Washington, D. C.  20549
                          FORM 10-QSB

   [X]  Quarterly  report pursuant to Section 13 or  15(d)  of  the
        Securities Exchange Act of 1934
        For the quarterly period ended March 28, 1998.

   [ ]  Transition  report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)  of  the
        Securities Exchange Act of 1934
        For the transition period from             to             .

               Commission File Number:  0-22408
                          PURUS, INC.
    (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
          Delaware                              77-0234694
 (State or other jurisdiction of      (IRS Employer Identification No.)
  incorporation or organization)
      605 Tennant Avenue, Suite B, Morgan Hill, CA  95037
      (Address of principal executive offices)(Zip code)
                        (408) 778-3465
     (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)
Indicate  by check mark whether the registrant (1)  has  filed
all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months
(or  for  such shorter period that the registrant was required
to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                    Yes     [X]          No     [ ]

Indicate  the  number of shares outstanding  of  each  of  the
issuerIs classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable
date:  666,193 shares of Common Stock.

                          PURUS, INC.

Item 1. Financial Statements                                        3

     Balance Sheets as of March 28, 1998 and December 27, 1997      3

     Statements of Operations for the Three Months Ended 
      March 28, 1998 and March 29, 1997                             4

     Statements of Cash Flows for the Three Months Ended
      March 28, 1998 and March 29, 1997                             5

     Notes to Financial Statements                                  6

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
        Condition and Results of Operations                         8


Item 1. Legal Proceedings                                          12

Item 5. Other Information                                          12

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                           13

Item 1.   Financial Statements

                        BALANCE SHEETS
             March 28, 1998 and December 27, 1997

                                                    March 28,     December 27,
                                                      1998            1997
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                       $     84,744   $    172,881
  Short-term investments                             2,632,584      4,508,594
  Other current assets                                 180,961        175,874
            Total current assets                     2,898,289      4,857,349
Other assets                                         1,810,746         10,745
                                                  $  4,709,035   $  4,868,094
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                $     33,916   $     81,619
  Accrued legal expenses                               935,777      1,016,095
  Total current liabilities                            969,693      1,097,714
Shareholders' equity:
  Common stock:  5,000,000 shares authorized;
  $.01 par value; 666,193 and 666,192 shares
  issued and outstanding at March 28, 1998
  and December 27, 1997, respectively                    6,662          6,662
  Additional paid-in capital                        45,126,395     45,126,395
  Accumulated deficit                              (41,393,715)   (41,362,677)
            Total shareholders' equity               3,739,342      3,770,380
                                                  $  4,709,035   $  4,868,094

            The accompanying notes are an integral
              part of these financial statements.

 for the three months ended March 28, 1998 and March 29, 1997

                                                    March 28,       March 29,
                                                      1998            1997
Operating income (expenses) of
 continuing operations
  General and administrative                     $   (136,652)   $ (1,039,790)
  Interest income                                      53,141          54,724
Income (loss) from continuing operations              (83,511)     (  985,066)
Income (loss) from discontinued operations             16,665         992,280
Tax                                                     2,053               -
Net income (loss)                                     (68,898)          7,214

Net income (loss) from continuing operations
  per share                                             (0.13)          (1.48)
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
  per share                                              0.03            1.49
Net income (loss) per share                             (0.10)           0.01

Weighted average common shares                        666,193         666,192

            The accompanying notes are an integral
              part of these financial statements.

                   STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
 for the three months ended March 28, 1998 and March 29, 1997

                                                     March 28,      March 29,
                                                       1998           1997
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net loss                                        $   (68,898)   $      7,214
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to
   net cash used in operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                         --             651
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
       Accounts receivable                             14,068              --
       Other current assets                           (13,767)       (250,469)
       Other assets                                        --              --
       Accounts payable                               (80,318)         21,690
       Accrued expenses                                    --         679,583
       Net liabilities - discontinued operations           --        (862,373)
     Net cash used in operating activities           (139,040)       (403,704)
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Purchases of short-term investments                      --      (3,624,446)
  Proceeds from sale/maturity of
   short-term investments                              50,903       3,800,000
  Purchases of property and equipment                      --              --
     Net cash provided by (used in)
      investing activities                             50,903         175,554
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Net proceeds from sale of common stock                   --              --
     Net cash provided by financing activities             --              --
Net decrease in cash                                  (88,137)       (228,250)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period         172,881        494,201
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period           $    84,744    $   266,051

            The accompanying notes are an integral
              part of these financial statements.


1.   Basis of Presentation

      Financial  information for the three months ended  March
28, 1998 and March 29, 1997 is unaudited but has been prepared
on  the same basis as the audited financial statements and, in
the   opinion   of   management,  includes   all   adjustments
(consisting of only normal recurring adjustments) necessary to
present  fairly  operating results and cash  flows  for  those
periods. This Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB should  be  read
in conjunction with the financial statements and notes thereto
included  in the Company's 1997 Annual Report on Form  10-KSB.
The  results of operations for the period ended March 28, 1998
are  not  necessarily indicative of the results to be expected
for any subsequent quarter or for the entire year.

     On November 17, 1995, the shareholders approved a one-for-
ten  reverse  stock split of the Company's common  stock.  The
financial  statements  for  all periods  presented  have  been
restated to retroactively reflect this reverse stock split  as
if  it  had  been in effect as of the beginning date  of  each

      In 1995 the Company converted to a reporting calendar in
which  quarters end on the Saturday closest to March 31,  June
30, September 30 and December 31.

2.   Net Income/(Loss) per Share

      Net  income/(loss)  per  share  is  computed  using  the
weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding.

3.   Inventories
     In  1995,  the  Company  discontinued  its  environmental
operations and the carrying value of all inventory was written
4.   Property and Equipment

      As  of March 29, 1997, the carrying value of all of  the
Company's property and equipment was fully depreciated.

5.   Discontinued Operations

      During  the  fourth quarter of 1995,  when  the  Company
discontinued its operations, it made provisions for the write-
down  of inventory and fixed assets, for the costs of employee
termination,  and  for anticipated warranty expenditures  over
the  remaining  life  of  PADREr installations,  and  for  the
operating  losses  of  the discontinued  operations.  The  net
liabilities  of the discontinued operations were  zero  as  of
March  28,  1998 and December 27, 1997. A summary of operating
results of the discontinued operations follows:

                                             March 28,        December 27,
                                               1998              1997
     Revenue                               $   16,665         $   174,720
     Reversal of warranty provision                --             915,384

     Income from discontinued operations       16,665           1,090,104

6.   Commitments and Contingencies
      In July 1995, Aron Parnes, a stockholder of the Company,
filed  suit  against the Company and five of  its  current  or
former employees, officers, and directors in the United States
District  Court  for the Northern District of California.  The
lawsuit alleges violations of the federal securities laws, and
purports  to seek damages on behalf of a class of stockholders
who  purchased  the Company's common stock during  the  period
November 1993 through March 1995.  In April 1996, the  Company
filed  a motion to dismiss the complaint.  In March 1997,  the
Court  issued  an  order  granting the defendants'  motion  to
dismiss the complaint and granting the plaintiff 45 days leave
to  amend.  In May 1997, the suit was re-filed reasserting the
claims previously made, and in June 1997, the Company filed  a
new  motion to dismiss the re-filed complaint.  If the  action
is not dismissed with prejudice, the Company intends to defend
the  suit  vigorously.  The Company and other defendants  have
obtained  discovery  regarding the  propriety  of  plaintiff's
named  class representative through document and interrogatory
requests.    The  plaintiffs  have  begun  to  pursue   formal
discovery, including requesting documents from the Company and
third parties.

      In  July 1995, eight former employees of the AT&T  Multi
Language  Center filed suit against the Company  and  AT&T  in
Santa  Clara  County Superior Court. The lawsuit alleges  that
plaintiffs  were  exposed  to an unspecified  toxic  substance
while  working at the AT&T  facility, previously located  next
door  to  the Company's former San Jose, California  facility.
The  Company  has filed an answer denying all liability.   The
parties  have  engaged in discovery through document procedure
requests, interrogatories and depositions.

      The  Company  is not a party to any other pending  legal
proceedings  which  it  believes will  materially  affect  its
financial condition or results of operations.

7.   Loan Transactions

 In  February  1998,  the Company made a loan  of  $1,800,000,
 which bears interest at 6% per annum, to Casa Solaz, Inc.  (a
 Nevada  corporation, "CSI").  CSI is not a related  party  to
 the  Company or its management.  [Existence of an affiliation
 was   incorrectly  reported  in  Note  G  to  the   Company's
 financial  statements filed with its 1997  Annual  Report  on
 Form   10-KSB.]   CSI  manufactures  prefabricated   housing,
 primarily  in South America.  The proceeds of the  loan  will
 be  used  to acquire production equipment and facilities  for
 the  operations  of CSI.  The principal and any  accrued  and
 unpaid  interest is due on December 31, 1999.   The  loan  is
 collateralized  by  all of the assets of CSI,  including  the
 stock  of  the CSI subsidiary.  The loan is convertible  into
 450,000   shares   of  8%  preferred  stock   of   CSI.    As
 consideration  for  making the loan, the Company  received  a
 warrant  to purchase 550,000 shares of 8% preferred stock  of
 CSI at $4.00 per share.  Each share of 8% preferred stock  is
 convertible into one share of common stock of CSI.  In  April
 1998, the amount of the loan was increased to $4,000,000.

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
          and Results of Operations


      The  following information should be read in conjunction
with  the unaudited interim financial statements and the notes
thereto included in Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-
QSB and the Company's 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-KSB.

      On  January  8, 1998, following the resignation  of  the
Company's  former  Chairman of the Board and  Chief  Executive
Officer,  Reinhard Siegrist was appointed to the  position  of
Chairman of the Board and Peter Friedli was appointed  to  the
position of Chief Executive officer by action of the Board  of

      The  Company  has  incurred  cumulative  net  losses  of
approximately $41.4 million from inception to March 28,  1998.
The Company does not expect to report operating profits unless
and  until  such  time as a new business,  or  technology,  is
acquired  and  only  then if such acquisition  is  successful.
There  can  be  no  assurance that the  Company  will  achieve

Results of Continuing Operations

Quarters Ended March 28, 1998 and March 29, 1997

     The Company had no revenue from continuing operations for
the quarters ended March 28, 1998 and March 29, 1997.

      General  and  administrative  expenses  from  continuing
operations for the quarters ended March 28, 1998 and March 29,
1997 consisted of general corporate administration, legal  and
professional  expenses, accounting and auditing costs,  public
company  costs, directors and officers insurance, and  similar
items.  These  expenses were $136,652 for  the  quarter  ended
March 28, 1998, and $1,039,790 for the quarter ended March 29,
1997. General and administrative expenses in the quarter ended
March  28, 1998 are lower than in the quarter ended March  29,
1997 due to the charge made in the earlier quarter to increase
the  legal  expense reserve and due to elimination of  certain
accounting and administrative expense.

      Interest income of $54,724 and $53,141 for the  quarters
ended  March  29,  1997  and  March  28,  1998,  respectively,
resulted  from  the  investment of the  net  proceeds  of  the
Company's  initial  public offering in 1993  into  short-term,
liquid cash equivalents. Interest income in the quarter  ended
March  28,  1998 is lower than in the quarter ended March  29,
1997  primarily due to a reduction in the Company's  cash  and
short-term  investments used to fund operating losses  and  to
pay accrued expenses. Interest income will likely continue  to
decrease if additional cash or short-term investments are used
to  fund operating losses and accrued expenses, or if interest
rates decline.
      As  a result of the foregoing factors, the Company's net
loss  from  continuing operations was $83,511 for the  quarter
ended March 28, 1998 as compared to a net loss of $985,066 for
the  quarter  ended March 28, 1997.  The smaller loss  in  the
recent   quarter   resulted  from  cost   reduction   measures
implemented after March 27, 1997.

Results of Discontinued Operations

Quarters Ended March 28, 1998 and March 29, 1997

      Revenues  from discontinued operations was  $16,665  and
$992,280  for the quarters ended March 28, 1998 and March  29,
1997,  respectively. Revenues from discontinued operations  in
the  quarter ended March 28, 1998 consist of royalty  payments
from  Thermatrix  and  for the quarter ended  March  29,  1997
result  primarily  from  the reversal of  previously  recorded
reserves.  The Company does not expect any significant  future
revenues from discontinued operations.

Net   Income/Net   Loss  from  Continuing   and   Discontinued

      As  a result of the foregoing factors, the Company's net
income  from  both continuing and discontinued operations  was
$7,214 for the quarter ended March 29, 1997, as compared to  a
loss  of  $68,898 for the quarter ended March 28,  1998.   The
increased  loss in the recent quarter was the  result  of  the
impact of reserve adjustments made in the earlier quarter.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

      At  March  28, 1998, the Company had working capital  of
approximately $1,928,596 as compared to $3,759,635 at December
27,   1997.   Working  capital  as  of  both  dates  consisted
substantially  of  short-term  investments,  cash   and   cash
equivalents,  accrued  liabilities, and net  liabilities  from
discontinued operations. Net cash used in operating activities
was  approximately $139,040 for the quarter  ended  March  28,
1998, and $403,704 for the quarter ended March 29, 1997.

      The  reduction in working capital results from the  loan
made  to  Casa Solaz, Inc. ("CSI) in February of 1998  in  the
amount  of  $1,800,000.  CSI is a private  Nevada  corporation
which   recently  commenced  the  business  of  manufacturing,
marketing, and installing prefabricated housing units in South
America.  The loan bears interest at the rate of 6% per annum,
and  all principal and interest is due December 31, 1999.  The
loan is secured by all of the assets of CSI, including all  of
the  capital  stock of its Venezuelan subsidiaries  conducting
operations in South America.  The loan is convertible  at  the
option  of  the  Company at any time prior  to  maturity  into
450,000 shares of the Series A Convertible Preferred Stock  of
CSI.  As  a negotiated element of the transaction, CSI granted
to  Purus  a warrant to purchase 550,000 additional shares  of
Series  A Convertible Preferred Stock at a price of $4.00  per
share exerciseable on or before December 31, 1998.  The Series
A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  provides  for  a  cumulative
dividend  at  the rate of 8% per annum and is  convertible  to
common stock of CSI at the rate of one share of common for one
share  of preferred. In April 1998, the amount of the loan  to
CSI was increased to $4,000,000.

      Management believes that the Company has sufficient cash
and  short-term investments to meet the anticipated  needs  of
the  Company's continuing and discontinued operations  through
at least the next twelve (12) months. However, there can be no
assurances to that effect, as the Company has no assurance  of
significant  revenues and is subject to contingent liabilities
which could result in the depletion of its capital, including,
without  limitation,  any  damages awarded  and/or  costs  and
expenses  incurred by it in connection with pending litigation
against  the  Company.  Judgments or settlements  against  the
Company  in  connection with such litigation could exceed  the
Company's  insurance coverage and require the Company  to  use
its  limited  capital  resources in satisfaction  thereof.  In
addition,  the Company may require outside advisors to  assist
management  in  seeking and evaluating potential acquisitions,
in  consummating  such  transactions and/or  in  managing  the
resulting enterprises. In the event that the Company  has  not
reserved  sufficient cash for costs and expenses  relating  to
pending  or  threatened litigation or  the  acquisition  of  a
particular  business, product or technology, the  Company  may
require  additional financing. There can be no assurance  that
such financing would be available to the Company on acceptable
terms or at all. The Company does not presently have a line of
credit or other bank credit facility.

                  PART II   OTHER INFORMATION

Item 5.        Other Information

     On May 8, 1998, the Company was notified that the listing
for  the Company's common stock on the Nasdaq SmallCap  Market
terminated at the close of business on that date.  This action
was taken by Nasdaq on the basis of its determination that the
Company is not engaged in any active business operations  and,
as a matter of policy, Nasdaq does not list inactive companies
with  only cash or passive assets regardless of whether  those
companies   satisfy   the  quantitative  listing   maintenance
requirements.  Management believes it has acted reasonably  in
attempting  to  locate  a new business activity  in  which  to
participate   over  the  past  two  years,  but  the   pending
stockholder   litigation  has  prevented  the   Company   from
acquiring a new business venture.  Consequently, management is
of the opinion that the loss of the listing is a direct result
of  the  stockholder litigation and beyond the control of  the

Item 6.        Exhibits and Reports on Form 8K

(a)   Exhibits:  Attached only to the electronic  filing  with
the  Securities and Exchange Commission is the Financial  Data
Schedule, Exhibit Ref. No. 27, in accordance with Item  601(c)
of regulation S-K.

(b)         Reports on Form 8-K:

        During  the quarter ended March 28, 1998, the  Company
  filed  one Current Report on Form 8-K reporting under  "Item
  5. Other Events" the Company's loan to Casa Solaz, Inc.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1934,
the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Purus, Inc.

By:  /s/ Peter Friedli
Chief Executive Officer

Date:  May 15, 1998