A   M A R K E T   O P P O R T U N I T Y

            A S S E S S M E N T   F O R   T H E   D U R A G E S I C

                       T R A N S D E R M A L   P A T C H


MARCH 2, 1998

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(C) Copyright 1998 Frost & Sullivan


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                    Frost & Sullivan was commissioned by ALZA Corporation to
               provide revenue forecasts for Duragesic, a transdermal fentanyl
               patch, for the time period 1997-2006.


                    The objectives of the research were to:

                    . Assess the revenue potential of Duragesic from 1997
                      through 2006.

                    . Identify key competitive factors in the current and
                      future market environment.

                    . Identify key drivers of and restraints to market growth.

                    . Analyze the market opportunity for the period 1997-2006.


                    The information contained in this report was obtained
               through primary and secondary research.

                    Primary research included key discussions with:


                    . Executives at pharmaceutical companies participating in
                      the chronic pain therapy market

                    . Experts in the field of opiate therapy and chronic pain

                    Secondary sources used to obtain relevant support
               information included online data searches, trade journals, and
               syndicated publications.  In addition, IMS data encompassing
               sales of Duragesic and competing products for the period 1995-
               1997 were utilized.

                    Frost & Sullivan's initial approach to this project entailed
               in-depth interviews with experts in the field of chronic pain
               treatment.  In addition, executives at companies involved in the
               intractable pain market were interviewed to assess current and
               future market trends.

                    Following the initial phase of research, an in-depth
               analysis of the available information was done to develop a clear
               assessment and forecast of the market.


                    The key findings are as follows:

                    . For a scenario in which a second transdermal product does
                      not emerge on the market, Duragesic is expected to
                      continue to experience substantial growth throughout the
                      forecast period.  This growth will be due to increased
                      penetration into an expanding market, increased pricing,
                      and increased acceptance in key foreign markets.

                    . If a second product emerges on the market, in order to be
                      competitive, a company would need to undercut the price of

                    Expanded market penetration should contribute to Duragesic's
               revenue growth.



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                    Intractable pain is pain in which the cause cannot be
               removed or otherwise treated, and no relief or cure has been
               found.  Chronic pain is pain that persists for greater than one
               month beyond the course of an illness or injury, pain that
               continues sporadically over the span of years, or pain associated
               with a long-term disease such as cancer.

                    For the purposes of this project, the chronic pain market is
               defined as the population of people with cancer pain (malignant)
               and neuropathic pain (nonmalignant).  In 1997, the nonmalignant
               pain market totaled approximately 700,000 patients.  The total
               malignant chronic pain market was estimated to encompass 200,000

                    The total value of the market is defined by the combined
               revenues generated by the following products: Duragesic, MS
               Contin, Oramorph, IR Morphine, Demerol, Dilaudid, and Kadian.  In
               1997, worldwide sales of Duragesic reached approximately $254.6
               million.  Approximately 80 percent of revenues were generated
               from U.S. sales.



                    Figure 2-1 illustrates Duragesic revenue forecasts in the
               world analgesic pharmaceuticals market from 1997 through 2006 if
               Duragesic were to remain the only transdermal opiate patch on the
               market.  Factors expected to contribute to future market trends
               include changes in price and market dynamics, additional launches
               in new foreign markets, and shifts in the competitive
               environment.  These changes and factors are discussed in detail

                                         FIGURE 2-1

                             DURAGESIC PHARMACEUTICALS MARKET:
                                 REVENUE FORECASTS (WORLD),

                                                                   Revenues     Growth Rate
                              Year                                ($ Million)       (%)
               1997.............................................       254.6          26.7
               1998.............................................       320.9          26.1
               1999.............................................       394.2          22.8
               2000.............................................       473.7          20.2
               2001.............................................       563.0          18.8
               2002.............................................       645.3          14.6
               2003.............................................       719.2          11.5
               2004.............................................       786.3           9.3
               2005.............................................       840.8           6.9
               2006.............................................       892.1           6.1
               Compound Annual Growth Rate (1997-2006):  14.9%

               Note: All figures are rounded.           Source: Frost & Sullivan


Increased Penetration
of Duragesic into the Chronic Pain Market

                    A key component of future revenue growth will probably be a
               shift in the perception of opioid therapy.  According to leading
               experts in the field of opioid therapy, the market landscape in
               the United States is ripe for a revolution in how and for whom
               narcotic analgesics are prescribed.  A combination of regulatory,
               societal, and marketing factors will act in favor of
               liberalization in the use of these products.  This should result
               in an increase in prescribing patterns across indications
               (chronic cancer pain, neuropathic pain, and acute pain).

                    According to industry experts, regulatory changes and the
               effect of these changes on the medical community and society
               should instigate a shift in market dynamics.  Recent industry
               literature, position statements by patient advocacy
               organizations, and statements by the FDA have all focused on the
               inadequate treatment many pain patients receive in their final
               days of life as well as throughout their lifetime.  This trend is
               indicative of a significant change emerging in how these drugs
               are perceived.

                    Current misconceptions regarding tolerance and addiction
               prevent increased penetration of these products into the chronic
               pain market, specifically for chronic nonmalignant pain.  As
               experts and scientists continue to highlight the clinical
               pharmacological reality, these products will become less

                    In addition, the industry's continued study into the use of
               pain medication in nonmalignant pain patients should prove highly
               beneficial to the future market.  As scientific knowledge on the
               use of opioid therapy in this population of patients grows,


               industry participants, which have shown clinical effectiveness in
               this population, are expected to gain the approval to actively
               and aggressively market these products for nonmalignant pain
               indications.  An increase in marketing efforts directed at a end
               users currently undertreated is expected to correlate directly to
               an increase in the total number of prescriptions dispensed.

                    The growing use of Duragesic in the treatment of
               nonmalignant pain will be an integral component in the future
               sales growth of the product.  According to industry sources,
               approximately 700,000 patients suffer from neuropathic pain in
               the United States.  Unlike chronic cancer pain patients, these
               individuals are expected to live a typical life span, thus
               ensuring long-term annuity for companies.

                    The combination of a shift in perception, aggressive
               marketing, actions taken by patient advocacy groups, and trends
               to establish guidelines for the use of these products are
               expected to result in an increase in penetration of opioid
               therapy in the total pain population.

Increasing Acceptance of Duragesic
in the Following Key Foreign Markets: Spain,
Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, and France

                    The successful launch of Duragesic into key foreign markets
               is expected to contribute to a healthy growth pattern in the
               future.  Although some markets are highly profitable, in general,
               foreign markets do not generate revenues comparable to those of
               the U.S. market.  In many foreign markets, the industry cannot
               demand a price premium because of economic or regulatory factors.


                    Key markets in western Europe that do command price premiums
               include Germany and England.  As such, a large portion of future
               market growth will depend on these countries.  Other markets that
               are expected to prove profitable are Spain, Japan, Italy, and
               France.  The forecast model estimates that Duragesic will be
               launched into the Japanese market in 2001.

Price Increase of Duragesic

                    Based on historical trends, an increase in the price of
               Duragesic has been incorporated in the market forecast.  This is
               translated as an increase in the average price per year for
               treatment with Duragesic.  Because of a lack of direct
               competition in the form of a second transdermal patch or
               comparable delivery system, the price in relation to demand is
               inelastic (based on calculations made from historical demand and
               price increases).

                    Price elasticity allows companies to predict the effect of
               price on demand (and thus, unit sales).  It is defined as the
               sensitivity of demand with respect to price.  Inelastic
               translates into demand that is relatively unresponsive to price.
               Conversely, an elastic demand translates into demand that
               fluctuates greatly with price changes.  Factors that determine
               price elasticity include whether the necessity of the good and
               the availability of substitute products.  It is believed that the
               consumer (hospitals, private physicians, and managed care
               organizations) will accept price increases of 1.0 to 3.5 percent
               throughout the forecast period without significant correlating
               changes in demand.


Shifts in the Future Competitive Environment

                    An increase in the future competitive environment has also
               been integrated into the forecast model.  Although only one
               product is expected to have a significant impact on the market
               during the forecast period, this factor must be included in
               future predictions of market growth.


                    Figure 2-2 shows Duragesic revenue forecasts in the world
               analgesic pharmaceuticals market should a second transdermal
               patch emerge on the market during the fourth quarter of 2000.
               Factors likely to contribute to market trends for this scenario
               include a change in market dynamics, reimbursement issues, and
               effects on foreign markets.

                                         FIGURE 2-2
                             DURAGESIC PHARMACEUTICALS MARKET:
                                 REVENUE FORECASTS (WORLD),


                                                                   Revenues     Growth Rate
                              Year                                ($ Million)       (%)
               1997.............................................       254.6          26.7
               1998.............................................       320.9          26.1
               1999.............................................       394.2          22.8
               2000.............................................       470.6          19.4
               2001.............................................       535.5          13.8
               2002.............................................       586.0           9.4
               2003.............................................       631.0           7.7
               2004.............................................       671.9           6.5
               2005.............................................       705.0           4.9
               2006.............................................       739.1           4.8
               Compound Annual Growth Rate (1997-2006):  12.6%

               Note: All figures are rounded.          Source: Frost & Sullivan


                    The following key analytical factors were utilized to
               determine the effect of a second product on the Duragesic

Creation Market

                    Because of the changing environment in the United States,
               the net number of individuals treated with opioid therapy is
               expected to increase in the future.  (This factor is discussed in
               the market opportunity assessment section of the first scenario).
               The expanding market, due to the growing penetration of opioid
               therapy in an undertreated population, will result in a creation

                    This new market opportunity will allow for competition to
               expand market revenues, despite a loss of prescription share due
               to increased competition.  This mechanism will reflect positively
               on Duragesic sales despite the emergence of a second transdermal

                    An example of this dynamic occurred in the pharmaceuticals
               market in the early 1990s.  Prozac (marketed by Eli Lilly),
               launched in 1988, established a new class of products for the
               treatment of depression.  The product is a selective serotonin
               re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI).  The superior nature of the product
               in relation to other available products, combined with five years
               of market exclusivity, generated $880 million in revenues in the
               United States by 1993.

                    In 1993, the launch of Zoloft, Pfizer's SSRI changed a
               virtual monopoly into a competitive marketplace.  In addition,
               Zoloft was launched at a price below that of Prozac, thus
               significantly increasing the competition for Eli Lilly.


                    At the time Zoloft was launched, the market for a depressive
               was expanding because of a growing recognition of the disorder.
               This resulted in an increase in the population of potential
               users.  Although two equivalent drugs were available on the
               market, the size of the market had expanded significantly,
               leaving room for both competitors to increase penetration.
               Therefore, Zoloft gained a novel end-user population (a creation
               market) instead of converting patients already on Prozac.  Due to
               the market expansion, both companies were able to grow revenues

Pricing Strategy

                    To compete in a market already established and dominated by
               Duragesic, an emerging product would be forced to compete on the
               variable of price.  It is highly unlikely that an emerging
               product, priced equivalently, would be able to adequately compete
               with Duragesic after nine years of market exclusivity.  Because
               of this "head start," Duragesic will have the advantage of an
               already established distribution network; a strong, aggressive,
               and knowledgeable sales and marketing team; and most importantly,
               a high level of brand loyalty.

                    To compete with a solid product marketed globally, a second
               transdermal patch would most likely be forced to undercut
               Duragesic in price.  Based on the pricing of generic drugs in the
               pharmaceuticals industry, a second transdermal patch may be
               priced as much as 20 to 30 percent below Duragesic's price.  A
               product that is the only generic competitor to a branded
               pharmaceutical will undercut the branded product price by a
               minimal amount, approximately 20 percent.  As more generic
               products are launched and begin to compete in the market, generic
               manufacturers will further drop their prices.


Substitution at the Pharmacy Level

                    A key market dynamic that allows generic manufacturers to
               slightly undercut the branded competition is substitution at the
               pharmacy level.  Although a physician may prescribe the branded
               product, upon filling the prescription, a pharmacist may
               substitute a generic version.  This often occurs as a cost-
               cutting measure.

                    Substitution at the pharmacy level can be also done between
               two branded products if the substituted product is given an AB
               rating.  This rating, given by the FDA, denotes that these
               products are similar enough to be considered bio-equivalent.  If
               a second transdermal patch were to emerge and gain approval as
               bio-equivalent to Duragesic, substitution at the pharmacy level
               would be a highly plausible outcome.

                    An example of this occurred in the attention deficit
               disorder (ADD) market.  For years, pharmacological treatment of
               this disease was dominated by Ritalin (generic name
               methylpenidate).  Ritalin, the branded product, is marketed by
               Novartis.  Currently, one generic competitor exists--Medeva--with
               the product methylpenidate.  Methylpenidate is priced
               approximately 35 percent below Ritalin (based on the 1997 Redbook

                    According to industry sources, although Novartis continues
               to dominate in market share owing to its high price premium, the
               company is clearly losing in prescription share.  Industry
               sources claim that even though 80 percent of the prescriptions
               written are for Ritalin, less than 70 percent of the
               prescriptions dispensed are the branded product.  This is due to
               generic substitution occurring at the pharmacy level.


                    To substitute a generic product for a branded product, or
               potentially a branded product for an equivalent branded product,
               the pharmacist must ask the consumer for permission.  The main
               factor favoring the dispensation of the lower-priced product is
               the individual's managed care organization.  Although a consumer
               does have a choice as to the product dispensed, the HMO plan may
               only cover the lower-priced drug, therefore encouraging the
               individuals to choose it or pay for the difference themselves.

Effect of Second Product
on Foreign Markets Is Not Substantial

                    A second transdermal patch is not expected to be launched
               immediately on the global market without first generating
               substantial revenues in the United States.  In addition, because
               of the lengthy approval process in many countries, a 2000 launch
               in foreign markets is highly unlikely.  Because of these factors,
               the extent of Duragesic's market share loss in foreign markets
               during the forecast period will probably be insignificant.


                    The following factors were determined to be key drivers of
               the future market.

Regulatory Changes

                    According to industry experts, state governments in the
               future are expected to establish guidelines and laws for use
               opioids that do not impede medical practice.


Perceptual Shift

                    The anticipated favorable shift in the perception of opioid
               therapy, within the medical community and within society at
               large, should contribute to increased use of such therapy.

Advocacy Groups

                    Action by patient advocacy groups continue to elevate the
               undertreatment of chronic pain as a significant medical issue.
               The groups are essential components of the market because they
               spur regulatory action by governmental bodies.

Increased Marketing

                    Based on the solid scientific results of industry studies,
               opioid therapy is expected to gain approval to aggressively
               market for nonmalignant pain indications.  This is expected to
               boost penetration into a population that is currently

Potential for Long-Term Annuity

                    As opioid therapy becomes more widely used to treat
               nonmalignant chronic pain, industry participants will gain long-
               term annuity, since many of these patients will likely live
               typical life spans.


                    The following factors were determined to be key restraints
               to market growth.


Gradual Process of Overcoming Misconceptions

                    Currently, misconceptions regarding the addictive nature of
               opioid analgesics inhibit greater penetration of these products
               into the population of chronic pain patients.  For many members
               of the medical community as well as patients, opioid analgesics
               are thought to be associated with a high risk of addiction.

                    According to experts in the field of opioid therapy,
               physical dependency is often used synonymously with addiction,
               leading to confusion.  As with many other types of drugs,
               physiological changes in the body lead to withdrawal symptoms
               when individuals cease using opioid narcotics.  However, this is
               not equivalent to addiction.  In patients with no history of
               addiction, this issue should not be considered a risk in the
               management of their pain.  Although addiction is not considered
               by knowledgeable physician and patients as a risk, it is a factor
               that impedes use among less knowledgeable individuals.

                    Although a change in the view of the addictive nature of
               these products is expected, the process will be gradual,
               occurring over a five to ten years.  Thus, an immediate
               substantial increase in the use of opioid therapy is unlikely.

Increased Competition in the Future Market

                    The launch of an innovative product offering pain relief
               with few side effects is expected to increase the competition in
               the market, and projected to significantly affect the chronic
               neuropathic pain market.



Analysis of Present Market Environment

                    The current narcotic analgesics market is dominated by seven
               participants, which can be stratified into two tiers of
               competition.  Duragesic and MS Contin control the first tier of
               competition.  Based on clinical pharmacology, Kadian and Oramorph
               can be considered first-tier competitors, although neither
               product commands as much prescription share as Duragesic or MS
               Contin.  Differences in overall equivalency, ease of use,
               duration of action, and analgesic effect differentiate these top
               competitors from second-tier products such as Dilaudid, Demerol,
               and IR morphine.

                    Second-tier products lack several key competitive advantages
               that prevent them from tightening the competitive environment.
               The major disadvantages are:

                    . Comparatively short duration of action

                    . Less controlled release of opioid

                    . Oral dosages are less effective than parenteral

                    The shorter duration of action is a major weakness of
               second-tier opioid analgesic drugs.  This limitation prevents
               Demerol (meperidine) from being considered a viable product for
               relieving chronic pain (instead of one more appropriate for acute
               pain).  Furthermore, decreased duration of action prevents all
               second-tier competitors from gaining a position of strength in
               the total chronic pain market, since they are more suitable for
               various niche indications.

                    First-tier products also offer key advantages in ease of
               use, propelling these products into a different class.  The


               limitation of current second-tier products is expected to
               continue to prevent them from being a substantial competitive
               factor to Duragesic.

                    Of the first-tier competitors, MS Contin and Oramorph are
               similar products offering an oral product administered every 8 to
               12 hours.  Kadian competes directly with these two standard
               treatments, offering a product administered every 24 hours.
               Within the first tier of competition, the following factors
               continue to effect market dynamics:


                    Duragesic is limited in one arena: it is not suitable for
               rapid dose titration.  If patients suffer a constant level of
               pain, the limitation is not significant, but for patients with
               rapid increases in pain intensity, Duragesic is not a suitable
               option.  Furthermore, in the future, opioid therapy is expected
               to expand as a treatment of severe acute pain.  Because of the
               limited time of opioid use in these patients, Duragesic will be
               unable to capitalize on this trend.


                    Ease of use remains a significant factor that continues to
               drive Duragesic sales.  The convenience of the transdermal
               administration mode is unmatched by other products on the market.
               Although oral morphine offers ease of use, the oral formulation
               of morphine sulfate is not as potent as the intravenous


                    Kadian, the newest entrant into the opioid therapy market,
               is expected to continue to impact market dynamics and 


               modify the competitive environment. As marketing of Kadian
               continues and the product gains prescription share, oral morphine
               sulfate is expected to experience the biggest decline in sales.
               Kadian intensifies the competitive environment for Duragesic,
               offering a product with a significantly long duration of action.
               However, prescription share is not forecast to be significantly
               affected by this product.

Analysis of Future Market Environment

                    Research and development efforts in the narcotic analgesic
               market are focused on delivering equivalent pain relief to
               current marketed products while simultaneously diminishing side
               effects.  Figure 2-3 shows the products in development for the
               treatment of chronic pain in the narcotic analgesic
               pharmaceuticals market.

                    Strategies for delivering novel products tend to take one of
               two paths: Companies are developing new administration modes for
               already used compounds, or they are developing new compounds that
               display their potency through a variant mechanism.  It is the
               latter of the two strategies that, if successful, may be the
               greatest threat to Duragesic sales in the future.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   FIGURE 2-3


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Product               Company                      Type                      Status
BCH 3963............  BioChem Pharma               Opiate Agonist            Preclinical

Actiq...............  Abbott Laboratories          Fentanyl Citrate          Registered
                      Anesta Corporation           Transmucosal

4030W92.............  Glaxo Wellcome, Inc.         Sodium Channel Blocker    Phase II

Not Available.......  CytoTherapeutics             Adrenal Chrommafin Cells  Phase II
                      Astra AB

CMI-980.............  CytoMed, Inc.                Not Available             Preclinical

Quadramet...........  DuPont Merck/Cytogen         Sumarium-153-EDTA         Registered

Not Available.......  Eli Lilly                    NK1 Antagonist            Phase I

Not Available.......  Eli Lilly                    Muscarinic Antagonist     Phase I/II

GV196771............  Glaxo Wellcome               Glycine Antagonist        Preclinical

Hydromorphone Oros..  Alza Corp.                   Morphine                  Phase III
                      Knoll Pharmaceuticals

MorphiDex...........  Algos Pharmaceuticals Corp.  NMDA Receptor             Phase III

Dirame..............  Roberts Pharmaceutical       Partial Opiate Agonist    Phase III

Ziconotide..........  Neurex Corp.                 Neuron Specific           Phase III
(Intrathecal)                                      Calcium Channel Blocker

Anchor..............  Redcell                      Opiate Agonist            Preclinical

SNC 80..............  Glaxo Wellcome               Opiate Antagonist         Preclinical

TAN 67..............  Toray                        Delta Agonist             Preclinical
                      Daichii Pharmaceuticals

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                        Source: Frost & Sullivan

                    The majority of products listed in Figure 2-3 will not have
               a significant, if any, impact on the future market for Duragesic.
               Products early in the developmental process are not expected to
               appear on the market until 2004 or 2005, if at all.  Many
               products in the later stages of development are not believed to
               have significant benefits or advantages that will threaten
               Duragesic's market share.  The exception to this is Ziconotide


               (formerly SNX-111), which is currently completing Phase III
               clinical trials.

                    Ziconotide, in development by Neurex Corporation (Menlo
               Park, California), is a synthetic copy of a natural neurotoxin
               taken from cone snail venom.  The compound, delivered through an
               infusion pump, is a selective neuron specific calcium channel
               blocker (a neurochemical pathway through which pain signals
               travel to the brain).

                    The advantages and disadvantages of this product compared to
               Duragesic are listed in Figure 2-4.  The key advantage of
               Ziconotide over Duragesic is the lack of side effects.  It
               appears that use of Ziconotide is not associated with euphoria or
               mental confusion, which tend to accompany morphine-based
               analgesics.  This will prove a crucial marketing advantage, since
               individuals and physicians alike will favor a compound that
               relieves pain without diminishing the patient's mental capacity.

                                         FIGURE 2-4


                    ADVANTAGES                                                    DISADVANTAGES
No side effects commonly associated with the use of morphine          Inconvenient route of delivery
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tolerance not an issue                                                Limited initial label indication
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effective in patients who have failed morphine therapy                Neurex being new to marketplace
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Partnership with medtronic pump                                       Comparatively high annual cost for
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No regulatory environment to overcome
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                        Source: Frost & Sullivan


                    The company plans to file an new drug application in
               September 1998 with the FDA.  The initial label indication that
               Neurex will pursue is for use in patients who have failed all
               other forms of opiate therapy.  According to Neurex, this
               population consists of approximately 270,000 malignant and
               neuropathic pain patients.  The company estimates that
               approximately 10 percent of the 700,000 neuropathic pain patients
               (70,000) and 200,000 cancer pain patients are not receiving
               adequate pain relief from current treatments.

                    Because there are no existing treatment options for these
               patients, according to FDA guidelines, Ziconotide is eligible to
               be fast-tracked through the approval process.  Therefore, the
               launch date for this drug is estimated to be the first quarter of

                    Although Ziconotide will not benefit immediately from a
               broad indication and thus not appear to be a competitive factor
               for Duragesic, "off-label" use is a factor.  The key benefits of
               Ziconotide are strong incentives for physicians to prescribe the
               drug to patients who wish to remit their chronic pain, without
               becoming debilitated by morphine-induced side effects.

                    The main disadvantage expected to inhibit the widespread
               success of Ziconotide is the product's delivery method.  The only
               intrathecal product currently on the market is Infumorph by
               Elkins Sinn.  It is not widely used and appears to be an option
               for treatment only after intravenous and oral therapy have
               failed.  The inconvenience of an infusion pump will serve as a
               restraint to penetration of Ziconotide.  Furthermore, the cost
               may also retrain the use of Ziconotide, which will be priced at
               approximately $3,500 to $5,000 per year.
