Exhibit No.1 (Reference 10)
Nugget Exploration, Inc.
File No. 0-10201
Form 8-K dated June 22, 1998

                      CONSULTING AGREEMENT

     This Consulting Agreement ("Agreement") is made effective
this 5th day of March 1998, by and between, Park Street
Investments, Inc. ("Consultant"), a Utah corporation with offices
located at 2133 E 9400 S Suite 151, Sandy, Utah 84093 and Nugget
Exploration, Inc. ("Client"), a Nevada Corporation with offices
located at 815 South Durbin St. Casper, Wyoming 82601 with
respect to the following:


     WHEREAS, Consultant is in the business of providing general
business consulting services to privately held and publicly held
corporations; and

     WHEREAS, Client desires to retain Consultant to assist
Client with a recapitalization of its securities; and to assist
Client with a reorganization with another business entity.


     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises,
covenants, and agreements contained herein, and for other good
and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is
expressly acknowledged, Client and Consultant agree as follows:

1.   Engagement of Consultant.  Consultant agrees to use its best
     efforts to assist Client:

     a.   and counsel Client relative to the steps necessary to
          assist Client with a recapitalization of its
          securities; and to assist Client with a reorganization
          with another business entity.  This includes, but is
          not limited to, preparing proxy material and other
          correspondences to Client's shareholders and creditors
          informing them of the transactions herein and
          requesting their approvals and releases where

     b.   in preparing and filing other documents with the
          necessary State and Federal regulatory bodies as is
          required by law;

     c.   in restructuring Client's capital formation through a
          reverse split, re-authorization of debt and/or equity;
          in obtaining shareholder votes on corporate matters; in
          preparing the correspondences necessary to carry out
          the actions in this paragraph including notices to the
          NASD, Depository Trust Corporation ("DTC"), CUSIP
          Bureau, Client's Transfer Agent and Market Makers;

     d.   in preparing financial statements and obtaining an
          audit on the financial statements in accordance with
          U.S. GAAP standards by an accounting firm with SEC peer
          review; in preparing and filing other documents with
          the necessary regulatory bodies as is required by law,
          including, but not limited to preparing and filing
          forms 10K and 10Q as necessary;

     e.   in finding an attorney to provide any necessary legal
          assistance and opinions as required or if requested;

     f.   to assist Client in the preparation of corporate
          resolutions, and other correspondences necessary to
          fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, including
          Board and shareholder resolutions, resignations and

     g.   in locating a reorganization candidate ("Candidate")
          for Client that would provide Client's current
          shareholders with an equal or better opportunity in
          terms of equity or stock appreciation potential than
          they currently have.

     h.   in assisting with structuring a reorganization
          ("Reorganization") transaction with a Candidate
          including the preparation and review of reorganization

     All of the foregoing services collectively are referred to
herein as the "Consulting Services."

2.   Compensation   Client shall compensate Consultant for
     consulting services ("Consulting Services") rendered
     pursuant to this Agreement as follows:

     a.   Consultant shall acquire from Client, fifteen million
          one hundred thousand (15,100,000) shares of Client's
          restricted common stock for $15,100 cash.  Consultant
          shall further be appointed to the board of directors of

     b.   At closing time of a reorganization between Client and
          a Candidate, Client shall issue to Consultant, shares
          of its common stock in an amount not to exceed fifteen
          percent (15%) of the total issued and outstanding
          shares of Client,  which amount is to be based on the
          total issued and outstanding shares of Client after a
          Reorganization between Client and a Candidate.

     c.   Consultant shall also be entitled to any cash fee that
          it is able to achieve from the Reorganization

     d.   Notwithstanding paragraph 2(a) herein, all shares
          issued to Consultant pursuant to this Agreement shall
          be registered under section S-8 of the Securities and
          Exchange Act. If Consultant's shares are deemed
          restricted under the Act, such shares shall have "piggy
          back" registration rights with any registration
          statement, such statement filed at such time as Client,
          in its sole discretion, deems advisable.

3.   Client's Obligations.

     a.   If necessary, Client agrees to assist Consultant in
          obtaining release and indemnification letters from all
          of Client's creditors and vendors releasing Client of
          any further obligation to such creditors and vendors.
          Further, upon completion of the asset sale and
          Reorganization, the current directors of Client shall
          resign and provide Consultant with similar release and
          indemnification letters and shall warrant that Client
          is free from any liabilities or pending or threatened
          litigation or environmental problems.

     b.   Client will seek to sell its assets existing at the
          time of this agreement and will use proceeds from any
          sale to pay off its creditors.

     c.   Notwithstanding item (2), Client shall not issue any of
          its securities to any other party during the term of
          this Agreement without written consent from Consultant.

4.   Limitations

     a.   Consultant shall have no right to any proceeds from the
          sale or distribution of Client's assets existing at the
          time of this agreement. Additionally, while consultant
          will have 51% ownership of Client's stock pursuant to
          this Agreement, consultant agrees to only votes its
          shares as directed by Client with regards to any manner
          concerning the sale of Client's assets existing at the
          time of this agreement.

5.   Term of Agreement, Extensions and Renewals

     a.   This Agreement shall be in effect from the date first
          appearing herein until a period beginning one year from
          the date the assets of Client -- existing at the time
          of this Agreement -- are sold. This Agreement may be
          extended on a month to month basis (the "Extension
          Period") by mutual agreement of the parties executed in
          writing specifying the compensation for the Extension
          Period.    In the event Client has not been Reorganized
          within the time period discussed in this paragraph,
          Consultant shall forfeit the compensation described in
          Section (2).

     b.   This Agreement may also be terminated when a sale of
          Client's assets has been completed and Client has been

     c.   Notwithstanding 5(a) and 5(b), in the event of early
          termination, Client shall be obligated for any amounts
          due under this agreement.  Such notice of either
          extension or termination shall be in writing and shall
          be delivered via U.S. certified mail, when applicable,
          effective ten (10) days after delivery to the other.

6.   Expenses.

     a.   The $15,000 paid by Consultant for the restricted stock
          shares pursuant to paragraph (2) herein shall be used
          to pay for the costs involved in connection with the
          services herein. Each party shall be responsible for
          any other outside legal, accounting and any other costs
          incurred in connection with the transactions
          contemplated herein.  No party shall have any financial
          responsibility to the other for failure to complete the
          proposed transactions.

7.   Due Diligence

     a.   Client shall supply and deliver to Consultant all
          information as may be reasonably requested by
          Consultant to enable Consultant to make an
          investigation of the Client and its business prospects,
          and they shall make available to Consultant names,
          addresses, and telephone numbers as Consultant may need
          to verify or substantiate any such information

8.   Best Efforts Basis

     a.   Consultant agrees that it will at all times, to the
          best of its experience, ability and talents, perform
          all the duties that may be required of and from
          Consultant pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
          Consultant does not guarantee that its efforts will
          have any impact on the Clients' business or that any
          subsequent financial improvement will result from
          Consultants' efforts.

9.   Non-Circumvention.

     a.   Client agrees that Client will not enter into any
          business combination or enter into any transaction
          involving a business opportunity or asset introduced to
          Client by Consultant, without compensating Consultant
          pursuant to this Agreement.  Neither will Client
          terminate this Agreement solely as a means to avoid
          paying Consultant compensation earned or to be earned,
          or any other way attempt to circumvent Consultant or
          this Consulting Agreement.

10.  Independent Legal and Financial Advice

     a.   Consultant is not a law firm; neither is it an
          accounting firm.  Consultant does, however, retain
          professionals in those capacities to better enable
          Consultant to provide consulting services.  Client
          represent that they have not nor will they construe any
          of the Consultants' representations to be statements of
          law.  Client has and will continue to seek the
          independent advice of legal and financial counsel
          regarding all material aspects of the transactions
          contemplated by this Agreement, including the review of
          all documents provided by Consultant to Client and all
          opportunities Consultant introduces to Client.

11.  Miscellaneous

     a.   The execution and performance of this Agreement has
          been duly authorized by all requisite individual or
          corporate actions and approvals and is free of conflict
          or violation of any other individual or corporate
          actions and approvals entered into jointly and
          severally by the parties hereto.  This Agreement
          represents the entire Agreement between the parties
          hereto, and supersedes any prior agreements with
          regards to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement
          may be executed in any number of facsimile counterparts
          with the aggregate of the counterparts together
          constituting one and the same instrument.  This
          Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of
          the parties hereto and their successors, heirs and
          assigns and may only be assigned or amended by written
          consent from the other party.

     b.   No term of this Agreement shall be considered waived
          and no breach excused by either party unless made in
          writing.  In the event that any one or more of the
          provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any
          reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable
          in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or
          unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions
          of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be
          constructed as if it never contained any such invalid,
          illegal or unenforceable provisions.  The parties
          hereto shall cooperate with each other to achieve the
          purpose of this Agreement. From time to time, each
          party will execute additional instruments and take such
          action as may be reasonably requested by the other
          party to confirm or perfect title to any property
          transferred hereunder or otherwise to carry out the
          intent and purposes of this Agreement.

     c.   The validity, interpretation, and performance of this
          Agreement shall be controlled by binding arbitration in
          the State of Wyoming under the rules then obtaining of
          the American Arbitration Association.  Such arbitration
          ruling shall be final and binding amongst the parties
          herein.  If any action is brought to enforce or
          interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the
          prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
          reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, and other
          costs incurred in proceeding with the action from the
          other party.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement
on the date herein above written.

Nugget Exploration, Inc.

Mary C. MacGuire, President          Date: June 8, 1998

Park Street Investments, Inc.

Ken Kurtz, President                 Date: June 8, 1998