Heads of Agreement BETWEEN

1.   EN FUELS LIMITED,  a company  registered in England and Wales under company
     number 05843634 whose registered office is at 30 St. Mary Axe, London, EC3A


2.   MED-TECH  SOLUTIONS,  INC.  ("Med-Tech") (a company  incorporated in Nevada
     USA) having its principal  office at Suite 2200-1177 West Hastings  Street,
     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6E 2K3

1.   Business Co-operation

1.1  The Parties intend to collaborate in addressing the  international  markets
     for the  production and downstream  supply and  distribution  of bio-diesel
     products.  These Heads of Agreement summarise the business terms agreed, in
     principle,  between the Parties and are intended to provide a basis for the
     preparation   of  detailed   and  legally   binding   agreements   ("Formal

1.2  En Fuels has been  established  by its founders with the intention  that it
     shall provide a vehicle for the construction, ownership, and management and
     operation of refineries producing  bio-diesel products.  In addition to the
     application  of its own  management  know how and expertise in the start up
     phase of its business En Fuels will need to utilise  know how,  technology,
     engineering and construction expertise to be acquired from, or licensed by,
     third parties.  En Fuels is engaged in  discussions  with producers for the
     long  term  supply  of raw  materials  at  advantageous  prices  and,  with
     prospective customers (oil companies),  for the long term supply of certain
     minimum  quantities of bio-diesel  products.  In the initial  period of its
     business plan ("Business Plan") En Fuels plans to construct two refineries,
     one in Italy and one in the United  Kingdom.  Discussions are well advanced
     for the  acquisition  of interests in the sites which have been  identified
     and the necessary planning consents, licences and approvals.

1.3  Although  government backed financial  assistance in the form of grants and
     soft loans should be available for the  construction and development of the
     refineries,  En Fuels will need  substantial  financial  support from other
     sources to deliver its Business  Plan.  Med-Tech,  as a  Development  Stage
     Enterprise  company quoted on the Nasdaq OTC Bulletin Board,  has access to
     the capital markets.  It intends to provide  financing for the start-up and
     operation of En Fuels' intended business activities over the initial period
     covered by the Business Plan. Med-Tech intends to raise the requisite funds
     through an increase in its  authorised  share  capital and the issue of new
     shares to interested investors by private placement.

2.   Financing

2.1  Based on the  Business  Plan,  it is  estimated  that En Fuels will require
     funding in the initial  years of its business  development  in an amount of
     US$35,019,999.  Such  amount  may need to be  revised  upwards  prior to or
     following signature of, the Formal Agreements.  Med-Tech has indicated that
     such  additional  funding will be made  available  subject to and dependent
     upon,  agreement  between  the  parties  as to the amount  involved  and to
     investor commitment.

2.2  Med-Tech will provide initial funding of US$3,000,000  ("Initial  Funding")
     to assist En Fuels in meeting  project  start up costs as identified in the
     Business Plan. The release of the Initial Funding will be conditional  upon
     En Fuels  having  signed  agreements  and / or having  letters of intent in
     place, with third parties relating to site acquisition,  necessary licences
     and permits including planning consents, provision of engineering services,
     licensing  of  technology,  supply of raw  materials  and  customer  supply
     contracts.  Details of the documents  required as a prerequisite to release
     of the Initial  Funding are set out in  Attachment  A. The Initial  Funding
     shall be remitted by Med-Tech to a separately  designated  En Fuels account
     and shall represent working capital to be used to cover costs and overheads
     to be incurred during the initial start up phase, including employee wages,
     fees and deposits to be paid to third  parties and other  amounts  required
     pursuant to the  documents  referred to in  Attachment A. In advance of the
     release of the Initial  Funding  parties shall agree upon a schedule of the
     overheads  and expenses to be disbursed out of the Initial  Funding  during
     the first start up year (being for this purpose the year  commencing on the
     date when the amount of the Initial  Funding is  transferred  to En Fuels).
     Any payments not covered by the schedule  shall be  separately  agreed with
     the  Med-Tech  director to be  appointed to the board of En Fuels (see para

2.3  The  availability  of and  access  to the  main  financing  package  ("Main
     Funding") amounting to US$36,666,666 gross, or such larger amount as may be
     agreed,  shall  be  contingent  upon  Med-Tech   successfully  raising  the
     necessary funds in the capital markets.  In the Formal Agreements,  parties
     shall agree upon a period of time ("Funding  Period")  calculated from date
     of release of the Initial  Funding,  within which Med-Tech will be required
     to raise the main financing.  The Main Funding shall become available to En
     Fuels subject to appropriate and necessary accounting  procedures after the
     date ("Closing Date") upon which Med-Tech  completes the acquisition of the
     entire share capital of En Fuels (see para.3).

2.4  Med-Tech,  through its authorised representatives has indicated to En Fuels
     that,  having regard to its existing  sources of financial  support,  it is
     confident  of  success  in  raising  the  Main  Funding.   However,  it  is
     acknowledged  that  success  will  depend,  to  an  extent,  upon  business
     confidence and may be affected by volatility in the markets. If Med-Tech is
     unsuccessful  in raising the Main Funding the parties shall  endeavour,  in
     good faith,  to arrive at an alternative  solution.  However,  if following
     such endeavours,  the parties cannot arrive at an alternative  solution the
     Formal  Agreements  may be  terminated  without  either  party  having  any
     liability  to the  other  except as  provided  in para 2.5  below.  For the
     avoidance of doubt,  if Med-Tech fails to raise the full amount of the Main
     Funding,  except  as  stated  in para 2.5  below,  En Fuels  shall  have no
     liability to return any expended or unexpended part of the Initial Funding.

2.5  The Formal Agreements shall contain  provisions  intended to ensure that in
     the period  between the release of the Initial  Funding and Closing Date En
     Fuels is managed  diligently and in a manner  consistent with achieving the
     objectives of the Business Plan including  implementation of the provisions
     of the various  agreements and letters of intent  referred to in Attachment
     A. En Fuels and its shareholders shall accept  responsibility and liability
     for any material failure to manage the business diligently and otherwise as
     stated above including, in such circumstances,  an obligation to refund all
     of the Initial Funding.

3.   En Fuels Share Acquisition

3.1  The Formal  Agreements  shall provide that Med-Tech will acquire the entire
     authorised and issued share capital of En Fuels.  The  consideration  to be
     extended to En Fuels shareholders for the transfer of their shares shall be
     the  allotment  of stock  units in  Med-Tech.  En Fuels  will  undertake  a
     restructuring  of its  share  capital  involving  both an  increase  in its
     authorised and issued share capital and a division of its authorised  share
     capital, as increased,  into a larger number units of a lower nominal value
     per share. On release of the Initial Funding Med-Tech shall acquire, shares
     equal to an  initial  18%  interest  in, or  contract  notes or  options to
     acquire 18% of, En Fuels restructured  share capital.  The remaining shares
     in the  restructured  share capital of En Fuels,  not being shares  already
     transferred to Med-Tech,  shall be transferred in the case of  pre-existing
     shares, or allotted in the case of new shares resulting from an increase in
     share capital,  to Med-Tech on Closing Date. On Closing Date En Fuels shall
     deliver to Med-Tech share transfer forms signed by its shareholders  and/or
     allotment letters in respect of the relevant number of new shares.  Closing
     Date shall be a date as soon as  practicable,  allowing  for any  necessary
     filings pursuant to Nasdaq regulations,  after Med-Tech is able to announce
     that it has raised the full amount of the Main Funding. It is the intention
     of both parties that Closing Date shall be no later than 3 months after the
     release of the Initial Funding.  Details of the existing share capital, the
     proposed  restructured  share  capital and the  identity of the current and
     intended  shareholders  and  their  respective  holdings  are  set  out  in
     Attachment B. All En Fuels shareholders registered in its share register at
     the date of the Formal  Agreements  will be parties to and required to sign
     the Formal Agreements.

3.2  As and with effect from the date of release of the Initial Funding Med-Tech
     shall be entitled to nominate and appoint a single director to the board of
     directors of En Fuels.

3.3  The Formal  Agreements shall contain  provisions which ensure that,  except
     for the capital  increases  contemplated  in this Heads of Agreement  (para
     3.1),  En Fuels will not allow its share  capital to be  increased or allow
     any  pre-emptive  rights  options or  warrants to be granted  affecting  or
     having  potential to affect its share capital or extend any rights to third
     parties or make decisions or enter into  discussions  with third parties or
     take  any  other   action  which  would  or  would  be  likely  to  prevent
     implementation  of, the  transactions in the manner envisaged by this Heads
     of  Agreement.  The  obligation  to  transfer  or  allot to  Med-Tech  that
     proportion of En Fuels's  share  capital not already  vested in Med-Tech on
     Closing  Date  (see para  3.1)  shall be  expressed  in the  agreements  as
     conditional  solely upon Med-Tech  raising the necessary funds and, subject
     only to that  condition,  shall  represent an irrevocable  commitment by En
     Fuels and its shareholders to Med-Tech.

3.4  Med-Tech  shall be entitled  to receive  and retain 18% of En Fuel's  share
     capital following release of the Initial Funding whether or not it succeeds
     in raising the Main Funding.  Therefore if Med-Tech fails to raise the Main
     Funding  having  elected to receive  contract notes or share options at the
     Initial  Funding stage En Fuel shall  nevertheless  procure the transfer of
     18% of its  share  capital  to  Med-Tech  and  shall  enter  Med-Tech  as a
     shareholder in its share  register.  In such  circumstances  any additional
     consideration,  to  be  paid  by  Med-Tech  to  En  Fuel  shareholders  for
     transferring  18% of the  shares  shall  be an  amount  limited  to the par
     (nominal) value of such shares.

4.   Med-Tech Shares

     On Closing Date Med-Tech  shall issue and allot shares in its share capital
     to the current  founder  shareholders of En Fuels in  consideration  of the
     transfer to Med-Tech of the shares registered in such founders named in the
     share   register  of  En  Fuels.   The   percentage  of  shares  to  be  so
     allotted/transferred  will  amount to 32% of the  entire  share  capital of
     Med-Tech at Closing  Date.  Med-Tech's  existing  authorised  share capital
     shall be  increased  to  accommodate  the  transactions  now  contemplated.
     Details of Med-Tech's existing and proposed increased share capital are set
     out in Attachment C.

5.   En Fuels Subsidiaries

5.1  The En Fuels  Business Plan provides for the  construction  and  subsequent
     operation of refineries in Italy and the United Kingdom.  In Italy En Fuels
     will deliver the objectives in its Business Plan through the  establishment
     of a majority owned subsidiary  company which will acquire a refinery site,
     organise all  necessary  approvals  prior to  construction,  authorise  and
     manage construction of the refinery.  It is also envisaged that the Italian
     operating  company will sign a joint venture agreement with a major Italian
     based  supplier of  petroleum  products.  En Fuels will take and maintain a
     controlling  interest  in the joint  venture.  In the United  Kingdom it is
     envisaged  that En Fuels will manage its  business  through a wholly  owned
     subsidiary to be known as En Fuels UK Limited. Parties shall agree upon the
     operating  roles  and  management   procedures  of  the  subsidiaries.   In
     particular  parties shall agree upon the terms and conditions  which are to
     apply to the joint venture in Italy.

5.2  The Formal  Agreements  shall contain a provision which will stipulate that
     except as provided in the Business Plan and/or as agreed by the parties, En
     Fuels  shall not prior to  Closing  Date  establish  subsidiary  companies,
     affiliates or other business partnerships.

6.   Overall Objectives

     Parties recognise that so far as practicable the business  activities of En
     Fuels and its  subsidiaries  are to be promoted  and  developed in a manner
     which is in the best  interests of Med-Tech.  Med-Tech  recognises  that En
     Fuels operations may require  continuing  financial support and, subject to
     decisions of its shareholders  will use its best endeavours to provide such
     support.  The Formal  Agreements  shall contain  appropriate and reasonable
     provisions to facilitate the proper and effective management by Med-Tech of
     its  subsidiaries  activities and to ensure,  so far as  practicable,  that
     Med-Techs best  financial  interests are served in the conduct of En Fuels'
     business. Such provisions shall include, but not necessarily be limited to,
     the provisions outlined in Schedule E.

7.   Med-Tech Share restrictions

     Shares issued by Med-Tech at closing for the  shareholders of En Fuels will
     be  subject to both a two year  restriction,  the 144 Rule and such US laws
     and  Nasdaq  regulations  which  apply  to  the  sale  and/or  transfer  of
     shares/stock units.

8.   Formal Agreements

     It is  envisaged  that  the  Formal  Agreements  will  consist  of a  Share
     Acquisition  Agreement ("SAA") which will provide for the acquisition of En
     Fuels  shares by  Med-Tech  and the  allotment  of shares in Med-Tech to En
     Fuels's  shareholders in consideration  for the transfer of their shares in
     En Fuels. The parties to the SAA will be En Fuels  shareholders as sellers,
     and  Med-Tech  as  purchaser.  The  SAA  will  contain,  as  necessary,  by
     attachment,  details of the various matters  addressed in principle in this
     Heads of Agreement,  and in particular copies of the various agreements and
     letters of intent referred to in Attachment A as well as copies of business
     plans,  the proposed  structure  for the group,  including En Fuels and its
     subsidiaries,  and details of the joint venture  agreement  proposed for En
     Fuels Italy srl.

     "The  parties  intend  that  the  formal  agreements  shall be  signed  and
     exchanged not later than 1 October 2006."

9.   Status of Heads of Agreement

     This  document is not  intended by the  parties to create  legally  binding
     commitments.  Neither  party shall be  entitled to enforce its  contents or
     take any action  pursuant to the contents for the recovery of any actual or
     alleged loss,  claim,  damage or liability  including  incurred costs,  and
     whether or not they have acted to their  detriment in reliance  upon any of
     its contents.


     SIGNED for and on behalf of         )

     SIGNED for and on behalf of         )
     En Fuels
     Dated                               )

                               List of Attachments

     Attachment A      Conditions Precedent to Release of Financing
                       Conditions Precedent to Full Acquisition

     Attachment B      En Fuels Existing and Proposed Increase in Share Capital

     Attachment C      Med-Tech current Share Capital and proposed  increase  in
                       Share Capital

     Attachment D      Management provisions

Attachment A

Conditions Precedent to Release of Financing

No.  Condition

1    Management Contract with Tony Higson / Deltas C.V. to be signed

2    Management Contract with Chris Slack / W4B Ltd. to be signed

3    Engineering  management  contracts with T&S Lugano to be in place and owned
     by En Fuels

4    License agreement with Rebis to be in place and owned by En Fuels

5    Italian  LOI for a J.V.  project  in the  south of Italy to be in place and
     owned by En Fuels

6    LOI for the acquisition of a suitable site for the Italian J.V.  project to
     be in place and owned by En Fuels

7    LOI for suitable oil supply for the Italian J.V. project to be in place and
     owned by En Fuels

8    Letter from the  Directors  stating that they "will  undertake to arrange a
     suitable J.V. partner that will provide off-take of bio-diesel produced"

9    Warranties  from the  Directors  stating  that they will (a) use their best
     endeavours  to meet their  business  obligations  (b) En Fuels Ltd. and all
     subsidiaries are and will be as stated (c) all other  information  supplied
     is accurate

10   Med-Tech representative director to be appointed

11   Share Acquisition Agreement to be signed by all parties

No.        Condition

1    All the above conditions to be satisfied

2    All subsidiary companies to be in place

3    Italian J.V. site acquired or under option

4    Suitable  oil supply  contract for Italian J.V. to be in place and owned by
     En Fuels

5    Suitable  offtake  contract for Italian J.V. to be in place and owned by En

6    Employment Contract with suitable main board CEO to be signed

7    Employment Contract with suitable main board CFO to be signed

8    Employment Contract with Antonio Fiore to be signed by Italian Subsidiary

9    Employment Contract with suitable CFO to be signed by Italian Subsidiary

10   Med-Tech  to have  successfully  raised  an  additional  $36,666,666  gross
     Conditions Precedent to Full Acquisition

Attachment B

En Fuels Ltd

Existing & Proposed Increase in Share Capital

En Fuels Ltd share structure
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                               Shares                  Percentage
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     SERGIO FRIGERIO               16,500                    16.5
         TONY HIGSON               16,500                    16.5
         CHRIS SLACK                8,000                     8.0
         HONEYSUCKLE                7,000                     7.0
                 T&S                3,000                     3.0
              DELTAS               31,000                    31.0
           (MEDTECH)              (18,000)                  (18.0)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Total              100,000                   100.0

Attachment C

Med-Tech Share Capital

Current Share Capital
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       100,000,000    Authorised
                        10,100,000    Issued and outstanding

Proposed Increase in Share Capital
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       500,000,000    Authorised
                        52,070,370    Issued and outstanding
                        28,444,444    Issued in two private placements
                        39,418,736    Issued to the shareholders of En Fuel Ltd
                           750,000    Issued to new MT management
                         2,500,000    Reserved for issue to En Fuel Management
                       123,183,550    Total issued and outstanding

Attachment D

Management Provisions

1.   Provisions  relating to the  maintenance  prior to Closing Date of accurate
     and  complete   accounting  and  other  financial   records  including  the
     submission of regular  management  accounts for  consideration  by Med-Tech

2.   Signature of a management  agreement which will provide for the appointment
     of one independent director (including alternates) to the board of En Fuels
     and its subsidiaries nominated by Med-Tech shareholders and being directors
     other  than En  Fuels  directors  elected  to the  board of  Med-Tech.  The
     management  agreement to provide for regular  review  meetings  between the
     independent Med-Tech director and/or officer and En Fuels personnel.

3.   Director Service Agreements/Employment Contracts for key Med-Tech personnel
     which provide for the  commitment by En Fuels  personnel to the delivery of
     the En Fuels  Business  Plan on a full time or part time and  exclusive  or
     non-exclusive  basis to be  agreed  and set out in those  Director  Service
     Agreements/Employment  Contracts, as appropriate. Such agreements to be for
     the  minimum  period  required to deliver  the  initial  business  plan but
     subject to continuation based on periodic performance reviews.

4.   Policy and Procedures document to apply to all En Fuels personnel including
     directors covering:-

o    Accounting processes in particular policies restricting sale or pledging of
     assets without Med-Tech board approval including independent directors.

o    Compliance  with  all  relevant  laws  and  regulations  including  US laws
     governing  the  conduct of business by US  registered  companies  and their
     subsidiaries,  SEC regulations and best practice  corporate  governance and
     social responsibility obligations.

o    Confidentiality.

o    Protection of En Fuels owned intellectual property and third party IPR.