Exhibit 2.1

                                                                  EXECUTION COPY

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                            Dated as of July 14, 2005

                                  by and among

                                  Emtec, Inc.,

                                Emtec Viasub LLC,


                      Darr Westwood Technology Corporation

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE I             THE MERGER...............................................1

Section 1.1.          The Merger...............................................1

Section 1.2.          Effective Time of the Merger.............................1

Section 1.3.          Effects of the Merger....................................2

Section 1.4.          Closing..................................................2


Section 2.1.          Certificate of Formation.................................2

Section 2.2.          Limited Liability Company Agreement......................2

Section 2.3.          Directors and Officers...................................2


Section 3.1.          Conversion of Shares in the Merger.......................2

Section 3.2.          Conversion of Subsidiary Equity Interests................3

Section 3.3.          Adjustments to Exchange Ratio............................3

Section 3.4.          Surrender of Certificates................................3

Section 3.5.          Closing of the Company's Transfer Books..................4

Section 3.6.          Dissenting Shares........................................4

Section 3.7.          Company Preferred Stock..................................5


Section 4.1.          Organization and Qualification...........................5

Section 4.2.          Capitalization...........................................5

Section 4.3.          Subsidiaries.............................................6

Section 4.4.          Authority; Non-Contravention; Approvals; SEC Documents...6

Section 4.5.          Financial Statements.....................................8

Section 4.6.          Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities.......................8

Section 4.7.          Absence of Certain Changes or Events.....................8

Section 4.8.          Litigation..............................................10

Section 4.9.          No Violation of Law.....................................10

Section 4.10.         Contracts...............................................11

Section 4.11.         Taxes...................................................12

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section 4.12.         Employee Benefit Matters................................14

Section 4.13.         Labor Matters...........................................16

Section 4.14.         Environmental Matters...................................17

Section 4.15.         Property................................................18

Section 4.16.         Intellectual Property; Software.........................19

Section 4.17.         Brokers and Finders.....................................20

Section 4.18.         Opinion of Parent Financial Advisor.....................20

Section 4.19.         Affiliate Transactions..................................20

Section 4.20.         Products Liability......................................20

Section 4.21.         Relationship with Customers and Suppliers...............21

Section 4.22.         Absence of Questionable Payments........................21

Section 4.23.         Insurance...............................................21

Section 4.24.         Government Contracts....................................22

Section 4.25.         State Takeover Statutes; Etc............................23

Section 4.26.         Disclosures.............................................23


Section 5.1.          Organization and Qualification..........................23

Section 5.2.          Capitalization..........................................24

Section 5.3.          Subsidiaries............................................24

Section 5.4.          Authority; Non-Contravention; Approvals.................25

Section 5.5.          Financial Statements....................................26

Section 5.6.          Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities......................26

Section 5.7.          Absence of Certain Changes or Events....................27

Section 5.8.          Litigation..............................................28

Section 5.9.          No Violation of Law.....................................29

Section 5.10.         Contracts...............................................29

Section 5.11.         Taxes...................................................31

Section 5.12.         Employee Benefit Matters................................32

Section 5.13.         Labor Matters...........................................34

Section 5.14.         Environmental Matters...................................35

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section 5.15.         Property................................................36

Section 5.16.         Intellectual Property; Software.........................37

Section 5.17.         Brokers and Finders.....................................38

Section 5.18.         Affiliate Transactions..................................38

Section 5.19.         Products Liability......................................38

Section 5.20.         Relationship with Customers and Suppliers...............39

Section 5.21.         Absence of Questionable Payments........................39

Section 5.22.         Insurance...............................................39

Section 5.23.         Government Contracts....................................40

Section 5.24.         State Takeover Statutes; Etc............................41

Section 5.25.         Disclosures.............................................41

ARTICLE VI            COVENANTS OF THE PARTIES................................41

Section 6.1.          Mutual Covenants........................................41

Section 6.2.          Covenants of the Parent.................................43

Section 6.3.          Covenants of the Company................................46


Section 7.1.          Acquisition Transactions................................49

Section 7.2.          Expenses and Fees.......................................51

Section 7.3.          Third Party Standstill Agreements.......................52

Section 7.4.          Registration Rights.....................................52

Section 7.5.          Board of Directors of Parent............................52

Section 7.6.          Tender Offer............................................52

ARTICLE VIII          CONDITIONS..............................................53

Section 8.1.          Conditions to Each Party's Obligation to Effect the

Section 8.2.          Conditions to Obligations of the Company to Effect the

Section 8.3.          Conditions to Obligations of Parent and Acquisition.....55

ARTICLE IX            TERMINATION, AMENDMENT AND WAIVER.......................55

Section 9.1.          Termination.............................................55

Section 9.2.          Effect of Termination...................................57

Section 9.3.          Amendment...............................................58

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section 9.4.          Extension; Waiver.......................................58

ARTICLE X             GENERAL PROVISIONS......................................58

Section 10.1.         No Survival of Representations and Warranties...........58

Section 10.2.         Further Assurances......................................58

Section 10.3.         Notices.................................................58

Section 10.4.         Governing Law...........................................59

Section 10.5.         Parties to Agreement....................................59

Section 10.6.         Interpretation..........................................59

Section 10.7.         Severability............................................60

Section 10.8.         Assignment..............................................60

Section 10.9.         Enforcement.............................................60

Section 10.10.        Submission to Jurisdiction; Waivers.....................60

Section 10.11.        Counterparts............................................61

Section 10.12.        Entire Agreement........................................61

Section 10.13.        Rules of Construction...................................61

Section 10.14.        Facsimiles..............................................61

ARTICLE XI            DEFINITIONS.............................................61


Exhibit A                  Directors and Officers of Surviving Company
Exhibit B                  Form of Preferred Note
Exhibit C                  Form of Registration Rights Agreement
Exhibit D                  Form of Warrant

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

     THIS  AGREEMENT  AND  PLAN OF  MERGER,  dated  as of July  14,  2005  (this
"Agreement"),  is made and entered  into by and among  Emtec,  Inc.,  a Delaware
corporation  ("Parent"),  Emtec Viasub LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
and  a  subsidiary  of  Parent  ("Acquisition")  and  Darr  Westwood  Technology
Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Company").


     WHEREAS,  Parent,  Acquisition and the Company intend to effect a merger of
the Company with and into  Acquisition  (the  "Merger") in accordance  with this
Agreement  and the  Delaware  Limited  Liability  Company  Act  ("DLLCA").  Upon
consummation  of the Merger,  the Company will cease to exist,  and  Acquisition
will continue as a subsidiary of Parent;

     WHEREAS,  this  Agreement  has been  approved by the  respective  boards of
directors of Parent, Acquisition and the Company;

     WHEREAS, Parent's authorized capital stock consists of 25,000,000 shares of
common stock, par value $0.01 per share (the "Parent Common Stock");

     WHEREAS,  simultaneously  with the execution and delivery of this Agreement
and in order to induce Parent and Acquisition to enter into this Agreement,  the
principal  shareholders of Parent (the "Principal  Shareholders")  have executed
and delivered to the Company an agreement (the "Voting  Agreement")  pursuant to
which the  Principal  Shareholders  have  agreed to take  specified  actions  in
furtherance of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  including not
voting  their  shares  in  favor  of a  competing  proposed  merger  or  similar
transaction; and

     WHEREAS, this Agreement contemplates a tax-free  reorganization pursuant to
Section  368(a) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended (the "Code"),
intended to meet certain business purposes of the parties hereto.

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and the  representations,
warranties,  covenants and  agreements  contained  herein,  the parties  hereto,
intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I

                                   THE MERGER

     Section 1.1 THE MERGER.  Upon the terms and  subject to the  conditions  of
this  Agreement,  at the Effective  Time (as defined below) the Company shall be
merged with and into  Acquisition in accordance with the DLLCA, and the separate
existence of the Company shall thereupon cease.  Acquisition  shall continue its
existence  under the laws of the State of Delaware  and, in its  capacity as the
surviving company in the Merger,  Acquisition is hereinafter  sometimes referred
to as the "Surviving Company."

     Section 1.2 EFFECTIVE TIME OF THE MERGER. The Merger shall become effective
at such time (the  "Effective  Time")  as shall be  stated in a  certificate  of
merger (or if no time shall be stated, upon the filing of such certificate),  in
such form as required by and executed in accordance  with the DLLCA, to be filed
with the Department of State of the State of Delaware in accordance with Section
18-209 of the DLLCA (the "Merger  Filing").  At the Closing,  the parties  shall
cause the  Merger to be  consummated  by the filing of the  Merger  Filing.  The
parties shall, subject to the provisions hereof use all commercially  reasonable
efforts to consummate,  as soon as  practicable,  the Merger in accordance  with
Section 1.4.

     Section 1.3 EFFECTS OF THE  MERGER.  The Merger  shall have the effects set
forth in the applicable provisions of the DLLCA. Without limiting the generality
of the  foregoing,  and  subject  thereto,  at the  Effective  Time,  except  as
otherwise  provided herein,  all the property,  rights,  privileges,  powers and
franchises of Acquisition  and the Company shall vest in the Surviving  Company,
and all debts,  liabilities  and duties of  Acquisition  and the  Company  shall
become the debts, liabilities and duties of the Surviving Company.

     Section 1.4 CLOSING.  The consummation of the transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement (the  "Closing")  shall take place at the offices of Dechert LLP,
4000 Bell Atlantic Tower, 1717 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 at 10:00 a.m.
on the second  business day after  satisfaction or waiver of the latest to occur
of the conditions set forth in Article VIII,  except for those  conditions which
are only  capable  of being  performed  at the  Closing.  The date on which  the
Closing  actually  takes place is referred to in this  Agreement as the "Closing

                                   ARTICLE II


     Section 2.1  CERTIFICATE  OF  FORMATION.  The  certificate  of formation of
Acquisition  as in effect  immediately  before the  Effective  Time shall be the
certificate of formation of the Surviving  Company as of the Effective Time, and
thereafter may be amended in accordance  with their terms and as provided in the

     Section 2.2 LIMITED  LIABILITY  COMPANY  AGREEMENT.  The limited  liability
company agreement of Acquisition as in effect  immediately  before the Effective
Time shall be the limited  liability  company agreement of the Surviving Company
as of the Effective Time and thereafter may be amended in accordance  with their
terms and as provided by the  certificate of formation of the Surviving  Company
and the DLLCA.

     Section 2.3  DIRECTORS  AND  OFFICERS.  The  director  and  officers of the
Surviving Company  immediately after the Effective Time shall be the individuals
identified on EXHIBIT A.

                                  ARTICLE III


     Section 3.1 CONVERSION OF SHARES IN THE MERGER.  At the Effective  Time, by
virtue of the  Merger  and  without  any action on the part of any holder of any
capital  stock or  interests,  as  applicable,  of  Parent,  Acquisition  or the

          (a)  Each  share  of  Company  Common  Stock  issued  and  outstanding
     immediately  prior to the Effective Time shall be canceled and extinguished
     and  automatically  converted  into (i)  19,056.22  shares of Parent Common
     Stock and (ii) a warrant to purchase  shares of Parent  Common Stock in the
     form of  Exhibit D (the  "Exchange  Ratio")  (collectively,  the "Per Share
     Merger Consideration"); and

          (b)  each  share of  capital  stock of the  Company,  if any,  held in
     treasury  by the Company  immediately  before the  Effective  Time shall be
     canceled and no consideration  shall be paid in exchange therefor and shall
     cease to exist from and after the Effective Time.

     Section 3.2  CONVERSION OF SUBSIDIARY  EQUITY  INTERESTS.  At the Effective
Time,  by virtue of the Merger and without any action on the part the holders of
the equity interests in Acquisition, each issued and outstanding equity interest
of  Acquisition  shall be converted  into one equity  interest of the  Surviving

     Section 3.3  ADJUSTMENTS  TO EXCHANGE  RATIO.  The Exchange  Ratio shall be
adjusted to reflect  appropriately the effect of any stock split,  reverse stock
split,  stock  dividend  (including any dividend or  distribution  of securities
convertible  into  Parent  Common  Stock),   reorganization,   recapitalization,
reclassification  or other like change with  respect to the Parent  Common Stock
occurring  or having a record  date on or after the date hereof and prior to the
Effective Time.


          (a) EXCHANGE  PROCEDURES.  Promptly after the Effective Time but in no
     event more than two (2)  Business  Days  thereafter,  Parent  shall mail or
     otherwise deliver to each holder of record of a certificate or certificates
     that immediately prior to the Effective Time represented outstanding shares
     of Company  Common Stock (the  "Company  Certificates"),  which shares were
     converted  pursuant to Section 3.1 hereof into the right to receive the Per
     Share  Merger  Consideration,  (i) a letter  of  transmittal  (which  shall
     specify that delivery shall be effected,  and risk of loss and title to the
     Company  Certificates  shall  pass,  only  upon  delivery  of  the  Company
     Certificates  to  Parent  and  shall be in such  form and have  such  other
     provisions as Parent and the Surviving Company may reasonably  specify) and
     (ii)  instructions  for  use in  effecting  the  surrender  of the  Company
     Certificates in exchange for payment of the Per Share Merger Consideration.
     Upon  surrender  of a  Company  Certificate  for  cancellation  to  Parent,
     together with such letter of transmittal, duly executed, the holder of such
     Company  Certificate  shall be entitled to receive in exchange therefor the
     Per Share Merger  Consideration  (subject to Section  3.6,  below) for each
     share  of  Company  Common  Stock  formerly  represented  by  such  Company
     Certificate,  and the Company Certificate so surrendered shall forthwith be
     canceled. If payment of the Per Share Merger Consideration is to be made to
     a Person  other  than the  Person  in whose  name the  surrendered  Company
     Certificate  is  registered,  it shall be a condition of payment of the Per
     Share Merger  Consideration  that the Company  Certificate  so  surrendered
     shall be  properly  endorsed  or  shall be  otherwise  in  proper  form for
     transfer and that the Person

     requesting  such  payment  shall  have paid any  transfer  and other  taxes
     required by reason of the payment of the Per Share Merger  Consideration to
     a person  other  than the  registered  holder  of the  Company  Certificate
     surrendered or shall have  established to the satisfaction of the Surviving
     Company  that such tax  either  has been paid or is not  applicable.  Until
     surrendered as contemplated  by this Section 3.4, each Company  Certificate
     (other than those representing  Dissenting Shares (as defined below)) shall
     be deemed at any time after the Effective  Time to represent only the right
     to receive the Per Share Merger  Consideration  in cash as  contemplated by
     this Section 3.4.

          (b) If any  Company  Certificate  shall  have  been  lost,  stolen  or
     destroyed,  upon the  making of an  affidavit  of that  fact by the  holder
     claiming such Company  Certificate  to be lost,  stolen or  destroyed,  the
     Surviving  Company  shall  issue in  exchange  for  such  lost,  stolen  or
     destroyed   Company   Certificate   the  Per  Share  Merger   Consideration
     deliverable in respect  thereof  determined in accordance with this Article
     III.  When  authorizing  such issuance in exchange  therefor,  the Board of
     Directors  of  the  Surviving  Company  may,  in  its  discretion  and as a
     condition  precedent  to the  issuance  thereof,  require the owner of such
     lost, stolen or destroyed Company Certificate to give the Surviving Company
     such indemnity as it may reasonably direct as protection  against any claim
     that may be made against the Surviving  Company with respect to the Company
     Certificate alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed.

     Section 3.5 CLOSING OF THE  COMPANY'S  TRANSFER  BOOKS.  From and after the
Effective  Time,  the stock transfer books of the Company shall be closed and no
transfer of shares of Company  Common Stock which were  outstanding  immediately
before the Effective Time shall thereafter be made.

     Section  3.6  DISSENTING  SHARES.  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of this
Agreement to the contrary,  shares of Company  Common Stock which are issued and
outstanding  immediately  prior  to the  Effective  Time and  which  are held by
holders  of such  shares of Company  Common  Stock who have  properly  exercised
appraisal  rights with respect thereto (the  "Dissenting  Shares") in accordance
with Section 262 of the Delaware  General  Corporation Law ("DGCL") shall not be
converted  into or  exchangeable  for the right to receive the Per Share  Merger
Consideration,  and  holders of such  Dissenting  Shares  shall be  entitled  to
receive payment of the fair value of such  Dissenting  Shares in accordance with
the  provisions  of Section  262 of the DGCL,  unless  and until the  applicable
holder  fails to  perfect  or  effectively  withdraws  or  otherwise  loses such
holder's  rights to appraisal  under the DGCL. If, after the Effective Time, any
such holder fails to perfect or effectively  withdraws or loses such right, such
Dissenting  Shares shall  thereupon be treated as if they had been  converted at
the Effective Time into the right to receive the Per Share Merger Consideration,
without any interest thereon.  Any payment with respect to any such demand under
this  Section  3.6 shall be paid  first  from the  applicable  Per Share  Merger
Consideration  to which such person is entitled.  The Company  shall give Parent
prompt notice of any written  demands  received by the Company for appraisals of
Dissenting  Shares,  and  Parent  shall  have the  right to  participate  in all
negotiations  and  proceedings  with respect to such demands.  The Company shall
not,  except with the prior  written  consent of Parent,  make any payment  with
respect  to any  demands  for  appraisals  or offer to settle or settle any such

     Section 3.7 COMPANY  PREFERRED  STOCK.  Immediately  prior to the Effective
Time, each holder of Company Preferred Stock shall exchange his or her shares of
Company  Preferred  Stock for a promissory  note in the form of EXHIBIT B hereto
(the "Preferred Note"). Each Preferred Note shall (a) have a face value equal to
the number of shares of Company  Preferred Stock held by such holder  multiplied
by $1,000 plus accrued but unpaid dividends to the date of exchange and (b) bear
interest at a rate of 8.0% per annum.

                                   ARTICLE IV


     Parent and Acquisition represent and warrant to the Company that, except as
set forth in the  disclosure  schedule  dated as of the date hereof (the "Parent
Disclosure Schedule"):

     Section 4.1 ORGANIZATION AND QUALIFICATION.  Each of Parent and Acquisition
are a corporation or limited liability company,  as applicable,  duly organized,
validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware
and each has the  requisite  corporate  or company  power and  authority to own,
lease and operate its assets and  properties  and to carry on its business as it
is now being  conducted.  Each of Parent and  Acquisition  is duly  qualified to
transact  business  and is in good  standing in each  jurisdiction  in which the
properties  owned,  leased  or  operated  by it or the  nature  of the  business
conducted by it makes such qualification necessary,  except where the failure to
be so  qualified  and in good  standing  has not and  would  not  reasonably  be
expected to have,  individually or in the aggregate,  a Parent Material  Adverse
Effect. True, accurate and complete copies of each of Parent's and Acquisition's
organizational  documents,  in  each  case  as in  effect  on the  date  hereof,
including all amendments thereto, have heretofore been delivered to the Company.

     Section 4.2 CAPITALIZATION.

          (a) Parent's authorized capital stock consists of 25,000,000 shares of
     Parent Common Stock. As of the date hereof,  (i) 7,547,135 shares of Parent
     Common Stock are outstanding, all of which are validly issued and are fully
     paid,  non-assessable  and free of  preemptive  rights,  (ii) no  shares of
     Parent  Common Stock are held in treasury of the Parent and 305,485  shares
     were issuable upon the exercise of  outstanding  options and 527,878 shares
     were reserved for issuance for future grants  pursuant to the Parent's 1996
     Stock Option  Plan,  as amended  (the "1996  Option  Plan").  The shares of
     Parent Common Stock issued in connection with the Merger will, when issued,
     be valid, fully paid, non-assessable and free of preemptive rights.

          (b) No bonds, debentures, notes or other indebtedness of Parent having
     the right to vote (or  convertible  into, or exchangeable  for,  securities
     having the right to vote) on any  matters on which  stockholders  of Parent
     may vote are issued or outstanding.

          (c) Except as set forth in Section  4.2 hereof and  Section 4.2 of the
     Parent Disclosure Schedule, as of the date hereof, there are no outstanding
     subscriptions,  options,  stock phantom rights (or rights outstanding under
     any Parent phantom stock plan), grants, calls,

     contracts, commitments, understandings,  restrictions, arrangements, rights
     or  warrants,  including  any rights of  conversion  or exchange  under any
     outstanding security,  instrument or other agreement,  obligating Parent to
     issue,  deliver  or sell,  redeem  or  repurchase,  or cause to be  issued,
     delivered  or sold,  additional  shares of the  capital  stock of Parent or
     obligating  Parent to grant,  extend or enter  into any such  agreement  or
     commitment.  Except as otherwise contemplated by this Agreement,  there are
     no voting trusts,  proxies or other agreements or  understandings  to which
     Parent is a party or is bound  with  respect to the voting of any shares of
     capital stock of Parent.

          (d) All of the issued and outstanding  equity interests of Acquisition
     are held directly by Parent.  All of the  outstanding  equity  interests of
     Acquisition are validly issued and are fully paid,  non-assessable and free
     of preemptive rights.

     Section 4.3  SUBSIDIARIES.  Section 4.3 of the Parent  Disclosure  Schedule
lists the name of each  Subsidiary  of the Parent and all lines of  business  in
which  each  Subsidiary  is  participating  or  engaged.  Each  Subsidiary  is a
corporation or limited liability company duly organized, validly existing and in
good standing under the laws of its  jurisdiction of  incorporation or formation
identified  in  Section  4.3 of the  Parent  Disclosure  Schedule,  and  has the
requisite  power  and  authority  to own,  lease  and  operate  its  assets  and
properties  and to carry on its  business  as it is now  being  conducted.  Each
Subsidiary is duly qualified or licensed as a foreign  corporation or company to
do business and is in good  standing in each  jurisdiction  specified in Section
4.3 of the Parent Disclosure Schedule, which are the only jurisdictions in which
nature  of  its  business  or  the  ownership,  leasing  or  operation  of  such
Subsidiary's  assets  and  properties  makes  such  qualification  or  licensing
necessary,  except  where the failure to be so qualified or licensed and in good
standing,  would not have a Parent Material  Adverse Effect.  Section 4.3 of the
Parent  Disclosure  Schedule  lists  for  each  Subsidiary  the  amount  of  its
authorized  capital stock,  the amount of its outstanding  capital stock and the
record owners of such outstanding  capital stock. All of the outstanding  shares
of capital stock or membership interests, as the case may be, of each Subsidiary
have been duly authorized and validly issued,  are fully paid and nonassessable,
and are owned,  beneficially  and of record,  by Parent or  Subsidiaries  wholly
owned by the Parent  free and clear of all  Encumbrances.  There are no existing
agreements, subscriptions, options, warrants, calls, commitments, trusts (voting
or otherwise), or rights of any kind whatsoever between Parent or any Subsidiary
on the one hand and any  Person on the other hand with  respect  to the  capital
stock  of any  Subsidiary.  The  name  of  each  director  and  officer  of each
Subsidiary  on the date hereof,  and the position with such  Subsidiary  held by
each, are listed in Section 4.3 of the Parent Disclosure Schedule.


          (a) Each of Parent and Acquisition has full corporate or company power
     and  authority  to execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  and,  subject to
     approval by Acquisition's sole member, to consummate the transactions. This
     Agreement  has been  approved by the Board of  Directors  of Parent and the
     sole member of Acquisition and no other corporate or company proceedings on
     the part of the  Parent or  Acquisition  are  necessary  to  authorize  the
     execution and delivery of this Agreement or the  consummation by Parent and
     Acquisition  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  The only  vote of
     holders of any class or series of capital stock

     or interests of Parent,  Acquisition or any  Subsidiary  necessary to adopt
     and approve this  Agreement  and the Merger is the adoption and approval of
     this Agreement and the Merger by Parent as the sole member of  Acquisition.
     The  affirmative  vote  of  the  holders  of any  capital  stock  or  other
     securities  or  interests  (or any  separate  class  thereof)  of Parent or
     Acquisition  or any Subsidiary is not necessary to consummate the Merger or
     any  transaction  contemplated by this Agreement other than as set forth in
     the preceding sentence. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered
     by each of Parent and  Acquisition,  and,  assuming the due  authorization,
     execution  and  delivery  hereof by the  Company,  constitutes  a valid and
     legally binding  agreement of Parent and Acquisition,  enforceable  against
     each in  accordance  with its terms,  except that such  enforcement  may be
     subject to (x) bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,  moratorium or other
     similar laws  affecting or relating to  enforcement  of  creditors'  rights
     generally and (y) general equitable principles.

          (b) The execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement by the
     Parent and  Acquisition  and the  consummation  of the Merger and the other
     transactions will not violate, conflict with or result in any violation of,
     or constitute a default (or an event which, with notice or lapse of time or
     both,  would  constitute  a  default)  under,  or give  rise to a right  of
     termination of, or accelerate the  performance  required by, or result in a
     right of termination or  acceleration  under,  or result in the creation of
     Encumbrances upon any of the properties or assets of Parent, Acquisition or
     any  Subsidiary  under (i) the  certificate of  incorporation  or bylaws or
     other  organizational  documents of Parent,  Acquisition or any Subsidiary,
     (ii) any statute,  law,  ordinance,  rule,  regulation,  judgment,  decree,
     order, injunction, writ, permit or license of any Governmental Authority or
     court  applicable to Parent,  Acquisition or any Subsidiary or any of their
     respective  properties  or  assets,  or (iii)  any  note,  bond,  mortgage,
     indenture,  deed of trust, license,  franchise,  permit, contract, lease or
     other  instrument,  obligation  or agreement  of any kind to which  Parent,
     Acquisition  or  any  Subsidiary  is  now  a  party  or  by  which  Parent,
     Acquisition  or any  Subsidiary  or any of their  respective  properties or
     assets are bound or affected;  subject in the case of the terms, conditions
     or  provisions  described in clause (ii) above,  to  obtaining  (before the
     Effective Time) the Parent Required Statutory Approvals (as defined below).
     Excluded from the foregoing  sentences of this  paragraph  (b),  insofar as
     they apply to the terms, conditions or provisions described in clause (iii)
     of the first  sentence of this  paragraph (b) (and whether  resulting  from
     such  execution  and  delivery  or  consummation),   are  such  violations,
     conflicts, breaches, defaults, terminations,  accelerations or creations of
     Encumbrances  that have not had and would not  reasonably  be  expected  to
     have, individually or in the aggregate, a Parent Material Adverse Effect.

          (c) Except for (i) filings under any  applicable  state  securities or
     blue sky laws or state takeover laws,  (ii) the making of the Merger Filing
     with the  Department of State of the State of Delaware in  connection  with
     the  Merger,  and  (iii)  any  required  filings  with  or  approvals  from
     applicable environmental  authorities,  including,  without limitation, the
     New Jersey  Industrial  Site  Recovery  Act,  as  amended,  public  service
     commissions  and public  utility  commissions  (the  filings and  approvals
     referred to in clauses (i) through  (iii) are  collectively  referred to as
     the "Parent  Required  Statutory  Approvals"),  no  declaration,  filing or
     registration with, or notice to, or authorization,  consent or approval of,
     any  Governmental  Authority is necessary for the execution and delivery of
     this Agreement by Parent or Acquisition or the  consummation  by Parent and
     Acquisition of the transactions contemplated hereby, other than

     such  declarations,   filings,  registrations,   notices,   authorizations,
     consents or approvals  which, if not made or obtained,  as the case may be,
     have not had and could not reasonably be expected to have,  individually or
     in the aggregate, a Parent Material Adverse Effect.

          (d)  Parent  has  filed  all  required  reports,   schedules,   forms,
     statements  and other  documents  with the SEC since  January 31, 2001 (the
     "Parent  SEC  Documents").  All of the Parent  SEC  Documents  (other  than
     preliminary  materials or materials that were subsequently  amended), as of
     their respective  filing dates,  complied in all material respects with all
     applicable  requirements  of the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended (the
     "Securities Act") and the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
     "Exchange  Act") and, in each case, the rules and  regulations  promulgated
     thereunder applicable to such Parent SEC Documents.  None of the Parent SEC
     Documents  at the  time of  filing  contained  any  untrue  statement  of a
     material  fact or omitted to state any material  fact required to be stated
     therein or necessary in order to make the statements  therein,  in light of
     the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, except to the
     extent such statements  have been amended,  modified or superseded by later
     filed Parent SEC Documents. None of the Parent SEC Documents is the subject
     of any confidential  treatment request by Parent. The SEC website lists all
     of the Parent SEC Documents filed since January 31, 2001.

     Section 4.5 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.  The consolidated financial statements of
Parent included in the Parent SEC Documents  complied as to form in all material
respects with  applicable  accounting  requirements  and the published rules and
regulations of the SEC with respect  thereto,  were prepared in accordance  with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles  ("GAAP")  (except,  in the  case of
interim  financial  statements,   as  permitted  by  the  applicable  rules  and
regulations  of the SEC)  applied  on a  consistent  basis  during  the  periods
involved  (except as may be indicated in the notes thereto) and fairly presented
in all material respects,  the consolidated financial position of Parent and the
Subsidiaries  taken as a whole,  as of the dates  thereof  and the  consolidated
results of operations and cash flows for the periods then ended (subject, in the
case of interim financial statements, to normal year-end adjustments).

     Section 4.6 ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES.  Except as reflected in the
financial  statements included in Parent's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
period ended December 31, 2004 (the "December  Financial  Statements") or as set
forth in the Parent SEC  Documents  filed with the SEC prior to the date of this
Agreement,  neither  Parent nor any Subsidiary has or has incurred any liability
or obligation of any nature (whether absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise)
other than liabilities or obligations (other than obligations for borrowed money
or in respect of capitalized  leases) reasonably  incurred after the date of the
June Financial Statements in the ordinary course of business.

     Section  4.7 ABSENCE OF CERTAIN  CHANGES OR EVENTS.  Except as set forth in
Section 4.7 of the Parent Disclosure Schedule,  since December 31, 2004, Parent,
its  Subsidiaries and their  stockholders  have conducted their business only in
the ordinary  course  consistent with past practice and there has been no Parent
Material Adverse Effect. Without limiting the foregoing,  except as set forth in
Section 4.7 of the Parent Disclosure  Schedule or as reflected in the Parent SEC
Documents, since December 31, 2004, Parent and each Subsidiary have not:

          (a) purchased or redeemed any shares of its stock (including,  without
     limitation,  Parent Common Stock), or granted or issued any option, warrant
     or other right to purchase or acquire any such shares;

          (b)  incurred  any  liabilities  or  obligations   (whether  absolute,
     accrued,  contingent or  otherwise),  except  liabilities  and  obligations
     incurred in the ordinary  course of business  which would not have a Parent
     Material Adverse Effect;

          (c)  encumbered  any  of  their  properties  or  assets,  tangible  or
     intangible,  except for  Encumbrances  incurred in the  ordinary  course of
     business, consistent with past practice;

          (d)  granted  any  bonus,   award,   loan,   pay  raise,   unusual  or
     extraordinary  sick pay or  vacation  payment  or  unusual  salary or other
     payments, disbursements or other distributions in any manner or form (other
     than cash grants made in the ordinary course consisitent with past practice
     to non-senior  executive  employees) to any of Parent's or its Subsidiaries
     or affiliates,  stockholders,  directors, officers or employees (or related
     parties thereto);

          (e) made a  contribution  in cash or assets to any rabbi  trust or any
     analogous funding mechanism maintained or created to provide security under
     a  nonqualified  Benefit  Plan,  except to the extent  required  under such
     Parent Benefit Plan as it exists on the date of this Agreement;

          (f) suffered any change or, to Parent's Knowledge, received any threat
     of any change in any of its  relations  with,  or any loss or, to  Parent's
     Knowledge, threat of loss of, any of the suppliers, clients,  distributors,
     customers or  employees  that are material to the business of Parent or its
     Subsidiaries,  including  any loss or  change  which  may  result  from the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

          (g)  disposed  of or has failed to keep in effect any rights in, to or
     for the use of any franchise,  license,  permit or certificate  material to
     the business of Parent or its Subsidiaries;

          (h)  changed  any  method  of  keeping  of its  books  of  account  or
     accounting practices;

          (i)  disposed  of or failed to keep in effect any rights in, to or for
     the  use of  any of the  Intellectual  Property  (as  hereinafter  defined)
     material to the business of Parent;

          (j) sold, transferred or otherwise disposed of any assets,  properties
     or  rights of any of the  business  of  Parent  or any  Subsidiary,  except
     inventory  sold in the  ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past

          (k)  entered  into any  transaction,  agreement  or event  outside the
     ordinary course of the conduct of the business of Parent or any Subsidiary;

          (l) made nor authorized  any single  capital  expenditure in excess of
     $25,000, or capital expenditures in excess of $100,000 in the aggregate;

          (m) changed or modified in any manner its existing credit,  collection
     and payment  policies,  procedures  and practices  with respect to accounts
     receivable   and  accounts   payable,   respectively,   including   without
     limitation,  acceleration of collections of receivables, failure to make or
     delay in making  collections  of  receivables  (whether  or not past  due),
     acceleration  of payment of  payables or failure to pay or delay in payment
     of payables;

          (n)  incurred  any damage,  destruction  or loss,  whether  covered by
     insurance or not, that would have a Parent Material Adverse Effect;

          (o) made or  revoked  any  material  Tax  election  except in a manner
     consistent  with past  practice,  changed any method of accounting  for Tax
     purposes,  or settled or  compromised  any material Tax liability  with any
     Governmental   Authority  or  agreed  to  an  extension  of  a  statute  of

          (p) made any declaration,  payment or setting aside for payment of any
     dividend or other  distribution  (whether in cash,  stock or property) with
     respect to any securities of Parent or any Subsidiary; or

          (q) waived or released  any  material  right or claim of Parent or any

     Section 4.8 LITIGATION.  Except as specifically set forth in Section 4.8 of
the  Parent  Disclosure  Schedule,  there  are  no  claims,  suits,  actions  or
proceedings pending or, to the Knowledge of Parent, threatened against Parent or
any  Subsidiary  or any of their  respective  directors  or  officers  (in their
capacity as such), before any court or Governmental Authority, or any arbitrator
(collectively,  "Claims")  that (i) seek to  restrain  the  consummation  of the
Merger  or  the  transactions  or  (ii)  which  if  adversely  determined  would
reasonably  be  expected to have,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  a Parent
Material  Adverse  Effect.  Except as set  forth in  Section  4.8 of the  Parent
Disclosure Schedule, neither Parent nor any Subsidiary is a party to or bound by
any judgment,  decree,  injunction,  settlements,  arbitration,  awards, rule or
order of any court or  Governmental  Authority or any arbitrator  (collectively,
"Judgments") with respect to or affecting the properties,  assets,  personnel or
business of the Parent or any  Subsidiary,  which  prohibits  or  restricts  the
consummation of the transactions,  or has had or would reasonably be expected to
have,  individually  or in the aggregate,  a Parent  Material  Adverse Effect or
could affect the validity of this  Agreement or its  enforceability  against any
stockholder or Parent, or compliance by any stockholder or Parent. Except as set
forth in Section 4.8 of the Parent  Disclosure  Schedule as of the date  hereof,
there are no material  Claims or  Judgments  with  respect to or  affecting  the
properties,   assets,  personnel  or  business  of  Parent.  Parent's  financial
statements  included in the Parent SEC Documents reflect an adequate reserve for
all claims, suits, actions, proceedings,  judgments, decrees, injunctions, rules
or order pending or threatened against Parent or any Subsidiary through the date
of such financial statements.

     Section 4.9 NO VIOLATION OF LAW.  Except as disclosed in Section 4.9 of the
Parent Disclosure Schedule,  Parent is, and since December 31, 2004 has been, in
compliance in all material  respects with all applicable  provisions of any law,
statute,  order, rule,  regulation,  ordinance or judgment  (including,  without
limitation,  any applicable  environmental  law, ordinance or regulation) of any
Governmental Authority.  Parent has all material permits,  licenses,  approvals,
and other  governmental  authorizations,  consents  and  approvals  necessary to
conduct  its  businesses  as  presently  conducted  (collectively,  the  "Parent
Permits").  Parent is in compliance  with the terms of the Parent Permits in all
material respects.

     Section  4.10  CONTRACTS.  Section 4.10 of the Parent  Disclosure  Schedule
lists, under the relevant heading,  all oral or written  contracts,  agreements,
arrangements,  guarantees, licenses, leases and commitments (each a "Contract"),
that exist as of the date hereof to which Parent or any Subsidiary is a party or
by which it is bound and  which  fall  within  any of the  following  categories
(collectively, the "Parent Material Contracts"):

          (a) Contracts  not entered into in the ordinary  course of Parent's or
     any Subsidiary's  business and other than those that individually or in the
     aggregate are not material to the business of Parent and any Subsidiary;

          (b) joint venture and partnership agreements;

          (c) Contracts  containing covenants purporting to limit the freedom of
     the Parent or any  Subsidiary  to compete  in any line of  business  in any
     geographic area or to hire any individual or group of individuals;

          (d) Contracts which after the  consummation of any of the transactions
     could have the effect of limiting  the freedom of the Company to compete in
     any line of business in any  geographic  area or to hire any  individual or
     group of individuals;

          (e) Contracts which contain minimum  purchase  conditions in excess of
     $50,000 with respect to inventory  purchases for resale, and $50,000 in the
     case of everything  else, or  requirements  or other terms that restrict or
     limit  the  purchasing  or  distribution   relationships  of  Parent,   its
     Subsidiaries or their affiliates  (including  after  consummation of any of
     the  transactions),  Parent  or  any of its  affiliates,  or any  customer,
     licensee or lessee thereof;

          (f)  Contracts  relating  to any  outstanding  commitment  for capital
     expenditures in excess of $50,000;

          (g)  indentures,  mortgages,  promissory  notes,  loan  agreements  or
     guarantees  of borrowed  money,  letters of credit or other  agreements  or
     instruments of Parent or any Subsidiary or commitments for the borrowing or
     the lending by Parent or any Subsidiary of amounts  individually  in excess
     of $50,000 and $250,000 in the  aggregate or providing  for the creation of
     any Encumbrance  upon any of the assets of Parent or any Subsidiary with an
     aggregate value in excess of $250,000;

          (h) Contracts  providing for "earn-outs" or other contingent  payments
     by Parent or any  Subsidiary  involving more than $50,000 per contract over
     the terms of all such Contracts;

          (i) Contracts  associated with off balance sheet financing,  including
     but not limited to arrangements for the sale of receivables;

          (j) Material Licenses (as defined in Section 4.16);

          (k) stock  purchase  agreements,  asset  purchase  agreements or other
     acquisition  or divestiture  agreements  entered into since January 1, 1999
     where the consideration in any individual transaction exceeds $50,000;

          (l) material Contracts with respect to which a change in the ownership
     (whether  directly or  indirectly)  of shares of Parent Common Stock or the
     composition  of the Board of  Directors of Parent may result in a violation
     of or default under, or give rise to a right of  termination,  cancellation
     or  acceleration of any obligation or loss of benefits under such Contract,
     except any such  Contract that is not material to the business of Parent or
     any Subsidiary;

          (m) contracts with  consultants,  employees,  officers or directors of
     the Parent or any Subsidiary;

          (n) contracts with Governmental Entities (as defined below); or

          (o) any  other  agreement  which  is  material  to the  Parent  or any
     Subsidiary, irrespective of amount.

     All Parent Material  Contracts to which Parent or any Subsidiary is a party
or by which it is bound  are  valid  and  binding  obligations  of Parent or any
Subsidiary,  as  applicable,  and,  to the  Knowledge  of Parent,  the valid and
binding obligation of each other party thereto and are in full force and effect.
Neither  Parent or any  Subsidiary  nor, to the  Knowledge of Parent,  any other
party  thereto is in  violation  of or in  default in respect  of, nor has there
occurred  an event or  condition  which  with the  passage  of time or giving of
notice (or both) would  constitute a default under or permit the termination of,
any Parent Material Contract.  Parent has made available to the Company true and
correct copies of the Parent Material  Contracts and Material Licenses set forth
in Section 4.10 of the Parent Disclosure Schedule.

     Section  4.11  TAXES.  Except as  disclosed  in Section  4.11 of the Parent
Disclosure Schedule:

          (a)  All  federal,  state,  local  and  foreign  returns,   estimates,
     information  statements  and reports,  including any schedule or attachment
     thereto or any amendment  thereof ("Tax Returns"),  required to be filed by
     or on behalf of Parent or any  Subsidiary  have been  timely  filed  (after
     giving  effect  to any  valid  extensions  of time in  which  to make  such
     filings).  All such Tax  Returns  are true,  correct  and  complete  in all
     material  respects.  All Taxes shown as due on such Tax  Returns  have been
     timely paid.  Adequate reserves or accruals for Taxes have

     been  provided  on  Parent's  books and  Parent  Financial  Statements,  in
     accordance with GAAP, with respect to any period (or portion thereof) up to
     the date  hereof  for which Tax  Returns  have not been  filed or for which
     Taxes are not yet due and owing.  Parent has made  available to the Company
     all  material  Tax  Returns,   examination   reports  and   statements   of
     deficiencies  filed or received for all taxable  periods  since  January 1,

          (b)  Neither  Parent nor any  Subsidiary  has  waived  any  statute of
     limitations  in respect of the assessment and collection of Taxes or agreed
     to any extension of time with respect to a Tax assessment or deficiency.

          (c) Neither Parent nor any Subsidiary is currently the  beneficiary of
     any extension of time within which to file any Tax Return.  Neither  Parent
     nor  any  Subsidiary  is a  party  to any  Tax  allocation  or Tax  sharing

          (d)  Parent and each  Subsidiary  has duly and  timely  withheld  from
     employee  salaries,  wages and other  compensation and has paid over to the
     appropriate  Governmental  Authority all material  Taxes  required to be so
     withheld and paid over.

          (e)  There is no Tax  deficiency  outstanding,  assessed  or  proposed
     against Parent or any Subsidiary.  No audit or other examination of any Tax
     Return  of  Parent  or  any   Subsidiary  is  currently  in  progress.   No
     Governmental  Authority  with  respect  to which  Parent  does not file Tax
     Returns has claimed that Parent or any Subsidiary is, or may be, subject to
     taxation by that jurisdiction.

          (f) Neither Parent or any Subsidiary nor any other person on behalf of
     Parent or any  Subsidiary,  has (i)  agreed to or is  required  to make any
     adjustments pursuant to Section 481(a) of the Code or any similar provision
     of state,  local or foreign law by reason of a change in accounting  method
     (and neither Parent nor any Subsidiary has an application  pending with any
     Governmental  Authority with respect to an accounting method change),  (ii)
     executed or entered into closing agreement  pursuant to Section 7121 of the
     Code or any  predecessor  provision  thereof or any  similar  provision  of
     state,  local or  foreign  law or (iii)  granted a power of  attorney  with
     respect to any Tax  matter  that would  have  continuing  effect  after the

          (g) Neither Parent nor any Subsidiary is subject to any private letter
     ruling of the  Internal  Revenue  Service  or  comparable  rulings of other
     Governmental  Authorities  that  would  have  continuing  effect  after the

          (h) Neither  Parent nor any  Subsidiary  is a party to any  agreement,
     contract,   arrangement   or  plan   (including   this  Agreement  and  the
     consummation  of the Merger) that has resulted or could result,  separately
     or in the  aggregate,  in the  payment of any  "excess  parachute  payment"
     within the meaning of Section 280G of the Code (or any similar provision of
     state, local or foreign law) or that would bind Parent or any Subsidiary to
     compensate  any  individual for excise Taxes paid under Section 4999 of the

          (i)  Neither  Parent  nor  any  Subsidiary  has  been a  member  of an
     affiliated  group of  corporations  (as that  term is  defined  in  Section
     1504(a)(1)  of the Code,  or any  similar  provision  of state,  local,  or
     foreign  law),  except for the group the common  parent of

     which is Parent,  and neither  Parent nor any  Subsidiary has any liability
     for the Taxes of any person under Treasury  Regulation ss. 1.1502-6 (or any
     similar  provision of state,  local, or foreign law), or as a transferee or
     successor, by contract, or otherwise.

          (j)  Parent  has  not  been  the  "distributing  corporation"  or  the
     "controlled corporation" within the meaning of Section 355(a) of the Code.

          (k) There are no  Encumbrances  for Taxes on the assets of the Parent,
     except for liens for Taxes not yet due and payable.

          (l)  Parent has  disclosed  on its  federal  income  Tax  Returns  all
     positions   taken   therein   that  could   give  rise  to  a   substantial
     understatement  of federal income Tax within the meaning of Section 6662 of
     the Code.  Neither  Parent nor any Subsidiary has invested in any entity or
     entered into any arrangement  that is a "tax shelter" within the meaning of
     Section 6662(d)(2)(C) of the Code or that has been described in any list or
     announcement published pursuant to Section 6662(d)(2)(D) of the Code.

          (m) The unpaid  Taxes of Parent and the  Subsidiaries  did not,  as of
     March 31, 2005, exceed the reserve for Tax liability (without regard to any
     reserve for deferred Taxes that reflect timing differences between book and
     Tax income) set forth on the face of the March 31, 2005 balance sheet.


          (a) Section 4.12 of the Parent Disclosure Schedule lists all "employee
     benefit  plans,"  as defined in  Section  3(3) of the  Employee  Retirement
     Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA") and all other retirement,
     stock, stock option,  life insurance,  health insurance,  dental insurance,
     vision  insurance,   savings,   bonus,  deferred  compensation,   incentive
     compensation,  business travel and accident,  paid time off, severance pay,
     salary  continuation,  disability,  tuition refund,  service award, company
     car,  scholarship,  relocation,  patent  award  and  other  fringe  benefit
     arrangements,   plans,   contracts,   policies,  or  practices  maintained,
     contributed  to,  or  required  to be  contributed  by  Parent or any ERISA
     Affiliate (as  hereinafter  defined) or with respect to which Parent or any
     ERISA Affiliate may have any liability (the "Parent Benefit  Plans").  None
     of the Parent Benefit Plans are  maintained,  contributed to or required to
     be  contributed  to by Parent or any ERISA  Affiliate  outside  the  United
     States.  For purposes of this Agreement,  the term "ERISA  Affiliate" means
     any person, entity, trade or business (whether or not incorporated) that is
     treated as a single employer with Parent under Section 414 of the Code.

          (b) As  applicable,  with respect to each of the Parent Benefit Plans,
     Parent has made  available to the Company  true and complete  copies of (i)
     all plan documents (including all amendments and modifications thereof) and
     in the case of an unwritten  Parent  Benefit  Plan,  a written  description
     thereof,  and in either case all  related  agreements  including  the trust
     agreement and  amendments  thereto,  insurance  contracts,  and  investment
     management  agreements;  (ii) the last three filed Form 5500 series and all
     schedules  thereto;  (iii) the current  summary plan  descriptions  and all
     material  modifications  thereto;  (iv) the three most recent actuarial and
     trustee reports;  and (v) the most recent IRS determination letter (and any

     determination letter  application);  (vi) all filings and applications made
     under the  Employee  Plans  Compliance  Resolution  System (as set forth in
     Revenue Procedure  2003-44 or any predecessor or successor  thereto) or the
     Voluntary  Fiduciary  Correction or Delinquent  Filer Voluntary  Compliance
     Programs within the past five years.

          (c) Parent and each ERISA  Affiliate are in compliance in all material
     respects with the provisions of ERISA and the Code applicable to the Parent
     Benefit Plans.  Each Parent Benefit Plan has been maintained,  operated and
     administered in compliance in all material  respects with its terms and any
     related documents or agreements and the applicable  provisions of ERISA and
     the Code,  except  that in any case in which  any  Parent  Benefit  Plan is
     currently  required to comply with a provision of ERISA or of the Code, but
     is not yet  required to be amended to reflect such  provision,  it has been
     administered in accordance with such provision.

          (d)  Except  as set forth in  Section  4.12 of the  Parent  Disclosure
     Schedule,  no Parent  Benefit Plan is (or at any time has been)  subject to
     Title  IV of ERISA  and no  Benefit  Plan is (or at any  time  has  been) a
     "multiemployer  plan" as  defined in Section  3(37) of ERISA,  and  neither
     Parent nor any ERISA  Affiliate has incurred any withdrawal  liability with
     respect to any multiemployer plan.

          (e) All Parent  Benefit  Plans  which are  "employee  pension  benefit
     plans"  within the meaning of Section  3(2) of ERISA and which are intended
     to meet the qualification  requirements of Section 401(a) of the Code (each
     a  "Pension   Plan")  have  met  and  currently   meet  the   qualification
     requirements of Section 401(a) of the Code, and each related trust has been
     and currently is exempt from taxation under Section 501(a) of the Code.

          (f) Each  Pension  Plan has  received  determination  letters from the
     Internal  Revenue Service ("IRS") to the effect that such Pension Plans are
     qualified and the related  trusts are exempt from federal  income taxes and
     no determination  letter with respect to any Pension Plan has been revoked,
     nor is there any reason for such revocation,  nor has any Pension Plan been
     amended  since  the date of its most  recent  determination  letter  in any
     respect which would adversely affect its qualification.

          (g) There are no pending audits or  investigations by any governmental
     agency  involving the Parent  Benefit  Plans,  and no threatened or pending
     claims  (except for  individual  claims for benefits  payable in the normal
     operation of the Parent Benefit Plans), suits or proceedings  involving any
     Parent Benefit Plan, any fiduciary thereof or service provider thereto, nor
     to the  knowledge  of  Parent is there  any  reasonable  basis for any such
     claim, suit or proceeding.

          (h) Neither Parent, any ERISA Affiliate of Parent, nor any employee of
     the Parent or any ERISA Affiliate has engaged in a "prohibited transaction"
     within the meaning of Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code, nor
     has any such person  breached  any duty  imposed by Title I of ERISA,  with
     respect to any Parent  Benefit  Plan that is  reasonably  likely to subject
     Parent or any ERISA  Affiliate of Parent to a material tax penalty or other
     sanction under Section 4975 of the Code in Title I of ERISA.

          (i) Any  insurance  premium under any  insurance  policy  related to a
     Parent Benefit Plan for any period up to and including the Closing Date has
     been paid, or accrued and booked on or before the Closing  Date,  and, with
     respect to any such insurance policy or premium payment obligation, neither
     Parent nor any ERISA Affiliate is subject to a retroactive rate adjustment,
     loss sharing arrangement or other actual or contingent liability.

          (j) With respect to each Parent  Benefit Plan that is a "group  health
     plan"  within the  meaning  of Section  607 of ERISA and that is subject to
     Section 4980B of the Code, Parent and each ERISA Affiliate have complied in
     all material  respects with the continuation  coverage  requirements of the
     Code and ERISA. To the extent any of the Panre Benefit Plans  constitutes a
     "group   health   plan"  under  the  Health   Insurance   Portability   and
     Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA") and the regulations issued thereunder,
     such Parent  Benefit Plans are in compliance in all material  respects with
     the applicable provisions of HIPAA and the regulations issued thereunder.

          (k)  Except  as set forth in  Section  4.12 of the  Parent  Disclosure
     Schedule,  no Parent  Benefit Plan provides  benefits,  including  death or
     medical  benefits,  beyond  termination of service or retirement other than
     (i) coverage  mandated by law or (ii) death or retirement  benefits under a
     Parent Benefit Plan qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code.

          (l)  Except  as set forth in  Section  4.12 of the  Parent  Disclosure
     Schedule,   the  execution  of,  and   performance   of  the   transactions
     contemplated  by this  Agreement  will not  constitute  an event  under any
     Parent  Benefit Plan that will result in any payment  (whether as severance
     pay or  otherwise),  acceleration,  vesting or increase  in  benefits  with
     respect to any employee of Parent.

          (m) Parent and each ERISA  Affiliate have properly  classified for all
     purposes  (including,  without  limitation,  for all tax  purposes  and for
     purposes of  determining  eligibility  to participate in any Parent Benefit
     Plan)  all  employees,   leased  employees,   consultants  and  independent
     contractors,  and have withheld and paid all applicable  taxes and made all
     appropriate filings in connection with services provided by such persons to
     Parent and each ERISA Affiliate.

     Section 4.13 LABOR MATTERS.

          (a) The relations of Parent and each  Subsidiary  with their employees
     are good.  Except as set forth on  Section  4.13 of the  Parent  Disclosure
     Schedule,  neither  Parent nor any Subsidiary is a party to or bound by any
     agreement with any labor organization,  including any collective bargaining
     or similar  agreement.  Except as set forth on  Section  4.13 of the Parent
     Disclosure Schedule,  (i) there is no labor strike,  dispute,  slowdown, or
     stoppage  pending or, to the  Knowledge  of Parent,  threatened  against or
     affecting  Parent  or any  Subsidiary,  (ii) no  employee  of Parent or any
     Subsidiary is represented by any union or other labor  organization,  (iii)
     there is no unfair labor practice  charge against Parent pending or, to the
     Knowledge of Parent,  threatened before the National Labor Relations Board,
     (iv) no  grievance  which  might  have an  adverse  affect on Parent or any
     Subsidiary or the conduct of its businesses is pending or, to the Knowledge
     of Parent,  threatened,  (v) no private  agreement  restricts Parent or any

     Subsidiary from relocating, closing, or terminating any of their operations
     or   facilities;   (vi)  neither   Parent  nor  any  Subsidiary  has  labor
     negotiations  in process with any labor union or other labor  organization;
     (vii) to the Knowledge of Parent, there are no efforts in process by unions
     to organize any employees of the Parent or any Subsidiary; and (viii) there
     are no pending or threatened claims,  charges, or complaints against Parent
     or any Subsidiary  (whether under federal,  state, or local law, employment
     agreements  or  otherwise)  asserted by any  present or former  employee of
     Parent or any Subsidiary,  or by any other person or entity,  including but
     not  limited to claims on account of or for (1) wages,  salary or  overtime
     pay  other  than for work done  during  the  current  payroll  period;  (2)
     vacation pay or pay in lieu of vacation or time off;  (3) any  violation of
     any statute,  ordinance or regulation  relating to minimum wages or maximum
     hours;  or (4)  any  violation  of any  statute,  ordinance  or  regulation
     involving equal employment opportunity or employment  discrimination.  None
     of the employees of Parent or any Subsidiary is subject to any covenant not
     to compete,  confidentiality agreement or other contract or commitment that
     limits or restrains  such employee  from engaging in or competing  with any
     business of any person, other than Parent or any Subsidiary. Neither Parent
     nor any Subsidiary has  experienced  any work stoppage,  strike,  slowdown,
     picketing,  leafleting,  or union  organizational  efforts since January 1,

          (b)  Except  as set forth in  Section  4.13 of the  Parent  Disclosure
     Schedule,   neither   Parent  nor  any  Subsidiary  has  had  any  worker's
     compensation  claims  asserted  against it during the three years preceding
     the date hereof. Neither Parent nor any Subsidiary has had asserted against
     it any worker's  compensation  claim which has had or could  reasonably  be
     expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

          (c)  Except  as set forth in  Section  4.13 of the  Parent  Disclosure
     Schedule,  neither  Parent  nor any  Subsidiary  has  been  subject  to any
     inspection by the  Occupational  Safety and Health  Administration,  or any
     state agencies charged with enforcement of safety and health  requirements,
     during  the past 5 years,  and there  are no such  inspections  pending  or


          (a) Parent and its  Subsidiaries  are in  compliance  in all  material
     respects  with all  applicable  federal,  state,  local and  foreign  laws,
     statutes,  orders,  rules,  regulations,  ordinances,  decrees,  orders  or
     judgments  relating  to  protection  of human  health  and the  environment
     (including,  without limitation,  ambient air, surface water, ground water,
     land  surface  or   subsurface   strata)  and  worker   health  and  safety
     (collectively, "Environmental Laws"), which compliance includes, but is not
     limited to, the  possession  by Parent and any  Subsidiary  of all material
     Permits required under applicable Environmental Laws, and compliance in all
     material respects with the terms and conditions thereof. Neither Parent nor
     any  Subsidiary  has received  written  notice of or is the subject of, any
     action,  cause of  action,  claim,  penalty,  demand or  notice  or, to the
     Knowledge of Parent,  any  investigation  by any Person alleging  liability
     under or  non-compliance  with  any  Environmental  Law (an  "Environmental
     Claim") that is  unresolved or for which  payment or other  performance  is
     still  pending.  Neither Parent nor any Subsidiary has received any written
     request for information, notice of claim, demand or notification that it is

     or may be potentially  responsible  for any  investigation,  examination or
     response  action in connection  with any Release or  threatened  Release of
     Hazardous Substances.

          (b) No  hazardous,  toxic or polluting  substance,  material or waste,
     including,   without   limitation,    petroleum   or   fractions   thereof,
     polychlorinated biphenyls,  asbestos or asbestos-containing  materials, and
     radioactive materials ("Hazardous Substances") have been released, spilled,
     leaked,   discharged,   disposed  of,  pumped,  poured,  emitted,  emptied,
     injected,  leached,  dumped or allowed to escape ("Released") by any person
     at any  property now or formerly  owned,  operated or leased by the Parent,
     any  Subsidiary or any of its  predecessors,  except for such Releases that
     have not and could not  reasonably  be expected  to require  investigation,
     remediation or other response action under applicable Environmental Laws or
     constitute   a   violation   of    Environmental    Laws.    No   asbestos,
     asbestos-containing  materials or polychlorinated  biphenyls are present at
     any property operated or leased by Parent or any Subsidiary in violation of
     Environmental Laws or which requires  abatement,  removal,  retrofilling or
     other  investigation,  remediation or other response  action.  No Hazardous
     Substances managed,  used,  generated,  treated,  manufactured,  processed,
     handled, stored, recycled, transported, disposed or Released by Parent, any
     Subsidiary  or any of its  predecessors  has come to be located at any site
     listed  on  the  National  Priorities  List  promulgated  pursuant  to  the
     Comprehensive  Environmental  Response and  Liability  Act,  CERCLIS or any
     similar list  maintained by any  Governmental  Authority or which  requires
     investigation,  remediation  or other  response  actions  under  applicable
     Environmental Laws.

     Section 4.15 PROPERTY.

          (a) Section 4.15 of the Parent  Disclosure  Schedule  contains a true,
     complete and correct list  (designating  the relevant  owners,  lessors and
     lessees) of (i) all real property  owned,  leased or subleased by Parent or
     any Subsidiary and (ii) all equipment, fixtures and other personal property
     owned,  leased,  subleased or managed by Parent or any Subsidiary which, in
     the case of clause (ii) only,  has a net book value or commitment in excess
     of $25,000.  Copies of all real and personal  property  leases and deeds of
     Parent and each Subsidiary  relating to the property  identified on Section
     4.15  of the  Parent  Disclosure  Schedule  have  been  delivered  or  made
     available to the Company by Parent.

          (b) With respect to real property leased or subleased by Parent or any
     Subsidiary,  Parent or such  Subsidiary has a valid  leasehold  interest in
     such real property,  and to the Knowledge of Parent, the leasehold or other
     interest of Parent or such  Subsidiary in such real property is not subject
     or  subordinate  to any  Encumbrance.  Neither  Parent  nor any  applicable
     Subsidiary is in default in any material  respect under any such lease,  or
     sublease  and,  to the  Knowledge  of  Parent,  the other  party or parties
     thereto are not in default of its or their obligations  thereunder nor does
     any  such  party  have  the  right  to  terminate  prior  to its  scheduled
     expiration  the  term of any  such  lease or  sublease  as a result  of the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (c) Neither  Parent nor any Subsidiary has received any written notice
     that the whole nor any part of any real property owned, leased,  subleased,
     used or occupied by Parent or any Subsidiary is subject to any pending suit
     for  condemnation  or other  taking by any

     public authority,  and, to the Knowledge of Parent, no such condemnation or
     other taking is currently threatened or contemplated. The properties owned,
     leased or  subleased  by Parent  and its  Subsidiaries  are  sufficient  to
     conduct  the  operations  of  Parent  and  its  Subsidiaries  as  currently
     conducted,  and the foregoing  personal  properties  are in good  operating
     condition and repair, normal wear and tear excepted.


          (a)  Parent  and each  Subsidiary  owns,  or is  validly  licensed  or
     otherwise  has the  right  to use (in  each  case,  free  and  clear of all
     material Encumbrances) all patents,  patent applications,  trademarks (both
     registered and unregistered),  trade names,  service marks (both registered
     and unregistered),  copyrights (both registered and unregistered) and other
     proprietary  intellectual  property  rights,  computer  programs  and other
     technology (collectively "Intellectual Property") that are used in Parent's
     or any Subsidiary's  businesses.  Section 4.16(a) of the Parent  Disclosure
     Schedule sets forth, as of the date hereof, a complete and accurate list of
     all patents and pending  patent  applications,  trademarks,  service marks,
     trade names,  material copyrights  (including without limitation,  computer
     software programs),  and registrations and applications for registration of
     copyrights,  trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress and domain
     names owned,  registered in the name of or otherwise held for use by Parent
     or any Subsidiary in the conduct of its business.

          (b) Section  4.16(b) of the Parent  Disclosure  Schedule  sets forth a
     list of all material licenses,  sublicenses,  consents and other agreements
     (whether written or otherwise)  ("Material  License") (A) pertaining to any
     Intellectual  Property (other than  commercially  available,  off-the-shelf
     software  applications  obtained or licensed for less than $5,000 per copy)
     used by Parent or any Subsidiary in the conduct of its business, and (B) by
     which Parent or any  Subsidiary  licenses or  otherwise  authorizes a third
     party to use Parent's or any Subsidiary's Intellectual Property. Parent and
     each  Subsidiary  is in  compliance  in  all  material  respects  with  all
     applicable  provisions of such  agreements,  and such agreements are now in
     full force and effect. Except as set forth in Section 4.16(b) of the Parent
     Disclosure Schedule, the transactions  contemplated under this Agreement do
     not and will not trigger any provision under any such license  agreement to
     (x) permit the termination of such agreement by the licensor; or (y) permit
     the renegotiation of any terms,  including without limitation the amount of
     any commission,  royalty or other fee(s) payable under such  agreement.  To
     the Knowledge of Parent,  the computer software and information  technology
     systems  owned,  leased or licensed  for use in the business do not contain
     any viruses,  worms,  or other  disabling or malicious  code,  and any such
     software  or  systems,  to the extent  applicable,  will  consistently  and
     accurately interpret, calculate,  manipulate, store, and exchange data/time

          (c) In each of the following cases, except for those matters that have
     not had and could not  reasonably be expected to have,  individually  or in
     the aggregate,  a Parent Material  Adverse Effect:  (i) to the Knowledge of
     Parent,  the  business  operations  of  Parent  and any  Subsidiary  do not
     infringe,  dilute,  misappropriate  or otherwise  violate the  Intellectual
     Property rights of any Person;  (ii) to the Knowledge of Parent,  no Person
     is challenging or infringing on or otherwise  violating any right of Parent
     or any Subsidiary with respect to any Parent-owned  Intellectual  Property;
     (iii) neither  Parent nor any Subsidiary has received any

     written notice or otherwise has Knowledge of any claim, demand, suit, order
     or proceeding that the operations of the Parent or any Subsidiary infringe,
     misappropriate or otherwise violate the Intellectual Property rights of any
     Person; (iv) to its Knowledge, all Parent-owned Intellectual Property is in
     full  force and  effect,  is held of record in the name of Parent  free and
     clear of all  Encumbrances,  and is not the subject of any  cancellation or
     reexamination  proceeding  or any  proceeding  challenging  their extent or
     validity;  and (v) none of the material  trade  secrets,  know-how or other
     confidential  or  proprietary  information  of Parent or any Subsidiary has
     been disclosed to any Person unless such  disclosure was necessary and made
     pursuant to an appropriate confidentiality agreement.

          (d)  The  information  technology  systems  owned,  licensed,  leased,
     operated on behalf of, or otherwise  held for use in the business by Parent
     or any Subsidiary,  including all computer hardware, software, firmware and
     telecommunications systems used in the business of Parent or any Subsidiary
     perform   reliably  and  in  material   conformance  with  the  appropriate
     specifications or documentation for such systems.

     Section 4.17 BROKERS AND FINDERS. Except for its obligation to pay fees and
expenses  pursuant to its agreement  with  DecisionPoint  International  and its
agreement with Robert T. Wheeler, copies of which have been previously furnished
to the  Company,  Parent  has not  entered  into any  contract,  arrangement  or
understanding  with any Person which may result in the  obligation  of Parent or
any  Subsidiary  or the Company or any of its  subsidiaries  to pay any finder's
fees,  brokerage or agent  commissions or other like payments in connection with
the transactions  contemplated hereby.  Except for the fees and expenses payable
to DecisionPoint  International and Robert T. Wheeler,  no Person is entitled to
receive any  investment  banking,  brokerage or finder's  fee, or  commission in
connection with this Agreement,  the Merger or the other transactions based upon
arrangements made by or on behalf of Parent or any Subsidiary.

     Section 4.18 OPINION OF PARENT FINANCIAL  ADVISOR.  Parent has received the
opinion of Hyde Park Capital  Advisors,  LLC(the  "Parent  Financial  Advisor"),
dated the date of this  Agreement,  to the effect  that,  as of such  date,  the
consideration is fair to the holders of Parent Common Stock and such opinion has
not been withdrawn or revoked or modified in any way.

     Section 4.19 AFFILIATE TRANSACTIONS. Except as disclosed in Section 4.19 of
the Parent Disclosure Schedule,  since December 31, 2001, no director,  officer,
employee or greater than five percent  (5%)  stockholder  of Parent or member of
the  family  of any such  Person or any  entity in which any such  Person or any
member of the family of any such  Person,  has a  substantial  interest or is an
officer, director, trustee, partner or holder of more than 5% of the outstanding
capital  stock  thereof,  is a  party  to any  transaction  with  Parent  or any
Subsidiary,  including any Contract  providing for the employment of, furnishing
of services by, rental of real or personal property from or otherwise  requiring
payments to any such Person or firm, other than employment-at-will  arrangements
in the ordinary course of business.

     Section 4.20 PRODUCTS  LIABILITY.  There are no (a)  liabilities,  known or
unknown,  fixed or  contingent,  with  respect to any  products of Parent or any
Subsidiary that are based on a theory of strict product liability, negligence or
other tort  theories (as  distinct  from product  warranty  claims  described in
clause (b) below),  or (b)  liabilities  of Parent or any  Subsidiary,  known or

unknown,  fixed or contingent,  which have been asserted,  for the breach of any
express or implied  product  warranty or any other similar claim with respect to
any product  manufactured  or sold by Parent or any  Subsidiary  (other than any
claim based on standard warranty obligations made by Parent or any Subsidiary in
the  ordinary  course of the  conduct of its  business  to  purchasers  of their
products),  which  individually or in the aggregate would reasonably be expected
to have a Parent Material Adverse Effect.  Section 4.20 of the Parent Disclosure
Schedule contains copies of Parent's and each Subsidiary's  standard  warranties
and return policies.  Parent, each Subsidiary and each of their predecessors has
not and does not  produce,  market,  distribute,  sell or  otherwise  use in the
operation of its business any product or component that contains asbestos.

     Section 4.21 RELATIONSHIP WITH CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS. Section 4.21 of the
Parent Disclosure  Schedule lists the names and addresses of the 10 suppliers of
the Parent and its Subsidiaries which accounted for the largest dollar volume of
purchases by Parent and its  Subsidiaries  for the twelve months ended March 31,
2005 (the "Major Suppliers").  There are no suppliers of raw materials to Parent
for which there are not adequate alternative  suppliers of such raw materials on
commercially  reasonable terms.  Section 4.21 of the Parent Disclosure  Schedule
lists  the  names  and  addresses  of the 10  customers  of the  Parent  and its
Subsidiaries which accounted for the largest dollar volume of purchases from the
Parent and its  Subsidiaries for the twelve months ended September 30, 2004 (the
"Major   Customers").   To  the   Knowledge  of  Parent,   no  written  or  oral
communication,  fact,  event or action  exists or has occurred  within 12 months
prior to the date hereof, which would lead Parent reasonably to believe that any
Major  Customer or any Major Supplier will terminate or materially and adversely
modify its business relationship with Parent or any Subsidiary.

     Section  4.22  ABSENCE OF  QUESTIONABLE  PAYMENTS.  To Parent's  Knowledge,
neither Parent,  any Subsidiary nor any director,  officer,  agent,  employee or
other  person  acting  on  behalf  of  Parent  or any  Subsidiary,  has used any
corporate  or other  funds  for  unlawful  contributions,  payments,  gifts,  or
entertainment,  or made any unlawful expenditures relating to political activity
to government  officials or others or  established or maintained any unlawful or
unrecorded  funds  in  violation  of (i)  Section  104 of  the  Foreign  Corrupt
Practices  Act of 1977 (15  U.S.C.  ss.79dd-2),  as  amended,  or (ii) any other
applicable foreign, federal or state law. To Parent's Knowledge, neither Parent,
any  Subsidiary  nor any current  director,  officer,  agent,  employee or other
person  acting on behalf of Parent or any  Subsidiary,  has accepted or received
any unlawful contributions, payments, gifts, or expenditures.

     Section  4.23  INSURANCE.  Section 4.23 of the Parent  Disclosure  Schedule
contains a complete  and correct list of all policies of insurance of Parent and
each  Subsidiary for the past 5 years,  including the policy  numbers,  coverage
amounts and deductibles for each policy. Parent has made available true, correct
and complete  copies of such  policies to the Company.  All such policies are in
full force and effect.  All premiums  currently due and payable on such policies
have been paid.  There is no default with respect to any provision  contained in
any such policy which could have a material  adverse  affect upon the ability of
the insured to collect insurance  proceeds under such policy, nor has there been
any  failure by the  insured to give any notice or present  any  material  claim
under any such policy in a timely fashion or in the manner or detail required by
the  policy.  No notice of  cancellation  or  non-renewal  with  respect  to, or
disallowance of any claim under,  any such policy has been received by Parent or
any of their affiliates for a

period of five (5) years  prior to the date  hereof.  Since its  inception,  all
products  liability  and general  liability  policies  maintained  by or for the
benefit of Parent and each  Subsidiary have been  "occurrence"  policies and not
"claims made" policies.


          (a)  (i)  To  the  Knowledge  of  Parent,  none  of  Parent's  or  any
     Subsidiary's  employees  is or during the last three years has been (except
     as to routine  security  investigations)  under  administrative,  civil, or
     criminal  investigation,  indictment,  or  information  by  any  regulatory
     authority of the United States Federal  Government or any state  government
     or any of their respective  agencies,  the contracting or auditing function
     of any governmental entity with which it is contracting,  the United States
     Department  of  Justice,   the  Inspector  General  of  the  United  States
     Governmental  Entity  or the  respective  state  equivalent,  or any  prime
     contractor with a governmental entity (a "Governmental Entity"), (ii) there
     is no pending audit or investigation  by any Governmental  Entity of Parent
     or any Subsidiary with respect to any alleged  irregularity,  misstatement,
     or omission arising under or relating to a Government  Contract (as defined
     below),  and (iii)  during the last  three  years,  neither  Parent nor any
     Subsidiary  has made a  voluntary  disclosure  with  respect to any alleged
     irregularity,  misstatement,  or  omission  arising  under or relating to a
     Government  Contract.  To the Knowledge of Parent,  neither  Parent nor any
     Subsidiary has made any intentional  misstatement or omission in connection
     with any voluntary  disclosure that has led to any of the  consequences set
     forth in clause (i) or (ii) of the  immediately  preceding  sentence or any
     other  material  damage,  penalty  assessment,  recoupment  of payment,  or
     disallowance of cost. For purposes of this Agreement, "Government Contract"
     means any  contract  that (i) is  between  Parent or any  Subsidiary  and a
     Governmental  Entity or (ii) is entered into by Parent or any Subsidiary as
     a subcontractor (at any tier) in connection with a contract between another
     entity and a Governmental Entity.

          (b)  There  are  (i)  no  outstanding  claims  against  Parent  or any
     Subsidiary  by  a   Governmental   Entity  or  by  any  prime   contractor,
     subcontractor,  or vendor arising under any Government Contract and (ii) no
     disputes  between Parent or any Subsidiary and a Governmental  Entity under
     the Contract  Disputes Act or any other federal or state statute or between
     Parent or any Subsidiary and any prime contractor, subcontractor, or vendor
     arising under or relating to any such Government Contract,  except any such
     claim or  dispute  that would not  reasonably  be  expected  to result in a
     Parent Material Adverse Effect.

          (c) Neither  Parent nor any  Subsidiary has been suspended or debarred
     from doing business with a Governmental Entity.

          (d) No  misstatement  contained in  schedules of  Government-furnished
     equipment  provided to a  Governmental  Entity by Parent or any  Subsidiary
     under any Government  Contract would  reasonably be expected to result in a
     Parent Material Adverse Effect.

          (e) The rates and rate schedules  submitted to  Governmental  Entities
     with respect to the Government  Contracts by Parent or any Subsidiary  have
     been closed for all years prior to Fiscal Year 2003.

          (f)  Neither  Parent  nor any  Subsidiary  has,  with  respect  to any
     Government  Contract,  or within the past three  years with  respect to any
     former contract with a Governmental Entity, received a cure notice advising
     Parent or any Subsidiary  that it was in default or would,  if it failed to
     take remedial action, be in default under such contract.

          (g) Neither  Parent nor any  Subsidiary  has submitted or received any
     unpriced  or  undefinitized  orders  or  change  orders;  and  there are no
     provisional overhead rates in effect under the Government Contracts.

          (h) Parent and each  Subsidiary has complied with all government  cost
     accounting  standards  and has accounted  for all  Government  Contracts in
     accordance with a disclosure schedule approved by a Governmental Entity.

          (i) Neither Parent nor any Subsidiary has  agreements,  contracts,  or
     commitments  which  require it to obtain or  maintain a security  clearance
     with any Governmental Entity.

          (j) Except as  described in Section  4.24(j) of the Parent  Disclosure
     Schedule, no item of Intellectual Property (as defined in Section 4.16) has
     been conceived, developed, created or reduced to practice under or pursuant
     to any Government Contract.

     Section 4.25 STATE TAKEOVER  STATUTES;  ETC. No state  takeover  statute or
similar  statute or regulation or similar  provision of Parent's  Certificate of
Incorporation  or Bylaws  applies or purports to apply to this  Agreement or the

     Section 4.26  DISCLOSURES.  No representation or warranty made by Parent in
this Agreement,  nor any statement or record contained in the Parent  Disclosure
Schedule of this Agreement or certificate  furnished by Parent or Acquisition to
the Company  pursuant  to this  Agreement  contains  any untrue  statement  of a
material  fact or omits  any  material  fact  necessary  to make the  statements
contained herein or therein not misleading.

     Section 4.27  ACQUISITION.  Acquisition is a newly formed limited liability
company that has not engaged in any business since its formation.  Parent is its
sole  member.  Acquisition  has not elected to be treated as a  corporation  for
federal tax purposes.

                                   ARTICLE V


     The Company  represents and warrants to Parent and Acquisition that, except
as set  forth  in the  disclosure  schedule  dated as of the  date  hereof  (the
"Company Disclosure Schedule"):

     Section 5.1  ORGANIZATION AND  QUALIFICATION.  The Company is a corporation
duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the
State of Delaware and has the  requisite  corporate  power and authority to own,
lease and operate its assets and  properties  and to carry on its business as it
is now being conducted.  The Company is duly qualified to transact  business and
is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the properties  owned,

leased or operated  by it or the nature of the  business  conducted  by it makes
such qualification necessary, except where the failure to be so qualified and in
good standing has not and would not reasonably be expected to have, individually
or in the aggregate,  a Company  Material  Adverse  Effect.  True,  accurate and
complete copies of the Company's  certificate of  incorporation  and bylaws,  in
each case as in effect on the date hereof,  including  all  amendments  thereto,
have heretofore been delivered to Parent.

     Section 5.2 CAPITALIZATION.

          (a) The  authorized  capital  stock of the  Company  consists of 2,500
     shares of class A common  stock,  par value  $0.01 per share (the  "Class A
     Common Stock" ), and 2,500 shares of class B common stock,  par value $0.01
     per share (the "Class B Common Stock" and, together with the Class A Common
     Stock,  the  "Company  Common  Stock"),  and  5,000  shares  of Series A 8%
     cumulative  compounding preferred stock, par value $.01 ("Company Preferred
     Stock").  As of the date hereof,  198 shares of Class A Common  Stock,  302
     shares of Class B Common Stock and 1,000 shares of Company  Preferred Stock
     are  outstanding,  all of which are  validly  issued  and are  fully  paid,
     non-assessable  and free of preemptive  rights, no shares of Company Common
     Stock are held in treasury of the Company,  and no shares are issuable upon
     the exercise of outstanding warrants.

          (b) No bonds,  debentures,  notes or other indebtedness of the Company
     having  the  right to vote  (or  convertible  into,  or  exchangeable  for,
     securities  having the right to vote) on any matters on which  stockholders
     of the Company may vote are issued or outstanding.

          (c) Except as set forth in Section  5.2 hereof and  Section 5.2 of the
     Company  Disclosure  Schedule,   as  of  the  date  hereof,  there  are  no
     outstanding  subscriptions,   options,  stock  phantom  rights  (or  rights
     outstanding  under  any  Company  phantom  stock  plan),   grants,   calls,
     contracts, commitments, understandings,  restrictions, arrangements, rights
     or  warrants,  including  any rights of  conversion  or exchange  under any
     outstanding security, instrument or other agreement, obligating the Company
     to issue,  deliver or sell,  redeem or  repurchase,  or cause to be issued,
     delivered or sold, additional shares of the capital stock of the Company or
     obligating the Company to grant, extend or enter into any such agreement or
     commitment.  Except as otherwise contemplated by this Agreement,  there are
     no voting trusts,  proxies or other agreements or  understandings  to which
     the Company is a party or is bound with respect to the voting of any shares
     of capital stock of the Company.

     Section 5.3 SUBSIDIARIES.  Section 5.3 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule
lists  the name of each  Subsidiary  and all  lines of  business  in which  each
Subsidiary is  participating  or engaged.  Each Subsidiary is a corporation duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of its
jurisdiction  of  incorporation   identified  in  Section  5.3  of  the  Company
Disclosure Schedule, and has the requisite corporate power and authority to own,
lease and operate its assets and  properties  and to carry on its business as it
is now being  conducted.  Each  Subsidiary  is duly  qualified  or licensed as a
foreign  corporation to do business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction
specified in Section 5.3 of the Company Disclosure Schedule,  which are the only
jurisdictions  in which  nature of its  business  or the  ownership,  leasing or
operation of such Subsidiary's assets and properties makes such qualification or

necessary,  except  where the failure to be so qualified or licensed and in good
standing,  would not have a Company Material Adverse Effect.  Section 5.3 of the
Company  Disclosure  Schedule  lists  for  each  Subsidiary  the  amount  of its
authorized  capital stock,  the amount of its outstanding  capital stock and the
record owners of such outstanding  capital stock. All of the outstanding  shares
of  capital  stock of each  Subsidiary  have been duly  authorized  and  validly
issued,  are fully paid and  nonassessable,  and are owned,  beneficially and of
record,  by the Company or  Subsidiaries  wholly  owned by the Company  free and
clear of all  Encumbrances.  There are no  existing  agreements,  subscriptions,
options,  warrants, calls, commitments,  trusts (voting or otherwise), or rights
of any kind whatsoever between the Company or any Subsidiary on the one hand and
any  Person  on the  other  hand  with  respect  to  the  capital  stock  of any
Subsidiary. The name of each director and officer of each Subsidiary on the date
hereof,  and the  position  with such  Subsidiary  held by each,  are  listed in
Section 5.3 of the Company Disclosure Schedule.


          (a) The Company has full corporate  power and authority to execute and
     deliver   this   Agreement   and,   subject  to  approval  by  the  Company
     stockholders,  to  consummate  the  transactions.  This  Agreement has been
     approved by the Board of  Directors  of the Company and no other  corporate
     proceedings  on the part of the  Company are  necessary  to  authorize  the
     execution and delivery of this Agreement or, except for the approval of the
     Company's   stockholders,   the   consummation   by  the   Company  of  the
     transactions.  The only vote of  holders  of any class or series of capital
     stock of the Company or any Subsidiary  necessary to adopt and approve this
     Agreement and the Merger is the adoption and approval of this Agreement and
     the Merger by the holders of a majority of the total number of  outstanding
     shares of Company Common Stock and Company Preferred Stock entitled to vote
     (the "Company Stockholders' Approval"). The affirmative vote of the holders
     of any capital stock or other securities (or any separate class thereof) of
     the Company or any  Subsidiary is not necessary to consummate the Merger or
     any  transaction  contemplated by this Agreement other than as set forth in
     the preceding sentence. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered
     by the Company, and, assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery
     hereof by Parent and  Acquisition,  constitutes a valid and legally binding
     agreement of the  Company,  enforceable  against the Company in  accordance
     with  its  terms,  except  that  such  enforcement  may be  subject  to (a)
     bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium or other similar laws
     affecting or relating to enforcement of creditors' rights generally and (b)
     general equitable principles.

          (b) The execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement by the
     Company and the consummation of the Merger and the other  transactions will
     not violate,  conflict  with or result in any violation of, or constitute a
     default (or an event  which,  with  notice or lapse of time or both,  would
     constitute a default)  under, or give rise to a right of termination of, or
     accelerate the performance required by, or result in a right of termination
     or acceleration  under, or result in the creation of Encumbrances  upon any
     of the properties or assets of the Company or any Subsidiary  under (i) the
     certificate of  incorporation  or bylaws of the Company or any  Subsidiary,
     (ii) any statute,  law,  ordinance,  rule,  regulation,  judgment,  decree,
     order, injunction, writ, permit or license of any Governmental Authority or
     court  applicable  to the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary  or  any  of  their
     respective  properties  or  assets,  or (iii)  any  note,  bond,  mortgage,
     indenture,  deed of trust, license,  franchise,  permit, contract, lease or
     other instrument,

     obligation or agreement of any kind to which the Company or any  Subsidiary
     is now a party or by which the  Company or any  Subsidiary  or any of their
     respective properties or assets are bound or affected;  subject in the case
     of the terms,  conditions or provisions  described in clause (ii) above, to
     obtaining  (before  the  Effective  Time) the  Company  Required  Statutory
     Approvals   (as  defined   below)  and  the   approval  of  the   Company's
     stockholders.  Excluded from the foregoing sentences of this paragraph (b),
     insofar as they apply to the terms,  conditions or provisions  described in
     clause  (iii) of the first  sentence  of this  paragraph  (b) (and  whether
     resulting  from such  execution  and  delivery or  consummation),  are such
     violations,  conflicts, breaches, defaults, terminations,  accelerations or
     creations of  Encumbrances  that have not had and would not  reasonably  be
     expected to have,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  a Company  Material
     Adverse Effect.

          (c) Except for (i) filings under any  applicable  state  securities or
     blue sky laws or state takeover laws,  (ii) the making of the Merger Filing
     with the  Department of State of the State of Delaware in  connection  with
     the  Merger,  and  (iii)  any  required  filings  with  or  approvals  from
     applicable environmental  authorities,  including,  without limitation, the
     New Jersey  Industrial  Site  Recovery  Act,  as  amended,  public  service
     commissions  and public  utility  commissions  (the  filings and  approvals
     referred to in clauses (i) through  (iii) are  collectively  referred to as
     the "Company  Required  Statutory  Approvals"),  no declaration,  filing or
     registration with, or notice to, or authorization,  consent or approval of,
     any  Governmental  Authority is necessary for the execution and delivery of
     this  Agreement  by the Company or the  consummation  by the Company of the
     transactions  contemplated hereby,  other than such declarations,  filings,
     registrations, notices, authorizations, consents or approvals which, if not
     made or obtained, as the case may be, have not had and could not reasonably
     be expected to have,  individually or in the aggregate,  a Company Material
     Adverse Effect.

     Section 5.5  FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS.  Section 5.5 of the Company  Disclosure
Schedule  sets  forth  the  following  financial  statements:  (i)  the  audited
consolidated  balance  sheet of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  as of each of
August 31, 2003 and August 31, 2004 (the "Latest Audited Balance Sheet") and the
related audited consolidated  statements of income and cash flows for the fiscal
years  then  ended  and (ii) the  unaudited  consolidated  balance  sheet of the
Company and its  Subsidiaries  as of  February  28,  2005 (the  "Latest  Balance
Sheet") and the related  unaudited  consolidated  statements  of income and cash
flows for the  three-month  period then ended.  Each of the foregoing  financial
statements  (including the notes thereto, if any,  collectively,  the "Financial
Statements")  has been prepared in accordance  with GAAP applied on a consistent
basis (except that the  preparation of deferred  compensation  in the August 31,
2003 financial statements differs from the preparation of deferred  compensation
in the August 31, 2004 financial statements) and presents fairly in all material
respects the financial  position of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  at August
31, 2003,  August 31, 2004 and February 28, 2005,  respectively,  and results of
their operations for the periods referred to therein (subject in the case of the
unaudited  financial  statements to the lack of footnote  disclosure and changes
resulting from normal year-end adjustments).

     Section 5.6 ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES.  Except as reflected in the
Financial Statements, neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has or has incurred
any liability or obligation of any nature (whether absolute, accrued, contingent
or otherwise) other than

liabilities  or  obligations  (other than  obligations  for borrowed money or in
respect of capitalized  leases) reasonably incurred after the date of the Latest
Balance Sheet in the ordinary course of business.

     Section  5.7 ABSENCE OF CERTAIN  CHANGES OR EVENTS.  Except as set forth in
Section 5.7 of the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  since the date of the Latest
Balance  Sheet,  the  Company,  its  Subsidiaries  and their  stockholders  have
conducted  their  business  only in the  ordinary  course  consistent  with past
practice and there has been no Company Material Adverse Effect. Without limiting
the  foregoing,  except as set forth in Section  5.7 of the  Company  Disclosure
Schedule,  since the date of the Latest  Balance  Sheet,  the  Company  and each
Subsidiary have not:

          (a) purchased or redeemed any shares of its stock (including,  without
     limitation,  the Company  Common  Stock),  or granted or issued any option,
     warrant or other right to purchase or acquire any such shares;

          (b)  incurred  any  liabilities  or  obligations   (whether  absolute,
     accrued,  contingent or  otherwise),  except  liabilities  and  obligations
     incurred in the ordinary  course of business which would not have a Company
     Material Adverse Effect;

          (c)  encumbered  any  of  their  properties  or  assets,  tangible  or
     intangible,  except for  Encumbrances  incurred in the  ordinary  course of
     business, consistent with past practice;

          (d)  granted  any  bonus,   award,   loan,   pay  raise,   unusual  or
     extraordinary  sick pay or  vacation  payment  or  unusual  salary or other
     payments, disbursements or other distributions in any manner or form (other
     than cash grants made in the ordinary  course of business  consistent  with
     past practice to non-senior executive employees) to any of the Company's or
     its  Subsidiaries  or  affiliates,  stockholders,  directors,  officers  or
     employees (or related parties thereto);

          (e) made a  contribution  in cash or assets to any rabbi  trust or any
     analogous funding mechanism maintained or created to provide security under
     a nonqualified  Company  Benefit Plan,  except to the extent required under
     such Company Benefit Plan as it exists on the date of this Agreement;

          (f) suffered any change or, to the Company's  Knowledge,  received any
     threat of any change in any of its  relations  with, or any loss or, to the
     Company's  Knowledge,  threat of loss of,  any of the  suppliers,  clients,
     distributors,  customers or employees  that are material to the business of
     the Company or its  Subsidiaries,  including  any loss or change  which may
     result from the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

          (g)  disposed  of or has failed to keep in effect any rights in, to or
     for the use of any franchise,  license,  permit or certificate  material to
     the business of the Company or its Subsidiaries;

          (h)  changed  any  method  of  keeping  of its  books  of  account  or
     accounting practices;

          (i)  disposed  of or failed to keep in effect any rights in, to or for
     the  use of  any of the  Intellectual  Property  (as  hereinafter  defined)
     material to the business of the Company;

          (j) sold, transferred or otherwise disposed of any assets,  properties
     or rights of any of the business of the Company or any  Subsidiary,  except
     inventory  sold in the  ordinary  course of business  consistent  with past

          (k)  entered  into any  transaction,  agreement  or event  outside the
     ordinary  course of the  conduct  of the  business  of the  Company  or any

          (l) made nor authorized  any single  capital  expenditure in excess of
     $25,000, or capital expenditures in excess of $100,000 in the aggregate;

          (m) changed or modified in any manner its existing credit,  collection
     and payment  policies,  procedures  and practices  with respect to accounts
     receivable   and  accounts   payable,   respectively,   including   without
     limitation,  acceleration of collections of receivables, failure to make or
     delay in making  collections  of  receivables  (whether  or not past  due),
     acceleration  of payment of  payables or failure to pay or delay in payment
     of payables;

          (n)  incurred  any damage,  destruction  or loss,  whether  covered by
     insurance or not, that would have a Company Material Adverse Effect;

          (o) made or  revoked  any  material  Tax  election  except in a manner
     consistent  with past  practice,  changed any method of accounting  for Tax
     purposes,  or settled or  compromised  any material Tax liability  with any
     Governmental   Authority  or  agreed  to  an  extension  of  a  statute  of

          (p) made any declaration,  payment or setting aside for payment of any
     dividend or other  distribution  (whether in cash,  stock or property) with
     respect to any securities of the Company or any Subsidiary; or

          (q) waived or released any  material  right or claim of the Company or
     any Subsidiary.

     Section 5.8 LITIGATION.  Except as specifically set forth in Section 5.8 of
the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  there  are no  claims,  suits,  actions  or
proceedings pending or, to the Knowledge of the Company,  threatened against the
Company or any Subsidiary or any of their  respective  directors or officers (in
their  capacity as such),  before any court or  Governmental  Authority,  or any
arbitrator  (collectively,  "Company  Claims")  that  (i) seek to  restrain  the
consummation  of the  Merger  or the  transactions  or (ii)  which if  adversely
determined  would  reasonably  be  expected  to  have,  individually  or in  the
aggregate, a Company Material Adverse Effect. Except as set forth in Section 5.8
of the Company Disclosure Schedule,  neither the Company nor any Subsidiary is a
party to or bound by any judgment, decree, injunction, settlements, arbitration,
awards,  rule or order of any court or Governmental  Authority or any arbitrator
(collectively, "Company Judgments") with respect to or affecting the properties,
assets, personnel or business of the Company or any Subsidiary,  which prohibits
or  restricts  the

consummation of the transactions,  or has had or would reasonably be expected to
have,  individually or in the aggregate,  a Company  Material  Adverse Effect or
could affect the validity of this  Agreement or its  enforceability  against any
stockholder  or the Company,  or compliance by any  stockholder  or the Company.
Except as set forth in Section 5.8 of the Company Disclosure  Schedule as of the
date hereof,  there are no material  Company  Claims or Company  Judgments  with
respect to or affecting  the  properties,  assets,  personnel or business of the
Company.  The Company's Financial Statements reflect an adequate reserve for all
claims, suits, actions, proceedings,  judgments, decrees, injunctions,  rules or
order pending or threatened  against the Company or any  Subsidiary  through the
date of such financial statements.

     Section 5.9 NO VIOLATION OF LAW.  Except as disclosed in Section 5.9 of the
Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  the Company is and, since the date of the Latest
Balance  Sheet  has  been  in  compliance  in all  material  respects  with  all
applicable provisions of any law, statute, order, rule, regulation, ordinance or
judgment  (including,  without  limitation,  any applicable  environmental  law,
ordinance or  regulation)  of any  Governmental  Authority.  The Company has all
material permits,  licenses,  approvals, and other governmental  authorizations,
consents  and  approvals  necessary  to  conduct  its  businesses  as  presently
conducted  (collectively,  the "Company Permits").  The Company is in compliance
with the terms of the Company Permits in all material respects.

     Section 5.10  CONTRACTS.  Section 5.10 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule
lists,  under the relevant  heading,  all  Contracts,  that exist as of the date
hereof to which the Company or any Subsidiary is a party or by which it is bound
and  which  fall  within  any of the  following  categories  (collectively,  the
"Company Material Contracts"):

          (a) Contracts not entered into in the ordinary course of the Company's
     or any Subsidiary's  business and other than those that  individually or in
     the  aggregate  are not  material  to the  business  of the Company and any

          (b) joint venture and partnership agreements;

          (c) Contracts  containing covenants purporting to limit the freedom of
     the  Company or any  Subsidiary  to compete in any line of  business in any
     geographic area or to hire any individual or group of individuals;

          (d) Contracts which after the  consummation of any of the transactions
     could have the effect of  limiting  the freedom of Parent to compete in any
     line of business in any geographic  area or to hire any individual or group
     of individuals;

          (e) Contracts which contain minimum  purchase  conditions in excess of
     $50,000 with respect to inventory  purchases for resale, and $50,000 in the
     case of everything  else, or  requirements  or other terms that restrict or
     limit the  purchasing or  distribution  relationships  of the Company,  its
     Subsidiaries or their affiliates  (including  after  consummation of any of
     the transactions);

          (f)  Contracts  relating  to any  outstanding  commitment  for capital
     expenditures in excess of $50,000;

          (g)  indentures,  mortgages,  promissory  notes,  loan  agreements  or
     guarantees  of borrowed  money,  letters of credit or other  agreements  or
     instruments  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  or  commitments  for  the
     borrowing  or the  lending by the Company or any  Subsidiary  of amounts in
     excess of $50,000  individually  or $250,000 in the  aggregate or providing
     for the creation of any  Encumbrance  upon any of the assets of the Company
     or any Subsidiary with an aggregate value in excess of $250,000;

          (h) Contracts  providing for "earn-outs" or other contingent  payments
     by the Company or any  Subsidiary  involving more than $50,000 per contract
     over the terms of all such Contracts;

          (i) Contracts  associated with off balance sheet financing,  including
     but not limited to arrangements for the sale of receivables;

          (j) Company Material Licenses (as defined in Section 5.16);

          (k) stock  purchase  agreements,  asset  purchase  agreements or other
     acquisition  or divestiture  agreements  entered into since January 1, 1999
     where the consideration in any individual transaction exceeds $50,000;

          (l) material Contracts with respect to which a change in the ownership
     (whether  directly or  indirectly) of shares of Company Common Stock or the
     composition  of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company  may  result in a
     violation  of or  default  under,  or give rise to a right of  termination,
     cancellation  or  acceleration  of any obligation or loss of benefits under
     such  Contract,  except  any  such  Contract  that is not  material  to the
     business of the Company or any Subsidiary;

          (m) contracts with  consultants,  employees,  officers or directors of
     the Company or any Subsidiary;

          (n) contracts with Governmental Entities (as defined below); or

          (o) any  other  agreement  which is  material  to the  Company  or any
     Subsidiary, irrespective of amount.

     All Company Material  Contracts to which the Company or any Subsidiary is a
party or by which it is bound are valid and binding  obligations  of the Company
or any  Subsidiary,  as  applicable,  and, to the Knowledge of the Company,  the
valid and binding  obligation  of each other party thereto and are in full force
and effect.  Neither the Company or any Subsidiary  nor, to the knowledge of the
Company, any other party thereto is in violation of or in default in respect of,
nor has there  occurred an event or condition  which with the passage of time or
giving of notice  (or  both)  would  constitute  a default  under or permit  the
termination of, any Company  Material  Contract.  The Company has delivered true
and  correct  copies of the Company  Material  Contracts  and  Company  Material
Licenses set forth in Section 5.10 of the Company Disclosure Schedule.

     Section  5.11 TAXES.  Except as  disclosed  in Section  5.11 of the Company
Disclosure Schedule:

          (a) All Tax  Returns  required  to be  filed  by or on  behalf  of the
     Company or any  Subsidiary  have been timely filed (after  giving effect to
     any valid  extensions of time in which to make such filings).  All such Tax
     Returns are true, correct and complete in all material respects.  All Taxes
     shown as due on such Tax Returns,  have been timely paid. Adequate reserves
     or accruals  for Taxes have been  provided on the  Company's  books and the
     Company Financial Statements,  in accordance with GAAP, with respect to any
     period (or  portion  thereof)  up to the date  hereof for which Tax Returns
     have not been  filed or for  which  Taxes  are not yet due and  owing.  The
     Company has made available to Parent all material Tax Returns,  examination
     reports and  statements of  deficiencies  filed or received for all taxable
     periods since January 1, 2000.

          (b) Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has waived any statute of
     limitations  in respect of the assessment and collection of Taxes or agreed
     to any extension of time with respect to a Tax assessment or deficiency.

          (c)  Neither  the  Company  nor  any   Subsidiary   is  currently  the
     beneficiary  of any  extension of time within which to file any Tax Return.
     Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary is a party to any Tax allocation or
     Tax sharing agreement.

          (d) The Company and each  Subsidiary has duly and timely withheld from
     employee  salaries,  wages and other  compensation and has paid over to the
     appropriate  Governmental  Authority all material  Taxes  required to be so
     withheld and paid over.

          (e)  There is no Tax  deficiency  outstanding,  assessed  or  proposed
     against the Company or any Subsidiary. No audit or other examination of any
     Tax Return of the Company or any  Subsidiary  is currently in progress.  No
     Governmental  Authority with respect to which the Company does not file Tax
     Returns  has  claimed  that the  Company or any  Subsidiary  is, or may be,
     subject to taxation by that jurisdiction.

          (f)  Neither  the Company or any  Subsidiary  nor any other  person on
     behalf of the Company or any  Subsidiary,  has (i) agreed to or is required
     to make any  adjustments  pursuant  to  Section  481(a)  of the Code or any
     similar  provision of state,  local or foreign law by reason of a change in
     accounting  method  (and  neither the  Company  nor any  Subsidiary  has an
     application  pending  with any  Governmental  Authority  with respect to an
     accounting method change),  (ii) executed or entered into closing agreement
     pursuant to Section 7121 of the Code or any predecessor  provision  thereof
     or any similar provision of state,  local or foreign law or (iii) granted a
     power of attorney with respect to any Tax matter that would have continuing
     effect after the Closing.

          (g) Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  is subject to any private
     letter  ruling of the Internal  Revenue  Service or  comparable  rulings of
     other Governmental  Authorities that would have continuing effect after the

          (h)  Neither  the  Company  nor  any  Subsidiary  is a  party  to  any
     agreement,  contract, arrangement or plan (including this Agreement and the
     consummation  of the Merger) that has resulted or could result,  separately
     or in the  aggregate,  in the  payment of any  "excess  parachute  payment"
     within the meaning of Section 280G of the Code (or any similar provision of
     state,  local  or  foreign  law) or that  would  bind  the  Company  or any
     Subsidiary to compensate any individual for excise Taxes paid under Section
     4999 of the Code.

          (i) Neither the  Company  nor any  Subsidiary  has been a member of an
     affiliated  group of  corporations  (as that  term is  defined  in  Section
     1504(a)(1)  of the Code,  or any  similar  provision  of state,  local,  or
     foreign  law),  except  for the  group  the  common  parent of which is the
     Company,  and neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary has any liability for
     the Taxes of any person  under  Treasury  Regulation  ss.  1.1502-6 (or any
     similar  provision of state,  local, or foreign law), or as a transferee or
     successor, by contract, or otherwise.

          (j) The Company  has not been the  "distributing  corporation"  or the
     "controlled corporation" within the meaning of Section 355(a) of the Code.

          (k) There are no Encumbrances  for Taxes on the assets of the Company,
     except for liens for Taxes not yet due and payable.

          (l) The Company has  disclosed  on its federal  income Tax Returns all
     positions   taken   therein   that  could   give  rise  to  a   substantial
     understatement  of federal income Tax within the meaning of Section 6662 of
     the Code. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has invested in any entity
     or entered into any arrangement  that is a "tax shelter" within the meaning
     of Section 6662(d)(2)(C) of the Code or that has been described in any list
     or announcement published pursuant to Section 6662(d)(2)(D) of the Code.

          (m) The unpaid Taxes of the Company and the  Subsidiaries  did not, as
     of February 28, 2005, exceed the reserve for Tax liability  (without regard
     to any reserve for deferred Taxes that reflect timing  differences  between
     book and Tax income) set forth on the face of the Latest Balance Sheet.


          (a)  Section  5.12  of  the  Company  Disclosure  Schedule  lists  all
     "employee benefit plans," as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA and all other
     retirement,  stock, stock option, life insurance,  health insurance, dental
     insurance,   vision  insurance,   savings,  bonus,  deferred  compensation,
     incentive  compensation,  business  travel  and  accident,  paid  time off,
     severance pay, salary  continuation,  disability,  tuition refund,  service
     award, company car, scholarship,  relocation, patent award and other fringe
     benefit arrangements,  plans, contracts, policies, or practices maintained,
     contributed  to, or required to be  contributed by the Company or any ERISA
     Affiliate (as hereinafter  defined) or with respect to which the Company or
     any ERISA Affiliate may have any liability (the "Company  Benefit  Plans").
     None  of the  Company  Benefit  Plans  are  maintained,  contributed  to or
     required to be contributed to by the Company or any Company ERISA Affiliate
     outside  the  United  States.  For  purposes  of this  Agreement,  the term
     "Company  ERISA  Affiliate"  means any  person,  entity,  trade or business
     (whether or not

     incorporated)  that is treated as a single  employer with the Company under
     Section 414 of the Code.

          (b) As applicable,  with respect to each of the Company Benefit Plans,
     the Company has made  available to Parent true and  complete  copies of (i)
     all plan documents (including all amendments and modifications thereof) and
     in the case of an unwritten  Company  Benefit  Plan, a written  description
     thereof,  and in either case all  related  agreements  including  the trust
     agreement and  amendments  thereto,  insurance  contracts,  and  investment
     management  agreements;  (ii) the last three filed Form 5500 series and all
     schedules  thereto;  (iii) the current  summary plan  descriptions  and all
     material  modifications  thereto;  (iv) the three most recent actuarial and
     trustee reports;  and (v) the most recent IRS determination letter (and any
     pending   determination   letter   application);   (vi)  all   filings  and
     applications made under the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (as
     set forth in Revenue  Procedure  2003-44 or any  predecessor  or  successor
     thereto)  or  the  Voluntary  Fiduciary   Correction  or  Delinquent  Filer
     Voluntary Compliance Programs within the past five years.

          (c) The Company and each Company ERISA  Affiliate are in compliance in
     all material  respects with the provisions of ERISA and the Code applicable
     to  the  Company  Benefit  Plans.   Each  Company  Benefit  Plan  has  been
     maintained,  operated  and  administered  in  compliance  in  all  material
     respects  with its terms and any related  documents or  agreements  and the
     applicable  provisions  of ERISA and the Code,  except  that in any case in
     which any  Company  Benefit  Plan is  currently  required  to comply with a
     provision of ERISA or of the Code, but is not yet required to be amended to
     reflect such  provision,  it has been  administered in accordance with such

          (d)  Except as set forth in  Section  5.12 of the  Company  Disclosure
     Schedule,  no Company  Benefit Plan is (or at any time has been) subject to
     Title IV of ERISA and no Company  Benefit Plan is (or at any time has been)
     a  "multiemployer  plan" as defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA,  and neither
     the Company nor any Company  ERISA  Affiliate  has incurred any  withdrawal
     liability with respect to any multiemployer plan.

          (e) All Company  Benefit  Plans  which are Pension  Plans have met and
     currently  meet the  qualification  requirements  of Section  401(a) of the
     Code, and each related trust has been and currently is exempt from taxation
     under Section 501(a) of the Code.

          (f) Each Pension Plan has received  determination letters from the IRS
     to the effect that such Pension Plans are qualified and the related  trusts
     are exempt  from  federal  income  taxes and no  determination  letter with
     respect to any Pension Plan has been  revoked,  nor is there any reason for
     such  revocation,  nor has any Pension Plan been amended  since the date of
     its most recent  determination  letter in any respect which would adversely
     affect its qualification.

          (g) There are no pending audits or  investigations by any governmental
     agency  involving the Company  Benefit Plans,  and no threatened or pending
     claims  (except for  individual  claims for benefits  payable in the normal
     operation of the Company Benefit Plans), suits or proceedings involving any
     Company Benefit Plan, any fiduciary  thereof or service

     provider  thereto,  nor to  the  knowledge  of the  Company  is  there  any
     reasonable basis for any such claim, suit or proceeding.

          (h) Neither the Company,  any Company ERISA  Affiliate of the Company,
     nor any employee of the Company or any Company ERISA  Affiliate has engaged
     in a "prohibited transaction" within the meaning of Section 406 of ERISA or
     Section 4975 of the Code, nor has any such person breached any duty imposed
     by Title I of ERISA,  with respect to any Benefit  Plan that is  reasonably
     likely to subject the Company or any Company ERISA  Affiliate to a material
     tax penalty or other  sanction under Section 4975 of the Code in Title I of

          (i) Any  insurance  premium under any  insurance  policy  related to a
     Benefit Plan for any period up to and  including  the Closing Date has been
     paid,  or accrued  and  booked on or before the  Closing  Date,  and,  with
     respect to any such insurance policy or premium payment obligation, neither
     the  Company  nor any ERISA  Affiliate  is  subject to a  retroactive  rate
     adjustment,   loss  sharing  arrangement  or  other  actual  or  contingent

          (j) With respect to each Company  Benefit Plan that is a "group health
     plan"  within the  meaning  of Section  607 of ERISA and that is subject to
     Section  4980B of the Code,  the Company and each Company  ERISA  Affiliate
     have  complied in all  material  respects  with the  continuation  coverage
     requirements  of the Code  and  ERISA.  To the  extent  any of the  Company
     Benefit Plans  constitutes a "group health plan" under HIPAA,  such Company
     Benefit  Plans  are  in  compliance  in  all  material  respects  with  the
     applicable provisions of HIPAA and the regulations issued thereunder.

          (k)  Except as set forth in  Section  5.12 of the  Company  Disclosure
     Schedule,  no Company  Benefit Plan provides  benefits,  including death or
     medical  benefits,  beyond  termination of service or retirement other than
     (i) coverage  mandated by law or (ii) death or retirement  benefits under a
     Company Benefit Plan qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code.

          (l)  Except as set forth in  Section  5.12 of the  Company  Disclosure
     Schedule,   the  execution  of,  and   performance   of  the   transactions
     contemplated  by this  Agreement  will not  constitute  an event  under any
     Company Benefit Plan that will result in any payment  (whether as severance
     pay or  otherwise),  acceleration,  vesting or increase  in  benefits  with
     respect to any employee of the Company.

          (m) The  Company  and  each  Company  ERISA  Affiliate  have  properly
     classified for all purposes  (including,  without  limitation,  for all tax
     purposes and for purposes of determining  eligibility to participate in any
     Company  Benefit Plan) all employees,  leased  employees,  consultants  and
     independent  contractors,  and have withheld and paid all applicable  taxes
     and made all appropriate  filings in connection  with services  provided by
     such persons to the Company and each Company ERISA Affiliate.

     Section 5.13 LABOR MATTERS.

          (a) The  relations  of the  Company  and each  Subsidiary  with  their
     employees  are good.  Except as set forth on  Section  5.13 of the  Company
     Disclosure  Schedule,  neither the

     Company nor any Subsidiary is a party to or bound by any agreement with any
     labor  organization,   including  any  collective   bargaining  or  similar
     agreement.  Except as set forth on Section  5.13 of the Company  Disclosure
     Schedule,  (i) there is no labor  strike,  dispute,  slowdown,  or stoppage
     pending  or,  to  the  Knowledge  of the  Company,  threatened  against  or
     affecting the Company or any Subsidiary, (ii) no employee of the Company or
     any  Subsidiary is  represented  by any union or other labor  organization,
     (iii) there is no unfair labor practice  charge against the Company pending
     or, to the Knowledge of the Company,  threatened  before the National Labor
     Relations  Board,  (iv) no grievance  which might have an adverse affect on
     the Company or any  Subsidiary or the conduct of its  businesses is pending
     or, to the Knowledge of the Company,  threatened,  (v) no private agreement
     restricts  the  Company or any  Subsidiary  from  relocating,  closing,  or
     terminating any of their operations or facilities; (vi) neither the Company
     nor any Subsidiary has labor  negotiations  in process with any labor union
     or other labor organization;  (vii) to the Knowledge of the Company,  there
     are no  efforts  in  process by unions to  organize  any  employees  of the
     Company or any  Subsidiary;  and (viii) there are no pending or  threatened
     claims,  charges,  or  complaints  against  the  Company or any  Subsidiary
     (whether  under  federal,  state,  or local law,  employment  agreements or
     otherwise) asserted by any present or former employee of the Company or any
     Subsidiary,  or by any other person or entity, including but not limited to
     claims on account of or for (1) wages,  salary or  overtime  pay other than
     for work done during the current payroll period; (2) vacation pay or pay in
     lieu of vacation or time off; (3) any  violation of any statute,  ordinance
     or  regulation  relating  to  minimum  wages or maximum  hours;  or (4) any
     violation  of  any  statute,   ordinance  or  regulation   involving  equal
     employment opportunity or employment discrimination.  None of the employees
     of the Company or any Subsidiary is subject to any covenant not to compete,
     confidentiality  agreement or other  contract or commitment  that limits or
     restrains  such employee from engaging in or competing with any business of
     any person,  other than the Company or any Subsidiary.  Neither the Company
     nor any Subsidiary has  experienced  any work stoppage,  strike,  slowdown,
     picketing,  leafleting,  or union  organizational  efforts since January 1,

          (b)  Except as set forth in  Section  5.13 of the  Company  Disclosure
     Schedule,  neither  the  Company nor any  Subsidiary  has had any  worker's
     compensation  claims  asserted  against it during the three years preceding
     the date hereof.  Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has had asserted
     against  it  any  worker's  compensation  claim  which  has  had  or  could
     reasonably be expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

          (c)  Except as set forth in  Section  5.13 of the  Company  Disclosure
     Schedule,  neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has been subject to any
     inspection by the  Occupational  Safety and Health  Administration,  or any
     state agencies charged with enforcement of safety and health  requirements,
     during  the past 5 years,  and there  are no such  inspections  pending  or


          (a) The Company and its Subsidiaries are in compliance in all material
     respects with all Environmental Laws, which compliance includes, but is not
     limited  to,  the  possession  by the  Company  and any  Subsidiary  of all
     material Company Permits required under applicable  Environmental Laws, and
     compliance in all material respects with the terms and

     conditions  thereof.  Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has received
     written  notice of or is the  subject of, any  Environmental  Claim that is
     unresolved  or for which  payment or other  performance  is still  pending.
     Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has received any written request for
     information,  notice of claim,  demand or notification that it is or may be
     potentially  responsible  for any  investigation,  examination  or response
     action in connection  with any Release or  threatened  Release of Hazardous

          (b) No Hazardous  Substances  have been  Released by any person at any
     property  now or formerly  owned,  operated or leased by the  Company,  any
     Subsidiary or any of its  predecessors,  except for such Releases that have
     not  and  could  not  reasonably  be  expected  to  require  investigation,
     remediation or other response action under applicable Environmental Laws or
     constitute   a   violation   of    Environmental    Laws.    No   asbestos,
     asbestos-containing  materials or polychlorinated  biphenyls are present at
     any  property  operated  or  leased by the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  in
     violation  of  Environmental  Laws or which  requires  abatement,  removal,
     retrofilling or other investigation,  remediation or other response action.
     No Hazardous Substances managed,  used, generated,  treated,  manufactured,
     processed, handled, stored, recycled, transported,  disposed or Released by
     the  Company,  any  Subsidiary  or any of its  predecessors  has come to be
     located at any site  listed on the  National  Priorities  List  promulgated
     pursuant to the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response and Liability  Act,
     CERCLIS or any similar list  maintained  by any  Governmental  Authority or
     which requires  investigation,  remediation or other response actions under
     applicable Environmental Laws.

     Section 5.15 PROPERTY.

          (a) Section 5.15 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule contains a true,
     complete and correct list  (designating  the relevant  owners,  lessors and
     lessees) of (i) all real property owned, leased or subleased by the Company
     or any  Subsidiary  and (ii) all  equipment,  fixtures  and other  personal
     property  owned,  leased,  subleased  or  managed  by  the  Company  or any
     Subsidiary  which, in the case of clause (ii) only, has a net book value or
     commitment in excess of $25,000.  Copies of all real and personal  property
     leases  and  deeds of the  Company  and  each  Subsidiary  relating  to the
     property identified on Section 5.15 of the Company Disclosure Schedule have
     been delivered or made available to Parent by the Company.

          (b) With respect to real  property  leased or subleased by the Company
     or any  Subsidiary,  the Company or such  Subsidiary has a valid  leasehold
     interest in such real  property,  and to the Knowledge of the Company,  the
     leasehold or other interest of the Company or such  Subsidiary in such real
     property  is not subject or  subordinate  to any  Encumbrance.  Neither the
     Company nor any applicable Subsidiary is in default in any material respect
     under any such lease, or sublease and, to the Knowledge of the Company, the
     other  party  or  parties  thereto  are  not in  default  of  its or  their
     obligations  thereunder nor does any such party have the right to terminate
     prior to its scheduled expiration the term of any such lease or sublease as
     a result of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          (c) Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has  received any written
     notice  that the whole  nor any part of any real  property  owned,  leased,
     subleased,  used or occupied by the Company or any Subsidiary is subject to
     any pending suit for condemnation or

     other taking by any public authority, and, to the Knowledge of the Company,
     no  such   condemnation   or  other  taking  is  currently   threatened  or
     contemplated.  The properties owned, leased or subleased by the Company and
     its  Subsidiaries  are  sufficient to conduct the operations of the Company
     and its  Subsidiaries as currently  conducted,  and the foregoing  personal
     properties are in good operating condition and repair, normal wear and tear


          (a) The Company and each  Subsidiary  owns, or is validly  licensed or
     otherwise  has the  right  to use (in  each  case,  free  and  clear of all
     material  Encumbrances)  all  Intellectual  Property  that  is  used in the
     Company's or any  Subsidiary's  businesses.  Section 5.16(a) of the Company
     Disclosure  Schedule  sets forth,  as of the date  hereof,  a complete  and
     accurate list of all patents and pending patent  applications,  trademarks,
     service  marks,  trade  names,   material  copyrights   (including  without
     limitation, computer software programs), and registrations and applications
     for  registration of copyrights,  trademarks,  service marks,  trade names,
     trade dress and domain names owned,  registered in the name of or otherwise
     held  for  use by the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  in the  conduct  of its

          (b) Section  5.16(b) of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule sets forth a
     list of all material licenses,  sublicenses,  consents and other agreements
     (whether written or otherwise)  ("Company Material License") (A) pertaining
     to  any   Intellectual   Property  (other  than   commercially   available,
     off-the-shelf  software  applications  obtained or  licensed  for less than
     $5,000 per copy) used by the  Company or any  Subsidiary  in the conduct of
     its business,  and (B) by which the Company or any  Subsidiary  licenses or
     otherwise authorizes a third party to use the Company's or any Subsidiary's
     Intellectual  Property. The Company and each Subsidiary is in compliance in
     all material  respects with all applicable  provisions of such  agreements,
     and such  agreements are now in full force and effect.  Except as set forth
     in Section 5.16(b) of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  the  transactions
     contemplated under this Agreement do not and will not trigger any provision
     under any such  license  agreement  to (x) permit the  termination  of such
     agreement by the licensor;  or (y) permit the  renegotiation  of any terms,
     including without limitation the amount of any commission, royalty or other
     fee(s) payable under such agreement.  To the Knowledge of the Company,  the
     computer  software and  information  technology  systems  owned,  leased or
     licensed  for use in the  business do not contain any  viruses,  worms,  or
     other disabling or malicious code, and any such software or systems, to the
     extent applicable,  will consistently and accurately interpret,  calculate,
     manipulate, store, and exchange data/time date.

          (c) In each of the following cases, except for those matters that have
     not had and could not  reasonably be expected to have,  individually  or in
     the aggregate,  a Company Material Adverse Effect:  (i) to the Knowledge of
     the Company,  the business  operations of the Company and any Subsidiary do
     not infringe, dilute,  misappropriate or otherwise violate the Intellectual
     Property  rights of any Person;  (ii) to the  Knowledge of the Company,  no
     Person is challenging or infringing on or otherwise  violating any right of
     the  Company  or  any   Subsidiary   with  respect  to  any   Company-owned
     Intellectual  Property;  (iii) neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has
     received  any  written  notice or  otherwise  has  Knowledge  of any claim,
     demand, suit, order or proceeding that the operations of the Company or any
     Subsidiary  infringe,  misappropriate or otherwise violate the Intellectual
     Property  rights of

     any Person; (iv) to its Knowledge, all Company-owned  Intellectual Property
     is in full force and  effect,  is held of record in the name of the Company
     free  and  clear  of  all  Encumbrances,  and  is not  the  subject  of any
     cancellation  or  reexamination  proceeding or any  proceeding  challenging
     their  extent or  validity;  and (v) none of the  material  trade  secrets,
     know-how or other confidential or proprietary information of the Company or
     any Subsidiary has been disclosed to any Person unless such  disclosure was
     necessary and made pursuant to an appropriate confidentiality agreement.

          (d)  The  information  technology  systems  owned,  licensed,  leased,
     operated  on behalf of, or  otherwise  held for use in the  business by the
     Company or any  Subsidiary,  including  all  computer  hardware,  software,
     firmware and telecommunications  systems used in the business of Company or
     any  Subsidiary  perform  reliably  and in  material  conformance  with the
     appropriate specifications or documentation for such systems.

     Section 5.17 BROKERS AND FINDERS. Except for its obligation to pay fees and
expenses  pursuant to its agreement with Janney  Montgomery Scott LLC, a copy of
which has been previously  furnished to Parent, the Company has not entered into
any contract,  arrangement or understanding  with any Person which may result in
the  obligation  of  the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  or  Parent  or any of its
subsidiaries to pay any finder's fees,  brokerage or agent  commissions or other
like payments in connection with the transactions  contemplated  hereby.  Except
for its  obligation  to pay fees and  expenses  pursuant to its  agreement  with
Janney  Montgomery  Scott LLC, no Person is  entitled to receive any  investment
banking,  brokerage  or finder's  fee, or  commission  in  connection  with this
Agreement,  the Merger or the other transactions based upon arrangements made by
or on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary.

     Section 5.18 AFFILIATE TRANSACTIONS. Except as disclosed in Section 5.18 of
the Company  Disclosure  Schedule,  since April 16, 2004, no director,  officer,
employee or greater than five percent (5%)  stockholder of the Company or member
of the family of any such  Person or any entity in which any such  Person or any
member of the family of any such  Person,  has a  substantial  interest or is an
officer, director, trustee, partner or holder of more than 5% of the outstanding
capital stock  thereof,  is a party to any  transaction  with the Company or any
Subsidiary,  including any Contract  providing for the employment of, furnishing
of services by, rental of real or personal property from or otherwise  requiring
payments to any such Person or firm, other than employment-at-will  arrangements
in the ordinary course of business.

     Section 5.19 PRODUCTS  LIABILITY.  There are no (a)  liabilities,  known or
unknown, fixed or contingent, with respect to any products of the Company or any
Subsidiary that are based on a theory of strict product liability, negligence or
other tort  theories (as  distinct  from product  warranty  claims  described in
clause (b) below), or (b) liabilities of the Company or any Subsidiary, known or
unknown,  fixed or contingent,  which have been asserted,  for the breach of any
express or implied  product  warranty or any other similar claim with respect to
any product  manufactured  or sold by the Company or any Subsidiary  (other than
any claim  based on  standard  warranty  obligations  made by the Company or any
Subsidiary  in the ordinary  course of the conduct of its business to purchasers
of their products),  which  individually or in the aggregate would reasonably be
expected to have a Company Material Adverse Effect.  Section 5.19 of the Company
Disclosure  Schedule  contains  copies of the  Company's  and each  Subsidiary's

warranties and return policies.  The Company,  each Subsidiary and each of their
predecessors has not and does not produce, market, distribute, sell or otherwise
use in the  operation of its business  any product or  component  that  contains

     Section 5.20 RELATIONSHIP WITH CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS. Section 5.20 of the
Company Disclosure Schedule lists the names and addresses of the 10 suppliers of
the Company and its  Subsidiaries  which accounted for the largest dollar volume
of purchases  by the Company and its  Subsidiaries  for the twelve  months ended
March 31, 2005 (the "Company  Major  Suppliers").  There are no suppliers of raw
materials to the Company for which there are not adequate alternative  suppliers
of such raw  materials on  commercially  reasonable  terms.  Section 5.20 of the
Company Disclosure Schedule lists the names and addresses of the 10 customers of
the Company and its  Subsidiaries  which accounted for the largest dollar volume
of purchases from the Company and its  Subsidiaries  for the twelve months ended
March 31, 2005 (the "Company Major Customers"). To the Knowledge of the Company,
no written or oral  communication,  fact, event or action exists or has occurred
within  12  months  prior to the  date  hereof,  which  would  lead the  Company
reasonably  to believe  that any Company  Major  Customer  or any Company  Major
Supplier  will  terminate  or  materially  and  adversely  modify  its  business
relationship with Company or any Subsidiary.

     Section 5.21 ABSENCE OF QUESTIONABLE  PAYMENTS. To the Company's Knowledge,
neither the Company, any Subsidiary nor any director,  officer,  agent, employee
or other person acting on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary,  has used any
corporate  or other  funds  for  unlawful  contributions,  payments,  gifts,  or
entertainment,  or made any unlawful expenditures relating to political activity
to government  officials or others or  established or maintained any unlawful or
unrecorded  funds  in  violation  of (i)  Section  104 of  the  Foreign  Corrupt
Practices  Act of 1977 (15  U.S.C.  ss.79dd-2),  as  amended,  or (ii) any other
applicable foreign,  federal or state law. To the Company's  Knowledge,  neither
the Company, any Subsidiary nor any current director,  officer,  agent, employee
or other person acting on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary,  has accepted
or received any unlawful contributions, payments, gifts, or expenditures.

     Section 5.22  INSURANCE.  Section 5.22 of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule
contains a complete and correct list of all policies of insurance of the Company
and each Subsidiary for the past 5 years, including the policy numbers, coverage
amounts and deductibles for each policy. All such policies are in full force and
effect.  All premiums currently due and payable on such policies have been paid.
There is no default with respect to any  provision  contained in any such policy
which  could have an adverse  affect  upon the ability of the insured to collect
insurance  proceeds  under such  policy,  nor has there been any  failure by the
insured to give any notice or present any  material  claim under any such policy
in a timely fashion or in the manner or detail required by the policy. No notice
of  cancellation  or non-renewal  with respect to, or  disallowance of any claim
under,  any  such  policy  has  been  received  by the  Company  or any of their
affiliates  for a period of five (5) years prior to the date  hereof.  Since its
inception,  all products liability and general liability policies  maintained by
or for the  benefit of the Company and each  Subsidiary  have been  "occurrence"
policies and not "claims made" policies.


          (a) (i) To the Knowledge of the Company,  none of the Company's or any
     Subsidiary's  employees  is or during the last three years has been (except
     as to routine  security  investigations)  under  administrative,  civil, or
     criminal  investigation,  indictment,  or information  by any  Governmental
     Entity, (ii) there is no pending audit or investigation by any Governmental
     Entity  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  with  respect  to any  alleged
     irregularity,  misstatement,  or  omission  arising  under or relating to a
     Government  Contract  (as defined  below),  and (iii) during the last three
     years,  neither  the  Company  nor  any  Subsidiary  has  made a  voluntary
     disclosure  with  respect to any  alleged  irregularity,  misstatement,  or
     omission  arising  under  or  relating  to a  Government  Contract.  To the
     Knowledge of the Company,  neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary has made
     any  intentional  misstatement or omission in connection with any voluntary
     disclosure that has led to any of the  consequences set forth in clause (i)
     or (ii) of the immediately preceding sentence or any other material damage,
     penalty  assessment,  recoupment of payment,  or  disallowance of cost. For
     purposes  of  this  Agreement,  "Company  Government  Contract"  means  any
     contract  that  (i)  is  between  the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary  and  a
     Governmental  Entity  or  (ii)  is  entered  into  by  the  Company  or any
     Subsidiary as a  subcontractor  (at any tier) in connection with a contract
     between another entity and a Governmental Entity.

          (b) There are (i) no  outstanding  claims  against  the Company or any
     Subsidiary  by  a   Governmental   Entity  or  by  any  prime   contractor,
     subcontractor,  or vendor arising under any Company Government Contract and
     (ii) no disputes  between the Company or any  Subsidiary and a Governmental
     Entity  under  the  Contract  Disputes  Act or any other  federal  or state
     statute or between the Company or any Subsidiary and any prime  contractor,
     subcontractor,  or vendor  arising  under or relating  to any such  Company
     Government  Contract,  except  any such  claim or  dispute  that  would not
     reasonably be expected to result in a Company Material Adverse Effect.

          (c)  Neither  the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has been  suspended  or
     debarred from doing business with a Governmental Entity.

          (d) No  misstatement  contained in  schedules of  Government-furnished
     equipment  provided  to  a  Governmental  Entity  by  the  Company  or  any
     Subsidiary  under any  Company  Government  Contract  would  reasonably  be
     expected to result in a Company Material Adverse Effect.

          (e) The rates and rate schedules  submitted to  Governmental  Entities
     with  respect to the  Company  Government  Contracts  by the Company or any
     Subsidiary have been closed for all years prior to Fiscal Year 2003.

          (f) Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has,  with respect to any
     Company Government Contract, or within the past three years with respect to
     any former  contract  with a  Governmental  Entity,  received a cure notice
     advising the Company or any Subsidiary  that it was in default or would, if
     it failed to take remedial action, be in default under such contract.

          (g) Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has submitted or received
     any unpriced or  undefinitized  orders or change  orders;  and there are no
     provisional   overhead  rates  in  effect  under  the  Company   Government

          (h) The Company and each  Subsidiary  has complied with all government
     cost  accounting  standards and has  accounted  for all Company  Government
     Contracts  in  accordance  with  a  disclosure   schedule   approved  by  a
     Governmental Entity.

          (i) Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has agreements,  contracts,
     or commitments which require it to obtain or maintain a security  clearance
     with any Governmental Entity.

          (j) Except as described in Section  5.23(j) of the Company  Disclosure
     Schedule, no item of Intellectual  Property has been conceived,  developed,
     created or reduced to practice under or pursuant to any Company  Government

     Section 5.24 STATE TAKEOVER  STATUTES;  ETC. No state  takeover  statute or
similar stature or regulation or similar provision of the Company's  Certificate
of Incorporation or Bylaws applies or purports to apply to this Agreement or the

     Section 5.25 DISCLOSURES. No representation or warranty made by the Company
in  this  Agreement,  nor any  statement  or  record  contained  in the  Company
Disclosure Schedule of this Agreement or certificate furnished by the Company to
the  Parent or  Acquisition  pursuant  to this  Agreement  contains  any  untrue
statement of a material  fact or omits any material  fact  necessary to make the
statements contained herein or therein not misleading.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                            COVENANTS OF THE PARTIES

     Section 6.1 MUTUAL COVENANTS.

          (a) GENERAL.  Subject to the terms and  conditions  hereof  (including
     Section 7.2(b)),  each of the parties shall (and shall cause its respective
     subsidiaries  to) use commercially  reasonable  efforts to take all actions
     and to do all things  necessary,  proper or  advisable  to  consummate  the
     Merger and the other transactions,  including,  without  limitation,  using
     reasonable  efforts to prepare,  execute and deliver such  instruments  and
     take or  cause  to be  taken  such  actions  as are  necessary,  proper  or
     advisable  under  applicable  laws and  regulations  to consummate and make
     effective as soon as reasonably  practicable the  transactions.  In case at
     any time  after the  Effective  Time any  further  action is  necessary  or
     desirable to carry out the purposes of this Agreement,  the proper officers
     and directors of each party to this Agreement shall take all such necessary
     action.  Such  commercially  reasonable  efforts  shall  apply to,  without
     limitation,  the obtaining of all necessary consents,  approvals or waivers
     from  third  parties  and   Governmental   Authorities   necessary  to  the
     consummation of the transactions.

          (b) OTHER  GOVERNMENTAL  MATTERS.  Subject to the terms and conditions
     hereof,  each of the parties hereto shall (and shall cause its subsidiaries
     to) use commercially

     reasonable  efforts to take any  additional  action that may be  necessary,
     proper or  advisable  to (i) obtain  from any  Governmental  Authority  any
     consent,  license,  permit,  waiver,  approval,  authorization  required or
     appropriate  to be obtained by either  Parent or the Company in  connection
     with the  authorization,  execution and delivery of this  Agreement and the
     consummation of the Merger and the other transactions  contemplated hereby,
     (ii)  make  all  necessary  filings,   and  thereafter  make  any  required
     submissions with respect to the Merger and the other transactions  required
     under any applicable  federal or state  securities or other laws, and (iii)
     effect all other necessary registrations,  filings and submissions. Each of
     the parties  shall (and shall cause each of their  respective  subsidiaries
     to) cooperate and use commercially reasonable efforts to contest vigorously
     and resist any action,  including  legislative,  administrative or judicial
     action,  and to have vacated,  lifted,  reversed or overturned  any decree,
     judgment,  injunction  or other order  whether  temporary,  preliminary  or
     permanent that is in effect and restricts, prevents, prohibits or otherwise
     bars the consummation of the Merger or any other transaction.

          (c)  NOTIFICATION OF CERTAIN  MATTERS.  From and after the date hereof
     and until the Effective Time, upon receiving knowledge thereof,  each party
     hereto shall promptly notify the other parties hereto of (i) the occurrence
     or nonoccurrence of any event, the occurrence or nonoccurrence of which has
     resulted in, or could reasonably be expected to result in, any condition to
     the Merger set forth in Article VIII, not being satisfied, (ii) any failure
     to comply with any covenant or agreement to be complied with by it pursuant
     to this Agreement which has resulted in, or could reasonably be expected to
     result in, any condition to the Merger set forth in Article VIII, not being
     satisfied  and (iii) any  representation  or  warranty  made by such  party
     contained in this Agreement  that is qualified as to  materiality  becoming
     untrue or inaccurate in any respect or any such  representation or warranty
     that is not so qualified as to materiality becoming untrue or inaccurate in
     any material respect;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that the delivery of any notice
     pursuant  to  this  Section  6.1(c)  shall  not  cure  any  breach  of  any
     representation  or  warranty  contained  in  this  Agreement  or  limit  or
     otherwise  affect the remedies  available  hereunder to the party receiving
     such notice.

          (d) PUBLIC  STATEMENTS.  All press releases or other public statements
     with respect to the Merger or the other  transactions  contemplated  hereby
     shall  require the prior mutual  agreement  and approval of both Parent and
     the Company, unless otherwise required by applicable law; provided, if such
     disclosure  is required by law,  such  disclosure  may not be made  without
     consultation of the other parties.

          (e)  REORGANIZATION  TREATMENT.  The parties agree that this Agreement
     contemplates  a tax-free  reorganization  pursuant to Section 368(a) of the
     Code.  The  parties  shall use all  reasonable  efforts to ensure  that the
     Merger will qualify under Section 368(a) and shall not take any action that
     may cause the Merger to fail to so qualify.

          (f) DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. Parent and its Subsidiaries shall maintain
     in effect  for one year from the  Closing  Date  directors'  and  officers'
     liability insurance covering those persons who are currently covered by the
     Parent's  directors'  and  officers'  liability  insurance  policy on terms
     comparable to such existing insurance coverage;  provided that in the event
     that any  claim is  brought  under  any such  policy  prior to the one year
     anniversary of the

     Closing Date,  such  directors' and officers'  liability  insurance  policy
     shall be maintained until final  disposition  thereof;  provided,  however,
     that during such  period,  Parent and the  Surviving  Company  shall not be
     required  to  maintain  any  coverage  in excess of the amount  that can be
     obtained for the remainder of such period for an annual  premium of 150% of
     the current annual  premium paid by the Parent for its existing  directors'
     and officers' liability insurance coverage as of the date hereof.


          (a) CONDUCT OF  BUSINESS.  Except as  otherwise  contemplated  by this
     Agreement  or  disclosed  in the  Section  6.2(a) of the Parent  Disclosure
     Schedule,  after the date  hereof and before  the  Closing  Date or earlier
     termination of this Agreement,  unless the Company shall otherwise  consent
     in writing, Parent shall (and shall cause each Subsidiary to):

               (i) conduct its  business in the  ordinary  course of business in
          all material  respects,  in substantially the same manner as conducted
          before the date of this Agreement;

               (ii) use commercially  reasonable  efforts to preserve intact its
          business  organizations  and goodwill,  keep available the services of
          its respective  present  officers and key employees,  and preserve the
          goodwill and business relationships with material customers and others
          having material business relationships with it;

               (iii)  except as  required  by an  existing  Contract on the date
          hereof, not (A) increase the amount of compensation of any director or
          executive officer,  (B) make any increase in or commitment to increase
          any employee  benefits,  or (C) adopt or make any  commitment to adopt
          any new  employee  benefit  plan or make  any  contribution,  grant or
          award,  other than regularly  scheduled  contributions,  to any Parent
          Benefit Plan; and

               (iv) not

                    (A)  amend  or   propose   to  amend  its   certificate   of
               incorporation or bylaws or equivalent organizational documents;

                    (B) authorize  for issuance,  issue,  sell,  offer,  deliver
               pledge or otherwise encumber or agree, propose to offer or commit
               to issue,  sell,  deliver,  pledge or otherwise encumber (whether
               through  the   issuance   or   granting  of  options,   warrants,
               commitments,  subscriptions, rights to purchase or otherwise) any
               additional  shares  of its  capital  stock of any  class or other
               securities   (except  commercial  loans)  or  equity  equivalents
               (including,  without  limitation,  stock  options  and any  stock
               appreciation   rights)   or   securities   convertible   into  or
               exchangeable  for (or accelerate any right to convert or exchange
               securities for any capital stock of Parent other than as provided
               in Section 3.6 hereof),  except that upon  written  notice to the
               Company  Parent may issue shares upon  exercise of options or the
               vesting  of  stock  grants  outstanding  on the date  hereof,  in
               accordance with their  respective  terms as in effect on the date

                    (C) split,  combine or reclassify  its  outstanding  capital
               stock or declare,  set aside or pay any dividend or  distribution
               payable in cash, stock, property or otherwise;

                    (D)  adopt,  authorize  or  propose  a plan of  complete  or
               partial   liquidation,    dissolution,   merger,   consolidation,
               restructuring, recapitalization or other reorganization of Parent
               or any Subsidiary (other than the Merger);

                    (E) redeem, purchase, acquire or offer or propose to redeem,
               purchase  or  acquire  any  shares  of its  capital  stock or any
               options,  warrants or rights to acquire any of its capital  stock
               or any security  convertible into or exchangeable for its capital

                    (F) make or agree to make, by merging or consolidating with,
               by  purchasing  an equity  interest in or a portion of the assets
               of, or in any  other  manner,  any  material  acquisition  of any
               assets or businesses  other than (1) the purchase of  inventories
               and supplies from suppliers and vendors in the ordinary course of
               business, and (2) expenditures for fixed or capital assets not in
               excess of $100,000 in the aggregate;

                    (G) sell, lease,  sub-lease,  exchange,  pledge, encumber or
               otherwise dispose of any material assets or businesses other than
               (1) sales of obsolete and excess assets and sales of  inventories
               in the ordinary  course of business,  (2) sales of  businesses or
               assets  disclosed  in  Section  6.2(a) of the  Parent  Disclosure
               Schedule,  and (3)  Encumbrances  entered  into  in the  ordinary
               course of business;

                    (H) make or revoke any  material  Tax  election  except in a
               manner  consistent  with  past  practice,  change  any  method of
               accounting for Tax purposes, or settle or compromise any material
               Tax  liability  with any  Governmental  Authority  or agree to an
               extension of a statute of limitations;

                    (I) adopt or effect any  change in  accounting  policies  or
               practices,  except to the extent  required by generally  accepted
               accounting principles, or by applicable law;

                    (J) purchase any derivative securities, except for purchases
               to hedge  interest and rate  exposure in the  ordinary  course of

                    (K) (i) incur any indebtedness for borrowed money,  issue or
               sell any debt  securities  or warrants or other rights to acquire
               any debt  securities of Parent or any  Subsidiary,  guarantee any
               such  indebtedness or debt  securities of another  person,  enter
               into any "keep well" or other agreement to maintain any financial
               statement   condition  of  another   person  or  enter  into  any
               arrangement  having the economic  effect of any of the foregoing,
               or (ii) make any loans,  advances or capital contributions to, or
               investments in, any other person, other than to or in Parent;

                    (L) enter into any Contract  with  commitments  by Parent or
               any Subsidiary for  expenditures  of $5,000 or more  individually
               and $25,000 in the aggregate;

                    (M)  pay,   discharge,   settle  or  satisfy   any   claims,
               liabilities  or  obligations  (absolute,   accrued,  asserted  or
               unasserted,  contingent  or  otherwise),  other than the payment,
               discharge,  settlement or satisfaction, in the ordinary course of
               business  consistent  with past  practice or in  accordance  with
               their terms, of liabilities  reflected or reserved against in the
               financial  statements  included  with the Parent SEC Documents or
               incurred  since  the  date of such  financial  statements  in the
               ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; or

                    (N) enter  into any  letter of intent or  binding  contract,
               agreement,  commitment or arrangement  with respect of any of the


               (i) Subject to applicable  law and to the terms and conditions of
          the Mutual Non-Disclosure  Agreement dated July 2, 2004 between Parent
          and the  Company  (the  "Non-Disclosure  Agreement"),  Parent  and its
          Subsidiaries shall afford to the Company and the Company's  employees,
          directors,  officers,  accountants,  counsel,  financial  advisors and
          other  representatives  (the  "Company  Representatives")   reasonable
          access during normal business hours and at other times with reasonable
          notice  throughout the period before the Effective Time (including for
          the purpose of conducting any  environmental  investigations or audits
          that  the  Company  reasonably  determine  are  necessary)  to  all of
          Parent's  properties,  books,  contracts,   commitments,  records  and
          employees  and,  during such  period,  shall  furnish  promptly to the
          Company  or the  Company  Representatives  (i) a copy of each  report,
          schedule  and  other  document   filed  by  Parent   pursuant  to  the
          requirements  of federal  or state  securities  laws,  (ii) such other
          information concerning Parent's business,  properties and personnel as
          the Company shall reasonably request,  and (iii) permit the Company to
          make such  inspections  as it may require (and Parent shall  cooperate
          with in any inspections, including, without limitation,  environmental
          diligence);  PROVIDED,  that all requests for access shall be directed
          to John  Howlett or Ronald  Seitz or such  other  person as Parent may
          designate  in  writing  from  time  to  time.   The  Company  and  its
          subsidiaries shall hold and shall use reasonable best efforts to cause
          the Company Representatives to hold in strict confidence all nonpublic
          documents  and  information  furnished  to the Company and any Company
          Representative  in connection  with the  transactions  contemplated by
          this  Agreement  in  accordance  and  subject  to  the  Non-Disclosure

               (ii) If this Agreement is terminated, the Company shall, upon the
          written  request of Parent,  promptly  return to Parent or destroy all
          nonpublic  written material  provided  pursuant to this Section 6.2(b)
          and shall not retain any copies,  extracts or other  reproductions  in
          whole  or in  part  of  such  written  material.  In  such  event  all
          documents,   memoranda,   notes  and  other  writings  (including  all
          electronic  versions  thereof)  prepared by the  Company  based on the
          information in such material shall be destroyed (and the Company shall
          cause the Company  Representatives to similarly destroy the documents,
          memoranda and notes).

          (c) OFFICERS OF PARENT.  Effective as of the  Effective  Time,  Parent
     shall appoint Dinesh Desai to serve as CEO of Parent and Steven Donnelly to
     serve as CFO of Parent.

          (d) INSURANCE.  Prior to the Effective Time,  Parent shall maintain in
     full force and effect the policies of  insurance  listed in Section 4.23 of
     the Parent Disclosure Schedule,  subject only to variations required by the
     ordinary  operations  of its  business,  or else will obtain,  prior to the
     lapse of any such policy,  substantially  similar coverage with insurers of
     recognized  standing and  approved in writing by the Company.  Parent shall
     promptly  advise the Company in writing of any change of insurer or type of
     coverage in respect of the  policies  listed in Section  4.23 of the Parent
     Disclosure Schedule.

          (e) TAXES.  Pending  Closing,  Parent shall keep adequate  reserves or
     accruals for Taxes on its books and  Financial  Statements,  in  accordance
     with GAAP.

          (f) SENIOR CREDIT FACILITY. Parent shall cooperate with the Company as
     may be  reasonably  necessary to enable the Company to obtain the financing
     described in Section 8.2(g).


          (a) CONDUCT OF  BUSINESS.  Except as  otherwise  contemplated  by this
     Agreement  or  disclosed  in the Section  6.3(a) of the Company  Disclosure
     Schedule,  after the date  hereof and before  the  Closing  Date or earlier
     termination of this  Agreement,  unless Parent shall  otherwise  consent in
     writing, the Company shall (and shall cause each Subsidiary to):

               (i) conduct its  business in the  ordinary  course of business in
          all material  respects,  in substantially the same manner as conducted
          before the date of this Agreement;

               (ii) use commercially  reasonable  efforts to preserve intact its
          business  organizations  and goodwill,  keep available the services of
          its respective  present  officers and key employees,  and preserve the
          goodwill and business relationships with material customers and others
          having material business relationships with it;

               (iii)  except as  required  by an  existing  Contract on the date
          hereof, not (A) increase the amount of compensation of any director or
          executive officer,  (B) make any increase in or commitment to increase
          any employee  benefits,  or (C) adopt or make any  commitment to adopt
          any new  employee  benefit  plan or make  any  contribution,  grant or
          award, other than regularly  scheduled  contributions,  to any Company
          Benefit Plan; and

               (iv) not

                    (A)  amend  or   propose   to  amend  its   certificate   of
               incorporation or bylaws or equivalent organizational documents;

                    (B) authorize  for issuance,  issue,  sell,  offer,  deliver
               pledge or otherwise encumber or agree, propose to offer or commit
               to issue,  sell,  deliver,

               pledge or  otherwise  encumber  (whether  through the issuance or
               granting of options, warrants, commitments, subscriptions, rights
               to purchase or otherwise)  any  additional  shares of its capital
               stock of any class or other securities  (except commercial loans)
               or  equity  equivalents  (including,  without  limitation,  stock
               options  and  any  stock   appreciation   rights)  or  securities
               convertible  into or exchangeable for (or accelerate any right to
               convert  or  exchange  securities  for any  capital  stock of the
               Company  other than as provided in Section  4.6  hereof),  except
               that upon  written  notice to Parent the Company may issue shares
               upon   exercise  of  options  or  the  vesting  of  stock  grants
               outstanding  on  the  date  hereof,   in  accordance  with  their
               respective terms as in effect on the date hereof;

                    (C) split,  combine or reclassify  its  outstanding  capital
               stock or declare,  set aside or pay any dividend or  distribution
               payable in cash, stock, property or otherwise;

                    (D)  adopt,  authorize  or  propose  a plan of  complete  or
               partial   liquidation,    dissolution,   merger,   consolidation,
               restructuring,  recapitalization  or other  reorganization of the
               Company or any Subsidiary (other than the Merger);

                    (E) redeem, purchase, acquire or offer or propose to redeem,
               purchase  or  acquire  any  shares  of its  capital  stock or any
               options,  warrants or rights to acquire any of its capital  stock
               or any security  convertible into or exchangeable for its capital

                    (F) make or agree to make, by merging or consolidating with,
               by  purchasing  an equity  interest in or a portion of the assets
               of, or in any  other  manner,  any  material  acquisition  of any
               assets or businesses  other than (1) the purchase of  inventories
               and supplies from suppliers and vendors in the ordinary course of
               business, and (2) expenditures for fixed or capital assets not in
               excess of $100,000 in the aggregate;

                    (G) sell, lease,  sub-lease,  exchange,  pledge, encumber or
               otherwise dispose of any material assets or businesses other than
               (1) sales of obsolete and excess assets and sales of  inventories
               in the ordinary  course of business,  (2) sales of  businesses or
               assets  disclosed  in Section  6.3(a) of the  Company  Disclosure
               Schedule,  and (3)  Encumbrances  entered  into  in the  ordinary
               course of business;

                    (H) make or revoke any  material  Tax  election  except in a
               manner  consistent  with  past  practice,  change  any  method of
               accounting for Tax purposes, or settle or compromise any material
               Tax  liability  with any  Governmental  Authority  or agree to an
               extension of a statute of limitations;

                    (I) adopt or effect any  change in  accounting  policies  or
               practices,  except to the extent  required by generally  accepted
               accounting principles, or by applicable law;

                    (J) purchase any derivative securities, except for purchases
               to hedge  interest and rate  exposure in the  ordinary  course of

                    (K) (i) incur any indebtedness for borrowed money,  issue or
               sell any debt  securities  or warrants or other rights to acquire
               any debt securities of the Company or any  Subsidiary,  guarantee
               any such indebtedness or debt securities of another person, enter
               into any "keep well" or other agreement to maintain any financial
               statement   condition  of  another   person  or  enter  into  any
               arrangement  having the economic  effect of any of the foregoing,
               or (ii) make any loans,  advances or capital contributions to, or
               investments  in,  any  other  person,  other  than  to or in  the

                    (L) enter into any Contract with  commitments by the Company
               or any Subsidiary for expenditures of $5,000 or more individually
               and $25,000 in the aggregate;

                    (M)  pay,   discharge,   settle  or  satisfy   any   claims,
               liabilities  or  obligations  (absolute,   accrued,  asserted  or
               unasserted,  contingent  or  otherwise),  other than the payment,
               discharge,  settlement or satisfaction, in the ordinary course of
               business  consistent  with past  practice or in  accordance  with
               their terms, of liabilities  reflected or reserved against in the
               financial  statements  included with the Financial  Statements or
               incurred  since  the  date of such  financial  statements  in the
               ordinary course of business consistent with past practice; or

                    (N) enter  into any  letter of intent or  binding  contract,
               agreement,  commitment or arrangement  with respect of any of the


               (i) Subject to applicable  law and to the terms and conditions of
          the Non-Disclosure  Agreement,  the Company and its Subsidiaries shall
          afford  to  Parent  and  Parent's  employees,   directors,   officers,
          accountants,  counsel,  financial  advisors and other  representatives
          (the  "Parent   Representatives")   reasonable  access  during  normal
          business hours and at other times with  reasonable  notice  throughout
          the period before the  Effective  Time  (including  for the purpose of
          conducting  any  environmental  investigations  or audits  that Parent
          reasonably   determine   are   necessary)  to  all  of  the  Company's
          properties, books, contracts,  commitments, records and employees and,
          during such  period,  shall  furnish  promptly to Parent or the Parent
          Representatives (i) a copy of each report, schedule and other document
          filed by the Company  pursuant to the requirements of federal or state
          securities laws, (ii) such other information  concerning the Company's
          business, properties and personnel as Parent shall reasonably request,
          and (iii)  permit  Parent to make such  inspections  as it may require
          (and the Company shall cooperate with in any  inspections,  including,
          without  limitation,  environmental  diligence);  provided,  that  all
          requests for access  shall be directed to Stephen C.  Donnelly or such
          other  person as the Company  may  designate  in writing  from time to
          time. Parent and its subsidiaries  shall hold and shall use reasonable
          best  efforts  to cause the Parent  Representatives  to hold in strict
          confidence all nonpublic documents and information furnished to Parent
          and any Parent  Representative  in  connection  with the  transactions
          contemplated  by this  Agreement  in  accordance  and  subject  to the
          Non-Disclosure Agreement.

               (ii) If this  Agreement is  terminated,  Parent  shall,  upon the
          written  request of the  Company,  promptly  return to the  Company or
          destroy  all  nonpublic  written  material  provided  pursuant to this
          Section  6.3(b)  and shall not retain any  copies,  extracts  or other
          reproductions  in whole or in part of such written  material.  In such
          event all documents,  memoranda,  notes and other writings  (including
          all  electronic  versions  thereof)  prepared  by Parent  based on the
          information  in such  material  shall be  destroyed  (and Parent shall
          cause the Parent  Representatives  to similarly destroy the documents,
          memoranda and notes).

          (c) INSURANCE. Prior to the Effective Time, the Company shall maintain
     in full force and effect the policies of  insurance  listed in Section 5.22
     of the Company Disclosure Schedule,  subject only to variations required by
     the ordinary operations of its business,  or else will obtain, prior to the
     lapse of any such policy,  substantially  similar coverage with insurers of
     recognized  standing and approved in writing by Parent.  The Company  shall
     promptly  advise  Parent in  writing  of any  change of  insurer or type of
     coverage in respect of the  policies  listed in Section 5.22 of the Company
     Disclosure Schedule.

          (d) TAXES.  Pending Closing,  the Company shall keep adequate reserves
     or accruals for Taxes on its books and Financial Statements,  in accordance
     with GAAP.

          (e)  SENIOR  CREDIT  FACILITY.  The  Company  shall  use  commercially
     reasonable efforts to obtain the financing described in Section 8.2(g).

                                  ARTICLE VII



          (a)  (A) From and after the date hereof and before the Effective  Time
          or earlier termination of this Agreement,  Parent shall not and Parent
          shall cause its Subsidiaries,  officers,  directors and employees, and
          any attorney,  accountant,  investment  banker,  financial  advisor or
          other  agent  retained  by it not  to,  initiate,  solicit,  encourage
          (including by providing  non-public or  confidential  information)  or
          take any other action to  facilitate,  any  inquiries or the making of
          any submissions of any Parent Acquisition Proposal (as defined herein)
          or enter into or maintain or continue  discussions  or negotiate  with
          any person or group in  furtherance  of such inquiries or to obtain or
          induce  any  person  or  group  (including  proposals,   inquiries  or
          submissions  by Parent's  directors  or  officers) to make or submit a
          Parent  Acquisition  Proposal  or  agree  to  or  endorse  any  Parent
          Acquisition  Proposal  or  assist or  participate  in,  facilitate  or
          encourage, any effort or attempt by any other person or group to do or
          seek any of the  foregoing or authorize or permit any of its officers,
          directors or employees or any of its Subsidiaries or affiliates or any
          attorney,  accountant,  investment banker,  financial advisor or other
          representative  or agent retained by it or any Subsidiary to take such
          action.  "Parent  Acquisition  Proposal"  means an  inquiry,  offer or
          proposal  regarding any of the following  (other than the transactions
          contemplated  by this Agreement)  involving  Parent or any Subsidiary:
          (i)  any  merger,  consolidation,  share  exchange,  recapitalization,
          liquidation,   dissolution,  business  combination  or  other  similar
          transaction;   (ii)  any  sale,  lease,  exchange,  mortgage,  pledge,
          transfer or other

          disposition of 20% or more of the assets of Parent,  any Subsidiary or
          of any Material  Business (as defined herein) in a single  transaction
          or series of related transactions; (iii) any tender offer (including a
          self tender  offer) or  exchange  offer that,  if  consummated,  would
          result in any person or group beneficially owning more than 20% of the
          outstanding  shares of any class of equity securities of Parent (or in
          the case of a person or group which beneficially owns more than 20% of
          the outstanding  shares of any class of equity securities of Parent or
          any  Subsidiary as of the date hereof,  would result in such person or
          group  increasing  the  percentage  or number of shares of such  class
          beneficially  owned  by such  person  or  group)  or the  filing  of a
          registration   statement   under  the  Securities  Act  in  connection
          therewith;  (iv)  any  acquisition  of 20% or more of the  outstanding
          shares of  capital  stock of Parent  or the  filing of a  registration
          statement  under the  Securities  Act in  connection  therewith or any
          other  acquisition  or  disposition  the  consummation  of which would
          prevent or  materially  diminish  the  benefits  to the Company of the
          Merger; or (v) any public announcement by Parent or any third party of
          a proposal,  plan or  intention  to do any of the  foregoing or of any
          agreement  to engage in any of the  foregoing.  Without  limiting  the
          foregoing, it is understood that any violation of the restrictions set
          forth  in this  Section  7.1 by any  officer,  director,  employee  or
          affiliate of Parent or any  Subsidiary  or any  attorney,  accountant,
          investment banker or other advisor,  agent or representative of Parent
          or any Subsidiary,  whether or not such person is purporting to act on
          behalf of Parent or otherwise,  shall be deemed to be a breach of this
          Section 7.1(a)(A) by Parent.

               (B) From and after the date hereof and before the Effective  Time
          or earlier  termination of this  Agreement,  the Company shall not and
          the Company  shall cause its  Subsidiaries,  officers,  directors  and
          employees, and any attorney, accountant,  investment banker, financial
          advisor  or other  agent  retained  by it not to,  initiate,  solicit,
          encourage   (including  by  providing   non-public   or   confidential
          information) or take any other action to facilitate,  any inquiries or
          the making of any submissions of any Company Acquisition  Proposal (as
          defined  herein) or enter into or maintain or continue  discussions or
          negotiate with any person or group in furtherance of such inquiries or
          to  obtain  or  induce  any  person  or  group  (including  proposals,
          inquiries or  submissions  by the Company's  directors or officers) to
          make or submit a Company  Acquisition  Proposal or agree to or endorse
          any  Company  Acquisition   Proposal  or  assist  or  participate  in,
          facilitate or encourage,  any effort or attempt by any other person or
          group to do or seek any of the foregoing or authorize or permit any of
          its  officers,  directors or employees or any of its  Subsidiaries  or
          affiliates or any attorney,  accountant,  investment banker, financial
          advisor  or  other  representative  or  agent  retained  by it or  any
          Subsidiary to take such action.  "Company Acquisition  Proposal" means
          an inquiry,  offer or proposal  regarding any of the following  (other
          than the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement)  involving the
          Company  or any  Subsidiary:  (i)  any  merger,  consolidation,  share
          exchange,   recapitalization,   liquidation,   dissolution,   business
          combination  or  other  similar  transaction;  (ii) any  sale,  lease,
          exchange,  mortgage,  pledge,  transfer or other disposition of 20% or
          more of the assets of the Company,  any  Subsidiary or of any Material
          Business  (as  defined  herein) in a single  transaction  or series of
          related transactions;  (iii) any tender offer (including a self tender
          offer) or exchange  offer that,  if  consummated,  would result in any
          person or group  beneficially  owning more than 20% of the outstanding
          shares of any class of equity  securities  of the  Company  (or in the
          case of a person or group which beneficially owns more than 20% of the
          outstanding shares of any class of equity securities of the Company or
          any  Subsidiary as of the date hereof,  would result in such person or

          group  increasing  the  percentage  or number of shares of such  class
          beneficially  owned  by such  person  or  group)  or the  filing  of a
          registration   statement   under  the  Securities  Act  in  connection
          therewith;  (iv)  any  acquisition  of 20% or more of the  outstanding
          shares of capital stock of the Company or the filing of a registration
          statement  under the  Securities  Act in  connection  therewith or any
          other  acquisition  or  disposition  the  consummation  of which would
          prevent or  materially  diminish the benefits to Parent of the Merger;
          or (v) any public  announcement by the Company or any third party of a
          proposal,  plan  or  intention  to do any of the  foregoing  or of any
          agreement  to engage in any of the  foregoing.  Without  limiting  the
          foregoing, it is understood that any violation of the restrictions set
          forth  in this  Section  7.1 by any  officer,  director,  employee  or
          affiliate  of  the  Company  or  any   Subsidiary   or  any  attorney,
          accountant,   investment   banker   or   other   advisor,   agent   or
          representative  of the Company or any Subsidiary,  whether or not such
          person is  purporting  to act on behalf of the  Company or  otherwise,
          shall  be  deemed  to be a breach  of this  Section  7.1(a)(B)  by the

          (b) Nothing contained in this Section 7.1 shall prohibit Parent or the
     Board of Directors of Parent from taking and disclosing to its stockholders
     a position  contemplated by Rules 14d-9 and 14e-2(a)  promulgated under the
     Exchange Act or from making any disclosure to Parent's  stockholders if the
     Board of Directors of Parent,  after  consultation  with and based upon the
     written opinion of independent legal counsel (who may be Parent's regularly
     engaged independent counsel),  determines reasonably and in good faith that
     the failure to take such action would  constitute a breach of the fiduciary
     duty of the Board of Directors under applicable law;  provided that neither
     the Board of Directors  of Parent nor any  committee  thereof  withdraws or
     modifies,  or proposes to withdraw or modify,  the approval of the Board of
     Directors  of Parent of the Merger or approves or  recommends,  or publicly
     proposes to approve a Parent  Acquisition  Proposal unless and until Parent
     and the Board of Directors of Parent have complied with all the  provisions
     of this Section 7.1.

          (c)  (A) Parent shall promptly  notify (and, in any event,  within one
          business  day) the Company  orally and in writing after receipt of any
          Parent  Acquisition  Proposal,  indication  of interest or request for
          non-public  information  relating  to  Parent  or  any  Subsidiary  in
          connection  with a Parent  Acquisition  Proposal  or for access to the
          properties,  books or records of the Parent by any Person that informs
          the Board of Directors of Parent that it is considering making, or has
          made, a Parent Acquisition  Proposal and the status of any discussions
          with  respect to a Parent  Acquisition  Proposal.  Such  notice  shall
          include  the  material  terms  of  such  request,  Parent  Acquisition
          Proposal  or inquiry and the  identity  of the person  making any such
          request,  Parent  Acquisition  Proposal  or inquiry  and the  Parent's
          response  thereto.  Parent will keep the Company fully informed of the
          status and details  (including  amendments or proposed  amendments) of
          any such request, Parent Acquisition Proposal or inquiry.  Immediately
          following the execution of this Agreement, Parent will cease and cause
          to be terminated any existing activities,  discussions or negotiations
          with any  parties  conducted  heretofore  with  respect  to any of the

               (B) The Company shall promptly notify (and, in any event,  within
          one business  day) Parent  orally and in writing  after receipt of any
          Company  Acquisition  Proposal,  indication of interest or request for
          non-public  information  relating to the Company or any  Subsidiary in
          connection  with a Company  Acquisition  Proposal or for access to the

          books or records of the Company by any Person  that  informs the Board
          of  Directors  of the Company that it is  considering  making,  or has
          made, a Company Acquisition Proposal and the status of any discussions
          with  respect to a Company  Acquisition  Proposal.  Such notice  shall
          include  the  material  terms  of such  request,  Company  Acquisition
          Proposal  or inquiry and the  identity  of the person  making any such
          request,  Company  Acquisition  Proposal or inquiry and the  Company's
          response  thereto.  The Company will keep Parent fully informed of the
          status and details  (including  amendments or proposed  amendments) of
          any such request, Company Acquisition Proposal or inquiry. Immediately
          following the execution of this Agreement,  the Company will cease and
          cause  to  be  terminated  any  existing  activities,  discussions  or
          negotiations with any parties conducted heretofore with respect to any
          of the foregoing.

          (d) Except as expressly  permitted  by this  Section 7.1,  neither the
     Board of Directors of Parent nor any committee  thereof shall (i) withdraw,
     modify in a manner adverse to the Company,  or propose to withdraw,  modify
     in a  manner  adverse  to the  Company  or  fail to make  its  approval  or
     recommendation  of the Merger,  this Agreement and the other  transactions,
     (ii) approve or recommend,  or propose to approve or recommend,  any Parent
     Acquisition Proposal,  (iii) take any action not previously taken to render
     the   provisions  of  any   anti-takeover   statute,   rule  or  regulation
     inapplicable  to any person (other than the Company or its  affiliates)  or
     group or to any Parent Acquisition Proposal, or (iv) cause Parent to accept
     such Parent  Acquisition  Proposal  and/or enter into any letter of intent,
     agreement in principle,  acquisition  agreement or other similar  agreement
     (each,  an  "Acquisition  Agreement")  related  to any  Parent  Acquisition
     Proposal;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that the Board of  Directors  of Parent may
     terminate  this  Agreement  pursuant to Section  9.1(e) if, and only to the
     extent that (A) such Parent  Acquisition  Proposal is a Superior  Proposal,
     (B) the Board of Directors  of Parent,  after  consultation  with and based
     upon the written opinion of independent  legal counsel (who may be Parent's
     regularly engaged independent  counsel),  determines reasonably and in good
     faith that the failure to do so would  constitute a breach of the fiduciary
     duty of the Board of Directors of Parent under  applicable  law, (C) Parent
     shall, prior to or simultaneously with the taking of such action, have paid
     or pay to the Company or its designee the Parent  Termination  Fee referred
     to in Section 9.2, (D) Parent is not in material  breach of this Agreement,
     including  without  limitation  this  Section  7.3,  (E) Parent  shall have
     complied with its  obligations  under Section  9.1(e) and (F)  concurrently
     with  such  termination,   Parent  enters  into  a  definitive  acquisition
     agreement with respect to such Superior Proposal.

          (e) "Superior  Proposal"  means any proposal made by one or more third
     parties  (the  "Bidders")  to acquire,  directly or  indirectly,  including
     pursuant to a tender offer,  exchange offer, merger,  consolidation,  share
     exchange, business combination, recapitalization,  liquidation, dissolution
     or other  similar  transaction,  90% or more of the shares of Parent Common
     Stock then outstanding or all or substantially  all of the assets of Parent
     for consideration  consisting of cash and/or marketable securities provided
     that if the Company shall have placed $5.5 million into an escrow  account,
     then such  proposal  will not be a Superior  Proposal if it is subject to a
     financing  or funding  condition,  which the Board of  Directors  of Parent
     determines reasonably and in good faith (based on the written opinion of an
     independent  financial  advisor)  to be  superior  to the holders of Parent
     Common  Stock from a  financial  point of view  (taking  into  account  any
     changes to the terms of this Agreement that have been proposed by Parent in
     response to such  proposal)  and to be more  favorable to holders of Parent

     Stock  (taking into account all  financial  and  strategic  considerations,
     including relevant legal,  financial,  regulatory and other aspects of such
     proposal and the third party making such  proposal and the  conditions  and
     prospects for  completion of such  proposal)  than the Merger and the other
     transactions taken as a whole.  "Material  Business" means any business (or
     the  assets  needed  to  carry  out  such  business)  that  contributed  or
     represented  20% or more of the net  sales,  the net  income or the  assets
     (including equity  securities) of Parent and its  Subsidiaries,  taken as a

     Section 7.2 EXPENSES AND FEES. If the Agreement is terminated all costs and
expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  this  Agreement  and the  transactions
contemplated  hereby shall be paid by the party incurring such expenses,  except
as provided in Section 9.2. If the Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated
hereby are  consummated,  all costs and expenses  incurred  shall be paid by the
party incurring such expenses.

     Section 7.3 THIRD PARTY STANDSTILL AGREEMENTS.  Set forth in Section 7.3 of
the  Parent   Disclosure   Schedule   is  a  true  and   correct   list  of  all
confidentiality,  standstill  or  similar  agreements  to  which  Parent  or any
Subsidiary is a party (other than any involving Parent or  Acquisition).  During
the period from the execution of the letter agreement dated July 2, 2004 between
Parent and DARR Global Holdings, Inc. through the Effective Time, Parent has not
and shall not terminate,  amend,  modify or waive any material  provision of any
confidentiality  or  standstill  or  similar  agreement  to which  Parent or any
Subsidiary is a party (other than any  involving  the  Company).  Subject to the
foregoing, during such period, Parent agrees to enforce and agrees to permit the
Company to enforce on its behalf and as third party  beneficiaries  thereof,  to
the fullest extent  permitted  under  applicable law, the provisions of any such
agreements,  including  obtaining  injunctions  to prevent any  breaches of such
agreements and to enforce  specifically the terms and provisions  thereof in any
court or other  tribunal  having  jurisdiction.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,
nothing in this Section 7.3 is intended to prevent  Parent from  exercising  its
rights under Section 7.1 in accordance  with the provisions of such Section.  In
addition,  Parent hereby waives any rights Parent may have under any  standstill
or similar agreements to object to the Merger.

     Section 7.4 REGISTRATION RIGHTS. At the Closing,  Parent and the holders of
Company Common Stock shall execute and deliver a registration  rights  agreement
granting to the Darr Investors and the Management Investors (as defined therein)
registration rights in the form of EXHIBIT C hereto.

     Section 7.5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PARENT.  The Company shall  designate the
persons listed on Section 7.5 of the Company Disclosure Schedule to the board of
directors  of  Parent  immediately  upon  the  Effective  Time,  subject  to the
requirements  of this Section 7.5.  Subject to applicable law, Parent shall take
all action requested by the Company which is reasonably  necessary to effect any
such  designation,   including  mailing  to  its  stockholders  the  information
statement (the "Information  Statement")  containing the information required by
Section  14(f) of the Exchange Act and Rule 14f-1  promulgated  thereunder,  and
Parent agrees to make such  mailing.  The Company and its counsel shall be given
an opportunity to review and comment upon the Information Statement prior to the
filing  thereof with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  Parent agrees to
provide the Company and its counsel with copies of any written  comments  Parent
or its counsel may receive from the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission or its

staff with respect to the Information  Statement.  The Company will cooperate in
providing information necessary to file the Information Statement.

     Section  7.6 TENDER  OFFER.  The  Company  covenants  and agrees to use its
commercially  reasonable efforts to commence,  as soon as practicable  following
the  Closing,  but in no event  later than 30 days  thereafter,  a tender  offer
pursuant to which Parent will offer to repurchase  shares of Parent common stock
having an aggregate  purchase price of up to $5.5 million (the "Tender  Offer").
The Tender Offer shall be effectuated through a tender offer for up to 2,864,584
shares of Parent common stock with a price of $1.92 per share.  The Tender Offer
shall be financed  through the use of cash and borrowings under Parent's and the
Surviving  Company's  credit facility in effect after the Effective Time. At the
Effective Time, the Company shall cause $5.5 million to be placed into an escrow
account to be held by a mutually  agreed upon escrow agent.  Such funds shall be
distributed upon completion of the Tender Offer.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


respective  obligations  of each party to effect  the Merger are  subject to the
satisfaction  or waiver,  where  permissible,  before the Effective Time, of the
following conditions:

          (a)  no  statute,  rule,   regulation,   executive  order,  decree  or
     injunction shall have been enacted,  entered,  promulgated,  or enforced by
     any court or  Governmental  Authority which is in effect and has the effect
     of prohibiting the consummation of the Merger; and

          (b) (i) in the case of the Parent's obligations,  (x) all other Parent
     Required Statutory  Approvals  necessary for the consummation of the Merger
     and the  transactions  shall  have  been  obtained  and be in effect at the
     Effective  Time,  and (y) all other  consents or approvals of  Governmental
     Authorities   necessary  for  the   consummation  of  the  Merger  and  the
     transactions  shall have been  obtained  and be in effect at the  Effective
     Time, except where the failure to obtain any such consent or approval could
     not reasonably be expected to have,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  a
     Parent  Material  Adverse  Effect,  and (ii) in the  case of the  Company's
     obligations,  (x) all other Company Required Statutory  Approvals necessary
     for the consummation of the Merger and the transactions contemplated hereby
     shall have been  obtained and be in effect at the Effective  Time,  and (y)
     all other consents or approvals of Governmental  Authorities  necessary for
     the  consummation  of the  Merger  and the  transactions  shall  have  been
     obtained and be in effect at the Effective  Time,  except where the failure
     to obtain any such consent or approval  could not reasonably be expected to
     have a Company Material Adverse Effect.

The obligations of the Company to effect the Merger and otherwise consummate the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement are subject to the satisfaction (or
waiver by the  Company),  at or prior to the Closing,  of each of the  following

     Parent and Acquisition shall have performed in all material respects all of
     the obligations under this Agreement to be performed by it at or before the
     Closing,  (ii) all representations and warranties of Parent and Acquisition
     contained in this Agreement that are qualified by materiality  will be true
     and  correct  in all  respects  on the  date of this  Agreement  and on the
     Effective  Date  subject  to such  qualification,  with the same  force and
     effect as though such  representations  and warranties had been made on and
     as of the Closing Date, except to the extent that such  representations are
     made expressly as of an earlier date,  which  representations  will be true
     and correct as of such  earlier  date,  and (iii) all  representations  and
     warranties of Parent and  Acquisition  contained in this Agreement that are
     not  qualified  by  materiality  will be true and  correct in all  material
     respects on the date of this Agreement and on the Effective  Date, with the
     same force and effect as though such  representations  and  warranties  had
     been made on and as of the Effective  Date,  except to the extent that such
     representations   are  made   expressly  as  of  an  earlier  date,   which
     representations  will be true and  correct  as of such  earlier  date.  The
     Company shall have been furnished with a certificate of Parent's  President
     or Vice President, dated the Effective Date, certifying to the foregoing.

          (b) ANTITRUST FILINGS.  No Governmental  Authority having jurisdiction
     over the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall have taken any action to
     enjoin or prevent the consummation of such transactions.

          (c)  THIRD  PARTY  CONSENTS.  All  third-party  consents  required  in
     connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  shall  have  been
     obtained  for the  Contracts  set forth in  Section  8.2(c)  of the  Parent
     Disclosure Schedule (the "Specified Contracts").

          (d) NO PARENT  MATERIAL  ADVERSE EFFECT.  No Parent  Material  Adverse
     Effect shall have occurred, nor shall any event or circumstance which could
     reasonably  be  expected  to have a Parent  Material  Adverse  Effect  have

          (e)  PURCHASE  AGREEMENT  PAYMENTS.  As of Closing,  Parent shall have
     satisfied all obligations to pay deferred  consideration  under each of (i)
     the Asset  Acquisition  Agreement  dated  December  5, 2001 by and  between
     Devise Associates,  Inc. and Parent,  (ii) the Asset Acquisition  Agreement
     dated August 31, 2002 by and between  Turnkey  Computer  Systems,  Inc. and
     Parent and (iii) the Asset  Acquisition  Agreement dated August 12, 2002 by
     and between Acentra Technologies, Inc. and Parent.

          (f)  FINANCING.   Parent,  Surviving  Company  and  Westwood  Computer
     Corporation,  a subsidiary  of the  Company,  shall have entered into a new
     senior credit facility on terms and conditions  reasonably  satisfactory to
     the Company.

          (g) DIRECTORS.  Each of the directors  listed on Section 8.2(h) of the
     Parent Disclosure Schedule shall have delivered their resignations from the
     Board of Directors of Parent.

          (h) TERMINATION. The Company shall have received evidence that each of
     the agreements on Schedule 8.2(i) shall be terminated  simultaneously  with

obligations  of Parent  and  Acquisition  to effect  the  Merger  and  otherwise
consummate the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement are subject to the
satisfaction (or waiver by Parent),  at or prior to the Closing,  of each of the
following conditions:

     Company  shall  have  performed  in  all  material   respects  all  of  the
     obligations  under this  Agreement  to be  performed by it at or before the
     Closing,  (ii) all  representations and warranties of the Company contained
     in this  Agreement  that  are  qualified  by  materiality  will be true and
     correct in all respects on the date of this  Agreement and on the Effective
     Date  subject  to such  qualification,  with the same  force and  effect as
     though such  representations  and warranties had been made on and as of the
     Closing  Date,  except to the  extent  that such  representations  are made
     expressly as of an earlier  date,  which  representations  will be true and
     correct  as of  such  earlier  date,  and  (iii)  all  representations  and
     warranties  of the  Company  contained  in  this  Agreement  that  are  not
     qualified by materiality will be true and correct in all material  respects
     on the date of this  Agreement  and on the  Effective  Date,  with the same
     force and effect as though such  representations  and  warranties  had been
     made on and as of the  Effective  Date,  except  to the  extent  that  such
     representations   are  made   expressly  as  of  an  earlier  date,   which
     representations  will be true and correct as of such earlier  date.  Parent
     shall have been furnished with a certificate of the Company's  President or
     Vice President, dated the Effective, certifying to the foregoing.

          (b) ANTITRUST FILINGS.  No Governmental  Authority having jurisdiction
     over the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall have taken any action to
     enjoin or prevent the consummation of such transactions.

          (c)  REQUIRED  GOVERNMENTAL   CONSENTS;   NOTICE.  All  statutory  and
     regulatory  consents and  approvals  which are  required  under the laws or
     regulations  of the  United  States and other  Authorities  shall have been

          (d)  THIRD  PARTY  CONSENTS.  All  third-party  consents  required  in
     connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  shall  have  been
     obtained for the Specified Contracts.

          (e) TENDER OFFER.  The  shareholders of the Company shall have entered
     into an agreement in form reasonably  satisfactory to Parent that they will
     not participate in the Tender Offer.

                                   ARTICLE IX


     Section 9.1  TERMINATION.  This  Agreement  may be  terminated  at any time
before the Effective Time:

          (a) by mutual written consent of Parent and the Company;

          (b) by the  Company at any time if (i) Parent and  Acquisition  are in
     breach in any material  respect of any of its  covenants or  agreements  in
     this Agreement  (other than those contained in Sections  6.2(a)(iv)(B)  and
     6.2(a)(iv)(E)),  (ii) Parent is in breach in any respect of the  agreements
     and covenants set forth in Sections 6.2(a)(iv)(B) and 6.2(a)(iv)(E),  (iii)
     the representations  and warranties of Parent and Acquisition  contained in
     this Agreement  that are qualified by materiality  are not true and correct
     in all  respects on the date of this  Agreement  and at anytime  thereafter
     subject  to such  qualification,  with the same  force and effect as though
     such  representations  and  warranties  had been made on and as such  date,
     except to the extent that such  representations are made expressly as of an
     earlier date, which  representations  should be true and correct as of such
     earlier date or (iv) the representations and warranties of Parent contained
     in this Agreement  that are not qualified by  materiality  are not true and
     correct  in all  material  respects  on the date of this  Agreement  and at
     anytime  thereafter,  with  the  same  force  and  effect  as  though  such
     representations and warranties had been made on and as of such date, except
     to the extent that such representations are made expressly as of an earlier
     date, which  representations  should be true and correct as of such earlier
     date (collectively,  a "Parent Breach"), which Parent Breach shall not have
     been cured, if such Parent Breach is capable of cure,  within ten (10) days
     after written notice thereof by the Company;

          (c) by Parent or the Company, if there shall exist any statute,  rule,
     regulation  or  order  of  any  court  or   Governmental   Authority  which
     permanently  (without  right of appeal  or  reconsideration)  restrains  or
     prohibits the transactions contemplated hereby;

          (d) by Parent prior to the Closing, concurrently with the execution of
     a definitive  acquisition  agreement under the  circumstances  permitted by
     Section 7.1;  provided,  that such  termination  under this Section  9.1(d)
     shall not be effective  unless (i) Parent and its Board of Directors  shall
     have  complied in all material  respects with all their  obligations  under
     Section 7.1 and Parent shall have paid the Parent  Termination Fee pursuant
     to Section  9.2(b) and (ii) Parent shall have  provided the Company with at
     least three (3) Business  Days' prior written  notice prior to  terminating
     this  Agreement,  which  notice shall be  accompanied  by (1) a copy of the
     proposed  definitive  acquisition  agreement  with  respect to the Superior
     Proposal  that  Parent   proposes  to  accept  and  (2)  Parent's   written
     certification  that it has made the  determinations  with  respect  to such
     Superior  Proposal  set  forth in  clauses  (A) and (B) of the  proviso  in
     Section 7.1(d) and (3) the representation  that Parent will, in the absence
     of any other  Superior  Proposal,  execute  such a  definitive  acquisition
     agreement  unless the Company  modifies this  Agreement  such that Parent's
     Board of Directors  determines that this Agreement is at least as favorable
     to the holders of Parent's  common stock from a financial  point of view as
     such Superior Proposal;

          (e) by the Company if (i) Parent shall have  notified the Company that
     its Board of Directors has resolved to recommend another transaction to the
     stockholders  of  Parent,  (ii) the  Board of  Directors  of  Parent or any
     committee thereof shall have withdrawn, or modified,  amended or changed in
     a manner  adverse to the Company  its  approval  or  recommendation  of the
     transactions  contemplated hereby or this Agreement, or shall have approved
     or recommended to Parent's  stockholders  an Acquisition  Proposal or shall
     have adopted any  resolutions  to effect any of the  foregoing or (iii) the
     Board of  Directors  of the Parent  shall have failed to publicly  reaffirm
     their approval of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or this Agreement
     within two (2) Business Days following the Company's  written request to do

          (f) by the  Parent at any time if (i) the  Company is in breach in any
     material  respect of any of its covenants or agreements in this  Agreement,
     (ii) the  representations  and warranties of the Company  contained in this
     Agreement that are qualified by materiality are not true and correct in all
     respects on the date of this Agreement and at anytime thereafter subject to
     such  qualification,  with  the  same  force  and  effect  as  though  such
     representations and warranties had been made on and as such date, except to
     the extent that such  representations  are made  expressly as of an earlier
     date, which  representations  should be true and correct as of such earlier
     date or (iii) the  representations  and warranties of the Company contained
     in this Agreement  that are not qualified by  materiality  are not true and
     correct  in all  material  respects  on the date of this  Agreement  and at
     anytime  thereafter,  with  the  same  force  and  effect  as  though  such
     representations and warranties had been made on and as of such date, except
     to the extent that such representations are made expressly as of an earlier
     date, which  representations  should be true and correct as of such earlier
     date  (collectively,  a "Company  Breach"),  which Company Breach shall not
     have been cured, if such Company Breach is capable of cure, within ten (10)
     days after notice thereof by Parent; or

          (g) by either  the  Company  or Parent if the  Closing  shall not have
     occurred by September 30, 2005 and the terminating party is not in material
     breach of this Agreement


          (a) In the event of  termination of this Agreement by either Parent or
     the Company pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.1, this Agreement shall
     forthwith become void and there shall be no liability or further obligation
     on the  part  of the  Company,  Parent,  Acquisition  or  their  respective
     officers or directors  (except for  obligations in this Section 9.2, in the
     second  sentence  of  Sections  6.2(b)(i)  and  6.3(b)(i)  and in  Sections
     6.2(b)(ii),  6.3(b)(ii),  7.2, 10.5, and 10.10,  all of which shall survive
     the termination).  Nothing in this Section 9.2 shall relieve any party from
     liability  for any  willful  and  intentional  breach  of any  covenant  or
     agreement of such party contained in this Agreement.

          (b) If (i) the Company  terminates this Agreement  pursuant to Section
     9.1(e);  (ii) the Company  terminates  this  Agreement  pursuant to Section
     9.1(b); or (iii) this Agreement is terminated by Parent pursuant to Section
     9.1(d),  then  Parent  shall pay to the Company a  termination  fee in cash
     equal to $400,000 plus Expenses (the "Parent Termination Fee"), which shall
     be paid in the case of a  termination  pursuant to  subclause  (ii) of this
     Section  9.2(b),  within two (2) Business  Days  following  the date of the
     occurrence  described in such  subclause,  or in the case of a  termination
     pursuant to  subclause  (i) or (iii) of this  Section  9.2(b),  prior to or
     simultaneously  with such termination.  If Parent terminates this Agreement
     pursuant  to  Section  9.1(f),  then  the  Company  shall  pay to  Parent a
     termination  fee in cash equal to  $400,000  plus  Expenses  (the  "Company
     Termination  Fee"),  which  shall  be paid  within  two (2)  Business  Days
     following  the date of the  occurrence  described  in such  subclause.  Any
     payment  required to be made pursuant to this  subsection (b) shall be made
     by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated by
     the Company or Parent, as applicable. Payment of the Parent Termination Fee
     or the Company  Termination  Fee shall be deemed to  constitute  liquidated
     damages and shall be the party's  only  remedy.  "Expenses"  shall mean the

     documented out of pocket costs and expenses incurred by the Company and its
     affiliates or Parent and its affiliates, as applicable,  with respect to or
     arising  out of the  negotiation  and  execution  of  this  Agreement,  the
     Non-Disclosure Agreement and the performance of the transactions, including
     all  fees  and  expenses  of  counsel,  accountants,   investment  bankers,
     printers,  experts and consultants and travel expenses,  disbursements  and
     other external or internal out of pocket costs or expenses.

     Section 9.3 AMENDMENT. This Agreement may not be amended, modified, altered
or  supplemented  other than by means of a written  instrument duly executed and
delivered:  (a) prior to the Closing Date, on behalf of Parent,  Acquisition and
the Company; and (b) after the Closing Date, by Parent and the Company.

     Section 9.4 EXTENSION;  WAIVER.  At any time before the Effective Time, any
party  hereto  may  (a)  extend  the  time  for  the  performance  of any of the
obligations or other acts of the other party,  (b) waive any inaccuracies in the
representations  and  warranties of the other party  contained  herein or in any
document,  certificate  or  writing  delivered  pursuant  hereto,  or (c)  waive
compliance  by the party  with any of the  agreements  or  conditions  contained
herein.  Any agreement on the part of any party hereto to any such  extension or
waiver shall be valid only if set forth in an  instrument  in writing  signed on
behalf of such  party.  The  failure  of any party  hereto to assert  any of its
rights hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of such rights.

                                   ARTICLE X

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

representations  and  warranties  made  herein by the parties  hereto  shall not
survive the  Effective  Time.  This Section 10.1 shall not limit any covenant or
agreement  of the parties  hereto  which by its terms  contemplates  performance
after the Effective Time or after the termination of this Agreement.

     Section 10.2 FURTHER ASSURANCES.  Each party hereto shall execute and cause
to be delivered to each other party hereto such instruments and other documents,
and shall take such other actions,  as such other party may  reasonably  request
(prior  to,  at or  after  the  Closing)  for the  purpose  of  carrying  out or
evidencing any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     Section 10.3  NOTICES.  All notices,  requests,  claims,  demands and other
communications  hereunder  shall be in writing  and shall be deemed  given,  and
shall be effective upon receipt, if delivered  personally,  telecopied (which is
confirmed),  sent by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested), or
sent by overnight  courier  (providing  proof of delivery) to the parties at the
following  addresses (or at such other address for a party as shall be specified
by like notice):

                           If to the Company, to:

                           Darr Westwood Technology Corporation
                           309 Fellowship Road, Suite 210
                           Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08504

                           Attn:  Dinesh Desai
                           Facsimile number:  856.840.0885


                           Dechert LLP
                           4000 Bell Atlantic Tower
                           1717 Arch Street
                           Philadelphia, PA 19103
                           Attn:  Carmen J. Romano, Esq.
                           Facsimile number:  215.994.2222

                           If to Parent or Acquisition, to:

                           Emtec, Inc.
                           572 Whitehead Road, Bldg. #1
                           Trenton, NJ 08619
                           Attn:  John Howlett
                           Facsimile number:  815.346.7605

                           with a copy to:

                           Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP
                           1221 Avenue of the Americas
                           New York, NY 10020
                           Facsimile number:  212.768.6800
                           Attn:  Ira I. Roxland, Esq.

     Section  10.4  GOVERNING  LAW.  This  agreement  shall be  governed  in all
respects,  including  validity,  interpretation  and effect,  by the laws of the
State of Delaware  applicable to contracts  executed and to be performed  wholly
within such state.

     Section 10.5 PARTIES TO AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be binding upon and
inure  solely to the benefit of each party  hereto,  nothing in this  Agreement,
express or implied,  is  intended to confer upon any other  Person any rights or
remedies  of any nature  whatsoever  under or by reason of this  Agreement.  The
rights of any third party beneficiary  hereunder are not subject to any defense,
offset or counterclaim.

     Section 10.6 INTERPRETATION.  When a reference is made in this Agreement to
an Article, Section or Exhibit, such reference shall be to an Article or Section
of, or an Exhibit to, this Agreement  unless otherwise  indicated.  The table of
contents and headings  contained in this  Agreement are for  reference  purposes
only and  shall not  affect in any way the  meaning  or  interpretation  of this
Agreement.  Whenever the words "include,"  "includes" or "including" are used in
this  Agreement,  they  shall be deemed  to be  followed  by the words  "without
limitation."  The words "hereof,"  "herein" and "hereunder" and words of similar
import when used in this

Agreement  shall refer to this  Agreement  as a whole and not to any  particular
provision of this Agreement.  All terms defined in this Agreement shall have the
defined  meanings  when  used  in any  certificate  or  other  document  made or
delivered pursuant hereto unless otherwise defined therein or unless the context
clearly  otherwise  indicates.  The definitions  contained in this Agreement are
applicable  to the singular as well as the plural forms of such terms and to the
masculine  as well as to the  feminine  and neuter  genders  of such  term.  Any
agreement,  instrument  or  statute  defined  or  referred  to  herein or in any
agreement  or  instrument  that is  referred  to herein  means  such  agreement,
instrument  or statute as from time to time amended,  modified or  supplemented,
including (in the case of agreements  or  instruments)  by waiver or consent and
(in the case of statutes) by  succession of  comparable  successor  statutes and
references to all  attachments  thereto and  instruments  incorporated  therein.
References to a Person are also to its permitted successors and assigns.

     Section 10.7 SEVERABILITY. If any term or other provision of this Agreement
is invalid,  illegal or incapable of being enforced by any law or public policy,
all other terms and provisions of this Agreement  shall  nevertheless  remain in
full  force  and  effect  so long as the  economic  or  legal  substance  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  is not  affected  in any  manner  materially
adverse to any party. Upon such  determination  that any term or other provision
is invalid,  illegal or incapable of being  enforced,  the parties  hereto shall
negotiate  in good faith to modify this  Agreement  so as to effect the original
intent of the parties as closely as possible  in an  acceptable  manner in order
that  the  transactions   contemplated  hereby  are  consummated  as  originally
contemplated to the greatest extent possible.

     Section  10.8  ASSIGNMENT.  Neither this  Agreement  nor any of the rights,
interests or obligations under this Agreement shall be assigned,  in whole or in
part, by operation of law or otherwise by any of the parties  hereto without the
prior written  consent of the other parties.  Any assignment in violation of the
preceding  sentence  shall be void.  Subject  to the  preceding  sentence,  this
Agreement will be binding upon,  inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by,
the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

     Section 10.9 ENFORCEMENT.  The parties agree that irreparable  damage would
occur  and that the  parties  would not have any  adequate  remedy at law in the
event  that  any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement  were not  performed  in
accordance  with  their  specific  terms  or  were  otherwise  breached.  It  is
accordingly  agreed that the  parties  shall be  entitled  to an  injunction  or
injunctions to prevent  breaches of this  Agreement and to enforce  specifically
the terms and provisions of this Agreement,  this being in addition to any other
remedy to which they are entitled at law or in equity.

     Section  10.10  SUBMISSION  TO  JURISDICTION;   WAIVERS.  Each  of  Parent,
Acquisition  and the  Company  irrevocably  agrees  that  any  legal  action  or
proceeding  with respect to this Agreement or for recognition and enforcement of
any  judgment  in  respect  hereof  brought  by any  other  party  hereto or its
successors  or assigns  may be brought  and  determined  in the federal or state
courts located in Wilmington,  Delaware, and each of Parent, Acquisition and the
Company hereby irrevocably  submits with regard to any such action or proceeding
for itself and in respect to its property, generally and unconditionally, to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the aforesaid courts. Each of Parent,  Acquisition and
the  Company  hereby  irrevocably  waives,  and agrees not to

assert, by way of motion, as a defense, counterclaim or otherwise, in any action
or  proceeding  with  respect  to this  Agreement,  (a) any claim that it is not
personally  subject to the jurisdiction of the above-named courts for any reason
other than the failure to lawfully serve process, (b) that it or its property is
exempt or immune from  jurisdiction  of any such court or from any legal process
commenced in such courts (whether through service of notice,  attachment  before
judgment,  attachment in aid of execution of judgment,  execution of judgment or
otherwise),  or (c) to the fullest extent  permitted by applicable law, that (i)
the suit,  action or proceeding in any such court is brought in an  inconvenient
forum,  (ii) the venue of such suit,  action or  proceeding is improper or (iii)
this Agreement,  or the subject matter hereof, may not be enforced in or by such

     Section 10.11  COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which
shall constitute one and the same agreement.

     Section 10.12 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement (including the documents and
instruments referred to herein and the Non-Disclosure Agreement) constitutes the
entire agreement,  and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings,  both
oral and written,  among the parties with respect to the subject  matter of this
Agreement.  In the event of a conflict  between the provisions of this Agreement
and  the  Non-Disclosure  Agreement,  the  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall

     Section  10.13 RULES OF  CONSTRUCTION.  The parties  hereto agree that they
have been  represented by counsel during the  negotiation  and execution of this
Agreement and, therefor,  waive the application of any law, regulation,  holding
or rule of  construction  providing  that  ambiguities  in an agreement or other
document  will be  construed  against  the  party  drafting  such  agreement  or

     Section  10.14  FACSIMILES.  This  Agreement,  the Exhibits  hereto and any
amendments  hereto or thereto,  to the extent signed and delivered by means of a
facsimile  machine,  shall be treated in all manner and  respects as an original
agreement or instrument  and shall be considered to have the same binding effect
as if it were the original  signed version thereof  delivered in person.  At the
request of any party hereto or any party to any such  agreement  or  instrument,
each other party hereto or thereto shall  re-execute  original forms thereof and
deliver them to all other  parties.  No party hereto or to any such agreement or
instrument  shall claim that this  Agreement,  the Exhibits hereto and any other
agreement entered into in connection with this Agreement is invalid, not binding
or  unenforceable  based  upon  the use of a  facsimile  machine  or  deliver  a
signature,  or the fact  that any  signature  or  agreement  or  instrument  was
transmitted or  communicated  through the use of a facsimile  machine,  and each
such party forever waives any such claim or defense.

                                   ARTICLE XI


     Section 11.1 For purposes of this Agreement:

          (a)  "Company  Material  Adverse  Effect"  means  any  change,  event,
     circumstance  or effect,  individually  or when  aggregated with other such
     changes,  events,  circumstances  or effects,  (i) is or may  reasonably be
     expected to be  materially  adverse to the business,  assets,  liabilities,
     properties,  condition (financial or otherwise) or results of operations of
     the  Company,  or (ii)  materially  impairs  the  ability of the Company to
     perform  on a timely  basis its  obligations  under this  Agreement  or the
     consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby. For the purposes of
     this Agreement,  the  determination of whether a breach of a representation
     and warranty or covenant of this Agreement  shall be deemed to give rise to
     a Company Material Adverse Effect shall be determined on a cumulative basis
     by adding the effect of the breach of any such  representation and warranty
     or  covenant  (determined  without  regard to any  materiality  or  Company
     Material Adverse Effect  qualifiers) to the effect of all other breaches of
     representations and warranties and covenants of this Agreement  (determined
     without  regard to any  materiality  or  Company  Material  Adverse  Effect

          (b) "Encumbrance" means liens, security interests,  pledges, equities,
     proxies,  claims,  charges,  adverse  claims,  mortgages,  rights  of first
     refusal,   preemptive  rights,   restrictions,   encumbrances,   easements,
     covenants, licenses, options or title defects of any kind whatsoever.

          (c) "Governmental  Authority" means a governmental or regulatory body,
     agency or authority.

          (d)  "Knowledge  of the Company"  means the actual  knowledge of those
     individuals listed in Section 11.1(d) of the Company  Disclosure  Schedule,
     after due inquiry.

          (e)  "Knowledge  of the Parent"  means the actual  knowledge  of those
     individuals  listed in Section 11.1(e) of the Parent  Disclosure  Schedule,
     after due inquiry.

          (f)  "Merger  Consideration"  means the  aggregate  Per  Share  Merger

          (g)  "Parent  Material  Adverse  Effect"  means  any  change,   event,
     circumstance  or effect,  individually  or when  aggregated with other such
     changes,  events,  circumstances  or effects,  (i) is or may  reasonably be
     expected to be  materially  adverse to the business,  assets,  liabilities,
     properties,  condition (financial or otherwise) or results of operations of
     the Parent, or (ii) materially impairs the ability of the Parent to perform
     on a timely basis its obligations  under this Agreement or the consummation
     of  the  transactions   contemplated  hereby.  For  the  purposes  of  this
     Agreement,  the  determination of whether a breach of a representation  and
     warranty or covenant  of this  Agreement  shall be deemed to give rise to a
     Parent Material Adverse Effect shall be determined on a cumulative basis by
     adding the effect of the breach of any such  representation and warranty or
     covenant  (determined  without regard to any materiality or Parent Material
     Adverse  Effect  qualifiers)  to  the  effect  of  all  other  breaches  of
     representations and warranties and covenants of this Agreement  (determined
     without  regard  to any  materiality  or  Parent  Material  Adverse  Effect

          (h) "Person" means an individual,  corporation,  partnership,  limited
     liability  company,  joint  venture,  association,   trust,  unincorporated
     organization or other entity,  and the term  "subsidiary"  (written without
     capitalization)  means, when used with reference to any non-natural Person,
     any corporation,  partnership,  limited liability company, joint venture or
     other entity of which such Person owns or controls, directly or indirectly,
     50% or more of the stock or other  voting  interests,  the holders of which
     are  entitled  to vote  for the  election  of a  majority  of the  board of
     directors or any similar governing body of such  corporation,  partnership,
     limited liability company, joint venture or other entity.

          (i) "Stockholders" mean each stockholder of Parent.

          (j) "Subsidiary" means any corporation,  partnership, joint venture or
     other entity in which any party (a) owns,  directly or  indirectly,  50% or
     more of the outstanding  voting  securities or equity interests or (b) is a
     general partner.

          (k) "Taxes" means all taxes,  including,  without limitation,  income,
     gross receipts,  excise,  property,  sales,  withholding,  social security,
     occupation,  use,  service,  license,  payroll,  franchise,   transfer  and
     recording taxes, fees and charges,  windfall profits,  severance,  customs,
     import, export, employment or similar taxes, charges, fees, levies or other
     assessments  imposed by the United States,  or any state,  local or foreign
     government  or  subdivision  or  agency  thereof,  whether  computed  on  a
     separate,  consolidated,  unitary,  combined,  or any other basis, and such
     term shall include any interest,  fines, penalties or additional amounts of
     any interest in respect of any additions,  fines or penalties  attributable
     or imposed or with  respect to any such  taxes,  charges,  fees,  levies or
     other assessments.

          (l)  "Warrants"  means  immediately  exercisable  warrants to purchase
     shares of Parent Common Stock in the form of EXHIBIT D hereto.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Parent,  Acquisition and the Company have caused this
Agreement to be signed by their respective officers as of the date first written

                                        EMTEC, INC.

                                        By: /s/

                                        EMTEC VIASUB LLC

                                        By: EMTEC, INC., its member

                                        By: /s/

                                        DARR WESTWOOD TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

                                        By: /s/
                                        Name:  Dinesh Desai
                                        Title:  Chairman

1996 Option Plan..............................................................5
Acquisition Agreement........................................................52
Acquisition Proposal.....................................................49, 50
Class A Common Stock.........................................................24
Class B Common Stock.........................................................24
Closing Date..................................................................2
Company Benefit Plans........................................................32
Company Breach...............................................................58
Company Certificates..........................................................3
Company Claims...............................................................28
Company Common Stock.........................................................24
Company Disclosure Schedule..................................................23
Company ERISA Affiliate......................................................32
Company Government Contract..................................................40
Company Judgments............................................................28
Company Major Customers......................................................39
Company Major Suppliers......................................................39
Company Material Adverse Effect..............................................63
Company Material Contracts...................................................29
Company Material License.....................................................37
Company Permits..............................................................29
Company Preferred Stock......................................................24
Company Representatives......................................................45
Company Required Statutory Approvals.........................................26
Company Stockholders' Approval...............................................25
December Financial Statements.................................................8
Dissenting Shares.............................................................4
Effective Time................................................................2
Environmental Claim..........................................................17
Environmental Laws...........................................................17
ERISA Affiliate..............................................................14

Exchange Act..................................................................8
Exchange Ratio................................................................3
Government Contract..........................................................22
Governmental Authority.......................................................63
Governmental Entity..........................................................22
Hazardous Substances.........................................................18
Information Statement........................................................53
Intellectual Property........................................................19
Knowledge of the Company.....................................................63
Knowledge of the Parent......................................................63
Major Customers..............................................................21
Major Suppliers..............................................................21
Material Business............................................................53
Material License.............................................................19
Merger Consideration.........................................................63
Merger Filing.................................................................2
Non-Disclosure Agreement.....................................................45
Parent Benefit Plans.........................................................14
Parent Breach................................................................57
Parent Common Stock...........................................................1
Parent Disclosure Schedule....................................................5
Parent Financial Advisor.....................................................20
Parent Material Adverse Effect...............................................63
Parent Material Contracts....................................................11
Parent Permits...............................................................11
Parent Representatives.......................................................48
Parent Required Statutory Approvals...........................................7
Parent SEC Documents..........................................................8
Pension Plan.................................................................15
Per Share Merger Consideration................................................3
Preferred Note................................................................5
Securities Act................................................................8
Specified Contracts..........................................................55
Superior Proposal............................................................52

Surviving Company.............................................................1
Tax Returns..................................................................12
Tender Offer.................................................................54
Termination Fee..............................................................58
Voting Agreement..............................................................1