Exhibit 5.1
                   [Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal Letterhead}

June 18, 2001

Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc.
114 West 11th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64105

     Re:  Kansas City Southern Industries,  Inc. Registration  Statement on Form

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     We have acted as special counsel to Kansas City Southern Industries,  Inc.,
a Delaware corporation (the Company"), The Kansas City Southern Railway Company,
a Missouri corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of the Company ("KCSR"),  and
each of the wholly owned  subsidiaries  of the Company set forth on the attached
EXHIBIT A (the  "Subsidiary  Guarantors") in connection with the preparation and
filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") of:

     o    a  Registration  Statement  on Form S-3 as  filed on May 16,  2001 and
          Amendment  No. 1 to that Form S-3 as filed on June 5, 2001  (together,
          the  "Registration  Statement")  under the  Securities Act of 1933, as
          amended (the "Securities Act"),  relating to the proposed offering and
          issuance from time to time of up to $450,000,000  aggregate  principal
          amount of securities;

     o    the Common Stock  Prospectus  Supplement as filed on June 5, 2001 (the
          "Common Stock Prospectus Supplement"), relating to 4,000,000 shares of
          common  stock of the  Company,  par value $0.01 per share (the "Common
          Stock") that are to be initially  offered (with an additional  600,000
          shares of Common Stock reserved for the  underwriters'  over-allotment

     o    the Mandatory  Convertible Unit Preliminary  Prospectus  Supplement as
          filed on June 5,  2001 (the  "Mandatory  Convertible  Unit  Prospectus
          Supplement")  relating to 4,600,000  Mandatory  Convertible  Units, as
          defined  in  the  Mandatory  Unit  Prospectus   Supplement   (with  an
          additional  690,000  Mandatory  Convertible  Units  reserved  for  the
          underwriters'  over-allotment  option),  each of which will  initially
          consist of

     o    a  senior  note  due  2007  in the  principal  amount  of $25 of  KCSR
          (collectively, the "Debt Securities") and

     o    stock purchase  contracts (the "Stock Purchase  Contracts") under each
          of which on August  17,  2004,  for $25,  the holder  will  purchase a
          number  of  newly  issued  shares  of  Common  Stock  of  the  Company
          calculated  according  to a formula  based on the market  price in the
          period  before the purchase  date (such  initial form of the Mandatory
          Convertible Units is a "Corporate Unit");

     o    Guarantees of the Debt Securities (the  "Guarantees")  by KCSI and all
          the Subsidiary Guarantors (collectively, the "Guarantors").

     o    Up to  9,000,000  shares of Common  Stock that are to be reserved  for
          issuance  pursuant  to  those  Stock  Purchase   Contracts  which  are
          components  of  the  Mandatory   Convertible  Units,  with  up  to  an
          additional   1,350,000   shares  of  Common  Stock  reserved  for  the
          underwriters' over-allotment option;

The Common  Stock  Prospectus  Supplement  and the  Mandatory  Convertible  Unit
Prospectus   Supplement  are  referred  to   collectively   as  the  "Prospectus

     This opinion is being  delivered in accordance with the requirement of Item
601(b)(5)  of  Regulation  S-K under  the Act.  Capitalized  terms  used but not
otherwise  defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Registration

     The Debt  Securities are to be issued pursuant to the Indenture in the form
filed as Exhibit 4.2 to the  Registration  Statement (the  "Indenture"),  by and
between KCSR, the Guarantors, and the Bank of New York, as trustee.

     In connection  with rendering this opinion,  we have examined and relied on
the following: (i) the Registration Statement and exhibits thereto as filed with
the  Commission,  including the form of Indenture  and the form of  Underwriting
Agreements for the offerings  pursuant to the Prospectus  Supplements,  (ii) the
Prospectus Supplements, (iii) organizational documents of KCSI, KCSR and each of
the  Subsidiary  Guarantors,  (iv) the  minutes  and  records  of the  corporate
proceedings  relating to the issuance of  securities  covered by the  Prospectus
Supplements of KCSI, KCSR and the Subsidiary  Guarantors and (v) such documents,
certificates  and records of public  officials  and the Company and its officers
and other  documents  and legal  matters  as we have  deemed  necessary  for the
purpose of rendering this opinion.

     For  purposes of this  opinion,  we have  assumed the  authenticity  of all
documents  submitted to us as originals,  the conformity to the originals of all
documents submitted to us as copies and the authenticity of the originals of all
documents submitted to us as copies. We have also assumed the genuineness of the
signatures  of persons  signing  all  documents  in  connection  with which this
opinion is rendered, the legal capacity of all natural persons, the authority of
such persons  signing on behalf of the parties thereto other than KCSI, KCSR and
the Subsidiary  Guarantors and the due authorization,  execution and delivery of
all documents by, and the enforceability against, the parties thereto other than
KCSI, KCSR, and the Subsidiary  Guarantors.  As to questions of fact material to
such  opinions  we  have  relied  upon   certificates   of  officers  and  other
representatives  of the Company and factual  information  we have  obtained from
such  other  sources  as we have  deemed  reasonable.  We have  assumed  without
investigation that there has been no relevant change or development  between the
dates as of which the information cited in the preceding  sentence was given and
the date of this letter. We have not independently  verified the accuracy of the
matters set forth in the written  statements or certificates  upon which we have
relied,  nor have we undertaken any lien, suit or judgment  searches or searches
of court dockets in any jurisdiction.

     Our   opinions  as  herein   expressed   are   subject  to  the   following
qualifications and limitations:  (i) the effect of Federal and state bankruptcy,
insolvency,  reorganization,  arrangement,  moratorium,  fraudulent  conveyance,
fraudulent  transfer  and other  laws  relating  to or  affecting  the rights of
secured  or  unsecured  creditors  generally  (or  affecting  the rights of only
creditors  of specific  types of  debtors),  with respect to which we express no
opinion;  (ii)  limitations  imposed by general  principles  of equity or public
policy  upon  the  enforceability  of any of the  remedies,  covenants  or other
provisions  of the  documents  upon  which we have  relied,  including,  without
limitation,  concepts of  materiality,  good faith and fair dealing and upon the
availability of injunctive relief or other equitable remedy, and the application
of  principles of equity  (regardless  of whether  enforcement  is considered in
proceedings  at law or in equity) and (iii) we express no opinion as the laws of
any jurisdiction other than the laws of the State of Missouri,  the State of New
York (excluding local laws),  the State of Illinois  (excluding local laws), the
laws of the State of Texas with respect to the Subsidiary  Guarantors  organized
in Texas (with  respect to which we have relied solely on the opinion of Jenkens
& Gilchrist,  a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B) and, based solely
upon a review  of the  statutes,  the  General  Corporation  Law of the State of
Delaware and the Delaware Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act. We advise you
that the issues addressed by this opinion may be governed in whole or in part by
other laws and we express no  opinion  as to  whether  any  relevant  difference
exists  between the laws upon which our opinion is based and any other laws that
may actually govern.

     We are familiar with the  proceedings  heretofore  taken and proposed to be
taken by you in connection with the  authorization,  registration,  issuance and
sale of the securities covered by the Prospectus Supplements  (including,  among
other things, the contemplated  execution and delivery of the Indenture relating
to the Debt Securities and the Underwriting  Agreements covering the sale of the
Common Stock and the Mandatory Convertible Units, which initially consist of the
Corporate  Units)  and for the  purposes  of this  opinion,  have  assumed  such
proceedings will be timely completed in the manner presently proposed.

     Subject  to  the  proposed  additional   proceedings  being  taken  as  now
contemplated  prior to the issuance of the securities  covered by the Prospectus
Supplements and the terms of such securities  being otherwise in compliance with
then-applicable  law,  and based on and  subject  to our  examination  described
herein and the assumptions,  exceptions,  qualifications  and limitations stated
herein, we are of the opinion,  having due regard for such legal  considerations
as we deem relevant, that:

     1.  The  Mandatory  Convertible  Units,  initially  consisting  of the Debt
Securities and the Stock  Purchase  Contracts,  upon the issuance  thereof (when
duly  executed  and,  in the  case  of the  Debt  Securities,  authenticated  in
accordance  with the terms of the Indenture) and sale (delivered by or on behalf
of the Company  against  payment  therefor) in accordance  with the terms of the
Underwriting  Agreement  relating  thereto and as  contemplated by the Mandatory
Convertible  Unit  Prospectus  Supplement,  will be validly  issued and  binding
obligations of the Company, and with respect to the Debt Securities, of KCSR;

     2. Those  shares of Common Stock that are to be issued in  accordance  with
the terms of the Stock  Purchase  Contracts that are components of the Mandatory
Convertible Units, when such Mandatory  Convertible Units are sold in accordance
with  the  terms  of  the  Underwriting   Agreement   relating  thereto  and  as
contemplated by the Mandatory Convertible Unit Prospectus  Supplement,  and when
such shares have been issued  (delivered by or on behalf of the Company  against
payment therefor) in accordance with the terms of the Mandatory Convertible Unit
Prospectus Supplement and the Stock Purchase Contracts,  will be validly issued,
fully paid and nonassessable;

     3. Those  shares of Common  Stock  covered by the Common  Stock  Prospectus
Supplement,  when  issued  and sold  (delivered  by or on behalf of the  Company
against  payment  therefor)  in  accordance  with the terms of the  Underwriting
Agreement  relating  thereto and as contemplated by such Prospectus  Supplement,
will be validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable;

     4. The Guarantees that are to be issued in accordance with the terms of the
Indenture,  of  the  Debt  Securities  that  are  components  of  the  Mandatory
Convertible Units, when such Mandatory  Convertible Units are sold (delivered by
or on behalf of the Company  against  payment  therefor) in accordance  with the
terms of the Underwriting  Agreement relating thereto and as contemplated by the
Mandatory Convertible Unit Prospectus  Supplement,  and upon the issuance of the
Guarantees  (when duly executed and when the Debt  Securities  are duly executed
and  authenticated,  each in  accordance  with the terms of the  Indenture)  and
delivery by each of the  Guarantors in connection  with the issuance of the Debt
Securities,  will be validly issued and binding obligations of the Guarantors in
accordance with their terms;

     This  opinion is  rendered  on the date  hereof  and we have no  continuing
obligation  hereunder to inform you of changes of law or fact  subsequent to the
date hereof or facts of which we have become aware after the date  hereof.  This
opinion is limited to the matters set forth  herein;  no opinion may be inferred
or implied beyond the matters expressly stated in this letter.

     This  opinion is solely for your  benefit and may not be  furnished  to, or
relied upon by, any other person or entity without the express  written  consent
of the  undersigned.  However,  we hereby  consent to the filing of this opinion
with the  Commission  as  Exhibit  5.1 to the  Registration  Statement.  We also
consent to the  reference to our firm under the heading  "Legal  Matters" in the
Registration  Statement. In giving this consent, we do not thereby admit that we
are in the category of persons whose consent is required  under Section 7 of the
Act or the rules and regulations of the Commission.

                                    Sincerely yours,

                                    SONNENSCHEIN NATH & ROSENTHAL

                                    /s/ Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal

                                    EXHIBIT A

- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
                                                   JURISDICTION OF
              NAME                                INCORPORATION OR
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Gateway Eastern Railway Company                        Illinois
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Gateway Western Railway Company                        Illinois
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
PABTEX GP, LLC                                          Texas
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
PABTEX, L.P.                                           Delaware
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
SIS Bulk Holding, Inc.                                 Delaware
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
KCS Transportation Company                             Delaware
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Mid-South Microwave, Inc.                              Delaware
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Rice-Carden Corporation                                Missouri
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Southern Development Company                           Missouri
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Southern Industrial Services, Inc.                     Delaware
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Trans-Serve, Inc.                                      Delaware
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

                                    EXHIBIT B


                                  June 18, 2001

Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal
4520 Main Street, Suite 1100
Kansas City, Missouri 64111
Attn:  Diane Bono

     Re:  PABTEX GP, LLC

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     We have  acted as  special  counsel  to PABTEX  GP,  LLC,  a Texas  limited
liability company (the "Guarantor"), in connection with its proposed guaranty of
the  obligations  of The  Kansas  City  Southern  Railway  Company,  a  Missouri
corporation  (the  "Issuer")  for those senior notes due 2007 of the Issuer (the
"Debt  Securities") to be registered in connection with the proposed offering by
Kansas City Southern Industries,  Inc., the parent of the Issuer (the "Parent"),
of up to $450,000,000  aggregate amount of securities pursuant to a Registration
Statement on Form S-3 as filed on May 16, 2001 and  Amendment No. 1 to that Form
S-3 as filed on June 5, 2001 (together, the "Registration  Statement") under the
Securities  Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act") and pursuant to the
Indenture  with respect to the Debt  Securities in the form filed as Exhibit 4.2
to the  Registration  Statement (the  "Indenture"),  among  Guarantor,  SIS Bulk
Holdings,  Inc., the Issuer,  Parent,  Gateway Eastern Railway Company,  Gateway
Western Railway Company, KCS Transportation Company,  Mid-South Microwave, Inc.,
PABTEX, L.P., Rice-Carden  Corporation,  Southern Development Company,  Southern
Industrial  Services,  Inc. and Trans-Serve,  Inc., and The Bank of New York, as
trustee under the Indenture (the "Guaranty"). The Debt Securities are components
of units that are to be traded on the New York Stock  Exchange (the  "Exchange")
by Parent.  Such units (the "Corporate Units") initially consist of (i) the Debt
Securities and (ii) Stock Purchase Contracts under each of which the holder will
purchase a number of newly issued shares of Common Stock of the Parent according
to a formula  based on the market price in the period  before the purchase  date
(the  "Stock  Purchase  Contracts").  Capitalized  terms used but not  otherwise
defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Registration Statement.

     We have  considered  such  questions  of law as we deem  necessary  for the
purpose of rendering  the opinions  set forth  herein.  We have assumed and this
opinion is subject to the genuineness of all signatures, the authenticity of all
documents, certificates and records submitted to us as originals, the conformity
to the originals of all documents,  certificates and records  submitted to us as
certified or reproduction  copies and the  authenticity of the originals of such
documents,  certificates and records,  the legal capacity of all natural persons
executing documents, certificates and records, and the completeness and accuracy
as of the date of this  opinion  letter  of the  information  contained  in such
documents, certificates and records. In rendering the opinions contained herein,
we have relied solely upon representations,  certifications and other statements
of the officers and other representatives of the Guarantor.  We have not made or
undertaken  to make any  independent  investigation  of our own to  establish or
verify  the  accuracy  or   completeness   of  such   factual   representations,
certifications  and other  information,  and we have  assumed in  rendering  the
opinions contained herein that none of such representations,  certifications and
other  information  contains any untrue  statement of material  fact or omits to
state a material fact necessary to render the  statements  made, in light of the
circumstances in which they were made, not misleading.

     We do not opine or  represent  as to any issues  save the  specific  issues
addressed  herein,  and no  opinion  may be  inferred  or  implied  beyond  that
expressly stated herein.  We express no opinion as to the  enforceability of the
Guaranty under the laws of any  jurisdictions  other than the State of Texas and
the federal laws of the United States.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the
contrary,  we express no opinion as to matters  governed  by any laws other than
the laws of the State of Texas.

     Based upon and subject to the assumptions,  qualifications,  exclusions and
other  limitations  contained in this opinion letter, we are of the opinion that
subject  to:  (i) the  Indenture  having  been  duly  qualified  under the Trust
Indenture Act of 1939, as amended,  (ii) the Registration  Statement having been
declared  effective under the Securities Act, and (iii) the Guaranty having been
duly  executed  and  authenticated  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the
Indenture,  the  Guaranty  will  be  duly  authorized  by all  corporate  action
necessary under Texas law and the Guarantor's  organizational documents and will
be enforceable against the Guarantor in accordance with its terms.

     The opinion  incorporates by reference the Other Common  Qualifications and
the Other  Common  Texas  Qualifications  contained  in the  Report of the Legal
Opinion Committee Regarding Legal Opinions in Business  Transactions (the "TEXAS
REPORT") of the Business Law Section of the State Bar of Texas  (1992),  and the
opinion should be read in conjunction with the Texas Report.

     You are hereby notified that (a) we do not consider you to be our client in
the matters to which this opinion letter relates,  (b) neither the Texas Code of
Professional  Responsibility  nor  current  case  law  clearly  articulates  the
circumstances under which an attorney may give a legal opinion to a person other
than the attorney's own client,  and (c) a court might uphold this opinion or it
might determine that it is improper for us to issue, and for you to rely upon, a
legal  opinion  issued by us when we have acted as counsel to the  Guarantor  in
connection  with the transaction  contemplated in the initial  paragraph of this
opinion letter.

     Except as otherwise  provided  herein,  this opinion letter and the matters
addressed  herein are as of the date  hereof,  and we  undertake  no, and hereby
disclaim  any,  obligation  to advise  you of any change in any matter set forth
herein  occurring  after the date hereof or the date referred to herein,  as the
case may be. This opinion  letter is limited to the matters stated herein and no
opinion is implied or may be inferred beyond the matters expressly stated.

     This  opinion  letter is solely for your  benefit  for the  purpose of your
opinion regarding the above described transactions to be delivered in accordance
with the requirements of the Item 601(b)(5) of Regulation S-K under the Act, and
may not be furnished  to, or relied upon by, any other person or entity  without
the express written consent of the  undersigned.  However,  we hereby consent to
the filing of this opinion as an attachment  to Exhibit 5.1 to the  Registration
Statement.  In giving this  consent,  we do not thereby admit that we are in the
category of persons whose consent is required  under Section 7 of the Act or the
rules and regulations of the Commission.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          /s/ Bryan W. Lee
                                          Bryan W. Lee