1933 ACT FILE NO.:  333-124789
                                                   1940 ACT FILE NO.:  811-21056
                                                               CIK NO.:  1322274

                             WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                               AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO
                                    FORM S-6

                    OF 1933 OF SECURITIES OF UNIT INVESTMENT
                        TRUSTS REGISTERED ON FORM N-8B-2

A.  Exact name of trust:       ADVISOR'S DISCIPLINED TRUST 41

B.  Name of depositor:         FIXED INCOME SECURITIES, L.P.

C.  Complete address of depositor's principal executive offices:

                              18925 Base Camp Road
                            Monument, Colorado  80132

D.  Name and complete address of agent for service:

                                                 WITH A COPY TO:
            CRAIG FIDLER
           General Counsel                       MARK J. KNEEDY
     Fixed Income Securities, L.P.           Chapman and Cutler LLP
         18925 Base Camp Road                111 West Monroe Street
      Monument, Colorado  80132           Chicago, Illinois  60603-4080

E.  Title of securities being registered:  Units of undivided beneficial
    interest in the trust

F.  Approximate date of proposed public offering:


[ ] Check box if it is proposed that this filing will become effective
    on _______, 2005 at _____ pursuant to Rule 487.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The registrant hereby amends this Registration Statement on such date or dates
as may be necessary to delay its effective date until the registrant shall file
a further amendment which specifically states that this Registration Statement
shall thereafter become effective in accordance with Section 8(a) of the
Securities Act of 1933 or until the Registration Statement shall become
effective on such date as the Commission, acting pursuant to said Section 8(a)
may determine.

  The information in this prospectus is not complete and may be changed. No one
   may sell units of the trust until the registration statement filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission is effective. This prospectus is not an offer
to sell units and is not soliciting an offer to buy units in any state where the
                         offer or sale is not permitted.

                    PRELIMINARY PROSPECTUS DATED JUNE 6, 2005
                              SUBJECT TO COMPLETION



                          A portfolio of common stocks
                       selected by applying a specialized
                       dividend-oriented strategy seeking
                           dividend income and capital


                                 JUNE ___, 2005

                                        As with any investment, the Securities
       ADVISOR'S                        and Exchange Commission has not approved
   ASSET MANAGEMENT                     or disapproved of these securities or
                                        passed upon the adequacy or accuracy of
  A DIVISION OF FIXED                   this prospectus.  Any contrary
INCOME SECURITIES, L.P.                 representation is a criminal offense.

- ------------------
- ------------------

                              INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE

  The trust seeks to provide dividend income and capital appreciation.

                          PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY

  The trust invests in a portfolio of common stocks selected using a
specialized dividend-oriented strategy that seeks to outperform the Russell
1000(Registered) Index.  We<FN1>* selected the portfolio using the following

*  We begin with the companies listed in the Russell 1000(Registered) Index.
   The Russell 1000(Registered) Index is a comprehensive large-cap index
   measuring the performance of the largest 1000 companies in the Russell
   3000(Registered) Index. The Russell 3000(Registered) Index consists of the
   3000 largest companies domiciled in the U.S. and its territories.

*  We then identify the companies within the Russell 1000(Registered) Index that
   comprise the Russell 1000(Registered) Value Index.  Such companies are
   identified by lower price-to-book ratios and lower forecasted growth values
   relative to the other companies in the Russell 1000(Registered) Index.

*  From the Russell 1000(Registered) Value Index, we identify the five stocks in
   each of the ten industry sector components of the Russell 1000(Registered)
   Value Index with the highest dividend yields.

*  We select those 50 stocks for the trust's portfolio.

  Please note that we applied the strategy to select the portfolio at a
particular time.  If we create additional units of the trust after the trust's
inception date, the trust will purchase the securities originally selected by
applying the strategy.  This is true even if a later application of the strategy
would have resulted in the selection of different securities.  In addition,
companies which, based on publicly available information as of two business days
prior to the date of this prospectus, are the target of an announced business
acquisition which we expect will happen within six months of the date of this
prospectus have been excluded from the universe of securities from which the
trust's securities are selected.

                                 PRINCIPAL RISKS

  As with all investments, you can lose money by investing in this trust.  The
trust also might not perform as well as you expect.  This can happen for reasons
such as these:

*  STOCK PRICES WILL FLUCTUATE.  The value of your investment may fall over

   MAY REDUCE THE LEVEL OF DIVIDENDS DECLARED.  This may result in a reduction
   in the value of your units.

   at any point in time, including during the initial offering period.

   happen for reasons such as an inability to exactly replicate the weightings
   of stocks in the strategy or be fully invested, timing of the trust
   offering or timing of your investment, and trust expenses.

*  WE DO NOT ACTIVELY MANAGE THE PORTFOLIO.  Except in limited circumstances,
   the trust will hold, and continue to buy, shares of the same stocks even if
   their market value declines.

- --------------------
<FN1>*  "FIS," "we" and related terms mean Fixed Income Securities, L.P., the
        trust sponsor, unless the context clearly suggests otherwise.

2     Investment Summary

                               WHO SHOULD INVEST

  You should consider this investment if you want:

  *  to own a defined portfolio of stocks selected based on historical dividend

  *  to pursue a long-term, dividend-oriented investment strategy that includes
     investment in subsequent portfolios, if available.

  *  the potential to receive dividend income and capital appreciation.

  You should not consider this investment if you:

  *  are uncomfortable with the risks of an unmanaged investment in common

  *  are uncomfortable with the trust's strategy.

  *  seek aggressive growth without current income.

  *  seek capital preservation.


                              ESSENTIAL INFORMATION

          UNIT PRICE AT INCEPTION                             $10.0000

          INCEPTION DATE                                 June 14, 2005
          TERMINATION DATE                         September ___, 2006

          DISTRIBUTIONS                             $________ per unit

          DISTRIBUTION DATES                    Last day of each month
          RECORD DATES                          15th day of each month

          INITIAL DISTRIBUTION DATE                      July 31, 2005
          INITIAL RECORD DATE                            July 15, 2005

          Standard Accounts
           Cash distributions                               __________
           Reinvest distributions                           __________
          Fee Based Accounts
           Cash distributions                               __________
           Reinvest distributions                           __________

          TICKER SYMBOL                                     __________

          MINIMUM INVESTMENT                          $1,000/100 units


                                FEES AND EXPENSES

  The amounts below are estimates of the direct and indirect expenses that you
may incur based on a $10 unit price.  Actual expenses may vary.

                                   AS A %          AMOUNT
                                  OF $1,000        PER 100
SALES FEE                         INVESTED          UNITS

Initial sales fee                   1.00%           $10.00
Deferred sales fee                  1.35             13.50
Creation & development fee          0.60              6.00
Maximum sales fee                   2.95%           $29.50
                                   =======         =======

ORGANIZATION COSTS                  0.29%            $2.90
                                   =======         =======

                                   AS A %          AMOUNT
ANNUAL                             OF NET          PER 100
OPERATING EXPENSES                 ASSETS           UNITS

Trustee fee & expenses              0.16%            $1.50
Supervisory, evaluation
  and administration fees           0.10              1.00
                                   -------         -------
Total                               0.26%            $2.50
                                   =======         =======

  The initial sales fee is the difference between the total sales fee (maximum
of 2.95% of the unit offering price) and the sum of the remaining deferred sales
fee and the total creation and development fee.  The deferred sales fee is fixed
at $0.195 per unit and is paid in three monthly installments beginning on
September __, 2005.  The creation and development fee is fixed at $0.06 per unit
and is paid at the end of the initial offering period (anticipated to be three


  This example helps you compare the cost of this trust with other unit trusts
and mutual funds.  In the example we assume that the expenses do not change and
that the trust's annual return is 5%.  Your actual returns and expenses will
vary.  Based on these assumptions, you would pay these expenses for every
$10,000 you invest in the trust:

          1 year              $349
          3 years             $875
          5 years           $1,449
          10 years          $3,122

  This example assumes that you continue to follow the trust strategy and roll
your investment, including all distributions, into a new series of the trust
each year subject to a reduced rollover sales charge of 1.95%.

                                                        Investment Summary     3


                                                                 PERCENTAGE OF         MARKET         COST OF         CURRENT
 NUMBER        TICKER                                         AGGREGATE OFFERING      VALUE PER      SECURITIES       DIVIDEND
OF SHARES      SYMBOL             ISSUER                             PRICE             SHARE(1)      TO TRUST(2)      YIELD(3)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


4     Investment Summary


                                                                 PERCENTAGE OF         MARKET         COST OF         CURRENT
 NUMBER        TICKER                                         AGGREGATE OFFERING      VALUE PER      SECURITIES       DIVIDEND
OF SHARES      SYMBOL             ISSUER                             PRICE             SHARE(1)      TO TRUST(2)      YIELD(3)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------                                                            ---------                        ----------
                                                                          %                          $
=======                                                            =========                        ==========

Notes to Portfolio

(1)  Securities are represented by contracts to purchase securities.  The cost
     of each security is based on the most recent closing sale price of each
     security as of the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange
     on the business day prior to the trust's inception date.

(2)  The cost of the securities to the sponsor and the sponsor's profit or
     (loss) (which is the difference between the cost of the securities to the
     sponsor and the cost of the securities to the trust) are $_________ and
     ($_________) respectively.

(3)  Current dividend yield for each security was calculated by dividing the
     most recent annualized ordinary dividend declared on a security by that
     security's closing sale price at the close of the New York Stock Exchange
     on the business day prior to the trust's inception date.

                                                        Investment Summary     5

- -----------------------------
- -----------------------------

                                HOW TO BUY UNITS

  You can buy units of the trust on any business day the New York Stock
Exchange is open by contacting your financial professional.  Unit prices are
available daily on the Internet at WWW.AAMUNITTRUST.COM.  The public offering
price of units includes:

  *  the net asset value per unit plus

  *  organization costs plus

  *  the sales fee.

  The "net asset value per unit" is the value of the securities, cash and other
assets in the trust reduced by the liabilities of the trust divided by the total
units outstanding.  We often refer to the public offering price of units as the
"offer price" or "purchase price."  We must receive your order to buy units
prior to the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange (normally
4:00Ep.m. Eastern time) to give you the price for that day.  If we receive your
order after this time, you will receive the price computed on the next business
day.  Certain broker-dealers may charge a transaction or other fee for
processing unit purchase orders.

  VALUE OF THE SECURITIES.  We determine the value of the securities as of the
close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange on each day that
exchange is open.  During the initial offering period, the value of the
securities includes organization costs.

  Pricing the Securities.  We generally determine the value of securities using
the last sale price for securities traded on a national securities exchange or
the Nasdaq Stock Market.  For this purpose, the trustee provides us closing
prices from a reporting service approved by us.  In some cases we will price a
security based on its fair value after considering appropriate factors relevant
to value of the security.  We will only do this if a security is not principally
traded on a national securities exchange or the Nasdaq Stock Market, or if the
market quotes are unavailable or inappropriate.

  We determined the initial prices of the securities shown under "Portfolio" in
this prospectus as described above at the close of regular trading on the
New York Stock Exchange on the business day before the date of this prospectus.
On the first day we sell units we will compute the unit price as of the close of
regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange or the time the registration
statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission becomes effective,
if later.

  Organization Costs.  During the initial offering period, part of the value of
the units represents an amount that will pay the costs of creating your trust.
These costs include the costs of preparing the registration statement and legal
documents, federal and state registration fees, the initial fees and expenses of
the trustee and the initial audit.  Your trust will sell securities to reimburse
us for these costs at the end of the initial offering period or after six
months, if earlier.  The value of your units will decline when the trust pays
these costs.

  TRANSACTIONAL SALES FEE.  You pay a fee in connection with purchasing units.
We refer to this fee as the "transactional sales fee."  The transactional sales
fee has both an initial and a deferred component and equals 2.35% of the public
offering price per unit based on a $10 public offering price per unit.  This
percentage amount of the transactional sales fee is based on the unit price

6     Understanding Your Investment

on the trust's inception date.  The transactional sales fee equals the
difference between the total sales fee and the creation and development fee.  As
a result, the percentage and dollar amount of the transactional sales fee will
vary as the public offering price per unit varies.  The transactional sales fee
does not include the creation and development fee which is described under

  The maximum sales fee equals 2.95% of the public offering price per unit at
the time of purchase.  You pay the initial sales fee at the time you buy units.
The initial sales fee is the difference between the total sales fee percentage
(maximum of 2.95% of the public offering price per unit) and the sum of the
remaining fixed dollar deferred sales fee and the total fixed dollar creation
and development fee.  The initial sales fee will be approximately 1.00% of the
public offering price per unit depending on the public offering price per unit.
The deferred sales fee is fixed at $0.135 per unit.  Your trust pays the
deferred sales fee in equal monthly installments as described on page 3.  If you
redeem or sell your units prior to collection of the total deferred sales fee,
you will pay any remaining deferred sales fee upon redemption or sale of your

  REDUCING YOUR SALES FEE.  We offer a variety of ways for you to reduce the
fee you pay.  It is your financial professional's responsibility to alert us of
any discount when you order units.  Since the deferred sales fee and the
creation and development fee are fixed dollar amounts per unit, your trust must
charge these fees per unit regardless of any discounts.  However, if you are
eligible to receive a discount such that your total sales fee is less than the
fixed dollar amounts of the deferred sales fee and the creation and development
fee, we will credit you the difference between your total sales fee and these
fixed dollar fees at the time you buy units.

  Large Purchases.  You can reduce your sales fee by increasing the size of
your investment:


     Less than $100,000            2.95%
     $100,000 - $249,999           2.70
     $250,000 - $499,999           2.45
     $500,000 or more              2.20

  We apply these fees as a percent of the public offering price per unit at the
time of purchase.  We also apply the different purchase levels on a unit basis
using a $10 unit equivalent.  For example, if you purchase between 10,000 and
24,999 units, your fee is 2.70% of your public offering price per unit.

  You may AGGREGATE unit orders submitted by the same person for units of any
of the trusts we sponsor on any single day from any one broker-dealer to qualify
for a purchase level.  You can also include these orders as your own for
purposes of this aggregation:

  *  orders submitted by your spouse or minor children living in the same
     household and

  *  orders submitted by your trust estate or fiduciary accounts.

  The discounts described above apply during the initial offering period.

  Fee Accounts.  We waive the transactional sales fee for purchases made
through registered investment advisers, certified financial planners or
registered broker-dealers who charge periodic fees in lieu of commissions or who
charge for financial planning or for investment advisory or asset management
services or provide these services as part of an investment account where a

                                             Understanding Your Investment     7

"wrap fee" is imposed.  You should consult your financial advisor to determine
whether you can benefit from these accounts.  To purchase units in these fee-
based accounts, your financial advisor must purchase units designated with one
of the fee account CUSIP numbers, if available.  Please contact your financial
advisor for more information.  Fee account purchases are not subject to the
transactional sales fee but will be subject to the creation and development fee
that is retained by the sponsor.  For example, this table illustrates the sales
fee you will pay as a percentage of the initial $10 public offering price per
unit (the percentage will vary with the unit price).

  Initial sales fee                0.00%
  Deferred sales fee               0.00%
    Transactional sales fee        0.00%
  Creation and development fee     0.60%
    Total sales fee                0.60%

  This discount applies only during the initial offering period.  Certain fee
account investors may be assessed transaction or other fees on the purchase
and/or redemption of units by their broker-dealer or other processing
organizations for providing certain transaction or account activities.  We
reserve the right to limit or deny purchases of units in fee accounts by
investors or selling firms whose frequent trading activity is determined to be
detrimental to the trust.

  Employees.  We waive a portion of the sales fee for purchases made by
officers, directors and employees of the sponsor and its affiliates and their
family members (spouses, children and parents).  We also waive a portion of the
sales fee for purchases made by registered representatives of selling firms and
their family members (spouses, children and parents).  These purchases may be
made at the public offering price per unit less the applicable regular dealer
concession.  These discounts apply during the initial offering period and in the
secondary market.

  Rollover/Exchange Option.  We waive a portion of the sales fee on units of
the trust offered in this prospectus if you buy your units with redemption or
termination proceeds from any of our other unit trusts.  You may also purchase
units of the trust offered in this prospectus at this reduced fee if you
purchase your units with (1) termination proceeds from an unaffiliated unit
trust or (2) redemption proceeds from an unaffiliated unit trust if such trust
is scheduled to terminate within 30 days of the redemption.  The discounted
public offering price per unit for these transactions is equal to the regular
public offering price per unit less 1.00%.  To qualify for this discount, the
termination or redemption proceeds used to purchase units of the trust offered
in this prospectus must be derived from a transaction that occurred within 30
days of your purchase of units of the trust offered in this prospectus.  In
addition, the discount will only be available for investors that utilize the
same broker-dealer (or a different broker-dealer with appropriate notification)
for both the unit purchase and the transaction resulting in the receipt of the
termination or redemption proceeds used for the unit purchase.  You may be
required to provide appropriate documentation or other information to your
broker-dealer to evidence your eligibility for this sales fee discount.

  Please note that if you purchase units of the trust in this manner using
redemption proceeds from trusts which assess the amount of any remaining
deferred sales fee at redemption, you should be aware that any deferred sales
fee remaining on these units will be deducted from those redemption proceeds.
This discount applies only during the initial offering period.

8     Understanding Your Investment

  Dividend Reinvestment Plan.  We do not charge any sales fee when you reinvest
distributions from your trust into additional units of the trust.  This sales
fee discount applies during the initial offering period and in the secondary
market.  Since the deferred sales fee and the creation and development fee are
fixed dollar amounts per unit, your trust must charge these fees per unit
regardless of this discount.  If you elect the distribution reinvestment plan,
we will credit you with additional units with a dollar value sufficient to cover
the amount of any remaining deferred sales fee or creation and development fee
that will be collected on such units at the time of reinvestment.  The dollar
value of these units will fluctuate over time.

  RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS.  The portfolio may be suitable for purchase in tax-
advantaged retirement accounts.  You should contact your financial professional
about the accounts offered and any additional fees imposed.

                             HOW TO SELL YOUR UNITS

  You can sell or redeem your units on any business day the New York Stock
Exchange is open by contacting your financial professional.  Unit prices are
available daily on the internet at WWW.AAMUNITTRUST.COM or through your
financial professional.  The sale and redemption price of units is equal to the
net asset value per unit, provided that you will not pay any remaining creation
and development fee or organization costs if you sell or redeem units during the
initial offering period.  The sale and redemption price is sometimes referred to
as the "liquidation price."  You pay any remaining deferred sales fee when you
sell or redeem your units.  Certain broker-dealers may charge a transaction or
other fee for processing unit redemption or sale requests.

  SELLING UNITS.  We may maintain a secondary market for units.  This means
that if you want to sell your units, we may buy them at the current net asset
value, provided that you will not pay any remaining creation and development fee
or organization costs if you sell units during the initial offering period.  We
may then resell the units to other investors at the public offering price or
redeem them for the redemption price.  Our secondary market repurchase price is
the same as the redemption price.  Certain broker-dealers might also maintain a
secondary market in units.  You should contact your financial professional for
current repurchase prices to determine the best price available.  We may
discontinue our secondary market at any time without notice.  Even if we do not
make a market, you will be able to redeem your units with the trustee on any
business day for the current redemption price.

  REDEEMING UNITS.  You may also redeem your units directly with the trustee,
The Bank of New York, on any day the New York Stock Exchange is open.  The
redemption price that you will receive for units is equal to the net asset value
per unit, provided that you will not pay any remaining creation and development
fee or organization costs if you redeem units during the initial offering
period.  You will pay any remaining deferred sales fee at the time you redeem
units.  The trustee must receive your completed redemption request prior to the
close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange for you to receive the
net asset value for a particular day.  If your request is received after that
time or is incomplete in any way, you will receive the next net asset value
computed after the trustee receives your completed request.

  If you redeem your units, the trustee will generally send you a payment for
your units no later than seven days after it receives all necessary
documentation (this will usually only take three business

                                             Understanding Your Investment     9

days).  The only time the trustee can delay your payment is if the New York
Stock Exchange is closed (other than weekends or holidays), the Securities and
Exchange Commission determines that trading on that exchange is restricted or an
emergency exists making sale or evaluation of the securities not reasonably
practicable, and for any other period that the Securities and Exchange
Commission permits.

  To redeem your units, you must send the trustee any certificates for your
units.  You must properly endorse your certificates or sign a written transfer
instrument with a signature guarantee.  The trustee may require additional
documents such as a certificate of corporate authority, trust documents, a death
certificate, or an appointment as executor, administrator or guardian.  The
trustee cannot complete your redemption or send your payment to you until it
receives all of these documents in complete form.

  You can request an in-kind distribution of the securities underlying your
units if you tender at least 2,500 units for redemption (or such other amount as
required by your financial professional's firm).  This option is generally
available only for securities traded and held in the United States. The trustee
will make any in-kind distribution of securities by distributing applicable
securities in book entry form to the account of your financial professional at
Depository Trust Company.  You will receive whole shares of the applicable
securities and cash equal to any fractional shares.  You may not request this
option in the last 30 days of your trust's life.  We may discontinue this option
upon sixty days notice.

  EXCHANGE OPTION.  You may be able to exchange your units for units of our
unit trusts at a reduced sales fee.  You can contact your financial professional
for more information about trusts currently available for exchanges.  Before you
exchange units, you should read the prospectus carefully and understand the
risks and fees.  You should then discuss this option with your financial
professional to determine whether your investment goals have changed, whether
current trusts suit you and to discuss tax consequences.  We may discontinue
this option at any time upon sixty days notice.

  ROLLOVER OPTION.  The trust strategy is a long-term investment strategy
designed to be followed on an annual basis.  You may achieve more consistent
long-term investment results by following the strategy.  As part of the
strategy, we currently intend to offer a subsequent series of the trust for a
rollover when the current trust terminates.  When the trust terminates you will
have the option to (1) participate in a rollover and have your units reinvested
into a subsequent trust series through a cash rollover as described in this
section, (2) receive an in-kind distribution of securities or (3) receive a cash

  If you elect to participate in a rollover, your units will be redeemed on the
trust's termination date.  As the redemption proceeds become available, the
proceeds (including dividends) will be invested in a new trust series, if
available, at the public offering price for the new trust.  The trustee will
attempt to sell securities to satisfy the redemption as quickly as practicable
on the termination date.  We do not anticipate that the sale period will be
longer than one day, however, certain factors could affect the ability to sell
the securities and could impact the length of the sale period.  The liquidity of
any security depends on the daily trading volume of the security and the amount
available for redemption and reinvestment on any day.

  We intend to make subsequent trust series available for sale at various times
during the year.  Of course, we cannot guarantee that a subsequent

10     Understanding Your Investment

trust or sufficient units will be available or that any subsequent trusts will
offer the same investment strategies or objectives as the current trust.  We
cannot guarantee that a rollover will avoid any negative market price
consequences resulting from trading large volumes of securities.  Market price
trends may make it advantageous to sell or buy securities more quickly or more
slowly than permitted by the trust procedures.  We may, in our sole discretion,
modify a rollover or stop creating units of a trust at any time regardless of
whether all proceeds of unitholders have been reinvested in a rollover.  We may
decide not to offer the rollover option upon sixty days notice.  Cash which has
not been reinvested in a rollover will be distributed to unitholders shortly
after the termination date.  Rollover participants may receive taxable dividends
or realize taxable capital gains which are reinvested in connection with a
rollover but may not be entitled to a deduction for capital losses due to the
"wash sale" tax rules.  Due to the reinvestment in a subsequent trust, no cash
will be distributed to pay any taxes.  See "Taxes".


  MONTHLY DISTRIBUTIONS.  Your trust generally pays distributions of its net
investment income (pro-rated on an annual basis) along with any excess capital
on each monthly distribution date to unitholders of record on the preceding
record date.  The record and distribution dates are shown under "Essential
Information" in the "Investment Summary" section of this prospectus.  In some
cases, your trust might pay a special distribution if it holds an excessive
amount of cash pending distribution.  For example, this could happen as a result
of a merger or similar transaction involving a company whose stock is in your
portfolio.  The amount of your distributions will vary from time to time as
companies change their dividends or trust expenses change.

  When the trust receives dividends from a portfolio security, the trustee
credits the dividends to the trust's accounts.  In an effort to make relatively
regular income distributions, the trust's monthly income distribution is equal
to one-twelfth of the estimated net annual dividends to be received by the trust
after deduction of trust operating expenses.  Because the trust does not receive
dividends from the portfolio securities at a constant rate throughout the year,
the trust's income distributions to unitholders may be more or less than the
amount credited to the trust accounts as of the record date.  For the purpose of
minimizing fluctuation in income distributions, the trustee is authorized to
advance such amounts as may be necessary to provide income distributions of
approximately equal amounts.  The trustee will be reimbursed, without interest,
for any such advances from available income received by the trust on the ensuing
record date.

  ESTIMATED ANNUAL DISTRIBUTIONS.  The estimated net annual distributions are
also shown under "Essential Information" in the "Investment Summary" section of
this prospectus.  We base the estimate of the dividends the trust may receive
from the underlying portfolio securities by annualizing the most recent
dividends declared by these companies.  Due to various factors, actual dividends
received by the trust will most likely differ from their most recent annualized
dividends.  The actual net annual distributions you will receive will vary with
changes in the trust's fees and expenses, in dividends received and with the
sale of securities.  The estimated net annual distributions for subsequent years
are expected to be less than estimated distributions for the first year because
a portion of the securities included in the trust portfolio will be sold during
the first year to pay for organization costs and the deferred sales fee.

                                            Understanding Your Investment     11

  REPORTS.  The trustee or your financial professional will make available to
you a statement showing income and other receipts of your trust for each
distribution.  Each year the trustee will also provide an annual report on your
trust's activity and certain tax information.  You can request copies of
security evaluations to enable you to complete your tax forms and audited
financial statements for your trust, if available.

                                INVESTMENT RISKS

  All investments involve risk.  This section describes the main risks that can
impact the value of the securities in your portfolio.  You should understand
these risks before you invest.  If the value of the securities falls, the value
of your units will also fall.  We cannot guarantee that your trust will achieve
its objective or that your investment return will be positive over any period.

  MARKET RISK is the risk that the value of the securities in your trust will
fluctuate.  This could cause the value of your units to fall below your original
purchase price.  Market value fluctuates in response to various factors.  These
can include changes in interest rates, inflation, the financial condition of a
security's issuer, perceptions of the issuer, or ratings on a security.  Even
though we supervise your portfolio, you should remember that we do not manage
your portfolio.  Your trust will not sell a security solely because the market
value falls as is possible in a managed fund.

  DIVIDEND PAYMENT RISK is the risk that an issuer of a security is unwilling
or unable to pay income on a security.  Stocks represent ownership interests in
the issuers and are not obligations of the issuers.  Common stockholders have a
right to receive dividends only after the company has provided for payment of
its creditors, bondholders and preferred stockholders.  Common stocks do not
assure dividend payments.  Dividends are paid only when declared by an issuer's
board of directors and the amount of any dividend may vary over time.

  STRATEGY CORRELATION RISK is the risk that the trust's performance will not
sufficiently correspond with the hypothetical performance of the trust's
investment strategy.  This can happen for reasons such as:

  *  the impracticability of owning each of the strategy stocks with the exact
     weightings at a given time,

  *  strategy performance is based on a calendar year strategy while trusts may
     be created at various times during the year and generally have 15 month

  *  the trust may not be fully invested at all times, and

  *  trust fees and expenses.

  LEGISLATION OR LITIGATION RISK is the risk that various legislative
initiatives will be proposed from time to time in the United States and abroad
which may have a negative impact on certain of the companies represented in the
trust.  In addition, litigation regarding any of the issuers of the securities
or of the industries represented by these issuers may negatively impact the
share prices of these securities.  No one can predict what impact any pending or
threatened litigation will have on the share prices of the securities.

  LIQUIDITY RISK is the risk that the value of a security will fall if trading
in the security is limited or absent.  No one can guarantee that a liquid
trading market will exist for any security.

12     Understanding Your Investment

  NO FDIC GUARANTEE.  An investment in the trust is not a deposit of any bank
and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or
any other government agency.


  The following table compares hypothetical performance information for the
strategy employed by the trust and the actual performance of the Russell
1000(Registered) Index in each of the years listed below (and as of the most
recent month).  These hypothetical returns should not be used to predict future
performance of the trust.  Returns from the trust will differ from the
hypothetical strategy returns for several reasons, such as:

  *  total return figures shown do not reflect commissions paid by the trust on
     the purchase of securities or taxes you will incur;

  *  strategy returns are for calendar years (and through the most recent
     month), while trusts begin and end on various dates;

  *  the trust has a scheduled term longer than one year;

  *  the trust may not be fully invested at all times or equally weighted in
     all stocks comprising its strategy; and

  *  the trust often purchases or sells securities at prices different from the
     closing prices used in buying and selling units.

  You should note that the trust is not designed to parallel movements in any
index, and it is not expected that it will do so.  In fact, the trust's strategy
underperformed its comparative index in certain years and we cannot guarantee
that the trust will outperform its related index over the life of the trust or
over consecutive rollover periods, if available.

                           COMPARISON OF TOTAL RETURNS
                              HIGH 50
                              DIVIDEND       RUSSELL 1000(REGISTERED)
             YEAR             STRATEGY                INDEX

          1995                  27.08%                 37.77%
          1996                  14.19                  22.45
          1997                  23.16                  32.85
          1998                   6.77                  27.02
          1999                   0.93                  20.91
          2000                  14.69                  -7.79
          2001                  13.70                 -12.45
          2002                 -14.39                 -21.65
          2003                  31.38                  29.89
          2004                   5.25                  11.40
          2005 thru 5/31       ______                 ______

  Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Past performance of the
strategy stocks is hypothetical (not any actual trust), is shown for
illustrative purposes only and is not intended to indicate the future
performance of any investment, including the trust.  The strategy stocks for a
given year consist of the common stocks selected by applying the strategy as of
the beginning of the period (and not the date the trust actually sells units).
Total return represents the sum of the change in market value of each group of
stocks between the first and last trading day of a period plus the total
dividends paid on each group of stocks during such period divided by the opening
market value of each group of stocks as of the first trading day of a period.
Total return figures assume that all dividends are reinvested semi-annually.
Strategy figures reflect the deduction of sales charges and expenses but have
not been reduced by estimated brokerage commissions paid by the trust in
acquiring securities or any taxes

                                            Understanding Your Investment     13

incurred by investors.  The Russell 1000(Registered) Index is a comprehensive
large-cap index measuring the performance of the largest 1000 companies in the
Russell 3000(Registered) Index.  The Russell 3000(Registered) Index consists of
the 3000 largest companies domiciled in the U.S. and its territories.  It is not
possible to invest directly in an index.

 The strategy is derived from stocks contained in the Russell 1000(Registered)
Value Index.  Frank Russell Company, publisher of the Russell 1000(Registered)
Value Index, is not affiliated with us and has not participated in creating the
trust or selecting the securities for the trust, nor have they reviewed or
approved of any of the information contained herein.

                               HOW THE TRUST WORKS

  YOUR TRUST.  Your trust is a unit investment trust registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940.  We created the trust under a trust agreement
between Fixed Income Securities, L.P. (as depositor/sponsor, evaluator and
supervisor) and The Bank of New York (as trustee).  We provide services to unit
trusts through our Advisor's Asset Management division.  To create your trust,
we deposited securities with the trustee (or contracts to purchase securities
along with an irrevocable letter of credit or other consideration to pay for the
securities).  In exchange, the trustee delivered units of your trust to us.
Each unit represents an undivided interest in the assets of your trust.  These
units remain outstanding until redeemed or until your trust terminates.  At the
close of the New York Stock Exchange on the trust's inception date, the number
of units may be adjusted so that the public offering price per unit equals $10.
The number of units and fractional interest of each unit in the trust will
increase or decrease to the extent of any adjustment.

  CHANGING YOUR PORTFOLIO.  Your trust is not a managed fund.  Unlike a managed
fund, we designed your portfolio to remain relatively fixed.  Your trust will
generally buy and sell securities:

  *  to pay expenses,

  *  to issue additional units or redeem units,

  *  in limited circumstances to protect the trust, or

  *  as permitted by the trust agreement.

  Your trust will generally reject any offer for securities or other property
in exchange for the securities in its portfolio.  If your trust receives
securities or other property, it will either hold the securities or property in
the portfolio or sell the securities or property and distribute the proceeds.

  We will increase the size of your trust as we sell units.  When we create
additional units, we will seek to replicate the existing portfolio.  When your
trust buys securities, it may pay brokerage or other acquisition fees.  You
could experience a dilution of your investment because of these fees and
fluctuations in security prices between the time we create units and the time
your trust buys the securities.  When your trust buys or sells securities, we
may direct that it place orders with and pay brokerage commissions to brokers
that sell units or are affiliated with your trust or the trustee.

  AMENDING THE TRUST AGREEMENT.  The sponsor and the trustee can change the
trust agreement without your consent to correct any provision that may be
defective or to make other provisions that will not adversely affect your
interest (as determined by the sponsor and the trustee).  We cannot change this
agreement to reduce your interest in your trust without your consent.

14     Understanding Your Investment

Investors owning two-thirds of the units in your trust may vote to change this

  TERMINATION OF YOUR TRUST.  Your trust will terminate on the termination date
set forth under "Essential Information" in the "Investment Summary" section of
this prospectus.  The trustee may terminate your trust early if the value of the
trust is less than 40% of the original value of the securities in the trust at
the time of deposit.  At this size, the expenses of your trust may create an
undue burden on your investment.  Investors owning two-thirds of the units in
your trust may also vote to terminate the trust early.  The trustee will
liquidate the trust in the event that a sufficient number of units not yet sold
to the public are tendered for redemption so that the net worth of the trust
would be reduced to less than 40% of the value of the securities at the time
they were deposited in the trust.  If this happens, we will refund any sales
charge that you paid.

  The trustee will notify you of any termination and sell any remaining
securities.  The trustee will send your final distribution to you within a
reasonable time following liquidation of all the securities after deducting
final expenses.  Your termination distribution may be less than the price you
originally paid for your units.

  THE SPONSOR.  The sponsor of the trust is Fixed Income Securities, L.P.
acting through its Advisor's Asset Management division.  We are a broker-dealer
specializing in providing trading and support services to broker-dealers,
registered representatives, investment advisers and other financial
professionals.  Our headquarters are located at 18925 Base Camp Road, Monument,
Colorado 80132.  You can contact our Advisor's Asset Management division at 8100
East 22nd Street North, Suite 900B, Wichita, Kansas 67226-2309 or by using the
contacts listed on the back cover of this prospectus.  We are a registered
broker-dealer and investment adviser and a member of the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD), the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
(MSRB), and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).  If we fail
to or cannot perform our duties as sponsor or become bankrupt, the trustee may
replace us, continue to operate your trust without a sponsor, or terminate your

  We and your trust have adopted a code of ethics requiring our employees who
have access to information on trust transactions to report personal securities
transactions.  The purpose of the code is to avoid potential conflicts of
interest and to prevent fraud, deception or misconduct with respect to your

  THE TRUSTEE.  The Bank of New York is the trustee of your trust with its
principal unit investment trust division offices located at 2 Hanson Place, 12th
Floor, Brooklyn, New York 11217.  You can contact the trustee by calling the
telephone number on the back cover of this prospectus or by writing to its unit
investment trust office.  We may remove and replace the trustee in some cases
without your consent.  The trustee may also resign by notifying us and

  HOW WE DISTRIBUTE UNITS.  We sell units to the public through broker-dealers
and other firms.  We pay part of the sales fee to these distribution firms when
they sell units.  The distribution fee (the broker-dealer concession or agency
commission) for broker-dealers and other firms is 2.25% of the public offering
price per unit (or 65% of the sales fee for secondary market sales).  For
transactions involving unitholders of other unit investment trusts who use their
redemption or termination proceeds to purchase units of the trust, the
distribution fee is 1.25% of the public

                                            Understanding Your Investment     15

offering price per unit.  No distribution fee is paid to broker-dealers or other
selling firms in connection with unit sales in investment accounts that charge a
"wrap fee" or periodic fees for investment advisory, financial planning or asset
management services in lieu of commissions.

  Broker-dealers and other firms that sell units of all Advisor's Disciplined
Trusts are eligible to receive additional compensation for volume sales.  Such
payments will be in addition to the regular concessions paid to firms as set
forth in the applicable trust's prospectus.  The additional concession is based
on total initial offering period sales of all Advisor's Disciplined Trusts
during a calendar quarter (or other applicable period) as set forth in the
following table:

          DURING CALENDAR QUARTER                  VOLUME
             (OR OTHER PERIOD)                   CONCESSION

     Less than $2,500,000                           0.00%
     $2,500,000 but less than $20,000,000           0.05
     $20,000,000 but less than $50,000,000          0.10
     $50,000,000 or more                            0.15

  The initial period during which this volume concession may be earned by firms
is February 23, 2005 through June 30, 2005 rather than the calendar quarters
during that period.  Subsequent to June 30, 2005, this volume concession will be
paid based on sales during each calendar quarter.

  Eligible units include units of all Advisor's Disciplined Trusts sold in the
initial offering period.  Broker-dealer firms will not receive additional
compensation for the first $2.5 million sold in units during a calendar quarter
(or other applicable period).  For example, if a firm sells $3.5 million of
units in the initial offering period during a calendar quarter (or other
applicable period), the firm will receive additional compensation of 0.05% of $1
million.  Also, if a firm sells $22.5 million of units in the initial offering
period during a calendar quarter (or other applicable period), the firm will
receive additional compensation of 0.10% of $20 million.  In addition, dealer
firms will not receive volume concessions on the sale of units which are not
subject to a transactional sales charge.  However, such sales will be included
in determining whether a firm has met the sales level breakpoints for volume
concessions.  Secondary market sales of all unit trusts are excluded for
purposes of these volume concessions.  We will pay these amounts out of our own
assets within a reasonable time following each calendar quarter (or other
applicable period).

  Any sales fee discount is borne by the broker-dealer or selling firm out of
the distribution fee.  We reserve the right to change the amount of concessions
or agency commissions from time to time.

  We may provide, at our own expense and out of our own profits, additional
compensation and benefits to broker-dealers who sell shares of units of this
trust and our other products.  This compensation is intended to result in
additional sales of our products and/or compensate broker-dealers and financial
advisors for past sales.  We may make these payments for marketing, promotional
or related expenses, including, but not limited to, expenses of entertaining
retail customers and financial advisors, advertising, sponsorship of events or
seminars, obtaining shelf space in broker-dealer firms and similar activities
designed to promote the sale of the our products.  These arrangements will not
change the price you pay for your units.

  We generally register units for sale in various states in the U.S.  We do not
register units for sale in any foreign country.  This prospectus does not
constitute an offer of units in any state or

16     Understanding Your Investment

country where units cannot be offered or sold lawfully.  We may reject any order
for units in whole or in part.

  We may gain or lose money when we hold units in the primary or secondary
market due to fluctuations in unit prices.  The gain or loss is equal to the
difference between the price we pay for units and the price at which we sell or
redeem them.  We may also gain or lose money when we deposit securities to
create units.  The amount of our profit or loss on the initial deposit of
securities into the trust is shown in the "Notes to Portfolio."


  This section summarizes some of the main U.S. federal income tax consequences
of owning units of the trust.  This section is current as of the date of this
prospectus.  Tax laws and interpretations change frequently, and these summaries
do not describe all of the tax consequences to all taxpayers.  For example,
these summaries generally do not describe your situation if you are a
corporation, a non-U.S. person, a broker/dealer, or other investor with special
circumstances.  In addition, this section does not describe your state or
foreign taxes.  As with any investment, you should consult your own tax
professional about your particular consequences.  In addition, the Internal
Revenue Service issued new withholding and reporting regulations effective
January 1, 2001.  Foreign investors should consult their own tax advisors
regarding the tax consequences of these regulations.

  ASSETS OF THE TRUST.  The trust will hold one or more of the following: (i)
stock in domestic corporations (the "Stocks") and (ii) interests in real estate
investment trusts (the "REIT Shares").  All of the foregoing constitute the
"Trust Assets." For purposes of this federal tax discussion, it is assumed that
the Stocks constitute equity and the REIT Shares constitute qualifying shares in
real estate investment trusts for federal income tax purposes.

  TRUST STATUS.  The trust will not be taxed as a corporation for federal
income tax purposes.  As a unit owner, you will be treated as the owner of a pro
rata portion of the Trust Assets and other assets held by the trust, and as such
you will be considered to have received a pro rata share of income (e.g.,
dividends and capital gains, if any) from each Trust Asset when such income
would be considered to be received by you if you directly owned the trust's
assets.  This is true even if you elect to have your distributions automatically
reinvested into additional units.  In addition, the income from the trust which
you must take into account for federal income tax purposes is not reduced for
amounts used to pay trust expenses (including the deferred sales charge, if

Trust Assets, you will generally recognize gain or loss.  If you dispose of your
units or redeem your units for cash, you will also generally recognize gain or
loss. To determine the amount of this gain or loss, you must subtract your tax
basis in the related Trust Assets from your share of the total amount received
in the transaction.  You can generally determine your initial tax basis in each
Trust Asset by apportioning the cost of your units, generally including sales
charges, among each Trust Asset ratably according to their value on the date you
purchase your units.  In certain circumstances, however, you may have to adjust
your tax basis after you purchase your units (for example, in the case of
certain dividends that exceed a corporation's accumulated earnings and profits).

  If you are an individual, the maximum marginal federal tax rate for net
capital gain is generally

                                            Understanding Your Investment     17

15% (generally 5% for certain taxpayers in the 10% and 15% tax brackets).  These
new capital gains rates are generally effective for taxable years beginning
before January 1, 2009.

  Net capital gain equals net long-term capital gain minus net short-term
capital loss for the taxable year.  Capital gain or loss is long-term if the
holding period for the asset is more than one year and is short-term if the
holding period for the asset is one year or less.  You must exclude the date you
purchase your units to determine your holding period.  The tax rates for capital
gains realized from assets held for one year or less are generally the same as
for ordinary income.  The Internal Revenue Code, however, treats certain capital
gains as ordinary income in special situations.  Capital gain received from
assets held for more than one year that is considered "unrecaptured Section 1250
gain" (which may be the case, for example, with some capital gains attributable
to the REIT Shares) is taxed at a maximum stated tax rate of 25%.  In the case
of capital gains dividends, the determination of which portion of the capital
gain dividend, if any, that may be subject to the 25% tax rate, will be made
based on regulations prescribed by the United States Treasury.

  In addition, it should be noted that certain dividends received by the trust
with respect to the Stocks may qualify to be taxed at the same new rates that
apply to net capital gain (as discussed above), provided certain holding
requirements are satisfied.  These special rules relating to the taxation of
dividends at capital gains rates generally apply to taxable years beginning
before January 1, 2009.

  DIVIDENDS FROM REIT SHARES.  Some dividends on the REIT Shares may qualify as
"capital gain dividends," taxable to you as long-term capital gains.  If you
hold a Unit six months or less or if your trust holds a REIT Share for six
months or less, any loss incurred by you related to the disposition of such REIT
Share will be treated as long-term capital loss to the extent of any long-term
capital gain distributions received (or deemed to be received) with respect to
such REIT Share.  Distributions of income or capital gains declared on REIT
Shares in October, November or December will be deemed to have been paid to you
on December 31 of the year they are declared, even when paid by the REIT during
the following January.  Other dividends with respect to the REIT shares will
generally be taxed as ordinary income, although in limited circumstances certain
of such dividends may be taxed at the same new rates that apply to net capital
gain (as discussed above).

  DIVIDENDS RECEIVED DEDUCTION.  A corporation that owns units of the trust
generally will not be entitled to the dividends received deduction with respect
to certain dividends received by the trust, because the dividends received
deduction is not available for dividends from most foreign corporations or from

  ROLLOVERS.  If you elect to have your proceeds from the trust rolled over
into the next series of the trust, it is considered a sale for federal income
tax purposes, and any gain on the sale will be treated as a capital gain, and
any loss will be treated as a capital loss.  However, any loss you incur in
connection with the exchange of your units of the trust for units of the next
series will generally be disallowed with respect to this deemed sale and
subsequent deemed repurchase, to the extent the two trusts have substantially
identical securities or other trust assets under the wash sale provisions of the
Internal Revenue Code.

  IN-KIND DISTRIBUTIONS.  Under certain circumstances, as described in this
prospectus, you may request a distribution of Trust Assets (an "In-Kind

18     Understanding Your Investment

Distribution") when you redeem your units or at the trust's termination.  By
electing to receive an In-Kind Distribution, you will receive whole shares of
stock plus, possibly, cash.

  You will not recognize gain or loss if you only receive Trust Assets in
exchange for your pro rata portion of the Trust Assets held by the trust.
However, if you also receive cash in exchange for a Trust Asset or a fractional
share of a Trust Asset, you will generally recognize gain or loss based on the
difference between the amount of cash you receive and your tax basis in such
Trust Asset or fractional share.

income tax purposes, you must take into account your full pro rata share of the
trust's income, even if some of that income is used to pay trust expenses.  You
may deduct your pro rata share of each expense paid by the trust to the same
extent as if you directly paid the expense.  You may, however, be required to
treat some or all of the expenses of the trust as miscellaneous itemized
deductions.  Individuals may only deduct certain miscellaneous itemized
deductions to the extent they exceed 2% of adjusted gross income.

  STATE AND LOCAL TAXES.  Under the existing income tax laws of the State and
City of New York, the trust will not be taxed as corporations, and the income of
the trust will be treated as the income of the unitholders in the same manner as
for federal income tax purposes.


  Your trust will pay various expenses to conduct its operations.  The "Fees
and Expenses" section of the "Investment Summary" in this prospectus shows the
estimated amount of these expenses.

  The sponsor will receive a fee from your trust for creating and developing
the trust, including determining the trust's objectives, policies, composition
and size, selecting service providers and information services and for providing
other similar administrative and ministerial functions.  This "creation and
development fee" is a charge of $0.06 per unit.  The trustee will deduct this
amount from your trust's assets as of the close of the initial offering period.
No portion of this fee is applied to the payment of distribution expenses or as
compensation for sales efforts.  This fee will not be deducted from proceeds
received upon a repurchase, redemption or exchange of units before the close of
the initial public offering period.

  Your trust will pay a fee to the trustee for its services.  The trustee also
benefits when it holds cash for your trust in non-interest bearing accounts.
Your trust will reimburse us as supervisor, evaluator and sponsor for providing
portfolio supervisory services, for evaluating your portfolio and for providing
bookkeeping and administrative services.  Our reimbursements may exceed the
costs of the services we provide to your trust but will not exceed the costs of
services provided to all of our unit investment trusts in any calendar year.
All of these fees may adjust for inflation without your approval.

  Your trust will also pay its general operating expenses.  Your trust may pay
expenses such as trustee expenses (including legal and auditing expenses),
various governmental charges, fees for extraordinary trustee services, costs of
taking action to protect your trust, costs of indemnifying the trustee and the
sponsor, legal fees and expenses, expenses incurred in contacting you and costs
incurred to reimburse the trustee for advancing funds to meet distributions.
Your trust may pay the costs of updating its registration statement each year.
The trustee will generally pay trust

                                            Understanding Your Investment     19

expenses from distributions received on the securities but in some cases may
sell securities to pay trust expenses.


  LEGAL MATTERS.  Chapman and Cutler LLP, 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago,
Illinois 60603 (www.chapman.com), acts as counsel for the trust and has given an
opinion that the units are validly issued.  Emmet, Marvin & Martin, LLP acts as
counsel for the trustee and as special counsel for New York tax matters.

independent registered public accounting firm, audited the statement of
financial condition and the portfolio included in this prospectus.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

  This prospectus does not contain all the information in the registration
statement that your trust filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Information Supplement, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, includes more detailed information about the securities in your
portfolio, investment risks and general information about your trust.  You can
obtain the Information Supplement by contacting us or the Securities and
Exchange Commission as indicated on the back cover of this prospectus.  This
prospectus incorporates the Information Supplement by reference (it is legally
considered part of this prospectus).

20     Understanding Your Investment



We have audited the accompanying statement of financial condition, including the
trust portfolio on pages 4 and 5, of Advisor's Disciplined Trust 41, as of June
___, 2005, the initial date of deposit.  The statement of financial condition is
the responsibility of the trust's sponsor.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on this statement of financial condition based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).  Those standards require
that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
the statement of financial condition is free of material misstatement.  The
trust is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform an audit of its
internal control over financial reporting.  Our audit included consideration of
internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of
expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the trust's internal control over
financial reporting.  Accordingly, we express no such opinion.  An audit also
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the statement of financial condition, assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by the sponsor, as well as
evaluating the overall statement of financial condition presentation.  Our
procedures included confirmation with The Bank of New York, trustee, of cash or
an irrevocable letter of credit deposited for the purchase of securities as
shown in the statement of financial condition as of June ___, 2005.  We believe
that our audit of the statement of financial condition provides a reasonable
basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the statement of financial condition referred to above presents
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Advisor's
Disciplined Trust 41 as of June ___, 2005, in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

                                   GRANT THORNTON LLP
Chicago, Illinois
June ___, 2005


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Contracts to purchase underlying stocks (1)(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
    Total  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $

    Organization costs (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
    Deferred sales fee (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Creation and development fee (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


  Interest of investors:
    Cost to investors (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
    Less: initial sales fee (4)(5)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
    Less: deferred sales fee, creation and development fee and organization costs (3)(4)(5)  . . . .
    Net interest of investors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
    Total  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $

  Number of units  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  Net asset value per unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(1)  Aggregate cost of the securities is based on the closing sale price
     evaluations as determined by the evaluator.
(2)  Cash or an irrevocable letter of credit has been deposited with the trustee
     covering the funds (aggregating $200,000) necessary for the purchase of
     securities in the trust represented by purchase contracts.
(3)  A portion of the public offering price represents an amount sufficient to
     pay for all or a portion of the costs incurred in establishing the trust.
     These costs have been estimated at $0.029 per unit for the trust.  A
     distribution will be made as of the earlier of the close of the initial
     offering period or six months following the trust's inception date to an
     account maintained by the trustee from which this obligation of the
     investors will be satisfied.  To the extent the actual organization costs
     are greater than the estimated amount, only the estimated organization
     costs added to the public offering price will be reimbursed to the sponsor
     and deducted from the assets of the trust.
(4)  The total sales fee consists of an initial sales fee, a deferred sales fee
     and a creation and development fee. The initial sales fee is equal to the
     difference between the maximum sales fee and the sum of the remaining
     deferred sales fee and the total creation and development fee.  The maximum
     sales fee is  2.95% (equivalent to 3.040% of the net amount invested). The
     deferred sales fee is equal to $0.135 per unit and the creation and
     development fee is equal to $0.06 per unit.
(5)  The aggregate cost to investors includes the applicable sales fee assuming
     no reduction of sales fees for quantity purchases.

                                            Understanding Your Investment     21


- -------------------------------------------------------------------

A concise description        2     Investment Objective
of essential information     2     Principal Investment Strategy
about the portfolio          2     Principal Risks
                             3     Who Should Invest
                             3     Essential Information
                             3     Fees and Expenses
                             4     Portfolio

- -------------------------------------------------------------------

Detailed information to      6     How to Buy Units
help you understand          9     How to Sell Your Units
your investment             11     Distributions
                            12     Investment Risks
                            13     Hypothetical Performance
                            14     How the Trust Works
                            17     Taxes
                            19     Expenses
                            20     Experts
                            20     Additional Information
                            21     Report of Independent Registered
                                   Public Accounting Firm
                            21     Statement of Financial Condition

- -------------------------------------------------------------------

You can contact us for             VISIT US ON THE INTERNET
free information about             http://www.AAMUnitTrust.com
this and other investments,        BY E-MAIL
including the Information          info@AAMUnitTrust.com
Supplement                         CALL ADVISOR'S ASSET
                                   MANAGEMENT (FIS)
                                   (877) 858-1773
                                   CALL THE BANK OF NEW YORK
                                   (800) 221-7668

- -------------------------------------------------------------------

This prospectus does not contain all information filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. To obtain or copy this
information including the Information Supplement (a duplication
fee may be required):

  E-MAIL:  publicinfo@sec.gov
  WRITE:   Public Reference Section
           Washington, D.C.  20549-0102
  VISIT:   http://www.sec.gov
           (EDGAR Database)
  CALL:    1-202-942-8090
           (only for information on the operation of the
           Public Reference Section)

  Securities Act file number:  333-124789
  Investment Company Act file number:  811-21056

                                HIGH 50 DIVIDEND
                               STRATEGY PORTFOLIO,
                                    SERIES 9


                                 JUNE ___, 2005


                                ASSET MANAGEMENT


                         ADVISOR'S DISCIPLINED TRUST 41


                             INFORMATION SUPPLEMENT

      This Information Supplement provides additional information concerning
each trust described in the prospectus for the Advisor's Disciplined Trust
series identified above.  This Information Supplement should be read in
conjunction with the prospectus.  It is not a prospectus.  It does not include
all of the information that an investor should consider before investing in a
trust.  It may not be used to offer or sell units of a trust without the
prospectus.  This Information Supplement is incorporated into the prospectus by
reference and has been filed as part of the registration statement with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.  Investors should obtain and read the
prospectus prior to purchasing units of a trust.  You can obtain the prospectus
without charge by contacting your financial professional or by contacting the
Advisor's Asset Management division of Fixed Income Securities, L.P. at 18925
Base Camp Road, Suite 203, Monument, Colorado 80132, at 8100 East 22nd Street
North, Suite 900B, Wichita, Kansas 67226-2309 or by calling (877) 858-1773.
This Information Supplement is dated as of the date of the prospectus.

          General Information                                  2
          Investment Objective and Policies                    3
          Risk Factors                                         4
          Administration of the Trust                          5
          Portfolio Transactions and Brokerage Allocation     14
          Purchase, Redemption and Pricing of Units           14
          Performance Information                             20


     Each trust is one of a series of separate unit investment trusts created
under the name Advisor's Disciplined Trust and registered under the Investment
Company Act of 1940.  Each trust was created as a common law trust on the
inception date described in the prospectus under the laws of the state of
New York.  Each trust was created under a trust agreement among Fixed Income
Securities, L.P. (as sponsor, evaluator and supervisor) and The Bank of New York
(as trustee).  The sponsor provides services to unit investment trusts through
its Advisor's Asset Management division.

     When your trust was created, the sponsor delivered to the trustee
securities or contracts for the purchase thereof for deposit in the trust and
the trustee delivered to the sponsor documentation evidencing the ownership of
units of the trust.  At the close of the New York Stock Exchange on the trust's
inception date, the number of units may be adjusted so that the public offering
price per unit equals $10.  The number of units and fractional interest of each
unit in the trust will increase or decrease to the extent of any adjustment.
Additional units of each trust may be issued from time to time by depositing in
the trust additional securities (or contracts for the purchase thereof together
with cash or irrevocable letters of credit) or cash (including a letter of
credit or the equivalent) with instructions to purchase additional securities.
As additional units are issued by a trust as a result of the deposit of
additional securities by the sponsor, the aggregate value of the securities in
the trust will be increased and the fractional undivided interest in the trust
represented by each unit will be decreased.  The sponsor may continue to make
additional deposits of securities into a trust, provided that such additional
deposits will be in amounts, which will generally maintain the existing
relationship among the shares of the securities in such trust.  Thus, although
additional units will be issued, each unit will generally continue to represent
the same number of shares of each security.  If the sponsor deposits cash to
purchase additional securities, existing and new investors may experience a
dilution of their investments and a reduction in their anticipated income
because of fluctuations in the prices of the securities between the time of the
cash deposit and the purchase of the securities and because the trust will pay
any associated brokerage fees.

     The trustee has not participated in the selection of the securities
deposited in the trust and has no responsibility for the composition of the
trust portfolio.

     Each unit initially offered represents an undivided interest in the related
trust.  To the extent that any units are redeemed by the trustee or additional
units are issued as a result of additional securities being deposited by the
sponsor, the fractional undivided interest in a trust represented by each
unredeemed unit will increase or decrease accordingly, although the actual
interest in such trust represented by such fraction will remain unchanged.
Units will remain outstanding until redeemed upon tender to the trustee by
unitholders, which may include the sponsor, or until the termination of the
trust agreement.

     A trust consists of (a) the securities listed under "Portfolio" in the
prospectus as may continue to be held from time to time in the trust, (b) any
additional securities acquired and held by the trust pursuant to the provisions
of the trust agreement and (c) any cash held in the accounts of the trust.
Neither the sponsor nor the trustee shall be liable in any way for any failure


in any of the securities.  However, should any contract for the purchase of any
of the securities initially deposited in a trust fail, the sponsor will, unless
substantially all of the moneys held in the trust to cover such purchase are
reinvested in substitute securities in accordance with the trust agreement,
refund the cash and sales fee attributable to such failed contract to all
unitholders on the next distribution date.


     The trust seeks to provide dividend income and capital appreciation by
investing in a portfolio of common stocks selected using a specialized dividend-
oriented strategy that seeks to outperform the Russell 1000r Index.  There is,
of course, no guarantee that the trust will achieve its objective.  The
prospectus provides additional information regarding the trust's objective and
investment strategy.

     The trust is a unit investment trust and is not an "actively managed" fund.
Traditional methods of investment management for a managed fund typically
involve frequent changes in a portfolio of securities on the basis of economic,
financial and market analysis.  The portfolio of a trust, however, will not be
actively managed and therefore the adverse financial condition of an issuer will
not necessarily require the sale of its securities from a portfolio.

     The sponsor may not alter the portfolio of a trust by the purchase, sale or
substitution of securities, except in special circumstances as provided in the
trust agreement.  Thus, the assets of a trust will generally remain unchanged
under normal circumstances.  The trust agreement provides that the sponsor may
(but need not) direct the trustee to dispose of a security in certain events
such as the issuer having defaulted on the payment on any of its outstanding
obligations or the price of a security has declined to such an extent or other
such credit factors exist so that in the opinion of the supervisor the retention
of such securities would be detrimental to the trust.  If a public tender offer
has been made for a security or a merger or acquisition has been announced
affecting a security, the trustee may either sell the security or accept a
tender offer for cash if the supervisor determines that the sale or tender is in
the best interest of unitholders.  The trustee will distribute any excess cash
proceeds to unitholders.  Pursuant to the trust agreement and with limited
exceptions, the trustee may sell any securities or other properties acquired in
exchange for securities such as those acquired in connection with a merger or
other transaction.  If offered such new or exchanged securities or property
other than cash, the trustee shall generally reject the offer.  However, in the
event such securities or property are nonetheless acquired by the trust, they
may be accepted for deposit in a trust and either sold by the trustee or held in
a trust pursuant to the direction of the sponsor.

     The trustee may sell securities, designated by the supervisor, from a trust
for the purpose of redeeming units of such trust tendered for redemption and the
payment of expenses.

     Proceeds from the sale of securities (or any securities or other property
received by a trust in exchange for securities) are credited to the Capital
Account of a trust for distribution to unitholders or to meet redemptions.
Except for failed securities and as provided herein, in the prospectus or in the
trust agreement, the acquisition by a trust of any securities other than the
portfolio securities is prohibited.


     Because certain of the securities in certain of the trusts may from time to
time under certain circumstances be sold or otherwise liquidated and because the
proceeds from such events will be distributed to unitholders and will not be
reinvested, no assurance can be given that a trust will retain for any length of
time its present size and composition.  Neither the sponsor nor the trustee
shall be liable in any way for any default, failure or defect in any security.
In the event of a failure to deliver any security that has been purchased for a
trust under a contract ("Failed Securities"), the sponsor is authorized under
the trust agreement to direct the trustee to acquire other securities
("Replacement Securities") to make up the original corpus of such trust.

     The Replacement Securities must be purchased within 20 days after delivery
of the notice that a contract to deliver a security will not be honored and the
purchase price may not exceed the amount of funds reserved for the purchase of
the Failed Securities.  The Replacement Securities must be equity securities of
the type selected for the trust and must not adversely affect the federal income
tax status of the trust.  Whenever a Replacement Security is acquired for a
trust, the trustee shall notify all unitholders of the trust of the acquisition
of the Replacement Security and shall, on the next monthly distribution date
which is more than 30 days thereafter, make a pro rata distribution of the
amount, if any, by which the cost to the trust of the Failed Security exceeded
the cost of the Replacement Security.  Once all of the securities in a trust are
acquired, the trustee will have no power to vary the investments of the trust,
i.e., the trustee will have no managerial power to take advantage of market
variations to improve a unitholder's investment.

     If the right of limited substitution described in the preceding paragraphs
is not utilized to acquire Replacement Securities in the event of a failed
contract, the sponsor will refund the sales fee attributable to such Failed
Securities to all unitholders of the trust and the trustee will distribute the
cash attributable to such Failed Securities not more than 30 days after the date
on which the trustee would have been required to purchase a Replacement
Security.  In addition, unitholders should be aware that, at the time of receipt
of such cash, they may not be able to reinvest such proceeds in other securities
at a return equal to or in excess of the return which such proceeds would have
earned for unitholders of such trust.

     In the event that a Replacement Security is not acquired by a trust, the
income for such trust may be reduced.

     To the best of the sponsor's knowledge, there is no litigation pending as
of the trust's inception in respect of any security that might reasonably be
expected to have a material adverse effect on the trust.  At any time after the
trust's inception, litigation may be instituted on a variety of grounds with
respect to the securities.  The sponsor is unable to predict whether any such
litigation may be instituted, or if instituted, whether such litigation might
have a material adverse effect on the trust.  The sponsor and the trustee shall
not be liable in any way for any default, failure or defect in any security.


     MARKET RISK. Because the trust invests in stocks, you should understand the
risks of investing in stocks before purchasing units. These risks include the
risk that the financial condition of the company or the general condition of the


stock market may worsen and the value of the stocks (and therefore units) will
fall. Stocks are especially susceptible to general stock market movements. The
value of stocks often rises or falls rapidly and unpredictably as market
confidence and perceptions of companies change. These perceptions are based on
factors including expectations regarding government economic policies,
inflation, interest rates, economic expansion or contraction, political climates
and economic or banking crises. The value of units will fluctuate with the value
of the stocks in the trust and may be more or less than the price you originally
paid for your units. As with any investment, we cannot guarantee that the
performance of the trust will be positive over any period of time. Because the
trust is unmanaged, the Trustee will not sell stocks in response to market
fluctuations as is common in managed investments. In addition, because some
trusts hold a relatively small number of stocks, you may encounter greater
market risk than in a more diversified investment.

     DIVIDENDS. Stocks represent ownership interests in a company and are not
obligations of the company. Common stockholders have a right to receive payments
from the company that is subordinate to the rights of creditors, bondholders or
preferred stockholders of the company. This means that common stockholders have
a right to receive dividends only if a company's board of directors declares a
dividend and the company has provided for payment of all of its creditors,
bondholders and preferred stockholders. If a company issues additional debt
securities or preferred stock, the owners of these securities will have a claim
against the company's assets before common stockholders if the company declares
bankruptcy or liquidates its assets even though the common stock was issued
first. As a result, the company may be less willing or able to declare or pay
dividends on its common stock.

     ADDITIONAL DEPOSITS.  The trust agreement authorizes the sponsor to
increase the size of a trust and the number of units thereof by the deposit of
additional securities, or cash (including a letter of credit or the equivalent)
with instructions to purchase additional securities, in such trust and the
issuance of a corresponding number of additional units.  If the sponsor deposits
cash, existing and new investors may experience a dilution of their investments
and a reduction in their anticipated income because of fluctuations in the
prices of the securities between the time of the cash deposit and the purchase
of the securities and because a trust will pay the associated brokerage fees and
other acquisition costs.


     DISTRIBUTIONS TO UNITHOLDERS.  Income received by a trust is credited by
the trustee to the Income Account for the trust.  All other receipts are
credited by the trustee to a separate Capital Account for the trust.  The
trustee will normally distribute any income received by a trust on each
distribution date or shortly thereafter to unitholders of record on the
preceding record date.  Unitholders will receive an amount substantially equal
to their pro rata share of the estimated net annual income distributions to be
received by the trust.  All distributions will be net of applicable expenses.
There is no assurance that any actual distributions will be made since all
dividends received may be used to pay expenses.  In addition, excess amounts
from the Capital Account of a trust, if any, will be distributed at least
annually to the unitholders then of record.  Proceeds received from the
disposition of any of the securities after a record date and prior to the
following distribution date will be held in the Capital Account and not


distributed until the next distribution date applicable to the Capital Account.
The trustee shall be required to make a distribution from the Capital Account if
the cash balance on deposit therein available for distribution shall be
sufficient to distribute at least $0.01 per unit.  The trustee is not required
to pay interest on funds held in the Capital or Income Accounts (but may itself
earn interest thereon and therefore benefits from the use of such funds).

     The distribution to the unitholders as of each record date will be made on
the following distribution date or shortly thereafter and shall consist of an
amount substantially equal to such portion of the unitholders' pro rata share of
the estimated annual income distributions to be received by the trust after
deducting estimated expenses.  Because dividends are not received by a trust at
a constant rate throughout the year, such distributions to unitholders are
expected to fluctuate.  Persons who purchase units will commence receiving
distributions only after such person becomes a record owner.  A person will
become the owner of units, and thereby a unitholder of record, on the date of
settlement provided payment has been received.  Notification to the trustee of
the transfer of units is the responsibility of the purchaser, but in the normal
course of business the selling broker-dealer provides such notice.

     The trustee will periodically deduct from the Income Account of a trust
and, to the extent funds are not sufficient therein, from the Capital Account of
a trust amounts necessary to pay the expenses of the trust.  The trustee also
may withdraw from said accounts such amounts, if any, as it deems necessary to
establish a reserve for any governmental charges payable out of a trust.
Amounts so withdrawn shall not be considered a part of a trust's assets until
such time as the trustee shall return all or any part of such amounts to the
appropriate accounts.  In addition, the trustee may withdraw from the Income and
Capital Accounts of a trust such amounts as may be necessary to cover
redemptions of units.

     DISTRIBUTION REINVESTMENT.  Unitholders may reinvest distributions into
additional units of their trust without a sales fee.  Your trust will pay any
deferred sales fee and creation and development fee per unit regardless of any
sales fee discounts.  However, if you are eligible to receive a discount such
that the sales fee you must pay is less than the applicable deferred sales fee
and creation and development fee, you will be credited the difference between
your sales fee and the deferred sales fee and the creation and development fee
at the time you buy your units.  Accordingly, if you reinvest distributions into
additional units of your trust, you will be credited the amount of any remaining
deferred sales fee and creation and development fee on such units at the time of

     STATEMENTS TO UNITHOLDERS.  With each distribution, the trustee will
furnish to each unitholder a statement of the amount of income and the amount of
other receipts, if any, which are being distributed, expressed in each case as a
dollar amount per unit.

     The accounts of a trust are required to be audited annually, at the related
trust's expense, by independent public accountants designated by the sponsor,
unless the sponsor determines that such an audit would not be in the best
interest of the unitholders of the trust.  The accountants' report will be
furnished by the trustee to any unitholder upon written request.  Within a
reasonable period of time after the end of each calendar year, the trustee shall


furnish to each person who at any time during the calendar year was a unitholder
of a trust a statement, covering the calendar year, setting forth for the trust:

     (A)  As to the Income Account:

          (1)  the amount of income received on the securities (including income
               received as a portion of the proceeds of any disposition of

          (2)  the amounts paid for purchases of replacement securities or for
               purchases of securities otherwise pursuant to the trust
               agreement, if any, and for redemptions;

          (3)  the deductions, if any, from the Income Account for payment into
               the Reserve Account;

          (4)  the deductions for applicable taxes and fees and expenses of the
               trustee, the depositor, the evaluator, the supervisor, counsel,
               auditors and any other expenses paid by the trust;

          (5)  the amounts reserved for purchases of contract securities, for
               purchases made pursuant to replace failed contract securities or
               for purchases of securities otherwise pursuant to the trust
               agreement, if any;

          (6)  the deductions for payment of the depositor's expenses of
               maintaining the registration of the trust units, if any;

          (7)  the aggregate distributions to unitholders; and

          (8)  the balance remaining after such deductions and distributions,
               expressed both as a total dollar amount and as a dollar amount
               per unit outstanding on the last business day of such calendar

     (B)  As to the Capital Account:

          (1)  the net proceeds received due to sale, maturity, redemption,
               liquidation or disposition of any of the securities, excluding
               any portion thereof credited to the Income Account;

          (2)  the amount paid for purchases of replacement securities or for
               purchases of securities otherwise pursuant to the trust
               agreement, if any,  and for redemptions;

          (3)  the deductions, if any, from the Capital Account for payments
               into the Reserve Account;


          (4)  the deductions for payment of applicable taxes and fees and
               expenses of the trustee, the depositor, the evaluator, the
               supervisor, counsel, auditors and any other expenses paid by the

          (5)  the deductions for payment of the depositor's expenses of
               organizing the trust;

          (6)  the amounts reserved for purchases of contract securities, for
               purchases made pursuant to replace failed contract securities or
               for purchases of securities otherwise pursuant to the trust
               agreement, if any;

          (7)  the deductions for payment of deferred sales fee and creation and
               development fee,  if any;

          (8)  the deductions for payment of the depositor's expenses of
               maintaining the registration of the trust units, if any;

          (9)  the aggregate distributions to unitholders;  and

          (10) the balance remaining after such distributions and deductions,
               expressed both as a total dollar amount and as a dollar amount
               per unit outstanding on the last business day of such calendar
               year; and

     (C)  the following information:

          (1)  a list of the securities held as of the last business day of such
               calendar year and a list which identifies all securities sold or
               other securities acquired during such calendar year, if any;

          (2)  the number of units outstanding on the last business day of such
               calendar year;

          (3)  the unit value based on the last trust evaluation of such trust
               made during such calendar year; and

          (4)  the amounts actually distributed during such calendar year from
               the Income and Capital Accounts, separately stated, expressed
               both as total dollar amounts and as dollar amounts per unit
               outstanding on the record dates for such distributions.

     RIGHTS OF UNITHOLDERS.  A unitholder may at any time tender units to the
trustee for redemption.  The death or incapacity of any unitholder will not
operate to terminate a trust nor entitle legal representatives or heirs to claim
an accounting or to bring any action or proceeding in any court for partition or
winding up of a trust.  No unitholder shall have the right to control the
operation and management of a trust in any manner, except to vote with respect
to the amendment of the trust agreement or termination of a trust.


     AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION.  The trust agreement may be amended by the
trustee and the sponsor without the consent of any of the unitholders: (1) to
cure any ambiguity or to correct or supplement any provision which may be
defective or inconsistent; (2) to change any provision thereof as may be
required by the Securities and Exchange Commission or any successor governmental
agency; or (3) to make such provisions as shall not adversely affect the
interests of the unitholders.  The trust agreement with respect to any trust may
also be amended in any respect by the sponsor and the trustee, or any of the
provisions thereof may be waived, with the consent of the holders of units
representing 66 2/3% of the units then outstanding of the trust, provided that
no such amendment or waiver will reduce the interest of any unitholder thereof
without the consent of such unitholder or reduce the percentage of units
required to consent to any such amendment or waiver without the consent of all
unitholders of the trust.  In no event shall the trust agreement be amended to
increase the number of units of a trust issuable thereunder or to permit the
acquisition of any securities in addition to or in substitution for those
initially deposited in the trust, except in accordance with the provisions of
the trust agreement.  The trustee shall promptly notify unitholders of the
substance of any such amendment.

     The trust agreement provides that a trust shall terminate upon the
liquidation, redemption or other disposition of the last of the securities held
in the trust but in no event is it to continue beyond the mandatory termination
date.  If the value of a trust shall be less than the applicable minimum value
stated in the prospectus (generally 40% of the total value of securities
deposited in the trust during the initial offering period), the trustee may, in
its discretion, and shall, when so directed by the sponsor, terminate the trust.
A trust may be terminated at any time by the holders of units representing 66
2/3% of the units thereof then outstanding.  In addition, the sponsor may
terminate a trust if it is based on a security index and the index is no longer
maintained.  A trust will be liquidated by the trustee in the event that a
sufficient number of units of the trust not yet sold are tendered for redemption
by the sponsor, so that the net worth of the trust would be reduced to less than
40% of the value of the securities at the time they were deposited in the trust.
If a trust is liquidated because of the redemption of unsold units by the
sponsor, the sponsor will refund to each purchaser of units the entire sales fee
paid by such purchaser.

     Beginning nine business days prior to, but no later than, the scheduled
termination date described in the prospectus, the trustee may begin to sell all
of the remaining underlying securities on behalf of unitholders in connection
with the termination of the trust.  The sponsor may assist the trustee in these
sales and receive compensation to the extent permitted by applicable law.  The
sale proceeds will be net of any incidental expenses involved in the sales.

     The sponsor will generally instruct the trustee to sell the securities as
quickly as practicable during the termination proceedings without in its
judgment materially adversely affecting the market price of the securities, but
it is expected that all of the securities will in any event be disposed of
within a reasonable time after a trust's termination.  The sponsor does not
anticipate that the period will be longer than one month, and it could be as
short as one day, depending on the liquidity of the securities being sold.  The
liquidity of any security depends on the daily trading volume of the security
and the amount that the sponsor has available for sale on any particular day.
Of course, no assurances can be given that the market value of the securities
will not be adversely affected during the termination proceedings.


     Approximately thirty days prior to termination of a trust, the trustee will
notify unitholders of the termination and provide a form allowing qualifying
unitholders to elect an in-kind distribution.  A unitholder who owns the minimum
number of units described in the prospectus may request an in-kind distribution
from the trustee instead of cash.  The trustee will make an in-kind distribution
through the distribution of each of the securities of the trust in book entry
form to the account of the unitholder's bank or broker-dealer at Depository
Trust Company.  The unitholder will be entitled to receive whole shares of each
of the securities comprising the portfolio of a trust and cash from the Capital
Account equal to the fractional shares to which the unitholder is entitled.  The
trustee may adjust the number of shares of any security included in a
unitholder's in-kind distribution to facilitate the distribution of whole
shares.  The sponsor may terminate the in-kind distribution option at any time
upon notice to the unitholders.  Special federal income tax consequences will
result if a unitholder requests an in-kind distribution.

     Within a reasonable period after termination, the trustee will sell any
securities remaining in a trust and, after paying all expenses and charges
incurred by the trust, will distribute to unitholders thereof (upon surrender
for cancellation of certificates for units, if issued) their pro rata share of
the balances remaining in the Income and Capital Accounts of the trust.

     The sponsor may, but is not obligated to, offer for sale units of a
subsequent series of a trust at approximately the time of the mandatory
termination date.  If the sponsor does offer such units for sale, unitholders
may be given the opportunity to purchase such units at a public offering price
that includes a reduced sales fee.  There is, however, no assurance that units
of any new series of a trust will be offered for sale at that time, or if
offered, that there will be sufficient units available for sale to meet the
requests of any or all unitholders.

     THE TRUSTEE.  The trustee is The Bank of New York, a trust company
organized under the laws of New York. The Bank of New York has its principal
unit investment trust division offices at 2 Hanson Place, 12th Floor, Brooklyn,
New York 11217, (800) 221-7668. The Bank of New York is subject to supervision
and examination by the Superintendent of Banks of the State of New York and the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and its deposits are insured
by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to the extent permitted by law.

     The trustee, whose duties are ministerial in nature, has not participated
in selecting the portfolio of any trust.  In accordance with the trust
agreement, the trustee shall keep records of all transactions at its office.
Such records shall include the name and address of, and the number of units held
by, every unitholder of a trust.  Such books and records shall be open to
inspection by any unitholder at all reasonable times during usual business
hours.  The trustee shall make such annual or other reports as may from time to
time be required under any applicable state or federal statute, rule or
regulation.  The trustee shall keep a certified copy or duplicate original of
the trust agreement on file in its office available for inspection at all
reasonable times during usual business hours by any unitholder, together with a
current list of the securities held in each trust.  Pursuant to the trust
agreement, the trustee may employ one or more agents for the purpose of custody
and safeguarding of securities comprising a trust.


     Under the trust agreement, the trustee or any successor trustee may resign
and be discharged of a trust created by the trust agreement by executing an
instrument in writing and filing the same with the sponsor.

     The trustee or successor trustee must mail a copy of the notice of
resignation to all unitholders then of record, not less than sixty days before
the date specified in such notice when such resignation is to take effect.  The
sponsor upon receiving notice of such resignation is obligated to appoint a
successor trustee promptly.  If, upon such resignation, no successor trustee has
been appointed and has accepted the appointment within thirty days after
notification, the retiring trustee may apply to a court of competent
jurisdiction for the appointment of a successor.  In case at any time the
trustee shall not meet the requirements set forth in the trust agreement, or
shall become incapable of acting, or if a court having jurisdiction in the
premises shall enter a decree or order for relief in respect of the trustee in
an involuntary case, or the trustee shall commence a voluntary case, under any
applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in
effect, or any receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator
(or similar official) for the trustee or for any substantial part of its
property shall be appointed, or the trustee shall generally fail to pay its
debts as they become due, or shall fail to meet such written standards for the
trustee's performance as shall be established from time to time by the sponsor,
or if the sponsor determines in good faith that there has occurred either (1) a
material deterioration in the creditworthiness of the trustee or (2) one or more
grossly negligent acts on the part of the trustee with respect to a trust, the
sponsor, upon sixty days' prior written notice, may remove the trustee and
appoint a successor trustee, as hereinafter provided, by written instrument, in
duplicate, one copy of which shall be delivered to the trustee so removed and
one copy to the successor trustee.  Notice of such removal and appointment shall
be mailed to each unitholder by the sponsor.  Upon execution of a written
acceptance of such appointment by such successor trustee, all the rights,
powers, duties and obligations of the original trustee shall vest in the
successor.  The trustee must be a corporation organized under the laws of the
United States, or any state thereof, be authorized under such laws to exercise
trust powers and have at all times an aggregate capital, surplus and undivided
profits of not less than $5,000,000.

     THE SPONSOR.  The sponsor of the trust is Fixed Income Securities, L.P.
acting through its Advisor's Asset Management division.  The sponsor is a
broker-dealer specializing in providing services to broker-dealers, registered
representatives, investment advisers and other financial professionals. The
sponsor's headquarters are located at 18925 Base Camp Road, Monument, Colorado
80132. You can contact the Advisor's Asset Management division at 8100 East 22nd
Street North, Suite 900B, Wichita, Kansas 67226-2309 or by using the contacts
listed on the back cover of the prospectus. The sponsor is a registered broker-
dealer and investment adviser and a member of the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD), the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
(MSRB), and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).

     If at any time the sponsor shall fail to perform any of its duties under
the trust agreement or shall become incapable of acting or shall be adjudged a
bankrupt or insolvent or shall have its affairs taken over by public
authorities, then the trustee may (a) appoint a successor sponsor at rates of
compensation deemed by the trustee to be reasonable and not exceeding such
reasonable amounts as may be prescribed by the Securities and Exchange


Commission, (b) terminate the trust agreement and liquidate any trust as
provided therein, or (c) continue to act as trustee without terminating the
trust agreement.

     THE EVALUATOR AND SUPERVISOR.  Fixed Income Securities, L.P., the sponsor,
also serves as evaluator and supervisor.  The evaluator and supervisor may
resign or be removed by the sponsor and trustee in which event the sponsor or
trustee is to use its best efforts to appoint a satisfactory successor.  Such
resignation or removal shall become effective upon acceptance of appointment by
the successor evaluator.  If upon resignation of the evaluator no successor has
accepted appointment within thirty days after notice of resignation, the
evaluator may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of
a successor.  Notice of such resignation or removal and appointment shall be
mailed by the trustee to each unitholder.

     LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY.  The sponsor, evaluator, and supervisor are
liable for the performance of their obligations arising from their
responsibilities under the trust agreement but will be under no liability to the
unitholders for taking any action or refraining from any action in good faith
pursuant to the trust agreement or for errors in judgment, except in cases of
its own gross negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct or its reckless
disregard for its duties thereunder.  The sponsor shall not be liable or
responsible in any way for depreciation or loss incurred by reason of the sale
of any securities.

     The trust agreement provides that the trustee shall be under no liability
for any action taken in good faith in reliance upon prima facie properly
executed documents or for the disposition of moneys, securities or certificates
except by reason of its own gross negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct,
or its reckless disregard for its duties under the trust agreement, nor shall
the trustee be liable or responsible in any way for depreciation or loss
incurred by reason of the sale by the trustee of any securities.  In the event
that the sponsor shall fail to act, the trustee may act and shall not be liable
for any such action taken by it in good faith.  The trustee shall not be
personally liable for any taxes or other governmental charges imposed upon or in
respect of the securities or upon the interest thereof.  In addition, the trust
agreement contains other customary provisions limiting the liability of the

     The trustee and unitholders may rely on any evaluation furnished by the
evaluator and shall have no responsibility for the accuracy thereof.  The trust
agreement provides that the determinations made by the evaluator shall be made
in good faith upon the basis of the best information available to it, provided,
however, that the evaluator shall be under no liability to the trustee or
unitholders for errors in judgment, but shall be liable for its gross
negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct or its reckless disregard for its
obligations under the trust agreement.

     EXPENSES OF THE TRUST.  The sponsor will not charge a trust any fees for
services performed as sponsor.  The sponsor will receive a portion of the sale
commissions paid in connection with the purchase of units and will share in
profits, if any, related to the deposit of securities in the trust.

     The sponsor may receive a fee from your trust for creating and developing
the trust, including determining the trust's objectives, policies, composition
and size, selecting service providers and information services and for providing
other similar administrative and ministerial functions. The amount of this


"creation and development fee" is set forth in the prospectus. The trustee will
deduct this amount from your trust's assets as of the close of the initial
offering period. No portion of this fee is applied to the payment of
distribution expenses or as compensation for sales efforts. This fee will not be
deducted from proceeds received upon a repurchase, redemption or exchange of
units before the close of the initial public offering period.

     The trustee receives for its services that fee set forth in the prospectus.
The trustee's fee which is calculated and paid monthly is based on the total
number of units of the related trust outstanding as of January 1 for any annual
period, except during the initial offering period the fee will be based on the
units outstanding at the end of each month.  The trustee benefits to the extent
there are funds for future distributions, payment of expenses and redemptions in
the Capital and Income Accounts since these Accounts are non-interest bearing
and the amounts earned by the trustee are retained by the trustee.  Part of the
trustee's compensation for its services to a trust is expected to result from
the use of these funds.

     The supervisor will charge a trust a surveillance fee for services
performed for the trust in an amount not to exceed that amount set forth in the
prospectus but in no event will such compensation, when combined with all
compensation received from other unit investment trusts for which the sponsor
both acts as sponsor and provides portfolio surveillance, exceed the aggregate
cost to the sponsor of providing such services.  Such fee shall be based on the
total number of units of the related trust outstanding as of January 1 for any
annual period, except during the initial offering period the fee will be based
on the units outstanding at the end of each month.

     For evaluation of the securities in a trust, the evaluator shall receive an
evaluation fee in an amount not to exceed that amount set forth in the
prospectus but in no event will such compensation, when combined with all
compensation from other unit investment trusts for which the sponsor acts as
sponsor and provides evaluation services, exceed the aggregate cost of providing
such services.  Such fee shall be based on the total number of units of the
related trust outstanding as of January 1 for any annual period, except during
the initial offering period the fee will be based on the units outstanding at
the end of each month.

     For providing bookkeeping and administrative services to a trust, the
sponsor shall receive an administration fee in an amount not to exceed that
amount set forth in the prospectus but in no event will such compensation, when
combined with all compensation from other unit investment trusts for which the
sponsor acts as sponsor and provides evaluation services, exceed the aggregate
cost of providing such services.  Such fee shall be based on the total number of
units of the related trust outstanding as of January 1 for any annual period,
except during the initial offering period the fee will be based on the units
outstanding at the end of each month.

     The trustee's fee, sponsor's fee for providing bookkeeping and
administrative services to the trust, supervisor's fee and evaluator's fee are
deducted from the Income Account of the related trust to the extent funds are
available and then from the Capital Account.  Each such fee (other than any
creation and development fee) may be increased without approval of unitholders
by amounts not exceeding a proportionate increase in the Consumer Price Index or
any equivalent index substituted therefor.


     The following additional charges are or may be incurred by the trust:
(a) fees for the trustee's extraordinary services; (b) expenses of the trustee
(including legal and auditing expenses and reimbursement of the cost of advances
to the trust for payment of expenses and distributions, but not including any
fees and expenses charged by an agent for custody and safeguarding of
securities) and of counsel, if any; (c) various governmental charges;
(d) expenses and costs of any action taken by the trustee to protect the trust
or the rights and interests of the unitholders; (e) indemnification of the
trustee for any loss, liability or expense incurred by it in the administration
of the trust not resulting from negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct on
its part or its reckless disregard of its obligations under the trust agreement;
(f) indemnification of the sponsor for any loss, liability or expense incurred
in acting in that capacity without gross negligence, bad faith or willful
misconduct or its reckless disregard for its obligations under the trust
agreement; and (g) expenditures incurred in contacting unitholders upon
termination of the trust.  The fees and expenses set forth herein are payable
out of a trust and, when owing to the trustee, are secured by a lien on the
trust.  If the balances in the Income and Capital Accounts are insufficient to
provide for amounts payable by the trust, the trustee has the power to sell
securities to pay such amounts.  These sales may result in capital gains or
losses to unitholders.  A trust may pay the costs of updating its registration
statement each year.


     When a trust sells securities, the composition and diversity of the
securities in the trust may be altered.  In order to obtain the best price for a
trust, it may be necessary for the sponsor to specify minimum amounts in which
blocks of securities are to be sold.  In effecting purchases and sales of a
trust's portfolio securities, the sponsor may direct that orders be placed with
and brokerage commissions be paid to brokers, including brokers which may be
affiliated with the trust, the sponsor or dealers participating in the offering
of units.


     PUBLIC OFFERING PRICE.  Units of a trust are offered at the public offering
price thereof.  The public offering price per unit is equal to the net asset
value per unit plus organization costs plus the applicable sales fee referred to
in the prospectus.  The initial sales fee is equal to the difference between the
maximum sales fee and the sum of the remaining deferred sales fee and the total
creation and development fee.  The sales fee as a percentage of the public
offering price and the net amount invested is set forth in the prospectus.  The
deferred sales fee is a fixed dollar amount and will be collected in
installments as described in the prospectus. The creation and development fee is
a fixed dollar amount and will be collected at the end of the initial offering
period as described in the prospectus.  Units purchased after the initial
deferred sales fee payment will be subject to the remaining deferred sales fee
payments.  Units sold or redeemed prior to such time as the entire applicable
deferred sales fee has been collected will be assessed the remaining deferred
sales fee at the time of such sale or redemption. Units sold or redeemed prior
to such time as the entire applicable creation and development fee has been
collected will not be assessed the remaining creation and development fee at the
time of such sale or redemption.  During the initial offering period, a portion
of the public offering price includes an amount of securities to pay for all or
a portion of the costs incurred in establishing a trust.  These costs include


the cost of preparing the registration statement, the trust indenture and other
closing documents, registering units with the Securities and Exchange Commission
and states, the initial audit of the trust portfolio, legal fees and the initial
fees and expenses of the trustee.  These costs will be deducted from a trust as
of the end of the initial offering period or after six months, if earlier.
Certain broker-dealers may charge a transaction fee for processing unit

     As indicated above, the initial public offering price of the units was
established by dividing the aggregate underlying value of the securities by the
number of units outstanding.  Such price determination as of the opening of
business on the date a trust was created was made on the basis of an evaluation
of the securities in the trust prepared by the evaluator.  After the opening of
business on this date, the evaluator will appraise or cause to be appraised
daily the value of the underlying securities as of the close of regular trading
on the New York Stock Exchange on days the New York Stock Exchange is open and
will adjust the public offering price of the units commensurate with such
valuation.  Such public offering price will be effective for all orders received
at or prior to the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange on
each such day.  Orders received by the trustee, sponsor or any dealer for
purchases, sales or redemptions after that time, or on a day when the New York
Stock Exchange is closed, will be held until the next determination of price.

     Had units of a trust been available for sale at the close of business on
the business day before the inception date of the trust, the public offering
price would have been as shown under "Essential Information" in the prospectus.
The public offering price per unit of a trust on the date of the prospectus or
on any subsequent date will vary from the amount stated under "Essential
Information" in the prospectus in accordance with fluctuations in the prices of
the underlying securities.  Net asset value per unit is determined by dividing
the value of a trust's portfolio securities, cash and other assets, less all
liabilities, by the total number of units outstanding.  The portfolio securities
are valued by the evaluator as follows: If the security is listed on a national
securities exchange or the Nasdaq Stock Market, the evaluation will generally be
based on the last sale price on the exchange or Nasdaq (unless the evaluator
deems the price inappropriate as a basis for evaluation).  If the security is
not so listed or, if so listed and the principal market for the security is
other than on the exchange or Nasdaq, the evaluation will generally be made by
the evaluator in good faith based on an appraisal of the fair value of the
securities using recognized pricing methods.

     The foregoing evaluations and computations shall be made as of the close of
regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange, on each business day commencing
with the trust's inception date of the securities, effective for all sales made
during the preceding 24-hour period.

     Although payment is normally made three business days following the order
for purchase, payments may be made prior thereto.  A person will become the
owner of units on the date of settlement provided payment has been received.
Cash, if any, made available to the sponsor prior to the date of settlement for
the purchase of units may be used in the sponsor's business and may be deemed to
be a benefit to the sponsor, subject to the limitations of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934.  If a unitholder desires to have certificates representing
units purchased, such certificates will be delivered as soon as possible
following his written request therefor.


     PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION OF UNITS.  The sponsor intends to qualify the units for
sale in a number of states.  Units will be sold through dealers who are members
of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. and through others.
Sales may be made to or through dealers at prices which represent discounts from
the public offering price as set forth in the prospectus.  Certain commercial
banks may be making units available to their customers on an agency basis.  The
sponsor reserves the right to change the discounts from time to time.

     We may provide, at our own expense and out of our own profits, additional
compensation and benefits to broker-dealers who sell shares of units of this
trust and our other products. This compensation is intended to result in
additional sales of our products and/or compensate broker-dealers and financial
advisors for past sales. We may make these payments for marketing, promotional
or related expenses, including, but not limited to, expenses of entertaining
retail customers and financial advisors, advertising, sponsorship of events or
seminars, obtaining shelf space in broker-dealer firms and similar activities
designed to promote the sale of the our products. These arrangements will not
change the price you pay for your units.

     The sponsor reserves the right to reject, in whole or in part, any order
for the purchase of units.

     PROFITS OF SPONSOR.  The sponsor will receive gross sales fees equal to the
percentage of the offering price of the units of such trusts stated in the
prospectus and will pay a portion of such sales fees to dealers and agents.  In
addition, the sponsor may realize a profit or a loss resulting from the
difference between the purchase prices of the securities to the sponsor and the
cost of such securities to a trust.  The sponsor may also realize profits or
losses with respect to securities deposited in a trust which were acquired from
underwriting syndicates of which the sponsor was a member.  An underwriter or
underwriting syndicate purchases securities from the issuer on a negotiated or
competitive bid basis, as principal, with the motive of marketing such
securities to investors at a profit.  The sponsor may realize additional profits
or losses during the initial offering period on unsold units as a result of
changes in the daily evaluation of the securities in a trust.

     MARKET FOR UNITS.  After the initial offering period, while not obligated
to do so, the sponsor may, subject to change at any time, maintain a market for
units of the trust offered hereby and to continuously offer to purchase said
units at the net asset value determined by the evaluator, provided that the
repurchase price will not be reduced by organization costs during the initial
offering period.  While the sponsor may repurchase units from time to time, it
does not currently intend to maintain an active secondary market for units.
Unitholders who wish to dispose of their units should inquire of their broker as
to current market prices in order to determine whether there is in existence any
price in excess of the redemption price and, if so, the amount thereof.
Unitholders who sell or redeem units prior to such time as the entire deferred
sales fee on such units has been collected will be assessed the amount of the
remaining deferred sales fee at the time of such sale or redemption.
Unitholders who sell or redeem units prior to such time as the entire creation
and development fee on such units has been collected will not be assessed the
amount of the remaining creation and development fee at the time of such sale or
redemption.  The offering price of any units resold by the sponsor will be in
accord with that described in the currently effective prospectus describing such


units.  Any profit or loss resulting from the resale of such units will belong
to the sponsor.  If the sponsor decides to maintain a secondary market, it may
suspend or discontinue purchases of units of the trust if the supply of units
exceeds demand, or for other business reasons.

     REDEMPTION.  A unitholder who does not dispose of units in the secondary
market described above may cause units to be redeemed by the trustee by making a
written request to the trustee at its unit investment trust division office and,
in the case of units evidenced by a certificate, by tendering such certificate
to the trustee properly endorsed or accompanied by a written instrument or
instruments of transfer in form satisfactory to the trustee.  Unitholders must
sign the request, and such certificate or transfer instrument, exactly as their
names appear on the records of the trustee and on any certificate representing
the units to be redeemed.  Additional documentation may be requested, and a
signature guarantee is always required, from corporations, executors,
administrators, trustees, guardians or associations.  The signatures must be
guaranteed by a participant in the Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program
("STAMP") or such other signature guaranty program in addition to, or in
substitution for, STAMP, as may be accepted by the trustee.  A certificate
should only be sent by registered or certified mail for the protection of the
unitholder.  Since tender of the certificate is required for redemption when one
has been issued, units represented by a certificate cannot be redeemed until the
certificate representing such units has been received by the purchasers.

     Redemption shall be made by the trustee no later than the seventh day
following the day on which a tender for redemption is received (the "Redemption
Date") by payment of cash equivalent to the redemption price, determined as set
forth below under "Computation of Redemption Price," as of the close of regular
trading on the New York Stock Exchange next following such tender, multiplied by
the number of units being redeemed.  Any units redeemed shall be canceled and
any undivided fractional interest in the related trust extinguished.  The price
received upon redemption might be more or less than the amount paid by the
unitholder depending on the value of the securities in the trust at the time of
redemption.  Unitholders who sell or redeem units prior to such time as the
entire deferred sales fee on such units has been collected will be assessed the
amount of the remaining deferred sales fee at the time of such sale or
redemption. Unitholders who sell or redeem units prior to such time as the
entire creation and development fee on such units has been collected will not be
assessed the amount of the remaining creation and development fee at the time of
such sale or redemption.  Certain broker-dealers may charge a transaction fee
for processing redemption requests.

     Under regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service, the trustee is
required to withhold a specified percentage of the principal amount of a unit
redemption if the trustee has not been furnished the redeeming unitholder's tax
identification number in the manner required by such regulations.  Any amount so
withheld is transmitted to the Internal Revenue Service and may be recovered by
the unitholder only when filing a tax return.  Under normal circumstances, the
trustee obtains the unitholder's tax identification number from the selling
broker.  However, any time a unitholder elects to tender units for redemption,
such unitholder should make sure that the trustee has been provided a certified
tax identification number in order to avoid this possible "back-up withholding."
In the event the trustee has not been previously provided such number, one must
be provided at the time redemption is requested.  Any amounts paid on redemption
representing interest shall be withdrawn from the Income Account of a trust to


the extent that funds are available for such purpose.  All other amounts paid on
redemption shall be withdrawn from the Capital Account for a trust.

     Unitholders tendering units for redemption may request a distribution in
kind (a "Distribution In Kind") from the trustee in lieu of cash redemption of
an amount and value of securities per unit equal to the redemption price per
unit as determined as of the evaluation time next following the tender, provided
that the tendering unitholder meets the requirements stated in the prospectus
and the unitholder has elected to redeem at least thirty days prior to the
termination of the trust. If the unitholder meets these requirements, a
Distribution In Kind will be made by the trustee through the distribution of
each of the securities of the trust in book entry form to the account of the
unitholder's bank or broker-dealer at Depository Trust Company.  The tendering
unitholder shall be entitled to receive whole shares of each of the securities
comprising the portfolio of the trust and cash from the Capital Account equal to
the fractional shares to which the tendering unitholder is entitled.  The
trustee shall make any adjustments necessary to reflect differences between the
redemption price of the units and the value of the securities distributed in
kind as of the date of tender.  If funds in the Capital Account are insufficient
to cover the required cash distribution to the tendering unitholder, the trustee
may sell securities.  The in kind redemption option may be terminated by the
sponsor at any time.

     The trustee is empowered to sell securities in order to make funds
available for the redemption of units.  To the extent that securities are sold
or redeemed in-kind, the size of a trust will be, and the diversity of a trust
may be, reduced but each remaining unit will continue to represent approximately
the same proportional interest in each security.  Sales may be required at a
time when securities would not otherwise be sold and may result in lower prices
than might otherwise be realized.  The price received upon redemption may be
more or less than the amount paid by the unitholder depending on the value of
the securities in the portfolio at the time of redemption.

     The trustee is irrevocably authorized in its discretion, if the sponsor
does not elect to purchase any unit tendered for redemption, in lieu of
redeeming such units, to sell such units in the over-the-counter market for the
account of tendering unitholders at prices which will return to the unitholders
amounts in cash, net after brokerage commissions, transfer taxes and other
charges, equal to or in excess of the redemption price for such units.  In the
event of any such sale, the trustee shall pay the net proceeds thereof to the
unitholders on the day they would otherwise be entitled to receive payment of
the redemption price.

     The right of redemption may be suspended and payment postponed (1) for any
period during which the New York Stock Exchange is closed, other than customary
weekend and holiday closings, or during which (as determined by the Securities
and Exchange Commission) trading on the New York Stock Exchange is restricted;
(2) for any period during which an emergency exists as a result of which
disposal by the trustee of securities is not reasonably practicable or it is not
reasonably practicable to fairly determine the value of the underlying
securities in accordance with the trust agreement; or (3) for such other period
as the Securities and Exchange Commission may by order permit.  The trustee is
not liable to any person in any way for any loss or damage which may result from
any such suspension or postponement.


     COMPUTATION OF REDEMPTION PRICE.  The redemption price for units of each
trust is computed by the evaluator as of the evaluation time stated in the
prospectus next occurring after the tendering of a unit for redemption and on
any other business day desired by it, by:

A.   Adding:  (1) the cash on hand in the trust other than cash deposited in the
     trust to purchase securities not applied to the purchase of such securities
     and (2) the aggregate value of each issue of the securities held in the
     trust as determined by the evaluator as described above;

B.   Deducting therefrom (1) amounts representing any applicable taxes or
     governmental charges payable out of the trust and for which no deductions
     have been previously made for the purpose of additions to the Reserve
     Account; (2) an amount representing estimated accrued expenses, including
     but not limited to fees and expenses of the trustee (including legal and
     auditing fees), the evaluator, the sponsor and counsel, if any; (3) cash
     held for distribution to unitholders of record as of the business day prior
     to the evaluation being made; and (4) other liabilities incurred by the
     trust, provided that the redemption price will not be reduced by
     organization costs during the initial offering period; and

C.   Finally dividing the results of such computation by the number of units of
     the trust outstanding as of the date thereof.

     RETIREMENT PLANS.  A trust may be suited for purchase by Individual
Retirement Accounts, Keogh Plans, pension funds and other qualified retirement
plans.  Generally, capital gains and income received under each of the foregoing
plans are deferred from Federal taxation.  All distributions from such plans are
generally treated as ordinary income but may, in some cases, be eligible for
special income averaging or tax-deferred rollover treatment.  Investors
considering participation in any such plan should review specific tax laws
related thereto and should consult their attorneys or tax advisers with respect
to the establishment and maintenance of any such plan.  Such plans are offered
by brokerage firms and other financial institutions.  The trust will lower the
minimum investment requirement for IRA accounts.  Fees and charges with respect
to such plans may vary.

     OWNERSHIP OF UNITS.  Ownership of units will not be evidenced by
certificates unless a unitholder, the unitholder's registered broker/dealer or
the clearing agent for such broker/dealer makes a written request to the
trustee.  Units are transferable by making a written request to the trustee and,
in the case of units evidenced by a certificate, by presenting and surrendering
such certificate to the trustee properly endorsed or accompanied by a written
instrument or instruments of transfer which should be sent by registered or
certified mail for the protection of the unitholder.  Unitholders must sign such
written request, and such certificate or transfer instrument, exactly as their
names appear on the records of the trustee and on any certificate representing
the units to be transferred.  Such signatures must be guaranteed as described

     Units may be purchased and certificates, if requested, will be issued in
denominations of one unit or any multiple thereof, subject to the minimum
investment requirement.  Fractions of units, if any, will be computed to three
decimal places.  Any certificate issued will be numbered serially for
identification, issued in fully registered form and will be transferable only on


the books of the trustee.  The trustee may require a unitholder to pay a
reasonable fee, to be determined in the sole discretion of the trustee, for each
certificate re-issued or transferred and to pay any governmental charge that may
be imposed in connection with each such transfer or interchange.  The trustee at
the present time does not intend to charge for the normal transfer or
interchange of certificates.  Destroyed, stolen, mutilated or lost certificates
will be replaced upon delivery to the trustee of satisfactory indemnity
(generally amounting to 3% of the market value of the units), affidavit of loss,
evidence of ownership and payment of expenses incurred.


     Information contained in this Information Supplement or in the prospectus,
as it currently exists or as further updated, may also be included from time to
time in other prospectuses or in advertising material.  Information on the
performance of a trust strategy or the actual performance of a trust may be
included from time to time in other prospectuses or advertising material and may
reflect sales fees and expenses of a trust.  The performance of a trust may also
be compared to the performance of money managers as reported in SEI Fund
Evaluation Survey or of mutual funds as reported by Lipper Analytical Services
Inc. (which calculates total return using actual dividends on ex-dates
accumulated for the quarter and reinvested at quarter end), Money Magazine Fund
Watch (which rates fund performance over a specified time period after sales fee
and assuming all dividends reinvested) or Wiesenberger Investment Companies
Service (which states fund performance annually on a total return basis) or of
the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index, the American Stock Exchange Index
(unmanaged indices of stocks traded on the New York and American Stock
Exchanges, respectively), the Dow Jones Industrial Average (an index of 30
widely traded industrial common stocks) or the Standard & Poor's 500 Index (an
unmanaged diversified index of 500 stocks) or similar measurement standards
during the same period of time.



     This Registration Statement comprises the following papers and documents:
     The facing sheet
     The prospectus
     The signatures

The following exhibits:

1.1    Trust Agreement (to be filed by amendment).

1.1.1  Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust (to be filed by amendment).

1.2    Certificate of Limited Partnership of Fixed Income Securities, L.P.
       Reference is made to Exhibit 1.2 to the Registration Statement on
       Form S-6 for Advisor's Disciplined Trust, Series 10 (File No. 333-115977)
       as filed on May 28, 2004.

1.3    Agreement of Limited Partnership of Fixed Income Securities, L.P.
       Reference is made to Exhibit 1.3 to the Registration Statement on
       Form S-6 for Advisor's Disciplined Trust, Series 10 (File No. 333-115977)
       as filed on May 28, 2004.

1.4    Articles of Incorporation of Sterling Resources, Inc., general partner of
       Fixed Income Securities, L.P.  Reference is made to Exhibit 1.4 to the
       Registration Statement on Form S-6 for Advisor's Disciplined Trust,
       Series 10 (File No. 333-115977) as filed on May 28, 2004.

2.1    Copy of Certificate of Ownership (included in Exhibit 1.1.1 filed
       herewith and incorporated herein by reference).

2.2    Form of Code of Ethics.  Reference is made to Exhibit 2.2 to the
       Registration Statement on Form S-6 for Advisor's Disciplined Trust,
       Series 10 (File No. 333-115977) as filed on May 28, 2004.

3.1    Opinion of counsel as to legality of securities being registered (to be
       filed by amendment).

3.2    Opinion of counsel as to federal income tax status of securities being
       registered (to be filed by amendment).

3.3    Opinion of counsel as to the New York tax status of securities being
       registered (to be filed by amendment).

3.4    Opinion of counsel as to the Trustee and the Trust. (to be filed by

4.1    Consent of evaluator (to be filed by amendment).

4.2    Consent of independent auditors (to be filed by amendment).

6.1    List of Officers of Fixed Income Securities, L.P.  Reference is made to
       Exhibit 6.1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-6 for Advisor's
       Disciplined Trust, Series 10 (File No. 333-115977) as filed on May 28,

7.1    Power of Attorney.  Reference is made to Exhibit 7.1 to the Registration
       Statement on Form S-6 for Advisor's Disciplined Trust, Series 10
       (File No. 333-115977) as filed on May 28, 2004.



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, the Registrant,
Advisor's Disciplined Trust 41 has duly caused this Amendment No. 1 to the
Registration Statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto
duly authorized, in the City of Wichita and State of Kansas on the 6th day of
June, 2005.

                                ADVISOR'S DISCIPLINED TRUST 41

                                By FIXED INCOME SECURITIES, L.P., DEPOSITOR

                                By     /s/ ALEX R MEITZNER
                                         Alex R. Meitzner
                                         Managing Director

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this Amended
Registration Statement has been signed below on June 6, 2005 by the following
persons in the capacities indicated:

  SIGNATURE              TITLE

Scott Colyer        Director of Sterling           )
                    Resources, Inc., the General   )
                    Partner of Fixed Income        )
                    Securities, L.P.               )

Jack Simkin         Director of Sterling           )
                    Resources, Inc., the General   )
                    Partner of Fixed Income        )
                    Securities, L.P.               )

Jim Dillahunty      Director of Sterling           )
                    Resources, Inc., the General   )
                    Partner of Fixed Income        )
                    Securities, L.P.               )

Joe Cotton          Director of Sterling           )
                    Resources, Inc., the General   )
                    Partner of Fixed Income        )
                    Securities, L.P.               )

Dennis Marlin       Director of Sterling           )
                    Resources, Inc., the General   )
                    Partner of Fixed Income        )
                    Securities, L.P.               )


Randy Pegg          Director of Sterling           )
                    Resources, Inc., the General   )
                    Partner of Fixed Income        )
                    Securities, L.P.               )

Lisa Colyer         Director of Sterling           )
                    Resources, Inc., the General   )
                    Partner of Fixed Income        )
                    Securities, L.P.               )

                                By     /s/ ALEX R MEITZNER
                                        Alex R. Meitzner

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *An executed copy of each of the related powers of attorney is filed
herewith or incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit 7.1.
