Washington, D.C. 20549



Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report(Date of earliest event reported): July 25, 2000

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its governing

Arizona                      33-92146       0742739
(State or other Jurisdiction (Commission Fil(I.R.S. Employer
of Incorporation)            Number)        Identification No.)

2390 Camelback Road          Suite 225
Phoenix, Arizona                                     85016
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)    (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (212) 526-5594

Item 5 Other Events.

Not applicable

Item 7. Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and

(a) Financial Statements

Not applicable

(b) Pro Forma Financial Information

Not applicable

( c)Exhibits

               Item 601(a) of
Exhibit        Regulation S-K
Number         Exhibit No.   Description

              1             5

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on behalf
of the Registrant by the undersigned
thereunto duly authorized.

                                            STRUCTURED ASSET

                                            By: /s/Russell
                                            Name: Russell
                                            Title: Vice President

Dated: July 25, 2000

                             EXHIBIT INDEX

               Item 601(a) of
Exhibit        Regulation S-K
Number         Exhibit No.   Description

LaSalle Bank N.A.

  Sharon Bryant  (800) 246-5761
  135 S. LaSalle Street   Suite 1625
  Chicago, IL   60674-4107

American Southwest  Financial Securities Corporation
(Greystone Servicing Corporation, Inc., as Master Servicer)
Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
Series 1996-FHA1

ABN AMRO Acct: 67-7662-00-9

Statement Date:                     07/25/00
Payment Date:                       07/25/00
Prior Payment:                      06/26/00
Record Date:                        06/30/00

WAC:                               8.566676%
WAMM:                                   345

                             Number Of Pages

Table Of Contents                          1

REMIC Certificate Report                   3

Other Related Information                  3

Asset Backed Facts Sheets                  1

Mortgage Loan Characteristics              2

Loan Level Listing                         3

Specially Serviced Loan DetaiAppendix A
Modified Loan Detail         Appendix B
Realized Loss Detail         Appendix C

Remic III

               Original                     Opening
Class          Face Value (1)               Balance
CUSIP          Per $1,000                   Per $1,000

S              266,510,464.00N              222,868,993.37
02970K BF 3    1000.000000000    0.000000000 836.248566098
A-1            40,317,000.00                         0.00
02970K BG 1    1000.000000000    0.000000000   0.000000000
A-2            38,978,000.00                16,238,579.75
02970K BH 9    1000.000000000    0.000000000 416.608849864
A-3            55,487,000.00                55,487,000.00
02970K BJ 5    1000.000000000    0.0000000001000.000000000
A-4            58,824,000.00                58,824,000.00
02970K BK 2    1000.000000000    0.0000000001000.000000000
A-Z            67,712,000.00                87,197,911.05
02970K BL 0    1000.000000000    0.0000000001287.776332851
B               5,192,464.00                 5,121,502.57
9ABSA236       1000.000000000    0.000000000 986.333765626
R-III                   0.00                         0.00
9ABSA237       1000.000000000    0.000000000   0.000000000

               266,510,464.00               222,868,993.37

Notes:  (1) N denotes notional balance not included in total

               Principal     Principal      Negative
Class          Payment       Adj. or Loss   Amortization
CUSIP          Per $1,000    Per $1,000     Per $1,000

S                       0.00           0.00          0.00
02970K BF 3       0.000000000    0.000000000   0.000000000
A-1                     0.00           0.00          0.00
02970K BG 1       0.000000000    0.000000000   0.000000000
A-2               879,330.19           0.00          0.00
02970K BH 9      22.559653907    0.000000000   0.000000000
A-3                     0.00           0.00          0.00
02970K BJ 5       0.000000000    0.000000000   0.000000000
A-4                     0.00           0.00          0.00
02970K BK 2       0.000000000    0.000000000   0.000000000
A-Z                     0.00           0.00    526,675.38
02970K BL 0       0.000000000    0.000000000   7.778169010
B                       0.00      74,470.82          0.00
9ABSA236          0.000000000   14.342096546   0.000000000
R-III                   0.00           0.00          0.00
9ABSA237          0.000000000    0.000000000   0.000000000

                  879,330.19      74,470.82    526,675.38

               Closing       Interest       Interest
Class          Balance       Payment        Adjustment
CUSIP          Per $1,000    Per $1,000     Per $1,000

S              222,441,867.74    210,016.21          0.00
02970K BF 3     834.645906211    0.788022379   0.000000000
A-1                     0.00           0.00          0.00
02970K BG 1       0.000000000    0.000000000   0.000000000
A-2            15,359,249.56      94,725.05          0.00
02970K BH 9     394.049195957    2.430218328   0.000000000
A-3            55,487,000.00     329,454.06          0.00
02970K BJ 5    1000.000000000    5.937499955   0.000000000
A-4            58,824,000.00     357,355.80          0.00
02970K BK 2    1000.000000000    6.075000000   0.000000000
A-Z            87,724,586.43           0.00          0.00
02970K BL 0    1295.554501861    0.000000000   0.000000000
B               5,047,031.75      27,741.48          0.01
9ABSA236        971.991669080    5.342642722   0.000001926
R-III                   0.00           0.00          0.00
9ABSA237          0.000000000    0.000000000   0.000000000

               222,441,867.74  1,019,292.60          0.01

 (2) Interest Paid minus Interest Adjustment minus Deferred
Interest equals Accrual

Class          Rate (2)
CUSIP          Next Rate (3)

S                 1.13079638%
02970K BF 3       1.12868599%
A-1               6.67500000%
02970K BG 1    Fixed
A-2               7.00000000%
02970K BH 9    Fixed
A-3               7.12500000%
02970K BJ 5    Fixed
A-4               7.29000000%
02970K BK 2    Fixed
A-Z               7.24800000%
02970K BL 0    Fixed
B                 6.50000000%
9ABSA236       Fixed

 (3) Estimated

Remic II

               Original      Opening
Class          Face Value (1)Balance
CUSIP          Per $1,000    Per $1,000

A-1                40,317,000                      -
None              1000.000000       0.000000
A-2                38,978,000    16,238,579.75
None              1000.000000     416.608850
A-3                55,487,000    55,487,000.00
None              1000.000000    1000.000000
A-4                58,824,000    58,824,000.00
None              1000.000000    1000.000000
A-Z                67,712,000    87,197,911.05
None              1000.000000    1287.776333
B                    5,192,46      5,121,502.57
None              1000.000000     986.333766
R-II                                               -
9ABSA238          1000.000000       0.000000

                 266,510,464.   222,868,993.37

               Principal     Principal      Negative
Class          Payment       Adj. or Loss   Amortization
CUSIP          Per $1,000    Per $1,000     Per $1,000

A-1                     0.00           0.00          0.00
None                 0.000000       0.000000      0.000000
A-2               879,330.19           0.00          0.00
None                22.559654       0.000000      0.000000
A-3                     0.00           0.00          0.00
None                 0.000000       0.000000      0.000000
A-4                     0.00           0.00          0.00
None                 0.000000       0.000000      0.000000
A-Z                     0.00           0.00    526,675.38
None                 0.000000       0.000000      7.778169
B                       0.00      74,470.82          0.00
None                 0.000000      14.342097      0.000000
R-II                    0.00           0.00          0.00
9ABSA238             0.000000       0.000000      0.000000

                  879,330.19      74,470.82    526,675.38

               Closing       Interest       Interest
Class          Balance       Payment        Adjustment
CUSIP          Per $1,000    Per $1,000     Per $1,000

A-1                     0.00           0.00          0.00
None                 0.000000       0.000000      0.000000
A-2            15,359,249.56     112,641.62          0.00
None               394.049196       2.889877      0.000000
A-3            55,487,000.00     384,894.84          0.00
None              1000.000000       6.936667      0.000000
A-4            58,824,000.00     408,042.50          0.00
None              1000.000000       6.936667      0.000000
A-Z            87,724,586.43      78,187.49          0.00
None              1295.554502       1.154707      0.000000
B               5,047,031.75      35,526.15          0.01
None               971.991669       6.841867      0.000002
R-II                    0.00           0.00          0.00
9ABSA238             0.000000       0.000000      0.000000

               222,441,867.74  1,019,292.60          0.01

Class          Rate (2)
CUSIP          Next Rate (3)

A-1               8.32400031%
None              8.32301549%
A-2               8.32400031%
None              8.32301549%
A-3               8.32400031%
None              8.32301549%
A-4               8.32400031%
None              8.32301549%
A-Z               8.32400031%
None              8.32301549%
B                 8.32400031%
None              8.32301549%
R-II              0.00000000%
9ABSA238          0.00000000%

Remic I

               Original      Opening
Class          Face Value (1)Balance
CUSIP          Per $1,000    Per $1,000

Regular Interes266,510,464.00222,868,993.37
None              1000.000000     836.248566
R-I                     0.00           0.00
9ABSA239          1000.000000       0.000000

               Principal     Principal      Negative
Class          Payment       Adj. or Loss   Amortization
CUSIP          Per $1,000    Per $1,000     Per $1,000

Regular Interes         352,6       74470.82          0.00
None                 1.323231       0.279429      0.000000
R-I                      0.00           0.00          0.00
9ABSA239             0.000000       0.000000      0.000000
                   352,654.81      74,470.82          0.00

               Closing       Interest       Interest
Class          Balance       Payment        Adjustment
CUSIP          Per $1,000    Per $1,000     Per $1,000

Regular Interes222,441,867.74  1,545,967.98          0.01
None               834.645906       5.800778      0.000000
R-I                     0.00           0.00          0.00
9ABSA239             0.000000       0.000000      0.000000
               222,441,867.74  1,545,967.98          0.01

Class          Rate (2)
CUSIP          Next Rate (3)

Regular Interes   8.32400031%
None              8.32301549%
R-I               0.00000000%
9ABSA239          0.00000000%

Other Related Information

               Loan          Beginning
Asset Type     Count         Balance

Mortgage Loans:            55158,611,655.28

GNMA Certificat            18 64,257,338.09

FHA Debentures:             0          0.00

Total:                     73222,868,993.37

               Current       Wtd. Avg
               Wtd. Avg.     Term to
Asset Type     Note Rate     Maturity

Mortgage Loans:        8.727%            341

GNMA Certificat        8.166%            357

FHA Debentures:        0.000%              0

Total:                 8.567%            345

               Loan          Ending
Asset Type     Count         Balance

Mortgage Loans:            54158,229,270.76

GNMA Certificat            18 64,212,596.98

FHA Debentures:             0          0.00

Total:                     72222,441,867.74

Available Distribution Amount:                1,898,622.79

Servicing Activity:

Prior Unreimbursed Advances:                                4,747.47
Current Advances Made:                                          0.00
Reimbursed Prior Advances:                                  1,954.67
Advances Outstanding:                                       2,792.80
Aggregate Amount of Unpaid Advance Interest:                    0.00

Current Accrued Servicing Fees Retained by The Master Serv 26,106.98
Aggregate Amount of Advance Interest Paid to Master Servic      0.00
Aggregate Amount of Advance Interest Paid to Trustee:           0.00

               Accrued       Net
               Certificate   Prepayment
Class          Interest      Int. Shortfalls

S                 210,016.21           0.00
A-1                     0.00           0.00
A-2                94,725.05           0.00
A-3               329,454.06           0.00
A-4               357,355.80           0.00
A-Z               526,675.38           0.00
B                  27,741.47           0.00
R-III                   0.00           0.00

  Totals:       1,545,967.97           0.00

               Allocated     Prior          Ending
               Prepayment    Unpaid         Unpaid
Class          Premiums      Interest       Interest

S                       0.00           0.00          0.00
A-1                     0.00           0.00          0.00
A-2                     0.00           0.00          0.00
A-3                     0.00           0.00          0.00
A-4                     0.00           0.00          0.00
A-Z                     0.00           0.00          0.00
B                       0.00       7,719.47      7,719.46
R-III                   0.00           0.00          0.00

  Totals:               0.00       7,719.47      7,719.46

               Other         Actual
               Interest      Distribution
Class          Shortfalls    of Interest

S                       0.00     210,016.21
A-1                     0.00           0.00
A-2                     0.00      94,725.05
A-3                     0.00     329,454.06
A-4                     0.00     357,355.80
A-Z                     0.00           0.00
B                       0.00      27,741.48
R-III                   0.00           0.00

  Totals:               0.00   1,019,292.60

Summary of Defaulted/Liquidated Mortgage Loans:

FHA Project Id *Status       Date of Default
              0         0.00           0.00
66                      1.00      35,612.00
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0          0.00
              0             0          0.00

FHA Project Id Balance       FHA Benefits
              0         0.00           0.00
66                      0.00     980,669.95
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0

               Liquidation   Realized
FHA Project Id Proceeds      Loss
              0         0.00           0.00
66                 71,069.95      19,367.64
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0         0.00               0
              0         0.00           0.00
              0         0.00           0.00

FHA Project Id Description of Final Recovery Determination
              0             0
66                        Loan has been removed from the pool.
              0             0
              0             0
              0             0
              0             0
              0             0
              0             0

Status of Claims Made Under the FHA Mortgage Insurance:
All remaining Insurance Proceeds have been received on # 66 & 51.

Aggrregate Realized Loss Information :

Cumulative realized losses on the Collateral Pool as of
Cumulative Principal realized losses on the Certificates
Cumulative Additional trust fund expenses applied to the
since the closing date :

*Status code
1.  Final Settlement has been made.
2.  Final Settlement has not been made.

Delinquent Loan Detail

               Paid                         Outstanding
Disclosure Doc Thru          Current P&I    P&I
Control #      Date          Advance        Advances**

A.  P&I Advance - Loan in Grace Period
B.  P&I Advance - Late Payment but < one month delinq
2.  P&I Advance - Loan delinquent 2 months
3.  P&I Advance - Loan delinquent 3 months or More
7.  P&I Advance - Loan in Foreclosure
8.  P&I Advance - Loan in Bankruptcy

**  Outstanding P&I Advances include the current period P&I

               Out. Property                Special
Disclosure Doc Protection    Advance        Servicer
Control #      Advances      Description (1)Transfer Date


Disclosure Doc Foreclosure   Bankruptcy     REO
Control #      Date          Date           Date

Loan Level Detail

Disclosure                   Type           Maturity
Control #      Group         Code           Date
1              GNMA          Multifamily          10/01/29
2              FHA           Multifamily          09/01/27
3              GNMA          Health Care          02/01/30
4              FHA           Multifamily          03/01/21
5              FHA           Multifamily          02/01/21
6              FHA           Multifamily          11/01/29
7              FHA           Health Care          12/01/34
8              FHA           Multifamily          06/01/20
9              FHA           Multifamily          09/01/31
10             GNMA          Multifamily          03/01/31
11             FHA           Health Care          10/01/31
12             GNMA          Health Care          11/01/36
13             FHA           Health Care          05/01/31
14             GNMA          Multifamily          04/01/23
15             GNMA          Multifamily          10/01/26
16             GNMA          Multifamily          12/01/31
17             FHA           Multifamily          06/01/31
18             FHA           Multifamily          07/01/36
19             FHA           Health Care          05/01/31
20             FHA           Health Care          03/01/26
21             FHA           Multifamily          09/01/29
22             FHA           Health Care          10/01/26
23             FHA           Health Care          08/01/30
24             FHA           Multifamily          04/01/30
25             FHA           Multifamily          06/01/36
26             GNMA          Multifamily          10/01/31
27             FHA           Multifamily          06/01/25
28             FHA           Multifamily          12/01/20
29             FHA           Health Care          10/01/31
30             FHA           Health Care          12/01/31
31             FHA           Multifamily          06/01/21
32             FHA           Multifamily          10/01/23
33             GNMA          Multifamily          10/01/31
34             FHA           Multifamily          12/01/31
35             GNMA          Multifamily          07/15/29
36             FHA           Health Care          11/01/31
37             FHA           Health Care          11/01/31
38             FHA           Health Care          11/01/31
39             FHA           Health Care          10/01/26
40             FHA           Multifamily          06/01/31
41             FHA           Health Care          11/01/17
42             GNMA          Multifamily          10/01/34
43             FHA           Health Care          03/01/36
44             FHA           Multifamily          04/01/35
45             FHA           Health Care          10/01/28
46             FHA           Health Care          11/01/25
47             FHA           Health Care          10/01/26
48             GNMA          Health Care          08/15/31
49             FHA           Health Care          06/01/32
50             GNMA          Multifamily          11/01/26
51             FHA           Multifamily          10/01/33
52             FHA           Multifamily          05/01/22
53             FHA           Health Care          05/01/36
54             FHA           Health Care          05/01/32
55             GNMA          Multifamily          04/01/24
56             FHA           Health Care          12/01/34
57             GNMA          Multifamily          01/01/30
58             FHA           Multifamily          01/01/25
59             GNMA          Multifamily          11/01/25
60             FHA           Health Care          10/01/26
61             GNMA          Multifamily          10/01/31
62             FHA           Multifamily          09/01/27
63             FHA           Multifamily          08/01/28
64             FHA           Multifamily          11/01/29
65             GNMA          Multifamily          07/01/30
66             FHA           Multifamily          04/01/30
67             FHA           Multifamily          05/01/30
68             FHA           Health Care          12/01/35
69             FHA           Multifamily          06/01/31
70             FHA           Health Care          10/01/35
71             GNMA          Multifamily          12/01/21
72             FHA           Health Care          10/01/30
73             FHA           Health Care          01/01/36
74             FHA           Multifamily          12/01/27
75             GNMA          Multifamily          11/01/34
76             FHA           Health Care          11/01/30
77             FHA           Multifamily          11/01/26
78             FHA           Multifamily          01/01/36
79             FHA           Multifamily          10/01/07
80             FHA           Multifamily          08/01/34
81             FHA           Multifamily          02/01/35

* NOI and DSCR, if available and reportable under the terms
* of the trust agreement,
are based on information obtained from the related borrower, and
no other party to the
agreement shall be held liable for the accuracy or methodology
used to determine such
(1)   Legend:

A.  P&I Adv -  in Grace Period
B.  P&I Adv -  < one month delinq
1.  P&I Adv -  delinquent 1 month
2.  P&I Adv -  delinquent 2 months
3.  P&I Adv -  delinquent 3+ months
4.  Mat. Balloon/Assumed  P&I
5. Prepaid in Full
6. Specially  Serviced
7. Foreclosure
8. Bankruptcy
9. REO
10. DPO
11. Modification

Disclosure                                  Statement
Control #      DSCR          NOI            Date

Disclosure     Principal     Note           Scheduled
Control #      Balance       Rate           P&I
1              12,141,913.78          8.375%       92,821
4               8,583,068.97          9.500%       80,030
5               7,700,646.81          8.500%       67,714
6               7,843,793.90          7.500%       55,180
7               7,820,940.74          8.500%       58,573
8               7,461,728.93          9.000%       67,378
9               7,627,796.76          8.250%       56,823
10              7,392,606.57          7.750%       52,672
11              7,253,690.17          8.550%       55,560
12              6,460,304.46          7.875%       44,993
13              5,786,003.33          7.875%       41,676
14              5,271,687.95          8.375%       43,273
15              5,258,830.28          8.000%       39,990
16              4,935,009.97          7.875%       35,392
17              4,896,382.11          8.275%       36,626
18              4,884,331.14          9.125%       38,605
19              4,647,688.62          7.875%       33,477
20              4,350,183.49          9.000%       36,256
22              3,833,500.82          8.500%       30,718
23              3,887,063.80          8.300%       29,321
24              3,757,910.34          8.825%       29,816
25              3,771,409.98          9.500%       30,889
26              3,677,670.00          8.250%       27,381
27              3,581,138.80          9.750%       31,938
29              3,405,908.91          8.500%       25,977
30              3,356,809.98         10.500%       30,515
31              3,139,010.58          8.250%       26,290
32              2,669,796.67          8.500%       25,963
33              2,850,570.72          7.875%       20,468
34              2,838,554.97          8.125%       20,858
35              2,787,488.15          8.450%       21,499
36              2,778,367.14          8.250%       20,674
37              2,721,485.79          8.250%       20,251
38              2,692,702.72          8.250%       20,036
39              2,614,927.04          8.500%       20,771
40              2,406,695.90          8.275%       18,002
41              2,288,271.85          9.750%       22,835
42              2,343,666.94          8.750%       17,998
43              2,183,885.70          9.125%       17,282
44              2,169,712.45          9.250%       17,434
45                                   10.000%        2,125
46              2,091,848.42          9.750%       18,584
47              2,057,053.54          8.500%       16,339
48              1,788,352.10          8.250%       13,330
49              1,772,563.62         10.500%       16,082
50              1,696,579.44          8.125%       13,032
53              1,689,906.99          9.500%       13,845
54              1,683,354.08         10.500%       15,277
55              1,625,356.80          9.000%       13,835
56              1,629,588.09          8.500%       12,204
57              1,578,350.43          7.750%       11,356
58              1,498,880.88          9.250%       12,904
59              1,447,651.90          8.250%       11,369
60              1,376,145.14          8.500%       10,931
61              1,317,865.48          8.000%        9,579
62              1,263,748.38          8.000%        9,516
63              1,272,110.08         10.000%       11,290
64              1,107,349.39          9.250%        9,149
65              1,023,516.70          8.950%        8,199
67                884,689.45          9.250%        7,286
68                848,853.96          9.500%        6,964
69                824,036.97          8.275%        6,164
70                787,773.78          9.500%        6,467
72                744,391.07          8.500%        5,713
73                691,033.57          8.750%        5,278
74                630,521.44         10.250%        5,735
75                615,175.31          9.000%        4,836
76                568,990.07          8.500%        4,365
77                536,357.88          9.250%        4,535
78                476,411.13          8.625%        3,594
79                363,988.35          8.500%        5,619
80                303,398.15          8.750%        2,332
81                172,867.92          9.500%        1,422

               222,441,867.74                   1,763,208

Disclosure                   Prepayment     Status
Control #      Prepayment    Date           Code (1)
2                                    12/1/97
3                                     1/1/98
21                                  11/17/99
28                                   12/1/97
45                254,956.69          7/1/00
51                                   10/1/99
52                                    6/1/00
66                                    3/1/98


Specially Serviced Loan Detail

Disclosure     Scheduled     Interest       Maturity
Control #      Balance       Rate           Date


              0             0              0             0
Legend :
1)  Request for waiver of Prepayment Penalty
2)   Payment default
3)   Request for Loan Modification or Workout
4)  Loan with Borrower Bankruptcy
5)  Loan in Process of Foreclosure
6)  Loan now REO Property
7)  Loans Paid Off
8)  Loans Returned to Master Servicer

Disclosure     Property      Serviced
Control #      Type          Status Code (1)Comments
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
              0                            0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
                                           0             0
              0             0

Modified Loan Detail

Disclosure     Modification  Modification
Control #      Date          Description
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0

Realized Loss Detail

Dist.          Disclosure    Appraisal
Date           Control #     Date
              0             0              0
          35879            66              0
          36708            45              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
              0             0              0
Current Total               0              0
Cumulative                  0              0
* Aggregate liquidation expenses also include outstanding
* P&I
  advances and unpaid servicing fees, unpaid trustee fees, etc..

Disclosure     Appraisal     Scheduled
Control #      Value         Balance
              0          0.00           0.00
             66          0.00   1,009,467.78
             45          0.00     254,956.69
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00

                             Gross Proceeds
Disclosure     Gross         as a % of
Control #      Proceeds      Sched Principal
              0          0.00
             66    990,100.14    0.980814009
             45    181,696.92    0.712657981
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00              0
              0          0.00             0
              0  1,171,797.06             0

               Aggregate     Net
Disclosure     Liquidation   Liquidation
Control #      Expenses *    Proceeds
              0          0.00
             66          0.00     990,100.14
             45          0.00     181,696.92
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00           0.00
              0          0.00   1,171,797.06

               Net Proceeds
Disclosure     as a % of     Realized
Control #      Sched. BalanceLoss
             66   0.980814009      19,367.64
             45   0.712657981      73,259.77
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0           0.00
              0             0          0.00
              0             0     92,627.41

Distribution Delinq 1 Month        Delinq 2 Months        Delinq 3+  Months
Date         #         Balance     #         Balance      #       Balance
     07/25/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     06/26/00         0           0         0            0       1  254957
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.35%  0.113%
     05/25/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     04/25/00         0           0         0            0       1  254957
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.35%  0.113%
     03/27/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     02/25/00         0           0         0            0       1  254957
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.35%  0.113%
     01/25/00         0           0         0            0       1  254957
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.35%  0.113%
     12/27/99         0           0         0            0       1  254957
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.35%  0.113%
     11/26/99         0           0         0            0       1  254957
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.33%  0.111%
     10/25/99         0           0         0            0       1  254957
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.32%  0.110%
     09/27/99         0           0         0            0       2 2351908
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   2.63%  1.011%
     08/25/99         0           0         1      2151975       1  200972
                  0.00%      0.000%     1.32%       0.924%   1.32%  0.086%
     07/26/99         1     2153006         0            0       1  200972
                  1.32%      0.924%     0.00%       0.000%   1.32%  0.086%
     06/25/99         0           0         0            0       1  200972
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.32%  0.086%
     05/25/99         0           0         0            0       1  200972
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.30%  0.086%
     04/26/99         0           0         0            0       1  200972
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   1.30%  0.085%
     01/00/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%

Distribution Foreclosure/BankruptcyREO                    Modifications
Date         #         Balance     #         Balance      #       Balance
     07/25/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     06/26/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     05/25/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     04/25/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     03/27/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     02/25/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     01/25/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     12/27/99         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     11/26/99         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     10/25/99         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     09/27/99         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     08/25/99         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     07/26/99         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     06/25/99         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     05/25/99         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     04/26/99         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%
     01/00/00         0           0         0            0       0       0
                  0.00%      0.000%     0.00%       0.000%   0.00%  0.000%

Note:  Foreclosure and REO Totals are Included in the Appropriate Delinquency
 Aging Category

Distribution Prepayments           Curr Weighted Avg.
Date         #         Balance     Coupon    Remit
     07/25/00         1      254957   8.5667%      8.3240%
                  1.37%      0.114%
     06/26/00         1     1636021   8.5689%      8.3257%
                  1.35%      0.728%
     05/25/00         0           0   8.5689%      8.3257%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     04/25/00         0           0   8.5689%      8.3257%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     03/27/00         0           0   8.5689%      8.3257%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     02/25/00         0           0   8.5690%      8.3257%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     01/25/00         0           0   8.5690%      8.3257%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     12/27/99         0           0   8.5690%      8.3257%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     11/26/99         1     4381952   8.6656%      8.4228%
                  1.33%      1.903%
     10/25/99         1      200972   8.5877%      8.3399%
                  1.32%      0.086%
     09/27/99         0           0   8.5877%      8.3399%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     08/25/99         0           0   8.5877%      8.3399%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     07/26/99         0           0   8.5877%      8.3399%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     06/25/99         0           0   8.5877%      8.3399%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     05/25/99         0           0   8.5854%      8.3375%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     04/26/99         0           0   8.5913%      8.3412%
                  0.00%      0.000%
     01/00/00         0           0   0.0000%      0.0000%
                  0.00%      0.000%

Delinquent Loan Detail

             Paid                  Outstanding
Disclosure DoThru      Current P&I P&I
Control #    Date      Advance     Advances**

A.  P&I Advance - Loan in Grace Period
B.  P&I Advance - Late Payment but < one month delinq
1.  P&I Advance - Loan delinquent 1 month
2.  P&I Advance - Loan delinquent 2 months
3.  P&I Advance - Loan delinquent 3 months or More
4.  Matured Balloon/Assumed Scheduled Payment

**  Outstanding P&I Advances include the current period P&I

             Out. Property         Special
Disclosure DoProtectionAdvance     Servicer
Control #    Advances  Description Transfer Date

Disclosure DoForeclosurBankruptcy  REO
Control #    Date      Date        Date

Pool Total

Distribution of Principal Balances
Current  Scheduled                 Number     Scheduled   Based on
Balances                           of Loans  Balance      Balance
           0 to            500,000          4   1,316,666    0.59%
     500,000 to          1,000,000         10   7,131,824    3.21%
   1,000,000 to          1,500,000          8  10,307,268    4.63%
   1,500,000 to          2,000,000          8  13,464,052    6.05%
   2,000,000 to          2,500,000          7  15,541,135    6.99%
   2,500,000 to          3,000,000          8  21,953,893    9.87%
   3,000,000 to          3,500,000          3   9,901,729    4.45%
   3,500,000 to          4,000,000          6  22,508,694   10.12%
   4,000,000 to          5,000,000          5  23,713,595   10.66%
   5,000,000 to          6,000,000          3  16,316,522    7.34%
   6,000,000 to          7,000,000          1   6,460,304    2.90%
   7,000,000 to          8,000,000          7  53,101,204   23.87%
   8,000,000 to          9,000,000          1   8,583,069    3.86%
   9,000,000 to         10,000,000          0           0    0.00%
  10,000,000 to         11,000,000          0           0    0.00%
  11,000,000 to         12,000,000          0           0    0.00%
  12,000,000 to         13,000,000          1  12,141,914    5.46%
  13,000,000 to         14,000,000          0           0    0.00%
  14,000,000 to         15,000,000          0           0    0.00%
  15,000,000 &         Above                0           0    0.00%
Total                                      72 222,441,868  100.00%

Average Scheduled Balance is                    3,047,149
Maximum  Scheduled Balance is                  12,141,914
Minimum  Scheduled Balance is                     172,868

                                   Number     Scheduled   Based on
Property Types                     of Loans  Balance      Balance
MF- Housing                                43 138,630,279   62.32%
Nursing Home                               29  83,811,589   37.68%
Total                                      72 222,441,868  100.00%

Distribution of Mortgage Interest Rates
 Current Mortgage                  Number     Scheduled   Based on
Interest Rate                      of Loans  Balance      Balance
       7.000%or        less                 0           0    0.00%
       7.000%to              7.125%         0           0    0.00%
       7.125%to              7.375%         0           0    0.00%
       7.375%to              7.625%         1   7,843,794    3.53%
       7.625%to              7.875%         7  33,650,534   15.13%
       7.875%to              8.125%         5  12,375,579    5.56%
       8.125%to              8.375%        14  55,300,817   24.86%
       8.375%to              8.625%        15  45,303,467   20.37%
       8.625%to              8.875%         4   7,096,009    3.19%
       8.875%to              9.125%         7  22,144,178    9.96%
       9.125%to              9.375%         5   6,196,990    2.79%
       9.375%to              9.625%         6  15,853,882    7.13%
       9.625%to              9.875%         3   7,961,259    3.58%
       9.875%to             10.125%         1   1,272,110    0.57%
      10.125%&         Above                4   7,443,249    3.35%
Total                                      72 222,441,868  100.00%

W/Avg Mortgage Interest Rate is                    8.5667%
Minimum Mortgage Interest Rate is                  7.5000%
Maximum Mortgage Interest Rate is                 10.5000%

                                   Number     Scheduled   Based on
Geographic Location                of Loans  Balance      Balance
New York                                    7  39,084,255   17.57%
Texas                                       8  24,405,653   10.97%
Ohio                                       12  23,612,795   10.62%
Michigan                                    8  19,851,541    8.92%
Virginia                                    3  17,707,445    7.96%
Connecticut                                 4  14,536,912    6.54%
Colorado                                    3  10,898,181    4.90%
Massachusetts                               2  10,433,692    4.69%
New Jersey                                  2   9,423,403    4.24%
New Hampshire                               4   9,340,208    4.20%
Georgia                                     3   8,192,556    3.68%
Maryland                                    1   7,392,607    3.32%
Illinois                                    1   6,460,304    2.90%
South Dakota                                1   5,258,830    2.36%
Pennsylvania                                3   5,011,546    2.25%
Indiana                                     1   3,757,910    1.69%
California                                  1   1,317,865    0.59%
Arizona                                     1   1,272,110    0.57%
Florida                                     1   1,263,748    0.57%
Minnesota                                   1   1,023,517    0.46%
Maine                                       1     615,175    0.28%
North Carolina                              1     568,990    0.26%
Kentucky                                    1     536,358    0.24%
Alabama                                     2     476,266    0.21%
Missouri                                    0           0    0.00%
Nebraska                                    0           0    0.00%
Oregon                                      0           0    0.00%

Total                                      72 222,441,868  100.00%

Loan Seasoning
                                   Number     Scheduled   Based on
Number of Years                    of Loans  Balance      Balance
1 year or less                              0           0    0.00%
 1+ to 2 years                              0           0    0.00%
2+ to 3 years                               0           0    0.00%
3+ to 4 years                              30  97,499,725   43.83%
4+ to 5 years                              16  46,030,135   20.69%
5+ to 6 years                              15  35,318,468   15.88%
6+ to 7 years                               3   8,727,606    3.92%
7+ to 8 years                               1   2,288,272    1.03%
8+ to 9 years                               1   3,356,810    1.51%
9+ to 10 years                              0           0    0.00%
10  years or more                           6  29,220,853   13.14%
Total                                      72 222,441,868  100.00%

Weighted Average Seasoning is                          6.3

Distribution of Amortization Type
                                   Number     Scheduled   Based on
Amortization Type                  of Loans  Balance      Balance
Fully Amortizing                           72 222,441,868  100.00%

Total                                      72 222,441,868  100.00%

Distribution of Remaining Term
Fully Amortizing

Fully Amortizing                   Number     Scheduled   Based on
Mortgage Loans                     of Loans  Balance      Balance
60 months or less                           0           0    0.00%
61 to 120 months                            1     363,988    0.16%
121 to 200 months                           1   2,669,797    1.20%
201 to 300 months                           9  41,149,792   18.50%
301 to 500 months                          61 178,258,291   80.14%
Total                                      72 222,441,868  100.00%

Weighted Average Months to Maturity is                 345

             Debt Service          Number     Scheduled   Based on
             Coverage Ratio (1)    of Loans  Balance      Balance
        0.500or        less                 0           0    0.00%
        0.500to               0.625         0           0    0.00%
        0.625to               0.750         0           0    0.00%
        0.750to               0.875         0           0    0.00%
        0.875to               1.000         0           0    0.00%
        1.000to               1.125         0           0    0.00%
        1.125to               1.250         0           0    0.00%
        1.250to               1.375         0           0    0.00%
        1.375to               1.500         0           0    0.00%
        1.500to               1.625         0           0    0.00%
        1.625to               1.750         0           0    0.00%
        1.750to               1.875         0           0    0.00%
        1.875to               2.000         0           0    0.00%
        2.000to               2.125         0           0    0.00%
        2.125&         above                0           0    0.00%
Unknown                                    72 222,441,868  100.00%
Total                                      72 222,441,868  100.00%

Weighted Average Debt Service Coverage Ratio             0

(1) Debt Service Coverage Ratios are calculated as described in
(2) the prospectus, values are
updated periodically as new NOI figures became available from
borrowers on an asset level.
 Neither the Trustee, Servicer, Special Servicer or Underwriter
makes any representation
as to the accuracy of the data provided by the borrower for this

NOI Aging
                                   Number     Scheduled   Based on
NOI Date                           of Loans  Balance      Balance
1 year or less                              0           0    0.00%
1 to 2 years                                0           0    0.00%
2 Years or More                             0           0    0.00%
Unknown                                    72 222,441,868  100.00%
Total                                      72 222,441,868  100.00%