ATTORNEYS AT LAW

                                                                  April 26, 2006

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549

Attention:    Pamela A. Long, Assistant Director
              Nili Shah, Branch Chief
              Chris Edwards, Staff Attorney
              Dorine H. Miller, Examiner
              Jenn Do, Staff Accountant

              Re:   Amerityre Corporation
                    Registration Statement on Form S-1
                    Filed March 9, 2006
                    (File No. 333-132305)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     On behalf of Amerityre Corporation  ("Amerityre" or the "Company"),  please
accept this letter as the  Company's  response to the comments of the  reviewing
Staff of the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission") as set forth
in the comment letter of March 22, 2006.

Exhibit 5.1 - Legal Opinion
- ---------------------------

1.   Please  revise the  legality  opinion  to  reflect  that some of the shares
     subject to the opinion are already issued and outstanding.


     We have  revised  the  legality  opinion as set forth in Exhibit 5.1 to the
registration statement to reflect that some of the shares subject to the opinion
are already issued and outstanding.

2.   Comments  resulting from our review of the Company's  annual report on Form
     10-K have been previously provided to you in our comment letter dated March
     16, 2006.  Please be aware that the Staff cannot take action to  accelerate
     the pending registration  statement until the successful  resolution of any
     issues relating to the examination of the Company's Form 10-K.


     On April 24, 2006,  the Company  filed  amended  quarterly  reports on Form
10-Q/A for the periods ended September 30, 2005 and December 30, 2005,  together
with an amended current report on Form 8-K/A and a comment letter response.  The
Company  believes  that it has  appropriately  responded  to all  pending  Staff
comments  set forth in its letter  dated as of March 16,  2006 in the  Company's
April 24th  filings.  The Company  respectfully  requests  that the Staff advise
whether it has cleared all pending  comments set forth in the March 2006 letter.
If so, the Company will thereafter request  acceleration of effectiveness of the
pending registration statement.

                                          Very Truly Yours,

                                          /s/ Richard A. Friedman
                                          Richard A. Friedman