EMERGENT GROUP INC.

BJH Mangement, LLC ("BJH")                                      October 15, 2001
145 Huguenot Street
New Rochelle, NY 10801

Re: Consulting Agreement


                  This will confirm our invitation to BJH to act as a consultant
         to Emergent Group, Inc. (the "Company") and its wholly owned
         subsidiary, Medical Resource Management, Inc. ("MRM") (jointly and
         severally the "Companies") upon the terms described below:

1.                This arrangement will commence on Monday, October 22, 2001,
                  and will continue for three months.
2.                During the consulting period, BJH shall assign Bruce J Haber
                  ("Bruce") to assist the Companies in strategic decisions and
                  fundraising, and Lou Buther ("Lou") to assist MRM with its
                  day-to-day operations and strategic decisions.
3.                BJH will report to the Board of Directors of the Company. 4.
                  Subject to adjustment as the relationship develops, it is
                  contemplated that Lou will spend approximately ten out of
                  every fourteen days working in Los Angeles with the other four
                  days in New York. Bruce will primarily work out of New York
                  and will travel to Los Angeles as necessary, it being
                  currently contemplated that Bruce is prepared to spend up to
                  three to four days per month in Los Angeles.
5.                The Company will pay BJH a consulting fee of $25,000 per month
                  for these services payable on the starting date, November 22
                  and December 22, 2001 In addition, the Companies will pay your
                  reasonable expenses (including but not limited to airfare,
                  lodging, telephone, auto rental and meals) subject to prior
                  approval by the Board.
6.                If by the conclusion of the three month consulting period, or
                  three months thereafter, the Companies are successful at
                  obtaining a commitment for raising at least $1 million in new
                  equity capital, on terms acceptable to the Company, BJH will
                  be entitled to share in a bonus equal to 10% of the Company's
                  outstanding equity on a post funding basis (i.e., after the
                  equity the Companies have raised has been issued). BJH shall
                  also be entitled to such bonus if the Companies no longer
                  require all or any of the additional equity as a result of a
                  debt restructuring, on terms acceptable to the Company. In the
                  event the Companies are sold within a six month time period
                  commencing October 22, 2001, BJH will be entitled to the 10%
                  equity as outlines above.
7.                In addition, after such funding or debt restructuring, Lou,
                  Bruce or BJH may choose to stay with MRM and/or the Company in
                  executive or Board positions, or as a contractor, as may be
                  mutually agreed upon. If any such positions are accepted , BJH
                  will be entitled to share an additional 2.5% of the company's
                  equity. However, if no such positions are accepted, the equity
                  participation shall be reduced to 7.5%.
8.                If you decide to stay on with the company, we will negotiate
                  mutually acceptable employment or contracting contracts at
                  such time.
9.                Company shall defend (at its cost), indemnify, and
                  hold BJH, its employees and agents harmless from and against
                  any loss, injury, or damage resulting from or arising out of
                  BJH's performance under this Agreement or Companies acts or

         We are excited about the possibility of your joining our organization
         and look forward to a mutually rewarding relationship. If you agree to
         the above terms, please sign below where indicated.

                                Sincerely yours,

                                              Emergent Group Inc.

                                      By: /s/ Daniel Yun
                                              Daniel Yun, Chairman

                                              Medical Resources Management, Inc

                                       By /s/ Mark Waldron

Agreed and Accepted:


By: /s/ Bruce J. Haber
        Bruce J. Haber, President