CompuServe Network Services
                         Strategic Alliance Agreement

This is a Strategic Alliance Agreement (the "Agreement") entered into at
Columbus, Ohio, dated April 18, 1997, between CompuServe Incorporated, an Ohio
corporation having its principal place of business at 5000 Arlington Center
Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio, USA ("CompuServe") and Satyam Infoway (Private)
Limited an Indian corporation having its principal place of business at PLA
Complex, 35 Velachery Road, Little Mount, Chennai - 600 015, India ("Satyam").

1.   Definitions

     "Agreement" means this network services Strategic Alliance Agreement
     (including all attachments) as originally executed and as it may be amended
     as provided herein from time to time.

     "CompuServe" means CompuServe Incorporated, or its wholly-owned

     "Satyam" means Satyam Infoway (Private) Limited, or its subsidiaries and

     "Customer" means an individual or company that is billed for services by
     contracted provider of those services.

     "Documentation" means written materials provided by CompuServe to Satyam
     for use in connection with CompuServe Network Services.

     "Effective Date" means the date on which a counterpart of this Agreement
     has been executed by each party to this Agreement and delivered to

     "Launch Date" means the first day that the Dial Access service becomes
     available in the Territory.

     "Know-how" means all trade secrets, patented or unpatented technical
     knowledge, and inventions, copyrights and derivatives thereof, proprietary
     rights, confidential processing procedures and methods, software,
     documentation and marketing expertise and any other specialized knowledge,
     skill and expertise relating to CompuServe Network Services either
     presently owned or licensed by CompuServe or later developed, licensed or
     owned by CompuServe.

     "Territory" means the Republic of India ("India").

     "Dial Access" means asynchronous dial connection as defined by the CCITT
     X.28 standard.

     "Value-added enhanced data network" means hardware including, but not
     limited to, servers, routers, packet assemblers-disassemblers, switches,
     hubs, modems, software, cabling and leased line connections required to
     create a network than can accept and

- -----------------------
Confidential treatment has been requested for portions of this exhibit. The copy
filed herewith omits the information subject to the confidentiality request.
Omissions are designated as *****. A complete version of this exhibit has been
filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     deliver data via protocols including, but not limited to, TCP/IP, X.25,
     X.28, X.3, Frame Relay, ATM, and related protocols.

2.   Scope

     2.1  The Services

          2.1.1  Satyam is constructing and will operate, manage and maintain a
          value-added enhanced data network in India.

          2.1.2  CompuServe operates, manages and maintains a global value-added
          enhanced data network.

          2.1.3  Each party will provide Dial Access services (the "Services")
          that will be sent to the other party via the international network
          interconnection specified in Section 3.

          2.1.4  The Services will be provided for customers of CompuServe's
          Network Services Division ("CNS") and also for Satyam's customers.

          2.1.5  The Services will be in addition to services contemplated
          between Satyam and CompuServe's Information Services Division (CSI)
          which will be governed by a separate agreement between the parties.

3.   Interconnection of the CompuServe and Satyam Networks

     3.1  International Network Interconnection

          3.1.1  The CompuServe and Satyam networks shall be interconnected as
          defined in Attachment A.

     3.2  Settlements on Communications

          3.2.1  The billing, collection, and payment for services between the
          parties and the settlement of accounts shall be conducted in
          accordance with the provisions of Attachment B.

4.   End-User Support and Fault Escalation Procedures.

     4.1  Primary End-user Support

          4.1.1  Satyam will provide the primary end-user support for Satyam

          4.1.2  CompuServe will provide the primary end-user support for
          CompuServe customers.

     4.2  Fault Escalation Procedures


          4.2.1  CompuServe and Satyam agree to use the fault escalation
          procedures as defined in Attachment C.

     4.3  Information Regarding the Local PTT

          4.3.1  Satyam will provide CompuServe with the following information
          regarding the local PTT.

         Service Levels

         Escalation Procedures

         Installation Lead-times

     4.4  Support Services

          4.4.1  CompuServe shall provide and make available to Satyam and for
          the customers of Satyam in the Territory the benefits of all
          development, improvements and changes in the products and the Services
          covered by the Agreement.

          4.4.2  CompuServe agrees to provide mutually agreed upon training to
          Satyam personnel both in the CompuServe facilities in Columbus, Ohio
          or other places as well as in the Territory on terms and conditions to
          be mutually agreed to between CompuServe and Satyam.

          4.4.3  CompuServe will provide mutually agreed upon assistance to
          Satyam in the installation and commissioning of the facilities at
          different places in the Territory to provide the Services under this

5.   Non-competition, Non-solicitation, Non-disclosure and Exclusivity

     5.1  Exclusivity

          5.1.1  Satyam shall be CompuServe's sole business affiliate providing
          value-added enhanced data network services in the Territory during the
          term of this agreement.

          5.1.2  CompuServe shall be Satyam's sole business affiliate providing
          value-added enhanced data network services outside of the Territory
          during the term of this agreement.

     5.2  Solicitation of Employees

          5.2.1  During the term of this Agreement neither party will (without
          the consent of the other party) knowingly, directly or indirectly, on
          behalf of any entity, solicit or participate in the solicitation of
          any employee of any other party to this Agreement to terminate his or
          her employment with such other party.


     5.3  Confidential Information

          5.3.1  Any writing, drawing, sketch, model, sample, data, computer
          program, software, recording, or documentation of any kind
          ("Information") that is furnished, made available or otherwise
          disclosed by one party ("Disclosing Party") to the other party
          ("Receiving Party") pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed the
          confidential properly of the Disclosing Party.

          5.3.2  Unless such Information was previously known to the Receiving
          Party free of any obligation, or has been subsequently made public by
          any act not attributable to the Receiving Party, or it has been agreed
          to by the Disclosing Party in writing not to be regarded as
          confidential, Information shall be deemed to be the proprietary
          information of the Disclosing Party and will be held in confidence by
          the Receiving Party during the term of this Agreement and for an
          additional five (5) years thereafter, and will be disclosed by the
          Receiving Party only to employees who have a need for such Information
          to carry out this Agreement.  The Receiving Party shall use at least
          the same degree of care as it uses with regard to its own proprietary
          information, but in no case shall the parties be required to exercise
          greater than reasonable care to prevent disclosure or unauthorized
          use.  Except as the parties may otherwise agree in writing, such
          Information (a) will be used only for the purpose of performing under
          this Agreement; (b) will not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in
          part, except as necessary for use as authorized herein; and (c) will,
          together with any copies thereof, be returned or destroyed when no
          longer needed or upon termination of this Agreement, whichever occurs

     5.4  Irreparable Injury

          5.4.1  The breach by either party of any provisions of this Section
          may cause irreparable injury to the party against which the breach was
          committed, for which monetary damages may be an inadequate remedy.  In
          the event of a breach or a threat of a breach of any such provision,
          the injured party, in addition to all other remedies that it may have
          at law or in equity, will be entitled to seek a restraining order,
          preliminary injunction, and other appropriate relief to enforce such

6.   Satyam Warranties

     6.1  No Violation

          6.1.1  Satyam warrants that it has the legal and corporate right,
          capacity, and authority to enter into and perform its obligations
          under this Agreement, and that its entry into this Agreement does not
          violate any other agreement to which it is a party.

     6.2  Compliance with Law

          6.2.1  Satyam warrants that its conduct pursuant to this Agreement
          will conform to all, and will not constitute a violation of any,
          applicable and valid laws and governmental rules and regulations in
          the Territory.


     6.3  Disclaimer of Implied Warranties

          6.3.1  There are no implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
          for a particular purpose relating to Satyam's performance of this
          Agreement.  In no event shall Satyam be liable for any indirect,
          special or consequential damages or lost profits arising from or
          related to this Agreement or the performance, breach or termination
          hereof, regardless of whether the claim is in contract, tort or other
          legal theory.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,
          Satyam's aggregate liability for actual damages, losses or associated
          costs or expenses of CompuServe under, arising out of, or in relation
          to this Agreement, shall not exceed the amount of Charges paid to
          CompuServe for the sale of CompuServe Network Services by the Satyam
          over the preceding 12 months; provided, however, that such limitation
          shall not operate to reduce Satyam's obligations for any CompuServe
          Network Services charges payable under this Agreement.

7.   CompuServe Warranties

     7.1  No Violation

          7.1.1  CompuServe warrants that it has the legal and corporate right,
          capacity, and authority to enter into and perform its obligations
          under this Agreement and that its entry into this Agreement does not
          violate any other agreement to which it is a party.

     7.2  Compliance with Law

          7.2.1  CompuServe warrants that its conduct in performing this
          Agreement will conform to all, and will not constitute a violation of
          any, applicable and valid laws and government rules and regulations.

     7.3  Disclaimer of Implied Warranties

          7.3.1  There are no implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
          for a particular purpose relating to any matters in this Agreement,
          including without limitation of computer resources provided by
          CompuServe.  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, such
          network resources are provided by CompuServe on an "as is, as
          available" basis.  In no event shall CompuServe be liable for any
          indirect, special or consequential damages or lost profits arising
          from or related to this Agreement or the performance, breach or
          termination thereof, regardless of whether the claim is in contract,
          tort or other legal theory.  In no event shall CompuServe's liability
          exceed the Hourly Network Usage charges for the prior 12 months paid
          by Satyam under this Agreement.


8.   Indemnification

     8.1  Breach of Contract

          8.1.1  If either party breaches any of its obligations or warranties
          under this Agreement, or if any matter is not as warranted by either
          party, the breaching or warranting party will indemnify, save and hold
          harmless the non-breaching party and its officers, directors, agents
          and employees from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs or
          expenses, including attorney's fees, resulting from such breach,
          except to the extent such claims, demands, liabilities, costs or
          expenses result from the negligence or fault of the other party.

     8.2  Satyam Indemnification Obligation

          8.2.1  Satyam shall indemnify and hold harmless CompuServe against any
          claim, suit, action or proceeding brought against CompuServe resulting
          from or based on the negligent or wrongful actions of Satyam including
          any claim of libel, defamation, invasion of privacy or infringement of
          any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or other proprietary
          right, or any actions arising out of the territory, except to the
          extent the claim, suit, or proceeding arises solely or proximately
          from CompuServe's negligence or fault.

     8.3  CompuServe Indemnification Obligation

          8.3.1  CompuServe shall indemnify and hold harmless Satyam against any
          claim, suit, action or proceeding brought against Satyam resulting
          from or based on the negligent or wrongful actions of CompuServe
          including any claim of libel, defamation, invasion of privacy or
          infringement of any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or
          other proprietary right except to the extent the claim, suit, or
          proceeding arises solely or proximately from Satyam's negligence or

9.   Term

     9.1  Effective Date

          9.1.1  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the term of
          this Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date and end on the third
          anniversary of the Effective Date of this Agreement.

     9.2  Renewal

          9.2.1  This Agreement will renew without renewal fee for second, and
          subsequent terms of one (1) year, provided that at the end of the each

         Neither party is in default of any provision of this
                          Agreement, any amendment hereof or successor hereto,
                          or any other agreement between Satyam and CompuServe
                          or its subsidiaries or affiliates and both parties
                          have substantially complied with all the terms and
                          conditions of all such agreements


                          during the terms thereof;

         Both parties have satisfied all monetary obligations
                          owed to the other party and its subsidiaries and
                          affiliates, and has met these obligations in a timely
                          manner throughout the term of this Agreement;

         Either party may, by providing written notice no later
                          than six (6) months prior to the end of the initial or
                          any succeeding term, exercise its right not to renew
                          this Agreement. In such event, all the provisions of
                          Section 10 and Section 4 shall apply in full.

         Upon termination of this Agreement, both parties shall
                          have the right to continue provision of network
                          services to their customers within the Territory.

10.  Transfer of Interest

     10.1 CompuServe Right to Transfer or Assign

          10.1.1 CompuServe shall have the right to transfer or assign all or
          any part of its rights to payments and benefits under this Agreement
          to any person or legal entity, but shall have the right to transfer or
          to assign its obligations herein to an entity not controlled or owned
          by CompuServe only with the written consent of Satyam, which consent
          shall not be unreasonably withheld.

     10.2 Satyam Right to Transfer or Assign

          10.2.1 Satyam shall have the right to transfer or assign all or any
          part of its rights to payments and benefits under this Agreement to
          any person or legal entity, but shall have the right to transfer or to
          assign its obligations herein to an entity not controlled or owned by
          Satyam only with the written consent of CompuServe, which consent
          shall not be unreasonably withheld.

     10.3 Action upon Transfer or Assignment

          10.3.1 The party to whom the rights are transferred or assigned shall
          sign an undertaking to and shall be bound by the terms of this
          agreement and the obligations assumed by the transferor or assignor.


11.  Default and Termination

     11.1 Material Breach

          11.1.1  If a party materially breaches this Agreement and fails to
          remedy that breach within thirty (30) days after receiving written
          notice thereof from the non-breaching party, that non-breaching party
          may immediately terminate this agreement.

     11.2 Termination

          11.2.1  Termination shall not release either party from its
          obligations under this Agreement regarding confidentiality and to pay
          statements which have already become due.

12.  Permits

     12.1 Import Licenses, Permits and Approvals

          12.1.1  All import licenses, permits and approvals of any government
          or any agency or body thereof in or of the Territory required for the
          performance of this Agreement shall be obtained in a timely manner by
          Satyam at its expense.

13.  Independent Contractor

     13.1 Agreement Does Not Create a Fiduciary Relationship

          13.1.1  It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this
          Agreement does not create a fiduciary relationship between them, that
          each party shall be an independent contractor with respect to the
          other, and that nothing in this Agreement is intended to constitute
          either party an agent, legal representative, subsidiary, joint
          venture, partner, employee, or servant of the other for any purpose

14.  Applicable Law

     14.1 Terms

          14.1.1  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
                  accordance with the laws of the state of Ohio and the United
                  States. The actions and obligations of both parties are
                  governed by the laws of the applicable local jurisdiction.
                  Both parties understand that they are bound by the local
                  regulations, rules, administrative procedures and laws
                  governing creation, maintenance and use of the value-added
                  network. Satyam agrees to the terms


          in the first sentence of this paragraph 14.1 unless within 30 days of
          the execution date Satyam's legal counsel discovers anomalous contract
          construction rules in Ohio law.

     14.2 Arbitration

          14.2.1  The parties agree that any claim or action brought by either
          party against the other shall be submitted to arbitration to be held
          in the London Court of Arbitration and shall be conducted in English
          language pursuant to the rules addressing non-administered arbitration
          of business disputes of the International Chamber of Commerce.  The
          arbitration shall be decided by a panel of three.  Each party shall
          select an independent arbitrator, which arbitrators shall agree upon a
          third independent arbitrator.  In the event these arbitrators cannot
          agree upon the selection of a third arbitrator, such arbitrator will
          be selected in accordance with applicable ICC rules and procedures.
          The rendering of the arbitration award shall be London, UK.  The
          parties waive the right to appeal to the arbitrator's award.  In the
          event of any inconsistency between this Agreement and any translation,
          this Agreement shall control.

     14.3 Right to Remedy

          14.3.1  No right to remedy conferred upon or reserved to CompuServe or
          Satyam by this Agreement is intended to be, nor shall be deemed,
          exclusive of any other right or remedy provided or permitted herein or
          by law, but each shall be cumulative of every other right or remedy.

     14.4 Injunctive Relief

          14.4.1  Nothing herein contained shall bar either parties right to
          obtain injunctive relief, including restraining orders and/or
          preliminary injunctions against threatened conduct that will cause it
          loss or damage.

15.  Governmental Approvals

     15.1 Necessary Government Approval

          15.1.1  This Agreement is executed subject to all necessary government
          approvals.  Satyam agrees to use due diligence and its best efforts to
          obtain all required approvals promptly.

     15.2 Compliance to Modifications

          15.2.1  If, at any time during the term of this Agreement, any
          government or agency thereof should require, directly or indirectly,
          alteration or modification of any term of condition of this Agreement,
          or of the performance of the parties hereunder or thereunder, the
          parties agree to use their best efforts to comply with such request.
          Should, however, either of the parties determine that the request is
          material and adverse to it, or should the parties fail to reach an
          agreement concerning the implementation of such request within one
          hundred twenty (120) days after it is received, then the matter will
          be referred to



16.  Miscellaneous

     16.1 Proprietary Rights

          16.1.1  Whether or not developed by CompuServe, all CompuServe
          trademarks, service marks, programs, documents, data, inventions,
          discoveries, enhancements and improvements relating to the CompuServe
          Network Services or other CompuServe products and services are, and
          shall remain, the sole and exclusive property of CompuServe.

          16.1.2  Whether or not developed by Satyam, all Satyam trademarks,
          service marks, programs, documents, data, inventions, discoveries,
          enhancements, and improvements relating to Satyam products and
          services are, and shall remain, the sole and exclusive property of

     16.2 Entire Agreement

          16.2.1  This Agreement and the Schedules hereto constitute the full
          and entire understanding and agreement among the parties for the
          specified Territory and no party shall be liable or bound to the other
          in any manner by any representations, warranties, covenants and
          agreements except as specifically set forth herein and therein.  Each
          party has been represented by competent legal counsel in the
          negotiation of the terms of this Agreement which shall not be
          construed against either party as the drafter of the Agreement.
          Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer
          upon any party, other than the parties hereto, and their respective
          successors and assigns, any rights, remedies, obligations or
          liabilities under or by reason of this Agreement.

     16.3 Amendment

          16.3.1  Any modification or amendment of this Agreement, the
          appendices to this Agreement, or the other documents delivered
          pursuant hereto is effective only if it is in writing and executed by
          an officer of each of the parties.

     16.4 Notices

          16.4.1  To be effective, a notice or other communications required or
          permitted under this Agreement must be given in writing or by Telex,
          telecopy, or similar electronic means.  Unless otherwise specified in
          this Agreement, a notice is considered effectively given when it is
          received by the intended recipient.  Notices may be mailed or sent by
          Federal Express or a similar service addressed to the intended
          recipient at the address, and to the attention of the person indicated
          in Attachment D of this Agreement, if Notice is being sent to
          CompuServe or Attachment E of this agreement, if Notice is being sent
          to Satyam, with return receipt requested and with postage or delivery
          charges paid by the sender.  The effective date of a notice sent by
          such means shall be the date of delivery or refusal of delivery
          indicated on the return receipt.


     16.5 Titles and Subtitles

          16.5.1  The titles of the sections and subsections of this Agreement
          are for convenience of reference only and are not to be considered in
          construing this Agreement.

     16.6 Counterparts

          16.6.1  This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
          each of which shall be an original, but all of which together, when at
          least one counterpart has been executed by each party, shall
          constitute one instrument.

     16.7 Currency

          16.7.1  All payments between the parties required under this Agreement
          shall be in United States dollars.

     16.8 Force Majeure

          16.8.1  If the performance of any obligation hereunder is prevented or
          delayed, in whole or in part, by reason of an act of God, or the
          consequence thereof, affecting the part hereto or the license granted
          hereunder, such act of God to include but not be limited to fire,
          flood, typhoon, earthquake, or by reason of riots, wars, hostilities,
          governmental restrictions, trade embargoes, strikes, lockouts or labor
          disputes, then the affected party shall be given an additional time to
          perform equal to the delay caused directly by the act of God
          referenced in this paragraph.


     16.9 Severability

          16.9.1  In the event one or more of the provisions contained hereunder
          are invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any way under the law
          applicable to this Agreement and particularly to the distributorship
          and marketing rights contained herein, the validity, legality and
          enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or
          diminished in any way, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

In witness whereof the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by
their respective officers.

Satyam Infoway (Private) Limited                CompuServe Incorporated

Signature: /s/ Padma Chandrasekaran             /s/ T.F. ClayPoole
           ----------------------------------   -------------------------------

Name:      Padma Chandrasekaran                 T.F. ClayPoole
           ----------------------------------   -------------------------------

Title:     Vice President Internet & Services     Corporate Counsel
           ----------------------------------   -------------------------------

Date:      April 18, 1997                       4/18/97
           ----------------------------------   -------------------------------



International Network Interconnection.


Settlements on Communications.


Fault Escalation Procedures


Address to which correspondence and invoices to CompuServe should be mailed.


Address to which invoices and correspondence to Satyam should be mailed.


CompuServe bank account information to which Satyam should remit payment of the
CompuServe Network Services invoice.


Satyam bank account information to which CompuServe should remit payment of the
Satyam Services invoice.


                          CompuServe Network Services
                         Strategic Alliance Agreement

                                 Attachment A
                     International Network Interconnection

This is Attachment A to the STrategic Alliance Agreement (the "Agreement")
entered into at Columbus, Ohio, dated April 18, 1997, 1997 between CompuServe
incorporated, and Ohio corporation having its principal place of business at
5000 Arlington Center Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio, USA ("CompuServe") and Satyam
Infoway (Private) Limited an Indian corporation having its principal places of
business at PLA Complex, 35 Velachery Road, Little Mount, Chennai - 600 015,
India ("Satyam").

1.  Interconnection

    1.1  Leased Line Connections(s)

         1.1.1.  CompuServe and Satyam shall maintain leased line connections(s)
between then as mutually agreed upon in Section 1.2.

                                   * * * * *

    1.2  Leased Line Size and Termination Points

                                   * * * * *

2.  Liaison


***** Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Confidential treatment has been
requested with respect to the omitted portions.

2.1.  Engineering Liaison

      2.1.1.  The parties will promptly establish engineering liaisons, who will
      cooperate regarding the technical matters necessary for effective
      operations under this Agreement in practice. The parties will each provide
      the other with name(s), address(es), and telephone number(s) of a person
      who will be their engineering liaison and will update this information as
      required to keep current.

      2.1.2.  A party wishing to move the interconnection facilities, or change
      or update the interconnection specifications which may materially affect
      the ability to provide the Services, must provide written notice to the
      engineering liaison of the other party at least sixty (60) days prior to
      the date upon which the change will be implemented.

2.2.  Management Liaison

      2.2.1.  The parties will promptly establish management liaisons, who will
      cooperate regarding the business, financial, and management matters
      necessary for effective operations under this Agreement in practice. The
      parties will each provide the other with name(s), address(es), and
      telephone number(s) of a person who will be their management liaison and
      will update this information as required to keep current.

      2.2.2.  A party wishing to move the interconnection facilities, or change
      or update the interconnection specifications which may materially affect
      the ability to provide the Services, or alter any business or financial
      model or management structure relating to the Services, must provide
      written notice to the management liaison of the other party at least sixty
      (60) days prior to the date upon which the change will be implemented.


                          CompuServe Network Services
                         Strategic Alliance Agreement

                                 Attachment B
                         Settlements on Communications

This Attachment B to the Strategic Alliance Agreement (the "Agreement") entered
into at Columbus, Ohio, dated April 18, 1997, 1997 between CompuServe
Incorporated, an Ohio corporation having its principal place of business at 5000
Arlington Center Boulevard,  Columbus, Ohio, USA ("CompuServe") and Satyam
Infoway (Private) Limited and Indian corporation having its principal place of
business at PLA Complex, 35 Velacher Road, Little Mount, Chennai - 600 015,
India ("Satyam").

1.  Billing

    1.1.  Billing Responsibility

                                   * * * * *

2.  Reverse Charging

    2.1.  Subaddress

          2.1.1.  Satyam will provide a subaddress to point CompuServe Network
Services traffic to CompuServe's Host Name prompt.

          2.1.2.  CompuServe will provide a subaddress to point Satyam traffic
to Satyam Host Name prompt.

    2.2.  Revers Charge Traffic

          2.2.1.  Each party will accept reverse charge traffic that originates
on its network that is destined for hosts on the other parties network and
deliver it to that network.

          2.2.2.  Each party will accept such traffic and compensate the other
party in accordance with the specifications in Section 3.

3.  Billing and Collections for Reverse Charge Traffic

    3.1.  CompuServe Customers

                                   * * * * *


***** Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Confidential treatment has been
requested with respect to the omitted portions.


3.2.   Satyam Customers


3.3.   Reporting

       3.3.1. By the thirtieth (30/th/) day of each month, each party shall
       provide to the other a monthly traffic report showing the previous months
       traffic in summary form. As a minimum the monthly summary report shall

   Month and Year
   Originating DNIC and Destination DNIC
   Number of chargeable calls
   Number of chargeable hours, rate of the duration charge and

3.4.   Settlement of Accounts

            3.4.1.   Based on the reports specified in paragraph 3.3., a
            settlement of accounts shall be made monthly in US Dollars.

            3.4.2.   The payment payable to one party shall be made to the bank
            account designated in Attachment F, if payment is to be made to
            CompuServe, and Attachment G, if payment is to be made to Satyam.

            3.4.3.   The Statement of accounts shall be addressed to the address
            designated in Attachment D, if being sent to CompuServe, and
            Attachment E, if being sent to Satyam.

            3.4.4.   The parties will mutually resolve claims for adjustments to
            the monthly traffic report provided for in Section 3.3 if such
            claims are made within six (6) months of issuance of the report in
            question. Unless a claim is brought within six (6) months, the
            respective reports become final and no longer subject to adjustment.
            A claim for adjustment must be made in writing and should be sent to
            the address designated in Attachment D, if being sent to CompuServe,
            and Attachment E, if being sent to Satyam.


***** Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Confidential treatment has been
requested with respect to the omitted portions.

                          CompuServe Network Services
                         Strategic Alliance Agreement

                                 Attachment C
                          Fault Escalation Procedures

This is Attachment C to the Strategic Alliance Agreement (the "Agreement")
entered into at Columbus, Ohio, dated April 18, 1997,1997 between CompuServe
Incorporated, an Ohio corporation having its principal place of business at 5000
Arlington Center Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio, USA ("CompuServe") and Satyam
Infoway (Private) Limited an Indian corporation having its principal place of
business at PLA Complex, 35 Velachery Road, Little Mount, Chennai - 600 015,
India ("Satyam")

CompuServe and Satyam agree to mutually develop and implement a fault escalation
procedure and to have all necessary mechanisms and systems in place to implement
and support this procedure on or before the Launch Date.  This fault escalation
procedure shall include but shall not be limited to the following:

     .    Single point of contact
     .    Trouble ticket system
     .    Fault classification
     .    Fault escalation
     .    Metrics

CompuServe and Satyam further agree to share training materials developed for
the purpose of providing customer support.


                          CompuServe Network Services
                         Strategic Alliance Agreement

                                 Attachment D
                              CompuServe Address

This is Attachment D to the Strategic Alliance Agreement (the "Agreement")
entered into at Columbus, Ohio, dated April 18, 1997,1997 between CompuServe
Incorporated, an Ohio corporation having its principal place of business at 5000
Arlington Center Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio, USA ("CompuServe") and Satyam
Infoway (Private) Limited an Indian corporation having its principal place of
business at PLA Complex, 35 Velachery Road, Little Mount, Chennai - 600 015,
India ("Satyam").

1.   CompuServe Address

     1.1.  Address To Which Correspondence to CompuServe Should Be Sent

           1.1.1.  CompuServe Incorporated
                   5000 Arlington Centre Boulevard
                   Columbus, OH 43220
                   Attn.: Controller


                          CompuServe Network Services
                         Strategic Alliance, Agreement

                                 Attachment E
                                Satyam Address

This is Attachment E to the Strategic Alliance Agreement (the "Agreement")
entered into at Columbus, Ohio, dated April 18, 1997, 1997 between CompuServe
Incorporated, an Ohio corporation having its principal place of business at 5000
Arlington Center Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio, USA ("CompuServe") and Satyam
Infoway (Private) Limited an Indian corporation having its principal place of
business at PLA Complex, 35 Velachery Road, Little Mount, Chennai - 600 015,
India ("Satyam").

1.   Satyam Address

     1.1.  Address To Which Correspondence to Satyam Should Be Sent

           1.1.1.  Satyam Infoway (Private) Limited
                   PLA Complex
                   35 Velachery Road
                   Little Mount, Chennai - 600 015
                   Attn.: Controller


                          CompuServe Network Services
                         Strategic Alliance Agreement

                                 Attachment F
                      CompuServe Bank Account Information

This is Attachment F to the Strategic Alliance Agreement (the "Agreement")
entered into at Columbus, Ohio, dated April 18, 1997,1997 between CompuServe
Incorporated, an Ohio corporation having its principal place of business at 5000
Arlington Center Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio, USA ("CompuServe") and Satyam
Infoway (Private) Limited an Indian corporation having its principal place of
business at PLA Complex, 35 Velachery Road, Little Mount, Chennai - 600 015,
India ("Satyam").

1.   CompuServe Bank Account Information

     1.1.  Account To Which Payments to CompuServe Should Be Sent

           1.1.1.  Bank One Columbus, NA
                   Columbus, OH
                   ABA Routing #044000037
                   Account #981864388


                          CompuServe Network Services
                         Strategic Alliance Agreement

                                 Attachment G
                        Satyam Bank Account Information

This is Attachment G to the Strategic Alliance Agreement (the "Agreement")
entered into at Columbus, Ohio, dated April 18, 1997,1997 between CompuServe
Incorporated, an Ohio corporation having its principal place of business at 5000
Arlington Center Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio, USA ("CompuServe") and Satyam
Infoway (Private) Limited an Indian corporation having its principal place of
business at PLA Complex, 35 Velachery Road, Little Mount, Chennai - 600 015,
India ("Satyam").

1.   Satyam Bank Account Information

     1.1.  Account To Which Payments to Satyam Should Be Sent

           1.1.1.  Current Account 16596
                   Bank of Baroda
                   PO Box 3307
                   32, Nungambakkam High Road,
                   Chennai - 600 034
                   Tamil Nadu
