable to
Redwood Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit Premises No. 3 and Redwood Unit
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Premises No. 4.
- -------------- 

          (a)  Upon Substantial Completion of any Unit Improvements prior to the
Designated Effective Date therefor, Agent will deliver to Owner the Certificate
of Substantial Completion in the form of Exhibit E hereto with respect to such
Unit Improvements (including the AFL Unit Leasing Record), and Agent shall
request the Final Advance with respect to such Unit Improvements.  If the
conditions set forth in Section 6 hereof have been satisfied in the reasonable
judgment of Owner, Owner, within five (5) Business Days of receipt of the
Certificate of Substantial Completion, a fully completed AFL Unit Leasing Record
executed by Agent and the other documents required in Section 6 hereof, shall
execute and deliver to Agent such AFL Unit Leasing Record.  Such AFL Unit
Leasing Record shall have an Effective Date as of the date of execution by Owner
of the AFL Unit Leasing Record.  The Final Advance shall be made by Owner on the
date of execution by Owner of the AFL Unit Leasing Record.  Execution and
delivery by Agent of the AFL Unit Leasing Record shall constitute (i)
acknowledgment by Agent that each Unit included therein is in good condition and
has been accepted for lease or sublease by Agent as of the Effective Date of the
AFL Unit Leasing Record, (ii) acknowledgment by Agent that each such Unit is
subject to all of the covenants, terms and conditions of the Lease, and (iii)
certification by Agent that the representations and warranties contained in
Section 2 of the Lease are true and correct on and as of the Effective Date of
the AFL Unit Leasing Record as though made on and as of such date and that there
exists on such date no (1) Event of Default or, 


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

with respect to such Unit, Event of Unit Termination under this Agreement or
Event of Default (as defined in the Lease) or (2) Potential Default or, with
respect to such Unit, Potential Event of Unit Termination under this Agreement
or Potential Default (as defined in the Lease).

          (b)  If Substantial Completion of any Unit Improvements will not be
effected on or before the Designated Effective Date with respect to such Unit,
Agent shall prepare and execute an AFL Unit Leasing Record with respect to such
Unit and deliver it to Owner at least seven (7) Business Days prior to the
applicable Designated Effective Date.  Upon receipt of the AFL Unit Leasing
Record, Owner shall execute and deliver to Agent such AFL Unit Leasing Record by
such Designated Effective Date.  Such AFL Unit Leasing Record shall have an
Effective Date as of the date of execution by the Owner.  Execution and delivery
by Agent of the AFL Unit Leasing Record shall constitute (i) acknowledgement by
Agent that the Unit is in good condition taking into account its existing state
of construction and has been accepted for lease or sublease by Agent as of the
Effective Date of the AFL Unit Leasing Record, (ii) acknowledgement by Agent
that the Unit is subject to all of the covenants, terms and conditions of the
Lease, (iii) certification by Agent that the representations and warranties
contained in Section 2 of the Lease are true and correct in all material
respects on and as of the Effective Date of the AFL Unit Leasing Record as
though made on and as of such date and that there exists on such date no (1)
Event of Default, Event of Default (as defined in the Lease), or, with respect
to such Unit, Event of Unit Termination or (2) Potential Default, Potential
Default (as defined in the Lease), or, with respect to such Unit, Potential
Event of Unit Termination and (iv) certification by Agent that the Unit will
achieve Substantial Completion prior to its Unit Completion Date. The failure of
Agent to execute and deliver an AFL Unit Leasing Record with respect to such
Unit prior to the applicable Designated Effective Date shall constitute an Event
of Unit Termination pursuant to paragraph (n) of subsection 11.3 hereof. In the
event any Unit is made subject to the Lease prior to achieving Substantial
Completion, Owner's obligation to make further advances with respect to such
Unit under this Agreement shall continue until the Unit Completion Date for such
Unit, subject to Agent's satisfaction of the conditions precedent to such
advances contained in this Agreement. Owner, within five (5) Business Days of
receipt of a request for an advance and subject to satisfaction of the
conditions for such advance contained in this Agreement, shall execute and
deliver to Agent the revised AFL Unit Leasing Record for such Unit reflecting
the amount of such advance, and Agent, within five (5) Business Days of receipt
of such revised AFL Unit Leasing Record, shall sign the revised AFL Unit Leasing
Record and return it to Owner, upon which such advance shall occur.

          (c)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject to the terms of
subsection 3.1 hereof, Agent may, by delivering to Owner a Certificate of
Increased Cost, at any time up to three (3) months after the Final Advance has
been made with respect to a Unit, request a Completion Advance in order to pay
to Agent construction costs that were not the subject of any previous advance.
Owner, within five (5) Business Days of receipt and upon Owner's approval of a
request for the Completion Advance and the Certificate of Increased Cost, shall
execute and deliver to Agent a revised AFL Unit Leasing Record for such Unit
reflecting such increased cost, and Agent, within five (5) Business Days of
receipt of such revised AFL Unit Leasing Record, shall sign the revised AFL Unit
Leasing Record and return it to Owner.  The Completion Advance shall be made by
Owner upon receipt of the revised AFL Unit Leasing Record signed 


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

by Agent.

          (d)  Agent acknowledges and agrees that regardless of the Effective
Date therefor, in preparing the AFL Unit Leasing Records for the Redwood Unit
Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit Premises No. 3 and Redwood Unit Premises No. 4, the
respective Schedule B thereto shall provide for amortization of Acquisition Cost
beginning with the initial Basic Rent Payment Date (as defined in the Lease)
following the Effective Date on a mortgage amortization basis ending in August,
2038, in each case.

          2.4  Powers of Agent.  Agent shall have the right to act for and on
behalf of Owner with full and complete authority to appear before each
applicable Governmental Authority and each land owner's association to resolve
issues related to the platting, zoning and use of the Unit Premises, to, so long
as no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, contest on its own and
Owner's behalf any proposed taking of a Unit Premises or the amount of any award
in connection therewith, to obtain all Permits, to grant and obtain minor
easements for the benefit of any Unit Premises or which are deemed reasonably
necessary by Agent for the intended use of such Unit Premises, voluntarily to
dedicate or convey portions of any Unit Premises for road, highway and other
public purposes as required in the good faith judgment of Agent in order to
obtain the use of all or part of such Unit Premises for the purposes intended
(provided that no such action shall materially adversely affect either the
market value of such Unit Premises or the use of such Unit Premises for its
intended purpose), appoint, employ and deal with the architects, engineers,
consultants and contractors, purchase and arrange for delivery of all materials,
supplies, furniture, fixtures, and equipment, and to approve all related
vouchers, invoices and statements. Owner agrees, at Agent's request and expense,
to confirm to third parties Agent's rights and obligations in this regard. No
payment shall be made for any property or services of such architects,
engineers, consultants, or contractors relating to the acquisition, construction
and equipping of any Unit without the prior approval of Agent, and each amount
so approved and paid shall be in accordance with the Unit Budget, and shall be
part of the Unit Acquisition Cost of such Unit. If Agent has unreasonably
delayed or withheld giving the approvals required to make such payments, Owner
may make payments to any architects, engineers, consultants, contractors,
vendors or suppliers which are properly due and payable in accordance with the
contracts with said parties, and any such payment so made shall be and become a
part of the Unit Acquisition Cost of the Unit; provided, however, that Owner
shall not make any such payment if it is subject to a Permitted Contest. Agent
agrees that, in any contract entered into pursuant to this Agreement in which
Owner is identified as an obligor rather than, or in addition to, Agent, the
substance of the text of subsection 18.5 hereof shall be included therein.

          SECTION 3.  ADVANCES

          3.1  Agreement to Make Advances.  Subject to the conditions and upon
the terms herein provided, including, without limitation, that the Available
Commitment not be exceeded, Owner agrees to make available to Agent advances
from time to time for each Unit up to an aggregate principal amount for such
Unit determined in accordance with the Unit Budget 


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

for such Unit and not in excess of the maximum amount per Unit set forth in
subsection 2.2 hereof. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Owner agrees to
make (a) an Initial Advance with respect to a Unit in accordance with Section 4
of this Agreement, (b) Interim Advances from time to time in accordance with
Section 5 of this Agreement, (c) a Final Advance in accordance with Section 6 of
this Agreement and (d) a Completion Advance in accordance with Section 7 of this
Agreement. In the event Substantial Completion shall not occur on or before the
Designated Effective Date, Agent may request (i) an Interim Advance on such
Designated Effective Date pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 2.3 hereof and
Section 5 hereof and additional Interim Advances thereafter pursuant to
paragraph (b) of subsection 2.3 and Section 5 hereof, (ii) a Final Advance
pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 2.3 and Section 6 hereof, and (iii) a
Completion Advance pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 2.3 and Section 7

          3.2  Procedure for Advances.  Agent shall give Owner notice in
accordance with Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 hereof of its irrevocable request for an
advance pursuant to this Agreement, specifying a Business Day on which such
advance is to be made and the amount of the advance. Not later than 2:00 P.M.
New York time on the date for the advance specified in such notice, provided all
conditions to that advance have been satisfied, Owner shall provide to Agent, in
immediately available funds, the amount of the advance then requested. Owner
shall have no obligation to make advances with respect to a Unit more often than
once every thirty (30) days.

          3.3  Determination of Amounts of Advances.

          (a)  Initial Advance. The amount of an Initial Advance with respect to
     a Unit shall be made within the limits of the Unit Budget and in accordance
     with the Acquisition Certificate, and shall be sufficient to pay in full
     all acquisition and closing costs of the respective Unit Premises,
     including, without limitation, the purchase price, survey and survey
     inspection charges, recording and filing fees, brokerage commissions,
     appraisal, architectural, engineering, environmental analysis, soil
     analysis and market analysis fees, transfer fees and taxes that are
     customarily the responsibility of the purchaser, title insurance premiums,
     closing adjustments for taxes, utilities, and the like, escrow fees, if
     any, construction materials and existing structures, and the legal fees of
     Owner and Agent. All such costs for which the Initial Advance is requested
     shall be specifically set forth in the Unit Budget attached to the
     Acquisition Certificate, and in the request for the Initial Advance, and
     Owner shall have no obligation to advance any funds in the Initial Advance
     which are not so specifically set forth in such documents.

          (b)  Interim Advances.  Disbursements for costs of constructing and
     equipping a Unit shall be within the limits of the Unit Budget, based upon
     the certifications of the Agent contained in an Interim Advance
     Certificate.  Disbursements may be requested only (a) for costs incurred or
     (b) for costs expected to be incurred not more than sixty (60) days after
     the date of such Advance.  Owner shall have no obligation to make
     disbursements for the cost of materials not in place, whether stored on or
     off site.

          (c)  Final Advance.  The amount of the Final Advance shall be made


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     the limits of the Unit Budget and in accordance with the Certificate
     of Substantial Completion, and shall be sufficient, subject to the
     provisions of paragraph (d) of this subsection 3.3, for payment in full of
     all costs of designing, furnishing, constructing and equipping the Unit in
     connection with Substantial Completion of the Unit, free of all Liens other
     than Permitted Liens.  Owner shall have no obligation to make the Final
     Advance unless Owner is satisfied that all such costs as set forth in the
     Unit Budget, the Certificate of Substantial Completion, and the request for
     the Final Advance have been actually incurred, or in the case of punch list
     items will be incurred, in construction and equipping of the Unit, free of
     all Liens, except for Permitted Liens and shall not cause the Unit
     Acquisition Cost of the Unit to exceed the Unit Budget. A Final Advance
     shall not be available in connection with Redwood Phase 1.

          (d)  Completion Advance. The amount of the Completion Advance shall be
     made in accordance with and shall not exceed the amount set forth in the
     Certificate of Increased Cost, shall not cause the Unit Acquisition Cost of
     the Unit to exceed the Unit Budget, and shall be sufficient for payment in
     full of all costs that were not the subject of any previous advance with
     respect to such Unit. Owner shall have no obligation to make the Completion
     Advance unless Owner is satisfied that all such costs were reasonably
     estimated in the Unit Budget and are adequately set forth in the
     Certificate of Increased Cost and will be sufficient for payment in full of
     all costs with respect to such Unit.

          3.4  Partial Advances.  If any or all conditions precedent to any
advance have not been satisfied on the applicable date for a requested advance,
Owner, in its sole discretion, and with the consent of Assignee may, but shall
have no obligation to, disburse a part of the requested advance.

                      TO A UNIT

          Owner's acquisition of any Unit Premises and Owner's obligation to
make the Initial Advance with respect to a Unit shall both be subject to the
satisfaction of the conditions set forth in this Section 4 and to the receipt by
Owner and any Assignee of the documents set forth in this Section 4, in each
case in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Owner and any Assignee.
Owner shall have at least seven (7) Business Days to review the Acquisition
Certificate and its attachments prior to making any Initial Advance.

          Subject to Exhibit K hereof, the following are the documents to be
received by Owner and any Assignee and the conditions to be satisfied:

          (a)  Lease and Guaranty.  With respect to the first advance only under
     this Agreement, a fully executed copy of the Lease and a fully executed
     copy of the Guaranty.

          (b)  Acquisition Certificate.  A duly executed copy of the Acquisition


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          (c) Deed.  Where fee title is being acquired by Owner, a photocopy of
     the executed purchase and sale agreement and the warranty deed, or, in the
     case of Unit Premises located in California, the grant deed to be executed
     and delivered at the closing of the acquisition of Owner's fee interest in
     such Unit Premises, conveying marketable title to Owner, free of all Liens
     other than Permitted Liens. For purposes of the Initial Advance, Permitted
     Liens shall not include any mechanics' liens or materialmen's liens, or any
     taxes, assessments, governmental charges or levies, except to the extent
     that such taxes, assessments, governmental charges or levies are due and
     payable but not yet delinquent, and have been properly apportioned with the
     seller at closing.

          (d) Memorandum of Lease Agreement.  Two original counterparts of a
     memorandum of lease agreement in the appropriate form for recording in the
     jurisdiction in which the Unit Premises are located, executed by Agent, as
     lessee, and otherwise reasonably acceptable to Owner and Assignee.

          (e) Ground Lease.  Where a leasehold interest is being acquired by
     Owner, an original of each Ground Lease, including a true and complete copy
     of the metes and bounds legal description of the Unit Premises, intended to
     be executed and delivered at the closing of the acquisition of Owner's
     leasehold interest, in a form approved by Owner, and complying and
     certified by Agent as complying in all respects with this Agreement and
     with Section 29 of the Lease, and not subject to any Liens other than
     Permitted Liens, along with a memorandum of ground lease in statutory
     recordable form and any necessary estoppel certificates, recognition and
     attornment agreements, confirmations, and subordinations required by
     Owner's and any Assignee's counsel regarding the Ground Lease.  For
     purposes of the Initial Advance, Permitted Liens shall not include any
     taxes, assessments, governmental charges or levies, except to the extent
     that such taxes, assessments, governmental charges or levies are due and
     payable but not yet delinquent.

          (f) Taxes.  Certification by Agent that all past and current taxes and
     assessments (excluding those which are due and payable but not yet
     delinquent) applicable to the Unit Premises have been paid in full.

          (g) Title Insurance Policy.  Satisfactory evidence that Owner shall
     receive at closing either (i) an ALTA owner's policy (which, if available
     in the state in which the Unit Premises are located, may be issued as a
     joint protection policy simultaneously insuring both Owner's interest and
     Agent's interest in such Unit Premises, provided that Agent shall deliver
     to Owner in connection with the Acquisition Certificate for such Unit
     Premises a letter executed by Agent in which Agent explicitly agrees to the
     conditions set forth on Exhibit J of this Agreement) with a pending
     improvements clause, or (ii) a construction binder marked at closing for
     the benefit of Owner and Assignee, constituting the irrevocable commitment
     of the Title Company to issue a joint protection policy simultaneously
     insuring both Owner's and Agent's interest in such Unit Premises in
     accordance with the conditions of (i) above and upon completion of the Unit
     Improvements, in each case issued by the Title Company with respect to the
     Unit Premises in the amount of the total Unit Budget, acceptable to Owner
     and Assignee in all 


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     respects (including such additional endorsements as may be reasonably
     requested by Owner or Assignee), together with legible photocopies of all
     underlying documents of record affecting the Unit Premises. Owner shall
     have received evidence satisfactory to it that all premiums in respect of
     such policies have been paid at the closing of title, which policy or
     binder shall provide the substantive coverage contemplated to be provided

          (h) Survey.  A current survey of the Unit Premises certified to Owner
     and Assignee by an independent, licensed registered public land surveyor,
     and dated a date within ninety (90) days prior to the date of the Initial
     Advance.  Such survey shall show the following: (i) lot lines of the Unit
     Premises shown in metes and bounds, and the lines of streets abutting the
     Unit Premises and the width thereof; (ii) all access and other easements
     appurtenant to or used in connection with the Unit Premises; (iii) all
     roadways, paths, driveways, easements, set-backs, encroachments and
     overhanging projections and similar encumbrances affecting the Unit
     Premises, whether recorded, apparent from a physical inspection of the Unit
     Premises, or otherwise known to the surveyor; (iv) any encroachments on any
     adjoining property by the building structures and improvements on the Unit
     Premises; and (v) if the Unit Premises are described by reference to a
     filed map, a legend relating the survey to said map.

          (i) Site Plan.  A site plan prepared by Agent showing the proposed
     location of the Unit Improvements to be constructed on the Unit Premises.

          (j) Availability of Utilities.  Certification by Agent that all
     utility services and facilities (including, without limitation, gas,
     electrical, water and sewage services and facilities) (i) which are
     necessary and required during the construction period have been completed
     or will be available in such a manner as to assure Owner that construction
     will not be impeded by a lack thereof and (ii) which are necessary for
     operation and occupancy of the Unit are or will be completed in such a
     manner and at such a time as will assure the opening and operation of the
     Unit on or before the Unit Completion Date.

          (k) Flood Zone.  A certification by the surveyor or an official of an
     appropriate Governmental Authority as to whether the Unit Premises are
     located in a flood plain.

          (l) Permits.  All Permits and governmental approvals required for the
     construction of the Unit Improvements have been or will be issued or
     obtained in such a manner as to assure Owner that construction will not be
     impeded by a lack thereof and all Permits and governmental approvals
     required therefor which have been issued or obtained are in full force and

          (m) Opinion of Counsel for Agent.  With respect to the first advance
     only under this Agreement, an opinion of Nossaman, Guthner, Knox & Elliott,
     counsel for Agent, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Owner
     and Assignee and, with respect to an Initial Advance with respect to a Unit
     Premises in a state in which no Unit


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     Premises has previously been acquired under this Agreement, an opinion of
     local counsel for Agent, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
     Owner and Assignee. With respect to an Initial Advance for a Unit Premises
     in a state in which such opinion of local counsel for Agent has previously
     been delivered, if Owner and Assignee have reason to believe that the laws
     of such state have changed since the date of the previous local counsel
     opinion for Agent in such state, then an opinion of local counsel for Agent
     shall be delivered, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Owner
     and Assignee.

          (n)  Opinion of Counsel for Guarantor.  With respect to the first
     advance only under this Agreement, an opinion of Nossaman, Guthner, Knox &
     Elliott, counsel for Guarantor, in form and substance satisfactory to Owner
     and Assignee.

          (o)  Construction Agreement. A fully executed and complete copy of the
     Construction Agreement, if any.

          (p)  Unit Plans. A copy of the Unit Plans satisfactory to Owner and

          (q)  Unit Budget. A copy of the Unit Budget and certification by Agent
     that such Unit Budget is (i) true, complete and correct, (ii) accurately
     representative of all expected costs of the Unit and (iii) within the
     dollar limits set forth in the first sentence of subsection 2.2 hereof.

          (r)  Certificates of Insurance.  Certificates of insurance or other
     evidence reasonably acceptable to Owner certifying that the insurance then
     carried or maintained on the Unit required by subsection 9.3 hereof
     complies with the terms of such subsection.

          (s)  Request for Advance.  A duly executed AIA Document G722 (or
     substantially similar document), stating the total amount of the Initial
     Advance requested, the date on which the advance is to be made, the name,
     address and, if applicable, the escrow reference number of the escrow or
     closing agent or party to whom the Initial Advance is to be tendered,
     wiring instructions and an itemization of the various costs constituting
     the amount of the Initial Advance in such detail as will be necessary to
     provide disbursement instructions to the escrow or closing agent,
     including, specifically, an accounting of all expenditures for costs shown
     on the Unit Budget for which payment or reimbursement is being requested
     with respect to the Unit.

          (t)  Continuing Representations of Guarantor.  All representations and
     warranties made in the Guaranty are and remain true and correct on and as
     of the date of the Initial Advance as if made on and as of the date of the
     Initial Advance (except to the extent such representations and warranties
     expressly relate specifically to an earlier date) and no default under the
     Guaranty has occurred and is continuing on the date such Initial Advance is
     to be made or by reason of giving effect to such Initial Advance.

          (u)  Unit FF&E Specifications. If applicable, a true and complete copy
     of the Unit FF&E Specifications with respect to the Unit.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          (v)  Environmental Affidavit and Report. An environmental affidavit in
     the form of Exhibit H hereto, duly executed by Agent, and an environmental
     report certified to Owner and any Assignee and satisfactory to Owner and
     any Assignee in all respects, prepared by a reputable environmental
     consulting or environmental engineering firm acceptable to Owner and
     Assignee which addresses the matters set forth on Exhibit I hereto. If
     Owner or Assignee shall reasonably require additional assurance as to any
     matter or matters contained or not adequately addressed in such
     environmental report, Owner or Assignee may require that a supplemental or
     additional environmental report with respect to such matter or matters,
     satisfactory to Owner and Assignee in all respects, be delivered.

          (w)  Use of Proceeds, No Liens and Representations of Agent.  (i) All
     costs and expenses which are the subject of the Initial Advance requested
     have been paid in full or will be paid in full out of the proceeds of the
     Initial Advance, (ii) there are no Liens on the Unit Premises of which
     Agent has knowledge that are not Permitted Liens, (iii) all representations
     and warranties made in this Agreement, in the Lease, and in connection with
     the Initial Advance, are and remain true and correct on and as of the date
     of the Initial Advance and (iv) no Event of Default, Potential Default or,
     with respect to the Unit for which the Initial Advance is requested, Event
     of Unit Termination or Potential Event of Unit Termination, under this
     Agreement has occurred and is continuing on the date such Initial Advance
     is to be made or by reason of giving effect to such Initial Advance.

          (x)  Additional Matters.  Such other documents and legal matters in
     connection with a request for an Initial Advance as are reasonably
     requested by Owner and Assignee.

          (y)  Designated Effective Date.  Agent and Owner shall have agreed as
     to the Designated Effective Date and the Unit Completion Date for such
     Unit, as evidenced by Agent's and Owner's execution of the Acquisition
     Certificate as to such matter.


          Owner's obligation to make any Interim Advance with respect to a Unit
after the Initial Advance with respect to such Unit shall be subject to the
satisfaction of the conditions set forth in this Section 5 and to the receipt by
Owner and any Assignee of the documents set forth in this Section 5, in each
case in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Owner and any Assignee.
Owner shall have at least seven (7) Business Days to review the Interim Advance
Certificate and its attachments prior to making any Interim Advance.

          The following are the documents to be received by Owner and any
Assignee and the conditions to be satisfied:

          (a)  Interim Advance Certificate.  A duly executed Interim Advance


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY


          (b)  Continuing Representations of Agent.  All representations and
     warranties made in this Agreement, in the Lease, and in connection with the
     Interim Advance, are and remain true and correct on and as of the date of
     the Interim Advance as if made on and as of the date of the Interim Advance
     and no Event of Default, Potential Default or, with respect to the Unit for
     which such Interim Advance is requested, Event of Unit Termination or
     Potential Event of Unit Termination, under this Agreement has occurred and
     is continuing on the date such Interim Advance is to be made or by reason
     of giving effect to such Interim Advance.

          (c)  Continuing Representations of Guarantor.  All representations and
     warranties in the Guaranty are and remain true and correct on and as of the
     date of the Interim Advance as if made on and as of the date of such
     Interim Advance (except to the extent such representations and warranties
     expressly relate specifically to an earlier date) and no default under the
     Guaranty has occurred and is continuing on the date such Interim Advance is
     to be made or by reason of giving effect to such Interim Advance.

          (d)  Satisfactory Title.  A notice of title continuation or an
     endorsement to the title insurance policy indicating that since the last
     disbursement, there have been no changes in the state of title, except
     Permitted Liens and no additional survey exceptions not theretofore
     specifically approved in writing by Owner and, if such Unit Premises are
     subject to a Ground Lease, an estoppel certificate confirming that there
     are no defaults under the Ground Lease, and such other information as may
     be requested by Owner or Assignee.

          (e)  Construction Progress.  If required by Owner or any Assignee,
     Owner shall have received and approved (i) an inspection report from an
     independent party satisfactory to Owner or any Assignee, if any, covering
     conformity of the work to the Unit Plans, quality of work completed,
     percentage of work completed and (ii) true copies of unpaid invoices,
     receipted bills and Lien waivers, and such other reasonably available
     supporting information as Owner or any Assignee may reasonably request.

          (f)  Evidence of Compliance.  Agent shall furnish Owner and any
     Assignee with such additional or updated documents, reports, certificates,
     affidavits and other information, in form and substance satisfactory to
     Owner and any Assignee in its reasonable judgment, as Owner and any
     Assignee may reasonably require to evidence compliance by Agent with all of
     the provisions of this Agreement.

          (g)  Request for Advance and Reconciliation.  A duly executed AIA
     Document G722 (or a substantially similar document), stating the total
     amount of the Interim Advance requested, the date on which such Interim
     Advance is to be made, and a specific breakdown of items and costs for
     which the Interim Advance is being made.  Costs may be included in an
     Interim Advance request only to the extent previously incurred by Owner or
     by Agent on behalf of Owner or to the extent they will be so incurred
     within the


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     following sixty (60) days. In addition, each Interim Advance request shall
     identify, with respect to the immediately preceding Interim Advance, any
     costs for which such preceding Advance was made prior to the incurrence
     thereof and shall provide evidence reasonably satisfactory to Owner to
     establish, as a condition to such new Advance, that the amounts received in
     the prior Advance for payment of costs prior to the incurrence of such
     costs were utilized for the purposes identified in the Interim Advance
     request. In the event that prior to expending the proceeds of any Interim
     Advance for costs that as of the date such Advance was made had not been
     incurred, the Agent determines not to utilize such proceeds for such
     purpose, the Agent shall notify the Owner and either reimburse such
     proceeds to the Owner or with the consent of the Owner amend the request
     for Advance to provide that such proceeds will be expended in respect of
     other specified Unit Acquisition Costs. All amounts disbursed by Owner
     shall be included in Unit Acquisition Cost unless and until reimbursed to

          (h)  No Other Security Interests.  All materials and fixtures
     incorporated in the construction of the Unit Improvements have been
     purchased so that title thereto or a leasehold interest therein, as the
     case may be, shall have vested in Owner immediately upon delivery thereof
     to the Unit Premises, except for Permitted Liens, and Agent shall have
     produced and furnished, if required by Owner, the contracts, bills of sale,
     statements, receipted vouchers, or other documents under which title
     thereto or a leasehold interest therein is claimed.

          (i)  Statement of Expenditures. At Owner's request,Agent shall supply
     Owner and any General Contractor with a statement setting forth the names,
     addresses and amounts due or to become due as well as the amounts
     previously paid to every contractor, subcontractor or Person furnishing
     materials, performing labor or entering into the construction of any part
     of the Unit Improvements.

          (j)  Revised AFL Unit Leasing Record. If such Interim Advance is being
     made after the Designated Effective Date for such Unit, a revised AFL
     Unit Leasing Record pursuant to Section 2.3(b) hereof.

          (k)  Exhibit K Conditions. As a condition to any Interim Advance for
     Unit Acquisition Costs included in Redwood Phase 2 for any Redwood Unit,
     Agent shall have met the conditions set forth in Exhibit K applicable

          (l)  License Conditions.  In the case of a Redwood Unit, if the Agent
     wishes to obtain the rights provided in Section 20(a) hereof, Redwood Phase
     1 of such Unit shall have been completed and the conditions set forth in
     Section 6(c), 6(d), 6(e), 6(g) and 6(h) shall be satisfied in respect of
     Redwood Phase 1 for such Unit.

                    A UNIT

          Owner's obligation to make the Final Advance with respect to a Unit
shall be


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

subject to the satisfaction of the conditions set forth in this Section 6 and to
the receipt by Owner and any Assignee of the documents set forth in this Section
6, in each case in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Owner and any
Assignee. When all of the conditions set forth in this Section 6 shall have been
satisfied to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner and any Assignee, Substantial
Completion of a Unit shall be deemed to occur. Owner shall have at least seven
(7) Business Days to review the Certificate of Substantial Completion and its
attachments prior to making a Final Advance.

          The following are the documents to be received by Owner and any
Assignee and the conditions to be satisfied:

          (a)  Certificate of Substantial Completion.  A duly executed
     Certificate of Substantial Completion.

          (b)  Satisfactory Title.  A notice of title continuation issued by the
     Title Company policy indicating that since the Initial Advance for such
     Unit Premises, there have been no changes in the state of title, except for
     Permitted Liens, and no additional survey exceptions not theretofore
     specifically approved in writing by Owner and, if such Unit Premises are
     subject to a Ground Lease, an estoppel certificate from the ground lessor
     certifying that there are no defaults under the Ground Lease, and
     such other information as may be requested by Owner or Assignee at least
     three (3) Business Days prior to the making of a Final Advance.

          (c)  Construction and Equipping of the Unit.  The Unit Improvements
     (including all interior finish work, but exclusive of punch list items)
     have been completed within the Unit Budget and in all material respects in
     accordance with the Unit Plans and are accepted by Agent and all Unit FF&E
     for that Unit has been installed and conforms in all material respects to
     the Unit FF&E Specifications and are accepted by Agent.  Agent shall
     deliver to Owner and any Assignee a specific itemization of all items of
     Unit FF&E installed in such Unit.

          (d) Permits. All Permits and governmental approvals necessary for 
     the occupancy and primary use and operation of the Unit have been issued or
     obtained .

          (e)  Liens.  The Unit, including interior finish work, has been
     completed as contemplated in paragraph (c) above, free of all Liens, except
     for Permitted Liens (all of which are to be itemized as to the nature,
     amount, claimant and status), and there are no current Permitted Contests
     with respect to the Unit (or, if any, the nature, amount, claimant and
     status thereof).

          (f)  Final Survey. A final as-built survey, certified to Owner and any
     Assignee by an independent, licensed registered public land surveyor, with
     a metes and bounds description of the perimeter of the Unit Premises, and
     showing the completed Unit Improvements, all easements on the Unit
     Premises, and indicating the location of access to the Unit Premises and
     all utility and water easements directly affecting the Unit


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     Premises. No encroachments are to exist by the Unit Improvements or on the 
     Unit Premises other than those that are Permitted Liens or that may have
     been consented to by Owner and all set-back requirements have been complied
     with. If any discrepancies exist between the legal description set forth on
     the survey delivered pursuant to paragraph (h) of Section 4 hereof and the
     legal description set forth on the final as-built survey, Owner and Agent
     shall cooperate in amending the legal descriptions in all recorded
     documents creating or affecting the Unit Premises, including, without
     limitation, any easements, to reflect the correct as built description.

          (g)  Utilities.  Direct connection has been made to all appropriate
     utility facilities and the Unit Improvements are ready for occupancy and

          (h)  Flood Zone.  If the Unit Premises are located in a flood plain, a
     policy of flood insurance in an amount equal to the lesser of (A) the
     maximum limit of coverage available under the National Flood Insurance Act
     of 1968, as amended, or (B) the amount of the Unit Acquisition Cost for the
     Unit, unless Agent is self-insured for such risks as permitted in the

          (i)  Continuing Representations of Agent.  All representations and
     warranties made in this Agreement, in the Lease, and in connection with the
     Final Advance are to remain true and correct on and as of the date of the
     Final Advance as if made on and as of the date of the Final Advance and no
     Event of Default, Potential Default or, with respect to the Unit for which
     the Final Advance is requested, Event of Unit Termination or Potential
     Event of Unit Termination, under this Agreement has occurred and is
     continuing on the date such Final Advance is to be made or by reason of
     giving effect to such Final Advance.

          (j)  Continuing Representations of Guarantor.  All representations and
     warranties made in the Guaranty are and remain true and correct on and as
     of the date of the Final Advance as if made on and as of the date of the
     Final Advance (except to the extent such representations and warranties
     expressly relate specifically to an earlier date) and no default under the
     Guaranty has occurred and is continuing on the date such Final Advance is
     to be made or by reason of giving effect to such Final Advance.

          (k)  AFL Unit Leasing Record.  An AFL Unit Leasing Record prepared and
     duly executed by Agent.

          (l)  Request for Advance.  A duly executed AIA Document G722 (or a
     substantially similar document), stating the total amount of the Final
     Advance requested, the date on which such advance is to be made, wiring
     instructions and a specific breakdown of items and costs for which the
     Final Advance is to be made.  The Final Advance shall only be made for
     costs previously incurred.

          (m)  AFL Unit Leasing Record.  If the advance is being made before the
     Designated Effective Date, an AFL Unit Leasing Record prepared and duly
     executed by 


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     Agent, or if after the Designated Effective Date, a revised AFL Unit
     Leasing Record prepared and duly executed by Agent.

                      RESPECT TO A UNIT

          Owner's obligation to make the Completion Advance with respect to a
Unit shall be subject to the satisfaction of the conditions set forth in this
Section 7 and to the receipt by Owner and any Assignee of the documents set
forth in this Section 7, in each case in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory to Owner and Assignee.  The proceeds of the Completion Advance
shall be used to pay in full all costs relating to completion of such Unit for
which Agent has received invoices subsequent to such Effective Date.  Owner
shall have at least seven (7) Business Days to review the Certificate of
Increased Cost and its attachments prior to making the Completion Advance.

     The following are the documents to be received by Owner and any Assignee
and the conditions to be satisfied:

          (a)  Certificate of Increased Cost.  A duly executed Certificate of
     Increased Cost.

          (b)  Continuing Representations of Agent.  All representations and
     warranties made in this Agreement, in the Lease, and in connection with the
     Completion Advance are and remain true and correct on and as of the date of
     the Completion Advance as if made on and as of the date of the Completion
     Advance and no Event of Default, Potential Default or, with respect to the
     Unit for which the Completion Advance is requested, Event of Unit
     Termination or Potential Event of Unit Termination under this Agreement has
     occurred and is continuing on the date such Completion Advance is to be
     made or by reason of giving effect to such Completion Advance.

          (c)  Continuing Representations of Guarantor.  All representations and
     warranties made in the Guaranty are and remain true and correct on and as
     of the date of the Completion Advance as if made on and as of the date of
     the Completion Advance (except to the extent such representations and
     warranties expressly relate specifically to an earlier date) and no default
     under the Guaranty has occurred and is continuing on the date such
     Completion Advance is to be made or by reason of giving effect to such
     Completion Advance.

          (d)  Request for Advance.  A duly executed AIA Document G722 (or a
     substantially similar document), stating the total amount of the Completion
     Advance requested, the date on which such advance is to be made, wiring
     instructions and a specific breakdown of items and costs for which the
     Completion Advance is to be made.

          (e)  Revised AFL Unit Leasing Record.  A revised AFL Unit Leasing
     Record prepared by Agent pursuant to subsection 2.3(b) hereof.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY


          Agent represents and warrants to Owner now and on the date of each
advance that:

          8.1  Corporate Matters.  Agent (i) has been duly incorporated and is
validly existing as a corporation in good standing under the laws of the State
of Delaware, (ii) has full power, authority and legal right to own and operate
its properties and to conduct its business as presently conducted and to
execute, deliver and perform its obligations under the Lease, this Agreement,
any Consent and the Construction Documents and (iii) is duly qualified to do
business as a foreign corporation in good standing in each jurisdiction in
which its ownership or leasing of properties or the conduct of its business
requires such qualification.

          8.2  Power and Authority.  The consummation of the transactions herein
contemplated and the performance and observance of Agent's obligations under
this Agreement and any Consent have been, and the Construction Documents have
been or will be, duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part
of Agent.  The execution, delivery and performance by Agent of this Agreement,
any Consent and the Construction Documents will not result in any violation of
any term of the articles of incorporation or the by-laws of Agent, do not
require stockholder approval or the approval or consent of any trustee or
holders of indebtedness of Agent except such as have been obtained prior to the
date hereof and will not conflict with or result in a breach of any terms or
provisions of, or constitute a default under, or result in the creation or
imposition of any Lien (other than a Permitted Lien) upon any property or assets
of Agent under, any indenture, mortgage or other agreement or instrument to
which Agent is a party or by which it or any of its property is bound, or any
existing applicable law, rule, regulation, license, judgment, order or decree of
any Governmental Authority or court having jurisdiction over Agent or any of its
activities or properties.

          8.3  Binding Agreement.  Each of this Agreement and any Consent has
been, and each of the Construction Documents will be, duly authorized, executed
and delivered by Agent and, assuming the due authorization, execution and
delivery of this Agreement and any Consent by Owner and the Construction
Documents by the parties thereto other than Agent, this Agreement and any
Consent are, and each of the Construction Documents when executed and delivered
will be, legal, valid and binding obligations of Agent, enforceable according to
their terms.

          8.4  No Litigation.  There is no action, suit, proceeding or
investigation at law or in equity by or before any court, governmental body,
agency, commission or other tribunal now pending or threatened against or
affecting Agent or Guarantor or any property or rights of Agent or Guarantor
which questions the enforceability of this Agreement, which affects any Unit
Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit, which may have a material
adverse impact on the financial condition, business, operations or property of
Agent or Guarantor or which, if adversely determined, would materially impair
the ability of Agent to perform its obligations hereunder or under any of the
Construction Documents or of Guarantor to perform its obligations


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

under the Guaranty. 

          8.5  Consents, Approvals, Authorizations, Etc. There are no consents,
permits, licenses, orders, authorizations, approvals, waivers, extensions or
variances of, or notices to or registrations or filings with (each a
"Governmental Action"), any Governmental Authority or public body or authority
which are or will be required in connection with the valid execution, delivery
and performance of this Agreement, any Consent and the Construction Documents,
or any Governmental Action (i) which is or will be required in connection with
any participation by Owner in the transaction contemplated by any bill of sale,
deed, assignment, assumption, ownership agreement, or operating agreement
relating to any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or Unit or (ii)
which is or will be required to be obtained by Owner, Agent, Merrill, Merrill
Leasing, any Assignee or an Affiliate of the foregoing, during the term of this
Agreement, with respect to any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or
Unit except such Governmental Actions, (A) as have been duly obtained, given or
accomplished, with true copies thereof delivered to the Lessor, and (B) as may
be required by applicable law not now in effect.

          8.6  Compliance with Legal Requirements and Insurance Requirements.
The construction, operation, use, and physical condition of each Unit Premises,
the Unit Improvements, Unit, and item of Unit FF&E comply with all Legal
Requirements and Insurance Requirements.

          8.7  No Default.  Neither Agent nor Guarantor is in violation of or in
default under or with respect to any Legal Requirement in any respect which
could be materially adverse to the business, operations, properties or financial
or other condition of Agent or Guarantor, or which could materially adversely
affect the ability of Agent to perform its obligations under this Agreement or
any of the Construction Documents or of the Guarantor to perform its obligations
under the Guaranty.

          8.8  Ownership; Liens.  No Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit
FF&E, or Unit is subject to any Lien, except for Permitted Liens.

          8.9  Financial Statements.  Agent has furnished to Owner copies of
Guarantor's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 1994, and
Guarantor's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended June 30, 1994
and September 30, 1994.  The financial statements contained in such documents
fairly present the financial position, results of operations and statements of
cash flows of Guarantor as of the dates and for the periods indicated therein
and have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles applied on a consistent basis.

          8.10 Changes.  Since January 31, 1995, in the case of the Agent, and
March 31, 1994, in the case of the Guarantor, there has been no material adverse
change in the financial condition or business of Agent or of Guarantor, nor any
change which would materially impair the ability of Agent to perform its
obligations under this Agreement or any of the Construction Documents or which
would materially impair the ability of Guarantor to perform its obligations
under the Guaranty.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          8.11 Suitability of Each Unit Premises.  Each Unit Premises is
suitable in all material respects (including, without limitation, ground
conditions, utilities, and condition of title) for the construction of the
related Unit Improvements.

          8.12 ERISA.  Agent has not established and does not maintain or
contribute to any employee benefit plan that is covered by Title IV of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended from time to time.

          8.13 Ground Lease.  Each Ground Lease is a Mortgageable Ground Lease
except to the extent agreed to in writing by Owner and Assignee, and is in full
force and effect and has not been modified, amended or changed in any manner
that has not been disclosed in writing to Owner and any Assignee, nor is there
any material default under any Ground Lease nor event which, with the giving of
notice or the passage of time or both, would constitute a default under such
Ground Lease, nor to the best knowledge of Agent has any party under any Ground
Lease commenced any action or given or received any notice for the purpose of
terminating any Ground Lease, and all rents, additional rents and other sums due
and payable under the Ground Lease have been paid in full.

          8.14 Status of Agent.  All of Agent's common stock is owned
beneficially and of record by Guarantor.


          Agent hereby agrees that, so long as this Agreement remains in effect,
Agent shall keep and perform fully each and all of the following covenants:

          9.1  Performance under Other Agreements.  Agent shall duly perform and
observe all of the covenants, agreements and conditions on its part to be
performed and observed hereunder and shall duly perform and observe all of the
covenants, agreements and conditions on its part which it is obligated to
perform or observe under the Construction Documents and all other agreements
related to each Unit.

          9.2  No Encroachments.  The Unit Improvements shall be constructed
entirely on the related Unit Premises and shall not encroach upon or overhang
(unless consented to by the affected property owner) any easement or right-of-
way or the land of others, and when erected shall be wholly within any building
restriction lines, however established.  Upon request of Owner, Agent shall
furnish from time to time satisfactory evidence of compliance with the foregoing
covenants, including, without limitation, a survey prepared by a registered
surveyor or engineer.  If any discrepancies exist between the legal description
set forth on the survey described in Section 4(h) hereof and the final as-built
survey described in Section 6(f) hereof, Owner and Agent shall cooperate, at
Agent's expense, in amending the legal descriptions in all recorded documents
creating or encumbering or otherwise affecting the Unit Premises, including,
without limitation, any easements, to reflect the correct as-built description.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          9.3  Insurance.

               (a)  Insurance with respect to each Unit Premises, the Unit
     Improvements, Unit FF&E and Unit.  Agent will maintain or cause to be
     maintained on each Unit Premises, the Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E and Unit
     insurance of the same types, in the same amounts and on the same terms and
     conditions as the insurance required by paragraph (c) and paragraphs (f)
     through (1) of Section 10 of the Lease, except that the terms "Owner",
     "Agent" and "this Agreement" shall substitute for the terms "the Lessor",
     "the Lessee" and "this Lease", respectively, the phrase "Unit Premises,
     Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E and Unit" shall substitute for the phrase
     "Parcel of Property", and references to "Equipment" or "Unit of Equipment"
     shall be deemed deleted, and the phrase "Unit Acquisition Cost" shall
     substitute for the phrase "Adjusted Acquisition Cost"; provided, that in
     lieu of the insurance required by paragraph (c)(i) of Section 10 of the
     Lease, Agent shall maintain or cause to be maintained All Risk Builders'
     Risk Completed Value Non-Reporting Form Insurance, including collapse
     coverage and fire insurance with extended coverage, in an amount not less
     than one hundred percent (100%) of the completed insurable value of the
     respective Unit Improvements and Unit FF&E.  The term "completed insurable
     value" as used herein means the actual replacement cost, including the cost
     of debris removal, but excluding the cost of constructing foundation and

          (b)  Agent covenants that it will not use, carry on construction with
     respect to, or occupy any Unit or permit the use, construction, or
     occupancy of any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or Unit at a
     time when the insurance required by paragraph (a) of this subsection is not
     in force with respect to such Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E
     or Unit.

          9.4  Inspection of Books and Records.  Upon reasonable notice, Owner
or Assignee or any authorized representatives of either of them, shall have the
right of entry and free access to each Unit Premises, the Unit Improvements,
Unit FF&E and each Unit and the right to inspect all work done, labor performed
and materials furnished in and about each Unit Premises, the Unit Improvements,
Unit FF&E and each Unit and at reasonable times the right to inspect all books,
contracts and records of Agent relating to each Unit Premises, the Unit
Improvements, Unit FF&E and each Unit.

          9.5  Expenses.  Agent shall pay upon demand all obligations, costs and
expenses incurred by Owner with respect to any and all transactions contemplated
herein and the preparation of any document reasonably required hereunder and the
prosecution or defense of any action or proceeding or other litigation affecting
Agent or any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or Unit, including
(without limiting the generality of the foregoing) all Financing Costs not
capitalized by Owner in Unit Acquisition Cost and amounts required to reimburse
Owner for its obligations, costs and expenses arising in connection with the
termination of any Credit Agreement (whether as a result of a default thereunder
or otherwise), costs incurred in connection with terminating and obtaining
Owner's equity financing, costs incurred in connection with obligations of Owner
under or in respect of any interest rate swap,


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

cap, collar or other financial hedging arrangement, including, without
limitation, costs incurred by Owner under any such arrangement to reduce the
notional amount thereof by the amount of any prepayment of any borrowing to
which such interest rate swap, cap, collar or other financial hedging
arrangement relates, title and conveyancing charges, recording and filing fees
and taxes, title search fees, rent under the Ground Leases, mortgage taxes,
intangible personal property taxes, escrow fees, revenue and tax stamp expenses,
insurance premiums (including title insurance premiums), brokerage commissions,
finders' fees, placement fees, court costs, surveyors', photographers',
appraisers', architects', engineers', rating agencies', accountants' and
reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements, and will reimburse to Owner all
expenses paid by Owner of the nature described in this subsection 9.5 which have
been or may be incurred by Owner with respect to any and all of the transactions
contemplated herein. In the event Agent shall fail to reimburse Owner within ten
(10) Business Days after presentation of a bill and demand for payment therefor,
Owner may pay or deduct from the advances to be made any of such expenses and
any proceeds so applied shall be deemed advances under this Agreement, and
deducted from the total funds available to Agent under this Agreement.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the foregoing, Agent shall
not be required to reimburse Owner for any of the foregoing obligations, costs
and expenses which constitute properly capitalizable costs and which Owner has
agreed to capitalize and to include as an element of the Unit Acquisition Cost
of a Unit, provided there is sufficient Available Commitment to allow the Owner
to pay such obligations, costs and expenses. Expenses incurred by Owner
(including, without limitation, Financing Costs) in financing obligations, costs
and expenses pending allocation as a capitalized cost to a Unit shall be payable
by Agent hereunder, if not capitalized by Owner. Agent shall pay to any limited
partner of Owner an amount equal to commitment fees incurred by any limited
partner of Owner in connection with borrowing from a bank amounts to be invested
by such limited partner in Owner.

          9.6  Certificates: Other Information.  Agent shall furnish to Owner:

          (a)  concurrently with the delivery of the financial statements
     referred to in subsection 9.6(b) hereof, a certificate of a Responsible
     Officer stating that, to the best of such Responsible Officer's knowledge,
     Agent during such period has observed or performed all of its covenants and
     other agreements, and satisfied every condition contained in this Agreement
     and in the Construction Documents to be observed, performed or satisfied
     by it, and that such Responsible Officer has obtained no knowledge of any
     Event of Default or Potential Default or Event of Unit Termination or
     Potential Event of Unit Termination except as specified in such

          (b)  from time to time, (i) promptly upon their becoming available,
     and, in any event, not more than 120 days after the end of each fiscal year
     of the Guarantor, copies of Guarantor's Annual Reports on Form 10-K, and,
     promptly upon their becoming available, and, in any event, not more than
     sixty (60) days after the end of each fiscal quarter of the Guarantor,
     copies of the Guarantor's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and, promptly upon
     filing, any other reports it files with the Securities and Exchange
     Commission, (ii) promptly, and in any event within five (5) Business Days
     upon request, such other information with respect to Agent's and
     Guarantor's operations, business, property, assets,


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     financial condition or litigation as Owner or any Assignee shall reasonably
     request, (iii) promptly, and in any event within five (5) Business Days
     after a Responsible Officer of Agent obtains knowledge of any Event of
     Default or Potential Default or Event of Unit Termination or Potential
     Event of Unit Termination, a certificate of a Responsible Officer of Agent
     specifying the nature and period of existence of such Event of Default or
     Potential Default or Event of Unit Termination or Potential Event of Unit
     Termination, and what action, if any, Agent has taken, is taking, or
     proposes to take with respect thereto, (iv) promptly, and in any event
     within five (5) Business Days after a Responsible Officer of Agent obtains
     knowledge of any material adverse change in the financial condition or
     business of Agent or Guarantor or of any litigation of the type described
     in subsection 8.4 hereof, a certificate of a Responsible Officer of Agent
     describing such change or litigation as the case may be, (v) promptly, and
     in any event within five (5) Business Days after a Responsible Officer of
     Agent obtains knowledge of any and all Liens other than Permitted Liens on
     any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit, a detailed
     statement of a Responsible Officer describing each such Lien and (vi)
     within thirty (30) days of the close of each fiscal quarter, a certificate
     of a Responsible Officer of Agent which states the applicability to the
     Guarantor of Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Level 5, as the case
     may be and the Guarantor's Tangible Net Worth and Fixed Charge Coverage
     Ratio. As used in this paragraph the words "obtains knowledge" are intended
     to mean the receipt of such evidence as to permit a judgment to be formed
     that an event has occurred.

          9.7  Conduct of Business and Maintenance of Existence.  Agent shall
preserve, renew and keep in full force and effect its corporate existence
(except as otherwise permitted herein), and take all reasonable action to
maintain all rights, privileges and franchises material to the conduct of its
business, and comply with all Legal Requirements; provided, however, that
nothing contained in this subsection 9.7 shall prevent Agent from ceasing or
omitting to exercise any rights, privileges or franchises which in the
reasonable judgment of Agent can no longer be profitably exercised or prevent
Agent from selling, abandoning or otherwise disposing of any property, the
retention of which in the reasonable judgment of Agent is inadvisable to the
business of Agent, or prevent any liquidation of any subsidiary of Agent, or any
merger, consolidation or sale, permitted by the provisions of subsection 10.2

          9.8  Notices.  Agent shall give notice to Owner promptly upon, and in
any event not more than five (5) Business Days after, the occurrence of:

          (a)  any litigation or proceeding affecting any Unit Premises, Unit
     Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit in which the amount of damages requested
     exceeds $100,000 or more and is not covered by insurance or in which
     injunctive or similar relief is sought;

          (b)  any notice given by or to Agent pursuant to any of the
     Construction Documents that a default has occurred thereunder;

          (c)  any condition which results or is reasonably likely to result in
     a  Force


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

 Majeure Delay in completion of the Unit Improvements; and

          (d)  notices received from the lessor under any Ground Lease.

Each notice pursuant to this subsection shall be accompanied by a statement of a
Responsible Officer setting forth details of the occurrence referred to therein
and stating what action, if any, Agent proposes to take with respect thereto.

          9.9  Legal Requirements and Insurance Requirements.  Agent shall
comply with every Insurance Requirement and Legal Requirement affecting (i) the
execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Construction
Documents and (ii) any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, item of Unit FF&E or
Unit; and Agent will not do or permit any act or thing which is contrary to any
Insurance Requirement or which is contrary to any Legal Requirement, or which
might impair, other than in the normal use thereof, the value or usefulness of
any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, item of Unit FF&E or Unit.

          9.10 Payment of Taxes.  With respect to any Unit Premises, Unit
Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit, Agent shall make all required reports to the
appropriate taxing authorities and shall pay during the term of this Agreement
the taxes that Agent would be required to pay if such Unit Premises, Unit
Improvements or Unit was a Parcel of Property under paragraph (c) of Section 9
of the Lease.  Payment of such taxes shall be on the terms set forth in
paragraph (c) of Section 9 of the Lease.

          9.11 Filings, Etc.  Agent shall promptly and duly execute, deliver,
file, and record, at Agent's expense, all such documents, statements, filings,
and registrations, and take such further action as Owner shall from time to time
reasonably request in order to establish, perfect and maintain Owner's title to
and interest in any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E and any Unit and
any Assignee's interest in this Agreement, any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements,
Unit FF&E or any Unit as against Agent or any third party in any applicable

          9.12 Use of Proceeds.  The proceeds of each advance shall be used by
Agent for payment of costs specified in the applicable request for the advance
and in accordance with the respective Unit Budget.

          9.13 Compliance with Other Requirements.  Agent shall use every
precaution to prevent loss or damage to any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements,
Unit FF&E, or any Unit and to prevent injury to third Persons or property of
third Persons.  Agent shall cooperate fully with Owner and all insurance
companies providing insurance pursuant to subsection 9.3 hereof in the
investigation and defense of any claims or suits arising from the ownership or
operation of equipment or ownership, use, or occupancy of any Unit Premises,
Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or any Unit; provided, that nothing contained in
this subsection shall be construed as imposing on Owner any duty to investigate
or defend any such claims or suits.  Agent shall comply and shall use its best
efforts to cause all Persons operating equipment on, using or occupying any Unit
Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or any Unit to comply at Agent's


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

expense with (i) every Insurance Requirement and Legal Requirement regarding
acquiring, titling, registering, leasing, subleasing, insuring, using,
occupying, operating and disposing of any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit
FF&E, or any Unit, and, if applicable, the licensing of operators thereof and
(ii) any agreement in respect of maintenance, development or use of any Unit
Premises entered into by Owner with the seller to Owner of the Unit Premises or
any requirements of a property owner or similar association to which the Unit
Premises is subject.


          Agent hereby agrees that, so long as this Agreement remains in effect,
Agent shall not directly or indirectly:

          10.1 Changes in Unit Plans or Unit Budget Plans.  (a) Modify or
supplement in any material respect any Unit Plans or any Unit Budget without the
prior written consent of all Governmental Authorities which previously have
approved the matters to be changed, or (b) receive advances with respect to a
Unit which exceed the Unit Budget for such Unit.

          10.2 Prohibition of Fundamental Changes.  Consolidate with or merge
into any other Person as such prohibition is set forth in Section 26 of the
Lease, except that the term "Owner" shall substitute for the term "the Lessor"
and the term "Agent" shall substitute for the term "the Lessee".

          10.3 Notification of Opening of a Unit.  Prior to completion of
Redwood Phase 2 for a Redwood Unit, utilize such Unit except to the extent
permitted by the license set forth in Section 20 hereof, or, subject to the
foregoing in the case of a Redwood Unit, open or operate any Unit prior to the
delivery to Owner of the Certificate of Substantial Completion and the AFL Unit
Leasing Record for the Unit.

          10.4 Acquire Fee or Leasehold Interest.  Acquire a fee or leasehold
interest on behalf of Owner in any Unit Premises until Agent has delivered all
documents required by Section 4 hereof and in the reasonable judgment of Owner
satisfied the conditions set forth in such Section 4.

          10.5 Assignment of Obligations.  Assign its obligations hereunder to
any other party.


          11.1 Events of Default.  The occurrence of any of the following shall
constitute an Event of Default:

          (a)  Failure to Make Payments.  Failure to pay the purchase price of a
     Unit when due in the event of a required purchase by Agent hereunder or
     failure by Agent to pay any other amount hereunder within ten (10) days
     from demand for such payment.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          (b)  Unauthorized Assignments, Etc.  Assignment by Agent of any
     interest in this Agreement or any advance to be made hereunder or any
     interest in either.

          (c)  Misrepresentations. Any representation or warranty made herein or
     which is contained in any certificate, document or financial or other
     statement furnished under or in connection with this Agreement shall prove
     to have been false or inaccurate in any material respect on or as of the
     date made or deemed made.

          (d)  Involuntary Bankruptcy, Etc.  The entry of a decree or order for
     relief in respect of Agent by a court having jurisdiction in the premises,
     or the appointment of a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee,
     sequestrator (or other similar official) of Agent or of any substantial
     part of its property, or ordering the winding up or liquidation of its
     affairs, in an involuntary case under the Federal bankruptcy laws, as now
     or hereafter constituted, or any other applicable Federal or state
     bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law and such decree or order
     remains unstayed and in effect for thirty (30) consecutive days; or the
     commencement against Agent of an involuntary case under the Federal
     bankruptcy laws, as now or hereafter constituted, or any other applicable
     Federal or State bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law, and the
     continuance of any such case unstayed and in effect for a period of thirty
     (30) consecutive days.

          (e)  Voluntary Bankruptcy, Etc.  The suspension or discontinuance of
     Agent's or Guarantor's business operations, Agent's or Guarantor's
     insolvency (however evidenced) or Agent's or Guarantor's admission of
     insolvency or bankruptcy, or the commencement by Agent or Guarantor of a
     voluntary case under the Federal bankruptcy laws, as now or hereafter
     constituted, or any other applicable Federal or state bankruptcy,
     insolvency or other similar law, or the consent by Agent or Guarantor to
     the appointment of or taking possession by a receiver, liquidator,
     assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator (or other similar official) of
     Agent or Guarantor or of any substantial part of Agent's or Guarantor's
     property, or the making by Agent or Guarantor of an assignment for the
     benefit of creditors, or the failure of Agent or Guarantor generally to pay
     their debts as such debts become due, or the taking of corporate action by
     Agent or Guarantor in furtherance of any such action.

          (f)  Negative Covenants.  Agent shall default in the performance or
     observance of any agreement, covenant or condition contained in Section 10

          (g)  Other Defaults.  Agent shall default in the performance or
     observance of any other term, covenant, condition or obligation contained
     in this Agreement and, in the case of such default other than a default
     arising under subsection 9.3 hereof, such default shall continue for ten
     (10) days after written notice shall have been given to Agent by Owner
     specifying such default and requiring such default to be remedied;
     provided, that an Event of Unit Termination shall not constitute an Event
     of Default hereunder.

          (h)  Default under Lease.  An Event of Default (as defined in the
     Lease) shall


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     occur under the Lease.

          (i)  Payment of Obligations. A default or event of default, the effect
     of which is to permit the holder or holders of any Indebtedness, or a
     trustee or agent on behalf of such holder or holders, to cause such
     Indebtedness to become due prior to its stated maturity, shall occur under
     the provisions of any agreement pursuant to which such Indebtedness was
     created or instrument evidencing such Indebtedness of Agent or Guarantor in
     excess of $10,000,000 in the aggregate or any obligation of Agent or
     Guarantor for the payment of such Indebtedness shall become or be declared
     to be due and payable prior to its stated maturity, or shall not be paid
     when due.

          (j)  Defaults under Other Agreements.  Any material default by Agent
     shall occur under any of the material Construction Documents and any
     required notice shall have been given and/or any applicable grace period
     shall have expired.

          (k)  Judgment Defaults.Any final non-appealable judgment or judgments
     for the payment of money in excess of $250,000 in the aggregate shall be
     rendered against Agent or, in excess of $2,000,000 in the aggregate shall
     be rendered against the Guarantor, by any court of competent jurisdiction
     and the same shall remain undischarged for a period of thirty (30) days
     during which execution of such judgment or judgments shall not be
     effectively stayed.

          11.2 Owner's Rights upon an Event of Default.  Upon the occurrence and
continuation of any Event of Default Owner may do any one or more of the

          (a) Terminate this Agreement and/or Owner's obligations to make any
     further advances hereunder;

          (b) Take immediate possession of any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements,
     Unit FF&E, and Unit and remove any equipment or property of Owner in the
     possession of Agent, wherever situated, and for such purpose, enter upon
     any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements or Unit without liability to Agent for
     so doing;

          (c) Whether or not any action has been taken under paragraph (a) or
     (b) above, sell any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or Unit
     (with or without the concurrence or request of Agent) at public or private
     sale (judicially or non-judicially) pursuant to such notices and procedures
     as may be required by law, to the extent such requirements are not
     effectively waived by Agent hereunder, provided that the disposition of any
     Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or Unit shall take place in a
     commercially reasonable manner;

          (d) Hold, use, occupy, operate, remove, lease, sublease or keep idle
     any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit as Owner in its
     sole discretion may determine, without any duty to account to Agent with
     respect to any such action or


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     inaction or for any proceeds thereof; and

          (e) Exercise any other right or remedy which may be available under
     applicable law and in general proceed by appropriate judicial proceedings,
     either at law or in equity, to enforce the terms hereof or to recover
     damages for the breach hereof.

          Suit or suits for the recovery of any default in the payment of any
sum due hereunder or for damages may be brought by Owner from time to time at
Owner's election, and nothing herein contained shall be deemed to require Owner
to await the date whereon this Agreement or the term hereof would have expired
by limitation had there been no such default by Agent or no such termination or

          The receipt of any payments under this Agreement by Owner with
knowledge of any breach of this Agreement by Agent or of any default by Agent in
the performance of any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement,
shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any provision of this Agreement.

          No receipt of moneys by Owner from Agent after the termination or
cancellation hereof in any lawful manner shall reinstate or continue this
Agreement, or operate as a waiver of the right of Owner to recover possession of
any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit by proper suit, action,
proceedings or remedy or operate as a waiver of the right to receive any and all
amounts owing by Agent to or on behalf of Owner hereunder; it being agreed that,
after the service of notice to terminate or cancel this Agreement, and the
expiration of the time therein specified, if the default has not been cured
in the meantime, or after the commencement of suit, action or summary
proceedings or of any other remedy, or after a final order, warrant or judgment
for the possession of any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit,
Owner may demand, receive and collect any moneys payable hereunder, without in
any manner affecting such notice, proceedings, suit, action, order, warrant or
judgment; and any and all such moneys so collected shall be deemed to be
payments on account for the use, operation and occupation of the Unit Premises,
Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit, or at the election of Owner, on account
of Agent's liability hereunder.

          After any Event of Default, Agent shall be liable for, and Owner may
recover from Agent, (i) all of Owner's obligations, costs and expenses incurred
in connection with its obligations under this Agreement and for which Owner may
demand reimbursement pursuant to subsection 9.5 hereof, (ii) all amounts payable
pursuant to subsection 11.4 and Section 12 hereof and (iii) in addition, all
losses, damages (but not consequential damages), costs and expenses (including,
without limitation, attorneys' fees and expenses, commissions, filing fees and
sales or transfer taxes) sustained by Owner by reason of such Event of Default
and the exercise of Owner's remedies with respect thereto, including, in the
event of a sale by Owner of any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or
Unit pursuant to this subsection 11.2, all costs and expenses associated with
such sale.  The amounts payable in clauses (i) through (iii) above are
hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Accrued Default Obligations".

          After an Event of Default, Owner may sell its interest in any Unit
Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, and Unit upon any terms that Owner deems
satisfactory, free of any rights of Agent or any Person claiming through or
under Agent. In the event of any such sale, in addition to the Accrued Default
Obligations, Owner shall be entitled to recover from Agent, as liquidated
damages, and not as a penalty, an amount equal to the Unit Acquisition Cost of
any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or Unit so sold, minus the
proceeds of such sale received by Owner. Proceeds of sale received by Owner in
excess of the Unit Acquisition Cost of such Unit Premises, Unit Improvements,
Unit FF&E or Unit sold shall be credited against the Accrued Default Obligations
Agent is required to pay under this subsection 11.2. If such proceeds exceed the
Accrued Default Obligations, or, if Agent has paid all amounts required to be
paid under this subsection 11.2, such excess shall be paid by Owner to Agent. As
an alternative to any such sale, or if Agent converts any Unit Premises, Unit
Improvements, Unit FF&E


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

or Unit after an Event of Default, or if such Unit Premises, Unit Improvements,
Unit FF&E or Unit is lost or destroyed, in addition to the Accrued Default
Obligations, Owner may cause Agent to pay to Owner, and Agent shall pay to
Owner, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, an amount equal to the Unit
Acquisition Cost of such Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or Unit. In
the event Owner receives payment pursuant to the previous sentence of this
paragraph, Owner shall transfer all of Owner's right, title and interest in and
to the Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E and Unit to Agent.

          In the event of a sale pursuant to this subsection 11.2, upon receipt
by Owner of the amounts payable hereunder, Owner shall transfer all of Owner's
right, title and interest in and to the Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit
FF&E and Unit to Agent or a purchaser other than Agent, as the case may be.

          No remedy referred to in this subsection 11.2 is intended to be
exclusive, but each shall be cumulative and in addition to any other remedy
referred to above or otherwise available to Owner at law or in equity, and the
exercise in whole or in part by Owner of any one or more of such remedies shall
not preclude the simultaneous or later exercise by Owner of any or all such
other remedies.  No waiver by Owner of any Event of Default hereunder shall in
any way be, or be construed to be, a waiver of any future or subsequent Event of

          With respect to the termination of this Agreement as to any Unit
Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit as a result of an Event of
Default, Agent hereby waives service of any notice of intention to re-enter.
Agent hereby waives any and all rights to recover or regain possession of any
Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit or to reinstate this
Agreement as permitted or provided by or under any statute, law or decision now
or hereafter in force and effect.

          11.3 Events of Unit Termination.  The occurrence of any of the
following shall constitute an Event of Unit Termination with respect to a Unit,
except that an Event of Unit Termination applicable to all Units shall occur in
the case of (1)  or (m) below:

          (a)  Unsatisfactory Title.  If at any time title to any Unit Premises,
     Unit Improvements or Unit is not reasonably satisfactory to Owner by reason
     of any Lien, encumbrance, or other environmental defect (even though the
     same may have existed at


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     the time of any prior advance), except for Permitted Liens, and such Lien,
     encumbrance or other defect is not corrected within thirty (30) days after
     notice to Agent.

          (b)  Damage or Destruction.  If any Unit Improvements are partially or
     totally damaged or destroyed by fire or any other cause and the restoration
     thereof cannot reasonably be expected to be completed so that the Unit
     Improvements will be completed on or before the applicable Unit Completion
     Date, or, in the case of a Redwood Unit, so that Redwood Phase 1 will not
     be completed on or before the applicable Interim Completion Date.

          (c)  Cessation of Construction.  If there is any cessation of
     construction of the Unit Improvements for any period after the date
     construction shall commence in excess of thirty (30) successive calendar
     days, unless the conditions of each of subparagraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4)
     hereof shall have been satisfied:

               (1)  the cessation of construction shall have been caused by
          Force Majeure Delay;

               (2)  Agent shall have made adequate provision, reasonably
          acceptable to Owner, for the protection of materials stored on site
          and for the protection of the Unit Improvements, to the extent then
          constructed, against deterioration and against other loss or damage
          and theft;

               (3)  Agent shall have furnished to Owner reasonably satisfactory
          evidence that such cessation of construction will not (i) adversely
          affect or jeopardize the rights of Agent under material agreements
          relating to the construction or operation of the Unit Improvements or
          (ii) materially increase the cost of construction of the Unit
          Improvements; and

               (4)  from time to time upon Owner's reasonable request therefor
          during any such cessation of construction, Agent shall furnish to
          Owner reasonably satisfactory evidence that (notwithstanding such
          cessation of construction) the completion of the Unit Improvements can
          be accomplished on or before the respective Unit Completion Date or,
          in the case of Phase 1 of a Redwood Unit, on or before the Interim
          Completion Date, and within the Unit Budget.

          (d)  Nonconforming Work. If the construction of the Unit Improvements,
     or any part thereof, is made in a manner other than as herein provided and
     Agent fails to correct such nonconforming work in a reasonably prompt and
     satisfactory fashion after notice and demand by Owner, or if Agent shall
     fail to correct promptly any structural defect in the Unit Improvements
     upon demand of Owner.

          (e)  Other Security Agreements.  If (i) Agent executes any chattel
     mortgage or other security agreement on any materials, fixtures or articles
     of personal property used in the construction or operation of the Unit
     Improvements or if any such materials, fixtures


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
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     or articles are purchased pursuant to any conditional sales contract or
     other security agreement or otherwise so that the title thereto will not
     vest in Owner free from encumbrance or (ii) any such materials, fixtures or
     articles are not in accordance with the Unit Plans or (iii) Agent does not
     furnish to Owner upon request the contracts, bills of sale, statements,
     receipted vouchers and other agreements and documents, or any of them,
     under which Owner claims title to such materials, fixtures or articles.

          (f)  Non-Compliance with Legal Requirements.  If Agent fails to comply
     with any Legal Requirement relating solely to such Unit Premises, Unit
     Improvements, Unit FF&E or Unit.

          (g)  Failure to Complete.  If as of the close of business on a Unit
     Completion Date, or, in the case of a Redwood Unit, the applicable Interim
     Completion Date, the related Unit Improvements have not been completed as
     herein provided, or if the Certificate of Substantial Completion and AFL
     Unit Leasing Record have not been executed and delivered by the respective
     Unit Completion Date, or if Owner shall reasonably determine during the
     course of construction that the Unit Improvements cannot be completed by
     the Unit Completion Date, or, in the case of a Redwood Unit, the applicable
     Interim Completion Date, subject to Force Majeure Delay.

          (h)  Permits. If Agent shall fail to obtain or be unable to obtain any
     Permit, or if any Permit shall be revoked or otherwise cease to be in full
     force and effect unless, if such revocation or cessation shall not be due
     to Agent's negligence or willful misconduct, Agent shall have obtained
     reinstatement or reissuance of such Permit within thirty (30) days after
     the revocation or expiration thereof, or if such reinstatement or
     reissuance is of a nature that it cannot be completely effected within
     thirty (30) days, Agent shall have diligently commenced application for
     such reinstatement or reissuance and shall thereafter be diligently
     proceeding to complete said reinstatement or reissuance.

          (i)  Default under Ground Lease. Agent shall default in the observance
     or performance of any material term, covenant or condition of the Ground
     Lease relating to such Unit Premises on the part of Owner, as tenant
     thereunder, to be observed or performed, unless any such observance or
     performance shall have been waived or not required by the landlord under
     such Ground Lease, or if any one or more of the events referred to in such
     Ground Lease shall occur which would cause such Ground Lease to terminate
     without notice or action by the landlord thereunder or which would entitle
     the landlord under such Ground Lease to terminate such Ground Lease and the
     term thereof by the giving of notice to Owner without opportunity to cure,
     as tenant thereunder, or if any Ground Lease shall be terminated or
     canceled for any reason or under any circumstance whatsoever, or if any of
     the terms, covenants or conditions of any Ground Lease shall in any manner
     be modified, changed, supplemented, altered or amended in any material
     respect without the consent of Owner and Assignee.

          (j)  Takings.  If the use, occupancy or title to any Unit is taken,
     requisitioned or sold in, by or on account of actual or threatened eminent
     domain proceedings or other


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     action by any Person or authority having the power of eminent domain (such
     events collectively referred to as a "Taking") and such Taking relates to
     all or a substantial portion of a Unit. Upon receipt of proceeds from any
     award or sale made in connection with such Taking, so long as no Event of
     Default or Potential Default has occurred and is continuing, and so long as
     Agent has made all payments to Owner required under subsection 11.4 hereof,
     Owner shall remit to Agent the net amount of such proceeds remaining after
     reimbursement for all costs and expenses (including, without limitation,
     reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred by Owner in connection with the
     negotiation and settlement of any proceedings related to such Taking. If
     such proceeds are received prior to Agent making the payments required
     under subsection 11.4 hereof, the net proceeds shall be applied to the
     amount payable thereunder. A Taking shall be deemed "to affect a
     substantial portion" of a Unit if after such Taking such Unit is, or will
     be, unusable for Agent's ordinary business purposes.

          (k)  Insufficient Available Commitment.  If Owner shall reasonably
     determine that the Available Commitment is not, or will not be, sufficient
     to allow Owner to make advances for completion of the Unit Improvements and
     acquisition and installation of Unit FF&E in accordance with the Unit

          (l)  Fundamental Change.  If a "Change of Control Event" (as described
     below) of the Guarantor shall occur.  For purposes of this paragraph (1) of
     subsection 11.3, a "Change of Control Event" shall occur on the earlier of
     any date on which the Guarantor shall (i) announce its intention to
     consummate, (ii) shall enter into an agreement to consummate or (iii) shall
     consummate, any transaction which does or would, if consummated, violate
     paragraph (b) of Section 26 of the Lease.

          (m)  Material Adverse Change Event.  If a "Material Adverse Change
     Event" (as described below) shall occur.  For purposes of this paragraph
     (m) of subsection 11.3, a "Material Adverse Change Event" shall mean a
     change in the condition (financial or otherwise) or business of the
     Guarantor which could reasonably be expected to cause the Guarantor's
     Tangible Net Worth to be reduced by 50% or more from that reflected in the
     Guarantor's most recent audited financial statements delivered to the
     Lessor pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 9.6 hereof, other than any
     such reduction caused by a change in accounting principles mandated by the
     Financial Accounting Standards Board, and excluding any write-off of
     intangibles; provided, that it can be reasonably expected that the
     impairment which relates to the write-off of such intangibles will be
     mitigated within two years.

          (n)  Designated Effective Date.  If as of the close of business on a
     Designated Effective Date with respect to any Unit, an AFL Unit Leasing
     Record with respect to such Unit has not been executed and delivered to
     Owner for any reason, whether or not as a result of Agent's inability to
     satisfy the conditions for such delivery.

          (o)  December 31, 2011.  On December 31, 2011, as to each of Redwood
     Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit Premises No. 3 and Redwood Unit Premises
     No. 4, the


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     Effective Date shall not have occurred.

          (p)  Interim Completion Date.  If as of the close of business on the
     applicable Interim Completion Date for a Redwood Unit, Agent shall not have
     completed Redwood Phase 1 in respect of such Unit in accordance with the
     Unit Plans for such Unit, satisfied the conditions set forth in
     subparagraph (1) of Section 5 hereof and delivered to Owner on Interim
     Advance Certificate with respect thereto.

          (q)  Exhibit K.  Agent shall breach its obligations under Exhibit K

          11.4 Owner's Rights upon Event of Unit Termination.  If any Event of
Unit Termination with respect to a Unit shall occur, Owner shall have no further
obligation to make advances to Agent with respect to such Unit, and Owner may,
as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, require Agent to purchase such Unit
within fifteen (15) days after notice by Owner at a price equal to the Unit
Acquisition Cost for such Unit.  At the time of such sale, Agent shall be
required to pay to Owner Owner's obligations, costs, losses, damages, and
expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and
expenses) sustained by Owner by reason of such Event of Unit Termination and
exercise of Owner's rights under this subsection 11.4.


          (a)  Agent shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner, Merrill, Merrill
Lynch, Merrill Leasing, any Assignee, any successor or successors and any
Affiliate of each of them, and their respective officers, directors,
incorporators, shareholders, partners (managing general and limited, including,
without limitation, the managing general and limited partners of Owner),
employees, agents and servants (each of the foregoing an "Indemnified Person")
from and against all liabilities (including, without limitation, strict
liability in tort and environmental law), taxes, losses, obligations, claims
(including, without limitation, strict liability in tort), damages, penalties,
causes of action, suits, costs and expenses (including, without limitation,
reasonable attorneys' and accountants' fees and expenses) or judgments of any
nature relating to or in any way arising out of:

               a.  The ordering, delivery, acquisition, purchase agreement for
          the acquisition, construction, title on acquisition, rejection,
          installation, possession, titling, retitling, registration,
          reregistration, custody by Agent of title and registration documents,
          ownership, use, non-use, misuse, financing (including, without
          limitation, all obligations of Owner under or in respect of any
          interest rate swap, cap, collar or other financial hedging arrangement
          and any amounts payable by Owner under any such arrangement to reduce
          the notional amount thereof by the amount of any prepayment of any
          borrowing to which such interest rate swap, cap, collar or other
          financial hedging arrangement relates), licensing, lease, sublease,
          operation, transportation, repair, control or disposition of any Unit
          Premises, Unit Improvements, item of Unit FF&E, or Unit, or the
          release of hazardous substances on, under, to or from, or the
          generation or transportation of hazardous substances to or from, any
          Unit Premises; and


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

               b.   Any of the claims, liabilities, demands, fees, taxes,
          violations of contract, or any other matter or situation described in
          or contemplated by the indemnification provisions of subparagraphs
          (b), (c), (d) and (e) of Section 11 of the Lease, except that this
          Agreement shall substitute the terms "Owner" for "the Lessor", "Agent"
          for "the Lessee", "this Agreement" for "this Lease", and shall
          substitute the phrase "Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or
          Unit" for the phrase "Property or Equipment."

          (b)  The indemnification required under this Section 12 shall be upon
the terms provided in the paragraphs of Section 11 of the Lease following
paragraph (d) thereof, except that this Agreement shall substitute the terms in
the same manner as described in subparagraph (a)(ii) above.


          The provisions of Section 29 of the Lease shall govern each Ground
Lease hereunder, except this Agreement shall substitute the terms "Owner" for
"the Lessor", Agent" for "the Lessee", "Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit
FF&E and Unit" for "Parcel of Property" and "Section 13" for "Section 29".


          In connection with, and as a condition to, the purchase of any Unit
Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit pursuant hereto, (i) Agent shall
pay at the time of purchase, in addition to the Unit Acquisition Cost and all
other amounts payable by Agent under this Agreement, all transfer taxes,
transfer gains taxes, mortgage recording tax, if any, recording and filing fees
and all other similar taxes, fees (including, without limitation, brokerage
fees), expenses and closing costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) in
connection with the conveyance of such Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit
FF&E, or Unit to Agent and all other amounts owing hereunder, and (ii) when
Owner transfers title, such transfer shall be on an as-is, non-installment sale
basis, without warranty by, or recourse to, Owner, but free of any Lien created
pursuant to a Credit Agreement.


          (a)  Owner shall have the right, upon written notice to Agent, to
terminate this Agreement with respect to each and every Unit Premises, Unit
Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit as of the date stipulated in such notice if,
(i) at any time, for any reason (other than an Event of Default by the Lessor
under a Credit Agreement (as therein defined), which has not been caused by or
resulted from an Event of Default under this Agreement or an Event of Default
(as defined in the Lease) under the Lease or by a breach by Agent of its
obligations under any agreement or document executed and delivered in connection
with this Agreement or the Lease), Commercial Paper cannot be issued by Owner
upon terms reasonably acceptable to Owner, Owner cannot arrange for bank
borrowings to finance or refinance its obligations hereunder with


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

respect to such Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E or Unit upon terms
reasonably acceptable to Owner, and Owner may no longer make or continue
borrowings under a Credit Agreement sufficient to finance or refinance such
obligations, (ii) at any time, for any reason (other than an Event of Default by
Owner under a Credit Agreement (as therein defined) which has not been caused by
or resulted from an Event of Default under this Agreement or from a breach by
Agent of its obligations under any agreement or document executed and delivered
in connection with this Agreement), a limited partner or partners of Owner
cannot arrange for borrowings from the bank or banks acting as lender under a
Credit Agreement in an amount equal to such limited partners' limited
partnership interest or interests in Owner or (iii) such bank or banks which
shall act as lender to a limited partner or partners of the Owner shall make a
material change in the terms of any such lending arrangement a condition
precedent to the extension of such lending arrangement without a corresponding
change being effected under the Credit Agreement to which such lender is a

          (b)  In the event of a termination with respect to any Unit Premises,
Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, or Unit pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section
15, Agent shall be required to purchase, on the date stipulated in the written
notice contemplated by paragraph (a) of this Section 15, such Unit or any Unit
Premises, Unit Improvements or Unit FF&E constituting a part of such Unit as
identified by Owner in such notice, for cash at its or their Unit Acquisition


          (a)  Agent shall not be required, nor shall Owner have the right, to
pay, discharge or remove any tax, assessment, levy, fee, rent, charge, Lien or
encumbrance, or to comply or cause any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, item of
Unit FF&E, or Unit to comply with any Legal Requirement applicable to any Unit
Premises, Unit Improvements, item of Unit FF&E, or Unit or the occupancy, use or
operation thereof, so long as no Event of Default exists under this Agreement,
and, in the opinion of Agent's counsel, Agent shall have reasonable grounds to
contest the existence, amount, applicability or validity thereof by appropriate
proceedings, which proceedings in the reasonable judgment of Owner, (i) shall
not involve any material danger that any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, item
of Unit FF&E, or Unit would be subject to sale, forfeiture or loss, as a result
of failure to comply therewith, (ii) shall not affect the payment of any sums
due and payable hereunder or result in any such sums being payable to any Person
other than Owner or any Assignee, (iii) will not place Owner or any Assignee in
any danger of civil liability which is not adequately indemnified (Agent's
obligations under Section 12 of this Agreement shall be deemed to be adequate
indemnification if no Event of Default or Potential Default exists and if such
civil liability is reasonably likely to be less than $100,000 per Unit or
$500,000 with respect to all Units) or to any criminal liability, (iv) if
involving taxes, shall suspend the collection of the taxes, and (v) shall be
permitted under and be conducted in accordance with the provisions of any other
instrument to which Agent or any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, item of Unit
FF&E, or Unit is subject and shall not constitute a default thereunder (the
"Permitted Contest"). Agent shall conduct all Permitted Contests in good faith
and with due diligence and shall promptly after the final determination
(including appeals) of any Permitted Contest, pay and discharge all amounts
which shall be determined to be payable


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

therein. Owner shall cooperate in good faith with Agent with respect to all
Permitted Contests conducted by Agent pursuant to this Section 16.

          (b)  In the event Owner deems, in its sole discretion, that its
interests under this Agreement or in any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, item
of Unit FF&E or Unit are not adequately protected in connection with a Permitted
Contest brought by Agent under this Section 16, Agent shall give such reasonable
security, as may be demanded by Owner to insure payment of such tax, assessment,
levy, fee, rent, charge or Lien and compliance with any Legal Requirement and to
prevent any sale or forfeiture of any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, item of
Unit FF&E, or Unit or any other amount due by reason of such nonpayment or
noncompliance.  Agent hereby agrees that Owner may assign such security provided
by Agent to any Assignee.

          (c)  At least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of any Permitted
Contest, Agent shall notify Owner in writing thereof if the amount in contest
exceeds $100,000, and shall describe such proceeding in reasonable detail.  In
the event that a taxing authority or subdivision thereof proposes an additional
assessment or levy of any tax for which Agent is obligated to reimburse Owner
under this Agreement, or in the event that Owner is notified of the commencement
of an audit or similar proceeding which could result in such an additional
assessment, then Owner shall in a timely manner notify Agent in writing of such
proposed levy or proceeding.


          (a)  Owner shall have the right to obtain equity and debt financing
for the acquisition and ownership of any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit
FF&E, and Unit by selling or assigning its right, title and interest in any or
all amounts due from Agent or any third Person under this Agreement; provided,
that any such sale or assignment shall be subject to the rights and interests of
Agent under this Agreement.

          (b)  Any Assignee shall, except as otherwise agreed by Owner and
Assignee, have all the rights, powers, privileges and remedies of Owner
hereunder, and Agent's obligations as between itself and such Assignee hereunder
shall not be subject to any claims or defense that Agent may have against Owner.
Upon written notice to Agent of any such assignment, Agent shall thereafter make
payments of any and all sums due hereunder to Assignee, to the extent specified
in such notice, and such payments shall discharge the obligation of Agent to
Owner hereunder to the extent of such payments.  Anything contained herein to
the contrary notwithstanding, no Assignee shall be obligated to perform any
duty, covenant or condition required to be performed by Owner hereunder, and any
such duty, covenant or condition shall be and remain the sole obligation of


          The following conditions shall be applicable throughout the term of
this Agreement:


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          18.1 Survival.  All agreements, representations, and warranties, and
the obligation to pay Additional Rent (as defined in the Lease) shall survive
the expiration or other termination hereof.

          18.2 No Waivers.  No advance hereunder shall constitute a waiver of
any of the conditions of Owner's obligation to make further advances nor, in the
event Agent is unable to satisfy any such condition, shall any waiver of such
condition have the effect of precluding Owner from thereafter declaring such
inability to be an Event of Default as herein provided.  Any advance made by
Owner and any sums expended by Owner pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed
to have been made pursuant to this Agreement, notwithstanding the existence of
an uncured Event of Default.  No advance shall constitute a waiver of the right
of Owner to require compliance with the covenant contained in subsection 10.1
hereof with respect to any such defects or material departures from any Unit
Plans not theretofore discovered by or called to the attention of Owner.  No
advance at a time when an Event of Default exists shall constitute a waiver of
any right or remedy of Owner existing by reason of such Event of Default,
including, without limitation, the right to refuse to make further advances.

          18.3 Owner and Assignee Sole Beneficiaries.  All conditions of the
obligation of Owner to make advances hereunder are imposed solely and
exclusively for the benefit of Owner and Assignee and their assigns and no other
Person shall have standing to require satisfaction of such conditions in
accordance with their terms or be entitled to assume that Owner will refuse to
make advances in the absence of strict compliance with any or all thereof and no
other Person shall, under any circumstances, be deemed to be a beneficiary of
such conditions, any or all of which may be freely waived in whole or in part by
Owner, with the consent of Assignee, at any time if in its sole discretion, it
deems it advisable to do so.  Inspections and approvals of any Unit Plans, Unit
Premises, Unit Improvements, Unit FF&E, and Unit and the workmanship and
materials used therein impose no responsibility or liability of any nature
whatsoever on Owner, and no Person shall, under any circumstances, be entitled
to rely upon such inspections and approvals by Owner for any reason.  Owner's
sole obligation hereunder is to make the advances if and to the extent required
by this Agreement.

          18.4 No Offsets, Etc.  The obligations of Agent to pay all amounts
payable pursuant to this Agreement and to purchase a Unit hereunder shall be
absolute and unconditional under any and all circumstances of any character, and
such amounts shall be paid without notice, demand, defense, setoff, deduction or
counterclaim and without abatement, suspension, deferment, diminution or
reduction of any kind whatsoever, except as herein expressly otherwise provided.
The obligation of Agent to license, or to lease or sublease and pay Basic Rent
(as defined in the Lease), for a Unit upon, in the case of a Redwood Unit,
completion of Redwood Phase 1, or Substantial Completion, in the case of any
Unit, is without any warranty or representation, express or implied, as to any
matter whatsoever on the part of Owner or any Assignee or any Affiliate of
either, or anyone acting on behalf of any of them.



                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY









                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY






          The making of payments under this Agreement by Agent shall not be
deemed to be a waiver of any claim or claims that Agent may assert against Owner
or any other Person.  Owner agrees to repay Agent amounts paid to Owner to the
extent such payments were in error and are not required by any of the terms and
provisions of this Agreement.

          18.5 No Recourse.  Owner's obligations hereunder are intended to be
the obligations of the limited partnership and of the corporations which are the
managing general partner or general partner thereof only and no recourse for the
payment of any amount due under this Agreement or the Construction Documents, or
for any claim based thereon or otherwise in respect thereof, shall be had
against any limited partner of Owner or any incorporator, shareholder, officer,
director or Affiliate, as such, past, present or future, of such corporate
managing general partner or general partner or of any corporate limited partner
or of any successor corporation to such corporate managing general partner or
general partner or any corporate limited partner of Owner, or against any direct
or indirect parent corporation of such corporate managing general partner or
general partner or of any limited partner of Owner or any other subsidiary or
Affiliate or any such direct or indirect parent corporation or any incorporator,
shareholder, officer or director, as such, past, present or future, of any such
parent or other subsidiary or Affiliate, it being understood that Owner is a
limited partnership formed for the purpose of the transactions involved in and
relating to this Agreement, the Lease and the Construction Documents on the
express understanding aforesaid. Nothing contained in this subsection 18.5 shall
be construed to limit the exercise or enforcement, in accordance with the terms
of this Agreement, the Lease and the Construction Documents and any other
documents referred to herein, of rights and remedies against the limited
partnership or the managing


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

corporate general partner or general partner of Owner or the assets of the
limited partnership or the corporate managing general partner or general partner
of Owner.

          18.6 Notices.

          (a)  All notices, offers, acceptances, approvals, waivers, requests,
demands and other communications hereunder or under any other instrument,
certificate or other document delivered in connection with the transactions
described herein shall be in writing, shall be addressed as provided below and
shall be considered as properly given (i) if delivered in person, (ii) if sent
by express courier service (including, without limitation, Federal Express,
Emery, DHL, Airborne Express, and other similar express delivery services),
(iii) in the event overnight delivery services are not readily available, if
mailed by international airmail, postage prepaid, registered or certified with
return receipt requested, or (iv) if sent by telecopy and confirmed; provided,
that in the case of a notice by telecopy, the sender shall in addition confirm
such notice by writing sent in the manner specified in clauses (i), (ii) or
(iii) of paragraph (a) of this subsection 18.6.  All notices shall be effective
upon receipt by the addressee; provided, however, that if any notice is tendered
                               --------  -------                                
to an addressee and the delivery thereof is refused by such addressee, such
notice shall be effective upon such tender.  For the purposes of notice, the
addresses of the parties shall be as set forth below; provided, however, that
any party shall have the right to change its address for notice hereunder to any
other location by giving written notice to the other party in the manner set
forth herein.  The initial addresses of the parties hereto are as follows:

          If to Owner:

          Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership
          c/o ML Leasing Equipment Corp.
          Project and Lease Finance Group
          North Tower - 27th Floor
          World Financial Center
          250 Vesey Street
          New York, New York 10281-1327

          Attention:  Jean M. Tomaselli
          Telephone:  (212) 449-7925
          Telecopy:   (212) 449-2854

With a copy of all notices under this subsection 18.6 to be simultaneously
given, delivered, or served to Gerard Haugh at the following address:

          ML Leasing Equipment Corp.
          Controller's Office
          World Financial Center
          South Tower - 14th Floor
          225 Liberty Street


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          New York, New York
          Telephone: (212) 236-7203
          Telecopy:  (212) 236-7584
          If to Agent:
          Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.
          1450 Fashion Island Boulevard
          San Mateo, California  94404
          Attention:  Ruth Kennedy
          Telephone:  415-571-6375
          Telecopy:   415-513-7552

With a copy of all notices under this subsection 18.6 to any Assignee at such
address as such Assignee may specify by written notice to Owner and Agent.

          (b)  Owner shall within five (5) Business Days give to Agent a copy of
all notices received by Owner pursuant to any Credit Agreement and any other
notices received with respect to any Unit Premises, Unit Improvements, item of
Unit FF&E, or Unit.

          18.7 Modifications.  Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof
may be changed, waived or terminated, orally, but only by an instrument in
writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of the change, waiver or
termination is sought.

          18.8 Rights Cumulative.  All rights, powers and remedies herein given
to Owner are cumulative and not alternative, and are in addition to all statutes
or rules of law; any forbearance or delay by Owner in exercising the same shall
not be deemed to be a waiver thereof, and the exercise of any right or partial
exercise thereof shall not preclude the further exercise thereof, and the same
shall continue in full force and effect until specifically waived by an
instrument in writing executed by Owner.  All representations and covenants by
Agent shall survive the making of the advances, and the provisions hereof shall
be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and
permitted assigns, if any, of the parties hereto.  Agent may not, however,
assign its rights or obligations as agent hereunder.



                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY


          18.10  Confidentiality.  Agent agrees to treat information concerning
the structure and documentation of this Agreement and the Lease confidentially,
except to the extent that disclosure is required by law (in which circumstance
Agent will notify Owner prior to such disclosure of any information). The
foregoing constraint shall not include: (i) information that is now in the
public domain or subsequently enters the public domain without fault on the part
of Agent; (ii) information currently known to Agent from its own sources as
evidenced by its prior written records; and (iii) information that Agent
receives from a third party not under any obligation to keep such information


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          18.11  Captions.  The captions in this Agreement are for convenience
of reference only, and shall not be deemed to affect the meaning or construction
of any of the provisions hereof.

          18.12  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in several
counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered shall be deemed an
original and all of which counterparts, taken together, shall constitute but one
and the same Agreement.


          Provided that no Event of Default or Potential Default shall have
occurred and be continuing, and provided that Agent shall not have obtained a
Construction Advance for the construction of Unit Improvements thereon, Agent
may purchase a Redwood Unit at a price equal to its Unit Acquisition Cost on
thirty (30) days written notice.

          SECTION 20. LICENSE

          20.1   Redwood Unit License.  Provided that (a) there shall exist no
Event of Default or Potential Default or, with respect to the related Redwood
Unit, Event of Unit Termination or Potential Event of Unit Termination and (b)
Recordation shall have occurred, Agent shall have the right to have a license to
use each Redwood Unit for outdoor recreational use only, provided that (i) Agent
shall have completed Redwood Phase 1 in respect of such Unit and satisfied the
conditions set forth in subparagraph (1) of Section 5 hereof and delivered an
Interim Advance Certificate with respect thereto, together with a written notice
that the Agent is exercising its right to have a license for such Unit in
accordance with the terms hereof, (ii) each such Unit shall be in full
compliance with the requirements of the Development Agreement dated as of
November 7, 1996 between Owner and The City of Redwood City, and any and all
documents contemplated thereby, (iii) all Permits and Governmental Actions, if
any, required for such recreational uses have been obtained and remain in full
force and effect, (iv) Agent shall have no right to develop, encumber or
restrict the use of such Unit in any manner whatsoever, (v) such Unit shall
remain subject to all other provisions of this Agreement, (vi) no Construction
Advance shall have been made for such Unit, and (vii) the work described in the
Unit Plans applicable to Redwood Phase 1 at such Unit has been completed by
Agent subject to the terms hereof. While such license is in effect, Agent agrees
that it will comply with the obligations of the Lessee (as defined in the Lease)
set forth in Sections 8, 9, 10, and 11 of the Lease, which provisions shall be
deemed incorporated herein by reference for this purpose and deemed to apply to
such Unit, and provided, further, that Owner may revoke this license upon the
occurrence of an Event of Default or Potential Default, or, with respect to the
Unit, Event of Unit Termination or Potential Event of Unit Termination. Agent
shall maintain the insurance required by Section 10(c) of the Lease with respect
to each Unit occupied pursuant to this license. Except as hereinafter set forth,
nothing in this Section shall be deemed to provide to the Agent the rights
reserved for the Lessee (as defined in the Lease) in Sections 8, 9 and 10 of the
Lease, including without limitation, any right to grant subleases, sublicenses,
or any other form of use or occupancy arrangements to third parties. Acceptance
of any Unit by Agent pursuant to this license shall constitute (x)
acknowledgment by the Agent that such Unit has been delivered to the


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

Agent in good condition and has been accepted for occupancy pursuant to this
license, (y) a representation and warranty by Agent that the conditions for such
license contained in this Section 20 have been satisfied, and (z) certification
by the Agent that the representations and warranties contained herein and in
Section 2 of the Lease are true and correct on and as of the date thereof as
though made on and as of such date and that there exists on such date no Event
of Default or Potential Default, or, with respect to such Unit, Event of Unit
Termination or Potential Event of Unit Termination, or a breach or a default in
the Guarantor's covenants or obligations under the Guaranty. The license
provided by this Section 20 will cease and be of no further force and effect and
Agent will cease all use of a Redwood Unit contemplated by this license upon
commencement of Redwood Phase 2 for such Unit. 

          20.2   Special Redwood Unit Premises No. 3 License. Notwithstanding
the foregoing Subsection 20.1, but subject to the precondition that Recordation
shall have occurred, Owner hereby grants to Agent a special license with respect
to Lot 6 of Redwood Unit Premises No. 3 on the following express conditions: (i)
the term of the license shall commence on the date hereof and shall terminate on
the earlier to occur of the termination of the sublicense described in the next
clause or March 31, 1998; (ii) Agent may enter into a sublicense with
Shorebreeze Associates LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
("Shorebreeze"), to allow Shorebreeze to install (at Agent's or Shorebreeze's
sole cost and expense and without any right to reimbursement by Owner or any
right to include such costs in the Unit Acquisition Cost of Redwood Unit
Premises No. 3) and operate a ground-level attended or unattended temporary
parking facility for motor vehicles of Shorebreeze's tenants and their visitors
while Shorebreeze's existing parking facility on property adjacent to Redwood
Unit Premises 3 is being expanded, and for such other purposes as may be
incidental thereto, but for no other purpose; (iii) such sublicense shall expire
no later than March 31, 1998; (iv) upon termination pursuant to the terms hereof
of such license, Agent, at Agent's sole expense, shall remove such parking
facility and restore Redwood Unit Premises No. 6 to the condition otherwise
contemplated hereby; (v) Shorebreeze shall be prohibited from granting any
further sub-sublicenses or other use or occupancy agreements or arrangements of
any kind; (vi) such license to Agent shall not diminish any of Agent's
obligations under this Agreement, including, without limitation, Section 9.3 and
Section 12; (vii) such license shall be not be terminable by Owner except upon
the occurrence of an Event of Default or Potential Default, or with respect to
such Redwood Unit Premises No. 3, Event of Unit Termination or Potential Event
of Unit Termination; and (viii) while such license is in effect, Agent agrees
that it will comply with the obligations of the Lessee (as defined in the Lease)
set forth in Sections 8, 9, 10, and 11 of the Lease, which provisions shall be
deemed incorporated herein by reference for this purpose and be deemed to apply
to such Unit. Agent is hereby permitted to record a Notice of this license in
the real estate records of the County of San Mateo. If the sublicense with
Shorebreeze shall not have been entered into by June 30, 1997, this license
shall automatically terminate and be of no further force and effect.


          It is contemplated by Owner and Agent that the real property currently
subject to this Agreement will be reconfigured and subdivided into the lots
designated on the subdivision map included in Exhibit L hereto (the "Subdivision
Map") and that the Subdivision Map will be 


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

consented to and executed by Owner and other third parties and recorded in the
real estate records of San Mateo County, California (such reconfiguration,
subdivision and recordation being referred to in this Agreement as the
"Recordation"). Agent agrees to effect the Recordation as promptly as
practicable and in any event no later than June 15, 1997 and that the failure to
do so shall constitute an Event of Unit Termination as described in Exhibit K
hereto. It is also contemplated (i) that the parcel designated as "Parcel B" on
the Subdivision Map may, at the request of Agent, be conveyed by quitclaim deed
from Owner to Agent provided that, simultaneously therewith Agent shall, for no
consideration, convey such parcel to Shorebreeze, (ii) that any land currently
owned by Owner and designated as "Shoreline Drive" on the Subdivision Map will
be conveyed to the City of Redwood City, California via dedication to the City
on the Subdivision Map, and (iii) that subsequent easements and rights-of-way
will be required, and at the request of Agent will be granted by Owner, for the
Headquarters Unit, for the Unit Improvements to be located on each of Redwood
Unit Premises Nos. 2, 3, and 4, and in connection with the Shores Business
Center of which such real property is a part, provided that in each instance, no
easement or right-of-way shall materially impair the intended use or value of
any such Unit. In each instance, the request of Agent to Owner to execute such
easement or right-of-way shall be deemed to be the representation of the Agent
that the grant thereof will not materially impair the intended use or value of
any such Unit. The net cash amount of any reimbursements received by Owner from
the City of Redwood City pursuant to the Development Agreement dated as of
November 7, 1996 between the Owner and the City of Redwood City shall be
credited against amounts owed by Agent to Owner under this Agreement or the
Lease or, in Owner's sole discretion, deducted from the Unit Acquisition Cost of
the Redwood Unit Premises on a pro rata basis.


                                                    THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY
          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day
and year first above written.

                            Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership by Flatirons
                            Capital, Inc., its Managing General Partner

                            By /s/ Jean M. Tomaselli
                             Name:  Jean M. Tomaselli
                             Title: Vice President and Assistant Secretary

                            Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.

                            By /s/ James F. Healey
                             Name:  James F. Healey
                             Title: President

                                                    THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT A

                                   The Lease

                            See Attachment 2 of Tab
                                 No. 16(c)(iii)

                                                    THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT B

AFL UNIT LEASING RECORD to        Lessor: Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership
the Lease Agreement, dated        Lessee: Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.
as of February 14, 1995,
between Flatirons Funding,
Limited Partnership, as lessor,
and Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.,
as lessee (the "Lease Agreement").

A.   Unit Premises No.: ____
     Effective Date of this AFL
     Unit Leasing Record ("AFL ULR") __________ __, 19__.


     1.   This AFL ULR relates to [Deed/Ground Lease] dated __________ __, 19__.


C.   Type of Property (use category specified in Exhibit A to the Lease 

D.   Specific Description:  (See Schedule A hereto if more space needed)


E.   Location of
     Unit Premises          ___________________________________________________
                      State        County          City

F.   Unit Acquisition Cost under the Agreement for Lease is $__________.

G.   If the effective date of this AFL ULR is after the first day of the month
     and prior to the Lease Rate Date in such month, the partial first month's
     Basic Rent for Unit Premises placed under lease by this AFL ULR will be
     paid from the date of this AFL ULR until the end of the month on the Basic
     Rent Payment Date in such month.  If the Effective Date of the AFL ULR
     falls on or after the Lease Rate Date, the partial first month's Basic Rent
     will be paid from the date of this AFL ULR until the end of the month on
     the next succeeding Basic Rent Payment Date.

H.   The Initial Term, Extended Term and Renewal Term for the Unit Premises
     placed under lease pursuant to this AFL ULR will be in accordance with
     Exhibit A to the Lease Agreement.

                                                    THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY
I.   The Basic Rent is as defined in the Lease Agreement.  The Monthly Rent
     Component will be in accordance with [Schedule B hereto][the definition set
     forth in the Lease Agreement].

J.   Unit Premises will be fully amortized as of the last day of the Lease Term
     on __________ __, ____.

K.   The Basic Rent for the Renewal Term (after the Property is fully amortized)
     equals fair market rental value.

L.   Termination of the lease of the Equipment leased pursuant to this AFL ULR
     will be in accordance with the Lease Agreement.


     The undersigned Lessor hereby leases to the undersigned Lessee, and the
     Lessee acknowledges delivery to it in good condition of the Unit Premises
     described on this AFL ULR. The Lessee agrees to pay the Basic Rent,
     Additional Rent and additional payments set forth in the Lease Agreement.
     The covenants, terms and conditions of this lease are those appearing in
     the Lease Agreement, as it may from time to time be amended, which
     covenants, terms and conditions are hereby incorporated by reference. The
     terms used herein have the meaning assigned to them in the Lease Agreement.

     Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.,    Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership,
     Lessee                            Lessor 
                                       By Flatirons Capital, Inc., its Managing
                                             General Partner

     By___________________________     By_____________________________
           Name:                             Name:
           Title:                            Title:


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT C


            Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc., as agent ("Agent"), under a certain
Amended and Restated Agreement for Lease (the "Agreement for Lease") dated as of
March 7, 1997 entered into between Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership
("Owner") and Agent, hereby certifies to Owner and Assignee as follows:

            1. Legal Description. Attached hereto at Tab 1 is a copy of the
               executed purchase and sale agreement and of the warranty deed,
               or, in the case of Unit Premises located in California, the grant
               deed or an original of the Ground Lease for the Unit Premises
               with an accurate and complete description of the metes and bounds
               or other legally sufficient description for the Unit Premises
               located at ___________.

            2. Unit Plans. Attached hereto at Tab 2 is a copy of the Unit
               Plans for the Unit Improvement to be constructed on the Unit
               Premises, and initialed to show Agent's approval.

            3. Unit Budget. Attached hereto at Tab 3 is a true, complete, and
               correct copy of the Unit Budget for the Unit, including an
               itemization of all costs incurred to date or to be incurred in
               connection with the acquisition of Owner's interest in the Unit
               Premises and with the construction and equipping of the Unit.

            4. Unit FF&E Specifications. Attached hereto at Tab 4 is a true,
               complete and correct copy of the Unit FF&E Specifications
               initialed to show Agent's approval. [IF NO UNIT FF&E ARE

            5. Title Insurance Policy and Premiums. Attached hereto at Tab 5
               is a title insurance commitment or ALTA owner's policy for the
               benefit of Owner, issued by the Title Company with respect to the
               Unit Premises (i) where Owner is acquiring a fee interest in the
               Unit Premises, in the amount of the total Unit Budget, and (ii)
               where Owner is acquiring a leasehold interest in the Unit
               Premises, in an amount to be mutually agreed upon among Owner,
               Agent and any Assignee, together with legible copies of all

 /*/ All capitalized terms used in this Certificate shall have the meanings
     given to such terms in the Agreement for Lease.

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          11.  Representations of Guarantor.  All representations and warranties
               made in the Guaranty are and remain true and correct on and as of
               the date of the Initial Advance as if made on and as of the date
               of the Initial Advance (except to the extent such representations
               and warranties expressly relate specifically to an earlier date)
               and no default under the Guaranty has occurred and is continuing
               on the date such Initial Advance is to be made or by reason of
               giving effect to such Initial Advance.

          12.  Memorandum of Lease Agreement.  Attached hereto at Tab 7 are two
               original counterparts of a memorandum of lease agreement in the
               appropriate form for recording in the jurisdiction on which the
               Unit Premises are located, executed by Agent, as lessee.

          13.  Taxes.  All past and current taxes and assessments (excluding
               those which are due and payable but not yet delinquent)
               applicable to the Unit Premises have been paid in full.

          14.  Site Plan.  Attached hereto at Tab 8 is a site plan showing the
               proposed location of the Unit Improvements to be constructed on
               the Unit Premises.

          15.  Insurance.  Attached hereto at Tab 9 are certificates of
               insurance or other evidence certifying that the insurance carried
               or maintained on the Unit complies with the requirements of
               subsection 9.3 of the Agreement for Lease.

          16.  Environmental Affidavit and Report.  Attached hereto at Tab 10 is
               an environmental affidavit duly executed by Agent and an
               environmental report which complies with the requirements of
               subsection 4(v) of the Agreement for Lease.


                                                    THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS 
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

               underlying documents of record affecting the Unit Premises, and
               evidence that all premiums in respect of such policies will be
               paid at the closing of title. If a joint protection policy is to
               be issued, attached as well is the letter of Agent explicitly
               agreeing to the conditions set forth in Exhibit J to the
               Agreement for Lease with respect to such policy.

          6.   Utilities.  All utility services and facilities (including,
               without limitation, gas, electrical, water and sewage services
               and facilities) (a) which are necessary and required during the
               construction period have been completed or will be available in
               such a manner that construction will not be impeded by a lack
               thereof and (b) which are necessary for operation and occupancy
               of the Unit will be completed in such a manner and at such a time
               as will assure the opening and operation of the Unit on or before
               the Unit Completion Date.

          7.   Permits.  All Permits and governmental approvals required for 
               the construction of the Unit Improvements have been or will be
               issued in such a manner that construction will not be impeded by
               a lack thereof. No work for which a Permit or governmental
               approval is required will be commenced or continued unless and
               until such Permit or governmental approval required therefor has
               been issued or obtained, and once issued or obtained will remain
               in full force and effect.

          8.   Construction Agreement.  There is [IS NOT] a Construction
               Agreement, a true, complete, and correct copy of which is
               enclosed herewith.

          9.   Request for Advance.  Attached hereto at Tab 6 is a duly executed
               AIA Document G722 or a substantially similar document.

          10.  Representations of Agent.  (i) All costs and expenses which are
               the subject of the Initial Advance requested have been paid in
               full or will be paid in full out of the proceeds of the Initial
               Advance, (ii) there are no Liens on the Unit Premises of which
               Agent has knowledge that are not Permitted Liens, (iii) all
               representations and warranties made in the Agreement for Lease,
               in the Lease, and in connection with the Initial Advance, are and
               remain true and correct on and as of the date of the Initial
               Advance and (iv) no Event of Default, Potential Default or, with
               respect to the Unit for which the Initial Advance is requested,
               Event of Unit Termination or Potential Event of Unit Termination,
               under the Agreement for Lease has occurred and is continuing on
               the date such Initial Advance is to be made or by reason of
               giving effect to such Initial Advance.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          17.  Additional Matters.  Attached hereto at Tab 11 are such other
               documents and legal matters as have been requested by Owner or

Dated:  __________ __, 19__

                             Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.


          Owner and Agent agree that the Designated Effective Date, if any, for
such Unit is : ________________________ and the Unit Completion Date is

                             Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.


                             Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership

                             By:   Flatirons Capital, Inc., its Managing General



                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT D


          Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc., as agent ("Agent"), under a certain
Amended and Restated Agreement for Lease (the "Agreement"), dated as of March 7,
1997, entered into with Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership ("Owner"),
delivers this Interim Advance Certificate pursuant to Section 5 of the Agreement
with respect to the above noted Unit Premises.  All terms used in this
Certificate shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement.  Agent
hereby certifies to Owner and Assignee as follows:

          1.   Continuing Representations of Agent.  All representations and
               warranties made in the Agreement, in the Lease, and in connection
               with the Interim Advance are and remain true and correct on and
               as of the date of the Interim Advance and no Event of Default,
               Potential Default or, with respect to the Unit for which the
               Interim Advance is requested, Event of Unit Termination or
               Potential Event of Unit Termination under this Agreement has
               occurred and is continuing on the date such Interim Advance is to
               be made or by reason of giving effect to such Interim Advance.

          2.   Continuing Representations of Guarantor.  All representations and
               warranties in the Guaranty are and remain true and correct on and
               as of the date of the Interim Advance as if made on and as of the
               date of such Interim Advance (except to the extent such
               representations and warranties expressly relate specifically to
               an earlier date) and no default under the Guaranty has occurred
               and is continuing on the date such Interim Advance is to be made
               or by reason of giving effect to such Interim Advance.

          3.   Construction Progress.  If requested by Owner, attached hereto at
               Tab 1 is (a) an inspection report from an independent party and
               (b) true copies of unpaid invoices, receipted bills and Lien
               waivers and such other supporting information as may be requested
               by Owner.

          4.   No Other Security Interests.  All materials and fixtures
               incorporated in the construction of the Unit Improvements have
               been purchased so that title thereto shall have vested in Owner
               immediately upon delivery thereof to the Unit Premises and if
               requested by Owner, attached hereto at Tab 2 are copies of the
               contracts, bills of sale, statements, receipted vouchers, or
               other documents under which title thereto is claimed.

          5.   Statements of Expenditures.  Attached hereto at Tab 3 is a

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

               setting forth the names, addresses and amounts due or to become
               due as well as the amounts previously paid to every contractor or
               subcontractor furnishing materials, performing labor or entering
               into the construction of any part of the Unit Improvements, and
               of the use of all proceeds of the previous advance that have been
               advanced with respect to projected invoices or unincurred costs.

          6.   Request for Advance.  Attached hereto at Tab 4 is a duly executed
               AIA Document G722 or a substantially similar document.

          7.   Status of Title.  Attached hereto as Tab 5 is a notice of the
               continuation or an endorsement to the title insurance policy
               indicating that since the last disbursement there have been no
               changes in the state of title, except for Permitted Liens, and no
               additional survey exceptions not theretofore specifically
               approved in writing by Owner, and if such Unit Premises are
               subject to a ground lease, an estoppel certificate as to the
               matters required by Section 5(d) of the Agreement for Lease.

          8.   Evidence of Compliance.  If requested, attached hereto at Tab 6
               are such documents, reports, certificates, affidavits and other
               information as required by Owner and any Assignee to evidence
               compliance by Agent with all of the provisions of the Agreement.

          9.   Revised AFL Unit Leasing Record.  If such Interim Advance is
               being made after the Designated Effective Date, attached hereto
               at Tab 7 is a revised AFL Unit Leasing Record prepared and
               executed by Agent.

          10.  License Conditions.  Check if applicable ____.

               (a)  Construction and Equipment of the Unit.  To the extent
                    included in Redwood Phase 1 for a Redwood Unit, the Unit
                    Improvements (including all interior finish work, but
                    exclusive of punch list items) has been completed within the
                    Unit Budget and in all material respects in accordance with
                    the Unit Plans and are accepted by Agent and all Unit FF&E
                    for that Unit has been installed and conforms in all
                    materials respects to the Unit FF&E Specifications and are
                    accepted by Agent. Attached hereto at Tab 8 is a specific
                    itemization of all items of Unit FF&E installed in such

               (b)  Permits.  All Permits and governmental approvals necessary 
                    for occupancy and primary use and operation of the Redwood
                    Unit, as contemplated by Redwood Phase 1, have been issued
                    or obtained.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

               (c)  Liens.  To the extent contemplated by Redwood Phase 1 for
                    such Unit, the Unit, including interior finish work, has
                    been completed as contemplated in paragraph (e) of Section 6
                    of the Agreement free of all Liens, except for Permitted
                    Liens (all of which are to be itemized as to the nature,
                    amount, claimant and status) and there are no current
                    Permitted Contests with respect to the Unit (or, if any, the
                    nature, amount, claimant and status thereof).

               (d)  Utilities.  Direct connection has been made to all
                    appropriate utility facilities and the Unit Improvements are
                    ready for occupancy and operation, as contemplated by
                    Redwood Phase 1.

               (e)  Flood Insurance.  Unless Agent is self-insured for such
                    risks as permitted under the Lease, if the Unit Premises are
                    located in a flood plain, attached hereto at Tab 10 is a
                    policy of flood insurance in an amount equal to the lesser
                    of (A) the maximum limit of coverage available under the
                    National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, or (B) the
                    amount of the Unit Acquisition Cost for the Unit.

     Dated:  __________, 19__

                                   Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.



                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT E


          Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc., as agent ("Agent"), under a certain
Amended and Restated Agreement for Lease (the "Agreement"), dated as of March 7,
1997, entered into with Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership ("Owner"),
delivers this Certificate of Substantial Completion pursuant to Section 6 of the
Agreement with respect to the above noted Unit Premises. All terms used in this
Certificate shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement. Agent
hereby certifies to Owner and Assignee as follows:

     1.   Satisfactory Title.  Attached hereto at Tab 1 is a notice of title
          continuation issued by the Title Company indicating that since the
          Initial Advance for such Unit Premises, there have been no changes in
          the state of title, except for Permitted Liens, and no additional
          survey exceptions not theretofore specifically approved in writing by
          Owner and, if such Unit Premises are subject to a Ground Lease,
          attached hereto is an estoppel certificate confirming that there are
          no defaults under the Ground Lease, and such other information as may
          be requested by Owner or Assignee.

     2.   Construction and Equipping of the Unit.  The Unit Improvements
          (including all interior finish work, but exclusive of punch list
          items) has been completed within the Unit Budget and in all material
          respects in accordance with the Unit Plans and are accepted by Agent
          and all Unit FF&E for that Unit has been installed and conforms in all
          material respects to the Unit FF&E Specifications and are accepted by
          Agent. Attached hereto at Tab 2 is a specific itemization of all items
          of Unit FF&E installed in such Unit.

     3.   Permits.  All Permits and governmental approvals necessary for the
          occupancy and primary use and operation of the Unit have been issued
          or obtained.

     4.   Liens.  The Unit, including interior finish work, has been completed
          as contemplated in paragraph (e) of Section 6 of the Agreement free of
          all Liens, except for Permitted Liens (all of which are to be itemized
          as to the nature, amount, claimant and status) and there are no
          current Permitted Contests with respect to the Unit (or, if any, the
          nature, amount, claimant and status thereof).

     5.   Final Survey.  Attached hereto at Tab 3 is a final survey showing the
          completed Unit Improvements, all easements on the Unit Premises and
          indicating the location of access to the Unit Premises and all utility
          and water easements directly affecting the Unit Premises. No
          encroachments exist by the Unit Improvements or on the Unit Premises
          other than those that are Permitted Liens or that may have

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          been consented to by Owner and all set-back requirements have been
          complied with.

     6.   Utilities.  Direct connection has been made to all appropriate utility
          facilities and the Unit Improvements are ready for occupancy and

     7.   Flood Insurance.  Unless Agent is self-insured for such risks as
          permitted under the Lease, if the Unit Premises are located in a flood
          plain, attached hereto at Tab 4 is a policy of flood insurance in an
          amount equal to the lesser of (A) the maximum limit of coverage
          available under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended,
          or (B) the amount of the Unit Acquisition Cost for the Unit.

     8.   Continuing Representations of Agent.  All representations and
          warranties made in the Agreement, in the Lease, and in connection with
          this Final Advance are and remain true and correct on and as of the
          date of the Final Advance and no Event of Default, Potential Default
          or, with respect to the Unit for which the Final Advance is requested,
          Event of Unit Termination or Potential Event of Unit Termination under
          this Agreement has occurred and is continuing on the date such Final
          Advance is to be made or by reason of giving effect to such Final

     9.   Continuing Representations of Guarantor.  All representation and
          warranties made in the Guaranty are and remain true and correct on and
          as of the date of the Final Advance as if made on and as of the date
          of the Final Advance (except to the extent such representations and
          warranties expressly relate specifically to an earlier date) and no
          default under the Guaranty has occurred and is continuing on the date
          such Final Advance is to be made or by reason of giving effect to such
          Final Advance.

     10.  AFL Unit Leasing Record.  Attached hereto at Tab 5 is a duly executed
          AFL Unit Leasing Record, or if the Designated Effective Date has
          previously occurred, a duly executed revised AFL Unit Leasing Record
          prepared and executed by Agent.

     11.  Request for Advance.  Attached hereto at Tab 6 is a duly executed AIA
          Document G722 or a substantially similar document.

     12.  Statements of Expenditures.  Attached hereto at Tab 7 is a statement
          setting forth the names, addresses and amounts due as well as the
          amounts previously paid to every contractor or subcontractor
          furnishing materials, performing labor or entering into the
          construction of any part of the Unit Improvements, and of the use of
          all proceeds of the previous advance that have been advanced with
          respect to projected invoices or unincurred costs.

Dated:  _____________, 19__

                                        Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY



                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT F


          Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc. as agent ("Agent"), under a certain
Amended and Restated Agreement for Lease (the "Agreement"), dated as of March 7,
1997, entered into with Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership ("Owner"),
delivers this Certificate of Increased Cost pursuant to Section 7 of the
Agreement with respect to the above noted Unit Premises.  All terms used in this
Certificate shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement.  Agent
hereby certifies to Owner and Assignee as follows:

     1.   Continuing Representations of Agent.  All representations and
          warranties made in the Agreement, in the Lease, and in connection with
          this Completion Advance are and remain true and correct on and as of
          the date of the Completion Advance and no Event of Default, Potential
          Default or, with respect to the Unit for which the Completion Advance
          is requested, Event of Unit Termination or Potential Event of Unit
          Termination under this Agreement has occurred and is continuing on the
          date such Completion Advance is to be made or by reason of giving
          effect to such Completion Advance.

     2.   Continuing Representations of Guarantor.  All representations and
          warranties made in the Guaranty are and remain true and correct on and
          as of the date of the Completion Advance as if made on and as of the
          date of the Completion Advance (except to the extent such
          representations and warranties expressly relate specifically to an
          earlier date) and no default under the Guaranty has occurred and is
          continuing on the date such Completion Advance is to be made or by
          reason of giving effect to such Completion Advance.

     3.   Revised AFL Unit Leasing Record.  Attached hereto at Tab 1 is a
          revised AFL Unit Leasing Record prepared by Agent.

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

     4.   Request for Advance.  Attached hereto at Tab 2 is a duly executed AIA
          Document G722 or a substantially similar document.

Dated: ____________, 19__

                                   Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.



                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT G

                              FF&E SPECIFICATIONS

                    Intentionally left blank at this time.

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT H

                            ENVIRONMENTAL AFFIDAVIT

STATE OF _________________)
                              ) ss.
COUNTY OF ________________)

          ________________ being duly sworn, hereby deposes and says:

          1.   Deponent is the __________ of Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.
("Agent"), the agent under a certain Amended and Restated Agreement for Lease,
dated as of March 7, 1997 (the "Agreement for Lease"), entered into with
Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership ("Owner").  Agent is herewith delivering
to Owner and ___________ (the "Assignee") an Acquisition Certificate with
respect to a [fee] [leasehold] interest in certain premises located at
__________, in the City of __________, County of ___________, State of
___________.  This Affidavit is made by Deponent to induce (a) Owner to accept
the Unit Premises under the Agreement for Lease and (b) the Assignee to extend
certain financial accommodations to Owner as referred to in, and to be secured
by, inter alia, a [Leasehold] [Deed of Trust] [Mortgage] to encumber the Unit in
    ----- ----                                                                  
the principal amount of [up to] $___________.  Capitalized terms used herein and
not otherwise defined shall have the meaning given such terms in the Agreement
for Lease.

          2.   Except as described in the Environmental Report (hereinafter
defined), and after all appropriate inquiry into previous ownership and uses of
the Unit in a manner consistent with good commercial or customary practices,
Agent has no actual knowledge and has not given or received any notice
indicating, and has no reason to believe, that (a) any prior or present owner,
operator, tenant, occupant, or licensee of any portion of the Unit has used,
handled, treated, generated, imported, processed, produced, stored, spilled,
released, transported, disposed of, or discharged (collectively, "managed") any
Hazardous Substances (hereinafter defined) on, from, beneath or affecting the
Unit or any portion thereof, except in strict compliance with all applicable
Environmental Regulations (hereinafter defined); (b) there has been a release of
any Hazardous Substances (i) on, from or beneath the Unit Premises or which
affects the Unit Premises, or (ii) at any location where any Hazardous
Substances managed on or in connection with the Unit Premises have been
transported, treated, stored, handled, disposed, transferred, recycled or
received, whether by Agent or any other Person for whose conduct Agent is or may
be held responsible under applicable Environmental Regulations; (c) any prior or
present owner, operator, tenant, occupant, or licensee of any portion of the
Unit Premises or any other Person for whose conduct any of the foregoing is or
may be held responsible under applicable Environmental Regulations, has received
any notice, directive, citation, subpoena, summons, order to show cause,
complaint or other communication from any governmental authority or entity or
Person with respect to the management of any Hazardous Substances on, from,
beneath or affecting the Unit Premises or any portion thereof; (d) any threat
exists of a discharge, release, seepage or migration of any Hazardous Substances
from any portion of the Unit Premises to the surrounding property or from the
surrounding property to any portion of the Unit Premises; (e)

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

there are currently no agreements, consent orders, decrees or other directives
of any applicable court or governmental or quasi-governmental agency requiring
any tests, studies, inspections, work, monitoring or other removal or remedial
activities with respect to the management of any Hazardous Substances on, from,
beneath or affecting the Unit Premises or any portion thereof, or any threatened
proceeding concerning the Unit Premises or any portion thereof which is related
to Environmental Regulations; (f) there are currently any claims, actions,
injunctions, decrees, writs, orders, judgments, proceedings, or investigations
filed, pending or threatened against Agent or the Unit Premises with respect to
the management of any Hazardous Substances on, from or beneath the Unit Premises
or in any way affecting the Unit Premises or any portion thereof; (g) there are
any underground or above ground storage tanks (whether or not currently in use)
located on the Unit Premises, nor to the best of Agent's knowledge after due
inquiry have there ever been any such tanks located on the Unit Premises; and
(h) there are any dams, reservoirs, wetlands or watercourses at or adjacent to
the Unit Premises, and that any wells, water discharges and other water
diversions on the Unit Premises are not registered and/or permitted under and in
compliance with Environmental Regulations. 

          3.   Agent or any Affiliate of Agent has not given notice to any
insurance broker or insurance carrier that there has been an occurrence relating
to the management or release of Hazardous Substances on, from, beneath, or
affecting the Unit Premises or any portion thereof.

          4.   Agent has obtained and will maintain and is in compliance with
all permits, licenses, registration and authorizations which are required under
applicable Environmental Regulations with respect to its intended operation of
the Unit Premises.

          5.   Agent has not, by contract, agreement, or otherwise, arranged for
disposal or treatment, or arranged with a transporter for transport for disposal
or treatment, of any Hazardous Substances to any location which is listed on the
National Priorities List under CERCLA (as hereinafter defined) or which is
listed for possible inclusion on the National Priorities List, or which is the
subject of any regulatory action which may lead to claims under CERCLA.

          6.   Agent knows of no facts or circumstances related to environmental
matters concerning the Unit Premises that are reasonably likely to lead to the
assertion of environmental claims against Owner, Agent, or any affiliate of
Owner or of Agent.

          7.   For purposes of this document, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:  (i) "Environmental Regulations" shall mean each and every
applicable federal, state or local law, statute, ordinance, code, rule, order,
regulation, or other published requirement (including, but not limited to,
consent decrees and administrative orders), regulating, relating or imposing
obligations, liabilities or standards of conduct with respect to human health or
safety, to the environment, or to Hazardous Substances, including, without
limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act, as amended ("CERCLA") (42 U.S.C. (S) 9601, et seq.), as amended
                                                          -- ---
by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. (S)(S)
9601-9675), the Resource Conservation and


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

Recovery Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. (S) 6901, et seq.), the Emergency Planning
                                              -- ---
and Community Right-To-Know Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. (S) 11001, et seq.), the
                                                                  -- ---
Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. (S) 1251, et seq.), the
                                                             -- ---
Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, as amended (49 U.S.C. (S) 1801, et
seq.), the Toxic Substances Control Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. (S) 2601, et
- ---                                                                      --
seq.), and any so called "Superfund" or "Superlien" law, (ii) "Environmental
- ---
Report" shall mean the environmental report delivered pursuant to paragraph (v)
of Section 4 of the Agreement for Lease to and accepted by Owner and the
Assignee in connection with the acquisition of the Unit Premises, and (iii)
"Hazardous Substances" shall mean, without limitation, any solid, liquid or
gaseous wastes, substances or materials containing or constituting urea
formaldehyde, polychlorinated biphenyls, petroleum products, methane,
radioactive materials, hazardous wastes, hazardous or toxic substances, or
related materials, asbestos or any material containing asbestos, pollutants, or
any other substance, material, chemical compound, waste or item defined as or
determined by a governmental authority having jurisdiction to be hazardous or
toxic pursuant to any Environmental Regulations applicable to the Unit Premises
or the business operations conducted thereon.

          8.   It is hereby acknowledged and confirmed that the indemnification
obligation of Agent set forth in Section 12 of the Agreement for Lease and in
Section 11 of the Lease (referred to therein) to the parties therein named shall
include, without limitation, all liabilities, taxes, losses, obligations,
claims, damages, penalties, causes of action, suits, costs and expenses
(including, without limitation, attorneys' and accountants' fees and expenses)
or judgments of any nature relating to or in any way arising out of the
noncompliance with any applicable Environmental Regulations by Agent or with
respect to the Unit Premises and/or any improvements now or hereafter situated
on the Unit Premises.

                                   Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.



Sworn to before me on this
______ day of ___________, 199__

       Notary Public

My commission expires:


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT I

                           ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED IN
                             ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT


     1.   Description of site and improvements and current owner.

     2.   History of site, including previous and current land uses and business
          operations (e.g., chemical use, waste disposal practices, manifests,
          chemical spills, releases).

     3.   Environmental status of site, including current chemical use and waste
          disposal practices (storage areas, dumps, treatment, off-site disposal
          activities), underground storage tanks, emissions and discharges (air,
          water, hazardous waste, sewage, stormwater, and any notices of
          violation or consent orders) and neighboring environmental conditions,
          locating the nearest RCRA generator, the nearest Superfund site, the
          nearest landfill/disposal area, and the nearest underground storage

     4.   Regulatory Agency Records Search (contact Federal, State, County,
          Municipal, and Township offices for information about permit status,
          inspections, registrations, violations, judgments, liens, consent


     (Contact US/State Geological Survey, Soil Conservation Service, and Local
     Planning Commission for any available photos)

     1.   Review for natural features and the progression, over time, of those
          natural features, e.g., topography (slope, drainage), soil cover
          (discolored, disturbed, paved), surface water (location of bodies of
          water relative to slopes, property boundaries, structures; slicks or
          discoloration; dumping), vegetation, and natural hazards (sinkholes,
          slides, erosion, flooding).

     2.   Review for indications of past uses, e.g., location and type of
          structures, including pipelines and tanks; roads, railroads; truck
          depots, railroad cars, and other potential means for transporting
          contaminants/wastes; open trenches, pits and scars, including possible
          disposal practices; piles of debris, trash, slag, drums, etc.;
          activities on and condition of adjacent sites.


     1.   Developed/undeveloped; operating/abandoned; accessibility (roads,

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          railroads); man-made barriers, such as fences; natural barriers, such
          as water and steep slopes; proximity to towns, bodies of water,
          highways, railroads, etc.; nature of adjacent sites (residential,
          industrial, undeveloped) and regional topography.

     2.   Settling or sinking of land surface, natural surface drainage
          (direction, on-site or off-site, basins, etc.), bedrock and wetlands.

     3.   Soil and ground cover: exposed or paved, soil cover (native to area or
          disturbed, possibility of fill, particularly if trash or debris mixed
          in); rubble disposal areas; staining, discoloration; odors.

     4.   Surface water:  standing or flowing; apparent depth; overall drainage
          of site; drainage from pipes and drains of improvements, discoloration
          of water, surface slicks; trash in surface water, absence of plant or
          animal life.

     5.   Ground water, especially any existing wells or monitoring wells which
          should be checked for discoloration and odor; lagoons, holding ponds.

     6.   Vegetation:  apparent age and condition (healthy, stressed, dying,

     7.   Natural hazards: sinkholes, natural subsidence, slides, or erosion,
          and potential for flooding.

     8.   Transformers/capacitors.

     9.   Asbestos insulation, fireproofing, etc.

     10.  Drums (waste, inventory or product).

     11.  Storage tanks (above or below ground tanks).

     12.  Urea formaldehyde foam insulation.


     1.   Employees at site, if relevant on basis of other information,
          residents or businesses adjacent to site, and State, County, Municipal
          and Township Recording Officers.

     2.   Information that may be obtained should address property history, and
          should supplement and confirm the information obtained above through
          review of documents, aerial photos and site walkover.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT J

                             (the "Title Policy")

1.   Unless and until Owner shall have received performance and payment in full
     of (a) the Unit Acquisition Cost if such Unit Premises are then subject of
     this Agreement or (b) the Adjusted Acquisition Cost if such Unit is then
     subject to the Lease, Agent shall not without the prior written consent of
     Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, make any claim
     under the Title Policy;

2.   Any insurance payment, damages or award made under or with respect to any
     claim made on the Title Policy with respect to such Unit or Unit Premises
     shall be paid to Owner to the extent of the Unit Acquisition Cost if then
     subject to this Agreement or the Adjusted Acquisition Cost if then subject
     to the Lease, and the balance, if any, shall be paid to Agent, provided
     that if such Unit or Unit Premises is then subject to the Lease, a
     corresponding reduction in the Monthly Rent Component (as defined in the
     Lease) shall be made pursuant to the terms of the Lease;

3.   Upon any termination of this Amended and Restated Agreement or the Lease
     with respect to such Unit or Unit Premises, and provided that upon such
     termination neither Agent nor any purchaser designated by Agent shall
     acquire title to such Unit or Unit Premises, Agent shall have no further
     rights or interests under or with respect to the Title Policy with respect
     to such Unit or Unit Premises or any proceeds thereof;

4.   On termination of this Amended and Restated Agreement or the Lease with
     respect of such Unit or Unit Premises and provided that upon such
     termination Agent or a party designated by Agent shall have acquired title
     to such Unit or Unit Premises and Owner shall have received the Unit
     Acquisition Cost therefor if such Unit or Unit Premises is subject to this
     Agreement or the Adjusted Acquisition Cost therefor if then subject to the
     Lease, Owner shall have no further rights or interests under or with
     respect to the Title Policy with respect to such Unit or Unit Premises or
     any proceeds thereof;

5.   Owner shall hold the original Title Policy so long as Owner has an interest
     in such policy or any proceeds thereof; and

6.   If Agent makes a claim other than as agreed to herein, Owner shall be
     permitted to treat such action as an Event of Default under this Agreement
     or if then subject to the Lease, under the Lease.

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT K

                         ELECTRONIC ARTS REDWOOD, INC.
                          1450 Fashion Arts Boulevard
                          San Mateo, California 94404

                                 March 7, 1997

Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership
c/o ML Leasing Equipment Corp.
  Project and Lease Finance Group
World Financial Center
North Tower - 27th Floor
250 Vesey Street
New York, New York 10281-1327

          Re:  Amended and Restated Agreement for Lease


          Reference is made to the Amended and Restated Agreement for Lease
dated as of March 7, 1997 (the "Agreement for Lease") between Flatirons Funding,
Limited Partnership ("Owner") and Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc. ("Agent").
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning
given to such terms in the Agreement for Lease.

          Agent has received an Initial Advance with respect to the acquisition
of certain Unit Premises located at the northwestern corner of the intersection
of Twin Dolphin Drive and Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood City, California, as
more particularly described on Schedule A to this Exhibit K (the "Existing
Premises").  Subsequent to the date hereof, with the consent of Owner, such Unit
Premises will be reconfigured and subdivided into the Headquarters Unit
Premises, Redwood Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit Premises No. 3 and Redwood
Unit Premises No. 4.  Because construction did not commence immediately on the
foregoing Unit Premises, the Agent previously received a waiver of certain
requirements of Section 4 of the Agreement for Lease until such time as
construction of the Unit Improvements thereon was scheduled to commence.

          Although, pursuant to letter agreement, dated as of February 14, 1995
between Owner and Agent ("Prior Letter Agreement"), Agent was obligated to
provide to Owner a certificate substantially in the form of Schedule B hereto in
respect of the Unit Premises which includes the Headquarters Unit Premises and
the Redwood Units prior to initiating construction activities thereon,
construction of the Headquarters Unit Improvements has commenced, and such
certificate was not provided. As required by the Prior Letter Agreement, Agent
delivers to

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

you herewith completed certificates, in the form attached to the Prior Letter
Agreement, for the Headquarters Unit and Redwood Phase 1 of each Redwood Unit.
Owner and Assignee (i) acknowledge that such certificates have been accepted and
(ii) Owner waives, and Assignee consents to the waiver of, any Event of Unit
Termination or Event of Default resulting from the Agent's failure to deliver
such certificates prior to the commencement of construction of the Headquarters

          In addition, because the Headquarters Unit Premises, Redwood Unit
Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit Premises No. 3, and Redwood Unit Premises No. 4
will not legally exist until Recordation, Agent hereby agrees that the
Subdivision Map will be recorded in exactly the form of Exhibit L to the
Agreement for Lease no later than June 15, 1997 and that failure to do so will
constitute an Event of Unit Termination.  For purposes hereof, and, except as
expressly provided herein, for all other purposes under the Agreement for Lease,
including, without limitation, subsection 11.3, until Recordation the Existing
Premises shall be deemed to be a Unit Premises, regardless of whether advances
made or being made have been allocated to the Headquarters Unit Premises, to one
or more Redwood Unit Premises, or to the Existing Premises as a whole.

          In addition to the foregoing, Agent acknowledges and agrees that until
the Subdivision Map has been recorded in accordance with this letter:

          1.   Agent shall have no rights of purchase under Section 19, no
rights to any license under Section 20, and no rights under Section 21; and

          2.   Agent shall maintain a single policy of title insurance in the
amount of $150,000,000 with respect to the Existing Premises, provided that such
policy complies in all other respects with the Agreement for Lease, and provided
further that upon the recordation of the Subdivision Map, (a) such title policy
shall be amended and reissued as four separate title policies, each in the
respective amounts of the Unit Budgets for the Headquarters Unit, Redwood Unit
Premises No. 2., Redwood Unit Premises No. 3, and Redwood Unit Premises No.4,
and otherwise complying with the Agreement for Lease, and (b) Agent shall
execute, with respect to the Headquarters Unit and each Redwood Unit, an amended
and restated memorandum of lease amending and restating the Memorandum of Lease
originally recorded against the Existing Premises, or at Owner's option, Agent
shall execute such memoranda prior to recordation of the Subdivision Map.

          Notwithstanding that the Subdivision Map has not been recorded, Unit
Plans, Unit FF&E, and Unit Budgets shall be delivered with respect to the
Headquarters Unit and each Redwood Unit, and all advances requested by Agent
shall be allocated to the Headquarters Unit or to a Redwood Unit, in the same
manner as if the Subdivision Map had been recorded and in order to give maximum
effect to the intent of the Agreement for Lease as drafted. The Unit Acquisition
Cost of the Existing Unit Premises shall equal the sum of the Unit Acquisition
Cost of the Headquarters Unit Premises and the Redwood Unit Premises.

          In addition, Agent hereby requests your consent to the following with
respect to each of the Redwood Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit Premises No. 3
and Redwood Unit


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

Premises No. 4.:

          1.   Limitation of the amount of title insurance required for each
Redwood Unit pursuant to Subsection 4(g) of the Agreement for Lease to the Unit
Budget for Redwood Phase 1 until construction for Redwood Phase 2 is scheduled
to commence.  At such time, the title policy will be amended to increase the
amount of title insurance to the amount of the Unit Budget for Redwood Phase 2
inclusive of a pending improvements endorsement.

          2.   Waiver of the requirement to deliver the site plan for a Redwood
Unit required by Subsection 4(i) in respect of the Unit Plans for Redwood Phase
2 until construction is scheduled to commence on Redwood Phase 2 at such Unit.

          3.   Waiver of the requirement to make the representation for a
Redwood Unit required by Subsection 4(1) in respect of the Unit Plans for
Redwood Phase 2 until construction is scheduled to commence on Redwood Phase 2
at such Unit.

          4.   Waiver of the requirement to deliver a copy of the Construction
Agreement for Redwood Phase 2 of a Redwood Unit required by Subsection 4(o)
until construction is scheduled to commence on Redwood Phase 2 at such Unit.

          5.   Waiver of the requirement to deliver a copy of the Unit Plans
required for Phase 2 of a Redwood Unit by Subsection 4(p) until construction is
scheduled to commence on Redwood Phase 2 at such Unit.

          6.   Waiver of the requirement to deliver a copy of the Unit Budget
required for a Redwood Unit by Subsection 4(q) in respect of the Unit Plans for
Redwood Phase 2 until construction is scheduled to commence on Redwood Phase 2
at such Unit.

          7.   Waiver of the requirement to carry Builders All-Risk insurance
required by Subsection 4(r) and Subsection 9.3 for a Redwood Unit with respect
to construction for Redwood Phase 2 at such Unit until construction is scheduled
to commence on Redwood Phase 2 at such Unit.

          Agent represents, warrants and covenants to Owner and Assignee that
(a) no construction will be commenced in respect of Redwood Phase 2 at a Redwood
Unit until Recordation and until Agent has delivered to Owner and any Assignee a
Construction Certificate in the form of Schedule A attached hereto, together
with all documentation required thereby and Owner and Assignee shall have deemed
the contents thereof satisfactory in form and substance, (b) no construction
will be commenced on Redwood Phase 2 of Redwood Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood
Unit Premises No. 3, and Redwood Premises No. 4 until Agent and Owner shall have
agreed as to the Designated Effective Date and the Unit Completion Date
applicable thereto, and (c) the commencement of any such construction prior to
such agreement and prior to delivery of such Construction Certificate and
required documentation to and approval from Owner and any Assignee will
constitute an Event of Unit Termination with respect to such Unit.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          Within seven (7) Business Days following Owner's and any Assignee's
receipt of the Construction Certificate and related documents required by this
letter, Owner and Assignee (or their respective counsel) shall notify Agent if
the contents thereof are satisfactory in form and substance and the conditions
for the commencement of construction have been satisfied.  If Owner and any
Assignee shall not have so notified Agent within such seven Business Day period
that such conditions have not been satisfied, then construction may commence.

          If Agent wishes to request an advance simultaneously with the
submission of the Construction Certificate, the advance shall be requested as an
Interim Advance, and Agent shall submit a separate Interim Advance Certificate
with its attachments along with the Construction Certificate and its

          Agent requests that you indicate your agreement and consent to the
foregoing by signing and dating in the appropriate space below.

          Except as specifically modified herein, all other terms, provisions
and conditions of the Agreement for Lease remain unmodified and in full force
and effect, and are hereby ratified and confirmed.


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

          This letter may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed to be an original and all of which, when taken together, shall
constitute one and the same agreement.

                              Very truly yours,

                              ELECTRONIC ARTS REDWOOD, INC.


Accepted and Agreed this 7th day
of March, 1997

By Flatirons Capital, Inc., its
Managing General Partner


Consented to this 7th day
of March, 1997



                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                            SCHEDULE A TO EXHIBIT K

                    Legal Description of Existing Premises

All of that certain real property located in the State of California, County of
San Mateo, City of Redwood City, described as follows:

     Parcel C as shown on that certain map entitled "PARCEL MAP 84-10, CITY OF
     REDWOOD CITY, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", filed in the office of the
     County Recorder of San Mateo County, State of California on December 31,
     1984 in Volume 55 of Parcel Maps at pages 55, 56 and 57.

A.P. No.:  095-233-130                                  JPN 106 003 000 07 All T

     Lot 2, as shown on that certain map entitled "SHORES CENTER UNIT NO. 2,
     the County Recorder of San Mateo County, State of California, on October
     15, 1984 in Book 112 of Maps at page(s) 20-22.

A.P. No.:  095-221-080                                      JPN 112 020 000 02 T
A.P. No.:  095-221-090

     Lot 1 as shown on that certain map entitled "SHORES CENTER UNIT NO. 3 BEING
     CITY, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", filed in the office of the County
     Recorder of San Mateo County, State of California, on October 15, 1984 in
     Book 112 of Maps at page(s) 23, 24 and 25.

A.P. No.:  095-221-100                                      JPN 112 023 000 01 T

     Lot 2 as shown on that certain map entitled "SHORES CENTER UNIT NO. 3 BEING
     CITY, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA", filed in the office of the County
     Recorder of San Mateo County, State of California, on October 15, 1984 in
     Book 112 of Maps at page(s) 23, 24 and 25.

A.P. No.:  095-221-110                                      JPN 112 023 000 02 T

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                            SCHEDULE B TO EXHIBIT K

                           CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE

          Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc., as Agent under the Amended and Restated
Agreement for Lease dated as of March 7, 1997 (the "Agreement for Lease")
entered into with Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership ("Owner") delivers this
Construction Certificate with respect to [the Headquarters Unit], [Redwood Unit
Premises No. 2], [Redwood Unit Premises No. 3] [Redwood Unit Premises No. 4].
All terms used in this Certificate shall have the meaning given such terms in
the Agreement for Lease.

          Agent hereby certifies to Owner and Assignee as follows:

          1.   TITLE INSURANCE.  Attached hereto at Tab 1 are endorsements
issued by the Title Company to the existing title insurance policy increasing
coverage to the amount required under Subsection 4(g) of the Agreement for Lease
or, if the Subdivision Map has not been filed, to the amount required by Exhibit
K, and adding a pending improvements clause thereto (as well as such additional
endorsements as may be requested by Owner and any Assignee), together with
legible copies of all underlying documents of record affecting the Unit Premises
that have not previously been delivered to Owner and any Assignee, and evidence
that the premium in respect of such policy and endorsements has been paid in

          2.   SITE PLAN.  Attached hereto at Tab 2 is the site plan prepared by
Agent showing the proposed location of the Unit Improvements to be constructed
on the Unit Premises pursuant to the Unit Plans therefor.

          3.   AVAILABILITY OF UTILITIES.  All utility services and facilities
(including, without limitation, gas, electrical, water and sewage services and
facilities) (a) which are necessary and required during the construction period
have been completed or will be available in such as manner as to assure Owner
that construction will not be impeded by a lack thereof, and (b) which are
necessary for operation and occupancy of the Unit are or will be completed in
such a manner and at such a time as will assure the opening and operation of the
Unit on or before the Unit Completion Date.

          4.   PERMITS.  All Permits and governmental approvals required for the
construction of the Unit Improvements have been or will be issued or obtained in
such a manner as to assure Owner that construction will not be impeded by a lack
thereof, and all Permits and governmental approvals required therefor which have
been issued or obtained are in full force and effect.

          5.   UNIT PLANS.  Attached hereto at Tab 3 is a copy of the Unit

          6.   UNIT BUDGET.  Attached hereto at Tab 4 is a copy of the Unit

                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

Agent certifies that such Unit Budget (a) is true, complete, and correct, (b)
accurately represents all expected costs of the Unit, and (c) is within the
dollar limits set forth in the first sentence of subsection 2.2 of the Agreement
for Lease.

          7.   BUILDERS' ALL RISK INSURANCE.  Attached hereto at Tab 5 is a
certificate of insurance certifying that the policy of All Risk Builders' Risk
Completed Value Non-Reporting Form Insurance, including collapse coverage and
fire insurance with extended coverage in an amount not less than one hundred
percent (100%) of the completed insurable value of the Unit Improvements and
Unit FF&E, in accordance with Subsection 9.3 of the Agreement for Lease, has
been obtained and is in full force and effect.  Agent further certifies to Owner
and Assignee that all insurance carried or maintained on the Unit required by
the Agreement for Lease has been obtained and is in full force and effect.

          8.   UNIT FF&E SPECIFICATIONS.  Attached hereto at Tab 6 is a true and
complete copy of the Unit FF&E Specifications, if any, with respect to such

          9.   ADDITIONAL MATTERS.  Attached hereto at Tab 7 are such other
documents and legal matters in connection with this Construction Certificate as
may be reasonably requested by Owner and any Assignee.

Dated:  _____________ ___, 199__.

                              ELECTRONIC ARTS REDWOOD, INC.


          Owner and Agent agree that the Designated Effective Date, if any, for
such Unit is : ________________________ and the Unit Completion Date is


                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                              Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.


                              Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership

                              By:   Flatirons Capital, Inc., its Managing
                                    General Partner



                                                     THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE IS
                                                    CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY

                                   EXHIBIT L



               Lots 3 and 4, and Parcels A and C, as set forth on pages 3 and 4
of the Subdivision Map immediately following this page.


               Lot 2, as set forth on pages 3 and 4 of the Subdivision Map
immediately following this page.


               Lots 5 and 6, and Parcel B, as set forth on pages 3 and 4 of the
Subdivision Map immediately following this page.


               Lot 1, as set forth on pages 3 and 4 of the attached Subdivision
Map immediately following this page.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

SECTION 1.     DEFINITIONS..................................................................................      2
     1.1       Defined Terms................................................................................      2
     1.2       Other Definitional Provisions................................................................     11
SECTION 2.     APPOINTMENT OF AGENT.........................................................................     12
     2.1       Appointment and Duties of Agent..............................................................     12
     2.2       Cost and Completion of a Unit................................................................     12
     2.3       Lease of a Unit and Certain Special Provisions Applicable to Redwood                           
               Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit Premises No. 3 and Redwood Unit                              
               Premises No. 4...............................................................................     13
     2.4       Powers of Agent..............................................................................     14
SECTION 3.     ADVANCES.....................................................................................     15
     3.1       Agreement to Make Advances...................................................................     15
     3.2       Procedure for Advances.......................................................................     15
     3.3       Determination of Amounts of Advances.........................................................     16
               (a)  Initial Advance.........................................................................     16
               (b)  Interim Advances........................................................................     16
               (c)  Final Advance...........................................................................     16
               (d)  Completion Advance......................................................................     17
     3.4       Partial Advances.............................................................................     17
SECTION 4.     CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE INITIAL ADVANCE WITH                                               
               RESPECT TO A UNIT............................................................................     17
               (a)  Lease and Guaranty......................................................................     17
               (b)  Acquisition Certificate.................................................................     17
               (c)  Deed....................................................................................     17
               (d)  Memorandum of Lease Agreement...........................................................     18
               (e)  Ground Lease............................................................................     18
               (f)  Taxes...................................................................................     18
               (g)  Title Insurance Policy..................................................................     18
               (h)  Survey..................................................................................     19
               (i)  Site Plan...............................................................................     19
               (j)  Availability of Utilities...............................................................     19
               (k)  Flood Zone..............................................................................     19
               (l)  Permits.................................................................................     19
               (m)  Opinion of Counsel for Agent............................................................     19
               (n)  Opinion of Counsel for Guarantor........................................................     20



               (o)  Construction Agreement..................................................................     20
               (p)  Unit Plans..............................................................................     20
               (q)  Unit Budget.............................................................................     20
               (r)  Certificates of Insurance...............................................................     20
               (s)  Request for Advance.....................................................................     20
               (t)  Continuing Representations of Guarantor.................................................     21
               (u)  Unit FF&E Specifications................................................................     21
               (v)  Environmental Affidavit and Report......................................................     21
               (w)  Use of Proceeds, No Liens and Representations of Agent..................................     21
               (x)  Additional Matters......................................................................     21
               (y)  Designated Effective Date...............................................................     21
               AFTER THE INITIAL............................................................................     22
               (a)  Interim Advance Certificate.............................................................     22
               (b)  Continuing Representations of Agent.....................................................     22
               (c)  Continuing Representations of Guarantor.................................................     22
               (d)  Satisfactory Title......................................................................     22
               (e)  Construction Progress...................................................................     23
               (f)  Evidence of Compliance..................................................................     23
               (g)  Request for Advance and Reconciliation..................................................     23
               (h)  No Other Security Interests.............................................................     23
               (i)  Statement of Expenditures...............................................................     24
               (j)  Revised AFL Unit Leasing Record.........................................................     24
               (k)  Exhibit K Conditions....................................................................     24
               (l)  License Conditions......................................................................     24
               (a)  Certificate of Substantial Completion...................................................     24
               (b)  Satisfactory Title......................................................................     24
               (c)  Construction and Equipping of the Unit..................................................     25
               (d)  Permits.................................................................................     25
               (e)  Liens...................................................................................     25
               (f)  Final Survey............................................................................     25
               (g)  Utilities...............................................................................     25
               (h)  Flood Zone..............................................................................     25
               (i)  Continuing Representations of Agent.....................................................     26
               (j)  Continuing Representations of Guarantor.................................................     26
               (k)  AFL Unit Leasing Record.................................................................     26
               (l)  Request for Advance.....................................................................     26
               (m)  AFL Unit Leasing Record.................................................................     26




               WITH RESPECT TO A UNIT.......................................................................     26
               (a)  Certificate of Increased Cost...........................................................     27
               (b)  Continuing Representations of Agent.....................................................     27
               (c)  Continuing Representations of Guarantor.................................................     27
               (d)  Request for Advance.....................................................................     27
               (e)  Revised AFL Unit Leasing Record.........................................................     27
SECTION 8.     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF AGENT......................................................     27
     8.1       Corporate Matters............................................................................     27
     8.2       Power and Authority..........................................................................     28
     8.3       Binding Agreement............................................................................     28
     8.4       No Litigation................................................................................     28
     8.5       Consents, Approvals, Authorizations, Etc.....................................................     28
     8.6       Compliance with Legal Requirements and Insurance Requirements................................     29
     8.7       No Default...................................................................................     29
     8.8       Ownership; Liens.............................................................................     29
     8.9       Financial Statements.........................................................................     29
     8.10      Changes......................................................................................     29
     8.11      Suitability of Each Unit Premises............................................................     29
     8.12      ERISA........................................................................................     30
     8.13      Ground Lease.................................................................................     30
     8.14      Status of Agent..............................................................................     30
SECTION 9.     AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS........................................................................     30
     9.1       Performance under Other Agreements...........................................................     30
     9.2       No Encroachments.............................................................................     30
     9.3       Insurance....................................................................................     31
               (a)  Insurance with respect to each Unit Premises, the Unit Improvements, Unit                 
                    FF&E and Unit...........................................................................     31
               (b)..........................................................................................     31
     9.4       Inspection of Books and Records..............................................................     31
     9.5       Expenses.....................................................................................     31
     9.6       Certificates: Other Information..............................................................     32
     9.7       Conduct of Business and Maintenance of Existence.............................................     33
     9.8       Notices......................................................................................     33
     9.9       Legal Requirements and Insurance Requirements................................................     34
     9.10      Payment of Taxes.............................................................................     34
     9.11      Filings, Etc.................................................................................     34
     9.12      Use of Proceeds..............................................................................     34
     9.13      Compliance with Other Requirements...........................................................     35
SECTION 10.    NEGATIVE COVENANTS...........................................................................     35



     10.1      Changes in Unit Plans or Unit Budget Plans...................................................    35
     10.2      Prohibition of Fundamental Changes...........................................................    35
     10.3      Notification of Opening of a Unit............................................................    35
     10.4      Acquire Fee or Leasehold Interest............................................................    35
     10.5      Assignment of Obligations....................................................................    36
SECTION 11.    EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND EVENTS OF UNIT TERMINATION.............................................    36
     11.1      Events of Default............................................................................    36
               (a)  Failure to Make Payments................................................................    36
               (b)  Unauthorized Assignments, Etc...........................................................    36
               (c)  Misrepresentations......................................................................    36
               (d)  Involuntary Bankruptcy, Etc.............................................................    36
               (e)  Voluntary Bankruptcy, Etc...............................................................    36
               (f)  Negative Covenants......................................................................    37
               (g)  Other Defaults..........................................................................    37
               (h)  Default under Lease.....................................................................    37
               (i)  Payment of Obligations..................................................................    37
               (j)  Defaults under Other Agreements.........................................................    37
               (k)  Judgment Defaults.......................................................................    37
     11.2      Owner's Rights upon an Event of Default......................................................    37
     11.3      Events of Unit Termination...................................................................    40
               (a)  Unsatisfactory Title....................................................................    40
               (b)  Damage or Destruction...................................................................    40
               (c)  Cessation of Construction...............................................................    40
               (d)  Nonconforming Work......................................................................    41
               (e)  Other Security Agreements...............................................................    41
               (f)  Non-Compliance with Legal Requirements..................................................    41
               (g)  Failure to Complete.....................................................................    42
               (h)  Permits.................................................................................    42
               (i)  Default under Ground Lease..............................................................    42
               (j)  Takings.................................................................................    42
               (k)  Insufficient Available Commitment.......................................................    43
               (l)  Fundamental Change......................................................................    43
               (m)  Material Adverse Change Event...........................................................    43
               (n)  Designated Effective Date...............................................................    43
               (o)  December 31, 2011.......................................................................    43
               (p)  Interim Completion Date.................................................................    43
               (q)  Exhibit K...............................................................................    44
     11.4      Owner's Rights upon Event of Unit Termination................................................    44
SECTION 12.    INDEMNITIES..................................................................................    44
SECTION 13.    LEASEHOLD INTERESTS..........................................................................    45



SECTION 14.    PURCHASES....................................................................................    45
SECTION 15.    OWNER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE...................................................................    45
SECTION 16.    PERMITTED CONTESTS...........................................................................    46
SECTION 17.    SALE OR ASSIGNMENT BY OWNER..................................................................    47
SECTION 18.    GENERAL CONDITIONS...........................................................................    48
     18.1   Survival........................................................................................    48
     18.2   No Waivers......................................................................................    48
     18.3   Owner and Assignee Sole Beneficiaries...........................................................    48
     18.4   No Offsets, Etc.................................................................................    48
     18.5   No Recourse.....................................................................................    50
     18.6   Notices.........................................................................................    51
     18.7   Modifications...................................................................................    52
     18.8   Rights Cumulative...............................................................................    53
     18.9   Governing Law...................................................................................    53
     18.10  Confidentiality.................................................................................    54
     18.11  Captions........................................................................................    54
     18.12  Counterparts....................................................................................    54
SECTION 19.    CERTAIN PURCHASE OPTIONS.....................................................................    54
SECTION 20.    LICENSE......................................................................................    54
     20.1   Redwood Unit License............................................................................    54
     20.2   Special Redwood Unit Premises No. 3 License.....................................................    55
SECTION 21.    DEVELOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION..................................................................    56

Exhibit A      The Lease
Exhibit B      Form of AFL Unit Leasing Record
Exhibit C      Form of Acquisition Certificate
Exhibit D      Form of Interim Advance Certificate
Exhibit E      Form of Certificate of Substantial Completion
Exhibit F      Form of Certificate of Increased Cost
Exhibit G      FF&E Specifications
Exhibit H      Environmental Affidavit
Exhibit I      Issues to be Addressed in Environmental Report
Exhibit J      Conditions for Acceptance by Owner of Joint
               Protection Title Insurance Policy
Exhibit K      Waiver Letter for Unit Premises at Twin Dolphin
               Drive and Redwood Shares Parkway, Redwood


               City, California
Exhibit L      Description of Headquarters Unit Premises, Redwood
               Unit Premises No. 2, Redwood Unit Premises
               No. 3 and Redwood Unit Premises No. 4


                                AMENDMENT NO. 1

                           Dated as of March 7, 1997


                                LEASE AGREEMENT

                         Dated as of February 14, 1995


                    Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership,

                                                            as Lessor


                         Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.,

                                                            as Lessee

     This Amendment has been manually executed in 8 counterparts, numbered
     consecutively from 1 through 8, of which this is No. 3.  To the extent, if
     any, that this Amendment constitutes chattel paper (as such term is defined
     in the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in any jurisdiction), no
     security interest in this Amendment may be created or perfected through the
     transfer or possession of any counterpart other than the original executed
     counterpart which shall be the counterpart identified as counterpart No. 1.

          Amendment No. 1 dated as of March 7, 1997 to Lease Agreement
("Amendment No. 1"), dated as of February 14, 1995, between Flatirons Funding,
Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership  ("Lessor"), and Electronic
Arts Redwood, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Lessee"), amending the Lease
Agreement referred to below.

          WHEREAS,  Owner and Agent have heretofore entered into a Lease
Agreement, dated as of February 14, 1995 (the "Lease Agreement"); and

          WHEREAS, Owner and Agent wish to amend the Lease Agreement as
hereinafter provided;

          NOW, THEREFORE, Owner and Agent hereby agree that the Lease Agreement
is amended as follows:

          1.   Section 1 of the Lease Agreement is amended by deleting the
second sentence of the term "Assignee" and replacing it with the following:

     "For purposes of paragraph (h) of Section 2, clauses (i), (iv) and (v) of
     paragraph (f) of Section 10 and Section 11 hereof and subsection 9.6 and 12
     of the Agreement for Lease, the term "Assignee" shall include any lender to
     the Lessor or other Person providing credit support to the Lessor pursuant
     to a Credit Agreement."

          2.   Subparagraph (iv) of paragraph (a) of Section 3 of the Lease
Agreement is hereby deleted and restated in its entirety as follows:

     "(iv) with respect to any Property acquired and built pursuant to the
     Agreement for Lease, Substantial Completion (as defined in the Agreement
     for Lease) or the Designated Effective Date (as defined in the Agreement
     for Lease) shall have occurred; and".

          3.   Section 3 of the Lease Agreement is amended by adding the
following as new paragraph (g) thereof:

     "(g) In the event the Lessee failed to achieve Substantial Completion prior
     to the Designated Effective Date with respect to any Parcel of Property
     acquired and built pursuant to the Agreement for Lease, the Lessee may
     deliver to the Lessor thereafter, but prior to Substantial Completion (as
     defined in the Agreement for Lease) of such Parcel, Interim Advance
     Certificates (as defined in the Agreement for Lease) and thereafter a
     Certificate of Substantial Completion (as defined in the Agreement for
     Lease) pursuant to the Agreement for Lease setting forth the actual amount
     expended by the Lessee for items included in the Unit Budget (as defined in
     the Agreement for Lease) with respect to such Parcel while it is subject to
     the Agreement for Lease.  If the conditions set forth in the Agreement for
     Lease for Interim Advances (as defined in the Agreement for Lease) or a
     Final Advance (as defined in the Agreement for Lease) are satisfied, in the
     applicable case, the Lessee and the Lessor shall execute within seven (7)
     days of receipt of each 


     such Interim Advance Certificate or Certificate of Substantial Completion
     from the Lessee a revised AFL Unit Leasing Record to amend the Adjusted
     Acquisition Cost for such Parcel to reflect the increase in the Acquisition

          4.   Section 12 of the Lease Agreement is amended by revising the last
sentence of paragraph (a) thereof to read, in its entirety, as follows:

     "At the time a Parcel of Property or Unit of Equipment is sold pursuant to
     this Section 12, such Parcel or Unit shall be in compliance with all Legal
     Requirements, shall not be subject to any Permitted Contest or any Lien
     and, in the case of a Parcel which had been subject to the Agreement for
     Lease, Substantial Completion (as defined in the Agreement for Lease) shall
     be required to have occurred."

          5.   Section 18 of the Lease Agreement is amended by adding the
following as new paragraph (l) thereof:

     "(l) With respect to a Parcel of Property for which Substantial Completion
     has not yet been effected, the construction of such Parcel of Property for
     which Substantial Completion has not yet been effected proceeds or is made
     in a manner other than as provided in this Lease or the Agreement for Lease
     and the Lessee fails to correct such nonconformance in a reasonably prompt
     and satisfactory fashion after notice and demand by the Lessor, or the
     Lessee shall fail to correct promptly any structural defect in such Parcel
     of Property upon demand of the Lessor or the Agent shall default in the
     performance of the covenants contained in Section 2, Section 9 or Section
     10 of the Agreement for Lease in respect of any such Parcel of Property
     after the expiration of any grace period applicable thereto in the
     Agreement for Lease."
          6.   Section 23 of the Lease Agreement is amended to delete the name
"Martin J. McInerney" and to replace it with the name "Gerard Haugh".

          7.   This Amendment No. 1 may be executed in several counterparts,
each of which when executed and delivered shall be deemed an original and all of
which counterparts, taken together, shall constitute but one and the same
Amendment No. 1.

          8.   This Amendment No. 1 shall in all respects be governed by, and
construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, including all
matters of construction, validity and performance.

          9.   Except as provided herein, all provisions, terms and conditions
of the Lease Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.  As amended
hereby, the Lease Agreement is ratified and confirmed in all respects.


          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No.
1 to be duly executed as of the date first above written.

                          Flatirons Funding, Limited Partnership
                           By Flatirons Capital, Inc.,
                            its General Partner

                          By: /S/ Jean M. Tomaselli
                            Name: Jean M. Tomaselli
                            Title: Vice President and Assistant Secretary

                          Electronic Arts Redwood, Inc.

                          By: /s/ James F. Healey
                            Name: James F. Healey
                            Title: President