Exhibit 10.11


     This CONSULTING COMPENSATION ESCROW AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered
into and  effective as of this 15th day of December,  2004,  by and among KANSAS
CITY SOUTHERN, a Delaware corporation ("KCS") and Jose F. Serrano  International
Business, S.A. de C.V., a a SOCIEDAD ANONIMA DE CAPITAL VARIABLE organized under
the laws of the UMS  organized  under  the laws of the UMS  ("Consulting  Firm")
(collectively,  the "Parties"), and The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company of New
York (the "Escrow Agent").

     WHEREAS,  the Parties are parties to the Consulting  Agreement  dated as of
the date  hereof by and  between KCS and the  Consulting  Firm (the  "Consulting
Agreement"),  pursuant to which,  among other things,  the Consulting Firm shall
provide to KCS the Consulting Services in exchange for the payment by KCS of the
Annual Fee (defined below); and

     WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5 of the Consulting Agreement, an amount equal
to the total amount of the Annual Fee for each of the years comprising the three
(3) year terms of the Consulting Agreement, which equals, in the aggregate, Nine
Million US Dollars  ($9,000,000),  (as increased by Interest (defined below) and
reduced by Losses  (defined  below) or amounts  released  pursuant  to Section 3
below, the "Escrow Fund") is to be deposited in escrow; and

     WHEREAS,  the Parties desire to appoint the Escrow Agent to hold the Escrow
Fund on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, and
the Escrow Agent is willing to serve in that capacity.

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and agreements  contained
herein,  and  for  other  good  and  valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the Parties, it is hereby agreed
by and among the Parties and the Escrow Agent as follows:


          (a) The Parties  hereby  appoint  the Escrow  Agent to serve as escrow
     agent hereunder. In accordance with and subject to the terms and provisions
     hereof,  the Escrow  Agent  accepts  such  appointment  and agrees to hold,
     invest and distribute the Escrow Fund, in accordance with the terms hereof.

          (b) On the Effective Date of the Consulting Agreement (as that term is
     defined  therein),  KCS will deposit an amount equal to US $9,000,000  with
     the Escrow Agent in a non-interest  bearing escrow  account,  to be held by
     the Escrow Agent and released only pursuant to the terms and  conditions of
     this Escrow Agreement.

          (c) The  Escrow  Fund shall be held for the  exclusive  benefit of the
     Parties,  their  successors and assigns and no other person or entity shall
     have any right,  title or interest  therein,  except as provided in Section

     2.   (a) The Escrow Fund deposited in escrow hereunder shall be invested by
     the Escrow Agent in accordance  with the written  instructions  provided by
     the Consulting Firm. All interest,  gains,  income and other  distributions
     (collectively,  "Interest")  received on or with respect to the Escrow Fund
     shall be received  for the benefit of the  Consulting  Firm.  All  Interest
     shall  become  part of the  Escrow  Fund and any costs of  investments  and
     losses on such  investments  ("Losses")  shall reduce the Escrow Fund.  The
     parties  agree that,  for tax reporting  purposes,  all Interest and Losses
     shall be reported as allocated to the Consulting Firm.

          (b)  The  Escrow  Agent  shall  have  no  liability  for  any  loss on
     investments  made  pursuant to this  Agreement,  including  any loss on any
     investment  required to be liquidated  prior to maturity in order to make a
     payment  required  hereunder.  Investments  by the Escrow Agent pursuant to
     this  Agreement  shall be subject to  availability.  In no event  shall the
     Escrow Agent be required to provide  investment  advice of any kind. Absent
     its receipt of any written  investment  instructions  from Consulting Firm,
     the Escrow Agent shall have no  obligation or duty to invest any funds held
     by it under this Agreement.

          (c) The  Consulting  Firm agrees that, if necessary,  it shall provide
     the Escrow Agent with a Form W-9 or Form W8-BEN, as the case may be.

          (d) The Escrow Agent is hereby  authorized,  in making or disposing of
     any  investment  permitted by this  Agreement,  to deal with itself (in its
     individual capacity) or with any one or more of its affiliates.

     3. The Escrow Agent shall  release the Escrow Fund and any  Interest  which
becomes part of the Escrow Fund only in accordance with the following:

          (a) On the  last  day  of the  month,  or if  such  day  falls  upon a
     Saturday,  a Sunday or a banking holiday in New York, the next day on which
     the Escrow Agent is open for business, following each of the first, second,
     and third  anniversary  hereof  (each  such  one-year  period,  a  "Payment
     Period"),  the Escrow Agent shall transfer to the Consulting Firm an amount
     from the Escrow Fund equal to $3,000,000  (the "Annual Fee"),  (i) plus any
     Interest  received on the Escrow Fund during such Payment Period,  and (ii)
     less  the  amount  of any  Losses  incurred  during  such  Payment  Period;
     provided,  that if the Losses for any Payment  Period  exceed the amount of
     the Annual Fee, no amount shall be  transferred  by the Escrow Agent to the
     Consulting  Firm  for  such  Payment  Period,  and the  Annual  Fee for the
     subsequent  Payment  Period  shall be reduced by the amount such Losses for
     the  previous  Payment  Period  exceeded  the Annual  Fee for such  Payment

          (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Escrow Agent shall not transfer
     any  amount of the  Escrow  Fund to the  Consulting  Firm in  respect of an
     Annual Fee for a Payment Period if the Escrow Agent receives written notice
     (a  "Payment   Determination   Notice")   signed

     by the President or a  Vice-President  (each, an "Appropriate  Officer") of
     KCS , which Payment  Determination Notice shall be simultaneously copied to
     the  Consulting  Firm stating that the  Consulting  Firm is not entitled to
     payment for services  rendered  during such Payment  Period,  which Payment
     Determination  Notice  shall  be  received  by the  Escrow  Agent  and  the
     Consulting Firm not later than ten (10) Business Days (defined below) prior
     to the  expiration  of such Payment  Period and shall be  accompanied  by a
     certificate  signed  by an  Appropriate  Officer  of KCS  stating  that the
     procedures  for such  determination,  as set forth in  Section  5(b) of the
     Consulting  Agreement,  have been  fully  complied  with (a  "Determination
     Certificate").  As used herein, the term "Business Day" shall mean a day of
     the year on which national banks in New York, New York, are not required or
     permitted to be closed.

          (c) Fifteen  Business Days following  receipt by the Escrow Agent of a
     Payment  Determination  Notice and Determination  Certificate in accordance
     with  sub-section  3(b) above, the Escrow Agent shall promptly (i) transfer
     to KCS an amount  from the  Escrow  Fund  equal to the  Annual Fee for such
     Payment Period in accordance with the instructions set forth in the Payment
     Determination Notice, and (ii) transfer to the Consulting Firm the Interest
     received by the Escrow Agent on the Escrow Fund during such Payment Period,
     provided,  however,  that in the event that  Consulting  Firm shall dispute
     such  Payment   Determination   Notice  or  Determination   Certificate  by
     delivering  written  notice to the  Escrow  Agent  pursuant  to  Section 15
     hereof,  simultaneously copied to KCS, within ten (10) Business Days of the
     Escrow   Agent's   receipt  of  such   Payment   Determination   Notice  or
     Determination  Certificate,  then no amounts  shall be  transferred  to KCS
     pursuant to this Section 4(c) until such dispute has been finally  resolved
     in accordance with the terms of Section 17 of the Consulting Agreement.

          (d) If the  Consulting  Agreement  is  terminated  prior to the stated
     expiration  date  set  forth  therein  (the  "Expiration  Date"),  then any
     remaining  amounts  held  in  the  Escrow  Fund  as of  the  date  of  such
     termination shall be released as follows:

               (i) After receipt by the Escrow Agent of written notice signed by
          an  Appropriate   Officer  of  KCS  and  Consulting  Firm  (an  "Early
          Termination  Notice")  stating that the Consulting  Agreement has been
          terminated prior to the Expiration Date due to the death or disability
          of Jose F. Serrano Segovia,  the Escrow Agent shall release the amount
          remaining  in the Escrow Fund as of the date of such  termination,  if
          any, to the Consulting  Firm in accordance with the  instructions  set
          forth in the Early Termination Notice.

               (ii) After  receipt by the Escrow  Agent of an Early  Termination
          Notice stating that the Consulting Agreement has been terminated prior
          to the Expiration  Date due to the occurrence of an event set forth in
          Section  8(c)  of  the  Consulting   Agreement  with  respect  to  the
          Consulting  Firm,  which  Early  Termination  Notice  shall  include a
          reasonably  detailed  calculation of the amount owed to the

          Consulting Firm in  consideration of any Annual Fee or portion thereof
          which has accrued as of the  effective  date of such  termination,  if
          any, the Escrow Agent shall (y)  transfer to the  Consulting  Firm the
          amount set forth in the Early  Termination  Notice,  together with any
          Interest received and not paid by the Escrow Agent as of the effective
          date of such termination, and (z) transfer to KCS the amount remaining
          in the Escrow Fund after such payment to the Consulting Firm.

               (iii) After receipt of an Early  Termination  Notice stating that
          the  Consulting  Agreement has been  terminated  without reason by the
          Consulting  Firm prior to the Expiration Date pursuant to Section 8(d)
          thereof,  or by KCS for Cause  pursuant to Section 8(e) thereof,  then
          the  Escrow  Agent  shall (y)  transfer  to KCS the  principal  amount
          remaining  in  the  Escrow  Fund  as of the  effective  date  of  such
          termination,  and (z)  transfer to the  Consulting  Firm any  Interest
          received and not paid by the Escrow Agent as of the effective  date of
          such termination.

               (iv) After receipt of an Early  Termination  Notice  stating that
          the Consulting  Agreement has been  terminated by the Consulting  Firm
          prior to the Expiration  Date due to a material breach thereof by KCS,
          or has been  terminated by KCS other than for Cause,  the Escrow Agent
          shall  transfer to the  Consulting  Firm the amount  remaining  in the
          Escrow Fund,  including  Interest  received and not paid by the Escrow
          Agent, as of the effective date of such termination.

          (e) The Parties agree that any dispute between the Parties,  including
     but not limited to disputes relating to an Early Termination Notice,  shall
     be settled in accordance with Section 17 of the Consulting Agreement.

     4.   (a) The Escrow Agent may act or refrain  from acting in reliance  upon
     any instructions,  notice, certification,  demand, consent,  authorization,
     receipt,  power of attorney or other  writing  delivered to it by any other
     party and believed by the Escrow Agent to be genuine without being required
     to determine the authenticity or validity thereof or the correctness of any
     facts  stated  therein.  The Escrow Agent may act or refrain from acting in
     reliance  upon any signature  believed by it to be genuine,  and may assume
     that any such person has been properly authorized to do so.

          (b) The Parties hereto, jointly and severally,  agree to reimburse the
     Escrow  Agent on demand for,  and to  indemnify  and hold the Escrow  Agent
     harmless against and with respect to, any and all loss,  liability,  damage
     or expense  (including,  without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys' fees,
     costs and  disbursements)  that the  Escrow  Agent  may  suffer or incur in
     connection  with  this  Agreement  in  its  performance   hereunder  or  in
     connection herewith,  except to the extent such loss, liability,  damage or
     expense  is  caused  by the  Escrow  Agent's

     willful  misconduct  or  gross  negligence  as  adjudicated  by a court  of
     competent jurisdiction.  The Escrow Agent shall have the right to apply the
     Escrow Fund held by it in escrow hereunder,  and any proceeds  thereof,  to
     the payment of any amounts owing to it by Consulting  Firm or KCS hereunder
     upon one (1) Business Days' notice to Consulting Firm and KCS.

          (c) As between  themselves,  KCS and the Consulting Firm agree that in
     the event that the Escrow Agent exercises its right to apply funds from the
     Escrow Fund to the payment of any amounts  owing to it  hereunder  ("Escrow
     Agent  Receivable")  as a result of the failure of one of KCS or Consulting
     Firm to make  payment  in full of 50% of the  Escrow  Agent  Receivable  in
     accordance  with Section 11 hereof,  such  non-paying  Party shall promptly
     transfer to the account of the other  Party in  accordance  with such other
     Party's instructions in immediately  available funds an amount equal to the
     difference  between 50% of the Escrow Agent  Receivable and the amount,  if
     any,  actually paid by the non-paying  Party to the Escrow Agent in respect
     of the  Escrow  Agent  Receivable.  In the  event  that  the  Escrow  Agent
     exercises  its right to apply  funds from the Escrow Fund to the payment of
     the Escrow Agent  Receivable  as a result of the failure of both of KCS and
     the  Consulting  Firm to make  payment in full of 50% of the  Escrow  Agent
     Receivable in accordance with Section 11 hereof, each such non-paying Party
     shall  promptly  transfer to the  account of the other Party in  accordance
     with such other Party's  instructions  in  immediately  available  funds an
     amount equal to the difference  between 50% of the Escrow Agent  Receivable
     and the amount, if any, actually paid by the non-paying Party to the Escrow
     Agent in respect of the Escrow Agent Receivable.

     5.   (a) The Escrow Agent may consult legal counsel of its selection in the
     event of any dispute or question as to the meaning or  construction  of any
     of the  provisions of this  Agreement or its duties  hereunder,  including,
     without  limitation,  the validity of any order of any court or arbitration
     tribunal,  and it shall incur no liability and shall be fully  protected in
     acting  or  refraining  from  acting in  accordance  with the  opinion  and
     instructions of such counsel.

          (b) Each of the Parties  acknowledges and agrees that the Escrow Agent
     (i)  shall  not be  deemed  to  have  knowledge  of  the  terms  of,  or be
     responsible  for, any of the  agreements  referred to or  described  herein
     (including,  without limitation,  the Acquisition Agreement,  but excluding
     this  Agreement)  or for  determining  compliance  therewith  and shall not
     otherwise  be bound  thereby  and  (ii)  shall  be  obligated  only for the
     performance of such duties as are  specifically set forth in this Agreement
     on its part to be performed  and no implied  duties or  obligations  of any
     kind shall be read into this Agreement against the Escrow Agent.

     6. In the event of any  disagreement  between  any of the  Parties  to this
Agreement,  any  adverse  claims or demands  being made in  connection  with the
subject  matter of the escrow,  or in the event that the Escrow  Agent,  in good
faith, is in doubt as to what action it should take hereunder,  the Escrow Agent
may, at its sole option,  refuse to comply with any claims and demands on it and
retain in its possession  without liability to anyone all or any of the property

held by it hereunder,  or refuse to take any other action hereunder,  so long as
such  disagreement  continues or such doubt  exists.  The Escrow Agent shall not
become  liable in any way or to any person for its  failure or refusal to act in
such event,  and the Escrow  Agent shall be entitled to continue to refrain from
acting  until (i) the rights of all  parties  shall have been fully and  finally
adjudicated  by a final  order,  decree,  or judgment of a court or  arbitration
tribunal of competent  jurisdiction (and in the case of an arbitration tribunal,
accompanied  by a  certificate  signed  by an  Appropriate  Officer  of KCS  and
Consulting Firm stating that such  arbitration was undertaken in accordance with
Section 17 of the  Consulting  Agreement),  accompanied by an opinion of counsel
that such order, decree or judgment is final, or (ii) all differences shall have
been resolved by agreement  among all the interested  persons,  and Escrow Agent
shall have been notified  thereof in writing signed by all such persons.  Escrow
Agent  shall have the option,  after  thirty  (30)  calendar  days notice to the
Parties, of its intention to do so, to file an action in interpleader  requiring
the Parties to answer and litigate any claims and rights among  themselves.  The
rights of the Escrow  Agent under this  paragraph  are  cumulative  of all other
rights which it may have by law or otherwise.  Notwithstanding  any provision to
the contrary in this Agreement, in no case shall the Escrow Agent be required or
obligated to distribute any property held in escrow by it hereunder  sooner than
two (2)  Business  Days  after  it has  received  instructions  to do so and the
applicable documents required under this Agreement.

     7.  Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Agreement,  in no
case shall the Escrow Agent be required or obligate to  distribute  any property
held in escrow by it hereunder  sooner than two (2)  Business  Days after it has
received  instructions to do so and the applicable documents required under this

     8. Notice to the Parties shall be given as provided  below.  Whenever under
the terms hereof the time for giving a notice or  performing an act falls upon a
Saturday, a Sunday or a banking holiday in New York, such time shall be extended
to the next day on which the Escrow Agent is open for business.

     9. The Escrow Agent may, in its sole  discretion,  resign and terminate its
position  hereunder  at any time  following  thirty (30)  calendar  days written
notice to the other Parties to the Escrow Agreement. Prior to the effective date
of  resignation  specified  in such notice,  the Parties will jointly  appoint a
successor  escrow agent. On the effective date of such  appointment,  the Escrow
Agent shall  deliver  this Escrow  Agreement  together  with any and all related
instruments or documents and all of the funds,  securities,  documents and other
assets  held in escrow  hereunder  to any  successor  escrow  agent  selected in
writing by Parties to this Agreement.  If a successor  escrow agent has not been
appointed  prior to the  expiration of thirty (30)  calendar days  following the
date  of  notice  of  such  resignation,   then  (i)  the  Escrow  Agent's  sole
responsibility  after that time shall be to safekeep the property held in escrow
by it hereunder  until receipt by it of designation of a successor  escrow agent
and (ii) the Escrow Agent may petition any court of

competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a successor escrow agent, or other
appropriate relief. Any such resulting appointment shall be binding upon all the
Parties to this Agreement.

     10. The Parties to this Agreement may by mutual written  agreement,  with a
copy of such agreement  forwarded to the Escrow Agent,  at any time substitute a
new escrow agent by giving ten (10) days notice  thereof to the Escrow Agent and
paying all fees and  expenses  due to the Escrow  Agent.  Any such  substitution
shall terminate all obligations and duties of the Escrow Agent hereunder. On the
effective  date of such  substitution,  the  Escrow  Agent  shall  deliver  this
Agreement together with any and all related  instruments or documents and all of
the funds, securities,  documents and other assets held in escrow hereunder to a
successor escrow agent that the Parties have selected in writing.

     11. The Escrow Agent shall  receive the fees provided in Appendix B hereto.
Except as provided in Section  4(b),  the Escrow Agent shall not be permitted to
utilize the Escrow  Fund to cover any of its fees or  expenses.  The  Consulting
Firm and KCS  agree as  between  themselves  that all fees and  expenses  of the
Escrow Agent shall be paid equally (50% by KCS and 50% by the Consulting Firm).

     12.  Any  modification  of this  Agreement  or any  additional  obligations
assumed by any party  hereto  shall be binding  only if  evidenced  by a writing
signed by each of the parties  hereto.  Upon  distribution in full of the Escrow
Fund  and all  Interest  earned  thereon,  this  Agreement  shall  be  thereupon
terminated  and of no further force or effect;  provided that the  provisions of
Sections 4(b) and 11 (for the period prior to such  termination,  resignation or
substitution)   shall  survive  the   termination  of  this  Agreement  and  the
resignation or substitution of the Escrow Agent.

     13. This  Agreement  shall be governed by the laws of the state of New York
in all respects.  The Parties hereto irrevocably and  unconditionally  submit to
the  jurisdiction  of a federal or state court located in New York,  New York in
connection with any proceedings commenced regarding this Agreement including but
not limited to a interpleader proceeding or a proceeding for the employment of a
successor  escrow agent. The Parties  irrevocably  submit to the jurisdiction of
such courts for the  determination  of all issues in such  proceedings,  without
regard  to any  principles  of  conflicts  of laws,  and  irrevocably  waive any
objection to venue or inconvenient forum.

     14. This  Agreement  may be executed in one or more  counterparts,  each of
which  counterpart  shall  be  deemed  to  be  an  original  and  all  of  which
counterparts, taken together, shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

     15. Unless otherwise provided herein, all notices and other  communications
hereunder  shall be in writing  and shall be deemed  given if (a)  delivered  in
person, (b) transmitted

by facsimile (with written confirmation),  (c) mailed by certified or registered
mail (return receipt requested) (in which case such notice shall be deemed given
on the third day after such  mailing)  or (d)  delivered  by an express  courier
(with written  confirmation)  to the Parties at the  following  addresses (or at
such other address for a party as shall be specified by like notice):

         If to the Consulting Firm:

         Jose F. Serrano International Business, S.A. de C.V.
         Paseo de la Reforma #610
         Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec
         11000 Mexico, D.F.

         Attention:  Jose Francisco Serrano Segovia

         With a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:

         Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
         One Chase Manhattan Plaza
         New York, New York 10005
         Attention:  Thomas C. Janson, Esq.


         Martinez, Algaba, Estrella, De Haro y Galvan, S.C.
         Paseo de lost Tamarindos
         Colonia Bosquest de las Lomas
         Mexico, D.F., Mexico
         Attention:  Carlos Galvan Duque

         If to KCS:

         Kansas City Southern
         427 West 12th Street
         Kansas City, MO 64105
         Attention:  Senior Vice President and General Counsel

         With a copy (which shall not constitute notice) to:

         Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP
         4520 Main Street, Suite 1100
         Kansas City, MO 64111
         Attention:  John F. Marvin, Esq.


         White & Case, S.C.
         Blvd Manual Avila Camacho 24, PH
         Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, 11000
         Mexico, D.F., Mexico
         Attention Jose Vicente Corta Fernandez and/or Iker I. Arriola Penalosa

         If to the Escrow Agent:

         The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company of New York
         One Liberty Plaza
         New York, NY  10006
         Attention John Neylan

         With a copy to (which shall not constitute notice) to:

         Shearman & Sterling LLP
         599 Lexington Avenue
         New York, NY  10022
         Attention:  Helen Doo

Any Party hereto may from time to time change its address for notices under this
Section 14 giving at least ten (10) days' notice of such changed  address to the
other Parties hereto.

                           SIGNATURE PAGE ON NEXT PAGE

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties and the Escrow Agent have  executed  this
Agreement as of the date first above written.

                           KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN

                           By:  /s/ Robert B. Terry
                           Name:    Robert B. Terry
                           Title:   Senior Vice President & General Counsel

                           Jose F. Serrano International Business, S.A., de C.V.

                           By:  /s/ Jose F. Serrano Segovia
                           Name:    Jose F. Serrano Segovia
                           Title:   Attorney in Fact

                           The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company of New York

                           By:  /s/ Andrew Bicker
                           Name:    Andrew Bicker
                           Title:   Associate Director

                                   APPENDIX A
                         [INSTRUCTIONS TO ESCROW AGENT]

                                   APPENDIX B