4500 West Tropicana Avenue

                             Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

                                  April 9, 2002

Dear (Name of Stockholder):

You are cordially  invited to attend the 2002 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders of
Coast  Resorts,  Inc.,  which will be held in Salon G at The  Orleans  Hotel and
Casino, 4500 West Tropicana Avenue, Las Vegas,  Nevada 89103, on Wednesday,  May
15,  2002 at 10:00 a.m.  (Pacific  Daylight  Time).  We hope you will be able to
attend the Annual Meeting in person and look forward to seeing you.

At the Annual  Meeting,  stockholders  will be asked to elect three directors to
the Board of Directors.  Class III directors  will be elected to serve until the
2005 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors have been elected
and qualified.  You are requested to give your prompt  attention to this matter,
which is more fully described in the accompanying proxy materials.

Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting in person,  it is important
that your shares be represented  and voted at the Annual  Meeting.  Accordingly,
after reading the enclosed Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, you are
urged to sign,  date and return the enclosed  proxy in the envelope  provided at
your earliest convenience.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. Hope to see you at the meeting.


Michael J. Gaughan
Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive Officer

                               COAST RESORTS, INC.

                           4500 West Tropicana Avenue

                             Las Vegas, Nevada 89103


                                  April 9, 2002

     The 2002 Annual  Meeting of the  Stockholders  of Coast  Resorts,  Inc.,  a
Nevada  corporation  (the  "Company"),  will be held at The  Orleans  Hotel  and
Casino, 4500 West Tropicana Avenue, Las Vegas,  Nevada 89103, on Wednesday,  May
15, 2002,  commencing at 10:00 a.m.  (Pacific  Daylight  Time) for the following

     1.   To elect  three  Class III  directors  to serve  until the 2005 Annual
          Meeting of  Stockholders  and until their  successors  are elected and
          qualified; and

     2.   To  consider  and act upon such other  business as may  properly  come
          before the  Annual  Meeting  and at any  adjournment  or  postponement

     Pursuant  to the  Bylaws  of  the  Company,  the  time  and  date  for  the
determination  of  stockholders  entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual
Meeting and at any adjournment or postponement  thereof is fixed as of the close
of business on April 5, 2002. Accordingly, only stockholders of record as of the
close of  business  on April 5,  2002  will be  entitled  to vote at the  Annual
Meeting  and  any  adjournment  or  postponement  thereof,  notwithstanding  any
transfer of stock on the books of the Company thereafter.


     Stockholders  who attend the Annual  Meeting may vote in person even though
they have previously mailed their Proxy.

By Order of the Board Directors.

J. Tito Tiberti

Las Vegas, Nevada
April 9, 2002

                               COAST RESORTS, INC.

                           4500 West Tropicana Avenue

                             Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

                                  May 15, 2002

     This Proxy Statement is first being mailed on April 9, 2002 to stockholders
of Coast Resorts,  Inc., a Nevada  corporation (the "Company"),  of record as of
the close of business on April 5, 2002.

     The enclosed  Proxy is  solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors  (the
"Board")  of the  Company  for  use at the  Company's  2002  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  (the  "Annual  Meeting")  to be held on May  15,  2002  and at any
adjournment(s)  or  postponement(s)  thereof.  Pursuant  to  the  Bylaws  of the
Company,  a Proxy must be filed with the  Secretary  of the Company at or before
the Annual Meeting in order to be valid.  It may be revoked at any time prior to
its use by (1) providing a written revocation to the Secretary of the Company at
its offices,  (2) executing and delivering a later dated Proxy, or (3) attending
the Annual  Meeting and voting in person.  Shares  represented  by an  unrevoked
Proxy will be voted as directed by the  stockholder.  If no  direction is given,
such shares  will be voted for the  election of the  nominees  named  herein for
election as directors,  and in the  discretion of the proxy holders with respect
to any  other  matters  properly  presented  to the  Annual  Meeting  and at any
adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof.

                                  VOTING RIGHTS

     Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on April 5, 2002 are
entitled  to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting.  On that date,  there
were outstanding  1,461,177.94  shares of the Company's  common stock,  $.01 par
value (the  "Common  Stock").  The  presence,  either in person or by proxy,  of
persons  entitled  to vote  50% of the  Company's  outstanding  Common  Stock is
necessary to constitute a quorum for the  transaction  of business at the Annual
Meeting.  Each share is  entitled  to one vote in  connection  with each  matter
submitted for  stockholder  approval.  Abstentions  and any shares as to which a
broker or nominee has indicated that it does not have discretionary authority to
vote on a  particular  matter  will be treated as shares  that are  present  and
entitled to vote for  purposes of  determining  the  presence of a quorum but as
unvoted for purposes of determining  whether  approval of the  stockholders  has
been obtained with respect to any such matter and thus will have the effect of a
"No" vote in connection with each such matter. Abstentions and broker non-voters
will have no effect in connection with the election of directors.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Company, at the
Annual Meeting  stockholders  will elect three directors to serve until the 2005
Annual Meeting of Stockholders  and until their  successors are duly elected and
qualified.  The Board has  nominated  the three  current  directors  whose terms
expire at the Annual  Meeting to stand for  re-election  at the Annual  Meeting.
Such  directors  are Messrs.  J. Tito Tiberti,  Jerry Herbst and Franklin  Toti.
Nominees  receiving  the highest  number of  affirmative  votes cast,  up to the
number of the directors to be elected,  are elected.  The enclosed Proxy, unless
indicated to the contrary, will be voted for the Board's nominees.

     Under the  Company's  Bylaws,  in order to be effective,  nominations  by a
stockholder  of a candidate  for election as a director must be submitted to the
Secretary  of the  Company  not later  than  sixty days in advance of the Annual
Meeting.  Any such  notice of  nomination  must set  forth:  (i) the name,  age,
business address and residence  address of each nominee proposed in such notice,
(ii) the principal  occupation  or  employment  of each such nominee,  (iii) the
number of shares of capital stock of the Company beneficially owned by each such
nominee and (iv) such other information concerning each such nominee as would be
required  under  the  rules  and  regulations  of the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  ("SEC") in a proxy statement  soliciting proxies for the election of
such  nominees.  Such notice must also  include a written  consent to serve as a
director, if elected, executed by each such nominee.




     The  following  tables  set forth the names and ages of the  directors  and
executive officers of the Company, their respective positions and the expiration
dates of their respective terms as of April 9, 2002.

                        Directors and Executive Officers

       Name                 Age   Position(s) Held             Expires

                            Nominees for Re-election
       J. Tito Tiberti      56    Director and Secretary         2002

       Jerry Herbst         64    Director and Treasurer         2002

       Franklin Toti        63    Director and Vice President    2002
                                  of Casino Operations

                                 Other Directors
       Michael J. Gaughan   59    Chairman of the Board and      2003
                                  Chief Executive Officer

       Harlan D. Braaten    51    Director, President and        2003
                                  Chief Operating Officer

       Gage Parrish         48    Director, Vice President,      2003
                                  Chief Financial Officer and
                                  Assistant Secretary

       F. Michael Corrigan  66    Director                       2004

       Charles Silverman    69    Director                       2004

       Joseph Blasco        58    Director                       2004

     J. Tito  Tiberti.  Mr.  Tiberti has been a director,  and  Secretary of the
Company and Coast Hotels since their  formation in September  1995.  His current
term as a director expires in 2002. Mr. Tiberti is the president, a director and
a  stockholder  of, and together  with his immediate  family,  controls  Tiberti
Construction,  a construction company which served as the general contractor for
the  construction of The Orleans and the Suncoast and is also serving as general
contractor for our planned expansions and remodel at The Orleans, the Gold Coast
and the Suncoast.  He has also served as managing general partner of The Tiberti
Company, a real estate rental and development  company,  since 1971. The Tiberti
Company is the lessor of the real property site for The Orleans. Mr. Tiberti has
been involved in the gaming  industry for 23 years and was a general  partner of
the Barbary  Coast  Partnership  prior to the formation of the Company and Coast


     Jerry  Herbst.  Mr.  Herbst has been a director,  Treasurer  and  Assistant
Secretary  of the Company and Coast  Hotels  since their  formation in September
1995.  His current term as a director  expires in 2002.  Mr. Herbst has been the
president of Terrible Herbst Oil Company,  an owner and operator of gas stations
and  car  washes,  since  1959.  Mr.  Herbst  and  Mr.  Gaughan  were  the  sole
stockholders  of  Gaughan-Herbst,  Inc.,  which was the sole  corporate  general
partner of the Gold Coast  Partnership  prior to the  formation of Coast Hotels.
Mr.  Herbst has  served as a member of the board of  directors  of Nevada  Power
Company since 1990 and of Edelbrock Corporation since 1994.

     Franklin Toti. Mr. Toti has been a director of the Company and Coast Hotels
since  October 5,  1998.  His  current  term  expires in 2002.  He has been Vice
President of Casino Operations for the Company and Coast Hotels since January 1,
1996.  Mr. Toti was a general  partner and Casino  Manager of the Barbary  Coast
Partnership from its inception in 1979 until January 1, 1996, the effective date
of the  Reorganization.  Mr.  Toti  has 41  years of  experience  in the  gaming

     Michael J.  Gaughan.  Mr.  Gaughan has been a director of the Company since
its  formation  in  September  1995 and is the  Chairman  of the Board and Chief
Executive  Officer of the  Company.  His current  term as a director  expires in
2003.  He is also a  director  and  Chairman  of the Board  and Chief  Executive
Officer of Coast Hotels.  Mr. Gaughan was a general partner of the Barbary Coast
Partnership from its inception in 1979 until January 1, 1996, the effective date
of the  reorganization in which the Barbary Coast Partnership and the Gold Coast
Partnership   consolidated   with   Coast   Resorts   and  Coast   Hotels   (the
"Reorganization").  Mr.  Gaughan served as the managing  general  partner of the
Gold Coast  Partnership  from its inception in December 1986 until the effective
date  of  the  Reorganization.   Mr.  Gaughan  and  Mr.  Herbst  were  the  sole
stockholders  of  Gaughan-Herbst,  Inc.,  which was the sole  corporate  general
partner of the Gold Coast Partnership prior to the  Reorganization.  Mr. Gaughan
has been involved in the gaming  industry  since 1960 and has been licensed as a
casino operator since 1967.

     Harlan D. Braaten.  Mr. Braaten joined the Company as the President,  Chief
Financial  Officer  and a director  in October  1995,  and was  appointed  Chief
Operating  Officer in February 1996.  His current term as a director  expires in
2003.  Mr.  Braaten is also the President and Chief  Operating  Officer of Coast
Hotels.  Prior to joining  the  Company,  Mr.  Braaten  was  employed in various
capacities,  including  the general  manager  and,  most  recently,  senior vice
president,  treasurer and chief financial officer of Rio Hotel and Casino,  Inc.
in Las Vegas.  From March 1989 to February 1991, Mr. Braaten was vice president,
finance of MGM/Marina Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Prior thereto, from
November 1983 to March 1989, Mr. Braaten was property controller for Harrah's in
Reno,  Nevada.  Mr. Braaten has over 23 years of experience in the Nevada gaming

     Gage Parrish.  Mr.  Parrish was named Vice  President,  Finance,  Assistant
Secretary and a director of the Company and Coast Hotels in October 1995 and was
promoted to Chief  Financial  Officer in February  1996.  His current  term as a
director  expires  in 2003.  From  1986,  until the  Reorganization,  he was the
Controller and Chief Financial Officer of the Gold Coast Partnership.  From 1981
to 1986,  Mr.  Parrish  served as  Assistant  Controller  of the  Barbary  Coast
Partnership.  Mr. Parrish is a certified public accountant and has approximately
23 years of experience in the gaming industry.


     F. Michael Corrigan.  Mr. Corrigan was elected as a director of the Company
and its wholly owned subsidiary, Coast Hotels and Casinos, Inc. ("Coast Hotels")
effective as of March 1, 1996.  His current term as a director  expires in 2004.
Since July 1989,  Mr.  Corrigan  has  served as the chief  executive  officer of
Corrigan  Investments,  Inc.,  which owns and manages  real estate in Nevada and
Arizona.  In addition,  Mr. Corrigan is the Chief Executive  Officer of Corstan,
Inc., a mortgage  banking company,  and was previously the owner,  President and
Chief Operating Officer of Stanwell Mortgage, a Las Vegas mortgage company.

     Charles  Silverman.  Mr. Silverman was elected as a director of the Company
and Coast Hotels  effective as of March 1, 1996.  His current term as a director
expires  in  2004.  Mr.  Silverman  is the  President  and sole  stockholder  of
Yates-Silverman,  Inc., which specializes in developing theme-oriented interiors
and  exteriors  and is a leading  designer  of  hotels  and  casinos.  Completed
projects of Yates-Silverman,  Inc. include New York-New York, Excalibur,  Circus
Circus,  Luxor,  the Trump Taj Mahal,  Trump Castle and Atlantic City  Showboat.
Yates-Silverman,  Inc. also served as the principal designer for The Orleans and
the Suncoast. Mr. Silverman has served as the president of Yates-Silverman, Inc.
since its inception in 1971.

     Joseph A. Blasco.  Mr.  Blasco was elected as a director of the Company and
Coast Hotels  effective as of December 16, 1996.  His current term as a director
expires in 2004.  Since 1984,  Mr.  Blasco has been a partner in the real estate
development partnership that developed the Spanish Trail community in Las Vegas,
a project that  includes  over 1,200 homes,  a 27-hole golf course and a country
club.  Mr.  Blasco is currently  the managing  General  Partner of United Realty
Investments,  a real estate  development and management company in Las Vegas. He
is also  general  partner in two real estate  development  partnerships,  Summer
Trail LLC and Trop-Edmond Ltd.

     Directors  of the  Company who are also  employees  of the Company or Coast
Hotels  receive no  compensation  for service on the Board of  Directors  or its
committees.  All other  directors  receive an annual  director's fee of $24,000,
payable quarterly in arrears. Directors may also be reimbursed for out-of-pocket
expenses  incurred in connection  with attending  Board of Director or committee

                 Board of Directors and Committees to the Board

     The Board of Directors held eight meetings  during 2001.  During 2001, each
director  attended at least 75% of the aggregate number of meetings of the Board
and the  respective  Committees on which he served while a member  thereof.  The
Board of Directors  has two standing  committees:  the Audit  Committee  and the
Compensation Committee.

     The  Compensation  Committee  consists of Messrs.  Corrigan,  Silverman and
Blasco.  The  Compensation  Committee  held one meeting during the year 2001. No
member of the  Committee  is a former or  current  officer  or  employee  of the
Company or any of its subsidiaries.  The functions performed by the Compensation
Committee  include  oversight  of  executive  compensation  and  review  of  the
Company's overall compensation programs.


     The Audit  Committee  consists of Messrs.  Corrigan  and Blasco.  The Audit
Committee  had one  regularly  scheduled  meeting  during  2001 and  held  three
telephonic  meetings  during the year. No member of the Committee is a former or
current  officer or  employee  of the  Company or any of its  subsidiaries.  The
functions  performed  by the Audit  Committee  include  review of the  Company's
financial  reporting  process  on behalf of the  Board of  Directors.  The Audit
Committee also reviews and makes  recommendations to the Board of Directors with
respect to any contracts  which the Company  proposes to enter with companies in
which  other  members  of the Board of  Directors  or Company  officers  have an
interest  or are  operated  or owned by a  relative  of a member of the Board of
Directors of a Company officer.


     The following table sets forth all compensation  earned by or paid by Coast
Hotels  during  1999,  2000  and  2001 to each  executive  officer  (the  "Named
Executive  Officers") whose compensation  exceeded $100,000 in all capacities in
which they served.

                           Summary Compensation Table

                               Annual Compensation

                                                                   All Other
Name and Principal Position            Year   Salary    Bonus    Compensation(1)
- -------------------------------------  ----  --------  --------  --------------
Michael J. Gaughan...................  2001  $300,000  $     --  $   4,234
Chairman of the Board and Chief        2000  $300,000  $     --  $   4,361
Executive Officer of Coast Resorts     1999  $300,000  $     --  $   4,000

Harlan D. Braaten....................  2001  $325,000  $162,500  $   2,642
President and Chief Operating          2000  $300,000  $150,000  $   4,361
Officer of Coast Resorts               1999  $275,000  $137,500  $   3,150

Gage Parrish.........................  2001  $250,000  $ 25,000  $   3,438
Vice President, Chief Financial        2000  $225,000  $     --  $   4,361
Officer and Asst. Secretary of         1999  $212,500  $ 15,000  $   3,900
Coast Resorts

(1)  The amounts reflect matching  contributions paid to our 401(k) Profit
     Sharing Plan and Trust.


                 Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

     We  maintain  numerous  racetrack  dissemination  contracts  with Las Vegas
Dissemination Company, Inc. ("LVDC").  Michael J. Gaughan's son is the president
and  sole  stockholder  of  LVDC.  LVDC  provides  certain   dissemination   and
pari-mutuel  services to the Gold Coast,  the Barbary Coast, The Orleans and the
Suncoast.  LVDC has been granted a license by the Nevada Gaming  Authorities  to
disseminate  live racing for those events and tracks for which it contracts  and
has been granted the exclusive right to disseminate all pari-mutuel services and
race wire services in the State of Nevada. Under these dissemination  contracts,
we pay to LVDC an  average of 3% of the  wagers  accepted  for races held at the
racetracks  covered by the respective  contracts.  We also pay to LVDC a monthly
fee for race wire  services.  For the fiscal  year ended  December  31,  2001 we
incurred  expenses payable to LVDC of approximately  $1.4 million.  The terms on
which such services are provided are regulated by the Nevada Gaming Authorities.

     J. A. Tiberti Construction Company ("Tiberti  Construction")  served as the
general  contractor  for the  original  construction  of the Gold  Coast and for
certain  expansions  thereof,  and for the original  construction of the Barbary
Coast and all  expansions  thereof.  Tiberti  Construction  was also the general
contractor for the original  construction of The Orleans, and for the expansions
in 1997, 1999 and 2001, as well as the general  contractor for the  construction
of the  Suncoast.  J. Tito Tiberti owns  approximately  6.2% of the  outstanding
common stock of Coast  Resorts,  and is a director and Secretary of Coast Hotels
and Coast Resorts. Mr. Tiberti is the president,  a director and stockholder of,
and together with his immediate family members,  controls Tiberti  Construction.
For the year ended  December  31, 2001 we incurred  expenses  payable to Tiberti
Construction  of  approximately  $63.4  million.  At December 31,  2001,  we had
construction  accounts payable to Tiberti  Construction of  approximately  $21.6
million. Although no formal contracts have been entered into, we anticipate that
we will incur expenses payable to Tiberti  Construction of approximately  $105.0
million in 2002 in connection with our proposed capital improvement  projects at
several of our hotel-casinos.

     We have  entered  into a ground  lease with the Tiberti  Company,  a Nevada
general  partnership,  with respect to the real property on which The Orleans is
located.  Mr. Tiberti, a director of Coast Hotels and a director and stockholder
of Coast Resorts, is the managing partner of the Tiberti Company. We paid to the
Tiberti Company $2.4 million for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001.

     Michael J. Gaughan and Franklin Toti are owners of LGT  Advertising,  which
serves as our advertising agency. LGT Advertising  purchases advertising for our
casinos from third parties and passes any discounts  directly through to us. LGT
Advertising receives no compensation or profit for such activities, and invoices
us for actual costs incurred.  LGT Advertising uses our facilities and employees
in rendering its services, but does not pay any compensation to us for such use.
Messrs.   Gaughan  and  Toti  receive  no  compensation  from  LGT  Advertising.
Advertising  expenses payable to LGT Advertising were approximately $8.3 million
for the year ended December 31, 2001.


     We have purchased certain of our equipment and inventory for our operations
from RJS Inc., a Nevada corporation that is owned by Michael J. Gaughan's father
and Steven  Delmont,  our restaurant  manager.  RJS invoices us for actual costs
incurred.  For the fiscal year ended  December  31,  2001 we  incurred  expenses
payable to RJS of approximately $2.7 million.

     Michael J. Gaughan is the majority stockholder of Nevada Wallboards,  Inc.,
a Nevada corporation ("Nevada  Wallboards"),  which prints wallboards and parlay
cards  for the use in our  race  and  sports  books.  Mr.  Gaughan  receives  no
compensation from Nevada Wallboards. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001
we incurred expenses payable to Nevada Wallboards of approximately $252,000.

     Charles  Silverman,  a director of Coast Hotels and Coast  Resorts,  is the
president of Yates-Silverman,  Inc., which served as the designer of The Orleans
and the  Suncoast.  For the fiscal  year ended  December  31,  2001 we  incurred
expenses  payable  to  Yates-Silverman  of  $947,000.  We  anticipate  incurring
expenses payable in 2002 to Yates-Silverman of approximately $600,000 related to
our capital improvement projects.

     Coast  Hotels  promotes  The  Orleans  by  advertising  on NASCAR  racecars
operated by Orleans  Motor Sports, Inc. In 2001 we spent  $332,000 in connection
with this  promotion,  and we  anticipate  spending  $480,000  in 2002.  Brendan
Gaughan,  the main driver  employed by Orleans  Motor Sports, Inc. is the son of
Michael J. Gaughan.

                      COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 16(A) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

     Rules adopted by the SEC under Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") require the Company's  officers and directors,  and
persons  who own more than ten percent of the issued and  outstanding  shares of
the Company's equity securities, to file reports of their ownership, and changes
in  ownership,  of  such  securities  with  the SEC on SEC  Forms  3, 4 or 5, as
appropriate.  Such persons are required by the SEC's  regulations to furnish the
Company with copies of all forms they file pursuant to Section 16(a).

     Based  solely  upon a review  of Forms  3, 4 and 5 and  amendments  thereto
furnished to the Company  during its most recent  fiscal  year,  and any written
representations  provided to it, the Company believes that each of the officers,
directors,  and owners of more than 10% of the  outstanding  Common Stock of the
Company are in compliance  with Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934 for the year 2001.


                         BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP OF SHARES

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of Coast  Resorts  common stock as of April 5, 2002 by (i) each person
who, to the  knowledge of Coast  Resorts,  owns more than 5% of the  outstanding
Coast  Resorts  common  stock,  (ii) each  director of the Company,  (iii) Named
Executive  Officers and (iv) all directors and executive officers of the Company
as a group.

                   Name(1)                      of Shares  Percent

Michael J. Gaughan............................  457,928.97   31.3%
Jerry Herbst..................................  265,488.08   18.2%
Jimma Lee Beam................................  104,529.41    7.1%
Franklin Toti.................................   99,776.47    6.8%
J. Tito Tiberti(2)............................   90,151.47    6.2%
Harlan D. Braaten (3).........................   30,415.00    2.0%
F. Michael Corrigan...........................    5,263.24     *
Joseph Blasco.................................      500.00     *
Charles Silverman.............................      500.00     *
Gage Parrish(4)...............................    5,000.00     *
All directors and executive officers as a
group (nine persons)..........................  955,023.23   63.8%

*    Less than one percent.

     (1)  The address of Messrs. Gaughan and Toti is 4500 West Tropicana Avenue,
          Las Vegas,  Nevada 89103.  The address of Mr. Herbst is 5195 Las Vegas
          Boulevard South,  Las Vegas,  Nevada 89119. The address of Mr. Tiberti
          is 1806 South Industrial Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102. The address of
          Ms. Beam is 2409 Windjammer Way, Las Vegas,  Nevada 89107. The address
          of Mr. Corrigan is 4100 West Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103.

     (2)  Includes  600 shares held by trusts for the  benefit of Mr.  Tiberti's
          children  and 2,000 shares held by a  partnership  of which trusts for
          the benefit of Mr.  Tiberti's  children are indirect  partners,  as to
          which Mr. Tiberti disclaims beneficial ownership.

     (3)  Reflects shares that may be purchased upon exercise of a stock option.

     (4)  Reflects shares that may be purchased upon exercise of a stock option.

     There is no public market for the Company's common stock.


                                  ANNUAL REPORT

     The Annual  Report of the Company for the fiscal  year ended  December  31,
2001,  including  the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2001,  without the exhibits  thereto,  was mailed on April 9,
2002, to shareholders of record as of April 5, 2002.

     The company will provide a copy of the Annual Report and of the exhibits to
its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2001 upon
the written  request of any beneficial  owner of the Company's  securities as of
the record  date for the  Annual  Meeting  and  reimbursement  of the  Company's
reasonable  expenses.  Such request  should be addressed to Gage  Parrish,  Vice
President and Chief Financial  Officer,  4500 West Tropicana Avenue,  Las Vegas,
Nevada 89103.

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     The Audit Committee  reviews the Company's  financial  reporting process on
behalf of the Board of Directors.  Management has the primary responsibility for
the financial  statements and the reporting process.  The Company's  independent
auditors are  responsible  for  expressing  an opinion on the  conformity of our
audited financial statements to generally accepted accounting principles.

     In this  context,  the Audit  Committee  has  reviewed and  discussed  with
management and the independent  auditors the audited financial  statements.  The
Audit Committee has discussed with the independent auditors the matters required
to be discussed by Statement on Auditing  Standards No. 61  (Communication  with
Audit  Committees).  In addition,  the Audit  Committee  has  received  from the
independent auditors the written disclosures required by Independence  Standards
Board No. 1 (Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees) and discussed with
them their independence from the Company and its management.

     In reliance on the reviews  and  discussions  referred to above,  the Audit
Committee  recommended to the Board of Directors,  and the Board approved,  that
the audited  financial  statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on
SEC Form  10-K  for the year  ended  December  31,  2001,  for  filing  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

     Each of the members of the Audit  Committee  is  independent  as defined in
Rule  4200(a)(15)  of the National  Association  of Securities  Dealers  listing


     The Board of  Directors  has not  adopted a written  charter  for the audit
committee. The following fees were paid to  PricewaterhouseCoopers  for services
provided to the Company for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001:

     Audit Fees:                            $ 224,797

     Financial Information Systems Design   $       0
     and Implementation Fees

     All Other Fees:                        $ 254,615

     Audit fees are the aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered
for  the  audit  of the  annual  financial  statements  of the  Company  and its
subsidiaries  for the most recent  fiscal year and the reviews of the  financial
statements  included in the Forms 10-Q of the Company and its  subsidiaries  for
that fiscal year.

     Financial  information  systems  design  and  implementation  fees  are the
aggregate  fees billed for services such as the operation or  supervision of the
Company's  information  system or for the design or implementation of a hardware
or  software  system  that  aggregates  source  data  underlying  the  financial
statements or generates  information  that is  significant to the audit client's
financial  statements  rendered by the principal  accountant for the most recent
fiscal year.

     All other fees are the aggregate  fees billed for services other than audit
and  financial  information  systems and  implementation  services,  rendered by
PricewaterhouseCoopers  for the most recent  fiscal year and include tax related
services,  an internal  control study and fees associated with debt offerings by
the Company.

     The  Audit  Committee  has  considered  whether  the  independent  auditors
provision of non-audit  services to the Company is compatible with the auditor's

                                      By the Audit Committee

                                      F. Michael Corrigan
                                      Joseph A. Blasco

                          COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT

     The Compensation  Committee of the Board of Director reviews and recommends
compensation  levels for  executive  officers  of the  Company  and  oversee and
administer the Company's  executive  compensation  programs.  All members of the
Compensation   Committee  are  outside  directors,   who  are  not  eligible  to
participate in any of the compensation programs that the Committee oversees.


     The Company's executive compensation plans are designed to attract, retain,
motivate  and  appropriately  reward  individuals  who are  responsible  for the
Company's short and long-term profitability,  growth and return to stockholders.
Compensation for the Company's  executive  officers generally consists of salary
and an annual bonus. In some cases, stock options are also awarded.

     Executive  officers also  participate  in a 401(k) plan, a medical plan and
other benefit plans available to employees generally.

     Pay  levels   for   executives   generally   are  based  on  the  level  of
responsibility,  scope and complexity of the  executive's  position  relative to
other senior management  positions  internally and at other  competitive  gaming

     The  determination of salary  increases,  annual bonus awards and long-term
incentive awards is expected to be reviewed annually based on the performance of
the  Company.  Also  factored  into  these  decisions  will be each  executive's
individual  performance and  contribution to the Company's  future  positioning.
Although the components of  compensation  (salary,  annual bonuses and long-term
incentive awards) will be reviewed separately,  compensation decisions are based
on a review of the total compensation level awarded compared to other executives
with similar gaming  companies.  In establishing 2001 compensation for the named
executive  officers,  the Board of Directors took into account the  compensation
paid to Messrs. Gaughan, Braaten and Parrish in 2000, the levels of compensation
paid to executives in the gaming industry generally,  and the performance of the
Company in the year 2001.  While the  Compensation  Committee  believed that Mr.
Gaughan  was  entitled  to a bonus  for the year  2001  based  on the  Company's
performance,  Mr. Gaughan indicated to the Compensation  Committee and the Board
of Directors that he did not wish to receive a bonus for 2001.

           Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

     There are no  members of the  Compensation  Committee  that have  been,  or
currently  are  officers or employees  of the Company or its  subsidiaries.  Mr.
Silverman  is the  president  of  Yates-Silverman,  Inc.,  which  served  as the
designer of The Orleans and the  Suncoast.  For the fiscal years ended  December
31, 1999,  2000 and 2001, we incurred  expenses  payable to  Yates-Silverman  of
$721,000,  $548,000 and $947,000 respectively.  We anticipate incurring expenses
payable in 2002 to  Yates-Silverman  of  approximately  $600,000  related to our
capital improvement projects.

                                      By the Compensation Committee

                                      Charles Silverman
                                      F. Michael Corrigan
                                      Joseph A. Blasco



     Upon the  recommendation of the Audit Committee,  the Board of Directors of
the Company has selected  PricewaterhouseCoopers  as the  Company's  independent
public  accountants  and  auditors  for fiscal year ending  December  31,  2002.
PricewaterhouseCoopers  served as the Company's  independent  public accountants
and auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2001. A  representative  of
PricewaterhouseCoopers  will be  present  at the  Annual  Meeting  to respond to
appropriate questions and to make such statements as he may desire.


     Any eligible  stockholder (as defined below) of the Company wishing to have
a proposal  considered  for inclusion in the Company's  2003 proxy  solicitation
material  must set forth such proposal in writing and file it with the Secretary
of the  Company  on or before  December  9,  2002.  The Board  will  review  any
proposals  from eligible  stockholders,  which it receives by that date and will
determine  whether  any  such  proposals  will be  included  in its  2003  proxy
solicitation  materials.  Any eligible  stockholder  is one who is the record or
beneficial owner of at least 1% or $1,000 in market value of securities entitled
to be voted on the proposal at that annual meeting who has held such  securities
for at least one year and who shall continue to own such securities  through the
date on which the annual meeting is held.

                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

     The cost of this solicitation will be borne by the Company.  Proxies may be
solicited by mail, telephone, or telegraph, or personally by directors, officers
and regular  employees  of the  Company,  none of whom will  receive any special
compensation for such services. The Company will reimburse persons holding stock
in their  name or in the names of their  nominees  for  reasonable  expenses  of
forwarding proxy materials to their principals.


                                 OTHER BUSINESS

     The Board does not know of any other business,  which will be presented for
consideration at the Annual Meeting. If any other business properly comes before
the Annual Meeting or at any  adjournment(s)  or  postponement(s)  thereof,  the
proxy  holders  will  vote in  regard  thereto  according  to their  discretion.
Pursuant to the  Company's  Bylaws,  in order to present  business at the Annual
Meeting other than that proposed by the Board,  a stockholder  must give written
notice to the  Secretary  of the Company not later than sixty days in advance of
the  Annual  Meeting.  Any such  notice  must set  forth as to each  matter  the
stockholder proposes to bring before the meeting: (i) the reasons for conducting
such business at the meeting,  (ii) the name and address,  as they appear on the
Company's books and records, of the stockholder  proposing such business,  (iii)
the  class  and  number  of  shares  of the  Company  beneficially  owned by the
stockholder and (iv) any material interest of the stockholder in such business.

                                      By Order of the Board of Directors

                                      J. Tito Tiberti



                               COAST RESORTS, INC.
                                     FOR THE

                       2002 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

     The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Michael J. Gaughan,  Harlan
D. Braaten, and J. Tito Tiberti, and each or any of them (and, if two or more of
them act hereunder, by action of a majority of them), attorneys and proxies with
full power of substitution,  to represent the undersigned and to vote all shares
of Common Stock, $.01 par value, of Coast Resorts, Inc. (the Company),  that the
undersigned  would be entitled to vote if personally  present at the 2002 Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders  of the  Company  to be held at  10:00  a.m.  (Pacific
Daylight  Time) in Salon G at The Orleans Hotel and Casino,  4500 West Tropicana
Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103, on Wednesday,  May 15, 2002, and at any and all
adjournments or postponements thereof (the "Meeting"),  as herein specified (or,
if  no  direction  is  given,   FOR  the  nominees  named  below)  and  in  such
proxyholder's discretion upon any other matter that may properly come before the


     CLASS  III  (for  election  to  serve  until  the 2005  Annual  Meeting  of
     Stockholders and until their successors are elected and have qualified): J.

     _____FOR all  nominees  listed  above  (except  as marked  to the  contrary


     _____ WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed above.


B.   IN THE  DISCRETION  OF THE  PROXYHOLDERS  with  respect to any other matter
     which may properly  come before the Meeting.  The Board of Directors is not
     aware of any other matters that will be presented at the meeting.


     IMPORTANT:  Please  sign your name or names  exactly as they appear on this
Proxy. When signing as attorney, executor or administrator, trustee or guardian,
please  give your full title as such.  If shares are held  jointly,  EACH holder
should sign.


                                      DATE:                        , 2002