Form of Employment Agreement
                           Protosource Corporation and
                                  William Conis

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

1ST day of November, 1999, by and between PROTOSOURCE CORPORATION,  A CALIFORNIA
AN ADDRESS AT 2800 28TH  Street,  Santa  Monica,  CA 90405  (hereinafter  called


     Whereas,  the  Company is an  Internet  Service  Provider  engaging  in web
development and web hosting throughout the continental United States;

     Whereas,  Employee  has  significant  strategic  managerial  and  financial
ability in the company's business which is of significant value to the Company;

     Whereas,  the Company  desires to assure itself of the services of Employee
and to that end desires to enter into a contract of  employment  with him,  upon
the terms and conditions herein set forth; and

     Whereas,  Employee  is  desirous  of  entering  into  such  a  contract  of

     Now,  therefore,  in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                  1. The Company hereby employs  Employee  during the employment
                  period,  as  hereafter  fixed,  as  the  President  and  Chief
                  Executive Officer of the Company.  Employee shall,  subject to
                  the  authority of the Board of Directors of the Company,  have
                  supervision  and control  over,  and  responsibility  for, the
                  general  management  and  operation of the  Company.  Employee
                  shall also have such other powers and duties as may, from time
                  to  time,  be  prescribed  by the  Board of  Directors  of the
                  Company,  provided that such duties are consistent  with those
                  normally  incident  to the office of the  President  and Chief
                  Executive Officer.

                  2. The  employment  period  shall  commence  as of November 1,
                  1999, (the "effective  date"),  and shall continue through and
                  terminate  on  October  31,  2001 (the  "Employment  Period"),
                  unless  earlier  terminated by either the Company or Employee,
                  or  extended  pursuant  to the  terms  hereinafter  contained,
                  subject to the following terms and conditions:

                           a.  In  the  event,   (i)  Employee   terminates  his
                  employment or (ii) Employee's  employment is terminated by the
                  Company for cause,  the Employment  Period shall  terminate at
                  the end of the month in which such event occurs.

                           b. In the event  Employee,  by reason of  physical or
                  mental disability (excluding infrequent and temporary absences
                  due to ordinary  transitory  illnesses),  shall be unable, for
                  more  than  120 days in the  aggregate,  during  any  12-month
                  period in the  Employment  Period,  to  perform  the  services
                  required  of  him  hereunder,   the  Employment  Period  shall
                  terminate at the end of the month following the month in which
                  either  Employee or the Company shall have given notice to the
                  other of its  intention to  terminate  the  Employment  Period
                  because of such disability.

                           c.  The  term  of  the  Employment  Period  shall  be
                  automatically  extended for successive one-year renewal terms,
                  commencing on November 1, 2001 and on November 1, of each year
                  thereafter  unless the Board of  Directors  shall elect not to
                  extend the term,  whereupon  the Company  shall be required to
                  provide  Employee  with a minimum  of 120 days  prior  written
                  notice,  (postmarked  no later than June 30) of its  intention
                  not to extend the term in the following year.

                           d. In the event the Employment Period shall terminate
                  pursuant to subparagraphs "a" or "b" hereinabove,  any amounts
                  payable to Employee under paragraph 3 hereof,  including,  but
                  not  limited  to,  any  salary  accrued to the last day of the
                  Employment Period,  shall be paid to Employee or, in the event
                  of Employee's death, to his estate.

                  3. As  compensation  for the  performance  by  Employee of his
                  obligations  under this  agreement,  the Company  shall pay to
                  employee during the Employment Period:

                           a. A  base  salary  at the  rate  of  not  less  than
                  $175,000.00  per  year,  the  precise  rate to be fixed by the
                  Board of Directors  of the Company from time to time,  payable
                  on the Company's normal pay days or in such other installments
                  as may be agreed upon.

                           b. The  annual  base  salary  shall be  automatically
                  increased to $200,000.00  annually once the Company's  monthly
                  gross revenues run at the rate of  $291,666.66  ($3,500,000.00
                  annually)  and  operating   profitability  exceeds  $50,000.00
                  monthly for at least three consecutive months. For purposes of
                  this Agreement,  the term "operating  profitability"  shall be
                  defined as earnings before interest,  taxes,  depreciation and
                  amortization (EBITDA).

                           c. The annual base salary shall be automatically
                  increased to $250,000.00 annually once the Company's  monthly
                  gross revenues run at the rate of  $416,666.66  ($5,000,000.00
                  annually)  and operating profitability  exceeds  $100,000.00
                  monthly for at least three consecutive months

                           d. An automobile allowance of $500.00 per month
                  payable monthly in advance, commencing on April 1, 2000.

                           e. Notwithstanding anything hereinabove to the
                  contrary, in the event of the Employee's death during

                  the first two (2) years of this  Agreement or any renewal term
                  thereof, the entire base salary due for such two (2) year term
                  or the remainder of such renewal term, shall be deemed earned,
                  due and payable to his Estate as of the date of his death.

               4. In addition to the compensation herein provided, Employee
shall be entitled to:

                         a.  Four  weeks  vacation   during  each  year  of  the
                    Employment Period.

                         b. Reimbursement for reasonable business-related travel
                    and entertainment expenses incurred by Employee

                  in the performance of his duties,  payable after submission of
                  such reports and  vouchers as the Company  may, in  accordance
                  with its then current policy, from time to time require of all

                           c.  Participate in the Company's  benefit and welfare
                  plans,  including life,  accident and disability plans,  which
                  are available to the Company's executives generally, excluding
                  medical, hospital and dental coverage.

                  5. Employee  accepts the employment  hereunder and agrees that
                  during  the  Employment  Period,   Employee  shall  faithfully
                  perform  his  duties  to  the  best  of  his  ability  and  in
                  accordance  with the  directions  and  orders  of the Board of
                  Directors of the Company.  He shall devote his  attention  and
                  energies to the performance of such duties during his billable
                  working hours. Employee agrees that he will travel to whatever
                  extent  is  reasonably  necessary  to  conduct  the  Company's

                  6. The Company may not terminate  their  Agreement at any time
                  except  for  cause.  The  Company  shall  be  deemed  to  have
                  terminated  Employee's  employment  for  cause if the  Company
                  terminates   his  employment  by  reason  of:  (a)  Employee's
                  criminal  conviction  for  commission  of  an  act  of  fraud,
                  embezzlement,   theft  or   dishonesty;   or  (b)   Employee's
                  commission of any other criminal act involving moral turpitude
                  which causes embarrassment to the Company.

                  7.  Immediately  upon  execution of this Agreement the Company
                  shall grant to Employee  options to purchase 100,000 shares of
                  the  Company's  common  stock in  accordance  with  the  terms
                  hereinafter set forth. The exercise price with respect to each
                  share  of  stock  subject  to the  option  will  be  the  last
                  transaction  price of the  stock on the  NASDAQ  market on the
                  date of the  execution of this  Agreement.  The option will be
                  exercisable  by the  Employee as to 60,000  shares of stock at
                  any  time  after   November  1,  2000.   The  option  will  be
                  exercisable  by the  Employee as to the next 20,000  shares of
                  stock at any time after the  Employee's  annual base salary is
                  or should be increased to $200,000.00 annually pursuant to the
                  terms of this  Agreement and the option will be exercisable by
                  the Employee as to the remaining 20,000 shares of stock at any
                  time after the  Company's  gross  revenues  run at the average
                  rate of $350,000.00 monthly for a period of at least three (3)
                  consecutive  months.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the
                  contrary,  the options will be  immediately  exercisable as to
                  all  100,000  shares of stock (a) at any time the  Company  is
                  liquidated,  purchased,  acquired  by or merged  into  another
                  business entity,  (b) in the event of the Employee's death, in
                  which case the  Employee's  estate  shall  have the  immediate
                  right to exercise the option at any time,  or (c) in the event
                  this Agreement or the Employee's  employment by the Company is
                  for any reason  (other than for cause as defined in  paragraph
                  "6" hereinabove) terminated or suspended.

                  8. Employee  shall  promptly  communicate  and disclose to the
                  Company  all  other  information  and data  pertaining  to the
                  Company's  business  obtained  by  him in  the  course  of his
                  employment  (whether or not made, and/or developed by employee
                  or by  others  in the  employ  of the  Company).  All  written
                  materials,  records and  documents  made by Employee or coming
                  into his possession  during the Employment  Period  concerning
                  any    inventions,    products,    processes   or   equipment,
                  manufactured,  used, developed, including, but not limited to,
                  know-how,  trade secrets,  drawings,  systems,  plans, pricing
                  costs,  methods,  specifications,  business  plans,  marketing
                  techniques,  investigated  or  considered  by the Company,  or
                  otherwise  concerning  the business or affairs of the Company,
                  shall be the property of the Company,  and upon termination of
                  the Employment  Period,  or upon request of the Company during
                  the Employment  Period,  Employee  shall promptly  deliver the
                  same to the Company. Employee agrees to render such reports to
                  the Company of the  activities  of the business  undertaken by
                  him or conducted  under his  direction  during the  Employment
                  Period as the Company may reasonably request.

                  9.  During  the  terms of this  Agreement  and all  extensions
                  thereof,  the  Company  agrees to  maintain  in full force and
                  effect a life  insurance  policy  having a face  amount of not
                  less than $250,000 which names the Employee as the insured and
                  his spouse as the named beneficiary.

                  10. Any notice to be given by either party  hereunder shall be
                  in writing, mailed by certified or registered mail with return
                  receipt  requested,  shall be  addressed to the other party at
                  the address  herein  before stated or to such other address as
                  may have been  furnished  by such other  party in writing  and
                  shall be deemed to have been given on the date of mailing.

                  11.  No  modification,  amendment  or  waiver  of  any  of the
                  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be  effective  unless in
                  writing  specifically  referring  hereto,  and  signed by both

                  12. This instrument  constitutes  the entire  agreement of the
                  parties  hereto with respect to Employee's  employment and his
                  compensation  therefore,  except that nothing herein contained
                  shall  be  construed  as  preventing   Employee   either  from
                  participating  in such  employee  plans as the Company and its
                  affiliates  shall make  available to Employee  and others,  or
                  from   receiving   reimbursement   from  the  Company  or  its
                  affiliates  for  expenses  reasonably  incurred by Employee in
                  their behalf or in the pursuit of his duties on their behalf.

                  13. The failure to enforce, at any time, any of the provisions
                  of this Agreement or to required, at any time,  performance by
                  the other party of any of the  provisions  hereof  shall in no
                  way be  construed  to be a waiver  of such  provisions,  or to
                  affect  either the  validity  of this  Agreement,  or any part
                  hereof,  or the right of either  party  thereafter  to enforce
                  each and every  provision in accordance with the terms of this

                  14. If any legal action is  instituted  by Employee to enforce
                  any provision of this  Agreement,  the Company will  reimburse
                  Employee  for all  reasonable  costs  thereby  incurred by him
                  (including reasonable attorneys' fees) if Employee prevails in
                  such action.

                  15  The  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of  any  particular
                  provision  of  this  Agreement  shall  not  affect  the  other
                  provisions  hereof,  and this Agreement  shall be construed in
                  all respect as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were

                  16. This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and shall inure to
                  the benefit of the Company and any  successor  of the Company,
                  and any such  successor  shall be deemed  substituted  for the
                  Company  under  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement.  For the
                  purposes of this Agreement the term "successor" shall mean any
                  person,  firm,  corporation or other business  entity which at
                  any  time,  whether  by  merger,   purchase,   liquidation  or
                  otherwise,  shall  acquire  all  or  substantially  all of the
                  assets or business of the Company.

                  17. This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and shall inure to
                  the  benefit  of  Employee,   his  legal  representatives  and
                  assigns,  except that  Employee's  obligations to perform such
                  future  services  and rights to receive  payment  therefor are
                  hereby   expressly    declared   to   be   nonassignable   and

                  18.  The   Agreement   shall  be  governed  and  construed  in
                  accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

         In Witness  Whereof,  the parties hereto have caused this instrument to
be duly executed as of the day and year first written above.


By:___________________________                 ___________________________
     MICHAEL GALES, Director                         WILLIAM CONIS, Employee

By: ______________________________
      RAYMOND MEYERS, Director

By: ______________________________