(Pursuant to NRS 78)

1.   Name of Corporation:          Excel Publishing, Inc.
2.   Resident Agent Name
     and Street Address: Gateway Enterprises, Inc.
                       3230 E. Flamingo Road, Suite 156 Las Vegas, Nevada 89121

Number of shares Number of shares
With par value: 50,000,000    Par Value:  $.001  without par value: NONE

4.   Names, Addresses, Number
     of Board of Directors/ Trustees:
The first Board of Directors/Trustees shall consist of ONE members
whose names and addresses are as follows:
832 North 1000 East, Mapleton, Utah  84684

5.   Purpose:
The purpose of this Corporation shall be: optional

6.   Other Matters:
Number of additional pages attached: 7 pages

7.   Names, Addresses and
     Signatures of Incorporators:

/s/ Anthony B. Ramon
632 North 1000 East, Mapleton, Utah 84684

8.   Certificate of Acceptance of
     Appointment of Resident Agent
I, Gateway Enterprises Inc., hereby accept appointment as Resident
Agent for the above named corporation.
/s/ Resident Agent


                      ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                       Excel Publishing, Inc.

                             ARTICLE I

     The name of the corporation (which is hereinafter referred to
as the "Corporation") is Excel Publishing, Inc

                            ARTICLE II

      The  address of the registered office of the Corporation  in
the  State  of Nevada is 3230 East Flamingo Road, Suite  156,  Las
Vegas,  Nevada  8912 1. The name of the registered  agent  of  the
Corporation is Gateway Enterprises, Inc.

                            ARTICLE III

     The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful act
or  activity  for  which corporations may be organized  under  the
provisions of Chapter 78 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.

                            ARTICLE IV

      Common Stock The aggregate number of shares of Common  Stock
which  the Corporation shall have authority to issue is 50,000,000
shares  at a par value of $.001 per share. All stock, when  issued
shall be fully paid and non-assessable, shall be of the same class
and have the same rights and preferences.

     Each share of Common Stock shall be entitled to one vote at a
stockholder's  meetings, either in person or by proxy.  Cumulative
voting  in  elections of Directors and all other  matters  brought
before  stockholders meeting, whether they be annual  or  special,
shall not be permitted.

     The holders of the capital stock of the Corporation shall not
be  personally  liable for the payment of the Corporation's  debts
and  the  private property of the holders of the capital stock  of
the  Corporation shall not be subject to the payment of  debts  of
the Corporation to any extent whatsoever.

     Stockholders of the Corporation shall not have any preemptive
rights  to  subscribe  for  additional  issues  of  stock  of  the
Corporation  except  as may be agreed from time  to  time  by  the
Corporation and any such stockholder.

      Preferred Stock. The aggregate number of share of  Preferred
Stock  which  the  Corporation shall have authority  to  issue  is
10,000,000 shares, par value $.001, which may be issued in series,
with   such  designations,  preferences,  stated  values,  rights,
qualifications or limitations as determined solely by the Board of
Directors of the Corporation.


                             ARTICLE V

      The amount of the authorized stock of the Corporation of any
class  or classes may be increased or decreased by the affirmative
vote  of  the  holders of a majority of the voting  power  of  all
shares  of  the  Corporation entitled to  vote  generally  in  the
election of directors, voting together as a single class.

                            ARTICLE VI

      SECTION  1.  Number. Election and Terms  of  Directors.  The
members of the governing board of the Corporation shall be  styled
Directors of the Corporation. The number of the Directors  of  the
Corporation shall be fixed from time to time by or pursuant to the
By-Laws of the Corporation, and shall initially be one.

      SECTION  2. Newly Created Directorships and Vacancies  Newly
created directorships resulting from any increase in the number of
Directors  and  any vacancies on the Board of Directors  resulting
from  death, resignation, disqualification, removal or other cause
shall be filled only by the affirmative vote of a majority of  the
remaining Directors then in office, even though less than a quorum
of  the Board of Directors. No decrease in the number of Directors
constituting the Board of Directors shall shorten the term of  any
incumbent Director.

      SECTION 3. Removal of Directors. Any Director may be removed
from  office, with or without cause, only by the affirmative  vote
of  the holders of 5 1 % of the voting power of all shares of  the
Corporation  entitled  to  vote  generally  in  the  election   of
Directors, voting together as a single class.

                            ARTICLE VII

      Any  action  required  or  permitted  to  be  taken  by  the
stockholders of the Corporation may be effected by any consent  in
writing  by such holders, signed by holders of not less than  that
number of shares of Common Stock required to approve such action.

                           ARTICLE VIII

      Subject to any express provision of the laws of the State of
Nevada  or these Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors
shall  have the power to make, alter, amend and repeal the By-Laws
of  the  Corporation (except so far as By-Laws of the  Corporation
adopted  by the stockholders shall otherwise provide). Any By-Laws
made  by  the Directors under the powers conferred hereby  may  be
altered,  amended  or  repealed  by  the  Directors  or   by   the

                            ARTICLE IX

      Election of Directors need not be by ballot unless  the  By-
laws of the Corporation shall so provide.


                             ARTICLE X

      SECTION 1. Elimination of Certain Liability of Directors.  A
Director of the Corporation shall not be personally liable to  the
Corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of
fiduciary  duty as a director, except for liability  (i)  for  any
breach of the Director's duty of loyalty to the Corporation or its
stockholders,  (ii) for acts or omissions not  in  good  faith  or
which  involve  intentional misconduct or a knowing  violation  of
law,  (iii)  for  the payment of distributions to stockholders  in
violation  of  Section 78.300 of the Nevada Revised  Statutes,  or
(iv)  for  any  transaction from which  the  Director  derived  an
improper personal benefit.

SECTION 2. Indemnification and Insurance

      (a)  Action,  etc.. Other Than by or in  the  Right  of  the
Corporation The Corporation shall indemnify and hold harmless,  to
the  fullest  extent permitted by applicable law as  it  presently
exists  or  may  hereafter be amended, any Agent  (as  hereinafter
defined)  against  costs,  charges and  Expenses  (as  hereinafter
defined), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually
and  reasonably  incurred  by the Agent in  connection  with  such
action, suit or proceeding, and any appeal therefrom, if the Agent
acted  in good faith and in a manner the Agent reasonably believed
to  be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Corporation,
and  with  respect  to any criminal action or proceeding,  had  no
reasonable  cause  to  believe  such  conduct  was  unlawful.  The
termination   of  any  action,  suit  or  proceeding--whether   by
judgment,  order, settlement conviction, or upon a  plea  of  nolo
contendere  or  its  equivalent-,shall not, of  itself,  create  a
presumption  that the Agent did not act in good  faith  and  in  a
manner which the Agent reasonably believed to be in or not opposed
to the best interests of the Corporation, and, with respect to any
criminal action or proceeding, that the Agent had reasonable cause
to believe that the Agent's conduct was unlawful.

      (b)  Action, etc. by or in the Right of the Corporation. The
Corporation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party or is
threatened  to  be  made  a party to any  threatened,  pending  or
completed  judicial action or suit brought by or in the  right  of
the  Corporation to procure a judgment in its favor by  reason  of
the  fact  that  such  person is or was an Agent,  against  costs,
charges and Expenses actually and reasonably incurred by the Agent
in  connection  with the defense or settlement of such  action  or
suit and any appeal therefrom if the Agent acted in good faith and
in  a  manner  such person reasonably believed to  be  in  or  not
opposed  to the best interests of the Corporation, except that  no
indemnification  shall be made in respect of any claim,  issue  or
matter  as  to  which such person shall have been adjudged  to  be
liable   for  gross  negligence  or  willful  misconduct  in   the
performance of the Agent's duty to the Corporation unless and only
to  the  extent that the court in which such action  or  suit  was
brought  shall  determine  upon  application  that,  despite   the
adjudication of liability but in view of all the circumstances  of
the  case,  such  person  is  fairly and  reasonably  entitled  to
indemnity  for such costs, charges and Expenses which  such  court
shall deem proper.

       (c)   Determination   of  Right  of  Indemnification.   Any
indemnification  under  Paragraphs (a) and  (b)  of  this  Section
(unless  ordered  by  a court) shall be paid  by  the  Corporation
unless a determination is reasonably and promptly made (i) by  the
Board  of  Directors by a majority vote of a quorum consisting  of
Directors who were not parties to such action, suit or proceeding,
or  (ii)  if  such  a  quorum  is  not  obtainable,  or,  even  if
obtainable, if a quorum of disinterested Directors so

directs,  by  independent legal counsel in a written  opinion,  or
(iii) by the stockholders, that such person acted in bad faith and
in  a  manner  that such person did not believe to be  in  or  not
opposed to the best interests of the Corporation, or, with respect
to  any  criminal  proceeding, that such person  believed  or  had
reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was unlawful,

      (d)  Indemnification  Against Expenses  of  Successful  Pam.
Notwithstanding  the  other provisions of  this  Section,  to  the
extent  that  an  Agent  has  been successful  on  the  merits  or
otherwise,  including, without limitation,  the  dismissal  of  an
action  without  prejudice, the settlement of  an  action  without
admission  of  liability, or the defense of any  claim,  issue  or
matter  therein,  or  on appeal from any such proceeding,  action,
claim  or  matter,  such  Agent shall be indemnified  against  all
costs, charges and Expenses incurred in connection therewith.

      (e) Advances of Expenses Except as limited by Paragraph  (f)
of this Section, costs, charges, and Expenses incurred by an Agent
in  any  action, suit, proceeding or investigation or  any  appeal
therefrom shall be paid by the Corporation in advance of the final
disposition of such matter if the Agent shall undertake  to  repay
such  amount  in  the  event that it is ultimately  determined  as
provided   herein   that   such  person   is   not   entitled   to
indemnification. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no  advance  shall
be  made  by the Corporation if a determination is reasonably  and
promptly  made by the Board of Directors by a majority vote  of  a
quorum  of  disinterested Directors, or (if such a quorum  is  not
obtainable  or,  even  if  obtainable, a quorum  of  disinterested
Directors  so directs) by independent legal counsel in  a  written
opinion,  that,  based  upon  the facts  known  to  the  Board  of
Directors  or counsel at the time such determination is made,  the
Agent acted in bad faith and in a manner that such person did  not
believe  to  be  in  or not opposed to the best interests  of  the
Corporation,  or,  with respect to any criminal  proceeding,  that
such  person  believed  or had reasonable  cause  to  believe  his
conduct  was unlawful. In no event shall any advance  be  made  in
instances  where  the  Board  of Directors  or  independent  legal
counsel reasonably determines that the Agent deliberately breached
such persons' duty to the Corporation or its stockholders.

      (f)  Right  of  Agent to Indemnification  upon  Application:
Procedure  upon Application. Any indemnification under  Paragraphs
(a),  (b)  and (d) or advance under Paragraph (e) of this Section,
shall be made promptly, and in any event within 60 days, upon  the
written  request of the Agent, unless with respect to applications
under  Paragraphs (a), (b) or (e), a determination  is  reasonably
and promptly made by the Board of Directors by a majority vote  of
a  quorum  of disinterested Directors that such Agent acted  in  a
manner   set   forth  in  such  Paragraphs  as  to   justify   the
Corporation's not indemnifying or making an advance to the  Agent.
In  the  event no quorum of disinterested Directors is obtainable,
the  Board  of  Directors shall promptly direct  that  independent
legal  counsel shall decide whether the Agent acted in the  manner
set  forth in such Paragraphs as to justify the Corporation's  not
indemnifying  or  making an advance to the  Agent.  The  right  to
indemnification  or advances as granted by this Section  shall  be
enforceable by the Agent in any court of competent jurisdiction if
the  Board  of Directors or independent legal counsel  denies  the
claim  in  whole or in part or if no disposition of such claim  is
made  within  60  days.  The Agent's costs, charges  and  Expenses
incurred   in  connection  with  successfully  establishing   such
persons'  right to indemnification, in whole or in  part,  in  any
such proceeding shall also be indemnified by the Corporation.


      (g)  Other Rights and Remedies. The indemnification provided
by  this  Section shall not be deemed exclusive of, and shall  not
affect, any other rights to which an Agent seeking indemnification
may  be  entitled  under  any law, Bylaw,  or  charter  provision,
agreement,  vote  of  stockholders or disinterested  Directors  or
otherwise,  both  as to action in such person's official  capacity
and  as  to action in another capacity while holding such  office,
and  shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be  an  Agent
and  shall  inure  to  the  benefit of the  heirs,  executors  and
administrators  of  such a person. All rights  to  indemnification
under  this  Section  shall be deemed to be contract  between  the
Corporation and the Agent who serves in such capacity at any  time
while  these Articles and other relevant provisions of the general
corporation law and other applicable law, if any, are  in  effect.
Any repeat or modification thereof shall not affect any rights  or
obligations then existing.

      (h)  Insurance.  The Corporation may purchase  and  maintain
insurance  on behalf of any person who is or was an Agent  against
any liability asserted against such person and incurred by him  or
her  in any such capacity, or arising out of such persons's status
as  such,  whether or not the Corporation would have the power  to
indemnify  such person against such liability under the provisions
of this Section. The Corporation may create a trust fund, grant  a
security   interest   or  use  other  means  (including,   without
limitation, a letter of credit) to ensure the payment of such sums
as  may  become  necessary to effect indemnification  as  provided

      (i)  Other  Enterprises. Fines and Serving at  Corporation's
Request.  For  purposes  of  this Section,  references  to  "other
enterprise" in Paragraph (a) shall include employee benefit plans;
references to "fines" shall include any excise taxes assessed on a
person  with respect to any employee benefit plan; and  references
to  "serving at the request of the Corporation" shall include  any
service  by  Agent  as  Director,  officer,  employee,  agent   or
fiduciary of the Corporation which imposes duties on, or  involves
services by, such Agent with respect to any employee benefit plan,
its participants, or beneficiaries; and a person who acted in good
faith and in a manner such person reasonably believed to be in the
interest  of  the participants and beneficiaries  of  an  employee
benefit  plan  shall  be deemed to have acted  in  a  manner  "not
opposed  to the best interests of the Corporation" as referred  to
in this Section.

      (j)  Savings Clause. If this Section or any portion  thereof
shall  be  invalidated  on any ground by any  court  of  competent
jurisdiction,  then  the Corporation shall nevertheless  indemnify
each Agent as to costs, charges and Expenses, judgments, fines and
amounts  paid  in  settlement with respect to  any  action,  suit,
proceeding  or  investigation, and any appeal  therefrom,  whether
civil,  criminal  or  administrative,  and  whether  internal   or
external ' including a grand jury proceeding and an action or suit
brought by or in the right of the