WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

               May 2, 2002                               1-14893
        ------------------------               ----------------------------
        Date of Report (Date of                   Commission File Number
        earliest event reported)

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                Delaware                                13-4038356
   ---------------------------------              ------------------------
    (State or other jurisdiction of                  (I.R.S. Employer
     incorporation or organization)                Identification Number)

                                 One Pepsi Way
                             Somers, New York 10589
               (Address of Principal Executive Offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (914) 767-6000
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Item 5.  Other Events.

          On MAY 7, 2002, The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. ("PBG") issued a press
release announcing that it had reached a non-binding agreement with PepsiCo,
Inc. and Mr. Enrique C. Molina Sobrino ("Mr. Molina"), the two principal
shareholders of Pepsi-Gemex S.A. de C.V. ("Pepsi-Gemex"), regarding the possible
acquisition of all of the outstanding shares of Pepsi-Gemex. The press release
is filed as Exhibit 99.1 hereto, and is incorporated herein by reference. The
non-binding agreement is reflected in a term sheet, a copy of which is filed as
Exhibit 99.2 hereto, and is incorporated herein by reference. PBG and Mr. Molina
have entered into a confidentiality agreement, dated May 3, 2002, in which each
party agreed to keep confidential all non-public information of the other party
to which it is given access.

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

(a)      Not applicable.

(b)      Not applicable.

(c)      Exhibit 99.1    Press release dated May 7, 2002.

         Exhibit 99.2    Non-Binding Term Sheet.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 7, 2002                        THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.

                                         By: /s/ Pamela C. McGuire
                                             Pamela C. McGuire
                                             Senior Vice President,
                                             General Counsel and Secretary

                                                                    Exhibit 99.2

                                                          Non-Binding Term Sheet

                          SANTA FE TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Proposal                   The Pepsi Bottling Group ("PBG") proposes to purchase
                           100% of the shares of Pepsi-Gemex, S.A. DE C.V.
                           (Gemex), including all shares subject to Gemex
                           options, through public tender offers in the United
                           States and Mexico.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gross Enterprise Value     The gross enterprise value for Gemex will be, in the
                           aggregate, equal to 11,903,650,000 Mexican Pesos.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Adjustments to Gross       The peso equivalent of the gross enterprise value of
Enterprise Value           Gemex ("EV") will be adjusted for (A) Working
                           Capital, (B) Net Debt, (C) Identified Due Diligence
                           Liabilities, and (D) Conduct of Business in the
                           Ordinary Course ("Adjusted EV") prior to calculating
                           the price per share to be offered to Gemex
                           shareholders in the Tender Offers. Any U.S. Dollar
                           denominated adjustments shall be converted into
                           Mexican Pesos calculated on the basis of the average
                           spot exchange rate for the 5 day period prior to the
                           commencement of the Tender Offers.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net Working Capital        Immediately prior to the commencement of the Tender
                           Offers, the EV will be increased or decreased, on a
                           peso-for-peso basis, to the extent that the Net
                           Working Capital of Gemex on such date is greater or
                           less than a normalized level of Net Working Capital
                           agreed upon by Enrique Molina (the "Seller") and PBG.
                           Net Working Capital will be defined as accounts
                           receivable, inventories, prepaid expenses (but not
                           cash) less accounts payable and accrued expenses and
                           taxes payable (i.e. current assets, other than cash,
                           less current liabilities)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net Debt                   Immediately prior to the commencement of the Tender
                           Offers, the EV will be decreased, on a peso-for-peso
                           basis, to the extent that (A) the amount of all short
                           term debt and long-term indebtedness of Gemex,
                           including any premium resulting from any
                           change-in-control provision contained in such
                           indebtedness, (B) the amount of any current portion
                           of such indebtedness, and (C) any amounts due for
                           unpaid dividends declared minus any cash in the
                           business exceeds 0 Mexican Pesos.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Identified Due Diligence   PBG will undertake a comprehensive due diligence
Liabilities                investigation and review and will quantify the any
                           amount of liabilities not included or reserved for in
                           the financial statements of Gemex used to determine
                           the EV. Immediately prior to the commencement of the
                           Tender Offers, the EV will be decreased, on a
                           peso-for-peso basis, in the amount of any such
                           identified liabilities.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conduct of Business in     PBG will assess whether Gemex has conducted its
the Ordinary Course        business in the ordinary course for the period
                           beginning on January 1, 2002 through the date
                           immediately preceding the commencement of the Tender
                           Offers and will quantify the impact of any failure to
                           conduct its business in the ordinary course. For
                           example, PBG will assess whether Gemex has made
                           investments in capital items (such as marketing
                           equipment) and expenditures for repairs and
                           maintenance on a basis consistent with reasonable
                           business judgment and past practice prior to January
                           1, 2002. Immediately prior to the commencement of the
                           Tender Offers, the EV will be decreased, on a
                           peso-for-peso basis, in the amount of such impact.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Seller's Existing          PBG acknowledges that the Seller is entitled to a
Pension and                lump-sum payment of approximately 141,150,000 Mexican
Termination Benefits       Pesos upon his resignation from Gemex.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tender Offer Price         The price per share offered to Gemex shareholders
Per Share                  in the public Tender Offers will be calculated by
                           dividing the Adjusted EV minus 329,350,000 by the
                           number of Gemex shares outstanding. In addition the
                           shareholders of Gemex other than PepsiCo, Inc. will
                           receive an incremental amount equal to 329,350,000
                           divided by the number of Gemex shares outstanding
                           other than the shares held by PepsiCo. The Mexican
                           Tender Offer price per share will be denominated in
                           Mexican Pesos. The U.S. Tender Offer price per share
                           will be dnominated in U.S. Dollars equivalent to the
                           Peso denominated tender offer price per share,
                           calculated on the basis of the average spot exchange
                           rate effective for the 5 day period prior to the
                           commencement of the Tender Offers.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Seller's Participation     Seller will agree to participate in the Tender Offers
Agreement                  with respect to all shares owned by the Seller
                           directly or indirectly.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Representations            Seller will represent and warrant with respect to
and Warranties             undisclosed liabilities of Gemex to companies and
                           individuals affiliated with Seller.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Indemnity                  Seller will fully indemnify PBG for breach of any
                           such representations and warranties and will
                           reimburse PBG for the cost to terminate transactions
                           with affiliates that are on terms less favorable to
                           Gemex than arms-length transactions ("Affiliate
                           Termination Costs"). The Seller will deposit
                           188,200,000 Mexican Pesos from the proceeds of the
                           Tender Offers into an escrow account for purposes of
                           securing PBG's indemnification claims in respect of
                           Seller's representations and warranties (the "Escrow
                           Deposit"). The Escrow Deposit will be invested in
                           U.S. treasuries with appropriate maturities and shall
                           be paid out over a three year period, subject to
                           outstanding claims. Interest earned on the Escrow
                           Deposit will be payable to the Seller. Seller's
                           liability for breaches of representations and
                           warranties, indemnification obligations and liability
                           for Affiliate Termination Costs will be capped at the
                           amount of the Escrow Deposit.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Timing/Due Diligence       PBG will provide Gemex with a due diligence request
                           list as soon as practicable. PBG will use its best
                           efforts to complete its due diligence review within 8
                           weeks from the date on which PBG provides Gemex with
                           such list (assuming Gemex fully responds to the due
                           diligence request list within 1 week). The period of
                           due diligence review may be extended by mutual
                           agreement of the parties. The due diligence request
                           list will include items such as: (A) Human
                           Resources/Compensation and Benefits, (B) Risk
                           Management, (C) Real Estate, (D) Environmental, (E)
                           General Accounting, (F) Tax, (G) Information Systems,
                           (H) Cash Management Review, (I) Legal and (J)
                           Manufacturing and Warehousing.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Transaction Costs          Each party will bear the transaction costs and
                           transaction-related tax costs incurred by them.
                           Transaction costs will include but not be limited to
                           legal, tax, accounting and investment banking fees
                           and costs related to the Tender Offers.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conditions of Closing      Due Diligence satisfactory to PBG, PBG Board of
                           Director approval, governmental approvals, no
                           Material Adverse Change, no material breach of
                           representations and warranties, etc.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Confidentiality            Seller and PBG agree that the information contained
                           in this term sheet is confidential and neither will
                           disclose it to anyone other than their respective
                           financial, legal, tax and accounting advisors who
                           also will keep the information confidential unless
                           otherwise required by law.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

May 7, 2002                            3