Financial Statements

Young Adult Marketing Divisions
(Operating Divisions of
American Passage Media Corporation)

Years ended June 30, 1996 and 1995
with Report of Independent Auditors

Young Adult Marketing Divisions
(Operating Divisions of American Passage Media Corporation)

Financial Statements

Years Ended June 30, 1996 and 1995


Report of Independent Auditors

Audited Financial Statements

Balance Sheets
Statements of Income
Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements

Report of Independent Auditors

The Board of Directors
Young Adult Marketing Divisions

We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of the Young
Adult Marketing Divisions (operating divisions of American
Passage Media Corporation) as of June 30, 1996 and 1995, and the
related statements of income and cash flows for the years then
ended.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards.  Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
the financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An
audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An
audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating
the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material respects, the financial position of the Young
Adult Marketing Divisions (operating divisions of American
Passage Media Corporation) at June 30, 1996 and 1995, and the
results of their operations and their cash flows for the years
then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting

                                             Ernst & Young LLP
Seattle, Washington
July 30, 1996

Young Adult Marketing Divisions
(Operating Divisions of American Passage Media Corporation)

Balance Sheets

                                                  June 30
Assets                                       1996         1995
Current assets:
   Accounts receivable, less allowance
      for doubtful accounts of $72,221
      (1995 - $85,628)                   $1,370,651   $1,218,975
   Prepaid expenses                          32,423       11,807

Total current assets                      1,403,074    1,230,782

Furniture, fixtures, and equipment,
   net of accumulated depreciation of
   $91,661 (1995 - $77,721)                  49,707       36,967

Total assets                             $1,452,781   $1,267,749

Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable                      $1,560,288   $1,618,355
   Accrued expenses                         229,348      295,898
   Deferred revenues                        464,890      303,519

Total liabilities                         2,254,526    2,217,772
Divisional deficiency of assets            (801,745)    (950,023)
Total liabilities and deficiency
   of assets                             $1,452,781   $1,267,749

See accompanying notes.

Young Adult Marketing Divisions
(Operating Divisions of American Passage Media Corporation)

Statements of Income

                                            Year Ended June 30
                                             1996         1995

Net revenues                             $5,802,209    $5,048,231
Cost of revenues                          2,727,246     2,484,272

Gross margin                              3,074,963     2,563,959

Operating expenses:
   Selling, general, and
      administrative                      1,905,535     1,987,050
   Corporate administrative
      (Note 3)                              251,728       236,665

                                          2,157,263     2,223,715

Net income                               $  917,700     $ 340,244

See accompanying notes.

Young Adult Marketing Divisions
(Operating Divisions of American Passage Media Corporation)

Statements of Cash Flows

                                            Year Ended June 30
                                             1996         1995

Net income                               $  917,700   $  340,244
Adjustments to reconcile income to
   net cash flow from operations:
      Depreciation                           13,723       12,238
      Changes in operating assets and
        (Increase) decrease in accounts
           receivable                      (151,676)     380,108
        Increase in prepaid expenses        (20,616)     (11,807)
        Decrease in accounts payable and
           accrued expenses                (124,617)     (23,855)
        Increase in deferred revenues       161,370      222,318

Net cash flows from operations              795,884      919,246

Investing activity - purchases of furni-
   ture, fixtures, and equipment            (26,463)     (16,878)

Financing activity - net cash outflow
   to the Company                          (769,421)    (902,368)

Net change in cash                                0            0

Cash, beginning of year                           0            0

Cash, end of year                        $        0   $        0

See accompanying notes.

                    Young Adult Marketing Divisions
     (Operating Divisions of American Passage Media Corporation)

                    Notes to Financial Statements

                              June 30, 1996

1.   Organization and Basis of Presentation

On June 7, 1996, American Passage Media Corporation (the Company)
reached agreement with Network Event Theatre, Inc. (NET) to sell
certain divisions of the Company, including the following:
College Newspapers, Campus Postering, Gymboards, Spring Break,
and the national sales group of The Directory of Classes (the
Divisions).  These divisions are included in a group that is
collectively referred to as the Young Adult Marketing divisions. 
The Divisions provide national advertisers with media services to
facilitate the targeting of specific market segments.  The
principal media services provided by the Divisions include
advertising placement in college newspapers, campus postering,
event marketing at college campuses, and sales of national
advertising in college and university class directories.

These financial statements have been prepared as if the Divisions
had operated as independent, standalone entities for all periods
presented.  Such divisional financial statements have been
prepared using the historical basis of accounting and include all
of the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and cash flows
of the Divisions previously included in the Company's financial

In accordance with Securities and Exchange Commission Staff
Accounting Bulletin No. 55 ("SAB 55"), these statements have been
adjusted to include certain corporate expenses incurred by the
Company on the Divisions' behalf.  The financial statements may
not necessarily present the Divisions' financial position,
results of operations, and cash flows if the Divisions were a
standalone entity.

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment

Furniture, fixtures, and equipment are recorded at cost. 
Depreciation is provided using the straight-line and accelerated
methods based on estimated useful lives ranging from two to ten
years.  Expenditures for major remodeling and improvements are
capitalized as leasehold improvements and amortized over the
shorter of the life of the lease (including option period if
exercised) or the life of the asset.  Leased assets are recorded

                    Young Adult Marketing Divisions
     (Operating Divisions of American Passage Media Corporation)

               Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

2.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

at cost and are amortized on a straight-line basis over the
lesser of the related lease terms or their economic lives. 
Amortization expense is included with depreciation expense.

Income Taxes

The Company operates under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue
Code and, consequently, is not subject to federal income tax; the
stockholders include the Company's income or loss in their own
income for tax purposes.  For income tax purposes, the Company
has a December 31 year-end.  The Divisions are included in the
Company's income tax reporting.

Concentration of Credit Risks

Substantially all of the Divisions' accounts receivable and
revenues are generated from customers in the advertising
industry.  The Divisions perform ongoing credit evaluations of
their customers and generally do not require collateral.  The
Divisions maintain accounts receivable allowances for potential
credit losses, and such losses have been within management's

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to
make estimates and assumptions which affect the amounts reported
in the financial statements and accompanying notes.  Actual
results could differ from those estimates.

                    Young Adult Marketing Divisions
     (Operating Divisions of American Passage Media Corporation)

               Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

3.   Corporate Allocations

The Company provides services to the Divisions, including general
management, accounting, treasury, tax, financial audit and
reporting, benefits administration, insurance, information
systems management, accounts receivable and credit, and accounts
payable functions.  These corporate administrative costs were not
historically allocated to individual divisions.  In accordance
with SAB 55, the Company has allocated a portion of these
expenses to the Divisions.  For purposes of these financial
statements, the above corporate costs have been allocated based
on the percentage of time corporate administrative personnel were
estimated to spend on the Young Adult Marketing divisions.  Such
allocations and corporate charges totaled $251,728 and $236,665
for the years ended June 30, 1996 and 1995, respectively.

Management believes that the basis used for allocating corporate
administrative services is reasonable.  However, the amounts
included in these allocations may differ from those that would
result from transactions among unrelated parties.  In addition,
these allocations were not based on specific costs attributable
to the Divisions and may not be representative of actual costs
that would have been incurred if the Divisions had been operating

                    Young Adult Marketing Divisions
     (Operating Divisions of American Passage Media Corporation)

                    Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

4.   Revenues and Directing Operating Expenses-by Division

A breakdown of the gross margin earned by each of the divisions for the year
ended June 30, 1996 and 1995 is as follows:

 Year Ended           College       Campus                                      Sales
June 30, 1996       Newspapers     Postering    Gymboards    Spring Break    Commissions     Total
_____________       ________________________________________________________________________________

Net revenues        $2,506,244    $1,816,688    $1,075,754    $  209,300    $  194,223    $5,802,209
Costs of revenues      692,010     1,182,725       701,915       150,596             -     2,727,246

Gross margin        $1,814,234    $  633,963    $  373,839    $   58,704      $194,223    $3,074,963

 Year Ended
June 30 1995

Net revenues        $1,855,674    $1,739,971    $1,122,745      $142,195      $187,646    $5,048,231
Costs of revenues      594,973     1,213,970       551,608       123,721             -     2,484,272

Gross margin        $1,260,701    $  526,001    $  571,137      $ 18,474      $187,646    $2,563,959

                    Young Adult Marketing Divisions
     (Operating Divisions of American Passage Media Corporation)

               Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

5.   Savings Plan

The Divisions are included in the Company's 401(k) savings plan,
which covers all employees with at least six months of service. 
The Company, at its discretion, matches employee contributions. 
The Divisions' share of the Company's contributions was $10,870
and $7,119 for 1996 and 1995, respectively.