AMENDMENT 1 TO

                           Dated February 14, 1997
                     Sterling Commerce International, Inc.
                          and Satyam Infoway Limited

1.  Introduction.  This Amendment 1 supplements and amends the International
Electronic Commerce Provider Agreement by and between Sterling Commerce
International, Inc. ("Sterling Commerce"), a subsidiary of Sterling Commerce,
Inc. and Satyam Infoway Limited ("Company"), such International Electronic
Commerce Provider Agreement having been made as of February 14, 1997. This
Amendment 1 and the International Electronic Commerce Provider Agreement are
hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Revised Agreement".

2.  Additional License Grant.  The parties that Company desires to license from
Sterling Commerce certain software products, as specified on the attached
Exhibit A Supplement. Such additional software shall be deemed to be included in
the defined term "EC Technology" of this Revised Agreement.

3.  Fees/Payment.  In consideration of the additional licensing rights for the
options specified in Exhibits A Supplement, Company shall pay to Sterling
Commerce an Initial License Fee in the amount of

                                   * * * * *

4.  Required Equipment.  Company acknowledges that the equipment specified on
Exhibit G Supplement is required in support of the options specified in Exhibit
A Supplement.  Further, such equipment shall be deemed included in the defined
term "Designated CPU" of this Revised Agreement.

5.  Export Restrictions.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
Revised Agreement, Company agrees that the options listed in Exhibit A
Supplement is subject to U.S. Export Administration Regulations.  Further,
Company agrees that it has and shall continue to strictly comply with the
provisions of Section 14, U.S. Export Restrictions, of the International
Electronic Commerce Provider Agreement.

6.  Product Modifications.  From time to time, Company may present to Sterling

- -----------------------
Confidential treatment has been requested for portions of this exhibit. The copy
filed herewith omits the information subject to the confidentiality request.
Omissions are designated as *****. A complete version of this exhibit has been
filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Commerce requests for market-specific modifications to the options specified in
Exhibit A.  Sterling Commerce and Company agree to mutually determine which of
the presented modifications will be developed and/or integrated into such
options and determine mutually agreed upon time frames for such modifications to
be implemented.  As of the date this Amendment 1 is accepted by Sterling
Commerce, there are no known modifications to be made to said options.

7.  Market Development.  At least twice each calendar year, senior management
from Company and Sterling Commerce will meet at a mutually agreed upon location
to discuss their business relationship.  In particular, the companies will
discuss their respective plans for geographic expansion in the Asian continent.
Both Sterling Commerce and Company shall endeavor to expand the geographical
area of operation and agree to earnestly consider such expansion to their mutual
benefit before agreeing to do the same with third parties.

Except to the extent modified by this Amendment 1, all other terms and
conditions of the International Electronic Commerce Provider Agreement shall
remain unmodified and continue in full force and effect.

          Satyam Infoway                         Sterling Commerce
             Limited                             International, Inc.
           ("Company")                          ("Sterling Commerce")

By   ___________________________        By   ___________________________

Print___________________________        Print___________________________

Title___________________________        Title___________________________

Date ___________________________        Date ___________________________


                             EXHIBIT A SUPPLEMENT

Mapping and Translation ("MAT") Option:
- --------------------------------------

The MAT option shall include data translator and extended mapping capabilities,
facilitating the transformation of data to and from EDI, positional, and other
data formats.  Maps may be created with graphical client tools, for defining
translation of data between application file layouts, user input forms, and
print or fax documents.  This MAT option shall support public, proprietary, and
international standards as defined in the included standards database.  Future
standards and updates to existing standards can be loaded into the system as
they become available.  In addition, Company may define input or output data
layouts for translation applications relating to the EC Technology.

Web-Enabling ("Web-Enabling") Option:
- ------------------------------------

The Web-Enabling option shall:

1.  Provide methods for enabling Web commerce that is extensible from simple
    forms, including database integration, compliant EDI transactions, internet
2.  Extend transaction tracking, life cycle management, archiving and auditing
3.  Internet-enable personal computer applications, linking desktop applications
    to the MAT option
4.  Incorporate security and reliability supporting firewalls, encryption,
    secure Web registration and automatic recovery.

Real-Time Integration ("RTI") Option:
- ------------------------------------

The RTI option shall enable cross-corporate application integration. Using
eXtensible Markup Language (XML), RTI enables integration business applications
with Web sites and other business systems. Additionally, RTI can securely
integrate disparate systems and enable real-time data exchange over the

                             EXHIBIT G SUPPLEMENT

Mapping and
Translation Options
2                   *4 x Xeon 450 processor, 1MB L2 Cache
                    1 GB MB Memory RAID Array Controller
6                   18 GB 10k RPM Hard Disk (RAID 50)
2                   INTEL Pro 100 PCI
2                   Remote Management Card
2                   Support Pack (7X24 4HR)

Operating System
2                   MS Windows NT Server V 4.0 (Service Pack 4)
20                  MS Windows NT Access License

Third Party Software
2                   Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 (Service Pack 3 or 4)
2                   MS Data Access Service Pack 2.0

Web-Enabling and/or
Real Time Integration
2                   *4 x Xeon 450 processor, 1MB L2 Cache
                    1 GB MB Memory RAID Array Controller
6                   18 GB 10k RPM Hard Disk (RAID 50)
2                   INTEL Pro 100 PCI
2                   Remote Management Card
2                   Support Pack (7X24 4HR)

Operating System
2                   MS Windows NT Server V 4.0 (Service Pack 4)

* Servers Supported in the implementation:  Dell, HP and Compaq