STATE OF TEXAS                      X


     This  agreement  of Lease,  made this 19th day of May 2000,  by and between
Philip LeFevre,  Trustee,  hereinafter referred to as "Landlord",  and Dr. David
Summers dba., Endovasc, Ltd., hereinafter referred to as "Tenant".


Premises  1.01 -- In  consideration  of the rent  hereinafter  reserved  and the
covenants hereinafter  contained,  Landlord does hereby lease to the Tenant, and
Tenant  hereby leases from Landlord  Suites 234 & 235  containing  approximately
1900 square feet, situated on the second floor of the Del Lago Office Plaza.

Building is located at 15001  Walden  Road:  Montgomery,  Texas,  which space is
hereinafter referred to as the "Premises," reserving, however, to Landlord space
for all  necessary  pipes  and wires  leading  to and from the  portions  of the
Building not hereby leased, which will not unreasonably  interfere with Tenant's
use of the Premises. Landlord expressly reserves the right to change the name of
said Building without notice to Tenant.

Term 2.01 -- The term of this lease shall be for (12) months commencing,  on the
1st day of June  2000 and  ending  on the 31st day of May  2001,  unless  sooner
terminated as hereinafter provided.

2.02 -- Provided  Tenant has not been in default  under the terms of this lease,
Tenant  shall  have the  option to extend  this  lease for an  additional  lease
period,  provided  that the Tenant  gives the Landlord at least thirty (30) days
written  notice prior to the  expiration  of the initial  lease term of Tenant's
intention to exercise the option.  If exercised the option period lease shall be
on the same terms and  conditions  set forth  herein  except for the base rental
amount which shall be mutually agreed upon. Further an allowance for common cost
charges may be assessed.

Rent 3.01 -- Tenant  covenants and agrees to pay to Landlord during each year of
the term,  without demand, set off or deduction of any kind, an annual rental as
set forth  below  (herein  sometimes  referred to as the "Base  Rent").  Further
Tenant  covenants and agrees to pay the total sum of  ($17,400.00)  as the total
base rent for the term of this  lease to be  remitted  in  monthly  payments  of
($1,450.00) per month, commencing on June 1, 2000.

3.02 -- All sums  stipulated  throughout  this lease shall be in addition to all
applicable sales, use, and similar taxes, all of which shall be paid by Tenant.

3.03 -- If the lease term  begins on other  than the first day of a month,  rent
from such date until the first of the next  succeeding  month shall be pro-rated
on the  basis of the  actual  number  of days in each  such  month  and shall be
payable in advance.

3.04 -- All payments of rent shall be made in case or by check payable to Philip
LeFevre,  Trustee, and delivered to Philip LeFevre, Trustee at its office in the
Del Lago Office  Building,  15001 Walden Road,  Suite 203,  City of  Montgomery,
state of Texas, or to such other person and place as may be designated by notice
in writing from Landlord to Tenant from time to time.

3.05 -- No payment by Tenant or receipt by Landlord of a lesser  amount than the
monthly  installments of rent herein stipulated shall be deemed to be other than
on  account  of the  earliest  stipulated  rent nor  shall  any  endorsement  or
statement on any check or any letter  accompanying  any check or payment as rent
be deemed an accord and  satisfaction,  and  Landlord  may accept such check for
payment  without  prejudice to  landlord's  right to recover the balance of such
rent or pursue any other remedy in this lease provided.

LANDLORD'S  SERVICES 4.01 -- Landlord  covenants and agrees that it will without
additional charge furnish:

     (a) heat and air  conditioning  to maintain  the  premises at a  reasonably
comfortable  temperature  between  the hours of 8:00 A.M.  and 6:00 P.M.  Monday
through Friday of each week except holidays recognized by the U.S. Government.

     (b)  electricity  for lighting  purposes and  operation of ordinary  office
appliances, computers and other office equipment.

     (c)  janitor  services  two  days a week  (Monday  and  Wednesday),  except
holidays  recognized by the U.S.  Government,  it being  understood  and agreed,
however,  that  Landlord  shall  not be  liable  in any way for  any  damage  or
inconvenience  caused by the  cessation or  interruption  of such  heating,  air
conditioning,   electricity,  janitor  service  occasioned  by  fire,  accident,
strikes, necessary maintenance,  alterations, or repairs, or other causes beyond
Landlord's control.

     (d) failure by Landlord to any extent to furnish these defined services, or
any cessation  thereof,  shall neither render Landlord liable in any respect for
damages to either  person or  property,  be  construed as an eviction or partial
eviction  of Tenant,  work as an  abatement  of rent,  nor  relieve  Tenant from
fulfillment of any covenant in this Lease.

     (e) It is understood that employees of Landlord are prohibited as such from
receiving  any packages or other  articles  delivered to the Building for Tenant
and that should any such employee  receive any such packages or articles,  he or
she in doing shall be the agent of Tenant and not of Landlord.

UPKEEP OF PREMISES 5.01 -- Subject to the  provisions  hereinafter  contained in
regard to damage by fire, Landlord agrees to maintain the premises in good order
and  repair  damage  thereto  shall  have been  caused by the act or  neglect of
Tenant,  in which  case the same  shall be  repaired  by and at the  expense  of

USE OF PREMISES 6.01 -- Tenant  covenants:  to use the premises only for offices
for  carrying  on the  business  of  Business  Office and to permit  Landlord to
transmit heat, air  conditioning  and electric current through the said premises
at all times at the discretion of the Landlord, provided, however, that Landlord
shall not  exercise  this right in such a way as to  unreasonably  inconvenience
Tenant,  or  unreasonably  interfere  with  Tenant's  use of the  premises.  All
property of any kind which may be on the  premises  shall be at the sole risk of
Tenant or those claiming through or under Tenant.

TENANT'S AGREEMENT 7.01 -- Tenant covenants and agrees:

     (a) to pay to landlord  said rent during the term and until  possession  of
the premise is redelivered to Landlord free and clear;

     (b) to save Landlord and Philip LeFevre Trustee,  managing agent,  harmless
and indemnified from all loss, damage,  liability or expense incurred,  suffered
or claimed by any person  whomsoever by reason of Tenant's neglect or use of the
premises of or said Building or of anything therein,  or the parking  facilities
in or adjacent thereto, or of water, steam, electricity,  or other agency, or by
reason  of any  injury,  loss,  or damage to any  person  or  property  upon the
premises not caused by the negligence of landlord,  and to be answerable for all
nuisances  causes  or  suffered  on the  premises,  or  caused by Tenant in said
Building, or parking facilities, or on the approaches thereto;

     (c) not to strip or  overload,  damage or deface the  premises or hallways,
parking  facilities  or  other  approaches  thereto,  of said  Building,  or the
fixtures therein or used therewith,  not to permit any hole to be made in any of
the same;

     (d) not to suffer or permit any trade or occupation to be carried on or use
made of the premises which shall be unlawful,  noisy, offensive, or injurious to
any person or  property,  or such as to increase the danger of fire or affect or
make void or voidable any  insurance on said  Building,  or which may render any
increased or extra premium payable for such  insurance,  or regulation from time
to time established by any public authority;

     (e) not to move any  furniture  or  equipment  into or out of the  premises
except at such times as Landlord may from time to time designate;

     (f) not to place upon the  interior  or  exterior  of the  building  or nay
window or any part thereof or door of the premises any placard, sign, lettering,
window  covering or drapes  except  such and in such place and manner,  as shall
have been first  approved in writing by Landlord;  to park  vehicles only in the
area designated by Landlord;  not to use any floor adhesive in the  installation
of any carpeting;

     (g) to conform to all rules or regulations from time to time established by
the appropriate  insurance rating  organization,  and to all reasonable rules or
regulations from time to time established by Landlord.

ALTERATIONS  8.01 -- Tenant will not paint the premises or make or permit anyone
to make any  alterations  in or additions  thereto,  nor will tenant install any
equipment of any kind that will require any alterations,  or additions to or the
use of the water system,  heating  system,  plumbing  system,  air  conditioning
system, or the electrical  system,  nor will tenant install a television antenna
on the  roof,  in the  windows  or upon  the  exterior  of the  premises  or air
conditioning units of any type without the prior written consent of Landlord. If
any such  alteration or additions  are made without such  consent,  Landlord may
correct  or  remove  them and  Tenant  shall be liable  for any and all  expense
incurred by Landlord in the performance of this work.

TENANT'S  WAIVER OF CLAIMS 9.01 -- Tenant  covenants that no claim shall be made
against Landlord by Tenant,  or by any agent or servant of Tenant,  or by others
claiming  the right to be in the premises or in said  Building  through or under
Tenant, for any injury,  loss or damage to person or property occurring upon the
premises from any cause other than the negligence of Landlord.

LIEN ON TENANT'S PROPERTY 10.01 -- Landlord shall have a lien for the payment of
the rent aforesaid upon all of the goods, wares, chattels,  fixtures,  furniture
and other  personal  property  of Tenant  which may be in or upon the  premises.
Tenant hereby  specifically  waiving any and all exemptions  allowed by law; and
such lien may be enforced on the  nonpayment of any  installment  of rent by the
taking and selling of such property in the same manner as in the case of chattel
mortgages on default thereunder;  said sale to be made upon ten (10) days notice
served upon the Tenant by posting  upon the  premises or by leaving  same at his
place of  residence;  or such lien may be enforced in any other lawful manner at
the option of the Landlord.

ASSIGNMENT & SUBLETTING  11.01 -- Tenant  covenants not to assign this lease nor
to sublet the  premises or any  portion  thereof,  nor rent desk space  therein,
without the consent of the Landlord first obtained in writing.  However, neither
such assignment or subletting nor the consent of Landlord thereto shall release,
discharge or affect the liability of Tenant,  as provided in this lease, for the
full term hereof.

LANDLORD'S  RIGHT OF ACCESS 12.01 -- Landlord  may, at any time during  Tenant's
occupancy during reasonable business hours, enter either to view the premises or
to show  the  same  to  others,  or to make  repairs  to  said  Building,  or to
introduce,  replace,  repair,  alter or make new or change existing  connections
from any fixtures,  pipes, wires, ducts, conduits, or other construction therein
or remove, without being held responsible thereof,  placards,  signs, lettering,
window or door coverings and the like not expressly consented to.

12.12.02 -- If Tenant  shall  carpet  over the access  panels of the under floor
duct  system in the floor of the  premises,  Landlord is hereby  authorized  and
permitted  to cut such  carpeting  to reach the ducts in such panels in order to
make any necessary connections therefrom to service other parts of the Building,
without being held liable  thereof,  provided  Landlord shall have the carpeting
re-stitched in a workmanlike manner, but tenant agrees to reimburse the Landlord
for the cost of such cutting and re-stitching.

12.03 -- Landlord may,  within sixty (60) days  preceding the  expiration of the
term enter,  to place and maintain  notices for letting,  free from hindrance or
control of Tenant,  and to show the premises to prospective  tenants  thereof at
times which will not unreasonably  interfere with Tenant's  business.  If Tenant
shall  vacate the  premises  during  the last  month of the term of this  lease,
Landlord  shall have the  unrestricted  right to enter the same  after  Tenant's
moving  to  commence  preparations  for the  succeeding  tenant or for any other
purpose whatever, without affecting Tenant's obligation to pay rent for the full
SURRENDER OF POSSESSION  13.01 -- Tenant  covenants,  at the expiration or other
termination of this lease, to remove all goods and effects form the premises not
the property of Landlord, and to yield up to Landlord the premises and all keys,
locks and other fixtures connected therewith in good repair, order and condition
in all  respects,  reasonable  wear and use thereof and damage by fire, or other
casualty, not caused by Tenant's act or neglect, only excepted.

FIRE CLAUSE  14-01 -- This lease is made on condition  that,  if the premises or
any part  thereof,  or  hallways,  or other  approaches  thereto,  be damaged or
destroyed  by fire or  other  casualty  from any  cause,  so as to  render  said
premises and/or approaches unfit for use and occupancy, a just and proportionate
part of the rent,  according  to the  nature  and  extent of the  injury to said
premises and/or approaches, shall be suspended or abated until said premises and
approaches  have been put in as good  condition  for use and occupancy as at the
time immediately  prior to such damage or destruction.  Landlord will proceed at
its expense and, as  expeditiously  as may be  practicable to repair the damage,
unless, because of the substantial extent of the damage or destruction, Landlord
should  decide not to repair or restore the premises or the  Building,  in which
event  and at either  party'  option,  either  party may  terminate  this  lease
forthwith,  by giving  Landlord a written  notice of its  intention to terminate
within ninety (90) days after the date of the casualty.

CONDEMNATION  15.01 -- This  lease  shall  be  terminated  and the rent  payable
hereunder  shall be abated to the date of such  termination in either of the two
following  events,  namely:  (1) the  forcible  leasing or  condemnation  of the
premises or any part thereof by any competent  authority  under right of eminent
domain for any public or quasi public use or purpose;  and (2) the  condemnation
by  competent  authority  under right of eminent  domain for any public or quasi
public use or purpose of 25% or more of the  Building in which the  premises are
located.  The forcible leasing by any competent authority of any portion of said
Building  other than the premises will have no effect  whatever upon this lease.
In case of any  taking or  condemnation,  whether  or not the term of this lease
shall cease and  terminate,  the entire award shall be the property of Landlord,
and Tenant hereby  assigns to Landlord all its right,  title and interest in and
to any such  award.  Tenant,  however,  shall be  entitled  to claim,  prove and
receive  in the  condemnation  proceeding  such  awards  as may be  allowed  for
fixtures and other  equipment  installed by it, but only if such awards shall be
made by the Court in addition  to the award made by it to Landlord  for the land
and improvements or part thereof so taken.

SECURITY  DEPOSIT  16.01 --  Tenant  hereby  deposits  with  Landlord  and shall
maintain at all times whole and  unencumbered  the sum of $ 1,450.00 as security
for the  faithful  performance  by  Tenant  of this  lease,  it being  expressly
understood and agreed that Tenant may not direct Landlord to apply said security
in payment of rent for any month  during the lease term.  If Tenant  shall fully
and  faithfully  comply with all the provisions of this lease then said security
or any balance  thereof  remaining  shall be repaid to Tenant  within sixty (60)
days after termination of the lease term. In the event of any sale, transfer, or
assignment  of the  Landlord's  interest  under this  lease,  Tenant  agrees and
consents that transferee or assignee,  as the case may be and Landlord thereupon
shall be released from all liability  for the  repayment of said  security,  and
Tenant, in each instance,  shall look solely to such transferee for repayment of
said security.

DEFAULTS  AND REMEDIES  17.01 -- It is hereby  mutually  covenanted  and agreed,

     (a) if Tenant  shall  fail to pay when due any  installment  of rent or any
other charge provided herein, or,

     (b) if Tenant  shall  fail to keep and  perform  each and  every  covenant,
condition  and agreement  herein  contained and on the part of tenant to be kept
and performed, or

     (c) if Tenant shall abandon or evidence any intention to abandon  premises,

     (d) if the  estate  hereby  created  shall be taken on  execution  or other
process of law, or

     (e) if Tenant shall petition to be declared bankrupt or insolvent according
to law, or

     (f) if a receiver  or other  similar  officer  shall be  appointed  to take
charge of any part of the property of, or to wind up the affairs of Tenant,  and
it is not discharged within thirty (30) days, or

     (g) if any assignment shall be made of Tenant's property for the benefit of
creditors, or

     (h) if a petition shall be filed for Tenant's  reorganization under Chapter
X of the Bankruptcy Act, then and in each and every such case, from  thenceforth
and at all times thereafter,  at the sole option of Landlord,  Tenant's right of
possession  shall thereupon cease and terminate,  and Landlord shall be entitled
to the  possession  of the  premises  and to remove  all  persons  and  property
therefrom and to re-enter the same without  further  demand of rent or demand of
possession of said premises,  either with or without  process of law and without
becoming  liable to prosecution  thereof,  any notice to quit or of intention to
re-enter  being  hereby  expressly  waived by  Tenant;  and in the event of such
re-entry or retaking by Landlord, Tenant shall nevertheless remain in all events
liable and  answerable  for the full rental to the date of retaking or re-entry,
and Tenant shall also be and remain  answerable in damages for the deficiency or
loss of rent which Landlord may thereby sustain in respect of the balance of the
term; and in such case Landlord reserves full power,  which is hereby acceded to
by Tenant,  to let said  premises for the benefit of Tenant in  liquidation  and
discharge,  in whole or in part,  as the case may be, of the liability of Tenant
under the terms and provisions of this lease, and such damages, at the option of
the Landlord, may be recovered by it at the time of the retaking or re-entry, or
in separate actions, from time to time, as Tenant's obligation to pay rent would
have accrued if the term had  continued,  or from time to time,  as said damages
shall have been made more easily  ascertainable  by re-lettings of the premises,
or such action by Landlord  may at the option of Landlord be deferred  until the
expiration  of the term,  in which latter event the cause of action shall not be
deemed to have accrued until the date of the termination of said term.

17.02 -- All rents received by Landlord in any such  reletting  shall be applied
first  to the  payment  of such  expenses  as  Landlord  may  have  incurred  in
recovering  possession of the premises and in reletting the same, second, to the
payment  of any costs and  expenses  incurred  by  landlord  either  for  making
necessary repairs to the premises or in curing any default on the part of Tenant
in any covenant or condition  herein made binding upon Tenant,  and,  last,  any
remaining rent shall be applied toward the payment of rent due from Tenant under
the terms of this lease,  with  interest at the highest  legal rate,  and Tenant
expressly agrees to pay any deficiency then remaining. Landlord, however, at its
option, may refrain from terminating  Tenant's right of possession,  and in such
case may enforce  against  Tenant the provisions of this lease for the full term

17.03 --  Tenant  expressly  agrees  to  reimburse  Landlord  for any  expenses,
including  counsel  fees,  Landlord may incur in enforcing  the latter's  rights
against  Tenant  under this  lease,  including,  but not being  limited  to, the
collection of rent and the securing of possession of the premises.

DEFAULT CLAUSE 17.04 -- The following  provision  shall override and control any
conflicting  provisions of Section 93.002 of the Texas Property Code, as well as
any successor statute governing the right of a landlord to change the door locks
of commercial  tenants.  Upon any event of any material  default by Tenant under
this Lease,  Landlord is entitled and is hereby authorized,  without any further
notice to Tenant whatsoever,  to enter upon the Leased Premises by use of master
key, a duplicate key, or other peaceable  means,  and to change,  alter,  and/or
modify the door on all entry doors of the Leased Premises,  thereby  permanently
excluding  Tenant,  and  its  officers,   principals,   agents,   employees  and
representatives  therefrom.  In the event that  Landlord has either  permanently
repossessed  the Leased  Premises  pursuant to the foregoing  provisions of this
Lease,  or has  terminated  this Lease by reason of Tenant's  default,  Landlord
shall not  thereafter  be obligated  to provide  Tenant with a key to the Leased
Premises at any time,  regardless  of any amounts  subsequently  paid by Tenant;
provided,  however, that in any such instance, during Landlord's normal business
hours and at the  convenience of Landlord,  and upon receipt of written  request
form Tenant accompanied by such written waivers and releases as the Landlord may
require,  Landlord will either (at  Landlord's  option) (i) escort Tenant or its
authorized  personnel to the Leased Premises to retrieve any personal belongings
or other  property  of Tenant not  subject to the  Landlord's  lien or  security
interest  described  herein,  or (ii) obtain a list from Tenant of such personal
property  as Tenant  intends to remove,  whereupon  Landlord  shall  remove such
property  and make it  available  to Tenant at a time and  place  designated  by
Landlord.  However, if Landlord elects option (ii), Tenant shall pay, in cash in
advance, all costs and expenses estimated by Landlord to be incurred in removing
such  property and making it available to Tenant and all moving  and/or  storage
charges  theretofore  incurred by Landlord  with  respect to such  property.  If
Landlord elects to exclude Tenant from the Leased Premises  without  permanently
repossessing or terminating  pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Lease,
then  Landlord  shall not be  obligated  to provide  Tenant a key to reenter the
Leased  Premises  until such time as all  delinquent  Rent and other amounts due
under  this Lease have been paid in full and all other  defaults,  if any,  have
been completely  cured to Landlord's  satisfaction (if such cure occurs prior to
any actual permanent  repossession or termination),  and Landlord has been given
assurance  reasonably  satisfactory to Landlord  evidencing  Tenant's ability to
satisfy its remaining  obligations  under this Lease.  During any such temporary
period of exclusion, Landlord will, during Landlord's regular business hours and
at  Landlord's  convenience,   upon  receipt  of  written  request  from  Tenant
(accompanied  by such written  waivers and  releases as Landlord  may  require),
escort  Tenant or its  authorized  personnel to the Leased  Premises to retrieve
personal  belongings  of Tenant or its  employees,  and such other  property  of
Tenant as is not subject to the Landlord's lien and security interest  described
herein. This remedy of Landlord shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any
of its other  remedies  set  forth in this  Lease,  or  otherwise  available  to
Landlord at law or in equity.

SUBORDINATION CLAUSE 18.01 -- This lease shall be subject and subordinate at all
times to the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust encumbrances or encumbrances,
which  may now or  which  may at any  time  hereafter  be made a lien  upon  the
Building of which the premises are a part or upon Landlord's  interest  therein.
Tenant  shall  execute  and  deliver  such  further  instrument  or  instruments
subordinating  this  lease  to the lien of any  such  mortgage  or deed of trust
encumbrance  and  encumbrances  as shall be  desired by any  mortgagee  or party
secured or proposed mortgagee or party proposed to be secured; and Tenant hereby
appoints Landlord the  attorney-in-fact of Tenant,  irrevocably,  to execute and
deliver any such instrument for Tenant.

TENANT  HOLDING  OVER  19.01  --  If  Tenant  shall  not  immediately  surrender
possession of the premises at the termination of this lease, Tenant shall become
a tenant  from month to month,  provided  rent shall be paid to and  accepted by
Landlord,  in  advance  at the rate of one and  one-half  (1 1/2) the rent which
would have been payable to Landlord prior to the termination of this lease;  but
unless and until  Landlord  shall  continue  to be entitled to retake or recover
possession of the premises as herein  before  provided in case of default on the
part of Tenant, and Tenant shall be liable to landlord for any loss or damage it
may  sustain  by reason of  Tenant's  failure  to  surrender  possession  of the
premises immediately upon the expiration of the term of this lease.... If Tenant
shall  fail  to  surrender  possession  of the  premises  immediately  upon  the
expiration of the term hereof,  Tenant hereby agrees that all the obligations of
Tenant and all rights of Landlord applicable during the term of this lease shall
be equally applicable during such period of subsequent occupancy, whether or not
a month to month tenancy shall have been created as aforesaid.

WAIVER AND NOTICE 20.01 -- No waiver of any breach of any covenant, condition or
agreement herein contained shall operate as a waiver of the covenant,  condition
or agreement itself, or of any subsequent breach thereof.

MISCELANEOUS  21.01 -- The term "Tenant"  shall  include legal  representatives,
successors and assigns.  All covenants  herein made binding upon Tenant shall be
construed to be equally applicable to the binding upon his agents, employees and
others  claiming the right to be in the premises or in said building  through or
under Tenant.

21.02 -- If more than one individual,  firm or corporation shall join as Tenant,
singular  context shall be construed to be plural  wherever  necessary,  and the
covenants  of  Tenant  to be the joint and  several  obligations  of each  party
signing as Tenant,  and, when the parties signing as Tenant are partners,  shall
be the obligations of the firm and of the individual members thereof.

21.03 --  Feminine  or neuter  pronouns  shall be  substituted  for those of the
masculine form, and the plural shall be substituted  for the singular,  wherever
the context shall require. It is also agreed that no specific words, phrases, or
clauses  herein used shall be taken or construed  to control,  limit or cut down
the scope or meaning of any general words, phrases or clauses used in connection

LANDLORD'S  SUCCESSORS  22.01 -- This lease shall  likewise be binding  upon and
shall  inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and their  respective  heirs,
personal representatives, successors and assigns.

ENTIRE  AGREEMENT  23.01 -- This  lease  contains  the entire  agreement  of the
parties in regard to the premises. There are no oral agreements existing between

NOTICES AND DEMANDS 24.01 -- All notices  required or permitted  hereunder shall
be deemed to have been given if mailed in any U.S.  Post Office by  certified or
registered mail, postage prepaid, addressed to Landlord or Tenant, respectively,
at the  following  addresses  or to such  other  addresses  as the  parties  may
designate in writing from time to time.

24.02 -- Tenant  hereby  elects  domicile  at the  premises  for the  purpose of
service of all notices, writs of summons, or other legal documents,  or process,
in any suit,  action,  or proceeding  which  Landlord may  undertake  under this

LATE CHARGES  25.01 -- In the event the rent provided for herein is not received
by the  Landlord  on the  fifth  day of each  month a late  charge  equal to ten
percent (10%) of the monthly rental amount shall be due and payable to Landlord.
If rent is mailed, Tenant is responsible for loss or mail delay.

25.02 -- Nothing  contained  herein shall  obligate  Landlord to accept the rent
after the  first  day of the  month,  nor does  Landlord  waive any of its legal
rights  which may be  available  for  default  of Tenant  by  inclusion  of this
provision in this  Commercial  Lease. In the event Tenant pays its rent by check
and the same is not cashed and paid by bank when presented, for whatever reason,
Tenant shall pay, in addition to any late charges and in addition to the rent, a
charge for each occurrence in the amount of Twenty-Five dollars ($25.00)

QUIET  ENJOYMENT  26.01 -- Landlord  covenants  and agrees with Tenant that upon
Tenant paying the rent and observing and performing all the terms, covenants and
conditions, on Tenant's part to be observed and performed,  Tenant may peaceably
and quietly enjoy the premises  hereby  demised,  subject  nevertheless,  to the
terms and  conditions  of this lease,  and to the  mortgages  and deeds of trust
herein before mentioned.

GOVERNING LAW 27.01 -- This lease shall be construed and governed by the laws of
the state of Texas in which the premises are  situated.  Should any provision of
this lease and/or its conditions be illegal or not enforceable under the laws of
the said state, it or they shall be considered severable,  and the lease and its
conditions  shall  remain in force and be binding upon the parties as though the
said provisions had never been included.

FIXTURES 28.01 -- Tenant shall, upon the expiration or sooner termination of the
lease term,  surrender to the Landlord,  together with the leased premises,  any
and  all  replacements,   changes,  and  additions  thereto,  and  fixtures  and
improvements  constructed or placed by Tenant thereon,  with all equipment in or
appurtant  thereto,  except trade fixtures  removable without material damage to
the premises.  Any such removable trade fixtures or personal property  belonging
to Tenant or to any assignee or  subtenant,  if not removed at such  termination
and if the Landlord so elects, shall be deemed abandoned and become the property
of the Landlord without any payment or offset  therefore.  If the Landlord shall
not so elect,  the  Landlord  may remove  such  fixtures  or  property  from the
premises and shall repair and restore,  and save the Landlord harmless from, any
and all  damage to the lease  premises  caused by such  removal,  whether by the
Tenant or by the Landlord.

NO SMOKING PROVISION 29.01- Smoking is strictly  prohibited inside the building.
However,  it is  permitted  in the  courtyard  and along the  outside  walkways.

TIME OF ESSENCE 30.01 -- Time is of the essence in this lease.

Signed this _____________ day of ______________, 2000.

TENANT:                                              LANDLORD:

BY:/s/ David Summers                       BY:/s/ Philip LeFevre

Dr. David Summers
Endovasc Ltd., Inc.                         Philip LeFevre, Trustee
15001 Walden Road, Suites 234 & 235         15001 Walden Road, Suite 203
Montgomery, Texas 77356                     Montgomery, Texas  77356

DATE:__________________________             DATE:_______________________