FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
                        Thousands, except per share data

Years Ended August 31,                                                              2000                 1999              % Change
- ----------------------                                                              ----                 ----              --------
Revenues ............................................................           $134,178             $103,831                 29.2%
Income from operations before retirement bonus ......................             39,169               28,630                 36.8%
Income from operations ..............................................             36,419               28,630                 27.2%
Income before income taxes ..........................................             39,576               30,617                 29.3%
Nonrecurring tax benefit ............................................              1,119                 --                   --
Net income ..........................................................             25,279               18,565                 36.2%

Per Share Data
Diluted earnings per common share* ..................................           $   0.74             $   0.56                 32.1%
Diluted earnings per common share before retirement
  bonus and nonrecurring tax benefit* ...............................           $   0.75***          $   0.56                 33.9%
Dividends declared per common share .................................           $   0.12             $   0.08
Weighted average common shares (diluted)* ...........................             34,390               33,302

Performance Ratios
Operating margin ....................................................               29.2%**              27.6%
Pretax margin .......................................................               29.5%                29.5%
Net margin ..........................................................               18.8%                17.9%
Return on average stockholders' equity ..............................               28.0%                28.9%

*Diluted  earnings per share and number of shares  outstanding  give retroactive
effect to the  2-for-1  stock  split that  occurred  on February 4, 2000 and the
3-for-2 stock split that occurred on February 5, 1999.
**Excludes  retirement bonus of $2.75 million.  Including the retirement  bonus,
the operating margin is 27.1%.
***Excludes  retirement  bonus of $2.75 million (pre-tax) and  nonrecurring  tax
benefit of $1.1 million.

FactSet  Research  Systems Inc.  supplies  global economic and financial data to
analysts,   portfolio   managers,   investment   bankers  and  other   financial
professionals.  The  Company  combines  more than 100  databases  from  multiple
suppliers  into a single online source of information  and analytics,  including
fundamental data on tens of thousands of global companies and securities.
     Clients have  simultaneous  access to a wide array of  disparate  data that
they can download  directly into spreadsheets or other  applications,  including
their own  custom-designed  models,  to combine  with other data for  investment
     FactSet is  headquartered  in Greenwich,  Connecticut and employs more than
400 people in 11  locations  in North  America,  Europe and the Pacific Rim. The
Company  was formed in 1978 and since 1996 has been  publicly  traded on the New
York Stock Exchange under the symbol FDS.

About FactSet
Financial Highlights
Introduction 1
Dear Fellow Shareholders 3
A Human Face on Technology 6
Management's Discussion and Analysis 13
Consolidated Statements of Income 19
Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition 20
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity 22
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 24
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 26
Report of Independent Accountants 40
Directors and Management 43
Corporate Information 44

At FactSet,  we offer a comprehensive  suite of financial and analytic  products
and services,  but it's the human component,  especially our large, global staff
of consultants,  that makes FactSet easy to use. In essence, we put a human face
on  technology.   We  listened  to  the   marketplace  and  responded  with  new
applications and services in 2000. We also made our first  acquisition to better
serve existing clients and attract new ones. Our commitment to service,  coupled
with our  proven  business  philosophy,  is the key to  FactSet's  extraordinary
growth. It is our people,  some of whom you'll see on the pages that follow, who
define our business and, in turn, our success - today, and down the road.

FactSet  Research  Systems Inc. is pleased to announce that it has been named as
one of the 200 Best Small  Companies for the fourth  consecutive  year by Forbes
magazine.  The criteria for this ranking is based on five-year average return on
equity, sales, profits and market value.

Revenues graph (Fiscal 1996 - Fiscal 2000)

Operating Margin graph (Fiscal 1996 - Fiscal 2000)

Earnings per Share graph (Fiscal 1996 - Fiscal 2000)

Stock Price from IPO graph (June 28, 1996 - August 31, 2000)
June 28, 1996 - August 31, 2000

                            DEAR FELLOW SHAREHOLDERS

We are pleased to report  another record  performance  for the fiscal year ended
August  31,  2000.  This  represents  our 18th  consecutive  year of  increasing
revenues and earnings. During the year, we continued to enhance our services and
build on our core capabilities of data integration and software applications for
the  investment  community.  Client  count  grew to 745 and the  number of users
increased to 24,500.  We introduced  several new  applications and databases via
our Directions interface and began to deliver our product via the Web.

    Revenues for the full year  increased  29.2%,  rising to $134.2 million from
$103.8 million. Income from operations, before a retirement bonus, rose 36.8% to
$39.2 million. Net income, before a retirement bonus and nonrecurring income tax
benefit,  expanded 39.2% to $25.8 million,  and per share earnings were up 33.9%
from $0.56 to $0.75.

    Among the many  contributors  to this year's results were the success of our
portfolio  analytics suite of applications  and the performance of international
operations.  Impressive  demand for  FactSet's  Portfolio  Analysis  application
continued, with over 175 clients representing 1,300 users now subscribing to the
service.  Commitments  from  FactSet's  operations  overseas  grew  56% to $28.4
million,  and now account for 17.9% of the consolidated  total. When we refer to
"Commitments," we mean the forward-looking  revenue for the next 12 months based
on all services  currently supplied to clients.  Historically,  Commitments have
risen every month for the past ten years.


Fiscal  2000 was also a year of  change.  In May of 2000,  our friend and mentor
Howard Wille, cofounder of FactSet, retired from the position of Chief Executive
Officer after 22 years with the Company.  Howard  retired as Chairman at the end
of the fiscal year.  Charles  Snyder,  cofounder  and Vice  Chairman of FactSet,
acted as interim Chief  Executive  Officer between May and early September while
the Board completed its appointment of the new CEO.

    Beginning  in 1978,  Howard and Chuck  pioneered a way to combine  disparate
financial  information in a manner that permitted clients to use it the way they
wanted. They built FactSet as a service-focused  company.  They chose neither to
require a written  contract nor to charge for client service.  Business was done
on a handshake.

    There is still no charge for consulting  services.  And still no contract to
sign. Today, the global financial  community looks to FactSet to provide timely,
accurate information and analytics in any format.

Philip A. Hadley                        Michael F. DiChristina
Chairman and                            President and
Chief Executive Officer                 Chief Operating Officer

(picture)                               (picture)

    We are forever  indebted to Howard and Chuck for their vision and dedication
to building a company  with  strong  values of service  and  integrity.  We will
uphold these values as we lead FactSet into the future.


As the global marketplace  continues to evolve, we recognize the need to develop
global  strategies for building brand  awareness  while looking at how to better
solidify our clients' position as the center of our business model via sales and
marketing support.

    Innovation.  Responsiveness.  Ease  of  use.  These  are  the  factors  that
distinguish  FactSet.  In 2000, we made great strides in all three areas. We now
offer investment  managers both  holdings-based and returns-based  analyses.  We
offer investment bankers the opportunity to publish customized "pitch books" for
presentations   that  use  the  Microsoft   Office  Suite.  We  made  our  first
acquisition,  Innovative  Systems  Techniques  ("Insyte"),  Inc.,  a provider of
database  management  and  decision  support  systems,  and  expanded  our  data
warehousing  capabilities.  We  completed  development  of a  real-time  pricing

The growth potential in our existing, as well as new, markets is immense. We can
now better  assist  clients by  telephone  with our Call  Center,  the result of
collaboration  between  FactSet and Cisco  Systems.  And by  introducing  Online
Assistant,  a comprehensive online information resource, we can deliver helpful,
timely product support right to the client's desktop.

    Fiscal  2000 was also a pivotal  year in our  incorporation  of the Web into
future  growth  strategies.  Early  on, we  completed  the  necessary  technical
infrastructure  to power  client Web sites.  By mid year we  identified  the key
products  that  were  needed  in the  Web  environment  and  began  development.
Additionally,  we made the decision to Web-enable next generations of all of our
applications. Web product rollouts will begin in the 2001 fiscal year. While the
Web brings us many  benefits,  the most  compelling is our ability to extend our
reach both within clients and across the investment community.

     Looking Ahead

It is our people as well as our  technologies  that have forged our success over
the past 22 years.  We seek to attract,  train and retain the very best. We look
for individuals who are bright, creative,  curious and eager. We seek out people
diverse in background and experience. It's this diversity that makes each person
an important part of the Company. In fact, it's what makes FactSet unique.

    We look  forward to working  with our entire staff as we continue to enhance
our leadership position and offer intelligent  analytical products and services.
Most of all, we will continue to focus on the client.  We'll  continue to invest
in the  technology  that  helps  us do more  for each  member  of the  financial
community.  We'll  work  together.  Never  forgetting  to put a  human  face  on

/s/Philip A. Hadley                            /s/Michael F. DiChristina
Philip A. Hadley                               Michael F. DiChristina
Chairman and                                   President and
Chief Executive Officer                        Chief Operating Officer

You see, we believe service isn't an "add-on" but, rather,  part of the product.
If there's a problem, we'll make every attempt to fix it. If there's need, we'll
make every  attempt to meet it. Our purpose is to help people use our  products.
Our Help Desk is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

In the summer of 2000, FactSet set a new standard in integration,  functionality
and  usability  with  the  acquisition  of  Insyte  and  its  flagship  product,
Vision(TM).  Clients will be able to store  multi-dimensional sets of data, such
as portfolio  holdings and company  fundamentals,  as well as other  proprietary
information.  This acquisition significantly enhanced FactSet's data warehousing
capabilities, providing clients with a way to store data locally.

This hybrid solution will allow clients to pick and choose any  architecture and
build their own application or use FactSet to power the application.  With tools
to  download,  combine  and  manipulate  data  for  investment  analysis,  we've
empowered our clients.

It's expected that the investment  manager,  investment banker, or any financial
services  professional  for that  matter,  has the most  current  financial  and
economic information at their fingertips. FactSet client do.

A successful  investment  decision is reliant on the  timeliness  of the data on
which  it is  based.  We  believe  that  data  has to be more  timely  and  more
accessible to be most useful. The data on FactSet is.

Anticipating the need for more flexibility and ease of use in the interface,  we
introduced   ActivePublishing   Workstation  (APW)  to  the  investment  banking
community in the spring of 2000.  Leading global  investment banks have selected
the  Directions  interface  and APW to  leverage  proprietary  data and  produce
high-impact, custom-made "pitch books." APW integrates Microsoft Office with our
databases,   including  over  2,000  financial  formulas,  for  Excel,  Word  or
PowerPoint  presentations that echo the client's corporate  identity-in terms of
style,  color or  graphics.  In other  words,  FactSet  can  deliver  investment
information  customized to a client's  specific needs.

In the summer of 2000, we released SPAR, an  application  that helps analyze the
Style,  Performance  And Risk of a portfolio or a competitor's  fund. It enables
investment  managers to determine  the most  effective  mix based on  historical
returns.  This  returns-based  analysis,  which  leverages  our vast database of
benchmark  and fund  returns,  is  complemented  by this  year's  release of the
Northfield  Portfolio  Optimizer,  a  holdings-based  analysis,  and other  risk
models.  As a result,  we are the first and only  company to offer both types of

The Northfield Portfolio Optimizer suggests buys and sells to create a portfolio
that reflects user beliefs and preferences while delivering more return for each
level of risk. By  incorporating  this powerful  analytical  tool with FactSet's
robust suite of global databases and quantitative applications, our clients have
more flexibility in portfolio construction as well as risk management.

As we move beyond "data delivery" to applications service provider,  our goal is
to Web-enable all of our existing applications, extending their reach and value.
It  requires  FactSet  to take down the walls  that  separate  us all.  With the
integration of our  technology  into our clients' work flow, we become a part of
their  process.  This  "merging" of client and FactSet allows us to deepen roots
that sustain profitable, long-term relationships.

Few online  financial and economic  information  services  offer  real-time data
merged with historical  data. Most companies do one or the other. At FactSet you
get real-time  prices to complement  vast  historical  data  libraries.  FactSet
offers real-time data, news feeds and historical  analysis in countless formats.
Valuation analysis can be performed at any point in time, including "right now."
With real-time price feeds, FactSet is on the way to becoming a one-stop shop.

At FactSet we try hard not to say "no".

State-of-the-art  technology and state-of-the-art service. One without the other
is simply  unacceptable.  In fiscal  2000,  FactSet  made great  strides in both
camps. A prime example is how we made sure our clients were Y2K  compliant.  The
challenge?  With clients  customizing our products,  it wasn't enough to look at
compliance  from our  perspective  alone.  We had to look at it from theirs.  We
developed the Y2K Auditor to ensure that anything customized-reports, databases,
formulas or  spreadsheets  had been audited and  corrected for  compliance.  The
result?  There were no fires to put out. The Y2K Auditor was a success. In fact,
it worked so well we  adapted  the  technology  to alert  clients  to changes in
industry names and classification numbers based on the new economy.  Today, it's
just called "Auditor."

We believe  service  isn't an "add-on"  but,  rather,  part of the  product.  If
there's a problem,  we'll make every attempt to fix it. If there's  need,  we'll
make every  attempt to meet it. Our purpose is to help people use our  products.
Our Help Desk is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,  365 days a year.  In 2000,
we  found a way to  streamline  the  process  as well as  enhance  our  service.
Introduced in the fall of 2000, our Call Center automatically routes calls based
on the time of day to a consultant at one of our 11 locations. Eventually, calls
will be routed not only in their proper sequence,  but by topic, to a consultant
who is a specialist in the matter at hand.  Enhancing the  "learnability" of our
products  via the desktop has made  FactSet  even easier to use.  Last fall,  we
introduced Online  Assistant,  a wide-ranging  resource for online training.  It
provides   access  to  almost  10,000  pages  of   information  on  our  various
applications   and   databases,   a   reference   section   and  a   series   of
multimedia-enhanced tutorials. And our training program continues to evolve with
new seminars and workshops on a whole host of topics held  throughout  the year.
But if our consultants are needed to conduct a training session onsite, we'll be
there. Just tell us when.

In late 2000,  we introduced  real-time  price feeds.  Few online  financial and
economic  information services offer real-time data merged with historical data.
Most  companies  do one or the other.  At FactSet  you get  real-time  prices to
complement vast historical data libraries.  FactSet offers  real-time data, news
feeds and historical  analyses in countless  formats.  Valuation analysis can be
performed  at any point in time,  including  "right now." With  real-time  price
feeds, FactSet is on the way to becoming a one-stop shop.

With all the  innovations  we've made in 2000, the way we work remains the same.
Having no written  contract,  our client is not  obligated to use us. We have to
earn our client's business every day.

                                FINANCIAL REVIEW

13 Management's Discussion and Analysis
19 Consolidated Statements of Income
20 Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition
22 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
24 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
25 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
40 Report of Independent Accounts

                  Five-year Summary of Selected Financial Data
                        Thousands, except per share data

The following  section  summarizes  selected  financial  information  of FactSet
Research  Systems Inc.  Further  detail is available in the Company's Form 10-K,
filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Years Ended August 31,                                           2000             1999          1998             1997          1996
- ----------------------                                           ----             ----          ----             ----          ----
Revenues .........................................           $134,178         $103,831      $ 78,911         $ 58,358      $ 44,348
Income from operations ...........................             36,419(2)        28,630        20,883           14,862        10,633
Income before taxes and extraordinary gain........             39,576(2)        30,617        22,439           15,733        11,384
Net income .......................................             25,279(3)        18,565        12,851(1)         8,930         6,470
Diluted earnings per share(4) ....................               0.74(3)          0.56          0.39(1)          0.27          0.20
Wtd. avg. common shares (diluted)(4) .............             34,390           33,302        32,940           32,514        32,302
Cash dividends declared per common share..........               0.12             0.08          --              --             --
Total assets .....................................            135,568          103,028        71,496           51,707        36,510
Stockholders' equity .............................           $103,002         $ 77,614      $ 51,024         $ 37,627      $ 28,197

(1) Includes an extraordinary after-tax gain of $242,000.
(2) Includes a retirement bonus of $2.75 million.
(3) Includes a retirement bonus of $1.7 million (after taxes) and a nonrecurring
tax benefit of $1.1 million.
(4) Diluted  earnings per share and  weighted  average  number of common  shares
outstanding give retroactive  effect to the 2-for-1 stock split that occurred on
February 4, 2000 and the 3-for-2 stock split that occurred on February 5, 1999.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

Results of Operations

Revenues and commitments in thousands
August 31,                                     2000           1999      % Change
- ----------                                     ----           ----      --------

     Consolidated ....................     $134,178       $103,831         29.2%
     International ...................       22,377         14,869         50.5%
Growth Metrics
     Commitments .....................     $158,472       $118,899         33.3%
     Clients .........................          745            658         13.2%
     Passwords .......................       24,500         20,200         21.3%
     Client retention rate ...........          >95%           >95%

Consolidated  Revenues.  Revenues  increased 29.2% to a record $134.2 million in
fiscal 2000. In fiscal 1999,  revenues  rose 31.6% to $103.8  million from $78.9
million in fiscal  1998.  Primary  growth  drivers in fiscal years 2000 and 1999
were new products and services,  incremental  subscriptions  to applications and
databases by existing clients, as well as the addition of new clients.

International  Revenues.  Revenues from  international  operations grew 50.5% to
$22.4  million for fiscal 2000.  Revenues  from  European  operations  increased
48.5%; Asia Pacific revenues grew 55.5%.  Operations abroad accounted for 17% of
consolidated  revenues,  up from 14% in fiscal 1999.  In fiscal  1999,  overseas
revenues grew 49.1% to $14.9  million.  Revenues from European  operations  rose
44.7%,  while  the  Asia  Pacific  business  grew  61.7%.  More  than 95% of the
Company's  consolidated revenues are collected in U.S. dollars. The net monetary
assets  held by the  Company's  foreign  offices  during  fiscal  2000 were also
immaterial. Accordingly, the Company's exposure to foreign currency fluctuations
was not material.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

Commitments. Client commitments rose to $158.5 million as of August 31, 2000, up
33.3% for the year.  Commitments grew 28.6% in fiscal 1999 to $118.9 million. At
August 31, 2000, the average annual commitment per client was $213,000,  up from
$181,000  and  $164,000  for the  comparable  periods  in fiscal  1999 and 1998,
respectively.   ("Commitments"   at  a  given  point  in  time   represent   the
forward-looking  revenues  for the next 12 months  from all  services  currently
being supplied to clients.) As a matter of policy,  the Company does not seek to
enter into written  contracts with its clients,  and clients are free to add to,
delete from or  terminate  service at any time.  Commitments  have  historically
grown in virtually every month.

    More clients,  additional  subscriptions to workstations by existing clients
and new products and services aimed at portfolio  managers were key contributors
to the  commitment  increase in both fiscal 2000 and 1999.  The  acquisition  of
Innovative Systems  Techniques,  Inc. ("Insyte") and new services for investment
bankers also helped propel commitments in fiscal 2000.

Clients and Passwords.  At August 31, 2000,  clients totaled 745, a net addition
of 87 clients  during the fiscal year.  In fiscal 1999,  94 net new clients were
added, 42% more than the 66 net client additions in fiscal 1998.  Passwords,  an
indication of users,  increased to 24,500 at August 31, 2000, up from 20,200 and
16,600,  respectively,  for the prior two years.  Strong  demand  for  Portfolio
Analytics  applications  continued  with both clients and users nearly  doubling
over the past year.  At August 31, 2000,  over 175 clients,  representing  1,300
users, subscribed to these services.

    On July 31, 2000, the Company acquired  Insyte,  adding  approximately  $4.0
million to  commitments.  During  fiscal  2000, a leading  investment  bank also
agreed to subscribe to nearly 1,000 ActivePublishing  Workstations for worldwide

Client Retention. Client retention for fiscal years 2000 and 1999 continued at a
rate in excess of 95%.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

Operating Expenses

Thousands, except percentages
August 31,                                          2000        1999    % Change
- ----------                                          ----        ----    --------
Operating expenses:
   Cost of services .........................    $45,491     $37,335       21.8%
   Selling, general and administrative ......     49,518      37,866       30.8%
   Retirement bonus .........................      2,750        --         --
                                                 -------     -------       ----
Total operating expenses ....................    $97,759     $75,201       30.0%
                                                 -------     -------       ----

Operating margin ............................       27.1%       27.6%
Effective tax rate ..........................       36.1%       39.4%

Cost of  Services.  Cost of  services  rose 22% in both  fiscal 2000 and 1999 to
$45.5 million and to $37.3 million,  respectively.  These increases were largely
due to increased  employee  compensation and benefits,  higher clearing fees and
additional depreciation on computer equipment.

    Employee  compensation  and benefits for the  applications  engineering  and
consulting  groups rose $4.5  million in fiscal 2000 and $4.9  million in fiscal
1999. To sustain current revenue growth levels,  employees in the aforementioned
groups grew by 22% and by 33% in fiscal 2000 and 1999, respectively.

    Clearing  fees  increased  $1.2  million in fiscal  2000 and by  $650,000 in
fiscal 1999.  Increases resulted from higher commission  revenues including more
commission  revenues from  international  clients,  which bear a higher clearing
rate than U.S.-based sources.

    Depreciation  expense on  computer-related  equipment increased $1.5 million
for fiscal 2000 and $2.0 million in fiscal 1999. Increased  depreciation expense
in fiscal 2000 related to computer-related  capital spending of $6.8 million was
partially  offset by a  decrease  in  depreciation  expense  caused by  computer
equipment  becoming  fully  depreciated.  In fiscal  1999  depreciation  expense
increased  primarily as a result of higher levels of capital spending to upgrade
and increase capacity of the Company's data centers.

Selling,  General and Administrative  (SG&A). In fiscal 2000, SG&A grew 30.8% to
$49.5  million,  compared to the prior year period.  In fiscal  1999,  SG&A rose
38.1% to $37.9  million.  Increases  were  mainly the result of higher  employee
compensation,   travel  and  entertainment  expenses  (T&E),  rent  expense  and
amortization of leasehold improvements.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

    Employee  compensation and benefits for the sales,  product  development and
various  other support  departments  grew $6.5 million in fiscal 2000. In fiscal
1999,  employee  compensation and benefits increased $4.6 million over the prior
year.  The number of employees  in the sales,  product  development  and various
other  support  departments  increased by 19% and 38.7% in fiscal 2000 and 1999,

    T&E expense  increased $1.8 million in fiscal 2000. In fiscal 1999, T&E grew
$1.0 million.  T&E expense rose in both fiscal years as a result of servicing an
expanding global client base.

    Rent expense and amortization of leasehold improvements were up $1.6 million
in fiscal 2000 and up $2.7  million in fiscal  1999.  These  increases  were the
result of office openings in Frankfurt,  Germany; Sydney,  Australia;  Stamford,
Connecticut  and  Boston,  Massachusetts  and  office  expansions  in San Mateo,
California and London, United Kingdom during the past two fiscal years.

Retirement Bonus.  Howard E. Wille,  cofounder of the Company,  retired as Chief
Executive  Officer and Chairman of the Board in fiscal 2000. Mr. Wille remains a
director of the Company. In recognition of his service and contributions for the
past 22 years,  the Board of  Directors  awarded Mr.  Wille a  retirement  bonus
resulting in a one-time, pre-tax charge of $2.75 million.

    Income from  operations  rose 27.2% to $36.4 million in fiscal 2000 compared
with an increase of 37.1% in fiscal 1999 to $28.6 million.  Excluding the charge
from the retirement  bonus,  income from  operations  increased  36.8% in fiscal

Operating Margin.  Operating margins were 27.1%, 27.6% and 26.5% in fiscal 2000,
1999 and 1998,  respectively.  The  decline in fiscal 2000 was the result of the
retirement  bonus  partially  offset by three  factors:  first,  a reduction  in
depreciation  expense on computer  related  equipment  as a percent of revenues;
second,  commission  revenues as a percentage of total revenues  dropped 2.9% to
35.6% causing lower clearing costs on a percentage  basis; and third, data costs
declined as a percentage of revenues.  Not including the retirement  bonus,  the
operating  margin  would have been 29.2%,  an increase of 1.6% over fiscal 1999.
Operating margin  improvement in fiscal 1999 compared to fiscal 1998 was largely
due to  declining  clearing  fees,  communication  expenses  and data costs as a
percentage of revenues,  partially  offset by increased  compensation  costs and
amortization expenses.

Effective Tax Rate.  The effective tax rate for fiscal 2000 was 36.1%.  Included
in the 2000 effective tax rate was a  nonrecurring  tax benefit of $1.1 million,
which has been  presented as a separate  component of the  provision  for income
taxes on the Consolidated  Statements of Income.  Without this one-time benefit,
the effective tax rate would have been 38.9% for fiscal 2000.  The effective tax
rate in fiscal 1999 was 39.4%,  down from 43.8% in fiscal 1998.  Included in the
1999  effective tax rate was the  favorable  net effect of concluding  two state
income  tax audits in the amount of  $776,000.  Excluding  the impact of the two
state income tax audits, the 1999 effective tax rate would have been 41.9%.

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

    Net  income  in  fiscal  2000  grew by 36.2% to $25.3  million  and  diluted
earnings per share advanced 32.1% to $0.74.  Without inclusion of the retirement
bonus and nonrecurring tax benefit (disclosed in Notes 5, 6 and 10 respectively,
to the Consolidated Financial  Statements),  net income and diluted earnings per
share would have increased  39.2% and 33.9%,  respectively.  In fiscal 1999, net
income grew 47.2% to $18.6 million and diluted  earnings per share were up 47.4%
to $0.56  excluding the effect of the  recognition of an  extraordinary  gain in
fiscal 1998.

Cash  generated  by  operating  activities  was $30.6  million  for fiscal  2000
compared to $33.1 million in fiscal 1999.  This decline was primarily the result
of lower  income tax  benefit  related to stock  option  exercises  and a higher
receivable  balance  from  clients  and  clearing  brokers  partially  offset by
increases in net income and depreciation and amortization expenses.

    Capital expenditures in fiscal 2000 were $11.3 million and related primarily
to purchases of computer and communications equipment. Expenditures included the
purchase  of a new  computer  telephony  integration  system  which,  when fully
operational,  will allow for more  efficient  servicing of client support calls.
Other purchases  included computer  equipment  supporting the Company's two data
centers. Each data center consists of six Compaq Alpha GS 140 mainframe systems,
containing a total of 48 700-megahertz/64-bit CPUs, 96 gigabytes of RAM and over
3.3 terabytes of disk space. Furniture and fixture and leasehold improvements to
support office  expansion in North America and Europe accounted for $4.5 million
of the fiscal 2000 capital expenditure total.

    Cash, cash equivalents and investments totaled $62.3 million and represented
47% of total assets at August 31, 2000. All capital and operating  expenses were
financed with cash from operations. The Company has no debt.

    The  Company is a party to two  revolving  credit  facilities  totaling  $25
million for working capital and general corporate purposes.  The Company has not
drawn on either facility to date.

Forward-Looking Factors

Dividend Payment
On August 17, 2000, the Company announced a regular quarterly  dividend of $0.03
per  share.  The  cash  dividend  was  paid on  September  21,  2000  to  common
stockholders of record on August 31, 2000.

Income Taxes
In the normal course of business, the Company's tax filings are subject to audit
by federal  and state tax  authorities.  Audits by four taxing  authorities  are
currently ongoing. There is inherent uncertainty contained in the audit process,
but the  Company  has no  reason to  believe  that such  audits  will  result in
additional tax payments that would have a material adverse effect on its results
of operation or financial position.

Market Sensitivities
In the ordinary  course of business,  the Company is exposed to financial  risks
involving equity and foreign currency markets and interest rates.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

    During the past three fiscal  years,  the U.S. and European  equity  markets
achieved  record  highs.  Through  October  2000,  major  indices  (Dow Jones 30
Industrials,   Russell  2000,  NASDAQ  Composite,   MSCI  European  Index)  have
experienced  significant  declines from their calendar 2000 year-to-date  highs.
Traditionally,  the correlation between results of the Company's  operations and
the  performance  of global equity  markets has been very low.  Nevertheless,  a
prolonged  decline in the various  worldwide  markets could negatively  impact a
large  number  of  the  Company's  clients  (investment   management  firms  and
investment  banks) and  increase  the  probability  of  personnel  and  spending
reductions among FactSet's existing and potential clients.

    The fair market value of the  Company's  investment  portfolio at August 31,
2000 was $22.7  million.  The fair market value of the  portfolio is expected to
continue  to be  minimally  impacted by  fluctuations  in  interest  rates.  The
portfolio of fixed income  investments is managed to preserve  principal.  Under
the  investment  guidelines  established  by the Company,  third-party  managers
construct  portfolios  to achieve high levels of credit  quality,  liquidity and
diversification.   The  weighted  average  duration  of  short-term  investments
included in the  Company's  portfolios  is not to exceed 18 months.  Investments
such as puts,  calls,  strips,  short  sales,  straddles,  options,  futures  or
investments on margin are not permitted by the Company's investment  guidelines.
For these  reasons,  in addition to the fact that the Company has no outstanding
debt, financial exposure to changes in interest rates is expected to continue to
be minimal.

    All  investments  are held in U.S.  dollars  and  over 95% of the  Company's
revenues are paid in U.S. dollars.

Forward-Looking Statements
This Management's  Discussion and Analysis contains  forward-looking  statements
that are based on management's  current  expectations  and beliefs.  The phrases
"commitments,"   "would  have,"  "could,"  "will  result,"  "believe,"  and  "is
expected,"  are  intended to identify  such  forward-looking  statements.  These
statements are not guarantees of future  performance  and involve certain risks,
uncertainties and assumptions which are difficult to predict ("future factors").
Therefore,  actual  results  may differ  materially  from what is  expressed  or
forecasted  in  such  forward-looking  statements.  The  Company  undertakes  no
obligation to publicly update any forward-looking  statements as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise.

    Future factors include the ability to hire qualified personnel;  maintenance
of the Company's  leading  technological  position;  the impact of global market
trends on the Company's  revenue  growth rate and future  results of operations;
the  negotiation of contract terms  supporting new and existing  databases;  the
successful  resolution  of  ongoing  audits by tax  authorities;  the  continued
employment  of key  personnel;  the  absence  of U.S.  or  foreign  governmental
regulation  restricting  international  business;  successful integration of the
Insyte acquisition and the sustainability of historical levels of profitability,
revenue and operating income growth rates and cash flow generation.

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                        Thousands, except per share data

Years Ended August 31,                                                              2000                  1999                 1998
- ----------------------                                                              ----                  ----                 ----
Subscription Revenues
Commissions .........................................................           $ 47,795              $ 39,982              $33,581
Cash fees ...........................................................             86,383                63,849               45,330
                                                                                 -------               -------               ------
Total subscription revenues .........................................            134,178               103,831               78,911
                                                                                 -------               -------               ------

Cost of services ....................................................             45,491                37,335               30,605
Selling, general and administrative .................................             49,518                37,866               27,423
Retirement bonus (See Note 5) .......................................              2,750                  --                   --
                                                                                  ------                ------               ------
Total operating expenses ............................................             97,759                75,201               58,028
                                                                                  ------                ------               ------

Income from operations ..............................................             36,419                28,630               20,883
Other income ........................................................              3,157                 1,987                1,556
                                                                                   -----                 -----                -----
Income before income taxes and extraordinary gain ...................             39,576                30,617               22,439
Provision for income taxes ..........................................             15,416                12,052                9,830
Nonrecurring tax benefit (see Note 10) ..............................             (1,119)                 --                   --
                                                                                  ------                ------                -----
Total provision for income taxes ....................................             14,297                12,052                9,830
                                                                                  ------                ------                -----
Net income before extraordinary gain ................................             25,279                18,565               12,609
Extraordinary gain, net of $191 of taxes ............................               --                    --                    242
                                                                                --------               -------             --------
Net income ..........................................................           $ 25,279               $18,565             $ 12,851
                                                                                ========               =======             ========

Weighted average common shares (basic) ..............................             32,177                30,810               28,890
Weighted average common shares (diluted) ............................             34,390                33,302               32,940
Basic earnings per common share .....................................           $   0.79              $   0.60              $  0.44
Diluted earnings per common share ...................................           $   0.74              $   0.56              $  0.39

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.


At August 31,                                                                                           2000                 1999
- -------------                                                                                           ----                 ----
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents ..............................................................            $ 39,629             $ 31,837
Investments ............................................................................              22,704               22,934
Receivables from clients and clearing brokers ..........................................              28,449               15,463
Receivables from employees .............................................................                 789                  614
Deferred taxes .........................................................................               7,365                6,437
Other current assets ...................................................................                 937                  833
                                                                                                      ------               ------
Total current assets ...................................................................              99,873               78,118
                                                                                                      ------               ------
Long-Term Assets
Property, equipment and leasehold improvements, at cost ................................              66,637               55,334
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization .........................................             (45,749)             (33,951)
                                                                                                     -------              -------
Property, equipment and leasehold improvements, net (See Note 9) .......................              20,888               21,383
                                                                                                     -------               ------
Other Non-Current Assets
Intangible assets, net (See Note 4) ....................................................              10,734                  --
Deferred taxes .........................................................................               2,232                1,785
Other assets ...........................................................................               1,841                1,742

Total Assets ...........................................................................            $135,568             $103,028
                                                                                                    ========             ========

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                        Thousands, except per share data

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
At August 31,                                                                                               2000               1999
- -------------                                                                                               ----               ----
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued expenses ........................................................          $  9,874           $  6,657
Accrued compensation .........................................................................             9,576              7,558
Deferred cash fees and commissions ...........................................................             9,656              8,448
Dividends payable ............................................................................               985                788
Current taxes payable ........................................................................             1,854              1,522
                                                                                                           -----              -----
Total current liabilities ....................................................................            31,945             24,973

Non-Current Liabilities
Deferred rent ................................................................................               621                441
                                                                                                          ------             ------
Total liabilities ............................................................................            32,566             25,414
                                                                                                          ------             ------
Lease commitments (see Note 12)

Stockholders' Equity
Preferred stock, $.01 par value, 10,000,000 shares authorized, none issued ...................              --                 --
Common stock, $.01 par value, 40,000,000 shares authorized,
     33,075,797 and 31,764,818 shares issued;
     32,820,690 and 31,538,632 shares outstanding at
     August 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively ..................................................               328                316
Capital in excess of par value ...............................................................            19,015             14,160
Retained earnings ............................................................................            86,011             64,452
Unrealized gain on investments, net of taxes .................................................                 5                  7
                                                                                                         -------             ------
                                                                                                         105,359             78,935
Less treasury stock-255,107 and 226,186 shares at
     August 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively, at cost .........................................            (2,357)            (1,321)
                                                                                                         -------             ------
Total stockholders' equity ...................................................................           103,002             77,614
                                                                                                         -------             ------

Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity ...................................................          $135,568           $103,028
                                                                                                        ========           ========

The  accompanying  notes are an  integral  part of these  consolidated financial

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.


Years Ended August 31,                                                                   2000               1999               1998
- ----------------------                                                                   ----               ----               ----
Common Stock
Balance, beginning of year ................................................           $   316            $   296            $   294
Exercise of stock options .................................................                12                 20                  2
                                                                                          ---                ---                ---
Balance, end of year ......................................................               328                316                296
                                                                                          ---                ---                ---
Capital in Excess of Par
Balance, beginning of year ................................................            14,160              2,933              1,995
Additional stock issued for ESOP ..........................................             1,259                874                600
Exercise of stock options .................................................             2,372              2,861                338
Income tax benefits from option exercises .................................             1,224              7,492               --
                                                                                        -----              -----              -----
Balance, end of year ......................................................            19,015             14,160              2,933
                                                                                       ------             ------              -----
Retained Earnings
Balance, beginning of year ................................................            64,452             48,240             35,389
Net income ................................................................            25,279             18,565             12,851
Dividends .................................................................            (3,720)            (2,353)              --
                                                                                       ------             ------             ------
Balance, end of year ......................................................            86,011             64,452             48,240
                                                                                       ------             ------             ------
Unrealized Gain on Investments, Net of Taxes
Balance, beginning of year ................................................                 7               --                  239
Change in unrealized gain on investments, net of taxes ....................                (2)                 7               (239)
                                                                                        -----              -----               ----

Balance, end of year ......................................................                 5                  7               --
                                                                                        -----              -----               ----

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.


Years Ended August 31,                                                             2000                  1999                  1998
- ----------------------                                                             ----                  ----                  ----
Treasury Stock
Balance, beginning of year .......................................               (1,321)                 (445)                 (291)
Repurchase of common stock .......................................               (1,036)                 (876)                 (154)
                                                                                 ------                ------                  ----
Balance, end of year .............................................               (2,357)               (1,321)                 (445)
                                                                                 ------                ------                  ----
Total Equity
Balance, beginning of year .......................................               77,614                51,024                37,626
Additional stock issued for ESOP .................................                1,259                   874                   600
Repurchase of common stock .......................................               (1,036)                 (876)                 (154)
Exercise of stock options ........................................                2,384                 2,881                   340
Change in unrealized gain on investments,
     net of taxes ................................................                   (2)                    7                  (239)
Income tax benefits from option exercises ........................                1,224                 7,492                  --
Net income .......................................................               25,279                18,565                12,851
Dividends ........................................................               (3,720)               (2,353)                 --
                                                                                 ------                ------               -------
Balance, end of year .............................................             $103,002              $ 77,614               $51,024
                                                                               --------              --------               -------
Comprehensive Income
Net income .......................................................             $ 25,279               $18,565               $12,851
Change in unrealized gain on investments,
     net of taxes ................................................                   (2)                    7                  --
                                                                               --------              --------               -------
Comprehensive income .............................................             $ 25,277              $ 18,572               $12,851
                                                                               --------              --------               -------

The  accompanying  notes are an  integral  part of these  consolidated financial

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.


Years Ended August 31,                                                                 2000                1999                1998
- ----------------------                                                                 ----                ----                ----
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net income .............................................................           $ 25,279            $ 18,565            $ 12,851
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
   provided by operating activities
     Depreciation and amortization .....................................             11,865               9,792               6,557
     Deferred tax benefit ..............................................             (2,098)             (2,938)             (1,208)
     Accrued ESOP contribution .........................................              1,300               1,000                 750
     Gain on sale of investment ........................................               --                  --                  (433)
                                                                                     ------              ------              ------
Net income adjusted for non-cash items .................................             36,346              26,419              18,517
Changes in assets and liabilities,
   net of acquired working capital
     Receivables from clients and clearing brokers .....................            (12,506)             (3,638)             (3,832)
     Receivables from employees ........................................               (175)                (81)                 16
     Accounts payable and accrued expenses .............................              3,076               1,810               2,539
     Accrued compensation ..............................................              1,718               1,153               2,329
     Deferred cash fees and commissions ................................                713               2,962                 115
     Current taxes payable .............................................                178              (1,991)              1,086
     Other working capital accounts, net ...............................                (12)             (1,067)                486
Income tax benefits from stock option exercises ........................              1,224               7,492                --
                                                                                      -----               -----              ------
Net cash provided by operating activities ..............................             30,562              33,059              21,256

Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Sales (Purchases) of investments, net ..................................                227             (22,923)              1,389
Purchase of Insyte, net of cash acquired ...............................             (9,778)               --                  --
Purchases of property, equipment and
   leasehold improvements, net of retirements ..........................            (11,303)            (16,495)            (12,015)
                                                                                    -------             -------             -------
Net cash used in investing activities ..................................            (20,854)            (39,418)            (10,626)

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.


Years Ended August 31,                                                                 2000                1999                1998
- ----------------------                                                                 ----                ----                ----
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Dividend payments ......................................................             (3,264)             (1,430)               --
Repurchase of common stock from employees ..............................             (1,036)               (876)               (154)
Proceeds from exercise of stock options ................................              2,384               2,871                 339
                                                                                      -----              ------              ------
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities ....................             (1,916)                565                 185

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents ...................              7,792              (5,794)             10,815
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year .........................             31,837              37,631              26,816
                                                                                     ------              ------              ------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year ...............................            $39,629             $31,837             $37,631
                                                                                    =======             =======             =======

Supplemental Disclosure of
     Cash Flow Information
Cash paid during the year for income taxes .............................            $15,952             $11,868             $10,134
                                                                                    =======             =======             =======

Supplemental Disclosure of
     Non-Cash Transactions
Dividends declared, not paid ...........................................            $   985             $   788                --
                                                                                    =======             =======             =======

The  accompanying  notes are an  integral  part of these  consolidated financial

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

1.  Organization  and Nature of Business
FactSet Research Systems Inc.(the "Company") provides online integrated database
services to the investment  community.  The Company's  revenues are derived from
subscription charges.  Solely at the option of each client, these charges may be
paid  either  in   commissions  on  securities   transactions   (in  which  case
subscription  revenues  are recorded as  commissions)  or in cash (in which case
subscription revenues are recorded as cash fees).

   To facilitate the receipt of subscription revenues on a commission basis, the
Company's  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  FactSet Data Systems,  Inc. ("FDS"),  is a
member  of  the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  and is a
registered  broker-dealer under Section 15 of the Securities and Exchange Act of

   Subscription  revenues  paid  in  commissions  are  derived  from  securities
transactions introduced and cleared on a fully disclosed basis primarily through
two  clearing  brokers.  That is,  a client  paying  subscription  charges  on a
commission basis directs the clearing broker,  at the time the client executes a
securities transaction, to credit the commission on the transaction to FDS.

   FactSet Limited and FactSet Pacific Inc. are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the
Company and are U.S.  corporations  with foreign  branch  operations  in London,
Frankfurt, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sydney.

2. Accounting Policies
The  significant  accounting  policies of the Company and its  subsidiaries  are
summarized below.

Financial  Statement  Presentation.   The  accompanying  consolidated  financial
statements  include  the  accounts  of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries.  All
significant  intercompany  activity and balances have been  eliminated  from the
consolidated  financial  statements.   Certain  prior  year  amounts  have  been
reclassified to conform to current year presentation.

   Cost of services is composed of employee  compensation  and  benefits for the
applications  engineering  and consulting  groups,  clearing  fees,  data costs,
amortization  of  identifiable   intangible  assets,  computer  maintenance  and
depreciation   expenses   and   communication   costs.   Selling,   general  and
administrative  expenses  include  employee  compensation  and  benefits for the
sales,  product development and various other support  departments,  promotional
expenses,   rent,   amortization   of  goodwill  and   leasehold   improvements,
depreciation of furniture and fixtures,  office expenses,  professional fees and
other expenses.

Use of Estimates.  The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements  and the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses  during  the
reporting  period.  Significant  estimates  have  been  made in areas  including
deferred tax

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

assets,  depreciable  lives of fixed  assets,  accrued  liabilities,  income tax
provision,  allowances for doubtful accounts and allocation of purchase price to
assets  and  liabilities  acquired.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  those

Revenue  Recognition.  Subscription  charges  are quoted to clients on an annual
basis,  but are earned monthly as services are provided.  Subscription  revenues
are earned each month,  based on one-twelfth of the annual  subscription  charge
quoted to each  client.  Amounts  that have been earned but not yet paid through
the receipt of commissions on securities  transactions  or through cash payments
are  reflected  on  the  Consolidated   Statements  of  Financial  Condition  as
receivables from clients and clearing  brokers.  Amounts that have been received
through commissions on securities transactions or through cash payments that are
in excess of earned  subscription  revenues are  reflected  on the  Consolidated
Statements of Financial Condition as deferred cash fees and commissions.

Clearing Fees. When  subscription  charges are paid on a commission  basis,  the
Company  incurs  clearing  fees,  which are the charges  imposed by the clearing
brokers to execute and settle clients'  securities  transactions.  Clearing fees
are recorded when the related subscription  revenues recorded as commissions are

Cash and Cash Equivalents.  Cash and cash equivalents consist of demand deposits
and money market investments with maturities of 90 days or less.

Investments.  Investments  have original  maturities  greater than 90 days,  are
classified as available-for-sale securities and are reported at fair value. Fair
value is determined for most  investments  from readily  available quoted market
prices.  Unrealized  gains  and  losses  on  available-for-sale  securities  are
recognized as a separate component of stockholders' equity, net of tax.

Property, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements.  Computers and related equipment
are  depreciated on a straight-line  basis over estimated  useful lives of three
years.  Depreciation  of furniture and fixtures is  recognized  using the double
declining  balance method over estimated  useful lives of five years.  Leasehold
improvements  are  amortized  on a  straight-line  basis  over the  terms of the
related leases or estimated useful lives of the  improvements,  whichever period
is shorter.

Intangibles.  Intangible  assets  consist of goodwill and  acquired  technology.
Amortization   of  goodwill  and  acquired   technology   is   calculated  on  a
straight-line  basis using  estimated  useful  lives of fifteen and seven years,

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

Income and Deferred  Taxes.  Deferred taxes are  determined by  calculating  the
future tax consequences associated with differences between financial accounting
and tax bases of assets and liabilities. A valuation allowance is established to
the extent management considers it more likely than not that some portion or all
of the deferred tax assets will not be  realized.  The effect on deferred  taxes
from  income tax law  changes is  recognized  immediately  upon  enactment.  The
deferred tax provision is derived from changes in deferred  taxes on the balance
sheet and reflected on the  Consolidated  Statements of Income as a component of
income taxes.

   Income tax benefits derived from the exercise of non-qualified  stock options
or the  disqualifying  disposition  of  incentive  stock  options  are  recorded
directly to capital in excess of par value.

Earnings Per Share.  The computation of basic earnings per share in each year is
based on the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.  The weighted
average  number of  common  shares  outstanding  includes  shares  issued to the
Company's  employee stock  ownership plan at the date authorized by the Board of

Earnings per share and number of shares  outstanding give retroactive effect for
all years  presented  for the 2-for-1  stock split that  occurred on February 4,
2000 and for the 3-for-2 stock split that occurred on February 5, 1999.  Diluted
earnings per share is based on the weighted  average number of common shares and
potentially  dilutive common shares  outstanding.  Shares available  pursuant to
grants made under the Company's  stock option plans are included as common share
equivalents using the treasury stock method.

Stock-Based  Compensation.  As discussed in Note 14,"Stock  Option  Plans",  the
Company follows the  disclosure-only  provisions of SFAS No. 123, Accounting for
Stock-Based Compensation.

New  Accounting  Pronouncements.  On  September  1, 1999,  the  Company  adopted
Statement  of  Position  98-1,  Accounting  for the Costs of  Computer  Software
Developed or Obtained for Internal Use. The impact on the  Company's  results of
operations  and financial  position was not material.  In December  1999,  Staff
Accounting   Bulletin  ("SAB")  No.  101,   Revenue   Recognition  in  Financial
Statements,  was  issued.  The  Company is  evaluating  SAB No. 101 but does not
expect the impact of adopting SAB 101 to be material to the Company's  financial
condition or results of operations.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

3. Common Stock and Earnings per Share
Shares of common stock and related per share amounts give retroactive effect for
stock splits. A 2-for-1 stock split,  effected as a stock dividend,  occurred on
February 4, 2000. A 3-for-2 stock split, effected as a stock dividend,  occurred
on February 5, 1999. Shares of common stock outstanding were as follows:

Years Ended August 31,                           2000         1999         1998
- ----------------------                           ----         ----         ----
Balance, beginning of year ..............      31,539       29,020       28,706
Additional stock issued for ESOP ........          49           81           66
Exercise of stock options ...............       1,262        2,474          264
Repurchase of common stock ..............         (29)         (36)         (16)
                                               ------       ------       ------
Balance, end of year ....................      32,821       31,539       29,020
                                               ======       ======       ======

A  reconciliation  between the weighted  average shares  outstanding used in the
basic and diluted EPS computations is as follows:

Thousands, except per share data
At August 31,                                      Net Income (Numerator)         Shares (Denominator)           Per Share Amount
- -------------                                      ----------------------         --------------------           ----------------
                                                     2000    1999    1998        2000     1999     1998        2000    1999    1998
                                                     ----    ----    ----        ----     ----     ----        ----    ----    ----
Basic EPS
   Income available to common stockholders        $25,279 $18,565 $12,851      32,177   30,810   28,890       $0.79   $0.60   $0.44
Diluted EPS
   Dilutive effect of stock options                                             2,213    2,492    4,050
                                                                                -----    -----    -----
   Income available to common stockholders        $25,279 $18,565 $12,851      34,390   33,302   32,940       $0.74   $0.56   $0.39
                                                  ======= ======= =======      ======   ======   ======

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

4. Business Combination
On July 31, 2000, the Company  acquired all the outstanding  stock of Innovative
Systems  Techniques,  Inc.  ("Insyte") for cash.  Insyte, a provider of database
management and decision support  systems,  was acquired to enhance the Company's
data  warehousing  service  offerings.  The  acquisition  was accounted for as a
purchase  transaction,  and  operating  results  of Insyte are  included  in the
Company's  financial  statements  from  the  date  of  acquisition.   Pro  forma
statements  of  income  have not  been  presented  because  the  effects  of the
acquisition were not material to the Company's consolidated financial results.

The  purchase  price  was  allocated  to  tangible  and  intangible  assets  and
liabilities based on estimated fair values.  The difference between the purchase
price and the fair values of tangible and intangible assets less liabilities was
recorded as goodwill. A summary of the allocation consists of the following:

Thousands                                                        July 31, 2000
- ---------                                                        -------------

Tangible assets .............................................           $  499
Acquired technology .........................................            1,826
Goodwill ....................................................            8,975
Tangible liabilities ........................................             (790)
Deferred tax liability related to acquired technology........             (732)
Purchase price, net of cash acquired ........................           $9,778

5. Retirement Bonus
In May 2000,  Howard E. Wille retired as Chief Executive  Officer of the Company
and on August 31, 2000  retired as Chairman of the Board.  Mr.  Wille  remains a
director of the Company. In recognition of his service and contributions for the
past 22 years, a retirement  bonus was awarded to Mr. Wille.  This resulted in a
one-time,  pre-tax  charge of $2.75  million in the third fiscal  quarter.  This
charge was  equivalent to a $0.05 charge per common share,  after tax. The bonus
amount was paid on August 31, 2000.

6. Receivables  from Clients and Clearing  Brokers
Receivables from clients and clearing brokers consist of the following:

At August 31,                                            2000            1999
- -------------                                            ----            ----
Receivables from clients ...........................   $26,852          $13,718
Receivables from clearing brokers ..................     1,597            1,745
                                                       -------          -------
                                                       $28,449          $15,463
                                                       =======          =======

    Receivables  from  clients are  reflected  net of aggregate  allowances  for
doubtful  accounts of $1.65  million  and  $927,000 at August 31, 2000 and 1999,
respectively.  No receivables  were written off as  uncollectable in fiscal 2000
and 1999.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

7. Investments
The Company  maintains a portfolio  of  investments  that is managed to preserve
principal.   Under  the  investment  guidelines   established  by  the  Company,
third-party managers construct  portfolios to achieve liquidity,  credit quality
and  diversification.  The weighted average duration of the Company's portfolios
are managed to not exceed 18 months.  Eligible  investments  include obligations
issued by the United  States  Treasury and other  governmental  agencies,  money
market securities and highly rated commercial  paper.  Investments such as puts,
calls, strips, straddles, short sales, futures, options,  commodities,  precious
metals or investments on margin are not permitted under the Company's investment
guidelines.  All  investments  are held in U.S.  dollars  and  recorded at their
approximate fair value.

   The  Company  held an  investment  in a  limited  partnership  that  invested
primarily in convertible  bonds and preferred  stocks.  During fiscal 1998, this
investment was sold and a $242,000 after-tax extraordinary gain was recorded.

   Investments,  classified  as  available-for-sale  securities,  totaled  $22.7
million in fiscal 2000 and $22.9 million in fiscal 1999.

8. Receivables from Employees
Receivables  from  employees  consist  of  the  following  interest-bearing  and
non-interest-bearing promissory notes and advances to employees of the Company:

At August 31,                                                    2000      1999
- -------------                                                    ----      ----
Non-interest-bearing promissory demand notes
   and advances to employees .............................       $ 63      $ 32
6% demand notes from employees ...........................        726       582
                                                                 ----      ----
                                                                 $789      $614
                                                                 ====      ====

9. Property, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements

Property, equipment and leasehold improvements consist of the following:

At August 31,                                             2000             1999
- -------------                                             ----             ----
Computers and related equipment ..............        $ 46,673         $ 39,844
Leasehold improvements .......................          11,105            8,516
Furniture, fixtures and other ................           8,859            6,974
                                                        ------           ------
Subtotal .....................................          66,637           55,334
Less accumulated depreciation
     and amortization ........................         (45,749)         (33,951)
                                                       -------          -------
                                                      $ 20,888         $ 21,383
                                                      ========         ========

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

10. Income Taxes

The provision for income taxes consists of the following:

Years Ended August 31,                         2000          1999          1998
- ----------------------                         ----          ----          ----
Current tax expense
U.S. federal .......................       $ 14,235       $12,190       $ 7,691
State and local ....................          3,279         2,800         3,347
Nonrecurring tax benefit ...........         (1,119)
                                             ------        ------        ------
Total current taxes ................         16,395        14,990        11,038
Deferred tax benefit
   U.S. federal .....................        (1,707)       (2,195)         (842)
   State and local ..................          (391)         (743)         (366)
                                             ------        ------        ------
   Total deferred taxes .............        (2,098)       (2,938)       (1,208)
                                             ------        ------        ------
Total tax provision .................      $ 14,297      $ 12,052       $ 9,830
                                           ========      ========       =======

Deferred tax assets (liabilities) consist of the following:

Years Ended August 31,                                      2000           1999
- ----------------------                                      ----           ----
Deferred tax assets
   Deferred fees and commissions ..................       $3,097         $2,918
   Accrued liabilities ............................        4,268          3,519
                                                           -----          -----
   Total current deferred taxes ...................        7,365          6,437
                                                           -----          -----
   Property, equipment and leasehold
     improvements, net ............................        2,667          1,575
   Deferred rent ..................................          288            210
   Acquired technology ............................         (723)            --
                                                            ----          -----
   Total non-current deferred taxes ...............        2,232          1,785
                                                           -----          -----
Net deferred tax assets ...........................        9,597          8,222
Deferred tax asset valuation allowance ............           --             --
                                                          ------         ------
                                                          $9,597         $8,222
                                                          ======         ======

   Included in accounts  payable and accrued  expenses  are accrued  taxes other
than income  taxes of $1.9 million and $3.7 million at August 31, 2000 and 1999,

   In the normal  course of business,  the  Company's tax filings are subject to
audit by federal and state tax  authorities.  Audits by four taxing  authorities
are  currently  ongoing.  There is inherent  uncertainty  contained in the audit
process,  but the  Company  has no reason to believe  that audits will result in
additional tax payments that would have a material adverse effect on its results
of operations or financial position.

   The  provisions  for  income  taxes  differ  from the  amount of  income  tax
determined  by applying  the U.S.  statutory  federal  income tax rate to income
before income taxes as a result of the following factors:

Expressed as a percentage of income
before income taxes                               2000        1999        1998
- -------------------                               ----        ----        ----
Tax at statutory U.S. tax rate .............      35.0%       35.0%       35.0%
Increase (decrease) in taxes resulting from:
   State and local taxes, net of U.S.
       federal income tax benefit .........        4.9%        6.6%        7.4%
    Refunds from income tax audits,
       net of payments ....................         --        (2.5%)        --
    Nonrecurring tax benefit ..............       (2.8%)        --          --
    Other, net ............................       (1.0%)       0.3%        1.4%
                                                  -----       -----       -----
Total provision for income taxes ..........       36.1%       39.4%       43.8%
                                                  =====       =====       =====

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

   Included  in fiscal  2000  income  taxes was a  nonrecurring  tax  benefit of
approximately  $1.1 million from  amendments  to prior years'  federal and state
income tax  returns,  which has been  presented  as a separate  component of the
provision for income taxes on the Consolidated  Statements of Income.  Excluding
the effect of this  one-time  benefit,  the  effective  tax rate for fiscal 2000
would  have  been  38.9%.  Included  in the 1999  effective  tax  rates  was the
favorable net effect of concluding  two state income tax audits in the amount of
$776,000.  Excluding  this  item,  the 1999  effective  tax rate would have been

11. Net Capital
As a  registered  broker-dealer,  FDS  is  subject  to  Rule  15c3-1  under  the
Securities and Exchange Act of 1934,  which  requires that FDS maintain  minimum
net capital  equal to the greater of $5,000 or 6.67% of  aggregate  indebtedness
and a ratio of  aggregate  indebtedness  to net capital of not more than 15 to 1
(the "minimum net capital requirement").  FDS may be prohibited from paying cash
dividends  to the  Company if such  dividends  would  result in its net  capital
falling  below the  minimum net capital  requirement  or its ratio of  aggregate
indebtedness to net capital exceeding 15 to 1.

   At all times during the years presented, FDS had net capital in excess of its
minimum net capital requirement. At August 31, 2000, FDS had net capital of $5.4
million, which was $4.6 million in excess of its minimum net capital requirement
of $768,745. The ratio of aggregate indebtedness to net capital was 2.13 to 1.

12. Lease Commitments
The Company leases office space in Greenwich and Stamford,  Connecticut;  Boston
and Newton,  Massachusetts;  New York, New York; San Mateo, California;  London;
Tokyo;  Hong Kong;  Sydney and  Frankfurt.  The leases  expire on various  dates
through July 2009. Total minimum rental payments  associated with the leases are
recorded as rent (a component of selling,  general and administrative  expenses)
on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease term.

   At August 31, 2000, the Company's lease  commitments for office space provide
for the following future minimum rental payments under non-cancelable  operating
leases with  remaining  terms in excess of one  year:

Years Ended August 31,
- ----------------------

2001 .........................            $ 5,171
2002 .........................              5,105
2003 .........................              4,946
2004 .........................              2,596
2005 .........................              1,062
Thereafter ...................              2,872
Minimum lease payments .......            $21,752

   During fiscal 2000,  1999 and 1998,  rental expense for all operating  leases
amounted  to  approximately  $4.6  million,   $3.9  million  and  $2.9  million,

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

13. Employee Retirement Plan
The Company  sponsors an Employee  Stock  Ownership Plan (the "Plan" or "ESOP").
The  Company  may  make  optional  annual   contributions  for  the  benefit  of
participating employees in such amounts as designated by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors authorized  contributions in the amounts of $1.3 million,
$1.0 million and $750,000,  for the years ended August 31, 2000,  1999 and 1998,
respectively.  Such  contributions are recorded in cost of services and selling,
general and  administrative  as  compensation  expense.  Issuance of the related
common shares occurs shortly after  contributions  are authorized,  generally in
the following fiscal year.

   Employees  of the Company and its  subsidiaries  who have  performed at least
1,000 hours of service during the year are generally  eligible to participate in
the Plan. The Company contribution  allocated to an individual account begins to
vest upon completion of the employee's  third year of service at the rate of 20%
in each successive year of service.  Forfeited  non-vested interests in the Plan
are allocated to the other participants' accounts.

   The Plan held  2,174,951,  2,455,642  and  2,486,502  shares of the Company's
common stock at August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

14. Stock Option Plans
Options  granted under the the Company's Stock Option Plans (the "Plans") expire
not more  than ten  years  from the date of grant  and vest at a rate of 20% per
year beginning one year after the grant date.  Option  exercise prices equal the
fair  market  value of the  Company's  stock on the  date of the  option  grant.
Options  generally are not  transferable or assignable other than by will or the
laws of descent and  distribution.  During the grantee's  lifetime,  they may be
exercised only by the grantee.

   In fiscal  years  2000,  1999 and 1998,  incentive  and  non-qualified  stock
options to purchase  825,500,  781,600 and 1.0 million  shares of common  stock,
respectively,  at prices  which  ranged  from $6.25 to $34.625  were  granted to
employees and non-employee directors of the Company.  Option shares and exercise
prices give  retroactive  effect to the 2-for-1  stock split on February 4, 2000
and the 3-for-2 stock split on February 5, 1999, respectively.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

   A summary of the status of the  Company's  stock  option  plans at August 31,
2000,  1999 and  1998,  and  changes  during  each of the  years  then  ended is
presented below:

                                                     2000                          1999                           1998
                                                     ----                          ----                           ----
                                                Weighted Average              Weighted Average               Weighted Average
Thousands, except per share data             Shares  Exercise Price        Shares  Exercise Price         Shares  Exercise Price
- --------------------------------             ------  --------------        ------  --------------         ------  --------------
Outstanding, beginning fiscal year....        4,036          $ 7.48        5,778           $ 3.18         5,006            $1.66
Granted ..............................          826          $33.08          784           $19.34         1,072            $9.94
Exercised ............................       (1,262)         $ 1.92       (2,474)          $ 1.16          (264)           $1.33
Forfeited ............................         (170)         $15.99          (52)          $ 8.43           (36)           $7.13
                                              -----                        -----                          -----
Outstanding at fiscal year end .......        3,430          $15.26        4,036           $ 7.48         5,778            $3.18
                                              -----                        -----                          -----
Exercisable at fiscal year end .......        1,273          $ 6.23        1,366           $ 2.88         2,946            $1.16
                                              =====                        =====                          =====

   The following table summarized information about stock options outstanding at
August 31, 2000 (shares in thousands):

                                                           Options Outstanding                             Option Exercisable
                                           ----------------------------------------------------     -------------------------------
                                                            Weighted Average           Weighted                            Weighted
       Range of                                 Number    Remaining Years of            Average         Number              Average
Exercise Prices                            Outstanding      Contractual Life     Exercise Price    Exercisable       Exercise Price
- ---------------                            -----------      ----------------     --------------    -----------       --------------
  $ 0.90-$10.00 ........................         1,956                   6.6             $ 6.40          1,139               $ 4.65
  $10.01-$20.00 ........................           604                   8.6              19.41            121                19.41
  $20.01-$34.63 ........................           870                   9.5              32.31             13                21.77
                                                 -----                   ---             ------          -----               ------
                                                 3,430                   7.7             $15.26          1,273               $ 6.23
                                                 =====                   ===             ======          =====               ======

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

   The  Company  follows  the  disclosure-only   provisions  of  SFAS  No.  123,
Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation.  As  permitted  by SFAS No. 123, the
Company  accounts  for the Plans  under  APB  Opinion  No.  25,  under  which no
compensation  cost has been recorded.  Had compensation  cost for the Plans been
determined  pursuant  to the  measurement  principles  under SFAS No.  123,  the
Company's  net  income and  earnings  per share  would have been  reduced to the
following pro forma amounts for fiscal years 2000, 1999 and 1998.

                                                         2000                          1999                          1998
Years Ended August 31,                           ----------------------        ----------------------        ----------------------
Thousands, except per share data                 As Reported  Pro Forma        As Reported  Pro Forma        As Reported  Pro Forma
- --------------------------------                 -----------  ---------        -----------  ---------        -----------  ---------
Net income ..............................          $25,279    $22,273            $18,565    $17,110            $12,851    $12,142
Earnings per share ......................          $  0.74    $  0.65            $  0.56    $  0.51            $  0.39    $  0.37
Wtd. avg. fair value of option grants....                     $ 13.84                       $  7.68                       $  3.51

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

   Disclosure of the pro forma impact from the method of  accounting  prescribed
by SFAS No. 123 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1994.
As such,  options  granted in fiscal 1995 are excluded from the  calculations of
compensation  costs  included in the pro forma net income and earnings per share
amounts above.

   The fair value of each option  grant is  estimated on the date of grant using
the  Black-Scholes  option  pricing  model with the following  weighted  average
assumptions used for grants in fiscal years 2000, 1999 and 1998:

Years Ended August 31,                2000            1999            1998
- ----------------------                ----            ----            ----
Risk-free interest rate .....         6.52%           5.24%           5.51%
Expected lives of options....    4.0 years       4.1 years       4.2 years
Expected volatility .........           45%             43%             38%
Dividend yield ..............          0.4%            0.4%             --

15. Segments
The Company has three reportable  segments based on geographic  operations:  the
United States,  Europe and Asia Pacific.  Each segment markets online integrated
database services to investment  managers,  investment banks and other financial
services  professionals.   The  U.S.  segment  services  financial  institutions
throughout  North  America  while the European and Asia Pacific  segments  serve
investment professionals located in Europe and other non-U.S. regions.

   The European segment is headquartered in London, United Kingdom and maintains
an  office  presence  in  Frankfurt,   Germany.  The  Asia  Pacific  segment  is
headquartered  in Tokyo,  Japan with office  locations  in Hong Kong and Sydney,
Australia.  Mainly sales and  consulting  personnel  staff each of these foreign
branch  operations.  Segment  revenues  reflect  direct  sales of  products  and
services  to  clients  based  in  their  geographic   location.   There  are  no
intersegment or intercompany sales. Each segment records  compensation,  travel,
office and other direct expenses related to its employees. Expenses for software
development,  expenditures  related to the  Company's  computing  centers,  data
costs,  clearing  fees,  income  taxes and  corporate  headquarters  charges are
recorded by the U.S.  segment and are not  allocated  to the  European  and Asia
Pacific segments.  The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those
described in Note 2, "Accounting Policies."

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

Segment Information

Thousands                                    U.S.    Europe  Asia Pacific  Total
- ---------                                    ----    ------  ------------  -----
Year Ended August 31, 2000
Revenues from external clients........   $111,801   $15,878    $6,499   $134,178
Other income .........................      3,146        11       --       3,157
Depreciation and amortization.........     10,931       685       249     11,865
Segment operating profit*.............     26,995     6,773     2,651     36,419
Provision for income taxes ...........     14,297      --        --       14,297
Total assets .........................    125,427     8,449     1,692    135,568
Capital expenditures .................      8,506     2,704        93     11,303

Year Ended August 31, 1999
Revenues from external clients........    $88,962   $10,690    $4,179   $103,831
Other income .........................      1,977        10      --        1,987
Depreciation and amortization ........      9,118       331       343      9,792
Segment operating profit*.............     22,579     4,900     1,151     28,630
Provision for income taxes ...........     12,052      --        --       12,052
Total assets .........................     96,861     4,574     1,593    103,028
Capital expenditures .................     15,572       467       456     16,495

Year Ended August 31, 1998
Revenues from external clients........    $68,938   $ 7,388    $2,585   $ 78,911
Other income .........................      1,543        13      --        1,556
Depreciation and amortization ........      6,239       235        83      6,557
Segment operating profit*.............     16,155     4,016       712     20,883
Provision for income taxes ...........      9,830      --        --        9,830
Extraordinary gain ...................        242      --        --          242
Total assets .........................     67,798     2,710       988     71,496
Capital expenditures .................     11,573       294       148     12,015

*Expenses are not allocated or charged between segments. Expenditures associated
with the Company's computer centers,  software development costs, clearing fees,
data fees, income taxes and corporate  headquarters  charges are recorded by the
U.S. segment.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         August 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998

Geographic Information

Years Ended August 31,                       2000           1999          1998
- ----------------------                       ----           ----          ----
United States ......................     $111,801       $ 88,962       $68,938
United Kingdom .....................       11,240          8,049         6,045
Other European countries ...........        4,638          2,641         1,343
Asia Pacific countries .............        6,499          4,179         2,585
                                         --------       --------       -------
Total revenues .....................     $134,178       $103,831       $78,911
                                         ========       ========       =======

Long-lived Assets
United States ......................     $ 17,925       $ 20,283       $13,829
United Kingdom .....................        2,764            745           608
Other European countries ...........         --             --            --
Asia Pacific countries .............          199            355           243
                                         --------       --------       -------
Total long-lived assets                  $ 20,888       $ 21,383       $14,680
                                         ========       ========       =======

   Fees quoted by the Company are based on  subscriptions  to its  products  and
services.  Around-the-clock consulting, unlimited client training and payment of
daily communication costs are significant services provided to all clients. Fees
for these services are included in  subscription  charges and are not separately
stated in client invoices or in the Company's  accounting records.  Accordingly,
disclosure of revenues by products and services is not practicable.

   For the fiscal year ended August 31, 2000, no individual client accounted for
more than 3% of total revenues. Revenues from the top ten clients did not exceed

16. Revolving Credit
Facilities  In fiscal 2000,  the Company  renewed its 364-day  revolving  credit
facility and  continued to maintain its  existing  three-year  revolving  credit
facility.  Both  credit  facilities  ("the  facilities")  are  available  in  an
aggregate  principal amount of up to $25 million for working capital and general
corporate  purposes,  with the facilities split into two equal tranches of $12.5
million.  The Company has not drawn on either of the facilities.  The Company is
obligated to pay a commitment  fee on the unused  portion of the facilities at a
weighted  average annual rate of 0.175%.  The facilities also contain  covenants
that require the Company to maintain  minimum levels of  consolidated  net worth
and certain leverage and fixed charge ratios.  The Company has complied with all
covenants during fiscal 2000.

17. Off-Balance Sheet Risk and Concentrations of Credit Risk
In the normal course of business,  securities transactions of commission clients
are  introduced and cleared  through  clearing  brokers.  Pursuant to agreements
between FDS and its clearing  brokers,  the  clearing  brokers have the right to
charge FDS for unsecured  losses that result from a client's failure to complete
such   transactions.   The   Company   seeks  to  control  the  credit  risk  of
nonperformance  by  evaluating  the  credit  worthiness  of its  clients  and by
reviewing their trading activity on a periodic basis.

   Receivables from clearing  brokers  represents a concentration of credit risk
and relates to securities transactions cleared through two clearing brokers.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                         REPORT OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTS

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of FactSet Research Systems Inc.

In our opinion, the accompanying  consolidated statements of financial condition
and the related  consolidated  statements  of income,  changes in  stockholders'
equity, and cash flows present fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial
position of FactSet  Research  Systems Inc. and its  subsidiaries  at August 31,
2000 and 1999, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each
of the three years in the period  ended  August 31,  2000,  in  conformity  with
accounting  principles  generally accepted in the United States. These financial
statements   are  the   responsibility   of  the   Company's   management;   our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.  We conducted  our audits of these  statements  in  accordance  with
auditing standards  generally accepted in the United States,  which require that
we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the
financial  statements  are free of  material  misstatement.  An  audit  includes
examining,  on a test basis,  evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the  financial   statements,   assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and
significant  estimates made by management,  and evaluating the overall financial
statement  presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable  basis
for the opinion express above.

/s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
New York, New York
September 11, 2000

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                            QUARTERLY FINANCIAL DATA

Quarterly  results of  operations  and earnings per common share for fiscal 2000
and 1999 are as follows:

Thousands, except per share data           First    Second     Third    Fourth
- --------------------------------           -----    ------     -----    ------
Revenues ..........................      $30,284   $32,485   $34,295   $37,114
Cost of services ..................       10,560    11,562    11,415    11,954
Selling, general and administrative       11,042    11,676    12,700    14,100
Retirement bonus ..................         --        --       2,750      --
Income from operations ............        8,682     9,247     7,430    11,060
Net income ........................        5,526     7,314     5,150     7,289
Diluted earnings per common share .      $  0.16   $  0.21   $  0.15   $  0.21
Wtd. avg. common shares (diluted) .       34,580    34,659    34,505    34,586

Revenues ..........................      $23,830   $25,235   $26,451   $28,315
Cost of services ..................        8,511     9,053     9,503    10,268
Selling, general and administrative        8,725     9,228     9,641    10,272
Income from operations ............        6,594     6,954     7,307     7,775
Net income ........................        4,320     4,515     4,846     4,884
Diluted earnings per common share .      $  0.13   $  0.13   $  0.14   $  0.14
Wtd. avg. common shares (diluted) .       33,226    33,610    34,090    34,266

*Earnings  per share  and  shares  outstanding  give  retroactive  effect to the
2-for-1 stock split that occurred on February 4, 2000.

**Earnings  per share and  shares  outstanding  give  retroactive  effect to the
2-for-1  stock split that  occurred  on  February 4, 2000 and the 3-for-2  stock
split that occurred on February 5, 1999.

                         FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                               STOCK INFORMATION

Common Stock
The  principal  stock  exchange on which the  Company's  common stock (par value
$0.01 per share) is listed is the New York Stock  Exchange.  At October 4, 2000,
there were approximately 5,500 shareholders of the Company's common stock.

Quarterly Stock Prices
Quarterly  stock  prices  reflect the high and low prices for  FactSet's  common
stock on the New York  Stock  Exchange  composite  tape for the last two  fiscal

                            First         Second          Third         Fourth
                            -----         ------          -----         ------
High ...............       $37.00         $41.75         $35.50         $35.88
Low ................        23.09          26.88          18.00          25.82

High ...............       $14.33         $27.00         $25.63         $29.69
Low ................         8.67          13.46          18.34          21.09

* Share prices give retroactive  effect to the 2-for-1 stock split that occurred
on February 4, 2000.

** Share prices give retroactive effect to the 3-for-2 stock split that occurred
on February 5, 1999 and to the 2-for-1  stock split that occurred on February 4,

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                            DIRECTORS AND MANAGEMENT


Philip A. Hadley
Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer

Charles J. Snyder
Vice Chairman of the Board and
Retired President
FactSet Research Systems Inc.

Michael F. DiChristina
President and Chief Operating Officer

John D.Connolly
Retired Partner
Miller, Anderson & Sherrerd
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

David R. Korus
Managing Member
Owenoke Capital Management, LLC
New York, New York

Joseph E. Laird, Jr.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Laird Squared, LLC
New York, New York

John C. Mickle
Sullivan, Morrissey & Mickle
Capital Management Corporation
New York, New York

Walter F. Siebecker
Managing Director
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation
New York, New York

Howard E. Wille
Retired Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer
FactSet Research Systems Inc.


Philip A. Hadley
Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer

Michael F. DiChristina
President and Chief Operating Officer

Ernest S. Wong
Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary

Scott L. Beyer
Director, European Operations and
Managing Director, FactSet Limited

William F. Faulkner
Director, Business Development

Michael D. Frankenfield
Director, Sales

David W. Hill
Director, Business Development

Kieran M. Kennedy
Director, Consulting Services

Edward A. Martin
Director, Quality Assurance and
Information Research

Maurizio Nicolelli

Laura C. Ruhe
Director, Product Development

Townsend Thomas
Director, Engineering and
Chief Technology Officer

Scott C. Yasharian
Director, Pacific Rim Operations and
President, FactSet Pacific, Inc.

Merle E. Yoder
Director, Web Development and Strategy

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.

                             CORPORATE INFORMATION


FactSet Research Systems Inc.
One Greenwich Plaza
Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
203.863.1500/203.863.1501 fax

Internet Address


FactSet Research Systems Inc.
One Cummings Point Road
Stamford, Connecticut 06902

FactSet Research Systems Inc.
300 First Stamford Place
Stamford, Connecticut  06902

FactSet Research Systems Inc.
90 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10016

FactSet Research Systems Inc.
One Federal Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02110

FactSet Research Systems Inc.
One Gateway Center
Newton, Massachusetts 02458

FactSet Research Systems Inc.
2600 Campus Drive
San Mateo, California 94403

FactSet Limited
One Angel Court
London EC2R 7HJ
United Kingdom

FactSet Limited
Mainzer Landstrasse 16
60325 Frankfurt

FactSet Pacific Inc.
Daini Okamotoya Building 8F
1-22-16 Toranomon
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001

FactSet Pacific Inc.
25/F Bank of China Tower
One Garden Road
Central, Hong Kong

FactSet Pacific Inc.
14 Martin Place, Level 7
Sydney, NSW 2001

Additional information, including the Form 10-K, can be obtained from
our Web site or by contacting Investor Relations at 203.863.1500.

Independent Public Accountants
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
New York, New York

Legal Counsel
Cravath, Swaine & Moore
New York, New York

Stock Transfer Agent/Registrar
The Bank of New York

Common Stock Information
FactSet trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "FDS".

Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of stockholders will
be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday,
January  11,  2001  at  the  FactSet  Corporate  Office,  One  Greenwich  Plaza,
Greenwich, Connecticut.

On November 22, 2000, proxy material
was sent to stockholders of record as of November 10, 2000.


                   ONE GREENWICH PLAZA . GREENWICH, CT 06830

                          FACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC.