
                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                 SCHEDULE 14A/A

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant  |X|

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:
|X|   Preliminary Proxy Statement
|_|   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
      Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
|_|   Definitive Proxy Statement
|_|   Definitive Additional Materials
|_|   Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12


                           BLUE WIRELESS & DATA, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X|  No fee required.
|_|  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

      (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      (3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      (5)   Total fee paid:

|_|  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
|_|  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.  (1) Amount  Previously

      (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      (3)  Filing Party:

      (4)  Date Filed:


                           BLUE WIRELESS & DATA, INC.
                           3001 Knox Street, Suite 401
                               Dallas, Texas 75205


                            TO BE HELD APRIL 12, 2006

To our Stockholders:

     You are cordially  invited to attend a special meeting of the  stockholders
of Blue Wireless & Data, Inc., a Delaware corporation  (hereinafter  referred to
as "our  company"  or "Blue  Wireless"),  to be held at our  executive  offices,
located at 3001 Knox Street, Suite 401, Dallas, Texas 75205, on Wednesday, April
12, 2006 at 10:00 a.m., Central Time (the "Special Meeting"),  for the following
purposes  as more  fully  described  in the Proxy  Statement  accompanying  this

     (1)  To approve an amendment to our Certificate of  Incorporation to effect
          a 1-for-50 reverse stock split of the issued and outstanding shares of
          our  company's  common  stock,  such that each one (1) share of common
          stock  issued  and  outstanding  immediately  prior  to the  time  the
          amendment  becomes  effective shall be automatically  reclassified and
          changed into one-fiftieth  (1/50th) of a fully-paid and non-assessable
          share of common stock;

     (2)  To approve an amendment to our Certificate of  Incorporation to reduce
          the par value of our  company's  common  stock from $0.01 per share to
          $0.001 per share,  such that each one (1) share of common  stock,  par
          value $0.01 per share, issued and outstanding immediately prior to the
          time  the  amendment   becomes   effective   shall  be   automatically
          reclassified and changed into one (1) share of common stock, par value
          $0.001 per share; and

     (3)  To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          Special Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     Our Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 9, 2006, as
the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the Special  Meeting and any  adjournment or  postponement  thereof.
Only stockholders of record of our company's common stock on the record date are
entitled to vote on matters coming before the Special Meeting or any adjournment
or postponement thereof. A complete list of stockholders entitled to vote at the
Special  Meeting  will be  maintained  in Blue  Wireless'  offices  at 3001 Knox
Street,  Suite 401,  Dallas,  Texas  75205,  for ten days  prior to the  Special

     Your  vote is  important.  Whether  or not you plan to attend  the  Special
Meeting,  please  complete,  sign,  date and return the  enclosed  proxy card as
promptly  as  possible  in order to ensure  your  representation  at the Special
Meeting.  A return  envelope  (which is postage  prepaid if mailed in the United
States) is enclosed for your convenience.

     If you receive more than one proxy card because your shares are  registered
in  different  names or at different  addresses,  each such proxy card should be
signed and  returned to ensure that all of your shares will be voted.  The proxy
card  should be signed by all  registered  holders  exactly  as the  shares  are
registered.  Any  person  giving a proxy  has the power to revoke it at any time
prior to the voting of the proxy and, if you are present at the Special Meeting,
you may withdraw your proxy and vote in person.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                  SCOTT SEWELL
                                  Chief Executive Officer
Dallas, Texas
March ___, 2006

                           BLUE WIRELESS & DATA, INC.
                           3001 Knox Street, Suite 401
                               Dallas, Texas 75205


                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                            TO BE HELD APRIL 12, 2006



     The enclosed proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of Blue
Wireless & Data, Inc., a Delaware corporation  (hereinafter  referred to as "our
company" or "Blue Wireless"),  for use at the Special Meeting of Stockholders to
be held at our  executive  offices,  located  at 3001 Knox  Street,  Suite  401,
Dallas,  Texas 75205, on Wednesday,  April 12, 2006 at 10:00 a.m.,  Central Time
(the "Special Meeting"),  or at any adjournment or postponement thereof, for the
purposes set forth herein and in the accompanying Notice of Special Meeting. You
are invited to attend the Special Meeting to vote on the proposals  described in
this Proxy Statement.  However, you do not need to attend the Special Meeting to
vote your shares. Instead, you may simply complete, sign and return the enclosed
proxy card.

     This Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy card are being mailed on or
about  ____________,  2006 to all stockholders of record entitled to vote at the
Special Meeting.

     This Proxy Statement contains important  information  regarding the Special
Meeting.  Specifically, it identifies the proposals on which you are being asked
to vote,  provides  information  you may find useful in determining how to vote,
and describes the voting procedures. As stated in the Notice to which this Proxy
Statement is attached,  matters to be acted upon at the Special  Meeting include
(i) an  amendment  to our  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to effect a  1-for-50
reverse stock split of the issued and outstanding shares of our company's common
stock,  such  that each one (1) share of common  stock  issued  and  outstanding
immediately  prior  to  the  time  the  amendment  becomes  effective  shall  be
automatically   reclassified  and  changed  into  one-fiftieth   (1/50th)  of  a
fully-paid and  non-assessable  share of common stock ("Proposal  One"), (ii) an
amendment to our  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to reduce the par value of our
company's common stock from $0.01 per share to $0.001 per share,  such that each
one (1) share of common stock, par value $0.01 per share, issued and outstanding
immediately  prior  to  the  time  the  amendment  becomes  effective  shall  be
automatically  reclassified  and changed into one (1) share of common stock, par
value $0.001 per share ("Proposal Two"), and (iii) the transaction of such other
business as may properly come before the Special  Meeting or any  adjournment or
postponement thereof.

Who Can Vote - Record Date

     All  holders of record of shares of our common  stock,  par value $0.01 per
share,  at the  close of  business  on March 9,  2006 (the  "Record  Date")  are
entitled  to vote at the Special  Meeting.  As of the Record  Date,  464,211,992
shares of our common stock were outstanding.  On each matter to be voted upon at
the Special Meeting, you have one vote for each share of common stock you own as
of the Record Date.

Votes Required

     Approval of  Proposal  One to amend our  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to
effect a 1-for-50  reverse stock split of the issued and  outstanding  shares of
our company's common stock will require the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares of our common stock. Approval of Proposal Two
to amend  our  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  reduce  the par  value of our
company's common stock from $0.01 per share to $0.001 per share will require the
affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  shares of our
common stock.

Methods of Voting

     If you are a holder of  record,  you may vote in person  by  attending  the
Special  Meeting or vote by proxy using the enclosed proxy card according to the
enclosed  instructions.  If you receive  more than one proxy card  because  your
shares are registered in different  names or at different  addresses,  each such
proxy card should be signed and  returned to ensure that all of your shares will
be voted.  The proxy card should be signed by all registered  holders exactly as
the shares are registered.

Voting by Mail

     By signing and returning the enclosed  proxy card according to the enclosed
instructions,  you are enabling the individuals  named on the proxy card to vote
your shares at the Special Meeting in the manner you indicate.  Your shares will
be voted in accordance with the instructions you indicate on the proxy card.

     If a signed proxy is received but no instructions are indicated,  the proxy
will be voted as follows:

     o    FOR an  amendment  to our  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to effect a
          1-for-50  reverse stock split of the issued and outstanding  shares of
          our  company's  common  stock,  such that each one (1) share of common
          stock  issued  and  outstanding  immediately  prior  to the  time  the
          amendment  becomes  effective shall be automatically  reclassified and
          changed into one-fiftieth  (1/50th) of a fully-paid and non-assessable
          share of common stock;

     o    FOR an amendment to our Certificate of Incorporation to reduce the par
          value of our company's common stock from $0.01 per share to $0.001 per
          share,  such that each one (1) share of common stock,  par value $0.01
          per share,  issued and outstanding  immediately  prior to the time the
          amendment  becomes  effective shall be automatically  reclassified and
          changed  into one (1) share of common  stock,  par  value  $0.001  per
          share; and

     o    At the  discretion  of the  persons  named in the proxy,  on any other
          business  that may  properly  come before the  Special  Meeting or any
          adjournment or postponement thereof.

Voting in Person

     If you plan to attend the Special Meeting and vote in person, a ballot will
be provided at the Special Meeting.

Revocation of Proxy

     You may  revoke  your proxy at any time  before it is voted at the  Special
Meeting. You may revoke your proxy in any one of three ways:

     |X|  You may send a written  notice that you are revoking your proxy to our
          company's Secretary prior to the voting of the proxy;

     |X|  You may  submit  another  properly  completed  proxy card with a later
          date; or

     |X|  You may  attend  the  Special  Meeting  and vote in  person  (although
          attending the Special Meeting without  executing a ballot or executing
          a proxy  bearing a later  date  will not  constitute  revocation  of a

Quorum Requirement

     A quorum of  stockholders  is necessary to hold a valid  meeting.  A quorum
will be present if the holders representing a majority of our outstanding shares
as of the Record Date are present at the Special Meeting, in person or by proxy.
If a quorum is not present,  stockholders entitled to vote and present either in
person or represented by proxy at the Special  Meeting have the power to adjourn
the  meeting  from time to time  without  notice  until a quorum is  present  or
represented.  In that case, the persons named in the accompanying  form of proxy
intend  to vote  the  shares  represented  by the  proxies  held by them  for an
adjournment. At any adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business
may be  transacted  that might have been  transacted  at the Special  Meeting as
originally notified.

Abstentions and Broker Non-Votes

     If you return a proxy card that indicates an abstention  from voting in all
matters,  the shares  represented  will be counted as present for the purpose of
determining  a quorum,  but they will not be voted on any matter at the  Special

     Under the rules that govern  brokers who have  record  ownership  of shares
that are held in "street name" for their clients,  who are the beneficial owners
of the shares,  brokers have  discretion to vote these shares on routine matters
but not on  non-routine  matters.  Thus, if you do not  otherwise  instruct your
broker,  the broker may turn in a proxy card voting your  shares  "FOR"  routine
matters but expressly  instructing  that the broker is NOT voting on non-routine
matters. A "broker non-vote" occurs when a broker expressly instructs on a proxy
card that it is not voting on a matter,  whether routine or non-routine.  Broker
non-votes are counted for the purpose of determining  the presence or absence of
a quorum but are not  counted  for  determining  the number of votes cast for or
against a proposal. Proposals One and Two are non-routine matters.

Other Business

     Our Board of  Directors  does not intend to bring any  business  before the
Special  Meeting other than that set forth in the Notice of Special  Meeting and
described in this Proxy  Statement,  and has no information  that others will do
so. If other matters requiring a vote of the stockholders are properly presented
at  the  Special  Meeting,  it is the  intention  of the  persons  named  in the
accompanying form of proxy to vote the shares represented by the proxies held by
them according to their best judgment on those matters.

Proxy Solicitation Costs

     Our company will pay the expenses of this proxy solicitation, including the
preparation,  assembly, printing, and mailing of proxy materials. In addition to
the  solicitation  by mail,  some of the officers  and regular  employees of our
company may solicit proxies personally or by telephone, if deemed necessary. Our
company will request brokers and other  fiduciaries to forward proxy  soliciting
material  to the  beneficial  owners of shares,  which are held of record by the
brokers  and  fiduciaries,  and our company may  reimburse  them for  reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses incurred by them in connection therewith. Our company may
elect to hire a proxy solicitor to solicit proxies for the Special Meeting.  Our
company  estimates  the  fees  and  expenses  of a  proxy  solicitor,  if any is
retained, to be approximately $5,000.

                                  PROPOSAL ONE

                         TO EFFECT A REVERSE STOCK SPLIT


     Our Board of Directors has authorized a proposed amendment to our company's
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to effect a 1-for-50  reverse stock split of the
issued and outstanding  shares of our company's common stock, such that each one
(1) share of common stock issued and outstanding  immediately  prior to the time
the amendment becomes effective shall be automatically  reclassified and changed
into one-fiftieth  (1/50th) of a fully-paid and  non-assessable  share of common
stock (the "Reverse Stock Split").  Our Board of Directors has recommended  that
this proposal be presented to our company's  stockholders for approval.  You are
now being asked to vote upon this amendment to the Certificate of  Incorporation
to effect a 1-for-50 reverse stock split of the issued and outstanding shares of
our company's common stock.

     The  form  of the  proposed  amendment  to  our  company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation  is attached  to this Proxy  Statement  as  Appendix  A,  provided
however,  that the text of this amendment is subject to  modification to include
changes  required  by the  Secretary  of State of  Delaware  and as the Board of
Directors may deem necessary or advisable to effect a reverse stock split.

     If this  Proposal One is approved by the  stockholders,  the Reverse  Stock
Split will become effective upon filing the applicable  certificate of amendment
with the  Secretary of State of Delaware.  We anticipate  filing the  applicable
certificate   of  amendment   with  the   Secretary  of  State  of  Delaware  in
substantially  the form  attached  as Appendix A to this Proxy  Statement  on or
about April 13, 2006.

Principal Reasons for the Reverse Stock Split

     Our Board of Directors  believes the current  number of our  authorized but
unissued  shares of common  stock  available is not  sufficient  to enable us to
respond to potential  business and financing  opportunities and pursue important
objectives  that may present  themselves.  Accordingly,  our Board of  Directors
believes it is in the best  interests of Blue Wireless and its  stockholders  to
effectuate the Reverse Stock Split whereby the number of issued and  outstanding
shares of our common stock will decrease, and as a result increase the number of
authorized but unissued shares of our common stock.  Our Board of Directors also
believes that an increase in the number of authorized but unissued shares of our
common stock will provide Blue  Wireless  with the  flexibility  to issue common
stock for  proper  corporate  purposes  that may be  identified  by our Board of
Directors from time to time, such as stock dividends  (including stock splits in
the form of stock dividends),  financings,  acquisitions,  or strategic business
relationships.  The authorized  shares of common stock in excess of those issued
or reserved  for issuance  will be available  for issuance at such times and for
such  corporate  purposes as our Board of Directors may deem  advisable  without
further action by our stockholders, except as may be required by applicable laws
or the rules of any stock exchange or national  securities  association  trading
system on which the securities  may be listed or traded.  Our Board of Directors
also  believes  that the Reverse  Stock Split will have the effect of increasing
the per share  stock  price of our  common  stock and that,  if our  company  is
successful in maintaining a higher stock price,  the stock will generate greater
interest  among  professional  investors and  institutions.  As a result,  it is
anticipated that the shares of our common stock would have greater liquidity and
marketability.  Stockholders should note that no assurance can be given that the
foregoing  effects will occur.  In  particular,  there is no assurance  that any
increase  in the market  price of our common  stock  immediately  following  the
Reverse Stock Split will occur or be sustained.

     We have no present  plans,  understandings  or  agreements,  and we are not
engaged in any  negotiations,  that will involve the issuance of capital  stock.
However,  our Board of  Directors  believes it prudent to have shares of capital
stock  available for such corporate  purposes as our Board of Directors may from
time to time deem necessary and advisable,  including for  acquisitions  and the
raising of additional capital.

Effect of the Reverse Stock Split

Basic Terms

     Under  the  terms of the  Reverse  Stock  Split,  every  holder  of  record
immediately  prior to the time the amendment  becomes effective will be entitled
to receive one (1) share of common stock in exchange for every fifty (50) shares
of common  stock held by that holder.  The common  stock issued  pursuant to the
Reverse Stock Split will be fully paid and  non-assessable  and the par value of
our company's common stock will change from $0.01 per share to $0.001 per share,
assuming  that  Proposal Two is approved at the Special  Meeting.  The number of
stockholders of record will not be affected by the Reverse Stock Split.

Voting Rights

     The Reverse  Stock Split will not alter the voting and other  rights of the
holders of our common stock. For example,  a holder of 1% of the voting power of
the outstanding shares of our common stock immediately before the effective time
of the Reverse  Stock Split will  continue to hold 1% of the voting power of the
outstanding shares of our common stock after the Reverse Stock Split.

Issued and  Outstanding  Shares of Common  Stock,  and  Authorized  but Unissued
Shares of Common Stock

     Our company is currently  authorized to issue 500,000,000  shares of common
stock,  $0.01 par value per share. Our company has 464,211,992  shares of common
stock issued and  outstanding.  The Reverse Stock Split will decrease the issued
and outstanding shares of our common stock from 464,211,992 to 9,284,240 shares,
while  maintaining the current number of authorized  shares of our common stock.

The Reverse Stock Split will increase significantly the number of authorized but
unissued shares of our company's common stock, which will increase significantly
the ability of the Board of Directors to issue  authorized  and unissued  shares
without  further  stockholder  action.  The issuance in the future of additional
authorized  shares may have the effect of diluting  the  earnings  per share and
book value per share, as well as the stock  ownership and voting rights,  of the
currently  outstanding  shares of our  company's  common  stock.  The  effective
increase in the number of authorized but unissued  shares of common stock may be
construed as having an anti-takeover effect by permitting the issuance of shares
to purchasers  who might oppose a hostile  takeover bid or oppose any efforts to
amend or repeal certain provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation or bylaws
of our company.  At this time, our company does not have any specific agreements
or arrangements to acquire any business or engage in any investment  opportunity
or otherwise to issue additional shares of our company's common stock.

     The  following  table sets forth  approximate  information  relating to our
common stock, both on a pre-reverse  stock split and a post-reverse  stock split

                             Pre-Reverse Stock Split    Post-Reverse Stock Split
Authorized                        500,000,000                 500,000,000
Outstanding                       464,211,992                   9,284,240
Authorized but Unissued            35,788,008                 490,715,760

     Notwithstanding the decrease in the number of issued and outstanding shares
of our common stock in  connection  with the Reverse  Stock  Split,  the Reverse
Stock Split is not and will not be part of a going private  transaction  covered
by Rule 13e-3 of the Exchange Act.

Stock Options and Convertible Securities

     Commencing  with  the  effective  date  of the  Reverse  Stock  Split,  all
outstanding options and convertible  securities entitling the holders thereof to
purchase set numbers of shares of our company's common stock will be adjusted to
entitle such holders to receive,  upon exercise of their options or  convertible
securities,  one-fiftieth  of a share for each share  underlying  such  holder's
options or convertible securities.  The per-share exercise price of such options
or  convertible  securities  will be higher than the  per-share  exercise  price
specified before the Reverse Stock Split,  resulting in  approximately  the same
aggregate price being required to be paid after the Reverse Stock Split as would
have been  required if such  holder had  exercised  prior to the  Reverse  Stock
Split.  For  example,  the holder of options to purchase  2,000 shares of common
stock at an  exercise  price of $0.15 per share  will  instead  be  entitled  to
purchase forty (40) shares at a price of $7.50 per share.

Fractional Shares Rounded Up

     The  Reverse  Stock  Split  will not  alter  any  stockholder's  percentage
interest in our company's equity,  except for negligible  amounts resulting from
the rounding up of fractional  shares. In lieu of any fractional shares to which
a holder of our common  stock  would  otherwise  be  entitled as a result of the
Reverse Stock Split (by virtue of holding a number of shares of common stock not
evenly  divisible  by fifty or by virtue of holding  fewer than fifty  shares of
common stock prior to the effective  date of the Reverse  Stock Split),  we will
round up any  fraction of a share to the next  number of whole  shares of common
stock.  The  intention of the Reverse Stock Split is not to reduce the number of
our  stockholders,  and  therefore  we will not pay  cash in lieu of  fractional

Effective Date of the Reverse Stock Split

     The effectiveness of the Reverse Stock Split is conditioned upon the filing
of the  applicable  certificate  of  amendment  with the  Secretary  of State of
Delaware.  We anticipate the Reverse Stock Split will become effective April 13,

Exchange of Stock Certificates

     Our transfer agent, Executive Register & Transfer, Inc., has been appointed
as our  exchange  agent to carry  out the  exchange  of  existing  common  stock
certificates for new common stock certificates. As soon as practicable after the
effective date of the Reverse Stock Split, the transfer agent will send a letter
of transmittal to each stockholder.  The letter will describe the procedures for
surrendering stock  certificates in exchange for new common stock  certificates.
Upon its  receipt  of stock  certificates  and  properly  completed  letters  of
transmittal,   the  transfer  agent  will  issue  the   appropriate   new  stock
certificates. Each new certificate representing shares of common stock issued in
connection  with the  Reverse  Stock  Split will  continue  to bear any  legends
restricting  the  transfer  of the  shares  that were  borne by the  surrendered
certificate.  Until surrendered as contemplated  herein,  all stock certificates
outstanding  immediately  prior to the effective time of the Reverse Stock Split
evidencing  ownership  of our  common  stock  shall be  deemed  at and after the
Reverse  Stock  Split to  represent  the number of full  shares of common  stock
contemplated by the Reverse Stock Split.

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Reverse Stock Split

     The following is a discussion of certain federal income tax consequences to
holders of our common  stock who receive  shares of our common stock as a result
of the Reverse Stock Split. The discussion is based on the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended, and laws,  regulations,  rulings and decisions in effect as
of the date of this Information  Statement,  all of which are subject to change,
possibly with retroactive  effect, and to differing  interpretations.  No state,
local or foreign tax consequences are addressed herein.

     This discussion is for general  information only and does not purport to be
a complete  discussion or analysis of all potential  tax  consequences  that may
apply to a stockholder.  In view of the varying nature of such tax consequences,
stockholders  are urged to consult their own tax advisors as to the specific tax
consequences to them of the Reverse Stock Split,  including the applicability of
federal, state, local or foreign tax laws.

     We believe that, for federal  income tax purposes,  no gain or loss will be
recognized by a stockholder  who receives  solely a reduced  number of shares of
our common  stock as a result of the  Reverse  Stock  Split.  The  stockholder's
aggregate  tax basis in shares of our common  stock held  immediately  after the
Reverse  Stock Split will be equal to the  stockholder's  aggregate tax basis in
shares of our common stock held  immediately  prior to the Reverse  Stock Split.
The stockholder  will have the same holding period in the common stock as it has
in such stock immediately prior to the Reverse Stock Split.

     State,  local or foreign income tax  consequences to stockholders  may vary
from the federal income tax  consequences  described above, and STOCKHOLDERS ARE

No Dissenters' Rights

     Under  Delaware law,  stockholders  of our company do not have the right to
dissent and obtain an  appraisal  of their  shares  with  respect to the Reverse
Stock Split.

Vote Required

     The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
of our common stock will be required to approve the Reverse  Stock Split and the
certificate of amendment to our company's Certificate of Incorporation.

Recommendation of Board of Directors


                                  PROPOSAL TWO

                    FROM $0.01 PER SHARE TO $0.001 PER SHARE


     Our  Board  of  Directors  has  authorized  a  proposed  amendment  to  our
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to reduce the par value of our company's  common
stock from $0.01 per share to $0.001 per share,  such that each one (1) share of
common  stock,  par value $0.01 per share,  issued and  outstanding  immediately
prior  to the time  the  amendment  becomes  effective  shall  be  automatically
reclassified  and changed into one (1) share of common  stock,  par value $0.001
per  share.  Our  Board of  Directors  has  recommended  that this  proposal  be
presented to our company's stockholders for approval. You are now being asked to
vote upon this amendment to the Certificate of  Incorporation  to reduce the par
value of our company's common stock from $0.01 per share to $0.001 per share.

     The  form  of the  proposed  amendment  to  our  company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation is attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix A.

     If Proposal Two is approved by the  stockholders,  the reduction of the par
value of our  company's  common  stock  from $0.01 per share to $0.001 per share
will become  effective upon filing the applicable  certificate of amendment with
the  Secretary  of  State of  Delaware.  We  anticipate  filing  the  applicable
certificate   of  amendment   with  the   Secretary  of  State  of  Delaware  in
substantially  the form  attached  as Appendix A to this Proxy  Statement  on or
about April 13, 2006.

Principal Reasons for the Par Value Reduction

     Our  Board  of  Directors  believes  that  reducing  the par  value  of our
company's common stock will allow our company greater flexibility in setting the
consideration paid upon on original issuance of our company's common stock or an
original  issuance of securities  exercisable for or convertible  into shares of
our company's common stock.

     "Par  value" is a dollar  value  assigned  to shares of capital  stock by a
corporation's   incorporators,   which  is   reflected   in  the   articles   of
incorporation. If a corporation assigns a par value to its shares, then such par
value is the minimum consideration at which such shares can legally be issued or
sold.  Under modern  corporation law, the importance of par value has decreased.
There is no  minimum  or  maximum  value  requirement  for par  value  under the
Delaware  General  Corporation  Law,  Our Board of Directors  believes  that the
current practice of public companies is to have shares with a nominal par value,
such as $0.001 per share.

Effect of the Par Value Reduction

     Our company is currently  authorized to issue 500,000,000  shares of common
stock, $0.01 par value per share. The proposed amendment to reduce the par value
of our company's common stock will change the current par value of our company's
common stock and will not change the authorized  shares of our company's  common
stock. If our  stockholders  approve  Proposal Two, each one (1) share of common
stock, par value $0.01 per share,  issued and outstanding  immediately  prior to
the time the amendment becomes effective shall be automatically reclassified and
changed  into one (1) share of common  stock,  par value  $0.001 per share.  The
reduction  in par value will simply  reduce the amount of our  company's  stated
capital and increase the amount of our company's additional paid-in capital. Our
Board of Directors  believes  that the  reduction in par value will not have any
adverse effect on the existing rights of stockholders.

Effective Date of the Reverse Stock Split

     The effectiveness of the reduction in the par value of our company's common
stock is conditioned upon the filing of the applicable  certificate of amendment
with the Secretary of State of Delaware.  We anticipate the reduction in the par
value of our company's common stock will become effective April 13, 2006.

No Dissenters' Rights

     Under  Delaware law,  stockholders  of our company do not have the right to
dissent and obtain an appraisal of their shares with respect to the reduction in
the par value of our company's common stock.

Vote Required

     The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
of our common  stock will be required to approve the  reduction in the par value
of our company's  common stock and the certificate of amendment to our company's
Certificate of Incorporation.

Recommendation of Board of Directors



     The following  table sets forth certain  information  regarding  beneficial
stock  ownership  as of  March  9,  2006 of (i) all  persons  known  to us to be
beneficial  owners of more than 5% of our  outstanding  common stock;  (ii) each
director  of our  company  and our  executive  officers,  and  (iii)  all of our
officers and  directors  as a group.  Each of the persons in the table below has
sole voting  power and sole  dispositive  power as to all of the shares shown as
beneficially owned by them, except as otherwise indicated.

                                                        Number of Shares                    Percent of
Name of Beneficial Owner                              Beneficially Owned(1)           Outstanding Shares(1)
MAC Partners, LP(2)                                        95,750,000                         19.5%
Dennis G. Mc Laughlin, III (2)                             42,616,811                          9.2%
Scott Sewell(2)                                            40,000,000                          8.6%
John W. Mills, III((2))                                    18,181,910                          3.9%
Christopher Chambers((2))                                      -0-                             -0-
Officers and directors as a group (four persons)          100,798,721                         21.7%

     (1)  For the purposes of this table, a person is deemed to have "beneficial
          ownership"  of any  shares of common  stock  that such  person has the
          right to acquire within 60 days of March 9, 2006. All  percentages are
          calculated based upon a total of 464,211,992  shares outstanding as of
          March  9,  2006,  plus,  in  the  case  of the  person  for  whom  the
          calculation is made, that number of shares of common stock such person
          has the right to acquire within 60 days of March 9, 2006.

     (2)  The address for each such beneficial owner is 3001 Knox Street,  Suite
          403, Dallas, Texas 75205.

                           TO MATTERS TO BE ACTED UPON

     None of our officers,  directors or any of their respective  affiliates has
any substantial interest in the proposal to be acted upon.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Our Board of Directors  is not aware of any matter,  other than the matters
described above, to be presented for action at the Special Meeting.  However, if
any other proper items of business should come before the Special Meeting, it is
the  intention of the person or persons  acting under the enclosed form of proxy
to vote in accordance with their best judgment on such matters.

                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS

     This Proxy  Statement may contain certain  "forward-looking"  statements as
such term is defined by the SEC in its rules,  regulations  and releases,  which
represent our expectations or beliefs,  including but not limited to, statements
concerning our operations, economic performance, financial condition, growth and
acquisition  strategies,  investments,  and future  operational  plans. For this
purpose,  any statements  contained herein that are not statements of historical
fact may be  deemed  to be  forward-looking  statements.  Without  limiting  the
generality of the foregoing,  words such as "may," "will," "expect,"  "believe,"
"anticipate,"  "intend,"  "could,"  "estimate,"  "might," or  "continue"  or the
negative or other variations  thereof or comparable  terminology are intended to
identify forward-looking statements.  These statements, by their nature, involve
substantial  risks and  uncertainties,  certain of which are beyond our control,
and actual  results may differ  materially  depending  on a variety of important
factors, including uncertainty related to acquisitions, governmental regulation,
managing  and  maintaining  growth,  volatility  of stock  prices  and any other
factors discussed in this and other of our filings with the SEC.

                         HOUSEHOLDING OF PROXY MATERIALS

     The SEC permits companies and intermediaries  (e.g. brokers) to satisfy the
delivery  requirements for proxy statements (and related documents) with respect
to two or more  stockholders  sharing the same  address by  delivering  a single
proxy statement (and related documents)  addressed to those  stockholders.  This
process,  which is commonly  referred to as  "householding,"  potentially  means
extra convenience for stockholders and cost savings for companies.

     One Proxy Statement will be delivered to multiple  stockholders  sharing an
address  unless  we  receive  contrary  instructions  from  one or  more  of the
stockholders  sharing  such  address.  Upon  receipt  of  such  notice,  we will
undertake  to promptly  deliver a separate  copy of this Proxy  Statement to the
stockholder at the shared address to which a single copy of the Proxy  Statement
was delivered and provide  instructions  as to how the stockholder can notify us
that the  stockholder  wishes to receive a separate copy of this Proxy Statement
or  other  communications  to the  stockholder  in the  future.  In the  event a
stockholder  desires to provide us with such notice, it may be given verbally by
telephoning  our  offices at (214)  744-0353  or by mail to our  address at Blue
Wireless & Data,  Inc.,  3001 Knox  Street,  Suite 401,  Dallas,  Texas,  75205,
Attention: Secretary.


     We are  subject  to  the  information  and  reporting  requirements  of the
Exchange Act and in accordance with the Exchange Act, we file periodic  reports,
documents and other information with the SEC relating to our business, financial
statements  and  other  matters.  These  reports  and other  information  may be
inspected  and are  available  for copying at the offices of the SEC,  450 Fifth
Street,  NW,  Washington,  DC 20549 or may be  accessed  on the SEC  website  at

     Please  mark,  sign,  date  and  return  the  proxy  card at your  earliest
convenience in the enclosed return envelope. No postage is required if the proxy
card is mailed in the United States.  A prompt return of your proxy card will be
appreciated, as it will save the expense of further mailings.

                                    By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                    SCOTT SEWELL
                                    Chief Executive Officer
Dallas, Texas
March ___, 2006

                                   Appendix A
                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                                     OF THE
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                           BLUE WIRELESS & DATA, INC.

     Blue Wireless & Data, Inc., a corporation  organized and existing under and
by  virtue  of the  General  Corporation  Law  of the  State  of  Delaware  (the
"Corporation"), does hereby certify:

     FIRST: The Board of Directors of the Corporation  duly adopted  resolutions
setting forth a proposed  amendment to the Certificate of  Incorporation  of the
Corporation  (the  "Amendment"),  declaring  the  Amendment to be advisable  and
calling for  submission  thereof to the  stockholders  of the  Corporation.  The
resolution setting forth the proposed Amendment is as follows:

          RESOLVED, that it is deemed advisable and in the best interests of the
     Corporation to amend the  Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation so as
     to reduce the par value of its Common  Stock from $0.01 per share to $0.001
     per share,  and to decrease the number of issued and outstanding  shares of
     its Common Stock,  by  implementing  a reverse stock split of the Company's
     issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock; and

          FURTHER  RESOLVED,  that  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the
     Corporation  be amended by changing  Section (a) of Article Fourth so that,
     as amended, Section (a) of Article Fourth shall be and read in its entirety
     as follows:

               "(a)  Authorized  Capital.  The  total  number  of  shares of all
          classes of stock which the  Corporation  shall have authority to issue
          is 510,000,000, of which 500,000,000 shares, par value of $0.001 shall
          be designated as Common Stock ("Common Stock"), and 10,000,000 shares,
          par value of $0.01, shall be designated as Preferred Stock ("Preferred
          Stock").  Each one (1) share of Common  Stock  issued and  outstanding
          immediately  prior to the time this  Certificate of Amendment  becomes
          effective  shall  be  and is  hereby  automatically  reclassified  and
          changed  (without  any further  act) into one  fiftieth  (1/50th) of a
          fully-paid and nonassessable share of Common Stock.

     SECOND: The Amendment was duly adopted in accordance with the provisions of
Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Blue Wireless & Data, Inc. has caused this Certificate
of  Amendment  of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to be signed by its Chief
Executive Officer on this __ day of April, 2006.

                                           BLUE WIRELESS & DATA, INC.

                                           Scott Sewell
                                           Chief Executive Officer


                           BLUE WIRELESS & DATA, INC.
                           3001 KNOX STREET, SUITE 401
                               DALLAS, TEXAS 75205
                                 (214) 744-0353

                          TO BE HELD ON APRIL 12, 2006

                           BLUE WIRELESS & DATA, INC.

The undersigned hereby appoints Dennis G. McLaughlin,  III, John Mills and Scott
Sewell, or each of them, with full power of substitution,  as a proxy or proxies
to represent the  undersigned at the Special  Meeting of Stockholders to be held
at the executive  offices of Blue Wireless & Data, Inc., a Delaware  corporation
(the "Company"), located at 3001 Knox Street, Suite 401, Dallas, Texas 75205, on
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at 10:00 a.m., Central Time, and at any adjournment or
postponement thereof and to vote thereat, as designated below, all the shares of
common  stock of the Company held of record by the  undersigned  at the close of
business on March 9, 2006, with all the power that the undersigned would possess
if personally  present,  in accordance with the  instructions  noted hereon,  as



Has your address changed?                 Do you have any comments?

- ------------------------------------      --------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------      --------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------      --------------------------------------

            Detach here if you are returning your proxy card by mail.

1.   To approve an amendment to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to effect a
     1-for-50  reverse stock split of the issued and  outstanding  shares of the
     Company's common stock, such that each one (1) share of common stock issued
     and  outstanding  immediately  prior  to the  time  the  amendment  becomes
     effective shall be automatically reclassified and changed into one-fiftieth
     (1/50th) of a fully-paid and non-assessable share of common stock.

      FOR |_|                           AGAINST |_|                  ABSTAIN |_|

2.   To approve an amendment to our Certificate of  Incorporation  to reduce the
     par value of our company's  common stock from $0.01 per share to $0.001 per
     share,  such that each one (1) share of common  stock,  par value $0.01 per
     share,  issued and outstanding  immediately prior to the time the amendment
     becomes effective shall be automatically  reclassified and changed into one
     (1) share of common stock, par value $0.001 per share.

      FOR |_|                           AGAINST |_|                  ABSTAIN |_|

3.   To approve any  proposal  which may be  submitted by the Company to adjourn
     the Special Meeting to a later date to solicit  additional proxies in favor
     of Proposal One above in the event that there are not sufficient  votes for
     approval of Proposal One at the Special Meeting.

      FOR |_|                           AGAINST |_|                  ABSTAIN |_|

|X|      Please mark votes as in this example.


This proxy revokes all prior proxies with respect to the Special Meeting and may
be revoked  prior to  exercise.  Receipt  of the  Notice of  Special  Meeting of
Stockholders  and the Proxy Statement  relating to the Special Meeting is hereby

Mark box at right if you plan to attend the Special Meeting. |_|

Mark box at right if an address change or comment has been marked on the reverse
side of this card. |_|

Please  complete,  sign,  date and  return the proxy  card  promptly,  using the
enclosed envelope.

Please print the name(s) appearing on each stock  certificate(s)  over which you
have voting authority.  If there is more than one owner of a stock  certificate,
each owner  should  sign.  If shares are held by joint  tenants or as  community
property,  both should  sign.  Executors,  administrators,  trustees  and others
signing in a  representative  capacity  should so  indicate.  If a  corporation,
please sign in full corporate name by president or other authorized  officer. If
a partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.

- --------------------------------------

(Print Name(s) on Stock Certificate)

- --------------------------------------         ---------------------------------

(Authorized Signature)

- --------------------------------------         ---------------------------------

(Authorized Signature)