                                                       400 INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY

                                LEASE AGREEMENT








                                   LEASE SUMMARY
A.    DATE OF EXECUTION OF LEASE:  March 8, 1996
B.    LANDLORD:                    400 International Parkway Development Company
                                   A Florida general partnership
C.    ADDRESS OF LANDLORD:         c/o Pizzuti Management Inc.
                                   255 South Orange Avenue
                                   Suite 1350
                                   Orlando, Florida 32801
D.    TENANT:                      Seagate Software Storage Management Group
E.    ADDRESS OF TENANT:           708 Fiero Commerce Park
                                   Suite 5
                                   San Luis Obispo, California 93401

F.    BUILDING:                    The four story office building located at 400
                                   International Parkway, Heathrow, Florida,
                                   together with the approximately 6.7 acre
                                   tract of land on which the building is
                                   located. The Building contains 100,821 square
                                   feet of rentable space rentable square feet
                                   (based on a common area factor of 8.11%).

G.    LEASED PREMISES:             The entire Building containing 100,821 square
                                   feet of rentable space.

H.    PERMITTED USE:               General office use and any activities related
                                   to the marketing, sales or development of
I.    LEASE TERM:                  Ten years commencing on the Commencement Date
                                   and terminating on the Termination Date,
                                   subject to early cancellation options after
                                   five and seven years, respectively, per the
                                   terms set forth in (S)34 of this Lease.
J.    COMMENCEMENT DATE:           October 15, 1996 (subject to adjustment per
                                   (S)9 of this Lease).
K.    TERMINATION DATE:            October 14, 2006 (subject to adjustment per
                                   (S)9 of this Lease).
L.    BASE RENT:                   See the Base Rent Schedule attached as
                                   Exhibit A to the Lease.


M.   BASE EXPENSES:                Actual Operating Expenses incurred by
                                   Landlord during the 1997 calendar year - see
                                   (S)2 of this Lease. 

The following exhibits are attached to and made a part of the Lease:

     Exhibit A - Base Rent Schedule
     Exhibit B - List of Operating Expenses
     Exhibit C - Heathrow Rules and Regulations
     Exhibit D - List of Building Plans and Specifications
     Exhibit E - Construction Milestone Dates
     Exhibit F - Form of Subordination, Nondisturbance and Attornment Agreement
     Exhibit G - Agency Discourse Statement
     Exhibit H - Radon Notice
     Exhibit I - Signage Specifications
     Exhibit J - Janitorial Specifications
     Exhibit K - Example of Base Rent Adjustment per (S)9 of Lease
     Exhibit L - Standard Construction Program



                                LEASE AGREEMENT

Landlord hereby leases the Leased Premises to Tenant for the duration of the
Lease Term (subject to any early cancellation options granted to Tenant
hereunder).  All reference herein to the Lease Term will mean both the initial
ten-year term and any renewal terms exercised by Tenant under this Lease.  The
leasing of the Leased Premises to Tenant will be upon the terms and conditions
set forth in this Lease.

     (S)1.     BASE RENT.  Tenant will pay Base Rent in the amount set forth in
the Base Rent Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A.

     (S)2.     EXCESS EXPENSE PAYMENTS.  Tenant will pay the increase, if any,
of the Operating Expenses incurred by Landlord during the Lease Term over the
Base Expenses ("Excess Expenses"). For the purposes of this Lease, "Base
Expenses" will mean the actual Operating Expenses incurred by Landlord during
the calendar year 1997.  A list of those expenses which are included within the
definition of "Operating Expenses" is set forth in Exhibit B.  Any such Excess
Expenses will be paid by Tenant in advance based upon Landlord's estimate of the
Excess Expenses which will be incurred during each calendar year during the
Lease Term, beginning with the 1998 calendar year.  Landlord will use its best
efforts to notify Tenant by December 1 of each year during the Lease Term,
beginning with the 1998 calendar year, of the amount of the estimated Excess
Expense payment which Tenant will be required to make for each month of the
upcoming calendar year.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Tenant's obligation
to pay any Excess Expenses related to "Controllable Expenses" (as that term is
hereinafter defined) will be limited to an amount equal to the actual
Controllable Expenses incurred by Landlord during the calendar year 1997, with
increases capped at the rate of 7% per year for each calendar year thereafter.
For the purposes of this Lease, "Controllable Expenses" will have the meaning
set forth in Exhibit B.

As soon as reasonably practicable after the end of each calendar year (beginning
with the 1998 calendar year), Landlord will deliver to Tenant a written
statement showing its actual Operating Expenses for such calendar year and the
amount of the Excess Expenses, if any. If the sum of the estimated Excess
Expense payments paid by Tenant during such calendar year exceeds the actual
Excess Expenses incurred during such year, then, at Landlord's election,
Landlord will either refund the excess to Tenant or apply the same toward the
next succeeding monthly estimated Excess Expense payment due from Tenant.  If
the sum of the estimated Excess Expense payments paid by Tenant during such
calendar year is less than the actual Excess Expenses incurred during such year,
then Tenant will pay the deficiency to Landlord within ten days after Tenant's
receipt of Landlord's written demand for the payment thereof.  If the Lease Term
expires on a date other than December 31, then the Excess Expenses for the last
calendar year during which the Lease Term is in effect will be prorated to take
into consideration the number of days during such calendar year in which the
Lease Term is in effect.

Tenant will have the right, upon reasonable prior written notice to Landlord, to
audit and make copies of Landlord's books, records and computations with respect
to its Operating Expenses.  Landlord will retain such books, records and
computations for at least three years following the end of the calendar year to
which they relate.  If any audit conducted by Tenant discloses an average in the
amount billed to Tenant over the amount actually due from Tenant hereunder, then
Landlord will reimburse Tenant for such overpayment and all reasonable costs and
professional fees incurred by Tenant in connection with its auditing of
Landlord's books, records and computations. The payments referred to in the

preceding sentence will be made by Landlord to Tenant within ten days after
Landlord's receipt of a detailed invoice identifying the amounts of such

At Tenant's request, Landlord will provide Tenant with copies of any invoice
received by Landlord with respect to the imposition of any assessments against
the Building by any property owner's association (specifically, the Heathrow
International Business Center owner's association).  Landlord will further, at
Tenant's request, assign and delegate to Tenant the right to contest the amount
of any such assessment granted to Landlord as the owner of the Building pursuant
to the applicable owner's association documents, a copy of which documents have
been previously furnished to Tenant by Landlord.  Finally, if Tenant believes a
change is necessary in the identity of any on-site personnel assigned to the
Building by Landlord to perform property management or maintenance services,
Tenant will so notify Landlord and Landlord and Tenant will promptly meet to
address Tenant's concerns and, if appropriate, assign new personnel to perform
such services al the Building.

If Landlord obtains a refund or abatement of any real estate taxes or
assessments attributable to the Building, the amount of which has previously
been contributed to by Tenant, then, at Landlord's election, Landlord will
either pay Tenant's Proportionate Share of such refund or abatement to Tenant or
apply the amount thereof toward the next succeeding monthly estimated Excess
Expense payment(s) due from Tenant hereunder.  Tenant will have the right, at
its own expense and in its name, to contest the amount, propriety, accuracy or
validity of any real estate taxes or assessments imposed against the Building.
Any refund or abatement of any real estate taxes or assessments which is
received by Landlord and which is attributable to Tenant's contesting of the
same pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence will be disbursed for
Tenant's benefit in the manner set forth in the first sentence of this

     (S)3.     MANNER AND TIMING OF RENT PAYMENTS.  Monthly installments of Base
Rent and estimated Excess Expense payments, if any, will be due and payable in
advance on or before the first day of each calendar month during the Lease Term.
Each such installment will be paid to Landlord at its address set forth in the
Lease Summary (or such other address as Landlord may designate from time to
time).  If the Lease Term commences on a day other than the first day of the
month or terminates on a day other than the last day of the month, then the
installments of Base Rent and estimated Excess Expense payments for such
month(s) will be adjusted accordingly.  If any installment of Base Rent or any
Excess Expense payment is not received by Landlord within ten days after
Tenant's receipt of written notice from Landlord that any such payment is due
and unpaid, then a late payment charge of 5% of such past due amount will be
assessed and will be immediately due and payable from Tenant.  All installments
of Base Rent and estimated Excess Expense payments will be paid by Tenant
without demand and without any rights of reduction, counterclaim or offset.
Tenant hereby agrees to pay as additional rent any sales, use or other tax
(other than income taxes) now or hereafter imposed by any governmental authority
upon the rent and other sums payable by Tenant hereunder.  The sales tax on Base
Rent initially payable by Tenant is set forth in the Base Rent Schedule attached
hereto as Exhibit A.  Landlord will notify Tenant of any change in any tax
payable by Tenant as additional rent hereunder.  Landlord's acceptance of any
payment which constitutes less than all of the balance then owed to it by Tenant
hereunder will be treated as its receipt of a payment "on account" and not as an
accord and satisfaction and Landlord may accept any such payment (regardless of
the existence of any endorsement or statement to the contrary contained on any
check or letter accompanying such payment) without prejudice to 


Landlord's right to recover the balance of the amount owed to it or pursue any
other remedy provided for in this Lease.

     (S)4.     SERVICES.  Landlord will provide all utility, HVAC and elevator
services which are required for the use of the Leased Premises for general
office purposes during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday
through Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, holidays excepted). HVAC
service will be provided to the Leased Premises outside of the normal business
hours set forth above at a surcharge to Tenant of $22 per hour.  To the extent
Tenant requires any such additional HVAC service, it will notify Landlord of its
need therefor by noon of the day prior to the day of its required additional
service.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant will pay directly to the service
provider all costs related to the provision of telephone service to the Leased
Premises.  If utility services to the Leased Premises are interrupted for a
period of three successive business days, such that Tenant cannot reasonably
operate its business in the Leased Premises, then, unless any such interruption
is attributable to the occurrence of any event beyond Landlord's reasonable
control, Tenant will be entitled to an abatement of Base Rent and Excess Expense
payments from the date of such interruption, until the provision of such utility
services to the Leased Premises is restored such that Tenant can operate its
business in the Leased Premises.  Landlord will not be liable to Tenant, nor
will Tenant be relieved of any obligation hereunder if any service to the Leased
Premises is interrupted for any reason beyond Landlord's reasonable control.  If
the interruption in the provision of utility services to the Leased Premises is
caused by any event beyond Landlord's reasonable control, Landlord will provide
written notice to such effect to Tenant.

The Building and the Leased Premises will be equipped with an ESP after-hours
exits proxy card reader system.  Any other security system which may be
installed or upgraded in the Leased Premises by Tenant will be managed and paid
for by Tenant, subject to Landlord's prior approval as to the nature and extent
of such system.

Landlord will provide as part of the base Building improvements two 150 ton air
cooled water chillers; 2,500 amp, 480-277 V3 phase, 4W main electrical service
distributions and a 200 kilowatt emergency power generator.  Any upgrade in the
aforementioned facilities resulting in increased construction costs will be
applied against the TI Allowance being provided to Tenant pursuant to (S)9

     (S)5.     MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR.  Landlord will maintain the Building
(including all common areas which serve the Building) and all structural
elements and mechanical systems located within the Leased Premises in a first
class condition, with all systems properly functioning; provided, however, that
Tenant (and not Landlord) will be required to pay all costs of maintaining the
same (over and above any insurance proceeds received by Landlord to reimburse it
for the cost of maintaining the same) if the need therefor arises due to the
fault or negligence of Tenant or its agents, employees or guests.  Landlord will
also provide janitorial service to the Leased Premises five days per week in
accordance with the Janitorial Specifications attached hereto as Exhibit J.
Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this (S)5, Tenant will be responsible
and pay for all costs associated with maintaining and repairing the interior of
the Leased Premises, including, without limitation, all costs associated with
the painting of interior walls, the cleaning or replacing of wallcoverings and
floorcoverings and the replacing of light bulbs and light fixtures. Landlord
will not be liable to Tenant, nor will Tenant be relieved of any obligation
hereunder if Tenant's use of the Leased Premises is interrupted as a result of
Landlord's required entry into the Leased Premises 


for the purpose of making any repairs, alterations or improvements to the
structural elements or mechanical systems located within the Leased Premises
(including, without limitation, the HVAC system).

Landlord will be required to purchase, install, maintain and replace all
Building and Leased Premises heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems,
equipment and installations, including, without limitation, mechanical plant for
chilled water and hot water, energy management systems (if any), supply and
return fans, supply and return ductwork, diffusers, heat pumps, VAV boxes and
all attendant piping, wiring, thermostats, sensors and other conduits and
appurtenances thereto required by the terms of this Lease and the Building Plans
attached hereto as Exhibit D, other than any of the same which are hereunder
defined in the next paragraph as "Equipment Room HVAC Systems" (collectively the
"HVAC Systems").  The purchase, installation, maintenance, repair and
replacement of the HVAC Systems will be at Landlord's sole cost and expense,
except that Landlord will have the right to pass-through to Tenant all Excess
Expenses and any Operating Expenses attributable to the HVAC systems, as the
term "Operating Expense" is otherwise defined in this Lease.

Except as otherwise expressly provided in this paragraph, Tenant will be solely
responsible, at its expense, for purchasing, installing, maintaining, repairing
and replacing: (i) all HVAC Systems that Tenant may need to supplement the HVAC
Systems described in the immediately preceding paragraph; and (ii) all HVAC
systems and equipment that are dedicated solely for use in, or service to, any
special equipment room that is used solely by Tenant and which requires 24 hours
per day, seven days per week, air conditioning (the equipment and systems
referred to in clauses (i) and (ii), above, are hereinafter collectively
referred to as the "Equipment Room HVAC Systems").  All or a portion of any TI
Allowance provided for in (S)9 of this Lease may be used by Tenant to pay the
expenses associated with the Equipment Room HVAC Systems described above.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the event that
portions of the Equipment Room HVAC System are an integral part of the
Building's overall HVAC Systems for which Landlord has responsibility as
described in the immediately preceding paragraph of this (S)5, then Tenant will
request that Landlord install, maintain, repair and replace such portions of the
Equipment Room HVAC System and Landlord will thereafter proceed to purchase,
install, maintain, repair and replace such portions of the Equipment Room HVAC
Systems.  Upon completion of Landlord's purchase, installation, maintenance,
repair or replacement of any such portions of the Equipment Room HVAC Systems
pursuant to Tenant's request, Tenant will, within ten days after its receipt of
a written payment demand from Landlord, promptly reimburse Landlord for all
reasonable costs incurred by Landlord in connection with such work.

     (S)6.     USE OF LEASED PREMISES.  Tenant will use the Leased Premises
solely for the Permitted Use.  Tenant will not cause or permit any waste or
damage to the Leased Premises or the Building and will not occupy or use the
Leased Premises for any business or purpose which is unlawful, hazardous,
unsanitary, noxious or offensive or which unreasonably interferes with the
business operations of other tenants in the Building.  Tenant will comply with
the Rules and Regulations for the Building which are set forth in Exhibit C (and
any reasonable modifications thereto which are consistent with the provisions of
this Lease).  Tenant will also have the non-exclusive right to use the common
areas which serve the Building, including, without limitation, the Building's
common lobbies, hallways, elevators, restrooms and parking areas.


     (S)7.       COMPLIANCE WITH LAW.  Tenant will at its sole expense comply
with all laws, governmental requirements and recommended covenants or conditions
which are now or hereafter in force pertaining to the Leased Premises and
Tenant's occupancy and use therefor, including, without limitation, the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended.  Landlord (and not Tenant)
will, at its initial expense, make any and all structural or extraordinary
alterations (including without limitation, the installation of a sprinkler
system in the Leased Premises) which are required to be made to the Leased
Premises by law, ordinance or regulation of any governmental or quasi-
governmental authority (including, without limitation, any such governmental
authority charged with enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act
requirements), board of fire insurance underwriters, Landlord's insureds or any
other similar authority, if such alterations are not necessitated by Tenant's
particular use or occupancy of the Leased Premises.  Landlord hereby represents
and warrants to Tenant that, as of the Commencement Date, the Building will be
in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

     (S)8.     SIGNS.  Tenant will be identified on monument signage located at
the front of the tract of land on which the Building is located.  In addition,
to the extent the park covenants for the Heathrow International Business Center
and any applicable zoning or building codes permit the erection of signage on
the Building itself, Landlord will provide Building signage identifying Tenant.
The cost of any such Building signage will be part of the tenant improvement
allowance being granted to Tenant pursuant to (S)9.  The location, design and
composition of the monument sign, as well as any permitted Building sign, will
be consistent with the signage specifications attached hereto as Exhibit J.  To
the extent Tenant requests any variance from the attached signage
specifications, then any such variance will be subject to Landlord's prior
review and approval.  Except as otherwise provided above, Tenant will not place
any other sign or advertising material on the exterior of the Building, without
the prior written consent of Landlord.

     (S)9.     LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS.  Landlord will construct the Building in
substantial accordance with the building plans and specifications previously
furnished to Tenant ("Building Plans"), which Building Plans are identified in
Exhibit D.  Landlord will use its best efforts to substantially complete the
construction of the Building in such a time frame, so as to facilitate the
substantial completion of the improvements to the Leased Premises by the
targeted Commencement Date set forth in the Lease Summary (subject to the
occurrence of the "Delay Events" defined later in this (S)9).

Landlord will provide a tenant improvement allowance of $2,016,420 ("TI
Allowance") for the construction of leasehold improvements to the Leased
Premises below a finished ceiling ("Improvements").  To the extent the cost of
the improvements ultimately approved by Landlord and Tenant is more or less than
the aforementioned TI Allowance, then the annual Base Rent payable by Tenant
during each year of the initial ten-year Lease Term will be increased (in the
case of excess costs) or decreased (in the case of diminished costs), as the
case may be, by an amount equal to 16.5% of such excess or diminished costs.

Landlord and Tenant agree that, promptly following the parties' execution of
this Lease, they will meet to develop approved preliminary specifications for
the Improvements.  Once Landlord and Tenant have approved preliminary
specifications for the Improvements, Landlord will proceed with the preparation
of the final architectural and engineering drawings, plans and specifications
for the Improvements.  Once those drawings, plans and specifications are
completed, Landlord will deliver a full set thereof to Tenant 


for its review and approval. The approved final drawings, plans and
specifications ("Final Plans") will be deemed incorporated herein by its

If, following the approval of the Final Plans, Tenant expresses a desire to make
any revisions thereto, Tenant will so notify Landlord and Landlord will then ask
its general contractor to prepare a cost estimate for the making of such
changes.  Landlord will promptly notify Tenant of any increased costs or savings
resulting from such changes and Tenant will have the right to require Landlord
to cause such changes to be made to the final Plans; provided, however, that
such changes will not unreasonably affect the structurally integrity or value of
the Building.  If the aggregate of all such changes results in a net increase or
decrease in the cost of the construction of the Improvements, then any such
difference will be taken into consideration in adjusting the Base Rent in the
manner contemplated in the second paragraph of this (S)9.

Tenant will have the right to select a bonded, licensed contractor to
participate in open bidding for the contract to construct the Improvements.
Landlord will keep Tenant fully apprised of and invite Tenant's participation in
and review of all general contractor bids for the construction of the
Improvements. Landlord will consult with Tenant with regard to the final
selection of a general contractor to construct the Improvements.  The general
contractor ultimately selected to construct the Improvements will be a general
contractor, which is reasonably acceptable to both Landlord and Tenant.  If all
of the bids received with respect to the construction of the Improvements are
substantially higher than the TI Allowance, then Tenant will have the right to
cause Landlord to revise the Final Plans and resubmit the same to the designated
general contractors, asking them for a revised bid, so as to try to reduce the
ultimate cost of such Improvements; provided, however, that any delay in
Landlord's construction of the Improvements caused by the revision of such Final
Plans and the resubmission thereof to the designated general contractors will be
treated as a Tenant-caused delay within the meaning of this (S)9.  Landlord
agrees that all bids solicited by it from general contractors with respect to
the construction of the Improvements will be required to include a schedule of
values so as to facilitate the identification and computation of change orders
and cost modifications.  Finally, Tenant will have the right to select an
independent construction management firm to supervise construction of the
Improvements on Tenant's behalf, with all fees to be paid to such construction
manager to be included in the TI Allowance.

Landlord will cause the improvements to be constructed in accordance with the
Final Plans.  Landlord will conduct a "walk-through" of the Leased Premises with
Tenant, so as to permit Tenant the right and opportunity to confirm that the
improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Final Plans. Landlord
will use its best efforts to substantially complete construction of the
Improvements on or before the targeted Commencement Date set forth in the Lease
Summary, subject to delays caused by the occurrence of events beyond its
reasonable control, including, without limitation, labor troubles, inability to
procure materials, restrictive governmental laws, actions and pronouncements,
acts of God, unseasonable weather, Tenant's failure to timely respond to any
matter submitted for its review, and Tenant's requested change orders ("Delay
Events").  The establishment of the substantial completion date referred to in
the immediately preceding sentence is predicated upon the various Construction
Milestone Dates referred to in Exhibit E being met in a timely manner with
respect to the preparation, submission and approval of all preliminary
specifications and Final Plans.  Tenant agrees that it will review and either
review or specify its objections to any documents or drawings submitted to it
for its review and approval hereunder within ten days after its receipt of the
same.  If Tenant fails to respond to any submission to 


it within ten days after its receipt of the same, then it will be deemed to have
approved the same for all purposes of this Lease. Notwithstanding anything to
the contrary contained herein, if Landlord's inability to substantially complete
the improvements on or before the targeted Commencement Date set forth in the
Lease Summary is attributable to Tenant-caused delays (including, without
limitation, Tenant's failure to timely respond to any matter submitted for its
review, delays caused by Tenant' s requested change orders or Tenant's failure
to meet the Construction Milestone Dates referred to in Exhibit E), then the
Commencement Date will remain as set forth in the Lease Summary, notwithstanding
the fact that the Improvements are not yet substantially completed, and Tenant
will, from and after the Commencement Date, have an obligation to pay Base Rent
and perform all of its other obligations and duties set forth in this Lease. If
Landlord's failure to substantially complete the improvements to the Leased
Premises by the targeted Commencement Date set forth in the Lease Summary is
attributable to any reason other than a Tenant-caused delay (as that term is
defined above), then, subject to the remaining provisions of this (S)9 with
respect to the imposition of per diem penalties and the grant to Tenant of a
right to terminate the Lease, the Commencement Date and the Termination Date
will each be deferred by the number of days of the delay in substantially
completing the improvements to the Leased Premises and Tenant's obligation to
pay Base Rent and perform all of its other obligations and duties set forth in
this Lease will be similarly deferred until the deferred Commencement Date

If the Leased Premises are not substantially completed by November 1, 1996, for
any reason other than the occurrence of any Delay Event, then Landlord will be
obligated to pay a per diem penalty to Tenant equal to $967 per day for each day
after November 1, 1996 until the Leased Premises are so substantially completed.
If the Leased Premises are not substantially completed by January 1, 1997, for
any reason other than the occurrence of any Delay Event, then Tenant will have
the right to terminate this Lease by delivering written notice of the
termination thereof to Landlord on or before January 31, 1997.

For the purposes of this Lease, the improvements will be deemed "substantially
completed" on the earlier of the date on which Tenant occupies the Leased
Premises or the date on which a certificate of occupancy for the Improvements is
issued by the appropriate governmental authority.  To the extent Tenant occupies
a part, but not all of the Leased Premises prior to the Commencement Date as it
relates to the entire Leased Premises, then all of the terms and conditions of
this Lease will nonetheless apply to Tenant's occupancy of such part of the
Leased Premises prior to such Commencement Date and Tenant will pay Base Rent
hereunder in an amount equal to the Base Rent payable hereunder for the entire
Leased Premises, multiplied by a fraction having as its numerator the number of
rentable square feet so occupied by Tenant and having as its denominator the
total number of rentable square feet contained within the Leased Premises.

     (S)10.    ALTERATIONS.  Except for "Minor Alterations" (as that term is
hereinafter defined), Tenant may not at any time during the Lease Term make any
alterations, additions or improvements to the Leased Premises, without the prior
written consent of Landlord.  For the purposes of this (S)10, "Minor
Alterations" will mean any alteration, addition or improvement to the Leased
Premises which cost less than $50,000 and which does not alter the exterior
aesthetics or structural integrity of the Building.  All improvements,
alterations and additions made at one time in connection with any one job will
be aggregated for the purposes of determining whether the $50,000 limit has been
exceeded.  Any alterations, additions or improvements made to the Leased
Premises in accordance with this (S)10 will at 


all times remain the property of Landlord. If Landlord consents to any proposed
alteration, addition or improvement, the same will be made by Landlord at
Tenant's sole expense.

     (S)11.    MECHANICS LIENS.  Tenant will indemnify and hold Landlord
harmless from any liability or expense associated with its construction of any
alteration, addition or improvement to the Leased Premises.  In particular,
Tenant will execute and record an appropriate notice of commencement pursuant to
Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, identifying Tenant's interest in the Leased
Premises as a leasehold interest only.  Tenant will immediately discharge any
mechanics lien filed against the Leased Premises or the Building in connection
with any work performed by Tenant.

     (S)12.      ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING.  Except as otherwise expressly
provided herein, Tenant will not assign this Lease or sublet all or any part of
the Leased Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord.  Unless
otherwise agreed to by Landlord, Landlord's consent to any such assignment or
sublease will not relieve Tenant from its obligations under this Lease.  The
consent of Landlord to any assignment of Tenant's interest in any part of this
Lease or the subletting of any part of the Leased Premises will not be
unreasonably withheld.  Notwithstanding the above, Tenant may assign this Lease
or sublet the Leased Premises or any part thereof to a subsidiary, affiliate or
parent of Tenant, provided that any such permitted assignment or subletting will
not relieve Tenant from any liability under this Lease and provided further that
Tenant provides Landlord with written notice of its intention to so assign or
sublet to its subsidiary, affiliate or parent corporation no later than ten days
prior to its effecting of such assignment or subletting.

If Landlord fails to respond to any written request made by Tenant under the
terms of this (S)12 within 30 days after its receipt of such written request,
then it will conclusively be deemed to have given its consent to such request by
Tenant.  Landlord also agrees to exempt from the foregoing assignment and
subletting clause, Tenant's duty to obtain Landlord's consent for any assignment
resulting from a merger, consolidation, takeover or sale of Tenant's entire
business.  Assignments of this Lease or the Leased Premises arising from any
such merger, consolidation, takeover or sale of Tenant's entire business will
not constitute a default under terms of this Lease.  Tenant will, however, be
required to provide Landlord with at least ten days prior written notice of the
occurrence of any such merger, consolidation, takeover or sale of Tenant's
entire business.

Lease and the leasehold estate of Tenant created hereunder are and will be
subject and subordinate to the lien of any mortgage or ground lease, which may
now or hereafter affect the Building and to all renewals, modifications,
consolidations, replacements and extensions thereof, and all advances
thereunder, effective upon the date the mortgagee or ground lessor, as the case
may be, delivers to Tenant a subordination, nondisturbance and attornment
agreement in recordable form and otherwise in the form attached hereto as
Exhibit F, which agreement has been executed and acknowledge by and on behalf of
the mortgage or ground lessor.  The subordination, nondisturbance and attornment
agreement will provide, among other things, that so long as Tenant is not in
default hereunder, Tenant may remain in possession of the Leased Premises
pursuant to the terms hereof, and without any diminution of Tenant's rights
should Landlord become in default with respect to such mortgage or ground lease
or should the Leased Premises become the subject of any action to foreclose any
mortgage or to dispossess Landlord of its interest in the 


Building. Any fee which Landlord's lender or ground lessor may charge with
respect to any such subordination, nondisturbance and attornment agreement will
be paid by Landlord.

solely to Landlord's interest in the Leased Premises and the Building (and, to
the extent appropriate, to the proceeds of insurance required to be maintained
by Landlord under (S)(S)15 and 16 hereof) for the recovery of any judgment
against Landlord; it being the express intent of the parties hereto that neither
Landlord, nor any of its partners will ever be personally liable for any such

     (S)15.    INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE.  Landlord will not be liable for
and Tenant hereby releases Landlord from any liability or expense associated
with any damage or injury to any person or property (including any person or
property of Tenant or anyone claiming under Tenant) which arises directly or
indirectly in connection with the Leased Premises or Tenant's use or occupancy
of the Leased Premises or any common areas serving the Building, provided,
however, that the foregoing release will not extend to any liability or expense
occasioned by the fault or negligence of Landlord.  Tenant will indemnify and
hold Landlord harmless from any of the above-described liabilities and expenses;
provided, however, that Tenant will not be obligated to indemnify Landlord as to
any liability or expense occasioned by the fault or negligence of Landlord.
Landlord will indemnify, hold harmless and defend Tenant from and against any
and all claims, demands, damages, judgments, fines, penalties, losses, costs and
expenses (including, without limitation, any of the same related to appeals),
incurred by Tenant as the result of the negligent or willful acts or omissions
of Landlord, its agents, contractors or employees or as a result of a material
breach of the provisions of this Lease by Landlord.  Except as otherwise
provided in (S)16 hereof, nothing contained in this Lease will be construed or
interpreted to excuse Landlord from having to pay damages caused to Tenant as
the result of the negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord or Landlord's
agents, contractors or employees.

All property stored or placed by Tenant in or about the Leased Premises will be
so stored or placed at the sole risk of Tenant.  Tenant will at its sole expense
maintain in full force and effect at all times during the Lease Term:  (a)
commercial general liability insurance for personal injury and property damage
with liability limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit and
$2,000,000 general aggregate for property damage; and (b) fire and extended
coverage insurance on all property stored or placed by Tenant in or about the
Leased Premises in an amount equal to the full replacement value thereof.  Each
insurance policy required to be maintained by Tenant hereunder will name
Landlord as an additional insured and will specifically provide that such
insurance policy cannot be terminated without giving at least 30 days prior
written notice to Landlord.

     (S)16.    WAIVER OF SUBROGATION.  Landlord and Tenant each hereby waives
its right to receive damages against the other party with respect to any loss or
claim occasioned by the occurrence of any casualty to the Building or the Leased
Premises which is covered under a valid and collectible fire and extended
coverage insurance policy.  Any insurance policy procured by either Tenant or
Landlord hereunder will contain an express waiver of any right of subrogation by
the insurance company against Landlord or Tenant, as the case may be.

Landlord will maintain in full force and effect at all times during the Lease
Term:  (a) comprehensive public liability insurance for personal injury and
property damage with liability limits of not less than 


$5,000,000 for injury to one person, $10,000,000 for injury from one occurrence
and $2,000,000 for property damage; and (b) fire and extended coverage insurance
on the Building in an amount equal to the full replacement value thereof. Each
insurance policy required to be maintained by Landlord hereunder will name
Tenant as an additional insured. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord's cost of
maintaining such insurance will be an Operating Expense for the purposes of (S)2
of this Lease. Tenant reserves the right to periodically review the expense
associated with Landlord's maintenance of the foregoing insurance coverages and
to substitute comparable coverages and conditions of insurance with other
carriers of Tenant's choice in the event the expense is deemed by Tenant to be

     (S)17.    HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES.  Tenant will not use, store or dispose of
any "hazardous substance," "hazardous material" or "toxic substance" (as those
terms are defined or used in the context of Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability Act or any other federal, state or local
environmental law, regulation or requirement) on or about the Leased Premises,
except for immaterial amounts that are exempt from or do not give rise to any
violation of applicable law.  Tenant will indemnify and hold Landlord harmless
from any liability or expense (including, without limitation, reasonable
attorney's fees and expenses, court costs, expenses and costs incurred in the
investigation, settlement and defense of claims and any cost or expense incurred
in connection with any environmental clean-up) incurred by or claimed against
Landlord as a result of Tenant's breach of the covenant contained in this
section.  The foregoing indemnification (as well as the indemnification set
forth in (S)15 of this Lease) will survive the expiration or  sooner termination
of the Lease Term.

Landlord hereby represents and warrants that the Building does not contain any
Hazardous Substance, underground storage tank or asbestos-containing material in
violation of any Federal, state or local laws, ordinances or regulations.
Landlord agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Tenant harmless from and against
any liability, loss, claim, action or expense incurred by or claimed against
Tenant (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees) related to or
arising out of a breach of the foregoing representation or warranty.

     (S)18.    SURRENDER OF PREMISES.  Upon the termination of Tenant's right of
possession under this Lease, Tenant will immediately surrender possession of the
Leased Premises to Landlord in good repair and "broom clean" condition,
excepting reasonable wear and tear and any damages caused by the elements,
casualty or any other cause for which Tenant is not liable hereunder.  Tenant
will have the option, but not the obligation, to remove any or all of the
improvements and alterations made to the Leased Premises by Tenant at Tenant's
expense.  Any damage to the Leased Premises resulting from the removal of such
improvements or alterations will be repaired by Tenant at Tenant's sole expense.
Tenant will at the same time remove all of its trade fixtures from the Leased
Premises.  Tenant will promptly repair any damage caused to the Leased Premises
by the removal of any of such trade fixtures.

     (S)19.    CASUALTY.  If the Leased Premises is damaged by fire or other
casualty, the Landlord will promptly give written notice to Tenant whether the
damaged area can reasonably be repaired within 180 days after the date on which
all requisite permits and licenses for the repair thereof are obtained from the
appropriate governmental authorities.  If Landlord notifies Tenant that it does
not believe that the damaged area can reasonably be repaired within such 180-day
period, then both Landlord and Tenant will have the option of terminating this
Lease by giving written notice thereof to the other at any time within 30 days
after the date of Tenant's receipt of the aforementioned notice from Landlord.
If Landlord 


determines that the damaged area can reasonably be repaired within such 180-day
period or if neither party elects to terminate this Lease despite the fact that
Landlord has determined that the damaged area cannot be reasonably repaired
within such 180-day period, then Landlord will proceed to repair the damaged
area at its sole expense; provided, however, that Landlord will in no event be
required to repair any improvements previously made to the Leased Premises by or
at the request of Tenant pursuant to (S)10 hereof. If the Leased Premises are
rendered untenantable in whole or in part as a result of a fire or other
casualty which was not caused by Tenant, then all rent and other payments
accruing after the occurrence of any such fire or other casualty and prior to
the completion of the repair of the Leased Premises will be equitably and
proportionately abated to reflect the untenantable portion of the Leased
Premises. Landlord will not be liable to Tenant for any inconvenience or
interruption to Tenant's business occasioned by such fire or other casualty or
the concomitant repair of the damaged area.

In addition to the termination rights given to Landlord and Tenant in the
immediately preceding paragraph of  this (S)19, Tenant will also have the right
to terminate this Lease upon the occurrence of any of the following events:  (a)
the occurrence of any fire or other casualty during the last two years of the
Lease Term it at least 50% of the rentable square feet contained within the
Leased Premises are rendered untenantable as a result of the occurrence of such
fire or other casualty; (b) Landlord's failure to begin its repair of any
damaged area in the Leased Premises caused by such fire or other casualty within
60 days after the occurrence thereof, subject to the occurrence of any Delay
Event (as that term is defined in (S)9 hereof); or (c) Landlord's failure
(subject to the occurrence of any Delay Event) to complete the repair of any
damaged area within 180 days after the date on which all requisite permits and
licenses for the repair thereof are obtained from the appropriate governmental
authorities, notwithstanding the fact that Landlord had earlier given written
notice to Tenant that the damaged area could reasonably be repaired within the
aforementioned 180 day period.  Tenant will exercise any termination right
granted to it in this paragraph by giving written notice of such termination to
Landlord at any time within thirty days after the date of the occurrence of the
event giving rise to Tenant's termination right hereunder.  If this Lease is
terminated in accordance with the provisions of this (S)19, all Base Rent,
Excess Expense payments and other monetary obligations of Tenant hereunder will
be prorated effective as of the date of Tenant's delivery of any such
termination notice to Landlord.

     (S)20.    CONDEMNATION.  If all or any substantial portion of the Leased
Premises is taken by or under threat of condemnation so as to render the Leased
Premises wholly untenantable, then this Lease will automatically terminate as of
the date of the vesting of title to such property in the condemning authority.
If such taking does not render the Leased Premises wholly untenantable, then
this Lease will not terminate but will continue in full force and effect in
accordance with its terms, except that the Base Rent and Tenant's Proportionate
Share will be adjusted to fairly reflect the portion of the Leased Premises
which was so taken.  Landlord will not be liable to Tenant for any inconvenience
or interruption to Tenant's business occasioned by any such taking.  Landlord
will be entitled to receive the entire award made by the condemning authority
for any such taking.  Landlord will promptly notify Tenant of the institution of
any condemnation proceeding affecting the Leased Premises.

     (S)21.    HOLDING OVER.  Tenant will have the right to hold over in its
occupancy of the Leased Premises after the expiration of the Lease Term for a
period of 90 days, provided that it has given written notice of its intention to
so hold over to Landlord at least 120 days prior to the expiration of the Lease
Term, and provided further that the monthly Base Rent payable by Tenant during
the holdover term will 


be 125% of the Base Rent in effect for the last month of the Lease Term. Except
as otherwise provided above, Tenant will not hold over in its occupancy of the
Leased Premises after the expiration of the Lease Term, without the prior
written consent of Landlord.

     (S)22.    DEFAULT.  If Tenant fails to pay any installment of Base Rent or
any other sum payable by it hereunder within ten days after its receipt (and the
receipt thereof by any guarantor of Tenant's obligations hereunder) of written
notice from Landlord that any such sum is due and unpaid hereunder, or if Tenant
defaults in the performance of any of its other obligations under this Lease and
such default continues for 30 days after written notice thereof is given to
Tenant (and any guarantor of Tenant's obligations hereunder) (unless such
default is not capable of being cured within the aforementioned 30-day period,
in which event, Tenant will have such longer grace period as is reasonably
required to cure such default, provided that Tenant commences the cure thereof
within the aforementioned 30-day period and at all times thereafter diligently
pursue such cure to completion), then, in addition to any other legal rights and
remedies available to Landlord at law or in equity, Landlord may: (a) terminate
Tenant's right of possession under this Lease and declare all Base Rent and
estimated Excess Expense payments payable over the remainder of the Lease Term
to be immediately due and payable; or (b) reenter and attempt to relet the
Leased Premises without terminating this Lease, in which event Tenant will
remain obligated to pay to Landlord any deficiency between all sums payable by
Tenant pursuant to this Lease and any sums collected by Landlord from any
reletting of the Leased Premises (net of any sums paid by Landlord in connection
with such reletting, including, without limitation, leasing commissions,
attorneys' fees and costs of improvements to the Leased Premises).

If Landlord defaults in the performance of any of its obligations under this
Lease and such default continues for thirty days after its receipt of written
notice (unless such default is not capable of being cured within the
aforementioned 30-day period, in which event, Landlord will have such longer
grace period as is reasonably required to cure such default, provided that
Landlord commences the cure thereof within the aforementioned 30-day period and
at all times thereafter diligently pursues such cure to completion), then, in
addition to any other legal rights and remedies available to Tenant at law or in
equity, Tenant will have the right to take all reasonable actions required to
cure such default and Tenant may thereafter offset the reasonable out-of-pocket
expenses incurred by Tenant in curing such default against any Base Rent payable
by Tenant hereunder.

     (S)23.    PREVAILING PARTY'S FEES.  If any legal action is commenced by
either Landlord or Tenant, to enforce its rights hereunder, then all attorneys'
fees, paralegal fees and other expenses incurred by the prevailing party in such
action shall be promptly paid by the non-prevailing party.

     (S)24.    SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  This Lease shall be binding upon and
inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of Landlord and the
successors and permitted assigns of Tenant.

     (S)25.    NO WAIVER.  No waiver of any covenant or condition of this Lease
by either party will be deemed to constitute a future waiver of the same or any
other covenant or condition of this Lease.  In order to be effective, any such
waiver must be in writing and must be delivered to other party to this Lease.


     (S)26.    BROKERAGE COMMISSIONS.  Each of Landlord and Tenant hereby
represents and warrants that it has not dealt or consulted with any real estate
broker or agent in connection with this Lease other than those real estate
brokers and agents specifically identified in the Agency Disclosure Statement
attached hereto as Exhibit G.  Each of Landlord and Tenant agrees to indemnify
and hold the other harmless from and against any liability or expense occasioned
by a breach of the foregoing representation.

     (S)27.    REASONABLENESS OF CONSENT.  Landlord shall not unreasonably
withhold any consent or approval which is required to be given by it pursuant to
the terms of this Lease.

     (S)28.    AMENDMENT.  This Lease may not be amended except by a written
instrument signed by both Landlord and Tenant.

     (S)29.    GOVERNING LAW.  This Lease will be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.

     (S)30.    NOTICES.  All notices required or permitted under this Lease must
be in writing and must be delivered to Landlord and Tenant at their addresses
set forth in the Lease Summary (or such other address as may hereafter be
designated by such party).  Any such notice must be personally delivered or sent
by registered or certified mail, overnight courier or facsimile transmission.
Any such notice will be deemed effective when received (if sent by hand
delivery, overnight courier or facsimile transmission) or on the date which is
three days after such notice of deposit in the United States mail (if sent by
registered or certified mail).

     (S)31.    RENEWAL OPTIONS.  Tenant will have the option to renew this Lease
for two renewal terms of five years each.  Each such renewal option must be
exercised, if at all, by Tenant's delivery of written notice of exercise to
Landlord at least 150 days prior to the scheduled expiration of the then
existing term (be it the initial lease term or the first renewal term).
Tenant's right to renew this Lease will be conditioned upon the Lease being in
full force and effect, without any default on the part of Tenant, both at the
time of Tenant's exercise of such option and at the time of the scheduled
commencement of such renewal term.  Each such renewal term will be upon all of
the same terms and conditions set forth in this Lease with respect to the
initial lease term, except that the Base Rent for each year during each such
renewal term will be equal to the Base Rent payable during the immediately
preceding year, plus $.25 for every rentable square foot contained within the
Leased Premises.  With respect to each renewal term exercised by Tenant
hereunder, Landlord will provide to Tenant a refurbishment allowance equal to
$302,463 ($3.00 per rentable square foot contained within the Leased Premises).
The amount of the refurbishment allowance will be paid to Tenant within ten days
after Landlord's approval of the refurbishing plans for the Leased Premises
submitted to it by Tenant.

     (S)32.    RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL.  If at any time during the Lease Term any
space becomes available either in the 300 International Parkway Building or the
500 International Parkway Building ("Vacant Space"), then Landlord will promptly
give written notice to Tenant of the existence of such Vacant Space.  Tenant
will have ten calendar days after its receipt of such written notice from
Landlord in which to exercise its option to lease the Vacant Space at a rental
rate and upon such other terms and conditions as are specified in this Lease
with respect to the Leased Premises (including, without limitation, a provision
that the term of its leasing of any such vacant space will be co-terminus with
the expiration of 


the lease term for the Leased Premises). Tenant will exercise such right of
first option or first offer, if at all, by delivering written notice of its
exercise of the same to Landlord within the aforementioned ten calendar day
period. If Tenant fails to provide Landlord with such written notice within the
aforementioned ten calendar day period or if Tenant expressly declines to
exercise its right hereunder, then, in either such event, Landlord will
thereafter have the unrestricted right to lease the Vacant Space to any third
party at such rental rate and upon such terms and conditions as Landlord deems
appropriate. If Tenant leases any additional space pursuant to this section,
Landlord and Tenant will enter into an addendum to this Lease reflecting the
terms and conditions specified herein for the leasing of such additional space.

     (S)33.      EXPANSION OPTION.  Effective as of the first anniversary of the
Commencement Date and as of the first day of the seventh, thirteenth, nineteenth
and twenty-fifth calendar months thereafter, Tenant will have the right to lease
additional space (to the extent the same is vacant and available) in either the
300 International Parkway Building, the 500 International Parkway Building or
any other building owned by Landlord (or any affiliate of Landlord) in the
Heathrow International Business Center ("Expansion Space").  Tenant will
exercise any such expansion option, if at all, by delivering written notice of
the exercise of such option to Landlord by no later than ninety days prior to
the scheduled commencement date of its rental of such expansion space (as such
dates are specified in the first sentence of this (S)33).  Any exercise of the
expansion option by Tenant hereunder must be in increments of at least 5,000
rentable square feet of space.  If Tenant exercises any such expansion option,
its leasing of such Expansion Space will be upon all of the same terms and
conditions set forth in this Lease with respect to the Leased Premises
(including, without limitation, a provision  that the term of its leasing of
such Expansion Space will be coterminous with the expiration of the Lease Term
for the Leased Premises), except that the Base Rent will be equal to 95% of the
fair market rent for comparable buildings in comparable locations and any tenant
improvement allowance to be provided to Tenant will be equal to the fair market
tenant improvement allowance for comparable buildings in comparable locations.
If Tenant leases any additional space pursuant to this section, Landlord and
Tenant will enter into an addendum to this Lease reflecting the terms and
conditions specified herein for the leasing of such additional space.

     (S)34.    CANCELLATION OPTION.  Tenant will have the right to cancel this
Lease effective as of the end of the fifth year of the Initial Lease Term or
effective as of the end of the seventh year of the Initial Lease Term.  Tenant's
exercise of any such option will be exercised, if at all, by its delivery of
written notice to Landlord on or before the date which is at least 180 days
prior to the scheduled effective date of such cancellation.  Tenant's right to
cancel this Lease will be conditioned upon the Lease being in full force and
effect, without any default on the part of Tenant, both at the time of Tenant's
exercise of such option and at the time of the scheduled cancellation of this
Lease.  It will be a condition to Tenant's exercise of either such cancellation
option (that is, the cancellation option effective as of the end of the fifth
year of the initial Lease Term or the cancellation option effective as of the
seventh year of the Initial Lease Term) that Tenant pay to Landlord at the same
time as it delivers its written notice of the exercise of such cancellation
option cash in a sum equal to $2,424,520 (if the exercise of such option is
effective as of the end of the fifth year of the initial Lease Term) of
$1,789,970 (if the cancellation is effective as of the end of the seventh year
of the initial Lease Term).  To the extent the Base Rent payable by Tenant
hereunder is adjusted pursuant to the provisions of (S)9, 32 or 33 of this
Lease, the amount of the aforementioned cancellation penalties will also be
adjusted to reflect such Base Rent adjustment in a 


manner which is consistent with the mode of the initial calculation of the
aforementioned cancellation penalties.

     (S)35.    RELOCATION AND PLANNING EXPENSES.  Landlord will provide Tenant
with the following allowances: (a) an amount equal to $2.00 per rentable square
foot contained within the Leased Premises to defray Tenant's costs of relocating
to the Leased Premises; and (b) an amount equal to $1.50 per rentable square
foot of space contained within the Leased Premises to defray Tenant's costs of
the preparation of space plans and all services and documentation necessary for
the completion of construction documents with respect to the Leased Premises.
The relocation allowance referred to in clause (a), above, will be paid by
Landlord to Tenant on or before September 1, 1996.  The space planning allowance
referred to in clause (b), above, will be paid by Landlord to Tenant
periodically after the date of the parties' execution of this Lease, upon
Tenant's presentation to Landlord of invoices indicating the amount of the
expenses incurred by Tenant in connection with the preparation of space plans
and all construction documents related to the Leased Premises.

     (S)36.    PARKING.  Landlord will provide Tenant with 403 parking spaces,
of which 25 spaces will be reserved parking spaces for the senior management of
Tenant.  All such parking will be provided at no additional cost to Tenant.  The
location of the reserved spaces will be subject to mutual agreement by Landlord
and Tenant.  The signage identifying the existence of any reserved parking
spaces will be consistent in use with the reserved parking signage presently in
use at the 300 International Parkway building.

     (S)37.    NONCOMPETITION CLAUSE.  From and after the date of the parties
execution of this Lease and throughout the Lease Term so long as Tenant remains
in possession of the Leased Premises without any default on Tenant's part,
should Landlord lease any other space in the Building to any person, firm or
corporation engaged in the same or similar type of business as that of Tenant
(including vendors or distributors of products of any such person or
corporation), then Tenant will have the option at any time thereafter to cancel
and terminate this Lease and Tenant will have no further obligation to Landlord

     (S)38.    ROOFTOP ANTENNA.  Tenant will have the right, at its expense, to
install, maintain and remove a satellite dish-type antenna on the roof of the
Building, so long as the installation thereof does not violate any applicable
zoning or building codes or any restrictive covenants applicable to the business
park in which the Building is located.  The location of any such antennae on the
roof of the Building will be subject to the prior approval of Landlord.

     (S)39.    ZONING.  Landlord represents, warrants and covenants as follows:
(a) the Leased Premises are presently zoned so as to permit the construction and
lawful use of the Leased Premises in accordance with the provisions hereof; (b)
there are sufficient parking spaces dedicated to the Building so as to comply
with all applicable zoning codes; and (c) Landlord's title to the Leased
Premises is not subject to any covenant, agreement, reservation, lien, easement,
restriction or encumbrance, which would prohibit Tenant from using the Leased
Premises in accordance with the terms of this Lease.

during the Lease Term, Landlord receives a bona fide written offer from a third
party to purchase the Building ("Third Party 


Offer"), which Landlord is willing to accept, then Landlord will notify Tenant
thereof and will afford Tenant a period of thirty days in which to elect to
purchase the Building on the identical terms and conditions set forth in the
Third Party Offer. If Tenant gives Landlord written notice within the
aforementioned thirty day period that Tenant so elects to purchase the Building,
then Tenant will proceed to purchase the Building from Landlord upon the
identical terms and conditions set forth in the Third Party Offer; provided that
Landlord can convey good and marketable title thereto, by full warranty deed,
such title being insurable by a nationally-known title company at standard rates
for an ALTA policy. If Tenant declines to purchase the Building or fails to
respond to Landlord's notice within the aforementioned thirty-day period, then
Landlord will be free to sell the Building on the terms and conditions set forth
in the Third Party Offer; provided, however, that if the Building is not sold
within 90 days after the outside date for closing specified in such Third Party
Offer, then Landlord will be again obligated to offer the Building for sale to
Tenant as hereinabove provided. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained herein, Tenant hereby acknowledges and agrees that if the Third Party
Offer involves the purchase by such third party of any properly owned by
Landlord or any affiliate thereof in addition to the Building, then Tenant, as a
condition precedent to its exercise of its right of first refusal hereunder,
will similarly be obligated to purchase both the Building and such additional
property on identical terms and conditions set forth in the Third Party Offer.
In addition, if any brokerage commission is due from Landlord to Commercial
First Properties, Inc. as a result of Tenant's purchase of the Building pursuant
to the rights granted to it pursuant to this (S)40, then the purchase price
payable by Tenant for its acquisition of the Building will be increased by the
excess, if any, of any commission so payable by Landlord to Commercial First
Properties, Inc., less the amount of any commission payable by Landlord to any
unaffiliated real estate broker representing the Buyer under the Third Party
Offer, and such excess amount will be paid in cash at closing by Tenant.

     (S)41.    SELF-FUNDING OF TENANT IMPROVEMENTS.  Tenant will have the
option, if it so elects, to directly pay all costs associated with the
construction of the improvements to the Leased Premises pursuant to (S)9 hereof.
If Tenant desires to self-fund the cost of the construction of such
Improvements, it will deliver written notice of such election to Landlord within
30 days after the parties' execution of this Lease.  If Tenant fails to deliver
such a written election to Landlord within the aforementioned 30-day period,
then it will be deemed to have elected not to exercise such option.

If Tenant exercises its option to self-fund the cost of constructing such
Improvements within the aforementioned 30-day period, then it will thereafter be
obligated to pay all such costs directly to the general contractor constructing
such Improvements at the same time and upon the same terms and conditions set
forth in the general contractor's contract for the construction thereof, a copy
of which will be furnished by Landlord to Tenant.  If Tenant so elects to self-
fund the cost of constructing such Improvements, the following adjustments will
be made in the economics of this Lease:

          (a) Relocation and Planning Expenses.  Landlord will have no
obligation to pay the relocation and planning expense allowances to Tenant
pursuant to (S)35 hereof, and, to the extent any portion thereof has already
been paid to Tenant by Landlord, Tenant will, coincident with its exercise of
its self-funding option, reimburse Landlord for the full amount of such previous


          (b) Base Rent.  The Base Rent payable by Tenant pursuant to the Base
Rent Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A will be reduced by $1.75 per rentable
square foot for each period of the lease term specified in such Base Rent

          (c) Cancellation Option.  The cash payments required to be made to
Landlord by Tenant upon its exercise of the cancellation option pursuant to
(S)34 will be reduced to $353,102 (if the exercise of such option is effective
as of the end of the fifth year of the initial Lease Term) of $353,633 (if the
cancellation is effective as of the end of the seventh year of the initial Lease

Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all of the terms and conditions
of the Lease will remain in full force and effect in accordance with their
terms, notwithstanding Tenant's exercise of its self-funding option pursuant to
this (S)41.

              (Signatures and Acknowledgments Appear on Next Page)



Landlord and Tenant have executed this Lease as of the date specified in the
Lease Summary.

Signed and acknowledged in
the presence of:


                                         400 INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY
                                         DEVELOPMENT COMPANY

  /s/ Nova S. Witte                      By: Pizzuti Management Inc.
- ----------------------------------

 /s/ Cindy L. Smith                      By:     /s/ Richard C. Daley
- ----------------------------------             -------------------------------

                                         Title:  Vice President

- ----------------------------------

                                         SEAGATE SOFTWARE STORAGE 
- ----------------------------------       MANAGEMENT GROUP

STATE OF  Ohio                           By:     /s/ Christopher R. Gibson
          ---------------                      -------------------------------
COUNTY OF Franklin                             (Name)
                                        Title:  Vice President, Worldwide 

Before me, a notary public in and for said state and county, personalty appeared
Richard C. Daley, the Vice President of Pizzuti Management Inc., the managing
agent of 400 International Parkway Development Company, the Landlord in the
foregoing Lease, who acknowledged the signing of the Lease to be his free act
and deed on behalf of the Landlord.

Date:  3/13/96                                 Notary Public:  Nova S. Witte

STATE OF   Florida
COUNTY OF  Seminole

Before me, a notary public in and for said state and county, personally appeared
Christopher R. Gibson, the Vice President, Worldwide Operations of Seagate
Software Storage Management Group, the Tenant in the foregoing Lease, who
acknowledged the signing of the Lease to be his free act and deed on behalf of
Tenant. (personally known)

Date: Feb. 13, 1996                      Notary Public:  Cynthia D. Griffin


                                         SEAGATE SOFTWARE STORAGE
- ---------------------------------        MANAGEMENT GROUP

                                         By:  /s/ Donald L. Waite
- ---------------------------------           ------------------------------------
                                              Donald L. Waite
                                              Executive Vice President, CFO, CAO


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                               BASE RENT SCHEDULE

     The monthly and per rentable square foot Base Rent payable by Tenant during
the Lease Term will be as set forth in the following schedule:

                                                                    BASE RENT
                                                     MONTHLY       PER RENTABLE
                      LEASE PERIOD                  BASE RENT      SQUARE FOOT
        ----------------------------------------  -------------  ---------------

A.      Initial Lease Term
        10/15/96-10/14/97                            $158,372         $18.85
        10/15/97-10/14/98                            $160,473         $19.10
        10/15/98-10/14/99                            $162,573         $19.35
        10/15/99-10/14/2000                          $164,674         $19.60
        10/15/00-10/14/01                            $166,774         $19.85
        10/15/01-10/14/02                            $168,875         $20.10
        10/15/02-10/14/03                            $170,975         $20.35
        10/15/03-10/14/04                            $173,076         $20.60
        10/15/04-10/14/05                            $175,176         $20.85
        10/15/05-10/15/06                            $177,277         $21.10
B.      First Renewal Term
        10/15/06-10/14/07                            $179,377         $21.35
        10/15/07-10/14/08                            $181,478         $21.60
        10/15/08-10/14/09                            $183,578         $21.85
        10/15/09-10/15/10                            $185,679         $22.10
        10/15/10-10/14/11                            $187,779         $22.35
C.      Second Renewal Term
        10/15/11-10/14/12                            $189,880         $22.60
        10/15/12-10/14/13                            $191,980         $22.85
        10/15/13-10/14/14                            $194,080         $23.10
        10/15/14-10/15/15                            $196,181         $23.35
        10/15/15-10/14/16                            $198,281         $23.60

The total monthly payment due from Tenant during the first twelve months of the
Lease Term will be $169,458.04 (consisting of Base Rent of $158,372 and sales
tax thereon of $11,086.04).

                                    Initialed and Approved by Tenant:

                                       /s/ CRG  2/12/96


                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                           LIST OF OPERATING EXPENSES

The following are those expenses which are included within the definition of
"Operating Expenses":

1.    Costs of maintaining and repairing (but not replacing) the Building and
      all common areas serving the Building;

2.    The cost of providing janitorial services to the Building;

3.    The cost of providing security for the Building;

4.    Real estate taxes and assessments on the Building, provided, however, that
      Tenant will not be responsible for the payment as an Operating Expense of
      the incremental increase in real estate taxes and assessments which is
      directly attributable to Landlord's sale of the Building to a third party,
      which, in turn, leads to an increase in the valuation of the Building for
      tax purposes;

5.    Costs related to the provision of utility services to the Building;

6.    The cost of any Building improvement (amortized over the useful life of
      such improvement in a manner as is consistent with generally accepted
      accounting principles) which Landlord is required to make as a result of
      the enactment of any governmental law after the date of the execution of
      this Lease;

7.    The cost of any cost-saving utility devise installed in the Building, but
      only to the extent of the actual cost-savings obtained therefrom; 

8.    Insurance premiums for liability and extended coverage insurance policies
      maintained by Landlord on the Building;

9.    Salaries and related costs (including fringe benefits, payroll taxes and a
      labor overhead charge of not more than 15%) of personnel spending time
      directly associated with the operation, management and maintenance of the
      Building, including, without limitation, those paid to any on-site
      assistant property management or maintenance personnel;

10.   Any assessments imposed by any property owners association; 

11.   A property management fee of 1.5% of all Base Rent and Excess Expense
      Payments payable by Tenant hereunder;

12.   A contingency/replacement reserve of $.05 per rentable square foot
      contained within the Leased Premises;

13.   Accounting, legal and other professional services rendered in connection
      with the operation, management and maintenance of the Building; and 

14.   All other costs related to the operation, management and maintenance of
      the Building which are considered to be operating expenses under generally
      accepted accounting principles.

For the purposes of this Lease, "Controllable Expenses" will mean those expenses
referred to in (P)(P)'s 8 through 13, above.

The following are those expenses which are excluded from the definition of
"Operating Expenses":

A.    Landlord's debt service on any financing related to the Building;

B.    Franchise or income taxes payable by Landlord;

C.    Salaries, employee benefits and payroll taxes for offsite, executive or
      managerial personnel of Landlord;

D.    Costs of all tenant improvements;

E.    Leasing commissions;

F.    Attorney's fees incurred by Landlord in prosecuting any eviction or other
      legal action against any tenant in the Building; and

G.    The portion of any cost or expense for which Landlord is entitled to
      reimbursement by insurance proceeds, condemnation awards, payments by
      other tenants or any other sources;

H.    The cost of performing additions, alterations, improvements or individual
      services for other tenants or vacant or vacated space (including, without
      limitation, the repair and/or replacement of the roof over other tenant's

I.    Any payments required in connection with any ground lease encumbering the

J.    Costs and expenses of enforcing lease provisions against other tenants in
      the Building, including, without limitation, legal fees associated with
      such enforcement efforts;

K.    Costs and expenses resulting from a violation by Landlord of the terms of
      any lease of space in the Building or of any ground lease or a mortgage to
      which this Lease is subordinate;

L.    Costs for the repair of any part of the Building which was defectively
      designed or constructed;


M.    Costs associated with the removal and clean-up of hazardous waste and
      toxic substances or compliance with hazardous waste laws if such costs are
      not attributable to the activities of Tenant or anyone claiming by,
      through or under Tenant;

N.    Any increase in insurance premiums to the extent that such increase is
      caused by or attributable to the use, occupancy or act of another tenant
      in the Building;

O.    The cost of any repair to the building made by Landlord because of the
      total or partial destruction of the Building or the condemnation of a
      portion of the Building;

P.    The cost of any additions or capital improvements made to the Building
      relating to Landlord's responsibility to comply with the Americans with
      Disabilities Act, including all regulations relating thereto;

Q.    Except for the management fee referred to in subparagraph 12 of this
      Exhibit B, any overhead, managerial, administrative or supervisory costs
      or expenses related to the operation and maintenance of the Building; and

R.    All costs for any items which, under generally accepted accounting
      principles, would be capitalized, depreciated or amortized, regardless
      whether said items are leased, financed or purchased (other than those
      specifically included within the definition of "Operating Expenses" in
      this Exhibit C).

Operating Expenses shall be computed for each calendar year during the Lease
Term based upon the accrual method of accounting.  If the Building is ever less
than 95% occupied, then Operating Expenses shall be calculated as if the
Building had been 95% occupied and the results shall constitute Landlord's
Operating Expenses for such calendar year for all purposes of this Lease.  In
order to be treated as an Operating Expense for the purposes of this Lease, any
cost or expense incurred by Landlord must be reasonably incurred and must be
reasonable in amount for comparable buildings and comparable services in the
greater Orlando metropolitan area.

                                    Initialed and Approved by Tenant:

                                    /s/ CRG 2/12/96


                                                                       EXHIBIT C

                             RULES AND REGULATIONS

1.   No sign, placard, picture, advertisement, name or notice visible from
     outside the Premises shall be installed or displayed on any part of the
     outside or inside of the Building without the prior written consent of
     Landlord.  Landlord shall have the right to remove, at Tenant's expense and
     without notice, any sign installed or displayed in violation of this rule.
     All approved signs or lettering on doors and walls shall be printed,
     painted, affixed or inscribed at the expense of Tenant by a person chosen
     by Landlord, using materials of Landlord's choice and in a style and format
     approved by Landlord.

2.   Tenant must use Landlord's blinds in all exterior and atrium window
     offices.  No awning shall be permitted on any part of the Premises.  Tenant
     shall not place anything against or near glass partitions or doors or
     windows which may appear unsightly from outside the Premises.

3.   Tenant shall not obstruct any sidewalks, halls, passages, exits, entrances,
     elevators, escalators or stairways of the Building.  The halls, passages,
     exits, entrances, shopping malls, elevators, escalators and stairways are
     not for the general public, and Landlord shall in all cases retain the
     right to control and prevent access thereto of all persons whose presence
     in the judgment of Landlord would be prejudicial to the safety, character,
     reputation and interests of the Building and its tenants; provided that
     nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent such access to
     persons with whom any tenant normally deals in the ordinary course of its
     business, unless such persons are engaged in illegal activities.  No tenant
     and no employee or invitee of any tenant shall go upon the roof of the

4.   The directory of the Building will be provided by Landlord and shall
     consist exclusively of the display of the name and location of tenants
     only; Landlord reserves the right to exclude any other names therefrom.

5.   All cleaning and janitorial services for the Building and the Premises
     shall be provided exclusively through Landlord, and except with the written
     consent of Landlord, no person or persons other than those approved by
     Landlord shall be employed by Tenant or permitted to enter the Building for
     the purpose of cleaning the same.  Landlord shall not in any way be
     responsible to any Tenant for any loss of property on the Premises, however
     occurring, or for any damage to any Tenant's property by the Janitor or any
     other employee or any other person.

6.   Landlord will furnish Tenant, free of charge, with two keys to each door
     lock in the Premises. Landlord may make a reasonable charge for any
     additional keys.  Tenant shall not make or have made additional keys, and
     Tenant shall not alter any lock or install a new additional lock or bolt on
     any door of its Premises.  Tenant, upon the termination of its tenancy,
     shall deliver to Landlord 

     the keys of all doors which have been furnished to Tenant, and in the event
     of loss of any keys so furnished, shall pay Landlord therefor.

7.   If Tenant requires telegraphic, telephonic, burglar alarm or similar
     services, it shall first obtain, and comply with, Landlord's instructions
     in their installation.

8.   Any freight elevator shall be available for use by all tenants in the
     Building, subject to such reasonable scheduling as Landlord in its
     discretion shall deem appropriate.  No equipment, materials, furniture,
     packages, supplies, merchandise or other property will be received in the
     Building or carried in the elevators except between such hours and in such
     elevators as may be designated by Landlord.

9.   Tenant shall not place a load upon any floor of the Premises which exceeds
     the load per square foot which such floor was designed to carry and which
     is allowed by law.  Landlord shall have the right to prescribe the weight,
     size and position of all equipment, materials, furniture or other property
     brought into the Building.  Heavy objects, if such objects are considered
     necessary by Tenant, as determined by Landlord, shall stand on such
     platforms as determined by Landlord to be necessary to properly distribute
     the weight.  Business machines and mechanical that may be transmitted to
     the structure of the Building or to any space therein to such degree as to
     be objectionable to Landlord or to any tenants in the Building, shall be
     placed and maintained by Tenant, at Tenant's expense, on vibration
     eliminators or other devices sufficient to eliminate noise or vibration.
     The persons employed to move such equipment in or out of the Building must
     be acceptable to Landlord.  Landlord will not be responsible for loss of,
     or damage to, any such equipment or other property from any cause, and all
     damage done to the Building by maintaining or moving such equipment or
     other property shall be repaired at the expense of Tenant.

10.  Tenant shall not use or keep in the Premises any kerosene, gasoline or
     inflammable or combustible fluid or material other than those limited
     quantities necessary for the operation or maintenance of office equipment.
     Tenant shall not use or permit to be used in the Premises any foul or
     noxious gas or substance, or permit or allow the Premises to be occupied or
     used in a manner offensive or objectionable to Landlord or other occupants
     of the Building by reason of noise, odors or vibrations, nor shall Tenant
     bring into or keep in or about the Premises any birds or animals.

11.  Tenant shall not use any method of heating or air conditioning other than
     supplied by Landlord.

12.  Tenant shall not waste electricity, water on air conditioning and agrees to
     cooperate fully with Landlord to assure the most effective operation of the
     Building's heating, air conditioning and lighting to comply with any
     governmental energy saving rules, laws or regulations of which Tenant has
     actual notice, and shall refrain from attempting to adjust control.  Tenant
     shall keep corridor doors closed, and shall close window coverings at the
     end of each business day.

13.  Landlord reserves the right, exercisable without notice and without
     liability to Tenant, to change the name and street address of the Building.


14.  Landlord reserves the right to exclude from the Building between the hours
     of 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. the following day, or such other hours as may be
     established from time to time by Landlord, and on Sundays and legal
     holidays, any person unless that person is known to the person or employee
     in charge of the Building and has a pass or is properly identified.  Tenant
     shall be responsible for all persons for whom it requests passes and shall
     be liable to Landlord for all acts of such persons. Tenant shall pay the
     cost of replacing any security cards provided by Landlord.  Landlord shall
     not be liable for damages for any error with regard to the admission to or
     exclusion from the Building of any person, Landlord reserves the right to
     prevent access to the Building in case of invasion, mob, riot, public
     excitement or other commotion by closing the doors or by other appropriate

15.  Tenant shall close and lock the doors of its Premises and entirety shut off
     all water faucets or other water apparatus, and electricity, gas or air
     outlets before Tenant and its employees leave the Premises.  Tenant shall
     be responsible for any damage or injuries sustained by other tenants or
     occupants of the Building or by Landlord for noncompliance with this rule.

16.  Tenant shall not obtain for use on the Premises ice, drinking water, food,
     beverage, towel or other similar services or accept barbering or
     bootblacking services upon the Premises, except at such hours and under
     such regulations as may be fixed by Landlord.

17.  The toilet rooms, toilets, urinals, wash bowls and other apparatus shall
     not be used for any purpose other than that for which they were constructed
     and no foreign substance of any kind whatsoever shall be thrown therein.
     The expense of any breakage, stoppage or damage resulting from the
     violation of this rule shall be borne by the tenant who, or whose employees
     or invitees, shall have caused it.

18.  Tenant shall not sell, or permit the sale at retail, of newspapers,
     magazines, periodicals, theater tickets or any other goods of merchandise
     to the general public in or on the Premises.  Tenant shall not make any
     room-to-room solicitation of business from other tenants in the Building.
     Tenant shall not use the Premises for any business or activity other than
     that specifically provided for in Tenant's Lease.

19.  Tenant shall not install any radio or television antenna, loudspeaker or
     other device on the roof or exterior walls of the Building.  Tenant shall
     not interfere with radio or television broadcasting or reception from or in
     the Building or elsewhere.

20.  Tenant shall not mark, drive nails, screw or drill into the partitions,
     woodwork or plaster or in any way deface the Premises or any part thereof,
     except to install normal wall hangings.  Landlord reserves the right to
     direct electricians as to where and how telephone and telegraph wires are
     to be introduced to the Premises.  Tenant shall not cut or bore holes for
     wires.  Tenant shall not affix any floor covering to the floor of the
     Premises in any manner except as approved by Landlord. Tenant shall repair
     any damage resulting from noncompliance with this rule.


21.  Tenant shall not install, maintain or operate upon the Premises any vending
     machine without the written consent of Landlord.

22.  Canvassing, soliciting and distribution of handbills or any other written
     material, and peddling in the Building are prohibited, and each tenant
     shall cooperate to prevent same.

23.  Landlord reserves the right to exclude or expel from the Building any
     person who, in Landlord's judgment, is intoxicated or under the influence
     of liquor or drugs or who is in violation of any of the Rules and
     Regulations of the Building.

24.  Tenant shall store all its trash and garbage within its Premises.  Tenant
     shall not place in any trash box or receptacle any material which cannot be
     disposed of in the ordinary and customary manner of trash and garbage
     disposal.  All garbage and refuse disposal shall be made in accordance with
     directions issued from time to time by Landlord.

25.  The Premises shall not be used for the storage of merchandise held for sale
     to the general public, or for lodging or for manufacturing of any kind, nor
     shall the Premises be used for any improper, immoral or objectionable
     purpose.  No cooking shall be done or permitted by any tenant on the
     Premises, except that use by Tenant of Underwriters' Laboratory approved
     equipment for brewing coffee, tea, hot chocolate and similar beverages
     shall be permitted, and the use of microwave shall be permitted, provided
     that such equipment and its use is in accordance with all applicable
     federal, state, county and city laws, codes, ordinances, rules and

26.  Tenant shall not use in any space or in the public halls of the Building
     any hand trucks except those equipped with rubber tires and side guards or
     such other material handling equipment as Landlord may approve.  Tenant
     shall not bring any other vehicles of any kind into the Building.

27.  Without the written consent of Landlord, Tenant shall not use the name of
     the Building in connection with or in promoting or advertising the business
     of Tenant except as Tenant's address.

28.  Tenant shall comply with all safety, fire protection and evacuation
     procedures and regulations established by Landlord or any governmental

29.  Tenant assumes any and all responsibility for protecting its Premises from
     theft, robbery and pilferage, which includes keeping doors locked and other
     means of entry to the Premises closed.

30.  The requirements of Tenant will be attended to only upon appropriate
     application to the office of the Building by an authorized individual.
     Employees of Landlord shall not perform any work or do anything outside of
     their regular duties unless under special instructions from landlord, and
     no employee of Landlord will admit any person (Tenant or otherwise) to any
     office without specific instructions from Landlord.


31.  In the event Tenant fails to deliver to Landlord its keys to the Premises
     upon termination of Tenant's right to possession under the Lease, or
     Tenant's vacating of the Premises, the cost of replacing the locks and keys
     shall be borne by Tenant.

32.  Bicycles, motorbikes and motorcycles are prohibited within the Building and
     must be keep in designated parking areas.

33.  No pets or other animals of any type whatsoever are permitted in the
     Building at any time.

34.  Landlord may waive any one or more of these Rules and Regulations for the
     benefit of Tenant or any other tenant, but no such waiver by Landlord shall
     be construed as a waiver of such Rules and Regulations in favor of Tenant
     or any other tenant, nor prevent Landlord from thereafter enforcing any
     such Rules and Regulations against any or all of the tenants of the

35.  These Rules and Regulations are in addition to, and shall not be construed
     to in any way modify or amend, in whole or in part, the terms, covenants,
     agreements and conditions of any lease of premises in the Building.

36.  Landlord reserves the right to make such other and reasonable Rules and
     Regulations as, in its judgment, may from time to time be needed for safety
     and security, for care and cleanliness of the Building and for the
     preservation of good order therein.  Tenant agrees to abide by all such
     Rules and Regulations hereinabove stated and any additional rules and
     regulations which are adopted.

37.  Tenant shall be responsible for the observance of all of the foregoing
     rules by Tenant's employees, agents, clients, customers, invitees and

                                    Initialed and Approved by Tenant:

                                    /s/ CRG 2/12/96


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

                            BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS
                               PIZZUTI HEATHROW
                           PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING


2.00   SITE WORK


4.00   MASONRY (N.I.C.)

5.00   METALS












                                                                       EXHIBIT D



       A.   Site Planning

            1.  The building has been situated to maximize the use of the site
                and provide maximum visibility from the entrance roads.

            2.  403 employee parking spaces have been provided on grade for the
                Heathrow site.

            3.  A loading dock area and 2 short term service vehicle spaces will
                be provided.

       B.   Footprint

            1.  The total leasable square footage is 100,821 sq. ft.  The gross
                square footage is 104,497.

            2.  The building has allowed for maximum efficiency in the layout.
                Bay spacing is 30'-0".

2.00   SITE WORK


       A.   The proposed Heathrow site does not require any significant
            import/export of earth material and is therefore balanced. The site
            should not require any significant dewatering.

       B.   The excavation, stripping and stockpiling of topsoil and compaction
            of soils will be performed in accordance with standard building

       C.   A standard spread footing foundation system has been included.


       A.   The storm drainage system is a sheet drain system, which will flow
            to several catch basins located in the drive lanes and then will be
            distributed to the retention pond located to the northwest of the


                                                                       EXHIBIT D


       A.   The vehicular drives and parking surfaces were priced with 1"
            asphalt in parking stalls and 2" asphalt in roadway areas. Included
            is 6" header curb. Concrete shall be 3,000 PSI.

       B.   A 5' wide sidewalk has been included at appropriate walkpaths around
            the building as required for egress. Concrete shall be 3,000 PSI
            with non-slip broom finishes.


       A.   The Pizzuti team has included landscaping and irrigation system.



       A.   The Pizzuti team has included structural concrete for the building
            frame. Concrete shall be 4000 psi. The building shall be supported
            by a shallow footing foundation system.

       B.   We have included a 4" slab-on-grade with 6 x 6 10/10 wire mesh.


       A.   The Pizzuti team has included architectural precast concrete panels
            for the exterior skin of the proposed building. The panels will have
            returns at the curtainwall and punched window openings.

       B.   The proposal included 6" thick panels with 3/4" deep reveals. The
            face mix will provide a color to compliment the Heathrow site.

4.00   MASONRY (N.I.C.)

5.00   METALS


       A.   Miscellaneous iron supports necessary for toilet partitions, precast
            panels etc. have been included in this proposal.

       B.   Decorative handrails have been included at the second floor balcony
            as well as at the exterior balconies.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D



       Carpentry Materials: All carpentry materials included are appropriate for
       the application within industry guidelines and common Class "A" office


       A.   General Woodwork Requirements:

            1.   General Standard Comply with applicable Architectural Woodwork
                 Quality Standards" by AWI.  "Premium Grade".

            2.   Interior Woodwork:

                 a. Comply with AWI 300, 600, 700 and 800 series standards, as
                    applicable to standing and running trim, shelving,
                    ornamental and miscellaneous items.

                 b. Backprime woodwork which is to be painted, on surfaces
                    concealed after installation, with oil-base wood primer

            3.   The Pizzuti team has included granite vanity tops at each men's
                 and women's public restroom.

            4.   Hardware; Cabinet and Miscellaneous: Provide hardware as
                 required for architectural woodwork.



       A.   Damproofing and Moisture Barriers:

            The proposal contains a water repellant coating applied to the
            architectural precast.


       A.   General Building Insulation:

            1.   Extruded Polystyrene Insulation Board: Provide Styrofoam or


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

            2.   Mineral Fiber Insulation Blanket: 1.5 lb. minimum density, R11
                 minimum, flexible blanket or semi-rigid sheet.

                 a)   Tape joints, ruptures and thermal edges of vapor-barrier
                      faces with adhesive vapor-barrier type, to form a
                      completed sealed vapor barrier.

            3.   Building insulation to be provided to meet requirements of the
                 1991 Florida energy code.

       B.   Roof Insulation:

            1.   An average R value of 20 will be provided which will be
                 achieved with light weight insulating concrete.

7.03   ROOFING

       A.   Built-Up Roofing System:

            1.   Guarantee:  Manufacturers standard 10-year guarantee of water

            2.   A 4 ply Build-Up roof has been included in the proposal.
                 Applied per manufacturer recommendations to comply with local
                 codes and wind uplift requirements to include:

                 a)   Flashing: Metal flashing as provided by roofing

                 b)   R-20 insulating light weight concrete.

       B.   Metal Roofing

            1.   A standing seam metal roof has been included at the rotunda.



       A.   The Pizzuti team has provided a punched window and curtainwall
            system with a 2-coat (non-XL) paint finish. The system is composed
            of 1/4" tinted, reflective glass at all glazing systems with 1/4"
            spandrel glass, as required.

       B.   The glazing and installation of the window wall system will be
            completed in accordance with the standard building codes.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D


       A.   Standards: Comply with the requirements of Steel Door Institute
            "Recommended Specification for Standard Steel Doors and Frames" 

       B.   Manufacturer: A recognized producer of hollow metal work complying
            with the requirements probable manufacturers include CERCO Corp.,
            Republic Steel and Steelcraft.

       C.   Fire-Rated Assemblies: Units that display appropriate UL or FM
            labels for fire-rating indicated.

       D.   Hollow metal units will be prepared to receive mortised and
            concealed finish hardware, including cutouts, reinforcing, drilling
            and tapping, complying with ANSI A 115 "Specifications for Door and
            Frame Preparation for Hardware".

       E.   Shop paint exposed surfaces to hollow metal units, including
            galvanized surfaces, using manufacturer's standard baked-on rust
            inhibitive primer.

       F.   Doors:  Provide 18 gauge, flush type 1-3/4" doors.

       G.   Frames:

            1)   Provide hollow metal frames for doors, transoms, sidelights,
                 borrowed lights, and other openings as indicated.

            2)   Prepare frames to receive 2 silencers on strike jambs of 
                 single-swing frames and on heads of double-swing frames.

            3)   Interior door frames shall be 18 gauge hollow metal with
                 corners welded, mitered and ground smooth.

            4)   Exterior door frames shall be hollow metal, 16 gauge welded,
                 mitered and ground smooth.


       A.   The Pizzuti team has included plain sliced, red oak 5-ply wood doors
            and associated hardware for the project as follows:


                                                                       EXHIBIT D


       A.   Standards: "Entrance Manual" by NAAMM and other standards and
            recommendation by NAAMM, AAMA, AA and NBHA apply to the work, except
            as otherwise indicated.

       B.   The lobby entry will be provided with entrance doors.


       General Hardware Requirements

       A.   The tenant doors will be furnished with latch sets only.

       B.   Finished Hardware:

            Provide closers, kick and push plates where required by code.



       A.   Interior Partitions: Minimum 5/8" drywall both sides on metal studs.
            Partitions shall extend from floor to finish ceiling except fire
            rated assemblies which shall extend to underside of roof. Partitions
            on all sides of public restrooms shall extend to underside of
            ceiling above.

       B.   Sound attenuation blankets: Semi-rigid mineral fiber without

       C.   All drywall on the tenant floors will be finished ready for paint.
            Painting of tenant floor drywall will be performed under tenant


       A.   Acoustical ceiling grid and tile will be considered in base

       B.   Materials

            1)   Lay-in Acoustical Panels: Ceilings shall be 24" x 24" lay in
                 mineral fiber tile, regular edge, "Cirrus" on exposed regressed
                 tee suspension system as manufactured by Armstrong or approved


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

            2)   Provide one layer of three pound density batt type insulation,
                 2' each side of partitions.

            3)   Clear Ceiling Height:  9'-0" A.F.F. (concrete).

            4)   Suspension System: As required to support acoustical units,
                 fixtures and other components.

9.03   TILE WORK

       A.   Ceramic tile is to be installed at all wet walls (full height) and
            floors in public restrooms.

       B.   A segmented granite floor is to be installed at entrance lobby.

9.04   RESILIENT FLOORING (To Be Provided In Tenant Buildout)

       A.   The building shall have 12" x 12" VCT tile equal to Armstrong
            Stonetex. The VCT tile was included at paper storage, lunch/vending,
            loading area, storage & trash areas.

       B.   Rubber Base shall be 2 1/2" high, 1/8" gauge, equal to Roppe rubber


       A.   Painting and finishing of interior and exterior items and surfaces.

            1.   All exposed surfaces are to be painted. A total dry film
                 thickness of not less than 2.5 mil. for the entire coating
                 system of prime and finish coat for 2-coat work will be

            2.   Walls to be painted are to receive a flat latex finish coating

            3.   Trim to be painted is to receive a semigloss finish.

            4.   Floor sealer shall be applied to mechanical rooms.

9.07   CARPETING (To be provided in tenant buildout)

       A.   Carpet has been included in the first floor exit corridors.



                                                                       EXHIBIT D


       A.   Toilet partitions shall be laminated plastic ceiling hung-type by
            Mid-South Manufacturing Company or equal.

       B.   Hardware and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard, heavy duty
            operating hardware and accessories, not-ferrous cast alloy with
            chrome finish.

       C.   The toilet partitions are to be installed with toilet accessories at
            all restrooms.


       A.   Manufacturer:  Provide toilet accessories as manufactured by Bobrick

       B.   Materials:  Furnish units fabricated of materials and finished as

            1.   Stainless Steel, AISI Type 302/304.

       C.   Accessory Schedule:

            1.   For each lavatory-undercounter soap dispenser.

            2.   In each toilet stall - dual toilet tissue dispenser.

            3.   In each women's toilet - recessed mounted feminine napkin

            4.   In each women's restroom - recessed feminine napkin-tampon

            5.   Above each lavatory counter - 3/8" polished plate glass full
                 length wall mounted mirror.

            6.   In each public restroom - combination towel dispense and waster


       A.   Cabinets: Fire extinguisher cabinets as required by local fire
            department regulations.


       A.   Site Signage: Monument sign at site entry. Site directional signage
            as required to insure proper traffic distribution.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D
       B.   Building Signage:  Lobby Directory.

       C.   Identifying devices will be provided under the tenant buildout.



       A.   Scissor Lift:  Manufacturer's standard units.

            1.   A on-grade scissor lift has been provided for a means to
                 load/unload delivery trucks.



       A.   Horizontal Blinds:

            1.   Manufacturer's standard vertical lifting and horizontal tilting
                 unit, Provide 1" narrow slats.

            2.   Blinds to be Levelor or equal.

       B.   Blinds to be installed at all tenant windows.


       A.   General: Two (2) 3,500 lb. capacity hydraulic passenger elevators,
            equal to a Dover Seville 35, shall be provided.

       B.   Included are the following features for the passenger elevators:
                 a.   Speed:                125 FPM
                 b.   Car Platform:         7'-0" x 6'3"
                 c.   Door Size:            3'-6" x 7'-0" (center opening)
                 d.   Hoistway Entrance:    Baked enamel


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

       C.   Signals:

            a.   Car Position indicator in car (2)
            b.   Corridor car direction indicator with gon hall lantern each
            c.   Car call registered lights.
            d.   Corridor call registered lights (2) risers.
            e.   Two operator swing front return panels inside each car.
            f.   Alarm button in each car.
            g.   Emergency stop switch in each car.
            h.   Locked panel for independent operation.


       A.   General: Service elevator to open to a service vestible shielded
            from main circulation. One (1) 4,500 lb. capacity hydraulic service
            elevator, equal to a Dover Continental 45, to be provided.

       B.   Included are the following features for the service elevator:

            a.        Speed:                125 FPM
            b.        Car Platform:         6'-0" x 8'-9"
            c.        Door Size:            4'-0" x 7'-0" (2 speed/side opening)
            d.        Hoistway Entrance:    Baked enamel

       C.   Elevator Car:

            1.   Code: The elevator car shall be in strict conformity with the
                 regulation of the ANSI Code and shall have Fire Safety

            2.   Applied Panels:  Removable wall panels.

            3.   Floor:  Bolted aluminum diamond-plate floor.



       A.   Regulations and Requirements:

            1.   All work will comply with all applicable local, state and
                 federal regulations.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

            2.   Work shall comply with the appropriate requirements of the
                 following standards: ASHRAE, NEC (NFPA 70), Life Safety (NFPA
                 101), handicapped Code (ANSI A1171), Installation of Air
                 Conditioning & Ventilating Systems (NFPA 90A) and 1985 Edition
                 of the SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards and the 1982
                 Edition of the SMACNA Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of HVAC

            3.   All work shall comply with the building codes, mechanical
                 codes, and plumbing codes currently in effect, as well as with
                 local amendments to and interpretation of these codes.

15.02  HVAC

       A.   Mechanical System Requirements

            1.   The mechanical system shall meet and comply with all applicable
                 codes and standards.

                 a.   Included in the proposal is an air-cooled water chilled
                      HVAC system for the project. The two (2) 150 ton air-
                      cooled water chillers will be located on the roof. The
                      system includes building shell air distribution through
                      main trunk line feed as well as perimeter slot diffusers.

            2.   Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems

                 *    Two (2) 150 ton air cooled chillers located on the roof.
                 *    Two (2) chilled water pumps.
                 *    Chilled water distribution piping to air handlers.
                 *    One (1) air handler per floor and one (1) 100% outside air
                      handler in penthouse.
                 *    Galvanized duct system for supply air toilet exhaust,
                      outside air, and atrium exhaust.
                 *    Two (2) atrium exhaust fans with roof curbs.
                 *    Two (2) toilet exhaust fans with roof curbs.
                 *    Air distribution in core area only.
                 *    Direct digital control system with pneumatic operators.
                 *    Water treatment of closed chilled water loop.
                 *    Two (2) outside air intake louvers.
                 *    Storm drainage system for building consisting of 6 roof
                      drains, 6 vertical rain leaders to 5'-0" outside of
                 *    Typical core restrooms on four floors.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

                 a.   The system shall provide separate control zones for every
                      1200-1500 square feet (approximate average size; some
                      zones will be smaller). Exterior zones shall be capable of
                      providing heating.

                 b.   All ductwork will be constructed of sheetmetal per SMACNA
                      standards and shall be insulated.

       B.   Testing & Balancing

            1.   An independent test and balance agency will perform a complete
                 test, balance and adjustment of the new and existing HVAC
                 systems. Test and balance company shall be AABC accredited or

            2.   A complete test and balance report shall be submitted to the
                 tenant's representative to review.

            3.   Test and balance will have a one (1) year warranty.

       C.   The following HVAC equipment and equipment shall be furnished,
            fabricated and installed in compliance with the standard building

                 a.   Ductwork
                 b.   Duct Insulation
                 c.   Air Distribution Devices (P.I.U. and V.A.V. Boxes)
                 d.   HVAC Piping
                 e.   Pipe Insulation

       D.   In general, the system shall be installed complete through the
            terminus of VAV boxes within the base building, with run-outs to be
            provided under tenant buildout.


       A.   Piping

            1.   Complete systems of cold and hot water piping and accessories
                 so that all fixtures and water-using equipment in the building
                 will be furnished with a water supply.

            2.   All domestic water piping shall be type "L" hard drawn copper.
                 Fittings shall be wrought, with 95/5 non-lead-bearing solder 


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

            3.   All sanitary and vent piping above grade shall be hubless cast
                 iron with joints of neoprene sleeves and stainless steel cover
                 and bands, or type DWV copper with 95/5 non-lead bearing solder

            4.   All sanitary and vent piping below grade shall be DWV PVC with
                 solvent weld joints.

       B.   Piping Insulation

            1.   Domestic Water Piping Insulation: After the system has been
                 tested and accepted, all new hot piping whether in wall chases
                 or above the ceiling (except piping run exposed to fixtures)
                 shall be insulated with glass fiber preformed pipe insulation.

            2.   Horizontal roof drain piping shall be insulated with 1 1/2"
                 blanket fiberglass insulation.

       C.   Tests and Inspections

            1.   All piping shall be tested in accordance with the standard
                 building codes.

       D.   Plumbing Fixtures

            1.   All fixture colors shall be white.

            2.   Acceptable Manufacturers: Plumbing fixtures by American
                 Standard, Kohler, Crane or Eijer. Fixture carriers by Ancon,
                 Josam, Smith, Wade or Zurn. Fixture supplies and tailpieces and
                 p-traps by McGuire or Brasscraft. Flush valves by Sloan or


       A.   System Requirements

            1.   Sprinkler Systems shall comply with requirements of the
                 Standard Codes and NFPA 13, including all local amendments and

            2.   General office areas be sprinklered in accordance with NFPA 13
                 requirements for Light Hazard Occupancies in office areas and
                 Ordinary Hazard Group 2 Occupancies for storage areas. Heads
                 shall be turned up in general office areas.

            3.   A 50 hp electric fire pump has been included.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

       B.   Design Requirements

            1.   Sprinkler contractor shall perform water flow test to determine
                 adequate water flow for hydraulically sizing fire lines.

            2.   All piping is to be hydraulically sized for the available water
                 supply based on sprinkler demands.

       C.   All materials and installation shall be in compliance with the
            standard building codes.


       Pizzuti proposes to provide material and labor for the electrical
installation as required by the design criteria. All work shall comply with
applicable electrical codes per NFPA 70. (National Electrical Code) and local
electrical inspection authorities within the guidelines of the Florida Statutes
(Chapter 471) and the Florida Administrative Code (Chapter 21-H).


       The work covered by this Division consists of providing all equipment,
material and labors required for a complete installation of the Electrical Work
inclusive of, but not limited to, the following items:

       16010  Basic Electrical Requirements
       16050  Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
       16100  Raceways, Boxes and Enclosures
       16120  Wires and Cables
       16143  Wiring Devices
       16170  Circuit and Motor Disconnects
       16190  Supporting Devices
       16195  Electrical Identification
       16420  Service Entrance
       16450  Transformers
       16470  Panelboards
       16478  Surge Protection
       16481  Motor Controllers
       16500  Lighting Fixtures
       16670  Lightning Protection System
       16721  Fire Alarm System
       16760  Telecommunications System


                                                                       EXHIBIT D


       1.   Submittals will be provided for all major equipment and materials to
            ensure compliance with specifications.

       2.   Electrical installation to be coordinated with respect to other

       3.   Electrical permit and inspection costs will be provided for the
            County of Seminole.

       4.   Project clean-up of electrical debris resulting from Division 16
            installation as required to a designated on-site location.

       5.   Coordination with Florida Power Corporation for project service

       6.   Maintenance manuals (2) will be provided for manufactured systems at
            time of project completion.

       7.   One (1) year warranty for labor and materials thirty (30) days
            warranty for lamps.


       1.   All work to be performed in a neat and professional manner in
            compliance with the project specifications.

       2.   Conduit penetrations through fire rated walls and partitions to be
            sealed with 3M #CP 25 caulk or similar method acceptable to local
            jurisdiction having authority.

       3.   Standard electrical commodity items such as outlet and junction
            boxes, pull boxes, conduit, devices, etc. will be provided by
            various manufacturers as needed based upon availability and demand
            at the time of order placement. All materials provided to this
            project will be U.L. listed and furnished to specification


       1.   EMT to be 1/2" minimum with die-cast, set-screw type fittings.

       2.   PVC conduit to be 3/4" minimum schedule 40 installed below grade in
            concrete slabs. Maximum size conduit to be installed in the slab to
            be limited to 1" trade size. Schedule 80 PVC to be installed in
            exposed locations where subject to damage and outdoor locations
            where exposed to weather conditions.

       3.   RMC conduit to be provided for installation to the fuel tanks per
            NEC requirements.

       4.   Flexible metallic conduit to be provided as 3/8" trade size for
            termination to lighting fixtures and 1/2" minimum for equipment
            connections. Liquid tight flexible metallic conduit will be provided
            for wet locations.

       5.   ENT, electrical nonmetallic tubing, will be provided for
            installation in the Office Building for branch power and lighting

       6.   Sheet metal enclosures will be provided as required or necessary.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D


       1.   All services and feeder circuits 100 amps and greater to be provided
            as aluminum conductors sized #1 AWG and larger in compliance with
            the Florida Electrical Code, Notice "K". All other circuit wiring to
            be provided as 98% copper.

       2.   Conductor insulation to be THHN/THWN rated at 600 volt.


       1.   Disconnect switches to be provided as General Duty, not-fused type
            with voltage ratings and NEMA classification as required to serve
            the equipment load.

       2.   Fusible disconnects will be provided as Heavy Duty type with RK5
            rejection type fusing.


       1.   Electrical items to be supported from the building structure in
            compliance with NEC requirements for a secure installation by
            utilizing power actuated supporting devices, expansion anchors,
            straps and/or other devices specifically designed for the task.

       2.   The wrap support to be used for loose cable.

       3.   Support for installation of raceways under accessible floor panels
            to be provided by the flooring contractor or others.


       1.   Feeder circuits will be identified at the source and termination
            points by self-adhesive marking tape.

       2.   Engraved, plastic laminated labels will be provided for
            switchboards, equipment panels, control panels, disconnect switches,
            contactors, transformers, etc.

       3.   Systems outlet boxes installed in accessible areas will be color
            coded by use of permanent markers or spray paint.

       4.   Informational/Caution signs for entries into electrical equipment

       5.   Line marker to be installed for underground service conduit


       1.   Main distribution to be 2,500 A, 480/277v, 3 phase, 4W.

       2.   All bussing to be 98% copper.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D


       1.   Transformers will be provided at standard manufacturers ratings for
            rate of rise and top configurations. No special conditions have been
            applied to these units such as shielding or "K" factor ratings.

       2.   Where possible, all primary and secondary conduit terminations will
            be stubbed up into the bottom of the transformer rather than
            flexible connections on the outside of the enclosure.


       1.   All 208v panelboards to be based on 225 A fully bussed 42 circuit

       2.   All 480v panelboards shown as serving transformers for 208v loads
            are to be provided as 400 A fully bussed 42 circuit panels. Standard
            KAIC ratings will be provided at 42KAIC for 480 volt and 10KAIC for
            208 volt panels pending confirmation from the local Utility.


       1.   Transient Voltage Surge Suppression (TVSS) will be provided for each
            main service over current protective device.


       1.   All motor starters, variable frequency drives and other controlling
            devices that may be required for equipment being provided by others
            will be furnished and installed by the respective trade contractor.


       1.   Parabolic 2 x 4 fixtures at the rate of (1) per 80 SF.

       2.   Exit lighting provided as required for safe egress and base of 10%
            of the total building fixtures to be provided with emergency

       3.   Strip lighting provide for closet and mechanical areas.

       4.   Fixtures for tenant areas to be job pallotized and placed on floor
            for future installation by others.

       5.   All fixtures to be considered as pre-lamped and pre-whipped with
            energy saving ballasts and type T-8 lamps.


       1.   Average maintained illumination level of one (1) foot candle for
            site area.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D


       1.   One (1) 100 kw Emergency Generator unit.

       2.   Provide weatherproof enclosure.

       3.   Remote annunciator provided with monitor located in the area of the
            main lobby.

       4.   Provide critical silencer.

       5.   Genset mounted control panel.

       6.   Genset mounted main disconnect circuit breaker.

       7.   200 gallon double wall skid base mounted fuel tank provided.

       8.   Pending Utility verification, all interrupt ratings to be based upon
            standard 42KAIC for 480 volt equipment.


       1.   Lightning Protection System per NFPA78 and UL96A for a Master Label


       1.   Provide fire alarm system for a four story shell building per
            federal ADA, NFPA 72 and local requirements with provisions for
            future tenant occupancy.

       2.   Contacts provided for outside monitoring services provided by


       1.   An empty raceway system to plenum areas will be provided for
            Telephone and Communications systems. All systems components,
            devices, cabling and terminations to be furnished and installed by


                                                                       EXHIBIT E

                         CONSTRUCTION MILESTONE DATES

The following dates are those Construction Milestone Dates referred to in (S)9
of the Lease, with respect to the preparation, submission and approval of the
preliminary specifications and the Final Plans:

     .    Tenant's delivery to Landlord of its preliminary requirements for the
          Improvements - thirty days from date of lease execution.

     .    Tenant's approval of the preliminary specifications and floor plans -
          April 1, 1996. (assumes Landlord's delivery of the same to Tenant by
          March 18, 1996).

     .    Tenant's approval of the Final Plans for Improvements - May 3, 1996.
          (assumes Landlord's delivery of the same to Tenant on or before April
          19, 1996).

     .    Tenant's selection and approval of all interior finishes (carpets,
          wallcoverings, etc.) - May 3, 1996.

                                    Initialed and Approved by Tenant:

                                    /s/ CRG 2/12/96

                                                                       EXHIBIT F


                                    Initialed and Approved by Tenant:



                                                                       EXHIBIT F


     THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this _____day of _______________, 1996,
between _________________________ ("Tenant"); and FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF
NORTH CAROLINA, a national banking association ("Lender").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, Tenant is the lessee under the lease (the "Lease") dated as of
_________________, as amended, covering approximately _____________ square feet
of space located in________________________________________________________ (the
"Demised Premises") and more particularly described in the Lease; and

     WHEREAS, Lender has made or will make a loan to
_____________________________________________________________, a North Carolina
__________________________, the owner of said _________________________
("Landlord"), in the principal amount of up to $_______________ (the "Loan"), as
evidenced by notes in said principal amount (the "Note") and secured by a Deed
of Trust and Security Agreement and an Assignment of Rents, Leases and Profits
on the premises described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein
by reference (the "Property") (collectively, the "Security Documents"); and

     WHEREAS, Lender is willing to agree that Tenant's possession of the Demised
Premises shall not be disturbed as a result of a foreclosure of the Security
Documents or a transfer in lieu of foreclosure, so long as Tenant is not in
default under the Lease and provided Tenant subordinates the Lease to the lien
of the Security Documents and attorn to the purchaser at the foreclosure and
recognizes said purchaser or transferee as lessor under the Lease.

     NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained
herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged, Lender and Tenant do hereby mutually covenant and
agree as follows:

     3.   SUBORDINATION.  Tenant hereby subordinates the Lease, all extensions,
modifications and renewals thereof, and all Tenant's rights and interests
thereunder, to the Security Documents and the Lien thereof, and to all
modifications, renewals and extensions of same, to the extent of all advances
heretofore or hereafter made to Landlord secured by the Security Documents.

     4.   NON-DISTURBANCE AND ATTORNMENT.  Provided Tenant complies with the
Agreement and is not in default (beyond any period of time given Tenant to cure)
as of the date Lender commences foreclosure proceedings or accepts a deed in
lieu of foreclosure, or at time thereafter, then no default under the Security
Documents, as modified, extended, increased, spread or consolidated and no

proceeding to foreclose the same or other acquisition of the Demised Premises
(whether the deed in lieu of foreclosure or otherwise) by Lender or other third
party will disturb Tenant's possession.  Any purchaser at foreclosure and their
successors and Lender will recognize the Lease in it's entirety, including,
without limitation, all of Tenant's purchase and renewal options hereunder.
Notwithstanding any such foreclosure or other acquisition of the Demised
Premises (whether by deed in lieu of foreclosure or otherwise) by Lender or any
third party, Tenant shall attorn to Lender or such third party, and the Lease
will be recognized as a direct lease from Lender or any other party acquiring
the Demised Premises upon the foreclosure sale or other such acquisition, except
that Lender, or any subsequent owner, shall not (a) be liable for any previous
act or omission of Landlord under the Lease, (b) be subject to any offset, claim
or defense which shall have accrued against Landlord, (c) have any obligation
with respect to any security deposited under the Lease unless such security has
been physically delivered to Lender, or (d) be bound by any previous
modification of the Lease or by any previous prepayment of rent for a period
greater than one (1) month In advance of its due date under the Lease, unless
such modification or prepayment shall have been expressly approved in writing by
Lender.  Lender hereby expressly recognizes and agrees to be bound by all
renewal and purchase options contained in the Lease.

     5.   FURTHER ASSURANCES.  Tenant will, upon request by Lender or any
subsequent owner, execute a written agreement in the form of this Agreement in
which Tenant will attorn to Lender or any such subsequent owner and will affirm
Tenant's obligations under the Lease and agree to pay all rentals and charges
then due or to become due as they become due to Lender or such subsequent owner;
provided that such subsequent owner recognizes Tenant's interest under the Lease
and agrees not to disturb Tenant's possession of the Demised Premises.

     6.   NOTICES TO LANDLORD.  From and after the date hereof, Tenant shall
send to Lender a copy of any notice or statement of default under the Lease or
of intent to assign or sublet any portion of the Demised Premises at the same
time such notice or statement is sent to Landlord under the Lease.

     7.   TERMINATION OF LEASE.  Tenant will not terminate, nor seek to
terminate the Lease by reason of a default under the Lease, or exercise any
right under the Lease to make deductions from or reduction in rental payments,
until Tenant shall have given written notice of such default to Lender as
hereinafter provided.  Tenant will allow Lender thirty (30) days from its
receipt of said notice within which Lender shall have the right, but shall not
be obligated, to remedy such act, omission or other default and Tenant will
accept such performance by Lender; provided, however, if the act, omission or
                                   --------  -------                         
other default cannot with due diligence be remedied within such thirty (30) day
period, then lender shall have a reasonable time in which to remedy the same
provided Lender proceeds with due diligence to complete the remedy thereof.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall have the right without prior
notice to Lender to make repairs if Tenant determines in good faith that a bona
fide emergency precludes the giving of such notice. In the event of such an
emergency, Tenant may present to Landlord a demand for reimbursement to the
extent permitted under the Lease, but Tenant will not make deductions from or
reductions in rental to recoup such expenses until Tenant shall give Lender
notice of such repairs and such demand and a thirty (30)day period to cause such
reimbursement to be made.


     8.   NO IMPAIRMENT OF SECURITY DOCUMENTS.  Nothing contained in this
Agreement shall in any way impair or affect the lien created by the Security
Documents, except as specifically set forth herein.

     9.   WAIVERS TO BE IN WRITING.  No modification, amendment, waiver or
release of any provision of this Agreement or of any right, obligation, claim or
cause of action arising hereunder shall be valid or binding for any purpose
whatsoever, unless in writing and duly executed by the party against whom the
same is sought to be asserted.

     10.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of
the parties hereto, their successors and assigns; provided; however, that in the
event of the assignment or transfer of the Interest of Lender, all obligations
and liabilities of Lender under this Agreement shall terminate, and thereupon
all such obligations and liabilities shall be the responsibility of the party to
whom Lender's interest is assigned or transferred.

     11.  NOTICE.  Notice to Lender under the Lease or this Agreement shall be
sent to Lender at the following address, or such other address as Lender shall
designate to the Tenant in writing:

          First Union National Bank of North Carolina
          301 South Tryon Street
          Charlotte, North Carolina 28288-0146

     12.  GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall for all purposes be governed by
and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina.



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Tenant and Lender have respectively signed and sealed
this Agreement of the day and year first above written.


- ----------------------------------        --------------------------------------
Secretary                              Title:


ATTEST:                                FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF
                                       NORTH CAROLINA

- ----------------------------------        --------------------------------------
Secretary                              Title:


STATE OF ____________________________
COUNTY OF____________________________

     This _____ day of _____________, 1995 personally came before me
______________________, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is
_____________________ of _______________________, that the seal affixed to the
foregoing instrument in writing is the corporate seal of said Corporation, that
said writing was signed and sealed by him in behalf of said Corporation, by its
authority duly given, and that he or she acknowledged said writing to be the act
and deed of said Corporation.

                                                        NOTARY PUBLIC
                                              My commission expires:____________

STATE OF ____________________________
COUNTY OF____________________________

This _____ day of ________________, personally came before me
______________________, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is
_____________________ of FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA and that
the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument in writing is the seal of said bank
and said writing was signed and sealed by him in behalf of said bank by its
authority duly given, and that he or she acknowledged the said writing to be the
act and deed of said bank.

     WITNESS my hand and notarial seal.


                                                        NOTARY PUBLIC
                                              My commission expires:____________


                                                                       EXHIBIT G

                          AGENCY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT

     The following are the only real estate agents and brokers involved in the
leasing transition between Landlord and Tenant:

                Pizzuti Realty Inc. - Representative of Landlord
                       Commission to be paid by Landlord.

             Commercial First Properties - Representative of Tenant
                       Commission to be paid by Landlord

                       Initiated and Approved by Tenant:

                                /s/ CRG 2/12/96

                                                                       EXHIBIT H

                                  RADON NOTICE

     Notification pursuant to Florida statute 404.056(8):

     RADON GAS:  "Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it
has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks
to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal
and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional
information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county
public health unit."

                       Initiated and Approved by Tenant:

                                /s/ CRG 2/12/96

                                                                       EXHIBIT I

                             SIGNAGE SPECIFICATIONS

     To be developed by parties as part of development of preliminary
specifications for Tenant's Improvements to Leased Premises.

                       Initiated and Approved by Tenant:

                                /s/ CRG 2/12/96

                                                                       EXHIBIT J

                                   ARTICLE B


- --------------------------

1.   Common Corridor Area

     (a)  Spot clean smudges, marks, etc. from vinyl wall covers
     (b)  Clean, disinfect and polish all drinking fountains
     (c)  Wipe down with a damp cloth all elevator doors
     (d)  Empty, clean and polish all ashtrays.
     (e)  Vacuum  carpets
     (f)  Hand spot clean carpet as needed.
     (g)  Clean cove base
     (h)  Wipe down all handrails, ledges, etc.

2.   Elevators

     (a)  Vacuum carpets
     (b)  Clean and polish (if needed) all Inside surfaces including cab
     (c)  Clean all door tracks
     (d)  Clear debris from all phone boxes

3.   Restrooms

     (a)  Clean and polish all metal surfaces
     (b)  Clean and polish all mirrors
     (c)  Empty and clean all trash containers
     (d)  Clean and disinfect all sinks, commodes and urinals
     (e)  Empty and disinfect all sanitary napkin waste containers
     (f)  Mop and clean floors with germicidal solution
     (g)  Wipe down toilet partitions
     (h)  Clean and fill soap dispensers
     (i)  Fill all paper towel and tissue dispenses

4.   Tenant Office Space

     (a)  Dust window ledges
     (b)  Remove all trash


     (c)  Replace plastic trash liners as needed
     (d)  Dust all furniture
     (e)  Vacuum carpet
     (f)  Clean all glass tops
     (g)  Clean and disinfect telephone receiver
     (h)  Spot clean carpets
     (i)  Spot clean doors
     (j)  Spot clean all vinyl covers and around light switches
     (k)  Clean all light lenses as needed
     (l)  Turn off all lights and lock corridor door when finished.

5.   Stairwells

     (a)  Pick up trash and debris
     (b)  Sweep and damp mop as needed

6.   Main Lobby

     (a)  Sweep and damp mop granite
     (b)  Clean and polish all metal surfaces
     (c)  Empty and clean all ashtrays
     (d)  Clean and empty all trash receptacles
     (e)  Clean glass doors and surround areas to remove streaks and
     (f)  Clean all granite walls as needed
     (g)  Clean directory boards and glass
     (h)  Clean all wall bases
     (i)  Clean and polish telephone alcoves and restroom doors

- ----------------------------

1.   Dust all window blinds
2.   High dusting to Include:

     (a)  Door frames
     (b)  Pictures
     (c)  Art objects
     (d)  Tenant suite signs

3.   Strip, clean and rewax restroom floors
4.   Clean high glass store of office fronts
5.   Flush restroom drains with disinfectant


- ------------------------------

1.   Clean and polish all common area cove bases
2.   Vacuum and spot clean all upholstered office furniture
3.   Shampoo all corridor carpeting

- ----------------------------------

1.   Clean air supply vents
2.   Clean lights lenses in common areas


                                                                       EXHIBIT K

                              ARCADA SOFTWARE INC.


#I Assumption:  Actual Ti Costs of $2,218,062 ($22.00 prsf)

     Excess TI Costs = $201,642 ($2.00 prsf)

          Increase to Annual Base Rent per (S)9 of the Lease:

                                    $201,642 X 16.5% =


          Increase to Monthly Base Rent = $33,270.93 / 12 = $2,772.58

          PRSF Base Rent Increase = $33,270.93 / 100,8211 = $.33 prsf

#2 Assumption:  Actual TI Costs of $1,814,778 ($18.00 prsf)

     Diminished TI Costs = $201,642 ($2.00 prsf)

          Decrease to Annual Base Rent per (S)9 of the Lease:

                                    $201,642 X 16.5% =


          Decrease to Monthly Base Rent = $33,270.93 / 12 = $2,772.58

          PRSF Base Rent Decrease = $33,270.93 / 100,8211 = $.33 prsf

                                    Initialed and Approved by Tenant


                                                                       EXHIBIT L

                                          [LOGO OF ARCADA SOFTWARE APPEARS HERE]

                                             Arcada Software, Incorporated
                                             Worldwide Facilities
                                             Standard Construction Program

                                             Heathrow Fitout Project

                                             Arcada Manager, Worldwide
                                             Cleophus Calloway, Jr. C.F.M.

                                             Arcada Facilities Design Consultant
                                             Shannon Sokolnik IBD
                                             Watkins Carter Hamilton
                                             6575 W. Loop South Suite 300
                                             Bellaire, Texas 77401

Program Contents:
               Partitions                                  2

               Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning      3

               Diversity Factors                           5

               Electrical                                  6

               Miscellaneous                               7

               Architectural Engineering Plans             8


- -----

This Standard construction program is provided as an aide to the development and
construction of major construction related projects for Arcada Software, Inc.
In the event of a conflict of this documentation and any Landlords documentation
this Standard Construction Program shall prevail.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Demising Partition:
          Shall be same as building standard specification (BSS).

     Interior Partitions:

          Same as BSS, except partitions for all offices shall be drywalled,
          taped and bead the interior of all exterior walls, cores, demising
          walls, and all columns, finished to receive paint or vinyl wall
          covering. All demising walls are to be a minimum two layer - 5/8 inch
          dry wall on 3-1/2 inch 25 gauge metal studs at 16 inches on center
          from the floor slab to underside of the structure above, penetrated
          only as necessary for building structural and mechanical systems.
          Demising walls to be fire rated per applicable code. All demising
          walls or other walls at the perimeter of the Demised Premises are to
          be insulated and will have a minimum sound coefficient (STC) of 42.

          In addition one (1) hour rated corridor walls shall be fully
          insulated. All partitions having hang on furniture shall be reinforced
          with sheetmetal backing inside of framing.


     Tenant Entrance Doors:
          Provide B5S glass entry doors with closures and locking hardware.

     Other Tenant Entry Doors(S)
          Same as (BSS), except add a stainless steel 12" high kick plate to the
          open side of each door. Vision panels (4" X 24") starting at 4'-6"
          AFF, will also be required each at double entry doors.

               Frame: Same as BSS ADA approved.

               Hardware: No change from BSS, except that electronic security
               system (ESS) will be provided by Arcada qualified security
               provider where shown on the developed design drawings. Type: EPS.



     Door Assembly:

          Same as BSS, except that closures are to be added to the equipment
          room, lunch room, restroom and ESS equipped doors. All doors shall
          have silencers and wall stops. All office doors shall have an office
          coat hook as specified by Arcada.

          Frame: Same as BSS
          Hardware: Same except all doors to have locksets unless noted


          Install stainless steel 12" high kick plate to open side of the
          equipment room and double entry warehouse access doors. Install clear
          Plexi-glass kickplate to open side of Lunchroom, mailrooms, and copy



          Ceiling grid: material and installation of 2' x 2' or 2' x 4' white
          exposed metal 15/ 16" inch standard "T". Suspension shall meet all
          applicable codes but shall be minimum of 12 gauge wire with maximum
          spacing of 3' - O" on center.

          Ceiling tile: material only of lay-in acoustical panels of white
          tegular fine fissured travertone mineral board of a minimum 3/4 inch
          thickness and the following minimum characteristics: sound
          transmission coefficient (STC) of 35; noise reduction coefficient
          (NRC) of 70; and noise solution class (NIC) of 17. Acceptable
          manufactures are USG, Armstrong, or equal. The Architect/Contractor
          shall provide technical literature on the ceiling system for Arcada
          project management approval.



          Lighting shall be installed in accordance with Tenant's Preliminary
          Plans and Specifications (as shown in Exhibit ____). Light fixtures to
          be 2 tube 2' x 2' and/or 3 tube 2' x 4 fluorescent fixtures with
          energy saving electronic ballasts, or hybrid electromagnetic ballast
          with T-8 or T-10 lams as required. Energy saving 40 watt lamps, lenses
          are to be 3 inch deep 9 cell parabolic anodized semi-specular aluminum
          louver's for 2' x 2' fixtures and 3 inch deep 18 cell parabolic
          anodized semi-specular aluminum louvers for 2' x 4' fixtures. Housings
          shall be code gauge steel troffer housing. Acceptable manufactures
          Columbia, Daybrite, Lightolier or equal. All lighting circuits shall
          be 277 volts and designed for 20% spare capacity.

          The general fighting system shall be designed to a 50 Foot Candel (FC)
          requirement unless noted otherwise.


          All emergency lighting per local code requirements.

          Provide dual switching in all offices, conference and lunch rooms.

          All accent lighting to be specified by Arcada on architectural
          reflected ceiling plan.


          Utilize Light-O-Matic ceiling mounted detectors Model #01-072 277 
          volt - One way sensor with # 13-011 switch pack. Motion sensors are to
          be provided in open plan areas to control lighting. Consider the use
          of lumen sensors and indirect lighting where appropriate.

          Paint all selected surfaces in accordance with developed design
          drawings. Application shall consist of one coat primer and two coats
          finish. Paint shall be satin enamel finish, unless noted otherwise.

          Wall surfaces are to be smooth finish.  Textured wall will not be

Carpet and Base:
          Install in accordance to the developed design drawings finish plans
          (red line set).

Wall Coverings:
          Install in accordance to the developed design drawings finish plans
          (red line set). Apply seal coat to walls before applying adhesive and
          material covering.

Window coverings:
          Provide LEVELOR "Pinlight" Color: #8038 WHITE to storefront windows
          and doors and all frontage glass.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          All air conditioning to be provided by BSS roof top mounted package
          systems. The main building system shall be capable of providing a
          minimum of the following:

          Main HVAC system complete and fully operational to accommodate
          Tenant"s specific requirements as indicated on the layout plans and
          specifications (as shown in Exhibit __) as well as the heat load
          attendant to the electrical capability described in subparagraph __
          hereof. This system includes, but is not limited to, mechanical plant
          for chilled water 


          and hot water as required, energy management system (acceptable
          manufacturer: Honeywell, Novar or equal), supply and return fans,
          supply and return ductwork, diffusers, and any necessary heat pumps
          and / or VAV boxes (dependent on distribution system selected),
          attendant piping and wiring, thermostats and sensors. The HVAC system
          shall meet or exceed the following design parameters:

                Outside Air -  20 CFM per person with a minimum of 10% fresh
                               outside air being brought into the air handling

                Temperature -  Summer 74 degrees FDB plus or minus 2 degrees. 
                & Humidity     FDB and relative 50% maximum ASHRAE standards. 
                            -  Winter 72 degrees FDB plus or minus 2 degrees. 
                               FDB and relative humidity 25% minimum.

                Zoning      -  Each full height comer office shall be separately
                               zoned and have its own thermostat.
                            -  No more that three fullheight offices per zone.
                            -  3000 square feet maximum size for open office 
                               area zones.
                            -  Each full height conference room shall be
                               separately zoned and hve its own then-nonstat and
                               exhaust fan.
                            -  Each smoking room shall be exhausted to the 
                               outside of the Building.
                            -  The lunch/break room shall be separately zoned 
                               and have its own thermostat and exhaust fan.
                Ductwork    -  Fiberglas ductwork is not permitted. Required
                               insulation shall be installed on the exterior of
                               ducts and shall be wrapped and sealed in return
                               air plenums. The intent being that the airflow,
                               including recirculated air, provided to the
                               Demised Premises is not exposed to fiberglass.

                            -  Flexible ductwork is not preferred, but if used
                               any single run shall not exceed 6 feet in length
                               and shall not have more than one 90 degree bend.

                Diffusers   -  No more than 300 CFM per duffuser.
                            -  At least one diffuser for every 300 square feet 
                               of floor area.

                Balancing   -  a preliminary balancing report for all systems is
                               required at the completion of construction, but
                               before Tenant's occupancy Landlord shall provide
                               a certified balancing report for all Systems.


                Filtration   -  Adequately filtered so as to maintain a clean,
                                dust free, non toxic and odorless environment.

                Requirements -  Primary system shall the capacity to fulfill the
                                solar loads, people loads of one (1) person per
                                200 square feet, lighting load of 1.5 watts per
                                rentable square foot, and the equipment power
                                loads of 5.5 watts per rentable square foot
                                (this does not include power requirements for
                                any of the Building's equipment).

                             -  System shall have an economizer



          Unless ducted; return air in all offices and conference rooms shall be
          designed through return air grilles with sound boots as shown below.
          All rooms with walls extending to underside of slab shall exit return
          air through an insulated duct of proper size extending 3 ft. at each
          side of partition.


          The Telephone / Equipment room shall be ducted together with the most
          adjacent zone. This room shall have a Diffuser and grille designed for
          the space load requirements and shall not exceed 300 cfm/diffuser. All
          diffusers shall be on flexible connectors permitting 1 tile
          relocation. All thermostats to have 0-12 Hour spring wound Bypass
          timer located adjacent to thermostat.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

HVAC diversity factors for equipment and spaces shall be designed as follows:

          Demonstration Rooms 8&Z Training Rooms: The sum of all unit standby
          loads plus the running load of the largest unit less its standby load.
          Copier Centers: The sum of running loads of all units. Convenience
          Copiers (less than and including the Xerox 1090 and or Xerox 5355):
          The sum of standby plus 25% running load. Convenience Copier's
          (greater than the Xerox 5355): The sum of standby plus 50% running

          Standard line CRTs: 100% or running load.
          6085 workstations: 100% of running load.

          Equipment rooms: 100% of running load.
          Facsimile: 80% of running load.
          The BTU/Hr output for all equipment shall be on the red line set of


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


          Electrical energy shall be supplied to the Arcada suites via BSS power
          distribution unit with panel interior mounted Transient Voltage Surge
          Suppressant (TVSS) unit connected to standard incoming voltage


          Locate on permanent walls or closets in easily accessible but visually
          non obtrusive locations.

          In rigid conduit except provide flexible conduit to light fixtures.


          All enclosed room lighting to be on building Electronic Motion
          Sensors. All lighting in open plan areas to be controlled by ceiling
          mounted motion sensors Light O Matic ceiling mounted Motion detector
          Model #01-072 277 volt (or equal) One way sensor with #13-011 Switch
          pack, Color: Ivory. All office and lunch room lighting to be
          controlled by Light O Matic wall mounted motion detector Model #01-134
          277 volt (or equal), Color: Ivory. All restroom lighting to be
          controlled by Light-O-Matic ceiling mounted motion detector Model #1-
          072 277 volt (or equal) One way sensor with #13-011 Switch pack,
          Color: Ivory. Separate 0-12 Hour spring wound Bypass Timer switch to
          be provided at entry door. (ALTERNATE: All lighting controls are to
          use the latest in motion sensors and daylighting techniques).


          No change from BSS, except all outlets are to be labeled with Panel
          and Circuit number on outside of cover plates. Color to be standard
          off-white or better where BSS. No back to back outlets allowed. All
          outlets shall be offset by a minimum of at least six (6) inches.
          Outlet configurations shall be as specified by Arcada.


          No change from BSS.


          Provide J-box with 3/4" conduit to plenum and pull string (U.N.O.).
          Each standard office to have two duplex outlets and one (1) voice and
          one (1) data connection.



          No change from Building Standard Specifications (BSS) if required by

          No change from BSS if required by code.

          No change from BSS.

          Sprinkler system shall be designed and installed so that the sprinkler
          heads are chrome semi-recessed and centered in the ceiling tiles.


          Provide a 2" conduit with pull wire from the main electrical room to
          the Arcada equipment room. The termination point of this conduit will
          be shown on the plans. Wall to be provided with 3/4" plywood to be
          shown on the plans.


          Contracted by Arcada.


          To be provided by Arcada service providers.


          Arcada will contract for this service if required.


          Install in accordance with the developed design drawings Arcada
          approved annunciator systems.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


          All locksets shall be individually keyed. Arcada will provide a list
          of master and sub master requirements when all doors have been
          numbered by the Architect/Designer. Two keys are to be provided for
          each lockset. Provide four (4) Grand master keys.

          Provide a lockable key cabinet suitable for storing the number of keys
          required. This cabinet shall be mounted in the equipment room.


          All shelves are adjustable and are 12" wide unless noted otherwise.
          Shelves are to be melamine.



          Provide First Aid Kit to be wall mounted in the Health Room by: North
          Health Care, Bulk, First Aid Kit-Deluxe, #100, 1515 Elmwood Road,
          Rockford, IL 61103 (or equal).


          Provide low flush toilets of the type Crane Plumbing, Economizer-18"
          high toilet, with siphon-assisted blowout, close coupled combination,
          elongated rim, 1-1/2 gallon capacity same or similar.


          Details provided by Arcada.


          Provide same or similar Florwell Service Sink: American Standard
          #7740.020 Faucet #8344.111 with top brace stops and vacuum breaker.
          Drain #7721.038 with strainer and socket for 3" outlet and removable
          vinyl-coated rim guard #7745.001.


          Install clear Lexan corner guards with pre-drilled holes, 1-1/8" X 1-
          1/8" X 48' on all outside comers in corridors and common areas.


          In accordance with the developed design drawings Arcada approved Glass
          Block systems.


          Install in accordance with the developed design drawings Arcada
          Approved Simplex model mechanical hardware or similar version.


          Note: The general contractor is to provide all appliances (i.e.,
          refrigerator, microwave, etc.) shown on the plans as part of the
          tenant buildout.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The working set of plans shall consist of the following minimum plan

           .   Title sheet (including legend/general notes).
           .   Demolition plan
           .   Construction plan (to include door numbers, room numbers, and
               hallway numbers).
           .   Partial / complete roof plan
           .   Restroom plan
           .   Partition plan
           .   Power and telecommunications plan
           .   Reflected ceiling plan

           .   Door and Hardware schedule
           .   Finish plan
           .   Schedules
           .   Building standard details and elevations
           .   Detail plan (wall, ceiling, millwork, projection screen,
               structural, etc.)
           .   Furniture and equipment plan
           .   Electrical plans (include building riser plan)
           .   HVAC/Mechanical plans
               Plumbing plans
           .   Sprinkler plan


           .   Dock doors
           .   Structural supports for HVAC equipment.
           .   Transformer panel and incoming electrical


                             TITLE XV:  LAND USAGE



















                                  CHAPTER 150


     150.01   Short Title
     150.02   Definitions
     150.03   Adoption of standard codes
     150.04   Administration and enforcement
     150.05   Permit fees
     150.06   Building permits
     150.07   Application for building permit
     150.08   Expiration of building permit
     150.09   Certificate of occupancy
     150.10   Construction

                                  Impact Fees

     150.15   Levy and purpose
     150.16   Applicability
     150.17   Determination of fee amounts 
     150.18   Schedule of impact fees 
     150.19   Waiver of impact fee and provision for
     150.20   Time of payment; remedies for non-
              payment; credit of fees
     150.99   Penalty

(S)150.01     SHORT TITLE.
- -------------------------

     This chapter shall be known as, and may be cited as the building code of
the city. (ord. 78, passed 3-1-79.)

(S)150.02     DEFINITIONS.
- -------------------------

     For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply
unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

     "BUILDING CODE" Refers to standard codes and all amendments thereto.

     "RATE STANDARDS" Refers to the rate standards as set forth by the City
Council. (ord. 78, passed 3-1-79.)

- ----------------------------------------

     The city hereby adopts the following codes and all amendments thereto,
present and future, included in the reference manuals referred to below, as the
minimum standards within the municipal limits of the city, and these shall be
considered as much as part of this chapter as if all the matter and information
set forth by the referenced manuals were fully set forth herein.

     (A)  Standard Building Code as published by the Southern Building code
Congress International, Inc. with the following deletions and amendments.

          (1)  Delete.

               (a)  Section 102.2 - Appointment of inspectors by Building

               (b)  Section 103.3 - Appointment of Deputy by Building

               (c)  Section 106.6 - Foundation permit.

               (d)  Section 107.4 - Fees (Appendix X).

               (e)  Section 111.0 - Establishment of Board of Adjustment.

               (f)  Chapter III - Fire District.

          (2)  Amend.

               (a)  Section 106.3 is amended to include the following paragraph.

     If the work described in any building permit has not been substantially
completed within one (1) year of the date of issuance thereof, said permit shall
expire and be cancelled by the Building Administrator, and written notice
thereof shall be given to the persons affected, together with notice that
further work as described in the cancelled permit shall not proceed unless and
until a new building permit has been issued.

     As used herein "substantially" shall be interpreted to be the completion of
at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the total construction.

     (B)  Standard Plumbing Code as published by the Southern Building Code
Congress International, Inc. with the following deletions.

          (1)  Section 102 - Organization of Plumbing Inspection Department.

          (2)  Section 106 - Fees (Appendix B).

     (C)  Standard Mechanical Code as published by the Southern Building Code
          Congress International, Inc. with the following deletions.


                           LAKE MARY  BUILDING CODE
                           ---------  -------------     
          (1)  Section 102 - Organization of Mechanical Department.

          (2)  Section 103 - Powers and duties of Mechanical Official.

          (3)  Section 106 - Fees.

     (D)  Standard Fire Code as published by the Southern Building Code Congress
          International, Inc. with the following deletions.

          (1)  Section 108 - Gas Inspector and assistants.

          (2)  Section 113 - Fees.

          (3)  Section 115 - Appeals.

     (E)  Fire Prevention Code as published by the Southern Building Code
          Congress International, Inc. with the following deletions and

          (1)  Delete.

               (a)  Section 1.05 - Organization and functions, Fire Authority.

               (b)  Chapter 2 - Board of Appeals and Adjustment.

               (c)  Chapter 5 - Definitions and abbreviations - delete only
                    Chief of Fire Prevention Bureau.

          (2)  Amend. Sections 4.03 and 4.04 - Wherever words "Fire Authority"
               appear, substitute "Fire Official."

     (F)  Standing Housing Code as published by the Southern Building Code
          Congress International, Inc. with the following deletions.

          (1)  Section 105 - Hardships.

          (2)  Section 106 - Housing Board of Adjustment and Appeals.

          (3)  Section 107 - Appeals.

     (G)  National Electrical Code as published by the National Fire Protection

     (H)  Standard Swimming Pool Code as prepared by the City of Lake Mary,

     (I)  Florida Model Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction,
          dated May, 1980.
          (ord. 16, passed 6-25-74; Am. Ord. 78, passed 3-1-79;
          Am. Ord. 85, passed 8-2-79; Am. Ord. 119, passed 10-23-80)

- ----------------------------------------------

     The Building and Zoning Administrator duly appointed and delegated by the
City Council is hereby charged with the responsibility of administering and
enforcing this chapter. He may be assisted by other city personnel as necessary
to enforce the provisions of this chapter.

     (A)  The Building and Zoning Administrator shall notify, in writing,
          violators of this chapter, indicating the nature of the violation and
          ordering necessary action to correct the violation.

     (B)  The Building and Zoning Administrator shall order discontinuance of
          the illegal use of land, buildings or structures; the removal of
          illegal buildings, structures, additions, alterations, or structural
          changes thereto; discontinuance of any illegal work being performed;
          or any other action authorized to insure compliance with the
          provisions of this chapter.

     (C)  The issuance of a permit upon plans and specifications shall not
          prevent the Building and Zoning Administrator from thereafter
          requiring the correction of errors in these plans and specifications.

     (D)  If the work described in any building permit has not been
          substantially completed within one year of the date of issuance
          thereof, the permit shall expire and shall be cancelled by the
          Building and Zoning Administrator, with written notice thereof given
          to the persons affected, together with notice that any further work as
          described in the cancelled permit shall not proceed until a new
          building permit has been issued.


                      LAKE MARY           BUILDING CODE 
                      ---------           -------------

     (E)  Energy calculations shall be submitted, on the forms provided by the
          city, when application is made for a building permit.

     (F)  The owner of a building must certify compliance prior to receiving a
          permit for construction.
          (Ord. 78, passed 3-1-79; Am. Ord. 119; passed 10-23-80)

(S) 150.05      PERMIT FEES.
- ---------------------------

     All applications for permits shall be accompanied by an appropriate permit
fee as set forth by the City Council.

     (A)  Building permit fees.


Type                                                 Fee
- ----                                                 ---
New construction, alterations, and additions.

Commercial                                           $.70 per $1,000 of cost* due at application, minimum $5.00 which shall be
                                                     nonrefundable plus $4.50 per $1,000 of cost* due at permit issuance, minimum

Single-family residential                            $.50 per $1,000 of cost* due at application, minimum $5.00 which shall be
                                                     nonrefundable plus $4.50 per $1,000 of cost* due at permit issuance, minimum

Fences, re-roofs, and signs                          $.50 per $1,000 of cost* due at application, minimum $5.00 which shall be
                                                     nonrefundable plus $4.50 per $1,000 of cost* due at permit issuance, minimum

Factory built house, mobile home (includes 
building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical)      $100

Tents and air supported structures                   $100 

Building moving                                      $50                              

Demolition of structure                              $50 (no fee if condemned by city)         

Minor repairs to residential structures not involving structural, electrical, or
roof modifications are exempt from permit fee requirements.

*or fraction thereof

     (B)  Basis for determining estimated cost.

          (1)  The unit cost per square foot for type of construction shall be
based on the values contained in the following table or signed contract
whichever is greater.**


                          LAKE MARY       BUILDING CODE
                          ---------       -------------


                           LAKE MARY    BUILDING CODE
                           ---------    -------------


                                                                    Type of Construction
                                                                    IV/5/                  V/5/                  VI/5/
      Occupancy                I         II         III       1-HR        UNP        1-HR        UNP       1-HR        UNP
Auditorium                     74         71         57         35         34         56          53         52         49
Church                         70         68         57         51         49         56          53         52         49
Gymnasium                     N/D/2/      N/D/2/     44         38         37         43          40         40         37
Restaurant                     65         65         57         49         47         56          53         52         49
Theater                        78         75         57         51         50         56          53         52         49
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Office                         65         62         48         41         40         47          44         43         40
Research/Eng'g                 41         39         35         31         29         34          31         32         29
Serv. Station                  72         69         56         54         52         55          52         49         46
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
School                         65         65         50         44         42         49          46         45         42
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Factory                        35         33         26         21         20         25          22         19         16
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Hazardous                      36         35         28         23         21         27          24         21         18
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Convalescent                   85         83         61         54         53         60         N/P/1/      56        N/P/1/
Hospital                      100         97         83         54         53         82         N/P/1/      76        N/P/1/
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Dept. Stores                   56         54         50         35         33         49          46         36         33
Mall Stores                    62         62         48         43         42         47          44         44         41
Mall-Concourse                 50         50         24         19         18         23          20         20         17
Retail Store                   45         43         39         35         33         38          35         36         33
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Apartments                     54         51         44         39         37         43          40         41         38
Dormitories                    63         62         53         48         46         52          49         48         45
Home, Elderly                  63         62         55         49         48         54          51         51         48
Hotel                          61         59         53         40         39         52          49         47         44
Motel                          61         59         45         40         39         44          41         43         40
Sgl. Family/3/                 53         51         45         41         39         44          41         40         37
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Park'g Structure               23         22        N/D/2/      19         17        N/D/2/      N/D/2/     N/D/2/     N/D/2/
Private Garage                 23         22         16         11         10         15          12         12          9
Repair Garage                  36         36         28         31         29         27          24         24         21
Warehouse                      36         33         27         21         19         26          23         22         19


1.  N/P = Not permitted by code.
2.  N/D = Insufficient data to determine average cost. 
3.  Unfinished basements $6.00/square foot.
4.  Hazardous includes sprinkler system. For sprinklered buildings in other than
    hazardous occupancies add $1.50/square foot.
5.  In Type IV, V, and VI, add $27,000 per elevator.


                           LAKE MARY - BUILDING CODE

              (2)    Commercial finishes and remodeling same as complete or
contract price.

**When using contract price, a signed copy of the contract must accompany the
permit application.

       (C)    Electrical permit fees.

              Alteration, additions, repairs, change of service     $25.00

              New construction                                      $.30 per amp. minimum fee $25 (each unit of multi-
                                                                    family housing is considered a separate housing unit
                                                                    for fee calculations

              Temporary service                                     $25.00
              Prepower agreement                                    $50.00 for 90 days

       (D)    Plumbing permit fees.

              Alterations, additions, repairs to existing          $25.00

              New construction                                      $25.00 plus $3.00 per fixture unit (each unit of
                                                                    multi-family housing is considered a separate
                                                                    housing unit for fee calculations

              Gas piping system                                     $1.50 per outlet, minimum fee $25

              Septic tank/drainfield                                $25.00

       (E)    Mechanical permit fees.

              New Construction

              0 - $1,000                                            $25.00

              $1,000.01 - $2,500                                    $40.00

              $2,500.01 - $5,000                                    $55.00

              $5,000.01 - $10,000                                   $70.00

              $10,000.01 - $25,000                                  $125.00

              Greater than $25,000                                  $5.00 per $1,000 of valuation*

*Or fraction thereof


                           LAKE MARY - BUILDING CODE

       (F)    Fire loss management permit fee.

              Fixed protection systems including wet chemical       $45.00 due at time of application which is 
              dry chemical, CO, Halon/FM, 200/Intergen              nonrefundable plus $4.50 per $1,000 of cost* due at
                                                                    permit issuance, minimum $25.00
              Fire Sprinkler systems and fire alarms systems        $50.00 due at time of application which is
                                                                    nonrefundable plus $4.50 per $1,000 of cost* due at 
                                                                    permit issuance, minimum $25.00

*Or fraction thereof

       (G)    Swimming pool permit fees.

              Swimming pools and/or pool enclosures                 $8.00 per $1,000 of valuation*, minimum fee

       (H)    Site permit fees.

              Site plan or subdivision (requires Commission         1.00% of contract price***, minimum of $200.00

***A Breakdown of estimated cost must be provided before a permit will be

       (I)    Right-of-way utilization permit fees.

              Miscellaneous work within right-of-way or each        $75.00 if not part of site permit 
              bore and jack operation 

              Residential driveway connection to city street        $50.00 if no part of building permit 
              system and/or sidewalk 

              Commercial driveway connection to city street         $100.00 if not part of site permit 
              system and/or sidewalk

       (J)    Irrigation permit fees.

              Single-family residential                             $35.00
              Commercial                                            1.00% of valuation, minimum fee $75.00

       (K)    Arbor permit fees.

              Existing residential or commercial                    No fee

              New single-family residential                         $15.00

              New commercial                                        $5.00 per gross acre.  Minimum fee $50.00


                           LAKE MARY - BUILDING CODE

       (L)    Special permit fees.

              Garage/rummage sale                                   $5.00

              Vehicle for sale                                      $5.00

              Temporary sign, 30 days                               $25.00

              Temporary residential sales trailer                   $30.00

              Fireworks display events                              $50.00

              Bonfire                                               $50.00

       (M)    Miscellaneous fees.

              Reinspection of rejected work                         $25.00 

              Fire hydrant flow test                                $50.00 per each 

              Health Department required inspections                $25.00 

              HRS licensure inspections                             $25.00 

              Stamp extra plan set before issuance of permit        $2.00 per page

              Restamp and recertification of unaltered plans        $35.00 for single-family residential, $5.00 per page
              after issuance of permit                              for commercial

              Re-review plans                                       New fee

              Change of prime contractor                            $25.00

              Update building permit                                50% of original fee

              Duplicate certificate of occupancy at time of         $10.00

       (N)    Penalties.

              Construction without permit by owner                  Double fee

              Construction without permit by licensed               Double fee, minimum $100.00

(Ord. 78, passed 3-1-79) (Res. 108, passed 10-18-99; Am. Ord. 199, passed
8-16-84; Am. Ord. 453, passed 8-17-89; Am. Ord. 726, passed 11-17-94)


                          LAKE MARY    BUILDING CODE

- -----------------------------

       No person, firm or corporation shall commence, or cause to be commenced,
the erection, construction, or alteration of any building structure, sign, or
canopy within the city until an application for a permit therefore has been
previously filed with the city as provided herein, and as provided in other
ordinances of the city, and until a permit therefore has first been issued by
the city. No person, firm, or corporation shall commence, or cause to be
commenced any repair to any existing building, structure, sign, or canopy in the
city until an application for a permit therefore has been previously filed with
the city as provided herein and as provided in all other ordinances of the city.
No repair shall be commenced upon any building, structure, or sign until a
permit therefore has been issued by the city. All work done on or pursuant to
any building or sign permit issued by the city shall conform to the plans or
specifications therefore as approved prior to the issuance of the permit, and
any deviation therefrom shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 78, passed 3-1-79) Penalty, sec (S)150.99

- --------------------
       Building permits required under zoning regulations, see (S)154.29
       Connection of building to public sewer a condition to issuance of
              building permit, see Ch. 155, App. D. (S)21(A)

- --------------------------------------------

       (A)   Every application for a permit to erect a building or structure or
to materially alter a front, rear, or side elevation of any existing building or
structure in the city shall be accompanied by three sets of detailed plans, and
all detailed structural drawings thereof that the Building and Zoning
Administrator may require. If the plans submitted do not furnish sufficient
information to adequately show the scope of the planned construction for which
a permit has been requested, then there shall be furnished, in addition to the
two sets of detailed plans, one set of detailed specifications for each proposed
work. Both the plans and specifications, when required by law, shall be prepared
by a registered architect or a registered engineer, qualified under the laws of
the state to prepare the plans and specifications, and no permit therefore shall
be issued until the plans, and specifications when required, have been approved
by the Building and Zoning Administrator. All plans and specifications for
buildings or structures to be erected in the city that are governed by state
laws, must have the standard approval of the proper state authority before
application is made for a permit.

       (B)   All plans shall be drawn at a scale acceptable to the building and
Zoning Administrator and shall show the following.

             (1)   A plot plan which shall show the actual shape and dimensions
of the lot or lots to be built on, the exact size and location on the lot or
lots of proposed and existing buildings and accessory buildings, and the
existing and intended use of each building or part of a building existing or
proposed, driveway, provisions for off-street parking, and other information
with regard to the lot as may be necessary to determine compliance with these

             (2)   The location and layout of the proposed sewage disposal

             (3)   When applicable the required loading and unloading spaces,
maneuvering space, and openings for ingress and egress.

             (4)   When applicable, grading and drainage plans showing any and
all cuts, fills, and provisions for adequately carrying off surface water on
premises, plus provisions for any surface water on premises, plus provisions for
any surface water which would naturally flow over or through the area. These
plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.

             (5)   Specifications, when required, shall be full and complete as
to the character of the work, structural details, strength of material, and

             (6)   Other information may be lawfully required by the Building
and Zoning Administrator including existing or proposed building or alteration;
existing or proposed uses of the building and land; the number of families,
housekeeping units, or rental units the building is designed to accommodate;
conditions existing on the lot; and other matters necessary to determine
conformance with, and provide for the enforcement of this chapter.


                          LAKE MARY    BUILDING CODE
                          ---------    -------------

       (C)   Two copies of the plans shall be returned to the applicant by the
Building Administrator after he has marked the copies either as approved or
disapproved, and attested this by his signature on the copy. One copy shall be
kept on the job-site in a waterproof container. The original, similarly marked,
shall be retained by the Building Administrator.
(Ord. 78, passed 3-1-79)

- ------------------------------------------

       If the work described in any building permit has not begun within six
months from the date of issuance thereof, the permit shall expire and be
cancelled by the Building Administrator and written notice thereof shall be
given to the persons affected. If the work described in any building permit has
not been substantially completed within one year of the date of issuance
thereof, the permit shall expire and be cancelled by the Building Administrator
and written notice thereof shall be given to the person affected, together with
notice that further work as described in the cancelled permit shall not proceed
unless and until a new building permit has been obtained. As used herein,
"SUBSTANTIALLY" shall be interpreted to be the completion of at least 51% of the
total construction effort. The Building Administrator may allow one or more
extensions not to exceed 90 days each, for cause, if the application is made
prior to the cancellation of the permit.
(Ord. 78, passed 3-1-79)

- -------------------------------------

       (A)   No land, building, or part thereof hereafter erected or altered in
its use or structure, shall be used until the Building Administrator has issued
a certificate of occupancy stating that the land, building, or part thereof, and
the proposed use thereof are found to be in conformity with the provisions of
this chapter. Within three days after notification that a building, premises, or
part thereof, is ready for occupancy or use, it shall be the duty of the
Building Administrator to make a final inspection thereof. No non-conforming
structure or use shall be maintained, renewed, changed, or extended until a
certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Building Administrator.

       (B)   The certificate of occupancy shall state specifically wherein the
non-conforming use differs from the provisions of this chapter, provided that
upon enactment or amendment of this chapter, owners or occupants of
non-conforming uses or structures shall have six months to apply for
certificates of occupancy. Failure to make such an application within six months
shall be presumptive evidence that the property was in conforming use at the
time of enactment or amendment of this chapter. Failure to obtain a certificate
of occupancy will place upon the owner and lessee the entire burden of proof
that the use of the land or building existed on the effective date of this
(Ord. 78, passed 3-1-79)

(S)150.10    CONSTRUCTION.
- -------------------------

       Building permits or certificates of occupancy issued on the basis of
plans and applications approved by the Building and Zoning Administrator
authorize only the use, arrangement, and construction set forth in the approved
plans and applications, and no other use, arrangement, or construction. Use,
arrangement, or construction in variance with that authorized shall be deemed a
violation of this chapter. 
(Ord. 78, passed 3-1-79) Penalty, see (S)10.99

                                  IMPACT FEES

(S)150.15    LEVY AND PURPOSE.
- -----------------------------

       Impact fees are levied on new construction within the city limits in
accordance with the schedule of impact fees and other provisions of this
subchapter, for the purpose of helping to defray the cost of new or expanded
police, fire, public works, and parks and recreational capital facilities and
equipment attributable to new construction within the city limits, and the cost
of those impact fee development studies deemed necessary by the City Commission
and which are conducted by a professional agency or corporation contracted by
the City Commission. 
(Ord. 279, passed 3-19-87; Am. Ord. 528, passed 9-20-90)

- -------------------------

       Deposit of impact fees collected into capital expansion trust funds, see

- --------------------------

       This subchapter shall apply to all new construction within the city
limits except the following:


                           LAKE MARY  BUILDING CODE
                           ---------  -------------

       (A) Alterations or expansion of an existing structure where no additional
units are created and the use of the structure is not changed.

       (B) The replacement of a building or structure with a new building or
structure of the same size and use.

       (C) The construction of agricultural structures other than residences.

       (D) The construction of any public-owned, public-purpose structures by
federal, state, or local government.

       (E) The construction of structures primarily relating to religious,
non-proprietary educational, or charitable purposes.

       (F) Developments of regional impact approved prior to June 1, 1986.

       (G) Construction under any building permit originally issued prior to the
effective date of this subchapter. (Ord. 279, passed 3-19-87)

- ----------------------------------------

       (A) Impact fees shall be determined and reviewed at the direction of the
City Commission in accordance with a detailed analysis of projected construction
within the city limits; the cost of any expanded or new capital facilities and
equipment for police, fire, public works, and park and recreation facilities
generated by such construction, the costs associated with such a determination,
update or review, and the money otherwise available to meet those costs. The
City Commission may adjust the established impact fee rates to reflect changes
in the cost of relevant capital facilities and equipment and/or impact fee
development studies or related updates or reviews at such times as it deems
appropriate and as circumstances supporting adjustment may exist.

       (B) All changes or adjustments in the established impact fee rates shall
be by ordinance and shall apply only to construction for which building permits
are issued after the effective date of the ordinance. (Ord. 279, passed 3-19-87;
Am. Ord. 528, passed 9-20-90; Am. Ord. 658, passed 8-5-93)
- -----------------------------------

       Impact fees for new construction within the city limits shall be as

                             Residential       Non-Residential
    Impact Fee                (per-unit)        (per-sq.-ft.)
- --------------------------  -------------    ------------------
Police protection            $    51             $   .053
Fire protection                   67                 .055
Recreation                       278                 .031
Public works                      24                 .022
      Total fees             $   420             $   .161
(Ord. 279, passed 3-19-87)

- ---------------------------------------------------------

       (A) The City Commission may waive part or all of the impact fees imposed
on a project if it determines that the private space and facilities provided in
the proposed project are of such nature as to reduce substantially the project's
impact upon the city's capital needs for expansion of public facilities; or that
the fees imposed by this subchapter upon any given project substantially exceed
the clearly demonstrated impact upon public facilities, including fire, public
works, and police facilities.

       (B) In the event a project owner shall consider any impact fee applicable
to it to be excessive, the City Commission, on application, shall conduct a
hearing to consider alleged overpayment. It shall be the duty of the project
owner to demonstrate to the City Commission by clear and convincing evidence
that applicable impact fees are substantially excessive as applied to the
project. The Commission may adjust the fees based on the evidence presented.
(Ord. 279, passed 3-19-87)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

       (A) Impact fees shall be due and payable at the time of issuance by the
city of a building permit for new construction. No building permit on new
construction shall be issued until all applicable impact fees have been received
by the city.


                           LAKE MARY  BUILDING CODE
                           ---------  -------------

       (B) The fees collected pursuant to this subchapter shall be returned to
the then-present owner of the development if the fees have not been spent by the
end of the sixth year from the date the fees were paid, together with interest
at the rate of 5 1/4% per annum.

       (C) All impact fees collected shall be deemed to accrue to the benefit of
the parcel or parcels of real property constituting a project for which a
building permit is issued. Further, if and in the event the new construction for
which a building permit is issued shall not take place and said building permit
shall lapse, any impact fees collected as an incident to the issuance of that
building permit shall be maintained by the city, to be credited against any
impact fees which may be charged at the time of the issuance of any building
permit for new construction upon or involving the property for which a previous
building permit has been issued and impact fees collected. If subsequent impact
fees exceed the amount collected and maintained by the city under any previous
building permit, then the additional sum shall be paid as a condition of and at
the time of the issuance of the subsequent building permit. If the impact fees
so charged are less than the impact fees initially collected and maintained,
then at that time the excess shall be refunded to the applicant. In the event
that no subsequent building permit shall be issued and impact fees due within
six years from the date of payment of impact fees under a building permit for
which construction did not take place, any impact fees so collected shall be
returned to the then- present owner of the development together with interest at
the rate of 5 1/2% per annum from the date of initial collection. (Ord. 279,
passed 3-19-87; Am. Ord. 523, passed 9-6-90)

(S) 150.99  PENALTY.
- -------------------

       Violations of this chapter and the standards set forth herein shall be
punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or incarceration for not more than 90
days, or both. Each day that a violation exists shall constitute a new and
separate offense. (Ord. 78, passed 3-1-79)


               -------------  ---------------------------------


       150A.01      Purpose of uniform numbering
       150A.02      Definitions
       150A.03      Uniform building numbering system
                    established; incorporation of map
       150A.04      Administration and assignment of
       150A.05      Posting of numbers
       150A.06      Municipal annexation
       150A.07      Address changes

       150A.99      Penalty


- ------------------------------------------------

       This chapter is adopted for the purpose of providing a uniform building
numbering system for the assignment of address numbers to buildings and
structures located on or with access from officially named public and private
streets and ways in the city, in the interest of the public health, safety and
general welfare of the citizens and inhabitants of the city.
(Ord. 491, passed 3-1-90)

- ------------------------

       For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words, and
their derivations shall have the meaning given herein, unless the context
clearly indicates otherwise:

       "ACCESSORY BUILDING." A building which is clearly incidental or
subordinate to and customarily utilized adjacent to and in connection with a
principal building located on the same lot.

       "BUILDING FRONT OR FACADE." That area or facade of a building which has
visible numbers from a public or private street or way because it faces the
public or private street or way pursuant to which the building is numbered. When
a building is constructed on a corner lot, the building front or facade shall be
that area of the building which faces the street on which a projected address
was assigned or, in the event a projected address has not been assigned, the
area so designated by the Planning Department of Seminole County.

       "BUILDING NUMBERING MAPS." A master set of maps which, in conjunction
with approved plots and site plans, details the existing street names and
numbering scheme and the projected street name and numbering scheme within
Seminole County; said maps, in addition to the plots and site plans, being
currently designated the one inch to 400 feet legal section maps.

       "E-9-1-1 COORDINATOR." That person designated by the City Manager to
assist Seminole County in designing, implementing and maintaining an emergency
telephone response system which involves the expeditious response of public
safety, police and other services resulting from such emergency telephone

       "GRID SYSTEM GUIDE." A series of designated north/south parallel lines
intersecting a second set of east/west parallel lines, as indicated on the
official "master grid maps," currently delineated on a 1:2000 map of Seminole

       "NONCONFORMANCE." Any failure to comply with the provisions of this
chapter including, but not limited to by way of example: a number out of
sequence, odd or even number on wrong side of street, rural box numbers, numbers
improperly affixed, numbers illegible, numbers unclear, numbers obstructed,
numbers not visible, numbers not present, numbers of improper size, numbers not
in contrast with immediate background, weather-worn numbers, wrong numbers, and
non-approved numbers.

       "OCCUPANT." Any person, firm, entity, partnership, trust, corporation,
association, or other organization who is occupying or leasing a building or
other property for a period exceeding 30 days.

       "OWNER." Any and all persons, firms, entities, partnerships, trust,
corporation, associations, or other interest in, any building or property which
is subject to the provisions of this chapter.

       "PRINCIPAL BUILDING." Any structure which is designed, built or used for
the support, enclosure, shelter, or protection of persons, animals, chattels or
property of any kind for any residential, commercial, or industrial purpose.

       "PRIVATE WAY."  Any street, road, avenue, drive, cul-de-sac or other
thoroughfare used for vehicular traffic


               -------------  ---------------------------------

and any easement or right-of-way that provides sole access to more than one
parcel or lot which is not included in the definition of "PUBLIC WAY" and which
is not maintained by Seminole County, the City of Lake Mary or the Florida
Department of Transportation. This term shall include, but is not limited to
roadways or driveways in mobile home parks, apartments, condominiums, and
commercial or industrial complexes, which have been named and signed in
accordance with the comprehensive plan of this city.

       "PROJECTED STREET NAME AND NUMBERING SCHEME." All approved site plans and
plots, including amendments thereto, which contain projected street names and
addresses although no construction or development has occurred on the projected

       "PUBLIC WAY." Any area of a public road or right-of-way, either paved or
unpaved, which is intended for vehicular traffic, and that has been dedicated to
the City of Lake Mary, Seminole County or State of Florida for the purpose of
vehicular traffic and for use as a thoroughfare for vehicular traffic whether
accepted or not by the city, excluding, however, service entrances or driveways.

       "UNIFORM BUILDING NUMBERING SYSTEM." A system by which existing buildings
and projected lots and parcels for future buildings are assigned addresses in a
coordinated and uniform method based on a designated grid system contained in
the official master grid maps. (Ord. 491, passed 3-1-90)

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----

       A uniform building numbering system, as shown on the maps, identified by
the title, "Building Numbering Maps," and filed in the office of the Seminole
County Planning Department is hereby adopted for use in this city pursuant to an
interlocal agreement on file with the Board of County Commissioners and this
city. Upon adoption, the uniform building numbering system maps and the grid
maps and each amendment thereto shall be on file in the office of the City
Clerk. (Ord. 491, passed 3-1-90)

- -----------------------------------------------------

       (A) The Seminole County Planning Department has been assigned
responsibility for coordinating and maintaining the numbering system by the
Board of County Commissioners. Said Department shall assign building numbers in
conformity with the uniform building numbering system. Charges for such
assignments shall be made in accordance with a fee schedule duly adopted by
resolution by the Board of County Commissioners.

       (B) Should an existing building fail to conform with the uniform
numbering system, the Seminole County Planning Department will give notice to
those owners or occupants whose building number is in nonconformity with the
uniform building numbering system. Said notice will be delivered to the owner or
occupant by certified mail, return receipt requested, by posting same in a
conspicuous place on the property or by hand delivery. Said notice may include a
notification of a change of address which shall contain the new building
number(s) assigned to the building in accordance with the uniform building
numbering system and shall direct the owner or the occupant to post the newly
assigned building number on said building or property in accordance with the
provisions of the uniform building numbering system. The owners or occupants
shall have 30 days from receipt of the notice sent by certified mail, from the
date of delivery, if delivered by hand, or from the date of posting, if such
notice is posted on the property, to come into compliance.

       (C) Assignment by the Seminole County Planning Department of the assigned
number to a lot or parcel on which a projected future building may be
constructed shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of a Building Permit
for any such building. (Ord. 491, passed 3-1-90) Penalty, see (S)150A.99.

- -------------------------------

       All buildings within the municipal limits of the city, shall have its
assigned building number properly displayed in accordance with the provisions of
this chapter, whether or not mail is delivered to such building or property. It
shall be the duty of the owners and occupants of each building in the city, to
post the assigned building number on the property in conformity with this
chapter as follows:


               -------------  ---------------------------------

       (A) The building address number shall be permanently affixed to the
building front or facade as defined herein, or to a separate structure such as a
mailbox, post, wall, fence, or other visible and commonly used area, in such a
manner as to be clearly visible and legible and without obstruction from the
public or private way on which the building fronts.

       (B) Any numbers which are not clearly visible and legible from the public
or private way shall not be used.

       (C) The numerals shall be of a contrasting color with the immediate
background of the building or structure on which such numerals are affixed and
shall not be less than three inches in height and one-half inch in width.

       (D) Numerals shall be made of a durable weather-resistant material. (Ord.
491, passed 3-1-90) Penalty, see (S) 150A.99.

- ---------------------------------

       Whenever a parcel of land, a subdivision, or any part thereof, becomes a
part of the municipal limits of this city, by annexation, the Seminole County
Planning Department will review the address numbers of such property and
determine whether such numbers, their posting, and the method of numbering for
such annexed portion conforms to the designated grid system and the uniform
building numbering system within 30 days of such annexation. (Ord. 491, passed

- -----------------------------

       (A) If the number, posting, or method of numbering a building is in
nonconformance with Seminole County's grid system and uniform building numbering
system after a municipal annexation, the Seminole County Planning Department
will give notice of such nonconformance to the owners or occupants of the
affected building or property.

       (B) Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt
requested; by posting said notice in a conspicuous place on the building; or by
hand delivery.

       (C) Said notice shall include a notification or a change of address which
shall contain the correct or new building number(s) assigned to the building or
property in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the date of

       (D) Said notice shall direct the owner or the occupant to post the newly
assigned building number(s) contained in the change of address on said building
or property in accordance with this chapter.

       (E) Said notice shall notify the owner or occupant that, if he or she
disagrees with the determination of the Seminole County Planning Department, an
appeal may be taken regarding the determination made. The Deputy County
Administrator/County Development or his functional successor shall hear such
appeals. (Ord. 491, passed 3-1-90) Penalty, see (S)150A.99

(S) 150A.99  PENALTY.
- --------------------

       (A) Any person, firm, entity, partnership, trust, corporation,
association, or other organization failing to comply with the provision of this
chapter shall be punished as provided by general law.

       (B) The city Code Enforcement Board shall have jurisdiction over
violations of this chapter. Proceedings before the Code Enforcement Board shall
be governed by its rules and procedures. (Ord. 491, passed 3-1-90)


SECTION 2.   SHORT TITLE.  This Ordinance shall create a new Chapter 155,
- ----------   ------------                                                
Appendix I of the Code of Ordinances to be known as the "Lake Mary Sign Code".

SECTION 3.  PURPOSE AND INTENT.  The purpose and intent of this Code is to
- ----------  -------------------                                           
establish regulations for the fabrication, erection and use of signs and other
outdoor advertising displays within the City of Lake Mark.  These regulations
are hereby established in order to promote the overall economic well being of
the businesses in the City, while at the same time providing for the health,
safety and welfare of its citizens by reducing the adverse effects of signs and
displays on highway safety, building safety, property value, and the enjoyment
of the scenic beauty of the City.  These regulations are intended to avoid
excessive competition and clutter among sign displays in the demand for public

- ----------   ------------
(A)  In General
     The word "shall" is mandatory, the word "may" is permissive.
     (1) A sign is presumed to have been abandoned when it is located on
         property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of three (3)
         or more months.
     (2) Any sign face which advertises a business no longer conducted or
         product no longer sold. In making the determination that a sign
         advertises a business no longer being conducted, the Enforcement
         Official shall consider the existence or absence of a current
         occupational license, utility service deposit or account, or active use
         of the premises.
     (3) Any sign structure which has not been used for business purposes for
         over three (3) months that is non-conforming as to existing codes
         regarding height, setback or maintenance.
     (4) Any previously permitted temporary sign for which the permit or
         permitted time has expired.
(C)  "ADVERTISING FLAGS."  Any commercial flags designed for or having the
     effect of attracting attention, promotion or advertising.
(D)  "AWNING SIGN."  A sign composed of cloth or canvas supported by a metal or
     rigid framework attached to and extending from an exterior wall or any
     other portion of a building utilized as protection from the rain or sun.
(E)  "BANNER SIGNS."  Any signs having characters, letters, illustrations, or
     ornamentations applied to cloth, paper, or fabric of any kind, including
(F)  "CONSTRUCTION SIGN."  A sign announcing and identifying the construction
     project scheduled or underway on the site where the sign is located.
(G)  "DIRECTIONAL SIGN." - ON-SITE.  Any sign used to indicate the direction to
     entrances, exists, parking areas, restrooms, or other non-business related
     facilities on the site on which the sign is located.
(H)  "DIRECTORY SIGN."  A sign which gives the names of the businesses or
     individuals located in the building or complex where it is located.  A
     directory sign shall be of a unified design and common material, and shall
     allow for a uniform size sign for each business or unit of space in the
     development.  Directory Signs shall be limited to the name and type of
     business and its location within the building or complex.

(I)  "DOUBLE-FACED SIGN."  A sign with two (2) faces which are no more than
     twelve (12) inches apart at their closest point, and which describe an
     internal angle between face planes extended no more than thirty (30)
(J)  "ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER."  A sign on which the copy/advertising changes
     automatically on a lampbank or through mechanical means.
(K)  "FREE STANDING SIGN".  A sign wholly independent of any building for
     support.  For the purposes of this sign code, a free standing sign may be
     constructed of wood or other permanent, rigid material and may be used for
     construction and real estate signs only.
(L)  "FRONT FOOT, BUSINESS."  The lineal distance of the building space occupied
     by the particular business, measured on a straight line parallel to the
     street.  In the event that a building fronts on two or more streets, the
     property owner shall be given the option of selecting one street frontage
     for the purpose of computing allowable sign area.  Where a business does
     not parallel a street, the front foot shall be measured along the exterior
     side of the building space occupied by the particular business and which is
     considered by the business and general public to be the front of the
(M)  "FRONT-FOOT, PROPERTY."  Each foot, or major portion thereof, measured
     along the public right-of-way where the subject property abuts said right-
(N)  "FRONT-FOOT, BUILDING."  Each foot, or major portion thereof, measured
     along the main entry side of a building.  Where buildings form an "L" or
     "U", all main entry sides are measured.
(O)  "GROUND SIGNS."  A sign wholly independent of any building for support; and
     where the subject of the sign relates to either the identifying of the
     business name or the activity carried on in the structure on the same
     property as the sign.
(P)  "HEIGHT OF SIGN."  The distance between the top of a sign and the average
     grade elevation below it.
(Q)  "IDENTIFICATION SIGN."  A sign that indicates the name and type of business
     or service, or the name of the development located on the site where the
     sign is located; including street address, phone number, and graphic of
     business logo.
(R)  "ILLEGAL SIGN."  A sign not legally permitted prior to or after the
     adoption of this sign code.
(S)  "ILLUMINATED SIGN."  A sign that uses artificial light, either internal or
     external to the sign faces, to draw attention to the sign or otherwise
     increase its visibility.
(T)  "INSTRUCTIONAL SIGN."  A sign conveying non-advertising information
     relating to the use of the premises, including such signs as "no parking",
     "no trespassing" and warning signs.
(U)  "INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN."  A sign that uses artificial light from
     behind the sign face to increase its visibility.
(V)  "MARQUEE SIGN."  Any sign placed flat along and on the edges of a marquee.
(W)  "MEMBERSHIP SIGN."  A sign identifying affiliation with a travel club,
     business association, credit card company, or professional association.
(X)  "MEMORIAL SIGN."  A permanent sign, plaque, inscription or similar group of
     symbols recording historical data relating to the construction of the
     building to which it is affixed.
(Y)  "NON-CONFORMING SIGN."  A sign legally permitted in the City before the
     adoption of this sign code that does not conform to the requirements of
     this sign code.  A sign not legally permitted prior to the adoption of this
     sign code shall not be considered a non-conforming sign.
(Z)  "OFF PREMISE SIGN."  A sign, either attached to a building or other
     structure located on real property, which is not appurtenant to the use of
     the real property where the sign is located or 


     which does not advertise a service offered at the location where the sign
     is placed or which does not identify a business located where the sign is
     placed as a purveyor of the merchandise or services advertised on the sign.
     The term "OFF PREMISE SIGN" includes, but is not limited to, signs commonly
     known as billboards.

(AA) "ON-SITE SIGN."  A sign that identifies or advertises only goods, services,
     facilities, events or attractions available on the premises where the sign
     is located.
(BB) "PAINTED WALL SIGN."  A sign painted on any outside wall or roof of any
(CC) "PARAPET."  The extension of the main walls of a building above the roof
(DD) "PARASITE SIGN."  Any unpermitted sign which is attached to another sign.
(EE) "PENNANT."  Any flag-like piece of cloth, plastic or paper attached to any
     staff, cord, building or other structure and which hangs loosely for the
     purpose of attracting attention to the site.
(FF) "PERMITTED SIGNS."  All signs requiring a permit under this sign code.
(GG) "POLE SIGNS."  A sign supported by poles, uprights, or braces, which are
     not concealed in an enclosed base, but are permanently placed on or in the
     ground and wholly independent of any building for support, either single-
     faced or double-faced.
(HH) "POLITICAL SIGN OR POLITICAL FLAG."  Any display of characters, names, or
     illustrations which advocate the election of any individual, group pf
     individuals, or any position for or against any political issue.
(II) "PORTABLE SIGN."  A sign that has no permanent attachment to a building or
     to the ground by means of a footing; including, but not limited to, an A-
     frame sign, sign with wheels or frame or structures with axles or designed
     to be pulled or towed on a trailer or similar devise, pull attachments, or
     hot air or gas-filled balloons.
(JJ) "PREMISES."  The lot or lots, plots, portions or parcels of land considered
     a unit for a single development or activity.
(KK) "PROJECTING SIGN."  A sign supported by a wall of a building, projecting
     away from that wall twelve (12) inches or more, and designed with a face or
     faces reading at an angle to that wall.
(LL) "READER BOARD."  A sign designed to accommodate changeable copy including,
     but not limited to, individual letters and numbers that can be removed and
     replaced by hand.  Electronic message centers are not considered part of
     this definition.
(MM) "REAL ESTATE SIGN."  A sign erected by the owner, or his agent, advertising
     the real property where the sign is located for sale, lease, or rent.
(NN) "ROOF SIGN."  A sign erected on or over the roof of any building.
(OO) "SANDWICH SIGN."  Any two-sided, self-supporting portable sign.
(PP) "SIGN."  Any display of characters, letters, illustrations or any
     ornamentations; or the complete structure on which any characters, letters,
     illustrations, or ornamentations are supported or applied, except guys or
     their anchorages.
(QQ) "SIGN AREA."  The area enclosed by one continuous line, connecting the
     extreme points or edges of a sign.  The area shall be determined using the
     largest sign area or silhouette visible at any one time from any one point
     that is off-site.  This area does not include the main supporting sign
     structure; but all other ornamental attachments, inner connecting links,
     and the like, which are not a part of the main supports of the sign are to
     be included in determining sign area.
     (1)  Free-standing letters or cut letters used as a sign area: the area is
          measured as ninety percent (90%) of the area enclosed within the
          smallest regular geometric figure needed


          to encompass completely all letters, insignias, or symbols of the
          sign, including horizontal spacing between letters, insignias,
          symbols, logos, and trademarks, except as otherwise provided herein.
     (2)  Signs other than free-standing letters, words, insignias, or symbols:
          the area is measured as the total area of the facing, or the total
          area within the outer edge of any existing border of the sign.
     (3)  In every event, computation of allowable sign area includes all
          existing signs on the premises, whether those signs are conforming or
          non-conforming under the terms of this appendix.
(RR) "SUBDIVISION SIGN."  Any sign which marks or identifies the entrance or
     entrances to a residential subdivision.
(SS) "SWING SIGNS OR SUSPENDED SIGNS."  Any sign projecting at an angle on the
     outside wall or walls of any building, and which is suspended from a
     projecting structure in such a manner that the sign itself, or any part
     thereof, is not attached to the building or wall.
(TT) "TEMPORARY SIGN."  A sign used to advertise or identify transitory events
     or two (2) weeks or less duration unless specifically permitted for a
     longer period by this code.
(UU) "WALL SIGN."  Any sign painted on, or attached to, or erected parallel to
     the face of, or erected and confined within the limits of, the outside wall
     of any building, and which displays only one (1) advertising surface.
(VV) "WINDOW SIGN."  A permanent or temporary sign affixed to, suspended behind,
     or painted on either face of a window or glass door that reads to the
     exterior of the building.

- ----------   ------------
(A)  PERMIT REQUIRED.  It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct,
     alter or relocate within the City of Lake Mary, Florida, any sign without
     having first obtained a permit therefore, except as provided for in this
     sign code.
     erection of all signs requiring permits under this sign code shall be done
     by and permitted to the property owner or lessee, or to a sign contractor,
     general contractor or building contractor legally authorized to perform
     such work.
(C)  APPLICATION FOR PERMIT.  All applications for permits under this section
     shall be filed by either a contractor licensed to erect signs in the City,
     or the owner of the property where the sign is to be located or his
     authorized agent.  Such applications shall include the following:
     (1)  Name, address and telephone number of owner(s) of property;
     (2)  Name, address and telephone number of licensed sign company erecting
          the sign;
     (3)  The street address and legal description of the property upon which
          proposed sign is to be located.
     (4)  The height, size, shape and location of the proposed sign;
     (5)  Written permission of the owner, his lessee or agent, to erect the
          proposed sign;
     (6)  A plan, sketch, blueprint, or similar presentation drawn to scale,
          showing all pertinent structural details, wind load requirements, and
          materials in accordance with the requirements of the Southern Standard
          Building Code;
     (7)  A statement verifying the height, size, shape and location of existing
          signage on the premises.


(D)  ISSUANCE OF PERMIT.  Upon receipt of an application for a sign permit, the
     Building Official or his designee shall review the plans, specifications
     and other data relating to such sign, and, if considered necessary, inspect
     the premises upon which the sign is proposed to be erected.  If the
     proposed sign is in compliance with this sign code and all other applicable
     laws and code of the City, a sign permit shall be issued upon receipt of
     the permit fee.
(E)  PERMIT FEES.  Permit fees under this sign code shall be set by resolution
     of the City Commission.
(F)  PERMIT LABEL REQUIRED.  With each permit issued, the Building Official
     shall provide a label or decal for each permitted sign bearing the permit
     number.  This label shall be attached to the sign or sign structure so as
     to be clearly visible from the public right-of-way or public areas of the
     business site.
(G)  PENALTY.  In addition to other penalties provided by this sign code, or
     Code of Ordinances generally, a permit fee of double the amount specified
     shall be required if work has commenced without a permit.
(H)  EXPIRATION OF PERMIT.  Any permit issued under this sign code shall expire
     ninety (90) days after date of issuance, unless installation of the
     permitted sign is completed.

- ----------   -------------------
(A)  EXEMPT SIGNS:  The following signs are exempt from the permitting
     requirements of this sign code, but shall still meet applicable
     construction standards and obtain electrical permits if required by the
     City Electrical Code:
     (1)  Identification signs of two (2) square feet or less;
     (2)  "No Trespassing," "Private Property," "No Soliciting," or "No Dumping"
          signs of two (2) square feet or less;
     (3)  On-Site Directional or instructional signs of four (4) square feet or
          less and less than three (3) feet in height where vehicle or
          pedestrian movements are involved;
     (4)  Governmental signs for traffic control, street designation, direction
          to public facilities, and any public sign deemed necessary by a public
          official in the performance of his public duty, or as approved by the
          City Commission;
     (5)  Professional name plates not exceeding three (3) square feet in area.
     (6)  Occupational signs denoting only the name and profession of an
          occupant in a commercial building or public institutional building,
          placed flat against the exterior surface of the building and not
          exceeding three (3) square feet in area.
     (7)  Under-canopy signs behind the right-of-way line for pedestrian
          identification of less than four (4) square feet.
     (8)  Credit card or membership signs or two (2) square feet or less, one
          (1) of each different organization permitted for each street frontage;
     (9)  A maximum of two (2) menu (reader) boards for drive-through facilities
          of no more than twenty-four (24) square feet each. Such signs shall be
          located adjacent to and oriented toward the drive-through area;
     (10) Decals affixed to fuel pumps, or other types of vending equipment used
          for dispensing retail products, so long as the signs or decals remain
          applicable to the use of the equipment.


     (11) Permanent ground type church service signs not exceeding fifty (50)
          square feet and located on the property where the church sanctuary is
          situated. Such signs shall be limited to six (6) feet in height and
          shall meet the setbacks of the zoning district in which the church is
     (12) Standard-sized menus mounted at the entrance to restaurants.
     (13) Signs required or authorized by federal, state, or county law.
     (14) An owner or his designated agent is permitted to advertise real
          property for sale, rent, or lease. No sign permit will be required
          under the following conditions:
          (a)  Advertising shall be by the use of (1) sign not exceeding the
               standards set forth in section 7(A)(2) and section 7(A)(3).
               Maximum sign area shall be inclusive of all riders and
          (b)  These signs shall be firmly anchored in the ground.
          (c)  No sandwich-type signs will be permitted.
          (d)  These signs shall be solely for the purpose of offering for sale,
               for rent, or for lease the particular property on which the signs
               are placed.
          (e)  All signs shall be removed upon the sale or lease of the property
               immediately after closing. "Sold" signs may be permitted for
               seven (7) days after the closing, and cannot exceed the size of
               the original sign.
     (15) Off-site directional signs, including but not limited to; garage sale,
          open house, yard sale, neighborhood watch, and homeowners association
          signs of six (6) square feet or less limited to one (1) per parcel,
          lot or tract. These signs shall not be permitted in road or street
          rights-of-way and may be removed by the City without notice.
     (16) Home occupation signs limited ton one (1) square foot, affixed on the
          wall adjacent to the front entrance of the building.
(B)  PROHIBITED SIGNS.  It shall be unlawful to erect or maintain any sign
     described as follows:
     (1)  Commercial sign adjacent to residentially zoned land: No sign shall be
          located within fifty (50) feet of any residentially zoned property.
     (2)  Traffic or pedestrian hazards: Any sign which constitutes a traffic
          hazard or a detriment to traffic safety by reason if its size,
          location, movement, content, coloring, or method of illumination. Any
          sign which obstructs the vision between pedestrians and vehicles using
          the public right-of-way, including, but not restricted to, those not
          meeting visibility standards, in the Zoning Ordinance. Specifically
          prohibited are signs using:
         (a)  Electronic message centers, or signs of a flashing, revolving or
              stroboscopic nature. Signs of a flashing, animated, or rotating
              nature, except traditional, non-illuminated barber poles not
              exceeding three (3) feet in length.
         (b)  Bare bulbs in excess of eleven (11) watts; and
         (c)  Words and traffic control symbols so as to interfere with, mislead
              or confuse traffic, such as "stop", "look", "caution", "danger",
              or "slow".
     (3)  Signs or flags attached to trees, streetlight poles, parking lot light
          poles or utility poles.
     (4)  Signs attached to or painted on vehicles which vehicles are not
          regularly used as part of the advertised business and are parked or
          located in such a way as to advertise.
     (5)  Privately constructed signs in public right-of-way not specifically
          permitted by this sign code.


     (6)  Signs made of combustible materials that are attached to or in close
          proximity to fire escapes or fire fighting equipment.
     (7)  Roof Signs.
     (8)  Abandoned Signs.
     (9)  Projecting Signs.
     (10) Any other signs that are not specifically permitted or exempted by
          this sign code.
     (11) Banner signs, streamers, ribbons, propellers, searchlights, balloons,
          pennants or similar devices.
     (12) Portable Signs.
     (13) Pole Signs.
     (14) Off Premise/Off-Site Signs (except for those permitted under section
          6(A) (16)).
     (15) Advertising Flags.
     (16) Any temporary sign placed or located on or over any public
          thoroughfare, road, alley sidewalk, easement, or right-of-way within
          any zone of the City, except for special event signs sanctioned or
          sponsored by the City Commission, at such locations and for such
          duration as determined appropriate by the City Commission to the
     (17) Parasite signs.
     (18) Reader Boards unless otherwise provided for in this code.

(C)  PERMITTED SIGNS.  All permitted signs shall be constructed in accordance
     with the following standards, and no Certificate of Occupancy will be
     issued for any new or renovated building unless it has conformed to these
     (1)  Code Compliance: All signs shall be constructed and maintained in
          accordance with the provisions and requirements of the City of Lake
          Mary Building Code, Electrical Codes, all other applicable codes,
          ordinances or requirements.
     (2)  Copy: All copy shall be maintained so as to be legible and complete.
     (3)  Structure: Signs shall be maintained in a vertical position unless
          originally permitted otherwise, and in good and safe condition at all
     (4)  Damage: Damaged faces or structural members shall be repaired in a
          timely manner.
     (5)  Safety: Electrical systems, fasteners, and the sign and structure as a
          whole shall be maintained at all times in a safe condition.
     (6)  All permitted signs, including permanent and temporary signs, shall
          conform to all ordinances and codes of the City and will be counted as
          part of the total sign allowance established by these regulations for
          any given parcel of real property or business, as appropriate.
(1)  Individual/single use businesses (commercial, office, and industrial uses).
     (a)  Sign Area. Total sign area shall not exceed one-hundred (100) square
          feet in PO, C-1 and C-2 zones, or two-hundred (200) square feet in M-
          1A and M-2A zones. This can be either wall signs, window signs, reader
          boards (as permitted) or ground signs, or a combination.
     (b)  Wall signs.  Maximum wall sign area shall be permitted as follows:
          1.  In PO, C-1 and C-2 zones, one and one-half ( 1 1/2) square feet
              for each building front foot, up to one-hundred (100) square feet.


          2.  In M-1A and M-2A zones, two (2) square feet for each building
              front foot, up to two-hundred (200) square feet.
     (c)  Window signs.  Maximum window sign area shall be permitted as follows:
          1.  In A-1, M-1A, M-2A, PO, C-1 and C-2 zones, one (1) square foot for
              each store front foot, up to one-hundred (100) square feet.
     (d)  Ground signs.  One (1) ground sign per parcel for each primary street
          frontage shall be permitted, of maximum area as follows:
          1.  Area. In A-1, PO, C-1 and C-2 zones, one and one-half (1 1/2)
              square feet for each building front foot, up to one-hundred (100)
              square feet. In M-1A and M-2A zones, two (2) square feet for each
              building front foot, up to two-hundred (200) square feet.
          2.  Height. In A-1, PO, C-1 and C-2 zones the maximum height shall be
              twelve (12) feet. In M-1A and M-2A zones shall be fifteen (15)
          3.  Setback. Minimum setback from right-of-way line shall be five (5)
              feet for all ground signs.
          4.  Design of ground signs.
              a.   Vertical structure supports for ground signs shall be
                   concealed in an enclosed base. The width of such enclosed
                   base shall be equal to at least two-thirds (2/3) the
                   horizontal width of the sign surface.
              b.   The base shall be of a low maintenance finish which is
                   compatible with the architectural style of the principal
                   building limited to split face block, stone, finished metal
                   or brick. Sign bases finished with stucco or wood are
                   strictly prohibited.
              c.   Any external above ground light source shall be located and
                   hidden within the planer bed or shall be in a burial fixture.
     (e)  Reader boards are permitted for the following uses and with the
          following restrictions:
          1.   Churches, places of worship, organizations which are exempt from
               paying Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
               Revenue Code, public schools, government buildings and facilities
               shall be permitted to have reader boards provided that the total
               sign area for reader boards does not exceed 32 (thirty-two)
               square feet per lot, tract or parcel.
          2.   Movie theaters, drive-in theaters, or playhouses. Reader boards
               are permitted, and shall be calculated as part of the total
               maximum allowable sign area in the zoning district in which these
               uses are located.
          3.   Automobile service stations and convenience stores. A maximum of
               nine (9) square feet may be devoted to reader boards per lot or
               parcel which contains an automobile service station or
               convenience store. Only one side of a double-faced ground signs
               shall be counted for area calculation purposes. Reader board sign
               area shall be calculated as part of the total maximum allowable
               sign area in the zoning district in which it is located.


(2)  Commercial Shopping Centers.  Shopping centers shall be permitted signs
     under this section.  However, the following criteria are to be considered
     guidelines for maximum signage.  All shopping center signage shall be
     reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Board as to final size,
     location, and coordination.

     (a)  Wall and window signs. Wall and window signage for individual
          businesses in shopping center of up to two (2) square feet for each
          business front foot and not to exceed a maximum of one-hundred (100)
          square feet. This can either be a wall signage, window signage, or a

     (b)  Individual businesses in a shopping center exceeding one-hundred (100)
          business front feet are permitted one (1) square foot of sign area for
          each additional business front foot over and above one-hundred (100)
          business front feet, but not to exceed two-hundred (200) square feet.
          This can be wall signage, window signage or a combination.

     (c)  No illuminated wall sign shall exceed one-hundred (100) square feet if
          it is within five-hundred (500) feet of a residential land use or
          zoning district and is visible from the residential land use or zoning

     (d)  In the case of corner stores, additional signage may be allowed only
          where the same or similar facade treatment is used on both front and
          side and there is an entrance to the general public along such sides,
          but in no case shall more than one side facade of a corner store
          exceed one-hundred (100) square feet of sign area. Sign area is not
          transferable between facades.

     (e)  Ground Sign.
          1.   Maximum sign area shall be in accordance with the following 
               a.   Centers under seventy-five-thousand (75,000) square feet:
                    Shopping center identification sign of fifty-six (56) square
                    feet or less.
               b.   Centers of seventy-five-thousand (75,000) square feet to 
                    two-hundred-fifty-thousand (250,000) square feet: Shopping
                    center identification sign of eighty-four (84) square feet
                    or less.
               c.   Centers of over two-hundred-fifty-thousand (250,000) square
                    feet: Shopping center identification sign of one-hundred-
                    twelve (112) square feet or less.
          2.   Height, setback, and spacing of ground signs.
               a.   Maximum height shall be fifteen (15) feet.
               b.   Ground signs shall be set back a minimum of:
                    b.1.  Fifty (50) feet from side lot lines, or equidistant
                          from side lot lines.


                    b.2.  Five (5) feet or more from right-of-way, but in no
                          event erected in any location which shall constitute
                          an impediment to clear line of sight for vehicular
                          traffic. Signs which constitute a traffic safety
                          hazard based upon recommendation by the City Police
                          Department shall be relocated on order of the Planning
                          and Zoning Board to eliminate the hazard.
                    b.3.  Ground sign structures on the same ownership parcel
                          shall be minimum of seven-hundred (700) feet apart.
          3.   Design of ground sign. The design of permitted ground sign shall
               be in accordance with section 6(D) (1) (c) 4.
(3)  INDUSTRIAL PARKS. Subdivisions of land as defined in the City Subdivision
     Regulations which are zoned for industrial use shall be permitted signage
     as follows:
     (a)  Ground Sign. One (1) ground sign structure for each public right-of-
          way entrance consisting of any combination of identification or
          directory signage. Maximum sign area of all ground signs shall be
          forty-eight (48) square feet for every fifty (50) acres or fraction
          thereof. The design of permitted ground signs shall be in accordance
          with section 6 (D) (1) (c) 4.
     (b)  Individual sites within an industrial park.  Individual sites
          within an industrial park shall be permitted ground and wall
          signage under Section 6 (D) (1) of this sign code.
     (c)  Directory signs for multi-tenant complex within an industrial
          1.   Directory Sign. One (1) directory sign per street frontage which
               is accessed by the complex shall be permitted as follows:
               a.   Complexes under one-hundred-thousand (100,000) square feet -
                    Maximum area per sign shall be forty-eight (48) square feet.
               b.   Complexes of 100,000 square feet or greater - Maximum area
                    per sign shall be seventy-two (72) square feet.
               c.   Height and Setback Requirements for Directory Signs.
                    c.1.  Maximum height shall be fifteen (15) feet.
                    c.2.  Ground signs shall be setback a minimum of five (5)
                          feet from public right-of-way; however, signs in
                          entrance median may be approved.
               d.   Design of directory sign. The design of permitted ground
                    signs shall be in accordance with section 6 (d) (1) (c) 4.
          2.   Wall and window signage. Wall signage for individual tenants in a
               multi-tenant complex shall be permitted in accordance with
               section 6 (D) (2) of this code.
     (a)  Ground Sign. One (1) ground sign structure for each primary park
          entrance consisting of any combination of identification and directory
          signage. Maximum sign area for each structure shall be calculated as
          thirty-two (32) square feet for every fifty (50) acres or fraction
          thereof. The design of permitted ground signs shall be in accordance
          with section 6 (D) (1) (c) 4.


     (b)  Individual sites within an office park.
          1.   Directory Sign. One (1) wall or ground directory sign located
               adjacent to each building entrance of up to eight (8) square
               feet; and
          2.   Wall signs to identify individual offices not to exceed two (2)
               square feet each.
          3.   Ground Signs.
               a.   Maximum height shall be twelve (12) feet.
               b.   Ground signs shall be setback a minimum of:
                    b.1.  Twenty-five (25) feet from side lot lines, or
                          equidistant from side lot lines.
                    b.2.  Five (5) feet from public rights-of-way.
               c.   Design of ground sign. The design of permitted ground signs
                    shall be in accordance with section 6 (D) (1) (c)4.
     (a)  Ground Signs. One (1) ground sign for each street frontage shall be
          permitted as follows:
          1.   Multi-family uses of twelve (12) units or less in R-3 zones -
               maximum sixteen (16) square feet.
          2.   Multi-family uses of thirteen (13) or more units in R-3 zones -
               maximum thirty-two (32) square feet.
          3.   Subdivision Signs. Permanent subdivision signs shall be reviewed
               by the Planning and Zoning Board and/or City Commission as part
               of the subdivision review process, or upon request for property
               owners after development has occurred. If an off-site subdivision
               sign is approved, no other off-site sign (including directional
               signs) shall be allowed on the parcel containing the off-site
               subdivision sign.
               a.   Design standards for subdivision signs. Vertical structure
                    supports for subdivision signs shall be concealed in an
                    enclosed base. The width of such enclosed base shall be
                    equal to the horizontal width of the sign surface. The base
                    shall be of a low maintenance finish. Stucco, wood, raw
                    concrete and exposed concrete block are not acceptable

               b.   The maximum height of a subdivision sign is six (6) feet
                    from grade.

               c.   A subdivision sign shall be located in close proximity to
                    the entrance or entrances of the subdivision identified by
                    the particular sign. No more than two subdivision signs are
                    permitted per entrance. Subdivision signs proposed to be
                    located in public right of way must be specifically reviewed
                    by the City Commission.


               d.   Subdivision signs shall not be internally illuminated.

               e.   Free standing letters/cut out letters shall not exceed a
                    maximum height of two (2) feet. The maximum sign area for
                    each subdivision sign shall be sixty (60) square feet.

          4.   Height and Setback.  Setback and height for ground signs in
               residential districts shall be as follows:
               a.   One (1) to five (5) foot setback - maximum height three (3)
               b.   Over five (5) foot setback - maximum height eight (8) feet.
               c.   Minimum setback from side lot lines shall be ten (10) feet.
               d.   Design of ground sign. The design of permitted ground signs
                    shall be in accordance with section 6 (D) (1) (c)4.
     (b)  Wall Signs. One (1) wall sign may be utilized in lieu of a ground
          sign, of maximum size as specified above. Any internal illumination of
          signs shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board.

     (c)  Conditional uses in residential zones. The following total sign areas
          shall be permitted for conditional uses in residential zones. Height,
          setback shall be according to the preceding subsection (4).
          1.   Child care, nursery school - sixteen (16) square feet.
          2.   Churches - thirty-two (32) square feet.
          3.   Home Occupation - one (1) square foot, affixed on the wall
               adjacent to the front entrance of the building.
          4.   All other conditional uses - sixteen (16) square feet.
          5.   In A-1 zones maximum height of ground signs for churches,
               nurseries, day care centers, schools, funeral homes and other
               conditional uses in A-1 shall be twelve (12) feet. Maximum total
               sign area allowed for an A-1 non-residential use shall be one
               hundred (100) square feet which includes all wall, window, reader
               board, temporary and ground sign areas.
- --------------------------- 
(A)  Real Estate and Construction Signs.  Real Estate and construction signs,
     as defined in this sign code, shall be permitted under the following
     (1)  One (1) non-illuminated sign of each type shall be allowed on each
          street frontage of the subject property only.
     (2)   Freestanding signs shall be:
          (a)  Setback five (5) feet from public rights-of-way.
          (b)  Setback twenty-five (25) feet from side property lines, or
               equidistant between side property lines.
          (c)  A maximum height of five (5) feet in residential zones and ten
               (10) feet in commercial and industrial zones.


     (3)  Maximum sign area shall be:

     ZONE                REAL ESTATE           CONSTRUCTION         
- ------------------      ---------------       --------------        
RCE, A-1 (3 ACRES       6 Square Feet         16 Square Feet        
OR LESS), R-1A          per lot, parcel       per approved          
R-1AA, R-1AAA, R-2      or tract              subdivision or        
RM                                            site plan             
- --                                                  
PO, R-3                 16 Square Feet        32 Square Feet        
A-1 (MORE THAN          per lot, parcel       per approved          
3 ACRES)                or tract              subdivision or        
                                              site plan       
C-1, C-2, M-1A          32 Square Feet        64 Square Feet        
M-2A                    per lot, parcel       per approved          
                        or tract              subdivision or        
                                              site plan              

     (4)  Construction signs shall not be erected more than sixty (60) days
          prior to the beginning of construction, and shall be removed within
          thirty (30) days after construction is completed.  Such signs shall be
          removed immediately if construction has not begun after sixty (60)
          days, or if construction is halted thereafter for a period of more
          than thirty (30) days.
     (5)  Subcontractor and other additional signs of two (2) square feet or
          less shall be permitted in addition to total sign area and shall be
          affixed to, or immediately adjacent to the main sign structure.
          Additional signs exceeding two (2) square feet shall be counted toward
          total sign area.

(B)  Political Signs and Flags.
     (1)  Temporary political campaign signs or flags shall be permitted in all
          zoning districts subject to the following restrictions, limitations
          and requirements and any other applicable requirements set forth in
          this sign code.
     (2)  Setback shall be five (5) feet from public rights-of-way.
     (3)  Setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet from side property lines or
          equidistant between side property line.
     (4)  The maximum height shall be five (5) feet in residential zones and ten
          (10) feet in commercial and industrial zones.

     (5)  The maximum sign or flag area shall be:
                    ZONE                    MAXIMUM PER SIGN/FLAG
                    ----                    ---------------------
               Residential                  6/50 Square Feet
               Agricultural, Commercial,
               or Industrial Zone           16/50 Square Feet


     (6)  Political campaign signs shall be erected no sooner than the candidate
          has qualified for an election and shall be removed within ten (10)
          days after the election or after the campaign issue has been decided.
     (7)  The erection and removal of all political signs shall be the joint
          responsibility of the owner of the property upon which the sign is
          placed, of the owner of such sign and the candidate for whom such sign
          was placed.  Each such person shall be jointly and severable liable
          for a violation of the terms and conditions of this sign code.
     (8)  Political Campaign/Permit; Bond.  It shall be unlawful for any
          candidate for an elected office to post any signs, billboards, or
          posters within the City unless such candidate or his campaign manager
          shall first obtain a permit from the City Clerk and post a good and
          sufficient surety bond or cash bond in an amount of not less than one
          hundred dollars ($100.00) conditioned upon compliance with Code and
          the removal of such signs, billboards and posters within ten (10) days
          after the election in which the candidate is eliminated or elected or
          the campaign issue is decided.  Should the candidate fail to comply
          with Code or refuse to remove said signs, billboards or posters within
          fifteen (15) days after such election, the City shall have the
          authority to enforce the Code and/or to remove such signs, billboards
          and posters and dispose thereof and charge the cost of enforcement
          and/or such removal and disposition against the bond posted by the
          candidate.  In the event a cash bond is posted, any sums remaining in
          the hands of the City after the cost of such removal has been deducted
          shall be remitted to the candidate.

(D)  Temporary signs for special events.
     (1)  Permits for temporary signs not otherwise prohibited are allowed for
          such purposes as auctions, special events, notice of opening of new
          businesses, and going out of business sales.  Permits for temporary
          signs shall authorize the erection of the signs and maintenance
          thereof for a period not exceeding fourteen (14) days; and permits
          cannot be renewed on the same sign, nor shall another temporary permit
          be issued on the same location, within ninety (90) days from the date
          of expiration of any previously issued temporary permit.  This
          limitation shall specifically apply to shopping centers, industrial
          parks, and office parks, where only one (1) temporary sign permit
          shall be issued in any ninety (90) day period.
     (2)  Signs for specific events shall be removed within two (2) working days
          after conclusion of the event.  A temporary sign shall be no larger
          than a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet, and may be double-
     (3)  Temporary signs for public or private non-profit special events, or
          special events not related to the primary use of the property may be
          permitted by the City Commission for a period covering the duration of
          the event and advance publicity not to exceed a total period of
          fourteen (14) days.  Such temporary signs shall not exceed thirty-two
          (32) square feet for each parcel,. lot or tract and shall not be
          illuminated.  Temporary signs for such events may be reader boards.
- ---------      ------------------------- 
(A)  Handbills.
     (1)  Posting Handbills on Buildings, etc.  It shall be unlawful for any
          person to post any bills or other advertising matter upon any
          permanent or temporary structure or building, pole or tree located in
          any street, park, or other public way or place within the City.


     (2)  Scattering Handbills.   It shall be unlawful for any person to
          distribute or place or cause to be distributed or placed on any public
          or private property in the City any handbills, circular, dodgers or
          other advertising matter is such a manner that the same may be blown,
          carried by water or otherwise scattered by the elements, or so as to
          constitute litter.
     (3)  Placing or Throwing Handbills on or into Vehicles.  It shall be
          unlawful for any person to distribute or cause to be distributed in
          the City any handbill or other similar form of advertising matter by
          throwing or placing the same on or into any vehicle within the City.
(B)  Sound Trucks and Sound Amplifying Devices.  It shall be unlawful for any
     person to operate or permit to be operated in the City any sound amplifying
     device or equipment for the purpose of conveying a message from public
     streets or property or from private property to adjoining land.
(C)  Off-site directional Signs.  Charitable, fraternal, civic (including
     homeowners associations and neighborhood watch) or religious organizations
     maintaining a fixed place of assembly or meeting within the City of Lake
     Mary, Florida, may erect directional signs for the purpose of indicating
     the address or location of their place of assembly or meeting within the
     City.  Each such sign may bear the logo or symbol of the charitable,
     fraternal, civic or religious organization together with the address of its
     location or meeting place, and a directional arrow.  Except as otherwise
     prohibited by state law or county ordinance, a maximum of two such signs
     per organization may be erected at locations to be designated by the City
     Commission, by resolution.  Size material and location are subject to City
     Commission approval.
(D)  On-site historical marker, service club signs, memorial signs or tablet.
     These signs may be erected and maintained at such location as recommended
     by the Planning and Zoning Board, and shall be subject to design,
     construction, size, and illumination restrictions as appropriate to the
     area where erected.
- ----------  ---------------------------
(A)  Illuminated signs.  Illuminated signs located within five-hundred (500)
     feet of a residential land use or zoning district, and which are visible
     from the residential land use or zoning district, shall be turned off no
     later than 10:00 p.m. and remain off until 6:00 a.m. each night, unless
     exempted from this requirement upon the recommendation of the exempted from
     this requirement upon the recommendation of the City Police Department,
     based on considerations of safety or property security, and approved or
     modified by the City Commission.  Emergency medical facilities shall be
     exempt from this section.
(B)  Electrical Requirements
     (1)  The construction and maintenance of all signs using electric power in
          any manner shall be subject to the requirements of the current
          electrical requirements of the current electrical ordinances and codes
          of the City.  Plans and locations shall be approved by the Building
          Official, and such signs shall be inspected and approved by him before
          operation.  All such signs must be installed by a qualified and
          licensed electrician in accordance with provision of the National
          Electrical Code.
     (2)  Proximity to electrical conductor:  No signs shall be erected closer
          than ten (10) feet to any overhead electrical conductor, where the
          difference in potential between any two conductors or between one
          conductor and ground exceeds seven-hundred-fifty (750) volts.

     (3)  All exterior electrical outlets for signs shall terminate in a
          galvanized box with a blank cover, which shall be flush with and not
          protrude beyond the finished surface of the exterior wall.
     (4)  Transformer boxes, outlets, conduits, and other accessory equipment
          for any sign shall be placed so that they are not visible from the
     (5)  Wooden signs shall not have electrical lights or fixtures attached to
          them in any manner.
     (6)  No electrical sign shall be so lighted or maintained as to throw a
          glare or blinding light into any street, highway, or other public
          thoroughfare, which would be likely to blind or impair the vision of
          any motorists upon the street, highway, or thoroughfare.
(C)  Public Liability Insurance.
     (1)  Bond. The owner or person in control of a display sign, awning,
          marquee, banner, or structure of any kind whatsoever, suspended over
          or extending into any public right-of-way, shall obtain, maintain and
          give evidence of public liability insurance having minimum coverage
          limits of one-hundred-thousand dollars ($100,000) per person, two-
          hundred-thousand dollars ($200,000) per incident, indemnifying the
          City against all loss, cost, damage, or expenses incurred or sustained
          by, or judgments recovered against the City, or by any of its
          officers, employees, appointees or servants, by reason of the
          construction or methods of such display sign, awning, marquee, banner
          or structure whatsoever; and also conditioned to indemnify any person
          for any injury sustained by reason of such construction or

(D)  Liability for damages. The provisions of this appendix shall not be
     construed to relieve or to limit in any way the responsibility or liability
     of any person, firm, or corporation which erects or owns any sign, for
     personal injury or property damage caused by the sign; nor shall the
     provisions of this appendix be construed to impose upon the City, its
     officers, or its employees any responsibility or liability by reason of the
     inspection or approval of any sign under the provisions of this appendix.
(E)  Painting and pasting on sidewalks and the like.  No person shall paint,
     paste, print, or nail any banner sign, paper sign, or any advertisement or
     notice of any kind whatsoever, or cause the same to be done, on any
     curbstone, flagstone, pavement, or any other portion or part of any
     sidewalk or street, or upon any tree, lamp post, utility pole, hydrant, or
     bridge within the limits of any street or public right-of-way within the
     City; however, this section shall not apply to regular notices required by
     law to be as posted.  No advertisement may be placed on trash containers or
     benches located within the City.  The City may by resolution permit
     painting of house numbers on curbs pursuant to standards of uniformity and
     location as may be subsequently adopted.
(F)  Signs in power line easements. Signs to be located on power line easements
     shall be approved by the power company.

SECTION 10.  ENFORCEMENT.  The Code Enforcement Officer shall be empowered to
- ----------   -----------                                                     
enforce this sign code.
(A)  Removal of Prohibited Signs.
     (1)  Prohibited signs on public property or rights-of-way shall be removed
          immediately, and may be removed by the City or its agent without


     (2)  Temporary signs and parasite signs shall be removed within a
          reasonable time frame as determined by the city after receipt of
          written notification by the Code Enforcement Officer or Building
     (3)  Abandoned signs shall be removed by the owner, agent, or person in
          charge of the premises within thirty (30) days after receipt of
          written notification by the Code Enforcement Officer or Building
(B)  Should any sign become insecure or in danger of falling, in disrepair or
     deteriorated, or otherwise unsafe in the opinion of the Code Enforcement
     Officer or the Building Official, the owner thereof, or person or firm
     maintaining it, shall, upon receipt of written notification from the
     Building Official or Code Enforcement Officer immediately, in the case of
     imminent danger, or within ten (10) days in other instance, secure the sign
     or cause it to be placed in good repair in a manner approved by the
     Building Official, or said sign shall be removed by the owner thereof.  If
     such order is not complied with, the City may remove the sign at the
     expense of its owner and may place a lien for the cost thereof upon the
     property on which the sign was located together with any other cost
     incurred by the City by filing such lien.  The lien may be foreclosed in
     the same manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages and the
     City shall have the right to receive all costs of court including
     reasonable attorney fees.
(C)  Removal of Illegally Erected Signs.  Where this sign code requires sign
     painting or erection by a licensed contractor and such work is not
     performed by a licensed contractor, the owner or lessee of the property
     where such illegally erected sign is located shall either:
     (1)  Have the sign immediately removed; or
     (2)  Have a licensed contractor secure a permit for such sign.  City
          inspections of the sign shall be performed.

(D)  Termination of Unlawful Illumination. Upon receipt of written notification
     by the Code Enforcement Officer or Building Official that a sign is
     unlawfully illuminated in violation of this sign code, the owner, his
     agent, or person in control of the premises, shall immediately terminate
     the prohibited illumination or animation of such sign.
(E)  Violation; Penalties; Continuing Violations and Penalty Thereof. A person
     violating any of the terms, conditions, regulations, limitations or
     provisions of this sign code shall be punished in accordance with Section
     10.99 Code of Ordinances, City of Lake Mary, Florida. Each day that any
     violation of the terms, conditions, regulation, limitations, or provisions
     of this sign code shall continue to exist, shall constitute a separate and
     distinct offense, punishable as herein provided. Any continuing violations
     of the terms, conditions, regulations, limitations or provisions of the
     Chapter may be adjoined and restrained by an injunctive order of the
     Circuit Court in appropriate proceedings instituted for such purposes.

     Violations of this sign code, including those sections authorizing City
     removal of signs or other penalties, may be referred to the municipal Code
     Enforcement Board as prescribed by Chapter 30 of the Code of Ordinances,
     City of Lake Mary, Florida, and/or a code enforcement citation may be

     In addition to any other remedies, whether civil or criminal, the City
     shall, at its discretion, have the right to seek the aid of the courts of
     the State of Florida with respect to the enforcement 


     hereof and the violation of this sign code or any lawful order of the City
     Commission, Code Enforcement Officer, or Building Official which right
     shall include the right to seek injunctive relief against such persons as
     may be determined by the Chief Building Official to be in violation of the
     terms and provisions hereof.

(F)  Repairs, Maintenance & Improvements of Non-Conforming Signs.  Normal
     repairs, maintenance and improvements may be made; however, the cost of
     such improvements made during any two (2) year period shall not exceed
     twenty-five percent (25%) of the replacement cost of the sign at the end of
     the two (2) year period except in full conformity with the provision of
     this sign code.

(G)  Reconstruction After Catastrophe.  If any non-conforming sign is damaged
     by fire, flood, explosion, collapse, wind, war, or other catastrophe to
     such an extent that the cost of repair and reconstruction will exceed fifty
     percent (50%) of the replacement cost at the time of damage, it shall not
     be used or reconstructed except in full conformity with the provision of
     this sign code.

(H)  Causal, Temporary or Illegal Use.  The casual, temporary, or illegal use
     of any sign shall not be sufficient to establish the existence of a legal
     non-conforming sign or to create any rights in the continuance of such

- -----------  --------------------
(A)  Any sign having an original cost in excess of one-hundred dollars ($100)
     and which is non-conforming as to permitted sign area or any other reason
     which would necessitate the complete removal or total replacement of the
     sign, may be maintained for the longer of the following two periods:
     (1)  Three (3) years from the date upon which the sign became non-
          conforming under the provisions of this appendix and amendments
          hereto; or
     (2) (a) A period of from three (3) to seven (7) years from the installation
          date, or most recent renovation date which preceded the effective date
          of this appendix; however, if the date of the most recent renovation
          is chosen as the starting date for the period of amortization, then
          the period of amortization shall be calculated according to the cost
          of the renovation and not according to the original cost of the sign.
          The term of years to be determined by the cost of the sign or of
          renovation, including installation cost, shall be as follows:

                                           Permitted years from
                    Sign cost or           installation or
                    renovation cost        renovation date
                    -----------------      --------------------
                    $  101 to $1,000       3
                    $1,001 to $3,000       4
                    $3,001 to $10,000      5
                    Over $10,000           7

     (2) (b) The provisions of division (A) (1) and (A) (2) (a) of this section
          shall not apply to any sign subject to the Federal Highway
          Beautification Act (23 USC 1310) and F.S Chapter 479, as same may be
          from time to time amended.


     (3) (a) For and during the period of amortization of any sign caused to be
          a non-conforming sign by this Chapter, no sign deemed to be a non-
          conforming sign shall have its useful life extended by rehabilitation,
          renovation or alteration.
     (3) (b) Any owner of a sign who desires to rely upon an amortization period
          longer than three (3) years shall file with the Building Official
          within one (1) year form the effective date of this appendix a
          statement setting forth the cost and date of most recent renovation,
          and a written agreement to remove or bring into conformance the non-
          conforming sign at or prior to the expiration of the amortization
          period applicable to that sign.
     (3) (c) Failure to comply with these requirements shall constitute a
          violation of this appendix.  In addition to any other remedies
          provided herein by law for violation of this appendix.

- -----------  ---------------------
(A)  Non-Conforming Lots.  On existing lots of substandard width, where
     existing conditions or City site plan requirements conflict with the
     ability to meet setback requirements of this sign code, the City Planner
     may allow the setback to be reduced to the largest dimension available.
(B)  Shopping Centers containing ten (10) or more rental spaces.  In the case
     of shopping centers containing ten or more rental spaces, special
     exceptions to requirements of this appendix may be granted by the City
     Commission upon application and a showing that applicable provisions of
     this appendix create substantial and irremediable hardship for any
     commercial tenant owing to the design of the structure of the center or its
     structural orientation to the highway upon which it fronts.  It is the
     intent of the section to assure tenants of such centers of the opportunity
     to advertise their presence therein pursuant to such exceptions to the
     appendix as may be required to that end.
(C)  Sign Code Board of Adjustment.  The Planning and Zoning Board is hereby
     designated as the Sign Code Board of Adjustment, and is authorized to:
     (1)  Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any
          order, requirements, decision, or determination made by a City
          Official in the enforcement of this sign code or in the interpretation
          of this sign code as regards permitting.
     (2)  Consider variances of this sign code in specific cases where such
          variances will not be contrary to the public interest and where,
          owning to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions
          of this sign code would result in unnecessary hardship.  All
          requirements, procedures, findings and appeals of sign code variances
          shall follow those provisions for zoning variances.  No action of the
          Board shall be valid or binding unless adopted by the affirmative vote
          of three (3) or more members of the Board.
